#rodney skinner x reader
thefanficmonster · 4 years
For Better And Through Worse
Rodney Skinner (The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Romance
Summary: Y/N is a simple girl with big dreams. She works hard towards her goal of travelling the world, seeing all it has to offer. She’s also a devoted student, one with the hopes of one day fulfilling yet another dream of becoming a fashion designer and leaving the town her and her sister have been stuck working in. Her stars align and fate smiles down upon her one day when a rather mysterious man makes his way in the café she works at.
Requested by Anon. Hello there! I’m so terribly sorry to be posting your request so late, dear. I hope the fic makes the wait worth it. This is the first time I’ve been introduced to this character and this movie in its entirety and I absolutely loved it! Thank you so much for the request and for your patience. Please enjoy! Love, Vy ❤
“Close that book, Y/N! Your shift’s starting!“ My manager scares me half to death when his voice suddenly booms throughout the empty diner. 
It’s close to one in the morning and I’m stuck with the shitty overnight shift tonight because my older sister wasn’t feeling well. I arrived early while my friend still hadn’t finished his shift and decided to kill time productively by studying behind the cash register. Even though my shift has started, there is no real reason for me to abandon my book considering how dead the place is. Dead, eerie and unsettling. It’s 24/7 diner in the middle of seemingly nowhere. Well, our town in general is a big ‘nowhere’. If you came here on vacation - no you didn’t. You probably got lost along the way to a different destination. If you live here - good luck, hope you get out soon.
A young, 5′2 girl with only a can of pepper spray to defend herself with left in a café working the shift from one to eight AM. That’s simply ludicrous! I can hardly believe my manager has the audacity to leave like this. Not even a ‘call if you need anything’ out of politeness. Nothing! He doesn’t like any of the workers here so I don’t take it personal but he’s EXTRA mean to me because my sister turned his offer of a date down. It’s a surprise he hasn’t fired the both of us yet. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know if he’d be doing damage or doing us a favor by firing us.
I wait for the jerk to leave before reopening my book and proceeding with my reading. I can’t contain the smile that automatically appears on my face whenever my mind wanders into the contents of the pages. Seeing the pictures of the fashion creations gives me hope that one day I’ll be standing in front of a mannequin that will be displaying a piece I’ve designed. A piece won’t be enough though. I want an entire clothing line. Several even! The fiery passion in me won’t be easily satisfied - I have a vivid goal in mind and I won’t rest until I have it in my hands, until I’m looking at my clothes in the windows of shops and in magazines.
I unintentionally stop reading let myself daydream - well, it’s more like dreaming with open eyes considering it’s one AM. My imagination is sometimes so real it scares me. It all feels like I can reach out and grab it, hold it close, live it for a little while. However, that ideal life is soon ended by the sound of the bell that hangs above the door of the café ringing. I come flying down from my daydreaming cloud with a startled jump. My heart is beating quickly for no real reason other than the fact that there’s a person here at this hour. Knowing the type of town this one is, they are either one of the local drunks or not local at all. An outsider. The ones that everyone assumes are criminals on the run.
I couldn’t blame them if they said that about this guy. Mysterious, shady, suspicious - all adjectives that describe him perfectly. His sudden presence makes me uneasy. Many outsiders who choose to stick around for a bit frequent this bar, therefore I know some of them. This one I have never seen before. He almost looks unreal - a walking doll. He’s got an abnormally pale, sheet white complexion, a top hat and sunglasses. Sunglasses?! At the dead of an already pitch black night. I’m surprised he hasn’t stumbled into something yet. Maybe he has, what do I know.
“Good evening. One beer please.“ He says, hopping onto a bar stool and resting his elbows on the counter top of the bar that some ways down from the cash register - the two counters are connected.
“Coming right up.“ That’s the usual response I give to customers but I’ve never said it so hesitantly. He’s not being creepy or anything, he’s not even doing the staring most customers do which while uncomfortable, I still have to tolerate. The only truly off-putting thing about him is his appearance and the fact that he’s here at this hour. Drinking beer.
I keep my gaze on him out of the corner of my eye as I go fetch a cold beer bottle from the fridge behind the bar. I typically do waitressing, but I know my way around the bar as well. I see him reach for yesterday’s paper one of the previous customers has left there. He’s still distracted by it when I approach him and put a coaster down in front of him as well as the beer bottle, mumbling a quick: “Here you go.”
He lifts his head only enough to give me a nod with a small smile. From that proximity, the color of his skin looks more like paint, which is even more unsettling. He has also taken off his sunglasses, his eyes now free to make direct contact with mine which makes me pause for a second before asking the second routine question, “Anything else?”
“Uh, yes....“ His eyes go down to my nametag, “Y/N, could you tell me where this address is?“ He slides a piece of paper over closer to me. 
I reluctantly nod and look at the note he’s handed me. The letters are written in poor handwriting but I can still decipher the majority of what’s written. “This address is from the next town over, sir.” I inform him with a tightlipped smile that’s my way of sort of apologizing for the inconvenience.
He nods slowly, “Well, how far is this town exactly?” He furrows his brows at me and takes out a pen, taking the note back so he could write something at the back of it. 
“It’s a city compared to this one. It’s a two hour drive from here.“ I tilt my head to the side, discreetly looking at what he’s writing down.
“Thank you.“ He puts the note and pen away, “By the way, don’t take this the wrong way, but what are you doing here?“ He gives me puzzled look.
I scoff and shrug my shoulders, “Working, as you can see. I’m covering this shift for someone else, I don’t usually work it.” I respond nonchalantly. 
“No, I mean what are you doing working here at all?“ He points at me, “That dress, it’s self-made, right?“ 
Ok that’s off-putting. Either he is clairvoyant or it’s so obvious that an amateur has made it that he couldn’t help but notice and point it out. All I can give as an answer is a slight nod, a baffled expression on my face.
“That’s what I thought. It’s incredible.“ He probably realizes that he has caught me off-guard and has confused me, so he shakes his head with a small chuckle and a wave of his glove covered hand. “I saw the book you were reading on my way in. Fashion and design. So you’re an aspiring clothing designer?“ 
I feel relief wash over me as the confused furrow and pursed lips are replaced by a relaxed smile. I take the few steps back to where I was previously sitting and where I’ve left the book. I hand it to him once I return for him to see. “Yes, but the course here is expensive and I can’t afford it without this job.”
He nods slowly as his eyes carefully scans the pages he turns. “Impressive, so a goal-getter as well.”
I can’t help but giggle, “And a traveler at heart. I also need the money for that...” I open the book to it’s last page and show him the list I have written of places I’d like to visit. 
His eyes widen a bit in amazement as they go down the neatly written list. “You know, I’ve visited some of these places. I plan on visiting the rest as well. I could use a partner.” He winks at me playfully.
I roll my eyes, “As I said, I can’t afford it. You think I’d still be in this town if I could?” I say rather bitterly. Feels like the subject is an open wound and talking about it is the same as pouring salt on it.
“Who says you’ll have to pay a penny. I said I’d like some company, you’ll be paying me with your presence.“ His gaze is firm on mine, his tone suggesting he isn’t kidding around. I unintentionally let my disbelief morph into a ‘bullshit’ expression of distrust that causes him to raise his hands up as if surrendering, “No funny business, though I know what this looks like to you. Trust me, I wouldn’t offer that to just anybody. I sense how strongly you wish to fulfill your dreams. I see it all in your eyes, there’s a flame behind them. And...I’m gonna be honest, I’ve done many less than honorable things in my life. But when I see a chance to do good, I want to take it. Now it’s on you, take it or leave it.“
I’m stunned and frozen. I can’t even answer him. I’m just standing here with my mouth hanging open and eyes wide, staring at him awaiting for him to burst out laughing at any moment like ‘Did you really believe that?!’  But he doesn’t. He remains serious and after what feels like forever smirks, putting a hundred bucks next to the untouched beer bottle. 
“If you change your mind...I swing back the same time tomorrow.“
Before I can even shake free from my shock he has already left. I didn’t even get the chance to tell him I won’t be here the same time tomorrow. I feel my heart sink as my mind races, two sides of me battling - one that wants to take the chance that’s being offered to me and the other scolding me for even considering it.
Dumb or not I’m rooting for the first side. 
Eyes don’t lie. Just like he read me so well just by looking at mine, I read him by looking at his. All he said was true, not a doubt in my mind about it. He meant all he said and for some odd reason I believe him despite him being a complete stranger. I don’t even know his name, for goodness’ sake! But I want to go with him. The hard part for me would be leaving my family behind though.
Well, I have a little less than twenty four hours and a seemingly never-ending uneventful shift ahead of me to ponder it.
                                                              *  *  *
I can’t believe any of this - not what I’ve done, not what I’m doing and most definitely not what I’m about to do.
I have packed my bags and snuck out of the house, running at full speed to the café. When I arrived I was breathless, with a heart beating faster than a galloping horse.
I’m now waiting for the man. The stranger. The person who could be anyone or anything - including dangerous - but right now all he is to me is my path to success, the person who’ll guide me to achieving my goals.
I’m about to go running away with this man, off to God knows where. No one guarantees he won’t do harm to me. I can’t be 100% certain this won’t end badly for me. All I can do is take this chance if I want to. And I really REALLY want to. 
Just as the clock strikes 1:25 AM, an old car pulls up at the curb in front of the café. I’m standing in the shadows, away from any windows to avoid being spotted by the worker who’s on the dead shift as I call it. The way the car has parked it’s positioned directly underneath a street lamp, almost like it’s under a spotlight. The door to the drivers side opens to reveal the same man from last night. When he steps out in the lamp’s light he looks to be glowing, his unusually pale complexion shinning in the light. 
“Y/N!“ I call out to him, startling him for once instead of the other way around.
He stops and looks around, taking the sunglasses off and narrowing his eyes at his surroundings. I chuckle to myself and step within the line of light, “My name’s Y/N. You already know that.” His eyes land on me and a smile spreads across his face as well as mine. “I don’t know yours though.”
He takes a step towards me, “Rodney. Rodney Skinner. Though, please don’t let that name throw you off. It was given to me for far less sadistic reasons than you may be imagining right now.”
I can’t help but laugh, “All I ask is for you to not skin me alive.”
He gives me a small bow, “I shall respect your request. Now...“ he straightens his posture and turns to motion to his car, “To freedom and adventure?”
I don’t know what takes over me and drives me to close the space between us, but it is also to blame for the fact that I pressed my lips against him. Even after realizing what I have done, I don’t pull away. I don’t see my doing as wrong - in fact, I feel like I’m doing all the right things for myself tonight. He responds to the kiss after a second or two of stunned hesitation.
The little kid in me can’t wait for this journey to commence anymore so I pull away abruptly, giving him a bright, wide smile and my eyes bright. I watch as he comes back to the present moment and nods, mumbling as if to himself a quick, “Right...” before circling around the car and opening the passenger side door. 
I gladly take a seat and fasten the seatbelt while Rodney takes my suitcase and backpack and puts them in the trunk of the car. Here it is, I’m seconds away from the biggest step in my life so far. A dangerous and risky step for sure, but the sense of freedom I feel is worth it all. The joy and excitement I feel as the car starts moving is all I need to keep looking forward and keep my mind off my family’s reaction when they find my goodbye note.
“By the way, what’s at that address you showed me yesterday?“ I ask to keep myself distracted from the aforementioned thought which is stronger than I thought it would be.
“Ah, a friend of mine, Nemo. He holds the vehicle of our travels. Tell me...“ his hand nonchalantly rests on top of mine between the seats causing me to blush, “have you ever traveled by a submarine?“
I physically jolt at the absurdness of the question, “You’re not serious!” I turn to look at him, my free hand covering my mouth which is hung open in disbelief.
He laughs, taking the hand he’s holding and bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to my knuckles which relaxes me. “I’m deadly serious, Y/N. Speaking of Nemo though, do you know of any good barbecue places in that town? He loves a good barbecue.”
I grimace, “No and I’d much rather never know or enter one.” He gives me a quick puzzled glance, careful not to take his eyes off the road for too long, “I’m a vegetarian.” I clarify with a snicker.
I see the realization be processed and show on his face, followed by a laugh when he says, “Oh Nemo’s gonna love ya.”
I don’t know if that was sarcasm or ironic. I just know one thing - I have so much ahead of me at the moment. Travelling, studying, meeting new people, seeing a submarine, for the love of God! And even a potential romantic relationship. The future has never looked so bright for me, and this is all thanks to this abnormal yet hypnotic man next to me.
Freedom and adventure, here we come!
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have you seen the league of extraordinary gentlemen cause there's much x reader oneshots requests or x reader stories about the characters!
My favorite character was the invisible gentleman thief: Rodney Skinner ❤
I have not unfortunately, I’ll have to add it to my ever growing list. Thank you for the suggestion, I do quite love fandoms that have a lot of activity.
I’ll also do my best to keep an eye out for your dear Rodney~
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Hi!! Can I see the list of fics that are currently in queue again? Kinda wondering what fics are coming up next, if it's not a bother ofc.
Of course, darling! Not a bother at all, I’m so glad you’re interested.
Coming up next: Corpse x Reader, where Reader is really looking forward to getting his merch (I only recently got this request but because it’s tied to an actual recent event I’d like to post it now so I’m really sorry to all the other people who sent me requests. I rarely let requests cut the line and I know doing that is unfair, but I just feel it’s appropriate for this fic to be posted now. I apologize and I hope everyone who has sent in a request understands)
- David x present Reader for my friend @artlovingbre
- Becky Marney x Reader (Hidden Agenda 2017)
- Quarantine on crack pt.2 (Until Dawn)
- Reverend Carver x Reader (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope)
1. Abraham Alastor x Non-binary Reader request (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope)
2. Corpse x Reader request by @sugiliteshadow where Corpse comforts reader after a minor car-crash
3. Andrew x Reader, where Reader is anxious due to the canon happenings (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope)
4. Corpse x Reader where Corpse forgets to take his meds
5. Daniel x Taylor (Little Hope) Video games fluff (with a special dedication)
6. Corpse Husband x Reader request by 💞 Anon where an argument with Corpse trigger’s a bad memory in the Reader
7. Corpse x narrator Reader request
8. Follow up fic to no.8
9. Corpse Husband x Overworked Animator Reader request
10. Corpse x Reader request where Reader is a fellow YouTuber with a Cottagecore style
11. Corpse x Reader request where Reader runs a Corpse Husband fan account
12. Corpse x Reader fluff request where they watch a horror movie together
13. My dear friend @hacker-ghost ‘s second request
14. A follow up to Broken Hearts And Broken Bottles
15. Corpse x Reader request where Reader is reminded of her friendship with Corpse while singing a song she used to sing to him
16. Boyinaband (Dave) x Reader request where Dave’s friends tease him that he’s a simp for Reader
17. Corpse x Reader request where Corpse adopts a teen he meets through Among Us that turned out to be living in a foster home
18. Conrad x Fliss a post-canon fic request (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope)
19. Boyinaband (Dave) x Reader request by my dear friend @valtteri-its-james
20. Corpse x Reader request where Reader is nervous meeting the other streamers for the first time
21. Corpse x Reader request where Reader comes home late after a long shift at work and snuggles up with Corpse while he’s still playing Among Us
22. Shan-Yu x Empress Reader request (Mulan)
23. Corpse x high functioning autistic Reader request by Thorny Anon
24. Rodney Skinner x Reader request (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
25. Corpse x Reader who’s insecure because of her appearance due to a chronic disease (request by @moongazer13)
26.Corpse x Reader request where Reader sings one of Corpse’s songs and gets him simping ;) (request by @husherstan)
27. Corpse x Reader request that shows their cute relationship dynamic
28. Corpse x Reader with Fibromyalgia request
29. Corpse x Reader request where Corpse recalls the time where him and Reader were only neighbors with immense crushes on each other
30. Corpse x Reader request by 💙 Anon where Reader helps Corpse who’s going through a tough time laced with a lot of health issues
31. Corpse x Reader request where Corpse introduces Reader after she accidentally reveals her presence
32. Daniel x Taylor request where Daniel takes care of Taylor’s burn-marks (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope)
33. Corpse x singer/rapper Reader request by @mamayoki where they are playing Among Us on proximity chat
34. A sequel to ‘I’m Gushing Aren’t I?’
35. Corpse x Reader request with the prompt: The gloomy one is soft for the sunshine one
36. Corpse x GN Latin singer reader request by @magmagicstyle
37. Boyinaband (Dave) x Reader request where both of them are aware of their feelings for each other but Reader is afraid to act on them
38. Corpse x Reader with a Spanish accent (roommates turned lovers) request by @husherstan
39. Curator x Reader fluff request (The Dark Pictures Anthology)
40. Corpse x GN Reader request where they have been going through a tough and anxiety-inducing time and Corpse comforts them. Request by @bonky-beerns
41. Corpse x Reader request where Reader gets a Corpse tattoo
42. Simping Corpse x Reader request by 💜🌺 Anon
43. Corpse x blind Reader request
44. Boyinaband (Dave) x Reader where Dave and Reader meet at a bar when Reader is REALLY drunk
45.Curator x Reader request where Reader knows the Curator is death and makes jokes about it
~ XOXO, Vy 
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