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transingthoseformers · 4 days ago
I keep rereading the one decepticon spy!Hot Rod/Rodimus x Optimus fic that implies at the end that Hot Rod would do anything to have a threesome between himself, Optimus, and Megatron
But in a scenario where the war *does* end, and they're all on the same side (one way or another)
I want them to have that threesome
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judy-ley · 12 days ago
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of-nyon · 3 months ago
Just some cute optirod languishing in the wips folder that's going nowhere, I release it into the wild
It was some big fancy event, the actualities of which didn't really matter to Hot Rod, just that they were hiring extra temp help for the day, as in were actually paying wages, and there was the additional opportunity to steal everything you could fit in your subspace and get away with, so why not apply?
He was good at interviews; being an entertainer had meant, first and foremost, being a friendly, smiling chameleon that was whatever the person who would be paying you wanted you to be, and Hot Rod had smiled and nodded his way through to an 'accepted' ping in his inbox. His current identity was a near blank slate, and definitely had the skills to bring energon from the kitchen and simper over noble aftheads and not make a single complaint when they inevitably grabbed at him. No sir, he'd done this song and dance before.
“You aren't one of the regular staff,” Optimus Prime appears out of nowhere behind Hot Rod's shoulder to say: “do you mind if I sit here for a while?”
“Um,” Hot Rod says, holding his tray in front of him like a shield as he turns around. Yep, that's Optimus Prime, big and red and blue and startlingly handsome, up close.
It wasn't an order. But this is the Prime, and Hot Rod doesn't want any extra attention on him tonight that'll get people asking questions like 'where did all our cutlery go,' or 'did anyone actually see the little red and yellow one doing his job,' and annoying the Prime himself by denying him seemed like a great way to attract unwanted attention on a night he wanted to be invisible.
“Sure,” he says, backing up a little to give them some room between them. Optimus Prime is big, and/or Hot Rod is smaller than average, his head only coming up to the Prime's windshield chest. That he is not staring at. No sir. He just happens to be optic-level with it. “It's, uh, I've gotta be out there, so-” he makes to move past, holding his tray aloft as proof of the work he definitely intends to do, but the Prime holds one big hand out, blocking him.
“No need,” he says, and with any other mech this size bottling him in alarm sirens would be blaring, but there's something disarming about him that has Hot Rod shrugging and moving to sit on the window ledge of the little alcove. “I'll ensure your time is compensated. Ah! I'll have the borovan, if you don't mind.” Instead of getting handsy with him before hustling him off out of sight to the nearest berth, which is about what Hot Rod expects from most nobles he runs into in his shitty temp jobs, Optimus delicately plucks one of the cubes from Hot Rod's tray and then slides down the wall to sit, his shoulders just about level with Hot Rod's aimlessly moving feet. The Prime takes a draught of his chosen beverage, then cranes his head to look up at him.
“My apologies, I haven't even asked your name.”
Hot Rod opens his mouth, ready with the fake name he's been using since leaving Nyon, but what comes out is: “Hot Rod.” He blinks in surprise. The Prime blinks back at him, then smiles, easy to tell even with the protective facemask across his mouth.
In the end, Hot Rod didn't deliver a single cube of fancy-aft energon to a single grabby-hands noblemch afthead. Instead, he woke next morning fully sober – his system burned through fuel fast, and had left him sitting at a reasonable thirty-five percent, not bad.
And then he registered that he was on top of Optimus Prime, sprawled out and fast asleep, his soft ex-vents the only sound in the room until Hot Rod broke out of his frozen stupor and yelped and scrambled backwards off him, tumbling to the floor.
Prime's chestplates were open. His spark was visible, glowing beautiful white, and oh slag had they -? No, Hot Rod's memory was crystal clear, thanks to his stupid frame's complete inability to get and stay drunk. No, they hadn't. He picked himself back up, unable to stop staring.
They hadn't fragged, and they definitely hadn't spark-bonded. So why...?
He jumped as Optimus groaned and shifted. The Prime threw the back of his hand over his optics, visibly winced, then moved to sit up.
“Ah...?” He asked, blinking in confusion at the sight of his own open sparkchamber. “Oh, hello, Hot Rod. You're still here.”
“Yeah.” Hot Rod said, wishing he'd fled the room instead of hanging around like an idiot. “We didn't – I didn't – it was like that when I woke up a couple seconds ago,” came out in a rush, Hot Rod flapping a hand to indicate the glowing spark. “I promise, I promise I didn't do anything!”
“No – no, don't worry,” Optimus said, putting his palms up in a peace gesture. “Strange. I'll visit the medbay, I think. But do you know, I think I was looking for someone last night? And I found you.” He smiled as his chest finally closed back up, concealing the light within. “I would-” Here Prime became suddenly bashful, looking away as he stood up. “I would like you to stay, Hot Rod, if it is at all possible.”
“Um,” Hot Rod said, current events having rapidly gotten away from him. “What's the pay rate?”
“A quick scan, if you don't mind, Ratchet. And this is Hot Rod, he'll be my assistant from now on.”
“Right.” A medic pattered over, barely glancing at Optimus before critically eyeing Hot Rod, who shrank back against the Prime's large thigh from the intense gaze. “Does Prowl need to do a background check on your new assistant? Does he know you have a new assistant?”
“Well -” Optimus hesitated only for a moment as Ratchet brandished the handheld scanner, then brightened and looked towards Hot Rod. “You passed the interview, didn't you?”
“Sure did,” Hot Rod said nervously. Under a fake name and no actual background. He was gonna get kicked out. The cushy job of a lifetime, the Prime apparently being doo-lally over him, and he was gonna blow it.
“There you are, then.” Optimus beamed like he'd solved intergalactic peace as the scanner beeped and Ratchet looked over the results.
“You're fine,” the medic announced. “Looks like there's some...heightened Matrix activity happening, but unless you want me to pull the thing out, which I'd be happy to, by the way, you probably want a priest for that.”
Optimus 'hmm'd while Hot Rod blinked. The Matrix? Like the actual Matrix of Leadership? He'd scrambled too quickly off of Prime's chest that morning to actually see if it was in there or not. Guess he had an answer. “Thank you Ratchet. I suppose we should finalise everything with Prowl, and then I'll bring Hot Rod back for his first check-in. Sound good?”
“'Sound good',” Ratchet repeated with a roll of his optics. “You vanish for the entire party, then show up next morning with one of the temp hires hanging around your thighs. It doesn't take much to put two and two together.”
“Oh – no! We didn't do anything – improper,” Optimus stammered. “But – as you said – heightened Matrix activity? That makes sense. I think it was – searching. Reaching out. All I did was follow.”
And I found you, Hot Rod remembered.
“Well -” Ratchet shrugged. “Get him vetted, then get him back in here. When was the last time you saw a proper medic, kid?”
“They had one at-” he started to say defensively on automatic, then shut his mouth. He wasn't about to defend the slaggin' House that had been the first one to show up at the Hot Spot to scoop up any suitable sparks for their business. He wasn't even sure Splitscreen was a qualified medic. Ratchet raised an optic ridge. Hot Rod didn't continue, staring down at the floor instead. He found his hand reaching for Optimus almost of its own accord, and the Prime took it gently.
“Right,” Optimus said decisively. “Prowl can be a bit difficult sometimes. Please don't think too badly of him, Hot Rod, he doesn't like it when surprises like this happen, but he does mean well. Let's go see him now.” A gentle tug, and Hot Rod willingly went, away from Ratchet's judging optics.
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goceciblog · 7 months ago
Edirne, Yunanistan'daki Yangınlara Yardıma Hazır: "Komşumuzun Yanındayız"
Yunanistan İklim Krizi ve Sivil Savunma Bakanlığı, Rodop ilinde yangın riskinin yüksek olduğunu açıkladı. Edirne Valisi Yunus Sezer, Türkiye’nin yangınla mücadelede Yunanistan’a yardıma hazır olduğunu belirtti. (Haber: Dr. Devrim Soukla)  Yunanistan İklim Krizi ve Sivil Savunma Bakanlığı Sivil Savunma Genel Sekreterliği tarafından yayınlanan Yangın Riski Tahmin Haritası’nda, Rodop ili yangın…
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coffeenewstom · 6 months ago
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: Menies Café in Rodopos
Rodopos, das ist das Ende der Straße. Rodopos, das ist ein kleines, langgezogenes Dorf, das in einen Talkessel hineingebaut wurde, umgeben von kahlen und staubigen Hügeln, von denen man einen Blick auf die Bucht von Chania genießen kann. In Rodopos haben die Straßen keine Namen. Es gibt ein halbes Duzend Häuser, in denen man ein Zimmer mieten kann, eine Imkerei, die Kirche des heiligen…
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energ00n · 11 days ago
So what is your favorite pairings of all Transformers fandom?
Hmmmmm megop, jazzop, shockop, zetasen, noblespark, wavewave, skystar, tarnickel (they're cute)
I'll eat anything op bottom but there are honorable mentions where I just ship characters I really like with op just because- like Rodop and Tarnop
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sapropel · 1 year ago
I've been working on my D&D world for 6 years at this point and it's so fun to review my notes because my memory is so bad. I'll be like "oh shit Rodop is the leader of the Dragon's Claw? I didn't know that. That changes everything" <guy who invented all of those things
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avalonunezgisi · 2 years ago
rodop rüzgarı
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gundembuca · 11 days ago
Buca ’da Baharın Müjdecisi: Marteniçka Geleneği Yaşatıldı!
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Buca’da Marteniçka Geleneği Yaşatıldı Buca Belediye Başkanı Görkem Duman: "Birlik ve Beraberlik İçinde Olduğumuz Sürece Her Zorluğun Üstesinden Gelebiliriz." Buca’da baharın müjdecisi, bereketin ve kardeşliğin sembolü marteniçkalar, Rodop Çocuk Parkı’nda geleneksel olarak ağaçlara bağlandı. Bucalı miniklerin kendisine hediye ettiği marteniçkaları bileğine bağlayan Buca Belediye Başkanı Mimar Görkem Duman, "Birlik ve beraberlik içinde oldukça her zorluğu aşarız" dedi. Balkan Kültürü Buca’da Yaşatılıyor İzmir Balkan Göçmenleri Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği’nin Rodop Çocuk Parkı’nda düzenlediği “marteniçka” etkinliğine katılan Başkan Görkem Duman, Bucalılarla birlikte anıta karanfiller bıraktı ve marteniçkaları erik, elma ve çınar ağaçlarına astı.
“Sözümüzü Yerine Getirdik”
Balkan göçmenlerinin anısını yaşatan parkta düzenlenen etkinlikte konuşan Duman, “Geçtiğimiz Aralık ayında Türkan Bebek ve diğer şehitlerimizin anısına burada üç fidan dikmiştik. O gün, bahar geldiğinde marteniçkalarımızı bu ağaçlara bağlayacağımızı söylemiştik. Bugün, sözümüzü yerine getirmenin gururunu yaşıyoruz” ifadelerini kullandı.
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Buca Baharın Habercisi Marteniçka Başkan Duman Anı Evi’ni Ziyaret Etti Etkinlik sonrası Buca Belediyesi Anı Evi’nde yer alan “Balkanlar’dan Türkiye’ye Göç” temalı sergiyi gezen Duman’a, İzmir Bal-Göç Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği Genel Başkanı Abdurrahim Nursoy ve federasyon yetkilileri eşlik etti. Gündem Buca Yı instagramda takip edebilirsiniz https://www.instagram.com/gundembuca/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WC-p7jCQPI Gündem Buca Haberlerini takip edin https://gundembuca.com/izmir-de-su-krizi-dsi-den-sonra-izsu-da-harekete-gecti.html Read the full article
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months ago
İzmir Bornova’da adım adım ziyaret
İzmir Bornova’da adım adım ziyaret
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İzmir Bornova Belediye Başkanı Ömer Eşki, Çamdibi Yıldırım Beyazıt Mahallesi’nde esnaf ziyaretleri ve vatandaş buluşmaları gerçekleştirdi.
İZMİR (İGFA) – Sokak sokak gezerek talepleri dinleyen ve sorunları yerinde tespit eden İzmir Bornova Belediye Başkanı Ömer Eşki, özellikle yol çalışmalarıyla ilgili çözüm sürecini anlattı. Ayrıca, yeniden yapımına başlanan Sıdıka Rodop Lisesi inşaatında incelemelerde bulundu.
Bornova Belediye Başkanı Ömer Eşki, rutin mahalle gezileri kapsamında Çamdibi’nde Yıldırım Beyazıt Mahallesi’ni ziyaret etti. Esnafa “Hayırlı işler” dileyen Başkan Eşki, mahalle sakinleriyle bir araya gelerek onların taleplerini dinledi. Vatandaşlarla samimi bir sohbet gerçekleştiren Başkan Eşki, şikayet ve önerileri tek tek not aldı. Özellikle yol çalışmalarına dair gelen taleplere ilişkin konuşan Eşki, “Yol çalışmalarımız bir plan çerçevesinde ilerliyor. Bu bölgemizde de en kısa zamanda çalışmalar başlayacak” dedi.
 “Sorunları yerinde görerek çözüyoruz”
Yıldırım Beyazıt Mahallesi sokaklarında dolaşarak vatandaşlarla buluşan Başkan Eşki, yatırımların ve hizmetlerin vatandaşlardan gelen talepler doğrultusunda şekillendiğini vurguladı. Eşki, “Hizmette önceliğimiz her zaman vatandaşlarımızın memnuniyetidir. Sahada olmak, ihtiyaçları yerinde görmek bizim yönetim anlayışımızın temel taşıdır” ifadelerini kullandı.
 Sıdıka Rodop Lisesi inşaatında inceleme
Başkan Eşki, mahalle ziyaretleri sırasında yıkılarak yeniden yapımına başlanan Sıdıka Rodop Lisesi’nin inşaat alanını da ziyaret etti. Çalışmaları yerinde inceleyen Eşki, proje ekibinden bilgi aldı ve çalışanlara kolaylıklar diledi.
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salad-flavored-adventures · 10 months ago
grable b rodop
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lolonolo-com · 1 year ago
Dünya Bölgeleri: Avrupa 2022-2023 Bütünleme Soruları
Dünya Bölgeleri: Avrupa 2022-2023 Bütünleme Soruları 1. Bulgaristan’daki en önemli iki dağ aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Balkan ve Rodop B) Rodop ve Himalaya C) Bavyera ve Arden D) Karpatlar ve Ant E) Balkan ve Prene Cevap : A) Balkan ve Rodop 2. Hollanda’nın en gelişmiş bölgesi olan üçgen çekirdekte yer alan üç şehir aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Amsterdam – Eindhoven – Utrecht B) Antwerp –…
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coffeenewstom · 6 months ago
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: auf der Halbinsel Rodopou
Der Plan war, hier einige besondere Orte zu besuchen, die Abseits der üblichen Touristenströme liegen. Denn im Gegensatz zu heute war die Gegend hier von der Antike bis zur Zeit der Venezianer besiedelt. Meine Recherche ergab, dass es hier – in etwa dort, wo heute der Menies Beach liegt, ein Hafen gewesen sein muss. Wir nehmen die Nationalstraße von Kissamos bis kurz vor Kolimvari. Dann geht es…
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energ00n · 2 months ago
Hello! I love your AU so much, I have a question, do you plan to develop more couples in the future? Apart from Dpax and Megatronus/Prima, is there any other pairing? Maybe not develop it as such but it exists or is mentioned? I also wonder if Sentinel/Zeta fall into this couple category? Since it seems Zeta does have feelings for Sentinel but does Sentinel know it? or he just ignore it? Does he plan to take advantage of those feelings? Sentinel might think that having a Prime in love with him might be beneficial.
There will always be background couples, the number will increase the more I learn about TF ex: I didn’t even like ZetaSen when I made the AU. Right now you can expect: Wavewave, BDKO, SkyStar, ZetaSen, RodOp, and there are 3 more but that’s a bit spoilery for next comics <<< note some of them are background ships and might not be delved in
Sentinel is fully aware of Zeta’s affection for him, he takes advantage while hating it. To Sentinel, Zeta constantly reminds him (albeit without malice) of his time as a lowly student instead of a fellow Prime he worked his ass off to become. Instead of talking it out with Zeta, Sentinel continues to play as a perfectly happy and content companion while holding it in as a grudge toward him
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balkanturksblog · 3 years ago
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Turkish men in Koşukavak, Eastern Rhodopes, 1925.
Krumovgrad was called Koşukavak until 1934, when approximately 1,200 settlements in Bulgaria were renamed. Today it bears the name of the Bulgarian khan Krum — one of the most famous Bulgarian rulers.Until the First Balkan War (1912), Koşukavak was within the Ottoman Empire. It is now located in Kırcaali/Kardzhali oblast and is a municipality. Much of its population is of Turkish origin. According to the 2011 census, more than 57% of the municipality's residents identified themselves as Turks.
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benbehu · 5 years ago
Rodope Railway
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