#roger stresses over the wedding
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tldrthor · 6 months ago
tldrthor's masterlist
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Hello! My name is Holly and I write fics (sporadically...). I'm happy to write for most mcu characters if you want to request a fic, send me an ask!
Would you like to be tagged in any of my works? You can join my general or character-specific taglists here. If you want to be tagged in a specific series, leave a reply on the series itself or send me an ask!
Hope you enjoy <3
♥ complete ❅ on hold ✿ fluff ☁ angst
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☽ steve rogers ☼
The Princess (and The Chaos She Brings With Her) | s.r. x princess!reader ✿☁❅ part I // part II // part III // ON HOLD.
When Thor asked the avengers to guard a dear friend of his, they didn't think twice before saying yes. What they didn't know was that said friend is the princess of one of the nine realms, and a lost love of one Captain Rogers.
Things we shouldn't have said | s.r. x avenger!reader ✿☁♥ - Things we shouldn't have said (part one) - Promises we intend to keep (part two)
The Captain has a scathing outburst that puts their already rocky relationship six feet under for good. He reaps the consequences when she gets hurt while looking out for him.
Five more minutes | s.r. x girlfriend!reader ✿♥
Steve marvels at his sleepy girl.
Homecoming | s.r. x avenger!girlfriend!reader ✿♥
The sound of keys in the door is his favourite sound.
Rusty | nomad!s.r. x mob!reader ✿☁ - coming soon...
An old friend helps the cap quartet lay low after the civil war.
Dreamwalker | s.r. x enhanced!reader ✿☁ - coming soon...
He's been seeing the same girl, over and over again, every night when he falls asleep. For a while, he brushes it off as just the stress of the job. When the girl begs for him to find and save her, he starts to believe just a little more.
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☼ bucky barnes ☆
Not even death | ws!b.b. x avenger!wife!reader ✿☁ - part one - part two - part three
The third happiest day of her life was her wedding day. The second was the day she was informed that Bucky had been found after being missing in action. The first was the day he recognised her after a long, long seventy years of fighting their way back to each other.
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✧ peter parker ☽
Promises, oceans deep (part 1) | p.p. x avenger!reader ✿☁♥
Come find me (part 2)
the misfortune of being left behind in the blip, and the consequences of aging without him.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics !!
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changingplumbob · 5 months ago
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 13
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CW: Mental Health Struggles - Guide to content warnings
As soon as school was over Carson sped to the art room where Ariadne had been for the afternoon.
Ariadne: YES!
Scarlett: I knew it
Roger: Hey Carson
Ariadne and Scarlett broke apart and Ariadne turned to him beaming.
Ariadne: All set to go?
Carson: Yep, just need my date?
Ariadne stood giggling and went to follow him out of the room. Looking back Scarlett mouthed for her to text her afterwards and Ariadne nodded.
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The pair walked through the centre of town catching up on the day and their classes. When they got to the shop snow began to fall and Carson began to laugh.
Ariadne: What’s so funny
Carson: I guess I'm just wondering if this is our first or second date. I'm a bit nervous
Ariadne: Hey don’t be nervous
She took his hands and Carson felt himself flush.
Ariadne: We’re just going to chat like we’ve done dozens of times via text. It’s in person sure but that’s great, I’m really glad you asked me. How about we say it's our second date, would that make it easier? Less worry?
Carson nodded and smiled.
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The pair sat down and talked. Ariadne told Carson more about her life growing up. Since her parents left it was just her and her grandmother. Then of course her grandmother got arrested and she got put in the foster system. She’d bounced around many places but after meeting Alexander and James it felt like she had a place to belong again.
Ariadne: I keep wanting to say, thanks dad, but I’m worried James would have a heart attack
Carson: I’m sure they’d love to hear how you feel
Ariadne: Maybe. I’m worried they’ll just think I’m conning them like my grandmother did to... well... everybody
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Carson: We’re more than our family right? We’re individuals
Ariadne: That’s true, we’re us
The afternoon sped along and before Carson knew it it was time to catch the ferry home.
Carson: See you tomorrow. I might be a bit in my head before the exams but-
Ariadne: Take me home at the end of the day then? We can chat when you’re not trying to remember ten dozen answers
Carson: Sounds perfect
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Charlie: Don’t be so worried dad, he’s probably just on a date
Harvey: Isn’t he young for a date
Samir: I dated Reece when he was 15
Harvey: Yeah and then you- *eyes widen* oh... Kayleigh and I need to give him the woohoo talk
Charlie: Calm down dad. From the conversation this morning he’s clearly not there yet
Samir: We didn’t woohoo while he was here sir
Harvey: Sure you didn’t
Charlie: Dad, go fish or something. We’ll text when he’s back so you know he's alive
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A little after 8 Carson made it back and headed straight for the fridge. Looking around for somewhere to eat he decided the safest bet was Samir, he was bound not to ask him probing questions. As he walked in the lounge Samir nodded his acknowledgement but didn’t stop eating, perfect. Siting on the couch he noticed for the first time how quickly Samir really ate, he’d finished half his plate before Carson had more than a couple of bites.
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Reece came in just as he was finishing.
Reece: Hey loser, did you get lucky or what
Carson: *scoffs* None of your business moron, I’m going to my room
As he left and the sounds of guitar floated from his room Samir looked accusingly at Reece.
Reece: What?
Samir: *growls* You said you’d be on good behaviour
Reece: Now now, if I was well behaved all the time there would be no need for your special brand of discipline *kisses cheek* I’ll be a good boy tomorrow. Are you doing okay away from home lover? If you're too stressed we can-
Samir: If you’re with me, I'm more than okay
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The next day was bright and sunny! The guests would be heading home while Carson was at school.
Kayleigh: I’m thinking best man, maid of honour, and four others in the wedding party
Samir: Shh, he could hear. Carson, change topics, please
Carson could see Samir was uncomfortable with whatever his mum was saying so figured why not?
Carson: Burgers for breakfast?
Samir: Reece made them
Carson: He’s awake this early?
Kayleigh: We’re taking a family picture before your ferry, you bet I’ve told him he has to be awake by now
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*phone beeps*
Carson: Oh it’s a text, sorry
Charlie: How’d your date go then
Carson: Fine I think
Kayleigh: So she’s your girlfriend now? My youngest baby in a relationship?
Carson: I don’t know, is she? Is that how it works?
Charlie: If you’re not sure you should talk about it. You may not want to but trust me, she will. Don’t be an arse who strings her along okay?
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Family photo!
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Top row left to right: Samir Hadji, Reece Foster, Kayleigh Foster, Harvey Foster, Kaori Nishidake, Charlie Nishidake
Bottom row: Keira Romero, Carson Foster, Marta Romero
And of course we couldn’t say bye for now to guests Reece and Samir without them autonomously kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
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ladysif8 · 3 months ago
Moments Worth Savoring
•Pairing: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes •Rating: General Audience •Tags: Recovering Bucky Barnes, Semi-Retired Bucky Barnes, Semi-Retired Steve Rogers, Boys In Love, Engaged Bucky and Steve, Thanksgiving, Bucky Is So Stressed, Steve Is Just Trying To Survive, Avengers, Avengers Family, Found Family, Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Domestic Avengers.  •Summary: Bucky Barnes takes on the challenge of hosting his first-ever Thanksgiving with every Avenger gathered under one roof. Determined to make it a day to remember, Bucky dives headfirst into planning, cooking, and keeping the chaos at bay.
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Steve sat at the kitchen island, pen poised over a notepad as Bucky rummaged through the walk-in pantry. The sound of clinking jars, rustling bags, and the occasional muttered curse filled the air, creating an atmosphere somewhere between controlled chaos and impending disaster.
"Flour... sugar... vanilla extract... wait, do we have cinnamon?" Bucky called out, his voice muffled by the pantry's shelves.
Steve glanced up from the notepad, his expression amused but patient. "You're the one in the pantry, Buck. Pretty sure it's in there somewhere."
"Right, cinnamon..." Bucky muttered, his tone distracted. After a brief pause, his voice rose with triumph. "Got it! Okay, uh... baking powder..."
Steve sighed, shifting in his chair and tapping the pen against the notepad. "You know, Buck, we're cutting it a little close here. Why'd you wait until the last minute to get this done?"
Bucky popped his head out of the pantry, a jar of cloves in one hand and an apologetic look on his face. "I forgot, okay?"
Steve blinked, his eyebrows lifting as he slowly lowered the pen. "You... forgot?"
"Yes, I forgot!" Bucky huffed, ducking back into the pantry. The sound of cans clattering and bags crinkling punctuated his frustration.
"You forgot we're hosting Thanksgiving," Steve repeated, his tone laced with mild disbelief but softened by familiarity. "The dinner you've been talking about for weeks?"
"I've been busy!" Bucky shot back, his voice slightly muffled as he rearranged what sounded like an avalanche of pantry items. "Between consulting with the Avengers, therapy, and, oh yeah, planning our wedding, Thanksgiving kinda snuck up on me, okay?"
Steve raised an eyebrow, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "So what I'm hearing is you overcommitted. Again."
Bucky emerged from the pantry, arms loaded with an assortment of cans. His face was a mix of sheepishness and exasperation. "Don't start, Steven." He dropped the cans onto the counter with a dull thud and waved a hand toward the pantry. "Just help me make sure we have everything, all right?"
Steve chuckled softly, shaking his head as he jotted down "cinnamon" and "baking powder" on the notepad. "Fine. But next year, we're making this list before the week of Thanksgiving."
"Yeah, yeah," Bucky muttered, brushing past him to grab yet another bag of flour. He paused halfway and called over his shoulder, "Add wine to the list. Lots of it."
Steve glanced up, the corners of his mouth twitching. "For the guests or for us?"
Bucky's reply came from deep within the pantry, his voice edged with dry humor. "Both. But mostly us."
Steve laughed, shaking his head as he added "wine" to the notepad. His gaze lingered on the growing list, the weight of hosting a major holiday starting to settle in. "You know, Buck, you're lucky I love you."
"I know," Bucky called out without missing a beat. "That's why you're marrying me."
Steve's smirk softened into a fond smile as he leaned back in his chair. "Damn right, I am. Hey, what do you need for that pie crust you make?"
"Already got it covered!" Bucky shouted, his voice carrying with surprising confidence. A moment later, his tone turned playfully accusatory. "And maybe keep your hands off the scraps this year until I'm actually done baking, huh?"
Steve pushed himself up from the chair, grinning as he stepped closer to the pantry. "No promises, Buck. You make good scraps."
Bucky peeked out, holding a bag of sugar in one hand and pointing an accusing finger with the other. "You're worse than Sam with snacks, Rogers."
Steve laughed, leaning casually against the pantry doorframe. "Guilty as charged. But you know you love me for it."
Bucky rolled his eyes, but the slight twitch of a smile betrayed him. "Yeah, yeah. Now, make yourself useful and add eggs to the list."
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The grocery store buzzed with the chaotic energy only the week before Thanksgiving could summon. Families maneuvered overflowing carts through crowded aisles, kids darted around displays of canned pumpkin-like little whirlwinds, and shoppers whispered hurried debates over which brand of cranberry sauce to grab. In the middle of it all, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were impossible to ignore, their presence drawing glances as they navigated their carts through the madness with practiced ease.
Bucky shoved their second cart down the aisle, his movements a little more forceful than necessary, and grumbled under his breath. "You'd think it was still 1943, the way people are staring," he muttered. "It's 2024, and people act like they've never seen a gay couple before."
Steve, walking beside him with his own cart piled just as high, chuckled under his breath. "I don't think it's the gay thing, baby," he said, his tone warm with amusement. He gestured toward their two carts, each stacked so precariously high with food that it was more of a balancing act than a grocery haul. "I think it's the sheer amount of this stuff. We look like we're prepping for a food shortage."
Bucky glanced back at the precarious towers of groceries and shrugged, unbothered. "It's Thanksgiving. This is normal."
Steve arched a skeptical eyebrow. "Normal? Three turkeys? Two hams? And, seriously, how much butter do we actually need?" He reached into Bucky's cart and held up one of the comically oversized packs of butter. "What are you planning, Buck? A holiday feast or a bake-off?"
Bucky snorted and waved him off, pausing to toss three large bags of apples onto his already precarious mountain of goods. "I kind of am feeding an army," he replied, ticking names off on his fingers. "Clint, Laura, and the kids. Natasha. Sam, Sarah, and the boys. Bruce and Betty. Thor and Jane. Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey. Scott, Hope, and Cassie..." He trailed off, furrowing his brow. "Oh, and us, obviously."
Steve stopped walking, planting his hands on his hips as he stared at Bucky in disbelief. "You invited that many people? What is this, Thanksgiving dinner or a UN summit?"
Bucky smirked, completely unfazed by the question. "Maybe both. You want to grab a bag of lemons, or are you too busy giving me grief?"
Steve sighed, shaking his head, but dutifully reached for the lemons, tossing them into the cart. "Buck, if I add one more thing to these carts, we're going to need a forklift to get them to the truck." He gestured toward the teetering piles. "Are you sure we don't need to rent out a banquet hall? Because there's no way the kitchen has enough counter space for all this."
"I've got it under control," Bucky replied, though the slight edge in his voice hinted at forced confidence. "We're hosting at the property, remember?"
The property, as they called it, was a sprawling stretch of land they'd bought together on the outskirts of Beacon, New York. What had once been a rundown cabin now stood as a beautifully renovated home—a labor of love that doubled as the perfect gathering spot for their extended family of friends.
Bucky steered his cart around a family gawking openly at them, leaning toward Steve with a muttered aside. "See? Gay stares."
Steve snorted, a grin tugging at his lips as he grabbed a container of cinnamon sticks from a nearby shelf. "No, Buck. They're staring at us—because we look ridiculous. You've got two carts stacked so high it's a miracle we haven't lost half this haul in a landslide."
Bucky shrugged, completely unfazed, as he turned into the baking aisle. "Ridiculous or not, at least I know everyone's getting fed. That's what matters."
Trailing after him, Steve shook his head, though his smirk softened into something more affectionate. He reached out to steady a precariously balanced sack of flour on Bucky's cart. "For a guy who spent decades trying to keep a low profile, you sure know how to put on a show when you want to."
"Hey, Thanksgiving's important," Bucky replied, grabbing another bag of sugar as if to prove his point.
Steve chuckled, adding a pack of marshmallows to his own cart. "Apparently, so is feeding everyone for the next month."
"That's the spirit," Bucky quipped, flashing a grin over his shoulder.
As they turned toward the checkout, Steve trailed a few steps behind, watching Bucky with an amused shake of his head. For all the chaos, he couldn't deny that his fiancé's determination to make the holiday perfect for everyone was one of the many reasons he loved him.
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Thanksgiving Day
The kitchen was a whirlwind of chaos. Steam billowed from pots on the stovetop, fogging up the windows and adding a damp warmth to the room. The rich aroma of roasting turkey and ham mingled with the sharp tang of cranberry sauce bubbling on the back burner. The sound of Bucky's metal arm clanking against the counter punctuated his hurried movements, a frantic rhythm to match his scattered thoughts.
He was everywhere at once—mashing potatoes with enough force to pulverize them into paste, stirring green bean casserole with his human hand, and spinning back around to check the timer on the oven every few seconds, muttering under his breath about not having enough time.
The double ovens were crammed to capacity, one stuffed with two enormous turkeys, golden skin crackling as they roasted, and the other with a ham, its honey glaze caramelizing into sticky perfection. Through the frost-touched window, wisps of smoke curled up from the backyard smoker, carrying the faintest hint of hickory and the promise of another turkey and ham slow-cooking to perfection.
"Damn it!" Bucky muttered, realizing the green bean casserole was sticking to the sides of the pan. He yanked it off the heat, giving the pot an accusatory glare before setting it down too hard on the counter. The clang made him wince, but he didn't have time to dwell on it. He pivoted to the potatoes, grabbing the heavy pot with both hands and sloshing water over the sides as he rushed to drain them.
"Where's the butter? Steve!" he called out, his voice edged with rising panic as he spun in a circle. Every available surface was a battlefield of ingredients—herb stems, bowls smeared with batter, cutting boards dusted with flour, and abandoned utensils scattered like casualties. "I need the butter!"
Steve appeared in the doorway, calm and collected, a plaid apron tied neatly around his broad chest. Somehow, he still looked like he'd stepped out of a magazine. He held up the giant pack of butter like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It's right here, Buck."
"Well, get over here and put it in the potatoes!" Bucky barked, jabbing at the pot with the masher. "And don't forget the cream—wait, did I even buy cream? Oh, God, I didn't buy cream. The potatoes are ruined!"
"Bucky," Steve said gently, stepping forward to place the butter on the counter. "You bought cream. It's in the fridge. Relax."
"I can't relax!" Bucky snapped, yanking the fridge door open with enough force to rattle the condiment bottles in the door. He grabbed the carton of heavy cream like it had personally offended him. "Do you see what's happening here? Do you see how much food I'm making? I've got three turkeys and two hams, Steve. Three turkeys. Who does that? I'm going to screw it all up, and everyone's going to hate it, and—"
Steve stepped forward, cutting him off by gripping his shoulders firmly. "Buck. Breathe."
Bucky froze, his chest heaving as he stared at Steve, trying to process the simple command.
"You've got this," Steve said, his voice steady and sure in a way that made Bucky's frantic energy start to ease—just a little. "Everything's under control. The turkeys are cooking. The ham's in the smoker. The potatoes are about to be the creamiest thing anyone's ever tasted. The deviled eggs are chilling in the fridge, sweet potatoes are in the oven, and rolls are rising. And I'll take care of the casserole."
Bucky's brows shot up. "You'll take care of the casserole?"
Steve raised an eyebrow, his expression unimpressed. "You think I can't handle green bean casserole?"
"I'm just saying, your idea of seasoning is salt and pepper," Bucky muttered, but the flicker of a grin betrayed his teasing.
Steve smirked. "Fine. You finish the casserole and the potatoes. I'll set the table." He grabbed a stack of plates from the counter, leaning in to press a kiss to Bucky's cheek before retreating toward the dining room. "You've got this, baby."
For a moment, Bucky just stood there, the warmth of Steve's reassurance settling over him like a weighted blanket. He exhaled sharply and turned back to his mountain of tasks with renewed determination.
The timer on the oven beeped, sharp and demanding, and Bucky sprang into action. He stirred the potatoes, their creamy texture blending seamlessly with the butter and cream, and set them aside to be warmed later. He turned his attention to the rolls, carefully placing them on baking sheets.
There was no time to waste. Pies needed to be warmed, gravy required constant stirring, and the smoker needed to be checked. His to-do list felt endless, but as he worked, a small, determined smile tugged at his lips.
Steve believed in him. And deep down, Bucky knew that, despite the chaos, he could pull it off.
Thanksgiving was going to be perfect—even if it left him utterly exhausted.
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Steve stood in the center of the cabin's living room, his arms crossed as he watched the football game playing on the large, wall-mounted TV. The announcer's voice boomed across the room, accompanied by the occasional roar of the crowd on screen. Steve, however, seemed more focused on the atmosphere than the score, his eyes flicking from the game to the dining table, where half-set plates and napkins hinted at his next task.
The cabin was a perfect mix of rustic charm and modern convenience—a testament to both Steve and Bucky's combined tastes. Warm, honey-toned wood covered the walls and floors, the grain visible in the high ceiling beams that arched overhead. Large windows on either side of the fireplace filled the space with soft, natural light during the day, though now they reflected the golden glow of the iron chandelier above. A stone hearth dominated one wall, the fireplace roaring with crackling logs, while sleek black furniture and muted plaid accents brought a modern coziness to the room.
The open floor plan flowed seamlessly from the living room into the adjacent dining and kitchen areas. The dining table, a long, handcrafted piece Bucky had stubbornly insisted on sanding and staining himself, sat beneath another smaller iron chandelier. It was flanked by mismatched chairs—some refurbished antiques, others modern additions. The table wasn't completely set yet; Steve had left it mid-task when he'd remembered to check on the smoker outside.
He glanced toward the kitchen, where the sound of clattering pots and Bucky's grumbled curses spilled into the main room. Steve smirked to himself. That was a battlefield he knew better than to step into uninvited.
"Safer out here," he muttered, shaking his head as he grabbed the last of the wine glasses from the nearby hutch and began setting them in place.
He moved with efficiency born of years of leadership, but his steps slowed when he caught a whiff of hickory smoke drifting in from the back door. Setting the glasses down, Steve detoured to the patio door, where he peeked outside to check on the smoker. The hickory-scented plume curling into the cool air told him everything was in order.
As he turned back, a clatter from the kitchen made him pause. He debated for a moment, then wandered toward the doorway to peek inside.
Bucky was in full-on war mode, moving between the stove, the counter, and the oven with the precision of someone determined to win against impossible odds. His metal arm grabbed a roasting pan while his other hand stirred a bubbling pot. Steve didn't dare step inside, not when Bucky was in this particular zone of chaos.
"You good in there, Buck?" Steve called from the threshold, leaning casually against the frame.
Bucky didn't even glance up. "Fine," he replied shortly, the word clipped but not unkind.
Steve knew better than to push. "Need anything?"
"Stay out of my kitchen," Bucky shot back, though the corner of his mouth twitched in a way that suggested he wasn't completely serious.
"Roger that." Steve chuckled and backed away, retreating to the relative safety of the living room. He busied himself to finish the table settings, making sure everything was just right.
Though he'd stepped out of the kitchen, his focus stayed on Bucky, his ears attuned to every sound of pots clattering and timers beeping. Every now and then, he'd glance toward the door, tempted to pop his head in and offer help again, but he'd learned to let Bucky fight his culinary battles on his own terms.
Instead, Steve sat down for a moment, letting the warmth of the fire and the steady rhythm of the football game settle over him. For all the chaos in the kitchen and the looming feast, a sense of quiet contentment settled in his chest. This cabin, this moment, this family they were creating—it was everything he could have hoped for.
Even if it was safer to admire it all from a distance, at least until dinner was served.
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Steve placed the final fork beside a neatly folded napkin, stepping back to survey the long dining table. It stretched nearly the entire length of the dining area, the dark wood polished to a soft glow under the warm light of the chandelier. The mismatched chairs added character—an eclectic blend of vintage styles and modern designs, yet somehow, they all fit together. Each place setting was simple and elegant: plain white plates, polished silverware, and stemmed glasses. A centerpiece of greenery, pinecones, and small white candles wove down the center of the table, understated but undeniably festive.
Satisfied with his work, Steve returned to the living room and sank onto the couch. The football game still played on the TV, though his attention was split between the screen and the faint clatter from the kitchen. Every now and then, Bucky's voice carried through the space—a low, gruff mutter as he worked his culinary magic. Steve smirked to himself. The occasional clang of a pot or the muffled sound of utensils hitting the counter was enough to let him know things were going as planned—or at least Bucky's version of planned.
Leaning back, Steve let out a long breath, the fire crackling softly in the hearth beside him. It was a rare moment of quiet amidst the buzz of preparation. But the peace didn't last long. The sound of tires crunching over gravel reached his ears, followed by the unmistakable slam of car doors. Moments later, muffled voices and laughter drifted toward the house.
Steve rose from the couch, stretching slightly before making his way to the door. Opening it, he was greeted by the sight of Clint and Laura stepping out of their SUV. Cooper and Lila were already racing toward the house, their breath visible in the crisp late-autumn air, while Nathaniel toddled close behind, holding tightly to Clint's hand.
"Uncle Steve!" Lila shouted, bounding up the steps and throwing her arms around his waist before he could say a word.
"Hey, kiddo!" Steve said with a laugh, crouching down to return her hug. "You're growing faster every time I see you."
Cooper grinned, hanging back a little but clearly just as excited. "Mom says I have to try everything Bucky makes," he said, sounding both eager and skeptical.
"You'll love it," Steve replied, ruffling his hair before standing to greet Laura, who was juggling a couple of bags and a pie carrier.
"Thanks for hosting, Steve," Laura said warmly, leaning in for a quick one-armed hug. "Everything smells incredible already."
"Bucky's been at it since sunrise," Steve said, shaking his head fondly. "He's got half the meal done, and he's still going strong."
"Classic Barnes," Clint chimed in, adjusting the scarf around Nathaniel's neck before hoisting the little boy into his arms. "You know he's cooking like he's feeding an army, right?"
"I do," Steve said with a grin. "And I'm pretty sure he is."
Just as the group shuffled inside, another car door slammed shut. Steve turned to see Natasha stepping out of her sleek black SUV. She moved with her usual grace, her dark coat billowing slightly in the breeze. Slinging a bag over her shoulder, she approached the house with a small but genuine smile.
"Nat," Steve greeted warmly as she climbed the steps.
"Rogers," she replied smoothly, her voice teasing but fond. "This better be worth skipping my usual plans."
"You won't be disappointed," Steve said as he opened the door wider for her. "Bucky's gone all out. You might even get seconds if you ask nicely."
Natasha smirked, slipping inside and glancing around the crowded space. "This place suits you two," she said, nodding toward the rustic-modern interior. "Let me guess—Bucky picked out all the furniture, and you argued about the curtains."
"Close," Steve replied, laughing. "Laura picked the curtains. Otherwise, we might still be debating them."
As Natasha handed him her coat, a familiar van pulled into the driveway. Scott Lang hopped out, his grin as wide as ever, followed by Hope, who carried a casserole dish that looked as perfectly styled as she did. Cassie bounded out behind them, carefully cradling a plate of cookies under plastic wrap.
"Uncle Steve!" Cassie called out, practically bouncing up the steps.
"Cassie!" Steve crouched slightly to meet her. "What have you got there?"
"Cookies! I made them. Dad helped, but it was mostly me," she declared proudly.
Steve accepted the plate with a grin. "They look amazing. Did you save me a chocolate chip one?"
Cassie nodded eagerly. "I put in extra chocolate chips for you!"
"Then I'll make sure no one else gets them," Steve teased, stepping aside to let Scott and Hope inside.
"Rogers," Scott greeted, pulling Steve into a quick hug. "Nice place. Feels like you're hosting Thanksgiving in a magazine spread."
"That's all Bucky," Steve said with a chuckle. "I just moved the furniture."
"Smart division of labor," Hope said, handing off her dish. "This is green bean casserole, but I added walnuts and caramelized onions. Hopefully, that's okay."
"More than okay," Steve assured her, placing the dish on the sideboard. "You'll fit right in."
As Scott peeled off his jacket, he glanced toward the growing crowd in the living room and let out a low whistle. "Wow, this is... a lot of people. Did you invite the whole Avengers roster?"
"Pretty much," Steve admitted, shaking his head fondly.
Cassie, already heading for the kitchen, called over her shoulder, "I'm gonna see what Bucky's doing!"
"Careful, Cassie!" Hope called after her, though her voice held more amusement than concern.
"She's a pro at dodging grumpy chefs," Scott said, slipping an arm around Hope.
"She might be the only one who can get away with it," Steve agreed.
The sound of another car pulling up drew Steve back to the front door. He opened it just in time to see Tony's sleek black SUV glide to a stop in the driveway. The passenger door opened, and Pepper stepped out, balancing Morgan, who was half bouncing in excitement and half clutching a container of what looked like cookies. Behind them, Rhodey pulled in, parking just off to the side before stepping out with a bottle of wine in one hand and a stack of games tucked under his arm.
"Rogers!" Tony called, stepping out with his usual flair. He adjusted his scarf—more for style than function, judging by the thin material—before giving Steve an appraising look. "Very homey. Did Bucky do all this, or did you hire out to HGTV?"
Steve chuckled, holding the door open wider as Pepper approached with Morgan in tow. "Bucky. He's been working on it for months."
"I can tell," Tony said, following behind them. "Rustic but tasteful. Very Pinterest. He let you help, or did you just stand around looking pretty?"
"Both," Steve replied easily, shaking his head with a grin. "Where's Happy?"
"He's visiting his niece," Pepper answered with a soft smile. She leaned in to hug Steve quickly before ushering Morgan inside. "It smells incredible in here. What's on the menu?"
"Turkey, ham, stuffing, a ridiculous amount of sides—Bucky's been on a mission," Steve said, taking the cookie tin from Morgan as she handed it to him with a shy smile.
"I made these!" Morgan announced proudly. "Well, Mommy helped."
"Then I know they're gonna be amazing," Steve said, crouching to her level. "Thanks for bringing them."
Morgan grinned, already eyeing the kitchen. "Can I help Bucky?"
"Maybe after the hot stuff is done," Steve said gently, earning a nod from Pepper.
"Don't let her distract him too much," Pepper warned with a laugh as they stepped into the bustling cabin.
"Tony, distracting people is my job," Rhodey said as he passed Steve, clapping him on the shoulder. "Where's Barnes? I brought the wine and... uh, a backup plan." He held up the stack of board games with a grin.
Steve smirked. "He's in the kitchen. And don't let him hear you calling his food Plan A."
Rhodey laughed. "Fair enough. It smells too good to mess with him."
Another car rumbled into the driveway before Steve could reply. Bruce and Betty stepped out, Bruce balancing a large pot with oven mitts still on while Betty carried what looked like a homemade loaf of bread wrapped in a tea towel.
"Steve!" Bruce called, his expression warm and easy as always. "Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Hey, Bruce. Betty," Steve said, moving to help with the pan. "What's in here?"
"Cheesecake," Bruce said with a slight chuckle. "The non-radioactive kind, I promise."
Betty rolled her eyes fondly. "I supervised."
Steve grinned as he took the bread from her. "Thanks for coming. You two doing okay?"
"Better now that we're here," Betty said warmly.
"Good," Steve replied before stepping aside to let them in.
Before the door could swing shut, another familiar voice boomed across the yard.
"Steve Rogers!" Thor's voice echoed, carrying over the sound of crunching gravel. Steve turned to see the Asgardian striding toward the house with his usual larger-than-life presence. He carried an enormous platter covered in a shining silver dome while Jane followed with a basket of rolls tucked under her arm.
"Thor," Steve greeted, stepping onto the porch with a grin. "What'd you bring?"
"Traditional Asgardian delicacies!" Thor announced proudly, holding the platter high. "Desserts from New Asgard, painstakingly prepared by our finest cooks!"
Jane gave Steve a knowing smile as she passed. "Translation: he pestered the chefs until they gave him the leftovers."
Thor looked only mildly offended. "Nonsense, Jane! These are fresh. Mostly."
Steve chuckled, holding the door for them. "Thanks for bringing them. And for not using lightning in the kitchen this time."
Thor laughed heartily. "A lesson learned, my friend!"
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The kitchen buzzed with quiet energy, a symphony of mouthwatering smells filling the air. The savory aroma of roasted turkey mingled with the sweetness of honey-glazed ham, and somewhere beneath it all was the faint hint of cinnamon wafting from a pie cooling on the counter. Bucky stood at the island, his sleeves rolled up and his hands dusted with flour as he carefully worked on the last pie crust. His brow furrowed slightly in concentration, but there was a softness to him, a quiet satisfaction that only came from being in his element.
The soft patter of footsteps echoed against the tiled floor, and Bucky glanced up, catching sight of Lila and Cassie peeking around the corner. Their faces were a mix of curiosity and excitement, their wide eyes sparkling like they'd just stumbled onto some big secret.
"Uncle Bucky?" Lila asked, her voice sweet but hesitant. "Can we help you?"
Cassie stepped in beside her, nodding eagerly. "Yeah! Mom said you might let us if we're careful."
For a moment, Bucky blinked at them, caught off guard. The surprise faded quickly, replaced by a warm smile that softened the edges of his usually sharp features. He set the rolling pin down, brushing his hands on a kitchen towel as he crouched slightly to meet their gaze.
"You wanna help me?" he asked, his tone light but incredulous like he couldn't quite believe it. "You sure you don't wanna go play or watch the game with the others?"
Lila shook her head with conviction, her ponytail swishing. "No way. We wanna help you! Mom says you're the best cook, and we wanna learn."
Cassie chimed in, her grin wide and toothy. "Yeah, and it smells so good in here! Plus, we're really good at stirring."
Bucky chuckled, a deep and genuine sound that seemed to fill the room. Straightening up, he gestured for them to come closer. "Alright, you two. If you're serious about this, I'll put you to work. But no messing around, okay? The kitchen's my sacred space."
"Promise!" they chorused, their voices bursting with excitement as they darted toward him.
Bucky turned and grabbed two small aprons from a hook near the pantry. The aprons were oversized, hanging almost to their knees, but the girls didn't care. They quickly tied the strings around their waists, beaming like they'd just been sworn into an exclusive club.
"What can we do?" Cassie asked, bouncing on her toes like she was ready to run a race.
Bucky rubbed his chin thoughtfully, glancing at the unfinished pie crust on the counter. Then, a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "How about you help me finish this pie? I need someone to press the edges of the crust so it looks nice."
Lila's face lit up. "I can do that! Mom showed me how once."
"Perfect," Bucky said, sliding the pie dish over to her. He demonstrated the motion with his fingers, pinching the dough into neat little ridges. "Just like that. Don't be afraid to press a little harder. There you go. Nice work."
Cassie tugged on his sleeve, her brows furrowed in mock impatience. "What about me?"
Bucky grabbed a bowl of freshly washed green beans from the counter and set them in front of her. "You get the important job—snapping the ends off these. Just like this." He demonstrated, snapping off the tough ends with a quick motion before handing the bowl to Cassie.
"I can do that!" Cassie said, hopping onto a stool and diving into her task with enthusiasm.
As the two girls worked, the kitchen filled with the comforting sounds of their chatter and the occasional burst of laughter. Lila focused intently on pinching the edges of the pie crust, her tongue poking out slightly as she worked. Cassie, meanwhile, hummed softly as she snapped green beans, occasionally pausing to show Bucky her progress.
"You two are naturals," Bucky said after a while, his tone warm and proud. "I might have to hire you as my assistant."
Lila glanced up, grinning. "Do we get paid in pie?"
Cassie giggled. "Or cookies?"
"Deal," Bucky said, smirking. "But only if you promise not to tell anyone how much fun this is. They'll all wanna help, and then I'll never get a moment's peace."
The girls burst into laughter, their giggles bubbling over like soda fizz. Bucky couldn't help but smile, his chest tightening—not from stress, but from something deeper, something he hadn't let himself feel in a long time. Gratitude. This wasn't just cooking; this was family. This was a moment he knew he'd carry with him long after the holiday chaos faded.
"You two," he said softly, his voice almost gruff with emotion, "are pretty great, you know that?"
Cassie looked up, beaming. "So are you, Uncle Bucky."
"Yeah," Lila added, her smile so wide it nearly matched her apron. "You're the best."
Bucky turned back to the counter, pretending to check the oven so they wouldn't see the way his eyes shimmered just a little. "Alright," he said after clearing his throat, his voice back to its usual steady tone. "Let's finish this pie and show everyone out there what real chefs can do."
"Yes, Chef!" they shouted in unison, giggles erupting again as they returned to their tasks with newfound determination.
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As the group filed in around the table, Steve took a step back and looked around the room. The cabin was now alive with energy. Voices overlapped in cheerful conversation, kids darted around laughing, and the smell of roasted turkey and warm spices filled the air. Natasha had claimed a spot by the wall, wine in hand, watching the chaos with a faint smile. Clint and Laura were already helping their kids find seats while Sam talked animatedly with Hope and Scott in the corner.
Thor was trying to explain his desserts to Rhodey, who looked skeptical but amused, while Bruce and Betty set their dishes on the already-crowded dining table. Tony was inspecting the centerpiece on the table, undoubtedly planning some critique, while Pepper gently steered him toward the living room, with Morgan skipping ahead.
Steve felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Bucky standing behind him, wiping his hands on a dish towel. His expression was tired but content as he surveyed the scene.
"You did good, pal," Bucky said quietly.
Steve shook his head. "We did good."
Bucky smirked. "Yeah, well, remind me not to let you talk me into hosting next year."
"Deal," Steve said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Now come on. You've got about ten people asking if it's time to eat."
Bucky sighed but couldn't hide the small smile tugging at his lips. "Let's feed 'em."
This was what Thanksgiving was all about—food, friends, and the feeling of being surrounded by the people you care about most. This wasn't just a gathering—it was family in every sense of the word.
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The dining room buzzed with energy, the warmth of crackling firelight blending with the glow of the chandelier above. The long dining table, custom-made to fit the chaos of their extended family, was now a feast for the senses. A centerpiece of greenery, pinecones, and candles ran down the middle, its simplicity enhancing rather than competing with the spread of dishes covering the polished wood surface.
Bowls and platters overflowed with Thanksgiving classics and a few inventive twists. Fluffy mashed potatoes whipped to perfection were sprinkled with fresh parsley, flanked by a boat of rich, golden gravy. A heaping dish of candied yams glistened with toasted marshmallows while roasted Brussels sprouts shimmered with balsamic glaze and crispy pancetta. The green bean casserole, was topped with crunchy walnuts and caramelized onions, and its savory aroma filled the air.
Dishes of stuffing, one traditional and one cornbread-based, sat side by side, their fragrant herbs mingling with the warm scent of buttered rolls. A cranberry sauce—half canned and half homemade because "it's tradition!" Tony had argued—added a pop of bright red to the tableau. Thor's platter of Asgardian pastries stood out, a colorful mix of delicacies dusted with what he'd sworn was enchanted sugar.
The table wasn't just beautiful; it was alive. Laughter echoed as Clint playfully batted away Lila's attempt to snag a roll before the meal started. Scott gestured animatedly while explaining some culinary "shortcut" he'd taken that Hope clearly found dubious. Natasha, wine glass in hand, traded quips with Rhodey, her smile subtle but genuine.
L Then, a hush fell over the room as Steve and Bucky emerged from the kitchen, each carrying a large platter. The carved turkey rested on a wooden board, its skin perfectly golden and crackling. Steam rose from the slices of tender white and dark meat, a sprig of rosemary tucked on the side for a final touch. Bucky followed with the ham, glazed with honey and brown sugar, its caramelized edges shimmering under the light.
"Alright, make some room," Steve said, his voice warm and steady as he set the turkey down at the head of the table.
"Before anyone even thinks about eating, someone better take a picture," Bucky added, smirking as he placed the ham beside it. "Not that I need proof we pulled this off, but still."
Pepper was already reaching for her phone, nudging Morgan to scoot out of the way of her shot. "It's too perfect not to," she said, capturing the spread while everyone leaned back, trying not to ruin the setup with their impatient hands.
"Bucky, this is incredible," Laura said sincerely, her eyes wide as she took in the meal. "You outdid yourself."
"Seriously," Clint chimed in. "This looks like it belongs in one of those food magazines I don't read."
"I'll second that," Sam added, leaning over to sniff the air. "Is it bad if I start eating before the blessing?"
"Don't even think about it," Sarah said, swatting his arm lightly.
"I'll say it," Tony declared, looking from Bucky to Steve. "This is hands down the best-looking Thanksgiving spread I've ever seen. Rogers, Barnes, you're hired for every holiday from now on."
"Absolutely not," Bucky replied dryly, but his slight smirk betrayed the pride in his tone. "Enjoy it while it lasts, Stark."
As everyone settled into their seats, the lively chatter softened. Plates began to fill, forks clinked against dishes, and the air filled with murmurs of appreciation. Compliments flowed freely—Steve for his "spot-on carving skills" and Bucky for the turkey that Natasha declared was "better than a five-star restaurant." The kids giggled as they tried to pile their plates higher than they could carry, only to have Pepper and Laura intervene.
The atmosphere was as warm as the food, the room alive with the unmistakable feeling of family. Friends who had become brothers and sisters, children who brought an innocent joy to the occasion, and laughter that bounced off the walls like music.
As Steve glanced around the table, his chest swelled with quiet gratitude. Every seat was filled, and every dish passed with care. Bucky caught his eye from across the table, raising his glass of cider in a silent toast, and Steve returned it with a nod.
"This," Steve thought to himself, taking in the scene as laughter erupted again at some joke Thor was telling, "is what it's all about."
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The bedroom was peaceful, save for the soft rustle of pages as Steve lay propped against the headboard, a well-loved book resting in his hands. The bedside lamp cast a warm, golden glow over the room, illuminating the navy comforter and the faint lines of weariness on Steve's face. It was the kind of exhaustion that came after a long but fulfilling day, leaving him pleasantly tired rather than drained.
From the en-suite bathroom, the steady sound of running water and the occasional clink of glass hinted at Bucky finishing his nightly routine. The faint scent of aftershave drifted into the room, blending with the lingering smells of Thanksgiving—turkey, cinnamon, and just a hint of roasted pecans from the dessert spread.
The water shut off, and moments later, Bucky appeared in the doorway, a towel draped over his shoulder and a faint smile tugging at his lips. He paused there, leaning casually against the frame as though taking a moment to soak in the quiet after the whirlwind of the day. His damp hair clung to his forehead, and his usually sharp eyes were soft, reflecting the calm contentment he felt.
"Today was a good day," Bucky said finally, his voice low and warm as he stepped into the bedroom.
Steve looked up from his book, a small smile breaking across his face as he closed it and set it on the nightstand. The quiet affection in Steve's gaze softened the sharp angles of his features. Without a word, he reached over to switch off the lamp, plunging the room into a softer darkness, lit only by the faint glow of the moon filtering through the curtains.
Bucky crawled into bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight. As he slid beneath the comforter, Steve turned to him, his tone steady and filled with pride. "You did a fantastic job today," he said, his voice low but certain. "For your first Thanksgiving? You knocked it out of the park, Buck. Everyone was raving about the food. Pepper and Hope were already talking about you hosting again next year."
Bucky groaned, flopping dramatically onto Steve's shoulder, his head resting there as he snuggled closer. The warmth of Steve's arm instinctively wrapped around him, holding him securely. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Bucky muttered, his tone light but sincere. "I've still got a wedding to survive first."
Steve chuckled softly, the sound rumbling through his chest as he pressed a lingering kiss to the top of Bucky's head. He let the comfortable silence stretch for a moment, his hand moving in gentle strokes down Bucky's back.
"You've got this," Steve said finally, his voice a steady reassurance. "Whether it's Thanksgiving, a wedding, or anything else life throws at you, you'll handle it. Like you always do—with heart, Buck."
Bucky didn't reply immediately, just let out a contented sigh, his fingers absentmindedly toying with the edge of Steve's t-shirt. His voice, thick with sleep, was barely above a whisper when he finally spoke. "We'll see. But today wasn't so bad, I guess. Not with you here."
Steve smiled, his hand brushing through Bucky's hair before resting against the nape of his neck. "Always, Buck," he said softly. "Always."
The room settled into a comfortable stillness, the kind that felt like home. The faint hum of the heater, the soft rhythm of their breathing, and the warmth of each other's presence filled the space. As the day gave way to night, Bucky allowed himself to relax completely, the tension of the holiday melting away.
For the first time in years, Bucky felt truly at peace—not just with the day or the people around him, but with himself. And as he drifted off to sleep, he knew that this moment, this love, and this life were exactly where he belonged.
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Sif's Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Sif's Ao3
13 notes · View notes
sam24 · 1 year ago
Bucky Barnes: Wedding Cop
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Summary: It’s Bucky’s best friend’s wedding. Well too bad that this particular best friend was Steve Rogers, who seemed to be a nervous wreck, wanting everything to go off without a hitch. So what does he do? Force Bucky into patrolling duty. Lucky for him, one of Natasha’s gorgeous bridesmaids, who looked like she had been assigned to babysitting duty, makes his rounds around the garden estate a lot more interesting.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
no powers au | first meets
Bucky grumbled as he yanked at the tie that was pulling on his neck, courtesy of his best friend.
”All right Buck, I put my full faith in you. Everything better go perfectly from here on out,” Steve fumbled, trying to hide his worries with a casual fix of his best buddy’s tie. “ Remember, Tony is not allowed to dance on the tables again. And don’t let anyone else get too drunk and weird. Nothing is allowed to ruin Natasha’s big night.”
“It’s your big night too, Steve.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “Stop worrying and go find your wife.”
“C’mon, Buck,” Steve pleaded. “You already know that her parents don’t like me that much. If something goes wrong on their daughter’s wedding night, they’ll literally hate me forever.”
“I think they already hate you for not being Russian.”
“You’re not funny.” Steve furrowed his eyebrows.
“Look, Stevie,” Bucky pushed his friend’s hands away from his tie that was starting to choke him a tad. “You got married to Natasha, not to her parents. Her love for you is absolutely crazy, and nothing’s gonna change that, even if her parents aren’t that fond of you. Which by the way means that something is totally wrong with them.”
Steve cracked a smile.
“Stop worrying about them, punk,” Bucky continued. “You're wasting your time here stressing out when you could be dancing with Natasha, just enjoying your life. Your married, for fuck’s sake. At least act like you like it.”
“Jerk.” Steve shoved Bucky’s shoulder with a grin.
“So that means I’m off security duty?”
“You wish.”
Bucky’s cheeky grin dropped.
“What’re you waiting for?” Steve smirked. “I think you’re a bit too old for me to sign you off for some volunteer hours.”
Bucky lazily scanned the garden, watching people chat, laugh, and dance (and basically everything he wished he were doing other than playing cop).
The garden itself was beautifully landscaped, featuring carefully manicured flower beds bursting with a riot of colors. Roses, peonies, and daisies created a tapestry of blooms, their sweet fragrance filling the air and scent mingling with the soft, gentle breeze.
Bucky’s eyes caught Steve and Natasha talking quietly in each other’s ears in the corner, pure love evident on both their faces, hiding from the crowd to get a second to themselves.
A smile pulled on Bucky’s face, his heart melting at the sight. However, he was more than happy to point somebody’s grandma in the direction of the newlyweds after she had tugged on his sleeve and asked if he knew where they were, wanting to talk to the couple.
Bucky silently cursed at his best friend as he watched the old lady slowly make her way over to them. That’s what you get, you bastard.
He continued walking aimlessly around the garden, and as Bucky neared the large oak tree where he first started his lap, he saw a large group of young kids laughing hysterically and running in circles around someone.
Bucky peered past the children, trying to catch a glimpse of the poor person in the middle, wanting to get a quick laugh before he had to go back to his job.
He spotted you in the center of the game of Ring around the Rosie on crack, wearing a beautiful pastel pink bridesmaid dress, frantically trying to calm the kids down before they received even more attention from the guests.
He remembered seeing you earlier in the lineup of bridesmaids during the wedding, standing between Yelena and Wanda, but he didn’t get a good look through his teary eyes as he watched his best friend cry with joy throughout the ceremony.
He slowed his walk down to a halt, chuckling at the sight of you trying to bribe the kids with a pack of gum to get them to stop.
Before he could do anything else though, he accidentally made eye-contact with Sam, who was enjoying watching Bucky walk around in circles a little too much.
“Keep walking, bitch,” Sam mouthed at Bucky, making a circling motion with his finger. “Or else I’m telling Steve that you ain’t doing your job.”
Bucky flipped Sam off with a sneer, earning an obnoxious laugh from the latter.
However, wanting to satisfy his best friend’s wishes, Bucky continued his lap. He decided to walk as fast as he possibly could around the garden, trying to get back to you, sending a charming smile at a couple of guests that he accidentally bumped into in his rush.
Bucky drastically slowed down once he heard the group of kids again, cursing at himself for making it so obvious. This time, they were all chewing gum obnoxiously while you were shoving an empty packet of trident gum into a nearby trash can.
(So that’s exactly what Bucky planned to do on repeat: walk around the garden like his ass was on fire until he reached you, where he would slow down and stare like a creep.
Great plan, right?)
On the third round, you were laughing with a little boy who seemed to be unsuccessfully trying to blow bubbles with his gum.
On the fourth round, you were being pulled in opposite directions by two little girls who seemed to be fighting over you.
On the fifth round, all the girls were gently braiding white peonies from a nearby bush into your hair while you held a giant rock-paper-scissors tournament with the boys.
During the frenzy of the game, Bucky somehow managed to beckon Cass, Sam’s younger nephew, over.
“Hey, buddy.” Bucky knelt down on one knee to match the boy’s height. “Having fun?”
“Uncle Bucky, if you’re trying to get me to play matchmaker for you, I’ll have you know that I’m a little too busy right now to be playing cupid for a grown man.”
Bucky stared at the little boy. Why did he have to be so damn smart. “C’mon, Cass,” Bucky didn’t even try to create a cover story. “Just tell me her name.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” Cass stuck his tongue. “It’s sad that your love life needs help from a six year old.”
“Ouch.” Bucky watched Cass run back to the group, getting up back to his feet before looking over at you again.
You looked like a fucking goddess with the flowers weaved into your hair and the soft glow from the fairy lights that were strung around leaving an angelic gleam on your smiling face.
However, before Bucky could stare for too long, Sam was urging him to keep walking.
On the sixth round, you were playing a huge game of concentration with all the kids.
On the seventh round, it was just you and Morgan Stark left in the game, and Bucky watched as you purposefully hesitated to let the little girl win. You laughed as she danced around you, repeatedly chanting “I win, you lose, I win, you lose”.
Damn Starks and their egos.
In the middle of the eighth round, while Bucky was rushing to get back to your group, a familiar hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Woah, Buck,” Steve laughed. “I’m glad that you’re so determined to make sure nothing goes wrong, but I just meant keep an eye on everyone. Like from wherever you were standing. Not walk around aggressively in circles.”
Bucky shrugged nervously. “Um, what can I say? It’s my duty to make sure everything’s perfect. Plus, I- uh, love walking.”
Steve looked suspicious. “Yeah, whatever. C’mon, let’s go to the dance floor. Becca’s looking for you.”
“Uh yeah, lemme just finish my final lap. There were a couple of tipsy looking men over there. Think they’re Alexei’s friends or something,” Bucky lied, gesturing in the general direction where he last saw you guys sitting. “I’ll just make sure they’re not too drunk and then I’ll join you guys.”
“You don’t have to, Buck,” Steve clapped his friend’s shoulder. “But thank you.”
Bucky nodded curtly, promptly speed-walking back to you and the kids. Once he finally made it to the familiar tree, he was stopped in his tracks. You weren’t there.
Bucky finally noticed that all the kids were back with their parents; some being forced to eat, some dancing around with their dads, and some sitting, exhausted, in their mom’s lap.
He looked around for your familiar pink dress and white flowers hanging on by the thread in your hair, but he couldn’t spot you anywhere.
However, before he could find Cass and bribe him into telling Bucky where you went, a finger tapped on his shoulder.
It was Yelena, looking weirdly amused.
“Can I help you?” Bucky was a bit annoyed by the interruption during his frantic search for you.
“Actually, I think I can help you.” Her smug voice was coated in a thick Russian accent.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at her.
“Come on, lover boy, you can’t hide anything from me. I saw the way you were looking at her.”
“No clue what you’re talking about.” Bucky tried to look as bored as possible, but his heart skipped a beat.
“Just admit it, Barnes. Or else I’ll tell your mother, and then she'll take matters into her own hands.”
Bucky’s head whipped towards Winnifred Barnes, who was across the garden, and was laughing at something Sam had said. Of course, Bucky loved his mother dearly, but Yelena probably would be a better matchmaker.
“Fine,” He mumbled. “You win.”
“Of course. I always do.” She pushed him, not so gently, in the direction of the bar. “Go get her, Casanova. She’s over there.”
“Couldn’t have done that any softer?” Bucky grumbled, steading himself from the shove.
“Nope.” She smiled sweetly.
Once Bucky was a couple yards out, she called out after him. “Don’t forget to use protection!”
“Fuck. You.” Bucky mouthed at her, earning a witch-like cackle from Yelena, but not before he checked to make sure not too many people were staring.
As Bucky approached the bar, he wiped his clammy hands onto his suit, surprised at his own nervousness.
Where the hell did all this sweat come from?
Bucky cleared his throat, taking a seat in the empty stool next to you, trying to figure out how to start the conversation.
C’mon, Bucky. You’ve done this plenty of times before. Stop worrying. You’re becoming Steve. Just go for it. Say something. Anything-
“You’re Steve’s best man, right?” A gentle voice interrupted his frantic train of thought. “I remember seeing you power-walk in circles from across the garden earlier. Kinda reminded me of my grandma.”
Bucky laughed, his nerves melting away as he shot a sweet grin at you. “I bet your grandma’s got nothing on me. You see how fast I was going?”
“I certainly did. But I’m still wondering why, though.”
“What if I said that I was training for the Olympics?”
You giggled, and Bucky almost melted into a puddle at the sound. “Well then I would say that you wouldn’t last a minute there. Have you ever seen professional race-walking? It’s intense, man.”
“You saying I’m not good enough to compete?” Bucky nudged your shoulder with his own, his usual wave of confidence rippling back through him. “I’d like to see you try to beat me.”
“Give me the date and time,” You nudged him back. “You’re on.”
“Okay, okay, I see how it is.” Bucky clicked his tongue. “But, personally, I prefer to know my opponent’s name before we race to the death.”
“Well, personally,” You mocked, giving Bucky a sly grin. “I don’t like giving out private information to the enemy.”
“Fine, be that way. But since I, for one, am a good sport, I’ll start.” He dramatically stuck his hand out. “Hey there, I’m Bucky.”
You took his hand with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
Bucky arched an eyebrow at you. “Y’know, usually when someone introduces themselves to you, you’re supposed to introduce yourself back.”
“Oh really?” You slowly pulled your hand back, and he already missed the warmth of it. “Well thank you for the words of wisdom, Bucky. I’ll be sure to try it next time.” You stretched out his name with a smirk, and Bucky turned red.
Since when was the name ‘Bucky’ this erotic?
He chuckled and looked out to the dance floor, not wanting to give away the blush adorning his cheeks. He spotted Natasha and Steve, who were dancing slowly together in the middle, staring softly into each other’s eyes without a care in the world.
“They’re adorable, aren’t they?” You followed Bucky’s gaze to the couple, resting your chin in one hand and letting out a happy sigh.
Not as adorable as you, thou-
Bucky heard his name being called out, along with someone else’s he didn’t recognize.
Yelena squeezed in between you both, swinging an arm around each of you. She winked at Bucky. “I see you two have met.”
Bucky looked over at you with a smirk. "So that's your name, huh?" He repeated it with a long and dramatic stretch, just like you had with his. You hit his foot with your own.
“Whoa, no need to get violent,” Yelena jokingly slapped the back of your head before returning her arm onto your shoulder.
“Says you.” Bucky snorted.
“Yeah, Barnes. Says me.” Yelena slapped Bucky’s head next. “Anyways, everyone’s looking for you guys. Let’s go dance.”
Before either of you could protest, Yelena was already dragging you both by the hand up onto your feet and to the crowd in the middle of the estate. She shoved Bucky’s hands onto your waist and yours onto his shoulders before hurriedly walking away. “Have fun! I’m going to go find a dance partner.”
“Um, sorry about that.” You looked down at your feet, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Nothing to be sorry about, doll.” Bucky nudged your foot with his own. “So, you wanna dance?”
“If we didn’t, Yelena probably would kill us.” You leaned forward a bit as you laughed, and Bucky caught a whiff of the flowers in your hair. “But I’m definitely gonna step on your feet, so I apologize in advance.”
“Don’t you worry, doll. You’ll do great.” He started moving his feet to the music, urging you to sway along with him.
After a couple of laughs and bruises on Bucky’s toes, you had finally nailed it.
“See, you’re doing fabulous. I’m so proud of you.” Bucky smiled.
“Mhm, you can say that after I step on your foot again.”
“Oh c’mon, that’s not gonna happen. You’ve got this shit down.” Bucky winked at you. “That’s what happens when you get a great teacher like me.”
“Keep bragging and I’ll step on your foot on purpose this time.” You threatened. However, your mocking glare quickly turned into a sweet smile as spotted Morgan, who was dancing with her dad a few feet away.
Bucky watched as you two took turns sticking your tongues out at each other, the battle finally ending once Tony and Morgan danced away over to Pepper.
The crowd slowly dwindled down, leaving you and Bucky on the dance floor along with a few other couples.
Your dress twirled around you, the fabric flowing and whispering as you moved. Bucky’s hand rested on the small of your back, and the smooth wooden floor beneath them seemed to sway along in rhythm.
“You’re great with kids,” Bucky pointed out when you turned back to face him. “I saw you with 'em earlier too.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled at him, flashing your teeth. “I was convinced into babysitting for the night. Luckily the kids didn’t get too crazy. Probably shouldn't have given all of them gum though.”
Bucky laughed. “I feel you. I was forced into security duty by Steve.”
“Unpaid workers unite!” You stuck your hand up for a high-five, and Bucky gladly accepted with a hearty laugh. “So you’re pretty close to Steve, huh?”
“Yeah. We grew up together in Brooklyn. Been friends for as long as I can remember. He’s always been there for me.” Bucky looked over at his best friend, who was standing with Winnie and Sam, his arm draped across Natasha’s waist, pulling her close into him. “I’m really happy for him. He deserves all of this.”
You nodded, smiling up at Bucky with sparkling eyes. “You sound like an amazing friend,” You said softly, matching the gentle music playing in the background.
And in that moment, Bucky wanted to know everything about you- your hopes, your dreams, your fears, and the stories that danced behind your eyes. Time seemed to slow down as Bucky absorbed every detail of your presence- everything from your mischievous eyes down to your delicate lips that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.
The sheer sight of your twinkling smile stirred emotions deep in him, and he wanted nothing more than to see that smile over and over again for the rest of his life. His mind scrambled to find the right words to describe the mixture of delight and nervousness he felt in his veins that created some sort of magnetic force that tugged you closer to him.
You were just a few inches away. Bucky’s breath caught in his chest.
“Central park. Tomorrow at noon. I’ll pick you up,” He whispered.
“You taking me on a date tomorrow, Barnes?” Your eyes flickered to his lips.
“Nah, doll.” Bucky inched closer. “We’re gonna race.”
And then he closed the distance with a lingering kiss.
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born-to-lose-writing · 2 months ago
Masterlist - blurbs (pt. 1)
♡ - fluff, ♤ - angst, ☆ - smut, ♧ - platonic
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody cast - Bon Jovi - Guns N' Roses - Mötley Crüe - Hanoi Rocks - L.A. Guns - Johnny Thunders - Stiv Bators - Richard Hell - Night Ranger - Vain - Whitesnake - Trixter - Britny Fox
Roger Taylor
Meeting Roger after making out at a party ♤
Decorating the nursery with Roger ♡
Roger making you feel better about your body ♡
Being Roger's neglected daughter from a one-night stand ♤
Brian May
Falling in love with Brian after leaving Roger ♡♤
Ben Hardy
Going on a Christmas walk ♡
Celebrating Father's Day ♡
Joe Mazzello
Joe comforting you when you've got a headache ♡
Halloween ♡
Joe finding out you have a child from another relationship ♡
Baby shower ♡
Joe playing the guitar for you ♡
Gwilym Lee
Getting into a car crash while being pregnant ♤
John Deacon x Joe Mazzello
John telling Joe how he feels ♡
Jon Bon Jovi
Jon fighting a guy for you ♤
Jon singing your baby to sleep ♡
Jon playing with puppies ♡
Saying goodbye to Jon before his tour ♤
Richie Sambora
Going hiking ♡
Richie flirting with you like he doesn't know you ♡
High school reunion date ♡
Richie proposing to you in Paris ♡
Richie asking you to be part of a music video ♡
Axl Rose
Making out backstage ☆
Cleaning Axl's injuries after a fight ♤
Axl singing you to sleep after a stressful day ♡
Izzy Stradlin
Plus size!reader ♡
Izzy getting jealous when you go out with someone else ♤♡
Telling Izzy you're pregnant ♡
Skater!Izzy ♡
Florist!Izzy ♡
Honeymoon ♡
Friends with benefits ♡
Having sex with Izzy after not having slept with someone in a long time ☆♡
Duff McKagan
Holiday meal ♡
Adopting a pig ♡
Drunken flirting ♡
Going on a punk date ♡
Surprise visit on tour ♡
Reassuring Duff he's still sexy ♡
Waking Duff up to cuddle ♡
Baking with older!Duff ♡
Duff making you feel better about your body ♡
Visiting Duff in hospital ♤
Arguing over who loves each other more ♡
Duff helping you with your depression ♤♡
Wedding night ☆
Cuddling when the power goes out ♡♧
Older!Slash introducing you to his kids ♡
Kissing in a stairwell ♡
Realizing you're more than friends ♤
Coming back to older!Slash after breaking up ♤♡
Insecure older!Slash ♤
Duff crashing your date with older!Slash ♡
Wedding date ♡
Fake dating for a couples only weekend ♡
Drunk Slash gushing over you ♡
Being Izzy's sister and secretly dating Slash ☆♤
Slash leaving his fiancée for you ♤
Slash picking you up from your new boyfriend's place ♤
Getting Slash a new snake ♡
Watching a horror movie ♤♡
Jealous Slash ♤
Oblivious Slash ♡
Cuddling ♡
Sugar daddy ♡
Hooking up after sending him a spicy pic ☆
Quickie at the zoo ☆
Steven Adler
Coming out as bi ♡
Pillow fight ♡
Nikki Sixx
Convincing him to quit drugs ♤
Enemies to lovers ♤☆
Being in an on-off relationship ♤♡
Nikki talking you out of a panic attack ♤♡
Tommy helping you to make Nikki jealous ♤♡
Valentine's Day ♤♡
Nikki proposing to you ♡
Nikki falling in love with his groupie ☆♡
Getting back together after Nikki cheated on you ♤☆
Tommy Lee
Amusement park date ♡
Vince Neil
Sleeping over at Vince's house ♤♡
Taking care of Vince's injury after a fistfight ♤♡
Sami Yaffa
Sami reacting to your nipple piercings ☆♡
Morning sex ☆♡
Razzle Dingley
Stopping Razzle from going with Vince ♤♡
Kelly Nickels
Diner date ♡
Johnny Thunders
Johnny playing a song for you ♡
Johnny proposing to you ♤♡
Going dancing ☆
Stiv Bators
Dreaming about Stiv ♡♤
Road trip ♡
Richard Hell
Richard eating you out ☆
Jack Blades
Top!reader ☆
Davy Vain
Backstage blowjob ☆
Lap dance || Part 2 ☆
Sex tape ☆
Steve Vai
Steve eating you out ☆
Pete Loran
Fluffy fun sex with Pete ☆♡
Dizzy Davidson
Teacher!Dizzy ☆
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smolvenger · 1 year ago
i know u have been feeling stressed and hopefully this might make u feel better but for a request steve rogers x reader and theyre on their honeymoon
Hi there nonny!!!
Awww, I love that! Steve is the sweetest cinnamon roll so of course we have to write it!!!! This is so sweet, I have to!!! I hope you like it and it's accurate enough, it's my first time writing for him!
No warnings, just tooth rotting fluff!
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Honeymooning with America's Ass, Steve Rogers, would include...
Poor boy has never flown before so you have to arrange the details. Once you are packed up and ready to go, he is fascinated by a modern airport. You have to hold his hand so he doesn't get lose because he likes looking in all the shops and different restaurants!
You finally get in and he gets nervous when the plane takes off so you laugh and hug him. You go "darling...you fought Red Skull, but a plane going up makes you scared?!" teasingly and kiss his cheek.
It's a long flight so you show him how to watch movies and play games on the little device thingies that are on airplens and he stays awake the whole time playing on it.
So then you guys...spend the honeymoon in ITALY!!!!
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You go around to see such tall, ancient buildings. Far more ancient than Mr. Brooklyn has ever dreamt. At one point, the tour guide calls this building young since it was built in 1673 and he just stares dumbfounded!
But Steve would pick up Italian quickly. He likes calling you Italian terms of endearment like "mia/o carino/a" or "mia/o angelo/a" to make you smile.
Of course, he has to start the day by cuddling you! Though he is too excited to get up and can only take so much cuddling- like an excited puppy!
He remembers enjoying Italian places in Brooklyn when his mom and he would go to celebrate something. So he loves trying Italian cuisine. Telling you stories about his mother- and about how much she would have loved you.
He always holds your gelato like a gentleman <3 As tempted as he is, he never takes a bite of yours, he wants his new spouse to enjoy them.
However, at one point, a pickpocket creeps by you and grabs your wallet. You let out a shout and gasp as he breaks into a run.
Boy did that asshole make a mistake considering your supersoldier hubby.
Steve just fucking BOOKS IT. The pickpocket turns around and gasps. He tries to run, but Steve gets closer to him in a few steps and decks the guy until he falls easily, kicking him until he's flying like a soccer ball through the air. He then grabs your wallet throws the pickpocket to the cobbled ground and returns your wallet.
You go to all sorts of incredible art museums. Steve himself loves to doodle and when you take sitting breaks, he tries to make little copies of them. You put his hand gently over his and lean into his cheek as he does, holding his free hand.
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Of course, since a lot of Italian people tend to have darker hair, they make huge eyes at his blonde locks. Some even try to flirt with him, but he quickly pushes them aside to give you a hug or flash them the new wedding band, assuring you with small kisses. There are smiles and looks of jealousy- the incredibly handsome blonde man is your husband and yours alone, as you are his.
He talks to and befriends everyone. Old ladies in cathedrals praying and kissing their crucifix necklaces. Children running around streets and jumping sunburnt into the sea. Fellow tourists in wide hats and billowy shirts. Chefs of mom-and-pop shops with rosy cheeks and loud, boisterous voices and stories in every dish.
It only makes you love him more.
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writing-wh0re · 1 year ago
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My requests are open for the following prompts.
♥ Characters:
♥ Fred and George Weasley and Draco Malfoy
♥ Eddie Munson and Billy Hargrove
♥ Satoru Gojo, Kento Nanami, Suguru Geto, Fushiguro Toji, Sukuna and Choso.
♥ Kakashi Hatake
♥ Levi Ackerman, Reiner Bruan, Jean Kirstein
♥ Tengen Uzui
♥ Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji, Keisuke Baji, Takashi Mitsuya, Seishu Inui
♥ Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers and Loki
♥ Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans and Henry Cavill and Harry Styles
Jealousy text prompts:
“Do they not know that we’re together?” 
“You’re stupid if you think they just want to be friends.” 
“What the fuck is a work husband?”
“If they touch you again, I’ll break their fucking hands” 
Smutty text prompts: 
“Tell me what you want, I can’t read your mind.” 
“You look better on your knees.” 
“Do that one more time and I’ll fuck you right here in front of everyone.” 
“I’m marking you as mine.” 
Situation Prompts:
Person A complains about not having sex for over a year, feeling like masturbating is boring and can’t get the same release. Person B offers to help them through the situation with a no strings attached proposition. 
Person A needs a date to their sister's wedding, someone who can impress their family and isn’t a drag. Person B is down for free alcohol and a trip away for the weekend. Person A’s ex is a groomsman who can’t keep their mouth shut and Person B does more than expected. 
Person A and Person B star in the latest Hollywood movie. Person B first initiated friends with benefits while filming, Person A needed stress relief. Person B shows up to the red carpet premiere with Person C hanging off Person B’s arm. 
Person A started stripping to earn quick money, Person B was a CEO with an unlimited credit card. Person B also had an opening within his company. 
AU Prompts:
Best Friends Dad / Dad’s Best Friend 
Mafia Boss 
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Tagging a few mutuals: @skarlettmikaelson @horrorxweasley @psychedelic-ink @zagreusdaughter @b00kw0rmsworld @leydileyla @themoonis-beautiful-tonight @mathletemadison
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thezombieprostitute · 2 years ago
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A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty​ this is my first entry for the Bingo card combining “jealousy” and “bridesmaid”. Tall reader (no other physical descriptors). Possible Triggers/Warnings: mentions of wedding stress, bridezillas, overbearing mothers.
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“Jake, you’ve got to stop pouting. You knew you wouldn’t be one of the groomsmen when you agreed to this.”
“I’m not pouting,” Jake replied curtly. “You just look so beautiful in that dress and he’s the one that’s gonna be in all the photos with you.”
“So, you’re jealous that Rogers is going to be in a few photos with me,” you ask incredulously.
He nods as he replies, “I know it’s silly but I like being in photos with you. People will look at photos from the wedding and think you and Steve were together. I have a hard enough time believing someone as wonderful as you is with me, so it just…irks me when I think of other people confirming that.”
“Jake,” you softly intoned, putting your arms around his shoulders. “There are going to be hundreds of photos taken at the wedding and reception. There’ll be maybe three or four where I’m paired with Steve. The rest of the photos that have me, will also have you. I promise.”
Jake smiled back at you, “thanks for not thinking of my jealousy as being needy or something.”
“Not at all,” you smile. “I think it’s sweet. I’ve never had someone jealous over me before. And it’s for such a sweet reason.” You lean in to kiss him and he kisses back with gentle enthusiasm. “Besides, the only reason I got paired with Rogers is because he’s the only groomsman taller than me and the Mother-of-the-Bride is insistent that if any bridesmaid is taller than the groomsman it’ll ‘ruin the photos’ or something like that.”
“Is she really that bad?”
You nod, “yeah, she’s a real bridezilla. So much so Bucky and Nat have contemplated eloping so that they can actually have a happy wedding.”
“Ouch,” Jake cringed. “You know, if they do elope, we don’t have to spend hours with a bunch of people we barely know and I don’t have to worry about the photos…”
You stare into his beautiful blue eyes and scold, “Jake, no. They’ve got enough stress to deal with and they’ve already put a lot of money into this wedding. The best thing we can do for them is to not add to their problems and, maybe, try to keep Nat’s mom from going too ballistic.”
“Okay, okay. They’re your friends, you want to support them, so I want to support them as well.”
“You’re such a great boyfriend,” you say as you give him several small kisses. “Did you know that?”
“So you tell me,” he smiles, eagerly returning the kisses. “We should get some rest, I suppose. Gotta be ready to go first thing in the morning.”
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The next morning you’re not woken up by your alarm, but rather your phone continuously buzzing. You shouldn’t be surprised, it’s the day of the wedding so the chat group is likely going to be super active. You’re definitely not surprised that all but a few of the notifications are from Nat’s mom. What does surprise you is the first notification from Nat, a text saying “got married last night. Had a blast! Here’s a link to the photos!” You smile from ear to ear and type out, “congrats! Have a happy honeymoon!” and quickly mute your phone and cuddle up to Jake.
“What was all that about,” he asked, voice heavy with sleep.
“Let’s just say, you and I can now spend all day in bed together. Photos optional.”
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themculibrary · 3 months ago
Seasons Masterlist
A Day in Spring (ao3) - ros_bui G, 3k
Summary: “So, as he did a hurried inspection of his immediate surroundings, he was honestly surprised to find this initial prediction to be entirely wrong. For, he pleasantly saw he was most certainly not alone…For underneath one of the few trees, scattered amongst the intricate stonework of the main courtyard, sat Doctor Stephen Strange.”
A moment of friendship and lightness between true friends.
Hopeful Romantics (ao3) - CobaltStargazer yelena/kate M, 3k
Summary: It was winter when they met, spring when they got married. Kate and Yelena on their wedding day.
in time of daffodils (ao3) - imposterhuman bucky/tony G, 49k
Summary: Tony Stark, Prince of Spring, knew that he was being married off to the Winter King. He knew he’d hate it, he was prepared to hate it.
What he wasn’t prepared for was the Winter King himself.
One Flower a Day (ao3) - Eva_Swan matt/karen G, 6k
Summary: Matt and Karen are in a good place. But Foggy is growing impatient: he wants his friends to get back together as soon as possible. A wish Maggie shares. She thus gets Matt to tell her all about his plan to win Karen back… and executes it without his knowledge. For a week, she’ll send Karen one flower a day, each carrying a special meaning. Will this be enough to bring these two together again?
Splendor (ao3) - deweydrops loki/sigyn M, 68k
Summary: Loki and Sigyn Modern AU, part 4. Spring finds Sigyn on the verge of graduation and looking to see where her next venture will take her. Meanwhile, Loki grapples with the toll his high stress, competitive career has taken on him, and what it means if it’s not what he wants after all. Both are in need of a little renewal, but what will it take to fully embrace change?
deep-sea pearl, my soft manta ray (ao3) - Sebfruit sam/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Sam and Bucky, a young adult summer romance au
drive (ao3) - starklett bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: It's some kind of Dodge model, late 1960's or so, with copper rust climbing up its wheels and over its hood, contrasting against the deep green of the original paint job. It sits in the summer heat of Connecticut, looking like it blends into the corners of the universe. Bucky can’t not notice it, especially when an attractive man comes out of the equally attractive car.
(Bucky is on a working Summer vacation as he stays with his sister, working at the local coffee bar to pay his rent back in New York. The town’s mechanic is apparently a regular, as Bucky is quick to find out.)
I Can Be Your Damsel in Distress (ao3) - Siancore sam/bucky M, 6k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a lifeguard at a small-town Aquatic Center. He loves his job, and summer is his favorite time of the year. His regular routine is interrupted in the best way possible when Sam Wilson returns to their hometown on R&R from active USAF service and begins his PJ training at the pool where Bucky works. Nursing a crush on Sam since they were in high school, Bucky offers to help Sam with his training. Will a summer romance blossom or will Bucky's help just speed up Sam's inevitable departure from their town?
Might Have Drowned (ao3) - poison__dart, strawberry_poison_dart steve/bucky T, 25k
Summary: Summer Camp AU
It's Camp Azzano's 107th summer and veteran counselor Steve Rogers has been promoted to the head of Arts and Crafts, a job that suddenly becomes a little less interesting now that new head lifeguard Bucky Barnes takes the camp, and Steve, by storm.
the sum of every moment (ao3) - sambambucky sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Sam went to Indiana for the summer to reconnect with his brother, not to fall in love.
Haystacked Against the Odds (ao3) - secretsauces T, 2k
Summary: While desperate at a fall celebration with Ned, Peter has no choice but to turn to unconventional means of relieving himself, but does it really matter when no one can tell the difference?
kill the lights and kiss my eyes (ao3) - puchuupoet bucky/clint M, 5k
Summary: Clint’s broken and stuck inside for awhile, which means he’s perfectly trapped for babysitting duties. The silver lining: no diapers involved. The downside, he’s still ridiculously out of his element.
march of the pumpkins (ao3) - silentwalrus steve/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Halloween in Brooklyn, bog witch style.
that’s why i love fall (ao3) - Skyler10 carol/daisy, phil/melinda, leo/jemma G, 7k
Summary: Carol is a park ranger in a growing mountain town. Daisy is a cybersecurity city girl in town for a job interview at the town’s biotech lab. Under the autumn leaves, fate brings them together (aided by Daisy’s parents, Phil and Melinda). As sweet as a PSL and with as much plot as apple pie.
when the light is sweet & heavy (ao3) - volantium harley/peter G, 3k
Summary: The season turns into October, when the light is sweet and heavy. Orange leaves are carried to their final resting along the breeze. It is the month for resurrection, to cast off the year as it approaches winter, to begin anew without consequence. Without fail, Harley finds himself dreading the possibility of it all over again.
He’s never really been one for Halloween.
Ice, Ice, Tony (ao3) - orphan_account steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: Tony, Steve and Peter decide to go for a winter picnic.
Ice Princess (ao3) - Sally0 G, 4k
Summary: Tony takes Peter with him on his trip to Ottawa in winter, ending with some skating on the famous Rideau Canal. It’s Peter’s first time skating, but he’s always been a fast learner at the things he’s tried…until he isn’t.
Send The Universe A Thank You Card (ao3) - attackofthezee (noxlunate) steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Or seven moments from seven winters in the life of Bucky Barnes.
To the end of the line (ao3) - Holdengrey0 steve/bucky G, 85k
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, a jet carrying Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes crashes in the Canadian wilderness. With winter starting and the temperatures plummeting, will the team find them in time?
New feelings emerge between the men, a whole world looking, an injury, and all sorts of challenges they have to face. How will it end?
Winter Wonderland (ao3) - Shinigami24 steve/bucky M, 11k
Summary: The first snow brings winter memories and joy.
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scorchedthesnake · 3 months ago
April 12, 2019
Things started to go downhill a few months into the year. One day in mid-March I had this hunch I should call my mother. We hadn't spoken in about a week and I just had this feeling. When she answered the phone, her voice was shaking and she said, "Evan, I'm in a lot of trouble." She had just seen the image of the mass in her breast. I spent a week in Palm Springs at swim camp before heading to London for a full-team work off-site where it became clear the new CCAO wanted me gone. And then I reached out to Roger to see about scheduling my next trip to Austin to see him, and he said that he had to have a conversation with someone first before we could set plans. When he didn't respond within a day, I came to understand that meant he'd met someone down there, and was seeing how serious it was. He confirmed this by text, and that was it.
I had met Roger in 2017, when I went to Homoclimbtastic for the first time (Homoclimbtastic is the national queer rock climbing convention, held in West Virginia every summer). We were driving into the campground and he was walking up the driveway and Matt said, oh, you'll need to meet this guy, you'll like him. And sure enough, I really did like him. We flirted while climbing and swimming for a couple days, then one night around the campfire we talked and drew closer and pretty soon I had my arms around him and kissed him. I noticed this was the absolute limit of the public affection such a shy man was okay with. We spent the rest of the trip together, and a couple months later I went to Austin to visit. Our relationship then mostly consisted of this: me coming to Austin, or meeting up on climbing trips to various dirtbag places all over the country. He was interviewing for jobs in Denver so we visited and thought about maybe both moving there. He was my date to weddings, and we had done New Year's in Mexico the previous January. And now I knew, he was already dating the new guy when we took that trip. It was fine: we had always agreed that if either of us met someone in our own cities, we'd give that priority. But we'd also tell the other it was coming, which he didn't do.
I confess that one of the reasons I had been spending so much time at the McKittrick Hotel in early 2019 is because of one performer, who just happened to look a lot like Roger. No, really, I'm not being crazy, look at these photos:
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It wasn't Nate Carter's fault that his first cast photo made him look like that. But, Nate also happened to be the biggest breath of fresh air Sleep No More had experienced in a very, very long time. Nate loved Sleep No More, as he said when he left, he was absolutely a fan of the show himself. On some extremely visceral, fundamental level, he understood the kind of mischief and malevolence in all of his roles, the kind of play the show had always intended to make possible for performers and for audience, given the right levels of trust between and among them. He did insane and insanely awesome things every loop, like throwing a drink in my face, or choking me, or making a taxidermy ferret platter. It was always something new and something wild with Nate, and it brought back all the joy, danger and sex appeal that had gone astray in the middle years.
So on this night, I was back in New York and incredibly upset, and at the show looking for some solace. I was sipping my whiskey in Manderley when a text came from Roger. He said he'd be in New York for work the next week and wondered if I might want to meet up and talk? This from a guy who didn't really text... ever; or talk, ever, unless pressured. I didn't know what to do. But there he was making a mess of my safe place from thousands of miles away.
And Nate was on that night as Boy Witch.
I followed him dutifully through his loop, distracted by the familiarity of his face. I dressed him, which is a scene I hate because it is stressful, and painful to see someone in such agony, but you have to be there to help him put himself back together. And I go to this scene because it leads to my favorite interaction on that loop, which comes next: he takes my hand and we race breathlessly down the stairs, until the last flight when he lets go and disappears around the corner, far enough ahead of me to surprise me and push me into the wall.
He holds me by the throat, leans in and kisses my face. He says “thank you.” All of this is familiar, it’s what I know is coming, and its comfort is why I am here.
He turns to walk away, but then he stops. Turning slowly, he comes back to me and presses his hand into my chest. He lingers and stares. 
“Your heart sings,” he says. My broken heart sings.
I didn't get to actually speak with Nate until nearly a year later but by then we knew each other pretty well anyway - I followed him a lot and he knew he could mess with me however he pleased. During the pandemic shutdown he told me: he could tell something was up that night, that I was with him but not, that something uncanny was with us both as we did the loop. And he said he could tell I was hurting somehow, and just wanted to recognize it in some way. He of course had no idea of any of it: my mom, my dumb job, my dumb ex who looked like him. But it was one of Nate's great gifts as a performer, that he could read someone instantly, and that he was unafraid to bend a rule or stretch a character just a bit to make the connection, because he knew that was actually the job.
We were blessed to have him in the hotel for many years and many roles (but never the Porter, because God does not grant us every wish). I don't know if anyone ever embodied the spirit of the show in quite the complete and perfect way Nate did, and he showed that while nostalgia was well and good, the Hotel was living and breathing and thriving, even in its ninth and eleventh and twelfth years.
Nate, you're forever in the pantheon, and we wish you all the happiness and peace and joy in the world.
*and to follow up as you may have worried: my mom was treated, and has been cancer free for five years now.
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docterdenseif · 2 years ago
Alyosha POV Interlude - Spoiler
Hello Everybody. I'm not quite ready to post the Zeus Spoiler, so instead, I am posting a small scene that I have written that takes place in the middle of the chapter. I hope you all enjoy.
Small spoilers ahead, of course
The machinery of the cargo ramp whiring to life signals Ruby Squad that they are approaching the drop zone. Dropping over civilian areas is not the usual MO, but extenuating circumstances and all that. Alyosha closes the thick book he is reading and tucks it away behind the seat, storing it for later. The winds were causing the pages to flutter, and his mind was preoccupied.
“Thirty seconds, boss.” Alyosha’s eyes roam over the man sitting on his right. Well, not really a man. The boy is only 18 years old. He began as Alyosha’s second eleven months ago. Alyosha has put him through hellish training, but the kid hasn’t complained a single time despite everything. At first, Alyosha disliked the idea of his second being so young, but Jay had proved incredibly talented. It also helped that his augment was one of a kind. If he honed it enough, Alyosha has no doubt that this kid would one day be a great Praetor, or whatever he set his mind to. This is why his stomach clenches at the idea that he may now lead such a talented youngling to their death. As his senior, it is his job to protect buds that have not yet bloomed, but here he is, bringing it to the furnace. Jay checks the flaps of his wingsuit, and when he finds them satisfactory, he takes his place, waiting by the open cargo ramp.
Alyosha’s eyes scan over the rest of Ruby Squad. His eyes first find Jaurez, the senior most member of the unit.
He attended his second daughter’s baby shower last month. Jaurez catches his gaze and sends Alyosha a nod and smile. Alyosha returns a brittle smile before turning his attention to Paramella, their weapons master. She’s engaged, and her wedding is in three months.
“Everyone, listen up.” All eyes are on Alyosha as he speaks. “None of you, under any circumstances, are to even get within a hundred meters of this opponent. The game plan will be simple for this rogue. The twelve of you are to take up positions in high vantage points and will support me with sniper fire. We will not go for a net capture, nor will you employ your stun batons.” 
Jaurez’s eyes widen in confusion. “Sure, I don’t mind. But why?” As he speaks, he fiddles with his wedding ring, a nervous tick Alyosha has picked up on over the years.
“Because I want you guys to live, at least, no matter what happens.” 
“You think you might lose?” Jay quirks his eyebrow as he speaks. A bit of pride swells up in Alyosha’s chest. He always stressed the importance of being perceptive during training. Alyosha rises to his feet and removes the clothing on his upper body. It never survives the fight anyway. Alyosha grabs his trademark motorcycle helmet off the hook on the wall and slides it over his head. “Yes. At the very least, I won’t be able to protect all of you like I normally can.”
“Don’t worry, boss, we can take care of ourselves.” The confidence in Jay’s voice just causes more worry and panic to bubble into Alyosha’s gut.
“I know.” He lies. Not against this foe, they can’t. He had the time to observe some live footage as they flew over. What a monster. “But I believe this to be the best plan regardless, so it’s what we are going with.”
“Roger.” All twelve repeat at once. Not one member of his squad questions his judgment.
“Paramella, it’s time.” The woman nods, reaches into one of the pockets in her belt, and pulls out twelve bullets. At first glance, they appear to be normal fifty caliber bullets, but the purple rings lining them give away their true nature.”
“Holy shit! Twelve!” Jay picks up one of the pullets and spins it in his fingers. “How much did you have to pay for these things?”
“Two billion USD per.” 
“Fuck me! Black market price?” Jaurez yells as he stores his bullet from Paramella’s palm in his pocket. “The U.N. is going to be pissed if we use these.”
Alyosha just shrugs. “Well, what do you expect? They were banned at the Fifth Geneva Convention. Don’t worry; I’ll take all the blowback. Use them if you need to. Kaya will hate it, though, so don’t tell her.” Alyosha takes his place in the center of the crowd, staring down at Edmonton below.
“Are you sure, boss?” For the first time in a while, Jay seems sheepish. “This seems like it could go wrong in so many ways.” Ruby squad all turn and look towards their leader, whose eyes burn like rubies, visible through the black tinted visor of his helmet. 
“I’m sure. To think I agreed to do all this, and my price was only one bottle of booze. What a shit deal. When we get back, I’ll get the iron hag to buy us one bottle each.” Alyosha smiles. It’s a nice dream, and Alyosha prays for it to come true.
The red light above the ramp turns green, signaling the drop. Ruby squad hollers and cheers at their bosses’ proclamation as they plunge towards Edmonton.
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waywardxrhea · 1 year ago
Part Fifty-One: Two Hearts, Just You and Me
[slow burn romance between Steve Rogers and SHIELD agent Emma Baker]
Warnings: 18+, contains humor, fluff, mental health, family trauma, romance, angst, language, violence.
installment list
Word count: 2.6k
Steve and Emma's wedding day finally arrives!
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A few more weeks pass and it's finally the big day. Emma is a nervous wreck, pacing around her old bedroom while Maria and Natasha are in the small bathroom getting themselves ready before helping Emma get ready for the ceremony.
"Em, what's up? You are way too stressed right now," Maria says as she emerges into the bedroom all dolled up.
Emma stops her pacing and sighs, telling her, "It's just that Wanda still hasn't answered any of my calls, texts, or anything in the last few weeks about the wedding. I got more of a response from Groot than I have her and it's worrying me... And then there's the whole thing about you and Fury having to go off-world soon... Then you know there's kinda the whole thing where I'm getting married to the love of my life today, that's a thing that's happening..."
"Emma!" Maria laughs, putting her hands on her friend's shoulders to stop her rambling. "First of all, I'm sure Wanda is fine, she's just dealing with her grief and if that means spending time by herself for a while, that's how it is. You can't change it. I dealt with the same feeling when you went missing, but trust me it'll be okay. Just breathe."
"Okay. Right. She's just dealing with things. I had five years to deal with my feelings, she just needs time," Emma says as she breathes in and out with Maria.
"And about the whole going off-world thing, I am really sorry to drop that on you on such short notice, but when duty calls you know the drill."
"Totally. I'm just glad you're both here for the wedding."
"See, there's that optimism," Maria says softly, a smile on her lips.
"Just like Steve," Nat says as she makes her way out of the bathroom.
Maria lets out a low whistle and Emma says, "Well I'll be damned, I think you're gonna outdress me."
"Nonsense. It's your day, you're the star," Nat tells her. "That dress we picked out is gonna take his breath away, promise."
"Thank you," Emma says as she blows a breath out, still trying to calm her nerves.
Maria looks at her phone for the time and says, "It's getting close, are you ready to get dressed?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," Emma replies with a smile.
Once Emma has her makeup and hair done and is in the dress, Maria carefully dabs some tears from the corners of her eyes at the sight of her friend. "Oh Maria, don't do that, you'll make me cry too," Emma tells her as she gives her a hug.
"Sorry, I'm just happy for you. To think that when I met you, you had sworn off love after your last breakup and now you're here getting married!"
"I'm just really happy I gave it another chance," Emma says. She wanders over to her dresser and grabs something before asking, "Hey, can you put this necklace on me?"
"Sure," Maria replies as she takes the necklace from Emma. She studies it for a second before asking, "Wasn't this Grammie's?"
Emma nods as she takes a breath and lets it out before saying, "Even though she can't be here I'm happy I have the necklace."
"How'd you get it?" Maria asks as she fastens it around Emma's neck.
"Well you see, I was the guinea pig with the time machine that was used to bring your ass back," Emma tells her with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Oh well excuse me Miss Time Travel," Maria laughs. "So how did that work? Getting the necklace and all?"
"Well I went back to...to that day and I was with her until her last breath. It's what I wanted, so when I got the opportunity to see her again, I jumped at the chance... I just wish she could be here now."
"I know, Em," Maria replies quietly before gently rubbing Emma's shoulders comfortingly.
"Well enough being sad, I don't have time to ruin my makeup," Emma says with a laugh.
She takes a deep breath and turns to Natasha, asking, "Hey can you go get Sam for me? I need to ask him something."
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A little while later, the chairs by the dock are filled with people whom Emma and Steve have met throughout the years. Tony sits with his family, Thor sits with the Guardians, Banner takes up a few chairs himself, Clint's whole family is there along with Natasha's sister Yelena, Scott is there with his family and the Van Dynes, and Shuri sits next to T'Challa both dressed to the nines in the finest Wakandan silk. A few others from the town, work, and family friends are also in attendance. Beside the memory table sits a few empty seats for the spirits of those they lost along the way like Grammie and Gramps as well as Steve's mom and Vision. Above everyone in the sky is Emma's drone SAM flying about getting footage of the wedding so they can have a good memory to look back at after all of this is over.
Steve stands up front with Fury who is taking up the position of the officiate, Bucky as his best man, and Sam as a groomsman. Standing opposite them are Maria and Natasha, all waiting for Emma to make her appearance. After everyone is seated, Sam takes a breath and whispers to Steve, "I'll be right back."
Before Sam can leave, Steve chuckles and says, "Sam I'm supposed to be the nervous one here, not you!"
"I'm not nervous there's just something I gotta do," Sam tells him and pats his back before running up the aisle and into the lodge.
From beside Steve, Fury leans over and asks, "Are you nervous?"
"As all hell, but in the best possible way," Steve tells him with a smile. After this, he leans over to Bucky and asks, "Do you know where Sam went?"
"You'll see," Bucky replies with a smile and a pat on the back as the music starts to play, a recording of Emma playing a 40s jazz version of Here Comes the Bride.
The door to the lodge opens and out comes Emma with her arm linked with Sam's. "Thank you for walking me down the aisle," Emma whispers as they come out of the door.
"Anything for you," Sam says with a smile as they come into view.
Emma can't help the huge smile on her face seeing Steve all dressed up in a sharp tuxedo. At the front, Steve smiles from ear to ear as well and wipes a few tears from his eye after seeing Emma and having the moment sink in.
Once Sam and Emma reach the altar, Fury asks, "Now, Sam, do you support Emma in her marriage to Steve today?"
Sam smiles and says, "Yes sir."
Fury smiles a rare genuine smile and says, "Then let's begin."
Steve takes Emma's hands in his and before Fury can start speaking, he whispers, "Wow you look...stunning!"
"As do you, my love," Emma whispers back, trying not to cry and ruin her makeup.
From beside the pair, Fury pulls up his book that everyone helped put together for the ceremony and begins speaking. "When it comes to finding that special person in your life, sometimes you just know. As we all bear witness to this union of Steve and Emma we can all see that to be true. Now, it took them years to finally grow up and stop dodging their feelings, but I think we can all agree that we're glad they did."
There's a small bit of laughter from the little audience at the joke before Fury continues on with, "Many stories we read and shows we watch like to depict love at first sight, but that isn't how it was with these two. Steve and Emma's relationship is built on a friendship that had been through some tough times but only grew stronger because of it. So instead of calling it love at first sight, I'd like to call it love at each sighting because that's what it is between these two. Their love grows stronger for each other every day and will continue for all their years to come."
Sam clears his throat and says, "Amen to that!"
Steve and Emma smile wide, neither breaking the other's gaze, content in the presence of one another while listening to Fury continue his speech. "Now it's time for the declaration of intent, so I will ask, does anyone here object to this marriage? It's time to speak now or forever hold your peace and whatnot."
This earns a laugh from everyone and when no one says anything, Natasha mumbles, "That's what I thought..."
"Great, so now it is time to begin joining these two together with all of you as a witness to their love and commitment to each other." Fury turns to Steve and asks, "Steve, do you take Emma to be the one? The one you hold above all others, the one you hold in the highest regard, the one you hold when she needs to be held, and the one you hold first and foremost in your heart and soul?"
Joy fills Steve as he smiles and nods. "I do."
Fury nods and turns to Emma, asking, "Emma, do you take Steve to be the one? The one you hold above all others, the one you hold in the highest regard, the one you hold when he needs to be held, and the one you hold first and foremost in your heart and soul?"
Emma nods quickly, and whispers, "I do."
Fury then turns to Bucky and asks, "May I please see the wedding rings?"
"You may," Bucky replies and pulls the box holding them out of his pocket.
Fury opens the box and says, "See now, these rings have no end much like your love for each other has no end. These rings are made of the strongest metal on the planet and will be able to withstand whatever life throws your way much like your love will. As I understand, the two of you have your own vows written?"
"We do," Steve says.
"The stage is yours then," Fury tells him.
Steve clears his throat and squeezes Emma's hands before starting. "Emma... I don't even know where to start. I am so thankful to have had the chance to meet you. You are one of the hardest-working and most dedicated people I've ever met. You're also the kindest, most caring, and most loving person in the world. Knowing what you've been through in life it sometimes blows my mind how much you still trust in the world and its people, but that just shows how beautiful your soul is. When I came out of the ice, you helped this scared, paranoid, and confused man understand his new world and I'm so happy it was you. You took your time with me, helped me understand things when they weren't clicking, and just wanted to help me feel happy and at home. For that I'm grateful, but what I'm more grateful for is the friendship that came out of that chance meeting. That friendship that turned into what we have now, a love that I have and will put my life on the line for again and again because I couldn't stand to be in a world without you Emma. So after all these years, all these trials and battles we've been through together, I just want you. With this ring I take you, Emma, to be my wife. I promise to have you and to hold you, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." By the end of Steve's speech, he has a few tears of happiness falling from his eyes as he slips the wedding band on Emma's finger.
In the audience, many people sit with tissues in hand wiping tears away. Emma wipes away a few tears from her own eyes at Steve's words and says, "Wow, now I'm not sure I'll make it through my vows."
"You've got this," Steve whispers to her with an encouraging squeeze of her hands.
This helps Emma regain her composure and she starts with, "Steve... It took me forever trying to figure out what I wanted to say to you for this moment. I probably have about a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost decided on today, just ask Bucky."
"It's true, she almost hit me with one," Bucky agrees with a chuckle.
This makes some people laugh before Emma continues on with her vows. "Point is, I write for a living, and even with all my years of putting the right words together, I still couldn't figure out the best ones for the perfect man standing in front of me. I did give it my best shot though, so here it goes: To the man standing in front of me. My rock, my light in the dark, the one that guides me through the tough times when I thought I wouldn't make it through, I love you. More than anything. Before I met you I thought I knew what love was. I was skeptical, afraid, and hurt by it. Then I met the guy who came out of that ice and warmed my heart into loving again. You showed me that love isn't supposed to hurt or be one-sided, but it's supposed to heal you, protect you, and care for you. The past five years I won't lie were some of the hardest times I've ever experienced, and without you being there by my side I wouldn't be standing here right now. You kept me going when I thought I couldn't, you kept up that giddy optimism that I love so much, and most importantly you were simply there for me when I needed someone to lean on. Life may not always be perfect, but with you by my side, I know that we'll always take it on together and get through anything. So that being said, with this ring, I take you, Steve, to be my husband. To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." Emma can't help the shaking in her hands as she tries to slip the ring on Steve's finger. He smiles as he helps steady her hand to get the ring on.
Fury subtly wipes a tear from his eye before saying, "With that being said, I will end with this sentiment to hold on to. Love is not static. Much like everything in life it's subject to change. The love you have for each other today is not the love you held for each other when you first met nor will it be the same love that you will experience in one, five, ten, hell even fifty years, but the love will always be yours. Because love is what memories you make together and the history you have with one another and as time goes on, those will change with your shared experiences. You two make sure to love each other every day and never give up on one another okay? So by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husband and wife. Steve, you may kiss your bride."
Joy radiates from both Steve and Emma as he takes her into his arms to kiss her gently. The crowd cheers and laughs as Emma pulls Steve closer, deepening the kiss. The two laugh as they pull away from one another, resting their foreheads together.
Emma looks deep into Steve's eyes and whispers, "Well hello there Mr. Rogers..."
"Hello to you too... Mrs. Rogers," Steve whispers before pulling her in for another kiss.
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a/n: and just like that we have come to the end of the story! it's kinda bitter-sweet isn't it? this story has brought me so much joy, laughter, sadness, frustration, and most importantly love as cheesy as that sounds. it helped me expand my writing abilities and helped me escape reality for a while when all i needed was a world that i knew the ending to. it was great getting to know Emma as she introduced herself to me in this process and i can't wait for y'all to meet my other characters that i have brewing for my other stories (particularly Julianne in my Daredevil story, she's great). so until next time.
love always and excelsior!
taglist: @mrsevans90
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scottxlogan · 2 years ago
Scott Summers/Steve Rogers Master List
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One Shots/Short Stories
Crash Landing (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating M) After a failed mission Scott Summers and Steve Rogers make a crash landing where Scott stews over his failures until Steve decides its time to offer up a different kind of distraction.
Teamwork (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating T)  A training session takes a surprising turn for Scott and Steve when they come together to work team cooperation with one another.
Artistic Endeavors (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating M) Mood board and ficlet.  Scott’s never been good at vocalizing his feelings, but Steve’s been working to bring the stoic leader of the X-Men team out of his shell. When Steve’s artistic inspiration takes them in a new direction inspired by Scott’s newfound courage to explore the sexier aspects of their relationship, a naughty invitation to a body painting adventure leads to passion and temptation in ways that opens Scott’s eyes to a new meaning of true pleasure. Steve’s artistic side fuels Scott’s fire and inspires an erotic art session sure to stay etched in Scott’s mind forever after his boyfriend’s ravenous sexual appetite leads them both to a place where anything and everything goes in the name of desire.
Refuge (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating E)  Scott gives himself over to exploration in the safety of his lover's arms knowing that Steve is his one true comfort after everything he's endured on the outside of what they have together.
One Shot Series: We’ll Work It Out
We’ll Work It Out (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating E) Scott pays Alex a visit and starts thinking about his future. When a walk through the city has him crossing paths with an old friend turned enemy will sparks fly as Scott discovers a new lover in his life?
The Date (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating E)  Scott makes a shocking discovery when the big day for Alex and his wedding arrives. Faced with a stressful situation and feeling left out after a wedding disaster, Scott is relieved when Steve finally shows up to lend his boyfriend a hand by giving him the escape he so desperately needs to unwind. Together they find an escape and a little passion before facing reality again.
Up in The Air (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating M) Steve Rogers was a man with a plan determined to win the ridiculous bet he made with Tony Stark a short while earlier, yet deep down he knew he was destined to lose after that night he found trouble outside a New York City nightclub when an old rival became a new lover. Now Steve struggles with his deal with Tony and the evolving relationship that he's fallen into with Scott knowing that to give himself to what it means to commit himself to Scott entirely will require him letting go of protecting his best friend from the hurt he's facing. Caught up in his struggles Steve decides to take a detour to figuring it out with Scott where things take a surprising turn between them.
Multi-Chapter Fics
Works in Progress
This is a section featuring works in progress fanfic that are multi-chapter stories I’ve done :) If one is part of a series, then the series is labeled at the beginning of the section! :)
Inspiration: The Muse (Pairing: Steve/Steve, Rating E) Scott Summers was tired of being the guy on the outside always a step behind in earning the respect of the team, but after his latest attempt at winning Jean's heart is once again thwarted by Warren, Scott decides to make his own way in the world. Looking to earn some extra cash on the side Scott decides to pose for an art class as a nude model at a community college where his night only gets bombarded by the arrival of his long time secret crush Steve Rogers, who is enrolled in the class as well. Fearing he'll be exposed in more ways than one after the class is over, Scott finds himself in a surprising moment where Steve offers him a proposal far too delicious refuse.
Steve Rogers/Scott Summers/Tony Stark
One Shots:
Lost in Fantasy (Steve Rogers/Scott Summers/Tony Stark, Rated E)  Scott Summers has always had a secret fantasy that he wasn’t brave enough to share until his new boyfriend encouraged Scott to be honest with what he wanted. In doing so, Scott’s boyfriend pulls together a sexy night of fun with a guest sure to turn Scott’s world around as the two Avengers are more than ready to show Scott exactly what he needs.
Conflict Resolution (Steve Rogers/Scott Summers/Tony Stark, Rated E)  Despite years of heavy tensions between them Scott, Tony and Steve have found a different approach to dealing with conflict resolution that has left them all with a much more desirable outcome between them.
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roguelov · 1 year ago
This is my brain dump idea, please excuse my narrator commentary 😂 1.4k of info dump incoming! 🤭
Linaria Bonn of the Bonn family who have a monopoly on most major businesses within her home town.
Early Morning, reader has been up all night worrying about her wedding which will happen this day. It is arranged and while reader is from a wealthy family and has everything she needs and wants, she is very fearful of getting married to the Commodore in charge of her island. He���s older and not a very nice man. Her parents are forcing her into this for political reasons. Maids and everyone bustle in and get reader ready for the wedding. Reader feels like her corset is a trap. Once left alone, reader reaches a breaking point and bolts.
Reader is fleeing from her families manor through the back woods, makes it to the town (by now guards are after her and she has to hide periodically). She knows the ship schedule and that ships are departing so she makes a mad dash to the port. Reader goes up to Shanks, begs for help getting off the island now. Shanks doesn’t think it’s a good idea since she’s obvious a well kept lady, but he can clearly see she’s in a wedding dress, in distress, and running. The Marine’s reach the port and spot reader and reader freaks out, Shanks can’t leave a damsel in distress and wraps his cloak around her shoulders before hauling her up onto his shoulder (He’s one armed by still strong) So the Marine’s see him carting off reader over his shoulder and think he’s kidnapping her and try to stop him, but he and his ship get away.
Backstory of reader meeting the commodore on her sixteen birthday and her parents setting up her arranged marriage. She doesn’t want it, argues and is struck across the face for the first time in her life by her mother. Reader is sitting on a stack of boxes, surrounded by pirates.
Story of how reader got stuck in her arranged marriage, Shanks gives her his room to rest because clearly she’s been up all night worrying and stressing, and some clothes to change into. Reader thanks him and goes in. Only by dinner time the crew hadn’t heard anything from Reader. Shanks goes in with a tray of dinner, only to find reader curled in a corner. She couldn’t get her dress off because of how tightly the strings of her corset were tied (like she was never going to break free of the life her parents sold her for). Shanks set’s the tray down, talks to her and coaxes her to her feet before offering to help her untie her corset. He may be one armed but he’s still quite proficient, that makes reader flush and she agrees. So Shanks unties her corset, revealing the bruising reader has from her governess for when she was being too unyielding to the marriage, especially after she bolted the first time. Shanks brushes his fingers along the bruises, upset by them, reader tells him that today wasn’t the first time she tried running, it was her ditch effort. That just makes Shanks more happy that he helped her out.
He finished untying and leaves her to get dressed and eat alone if she wants, and if she is up to it, he and the crew are on the main deck having a drink. Reader get’s dressed, stares at the tray of food, then goes out to the main deck on good faith. She then realizes that they’re pirates by looking at the Jolly Roger, but shrugs it off because it was pirates who saved her from Marines. Hypocrisy. If there are bad marines, then there are good pirates.
Shanks and the crew plan a day out in a picturesque harbor village just for Lin, the crew is teasing Shanks nonstop about it and telling him to make a move while reader is oblivious to their teasing. So they have their day and it is marvelous and the sun is setting with them walking the boardwalk they stop to look t the setting sun and then they almost kiss (lips brushing) when they’re ambushed by Marines. So the pair go on a wild goose chase through the town to get back to the ship, Shanks is cursing out the commodore who is their for ruining the date but the reader starts giggling and laughing as they near the ship. Shanks only falls more in love with her as they escape onto the ship and set sail, the commodore starts shouting at him for stealing his bride as they leave through a snail speaker? Reader calls the commodore some creative insult and to rub salt into the wound, Shanks kisses reader in front of everyone. And it isn’t innocent.
As the ship sails (after dinner everyone is settling in for the night), reader goes back to Shanks room to put away the stuff he bought her. Shanks then drops by to talk about the whole “I kissed you without your permission and I may be a pirate but I am not an asshole’, reader cut’s him off by kissing him. Obv Shanks isn’t opposed and the pair play hide the panini. Shanks get’s his bed back and get’s to hold reader at night.
The next morning, Shanks is already up but left Reader to sleep in. When she appears for breakfast the crew makes digs at her love life  much to Shanks displeasure, only reader claps back with: at least I have a love life. Mic drop as reader get’s breakfast and something to eat. Then the topic of what reader is going to do since the Commodore is still giving chance. Reader openly disses the Commodore and makes blatant remarks about never marrying an entitled jackass (insert potty mouthed insult/curse) and that she actually likes being on the sea and seeing places as she has never been allowed to leave the manor grounds. So she is going to explore as much as she can. The crew openly invite reader to stay on their ship as long as she wants (Shanks is silent because he doesn’t want to tie her down). He is totally head over heels for reader, but refuses to trap reader by keeping her with him. Thus begins the uneasy romantic relationship between Reader and Shanks. Things are tense but also hot between them as they continue their travels, occasionally talking about reader’s future, arguing over it, and then having makeup sex.
One stop in a village (11 months after she fled home), reader get’s roped into helping out a local elementary school putting on a play. The head teacher sort of becomes friends with Reader and talks about red haired guy who’s eyes always follow reader. Reader tells her that their relationship is complicated. She got out of an arranged marriage because of him and they have a thing going on but he keeps pulling back. Teacher tells Reader that maybe it’s time that she forces him to listen to her and what she wants, aka she wants a life on the ship and she wants a life with him. Reader understands what the teacher is telling her. That night reader approached Shanks telling him that they need to talk. Shanks is like fine but it will have to be after they depart as he promised the villagers he’d help with something and is busy. Reader is like fine. Shanks knows she not really fine with it and gives her a kiss on the head to show that he does care for her.
The next day, reader is helping the kids paint the set when one of them comes into the room crying because they fell and now their wrist hurts really bad. Reader takes the kid to the town to see the doctor, but the doctors office is empty surprisingly. Reader shrugs it off and cleans up the little cuts and scrapes before wrapping the child's arm up so it isn’t injured more until the doctor show up. While they are waiting, there’s commotion at the door, reader is like, there’s the doctor! Surprise! It’s the Marines! So they kidnap  reader and the child (can’t have witnesses). Wake up on Marine ship, reader makes a break for it cause they’re totally underestimated her. So she breaks a few noses with the kid in tote before getting stopped via a very strong kick in the stomach. Reader goes down and experiences Vasovagal Syncope (fainting). They cart her off to a room and a doctor gets called cause hellur Marine just kicked the Commodore’s fiance in the stomach and she flat out fainted.  So basically we have a reunion between the Commodore and Reader, he’s figured out that reader and Shanks are a thing now and is super pissed but whatever, reader’s still got the blood of an aristocrat and that’s all he needs.
Naturally, Shanks goes after his babe
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every-marveler-ever · 2 years ago
2021 - 2022, Masterlist
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This masterlist documents any works written between January 1st 2021 till December 31st 2022. Other important links below ↙
2019 - 2020 Masterlist
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Tailors Can Be Scary: Peter Parker is CEO while Pepper and Tony spend their anniversary away. Tony has set some particular tasks for the CEO in training. [👞-TonyStarkBingo May Flash Bingo]
Tony Stark Will Be There For His Son: Tony just wants to be there for his son, wants to watch him grow up, have fun with his husband and take time off work. He has to stop working. [👞]
All In Spades: Peter is feeling stressed and so Tony does what Tony, likes to think, he does his best to make Peter breakfast in bed. [🌴-StarkerFestivals Summer Bingo]
Sticky Marshmallow: Tony Stark does not like pets, but Peter knows that at one stage Tony didn’t like him and so what’s the harm in a small pet? [🐾-MarvelPetBingo]
They’re NOT ‘Just Friends’: Peter is lucky because he considers his roommate, Tony, his best friend. [🎡-TonyStarkBingo June Flash Bingo] [🌴]
Winter Is Peppermint While Autumn is Cinnamon: The comparison of winter to autumn. [🎡]
Another Will Come Tomorrow: Bucky enjoys the quietness of pre-dawn. [🎡]
Ideal Situations: The aftermath of an alien fight means that Steve and Bucky have to share a hotel room. [⏱️-StuckyBingo June Flash Bingo] [🎡]
California Adventure: Tony Stark enjoys putting a smile on Peter Parker’s face. [🎡]
Cat In The Box: What is Alpine Schrodinger’s cat? [☕-StarkBucksBingo Round 2] [🐾]
Plus One: Peter invites Tony to the wedding. [🌴]
Party Cancelled: The whole room seems to shift, facing towards her. “Aren’t you going out with friends-” “-they cancelled.” Tony’s sceptic, “okay.” [🕷️-PeterParkerBingo Round 1]
Love In Fanfiction: Assumed, by Peter, author and coffee shop owner it’s like a love made in fanfiction. [🕷️] [☕]
Sleep, Just For Tonight: Tony and Rhodey’s friendship is not like Bucky and Steve’s but Bucky wants to help anyway. [☕] [🗽-TonyStarkBingo Mark V]
“Puppy!”: Just some cute young Peter and bio dad!Tony. [🐾]
When You Put Authors In A Room: They are all authors, peter hosts a murder mystery party and chaos ensues. [🕷️]
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He Was Lost Now He’s Found: 7-year-old Peter is introduced to a new home, a better home. [🗽] [🧰-SteveTonyBucky Round 2]
The Rest Of Their Lives: Sam and Steve host family dinner night to celebrate their engagement. [🗽] [🎖️-SamSteverBingo 2022]
They Are Happy: Their lives aren’t over, they’ve only just begun. [💍-MarvelousRarePairBingo]
Peter Parker is Possessive Over His Things (Including Harley Kenner): Kitchen Collective: Peter meets Harley and he’s, uh, cooking? [🐾]
Steve, Lucky and Golden Retrievers: Bucky surprises Steve for his birthday. [🐾] [⚾-StuckyBingo Round 3] [🧰]
“You can’t trademark that!”: Peter isn’t sure what he was talking about, Tony’s invention is brilliant. [🗽] 
Missing Him: Tony and Sam lives their lives missing Rhodey. [🗽] [🐾] [💍] 
Permission Forms: Peter needs Tony to NOT sign something. [🗽] [🛏️-MarvelFluffBingo Round 4]
News Worthy: Tony and Sam are happily married, and have been for a while. They’re just waiting for the rest of the world to realise. [💍] [🛡️-AvengersBingo Round 3][🛏️]
A Strange Anniversary: Tony and Sam are happily married, does that not mean they can’t have a second wedding? Maybe it would help people notice. [💍]
Not Roommates (But Friends?): Tony and Bucky are okay with not being roommates this year, it’s fine. It is much better when Steve is in the picture. [🧰] [🛏️] [⚾] [🛡️]
My Boys, A Scrapbook Dedicated To Steve Rogers and Tony Stark: Bucky dedicates a scrapbook to his future husbands. [🧰] [⚾]
Summer Home:Just Peter visiting his dad for the summer holidays but this time he brings a friend along. [🐾]
Minimal Affairs, Maximum Dramatics: Bucky doesn’t want Tony to get married, he does want Tony to be happy just not married. [⚾] [🧰] [🛡️]
Rifting: Steve, Tony and Bucky watch Pitch Perfect, kind of. [🧰] [🛏️] [🛡️] 
Loving Language: Steve and Sam don’t have an unusual love language they just have what some would call an outdated one. [🛏️] [🛡️] [🎖️]
More Than: People may think he’s Tony Stark, or even a replacement for the man, but Peter Parker is neither. [🛡️]
In Colour: So they say meeting your soulmate isn’t really important but to Steve it is important. So he hopes that he meets this person one day, and wakes up and sees colour.  [🛡️] [🎖️]
Knife, Fork, Then Spoon: Tony feels bad that’s all. Rhodey feels like setting him a challenge (with the sense of sympathy of course) [🗯️-IronHusbandsBingo Round 4]
More Than Anything, Ever: It’s nice this way, so much better with the city close and sitting on the porch lifestyle. The cabin, the kids and them. [📄-StarkbucksBingo Round 3]
Moving In: College move-in day is always a stressful one for not only students but families as well and it’s sweet. [😒-TonyStarkBingo MarkVI] [🌭-SteveRogersBingo 2022]
Snowing Birthdays: It’s snowing outside but it’s still Steve’s birthday and Sam wants to still make it special. [🌭] [🎖️]
“Such A Dad.”: is fairly sure there is something wrong with Peter, he’s not talking and he hasn’t touched any of the food. Tony, just thinks he’s tired and Tony’s known him longer, so he must know, right? [📄] [🛡️] [🛏️]
New York Coffee: Days in New York are hard, they’re filled with paperwork and meetings and Obie breathing down his neck anytime he says anything of any nature, coffee helps with all these things (or at least most). [📄] [😒]
Laundry Day: Steve is looking for his jumper, his and his alone, Tony thinks the jumper he’s wearing fits him just right. [😒] [🌭] [🛏️]
Planning For Dinner Before Breakfast: It’s not that weird to be thinking about dinner at breakfast, right? [📄]
Brothers: The hospital is quiet, as they stare at a sleeping child like creeps, thank goodness it’s their own child they are watching.
Pinterest Scrolling: Tony likes to decorate, especially around the holidays. [😒]
Stealing Strawberries: Waking up early was not really in Peter Parker’s big book of brilliant spidey skills, so why is he awake at 6 am? [🛏️]
Date Nights: Date nights are a little different now. [😒] [🏥-IronStrangeBingo Round 3]
Sleepy Movie Nights: Movie night gets sprung upon Rhodey and then he remembers he’s supposed to be a parent. Tony is interrupted by all this and Pepper is glaring at him. [🗯️-IronHusbandsBingo Round 4]
Shine Brighter: The stars shine brighter from inside the castle walls, and Bucky is glad to be there with Steve. [🌭]
Game Day Expirence: At Superbowl LIX, people are calling this the game of the century as they watch married man Sam Wilson play for New Orleans Saints against his very own husband Steve Rogers playing for the New York Giants. [😒] [🎖️]
↪ (Prequel (0.1)) The First Game Expirence: Game day in the NFL seems different now
↪ (Prequel (0.2)) In The Middle Of The Field: Sam has been waiting for the day to arrive, but then their lives got turned upside down by the sport that they both love, and now Sam is standing in the middle of the field.
Sharing: Sam just wants Steve to have a good birthday away from all his Captain American duties. [🎖️]
Blueberry Mornings: Some things are the same in the mansion, just like a nice Saturday morning, and Steve prefers it that way. [🌭]
Attic-ness: The attic is very attic-like unless it’s not an attic at all. Then it’s just a very high floor in Stark Tower that Peter has come across by accident. [😒]
“Are You Cooking?”: Tony Stark is a great cook, cocky, but a great cook.
At 18?: Is it not weird to play 20 questions at a party, especially when you’re 18
Tony Stark Deserves A Cake: Tony heads to a meeting and doesn’t expect to come home and see his kitchen a mess, Peter is sorry, he really is.
The Story Of Figaro And Captain:Sam never expected them to be the white picket fence with pets type, but he thinks he can handle it as long as he is with Steve. [🎖️]
How Do You Meet A Soulmate?: Can a wrong number really lead to meeting your soulmate? [🏥] [😒]
Bundle Of Quiet: Tony’s workshop is rarely ever quiet and when it is, he’s always ready for a screaming body of mess to come in. [😒] [🗯️]
Mr Magical: Apparently, Tony’s character voices aren’t as fantastic as Stephen’s cheating and using magic to make the book alive
Smooth(ie) Moves: Tony likes knowing everything, and Rhodey doesn’t like not knowing. [🗯️]
Background Character: Lila Rhodes did not expect to be in this lecture hall, she doesn’t even go to this school, so she really shouldn’t be a witness to one of the largest news stories in MIT history. The largest may be an exaggeration she’s making seeing as the news story includes her brother. [😒] [🗯️]
Under Pressure: “You failed!” Peter fails and Tony is not used to failing and so he doesn’t realise what he’s doing. [🗯️]
Dancing Away: Dancing is sought of their things, from high school dances to rehearsals, too slow-paced on their porch while the night sky illuminates them. [😒] [🛡️]
Sam and Bucky’s Outside (Spooky) Adventures (MASTERLIST):Bucky has a group of boy-scouts that he likes to dawn over and his partner Sam now gets to join him.[🎃-SamBuckyHalloweenBingo 2022] [SERIES]
Stark Gala Reunion: And they meet once again. [😒]
Hues Of Leaves: In autumn Harley and Peter always find themselves at MIT, autumn in Massachusetts is much prettier than that what Autumn in New York.
What I Think A Hallmark Stucky Movie Would Be: Christmas is slightly awkward when you haven’t been home in years and you are fairly sure you’re parents are replacing you. [😒] [🌭] [🥀-Stucky Bingo Round 4]
0 notes
rogerswifesblog · 2 years ago
Steve Rogers:
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Smut:🫦fluff: 💖 Angst:👻
Getting to know you 🫦💖
During one of Starks famous party’s you and Steve…get to know each other better.
Pretty boy 💖🫦 sub!Steve X dom!reader
Best friends always tease each other. You always liked teasing Steve…but what if some words affect Steve more, than he lets you see it? After a failed mission, Steve needs more than just your teasing...
What you deserve 👻💖🫦🫦bestfriendsdad!Steve Rogers x reader [ request from @haruvalentine4321 &lt;3 ]
After you caught your-now ex-boyfriend cheating, your best friend let you stay over for the night…there was only one problem. Her unbelievably hot dad.
Take the risk 💖 bestfriend!Steve Rogers x Reader
[ request by @nana1000night &lt;3 ]
Steve is your best friend, always has been. Until he takes you on a vacation and everything changes.
Help you relax 🫦[ request by anon ]
Steve had a very, very stressful week. You decided to help him relax. With your mouth.
Finding you 💖 [ request by anon ]
Steve's saves your life. Unfortunately you hadn't had the opportunity to talk or exchange numbers. But Steve just couldn’t forget about you.
Safe 💖
You ran away from your abusive ex....after a few months he came looking for you. Good for you, you had such a great neighbour.
Online 💖 [ requested by @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory ]
It's your first day at Stark Industries...and Natasha seems to notice Steve's little crush on you.
Keep you quiet 🫦
Steve and you never liked each other. You always bickered, even on missions-which brought you in this situation; on you knees.
-> Another lesson 🫦🫦🫦 [ Steve x reader x Bucky ]
Steve's gives you another lesson on being quiet...this time, Bucky helps.
Never stopped looking 👻💖🫦[ request by anon &lt;3 ]
After being captured by HYDRA the avengers tried to find you for months, but didn't succeed. Weeks later a shield-team finds you and brings you back.
Improvising 💖 [ request by anon ]
After falling for the cute and shy assistant Steve tries to ask her out..but it doesn't go according to plan.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder 💖 [ requested by @rottingimp ]
Steve Rogers x plus-size!reader
Nobody knows you and Steve are dating...which means many of the agents try to flirt with him. It kind of makes you doubt yourself.
Lyrics 💖 [ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory ]
Steve loves seeing you enjoy modern music. So he decides to go on a concert with you.
Behind the picture 💖 [ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory ]
The avengers couldn't figure out who Steve was seeing, the first time they meet you is when Steve’s badly injured.
Truth will out🫦
To skip the training it was necessary to lie to Steve....was that a good idea?
Meant to be 💖
Meeting your soulmate; Steve.
Written in the stars 👻
Steve always loved you. And he’d always love you, in health…and in sickness. Till your forever would end. You two only hoped it wouldn’t happen so soon,
Noise🫦 Pt 2
Steve and you are getting a bit intimate while Bucky sleeps in the same room…he’s asleep, right?
Bad girls are the sweetest 🫦
Steve teaches you some manners.
Valentine’s Day with Steve and Bucky 💖🫦
Valentine’s Day with your boyfriends &lt;;3
Cowboy hat rule🫦💖
Steve puts readers cowboy hat on not knowing the rule behind it.
Help you out 🫦
Lactation kink with Steve Rogers
Good boys 🫦 [ Stucky x reader ]
Steve and Bucky wake you up…quite needy.
Stacys mom🫦💖 pt two
Steve knew he was fucked as soon as he saw his best friends mom.
Steve wearing a wedding ring
Steves Obsession with red lipstick 🫦
Secret relationship with Steve
When people find out about your relationship and are mean to you
Secret relationship with pregnant fiancé
Gangbang with Andy, Steve, Ari and Curtis
Steve being a sweet menace to his girlfriend
Steve cheering you up
Steve loves Hercules (Disney)
Sleep over with Steve
Mafia!steve with his girlfriend
Steve being high on laughing gas
pt 2 of high Steve
Sneaking out of Steve’s room
Prompt: “who did this to you?”
1 k followers bingo
Baking with Steve 💖
Warm you up 🫦[anal sex & one bed]
Love on the first splash 💖[strangers to lovers (101 Dalmatians themed)]
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