#roderick strong fluff
delilahcalicocat · 5 months
Hey Delilah can you do a part 2 to Hook x plus size reader's Give it back story?
Before an AEW live event, reader tries to sneak into Tyler's sports bag and steal her hoodie without him knowing but he catches her. And she tries to bring up the fact that it's too big on him but Tyler isn't have any of it
Fluff ending pleeez
A/n: sure, sorry I didn't see this earlier lol. My phone was dead. And I was writing a little smut drabble before just deleting it all
{Rating: 16+ Genre: Fluff}
{Warnings: Swearing.}
{Pairing: HOOK x PS!Fem!Reader}
Again. He did it again. Tyler stole your hoodie. And you needed it for the rain that was going to happen later that night.
You were alone for once in his locker room, so you went to take your hoodie out of his bag. Hoping he wouldn't notice that you'd taken it back.
Tyler cut his conversation with Will Ospreay short and walked into his locker room, spotting you in his bag. With the Hoodie in hand.
"Put it down Y/N." He said
"Tyler. It's too big for you. If ye walk out to the ring like this, your father'll think your a monster or something." You tried to argue
"I don't care. I like the hoodie. It's comfortable. It's fucking breathable for God sakes. I love it." Hook said
"Please Tyler. It's gonna fucking rain later. I don't wanna get soaked in rain." You pleaded
"Nope. Not having it." He spoke
"Ugh. Fine... you can wear it again. But after I wash it. Your getting the Grey one." You settled the deal
"Ok sounds good to me." Hook said
"Good. Now go kick some ass" You said
Hook did just so, he put up a good fight against his opponent. He understood the assignment, he knew you were most likely watching in the back. Since you never really liked going out in the crowd, because of all the people who called you awful things.
He hoped, no he fucking prayed you were watching him fight against Roderick Strong. He wanted to succeed infront of his girlfriend. He wanted to beat Roderick's ass to a pulp. He locked in the redrum soon enough. And Roderick was forced to tap out.
Hook hurried backstage after that match, buried in the safety of your hoodie. A smile permanent on his face.
You both then sat and snuggled while you waited for the show to end.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Hey can i request a imagine with Morpheus where the reader is the Norse goddess Freyja and her wife when Morpheus was prisoner by Roderick Burgess she give birth to her son and after Morpheus escaped meet for the first time her son?
Something fluff
Absolutely! Thank you for the request! 🥰 I hope you enjoy it! 😊❤
(Requests are officially closed until the next Request Week! Thank you all for participating! 🥰)
You had many names. Aphrodite. Venus. Inanna. Bastet. Every culture and peoples had their own versions of you, but the name you most commonly went by was Freyja. Goddess of love, fertility, beauty and on some occasions warfare and death, though you never took credit for Death of the Endless' faithful duties. The Endless were above you in age and in power. Though they relied on human belief and need just as you did, theirs did not hinge on worship.
You had met Dream of the Endless by pure chance. Met and quickly fell for one another which ultimately led you here. On the balcony of the Dream Lords private quarters you looked out at the wonder and beauty of his realm, The Dreaming. Your stomach was swollen with child, had been for seven months now. Everything was sore, swollen and just plain annoying.
Dream's arms wound around you, his hands gently lifting your protruding belly up slightly, taking the weight off of your limbs and into his strong hands even of only for a moment. You sighed, at last being gifted a moment of peace, and leaned back into his chest. He chuckled, pressing his cold lips behind your ear. "You did not sleep well last night."
"No, I did not," you answered with a dry chuckle. "Your son is a creature of the night, a trait he gets from you."
"It's not very nice to keep your mother up all night," Dream chided gently, fingers smoothing over your lower stomach where he was met with gentle kicks. "He will be a handful indeed."
You nodded, pressing your head back into his and closing your eyes. "Yes, it is a good thing I shall have the mighty Dream Lord and Prince of Stories to help keep him entertained."
"Tonight, after I return from my business in the Waking World I shall help you sleep.
"Oh? Will you be gifting me tender dreams?"
He pressed a kiss to your hair. "Only the best dreams for you."
"I shall eagerly await it then."
Little did either of you know that there would be no tender dreams in yours or anyone's future for a long while. You and the most loyal among Dreams subjects searched for him night and day, diligently for nearly two months. When you had at last found him, captured by some mortal named Roderick Burgess, you had begun preparations to save him. Your armor no longer fit and your body was slow and weighed down, still you were determined to go to him.
"My Lady, is this wise?" Lucienne questioned once again as you slowly made your way down the steps of the throne, your breaths labored and your body tight.
"Most certainly not, but I will not let him suffer at the hands of these mortals." You paused in your steps, a wave of pain curling around you and nearly bringing you to your knees. "I... I have to..."
Lucienne had caught you, holding you up and helping you down the stairs quickly just as wetness began to slowly run down your thighs. "My Lady... The child..."
"Your going into labor."
"No." Tears streamed down your cheeks. "I need him here. I need to go..."
Your trusted friend and librarian somehow managed to calm you down long enough for you to sit on the bottom steps of the stairs while she and Mervyn and anyone else they could find prepared to help you bring your child into the world without Dream by your side.
Little over a century passed and Dream had finally returned home, except home was not how he'd left it. Such shouldn't have surprised him, it had been so long... but to return and find his realm nearly completely dead, all of his subjects, his creations having fled. Dream walked beside Lucienne with a heavy pit of guilt and sorrow lingering in his gut. "My wife... where is she?"
"She is in the palace, my lord. What's left of it." Lucienne sighed softly, likely anticipating his next question.
"And what of our child?" Dread curled around his lungs at the thought that the worst had happened and he had not been here to help you. "Where is my son?"
"He is within the palace as well. He has spent much of his time, as of late, searching for the lost rooms. The library, the gardens and others."
It made him feel better for only a moment as the reality came crashing down around him all too quickly. His son was alive, but Dream had missed his entire life. He would be a man now and Dream hadn't even seen him... Hadn't even gotten the chance to be a father. The tall boy was waiting for them in the ruins of the throne room, leaned over a crudely made table with papers laid out atop it. "Lucienne, do you remember where we found that last book? I'm getting closer I can feel it!"
"Forgive me, my Prince, but there is someone here you should meet."
Dream watched his son straighten up and turn, he had his mothers hair and warm complexion but his eyes were two bright blue orbs, shining in the dull light like stars. The confusion in his face dropped into pure shock as he looked upon Dream. "It's you... Father."
"Yes." Dream's eyes held his tears as he took a step toward his son. "My son... I..."
"Do not apologize," the boy said. "You are not the one at fault."
"I wish I could have been here, to watch you grow... to help raise you."
His son nodded quietly. "As do I. As does mother."
Freyja... It had been so long. "What did she name you? She and I had not come to an agreement before I..."
"Oeric." His son smiled fondly.
"Oeric," Dream repeated. "A fine name."
"You should go to her now." Oeric gestured towards the crumbling staircase leading up to the private chambers. "She's been waiting for you even longer than I have."
For a moment he couldn't move, couldn't find it in himself to turn away from the son he'd only just found. The boy seemed to understand. He took a step forward and set a gentle hand on his fathers shoulder. "Go. We will have plenty of time to get to know one another now that you are home."
Dream followed his sons soft command. Nothing had changed in the room the two of you had shared. Dust collected on everything that had not been moved since he'd disappeared. You stood out on the balcony, just as you had all those years ago. Only this time when you turned to greet him your stomach was flatter and there were tears in your eyes.
"I thought I was dreaming at last..." you whispered. "I felt you return."
"I am home," was all he seemed capable of saying as you threw yourself into him and pressed your body into his so tightly the two of you could merge into one if both of you willed it to be so. "And I shall not part with you, nor our son again."
You sighed against him. "There is much lost time to make up for."
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itsadamcole · 4 years
christmas at the strong’s
fem!reader x roderick strong
reader spends Christmas at Roddy's house, surprising him with his present during the gift exchange. little does reader know that Roddy has a surprise of his own as well ...
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word count: 1.1k+
warnings: pregnancy, a proposal
— after tomorrow’s imagine, i’m taking a small break from posting until 2021. i’ve posted an imagine (or two) everyday for 25 days and i need a small break. i’ll probably work on requests on my small break —
masterlist || request an imagine here
You were against the idea of spending Christmas with Roderick at first. There was so much drama between you and his ex at Christmas last year. Now you're kind of friends with Marina but you still didn't like the idea of her being at Christmas, especially with the present that you have planned for Roddy. But she's Troy's mother and both Roddy and Troy want her there.
You wear a long white sweater dress with a turtleneck. The dress falls halfway down your thighs. You wear black thigh high heeled boots. Only a little bit of skin shows on your legs between the dress and the top of the boots. Your hair is tied up in a messy bun on top of your head.
Roddy told you to be at his house by five but you show up a little late. His present is in your hand as the door opens, revealing your boyfriend. He's in his green Undisputed Era Christmas sweater and you have no doubt that he matches Adam, Bobby, and Kyle.
"Oh, look at you," Roderick says. "The prettiest girl at the party has officially arrived."
Troy comes running from behind Roddy yelling, "Y/N! You're here!"
The three-year-old giggles as you carefully pick him up. Roddy asks, "What's in the box?"
You smile and say, "Your Christmas present. You'll get it during the gift exchange."
Roderick smiles and says, "Ooh, a surprise."
"Did you get me anything?" Troy asks.
You smile at Troy and say, "I did, but you have to wait to see it too."
Troy pouts and you kiss his cheek before putting him down. He runs back into the house and Roddy kisses you sweetly. "Merry Christmas, baby," Roderick says. "Dinner's about to be ready so come on in."
Roddy closes the door behind you and you walk into the house. Adam, Kyle, and Bobby all swarm you when they greet you hello. Roderick laughs. "Wow, I was right. You guys are all matching," you say, laughing and looking at the Undisputed Era boys.
Adam says, "Every Christmas." He playfully winks at you. "Britt is in the kitchen with Brandi and Renee if you wanna say hi."
You smile and nod before walking off to the kitchen. Britt Baker, Brandi Rhodes, and Renee Young all stand in the kitchen eating at the kitchen island. They're eating hors d'oeuvres, little finger snacks.
"Hey, girlies," you say.
Britt looks at you and says, "Hey, Y/N. What's going on?"
You shrug and say, "Nothing much. Just, you know, hungry."
Renee laughs and says, "Me too. Jon isn't very happy that I keep eating all the snacks but I have to eat for two now."
Brandi says, "Amen, sister. Cody's not happy with me either."
Both Renee and Brandi are pregnant, and you can't wait until they find out that you are too.
You and Britt both laugh as Roddy calls saying that dinner is ready.
There aren't a lot of people here. Roddy's parents, the Undisputed Era boys, Britt, Brandi and Cody, Renee and Jon Moxley, Troy, Marina, and you.
Speaking of Marina, you greet her and say, "Hey, Marina. You look stunning in that outfit. I love the color of the sweater."
Marina is wearing a dark red almost maroon sweater with black leggings and black knee high boots.
"Thank you, Y/N," she says. "That sweater dress is so cute."
You smile and sit beside Roderick. Spaghetti sits in two bowls, one at the end of each table. There's a tray of meatballs next to the bowls, plus a bowl of salad in the middle of the table with a basket of rolls.
The group eats while making small talk. Troy makes a mess but Marina cleans him up.
After dinner, it's gift exchange time. Everyone exchanges gifts with someone they were assigned, you asked for Roddy and apparently Roddy asked for you too. He hands you a small box that fits in the palm of your hand while you hand him the slightly bigger box that shaped more like a rectangle than a box.
Now you all go around in a circle. Brandi opens her gift from Britt, and she gets a little onesie for Brandi's baby. Britt goes next, opening her gift from Kyle. Kyle got her a pair of wind up dental dams that make the clock noises. Adam goes next and opens his gift from Marina, which is a shot glass with the Undisputed Era symbol on it. Marina opens her gift from Cody, which is a dog toy for Marina's dog.
Now Roderick is up. Troy helps him open the gift you got for Roddy. You wait in anticipation as Roddy opens the box.
His eyes widen and he looks at you. You smile and Adam asks, "Roddy, bro, what is it?"
"It's a positive pregnancy test with an ultrasound picture," Roderick gasps.
Britt looks at you and says, "No way. You're pregnant?"
You say, "Guilty."
The room breaks out into cheers and congratulations. You look back at Roddy and he's beaming. He has a huge smile on his face and he almost runs over to you, hugging you tight.
Roddy kisses you for a second before he says, "We're gonna be parents."
You nod and giggle, "We are."
He says, "I'm, uh, glad I got you your gift. Open it."
The room gets quiet again as you open the present Roddy got for you. You gasp a bit when you see a little black velvet box in your hand.
"Oh my God," someone mumbles as you open the box. A silver engagement ring with a small diamond is inside the box.
You look up at Roddy and say, "You didn't."
He takes the ring out of the box and gets on one knee in front of you, holding the ring out to you. You begin to cry immediately. Stupid hormones.
Roderick says, "I didn't plan this, I swear, but Y/N. I love you. I've loved you for a while. I didn't expect to do this right after you announce that we're having a baby but, will you marry me?"
"Yes," you immediately say. "Yes, Roddy I will marry you."
The room breaks out into cheers and more congratulations as Roddy slides the ring onto your left ring finger and stands back up, kissing you. You smile into the kiss.
Troy asks, "Mommy, is Y/N's baby my brother or sister since daddy is that baby's daddy too?"
Marina says, "Yes, Troy."
Roddy pulls back from the kiss and asks, "So, I had plans to give you your other present later tonight when we're alone-"
"Yes, Roddy, we can still have sex," you say, laughing.
He sighs with relief and says, "Thank God."
You laugh and kiss him again.
Christmas at the Strong's this year has been the best one so far, and you get to spend forever having Christmas with the Strong's.
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colesbaybaygargano · 3 years
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"Where are you..?"
-Roderick Strong X Tyler Breeze + Fluff (as NXT 6/29/21)
When Tyler get a Home Alone but with his Pet named Tigger to comfort him.
He went messages on his Phone to texting his Lover Roderick said:
"Where are you..? I'm miss you in my TV... 🥺💔"
Then he sented and waiting for him going home.
Minutes later... Roderick finds him after he went his Home from driving his Car.
When he saw him with a Black Shirt and Grey Short, actually It's Tyler Breeze.
"Are you ok-"
Roderick couldn't finish his sentence, but Tyler hugged him when he found him.
"Roddy! I'm miss you seeing on my TV... your new Gear looks Gorgeous... since I was watching NXT on my TV while I'm fall asleep here so..."
Tyler explained about his new Gear and watching NXT on his TV then he fall asleep.
Roderick smiled at him, then he kissed on his lips softly.
Tyler smiled at him back, then he kissed on his left Cheek.
"I love you... and I miss you~"
Roderick gave him slightly evil smirk, then he trailed kissing down on his Neck and Tyler feels scared.
"Roddy no..."
"Because you want to fuck me..?"
"I didn't, I'm kissing trailing down on your Neck..."
Tyler feels emotionless for that, and Roderick feels confused.
"So... what you want me to do..?"
"Let's Cuddle instead!"
"Oh really..? sure!"
Tyler chuckled cutely and Roderick smiled at him.
He lifted him like a Princess to going his Bedroom.
When he putting him on his Bed then he cuddled him.
"Good night Loverboy..."
"Good Night Roddy..."
When they're sleeping together with a Cuddle for the rest of the Night
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firefiyfunhouse · 5 years
folie a deux; roderick strong
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My first request! For the lovely @ueomega​! So so sorry it took so long but I really hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think <3
Warnings: language and soft roddy strong, not that soft roddy strong is bad at all but you’ve gotta love it
Word count: 2000+
I was used to the buzz at this point. I was used to the constant bright lights and travelling and staying in hotels instead of the comfort of my own bed. None of that changed when, six months ago, I started dating NXT’s North American Champion Roderick Strong. It had all started when he replied to one of my Instagram stories complimenting my appearance; we had followed each other for a long time. Ever since, we’ve been inseparable. We were what you would consider perfect, but there was only one downside to it.
We were a complete secret.
He had told none of his friends about our relationship. I thought it rather worried him that they wouldn’t trust that he had a girlfriend. I never told my friends either. It worried me that they might look at me differently for dating someone who worked for WWE. 
Roderick was heading out with some guys from work this evening, like usual I was staying over at his. He finished buttoning up his burgundy button-up shirt and turned to face me, a grin plastered across his rugged face. I couldn’t help but let out a blush ridden giggle. Slowly, I pulled myself to my feet and bounced up to him, unbuttoning the top button, and planted a soft kiss against his lips. “You’re so handsome.”
“Thanks baby girl.” He beamed in return. He shuffled his feet and looked down, sighing to himself. I gently lifted his chin with my index finger and looked up to him.
“Is everything okay?” I asked softly. He nodded his head quickly and gently took my hand in his, rubbing his thumb against my knuckles.
“Everything is fine!” he reassured me. Something seemed amiss with him. He was quieter than he usually was. Something was making him nervous. Suddenly his phone sent out a loud text tone, he glanced at it and quickly kissed me on the lips. “The guys are outside, I love you so much!”
“I love you too! Enjoy yourself,“ Without another word he headed out to the taxi. I peeped discretely out of the window as he joined his Undisputed Era buddies Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish in the back seats. I heard them all shouting happily from the upper floor of the house but something was bothering you. 
I spent the rest of the night watching TV, a few different things on our shared Netflix account. I also took a lot of time to think to myself. Why did it matter what everyone in my life thought about us? I was happy with him. Was he as happy as I am? Before I could overthink anything else my phone rang out. Glancing at the name that popped up, my face beamed when I saw it was my boyfriend. I immediately answered, holding it against my face. “Hey baby is everything o-”
I cut myself off. All I heard was the guys all chatting and the faint sound of music over the top of them. It was an accident, I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. That was until I heard a brash voice over the rest.
“Why are you acting all secretive?” Kyle spoke up. The other voice I noticed was Roderick stuttering over the top of him, trying to get his word in. “You didn’t tell us you had a girlfriend man, we want to know who she is!”
I froze on the other end. It was a huge step for him to mention it to his friends. It wasn’t anything I had expected to hear. I shuffled into my seat taking a moment to listen in a little further.
“I’m dating Kaia-” He slurred drunkly.
“No you aren’t!” Adam laughed over the top of him.
“I am!” Roderick argued back.
“Dude, come on. If you don’t actually have a girlfriend, you can just tell us. There’s no need to spread lies.”
“But I am dating her! I am!”
“Then prove it.” Bobby spoke up as well. I made out the sounds Roderick running his hands over his jeans, looking for his phone. Before I hung up I heard, “Bring her to the show on Wednesday! We want to see this!”
I hung up before Roderick had to chance to catch me out. I couldn’t believe what I had just listened to. Not that he wasn’t worried they wouldn’t believe he was in a relationship, it was that they wouldn’t believe he was in a relationship with me? It was getting later, but I stayed up a little longer just to see if I could catch Roderick when he came home. Eventually my tiredness got the better of me and I couldn’t help but fall asleep on the sofa. 
The next morning I woke up in bed. I looked around the room in a complete daze until I saw my boyfriend snoring loudly at my side. His arm was firmly around my body. I beamed at the sight of him, gently kissing his shoulder as I sat myself upwards. I could hear him stir, mumbling under his breath as his eyes slowly open to catch me in his line of sight,
“Morning Roddy.” I blushed, his hand met his head pretty quickly as he smiled painfully back to me.He grunted as he reached for his water on the side table. I giggled gently and ruffled his locks against my fingers. “Someone seemed to have partied way too hard.”
His chuckle sounded rough as he forced the full glass down his throat. 
“Do you want any breakfast?” I asked as I pulled myself to my feet. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him focusing on his phone. Shit. 
“Nah babe.” he replied. I sighed reluctantly to myself until he piped up again.
“Did I call you last night? Shit, I can’t remember.”
“Oh, yeah. It was just a butt dial.” I laughed. His smile vanished as he looked at me with a face of genuine concern. I could tell what he was questioning in his mind. What had she heard? I swallowed and returned myself behind him. Considering how close we both are I felt it was only fair to tell him. “I heard what the guys said about us.”
“You d-did?” he stammered. He slumped his face, a mix of worry and the hangover creeping further in. “I’m sorry Kaia I just-”
Without letting another word escape his mouth I swiftly pressed my finger against his lips. He looked to me with a raised eyebrow, expecting what I had to contribute.
“I’ll happily come to your show with you on Wednesday babe. I don’t want anyone to doubt you or us. Okay?” I said, moving my finger away. He nodded his head quickly and lowered my wrist.
“Are you sure you’re ready? This is such a huge jump for us.”
“Just make sure I have a good view of you in the ring.”
Wednesday rolled around, we headed towards the venue together. Full Sail Live was lit up brightly as the car park was swarming with staff, security and other NXT superstars. My fingers laced between Roderick’s, I kept my look casual with one of his Undisputed Era tees and a pair of sweatpants to go along with it. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, a smile painted on my face. Knots ran rampant in my stomach. A mix of a certain excitement brewed together with the fact that I was unbelievably nervous. Roderick, however, seemed more comfortable than ever at Full Sail. 
His hand stayed against the small of my back as he guided me through to the backstage area, we headed through a few hallways and both headed into the locker room. I recognised a few faces instantly. Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish were all sitting talking around a table at the far side of the room. As soon as we entered the room their heads snapped towards us. 
“Holy shit...” Kyle exclaimed to his peers. Adam’s jaw dropped while Bobby’s face was covered with a blank expression. Roderick went back to how I had noticed he was behaving over the past few times, shy and quiet. 
“H-hey guys...” he mumbled as he dropped his bags off to the side. 
“Hey Roddy...” Kyle replied. All three of them continued to stare at me in complete disbelief. Adam glanced to Roderick, raising his eyebrow.
“Well are you going to introduce us?”
“You guys know Kaia.” Roderick returned to my side, snaking his arm around my waist. I shot him a reassuring smile and traced my fingers across his muscular arm. “Kaia. This is Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish. My best friends and fellow Undisputed Era members.”
“It’s crazy not seeing you guys through a screen.” I chuckled. “I’m a fan.”
I pressed a kiss against Roderick’s cheek, resting a reassuring hand against his shoulder. Adam slammed his empty water bottle down on the table. I immediately turned my head to the loud sound. “Do you want me to go refill that? I could do with having a look around.”
“Yeah. That’d be great if you don’t mind.” He bluntly replied, his eyes stuck on Roderick. Questioning nothing I collected his bottle along with Kyle and Bobby’s once I had offered. I planted a quick kiss on Roderick’s cheek as I bounced out the room, the door closing behind me.
I headed along to the water fountain. The production staff rushed around by my sides while the other NXT Superstars seemed relaxed as ever. I hummed to myself, filling up the three bottles before I heard a harsh cough behind me. I assumed they directed it at someone else to start until they repeated it. My head snapped around, I was taken aback by who stood behind me. Dressed in all black ring gear, a smile crept across his mouth. “Well well, if it isn’t Kaia. What are you doing at Full Sail?”
“I could say the same to you Balor.” I smirked, my hands sitting against my hips. He then greeted me with a warm hug, giggling to himself.
“Long time no see!” It was true. I hadn’t seen Finn in a long time. We used to be quite well aquainted, so it was refreshing seeing a familiar face. I hugged him back with a smile before he piped up again. “No, seriously. Why are you here?”
“I’m just here with my boyfriend.” I replied, which lead to him pulling away. 
“Shit!” he exclaimed before cracking a dry joke. “It’s not someone who can kick my ass is it? Who is he?”
“God, you ask so many questions.” I laughed with a roll of my eyes. “I’ve been dating Roderick Strong for the past six months.”
“...Are you still telling jokes?” he questioned.
“What do you mean? Of course, I’m not?”
“Kaia. Let’s be serious here. You could do so much better than Roderick Strong. He’s such a push over and don’t get me started on the fact that he’s the North American Champion. When I came back to NXT, I thought they were giving it to him out of sympathy or something...”
I couldn’t process what I was hearing. I took a step back and let out a harsh breath. I could feel myself getting a little angrier. “Finn he worked fucking hard for that opportunity. What’s gotten into you? You’re never this disrespectful to other wrestlers!”
“I just don’t think highly of him at all. He’s where he is because of who he’s teaming with. Even you could see that. I thought you would’ve been dating better than Adam Cole’s lackey.”
“I’m sorry Finn, I am.” I started off. I could feel the rage build inside me a little. I started picking up the bottles as I let the rest of what I had to say out. “He’s done more for me than anyone will understand. I’ve never felt love like this before and God am I so happy and honoured to be his girlfriend. If you, or anyone else has a problem with that then please piss off and leave me alone.”
Finn scrunched his nose. A sign that he was put in his place. He glanced behind me before putting his hands up in surrender. “Fine, I just wanted you to know your worth...”
“Kaia?” A voice said behind me, a voice I could recognise. Soon a set of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I watched as Finn backed away, making his way back down the hall. I turned my head, thrilled to see the head of my boyfriend resting against me. “Are you all right? I could hear you yelling from the locker room.”
“I’m all right babe.” I sighed to myself, looking down to my feet. He twirled me around to face him, smiling at me with reassurance.
“I want to tell you something. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know if I’d continue having the confidence to keep coming here, to keep entertaining that crowd, to keep performing in that ring. I heard what you said to Finn, I get spoken about lile that quite a lot like that by some guys in here and it’s Adam or Kyle putting them in their place. To know you love me like that-“ he cut himself off with his smile. He couldn’t stop. I beamed, gazing at him as it overwhelmed me. My emotions were running high. I lifted his chin with my index finger as he gathered his words once more. “-it just means so much. I’m so lucky to have you. I just want to love you forever. You and me taking the world by storm.”
He leaned in gently, pressing his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him back. My chest ached a little, something felt complete. I could feel tears trickle down my warm cheeks. He was the one who pulled away, instantly wiping my eyes with his t-shirt.
“I love you.” I whispered.
“I love you too.” He beamed, sitting his hand against my hip. “Now how does ringside seats sound?”
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
DESIRE | Mob!Boss!Roman Reigns
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Pairings: Mob!Boss!Roman Reigns x Gangster! Fem!Reader, Gangster!Reader x Gangster! Adam Cole x Reader, Gangster!Reader x Druglord!Seth Rollins , Drew McIntyre x Reader [LI], Kyle O’Reilly x Reader [Potential LI]
Featuring: Roman Reigns, Y/n (Reader), Seth Rollins, Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Roderick Strong, Paul Heyman, ofc, OC's (unnamed), Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Jimmy Uso.
Summary: Roman and Y/n may be enemies, but they can't deny they desire each other no matter how hard they try to deny it or ignore it.
WARNINGS: attempted murder,  murder, character deaths, the reader isn’t the nicest, angst, no fluff in this chapter, mob boss themes, gangster themes, enemies to lovers, love-hate relationship, slow burn,  drama, scheming, plotting murder, mob themes, cursing, betrayal, death, violence, guns, corrupt cops, plot twists, cliff-hangers, murder, blood, Adam being Adam, everyone being assholes in this chapter, except for Kyle, implied sex, sex, smut, two sex scenes, oral (both receiving), bad smut writing, smut, 18+ {for the sex scenes], heartbreak, angst, gang themes, strong use of language, mature, cop themes, medical things, ,plot hole, fighting, needles, lies, cover-ups, prison, errors I missed.
w/c; 15,251
A/N: This is the complete series of Desire. FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!
The sound of heels clicking against the concrete made Seth’s gang of drug dealers look up.
 Their expressions turning into shock then lust, as you sauntered to the office Seth was in.  in a black trench coat.
 “I wonder if she knows he isn’t going to give her the drugs,” One of them whispered to the guy beside him.
 “She can try,” Another mumbled.
 “I’d let her seduce me,” One of them spoke dreamily.
 “Really, cause I don’t think she would even give you the time of day,” A male voice growled beside him, pressing the muzzle of the handgun up to the guy's temple. The guy turned his head to see cold blue eyes staring at him.
 Seth’s other guys pulled out their guns. Only for three other men to appear. Guns aimed at the other three guy's foreheads.
 “I wouldn’t do anything stupid,” Roddy growled. Taking the safety off.
 “Your fate depends on how well it goes in there. If your boss gives her the deal, then we won't harm, if it doesn’t go well, then it won’t end well for you,” Kyle spoke.
 All of them gulped, knowing the outcome wasn’t going to end very well for them…
 “Hi Seth,” You purred, as you entered his office. Closing the door behind him.
 Seth looked up from the PC screen. Pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
 “Look, y/n I know you want me to give you the drugs, but I can’t,” Seth sighed. As you slowly walked closer to him.
 “Really, not even this can convince you,” You sighed dramatically. As you undid the buttons to your black trench coat. Seth gulped, as you undid all the buttons, revealing a black lace lingerie set. You walked seductively over to him.
 Seth gulped rapidly. Trying not to look at your body.
 “I’d like to help, but I can’t the deal is with Roman,” Seth gulped. Making you glare at him. As you stopped in your tracks.
 “I knew you would say that which is why I won’t feel bad about killing your little goons,” You growled out, glaring daggers at him. Seth smirked at you.
 “That doesn’t worry me, I can always find other men, there’s no shortage of them,” Seth replied cockily, Making you let out a dark chuckle.
 “Hm, shame, your offspring won't grow up with mothers. I’d hate to see your poor kids motherless, all because of you,” You threatened him. Seth’s heart speeds up. Gulping. He quickly composed himself.
 “Your bluffing,” Seth gulped out. Making you smirk wickedly.
 “Am I? You know me, Seth, I never bluff,” You sneered out.
 “Okay, I will give you the drugs,” Seth spoke. Giving you a pleading look. Bingo, you thought to yourself.
 “Good, let the blood of your fallen men be a lesson for defining me the first time,” You growled out. Turning around with a wicked smirk on your lips. Walking away.
 You stopped suddenly at the door, looking over your shoulder to see him gulping at you.
 “Oh, and Seth, if you even think of teaming up with Roman again, I’ll kill everyone you ever love, even your offspring,” You threatened him. Smirking at him. Turning your head to the door. You grabbed the door handle. Opening the door and leaving a frazzled Seth in his office.
 You smirked at Adam, making Adam, Kyle, Bobby, and Roddy smile evilly. Pulling the trigger. Killing Seth’s guys….
 Roman’s lips trailed down the women’s neck, as she laid down on his desk. Hovering above her. As she moaned quietly.
 “Boss,” Paul spoke with an urgent tone in his voice, entering the room. Roman let out a frustrated growl, pulling his lips away from the women’s neck to look at Paul.
 “What?” Roman growled.
 “Seth gave the deal to someone else,” Paul spoke. Making Roman let out a growl.
 “Who?” Roman asked. Having a feeling he already knew who it has.
 “Y/n,” Paul spoke again.
 Roman’s jaw tightened. He quickly pulled away from the women. Standing up.
 “Sweetheart, as much as I would love to continue this, more pressing matters have come up,” Roman spoke softly to the women. She smirked up at him. Twirling her hair.
“I can wait here for you,” She spoke.
Roman smirked at her. While she smiled at him.
“I would like that, I will need to relieve some stress after this run-in,” He spoke. Making her giggle. Paul rolled his eyes.
Roman leaned his head down to hers. Kissing her lips passionately before pulling away. He gave her a charming smile, before walking out of his office. Paul following Roman out of the room and out of the mansion. Hopping in his car. Paul watched Roman carefully, as Roman speed through traffic lights, till he reached your mansion. Parking his car.
 Roman got out of the car. Storming into your house.
 “Y/N,” Roman shouted. Making you smirk.
 “Roman, what a pleasant surprise,” You beamed, as he stormed into your office. Paul following behind him like a lost puppy.
 “I knew you were a snake,” Roman growled out. Making you let out a dark chuckle.
 “Oh, Ro, that hurt my feelings,” You fake sighed.
 “You better watch your back, y/n,” Roman threatened you. Making you roll your chair back. Getting up and walking over to him seductively.
 “Oh, Roman, be careful who you threaten, you never know when you will need me,” You smirked. Trailing your index finger along his shoulder. Roman felt himself getting turned on. he took a step back from you. glaring at you deadly while you just smirked at him.
 “I will never need you,” Roman growled, spinning around and storming out of your office and mansion in a hurry…
 Roman sat on the big black padded chair. Looking off into the distance in concentration. Thinking of ways to take you down. Paul looked at him anxiously.  He knew how invective Roman could be. He was Roman’s Special Counsel, but he liked you.
 Roman was silently thinking of ways to end you. An evil smirk gracing his mouth. It made Paul nervous. He just hoped Roman wouldn’t murder you.
 Paul anxiously wet his lips. Trying to build up the courage to speak. But he was too frightened. Jey was the first one to break the silence.
 “I say we just storm her mansion and put a bullet to her head. Kill everyone in that place, make it a blood bath,” Jey suggested passionately.
 Roman’s facial expression turned into a look of annoyance. He spun around to face his cousin Jey. Giving Jey an unimpressed look.
 “Y/n has people in way higher places, besides, seeing her empire fall is way better than killing her, I want to see the light dim out of her, I want to watch her fall, that’s way better than killing her,” Roman smirked. Making Jey smirk as well.
 “Besides one of her right-hand men just changed sides, I’m meeting with him soon,” Roman smugly spoke.
 “I think its wise, that you drop this feud with her, you might need her,” Paul spoke up. Making Roman and Jey whip their heads around towards Paul. Roman looked angry. Pupils flared. As he clenched his fists. Standing up and storming over to Paul. Grabbing his collar. Eyes burning with anger, as he pressed Paul’s back flush against the wall.
 “Are you questioning my authority?” Roman yelled out. Making Paul slightly flinch. Nostrils flaring.
 Paul gulped. Raising his hands in the surrender.
 “I just think you should tread carefully with y/n,” Paul gulped out. Looking at Roman with pleading eyes.
 Roman’s eyes narrowed into slits. As he loosened his grip. His jaw clenching.
 “Your loyalty lies with me, not her,” Roman growled out. Paul nodded his head.
 “I have to go,” Roman grumbled out. Letting go of Paul. Still giving Paul a menacing look. Jey followed Roman out of the room. Paul let out a shaky breath. His heart still pounding fast…
 Kyle’s eyes narrowed into slits as he watched Adam excuse himself from the meeting. Walking out of the room.
 Kyle quickly stood up, following Adam at a safe distance. Roddy looked at Bobby. Bobby just shrugged, turning his attention back to what the other members were talking about…
 Kyle watched from a distance as he saw Adam look around, seeing if the coast was clear, before he hopped into a black SUV, driving away. Kyle read the plate number, as the car took off.
 He quickly got into a black Land Rover, pressing the start button. Following Adam at a safe distance. Making sure it wasn’t evident to Adam that he was being followed.
 Turning into streets the Adam turned into. Kyle stopped at a distance, parking his car behind another car, as Adam stopped in front of an empty lot. Getting out of his car and leaning against the hood smugly.
 Kyle’s concentration was on Adam. He wanted to know what Adam was up to.
 A black SUV Jeep coming to a stop in front of Adam. Kyle watched as Adam smirked, while Kyle glared at Adam. Kyle’s glare soon turned into a look of shock. His mouth opening into an o shape as he saw, Roman and Jey exit the car.
 Adam was betraying you. He was a rat.
 “That son of a bitch,” Kyle muttered, as he watched Adam interact with Roman and Jey….
 Kyle felt a range of emotions course through him. Mainly anger & betrayal.
 Why was Adam talking to Roman? What was Adam up to? Did Adam switch sides, because it seemed like he did…
 Kyle took out his phone. opening the camera app and taking pictures of the interaction. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but he could see them.
 Adam pushed himself off the bonnet of the SUV. Taking small strides over to Roman and Jey, Jey squared his shoulders up. Trying to act intimidating. It only made Adam smirk.
 Roman gave Adam an amused smirk. Curious but cautious as to know why Adam was betraying you. After all, he was your right-hand man. Roman was pretty sure something intimate happened between Adam and you, and he felt a tinge of jealousy spike through his body.
 “Stop there,” Roman commanded. Voice filled with authority. Adam stopped a few feet in front of Roman and Jey. Smirking at Roman.
 “I’m not here to hurt you, I want to join you, I want to take down y/n, and I know something about her that you just have to know, I know all her secrets,” Adam smirked. making Roman slightly smirk. While Jey raised his eyebrow.
 “And why should I believe you, how do I know you aren’t deceiving me. I know how close y/n and you are,” Roman spoke with venom in his voice. Jaw tightening as he spoke the last sentence. Adam didn’t let that slide.
 Adam smirked. letting out a chuckle. Roman glared at him. While Jey took a step forward. Shoving Adam’s chest hard. Making Adam stumble back. Adam looked shocked. But the shock soon disappeared as he gave  Roman and Jey a cocky look.
 “What’s so funny?” Jey snapped.
    “It’s obvious you have a thing for y/n. I mean if you hate her so much then why do you get jealous when you assume her and I had sex, it’s clear you harbour feelings for her. Maybe, you should bang her, get it out of your system,” Adam challenged him. Roman clenched his fists. Grabbing a hold of Adam’s collar. Pinning him against the bonnet of the SUV.
 “I feel nothing but hatred for her,” Roman snapped. Making Adam smirk.
 “Bet you do,” Adam smirked. Making Roman’s nostrils flare. Roman slammed Adam harder against the hood of the car.
 “I’m willing to take you on, let’s take her down, give me all the intel you have on her,” Roman spat out. Starring at Adam intimidatingly. Staring Adams blue eyes down.
 “It’s juicy intel, you won’t be displeased,” Adam spoke. As Roman let go of him.
 Roman fixed Adam’s shirt. His facial features relaxing.
 “I’ll meet you at the woods, at nine,” Adam spoke.
 Roman was about to respond but the sound of sirens interrupted him. Blue and red lights flashing. Jey let out a few string of curse words. While Roman looked irritated. A cop car pulled up beside them.
 Two cops getting out of the cop car.
 “Would you look at this, gang activity,” McIntyre spoke. His partner and him walking to Roman, Jey and Adam. Standing in front of them.
 “What are you three conspiring against?” Sheamus asked.
 “Planning to steal some cocaine,” Adam sassed. Giving them an unimpressed look.
 “Ha,” Sheamus and McIntyre laughed out. Looking at each other in amusement.
 “Another felony to add to your record,” Sheamus sassed. Hand hovering over his gun.
 “Whatever man,” Adam grumbled. Turning around and walking over to the driver’s side.
 “Did you see that Sheamus, he pushed me,” McIntyre spoke, as he withdrew his taser.
 “I did not,” Adam snapped opening the driver’s side door, getting in the car. Closing the door and starting the car. Putting the car in drive, as well as putting the handbrake down, Adam speed off, glaring at McIntyre and Sheamus.
 McIntyre and Sheamus turned their attention to Roman and Jey.
 “I wouldn’t try anything, I pay your paycheck,” Roman smirked.
 “Cocky aren’t you, you mob bosses think your invincible but you aren’t,” Sheamus responded. While McIntyre just smirked.
 “I’m untouchable, you should know that by now Drew and Sheamus,” Roman smirked, as he walked back to the driver’s side. While Jey walked to the passenger side.
 “It’s McIntyre to you, you haven’t earned the respect to call me Drew,” Drew snapped. Making Roman smirk. As Jey, and Roman opened the car door.
 “I can do whatever I want,” Roman smirked. getting in the car. Jey hopped in the car. Both car doors slamming shut. Roman turned the car on. Revving the engine a little too loudly, before driving off. Making Drew and Sheamus roll their eyes.
 “God, I want to watch that smug look disappear off his face,” Drew growled out through clenched teeth.
 “Soon,” Sheamus spoke, as Drew put his taser back/ the noise on their walkie talkies crackling through speakers. Drew took his phone out. Quickly texting someone while Sheamus listened to the noise on the walkie talkie.
 Sheamus nudged Drew’s arm, getting his attention.
 “Come on let’s go,” Sheamus spoke. Drew nodded his head. The both of them got into the cop car. Slamming the doors. Putting their seat belts on and speeding off.
 Neither of them noticed a car pull out from a distance, speeding off…
  ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 Kyle quickly parked the black range rover. Putting it in park. Pulling the handbrake up. He took the keys out of the ignition. Getting out of the car and rushing into the mansion.
 Kyle opened the doors to your office. Walking in, well barraging in. Making Bobby and you look up. Staring at Kyle.
 “I need to talk to you alone, y/n,” Kyle spoke. Making you cast a dismissive look at Bobby. Bobby got the hint. He got up, smiling at you, before walking past Kyle. Squeezing  Kyle’s shoulder as he walked past him. Giving him a worried look. Kyle ignored it, he wasn’t sure if he could trust Bobby at this moment, maybe he was on Adam’s side. Bobby shut the door.
 You titled your head to the side, all your attention on Kyle.
 Kyle took a deep breath.
 “Adam is a traitor,” Kyle announced. Expecting to see a look of hurt on your face or at least anger. But you looked calm, and that made Kyle nervous.
 “He was talking to Roman, I have pictures to prove it,” Kyle continued. Giving you a cautious look.
 “I can show you,” He spoke again, as you shook your head no.
 “I’m not surprised, nor the least bit shocked,” You hummed. Getting up and pouring yourself a drink of whiskey. The liquid pouring into the rock glass.
 “I….” Kyle breathlessly spoke, as you took a sip. Before cutting him off.
 “Adam thinks he is so slick and sly, but he's not. He's far from it. He failed to realize I have hidden cameras all over this house, as well as in the cars, so, I know who to trust and who I shouldn’t,” You spoke. Taking another sip.
 “But how do you know where to find him?” Kyle asked. Looking a bit frazzled.
 “All those cars have tracking devices in them, my trust is very thin,” You snarled out. Kyle looked at you dumbfounded.
 “I can help you,” Kyle spoke. Making you smile at him.
 “It’s okay, Kyle, I can handle Adam,” You hummed. Walking over to him. Making him gulp.
 “Thank you, Kyle, It’s nice to know I have someone I can trust in this gang,” You softly spoke. Eyes gazing into his eyes. Bringing tour hand up to the side of his face. resting your hand on his cheek. Making him slightly lean into your touch.
 “Take care of the place while I take care of Adam,” You spoke. Removing your hand away from the side of his face. you handed him the rock glass; a quarter of whiskey left in it.
 “You need it more than me,” You smirked. Patting his shoulder, before walking away from him, and out of the office. Then your mansion, walking towards an unmarked car with no plates. The afternoon breeze flowing through the air.
 Getting into the car. Gently shutting the door.
 You grabbed your phone out. going into the tracking app, to see where Adam was. Smirking to yourself as he saw him in the woods. Shaking your head. You exited the app. Going into the messaging app. Typing ‘I need your help to get rid of a liability. It’s Adam, he is the woods,’ then pressed send. Putting the phone in the phone holder.
 You pressed the start button. The car roaring to life. Your phone dinged a notification, the notification showing on the screen of the car's screen in the centre. ‘I’m on my way,’ it read. You smirked. putting the car in drive, putting the handbrake down.  speeding off towards the woods. Driving dangerously fast…
  Adam smirked to himself as he heard the purr of an engine. The sound of the car tyres crunching on the gravel. The car braked, making Adam push himself off the back of the car.
 The car turned off. The door opening and closing. The sound of feet walking on the gravel, cutting through the silence.
 Adam’s expression dropped into a look of surprise, as he saw you standing in front of him. Silence taking over the woods. Not an animal making a peep.
  “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies,” Your voice broke through the silence.
 Adam reposed himself. Giving you a smirk. Then a dark chuckle escaped his mouth. Making you tilt your head and arch an eyebrow.
 “Your lies will catch up with you, y/n, you can’t hide from them,” Adam smirked.
 “Not If I silence you,” You snarled out. Eyes glaring at him.
 “My girl Britt knows who you are, she knows everything,” Adam growled out.
 “I’m not scared of your trailer trash girlfriend,” You snapped out. taking small steps towards him. eyes locked on his.
 “You should be,” Adam smirked, as he said that, the sound of a gun being fired rippling through the woods. The sound of glass shattering behind you made you duck your head. Cursing underneath your breath.
 Adam thought he had the upper hand, but the sound of another gun being fired cut through the air.
 “Adam,” Britt desperately yelled, as she looked down at her abdomen in shock. A pool of red forming on her shirt.
 Adam quickly turned his head in her direction. His heart felt like it leapt into his throat. He quickly rushed over to her but was tackled to the ground. Pressing your knee hard against his back. Pressing his cheek into the gravel. Making sure he was looking at Britt as she fell to the ground. You grabbed a fistful of his hair. Pinning him against the gravel. Pressing the muzzle of your gun to the side of his skull.
 “I hope it was worth it,” You hissed out.
 “He will find out what a fraud you are….that…” He spoke out but was cut off by you pulling the trigger. Lodging a bullet in his skull. Making Britt gasp out, as she saw this.
 You stood up walking over to her. Gun aimed in front of you. she shook in fear. Trying to reach out for the discarded shotgun, but you moved the gun out of her reach with your foot. Tears gathered in her eyes.
 “You will pay the price for this,” She spat out. holding her abdomen in pain. Making you give her a fake pout.
 “Let me put you out of your misery,” You taunted her. Pulling the trigger. She let out a scream. Before the bullet went into her forehead.
 You stared at her dead body. Not hearing footsteps approaching you. you felt a hand grab your shoulder making you jump.
 “Y/n” A familiar voice spoke. Making you calm down. Turning around.
 “Drew,” You softly gasped out. Hands grabbing the collar of his black leather jacket.
 “I told you I would always have your back,” He spoke gently. Cupping the side of your face.
 Staring into each other’s eyes intently. Then each other’s lips. You wet your dry lips. Leaning up to him. pressing a soft kiss on his lips. Eyes fluttering closed as well as his, his thumbs caressing your cheeks, as he deepened the kiss….
 Roman held the phone tightly as Jey broke the news of Adam's death.
 “ Adam’s dead,” Jey’s voice spoke through the phone’s speaker, that Roman was holding. Roman’s grip getting tighter. A fury of rage overcoming him.
 “Damn it,” Roman shouted, throwing his phone hard against the wall. Making the phone shutter into pieces.
 Roman’s nostrils flared. His jaw clenching. The veins in his arms becoming engorged. Body shaking with rage.
 Roman’s hand squatted the items off his desk. Roman picked up the Pc, throwing it against the wall. Creating a hole in the plaster.
 Roman was shaking with rage. The only person that could help him take you down was dead. He had a feeling you were behind Adam’s death.
 Roman grabbed a glass, throwing it against the wall.  Glass shattering into tiny pieces, landing onto the carpet.
 Roman was about to pick up another object when he suddenly stopped. Adam’s words ringing in his mind. “Maybe you should bang her, get it out of your system,”
 Roman smiled as a thought popped into his mind. If he can’t take you down by having a rat in your gang, he could certainly take you down by making you fall for him.
 Paul quickly entered Roman’s office, upon hearing the commotion.
 Roman looked up to see Paul standing.
 Paul gave Roman a curious look, wondering why Roman was smiling while his office looked like a tornado hit it.
 “I’m going to make her for in love with me, then I’m going to betray her,” Roman spoke, smiling wickedly at Paul….
 ≿————- ⚠️ ————-≾  
 Drew’s index finger ran down your bare spin. Smiling down at you, as you rest your head on his chest, that was glistening with sweat. Both of you glistening with sweat from your previous lovemaking.
 You looked up at Drew, to see him already looking at you. making you slightly flustered.
 “Hey,” You softly spoke. Making Drew smile softly at you.
 “Hey,” He replied. Taking a loose strand of your hair. Delicately twirling it around his index finger.
 Drew let go of the strand of your hair. His hands grabbing your waist.
 Drew moved his body on top of yours. Your breathing hitching. Looking intently into Drew’s eyes. Your arms wrapping loosely around his neck. Drew lowered his head down to yours. Slightly tilting his head to the side. Eyes fluttering closed as his lips pressed against yours. Your eyes fluttering closed. Pulling his body closer to yours. His skin pressing flush against yours.
 Your legs wrapped around his waist, as the kiss deepened. The tip of his cock brushing up against your entrance. making a muffled whimper escape your mouth.
 One of Drew’s hands let go of your waist. Slipping in between him and you. Drew grabbed his shaft. Aligning it up with your entrance. slightly moving his body away from yours a little bit.
 Drew entered you slowly. Almost teasingly. Both of you letting out moans. Drew pulled away from the kiss, as he bottomed out. Tightening your arms around his neck. Your fingers raking his hair.
 Drew felt your walls tighten around his shaft. Clenching around his shaft. Drew refrained from the urge of thrusting out of you and thrusting in with full force.
 “Move,” You gasped. Creating friction.
 Drew waited a few more seconds, before he slowly pulled out, then thrust back in. Both of you moaning in pleasure.
 Drew’s thrust in and out at a slow rate. Bringing his head down to your neck. Leaving a trail of hot-searing kisses along your neck. His arms wrapping your head. Connecting his fingers slightly at the top of your head. As his thrusts got faster, and deeper. Your walls wrapping around his shaft.
 You tossed your head back as waves of pleasure coursed through your body. Digging the back of your heels in his ass cheeks. Mouth a gap. Your neck exposed to Drew. Drew’s grip on your head tightened, as he thrust into you. Moans of bliss escaping your mouth. Fingers gripping his hair tightly.
 Drew attached his lips to your neck.  Trailing kisses up your neck, up underneath your chin, then your chin. One of his hands breaking away from the hold he had on the top of your head. Grabbing the side of your head. His lips capturing your lips. Muffling your moans.
 Both of you getting closer to coming.
 Drew pulled his lips away from yours. Catching his breath. Thrusting into you harder. You tossed your head back. Eyes rolling into the back of your head. Taking your lower lip in between your teeth.
 “You feel so good around me, your walls tightening around my cock with every thrust,” Drew spoke, his voice thicker. Eyes staring hungrily at your facial features.
 A familiar sensation builds up in the pit of your stomach, gripping onto Drew’s hair tightly. Pulling his hair rough. Not that Drew cared. He enjoyed it when you pulled his hair.
 “Fuck,” You gasped out, as your orgasm took over your body. pleasure crashing in waves. You were left seeing stars. Gripping onto Drew for dear life. As he kissed along your jawline, all the way to your earlobe.
 “That’s what I’m doing,” Drew cheekily replied, as he took your earlobe between his lips. Gently sucking.
 This caused you to come around his shaft. Making Drew moan deeply against your ear. Giving one last thrust before he spilled his seed inside of you. His cum mixing with yours. Letting go of your earlobe. Pressing his face against your ear. Hearing his heavy breathing as well as his moans.
 Drew delicately slipped out of you. Going over to the bathroom. You sat up slightly to take a peep at his bare ass. Biting your lower lip. Clenching your thighs together as a dull ache started to form.
 As Drew got a washcloth out of the cupboard. Turning the warm tap on. He put the washcloth underneath the pouring water.
 Drew looked over his shoulder. Seeing you staring at his body.
 “Had a good peep,” He smirked. Winking at you. Drew turned the tap off. Ringing the washcloth out.
 “I like what I see,” You hummed, as he came back to you with a wet washcloth.
 Drew smirked at you as he sat beside you. You shifted your legs apart staring at him as he cleaned you up.
 He got up rinsing the cloth out, before putting it in the hamper. Drew got out another washcloth, wetting it so he could clean himself up. You got up, making your way to the bathroom to pee.
 Once you relieved yourself and cleaned yourself up, as well washed your hands, you slipped past Drew. Slapping his ass along the way. Your eyes widen as you saw the clock on the bedside table.
 “Shit,” You cursed out loud. Making Drew look at you. His heart thumping thinking the worst.
 “What?” Drew asked you, as you grabbed a fresh pair of undies out of your overnight bag. Slipping them on, then your bra. Ripping the plastic bag of your black dress you got dry cleaned.
 “I’m late for the funeral,” You gasped as you quickly slipped the black dress on. Making Drew smirk, as he leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. Your hair was a mess. You quickly run your fingers through your disheveled hair. Drew found the whole thing amusing. As you put your black heels on your feet.
 “Be careful,” He yelled out, as you grabbed your coat, and your handbag.
 “Always am,” You responded. As you exited his apartment….
 ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 Kyle, Roddy, and Bobby as well as the rest of the gang stood near a coffin in a cemetery.
 “She’s late,” Someone complained. Kyle clenched his fists. Irritated by this tossers voice.
 “Cut her some slack,” Kyle defended you.
 “Shut up Kyle,” The same tosser who complained snapped.
 “Don’t tell him to shut up,” Bobby defended Kyle. Kyle turned to face the tosser.
 “I’ll do whatever I want,” The tosser smirked.
 “Will you know,” Your voice spoke from behind the guy. He turned around to face you.
 “Your late,” He stated. Making you roll your eyes in annoyance. The nerve he had.
 “What about it?” You spat out.
 “You’re the leader, you are meant to set an example,” He spoke. Making you roll your eyes again.
 “Look buddy, it’s best if you don’t push my buttons,” You snapped. Walking to stand in between Kyle and Bobby.
 You nodded to the priest to continue. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.
  “Aren’t you going to say something, he was your right-hand man, ” The guy who challenged your authority spoke.
 You clenched your fist together. Sucking in a deep breath then let it out.
 “This is what happens to scheming rats who go behind my back, Adam is lucky he is getting a burial, let this be a lesson to all of you who want to double-cross me,” You spoke with venom in your voice. Looking at everyone except for the priest. Bobby raised his eyebrow, while everyone looked at you in shock. The priest looked like he was going to have a heart attack.
 “Adam was my friend,” The guy spoke. He just didn’t know when to quit. You turned your head in his direction.
 “I can tell, his smugness has rubbed off on you,” You spoke.
 ‘Watch it, y/n, I’ll…” He spoke but stopped, as you gave him a deadly glare. If looks were enough alone to kill someone he would be dead.
 “You’ll what?” You challenged, tilting your head and arching your head. Bobby and Roddy arched their eyebrows, finding this idiot amusing. Kyle on the other hand was ready to defend you.
 “Thought so, priest continue,” You spoke, turning to the priest and giving him the sweetest smile. If he didn’t witness the confrontation that happened in front of his eyes he would have believed you were sweet.
 The priest began the ceremony. You spotted a figure standing near the trees in the corner of your eye. Mentally cursing out loud in your mind. You excused yourself, walking over to the figure.
 “Come to give your condolences, I mean after all Adam and you were close,” You spoke. Giving him the fakest smile he had ever seen.
 Roman smirked at your attitude. Secretly he enjoyed it, but he wasn’t going to admit that to you.
 Roman took his hand out from behind his back. Holding a bouquet of red roses. Making you dramatically clasp your hand over your chest.
 “Oh, and you even bought him flowers, how sweet of you,” You cooed.
 “Actually these are for you, I know how must tough it must be for you knowing your right-hand man betrayed you. I tried to tell him I wasn’t interested but he insisted,” Roman spoke voice smooth. But to you, it sounded like he practiced it in front of the mirror way too many times.
 “I’m not bothered all, he is where he belongs, and I’m sure you did,” You responded. Shrugging your shoulders.
 “Damn you’re an ice queen,” Roman chuckled.  He gave you a soft smile.
 “But still,” He spoke, holding the red roses out in front of you. Making you look down at the roses.
 This was your chance to get him wrapped around your finger and take him down. Your breath hitched, as your eyes looked at his in awe. It was fake, but he didn’t know that.
 “They are pretty,” You cooed, smelling them.
 “Just like you,” He flirted. Making you let out a slight chuckle.
 “Flattery will get you nowhere,” You spoke, as you took the roses from him. His fingers brushing with yours, as you took the roses from him. Roman knew he had you hooked. Roman gave you a smirk. While you smelled the roses. You looked like an angel, shame you were a devil in disguise.
 “I’ve got her wrapped around my finger,” Roman thought to himself.
 “I’ve got him wrapped around my finger,” You thought to yourself.
 “I’ll let you get back to it, come around my place anytime,” Roman spoke, giving you a charming smile before turning around and walking away.
 You felt a presence beside you. As you stared at Roman.
 “What was that about?” Kyle asked, glaring at Roman’s back.
 “A truce,” You responded. A wicked smile gracing your lips. Your response made Kyle's heart plummet.
 “Y/n, you can’t be serious,” Kyle growled. Looking at you like you had lost your mind. Maybe you have.
 “It’s all going to plan, Kyle, I’m going to go to his house and seal the deal,” You spoke, not even looking at him.
 “Yep, she has lost her mind,” He thought to himself.
 “Not alone, he will murder you in cold blood,” Kyle spoke.
 “Take care of the gang while I’m gone,” You commanded. Ignoring what he said. Making his heart ache.  You smiled to yourself as you walked away. Walking to your car and leaving Kyle, as he stared at you with a pained expression. He had a slight crush on you, and it hurt him plus made him jealous to see you with Roman. He just hoped your vision wasn’t cloudy and you were going to do what you were set out to do…
 ≿————- ⚠️ ————-≾  
 Roman smirked to himself as he walked into his office, seeing the office remodeled from his little fit.
 It was all going to plan. He knew if he slept with you, you would be putty in his hands and you would reveal all, just like all the other women he slept with, they were wrapped around his finger after the first time they had sex with him, wanting more, he had them at his disposal, doing his dirty work, telling him their darkest secrets.
 Roman sat down on the black padded chair. Resting his elbows on the armrests. His right hand folding into a fist, while his left hand clasped over the top of his right hand. roman looked at the mahogany door smugly. Waiting for you to come in. Just like clockwork, he hears heels clicking against the wooden floor, coming towards the office.
 The mahogany door swinging open.
 Roman arched his brow as he saw you walk into the room.
 “Y/n, what a surprise,” Roman spoke in shock. Voice laced in a fake tone.
 It took every fiber in your body not to roll your eyes at how fake he was being.
 “Well, you did tell me to come around anytime, and here I am,” You spoke, making Roman smirk. Stripping your coat off and putting on the chair.
 Roman pushed the black padded chair back, standing up and walking over to the bar cart. His back turned to you. You quickly made your way over to him.
 “Want some?” Roman asked, grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels.
 “Actually, I’d rather have something else,” You purred from behind him, making him flinch in fright.
 Roman turned around to face you. His breathing speeding up as you unbuckled his belt buckle. Giving him a sultry look.
 Your fingers made quick work of the button on his trousers. Then unzip the zip to his trousers. All the while keeping eye contact with him. Roman felt his bulge grow bigger.
 You slowly tugged his trousers down. Slowly lower yourself down to your knees in front of him.
 Looking up at him with a smirk on your lips. Slowly peeling his boxers down, freeing his throbbing erection.
 Your gaze shifted to his throbbing erection. Breath slightly hitching at the size of his cock. Feeling yourself get aroused. You have never seen any men you’ve been with that size.
 Roman smirked at your reaction. Making his ego grow big.
 “Never seen a dick like mine have you, baby girl?” He cockily asked. Making you roll your eyes.
 “Don’t flatter yourself, Ro,” You spoke. Looking up at him. Only to find him staring down at you with a cocky smirk. That you wanted to wipe off his face.
 “Afraid you can’t fit it in your mouth?” He teased. making you arch an eyebrow. Sparking your competitive side to come out.
 “Oh, I’ve had bigger,” You smirked. Watching his smirk turn into a thin line.
 Roman was about to respond to you but stopped when he felt your tongue touch his balls, dragging it up to his shaft towards the head. Roman felt a wave of pleasure wash over him.
 Clenching his fist at his sides, as you continued to swirl your tongue around his head for a few more minutes, before taking his head in your mouth, slowly sucking on it like a lollipop, gripping his shaft and moving it up and down his shaft at a slow pace, all the while looking at him. This seems to make Roman even more sexually frustrated.
 He wasn’t going to lie, feeling your lips on his head was heaven, but he wanted you to take all of him, not just the head. He was greedy, and he was going to get what he wanted like he always did.
 “Don’t be such a tease,” Roman huffed out. Grabbing a fistful of your hair. You defied him continuing to tease him. Your other hand massaging his balls.
 Finally, you took your hand away from his shaft, resting it on his thigh, as you took his whole shaft in your mouth. His head hitting your uvula making your eyes water. You discarded that, taking his shaft out of your mouth. Your salvia coating his shaft. Using your hand you used your salvia as a lubricant.
 Replacing your hand with your mouth again. Bobbing your head up and down as your starred up at him through your eyelashes. Resting your hand on his thigh.
 Roman’s grip on your hair tightened. Tossing his head back, waves of pleasure rippled through his veins. Eyes his squeezing closed. Moans escaping his mouth. His fingernails digging into your scalp, as you continued to bob your head up and down.
 Moaning contently against his shaft. The vibrations sending him on edge. Roman thrust into your mouth, making you gag, eyes watering with tears. Your hand moved away from his thigh, grabbing his hip.
 You continued to bob your head up and down at a fast pace. Your jaw aching. Massaging his balls. Throat aching as Roman occasionally thrust into your mouth.
 Roman’s moans, groans, and heavy breathing, as well as the sound of you sucking him off, were sounding out through the room.
 You felt Romans's cock convulse in your mouth, making you smile.
 Roman’s grip on your hair tightened keeping it in place, as a loud moan escaped his mouth. His warm seed spills inside of your mouth, and down your throat.
 Roman’s grip on your hair loosened. You slowly pulled your mouth away from his shaft, letting out a pop.
 Salvia, as well his cum dripping from your mouth. wiping it away with the back of your hand. then wiping your hand on your dress.
 “I bet you haven’t had a blowjob like that,” You spoke cockily. Getting up. Making Roman smirk. Eyes glazed over.
 “I’ve had better,” He challenged you. Making you narrow your eyes.
 “Yeah, well…” You started to say but got cut off when he cupped your clothed pussy. Making you let out a gasp.  
 “Your soaking wet, did that turn you on?” He smirked.
 “You wish,” You growled out through clenched teeth.
 “Your body says otherwise,” Roman smirked. As he slipped his hand underneath your underwear.
 You were about to say something when he slipped a finger inside of you.
 A moan escaping your mouth. as you gripping onto his arm for support.
 “Sh, baby girl, I’ll make you feel better,” Roman purred. Smirking at you as your breathing becomes heavy.
 Roman pulled his finger out of your wet core, bringing his finger that was coated in with your slick juices of arousal. Bringing it up to his mouth, sucking your juices off. he slowly kneeled in front of you. Making your breath hitch, as he hiked your dress up.
 Looping his fingers underneath the waistband of your underwear. Tugging them down, to your feet. Making you instinctively step out of them.
 Roman smirked at your wet core.
 “So beautiful,” Roman cooed. Moving his head towards your core.
 Pressing his warm tongue against your heat. Gliding his tongue up your slits, making you hook your leg over his shoulder. Tossing your head back. Hands grabbing your hips.
 Roman pulled his tongue away. Then plunged his tongue inside of you. Making you grip the side of his hair. Fingers tangled in his hair, that was neatly tied back. It wasn’t anymore.
 Roman looked up at you with gleaming eyes, as he continued to plunge his tongue inside of you. your body felt like it was on fire, but in a good way. Feeling intense waves of pleasure ripple through your body.
 Roman felt his bulge grow. Getting turned on by your moans. He had to be inside of you.
 Roman pulled his tongue and head away from your core. Making you look at him. Pouting at him. Roman stood up grabbing the side of your face. Capturing your lips with his. Your hands wrapping around his neck. Roman pulled you closer to his body. Hands slipping down to the hem of your dress. Tugging it up. Pulling away from your lips so he could tug it over your head. You quickly stripped Roman’s shirt off. Ripping the buttons off in the process. His lips capturing yours again, as he took your bra off with ease.
 Hands grabbing your waist. Hiking you up. Your legs wrapping around him, as Roman deepened the kiss.
 Walking to his desk, while kissing you feverishly.
 Roman laid you down on the desk.  Throwing the objects off his desk. One of his hands grabbed his shaft. Aligning his cock with your entrance.
 Roman entered you without giving so much of a warning. Both of you moaning. Breaking the kiss.
 “God you are so tight,” Roman groaned out, as he thrust in and out at a rough fast pace. Grabbing a hold of your hands and pinning them above your head. Interlacing his fingers with yours. Wrapping your legs around his waist.
 “Do you fuck every girl on your desk, or am I the lucky lady?” You gasped out, as he thrust deeper. Making waves of pleasure course through your body.
 Your walls clenching around Roman's cock. Making him bury his head into the crook of your neck, fastening his speed.
 “I could always take you doggy style,” Roman moaned out, ignoring your question. You really didn’t care at this point.
 “Maybe next time,” You moaned out. Holding his hand tighter.
 He wasn’t going to admit it to you, but you were the best fuck he has had.
 His hips slammed against yours with every thrust. You were pretty sure they would be bruised and sore after. In fact, you were sure your whole body would be sore.
 Roman’s thrusting got rougher and deeper, your walls clenching around his cock, making him moan. please rippling through his body.
 Roman left a trail of hot-searing kisses along your neck. trailing kisses up towards your sweet spot and sucking harshly.
 The sound of moans and skin on skin filling the room. Roman didn’t care who heard.
 “Fuck,” You moaned out as your orgasm hit you in intense waves. Curling your toes, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. An intense sensation forming in the pit of your stomach. Mouth a gap, as you moaned his name. Your walls clenching around his cock tighter, caused Roman to climax.
 Both of you orgasming at the same time.
 “That’s it baby girl, milk the cum out of my cock,” Roman moaned out, as he comes inside of you. Your juices mixing with his seed.
 Both of you breathing heavily. Sweaty bodies pressed together. Roman did not attempt pulling out. in fact, he was getting hard again. There was something about being inside of you that made his cock hard.
 Roman pressed soft kisses along your shoulder. He was about to speak but the sound of his phone interrupted him. Making him let out a groan.
 Roman slipped out of you. Making both of you groan at the loss of contact.
 Roman walked stark naked to where his mobile phone was. Fishing it out of the pocket of his trousers.
 Roman mouthed a “Sorry,” as he answered the phone. Making you let out a sigh. Sitting up and grabbing a tissue. Cleaning yourself up.
 “Can you just hold for a second,” Roman commanded. Pressing the hold option.
 “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the ball that’s on tomorrow night?” Roman asked. Giving you a hopeful look. You looked up at him. slightly shocked, but then you realized this was your chance to take him down. You gave him a coy smile.
 “As a date? Wouldn’t that raise suspicions?” You questioned. Raising an eyebrow.
 “Since when did you care what anyone thinks?” Roman asked. Making you shrug your shoulders.
 “At least save me a dance then,” He asked, making you smile.
 “I’ll meet you there,” You spoke. Smirking at him. Roman smiled at you, then looked back at his phone. Taking whoever he was talking to off hold.
 You quickly got dressed. Glancing at Roman to see he was busy on the phone. You quickly took out a bug underneath his desk. Eyes locked on his.
 You quickly leave the room. Smiling proudly at yourself as you walked out of his mansion.
 Just as you exited the door, you bumped into Paul and Jey.  Both of them looking surprised.
 “Hi guys, bye guys,” You spoke, as you walked past them.
 “I don’t trust her, I’m going to take her down, she is obviously hiding something, and I am going to find out,” Jey growled, while Paul looked at Jey in amusement.
 ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 The sound of your phone pinging bought you out of your little high. Taking out your phone you looked at the screen to see a text message, Silos now.
 You let out a sigh. Taking out your car keys and unlocking your car. Getting in. You placed your phone in the cupholder. Putting the keys in the ignition. Turning the car on. Putting the handbrake down, then putting the car in drive, speeding off to where the location of the silos.
 Guilt washed over you, as you just realised you cheated on Drew, you just hoped he understood.
 A heavy sigh left your mouth, as you drove into the driveway of the silos. Already seeing two blacked-out cars there. Putting your car in park. Then putting the handbrake up. Turning the car off.
 You got out of the car. They did the same.
 “McIntyre, Agent Smith,” You spoke, as they stood in front of their cars. With unimpressed looks. You guess they heard the whole thing. After all, they were doing surveillance on him.
 “Have you gone nuts, sleeping with a mob boss,” Agent Smith shouted. While Drew kept silent. You definitely screwed up big time.
 You let out an annoyed huff. Looking for Drew for help but he looked away.
 “I have him, he is this close to cracking,” You defended yourself.
 Agent Smith looked at you furiously. If looks alone could kill you would be dead. But you weren’t scared of him.
 “You are off the case, Agent L/n,” He spoke. Making your heart plummet to your stomach. Mouth open in an O shape.
 “Wait, what? All because I slept with him, this is ridiculous,” You snapped. Eyes narrowing into slits. Clenching your fist.
 “You slept with him, you have compromised this mission, I should have pulled you out when you let Adam Cole use your real name,”  Agent Smith snapped. Making your blood boil.
 “Why would I fall in love with someone who killed my father, and killed millions of people? Not to mention traffics drugs. And that wasn’t my fault,” You shouted. Making Agent Smith walk closer to you. Till he was towering above you. But you didn’t cave in. Because bringing down Roman was the only thing you had left.
 “I’m taking you off this mission, don’t make me fire you,” He snapped. Turning around and walking back to his car. Leaving you seething.
 Drew still didn’t look at you. But you looked at him, as Agent Smith drove off.
 “Drew…” You spoke. Giving him a pleading look.
 “You didn’t have to have sex with him,” He finally spoke. Looking at you with a hurt expression. Eyes filled with tears. Making tears fill your eyes.
 “This is the only thing that I have left,” You pleaded. Taking small steps towards him.
 “You had me,” Drew spoke voice breaking. Sniffling after woods. Making your heart clench. You really felt something for him, but this case was everything to you and more important.
 “He is this close to confessing if you or anyone else tries to get one out of him he won’t crack, I know how to get him to confess, I can get him to confess,” You spoke. Looking at him with wild eyes.
 Drew looked at you with a heartbroken expression. You have completely lost it. He shook his head in disbelief. You let this case consume you to the point you were delusional.  
 “Y/n, he is playing with you, and you are falling for it, he knows you are hiding something, all because Adam thought he was a bigshot, Roman won’t stop till he finds out, and when he finds out you are FBI agent, he will show no mercy,” Drew spoke. Making your blood boil.
 “Where do you get off telling me what to do, You’re a cop, a deputy at best, I’m an FBI agent, I outrank you,” You snapped. Insulting him. feeling horrible after you spoke those words. Drew felt his heart plummet to his stomach. Looking down at the ground. Pinching the bridge of his nose. Your words stung.
 “Drew...I..” You tried to apologize but he cut you off.
 “Look just don’t be around that mansion when everything goes down tomorrow night,” Drew sighed. Looking up at you, tears fell from his eyes. Your throat felt like it was closing up.
 Drew didn’t wait for a response, he turned around and got into the cop car, slamming the door, and turning the car on. Putting the handbrake down, and putting the car into drive, before speeding off. Leaving you in the dust….
Jey tapped his fingers impatiently on the counter. Looking around the pub, seeing patrons drinking and laughing away. For some reason, the pub was filled up with a few people even though it was ten am.
 He didn’t know why the guy wanted to meet here of all places.
 Jey looked at the clock, getting more irritated at the guy. He was late.
 “Jey,” The guy greeted, looking around him before he took the yellow manila folder. Putting it in front of Jey and him. Jey looked at the manila folder curiously.
 “You’ll find everything you need to know about y/n, in this file,” The guy told Jey. Sliding the yellow manila folder to Jey.
 Jey quickly grabbed the yellow manila folder, flipping it open. Eyes beaming as he looked through it. A badge number.
 “She’s an FBI agent,” Jey gasped out. Heart racing faster.
 “Pretty juicy stuff, I wish I was an FBI agent, go on undercover secret missions,” The guy spoke, smirking at Jey.
 “Not that good of an FBI agent if she used her real name,” Jey grunted.
 “Still cool though, maybe she got too excited and slipped up, I would probably make the same mistake,” The guy spoke.
 Jey gave the guy an annoyed look making the guy gulp.
 “Do you need anything else? Like her location?” The guy asked nervously.
 “Nah, I already know where she is,” Jey grumbled. Still looking at the files in the yellow manila folder.
 The guy looked at Jey for a second then got up, placing his hand on Jey’s shoulder.
 “If you need anything else just give me a call or a text,” The guy spoke. Squeezing Jey’s shoulder. Jey ignored the guy, too busy looking at the contents in the yellow manila folder. The guy let go and walked away. Bumping into Jimmy. He gave Jimmy a small smile, while Jimmy just narrowed his eyes, making the guy walk faster.
 “What are you doing?” Jimmy asked his brother, as he sat down on the seat the guy once occupied.
 “Getting information on y/n,” Jey spoke, not even bothering to look up from the paper he was reading. Jimmy rolled his eyes.
 “Still Roman’s bitch I see,” Jimmy muttered. Signaling the bartender for a drink.
 “Roman is going to thank me when I tell him, y/n is an FBI agent,” Jey spoke. Eyes still locked onto the pieces of paper in the yellow manila folder.
 Jimmy smiled at the bartender, as he placed the glass filled with liquor in front of him.
 “And what do you think that’s going to accomplish? Don’t you think Roman should suffer for his crimes; you don’t have to go down with him,” Jimmy spoke. Giving his brother a pleading look.
 “What are you on about? I’m his cousin, his right-hand man, If y/n and the FBI are taking him down, then I am going down with him, just with a fight,” Jey spoke. Not even sparing a glance at his brother.
 “And you are my brother,” Jimmy spoke. Making Jey finally look at his brother for the first time since he sat beside him.
 “He is family too,” Jey spoke. Jimmy let out an annoyed huff.
 “These aren’t just town cops snooping around it’s the Federal Bureau of Investigation, that doesn’t scare you, let this go, nothing good can come out of this,” Jimmy spoke, trying to talk sense into his brother.
 “Why should it? I’m not scared of the FBI,” Jey huffed out. looking back at the files in the yellow manila folder.
 “Because if you kill her or get involved more you won’t ever see your kids,” Jimmy tried to reason with Jey, but it didn’t work. Jey’s mind was already made up.
 “Doesn’t bother me, can you just drop this,” Jey huffed. Trying to focus on the words on the piece of paper in front of him.
 “No, I’m being reasonable, I’ve done shit I’m not proud of, but I’m not going to jail because of Roman,” Jimmy spoke.
 “That’s your choice,” Jey grumbled. Making Jimmy let out a defeated sigh.
 Jimmy got up, chugging the rest of his drink down. Placing the glass down on the wood counter. Taking out a dollar bill and placing it beside the glass.
 “Get out while you can,” Jimmy spoke. Clasping his hand on Jey’s shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. Jimmy let go and walked away from his brother shaking his head in dismay.
 Neither brothers noticing someone was watching them. Jey neatly fixed the papers in the file. Closing the yellow manila folder. He got up walking out of the bar. The person who was watching him, got up as well, following after him at a safe distance, not to throw off any suspicion…
  ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 You delicately placed the flowers down on the grave. Kneeling. Your finger lightly on the wording
 “I got kicked off the case, but I promise I will get him tonight,” You promised. Smiling sadly at your father’s grave.
 The sound of boots crunching against the gravel, made you look up from the gravestone. Trying not to roll your eyes, as you saw Jey walk up to you.
 “I know what you are,” Jey announced. Making you arch an eyebrow.
 “I know you are an FBI agent,” Jey spoke. As you got up. Dusting the dirt off your jeans.
 “That’s pretty brazen of you to think that are you sure you aren’t jealous?” You smirked.
 Jey took a folder out of his coat, making you panic slightly, but you covered it up before he noticed.
 “I know you are only pretending to be a mob boss just to get to Roman, all because he killed your father, I mean it all makes sense, your hatred for him,” Jey spoke. Eyes fixated on you. the yellow manila folder in his hand.
 “You have quite the imagination,” You hummed. For all, you know he could have been bluffing.
 Jey let out a dark chuckle. Opening the yellow manila folder up. Showing you the contents, with a satisfied smile on his lips. While you just looked irritated. Did he really think threatening an FBI agent was a bold choice.
 “Well, I could always just kill you,” You spoke. Making Jey’s eyes widen slightly. He quickly composed himself.
 “Do it, I took photos of these files, it’s on my phone, and my OneDrive, on iCloud,” He spoke. Making you give him an annoyed look.
 “You’re not that smart Jey, I could easily wipe your drives, and kill you at the same time,” You threatened him, while he chuckled, taking out his phone and unlocking it. He went into the messaging app.
 “You could do that, but I would send him this text, it’s already typed out,” Jey spoke, showing you the phone's screen. You glared at the screen then at Jey.
 Jey smirked at you. Parting his lips to say something only for his head to jerk to the side. Something smacking against his head.
 Jey fell to the ground. Your eyes widen in shock. Face turning pale as you saw your father in front of you. Holding a baseball bat.
 “Hey sweetheart,” Your father spoke.
 “You are meant to be dead,” You gasped out. Heart pounding. Ears ringing.
 Your father let out a heavy sigh. Taking a seat on one of the benches. You did not attempt to follow. Staying put.
 “I had to make it seem like I died. It was the only way, he was close to finding out my real identity, I had to keep you safe,” He sighed. Not looking at you. Making your jaw clench. Tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
 “I monored for you,” You snapped at him. making him let out a sad sigh. Finally looking at you.
 “I know,” He sighed. Eyes filled with sadness. Making you irritated.
 “Just because you are alive and I am off the case doesn’t mean I am giving up on taking Roman down. Tonight is the night I am taking him down,” You huffed out.
 “I know but even if you do put him away, he has so many people hidden in the shadows, and law enforcement. He will get out of jail eventually,” Your father spoke. Standing up.
 He took a step towards you. Making you take a step back. Looking at the baseball bat he held cautiously not sure if he was going to use that on you.  He finally stood in front of you. Taking a small case out of his pocket.
 “Which Is why I’m giving you this,” He spoke. Handing you a small case. You carefully took it. Giving him a confused look.
 “Make sure you take him down,” He spoke. Leaning closer to your ear. He cupped his hand over your ear. Lowering his mouth down towards your ear. Whispering something into your ear. His words sending chills down your spine.
 He pulled away as you looked at him in shock.
 He leaned up to the top of your head. Pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head. He pulled away taking a step back.
 “I’ll take care of Jey,” He spoke. Grabbing Jey’s phone. Shoving the phone in his pocket. Picking Jey up. Hoisting him over his shoulder. Turning around and walking away with Jey slumped on his shoulders.
 You watched as he opened the back door to the truck. Dumping Jey in the back. He slammed the back door. Making his way to the driver's side and getting in. throwing the baseball bat in the front seat. You watched in shock as he drove off leaving you alone in the graveyard…
 ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 Your father dropped Jey on the cold hard ground of the shed. He didn't really care if Jey broke any bones.
 He went towards one of the shelves. Grabbing a roll of duct tape. Walking back to where he dumped Jey’s body. Wrapping Jey’s wrists together with duct tape, then pressing Jey’s ankles together and wrapping them together with duct tape. Using his teeth to break the duct tape.
 Once he was done with the duct tape he threw it across the room.
 Grabbing a steel chair. Unfolding it. Placing the chair in front of Jey. He sat down on the steel chair. Watching Jey with a smirk on his face.
 Jey let out a gasp as his eyes snapped open. He panicked when he tried to get up, noticing he was restrained. Jey looked up to see your dad smirking at him.
 “You are supposed to be dead,” Jey gasped out. Looking at your father with a look of shock and horror.
 “Miss me?” Your father smirked. Making Jey gulp. Jey scooted back. Taking a deep breath.
 Jey glared at your father.
 “You won’t get away with this, Roman will know y/n is an FBI agent and that she is your daughter,” Jey growled out, his voice filled with venom.
 “Right,” Your father spoke, taking out Jey’s phone from his pocket. He held it up. Smirking at Jey, as he got up. Dropping the phone onto the ground and stomping on it. Breaking the phone into pieces.
 “How inconvenient,” Your father taunted. While Jey glared at him.
 “Doesn’t matter I have it backed up,” Jey smirked.
 “Well, then I can wipe it, but first…” He spoke, trailing off at the end, as he pulled his fist back. Clenching it.
 Your father punched Jey hard in the face. Making Jey let out a gasp of pain.
 “That’s for threatening my daughter,” Your father growled.
 Walking over to one of the shelves. Picking up a hammer. Taking taunting steps towards Jey.
 “I’m not scared of you,” Jey spat out. spitting on your father. Your father looked at the spit on him in disgust.
 “You should be,” He growled. Hitting Jey with the hammer. Jey let out a scream…
 ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 You stared at the case numbly, you’ve been staring at it all afternoon. Your father's words echoing in your mind. Slowly opening the zip. Revealing a needle and a small vile. Heart pounding faster. You quickly zipped the case back up, putting it in your coat pocket, when you heard footsteps come towards your bedroom.
 “Y/n,” Kyle spoke, as he walked into your room seeing you in a red off-the-shoulder gown, with a split on the right.  Wearing black heels. He felt his cheeks flush as well as his bulge grow. Kyle pushed all inappropriate thoughts away.
 “Hey Kyle, you look handsome,” You spoke. Making him blush.
 “It is about this whole Roman thing, are you sure you want to go with him? he is dangerous y/n,” Kyle spoke. Feeling a pang of jealousy course through him.
 “Oh, right, don’t worry about it, I have it covered,” You spoke. Smiling at him.
 “Look y/n, you don’t know what he is capable of, he wouldn’t even blink when killing you or think twice, he is ruthless,” Kyle ranted.
 You liked Kyle, but he was really getting on your nerves, you get he wanted to protect you, but you had to take Roman down.
 “I’m sorry I have to do this,” You spoke, walking over to him.
 “You don’t have to, we can run away get out of this town, and…” Kyle spoke. Getting interrupted by your fist slamming into his face hard. Hard enough to knock him off his feet. You quickly put him in a chokehold. As he desperately tried to escape, but you were trained.
 “Don’t worry Kyle, I’ll make sure you have a lighter sentence,” You spoke, as he slowly faded away.
 You let go of Kyle, getting up and fixing your gown. You walked over to your bed. Heels clicking against the wood. Grabbing your coat. You quickly slipped it on the coat. Walking to the door of your bedroom, smiling to yourself as you walked out of your bedroom, and down the stairs, making your way to the front door, you weren’t going to the ball with Roman, you were going to his house to take him down once and fall. The only way he would be leaving the house of his is in handcuffs and a one-way ticket to jail…
 ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
 Jey gritted his teeth as your father hurt him again and again.
 Your father laughed at Jey. Making Jey clench his jaw.
 “You’ll never get out of this shed,” Your father snickered. Leaning closer to Jey. Which was a big mistake.
 Jey head-butted your father hard making your father dazed. Jey quickly headbutted your father again. Knocking him out. Jey quickly fished your father's phone out the best he could.
 Jey fumbled to take it out. Feeling grateful it was on an old phone. He quickly went into the phone. Going into the messaging app. Quickly typing a message;  Check the iCloud,-Jey  Jey typed Romans number in then pressed send. Smiling happily as the message sent.
 His smile got replaced by a look of panic on his face as arms wrapped around his neck. Choking him till he passed out. your father let go of Jey. Glaring at Jey’s knocked-out body. His jaw tightens as he lets out a low growl…
The sound of Roman’s mobile phone chiming bought him out of his little daydream of taking you down and taking over your mob.
 Roman let out an annoyed grunt. Adverting his gaze to his mobile phone. He picked up his phone. A message from an unknown number flashed across the screen. His eyebrows knitted together as he read the text Check the iCloud,- Jey. Roman looked at the text in confusion. What the hell was Jey on about and why would Jey send him a text on an unknown number. Unless something happened to him.
 Roman let out an annoyed huff. Heart racing at the thought of his cousin being hurt or tortured. He quickly moved the wireless mouse. The screen went from black to the default screen saver.
 Roman clicked the mouse, showing a screen where he had to put the pin in. Roman quickly typed the password in. Tapping his fingers on the desk, impatiently as the screen loaded. Roman felt a slight relief. He quickly clicked on the chrome app on the taskbar. Clicking on the iCloud bookmark in the taskbar. He quickly typed in the email and password. Hoping whatever Jey wanted him to find was saved onto the iCloud because if it didn’t Jey just wasted his time thinking of a way to make you fall in love with him even more.
 Roman clicked on the photos. Still tapping his fingers on the desk. Roman’s eyes fixated on the screen as he clicked on the most recent photo added.
 His face contorting into anger as he zoomed into the photo. Reading the words. His jaw tightening as his eyes narrowed into slits.
 “That bitch, she’s a fed,” Roman growled. His nostrils flaring. Eyes narrowing, anger sparking in them. His whole expression turning into a look of rage.
 He had to kill you know and it had to be tonight. He clenched his fist tightly as he thought of ways to kill you.
 The sound of his pinging brought him out of his murderous thoughts. With a clenched jaw, he turned his attention to the phone. His expression turning into a look of pure evil, as he smirked at who it was from. It was from you.
 Roman quickly grabbed his phone. Unlocking his phone and going into the message.
 Coming over ;)
 Roman smirked as he read the message.
 “Good,” He thought to himself. He could kill you when you come over, then dumb your body in the woods.
 Roman quickly typed out a reply, I can’t wait He typed out, smirking evilly. He pressed send as his mind wandered off to killing you.
 Roman put his phone back down on the desk. Scooting the chair backward. Getting up and walking over to his bookcase. His fingers wrapping around the figurine. Picking it up. He picked up a small key, then put the figurine back down.
 Roman walked back over to his desk. Putting the key into the top drawer. Roman unlocked the drawer. His hand wrapping around the knob, pulling it open.
 Roman smirked, as he reached into the drawer, fingers wrapping around the handle of the gun. Taking the gun out of the drawer. Putting it down on the desk ever so delicately. He quickly grabbed a few bullets out of a box that was in the drawer. Putting the bullets on the desk. Roman grabbed the magazine to the gun.
 Putting bullets into the magazine. Roman smirked as he reinserted the magazine by moving it briskly and firmly upward into the hand grips. Hearing a clink. Roman turned the safety off. Using the palm of his hand, pulling the slide to its rearmost position, releasing it to the chamber a round.
 Roman hide the gun underneath his desk, in a hidden pocket he had underneath the desk.
 He heard heels clicking against the wooden floor. An evil smile gracing his lips.
 Roman took a seat on his black padded chair. It’s showtime.
 The mahogany doors to his office opening. You walked into his office with confidence. Wearing a coat, as well as a red off-the-shoulder gown, with a spilt on the right side. Black high heels. Even though you were a fed, he wasn’t going to deny that you looked stunning. He would have taken you on his desk if he hadn’t have known you were a fed.
 Roman licked his lips. Giving you a charming smile.
 “I know I’m a little early, but I thought we could bond,” You spoke ever so sweetly. Your voice was like honey, and he would have fallen for your sweet voice if it weren’t for the fact, he knows you were a fed.
 Roman patted his lap. Gesturing for you to sit on his lap. You smirked at him, as you walked over to him. He wanted you close to him, so you didn’t pull a gun on him or try anything.
 You sat down on his lap. Fighting the urge to throttle his throat. Your arm wrapped around his neck. Resting your fingers on his neck. If he tried anything that put your life in danger, you could press down hard on his pressure point.
 Roman’s charming smile turned into a sadistic one. You felt your heart rate speed up. Does he know you’re an FBI agent? Did Jey tell him?
  “Does your idea of bounding include coercing confessions out of me?” Roman questioned. Giving you a sinister look. Yep, he knew.
 “I have no idea what you are talking about,” You spoke innocently.
 Roman’s eyebrows raised, as he gave you a deadpan expression.
 “Cut the bull crap out, y/n, I know you work for the feds, you may be one of the most gorgeous fed I have met, but not the brightest one, if you used your real name,” Roman snapped. But you kept a calm expression.
 “You are obviously paranoid,” You spoke. Smiling at him.
 “I’m not, y/n l/n,” He growled out. Making you gulp. He knew your real last name.
 “Well, you found out the feds are after you,” you smirked. Fingers dangerously close to the pressure point on his neck.
 “They won’t take me down, when I kill you, there won’t be any evidence left,” Roman smirked. Making you give him a deadpan expression.
 “You are so stupid, Roman, killing me won’t make the FBI go away, besides, I bugged your office. Our tech is advance, we know everything, in fact, what makes you think your first ex-wife, or your children aren’t part of our operation, our little sting,” You smirked. Making Roman’s eyes burn with rage. His eyes burning with rage. He reached out to grab his gun. He pressed the muzzle to your head. Making you smirk.
 “Hit a nerve…Do it, add another body to your kill count, it will only make your stay in jail longer, maybe life,” You smirked.
 Roman’s jaw tightened as his finger hovered over the trigger. Roman moved the gun to your right shoulder. Pulling the trigger. The bullet pierced through your skin. Making you let out a scream. As pain rippled through your body. You quickly pressed down hard on his pressure point. Roman let out a gasp of pain. Making you get off him. Creating distance between him and you.
 Roman dropped his gun, as you held your right shoulder, with your right hand. Trying to stop the bleeding. Your left hand reaching for your gun on your right ankle. Taking it out of the holster.
 “Bitch,” He growled. As you aimed the gun at him.
 “I may have stuffed up in some areas, but you aren’t going to escape, you deserve to rot in jail, “ You growled out. Feeling slightly queasy from the blood loss.
 “You can’t prove anything,” Roman chuckled darkly. Getting up. He quickly made his way over to you. Making you fire your gun. The bullet going through his shoulder.
 Roman didn’t even look fazed as the bullet entered his shoulder. H quickly moved towards you. Grabbing the barrel before you could shoot him again. Roman ripped the gun out of your hand. Chucking it to the side.
 Roman wrapped his hand around your throat. Squeezing tight. While he used his other hand to press hard against the gunshot wound on your right shoulder. Digging his fingers into your wound. Your left hand dug into his neck.  Roman’s other hand went to grab your throat. Putting more pressure on your throat. His eyes burning holes into your eyes as they glazed over.
 You quickly kneed him hard in the lower region. Making Roman’s grip loosen.
 You quickly escaped. Taking a step back. Taking out the case your father gave you. Unzipping it.
 “It’s not like we need any more of your offspring around,” You snarled. Making Roman’s jaw twitch.
 You quickly took the needle out. Roman let out a wicked laugh. Noticing you were holding a needle.
 “Oh, sweet, y/n, give it up, I’m stronger than you, smarter than you,” Roman chuckled darkly.
  “I’m going to take you down you’re going to leave this mansion with handcuffs on,” You growled out. Taking the cap off the needle. Your father told you to use it on yourself, but you were going to use it on Roman.
 Roman eyes the needle you were holding. He assumed that the substance was a lethal injection.
 “Kinky,” Roman smirked. Making your blood boil.
 “Don’t you have any remorse for the thing you have done? You ruined other families' lives,” You snapped. Eyes filled with fury.
 “To be honest, I would do it all over again,” He smirked. Shrugging his shoulders. Your blood boiled, as your eyes narrowed into slits.
 “Of course, you would, you’re a psychopath,” You spat out. Glaring at him. Tightening your jaw.
 “A psychopath you slept with,” He smirked. Making your nostrils flaring.
 “I only did that so you could trust me, it meant nothing to me,” You growled out.
 “You have to admit it was the best sex you ever had, you were the best fuck I ever had,” He confessed.
 But you knew he was manipulating you. You narrowed your eyes at him.
 “I bet you say that to all the women you fuck. Your manipulating behavior won’t work on me,” You growled out. Making Roman shrug his shoulders.
 “But it works on your cousin, Jey, doesn’t it, you manipulate him, and he does anything you ask him to do, yet your other cousin Jimmy disobeys you,” You growled out. Smirking at him as you saw his jaw clenching. Eyes flashing with anger.
 Roman quickly rushed over to you. Which is what you were hoping for. You tried to stick the needle in his arm but failed. He grabbed your wrist. Holding it tightly. Spinning you around and pinning your back against his chest. His other arm wrapping around your neck. Outing you in a chokehold.
 You let out a gasp. Trying desperately to escape his grasp. Struggling to stick the needle in his arm.
 Roman had the upper hand. Your eyes widened in fear as he stuck the needle in your arm. Emptying the liquid substance in you.
 Your father's words playing in your mind.
 “It puts you to sleep. Slows your heart rate down, doesn’t stop it but to others, it might seem like you are dead. It gives you a weak pulse, Roman will think you are dead,” Your father whispered in your ear.
 Your eyes slowly fluttered closed. Heart slowing down. You let out a gasp. Going limp in Roman’s arms. Roman stroked your hair. Thinking you were dead.
 “Sh, baby girl,” He cooed, as he picked you up. Hoisting your body over his shoulder. Roman walked out of his office. Carrying what he thought was your dead body out of his mansion.
 Roman delicately placed you down on the ground. Pouting at you.
 “Oh, my sweet little, y/n, this is what happens when you are a fed,” Roman spoke to you.
 “Shame really, you are such a beautiful woman,” Roman spoke again.
 He opened his mouth to say something, but a fist connected with the side of his face. Disorientating him.
 Drew tackled Roman to the ground. Punching him ruthlessly in the face. Roman chuckled. Bringing his thumbs up to Drew’s eyes, and forcing his thumbs in Drew’s eyeballs. Drew pulled away. Grunting in pain.
 Drew’s hands went up to his eyes. As Roman spat out blood, sitting up. Smirking at Drew. Guess he could kill him as well.
 Drew opened his eyes. Blinking them rapidly. He saw a guy crouching beside you.
 “Who are you?” Drew grunted out. Glaring at the guy.
 “I heard a commotion I live nearby, I’m a paramedic, I can take her to the hospital,” The guy spoke.
 Drew nodded. Opening his mouth to speak, but Roman struck him hard in the head with his fist. A look of fury edged on Roman’s face.
 Drew fell to the ground, as Roman turning him over on his back. Climbing on top of him. Bringing his fist down hard on Drew’s face.
 Neither of them noticed the paramedic pick you up and take you away.
 Drew blocked Roman’s punches.
 Drew finally got the upper hand, kneeing Roman in the crouch. Roman groaned. Drew quickly pushed Roman off him. Getting on top of him. And bringing his fist to Roman’s face.
 “She’s dead,” Roman chuckled, as he spat out blood. Not that Drew cared. He kept punching Roman’s face.
 “This is for killing her,” Drew snarled out. Blood covering his face. One of his eyes was swollen shut.
 Roman just chuckled darkly. Making Drew angry even more.
 “This is for fucking her,” Drew spat out as he punched Roman hard in the face.
 “Jealous much,” Roman chuckled, not even fazed.
 Drew pressed his hand down hard on Roman’s face. Making Roman grunt, moving his head to the side. Drew took his handcuffs out.
 Roughly grabbing a hold of Roman’s wrist. Drew cuffed one of Roman’s wrists, then the other one. Cuffing his hands in front of him.
 Drew got off Roman. Pulling Roman up by the cuffs. Drew narrowed his one good eye that wasn’t swollen shut at Roman.
 Roman smirked. His face bloody. Cuts littered his face. His lips busted open. Roman smirked wickedly at Drew.
 “Aren’t you going to tell me the Miranda warning?” Roman chuckled. Making Drew’s eye twitch. He looked at Roman with disgust.
 “You are going to rot in jail,” Drew spat out. Grabbing a hold of Roman’s shoulder roughly. Turning him around and pushing him roughly. Making Roman move forward.
 Roman wet his lips before speaking.
 “I’ll be out before you know it,” Roman smirked.
 “No, you won’t,” Drew growled out. Making Roman chuckle. As Drew opened the back of the cop car's door.
 Drew roughly put Roman in the backseat. Drew slammed the door shut. Walking to the driver's side. Opening the door and getting in. slamming the door shut. His mind wandering off to you. Drew didn’t get to check your pulse, he just hoped you weren’t dead. Roman claimed you were dead; he just hopped the doctors and nurses could save you…
 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
 Seth smirked as he looked down from the indoor balcony inside his mansion. Seeing the room filled with different gangs, with their significant others, all dressed up. He felt a little bummed out he didn’t see Roman or you, but he did see some of the gang members from Roman’s and your gang. Maybe the both of you were running late.
 Seth turned his gaze away. Grabbing a glass of champagne from the tray the waiter was holding. Taking a sip.
 Bobby was conversing with Roddy when he felt someone tug on his suit. Bobby turned around to see a disheveled Kyle standing in front of him. Roddy waved the waiter over. Grabbing a glass of champagne from the tray.
 “Are you alright?” Bobby asked.
 “Y/n’s gone off the rails, she choked me out, I only woke up a while ago, I need your help,” Kyle gasped out. Bobby and Roddy looked at Kyle in concern.
 “Here drink this,” Roddy spoke. Handing the glass of champagne to Kyle. But Kyle didn’t take it.
 “I don’t want it,” Kyle snapped. Making Bobby and Roddy share a look of concern with each other.
 “Kyle, relax,” Bobby spoke in a soft voice. Putting his hand on Kyle’s shoulder.
 “I can’t, y/n is going to get herself killed,” Kyle gasped out.
 Bobby sighed. Racking his brain to find the right words to say.
 Just as he was about to say something a voice interrupted him.
 “FBI, don’t move,” Agent Smith shouted. As the FBI team raided Seth’s mansion. Seth’s eyes widen in fear. He quickly did a runner but got tackled to the floor by an FBI agent. The agent twisted Seth’s arms behind his back, putting handcuffs on Seth’s wrists. Smirking smugly at Seth.
 “Going somewhere?” The agent taunted.
 Seth opened his mouth to speak, but the agent cut him off.
 “You are going to jail for a long time,” The agent smirked as he leads Seth down the stairs.
 “You will hear from my lawyer,” Seth yelled.
 The other agents arrested other gang members and their significant others.
 Bobby, Roddy, and Kyle looked shocked, before they could do anything their arms got twisted behind them. Handcuffs got put on their wrists. The agents lead them outside and into a van.
 Just as agent Smith put handcuffs on of one the gang members in Roman’s gang, his phone buzzed. He handed the gang member off to another agent to take away. Agent Smith took out his phone. Seeing a text from one of his agents, Y/n is dead, Roman killed her, Roman is in custody. Agent Smith let out a heavy sigh. Putting his phone back in his jean pocket. He ran his hand down his face. Feeling sadness take over him. Though he and you had your difference, you were still one of his best agents and now you were gone…
 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
 A loud gasp escaped your mouth as you shot up. Breathing heavily. A guy and middle-aged woman quickly rushed over to you. You looked down at your arm to see a cannula in your arm. You followed the tube that was attached to the cannula till you saw a drip. Gasping as you looked around the room. It looked like an illegal practice.
 “Are you alright?” The guy spoke.
 “How are you feeling?” The woman asked. Making you turn your head to look at her. She was wearing scrubs. You looked at the guy as well to see him wearing a jumper and jeans.
 “You know I could shut this down, it’s illegal,” You threatened. Taking out the cannula. Wincing in pain. Your shoulder was aching as well.
 “You can’t, you’re not an FBI agent anymore,” Your father's voice spoke, as he stepped into the room. You looked at him in shock.
 “What?” You gasped out. Trying to sit up but the guy and woman stopped you.
 “You are dead, least to the FBI agent, Roman, Drew and everyone else,” Your father explained. Giving the guy and women a small smile.
 “It’s better this way,” Your father spoke. Smiling at you.
 “How? You need a body, my body?” You shuttered out. Still in shock.
 “Wax, I made a copy of your body made out of wax,” He spoke.
 You looked at him in shock. What was wrong with him. You were fine with the aftermath of Roman’s wrath after you handcuff him. You were ready to take Roman down, be at his trial, but your father had other plans.
 “Fleur will take care of you for a while,” Your father spoke before turning around and walking away leaving you shocked…
 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
 Drew starred at your coffin in despair. His heart hurting. Regretting the last words, he spoke to you, his actions towards you. He was hurt by your actions and now he was left heartbroken and alone. Drew ignored what the priest was saying as well as the other agents. He would do anything to have you back in his arms. He would go back in time, where he found you lying limp on the ground and take you to the hospital. Instead of focusing on Roman. You were gone for good. It left a void in his heart. He ached for you, but all he had left were memories…
 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
 Roman smirked as he sat down on the seat. Paul sitting in front of him.
 “Bad news, they aren’t taking your case to the trail,” Paul sighed.
 “That’s good news, Paul,” Roman smirked.
 “They have enough evidence, that a judge ruled you guilty, and gave you life in prison, no parole,” Paul spoke.
 “That’s not fair,” Roman huffed out.
 “This is the FBI,” Paul spoke.
 “It’s because I killed their agent, isn’t it?” Roman growled.
 “Possibly…” Paul sighed.
 “Another thing, Jey is still missing,” Paul sighed.
 “He will show up, where’s Jimmy? Is he in jail?” Roman asked.
 “Hopefully, nope, Jimmy is free,” Paul responded.
 Roman was about to speak when the guard cut him off.
 “Visiting time is over,” The guard spoke in a monotone. Roman let out a grumble.
 “Are you sure you don’t want me to put in a request for a different prison? “Paul asked. Roman shook his head.
 “Nah, he is harmless, Kyle isn’t on my level,” Roman responded. As a guard walked up to them. Roman got up.
 “See you later, hope you come back to me with good news,” Roman spoke. Turning around and walking out of the room.
 Roman smirked as he walked out of the visiting room. Eyes glinting with danger as he saw Kyle. As Kyle passed Roman, he head-butted Roman. Leaving Roman stunned. Roman let out a chuckle. Turning to face Kyle as the guards pinned them to the wall.
 “Is that all you got?” Roman smirked.
 “You will pay for what you did to y/n,” Kyle snapped.
 “Y/n was an FBI agent, she didn’t care about you,” Roman chuckled.
 “That’s enough,” the guards yelled, pulling Kyle and Roman out of sight from each other.
 The guard guided Kyle to the visitor's room. Kyle entered the visitor's room angry. Kyle searched the room, finding the person he was looking for. Once he spotted them, he walked over to them. He sat down. The person raised their eyebrows, looking at the red mark on Kyle’s forehead.
 “I head-butted him before I came in here,” Kyle spoke.
 “I want you to do more than just headbutt him, I want his blood on your hands, I want you to be the last person he sees before his eyes close; I want him to pay for what he did to my daughter, my precious y/n, who is in a coffin because of him,” Your father demanded, in a manipulative tone. Kyle nodded his head.
 “For y/n,” Kyle spoke. Making your father smile…
 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
 It's been two weeks since your fake death, and you were bored as hell, you wanted to investigate. But you couldn’t, you were stuck hiding out in Fleur’s house. And to top it all your period was late.
 Fleur ran a pregnancy test on you just in case.
 “Here,” Fleur spoke, handing you a bowl of pasta.
 “I got the results back,” She spoke just as ate a spoonful of pasta. Chewing on it and swallowing it.
 “You are pregnant,” She spoke again. You were lucky you weren’t eating. Your mouth opened in an o shape, as you starred at her in shock. Eyes widening in shock. Face going pale. Heart beating fast. You felt like you were going to throw up.
 Pregnant… it was either Drew’s or Roman’s baby…
 A/N: Got a WWE series or request idea send it in!
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heelwriting · 3 years
Prompt: Jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted
Fandom: Wrestling
Pairing: Roderick Strong x Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 435 words
Masterlist | Buy Me coffee
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I had been working until late at night, it was ok at first but the nights passed and Roderick was finally home, he had called me earlier saying he would be waiting for me, I had to tell him I would only go home to sleep, he sounded disappointed, it was one of his few days off and I had to work, I was disappointed too.
Finally getting home, I just ate a sandwich and called it a day, Roddy was sprawled over the bed with a white sheet covering up to his chest, I watched him sleep and then I changed to more comfy clothes, I crawled into bed and hugged him.
He slowly started moving, and looked at me with one eye opened.
“How was work?”
He asked, his voice raspier than normal. I growled and he laughed.
“Pretty good I guess”
“Just hug me”
He moves around until he is holding me in his arms, his hands pressed against my back, he is warm and I love that feeling, I quickly fall asleep.
There was something wrong, I just knew it, I felt like someone was following me around, I was running, I could hear footsteps coming near me, the sound getting louder and louder, my heart started beating fast and I felt someone grab my arm, and then, nothing, I had moved on my bed like I had a jump scare, I woke up with Roderick hugging by body tight.
“Babe, everything it’s ok”
He said in a sweet voice, pressing my cheeks to his chest, his hands moved slowly, rubbing my back. I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt Roddy’s damped shirt.
“You’re safe, nothing bad is going to happen”
He kissed my forehead and then dried my face, his thumbs removing the remaining tears on my face.
“Is everything alright at work?”
He asked.
Roddy knew me well, figuring it had to do with my long shifts.
“We have a lot of work and most of the responsibilities fall on my shoulders, I think it might be stress manifesting in my dreams”
“You know you can do anything you want, you might need a few days off to recharge”
“I think I will, but… if you’re here it would be much better”
I said smiling and batting my eyelashes, trying my best to look cute and convince him, he laughed.
“I’ll see what I can do, know lets go back to sleep, you need to rest”
“Thank you”
“Whatever you need, you know I’m here for you”
He kisses my temple and we went back to asleep.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
2020 - archived
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[18+ advised ] This is going to be long af. I’m going to do my best to put everything - all my writing on this blog, in one goddamn place, but I make no promises, so forgive me in advance. Below the cut is everything I’ve written and posted, for every single wrestler I’ve written for so far.  If its’ not linked, then I haven’t posted it yet or it’s a placeholder. If it’s bolded/has an m out beside it, it is most definitely mature and only meant for a mature (18+) audience. If there’s an asterisk (*) out beside the title, it belongs to or is part of something else that I have on the blog.
If you want to be on the taglist for my writing, you can find that [here]. If you want to know what I write / how often I write and stuff like that, my faq/about post is [here]
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adam hangman page | take you home | spring | mature.
adam hangman page | baby fever | winter| mature.
adam hangman page | darlin | summer | mature. 
baron corbin | right now | winter | mature.
darby allin | the sound of silence | spring | mature.
drew mcintyre | somebody watching me | spring | mature.
drew mcintyre | alpha | winter | mature.
ethan carter iii | worship you | winter | mature.
jon moxley | duality| summer | mature.
jon moxley | allnighter | summer | mature.
jungle boy | touch myself | winter | mature.
jungle boy | unnamed as of yet | summer | mature.
kevin owens | morning | summer | mature.
kyle o’reilly | backseats and phone calls | spring | mature.
kyle o’reilly | the quiet game | winter | mature.
mjf | dessert first | winter | mature.
mjf | sweet | summer | mature.
mjf | morningafter | summer | mature.
roman reigns | alpha | winter | mature.
sammy guevara | dirty dancer | winter | suggestive.
sammy guevara | cheater | summer | mature.
trent beretta | blackout | summer | mature.
trent beretta | sneaky | fall | mature.
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adam hangman page | whatcha gonna do by hinder | angst / comfort.
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adam hangman page | push my buttons [ suggestive] | 
adam hangman page | i’m erasing myself from the narrative | i’m putting myself back into the narrative | may you always be satisfied | the story of tonight. 
adam hangman page | second one to know |  dancing around an open fire | | 
adam hangman page | dreaming of a wedding dress | | 
adam hangman page | the love boat || | 
adam hangman page | sweet cherry pie || that dress is begging to come off [ virgin oc; mature af } 
adam hangman page | | honey on my table suggestive | motion of the ocean - cruise romance au, mature | 
adam hangman page | alone among the couples | 
adam hangman page | im yours - alphaverse au | won’t you stay with me alphaverse au |  bathtub mermaid - alphaverse au/suggestive | 
adam hangman page | she’s a nutcracker | 
adam hangman page | virginia on my mind, angst | fuck you and the horse you rode in on [ an au of what ifs second chapter, holy shit mature]  | | punishment pretty please, goes with wildside/whatifs holy shit mature | pour some sugar on me, mature | | 
baron corbin | everything you can do i can do better | 
baron corbin | follow me | prince not so charming | 
baron corbin | love on the rocks | 
curtis axel | | | boop [  mature ] | be kind rewind [ roommates au, mature ]| 
curtis axel | discount chocolate day | | 
drew gulak thoughts of yesterdays | august rush | lost in your eyes [ suggestive.]
drew gulak | he loves me, he loves you not [ miiild suggestive, alphaverse] | | leave her wild [ suggestive alphaverse..kinda] | 
drew gulak |once upon a dream [ soulmate au] |  starcrossed lovers and other strangers [ suggestive ] |
drew gulak | valentines day episode | 
drew mcintyre | marionette | | just between me and you | 
drew mcintyre | burnt homemade chocolates [ conclusion to my alphaverse short fic, suggestive and fluffy ] | 
edge x ofc x christian | seeds of unrest | 
elias samson | couples costume contest | 
elias samson | waiting on your friends to leave 
ethan carter III | winners remorse | rewrite history [ a retelling of w.r] | |
finn balor | after an endless dream | 
jay white | graveyard smash | punch drunk princess [ vampire au; mature] | it should’ve been you [human version of vampire au]
jeff hardy  | it all started with glow paint [ suggestive; bordering mature ] | 
jeff hardy | do i look lonely |  my lips are up here [suggestive]
jon moxley | hurt me so good | if I loved you less I could talk about it more | can’t find a better man [mature].
jon moxley | bloody valentine | 
jon moxley | your days are numbered | spared but not forgiven | nature adores a virgin [mature]
jon moxley | all the guys want cheerleaders | ps i lo- | no more almosts | warm desert wind | | dark as night [ roommates au / suggestive ] | 
jon moxley | siren song [ soulmate/pirate and siren au | 
jungle boy | sweet boy | 
kyle o’reilly | can I see through you | | death of a bachelor | 
mjf | did you just grab yourself on tv | 
mjf | candy hearts taste like chalk | 
pete dunne | you jump i jump jack | | you can’t win | I’m melting
pete dunne |bitter bite alphaverse au |  aftershocks suggestive |
roderick strong |  trying not to smile | 
roderick strong | kisses like cruelty [suggestive,borderline mature] | | | 
roderick strong | walking the line | put ‘em up | 
roman reigns | patchwork heart | 
roman reigns | slow roasted | 
roman reigns | anorgasmia | 
sami zayn | farmers market | moonbeams on pumpkins
sami zayn | heart and soul |
sami zayn | reflecting light | 
zack ryder | rough rider 
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12 Days Of Christmas Masterlist 2020
My entries for the 12 Days of Christmas on both my writing blogs can be found on this post right here.  [ merry christmas clicky ]
New Years
Valentines Day
Other Holidays / Special Occasions
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original character, Adeline x | 
original character, Kasey x | 
original character, Violet x | 
adam hangman page x [m] | x - soft hangman | x -hangman does halloween | x hangman on your first date [ fluffy,suggestive]|  x [soft] | adopting a dog | enemies to lovers | roommates to lovers | softly mature | more halloween hangman | 
buddy murphy x [ mature, sex life] | 
cash wheeler x [ suggestive ] | 
chuck taylor x [soft]| x more soft | 
damien priest x [ mature ] | 
darby allin x[soft] | x [mature] | 
drew gulak x | 
drew mcintyre x [ mature ] | 
eddie kingston x | x | x mature | enemies to lovers | 
elite x celebrating Halloween with the Elite | 
ethan carter iii x [m] | 
finn balor x [ m] | x [m] | 
heath slater x | 
jeff hardy x[m] | sick female!SO [pms mentioned briefly] | 
jon moxley x [m] | x [m] | 
jungle boy x[food/cooking] | x [ actual! jungle boy in love ] | fall softness | 
kenny omega x [ suggestive ] | x | x [halloween] | 
kevin owens x [m] | 
kyle o’reilly x [ mature - werewolf!kyle ] | 
luchasaurus x[mature+soft] | 
marko stunt  x soft and mature | x mature | x soft | x daddy kink of sorts |
matt jackson x [m] | x more m | enemiest to lovers -suggestive | 
nick jackson x [suggestive] | losing a basketball game to you | x mature/soft mix | 
orange cassidy x [lowkey m] | 
Pac x [suggestive fluff] | 
pentagon jr x mature | 
pete dunne x [ mature ] | 
prince devitt x mature | 
ecw era raven x [soft ] | x [m] | x[halloween] | 
roderick strong x [ adopting a kid with ] | 
roman reigns x!HeelRoman, slight nsfw | 
sami callihan x [ music preferences ] | 
trent beretta x [lowkey m] | x [ soft ] | x [ more soft ] | 
tyler breeze x [ enemies to lovers, polyamory hinted at | 
undertaker x [ gender neutral baker / biker taker SO] | 
wardlow x [ m ] | x [m] | x [ soft] | x[ halloween] | x mature | x Christmas with Wardlow | 
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- adam hangman page [ f s v ] | o i d | c m x | k l | 
- cash wheeler [ i l s ] | [ m o r ] | c s u | 
- chuck taylor [ j m w ] | [ a d l ] | [ c  v ] | i k w | n u x | 
- darby allin [  k o t ] 
- jack evans [ b t h ] | 
- jon moxley [ a k r ] | 
- jungle boy [ d m o ] | 
- matt jackson [ k q w ] |  [ b d e ] | f i o | u y | c j v | 
- mjf [ s k v ] | b m u | 
- nick jackson [ a b g ] | [ m o ] | c i o | 
- orange cassidy [ f h x ] | [ o ] | [ i p v ] | [ k w ]
- pac [ d m x ] | [ i p u ] | [ f o s ] | 
- santana [ a o q ] | 
- trent beretta [ j m u ] | 
- wardlow [ d j w ] | [ k u ] | [ b m r ] | [ a o v ] | c i p | 
- chad gable [ b o u ] | 
- damien priest [ d i v ] | 
- drew mcintyre [ b e d ] | i p w | 
- jinder mahal [ g i w ] | 
- roman reigns [ c u m ] | 
- timothy thatcher [ c j y ] | f k | d | 
- tyler breeze [ l x y ] | d j u | 
- heath miller [ b e d ] | 
- jay white [ d f k ] | k u m | b j w | 
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261 notes · View notes
delilahcalicocat · 7 months
☆| We're night owls.. |☆
{Warnings: Swearing, Break-up Mentions, Crying, very thin hotel walls, Fear, Smut & Fluff, Roderick Regretting Sharing a room across from his little sister, Charlie being a shy girl, Past Relationship problems, swearing}
{WC: I think like 700 or 900 and or 1k+}
{Pairing: Hook and Charlotte "Char-Char" Strong}
Summary: Roderick sets up his younger sister with Hook, since their about the same age, and he regrets those choices. (Roddy Met Hook via The Best Friends, that's why he knows Hook)
[Charlie's POV:]
I was meeting with some friend of my Older Brother, Roddy was taking me to a Locker Room with some friend he's known for about two years, I was a little shy.. as I had just gotten out of a relationship of 1 year, I don't really wanna go into detail about it, but it was a little bad, so I'm now quite uncomfortable with an age gap of over 3 years..
Anyways, My brother opens the locker room door. Matt & Mike are there and Roddy tells them to watch me, he's going to get the "Friend". I sat in awkward silence with Matt and Mike for around 30 minutes, Only sound in the cramped up room was Mike's TikTok from his phone.
[Hook's POV:]
Roderick was yapping my ear off about how great this experience was going to be, How his little sister would be the perfect match for me. Little did he know, I put my airpod in like 20 minutes ago, and I've been listening to my music more than his yapping and shit.
"Roddy, listen. I'm sure your little sister is a sweetheart, but if you keep fucking yapping, she'll hear us like a mile away." I sighed
"Ok I'm sorry- I get carried away" He replied
I didn't really care about anything else, but the parts about his sister's past relationship, I swore under my breath if I saw that fucker I'd destroy his life.
But we kept walking closer and closer to the locker room.
I suddenly had a small bit of nervousness in my gut, but I tried to ignore it as best as possible.
[Charlie's POV:]
Its been awhile since we talked back at the arena, and Hook kinda set up a night for us in my Hotel Room, I was a little nervous. But I just got out of the Shower when I heard a knock at the door, I opened it curiously and saw Hook. I panicked and closed the door, but Hook stopped the door with his foot. I was in a thin ass towel, on the verge of tears. Trapped like a Mouse in a corner by a cat..
"Please... don't..." I said quietly
"Baby, I'm not that asshole.." He said lightly tracing shapes into my back
"I-I'm sorry.. It's just.. my life hasn't been the same since the whole situation, I couldn't even leave my brothers house at a point." I admitted with a sob
"It'll be okay.. You can take as much time as you need baby." He reassured, Holding me close..
{Smallest Time skip}
"Ah..." I gasped out
"See I'm not him.." He said
"I trust you~ and only you.." I said
"I'm glad.." he said
[Roderick's POV:]
"Gahh~ harder.." I heard through the wall
I am currently regretting picking the room right across from my little sister's, I also regret setting up the two lovebirds. Like Jesus. They just met and are alread-
"Yesss!~" Again through the wall
"Get a Room you two!" I shouted towards the wall
"We do have a room Roddy! Somebody wasn't using their thinking cap" I heard from my own sister
"You've got a point." I replied
Anyways, I'm going back to dreading my life
{The Next Morning}
[Charlie's POV:]
I stirred awake groggily, Thanks to my new boyfriend getting up to order us breakfast, and also help me get dressed, I might be taking some time off after last night, my legs are really sore. But, hey. I got a good man, he got up before me to get breakfast and help me get dressed, wonder how my brother feels right now.
"How the actual fuck did you two stay up all night to do that?" Roderick Growled
"We're night owls ya dumbass." I chuckled
"You two better not do that tonight. I have a match tomorrow on rampage!" He said
"There's no promises here Rodds" I said
"Don't you fucking dare tonight, I will bust through the walls and stop you two." He said, his usual choice of words when I do this shit, haha.
Sadly the end :( y'all want part 2?
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Family Pride or Clan Trevor
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage Contains Potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and very smutty content.
Summary: Rod and Kirby talk more about what a potential future together might look like and Rod meets the rest of the Trevor Clan.
Kirby's POV:
The rest of the day was quiet, too quiet, almost as if Roddy was planning something for the get-together tomorrow. The morning of the Twenty-Ninth was quiet still, then we had to leave to go to the get together, we got in my dad's Vauxhall Firenza and I zoned out until we reached the community centre and parked in the overflow parking lot.
I spotted two of my cousins walking over, the identical twins, Mona and Meredith, with their husbands and kids not to far behind them.
"Su’mae" They repeated, in unison.
My skin crawled as I recalled all the times over the years that the twins had spooked me.
"Beth ydy eich enw chi?" Mona attempted to ask Roddy.
"Mon, he doesn't speak Welsh, this is Roddy. Rod, this is Mona and Meredith."
"Hi Ladies, I'm Rod, Kirby's boyfriend."
"Cariad?" Meredith looked up at me, my face unmasked showing flushed cheeks, "Cawsoch chi'ch hun yn gariad?"
"Thank you, Meredith, How're the kids?"
"Oh, They're fine."
"You speak English?" Rod asked, incredulous.
"Of course we do." The twins answered in unison.
Rod shot me a concerned look, I gave him a knowing but still somewhat scared look in return.
We walked into the centre and I immediately saw the 'welcome home' banner and I couldn't stop the rush of emotions and Rod noticed the change in me, seeing the softer and much more hidden side of me, the part of me that never wanted to leave my homeland for the USA. I rushed outside, sitting on the bench next to the door, Roddy following quickly behind me.
"Woah, woah. Are ya alright, baby?"
"I'm fine, just a little light-headed is all."
"Don't you go lying ta me."
"I'm just a little emotional, Rod, it's been a while since I was here and I haven't seen half of my family for much longer than that."
My cousins Pat and Rod came up to the bench.
"Hey Kirby, new fella."
"Hey Patrick, Roderick. Uhh, boys, this is my boyfriend, Roddy. Roddy, my cousins, Patrick and Roderick."
"So," Pat started, "When's the wedding?"
"What are ya talkin' about," Rod (My cousin, Roderick) added, "There's got to be an engagement party before a weddin, Paddy."
"I know Roddy, but then there's also the Hen and Stag Do's, too."
"So, How long you two been dating?"
"Not long enough for you two to be making those jokes." I chided
"Okay, we'll leave you two to your business."
They scarpered off quite quickly after that, leaving me and Roddy (Piper) alone for a while.
"Those two are weird."
"Rod, they're family, of course they're weird."
"They raise a fair point though."
"What do you mean?!" I shot him a confused look
"Well, when would our wedding be?"
"That depends."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, knowing your 'appetite' it depends on if you y'know put me 'up the duff' so to speak, before or after the end of the year."
"Well, if I get you 'knocked up' before the end of the year, you'd marry me at the start f next year?"
"What if I get you 'knocked up' before the end of next month?" he teased
"Roddy, don't tease me, boyo."
"Oh come on, we'll sneak back to ya Da's Firenza, get in the back, shack up and-"
I covered Rod's mouth with my hand, "Don't be a fuckwit, Roderick," I let him speak again.
"I'm not being a 'fuckwit', I'm suggesting," he placed his hand on my thigh, close to my knee, slowly moving his hand closer to my groin, "We go, shack up, fly back before the second of Feb, if I get you pregnant, then we'll get married sooner rather than later, if I don't then we'll try again."
"Rod, I'm twenty-nine."
"So am I, until April seventeenth. Why? When are you suggesting I get ya 'Knocked up'?"
"I dunno, when I'm thirty, or in my thirties. Not now."
"So, next year. I think I can wait until then," He then whispered something to himself that I could barely hear, "If I don't get blue balls and die."
"Ya heard that, didn't ya."
"Rod, I, you, ugh."
"C'mere baby." He pulled me closer, one hand on my thigh and the other cupping my cheek, giving me a quick kiss on the lips, "I love ya baby, I would wait an eternity to have a family with you," He pulled me back into a longer and more passionate kiss, pulling away when we both needed to breathe.
"I love you, Piper."
"Do you want me to marry ya, before we have kids?"
"Preferably, I don't want you to leave me."
"I'd never leave ya, never, not me."
"Yeah, like you're Prince fucking Arthur."
"That would make you my Guinevere."
"I'm nothing like Guinevere."
The rest of the evening was quite quiet, a family meal at a local restaurant, resulting in a drunken Roddy and me getting somewhat tipsy. Safe to say, my Da did not enjoy driving us back to the house. But I had sobered up somewhat by the time we were in bed for the night, Rod not so much.
"Oh, baby, let me make love to ya."
"Rod, shush."
"But we could be havin' so much fun."
"Roddy, get some rest or you'll hate yourself in the morning."
"But I just wanna kiss ya, and hug ya, and stuff ya pretty little maw wit ma co-"
"Roderick. Shut up."
"Fine, fine. I'll get some sleep, ya bi-"
I pulled him into a rough and passionate kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth before pulling away and shifting positions to straddle his lap.
"ya big sexy beast, c'mere."
He pulled me down into another rough but passionate kiss, using his free hand to grind my grin against his, making sure that I can feel the heat rising from his crotch, barely covered by his briefs, grinding against my own barely clothed frame. The bulge in his pants pressing into the curve of my groin, Rod letting out small grunts and groans, feeling his hand move from my ass to the front of my crotch before feeling him rub at my clit before he slipped his hand into my boxer shorts, rubbing at my clit before checking to see if I'm wet, letting out a satisfied grunt before pulling away from the kiss.
"Would you like me to get you off, Roddy?"
"How about, you give me my release and I give you yours."
"Sure, but we gotta keep this quiet."
Rod pulled me into another heated make out session.
When we woke up the following morning, limbs intertwined, Rod's body on top of mine.
"Morning, beautiful."
"Good Morning, my love."
"What day is it?"
"Monday. Thirtieth, January. Nineteen Eighty-Four."
"I gotta make some calls."
Rod tried to get up, not realising how intertwined our legs were, climbing out of the bed, pulling us both off the bed and landing on his back on the floor with a thud.
"Oh my God, Roddy, are you okay?"
"I'm alright baby, I'm ok, you?"
"I'm alright. I was scared that I hurt ya."
"Nah, you could never hurt me."
I got off of him, pulling him up afterwards and kissing him before he went off to make the calls he needed to. I did my morning routine, my Mam gave me a coffee and I set myself up in the gym half of the garage.
At least an hour passed before I saw Roddy again, I was drinking the final drops of my coffee when he rushed into the gym his concerned expression instantly turning into relief.
"Ya alright, handsome."
"I'm okay honey, I'm okay. Turns out we need to leave earlier than planned, as in before the fourth."
"Then we'll leave tomorrow, my parents will understand. My Da won't like us leaving so soon, so if I were you, I'd go build the familial bridge now so that he doesn't kill ya."
"Alright, I'll go do that. I love ya. Oh, you have a match on the Sixth against S.D Jones."
"Okay, I love you."
I spent another hour in the gym before Piper returned.
"Ya Da has said that he'll kill me if I hurt ya or break ya heart, however he knows that we need to go back to work eventually and trusts that you'll put me in my place."
"Sounds like my Da, hey Hot Rod."
"Hey baby," He got closer, wrapping his arms around my waist, "gimme some sugar."
"No, I'm covered in sweat," I tried to avoid him kissing my neck but failed, "alright, fine, fine. I give in."
He cupped my jaw with his left hand, pulling me down into the kiss, his eyebrows knitted together and my eyelids fluttered closed for a moment, letting Rod control the moment. The moment Rod pulled away I pressed my forehead to his.
"Do you wanna watch me work out?"
"You box, Rod?"
"Golden Gloves Champion. Black belt in Judo, too."
"Handsome and athletic, you are the whole package."
"Thanks for the compliment, but y'know, a strong man is only as strong as his partner."
"Do you mean me or Orndorff and Schultz?"
"You, ya dafty."
"Yes, Kirby?"
"Do you wanna leave tonight, red eye flight, get back before tomorrow morning?"
"Sure, if that's what ya wanna do, we'll go tonight."
"I want … I would like," I took a second to compose myself," I would like to have a family with you."
He pulled away, locking eyes with me, his tone optimistic, "Really?"
"Absolutely," I wiped a tear away from my eye, "I want to marry you, I want to be a wife and a mother and I want to be with you."
"Do you want to live here, or in the States?"
"Well, America would mean we can work easier."
He let out a small chuckle, smirking up at me, "I love ya, I want to marry ya and be with ya through thick and thin, anything happens, I'll be by your side."
"Promise me, you won't fight with Damien any more."
"I promise you I won't. Promise me, you'll let me tell people about us."
"I promise you, you can tell whoever you want."
"Let's go make ourselves a new home, alright baby?"
We packed our things and my Da drove us to the airport. I gave my parents a tearful goodbye and we got the next flight back to New Jersey, checking into a hotel in Edison and I left Piper for half an hour to pick up the D200, collecting my paperwork from a nearby DMV centre and going back to the hotel. Rod opened the door, letting me in and slumping on the double bed next to me.
"Hey beautiful."
"Hi Rod, help me with this, please." I gestured to the paperwork
"What is it?"
"Insurance stuff, getting you insured on the D200."
"Give it here, I'll deal with it."
"No Rod, I'm capable of filling it out, just help me with the details."
"Just, gimme the papers," He leaned over and kissed my neck, "let me handle it, baby."
"Not with the mood you're in."
"I can't help that you're sexy."
"Rod, stop thinking with ya dick for five minutes and help me."
"Alright, fine."
We were almost finished with the paperwork when there was a knocking at the door.
"Who is it?"
"Piper, let me in or I'm kicking this door down." The muffled voice threatened.
"Shit, that's Schultz."
"Holy shit, Piper. Are you fucking the female giant?"
That was not Schultz's voice. It sounded like Orndorff.
Piper groaned as he opened the door.
"I'm not fucking her right now, Paul."
"Hi Schultz, Orndorff. Rod get your ass back over here and help me with this."
"Pay me." Rod teased
"With what?" I jokingly responded
"With sex" Schultz and Orndorff said almost simultaneously, giving each other a knowing look.
"All three of you share a brain." I mumbled
Piper groaned, gesturing for me to give him the papers, I complied and he read through it, mumbling the words of the document to himself.
Schultz looked from me to Piper before nudging Orndorff's arm, "They look like they're already married, Paul. Piper's got himself a wife."
"I'm not his wife-"
"She's my girlfriend." Roddy interrupted
"I was gonna say that Roddy."
"I know baby, I know."
"Jeez Rod, get her pregnant or somethin' boy."
"David!" I chided
"I would, but she's got a fight on the sixth."
"Roddy!" Orndorff chastised
We spent the rest of the evening with the boys and eventually I fell asleep next to Roddy. I woke up the next morning with Roddy next to me.
"Morning Kirby."
"Good morning, Roderick, ya handsome fool."
"I love you too honey," Rod kissed my forehead, "I filed the paperwork for ya."
"Thank you. What's the time?"
"About, half ten in the morning. Do ya wanna go grab breakfast?"
"I'd thought you'd never ask."
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itsadamcole · 4 years
all i want (for christmas)
fem!reader x roderick strong
it’s been four months since reader and roderick strong broke up. It’s been four months since they last talked, until they’re both invited to the same Christmas Eve party ... “all i want for christmas is for you and me to fix this”
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word count: 3k+
warnings: angst, a little fluff, sad!reader, cheating accusations, mentions of cheating
— this is kinda based on liam payne’s “all i want (for christmas”. i love this christmas song so much —
masterlist || part 2 || request an imagine here
"Yeah, of course," you say, forcing a smile as you talk to Adam Cole. "I'll be there. I'm not going to let what happened get in the way of holiday celebrations."
Adam smiles, happy. "Yay," he says. "I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind see you there. It's been a very long time. Britt's even been saying how she misses hanging out with you and seeing you."
You give a little laugh and say, "Maybe I'll just steal her away from you for the night."
His smile fades and he jokes, "Don't you dare. I'd like to see my girlfriend at some point during the party."
"I'll think about it," you say. "See you in a few hours then."
Adam nods and walks off. The smile you've been managing to force drops immediately after he turns his back to you.
You would rather do anything else then attend a Christmas party that you know your ex-boyfriend will be attending. It's the Undisputed Era's annual Christmas party. They wear their green Undisputed Era sweaters and rent out a rental hall for the night from about seven until midnight the day before Christmas.
It's about three in the afternoon and there are four hours until the Christmas Eve party. You leave the Performance Center gym at four after you're done working out your anxiety about the party.
You head back to the house that you bought with said ex-boyfriend. You never found a place to move to after the breakup so you've been living here for the last four months.
After showering and blowdrying your Y/H/C colored hair, you curl your long locks and do your makeup. You do a dark red eye shadow with matching lipstick.
Once your hair and makeup are done, you walk to your closet. You look for anything that you could wear to a Christmas party. You find a dark red sequin dress.
The dress is short. ending about halfway down your thighs, with three-quarter sleeves. The sleeves cut off about halfway down your forearm, not quite reaching your wrists. The neck cuts right across your collarbone area, not showing a hint of cleavage. Usually, you'd wear something that shows off your chest but you decide against it tonight.
To complete the look, you put on a pair of dangly red diamond earrings and a silver bracelet. You wear a pair of dark red heels to match the sparkly dress.
As you finish getting ready, your phone begins to ring. You walk over to see that Kyle O'Reilly is calling. You sigh and answer the phone, saying, "Yes, Kyle. Relax. I'm about to leave to go to the party."
"Adam made me call," he says. "I told him to relax and that if you said that you would be there then you would. You're not one to back out on promises."
You close your eyes and sigh. Adam didn't make him call. You one-hundred percent knew that it was Roderick who made him call. You also knew that it was Roddy who made Adam ask you if you would come to the party.
"Tell Roderick that I'll be there," you say. "And don't tell me that it was actually Adam that made you call. I know it was Roddy."
Kyle stammers, "It definitely wasn't, uh, Roddy. He's, um, busy?"
You roll your eyes and say, "Sure. See you in a few, Kyle."
You hang up the phone and make sure you have everything you'll need. You take your car keys and leave the house.
The drive to the rental hall isn't that long. Well, it's close to forty five minutes that's not long enough to calm the anxiety you're feeling and the butterflies in your stomach.
It's been four months since you and Roddy broke up. You see each other at work all the time but something about an unprofessional atmosphere that is sending you into an anxiety attack as you drive.
Your hands are sweaty and your breathing is a little labored as your mind races. You have no idea what could happen tonight. You're terrified.
After you pull into a parking spot, you sit in the car watching several other wrestlers walk into the large building. It's close to seven before you get it together.
You form an objective as you click into the building. Find Britt Baker and don't leave her side.
Britt is your friend outside of WWE. You met her through Adam. You have several other friends that wrestle in AEW because of Britt introducing you since she wrestles for the brand. You hope that they're here too.
Christmas music blares from almost every direction of the room. You spot several pieces of mistletoe hanging on the ceiling as you look around at the decorations.
The boys definitely go all out but it's mostly Britt that makes them go all out. If it were up to the boys then there's be one tree and a few lights. But the room is full of decorations. A few trees are stationed throughout the room with bright bright lights. Gold garland is draped throughout the ceiling, almost hiding the green mistletoe.
The tables have red and green covers on them and each table has a little winter or Christmas themed figure in the middle.
"Ahh, Y/N!" you hear someone shout. You look to the left and see Britt Baker walking toward you with her arms out. She hugs you. "It's been too long, Y/N."
You smile and hug her back before you say, "It definitely has."
Britt pulls back and asks, "You holding up okay? I know how hard it must be to be here."
You nod and say, "I'm okay, I think. I'm just going to hope that I get through the night with no tears."
She smiles and says, "Well, you can stay by me. I was just hanging out over there with Reba and Brandi until I saw your cute ass walk through the door. That dress looks fabulous on you."
"Thank you," you say. "That dress looks good on you too."
Britt's wearing a strapless form-fitting red dress with a black belt around her waist. The top of the dress and the hem of the skirt is trimmed with white fluff. She's definitely dress as a more modern version of Mrs. Claus.
Your best friend smiles and says, "Thank you. Okay, lets go back to Reba and Brandi. We'll make sure you have fun tonight. No tears shall be shed while you're with us."
You laugh and walk over with Britt to Reba and Brandi Rhodes. Both Reba and Brandi both compliment your outfit. "It was a very last minute decision," you'd say when they compliment you, making both of them laugh.
As you're drinking and laughing with the girls, Adam walks over. He hugs his girlfriend from behind and kisses her cheek. "I hope that Y/N will let you come see me eventually," Adam says. "I'd like to spend some time with you."
Britt laughs and says, "Now now, Adam. She's having fun and that's our goal for tonight."
Adam nods and says, "It is." He looks at you as you take a sip of your egg nog. "He wants to see you at some point tonight, Y/N. He's sulking and staying away from you though. Please just go say hi to him and say thank you to him for inviting you."
You give a shaky sigh and glance around the room for your ex-boyfriend. You find him in a corner of the room as he talks to Kyle, Bobby, and one of the new girls that have started training at the Performance Center.
He's laughing at something the girl said and your heart wretches in your chest. "I think he's fine," you state. "And I think I'm gonna call it a night."
All the fun you were having for the past hour or so has washed away and now all you want to do is curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies on Netflix until you fall asleep. You don't want to be here anymore. No, you can't be here anymore.
As you start to get up, Adam says, "Y/N, I didn't mean to upset you."
You look at the leader of the Undisputed Era and say, "No, it's okay. I just promised myself no crying and if I stay then that's what's going to happen if I stay so I have to go."
Britt looks at you and says, "I'll come outside with you. Maybe I can convince you to stay."
The walls begin to close in on you and you shake your head. "No, that's okay," you say. "Enjoy the party."
You take once last glance at Roddy to see that he's looking at you before you start to walk toward door.
Your throat has closed up on you as you hold back tears. You walk to your car as you remember the laughter coming from Roddy as the girl said something.
"Y/N!" someone calls behind you as you reach the door.
The voice makes you almost lose it right then and there. You turn to see Roderick Strong walking behind you with a concerned look on his face. You shake your head and walk out onto the balcony area. On either side of this area are stairs that lead to the parking lot so technically you're just outside. The cool breeze whips through your hair and hits your face as you walk outside.
Roddy follows you. "Y/N, wait," he says. You sigh and look at your ex-boyfriend.
"What?" you ask, voice cracking. "Are you here just to walk out of my life again?"
Things didn't end very nicely between you and Roddy.
"Baby?" Roderick asks behind you.
You stand in your shared bedroom, holding his phone in your hands. Tears falling down your face as you look at the text notifications from his ex-wife on the lit up screen.
Roderick says, "Y/N? What's wrong?"
You sigh softly and read, "Roddy, love, when are you coming over? We want to see you tonight. Please text me when you get these." When you're finished reading, you look at your boyfriend. "What the fuck, Roddy? You told me it was over with her."
Roddy says, "It has been, Y/N. For two years."
"'Love'?" you say. "It's over but she still calls you 'love'. Okay, Roderick."
He walks over to you and he says, "It's not what it looks like, Y/N."
You cry, "I don't believe you, Roddy. I don't. I've seen you around her. You're happier when you're around her then you are with me. You constantly flirt with her and you disappear for days on end right after you talk to her."
Roderick says, "That's to see my son. You know that, Y/N. Do you really think that I'd cheat on you?"
"I don't know," you say. "You never let your son come over here and you just go over to her house. I've never even met your son after close to two years of dating. What's your lie for that?"
He looks slightly hurt as he says, "Because he's only three-years-old and he doesn't understand that his parents aren't together anymore. Adding you in there will only confuse him more. I've been waiting for the right time to introduce you to him, Y/N."
Things start to come together in your mind. That's a perfectly valid excuse. Troy is only three. He would be confused if you suddenly appeared in his life. He wouldn't understand why his parents aren't together. Roddy and his wife split shortly after Troy's first birthday and they've been co-parenting for years.
"I can't believe that you'd actually think I'd cheat on you," Roddy scoffs. "After two years, I thought you knew me better than that."
You immediately jump into defense mode as you say, "I'm sorry. I just never thought about how me being in Troy's life would confuse him. You're just gone for days on end and I-"
"Apparently don't trust me," Roderick says. He walks to the closet and grabs a suitcase. He puts clothes in it. "You don't trust me when all I do is go see my son, who I rarely get to see in the first place."
You say, "Roddy, please, I'm sorry. Please stay, let's just talk it out." You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist, not wanting to let go.
Roderick looks at you and says, "You don't trust me so why would I stay?" You look up at him and stay quiet. "Exactly." He takes his phone from you and walks toward the door.
You stand in the middle of the room, tears falling down your face. He stops, with his back turned to you and for a moment, you think he'll stay.
Your hopes are diminished as he walks down the hallway and down the stairs. Once the front door opens and closes, you start to cry. He left. He's gone.
You and Roderick stand face-to-face, alone for the first time in months.
"I never left," Roderick says. "You didn't trust me when all I did was leave to see my son."
Guilt hits you instantly and you say, "You could have stayed and we could have talked. I could have explained why I thought that you were cheating."
Roddy crosses his arms and he says, "So explain."
You say, "It's been four months, Roddy. What's the point?"
"I want to know if there was a reason behind why you thought that I was cheating on you," he says. "So explain."
You lean against the railing and you sigh. "It's because it wouldn't be the first time," you say. "When I first started in NXT, I met this guy and he would leave for a few days every few weeks. He would tell me he was visiting family. I received a DM from a girl who told me that she just found out that he was dating me and told me that him and her were dating each other. She had no idea about me. That's why I freaked out like I did because all I could think about was that message. I'll admit, I freaked out more than I should have but I was scared that it was happening again."
Roderick's expression and posture has softened as you explain your reasoning behind your freak out a few months ago.
Your words hang in the air for a few moments and you avoid looking at Roderick as soon as you're done talking.
Roderick finally breaks the silence when he says, "Kyle told me that you knew it was me that put him up to calling you earlier and that it was me that sent Adam to ask you to come. I wanted you here tonight, Y/N."
You finally look over at Roddy and ask, "Why? I thought you wouldn't want me around anymore after what happened."
"Because all I want this Christmas is for you and me to fix this," he says, reaching out and taking your hand. You look up at him with tear filled eyes. "I've missed you, Y/N. These past four months have been hell for me. I haven't gone a day without thinking about you and what would happen if we fixed things."
The tears start to fall down your cheeks as you listen to Roddy talk. You wait until he's done talking before you ask, "Why did it take you so long to try and fix this? Why did it take you four months?"
A car door closes and Roderick looks at the car. I look to see Roddy's ex-wife holding her son's hand. Her and Roddy's son. Troy.
Roderick says, "I've spent the past four months talking to Troy with Marina. We've been trying to get him to understand that his parents aren't together but that we're still his parents. Marina was talking to him about you, Y/N. She's been trying to get him to understand that she's his mother but that I'm with someone else."
Marina and Troy walk up the stairs and you look at Roddy. He looks at you before walking over to Marina and Troy. You stand in the same spot as Troy is picked up by Roddy. You see Roderick say something to Marina as she hands him a bag that was on her shoulder. She walks away and Roddy walks over to you with Troy.
Troy is looking at you and Roderick says, "So, Y/N. This is Troy. My son. This is the reason I left for a few days every few weeks."
You look at Roddy and ask, "After everything, you still want me to meet your son?"
Roderick nods and says, "I'm hoping that we'll fix things and that the past four months wouldn't have been a huge waste."
Troy says, "Y/N."
You raise your eyebrows and look at Troy. He smiles and holds his arms out to you. Roderick hands the toddler to you and you look at Roddy as you hold Troy in your arms.
Roderick smiles at the sight in front of him. "So what do you say?" he asks. "Give me a chance to fix things with us?"
You glance at Troy before looking at Roderick, saying, "Yes."
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colesbaybaygargano · 3 years
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"Hey there Ty."
-Roderick Strong X Tyler Breeze + Fluff (As 6|27|21)
Roderick's POV:
When I got home after Interview with Wade & Biven.
I saw my Husband Tyler playing WWE2K19 while doing Live on Twitch and I smiled.
I had to decide to make a Dinner for me and him.
~After Tyler's Live on Twitch~
"Hey there Ty."
"Oh uhm... hi, how was your Interview with Wade?"
"That's good, but I had to battle this dork who distracted you 2 years Fish..."
Tyler feels disappointed about me and him, but I tried to comfort him.
"I feel you about this..."
"I know... It's hard to believe it- ahhh~"
"Oh sorry! I bite your neck little bit.."
"Hehe, It's fine!"
Tyler smiled at me softly.
I kissed on his right Check.
"Can I eat now..?"
"Sure thing!"
I grabbed his Hand to the Kitchen.
Tyler surprised about me cooking Food perfectly.
"H-How did you do that?!"
"Well... I'm a perfect chef you know?"
Tyler sighed.
When he and I sit down on The Softly Couch and Eating Fried Chicken and it looks Crunchy and Delicious.
"It taste perfect!"
"Yeah yeah..."
"This is my favorite thing on my Life."
Tyler smiled at me, then eating Fried Chicken as well.
~After that~
"Well... wanna Cuddle after that?"
"Sure! I love Cuddles."
Tyler smiled and I'm pretty sure that he loves Cuddles then me.
I lifted him to The Bed.
I gently laid him on his Bed.
"Well... I guess you will stream tomorrow right?"
"Did you listen to me about my Schedule?"
"Sadly no..."
"That's ok... well then, goodnight~"
Tyler kissed on my forehead and I kissed him on his left Check.
Me and Tyler are fall asleep for the rest of The Night.
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Partners in Crime Chapter Nine
Notes: Some plot, some fluff. A few more cameos. Also, a bit of a retcon regarding the background of Raul and Joaquin, but it’s more of an expansion rather than a full on retcon. If you have any questions about their background, send in an ask
Tag Squad: @riottstheory @thirst-n-bullshit
“Austin???” She said in shock.
Austin F’’s head snapped up and her jaw dropped.
“Taynara?” She said, her eyes bugging out of her head. Taynara Conti nodded and broke away from Shotzi to pull Austin F into a hug. The two old friends held onto each other for a long moment.
“You two know each other?” The blue haired woman asked, cocking an eyebrow. Taynara looked at her boss, nodding.
“Yeah, A and I go back to when we were both runaways. Me, her, Aliyah Areeb,  and Vanessa Borne teamed up. Had a lot of help from Jeff Hardy,” Taynara said.
“Wait, she’s the T in Team TAAV?” Austin T asked, looking at Austin F, who nodded.
“It’s so good to see you, what have you been up to?” Taynara asked. The blue haired woman cleared her throat, causing Taynara to look at her sheepishly.
“Sorry, Violet,” she said. Violet just nodded before looking at the two Austins.
“I am Violet, this is my husband Finn. These are Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, our top bodyguards. And obviously you already know Taynara Conti,” Violet made introductions.
“Austin Flynn, he’s Austin Theory,” Austin F said. Violet nodded as Finn leaned forward, bracing his forearms against the desk while pressing his fingertips together.
“Gallows and Anderson have some information about the Elite,” he said, “And what they want with you two.”
“How do they know this information?” Austin T asked.
“We were told that no one from the Elite would be here,” Austin F added.
“They work for us, but the Elite thinks they work for them. We have them in there to spy for us,” Finn said calmly.
“They want you dead, and they aren’t going to stop until you are,” one of the bald men said.
“Gallows is right, they want you dead,” the other, assumably Karl Anderson, agreed.
“They are upset that you stole their stuff,” Gallows said, “Apparently you took some very important items from them.”
“We won’t let the Elite hurt them,” Raul said, his expression turning protective. Jake crossed his arms across his chest, nodding in agreement. Finn nodded, “Alright. We will keep Stephanie and Hunter updated, and they can update you.”
“Sounds good,” Jake said. Taynara grinned at the group, “So, you stayin’ here for a little while still?”
“I guess we are,” Austin F said with a nod. Taynara grinned wider and accompanied the four out.
“Don’t worry, you’ll always be safe here. Finn and Violet are good people, and the people who come into this club are either not aware of the more….criminal undergoings or are aware, and are allies,” Taynara said as she stopped at a table of four men.
“Sup Taynara?” One of the guys, one with longer brown hair.
“Hey Adam, and Adam’s boys,” Taynara said before turning to the four, “This is Adam Cole and his boys; Roderick Strong, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O’Reilly. They comprise the Undisputed Era, along with some friends of theirs.”
“What is the Undisputed Era exactly?” Austin T asked curiously.
“We help out the McMahon family when they need it, cause some problems,” one of the other men, older looking with dark hair and a beard.
“It’s a lot of fun,” a younger looking man with reddish-brown hair said with a grin.
“Roderick Strong,” the final guy said, he was clean shaven with dark brown hair, “That’s Bobby Fish (he pointed to the dark haired bearded guy) and Kyle O'Reilly (he pointed to the reddish-brown haired guy).”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Austin F said. The group chatted for a little bit longer before heading their separate ways. They stayed at the club for a few more hours before heading back to the apartment.
The days passed in a blur, nothing too interesting happening as the group mainly hung out at the apartment, occasionally visited by others. One such memorable occasion, Joaquin stopped by with a blonde girl next to him.
“Joaquin, is everything alright?” Raul asked his friend worriedly. Joaquin have Raul a relaxed grin.
“Everything is just fine,” he assured him, “I just wanted to introduce the Austins to Scout.”
“Hi,” the blonde woman said, “I’m Scout Schott-Wilde, Joaquin is my husband.”
“Austin Theory, she’s Austin Flynn,” Austin T said.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Scout said, “Joaquin mentioned that Raul and Jake have talked about the two of you a lot….like a lot a lot.”
“Scout,” Jake hissed, blushing. Scout laughed, grinning at them.
“So how did you meet Joaquin?” Austin F asked.
“I uh….I witnessed something about five years ago, the McMahon family found out through their friends and offered protection. Joaquin was the one who protected me.  We fell in love and got married two years ago.”
“I couldn’t imagine anyone hurting her,” Joaquin said and slid his arm around Scout’s waist, kissing her head. Joaquin and Scout visited for a few hours before heading out with promises to visit again soon.
“They’re nice,” Austin F commented as Raul cooked some dinner and she leaned against the counter, talking with him.
“Joaquin is perhaps my closest friend, I love him like a brother. Scout has been so good for him, he deserves her after everything Jorge Escobar put us through.”
“Who is he? Jorge Escobar?” Austin F asked softly. Raul looked at her, causing Austin F to flush.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean….” she began before Raul shook his head.
“It’s okay. Jorge Escobar was the man Joaquin and I used to work for, he was known as El Fantasma and we were the personal bodyguards for his son, Santos. To the public Santos was known as El Hijo del Fantasma, with his father being El Fantasma.”
“Joaquin mentioned him when I first met him,” Austin F recalled, “Said he was an asshole and kidnapped you from your families.”
“Jorge did, and he was a complete asshole. But Santos was….different. He was almost….nice. He treated us like family. I remember once some idiot tried calling Joaquin and I just back-up, Santos flipped his lid and told them we were his family before killing him. When Jorge was arrested, Santos took over, but when he disappeared was when Joaquin and I joined the McMahon family,” Raul explained. Austin F nodded and the two fell into silence before the phone rang. Austin F jumped as Raul turned the stove off and walked over to the phone, picking it up.
“Hello?” He said calmly. Raul was quiet for a long moment, only nodding a few times before pulling the phone away from his ear and extending it to Austin F.
“Austin, this is for you,” he said. Austin F took the phone, looking worried.
“Hello?” She said cautiously.
“Austin Flynn? This is Detective Morse with the NYPD….” the familiar voice of Bobbi said.
“Um hi….is everything okay?” Austin F said.
“Can you come to Clinica Sanado? A woman named Vanessa Borne has been shot, I believe by the Elite….and she mentioned she knows you.”
“Fuck,” Austin F swore, “I’ll be there.” She hung up, shaking. Raul looked at her.
“Austin? Is everything alright?” He asked gently. Austin F shook her head, getting up from the counter.
“I need to go, I have to get to Clinica Sanado. My friend….she’s been shot. I need to get to her, talk to her,” she said. Raul picked up a set of keys before picking up his pistol and sliding it into his suit jacket.
“I will take you,” he said. Austin F shook her head, “No, it’s okay.”
“Austin, I am taking you. I know how to get there and the Elite still wants to kill you. I’m not letting you get hurt,” Raul said firmly. Austin F stared at him for a long moment before nodding.
“Okay….okay,” she said. Raul smiled and the two headed out.
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f1z05 · 5 years
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Undisputed ERA One Shots - Bobby Fish/Kyle O'Reilly (Angst) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/eSNpFxkm4Y Basically about my fav NXT boys in multi ships. Ships in this book are: Adam Cole/Bobby Fish Bobby Fish/Kyle O'Reilly Adam Cole/Kyle O'Reilly And now addding......RODERICK STRONG. Fluff, maybe smut? If I'm good that is. But probably mostly will be fluff. And Angst too Enjoy! All characters belongs to WWE
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
No More Silent Nights | Kyle O’Reilly
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❛❛Kyle- Kyle and reader are having their first Christmas together and on Christmas Day, reader tells Kyle she’s pregnant ❜❜-shieldgirl18
Pairings: Kyle O’Reilly x Fem!Reader
Featuring: Kyle O’Reilly, Y/n (Reader), Unborn baby, Adam Cole, Bobby Fish & Roderick Strong.
Summary: y/n finally tells Kyle they are going to have a baby.
WARNINGS: fluff, kissing, pregnancy announcement, PDA.
Word Count: 870
Nerves racked through your body as you looked at Kyle then at the sonogram that was hidden in the branches. Hands shaking heart pounding faster. Slightly feeling like you were going to throw up. Kyle was too preoccupied with one of his console games to notice.
You quickly grabbed the sonogram from the brunches.
“I have a surprise for you.” You spoke, Making Kyle look at you. He quirked an eyebrow. His gaze went down to what you were holding. Eyes widening in surprise. Looking at you with a shocked expression.
You gave him a nervous smile, turning the sonogram around to face him.
Kyle stared at the sonogram stunned. Mouth a gap. Eyes widen in shock.
“We’re going to be parents soon,” You spoke. Smiling happily at Kyle. Kyle’s gaze fell to your covered stomach. Then went back to the sonogram you were holding. Seeing a small little image. It looked it a peanut.
“You’re pregnant… We are going to be parents,” Kyle sputtered out. Taking the sonogram from your grasp. His shocked expression fading away and being replaced by happiness. Making your heart swell.
He looked up at you. Beaming at you with so much happiness. Still holding the sonogram in his hands, he scooted closer to you. He stood up, pulling you up with him.
Placing his hands on the side of your face. Kissing you passionately. Making your eyes flutter closed, your heart beating faster. you let out a small moan. Kyle broke the kiss, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to his body.
“All the other presents don’t add up to this, this is the best gift ever,” Kyle beamed, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around excitedly. Making your stomach turn.
Kyle stopped spinning you around, realizing it was probably bad for the baby.
“Oh, I’m sorry, baby,” He apologized.
Kyle lowered his head down to your stomach.
“I’m sorry little one, I cant wait for you to come into this world, so I get to hold you, and love you unconditionally,” Kyle cooed, making your eyes water. Placing his hands on your growing stomach. Looking down at Kyle in awe.  
“We have to tell the boys,” He exclaimed. Looking up at you. You let out a small chuckle. As Kyle stood up. Grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the dining table where the laptop was.
Kyle swiped his index finger across the mousepad of the laptop. Sitting down on the chair in front of the laptop. Pulling you down to sit on his lap. Wrapping an arm around you.
Moving his index finger on the mousepad towards the zoom app. Contacting Roddy, Bobby and Adam.
Kyle beamed excitedly at the boys as they appeared on the screen before any of them could utter a single word Kyle spoke.
“We are having a baby,” He exclaimed loudly, beaming proudly at the boys. Holding the sonogram up. You smiled happily at the boys as all their faces lit up with excitement. Kyle absently rubbed your stomach gently.
“Congratulations,” Bobby spoke. Smiling proudly at Kyle and you. You could see his eyes watering slightly.
“Hell yeah,” Adam yelled excitedly, pumping his fist up in the air excitedly. The corners of his eyes wrinkling.
“I am so proud of you two,” Bobby sniffled out. Quickly wiping his tears away before they fell.
“Kyle and you can bring the little one over when its born, and have play dates,” Roddy rambled.
“Hey Maria, Y/n’s pregnant,” Roddy shouted to Maria. Kyle pressed a soft kiss against your cheek, making you melt.
“Congratulations, if you need any help or advice, I’m here for you,” Maria spoke, poking her head on the corner of the screen, smiling excitedly at Kyle and you.
“Thank you, Maria, I will definitely take you up on that offer,” You responded. Smiling at her.
She smiled at you before pressing a quick kiss against Roddy’s cheek, then took off.
“We are going to be uncles,” Adam sing sang happily.
“I want to be the godparent,” Bobby spoke.
“No, I want to be the godparent,” Roddy and Adam whined at the same time. Making Kyle laugh. While you rolled your eyes.
“Well, I was thinking f/n and her husband should be the godparents,” You spoke.
Bobby, Roddy and Adam stared at you blankly for a second before bursting out laughing.
“F/n and her husband, that’s hilarious, you crack us up,” Roddy laughed out. Adam and Bobby laughed too. Before going back to arguing.
Kyle chuckled, as he peppered your jawline with kisses, trailing up to your ear.
“I love you, and our baby,” Kyle spoke softly into your ear. Making your heart rate speed up. Your breath hitch.
“I love you too, and our unborn baby,” You beamed, craning your neck to look at him to see Kyle already smiling at you, face lit up with happiness.
Kyle’s gaze fell to your lips then wandered back up to your eyes. Moving his head closer to yours. Eyes fluttering closed as his lips touched yours softly. kissing you passionately. Both of you ignoring Roddy, Bobby and Adam fighting over who was going to be the godparents of Kyle and your unborn child…
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Okay everyone, pay attention as these are the rules i’m setting for this blog.
This is Primarily a RWBY blog.
I do accept crossover prompts, and I will list them further down.
This one is very important. No more than 3 characters per prompt. It’s too much work to do more than three characters, and I’ll lose focus if that’s the case.
Ruby Rose is under age, if you want a prompt for Ruby, either age her up in the ask, or fluff the hell out of the prompt.
Ilia, Saphron, and Terra Cotta are lesbian. There will be no accepted prompts of them being paired up with any male.
If there's a prompt I don't like, I will not write it (this rarely happens, but it needs to be said).
Will write
Fluff: This may be a smut blog, but I will write fluff for days.
Action: I don’t know why, but there’s something appealing to me about a couple having sex in the middle of a shootout.
Grimm on female. I don’t mind doing that ... just so long as we’re not talking about an oversized Grimm.
Tentacles. Oh hell yeah I’ll write that.
Mind break/over-stimulation. All day every day.
Futa on female
Certain amounts of incest (depends if I'm comfortable with it)
Wont write
NTR/Cuckolding. Fuck that shit, there will be none of that on this blog.
Reverse NTR or reverse rape. See above, fuck that.
Scat, piss, vore, gore, ball busting, cunt busting, skull fucking, snuff. That shit is just nasty.
Futa on male.
Characters I will NOT write for
Adam. Eve is okay, but no Adam.
Jaques. No, no, no! No Jaques!
Cardin/Team CRDL
Bakugo. He's an asshole
Mineta. He's creepy
Endevor. Same reason as Jaques
Oscar. He's underage, and no I don't care if Ozpin's spirit is inhabiting his body, he's still underage.
Characters I will write for
Everyone I didn’t list above.
I accept OC’s, however you will either need to submit a character bio to my submission box, or already have the OC’s info somewhere on your page.
OC’s I write for
My OC’s
Ryder Argent: Human. Semblance: Time stop
Wynona Argent: Ryder's twin sister
Willow Wisp: Kitsune Faunus. Semblance: Pheremones
Rouge Crimson: Bear Faunus. Semblance: Weapon summoning
Nox: Dark Elf. Magic adept
Nyx: Dark Elf. Incredible strength
Yukio Nakamura/Whirlwind: Professional Hero
James Woods: Human. Monster Hunter
Wicker Dileon: Crocodile Faunus with a comically oversized tail
Cloak & Lace: Angelic and demonic lovers
Rodderick, Aryn, and Brent Stark: Direwolf Faunus siblings
@jace-the-smut-guy‘s OC’s
Ebony Reznor: Giantess cat Faunus (Futa)
Rivy Aideen/Steele: Dragon Faunus. Important note: Rivy exists in Ryder’s universe using her maiden name Steele.
His various other OC’s 
@just-a-bit-yangry‘s OC’s
Rust Marron: Wolf Faunus
North Wilder: Bear Faunus. Big cuddly teddy bear
@lewd-sinnamon OC's
Mar Marigold: Dragon Faunus. Smol but adorable.
@thelastvoidwalker‘s OC
Ryu/Ryuka: Demi-god/goddess
@beaconfantasies‘s OC
Titania: Succubus. Very sensitive horns
@aren-freya OC's
Sable Lowel: Dog Faunus. Dominant, but loves tummy rubs
Alani Barone: Cat Faunus. Absolute sweetheart
Flora Sinclair: Human, pansexual, the softest being
Roderick Hale: Human, strong as a mountain
@alphabeowolf-ism OC's
Ava: Half Grimm woman
I do crossover prompts for the following series
Panty and Stocking
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
My Hero Acedemia
Fire Emblem (provided I know the character)
Final fantasy VII and XII
High School DXD
Dark Knight Ingrid
Taimamin Asagi
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