#rogue dorn
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commodoresigma · 1 year ago
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[original drawing date: 7th Dec 2020]
Another incorrect Primarch quote done with my genderswapped human Primarchs, specifically Rogue (Rogal) and Petunia (Perturabo), from my Primarch Girls project.
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rpgchoices · 1 year ago
me, starting any character in any videogame:
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me, meeting the romance option who wants me to commit arson, bank robbery, world domination, and murder:
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proffbon · 1 year ago
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When he kisses me - Based drukhari passions
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When I kiss him - Cringe mon-keigh absurdities
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doctorwhoandfairytaillover · 7 months ago
Loving Arms
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Summary: The children of Viserys I from his wife Alicent Hightower had always been lacking in affection from their parents. They simply didn't realize how much until their widowed aunt was brought into their lives. (AU where Alicent has an older sister and her kids get the love that they deserve, takes place some time after the Driftmark event)
Part I: An Important Guest
A/N: No pairings as of right now as I want to focus on the familial and platonic relationships with Greens when they're still quite young. This is possibly only the beginning (credit for the divider goes to @kawaii-lau)
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126 AC
Some months after the funeral of the Lady Laena Velaryon, wife of the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen there was much clamor in the Red Keep. For the eldest daughter of Otto Hightower had been summoned to court after more than a decade away from the intrigue and politics that surrounded the throne and her family. Not much was known about the sister of the Queen apart from what had been known from her previous shorts visits in the early years of her sisters marriage and births of the younger royal children. The elder Hightower girl had been married two years prior to Alicent's own marriage to the King.
Hoping for a future alliance with the house of his eldest daughter's husband, Otto had the girl married to the younger brother of Qoren Martell who served as the reigning Prince of Dorne. But upon the death of his son by law, it was expected by the Hand of the King that his daughter would return to follow her filial duty of remarrying once more upon her return. Only... the man had not accounted for how his grandchildren would come to react to the arrival of their long unseen aunt.
Aemond was positively annoyed with his older brother Aegon, "You could not think to ready yourself for our guests arrival ahead of time? Must you always make the lot of us appear inadequate because you choose to drink yourself into a stupor?"
Halaena, Aegon, and Aemond were specifically told to prepare for an important guests arrival but because of the elder amongst the three not being ready on time, it appeared that they would be late in their greetings. In his haste to reach the throne room faster, Aemond almost stumbled over his own feet and he cursed quietly to himself as he attempted to avoid tripping.
"Need help walking, do you Aemond?" Aegon giggled.
"I can walk just fine," Aemond mumbled. "I simply need a bit more time to recover my sense of balance on account of my... my eye."
The younger Targaryens response quieted his brother and the elder turned his attention to their sister.
"Were you told anything about who our important guest is meant to be?" Aegon asked. "One would think that if they were such an important person, we would all have to be alongside our mother and grandsire by the entrance."
Halaena shook her head, "I think we've met them before, but I cannot be certain if it's who I think it might be."
"Oh and pray tell, wise Halaena. Who could it be?" Aegon mocked.
"Didn't mother happen to receive a raven some weeks ago that our uncle the second prince of Dorne, the husband of our aunt had passed from the sweating sickness."
"Why on earth would that woman come?" the eldest asked, "I don't think she has come to visit King's Landing since the birth of our dear Aemond. Not that I could begrudge the woman, I heard that it was a miracle our grandsire married her to a Dornish prince since she apparently was deformed and all found her a lost cause."
"Perhaps if you listened when Mother informed you about who our guest would be, then we would all know, now wouldn't we?" Aemond huffed. "And don't speak of our aunt that way! Show some respect!"
"It doesn't matter, we will know soon enough if it truly is her or not, and it's not as if our aunt will ever know, I doubt it could be her" Aegon grumbled.
The doors to the throne room were opened upon their arrival and all but one turned to look at the trio that had come into the room quite late. The children could see the frown that their mother wore clear as day when she looked upon them, her disapproval apparent at their actions. While their grandsire had a near equal downturn of his lips but it was more in his eyes that one could see the disappointment at the trio.
"Ah, so good of my grandchildren to finally make their appearance!" said ser Otto. "We had all wondered when you might grace us with your presence!"
Aegon merely rolled his eyes at the words of his grandsire, while Aemond and Halaena looked down in embarrassment.
"Oh come now Father, I am sure that my nephews and niece meant no harm and tried to make haste. They couldn't have expected that I would be the one to arrive."
Three sets of eyes were quick to look over at the person who spoke.
They could only see her profile, but it was apparent that the person could be no other person than their elusive aunt. The eldest daughter to Otto Hightower and his wife Alyrie Florten, widow of Prince Doran of House Martell, the Lady (Y/N) Hightower.
She wasn't an imposing figure, in fact, compared to her father and younger sister. Their aunt was not much, but... that is actually something that they appreciated about the woman. All their lives, the siblings had such imposing men and women that surrounded them or directed them at all times, but not (Y/N). She stood out in a gentle way, a steadiness to her presence. Unlike the prim and elegant hairstyles of the court, it was loosened and decorated with a few blossoms. Her gown was a pale green and embroidered with the symbols of both her own house and that of her late husband, with towers and suns. But most of all, there was no dismay in her gaze as she looked at them from the corner of her eye, rather she smiled affectionately and warmly.
"Come children," Alicent guided them closer. "Come and greet your aunt." And in a harsh whisper to Aegon said, "And don't even think about commenting on her appeareance!"
When their aunt fully turned to them, all held back a gasp when they saw her full countenance. A glassy grey eye stood out on the left hand side of her face that had obviously been burned. Carefully she stepped toward them and the three were ushered forward until they stood only a step away from her.
Unwaveringly she smiled at the trio and approached Aegon first, "You have grown much in the time since I last saw you."
Hesitantly, she reached to cup his face in her hand and the boy flinched, this stopped her movements and made her smile drop slightly. Carefully she waved her hand and asked, "May I?"
Tentatively, Aegon nodded and allowed his aunt to softly cradle his face in her hands. Her one good eye flickered across his face and she smiled at him once more, "Such a handsome young man. Must be the Hightower in you, because you and I seem to share the good looks."
His aunt's comment seemed to release the breath that the group was holding, because Aegon, Halaena, and Aemond couldn't help but giggle. A soft warmth settling in their bodies as they attempted to stifle their uncontrollable laughs.
Alicent saw their laughter as rude and intended on scolding them, but a raised hand from her sister was enough to have her hold her tongue.
Stepping away from her elder nephew, (Y/N) noticed how Halaena's gaze shifted away from her own and understood. She simply curtsied to the girl, "I look forward to getting know you more Halaena and perhaps you could show me your things of interest."
Halaena timidly smiled and curtsied in return, "I like all sorts of insects."
"I am sure you do, sweet girl."
And lastly, her gaze turned to her younger nephew that was shuffling nervously where he stood.
Quietly he asked, "Does it still hurt you?"
Her smile never wavered as she answered, "Thank you for your kind consideration, nephew. Sometimes, it does ache but I am fine now."
A gentle calm settled amongst them, but it was disturbed when ser Otto cleared his throat. "Come, dinner has been prepared and we have dallied long enough. I am sure you have needed a hearty meal."
"Of course, Father" (Y/N) agreed. "I am sure we can continue with pleasantries over a delicious meal."
The Hand of the King, carefully led his daughters out the room and so everyone else took this as a sign to clear the area. But the siblings stayed behind, a clear look between them that there were things they would need to talk about.
Tag List:
@minaxcarter, @hotleaf-juice, @pikomin, @deltamoon666, @cococrazy18, @firefairy, @dracaryxzs, @snowbunny58, @lacherrysouldy, @only4thefics, @queen-luna-007, @ambrivertenergy, @kayllineb12
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two-white-butterflies · 8 months ago
love by listening | daemon targaryen
Description: Daemon Targaryen goes rogue after his wedding to Lady Rhea Royce, unwilling to consummate the marriage. He finds peace in a Dornish tavern. You meet him in said tavern, and quickly become close friends. You share an adventure. Both unaware that the other person is nobility.
graphics from @saradika-graphics
Pairing: princess of dorne!reader/daemon targaryen
Warning: brief making love (not sex, making love)
A/N: I wanted it to give Dunk and Egg vibes. Reader is bubbly and talkative/has her own ambitions. She does what she wants bcs she's all about that high life. Set in Dorne + young daemon targaryen. open ending.
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Daemon didn't believe in gods. He doesn't care about the punishment he'll be given after this. A few hours ago, he was forced to go through the wedding with Lady Rhea Royce. In his opinion, she was not an attractive bride. She was lucky to have come from nobility for she had a basic peasant bitch face.
Despite her odd looks, benevolent Daemon still went through with the marriage. He held his tongue, wanted to make his brother proud - but then they started talking about the bedding ceremony, and Daemon knew that he had to get the hell away from there.
Where did that bring him?
To Caraxes, to flying towards Dorne - and drinking inside of a tavern.
"It's the first time I've seen a foreigner in these parts." your voice breaks him free from his thoughts. He was about to swat you away, but a single look at your face changed his mind.
There were a lot of pretty maidens in Dorne - but you were one of the most beautiful ones so far. "I did not bring any gold." he warned, under the impression that you were a whore. "Gods, I have no intention of fucking you." you lied, quickly sitting beside him.
"The first time I saw a cock. It was disgusting. I actually vowed to only fuck women after that." you smiled at the memory. Reaching for his ale, and taking a drink of it. "- I suppose I never upheld that promise. Women are beautiful but we are too wet for my taste. Men are just lovely and dry, and they are easier to toy with." you giggle.
He could smell the alcohol on your breath.
You were the first maiden he's seen to speak in that manner. He wonders if the maidens back home are like this too, if it weren't for archaic beliefs silencing their true thoughts. Dorne was a magical fucking place. It was how the rest of the six kingdoms needed to be.
"Why are you talking to me?" he asks, his face stoic just in case you had some tricks up your sleeve.
"Well, you are alone." you pointed out. "- and I am alone. Shouldn't two vagabonds protect each other?" you tilted your head.
"What makes you think that I am alone?" he inquires.
"I've been watching you for quite some time now, love. Are you going to give me your name?" you asked in return, continuing to stare deep into his purple eyes - drawing him closer like a siren to the waves. "I'd like to remain an enigma." he answers, matching your mysteriousness.
He finds himself hypnotized by your eyes. Eyes that were lined with kohl. "I won't share my name too, to be fair." you smiled, and now his attention was drawn towards your lips. Stained red with rouge.
The tension between you was palpable. He felt like a moth to a flame. Allured by this beautiful fire. Leaving only one question in his head: will he burn? Fire cannot harm a dragon. He reminds.
His hands reached for the small of your waist. A sudden boldness. He plays with the textured embroidery of your tunic. Pulling you closer to his body, until you were almost sitting on his lap.
"What will I call you?" he frowned, teasing you.
"Think of something witty." you insisted, fingers dancing along the details of his clothed tunic.
"Gevives, then." he settles on a suitable name. "I am relieved that you find me beautiful, love." you laugh, hands trailing upwards to his collar - pulling him closer until your lips were bridged together.
He melts into the kiss, hands firmly wrapped around your waist. He'd be so easy to poison. But alas, you weren't here to kill him.
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He presses you against your bed - the first time he's felt lust in a while. If this was going to be a one-time thing, then he'll be thinking about you until the day he died. He's already placed this encounter in his three best fucks. The way that you looked beneath him, he can almost see himself thirty years later still jerking off to you.
You are fucking beautiful.
Naked - and vulnerable against him.
His hands danced along the curve of your waist, delighted at the smoothness of your skin. You reach for his face, cupping his cheek tenderly - staring at him with fascination. "You are so beautiful, like an illusion." you whispered in a voice that makes him want to sleep.
He positions his member at the entrance of your core.
"So good," you cooed - feeling him begin to thrust. You continued staring at each other, that connection remained unbreakable. "Keep going," you whispered, he couldn't help but smile. So talkative, even when making sweet love. "Gevie," he smiles.
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Daemon wakes up to the feeling of light on his exposed skin. He lets out a yawn, rubbing his eyes so it adjusts to the brightness of the room quicker. He takes a deep breath - as he remembers what happened last night.
Last night, he fucked a goddess.
He turns to look at your sleeping form.
Beautiful even when sleeping, he thought.
He was thankful that he commanded Caraxes to return to the Red Keep.
He had no responsibility. None but you.
"Good morrow," you greeted, voice still hoarse from last night. "Good morrow," he responds, wrapping his arms around your waist. This type of touch was foreign to him. He's never wrapped his arms around someone after making love.
It felt domestic. Like how marriage was supposed to be.
"I suppose this is where our paths diverge." he says, unwilling to sound needy. But in actuality, he never wants to leave. He wants to stay like this forever. Inside of an inn, with his arms wrapped around the most beautiful woman in the world.
"Not so soon. I think we should still walk together." you hum, pulling him closer to your body until he was laying on your chest.
"I've made the observation that you have a lot of time on your hands." you breathed, his ears pressed against your chest - listening to your heartbeat.
"Your observation is correct." he confirms.
He had the face of a dangerous man. It was a risk to be in a stranger's company, but your heart told you that he could be trusted. He felt like you - exactly like you.
You kept staring at his body. His toned muscles and broad shoulder. "Are you a knight?" you asked, reminded of the tourney in Starfall.
"I am," he answers truthfully, praying that it was something that you liked about men.
"There is a tournament in Starfall. The prize is a dragon egg." you informed, mind already focused towards the next adventure.
"I shall win a dragon egg for you, then." he announces. He finds no harm in having a little adventure with a maiden. He has won all the tourneys he's attended, after all. "Really? I wanted to steal it." you say.
He responds with a chuckle, pushing a strand of your hair away from your face. How dare you steal his heart. "Why steal it when you can have it fair and square?" he asked teasingly.
You continued staring at his face, a look that was indescribable. "I like the sound of that," you smile - pressing a kiss to his jaw.
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Ashara's lips pressed into a thin line. "What god has possessed you to bring a man inside of Starfall?" she scolded, leading you and Daemon towards a secluded part of the tourney. "He is my paramour." you announce, your grip remains firm on his hand.
"Your father will kill him." she says plainly. "- a Targaryen bastard, a scandal waiting to emerge." she scoffs.
Daemon's expression softens, quickly turning into amusement.
Do they all believe me to be a bastard? Apologies, I am legitimate, he thinks, but he decides to bite those words back, lest he be sent back to the Red Keep.
"I did not come here as my father's daughter. I came here under a disguise." you reminded, pulling the grey hood up until it was hiding your face. "You shouldn't have come here, anyways. You'll get me into trouble with mine own father." she glared at you.
"I'm sorry Ashara but we won't be bothering you. We merely want to join the tourney and win the dragon-egg." you say out loud, but she silences you with a finger to your lips.
"The prize remains a mystery to those in the audience. Only the competitors truly know. The Targaryens will be furious, we will be answered with fire and blood." Ashara reminds and you nod silently.
"- I'm sorry, I'll stay out of your way. I promise. Now, can you please lead us to the tents?" you ask and the other woman nods, pointing at the white tents in the far distance.
"Thank you," you smile politely - still holding his hand and dragging him to the direction of the other knights.
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You paid a squire a decent amount of money to use their armor. Daemon was quick to wear it, but he still missed his sword. The Dark Sister, previously wielded by Queen Visenya. "I've never fought against this much Dornish men before." he breathes.
He had his experience fighting a few of them. They were good warriors, though not good enough to defeat him. "We fight like rattlesnakes, that's what my father always says." you say, placing the last piece of his armor on his body.
"You haven't been here for that long, huh?" you made another observation, and he nods. Though he still keeps his identity a secret.
"I grew up in Kingslanding. My mother died giving birth, and my father died of a burst belly." he chuckles - laughing his sorrows away.
"Prince Baelon is your father." you say with certainty, piecing the information together. "- he would've made a wonderful King." you add, basing off the stories that your father shared.
"I think it is your turn to speak about your past, gevives. And I've spent enough time around you to understand that you aren't lowborn." he urges while adjusting his straps.
"How did you come to that understanding?" you inquired, curious of his way of thinking.
His hands danced along your exposed arm.
"Your skin is smooth like silk." he says, like he was praying. His hands trailed upwards, until his fingers were on your chin. "- and you take good care of your beauty." he finishes - and he stops touching you.
"My father is a nobleman. I am his youngest child, the only daughter after six boys. Which means that I've been exposed to leeches using me ever since I was born. I ran away from them. I can't trust anyone, but I think I can trust you." you reveal pieces of your past to him, unwilling to give him the full information.
He was the first person that called you beautiful without knowledge of your vast fortune. And now he was here, promising to win a tourney just so you'd see a dragon-egg for the first time.
"Six brothers, like the princess of dorne." he teases.
"Mhm," you hummed - freezing.
"Ser, get ready." a squire peeks his head through the tent. Daemon stands up, and offers his hand for you take - helping you stand up.
"Thank you," you smile, regaining your composure.
"I promise to win, my lady." he places a kiss on the back of your hand.
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Daemon won the tourney with ease, any knight that dared to fight against him didn't even last five minutes. All of his fights ended the same. He'd strike them down, the opponent would be on the ground and Daemon would only look to the next competitor.
You continued watching him.
Observing every little thing that he's doing. It was evident that there was a piece of the puzzle that you haven't solved yet. A knight as skilled as him should be renowned, and yet the only information you have on him - is that he is the bastard son of Prince Baelon.
He was an interesting mystery.
"The winner of our tourney, Ser..." Ashara rises, only beginning to realize that none of them knew the name of this skilled knight. Your best friend turns to look at you, but you answer with a shrug. It was a little game between you and Daemon - neither one knowing that the other one's real name is.
"Ser Daemon," he opened his mouth - meeting your gaze.
He added the last piece of the puzzle, and your face was struck with eureka. Prince Daemon Targaryen, you thought immediately. "Congratulations, Ser Daemon. Please claim your prize behind the tents." Ashara nodded.
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"The audience was complaining, the tourney wasn't entertaining for them." you open the conversation, stepping foot inside of the tent. "I suppose it isn't entertaining when only one person wins." you smirk.
He holds the dragon-egg in his hands. "I promised that I'd win." he answers, patting the empty space beside him. "Here's your dragon-egg, my lady." he chuckles. You gladly sit beside him, laying your head on his shoulder and marveling at the beauty of the egg.
"You are Prince Daemon Targaryen." you announced, confirming your previous suspicions. "I am," he finds himself unable to lie.
"- I think it is only fair that I know your name too, my lady." he adds.
An amused smile paints your lips.
"I am Princess (Your Name) Martell. I can't believe that we meet under these circumstances." you laugh.
A prince and a princess meeting inside of a tavern instead of a castle. Even beginning to fall in love without the pressure of their respective kingdoms. It was something out of a fable.
Daemon reaches for your hand, placing it on top of the dragon-egg. "It is an honor to meet you, my princess." he acknowledges.
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paulyenvol6 · 5 months ago
Sweet Pleas
This is based on a request I received but I accidentally deleted it, I'm so sorryyy. I was lucky though because I wrote down the main points before and wrote something about it which I'm very excited to share. So to the person that sent the request: this is for you and thank you so much for your request. And to everyone else: Please send me all of your requests, I want to write want you want to hear and read your ideas :)
Here's a little summary of what the person requested: - Daemon x dornish/essosi wife with a good and stable relationship - degrading, mean, dom Daemon - denied orgasms, choking, marking, praising - aftercare and fluff
Contains: detailed smut, fingering, oral (m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, choking, marking, biting, bruising, slapping, degrading, praising, denied orgasms, size kink, slight pain kink, dom & mean Daemon, submissive reader, aftercare, fluff, loving Daemon in the end
Wordcount: ~4.65k
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"My sweet lady wife.", Daemon whispered against your ear and you felt heat rising in your cheeks. You giggled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed next to your ear.
"You really expected me to make it through the night with you looking like that?"
You smiled which he couldn't see and caressed his back. In truth it had been your intention for him to desire you and touch you after the feast in celebration of the King's name day but you hadn't expected him to be so eager that he couldn't wait until it was over.
You had worn a revealing pink dress that looked amazing on your brown skin and as Daemon painfullly had to experience, your husband hadn't been the only one to notice your beauty. Lords and knights had their gaze a little to long on you for the Rogue Prince's liking so he had taken you up to your chambers for two reasons. Not only because he couldn't wait to lay his hands on you but so he could hide you from the other men's eyes. And you didn't complain but felt light and happy as your husband took hold of your hips and dug his fingers into your skin.
'Daemon, Daemon, Daemon' was the only thought in your head. It was always like this. He took control of every thought of yours and left you feeling consumed by him.
It wasn't like your marriage had always been that good. You were 26 now and had married the Rogue Prince 7 years ago when he was 24. It had been a political arrangement and far away from a love match because the crown had been at war with Dorne for a long time and to seal the new peace treaty, your father had given your hand to the King's brother who had happened to be a widower.
In the beginning the capital had been strange and odd, Daemon was foreign to you but over the time the two of you had started to develop a special bond and began to love each other. You had learned together, made experiences and now you couldn't imagine living without him. He understood you in ways no one had ever been capable of and… you just matched. He had shown you what pleasure meant and had taught you the arts of intimacy between man and wife. And now you were inseperable and each day that he wasn't by your side felt like there was a shadow hanging over it.
"My sweet girl.", he now whispered as his hands wandered up to caress the swell of your breasts, just very light and careful and you reached out to press him closer to you which he commented with a scoff.
"So needy.", he complained and shook his head. "I think someone forgot their manners." You moaned dissatisfied and Daemon grabbed your wrists with his left hand and held them in front of your body.
"Just be a good girl for me and take what I give you." You looked up to him with big eyes and he couldn't help himself but lean down to kiss you. You simply looked too delightful and delicate with your big brown doll eyes. Your husband decided to change your position and so simply picked you up and gently laid you down on the bed. As you were getting comfortable on your back Daemon slowly took off his shirt and he made sure to keep eye contact the entire time.
"Such a filthy little whore.", he growled as he approached you, sat down next to you on the bed and leaned down to kiss your already swollen lips.
"You just enjoy it too much, don't you? Seeing all those lord's eyes on you." His voice sounded husky and dark and it made your cunt clench around nothing. "I asked you a question.", he snapped and grabbed your chin.
"Y-Yes I enjoy it." Daemon smirked evily and suddenly, still sitting next to your lying figure, reached down and slipped his right hand under your gown and cupped your sex. You were surprised and instinctively closed your legs around his hand which he commented with a scoff. Meanwhile his left hand caressed your bare shoulder and also slightly pressed you in the sheets as if he knew that he would need to have his hand there once he started pleasuring you and you would move around on the bed. Daemon gently moved his hand on your cunt so you received just a little friction but you needed so much more so you squirmed and spread your legs further.
"Please. Daemon, do something." If you had expected him to give in you really didn't know your husband because he just smirked smugly and ran his finger through your slit.
"So fucking wet already.", he mumbled. "You really are a greedy little slut. Just need to pin you down on your back and you're dripping. Pitiful."
Your eyes fluttered and you really felt as if you were in paradise because this kind of Daemon was the one you needed. Obviously you hadn't known about your tastes when you had married him but with him you had explored what brought you pleasure and learned that you never felt more comfortable and desired than when he degraded you. Talked to you as if you were nothing but a common whore to please him. That mixture of degrading and praising made you melt.
Daemon, who had felt how turned on you already were, finally connected his thumb with your little pearl and circled it painfully slow. You whimpered and shivered and squirmed underneath his hand in an attempt to get more friction but of course he wouldn't have this so his hand on your shoulder pressed you down with more force and he watched you with flashing eyes.
"Stop moving so much. Little whores like you take what they're given. Cause that's what you are after all. A little whore to do with however I wish. A set of holes, each tighter and warmer than the other. We shall see which I'll use today."
It was insane what his words did to you and of course Daemon knew it as well so he used them to turn you into a muddle. Your eyes threatened to close when his thumb rubbed your pearl faster and his left hand grabbed your chin at once.
"No. Look at me, little one."
Your eyelids felt heavy and yet you obeyed him. You were beyond overwhelmed with his touch on your cunt and his voice that said these filthy things that made your heart beat faster. When he thrusted two fingers deep inside your hole you widened your eyes and your mouth formed an 'O'. As he was still sitting next to you on the edge of the bed he was in the perfect position to watch each of your reactions to his touch and words which brought him great delight. The way your eyes fluttered and how you bit your lip now and then… Your little sighs were music to his ears but when you couldn't help but close your eyes in pleasure a little later he let out a disappointed exhalation and slapped your cunt all of a sudden.
"Ahh.", you let out and twitched.
"I told you. Look at me." He yanked your thick brown hair back to expose your neck to him and lowered his face so it was close to your skin. You knew what would happen now and when he started to suck on your tanned skin you anxiously buried your hands in his hair. You didn't exactly love when he marked you with bites and bruises. Not because you didn't like the pain, no, in fact you loved it. But you feared that people would see it and felt ashamed of the thought so Daemon didn't do it very often. But tonight he seemingly wanted to do it, perhaps even to punish you and you were way too deep in your subspace to stop him. Everything you cared about was being good for him. Please him. So you patiently laid still as his mouth bit and sucked at your skin but only twitched now and then when his teeth pulled at your neck.
Daemon's hand hadn't left your cunt though and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. His two fingers filling your hole additionally to his dance on your pearl were overwhelming and made you see stars. So soon you felt your high approach and you clenched around his fingers which your husband took as a sign to stop and you let out a cry.
"No, Daemon please." You pulled at his hair and tried to make him lift his head so you could look at him but he denied you and just slapped your cunt in response.
"Shut up.", he mumbled against your hurting skin. "You'll get to release when I tell you to. And I'm not yet satisfied." You desperately whined and shifted which made Daemon softly slap you again but this time on your thigh.
"Stay still. I'll only be harder on you if you can't behave."
Then, after a few more moments he raised his head to proudly watch his work on your neck. You were bleeding a little at two spots and few bruises were already visible on your brown skin which made his heart flutter with possessiveness.
"I want all of these lords to see this. See that you're mine and that this fucking body is mine… Seven hells, you really are the prettiest little girl I've ever fucked."
His finger started to toy with your cunt again and you stopped sulking and sighed loudly. In the meantime his left hand connected with your chest through the fabric of your gown that you still wore and he took your nipples between his fingers.
"Will you look at this…", he growled and you could only watch his lustful gaze in awe. "Perfect fucking tits. Perfect skin and a perfect little cunt."
"Daemon.", you whimpered and his eyes wandered back to your face.
"What?", he scoffed disparagingly and pushed you into the bed more forcefully as you restlessly moved underneath his hand.
"Please I-I want to come."
He laughed out. "I don't care what you want. I just need you to spread your legs and look pretty for me."
You were not content with his answer but didn't have a choice but to unpaitenly wait for his next movements. His two fingers were shoved back inside of you and it didn't take long until you were close to the edge again. But just when you were about to cross it and already felt relieved because you thought he would allow you to reach your high now he stopped again and tears welled in the corner of your eyes.
"N-No.", you cried out. "Yes.", he merely spoke and suddenly manhandeled you on your stomach. "Stop complaining now or I'll find myself a willing whore and leave you here."
Of course you knew that he would never do something like that and yet you shut your mouth. You turned your head to rest it on your side so you could look at him but Daemon grabbed a fistful of your hair and pressed your face into the pillow which you commented with a moan.
"Spread your legs.", he breathed and slipped his hand between your thighs once more and soon his fingers danced on your pearl. You were a mess and couldn't control neither your mind nor your body. Your legs were shaking, your cunt soaking his hand and your mind couldn't think of anything except your husband's hands and how to make him let you come. Pleading and begging, you thought was your best chance.
"Please Daemon. I swear I'll be good, but please let me come.", you moaned when he granted you a little more space and you were able to move your head slightly.
But Daemon really seemed to be mean today and just pressed your head back into the pillow. "Gods, aren't you a desperate little brat. Can't even be patient for a little moment."
You cried out at a particulary well aimed thrust with his fingers that reached a spot deep inside of you.
"Mhmm… Poor girl.", he furthermore said. "Such a pretty poor girl. What a shame you're not in control here."
You whimpered in distress and tried to free yourself from his grip in your hair but you didn't stand a chance and could only get on with it as he denied your orgasm for the third time tonight and did all of it so smugly. You remained still and determined not to give your husband the satisfaction of your pleas so after he had ruined your high Daemon turned you on your back again. His body sitting next to your lying one probably only intensified feeling vulnerable and small next to him because he towered over you. Then his finger toyed with your pearl again which made you gasp for air, his other hand wandered to your mouth and without a warning he shoved two fingers inside of it. You moaned and twirled your tongue around it.
"Good girl.", he growled which made your walls clench. "So obedient and tamed. Just a wild little dornish Princess who needs to be told what to do. That's what you like, mhm?"
You moaned as a reply and sucked on his fingers that laid heavily on your tongue and made you now and then gag. You did all of it instinctively as your mind felt fucked out though he hadn't even freed his cock yet. But that turned out to change soon because after fucking your mouth with his hands for a while and enjoying watching your face tense in pleasure when his finger pressed into your little pearl, he stopped all of it all of a sudden and left you panicky as he stood up to pull down his pants.
"Get on your knees." Your mind felt fuzzy but you had been able to comprehend his words and so you got off the bed to kneel in front of him. His cock stood hard and looked so pretty against his abdomen that it made you open your mouth greedily. But before shoving his cock inside your mouth Daemon walked to the nightstand which made you frown feeling confused. You couldn't see what it was he was doing but once he was standing in front of you again Daemon lowered himself down to you and started to tie up your hair in a braid, mayhaps so he could take hold of your head better.
When he was done he straightened up again and Daemon smirked and felt his heart burning with desire for you. You, his little wife on your knees for him with these big eyes staring up to him. He wished he could save this image in his head for the rest of his life. You still had your dress on and though you had been living in King's Landing for a while now you remained loyal to your house's traditional dressing and wore a characteristic dornish gown. You truly looked like a dornish Princess with your jewelery and your dark features and Daemon's head spinned.
He wrapped his hand around his thick cock and circled your mouth with its tip which made you reach out to touch his cock greedily but he refused you. Daemon just pushed your hand away and moved closer to you.
"Open.", he demanded and looked at your mouth. Of course you obeyed him and let his cock slip inside of your mouth. Daemon seemingly didn't care about letting you adjust slowly because he hit the back of your throat which you commented with a gag. You tried to get away from him and squirmed but his hand had grabbed your hair and forced you to stay in place.
"Ugh uhm.", he made. "Stay still, sweet girl. Just stay still and let me fuck this filthly little mouth of yours.", he hissed and you tried your best to breathe calmly. Daemon breathed heavily as he started to thrust into your mouth as a steady pace. He didn't grant you a second to let you do as you liked but immediately took control over your head to merely use you for his liking.
"You're doing so… good for me, little one." His hand had grabbed your hair and he held you still while hitting the back of your throat over and over again. You struggled every once in a while and coughed but your aim was to hear him praise you so you did whatever he told you. And it worked. You twirled your tongue around his tip which made him exhale loudly and his eyes were connected with your kneeling figure.
"Fuck, just like that. Good girl." You pressed your thighs together and could feel the familiar pulsating spot in your core. After all you hadn't come yet and sucking your husband off only contributed to your lust.
After a while saliva, precum and some tears were rolling down your face and everything about it was messy. Neither of you cared though and Daemon only entered your mouth at a faster pace. Your hands had grabbed his thighs for support and he hummed in pleasure as he felt your tongue circling his tip.
"Yeah. That's what you're good for, mhm? Having your dirty mouth fucked instead of speaking up. That's where you're the prettiest as well." He watched you smugly and your big eyes looked up to him.
"Gods be good.", he growled. "Never had such a willing thing on her knees for me. I'll make sure to reward you, pretty girl."
His thrusts became more sloppy and forceful which was a sign for you that he would orgasm soon but he stopped and pulled your head away from his cock.
"I wanna save my seed for your tight cunt. You're gonna swallow it another time.", he hissed and dragged you up by your hair.
Once you stood in front of him he pushed you onto the bed and didn't waste any time to crawl on top of you. You whimpered, feeling so much lust and desire for him that the tiniest of his movements made your insides burn. Daemon forcefully spreaded your legs so he could lay between them and you were happy to obey. Then he wrapped his hand around his cock and ran its tip through your slit stopping at your pearl.
"You want it?", he mumbled against your cheek.
"Mhmm.", you made with your hands buried in his hair.
"I didn't hear you."
"Yes. Please Daemon." But he still didn't give in and instead drew circles around your little nub.
"I'm not sure if you can take it, little one.", he mumbled.
"Yes I can. Please. I can take it.", you panicky cried out though deep down you should know that he wouldn't stop now.
"Don't want to tear you apart, sweet princess.", Daemon whispered and you squeezed his hand that was rested on your waist.
"Please. I want it." Your husband smirked widely because your begging got right to his head. Then he finally thrusted into you mayhaps because he was too eager himself and you both sighed loudly. His thick cock stretched your walls so well and you just loved feeling full.
"Yes.", you whined and your eyes rolled back.
"Feel me deep in your belly, mhm?", he hissed, overwhelmed with pleasure himself. "Feel me hard against your walls? Yes… that's it."
Daemon had immediately started to fuck you at a steady pace and his hips snapped against yours. You let out little sighs and whines and then felt his hand wandering up your body until he wrapped it around your neck and put pressure on it. You breathed croakily and your eyes met his as he held you tightly. You felt your hole flutter because you loved it so much when he choked you and Daemon knew it. So his hand pressed you in the feather bed and simultaneously used it as support to fuck you deep and hard. The mixture drove you to madness and you were a mess underneath him. He always made sure to loosen his grip around your throat now and then so some air could fill your lungs but he didn't show any sign of letting go of you. He restricted your breathing in a way that made you melt in his arms and in Daemon's eyes you could see pure lust.
"Pathetic.", he growled as he squeezed your neck tighter. "All I need to do is stuff your holes and wrap my hand around your throat and I have you whining for me. But you're not supposed to like this. Being hurt. You're just a little slut who gets off on the pain." You moaned and opened your mouth to gasp for air.
"But you're my little slut.", he growled against your cheek. "And now everyone can see that when they look at your neck. You're mine to do with as I like. Whenever I like. A dumb little brat who happens to have a nice tight cunt. So fucking pretty.", he purred and kissed your jawline.
Then he slightly loosened his grip again and you inhaled deeply. Daemon's hand that previously had been around your throat wandered down between where your bodies were connected to rub at your pearl. While you tried to collect yourself you felt him circle the nub that was so swollen and eager for release by now that you squeezed your eyes and whimpered.
"I wanna hear you, princess. Go on, I wanna hear your sweet little pleas." You moved along with his hips and now and then quietly moaned your husband's name. When you reached out to grab the sides of his face though he took hold of your wrists with his hand that wasn't occupied between your legs and pinned them down above your head on the bed. You felt so exposed and vulnerable but it was exactly what you needed and it felt so good. The only thing that you craved at the moment was to finally reach your high after he had denied your orgasm so many times so you begged him through your eyes as both of you were driven closer to the edge with each of his thrusts.
"Please. Please let me come.", you said and it sounded almost inaudible. Daemon sensed that he had fucked you deep into submission and you were nothing but a whining mess by now and suddenly he felt the need to take care of his needy wife rather than degrading you even further so he leaned down to kiss you gently.
"Don't worry, love. You were so amazing for me. I'll let you come. I'll let you soak my cock with your juices." You felt yourself getting teary eyes from feeling so small and now you just wanted Daemon to be close to you so you squirmed as he still had your wrists pinned above your head and your husband understood and actually let go of you.
"It's alright.", he purred. "Relax and let go."
And you did. With one last tight circle around your pearl you felt your insides tense and this warm overwhelming feeling spread all throughout your body. It was an amazing high and you had your eyes widened as pleasure washed over you. His name left your lips over and over again and then Daemon released as well. His seed filled your cunt and he thrusted deep inside of you to make sure it wouldn't drip out. He moaned and closed his eyes and collapsed on top of you.
You both panted heavily trying to recover from the exhausion and then after a while he rolled off you. You immediately reached out to him though and Daemon knew that you needed him close to you now so he pulled you to his bare chest.
"Shhh.", he whispered feeling you breathe fastly against him and soothingly ran a hand over your back and side. "Did so good for me, little girl… ", he said his voice nothing more than a whisper. He held you like this for a while so the both of you could collect yourselves but then he lightly patted your hip.
"I need to get you cleaned, love." You hummed in dissatisfaction wanting nothing more than to fall asleep now next to him.
"I'm sorry, but it's important. Come on, love." Slowly and with a deep frown you lifted yourself and looked at Daemon who had his eyebrows raised. "It's not gonna take long and afterwards I'll cuddle you to sleep, I promise."
You couldn't help but smile with big eyes and he pulled you towards him and guided you off the bed. There was a pot filled with warm water that Daemon had asked the servants to prepare for him every night because there weren't many nights when you were able to take your hands off each other and your husband didn't have the desire to ask a servant to bring water to clean yourselves with every evening so he had ordered them to prepare in advance. It wasn't burning hot anymore but it wouldn't be umcomfortable so Daemon guided you to sit on a chair while he dipped a warm cotton cloth in the water.
"Spread your legs, love.", he whispered and his voice made your head dizzy. You obeyed and he brought the cloth between your legs to clean your cunt. You twitched a little because you were sore and swolled so your husband ran his other hand over your thigh to calm you. Then, when he was finished Daemon removed it from between your legs and took care of himself. He cleaned his cock and after he had put the towels on a shelf so the servants could take them in the morrow Daemon turned to you again and had a soft smile on his face which made your heart flutter. His arms wrapped around your back and he carefully picked you up from the chair. He walked the two of you back to the bed and gently laid you down on your side while crawling to lay on his'.
The rogue prince kept his promise and reached out to pull you to him and you croached against him. You felt so safe like this with his arms holding you and his body covering and protecting you from everything else. His nose was pressed into your dark hair and his hands caressed your still burning skin.
"My sweet girl.", he whispered well aware that it was what you needed after a night like this. He had degraded you, talked down to you and now he made sure to treat you with affection and love.
"You're my sunshine, never forget this alright?" You nodded against him and he gently put his hand to your cheek to turn your head so you were looking at him.
"I love you, darling. You're everything to me." Your mouth was drawn to a smile and Daemon leaned down to kiss you.
"I'll always protect you and make sure you're safe and happy."
"I love you too, Daemon.", you whispered quietly and rested your cheek on his strong chest again. You closed your eyes filled with content and happiness. You loved him and you loved his tender and caring side just as much as his rough and dominant one. This was exactly the perfect mixture because while he fucked you you liked him to be mean and commanding but afterwards…. You melted in his arms and loved hearing his sweet words whispered in your ear. Only for you to hear.
"Sleep, love. You need to rest now and I promise you that I'll hold you all night and all nights to come."
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writingsofwesteros · 1 month ago
Daemon’s daughter with her irreverent attitude. Her daddy always spoils her and gives her everything she could want. She’ll have to marry for politics, but only her father will get to sire her children. She goes to Dorne on her dragon with her womb stuffed full of Daemon’s cum.
Her father visits her often, admiring the sinfully thin silks she wears that show off the pebbled nipples of her breasts already swelling with milk. Few think much of it when the Rogue Prince touches his daughter’s growing stomach and kisses below her ear. His cock is already stirring at the thought of giving her another child after this one comes.
Oh she is so happy in Dorne thank you very much; the style and heat working wonders on her.
Daemon greeting her after being away for months; a kiss too close to her soft, plump lips as her sweet, ample breasts are pushed against his chest.
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fantasybabygirlslutsworld · 7 months ago
The Prophecy - 1
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As said before, the celebration for Princess Mariana Targaryen's birth was indeed considered as the most lavish one happened in a decade.
All the lords of westeros and free cities came to king's landing to see the newborn Targaryen and participate in the hunting and tourneys conducted in the princess's honour.
A welcome feast was prepared for welcoming the lords and ladies staying at the palace.
The whole Targaryen family were sitting in a long table facing the lords with King Jaehaerys in the middle. Queen Alysanne sat on her husband's right side while Crown Prince Baelon sat on his left. His son Prince Viserys and his wife Princess Aemma sat beside him while Princess Rhaenys and her husband sat next to the Queen .
Prince Daemon was seen speaking with some lords from Lys and volantis. Recently,the young Prince had started to trade with the wealthy lords of the free cities.
Prince Baelon thought it would be a good experience for him but both the King and the Queen didn't think so as there was still raising tensions after the death of Prince Aemon Targaryen. Some lords of Lys and Braavos might have helped Dorne even though it is not proven by anyone.
Lord Rickon Stark of Winterfell had gifted books about the old gods and various dresses made of a wolf's fur hunted by him and his entourage to the little princess. He brought along his five summers past son,Cregan Stark, who curiously looked at the princess lying in the Queen's arms.
" Thank you , Lord Stark. It was nice to see all the lords gathered up for this occasion. " Queen Alysanne remarked . With all the festivities, the palace is looking very lively than ever.
" Then, you would be perplexed seeing the gift prepared by House Lannister,your grace"
 Lord Lannister said while shoving past the Lord of Winterfell. He presented a necklace huge enought to be worn by an adult made of pure gold along with other ornaments. All the jewels resembled  the lannister sigil - a Lion or silks in lannister red. Even though the gifts were harmless , the intent was apparent that lord lannister was hoping to arrange a betrothal to one of his sons. Mayhaps, the Lord had thought by being the first in line for the hand of the one day old Targaryen princess  may guarantee  them an upper hand.
  " We thank you for this wonderful gifts , Lord Lannister. I am sure my granddaughter can wear them when she becomes a lady which will 16 summers from now" 
Prince Viserys chuckled while Princess Aemma's smile tightened. She didn't want to think about her daughter's marriage only a day after her birth.
The King and Prince Baelon all had similar reactions in their faces whereas Princess Rhaenys sighed next to her husband. This was the fate expected of a Targaryen Princess - she can either marry one of her family member out of love like late Princess Alyssa or be some lady to one of the lords in westeros like late Lady Daella Arryn  .
While thinking about this ,  the members of House Targaryen didn't seem to notice a dark aura emitting from the rogue prince . His usually hot blood was boiling even higher at Lord Lannister's apparent intent . He want to cross over to his table and strangle him and his twin sons to death so that they may never think of his niece again.
However , if he want to kill every lord and heirs who were having intent of a betrothal to his niece , then Westeros won't have any lords anymore  by the time he finishes his rampage. 
Aside from that moment , the celebration went smoother with other lords gifting jewels, dresses and various land deeds for the princess.
For the next week, the royal tourney was held in the princess's honor. Several knights across Westeros had came to participate in the jousting contest. 
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The winner was obviously Prince Daemon Targaryen who had beaten against the heir of house tyrell who had broken his left arm . All the ladies who are of marriagiable age seem to lean closer towards him hoping to be crowned as his Queen of love and beauty.
With everyone's gaze turned on him , the Prince  went to the royal stand in his horse . As if reading his mind ,Princess Aemma slowly went near the stands with the Princess in her arms.
" As befitted for her , Princess Mariana Targaryen will be my Queen of Love and Beauty today." 
Prince Daemon proudly said while looking at his niece. He carefully placed the crown made up of dragon's breath on her head. The Princess was also curiously looking at him with the same intensity.
Everyone in the arena cheered as Princess Aemma displayed Princess Mariana to the crowd. Although they expected the Prince to offer the crown to a lady of a respectable House , it was acceptable for the Prince give it to his niece.However, everyone didn't seem to notice the possessiveness glinting in the Rogue Prince's eyes.
In the evening, a small celebration was held in the honor of the tourney's winner . As Prince Daemon was the winner, the royal family also attended the celebration.
The said Prince could be seen mingling with his fellow knights in the garden . While all of the sudden , Prince Baelon came to his side .
" Congratulations, son . Your mom and I are proud of you . " Even after his sister-wife's death , Crown Prince Baelon didn't remarry anyone. He still believes that she was always present near him.
" Thank you, Father. The fights were rather easy enough that I can close my eyes and still win every knights" Prince Daemon mocked his opponents .
" When I look at her eyes and hair , I see your mother in her , Daemon . It is like Alyssa had reborn again ." Prince Baelon said with pure sorrow in his eyes.
" Indeed she is , father." Prince Daemon said while looking at the sleeping form of his niece in her mother's arms.
In the future, Princess Mariana would cherish this day by being told by her Septa and maids .
Part 5
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay,guys . I am trying to balance time to write for my other stories. Do vote for the story if you sure like it.
Taglist : @snowtargaryen @girl-of-multi-fandoms @immyowndefender @kpopfanfictionfantacies @cwallace02sblog @rosecentury @bitchycollectorvoid @sadmonke
@hc-geralt-23 @universallyrascaldreamercookie
@majun2024 @ayamenimthiriel @waterismylifeuniverse @ranshin03
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caratheewriter · 1 year ago
"And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kind of free" - Daemon Targaryen x Daughter! Reader
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Synopsis: You are Daemon's daughter. Lady of Dorne. Following Aegon's coronation, Otto Hightower travels to Dorne, in hopes that you will declare for him. In light of your aggressive refusal, the Queen's guards attack.
Warning: Mature Language
Word Count: 277
You lie on the ground, trying to stop the bleeding. How embarrassing. They caught you off guard.
And that Hightower cunt. He wants Dorne as an ally. You weren't going to ruin all that your ancestor, Princess Nymeria, has done in order to help a usurper.
You hear a dragon's cry. You know that sound, it was first sound you heard when you first laid your eyes on the world around you. Caraxas.
He lands and your father rushes towards you.
"Who did this? Who would be so foolish?"
You speak, trying to save your breath. "Otto Hightower, Kepa. He came to ask for an alliance."
Daemon moves your hand away from wound. The wound conveniently placed under your womb, bleeding heavily.
"He and the rest of those snakes will pay for their crimes."
He looks around the throne room. The guards are calm, the maids look at you in sorrowful understanding.
"Why has no one fetched a maester? You are in pain. I need you alive and healthy, Y/n."
You look at your father with sad smile, "It doesn't anymore, Kepa."
He looks at you, eyes filled with sorrow. He doesn't know how to feel. His eldest child is dying right in front of him and she wants nothing to be done.
"Nothing hurts anymore, Father. I'm free from all of this."
And with that, you take your last breath. Historians will go on to say that Daemon Targaryen was a rogue with no love in his heart, but the future peoples of Dorne can recall tales of the Rogue Prince crying and his dragon roaring in distress. For he had outlived his eldest child.
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I might write a a short oneshot on how you came in the world of Westeros because I didn't put an explanation here. Thanks for reading and if there is something that you want to read from me, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy!
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rpgchoices · 1 year ago
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Useless rpgs recs. Videogames (not dating sims) where you play or you CAN play as a character who is wlw or mlm
Names and characters/explanations under cut (might contain minor spoilers):
Just a note, when I say romance I mean that there is actual story and plot related to it. Otehrwise for games like Fable or Skyrim (no romance) I will just write "Marry". For the romance games, a more detailed list of characters and romances can be found here.
Dragon Age Origins: You can romance Leliana (f) or Zevran (m) even with a character of their same gender
Dragon Age 2: You can romance all your companions (but Sebastian) indipendently from gender
Dragon Age Inquisition: You can romance Josephine (f) and Iron Bull (m) with any gender, and you can romance a lesbian character (Sera) or a gay character (Dorian)
Greedfall: You can romance Vasco (m) or Siora (f) with any gender
Dragon's Dogma: You can romance any character with any gender
Jade Empire: Sky (m) and Silk Fox (f) are romancable by any gender
Fable series: You can marry a character of your same gender
Skyrim: You can marry a character of your same gender
Enderal: You can romance Jasper (m) or Calia (f) as any gender
Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire: You can romance all your companions with any gender
Pendula Swing: The protagonist is canonically wlw, and you can romance male and female characetrs
Hero-U: The male protagonist can romance male characters too
Cyberpunk 2077: There are different flirts (female characters) that can be romanced by any gender, plus two full fledged romances a wlw and mlm one.
Expeditions: Viking: There is a female character (Roskva) and a male character (Ketill) who can be romanced by any gender.
Expeditions: Rome: There is a female character (Daianeira) and a male character (Caeso) who can be romanced by any gender.
Pathfinder Kingmaker: This game has multiple romances that can be romanced by characters of the same gender, mainly for wlw. Regongar is the one male character who can be romanced by any gender and also in a poly relationship with Octavia. Octavia, Kanerah, Kalikke, Nyrissa are the female characters romancable by any gender.
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: Similar to Kingmaker, there are multiple characters romancable by male or female protagonists.
Rogue Trader: One male character and two female characters can be romanced by any gender.
Gamedec: Ken Zhou is the only romance option in game and can be romanced by any gender.#
Black Geyser: The romances are minimal, but there are multiple female and female characters romancable by any gender.
Always sometimes monsters (and sequel): you choose both the gender of the protagonist and the one of the romance.
Divinity Original Sin: If you play alone you control two characters who can end up in a romance (not fully written, almost subtle) indipendently from their gender.
Divinity Original Sin 2: All the companions can be romanced by any gender.
Disco Elysium: If you choose specific dialogue choices it is revealed that the protagonist (Harry) is attracted to men.
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, enhanced edition: The enhanced edition adds Dorn and Hexxat who can be romanced by the same gender.
Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear: Two romance options are not gender locked.
Baldur's Gate 3: All the companions are romancable by any gender, plus there are some more flirts/less developed romances.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Multiple characters through the game are not gender locked for romance.
Eternal Home Floristry: You play as a gay man.
80 Days: The protagonist (a man) is clearly in love with a man, you can also romance a male character.
The Technomancer: You play as a male character, one of your romance option is mlm.
Sorcery!: If you play as a male character you can still romance Flanker, who is also a man and is the one romance option in the game. If you play as a female character there are some dialogue choices that can establish your character as wlw.
Knight Bewitched: The protagonists are two women in love.
Dreamfall The Longest Journey: One of the protagonists (Kian) is a gay man.
Dreamfall Chapters: Kian and Saga are respectively a gay man and a pansexual woman.
Newfound Courage: The protagonist is a gay boy, but also the whole game is about being queer.
Haven: You play as a couple of lovers, who can be two women or two men.
Fallout 4: Some of the romance options are not gender locked.
Morrowind: There is a mod to romance (links of all mods here).
Solstice: Visual novel but not dating sim, you play as two characters and one of them is a gay man.
Mass Effect Trilogy: multiple companions (nb, f or m) can be romanced with any gender.
Mass Effect Andromeda: multiple companions can be romanced wtih any gender.
Hades: The protagonist (the son of Hades) can romance a male character (and enter into a poly relationship).
Icewind Dale II: mods
Icewind Dale: mod (one male character who can be romanced by a male protagonist).
The Red String Club: you play as two gay men who are a couple.
Please keep in mind that this is the post I constantly update:
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proffbon · 11 months ago
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Putting these four in the room and watching what happens
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achaoticeternal · 2 years ago
Could you please write a fic where Rhaenyra’s strongdaughter gets into an argument with her mother because her mother won’t let her marry Aemond and she calls her mother a hypocrite for calling Aemond unfit to be a husband when her own husband got exiled twice. (Please also write Daemon reacting to it)
I looooove this idea! To me, it would be such a funny argument and of course, Daemon couldn't take it seriously - its just so lol enjoy this little blurb!
submit your own blurb/ headcanon requests HERE! read part two of this blurb HERE!
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Targaryen Traditions
AEMOND TARGARYEN x VELARYON(STRONG)! READER word count: 900 - blurb summary: read request a/n: should I do a little continuation?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Rhaenyra moved gracefully down the halls of Dragonstone, despite the unamused look that graced her face. It had barely been a full day since the daily had returned from an eventful visit in King’s Landing. Despite the typical quarrels, it now seemed her own daughter had been bewitched by one of her half-siblings… Prince Aemond Targaryen…
“Mother, I don’t understand!” You whined, following her into the great foyer of Dragonstone. 
“You will understand in time that I am right,” Rhaenyra spoke simply while crossing toward the fireplace, a hand over her belly.
“I wish to understand now because this makes no sense to me!” You quickly rebutted, “A year ago, you suggested to the Queen that I be betrothed to Aegon, who has since married Helaena. Now Aemond wishes for my hand and you deny me marrying a prince.”
“The point was never to have you simply marry a prince. If I wanted to see you married off to a man that holds such a title, I could have sent you to Dorne or Essos. To marry Aegon would have done a great many things, but most importantly keep you close to me,” Rhaenyra gazed toward you with motherly affection, “However, it seems Alicent only cares for Targaryen tradition when it serves her needs. You will not marry a second son.”
Daemon soon entered, freshly clean from the travels of the previous days. Though you respected and even somewhat cared for your stepfather, he did not replace the man that you first called father, Ser Laenor. When he entered, both you and your mother turned to him, silently begging that he pick a side. It was wishful thinking on your part since Daemon was not over fond of his nephew. Seemed to be a recurring theme…
The Rogue Prince had a smirk playing on his lips. Rhaenyra’s words were not lost on him, and even caused a chuckle from the man, “What is wrong with second sons?”
At such playful teasing, Rhaenyra rolled her eyes at the antics of her husband, “Nothing, husband. Except my daughter wishes to marry the Queen’s spiteful, second son.”
“Aemond?” He asked as he approached the princess. She nodded to his question, and then his gaze turned to you, “Aemond?”
Eagerly, you nodded. The thought crossed your mind of possibly being able to convince Daemon that your betrothal should be set with Aemond so that he could push Rhaenyra to be more willing to the idea. 
“You wish to marry to One-Eye prince?”
Of course, Daemon would tease you with such a question. As if your brothers had yet to torment you over the idea. Neither Jacaerys nor Lucerys liked the proposed betrothal between their uncle and sister. 
“It would be fulfilling my duty to the family and the realm,” You began to explain, “Jace shall sit on the throne one day, and I will be his heir until Baela gives him a child.”
Rhaenyra’s face soured at your words. She did not like how your education fueled your argument but was also proud of seeing such diplomacy from her daughter. The double-edged sword that all mothers must face with their children.
When she did not speak, you began again, “If I marry Aemond, I will also live in the Keep. I can assist Alicent and the maesters in taking care of my grandsire. You and Daemon always voice your concern for the King, so it might put you at ease.”
“You are a princess, not a caretaker—”
“Says who? You?” You were sharp with your tongue, growing tired of playing this game with your mother, “You say a princess is not a caretaker, yet you are a mother. You say I should not marry a second son, yet you did…”
“My dear, the circumstances are different,” Rhaenyra’s voice grew more stern at your pointed argument, “Aemond is your uncle!”
At such a comment, a boisterous laugh escaped your lips. It was quite out of fashion, but you could not keep it together. You looked back to your mother with a look of disbelief, gazing between Rhaenyra and Daemon, “Have you looked in a mirror recently?”
Confused by your statement, Rhenyra looked to Daemon. He chuckled while taking her hand within his own, intertwining their fingers, “I believe she means to call you a hypocrite.”
Rhaenya pursed her lips, looking at her husband than her daughter. Her eyes glanced over your frame, taking in all the likeness you shared. She then thought about how she acted at your age… She had married Laenor when she was just a year younger than you are now. But she would resent seeing you leave Dragonstone, no matter who the man was. 
“I’m flying to King’s Landing in two days' time on dragon back due to a previous agreement. You shall join me… and I will consider the proposition of a marriage to Aemond,” Rhaenyra spoke with a sigh.
A great smile spread across your face, elated that she would now at least consider Aemond as a suitor, “Thank you, mother! Thank you, thank you!”
“But I do not wish to hear any more of this or anything related to Aemond before our departure. Am I clear?”
“Yes, of course, mother,” You replied with a light giggle.
With a slight nod of her head, Rhaenyra dismissed you to do as you pleased. Relief washed over both of you. With quick steps, you took your leave to write a scroll to Aemond of your small successes.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
should I continue this/ make a part two?
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dreamlandcreations · 7 months ago
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The Queen
Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader
The Dance of the Dragons took place after the right of princess Rhaenys to her inheritance was disregarded, although it wasn't as devastating as it would have been a few decades later, the war did not pass without loss, not even sparing the royal family and their extended circle of relatives.
King Jaehaerys died on his dragon and many were lost trying to claim a dragon of their own. Just after a few months, Viserys was ready to make peace at whatever cost. Daemon, as his heir, wasn't so eager to settle for less.
In the end, his love for his family, and an offer of freedom from his marriage and a promise of proper heritage calmed the fiery-natured prince and an agreement has been made.
After starting her reign with a bloody war, many expected Rhaenys to be a tyrant at best. She, however ruled with grace and was loved by all for she was fair and wise, the people called her either Rhaenys the Just or simply The Grace.
Almost twenty years later, it is time for her eldest, the princess to prove herself to be more than a brave dragonrider and skilled fighter. Many feared her first choice as the heir would be the last as well, for finding a husband meant she would select the future king.
Although almost all available lords were heard, there were only two truly considered, the Prince of Dorne, with who she would unite the Realm, and Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince himself.
• moodboards masterlist •
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desigemini24 · 2 years ago
AN- Serving you these sweet preferences is my duty... even though it means failing mathematics test, cause I can't pass it anyway 🤣
Requests are always open and well appreciated!
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
HOTD Preferences
Defending Your Honor
Characters- Daemon Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Otto Hightower, Corlys Velaryon, Cregan Stark and Criston Cole.
Warnings- Slut-shaming, Curse, Murder (Daemon and Aemond), Fighting and Cutting off... something
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Daemon 'Rogue Prince' Targaryen
You were Daemon Targaryen's paramour, with nothing to your name but his love and devotion. A mere dressmaker who somehow charmed the prince.
While your relationship was purely based on emotional supports and the physical attributes followed way later, the nobles didn't share the same thoughts.
Behind your back, you could hear their derogatory comments over you, questioning your relationship with the infamous prince.
"She must have a tight cunt for the prince to keep her so close."
"I am sure she is a witch and has fucked her magic into prince Daemon."
"There is no doubt that she will be ready to fuck and undress herself in front of anyone for money."
While Daemon would hear anything about himself with amusement, hearing things as such for his beloved made his blood boil.
In a feast in the honor of his own nameday, he made sure you were seated next to him with the Royal Family.
The family was welcoming but the courtiers weren't.
And he hears them again.
And goes crazy.
At the abrupt end of the feast, the Noble degrading you and your honor was taken to the Silent Sisters with a separated head or probably something even harsher.
Aemond 'One-Eyed' Targaryen
Aemond loves you a lot.
Everyone loves you, honestly. Except for some who think you are some scheming bitch, which secretly includes Otto.
During a normal session of the court, Aemond hears a member of a vassal house of Lannisters speaking rubbish about you.
Your honor was put to question and he won’t have it that way.
Interrupting the session, he calls the man ahead and when the spotlight is upon that man.
Aemond starts announcing the young lord’s “accusations”. And the whispers start.
But they are abruptly put to stop, by Aemond’s sword cutting off the lord’s head; much in a way Daemon had drove Dark Sister through Vaemond Velaryon.
And followed a long monologue about you and defending your honor and a threat of what shall happen if he is disobeyed.
All while that dead lord’s blood painted his face.
Otto ‘Hand of the King’ Hightower
You are his wife, or maybe courting each other, or betrothed to marry.
Either way, he is protective. Very. Very. Protective.
You are younger. Beautiful. Almost goddess like.
At a feast, you talk to a lord.
And there goes numerous rumours.
While Otto doesn’t believes it, others do.
And then, one day, you admit it. That the rumours were troubling you a lot.
And next, you hear that the man responsible for the rumours could never have children again, had you overjoyed and smirking. Found with the sigil of House Hightower next to him.
That was the very clear message to all.
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Corlys ‘Sea Snake’ Velaryon
Corlys is possessive and protective of you, his darling wife.
You were from Dorne, and your Dornish practices aren’t quite far from your heart.
And that includes the flirtatious comments.
Corlys enjoyed that. But the other lords and ladies had a field trip, making rumours and what not.
When they hear them, he is angry and he throws a feast, intending to show what honour these people were talking of.
The feast was all normal except the wine was specifically strong and the servant ladies were all dressed provocatively.
And all of the lords were leering and everything.
Next morning, he organises a breakfast. And gives a loud and clear announcement.
All of it while the lady wives of those men were present and fuming with rage at the humiliation.
In directly, never talk bad about Corlys Velaryon’s wife.
Cregan ‘Wolf of the North’ Stark
You were of South and you arrived in Southern style.
And it made the lords of the North send you leering gazes.
And you were bold to admit it to Cregan who softly replied with:
“I apologise on their behalf, my lady. I shall see to it that it is taken care of.”
It was. But for only a few weeks.
And then came the feast before your wedding to him.
And the lords were drunk and again dishonouring sentences were exchanged.
The smile on your face was long gone and your jaw sat in a gesture of displeasure.
And it seemed to do something to Cregan. For one second, his direwolf was in front of the table; the other, that drunken lord was on the floor with the direwolf growling at his face.
“Since this day ahead, no one shall dare to dishonour my wife, your lady. Or, you shall not like what shall happen.”
And the smile on your face is sweet as you looked at your betrothed.
Criston ‘Kingmaker’ Cole
You were only a friend of his at that time.
And a Dornish lady.
A beautiful lady who was close to a member of King’s Guard.
And boom! There are rumours.
Penting up everything in his chest, Criston blasted when he heard a comment about you in the training grounds.
He challenged that knight or lord to a combat fight.
That fight ended with the lord being beaten to near death while Criston’s fists were bloodied.
You were told way later that something like that happened.
And while everyone were rather angry at his action, you were very very proud.
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sayafics · 1 year ago
Dragon of Dorne - Chapter IV
This is quite a long chapter (which hopefully makes up for the long wait <3) with lots of fluff and some inappropriate thoughts - I promise so much more Daemon&Alaynha moments in Chapter V, I just wanted to give them something to build a relationship from.
A small change in this is that Viserys doesn't die - at least not yet. Another change is that Rhaenyra also doesn't have a miscarriage yet.
I still plan to stick to the plot-line, but just add in a few extra weeks for some Daemon-Alaynha moments <3 (which I feel so guilty saying but like oops).
Previous Chapter
Daemon had bargained plenty that night - the children did not have to stay. Rhaenyra did not have to stay.
But he would.
For Viserys. For his brother.
Of course, such a tale was not far from the truth. His brother was frail - dying, even. The quicker the hours pass, the closer the Reaper drew upon Viserys, awaiting for him to take his last breath.
Daemon had spent years at Rhaenyra's side, he had neglected his duties as a brother and cast Viserys aside. So his words were not all lies and some truth remained.
He would stay in King's Landing until Viserys had recovered or passed. The children could stay at Dragonstone and continue with their lives, and Rhaenyra with them to rear their youngest.
Of course, Rhaenyra was never one to listen and promised to join him after spending a fortnight at Dragonstone and remain by his side until the birth of their child, during which if all went well, their blended family would return to the Keep and claim it as their home once more.
Daemon gritted him teeth at that, frustration swelling within him at the possibility of navigating his countless schemes whilst being interceded by wailing babes and an angered wife.
There was a quiet ache of guilt present, too - knowing how long Rhaenyra had been pining for him because of his deviances as a terrible and power-hungry man all those years ago. For her to finally have all of which she desires, simply for it to be threatened by a kin she did not want - Daemon could sympathise.
But this was not affection he felt, nor lust. Surely it was much simpler. Much easier.
Daemon was curious.
Daemon is a shrewd man - calculating and manipulative, violent and mean. A rogue prince through and through, where all could see his qualities and hold it to the light with assuredness.
But this girl- this princess. So bright and kind and loving. A mask so thick and well-crafted even Daemon had struggled to see the beast that lurked beneath.
It was the darkness that welled up in those pretty eyes of hers, the spark that ached to turn into a raging fire.
It was curiosity, nothing more.
When Rhaenyra and the children had left the following morning, he urged them to return to Dragonstone by sea - it was safer with him absent. A worthy excuse for more time.
Rhaenyra had accepted with a quaint smile, a pretentious act at playing a blushing bride - to which he merely mustered a peck upon the cheek in return.
He could see the confusion in her eyes, could see her wonder why her Daemon was changing so quick.
But the truth was his previous marriages had broken him - kept him confined and chained. He allowed himself to become a tamed dragon, and freely handed his reigns over to Rhaenyra for her to wave proudly in show.
He loved her. Of course he did. He loved the girl who rode upon dragon-back to claim a stolen dragon egg, threats of fire and violence spewing from her lips - but even that girl he did not marry.
And yet, before him stood a swollen bride that was a mere echo of the girl he knew all those years ago. A realisation that had haunted him for far too long.
He thought the children would help - hoped they would ignite the dragon fire within him, would give him purpose and life.
Or perhaps they would ignite the fire that had become smothered within Rhaenyra and an ounce of the girl he knew then would return, and he would settle. He would revere and concede and accept.
Daemon felt weightless. Purposeless. Useless.
Daemon suppressed the smirk itching at his lips as he sauntered his way back to his chambers.
His chambers.
The very ones he'd lounged in so many years ago with his wine and his whores, and not the one he had been made to sleep in the last few days.
The Keep was buzzing with life - Lords and Ladies of the Court watched him with sharp gazes, maids and guards were either hesitant to meet his gaze or watched over him with rousing suspicion.
Daemon could barely suppress his grin as he met their stares head-on with raised brows and dark eyes.
There was one thing he had to remember during his stay at the Keep - with Viserys bound to his bed and milk of the poppy poured down his throat in rivulets, he was without any allies in the Keep.
After Strong had burnt to ashes, Daemon was unsure of who led his Gold Cloaks now and was curious as to whether their loyalties had shifted alongside their leadership.
His mongrels were perhaps wastrels instead, eyes begging and hands postulated for any alms in the shape of golden coins.
Although there should be a few loyalists scattered around the Keep - he may not have been well liked, but he was brash and powerful, something that drew people in.
When Daemon returned to his chambers, he searched through his old belongings with renewed vigour. His muscles almost trembled as he pulled out clothing he hadn't seen in so long - too long has he spent in ornate robes and simple tunics. Too long has he gone without the needed release he found in the wiles of a well-earned fight.
Too long.
He stripped with ease, a sense of relief washing over him as the waning material of the tunics Rhaenyra loved so much fell from his scarred skin and he slipped on his leather armour with ease.
With his sword attached at his side, Daemon left his room feeling more like the depraved and nefarious prince he had been all those years ago.
This time he could not help his grin - big and broad and terrifying to all who glanced his way.
This was the rogue prince - no longer was he an ornament for the Heir to parade, no longer was he a dysfunctional and futile man.
No. He was a dragon.
And it was time he returned to the sky and wreaked havoc upon all those who would dare look down on him.
Daemon stood under an archway, arms folded across his chest as he watched the scene unfold with amusement.
Upon the training grounds, engaged in a vicious bout of training, was none other than his harrowing nephew and sultry niece.
Aegon watched his brother and sister in amusement, an array of cakes and fruits and wines laid upon a table near him as though he had beckoned them solely for the purpose of watching his siblings fight as a form of entertainment. He seated himself at the edge of the training grounds, unable to control his laughter or his brutal glee.
He would jeer when Aemond aimed too close to Alaynha's delicate face, cackle with glee when she would trip the boy and throw food at the pair when they would become so distracted in passing taunts they forgot to exchange blows instead.
Daemon was impressed by the skill of the girl - out-manouvering her brother with ease. She met blow for blow, with just as much force behind her own hits as him. She doged every cut and met every slash with a brutal one of her own.
Not once did an ounce of blood drip to the ground in failure - she was skilled.
But he could not ignore the possibility Aemond had taken it easy upon her - with the weight of his glares from the previous night, the chances of Aemond willingly hurting his younger sister was close to naught.
Still, Daemon could not help but draw comparisons.
His first wife had been handy with a sword, but he had only ever heard rumours. And those rumours did nothing to gain her his favour, as although she was a fine swordswoman, she was dragonless and, therefore, useless in all the ways a Targaryen would require.
His second wife and third were fierce dragon-riders. Unafraid of the fire of a dragon and the heights they could scale.
But even they could not tell apart the hilt of a sword from the scales of a beast.
But here, before him, stood a challenge and a promise. A swordswoman and a dragon-rider.
Daemon could feel himself stiffen within his breeches at the sight of her panting form, the sweat upon her brow as she dodged every deathly blow and sweeped her brother's feet from beneath him.
As Aemond fell to the ground, she kicked his arm with vicious glee and the sword he held flew from his grasp. She aimed her sword at his throat, her own rising and falling with hurried pants as a gasping laugh escaped her in glee.
Aegon leapt up from his chair, loud claps and a boisterous laugh at his brother's fall.
Daemon had expected Aemond to grow angered at the humiliation - to spit insulting words and perhaps even show her just how placative he had been.
Instead, he smiled - and for once he looked like a young boy again, a shadow of the child who had half his sight stolen from him.
Aemond stood up with a proud smirk when she had relinquished her sword, a conceding nod as he praised her, "a fine swordswoman indeed. I see Cole has taught you well, jorrāelagon mandia (dear sister)."
"Criston has taught me very well indeed, lēkia (brother). I believe if I continue under his wing, kepa will have no choice but to let me join the Gold Cloaks."
Daemon straightened at the mention of the army he had trained as his own, and his body flushed with a pleasant warmth at the idea of Alaynha - so mischievous and small - killing and maiming vile men under the uniform he designed.
It was almost a sign of ownership.
As though she was his - his violent, little dragon.
He entertained the prospect of taking over his Gold Cloaks once more - Viserys would accept in a heartbeat.
And if he did, Daemon would pick Alaynha as his protégée in an instant - perhaps he would give her private lessons on the art of mastering the sword, teach her to command the army in High Valyrian simply because such a sight would flood his body in arousal and have her torture men in his name so he could watch her covered in blood, gazing at him with those pleading eyes, begging for his approval.
But he held himself back from his spiralling thoughts - curiosity. This was simply curiosity, he admonished his traiterous thoughts.
He stood straighter, hand reaching down to adjust his hardened cock.
He cleared his throat before stepping away from his hiding space - although it was quite out in the open, he almost grinned when he saw his nephews stiffen at the sight of his approach.
"Kepus," her voice was light and airy, just as surprised as her brothers to see the man still in the Keep when his wife and children had already sailed away.
"You're still here."
"Ah, I am. Although, dare I say Zaldrītsos (little dragon), you almost seem disappointed."
Alaynha rolled her eyes, a faint smile tugging at her lips, "of course not. I simply thought you would have sailed to Dragonstone with your wife and children."
"They must miss you dearly," Aemond drew closer as he spoke, "perhaps it is not too late to join them. I am sure your dragon will carry you fast and far."
"Ah, but why would I leave such great company for that of whom I've endured for years already." Daemon raised his brow in challenge, daring Aemond to suggest he leave his homeland once more.
He watched as Alaynha gazed between the two of them, her eyes then turning towards Aegon as she sighed in exasperation.
"Come, sister." Aegon consoled from his place, lounging upon a chair with a cup of wine filled to the brim, "let us flee before they bore us with their barbs and insults instead."
Alaynha snorted quietly, an amused grin upon her face as she rolled her eyes at her brother's antics - "might I suggest a better alternative?"
The brothers and Daemon stared at her in curiosity, "well, it seems our dear uncle is prepared for a fight. What better way to bond with the kin he refused to acknowledge than by sparring with them? Do you not agree, kepus?"
Daemon recalled the girl's words from yesterday, the spite that tainted her words as she rightly accused him of despising her family for their Hightower blood.
They were half-blooded Targaryens, barely dragons in his eyes.
But such things could not be true if he saw such a raging beast exist within her, as she was just as half-blooded as the rest of them.
Just as half-blooded as Rhaenyra's children.
But her birth, alongside that of her brothers and sister, had not been tainted by lies and an unsanctimonious vow.
"Mayhaps you are too scared, nuncle," it was Aegon who spoke with a broad grin, "my brother was trained by Ser Cole himself. You must remember the man - he told us the tale of how he knocked you off your horse. And your feet."
"Aegon," Alaynha lightly scolded the boy but could not hold back her own amused smile at his words - even Aemond had cracked a smirk.
Alaynha's eyes widened at the sound of a deep and rich laugh. She feared they had angered their uncle with their taunts and tales, but it only took a glance into the violent hues of Daemon Targaryen to see them swallowed whole by challenge and delight.
So long it had been since he had experienced such provocation, such defiance. A call of like to like as his blood sang with the call of a dragon.
Perhaps there was a kinship here, long denied by tainted blood and half-whispered promises.
"If my nephew is up for the challenge, I will not be the one to shy away."
Daemon tilted his head towards Aemond in recognition, hand placed upon the hilt of his sword as he awaited his answer.
Aemond, never one to turn down a challenge, agreed swiftly by turning his back to his uncle and making his way to the centre of the training grounds once more.
Daemon smirked at the show of confidence that rolled off the boy in tumultuous waves, but even he could not help the ounce of admiration echoing in his mind - had this been Jace or even Luke, they would have quaked and trembled at his presence.
And yet, here was his brother's child - a second born son, a turbulent fire. Seething and wrathful.
The irony of such a thing did not beget him.
Daemon made his way towards Aemond, but a hand upon his wrist stopped him in his place. He glanced down to the delicate hand anchoring him, eyes travelling up the soft skin glowing with a sheen of sweat from a harrowing sword fight, to meet the gentle eyes of a girl much too complex and secretive for him to decipher her with ease.
"Do take it easy upon him."
Her words were spoken pleadingly, as though this was not her idea. It seemed she could hear the words ringing in his head, and she sighed quietly as she continued, "although he may not admit it, he admires you. Truly so. You told me you wanted to know me. Well, know I love my brothers, and I cannot see them hurt - even in jest."
Now, here was a thing Daemon could empathise with. Here was a thing Daemon saw in himself.
He loved his brother, wholly and true. He would conquer worlds in his brother's name, and cut himself upon his own sword if Viserys had asked.
He knew the love one had for their brother, and he could see it shining in her eyes.
Still, Daemon was never one to let an opportunity to tease and test pass without falter - "and what will you give me in return for such a favour?"
She raised her brow in surprise, as though she couldn't believe he was asking such a thing in exchange for a measly request. Still she rolled her eyes and conceeded, "anything."
And such words were the truth.
"Do not spill a drop of blood, and you shall have anything you ask of me, Daemon."
Fuck, she had called him Daemon.
A descending warmth filled Daemon's body at the sound of his name rolling off of her tongue - so familiar, so tempting, so erotic.
Call me Daemon. Say it again.
He was tempted to speak aloud and beg for it.
But he could see Aemond's impatient form and Aegon's restless agitation - "anything, you say? It seems we have ourselves a bargain, zaldrītsos."
If this was what he believed was taking it easy, Daemon would be sorely disappointed when it came to asking for Alaynha's favour.
Although, she did have to say - her brother held his own quite well against the battle-worn soldier they knew Daemon to be. She swore upon the Seven she even heard the boy allow a careless laugh to escape his lips as he lost himself in the flurry of lunges and blows they exchanged.
Alaynha couldn't help the soft smile that stretched upon her lips as she watched the pair. Still, she was on edge - whether it was from distrust, enjoyment, or fervent kinship, their fight grew more brutal.
Less and less were there moments of deflecting and blocking and feinting. Every stab and every slash was made to leave a mark.
And still, in place of tension and worry upon the training grounds, there was a growing fever of gratification bubbling in the air - as though this was the challenge they had been waiting for all this time, pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion to relieve themselves of anger and worry and misery.
This is what they had been missing.
And the realisation only made them fight harder.
"Do try and beat him, little brother," called out Aegon from the sidelines. He stood now, leaning against the back of the chair as he spoke out words of encouragement disguised as mocking jeers.
Alaynha sat upon the chair, reaching back to slap Aegon lightly upon the shoulder. He only huffed in her ear instead, "what? I am being encouraging."
"You are being a nuisance."
"Ah," he grinned blearily, "when am I ever not."
She snorted, "when you a too drunk to raise your head and bat your eyes rōva lēkia (big brother)."
"Oh, but a day in the shoes of a forgotten Prince would have you do the same byka rūklon (little flower)."
She smiled sadly, leaning back so her head rested against his arms - "at least you have your wine," she jested.
"And my whores."
His voice lowered an octave, whispering so dramatically in her ears that she couldn't help the laughter that escaped her in a bubbling concession.
Her laugh was bright and loud and echoed across the grounds. So captivating Daemon felt his heart almost stutter to a pause as he raised his sword, ready to meet a vicious blow from his newphew.
His head turned, as though his body had a mind of its own and his mind clouded with thoughts. Thoughts and ideas and wishes and curiosity.
Just a glimpse.
Just a second.
Instead, he felt his face burn as his sword missed Aemond's by inches, and his hardened slash met Daemon's cheek with vigour.
Daemon hissed, head twisting to the side as blood dribbled from the wound and pooled at the corner of his mouth as a surprised laugh escaped him.
"Aemond!" Alaynha spoke out in admonishment, even Aegon had held his breath for a second.
Daemon tutted, "my mistake, I believe. One should never let their gaze stray from their opponent."
Aemond stared at the man with a gaze so similar to the young boy who had his sight taken from him, almost hesitant to breathe in his presence now.
"Do not tell me you give up now?" Daemon grinned at the boy, eyes simmering with the fire of a dragon, heart beating as adrenaline pumped through him and excitement singed his veins, "come on, nephew. I thought you were better than this."
His words caused a spark to glimmer in Aemond's eyes before a roaring fire was set alight, he raised his sword for another hit, which Daemon met with a fierce one of his own.
Where Aemond parried Daemon's every strike with rigid eloquence, Daemon would meet his with vicious victory - steel clashing against each other as neither was willing to submit.
Alaynha sat straight upon her chair, spine stiffened as her fingers twisted in the material of her own leathers. Aegon's hand came to rest at her shoulder, squeezing in comfort as they watched the two battle out years of anguish and anger upon one another.
Daemon continued thrusting his sword forward, Aemond dancing around him and evading every lunge and throwing back fierce blows as his own sword sliced through the air.
It only took a single second- a breath.
Their swords clashed against one another, and all kindness and civility washed away in face of pure rage and animosity.
Daemon was still Rhaenyra's husband. He still hated the Hightowers. He would rather see Otto and Alicent dead than near the King.
Aemond was a Hightower bastard. A second son only by Otto's manipulations and ploys. He would rather see Rhaenyra dead and sit upon the throne himself.
Teeth gritted and growls escaped their lips as they waited for the other to yield - but neither dared.
A glint of light caught Daemon's attention, and he watched over Aemond's shoulder as Alaynha drew closer in distress.
It seemed Aemond could also hear her approaching footsteps, and the sound caused his eyes to flash and simmer with recognition before the anger, which rolled off of him in flames, settled to a kindling fire as he nodded in ascent.
Almost a show of acknowledgement, a performance of respect.
Daemon smirked, his own head nodding as he reluctantly relieved his sword of the force placed upon it.
They each stood back, shoulders rolling and necks twisting as they came to a stalemate.
Aemond had gotten a blow, had hurt Daemon, and made him bleed. But Daemon had promised to take it easy upon the boy, so truly by what means did the boy succeed.
"You idiots. The lot of you," Alaynha scolded as she reached their side, "what if you had hurt each other? More than you already have."
She glanced between them worried, her eyes falling upon the gash across Daemon's cheek that had crusted and dried but still twinged with pain when his lips stretched into a placating grin - "last I recall, this had been your suggestion."
"Mm, he is right, sister. You cannot fault us for adhering to your orders."
Alaynha's lips parted in disbelief at Aemond's words as she turned to his in faux betrayal, "are you taking his side over mine?"
Aemond smirked at the pout upon her lips, "try as I might, I fear no one holds my loyalties more than you, jorrāelagon mandia."
She hummed, eyeing him in exaggerated suspicion before a grin broke out on her face, "good."
Aegon drew closer upon Aemond's seeing side, clapping his brother on the shoulder and shaking him for good measure, "I believe the Hightowers have won this battle. Do not fret, nuncle. I am sure you will win something, some day."
"Aegon!" She could drag her hands down in exasperation, wondering why her brothers were so desperate to test and mock their uncle until he had enough and unleashed his wrath.
Before she could correct Aegon any further, Daemon drew closer and it did not go unnoticed by anyone how Aegon seemed to shrink behind Aemond, as the younger brother inched in front of the older.
Despite being the younger, one thing was certain - Aemond did not see an heir in Rhaenyra but in his brother and in himself. He may never get the crown, but Aegon could - and Aemond would do all he could to protect the Heir. To protect his brother.
Daemon simply tutted at the action, reaching over Aemond's shoulder to ruffle the shorter boy's hair as he squawked with indignation.
"Do not fault the boy, Zaldrītsos. He only defends his brother's honour - it is what Viserys would have done for me."
Aegon's face heated up at the words, flushing warm as he almost preened under his nuncle's praise, like a child. Perhaps he had already drank too much wine - yes, that must be why.
He escaped his nuncle's petting at the sound of Alaynha's quiet laugh and Aemond's shaking shoulders. He blew a huff of breath so the strands of hair that fell over his face would leave his vision free.
"I am not. I'm just mocking you."
"Ah, of course." Daemon consoled with a teasing grin, words much too enunciated to be well and true, "do forgive me, my Prince."
Aegon rolled his eyes, easily catching on to Daemon's own mocking tone and mumbled under his breath as he stepped away.
Aemond stepped back to follow him, "come sister, we promised mother we would dine with her for supper."
Alaynha hesitated for a moment, a soft frown upon her lips as she gazed at her uncle with gentle eyes. She bit her lip in contemplation, and Daemon found he could not tear his gaze away.
"I shall see you there, I fear Daemon's wound may need some tending."
There it was again, his name - so tantalising, the sound, as it dripped from her tongue.
"Then let the maester deal with him," Aemond spoke in annoyance.
"The maester has much more urgent dealings. It is a simple wound, I shall treat him and join you."
Aemond opened his mouth, ready to protest that if it truly was such a simple wound, Daemon should be able to treat it well himself. But his sister looked at him pleadingly, and he simply pursed his lips and nodded in ascent.
As he turned away, Alaynha hesitated for a second longer before stepping forward and calling out to him - "please let muña know Daemon will be joining us."
She watched Aemond's shoulders stiffen at the order, but knew her brother would never argue with her over such a small and measly thing. He once again nodded his head, waiting for Aegon to swipe his jug of wine before they made their way to their mother's chambers.
Alaynha turned in the opposite direction, only passing a glance over her shoulder to meet Daemon's intense gaze - "come."
Daemon sat upon the Princess' bed, his body rigid and tense as he watched her move and gather items scattered across the room.
Whilst Daemon remained in his leathers, she had changed into something much more akin to that of a princess.
Daemon had almost prayed to the Seven to stop his aching thoughts and traiterous body, the temptation to walk behind the dressing screen and see her bare body tremble beneath his gaze.
He had held off long enough, growing hard and stiff beneath his breeches as the dressing screen was almost transparent and gave way to the very shape of the girl hidden behind mounds of fabric.
The gown she wore now was simple, but the material itself was still expensive - a soft satin, perhaps even silk.
As she drew towards him, Daemon couldn't help but part his legs open, ready for her to slot herself between them. She cleared her throat quietly as she stepped in the gap he had made, placing her gathered items next to him upon the bed.
He looked up at her, unable to stop himself from admiring the soft planes of her face, her sharp jaw, her full cheeks, the blush that stained her lips, the eyes that almost gleamed in the light of a setting sun.
When Alaynha peered down to meet his gaze, a damp cloth held in her hand, her breath caught in her throat at the intensity of it, eyes welling with infatuation.
Curiosity, he corrected.
She blinked vigorously, eyelashes fluttering furiously as her hand almost trembled when she took a hold of his face. Her skin felt soft against his flesh, dragging from his hollowed cheeks to rest upon his angled jaw and tilt his fierce gaze away from her own that was growing timid and shy.
The one holding the damp cloth dipped the fabric in a small bowl of warm water, reaching up to brush softly against his gash. Daemon held back a wince, but she could feel the way his jaw flexed in her grasp as he clenched his teeth in pain.
"Sorry," she whispered into the quiet between them.
"You should be." Daemon had meant to mumble the words quietly, but she had heard them all the same.
She frowned at the silent accusation, "excuse me? I do not need to help you. I could always call the maester if you prefer."
Daemon sighed, eyes closing as he realised he had spoken his words much too loud, "I only meant, I would not have gotten this injury was it not for you."
Her head twisted in confusion, stopping her ministrations of cleaning Daemon's gash so she could tap him lightly upon the cheek to gain his attention.
His eyes opened immediately, meeting her questioning gaze as he let out a breath in a huff of amusement, "if it wasn't for that pretty laugh of yours, perhaps I wouldn't have gotten distracted enough to allow my tempered nephew to land a blow."
Her face flushed deeply at his words, eyes rolling as a scoff spilt past her lips, "all I hear are some silly excuses, kepus."
"If it were up to me, I would lock you in my chambers and leave you there, needy and willing, so you never laugh alongside another man again."
He couldn't help the jealousy that tainted his words, couldn't help but tease and test her boundaries once more.
Her hands trembled in truth now as she picked up a small bowl of ointment, dotting it over the gash with a soft touch.
"You speak out of turn, uncle," but her voice still shook under his burning gaze.
"And you do not speak enough. Perhaps you worry of all the others who have been in my chambers, locked away just as I wish you were."
"Perhaps you grow too confident in your own charms and wiles," she sniped as she rubbed the ointment in with care.
There was a beat of silence, but his eyes never left hers. Even as she collected her balms and ointments, holding them close to her chest, he watched her.
And when she was ready to step away, he held her waist and pulled her close. Her breath caught in her throat and he simply waited.
Alaynha knew what he waited for, knew what he sought.
She also knew she could not give him such a thing, not when he was wed to her sister - not when he already had a child on the way.
"I am not one of your whores."
"I would never wish you to be."
His voice was earnest, stubborn.
Curiosity, he justified.
She sighed, her hand resting upon his injured cheek and gently rubbing circles upon his skin as his eyes closed as the sensation, her voice was almost a whisper, "my mother must be waiting for us."
And with that she stepped away, and Daemon's hands fell into his lap.
In that moment, Daemon truly did send a prayer to the Seven and begged them to bless him with morals and strength for even he knew his curiosity was giving way to darker desires he would soon be unable to ignore.
An infatuation grew within him. A simmering and burning and aching infatuation- obsession.
If you guys made it to the end, I hope you enjoyed the long read! Thank you to everyone who has engaged with this story by liking, reblogging, and commenting!! I promise to try and update this series more regularly <3
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sweetbonniebel · 8 months ago
Jaes's hen jēdar
God's of the sky
Daemon x reader, Rhaenyra x reader (platonic), Qoren Martell x reader
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108 AC Red Keep, King's Landing
Silence fell between siblings, y/n stared wide eyed at Viserys as he told her of his plans to marry Rhaenyra's companion, Alicent Hightower. Building the structure of old Valyria was abandoned.
"No." The daughter of Baelon the brave said coldly.
"No?" Her brother asked confused. 
"No." She repeated. "You will not marry that girl."
"I have decid-" His grace countered but was interrupted by his younger sister.
"Choose someone else." y/n demanded resuming her previous activity. 
"Why not her?" He insisted staring at the red-eyed girl.
"She is a Hightower, a house that protects and upholds the faith of the seven. We are Targaryen's we follow the fourteen flames, her father is a second son so her dowry would be insufficient. She is your daughters confidante, this marriage will break Rhaenyra." y/n explained without looking at her brother. "Choose someone else."
"Who would you have me choose?" His Grace asked annoyed. 
"A bride of Valyrian descent, perhaps a Lyseni noble woman. Or a Celtigar, maybe a Baratheon." She proposed painting a tower. "If you marry Alicent and have a son, your hand will want to make him King not Rhaenyra."
"Otto would't undermine my decision to make Rhaenyra my heir." Viserys countered
"Viserys, be serious. That man will do anything to gain power, he knows Rhaenyra holds no love for him and when she becomes Queen he will have no place in her court." 
"Otto supported and proposed the decision to make Rhaenyra heir during a small council meeting." He countered
"But that is not because he wants Rhaenyra to be Queen, he wanted remove Daemon as a possible heir." y/n stated. "He is too proud to be a loyal servant to the crown."
"Otto has been a loyal and unwavering hand."
"Orys Baratheon was a loyal and unwavering hand, Daemon Velaryon was an amiable hand, Ryam Redwyne was loyal and so was father but Otto? No."
"I intend to marry, the Lady Alicent Hightower." Viserys spoke during the small council meeting. y/n sighed deeply swirling the bronze orb that belonged to her as the mistress of whisperers. Corlys was outraged, Rhaenyra betrayed, Otto victorious and Viserys was a fool. 
Soon the small council began to leave the chamber, Corlys and Rhaenyra were the first to leave. y/n sat in her seat staring at Otto, she cleared her throat and stood up smoothing her dress.
"Lord Hightower, I am sure you are happy with your little victory." y/n began staring at the tall, elderly man. "My brother is a fool to not notice your schemes but be certain I do. Your daughter may become Queen and have children with the King but be certain they will be raised far away from you and your plots. I will personally see to that." Otto chuckled.
"You may claim to do so as you wish princess, but soon you will wed and travel to Dorne with no influence in court." The Hightower recounted, the princess only smiled.
"You're a fool to believe that power resides with a person... I will leave you with that Lord Hand. Rest well." y/n said and left the small council chamber.
110 AC Red Keep, King's Landing
Viserys's greatest dream came true, Alicent delivered a healthy son just nine month after their wedding. But not all was well. The war in the stepstones has been raging for over two years, the sea snake along with the rogue prince have been losing against the triarchy. The court however did not concern themselves with the crab feeder, preferring to celebrate the second name day of Prince Aegon.    
“y/n?” Rhaenyra asked peering over her aunt’s shoulder.
“Hmm?” The red-eyed girl muttered, her eyes focused on the heavy book before her.
“Might I join you?” She questioned not waiting for permission, leaning on the great weirwood tree. The delicate strums of Samwell’s baliset brought the two princesses’ comfort in this tiring day. 
“Your grace.” The bard stood up quickly bowing before the Hightower Queen.
“Did I order you to stop?” Rhaenyra asked annoyed, her head on the princess’s shoulder. 
“Samwell go.” Alicent ordered, her voice confident so different from her usual shy demeanor. 
“You are to stay by the order of your princess.” y/n hid a smirk turning over another page. She heard the retreating footsteps of the player and sighed deeply, Rhaenyra and Alicent two former friends exchanged sad words. Rhaenyra's anger was justified, her father and dearest friend betrayed her. 
“Let us leave Rhaenyra, the carriages will not wait for our tardiness.” y/n mused standing up taking Rhaenyra by her hand and brushing past Alicent.
y/n sighed sipping the red wine, glancing at the ladies of the court. Alicent pregnant with her second child sat next to you, engaged in some boring conversation with lady Redwyne. She glanced seeing her brother drown himself in cups of wine.
“Excuse me, my Queen.” She said leaving the suffocating company she was ordered to stay with. The black and bronze leather attire y/n wore moved gracefully with her movements. Walking to Viserys she glanced at the servant next to him.
“Bring a chair.” She ordered, the heels of her shoes thudded against the carpeted stairs. The servant placed a heavy woodened chair on the left of his grace, she nodded thankfully dismissing the boy. “Viserys.” The king sluggishly glanced his siblings way.
“What is it sister?” He asked, his words slurred due to over indulgence in wine. 
“I have come to see how you are.” she answered, her brother laughed, pouring himself another goblet.
“My daughter avoids me like a plague, the court bothers me with possible matches for her. I cannot celebrate my son’s second name day in peace!” He raised his voice glancing at the lord and ladies before him. y/n took his gloved hand circling her thumb on his palm. 
“Perhaps you should let Rhaenyra choose her own match?” She proposed, Viserys nodded and smiled gently.
“Perhaps you are right. You know her best after all... y/n you are seven and ten, maybe if you married first Rhaenyra would follow." Viserys said.
"Grandsire has wanted me to marry Qoren since I was small." She mumbled thinking of the dark haired boy she has met years ago.
After retiring to Dorne, Qoren's mother princess Mara died of an illness. At just four and ten he became the prince of Dorne. His duties kept him in Sunspear, despite the many years apart you often wrote to each other and the feeling you have once held for him didn't disappear.
"Do you want to marry him?" Viserys questioned and you nodded.
"I do. When we were children we promised each other that we would marry."
"In nine years much can change." Viserys answered.
"To break this engagement would jeopardize our very fragile relationship with the south." His grace hummed and gulped the wine.
"It is settled then, I shall send word to Dorne that it is high time you married."
"Let me break the news to Rhaenyra first, if she hears that you are forcing me away from her side she will hate you even more."
Viserys chuckled sadly and nodded.
"How is it that my daughter despises the thought of marriage but you accept and yearn for it?" Your brother asked.
"I have always known I would have to marry... and grandsire wished to see me happy. I met Qoren and I have fallen for him but it seems the gods did not want us to be together for long."
"I want you to be content, happy even. If marrying the Prince will make you so I see no reason to refrain." Her eyes widened slightly and a warm smile appeared on her lips.
"I would like that." She said and pressed a kiss to Viserys's cheek.
t/n sighed leaning into her chair, she observed curiously as the court whispered and laughed among themselves. Seeing many of her spiders mingle with the rest of the nobles.
“Where is Aegon?" y/n questioned wanting to see her nephew, Viserys shrugged in response. She ordered one of the maids to lead the way to the young prince.
The little boy only two, played alone with his wooden dragons, a gift for his nameday. y/n nodded at the maids stationed to take care of him to leave. 
“Aegon?” The little boy glanced up, his violet eyes widening and a wide smile appearing on his chubby face.
“y/n!” He exclaimed running towards her, chuckling she picked him up into her arms. Despite the indifference Rhaenyra held for her little brother y/n took kindly to Aegon. After all he was her nephew.
“Do you want to go on a horse ride with me?” She questioned petting Aegon’s silver locks. He nodded eagerly bouncing in her arms.
“Where is father?” Aegon questioned, he played with the reigns of your horse sitting in front of her. 
“Your father is very busy as a King he has many responsibilities.” She answered, Viserys was not a good father nonetheless she didn't want to poison his own son against him. Aegon stayed quiet for most of the ride leaning into his aunt's body. “Perhaps I shall take you with me to Dorne.” She proposed and the Prince nodded happily.
"y/n with me!" The princeling demanded, a chuckle left his aunt's lips.
"Yes Aegon, you'll be with me. We will fly together, eat fruit and play, yes?" She questioned.
"Yes!" He exclaimed happily hugging his aunt.
Letters were exchanged between his Grace King Viserys and Prince Qoren discussing the arrangement, and soon the realm awaited the wedding of Princess y/n Targaryen and Prince Qoren Martell.
Rhaenyra begrudgingly accepted the news of her aunt's impending marriage, but the realm's delight still refused to marry. Rhaenyra agreed to search for a husband though it took Viserys's threat of removing her status as heir to the Iron Throne to convince her. Rhaenyra along with her aunt and half brother toured the seven kingdoms. The last royal procession was held by Jaehaerys and his sister wife Alysanne. In that way Rhaenyra reminded the realm of the rightful heir as well as scour for possible consorts as her father ordered.
y/n held Aegon in her lap as Rhaenyra interviewed possible matches. She noted down in her journal all the men who have asked for an audience with the princess, giggling to herself as Rhaenyra shooed them away with clever insults.
“The princess has a dragon you dumb cunt!” One of the contenders mocked the Blackwood boy, the two princesses snorted as the crows laughed. The mood has turned sour once the two nobles decided to bring out their swords, deciding it was time to go Rhaenyra her aunt and half-brother left in boredom. 
Rhaenyra approached her aunt after talking with her sworn shield. 
“Do you think father will be mad that I ended the tour two moons early?” The heir jested leaning on the railing of the ship taking them back to King’s landing. y/n chuckled leaning on the princess’s shoulder. 
“I think he will be delighted to see you.” She mused, her brows furrow hearing the flapping of wings above the ship. The crew looked up searching for the culprit. Soon the ship has been swayed by Caraxes’s wings, Daemon atop the blood wyrm. y/n grasped Rhaenyra’s hand aiming to balance herself from the swaying of the boat.
y/n watched curiously as her half-brother strode proudly through the great hall. A wooden crown atop his short silver hair, black sister sheathed atop his hip. Viserys dressed in royal attire sat at the iron throne, the crown once worn by King Jaehaerys atop his own head. 
Daemon stopped at the stairs leading to the throne, glancing at the king’s guard pointing their own weapons at Daemon’s chest. A smirk painted on his lips; he threw the sword of his fallen enemy at Viserys’s feet. 
“Add it to the throne, your grace.” He mused a smile appearing on your own lips. Two brothers happily reunited after almost three years. The court applauded the reconciliation of Baelon's sons. y/n quietly retreated to her chambers preparing for the feast Viserys was going to throw in honor of their brother returning. 
“What do you think I should wear?” Rhaenyra turned around; her body covered with a thin linen shirt. y/n glanced at the two dresses that were held by the maids.
“The golden one.” She mused sinking her teeth in the sweet fig, already dressed in a pale violet dress embedded with gold dragons. “You'll look beautiful in it.”
“All right then, can you help me braid my hair?” y/n nodded and stood from the comfortable armchair, skillfully braided her hair. She hummed an old Valyrian nursery rhyme as she worked on Rhaenyra’s silver hair. 
The princess hummed leaning into her touch as she kissed the crown of her head. Together the two walked to the godswood where the fest was being held. y/n was excited to see Daemon after all of those years. 
“Mandia” Daemon whispered, y/n smiled as she saw her half-brother. After reminiscing with his brother and exchanging pleasantries with the guests attending, he walked towards the table covered in various dishes. (Sister)
“Lēkia” y/n answered taking a sip from the golden goblet in her hands. “Aōha ōghar… Nyke ȳdra daor hae ziry.” She mused staring at his short silver hair, not the only thing that changed about your brother. (Brother/ Your hair…I don’t like it.)
“Iksan sīr mundagon naejot rȳbagon bona” Daemon laughed taking a seat next to his sister. (I am so sad to hear that)
"Eman jeldan naejot ūndegon ao syt sīr bōsa" Baelon's youngest son muttered after a moment of silence (I have longed to see you for so long)
"Lo konir sagon drēje pār ao would daor vīlībagon isse iā vīlībāzma" y/n mused playing with the golden rings on her fingers. Daemon snorted and nodded, the siblings watched as the court mingled with each other. The almost picturesque moment was interrupted by Alicent's son running toward his aunt and uncle. Aegon laughed as y/n smiled and picked the boy up. Daemon watched with disdain in his eyes as his sister smiled at the little tower. (If that is true then you would not fight in a war.)
"Gaomagon daor jurnegon rȳ zirȳ hae bona" y/n said sternly placing Aegon in her lap. (Do not look at him like that)
"Issi se trēsi hen bona kasta līve" He spoke venom dripping from his lips. (He is the son of that green whore)
y/n gaze hardened at the obvious hatred Daemon held for the innocent child, it is not Aegon's fault that their mother is Alicent.
"Issi riñar, pōnta gōntan daor iderēbagon syt zirȳla naejot sagon pōja muña" she hissed "Kesrio syt nyke jurnegon tolī zirȳ Alicent se zirȳla kepa emagon daor ōregon toliot zirȳ" (He is a child, he did not choose for her to be his mother/ Because I look after them Alicent and her father have no hold over them.)
Daemon hummed in approval accepting his sister's fondness over the little tower. 
"You will make a great mother." Daemon said as he stared fondly at his sister.
"I think I will become a mother sooner or later..." She mused leaning against her brothers shoulder.
"How so?" He asked
"I am too marry, Daemon. In a month or two Qoren will arrive and we will wed." y/n told her brother. She could feel Daemon's muscles tense, a scowl appeared on his features. "Do not fret brother, you may visit me to your hearts content." She chuckled.
Princess y/n along with the crowned heir Princess Rhaenyra and her half brother Prince Aegon toured the seven kingdoms. The last royal progress was held almost fifty years ago during the reign of King Jaehaerys I. The crown agreed to the excursion thanks to the princesses y/n input she convinced the small council of the benefits that would aid the realm. In the same year prince Daemon Targaryen returned to court after three years of war in the stepstones. Despite the aversion the court held towards the rogue prince, princess y/n enjoyed her half-brothers presence. Many saw them take strolls throughout Rhaenys's gardens and fly on dragon back together.- From the dragon bringer by the feather and quill of Grand Maester Roland.
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