#roderick strong one shot
gutwrenchflowerbomb · 5 months
Okay one more Best Friends related post and it’s gonna be about the kayfabe story they’re trying to set here.
So Trent’s saying that he’s mad because Orange is a narcissist and was supposed to be their mascot but instead they ended up being his lackeys. And that they got nothing for it.
But what, exactly, would Orange have been able to “give” them? He can’t make matches. In fact, the one thing he could do was make/accept challenges for the International Championship. And he gave Trent a shot at that. And he stopped his singles matches after his loss of the title to team with Trent since Chuck was hurt. He could have easily not done that and pursued a rematch with that asshole Roderick Strong.
Chuck and Trent have had a handful of shots at the tag belts. Not as many as I’d like, but I digress. Orange had nothing to do with those - good or bad. Chuck and Trent lost those matches on their own. Was he supposed to cheat to help them? That wouldn’t be very “local bad boys” of them.
My point is, Trent has no legitimate reason to blame Orange. What we have here is a clear case of someone unable to accept his own failures and instead creating a false narrative in his mind. He has made Orange a sort of stand-in, a personification of his own shortcomings and now attacking that instead of focusing on the real problem.
Chuck saw right through Trent’s weak ass reasoning.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Hi ! I was listening to Rewrite the Stars and dreaming about how it could apply to the Dreamling and it devolved from here : Victorian human AU, where Dream is a high-end prostitute in a brothel owned by Roderick Burgess and Hob a rich (but not that much) man who's friends offered his Dream for a night for his birthday, and Hob immediately fell in love with him. So much that he didn't asked for anything that night and just let Dream rest, while making small talk even though the prostitute answer only with monosyllabic words.
Dream of course was completely stunned by Hob, who was nice and kind and talked with him as if he was a human being, unlike all of his usual customers who treat him like an object. When the night end, Dream almost cried when the first sunrays poked through the curtains, as he didn't wanted this moment to end. But of course, everything must end, but before leaving Hob gave Dream the most gentle kiss upon his knuckles as if Dream was the most important Lord.And when everything is dark, the only thing that is keeping Dream together is the memory of that special night with Hob, cherishing the memory like the most precious of treasure, knowing that he would never see the man he fell in love with during this wonderful night. What he didn't expect was seeing Hob a few months later, having paid for a full night again, and starting to speak about how he could help him get out of there, and regain his freedom.
(Can I be the 🦩 anon, if it's not taken ?)
Aww yes!! An excellent idea for an au!!!
Hob is trying so hard and coming up with all sorts of schemes to get Dream out. He'd have no problem with his beloved being a sex worker but to be honest, it's dangerous. The clients can be awful and Dream never gets a choice about who he sees. And Roderick Burgess is even more dangerous.
Dream wants to get out but he keeps trying to put Hob off because he doesn't think an escape will ever actually work... plus he still doesn't trust anyone 100%, even Hob. He doesn't know what he'll expect from Dream after the rescue - will he treat him just like Burgess did?
Hob eventually persuades him to try. Promises that he'll leave Dream alone if that's what he wants, he'll make sure he gets to safety and will never contact him again. Dream agrees, secretly hoping that he can trust Hob - he's falling more and more in love every time they meet.
The rescue goes smoothly until the very end. Dream is running towards the carriage that waits to take him and Hob to a safe place, when he hears a shot. He keeps running, because Hob tells him to, and gets to the carriage... but Hob is no longer behind him. He's on the ground, clutching his leg. Screaming for Dream to go, to get away.
Dream tries to run to him but one of Hob’s associates drags him to the carriage, and there's nothing Dream can do. They're leaving Hob crumbled on the floor in the rain, bleeding out.
Hob’s friends follow the plan through, taking Dream abroad so he can't be found by Burgess. All the while he can't stop wondering if his rescuer is dead or alive. Dream is free from that terrible life, but his heart aches. Until months later, there's a knock on the door of his cottage...
And there's Hob, leaning heavily on his cane and grinning shyly. Dream doesn’t quite leap into his arms (its just as well, his leg is barely strong enough for him to stand) but he does pull Hob in for a desperate kiss.
It's definitely requited love, now.
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gcthvile · 8 months
Felicia MacLeod
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Name: Felicia MacLeod
Age: 343
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Pan
Mother - Rowena Macleod
Father - name unknown
Brother - Fergus Roderick Macleod/Crowley
Felicia MacLeod was born in the late 17th century in the Scottish Highlands, into a family of modest means. As the younger sister of Fergus MacLeod, who later became known as Crowley, she grew up in his shadow. Unlike her brother, Felicia possessed a natural charm and cunning intellect from a young age. However, she lacked Crowley's ambition to rise above their humble beginnings through legitimate means.
Frustrated by societal limitations, Felicia sought out forbidden knowledge and stumbled upon an ancient occult manuscript. In her pursuit of power, she inadvertently made a deal with a crossroads demon, trading her soul for unparalleled charisma and cunning. The pact transformed her into a captivating force, allowing her to manipulate and deceive effortlessly.
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Felicia MacLeod's like that friend who always seems to have the perfect line to smooth things over, but behind the charm, she's got this devious streak a mile wide. She's the person at the party who effortlessly glides between conversations, leaving a trail of intrigue and manipulation in her wake.
She's got this knack for making people think they're the most important person in the room, all while secretly plotting her next move. Selfish? Oh yeah, it's all about Felicia and what she wants. She's not one to shy away from stepping on a few toes (or more) to get what she desires.
And then there's the evil bit. It's not the twirling-mustache kind, but more of a subtle, dark energy that hangs around her. She finds a sort of twisted joy in causing chaos, and it's hard to tell where the charming act ends and the genuine malevolence begins.
But here's the kicker – despite all this, she's the kind of person you might not suspect. She'll share a laugh, clink glasses, and all the while be weaving a web of schemes and secrets.
Devilish siblings
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Crowley and Felicia – it's like a demonic version of a dysfunctional family reunion. They're bound by blood, yeah, but it's not all hugs and sibling love. Picture two scheming demons, each with their own agenda, teaming up for the sake of Hellish shenanigans.
Crowley, being the big shot in Hell, spots Felicia's potential for causing mayhem, and suddenly, they're this dynamic duo of darkness. It's all about mutual benefits – they scratch each other's demonic backs to climb the infernal ladder.
But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the surface, it's a game of one-upmanship. They've got this unspoken rivalry, always eyeing each other suspiciously. Felicia's got her own plans, and Crowley, being the sly demon he is, is always playing chess with Hell's pieces.
Their chats probably sound like a mix of devilish banter and subtle threats. Deep down, there's this weird demon camaraderie, but it's fragile. In Hell, alliances are as stable as a house of cards in a tornado.
So, yeah, they're your typical sibling drama, just add in demonic powers and a sprinkle of Hellfire, and you've got the relationship between Felicia and Crowley. It's like family game night in the underworld, but with more backstabbing.
The Squirrel and The Moose
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Felicia and the Winchesters – it's like this never-ending rollercoaster of trust issues and mind games. At first, she waltzes in all charming and helpful, making them think she's on Team Winchester.
Thing is, the Winchesters ain't no rookies when it comes to the supernatural. They've seen it all – demons, angels, you name it. But somehow, Felicia manages to pull the wool over their eyes. It's like they know she's up to no good, but her charm game is so strong that they can't resist giving her the benefit of the doubt.
They catch a whiff of her shenanigans, start connecting the dots, but before they know it, Felicia's thrown in a witty one-liner or flashed that killer smile, and bam! They're back to square one, questioning if maybe she's not as bad as they thought.
It's a love-hate thing – they know she's trouble, but there's this weird respect for her skills. Even when they catch her in the act, it's like she's got this supernatural charisma that makes them second-guess their own instincts.
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Felicia's demonic nature enhances her natural charm, making her exceptionally charismatic. She can effortlessly manipulate and influence others, bending them to her will through the sheer force of her presence.
Her powers extend to the realm of mental manipulation. Felicia can plant suggestions, create illusions, and alter perceptions, playing mind games to further her agenda.
Like many demons, Felicia has telekinetic abilities, allowing her to move objects with the power of her mind. This power comes in handy for both subtle manipulation and more overt displays of supernatural prowess.
As a demon, Felicia is ageless and immune to mortal ailments. She doesn't age and is impervious to conventional forms of harm.
Felicia has access to occult knowledge and demonic secrets. This knowledge aids her in crafting dark rituals, forming alliances with other supernatural entities, and staying one step ahead of her adversaries.
Like other demons, Felicia can transform into a cloud of black smoke, allowing her to move swiftly and undetected. This ability is useful for infiltration and escape.
Her demonic form grants her increased physical strength, enabling her to overpower humans and confront other supernatural beings.
And lastly Felicia can teleport from one location to another instantaneously, facilitating her ability to appear and disappear at will.
hope you guys like her!
@missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @gaminggirlsstuff
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missprincesse345 · 3 months
Evp!Matt Jackson x Secret wife Reader
Summary: For some reason Matt has been in a very foul mood most of the day & no one knows what or why has him moodier than normal?, But nick has a gut feeling which leads to an interesting & shocking interaction between the Older Jackson sibling & the roster’s Sunshine?
Y/n’s ring name: Bambi tricks
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Y/n’s face claim:
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Let’s begin!!❤️❤️😈
• “ Okay what’s going on with him?” Jack asked walking into the locker room where nick,okada,Kenny and hangman were chilling out minus a moody Matt Jackson who was in a worse mood than usual when he was annoyed, ever since Matt woke up this morning he’s been more snappy and snarky than he usually was which was odd.
“ don’t know just as confused as you” Kenny shrugs as the others agreed “ maybe he didn’t get his hands on the new pair Air Forces or something my brothers just being bitchy as always he’ll be fine” nick said brushing it off living & traveling with Matt for this long he’s gotten used to Matt’s antics, but throughout the day he just got more snappy which led to yelling at everyone even arguments over small ridiculous things what the actual heck was going on ? “ nick…man you got to talk to Matt and fix whatever is bothering him” daddy magic said pulling him to the side.
Nick sighed knowing he had to before things got worse “ I will…I will”
Time skip to the rampage
• As nick was coming back from checking over promo pictures for the upcoming ppv he heard Matt yelling and from what he can hear it sounds like the other voice belongs to Roderick strong “ Damn it matt..” he muttered running over to where the issue was going on after hearing a chair crash, eventually he found the source of where the yelling was coming from which was over by catering taking in the scene before him “ you stupid prick!!! The only reason you’re relevant is because of us!!! We built this company!!!” Matt snapped eyes flaming with anger while being held back by kenny,jack and hangman.
Meanwhile Roderick was being held back taven & Bennett “ At least I have a woman to go home to!! Any woman would be dumb wanting to be with you!!!” That’s when a light bulb went off Nick finally figured out what was going on with Matt. Quickly he intervened and shot Roderick a death glare that even make the devil shiver “ don’t the two of you move…” he said sternly knowing that he didn’t have to turn around knowing Matt was still silently fuming, Nick walked away pulling out his phone to call someone “ who’s he about to call?” Jack said looking at the others who just shrugged just as clueless.
Y/n’s outfit:
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45 minutes later…
• After Nick made the mysterious phone he and set mystery person walked back to catering where Matt and Roderick were still going at it making the mystery person laugh at Matt’s furious state nick and her both knowing she was the only person to calm Matt down, stepping forward heels clicking she made herself known “ Matt!!!” She yelled over the caos.
His eyes immediately soften and his voice cuts out as he stares at the mystery woman who was giggling at him “ y/n… hey baby” Matt said immediately smiling walking over to her while everyone except Nick watches with jaws on the floor, yep Matt didn’t stutter he meant what he said y/n was Aew’s sunshine that always made everyone around her happy or defuse situations no matter how crazy not to mention former Aew women’s champion with a title reign of 2,834 days. But to Matt she was his beautiful ebony goddess who’s currently pregnant with their first child “ hi” she replied kissing him back missing her husband “ are you okay ? Nick told me you were moody all day” she said rubbing his chest meanwhile everyone was trying to process the scene in front of them.
• “ Okay what the hell?! Since when were you guys a thing?” Kenny said finally recovering from shock as everyone look at the couple in curiosity meanwhile Nick smirks “ 12 years” y/n says proudly and it’s true during the elite’s new japan & roh days matt met y/n when she was a wrestler in stardom “ she’s my little chocolate drop and she’s been through everything with me” Matt chuckled looking down at her smiling softly as she blushed at the nickname while rubbing her bump. “ soon a family of three with our little princess on the way” she giggled her wedding ring glittering “ you’re engaged?!” Jack said “ married actually have been for eight years” y/n giggles, everyone couldn’t believe that the company’s sunshine an matt where married let alone husband & wife impressed by how well they were able to keep it hidden.
• "'Come on" Y/n whispers grabbing his hand and drag him back into his private locker room She giggles as he pulls her into his lap behind closed doors matt was extremely affectionate. "What's wrong bubbas?” She asked softly while running her fingers through his hair as he just burries his face in the crook of y/n’s neck her natural smell of coconut & vanilla filling his nostrils.
"I missed you" he mumbles, a small smile now on her face giggling at her husbands clingy behavior
"I was only gone for three days visiting my parents remember?” She laughed replying as he pulls back looking at y/n with his boo boo eyes
"Yeah and it was fúcking torture" he whispers while pouting pulling her even straight into his lap so he can bury his face in between her breast or as he likes to call them his special pillow, y/n smiles softly sure her husband could be a prick at times but when it’s just the two of them nothing else mattered.
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Queenbambi_34 Goodnight from the sunshine and evp… soon to be a family of 3 ❤️❤️
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basil-the-scorned · 7 months
Very short drabble of sorts...
Kip had a schedule ahead of time when it comes to his streams, almost always on two days of Mondays and Fridays. He would just be gaming with friends, or goofing around with whatever was around him. Kip's voice sometimes would be shot at the end, and there would be lemon tea on the counter in the kitchen prepared to where all he had to do was pour the water.
Orange's stream is whenever, which doesn't surprise Kip one bit. He had some kind of a theme of watching retro shows and music videos, and the mood was calming. Sometimes he had snacks, and he would bring them with him to the streams. A lot of them would be new ones Kip wanted to try or did try and hated them.
It was rare that they both stream at the same time. When they do, it was usually enough chaos for both of their chats to really start going off. Sending raids over to each other channels, leaving comments that they don't pick up sometimes until they see the reactions to it. Orange's messages range from very sweet, throwing hearts and 'I love you's' to out of context words that leave the chat confused until they see Kip a stuttering mess. Kip's messages are just plain there to mess with Orange. He rarely gets him, but the few times he did was clipped to infinity.
These last few weeks in particular were interesting to say the least. The new terror of the Undisputed Kingdom has been wreaking havoc on all the champions, including the Intercontinental championship. This meant all of Orange’s focus has been going onto defending it more, and also meant more days of Kip nursing him as best as he could. 
Orange told him he was getting tired, and it felt different from the first time, more accepting of if he doesn’t come out as champion he was going to be ok with it. It was still gonna be painful to lose, but it wouldn’t hurt as much as the first time.  Either way, Kip still cursed Roderick Strong for being the so-called ‘Back Messiah”.  
Now it’s 4 days after Revolution, and a day where both of them were at home at the same time for the first time in forever.  Kip wasn’t really expecting a double stream today, but he also wasn’t expected a certain former champion to come around the corner 5 minutes into streaming with the blanket from the couch wrapped around him. So now Kip is streaming with a still exhausted yet clingy Orange on his shoulder. 
He definitely couldn’t game now. But honestly, he didn’t really mind.
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fang-revives · 4 months
Double or Nothing 2024 Fantasy Booking
Here's my bookings for the DoN card! Note these aren't necessarily what I think will happen but they are what I would like to happen. I'll rank how hype I am for the match too, with 1/5 being "I'll probably use this as a bathroom break" and 5/5 being "I am most looking forward to this".
Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo (2/5 hype)
Rosa, by virtue of being an existing AEW fan fave. I think the sucky part about this matchup is it feels like "Toni Storm's leftovers" as far as story goes. I haven't been following super closely though. I wish I could give Deonna the W because I think she deserves better as one of Impact's big stars. But they haven't really set up much and I'm fond of Rosa. Kind of wish Rosa had the world championship right now, ngl. I think Toni could finish her "Mariah May's heart on a pole match" without the belt.
Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black, (4/5 hype)
Copeland, who DOESN'T want to see Malakai get beaten at his own game, out SPOOKED in a vampire way. Plus I too am hoping this loops back to Christian Cage old man yaoi (SUPERNATURAL STYLE!!!)
Roderick Strong vs. Will Ospreay (1/5 hype)
I know Ospreay is going over and I wish he wasn't here at all.
Trent Beretta vs. Orange Cassidy (4/5 hype)
Trent needs to poor little meow meow Orange SO hard. I wanna see his big eyes like o_O after. I would love Orange to start a new faction with Hook and Shibata. Sunglasses guys....
Bang Bang Gang vs. Death Triangle (5/5 hype)
I am SOOOO hype for this match. BBG for sure, it's too soon for them to lose the belts and they can definitely pull some shit to tip the scales in their favor. I won't be mad if it's Death Triangle though -- they deserve the world :) Favourite booking would be BBG win leading into a PAC vs. Jay big singles that Jay loses at the next PPV. That would be electric hehe.
Chris Jericho vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata (3/5 hype)
This would so be a 4/5 match if it weren't for the Jericho of it all. I wish I felt differently about the FTW belt tbh-- I'm just sort of booking Shibata to win cause he's my guy and re-belting Jericho or Hook feels boring. The problem is the FTW belt always felt like a "meme" belt to me. Ah well. Gold will look good on Shibs :)
Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita (4/5 hype)
Give my DDT ace a NJPW title shot Or Else <3
"Timeless" Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb (1/5 hype)
Sorry to Toni who I like, but man, Deeb just rubs me the wrong way on vibes. I didn't really like her feud with Shida. This match just feels so perfunctory, especially after Toni beating Rosa. I don't want to see Deeb belted, and I've seen enough "Timeless" Toni Storm matches (which are fun!) to skip this one for Deeb's bad vibes.
Willow Nightingale vs. Mercedes Mone (4/5 hype)
I KNOW Mercedes is going over and I wouldn't be mad about it (she's amazing!!) but honest to god Willow deserves a longer, fuller run and it sucks that she's going to be a transitional champ. Sigh. At least it's on a PPV as a main event.
The Elite vs. "Team AEW" (5/5 Hype)
Anarchy in the arena matches are always soooooo fun. I actually don't care who wins this but I think it would be funny to make the Bucks eat shit. I am so ready to see Okada do a chaos deathmatch. I am excited to see Jack Perry on fire. This match will probably be the show-stealer for me, AEW is sooooo good at delivering these.
Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage (5/5 hype)
Swerve, c'mon. They're both gonna crush it though :3 I've loved the build for this face off. Should be a killer way to cap the night!
Enjoy, and happy PPV everyone!
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mayhempro · 2 months
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Mayhem Pro Wrestling is a semi-au, kayfabe, discord based efed, that's been up and running since 2021! If you're looking for a unique, fun, and welcoming group where YOU get to book your own matches, write your own story, and make some friends - or enemies - along the way, Mayhem is your next destination! In MPW, you have your character's career in your hands, and you get to decide how their story unfolds.
We are marching onto our next marquee Pay Per View event, the one that started it all: Thunder in Paradise! We're only three weeks away from one of the year's most electrifying and shocking shows of the year, and our card is shaping up fast. As always, we'll conclude a spectacular night of wrestling and violence with the single biggest Clusterfuck we've ever done, with the winner receiving a shot at the MPW World Championship at Hell on Earth! Now is the perfect time to join our welcoming little group, and join in on the chaos!
most wanted:
Jay White, Nick Wayne, Jordan Oliver, Mariah May, Billie Starkz, Alexa Bliss, Blake Christian, Mike Bailey, Kazuchika Okada, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, FTR, Alec Price, Tetsuya Naito, Shinsuke Nakamura, Adam Cole, Jacob & Zilla Fatu, Skye Blue, Maki Itoh, Mayu Iwatani, Christian Cage, Adam Copeland, Dalton Castle, Kris Statlander, ASUKA/KANA, Dakota Kai, PAC, Chris Hero, Konosuke Takeshita, Ricky Starks, Chris Sabin, The North, Mina Shirakawa, Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Thunder Rosa, Charles Mason, Kyle O’Reilly, Queen Aminata, Rhea Ripley, Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Hiromu Takahashi, Utami Hayashishita, Yuka Sakazaki, Tracy Williams, Kylie Rae, AR Fox, Minoru Suzuki, Sareee, Giulia, Lee Moriarty, Tam Nakano, Starboy Charlie, The Gunns, & Cheeseburger!
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blizzardsuplex · 1 year
Roderick Strong Primer Part II: But Who IS He, Tho?
Part I | Part II (you are here) | Part III | Part IV
[CW: mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, dysfunctional familial relationships, and gun violence]
Roderick Strong is the super cool wrestling OC donut steal of one Christopher Lindsey, born on July 26, 1983 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. However, his family moved to Tampa soon after, which probably epigenetically contributed to him turning out a pretty good example of a Florida Man—or, at least, a Man from Florida. His mother is a paralegal, while his father is a self-taught musician who became/maybe still is an Elvis impersonator (yes, that’s why there was a picture of him as a child dressed in a sparkly jumpsuit on stage during that recent Collision promo); sibling-wise, he has one that we know of, a half-sister who is older than him by four years.
His childhood was…less than perfect. According to him, both in wrestling company-produced backstory blurbs and videos and interviews where he’s just shooting the shit with his buddies, he’d be left alone for hours at a time to basically babysit himself while his age was still in the single digits. His father had problems with alcohol, and would often come home from the bars he performed at around 4 or 5 in the morning; his mother had issues with harder drugs. Said parents would apparently get into screaming matches a lot. He had few friends and was picked on, in part because the family kept moving around Florida and in part because he was an awkward fat kid (to the point that in first grade he learned to pick his nose until it bled, something I didn’t even know you could do, so that he could go home early rather than deal with the fact no one wanted to talk to him at school). He liked math and he played a lot of sports, but because of a particular character trait of his that I will discuss from a kayfabe perspective in part 3 he still struggled to find a place for himself.
Then, of course, there was the incident that was both probably pretty traumatic and, if it didn’t happen, would have maybe meant that he would have never wrestled in the first place: when he was ten or eleven or twelve years old, his mom shot his dad near-fatally. The latter had to go to the hospital; the former spent some time in jail. After his father recovered, for a period of time he had to raise his son as a single parent.
Completely unrelatedly, said dad—who Roderick describes as both athletic and not at the same time—at one point got an invitation to learn how to wrestle under a “former WWE star” (which, especially in the 90s, everyone who ever jobbed on a single show billed themselves as). He agreed—but what to do about his kid while he trained? If they couldn’t afford to get someone to look after him before the incident, they probably still couldn’t on a single person’s salary.
His solution was, of course, to just bring his son with him. He’s not been totally consistent with how he described his initial reaction to tagging along: in 2015 he said he was a big wrestling fan and loved it; in 2023, during his appearance on AEW Unrestricted, he said he liked it beforehand but was a lapsed fan by the time his dad started learning how to wrestle. Either way, for the first month or so he just sat on the grass and watched sweaty, shirtless adults being put through their paces by their trainer—who, it turns out, was an actual former WWE star in Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart.
It was also Anvil who, despite only actively supervising for four or so months, catalyzed Roderick wanting to do wrestling, too. The story goes like this: after a month, he invited Roddy (who was 12 or 13 at the time) to get into the ring. According to the latter, all he did was “mess around a bit” on the top rope; as they were driving home, however, his dad mentioned that Anvil had told him his kid had potential, and that if he kept at it he might be somebody in pro wrestling. Whether or not the guy meant what he said, this was apparently the first time Roderick had been told by anyone who weren’t his parents that he was good at something, and from that point he began training in earnest.
His life was progressing in other ways, too. He was a two-way American football player at his high school, and ended up netting an academic scholarship to the University of South Florida, where he studied business for two years before dropping out.
Going back to wrestling, though, he ended up debuting at something like 14 or 15 and was already getting somewhere in-ring wise. For example, the former WWE wrestler Victoria’s finisher, the Widow’s Peak, is a move Molly Holly (who he’s friends with thanks to the Tampa wrestling circuit connection, by the way) apparently saw Roddy do at 14 in a backyard wrestling ring and recommended to Victoria for her to use. He also helped train, while he was still a teenager, his kayfabe brother and former tag team partner Sedrick Strong—who, if you’re wondering, came up with his ring name first, and was so set on it that, being billed as brothers and all, Roderick Strong had to be named Roderick Strong.
It’s hard to believe now, but initially Sedrick, who ended up retiring from prowres and becoming the branch manager of Tampa Toyota at one point, was the more successful one, participating in the pretty prestigious ECWA Super 8 tournament in 2003. Because of the same character trait I alluded to earlier, Roderick almost quit wrestling entirely in response. Fortunately for me and the 12 other Roddy marks active on the internet, he soon got an offer from Ring of Honor (for those doing the math, he was 19 at the time), ending up in the promotion around the same time as some really famous guys from there were active: Danielson, Punk, Joe…
ROH remained his home promotion for nearly 15 years, and while there, among other accolades, he became their second Triple Crown champion (the first was Eddie Edwards, his partner in the tag team the Dojo Bros). He also, at least in-ring, really got to know his future Undisputed Era stablemates in Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole. Roddy worked a lot of places, though, both on the indies and not: in the latter category, he went to Japan to wrestle for places like NOAH (and met Bobby Fish, another UE member, in the back of those tour buses), did TNA, and even had a one-off appearance on WWE Smackdown against Kurt Angle.
One of the independent promotions he worked, meanwhile, was (of course) California’s Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. He had matches there for over 11 years, from 2005 to, as described in the first part of this primer, his five minute championship rematch against ZSJ in 2016 (which also happened to be the event celebrating the promotion’s 13 year anniversary). I haven’t watched a lot of them pre-2014, but the ones I have? Bangers—but I don’t expect anything less from a Roderick Strong match, if I’m being honest.
But pro wrestling is, as much I hate to admit it, about more than technical greatness (though as I will try to touch on in parts 3 and 4, Roddy has been really great at the non-verbal parts of wrestling in general for years, including expressing and eliciting emotion in-ring). One of the most common criticisms lobbied at Roderick Strong until maybe a few months ago was that he had nothing beyond his technique. During his time as PWG heel champ, though, I am of the opinion that he proved those criticisms outdated—though admittedly it took him several years to get there.
In 2013 and before that, he was mostly a goofy face; in 2014, after he beat Adam Cole for the PWG #1 contendership at PWG ELEVEN, he turned heel on that same show by attacking Kyle O'Reilly post-title defense. It was only after losing his own title match to Kyle, though, then winning the championship one show later anyway thanks to goading a Kyle who’d literally just beaten Ricochet into a brutal 20+ minute Guerrilla Warfare match (at an event called, funnily enough, Black Cole Sun; these guys are all connected man LOL), that his heel turn was truly cemented. Armed with his stiff style, letterman jacket, End of Heartache as his entrance music, and his shitty little boots—which, by the way, originated from Trent? making him a t-shirt design with that phrase on it—he proceeded to terrorize the fans via being a massive prick and fight against a laundry list of some really good wrestlers:
Trevor Lee (now Cameron Grimes)
Zack Sabre Jr.
Speedball Mike Bailey
Matt Sydal
Chris Hero
Drew Galloway (now Drew McIntyre)
Mark Andrews
…and I’m not even counting the Mt. Rushmore 2.0/multi-man stuff!
Then ZSJ finally beat him for the title in a great bout and he left indie wrestling for WWE soon after. You know the drill. So, if you’re wondering why I and the previously mentioned 12 Roddy marks freaked out when he came back during PWG’s Mystery Vortex 8—which was also the 20th anniversary of the promotion’s founding!—hopefully this explains why a little. He just feels right in a PWG ring.
But the fact of the matter is he couldn’t come back for nearly seven years, whether to PWG or ROH or the many places all around the world he’s wrestled in. As I’ve mentioned, I didn’t watch NXT at that point, so I’ll let someone else explain that time in his career if ever; I also am making the assumption that if you’re reading this you’re aware of his current AEW run, so I’m not gonna recap that history either. He’s existed for 40 years and been wrestling for well over 20 of them, man, I don’t think I could get to everything he’s done even if I wanted to.
So: a basic history established. You might be wondering, though: throughout his long career…what was he like? As a North American wrestler who wrestles in the North American context, does he have that essential component of pro wrestling? Did he have a character?
The popular answer until recently? No. In part 3, though, I will hopefully provide some evidence that, at least by the time I first watched him, the answer was yes.
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swervestomp · 4 months
think will win / want to win thunder rosa vs. deonna purrazzo - feud for the ages btw. deserved a spot on the main card but WHATEVER. i hope thunder rosa scalps her !! thank you !! gates of agony vs. the acclaimed - the acclaimed needa go i'm sorry !! pack it up and set anthony bowens loose orange cassidy vs. trent beretta - count ur days trent. thats all i gotta say jon moxley vs. konosuke takeshita - i love mox i Really do but like. takeshita winning this and getting a match at forbidden door is all i have on my mind i'm afraid. also he deserves some gold and i'm sick of him not having a SINGLE belt so. biased? yes! bang bang gang vs. death triangle (!!!) - i just realized bang bang gang's abbreviation is BBG. theyre babygirl confirmed? anyways. i want death triangle to win but !! they just got back i don't see it happening !! sucks. rematch on the horizon i feel it in my balls hook vs. shibata vs. j*richo - i feel like hook could go for Bigger or Greater shots !! he needs to drop the nepo baby act and get UP BRO !! shibata deserves the belt but this is like. jericho's first ppv title defense. sooo based on that alone, hes probably retaining ?? but shibata needs to beat the DOGSHIT out of him at least. i want guts in the ring ASAP BIG COPE vs. malakai "carrie white" black - i honestly don't care who wins this because both outcomes kinda smack ?? like adam in HoB would be WEIRD but it'd be FUN okay. i lowkey want adam to drop the belt to daniel garcia tho .. i just hope they both bleed ( ◡‿◡ )
roderick strong vs. will ospreay - no notes. rest in peace roderick strong. toni storm vs. serena deeb - serena deeb will pay for her crimes on ppv !!! i still can't get over how shes a great wrestler but shes so fucking irritating its not even funny ?? toni please beat her ass for ME !! the elite vs. team aew - okay this is a tricky prediction because What !! given the feud kinda just started its unpredictable to me but. yknow !! the elite aren't really heels theyre just guys. with money.. okay so evil. anyways. want the team aew win because i wanna see darby and bryan celebrate together ftr can jerk off backstage idgaf WILLOW MUTHAFUCKIN NIGHTINGALE vs. MERCEDES MUTHAFUCKIN MONÉ - another tricky one !!! mercedes deserves her debut win but willow is THEEEEE face of tbs. i just wouldn't go on twitter after this match cuz. phew !! okay !! if mercedes loses this match, a DEBUT match nonetheless, aew will never hear the end of it. i feel like it'll be a time limit situation .. i'm hoping to preserve my mental state
swerve strickland vs. christian cage - i am SOOO fucking hyped for this match okay i might be biased but at least i'm biased about the right thing !!! he's going to kill that old man rest in peace (again) christian cage. xoxo. no more notes
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forgottenroderick · 1 year
Character Analysis
Character’s name: Roderick Varmont
Role in story:  Antagonist/Conquorer/Emperor
Physical description:  Jude Law
Age: 49
MBTI: INTJ (the architect)
Enneagram: Type 3 (the achiever), 3w4, 368
Zodiac: Capricorn
What is his/her greatest fear?  Being worthless
Inner motivation: To feel valuable and worthwhile, want to be affirmed, to distinguish himself from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others
Kryptonite: being ignored/dismissed, like…not getting his due/having his fears confirmed by outside opinion basically
What is his/her misbelief about the world?  Grind into the dust or be ground into the dust!
Lesson he/she needs to learn:  There are other ways to make a difference!  It’s not just kill or be killed!  Tbh, I doubt he’ll ever get there tho so good luck, world!  Also that you can be valuable without stamping the world w your image!  He might get ~there but the fear of being worthless thing will still fuel his ongoing quest for utter control/making his mark so the behavior will never end and obv that’s super fun #unproblematic <3
What is the best thing in his/her life?  Power and control!  Oh, oops, ig he loves his family too *awkward silence*  No, but in all seriousness he actually views the former as being in service of the latter!  He’s helping his family, even when he taunts and torments them etc, by making them stronger!  And he’s super protective in his super messed up way and tbh the fact that they’re not all daily thanking him is baffling!  But *dramatic swoon* he’s willing to take on everyone’s, even their, hatred and wrath and fear to help them!  Bc if there’s one thing that being a good dad def is, its traumatizing ur kids for life!  Ok but actually the best thing in his life is also the worst thing and that’s the ever-haunting memory of his dead wife who atp he’s sanctified in his memory so she has absolutely no flaws and that actually makes the whole thing so much worse on literally everyone! yayyyy! and obv its still sad bc she’s gone etc etc etc napoleon rotting in exile w/o josephine feels etc except he’s technically still on the top of his game and running from his feels…
What is the worst thing in his/her life?  Fear...He fears nothing!  *cough*  Anyway, it’s def those idiots who’re standing in his way!  But he def lives by the Tywin Lannister code of bring your enemies to their knees…and then help them up when they become ur allies (but never forgive!  never forget!  or you’ll get stabbed twenty-three times/shot while on the privy!)  Anyway, ain’t nothing gonna stand in ~his way too long <3
What does he/she most often look down on people for?  Stupidity, greed (ironies…), small thinking, lack of focus, impracticality, lack of a strong worldview (he ~can appreciate optimism as long as its ~grounded tho, it can even be inspiring, tho he never trusts it he’s more like ‘that’s beautiful if only it could be true…’ sorta deal…but if it isn’t sufficiently grounded, he dismisses it as foolish etc)
What makes his/her heart feel alive?  Surveying his realm and taking in the splendor of all he’s accomplished!  Holding his wives and children *cough* what? no ahem i didn’t mean that i meant…smth way tougher *eyes emoji*
What makes him/her feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?  His dead wife -- wait waht  No, but its just being loved and appreciated as much as he loves and appreciates – being supported, someone who sees his good traits for what they are, someone who silently forgives his many many faults even viewing ~those for what they are without ever making him feel small but rather makes him feel powerful etc, someone who sees his vision and is a partner in it while allowing him to take the reigns of it and working in the bg to help so he gets the glory which he can then shower his loved one with it and/or at least they share the glory equally that’d also 100% work for him but basically his contribution is super super important and he’s in no way eclipsed and gets to share in his glory w his loved one etc <3 (speaking of, he’s probs sanctified/deified/publically mythologized and revered his dead wife oops), someone who sees him as he is first and foremost without making him feel weak for someone ~knowing his weaknesses??? idk!! tis ethereal but that’s the skinny
Top three things he/she values most in life?  Family/love, accomplishment, legacy!
What’s his/her favorite book, movie, and band?  He’d probably obsessively read the Iliad<3  Tragically, tho, he’d be an Achilles stan *sigh*  But!  He would, indeed, loathe the movie Troy even if he’d generally like Brad Pitt, otherwise.  Honestly, he is probs that one outlier whose in the bg shouting 'justice for agamemnon' too smdh Another go-to fav would be Wuthering Heights bc he’d eat up that tragic irony stuff idk what to tell you tbh.  Modern stuff?  He’d probs enjoy GoT and Succession (Logan Roy, you’re a real one) and – I haven’t seen it but probs House of Cards if its what it sounds like it is?  He’d also really love history and military history esp
Is there an object he/she can’t bear to part with and why?  He’s kept his wedding band/bracelet/ring/earring/sweater/whatever from his first wife and still wears it and always will!
Describe a typical outfit for him/her from top to bottom.  Yknow that super dramatic all-armor outfit Jude Law wears in Legend of the Sword?  Yeah.  That.  If not, some medieval!toga type thing probs idk I just feel like he’s always like tryna look super chill but actually being super dramatic yknow?  Like, a toga looks on one level super laid back its literally just this cloth you’ve sorta wound around yourself, but also its got big imperial aesthetic™ moments happening?  That’s the vibe except ~medieval fantasy~ aesthetic
What names or nicknames has he/she been called throughout their life?  klsdjfklsdjf Your Grace, Your Majesty, etc
What is his/her method of manipulation?  Charisma, persuasion, also – ‘you, fetch me a block!’ usually does the trick, too ;D  (really he does what he likes ;D) so yeah threatening, cajoling, weaponizing his own self-imposed iconography, also that story about julius caesar and the pirates is classic him and imma probably steal it <3
Describe his/her daily routine.  Awakens just before daybreak to watch the sun rise over a grateful world (what? yes he does have a lil thanos in him too shhh) while eating some small snacky foods bc mornings are for coffee and contemplation <3 then he has his correspondance brought by his viziers which, together, inform him of the events in the realm and he gives orders, signs things, sends out correspondance.  some days he will then hear petitions but that’s probs 1) a full day activity and 2) probs once or twice every couple weeks.  he generally will take his noonday repast w at least one of his families/family members for a sort of private take on what’s going on w them, and his dinners include the whole fam – all available wives and kids all together in a dinner time fete weird enough to make even tywin lannister feel awkward most likely ;D
Their go-to cure for a bad day?  Going on a ride through his empire, sometimes w an entourage sometimes in disguise and thus witnessing, firsthand, all the difference he’s made!  sometimes this makes the bad day worse for a bit, if he sees smth he doesn't like, but then he can go fix that one (1) thing and that makes him feel better even about the thing(s) he can’t fix.  sometimes, depending what’s amiss, he’ll throw a lil impromptu get together (read: BIG FUCKING PARTY) and enjoy feting his friends and fam but tbh this frankly backfires as often as it helps but he will never learn <3 also he doesn't usually participate sm as sit up on his throne and watch everyone else??? idk he's weird
How is your character dissatisfied with their life? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how is he ~not dissatisfied?????? an ordinary life will N E V E R satisfy and, while you couldn’t accuse him of that, ~not feeling like a god 24/7 is such a terrible, wretched curse that he must bear its so tough being him only he knows this pain etc etc etc sdlkjfakljsdf anyway, basically, no matter how much he accomplishes it will never be enough, he will never be satisfied, never allow himself to breathe and be content etc etc etc it sucks to rule the world
What does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment? PROVING HIMSELF BY CONQUERING THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!! leaving his stamp by making the world a better place and eradicating corruption wherever he finds it improving the lives of everyday ppl, spreading enlightenment, etc, etc
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?  well, he’s already taken some but there’s always smth else to conquer <3
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?  well, in this particular way it hasn’t buttttttt it has prevented him from being the good husband/dad he’d like to be and tbh since his kids will probs be his truest legacy, since his empire will eventually fracture in the way all empires do, he’s really fucked that all up bc he’s too obsessed w his empire and w making them ‘strong’ to actually be a good family man etc. and thus his own cycle is ultimately self-defeating
How does your protagonist feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?  he basically thinks he’s pulling off the biggest fake out in history faking it till he makes it and thus proving himself worthy!!!!!!!  joke’s on him tho bc he’s royally (heh) messing it all up <3
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Country Song Fic Requests
I am going to start with 25 for now and then go from there
Some of the songs have names by them but it doesn't mean I won't write another one shot to the same song. I do another list in the morning with other music on it. this is just the music I usually listen to when I am writing
Fandoms I write for:
Top Gun: Maverick: All
Elvis (bio pic)- Elvis
Supernatural: Dean, Sam and Cas
Sons of Anarchy: Jax, Opie, Juice, Chibs, Kozik
Triple Frontier- All
Four Brothers: All
The Mighty Ducks- All
Twilight- The Cullens, Jacob, Bella
Harry Potter- The Weasley Twins, The Golden Trio, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Cedric Diggory
One Chicago: Jay Halstead, Kelly Severide, Matt Casey, Adam Ruzek, Antonio Dawson, Gabby Dawson, Leslie Shay.
The Outsiders- All
The Fast and Furious- All
Band of Brothers- All
WWE- Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Usos, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Drew McIntyre, Petey Williams, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Bobby Fish, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson
Game of Thrones: Robb Stark, Jon Snow
Lord of the Rings: The fellowship and the Oakensheild company
Law and Order SVU: All
Master of the Air- Rosie, Buck, Bucky
Newsies- Jack Kelly, Spot Colin, Davey, Mush, Blink
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01. Strip It Down- Luke Bryan-
02. Little White Church- Little Big Town- Elvis/ Sylvie ,
03. Goodbye Girl- Luke Bryan- Jax/Ryder ,
04. Hey, I am Country Man- Luke Bryan
05. Do I?- Luke Bryan
06. Play It Again- Luke Bryan
07. Someone Else Calling You Baby- Luke Bryan
08. Home Alone Tonight- Luke Bryan
09. Small Town Throwdown- Brantley Gilbert
10, Move- Luke Bryan-
11. Drunk on You- Luke Bryan
12. Knockin' Boots- Luke Bryan
13. Crash My Party- Luke Bryan
14. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye- Luke Bryan
15. I Don't Want This Night To End- Luke Bryan
16. My Baby's Guns and Roses- Brantley Gilbert
17. Looking For Blue Eyes- Jesse Colter
18. Bottom's Up- Brantley Gilbert- Lewis Nixon
19. Girl Crush- Little Big Town
20. That's My Kind of Night -Luke Bryan
21. Don't You Want to Stay- Jason Aldean ft Kelly Clarkson
22. Cowboy Take Me Away- Dixie Chicks
23. Achy Breaky Heart- Billy Ray Cyrus
24. Friends In Low Places- Garth Brooks
25. Any Man of Mine- Shania Twain
26. Who’s Bed Have Your Boots Been Under- Shania Twain
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buttdawg · 8 months
Bang Bang Scissor Gang
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I'm not sure how to feel about this "supergroup" business. I mean, the crowd loves it and it sounds like it'll advance the plot, so it's probably a good thing, but it seems a little off somehow. I'm going to write about it for a bit and see if I can sort this out.
So I guess the main issue here is that Bullet Club Gold doesn't feel like it's been around all that long, and now they're combining with another group. Also, it's unclear whether Gold is an official wing of the main Bullet Club, or some sort of renegade unit, like the nWo Wolfpac.
My pet theory is that AEW is just getting as much out of the Bullet Club IP as they can while they have this agreement with NJPW to use it. Eventually the deal will end or be renegotiated, and New Japan won't let them use the name anymore, which is why AEW keeps referring to the group with the nickname "The Bang Bang Gang." If something falls through and they can't call it "Bullet Club Gold", there's a backup name ready to go.
Actually, maybe this supergroup angle is that scenario finally playing out. They're not calling it "Bullet Club Ass Boys" or "Scissor Club Gold". They're calling it "Bang Bang Scissor Gang". I was sort of wondering if this means Billy and the Acclaimed have joined Bullet Club, but this may actually be a transition to get Jay White's group away from BC altogether. If and when this union ends, Jay can just start calling it "The Bang Bang Gang" again like that's what it was always called.
From a storytelling perspective, I'm not sure why they're setting up two trios to join forces against a group of just four guys. Undisputed Kingdom is their common enemy, but right now it's just Wardlow, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett. Adam Cole's injured, but even if he gets cleared, they're still outnumbered. Maybe Kyle O'Reily or Bobby Fish will join at some point? Oh, and I forgot about Juice Robinson. Assuming he's on board with the merger, that puts BBSG up to seven guys. Then you factor in Cardblade and Juiceboard and things get really nutty.
The motives are bit wonky too. On paper, Bang Bang Scissor Gang's main purpose is to take on Undisputed Kingdom, to avenge all the beatdowns they got during the "Who is the Devil?" storyline. Except, Undisputed Kingdom doesn't seem to care much, since their goal is to capture a bunch of titles. Which works out, since BBSG holds the AEW and ROH trios belts... except UK doesn't seem very interested in trios gold.
On the other hand, BBSG wants more titles as well. Tag titles for the Acclaimed and Gunn Club, a singles belt for Billy, and nothing short of the AEW world title for Jay White. This sounds a lot like Adam Cole's manifesto when he did his first promo to introduce Undisputed Kingdom. He didn't just want belts, he had specific titles picked out for specific guys on his team. Taven and Bennett are already ROH tag champs, so they're covered, then he wants the International title on Roddy, and Warlow's job is t become AEW world champ so he can hand it over to Adam Cole when Cole's cleared to wrestle again.
So that's a cool way to keep this rivalry alive. They're two big groups who already have titles and crave more, and they can challenge each other or interfere with each other's ambitions. The grudge that started all of this is fine, but it's hard to recall those beatdowns from last year, especially when everyone was blaming it on MJF at the time. Billy taking an International title shot from Roddy keeps things fresh. Plus they can swap the tag and trios belts that both sides already control.
Or... this just peters out with BBSG imploding and setting up some trios feud with Billy/Acclaimed taking on Jay/Gunn Club for one or both sets of trios belts. That sounds fine, but I feel like that already happened at some point? This supergroup could be a way to build to a more epic six-man tag match later, and that's fine, but I really hope it doesn't play out that way. I guess that's what makes me apprehensive of this storyline. Like, if they're only building up this supergroup just to set up a trios title program a few months from now, then it'll feel like a real waste. They could do BC Gold vs. Scissor Party whenever they want. Both sides are pretty eager to issue and accept challenges.
This seems like a long term story. Both groups have declared their intentions very clearly, and yet they've both taken their time on achieving those goals. It took like three weeks to get Jay on board with BBSG, and Warlow isn't exactly calling out Samoa Joe. So it feels like a potboiler, except it also feels very thrown-together, like they took a bunch of guys and threw them together into this supergroup war that would probably need most of a year to do properly.
But I guess that makes sense, considering how this all started with Cole and MJF, and they're both out of action for a while. Whatever the original plans were, the new plan has to involve different players, and everybody in BBSG is a solid choice for that. Well, everyone but Juice Robinson, that guy sucks. I hope he comes back with some new personality where he took an oath of silence or something. Also, he should wear a luchador mask so I don't have to look at his goofy face.
I guess my feeling here is "cautious optimism", because this angle looks really promising and could lead to a lot of great matches, but it also could get really dumb if it ends too quickly or suffers from poor planning. But AEW did just book a round robin tournament, so I guess I shouldn't be too concerned...
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omegawhiskers · 11 months
Dynamite 26/10/23
A Gift for Sting
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Dynamite opened up with a fired up MJF. We had appearances from Adam Cole (via phone), Roderick Strong and the Man in the Devil Mask.
The action began with MJF defending his Dynamite Diamond Ring against Juice Robinson. Juice received a vicious ass kicking outside and around the ring from the get to. The victory came for Max when the Gunns goofed up, giving the Champ enough time to slip the ring on and sock Juice in the jaw.
Post-Match saw a beatdown on MJF with Strong and The Kingdom making the save. Roddy stayed in his wheelchair while The Kingdom got easily discarded. But do not fear, The Acclaimed is here as they cleared the ring. The furious Gunns issued a challenge for the ROH Tag Team Titles at Full Gear. MJF takes the offer but wants a piece of all four members before the PPV. Next week it – in the main event – it will be The Bullet Club Gold ve. MJF and three partners of his choosing. Right away Roddy and The Kingdom as dismissed, followed by he Acclaimed. This begs the question, who will team with MJF? The pressure is stacked as Kenny Omega comes out and makes a challenge for the Triple B. MJF accepts the match for this Saturday on Collision. Later, Samoa Joe offered to team with MJF under one condition; that he is given a title shot.
Next was Hook teaming with RVD to take on the Dark Order’s Alex Reynolds and John Silver. There’s no clear direction for The Dark Order. The main idea is to shine the light on Hook and for RVD to help ignite the crowd.
Tony Schiavone in is the ring to give Sting a gift from Tony Khan. That gift is Ric Flair. I can't say I'm disappointed. I never expected Flair to be in an AEW ring to be honest. The Nature Boy says some very sweet words to Sting. Christian Cage, along with Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne came out and interrupted the feel-good moment. Christian destroyed Flair verbally and issues as challenge at Full Gear. The bout will be a 6-man tag team match. Fortunately, Flair won’t be fighting with Sting and Darby Allin.  Later, both men try to recruit Adam Copeland who refuses to fight Christian. Sting attempts to talk some sense into Copeland. I do think Adam will join the fight at Full Gear, but I sense a heel turn.
Chris Jericho had a sit down interview. He vows to get revenge on Don Callis. Jericho states he has lots of friends and some of them are bigger than Will Hobbs. Who is the Ocho talking about? Paul Wight of course! Nah, that wouldn’t be it. Maybe it’s not size he is referring to but star power.
The ROH Trios Tag Team Titles were on the line as The Young Buck & Adam Page defended against The Hardy Boyz and Brother Zay. I’m not a fan of the ROH belts appearing on AEW. I don’t watch ROH, so I’m not following the journey of these belts. The Bucks and Hangman retained in a non-exciting bout. Before a celebration could begin, we cut to Swerve and Prince Nana breaking into Page’s home. Both men walk through the house. Swerve made his way Adam’s baby boy’s room. It was quite a uncomfortable moment as Strickland gifts the baby with his t-shirt. He vows that the baby will one day owe him something. This feud has become personal, and it must end in blood.
Hikaru Shida defended her AEW Women's title against Ruby Soho. Early on there was a botched cross body and from that point on the match never took off. There was a moment where I thought Soho was going to win, but that's as far as the drama took me. If the moves were tightened up, I think this would have been a solid bout. Toni Storm and her new butler, Luthor made an appearance on stage for an exchange of stares.
Orange Cassidy and Kazuchika Okada took on Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli in a very good main event. The crowd were behind Orange and Okada. The ending was odd tough. Bryan was left holding his face in a kayfabe injury while the BCC came to his aid. Things were getting tense as Hook and Best Friends came Oranges side.
Most of the show was setting up Full Gear and continuing stories. The wrestlers who ate the pins are kind of in purgatory. What do you do with The Hardyz, Ruby and Dark Order at this point?
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cjthespade07 · 1 year
Requests Are Now Open!
Hello Everyone! Requests Are Now Open For Wrestling, Top Gun, And Bands Imagines/One Shots. Some Pairings I Will Do Are The Following. For Wrestling: Shayna Baszler x Reader Kyle O'Reilly x Reader Bobby Fish x Reader Adam Cole x Reader Roderick Strong x Reader Marina Shafir x Reader Jessamyn Duke x Reader Dakota Kai x Reader Wade Barrett x Reader Heath Slater x Reader And More. For Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick: Any Character x Reader For Bands: Motionless In White One Direction Black Veil Brides My Chemical Romance Pierce The Veil Sleeping With Sirens And More! I Will Make Individual Posts To Comment Requests On Shortly! Thanks Everyone!
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wrestlingisfake · 1 year
All Out preview
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Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley - Cassidy is making his 31st defense of the AEW international title. He has not lost a one-on-one match since September 21, 2022, but this is easily his toughest opponent yet.
These two were scheduled to meet for the first time one-on-one in November 2021, but that match was canceled. Other than that, these two had very little to do with one another until July 21, when Cassidy and the Best Friends confronted Moxley's partners in the Blackpool Combat Club. Moxley wasn't there, but on July 26 he made up for lost time with an ambush on Cassidy. The two factions and their allies have been feuding for weeks, including a ten-man brawl last week at Wembley Stadium, where Cassidy scored the winning pin. I wouldn't say these two in particular have had a personal issue, but they're the biggest stars on either side, and sooner or later they had to face off.
This is the biggest match of Orange's career. You wouldn't expect a guy with a comedy gimmick to last two minutes against a protected badass like Moxley. But a win, or even a well-fought loss, would prove Cassidy can hang with the tippy-toppy guys despite (or because of) his silliness. Beating Chris Jericho in 2020 meant a lot, and an 11-month title reign helped even more, but this match can take him to the next level.
It's pretty clear at this point that CM Punk vs. Ricky Starks was supposed to headline this show, until Punk was suspended last week and fired yesterday. Now this match has to close the show, in Punk's hometown. Both guys are making this match about which of them will carry the company through troubled times. We know Moxley can handle that kind of pressure. Cassidy has a chance to prove he can too. The best case scenario for AEW would be if Moxley makes his opponent a bigger star, so that people remember this week for Orange stepping up to make chicken salad out of Punk's chicken shit.
I could see this match going either way. Moxley has expressed a desire to "give back" by putting over younger guys; that doesn't mean he'll always do the job, obviously, but he's looking for the right time and place to do it. On the other hand, Cassidy's storyline for months is that he's fighting hurt and refuses to take a break, and that clearly won't end until someone breaks him, so he can return stronger than ever. I'd kinda like to see Moxley hold the international title just to add to its prestige, so I'd be cool with him winning here to set up Orange winning a rematch later on. But under the circumstances, you've only got one chance to headline a PPV with this matchup, for this title. So there are plenty of reasons to just let Cassidy win the big one.
MJF & Adam Cole vs. John Silver & Alex Reynolds - Max and Cole won the ROH tag team title at Wembley Stadium last week; Silver and Reynolds, representing the Dark Order, won a battle royale to earn this title shot.
I expect both sides to get a babyface reaction. The fans love MJF and Cole, even though the entire basis of their friendship is that they bonded over being pricks, and we'll never be sure one won't betray the other. I think the Dark Order is supposed to have turned heel, but they're still so lovable and cuddly that I'm not sure anyone really buys it. Their whole deal now is that they resent Adam Page for "abandoning" them to reconcile with the Elite, so now they're ruthless and looking out for themselves. But it's not going to be easy to get over as selfish heels in the ring against MJF of all people, even if he is a babyface.
It's pretty clear this match is just a pit stop for Cole and MJF, on their way to a reckoning with Cole's former friends Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett, and Matt Taven. Unless those three guys interfere somehow, I don't see any chance of Silver and Reynolds winning the belts. Actually, even if there's a bunch of interference, I'd say the champs are heavy favorites to retain.
Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita - Omega and Takeshita have since clashed in various tag team matches, but this is their first singles encounter. As Don Callis has helpfully pointed out, Kenny has not won a singles match since Don betrayed Kenny on May 10.
When Callis arrived in AEW in late 2020, he was symbolic of Omega's heel turn. Once Kenny basically went babyface in 2022, it was only a matter of time before Don turned on him. By November 2022 Callis was scouting Takeshita, raising questions about whether he was looking to replace Kenny. It seemed like Takeshita was too pure of a cinnamon roll to become a ruthless enforcer for Callis, but that's exactly what happened on May 28.
Omega does need to get some payback against Callis and Takeshita, but I don't know that he needs it right now. If he just beats Takeshita clean in the middle of the ring, the storyline's over. That doesn't make any sense when Don has spent months talking about building a new "Don Callis Family," and despite working with half a dozen heels he hasn't actually recruited anyone except Takeshita. We need more guys in this faction, which makes this the perfect opportunity for a new recruit to run in and cost Omega the victory.
Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks - This is a strap match, so the participants will be tied at the wrist to either end of a long leather strap. The goal is be the first person to touch each corner of the ring in succession. I hate strap matches, because the build is "dudes whipping the shit out each other" but then the payoff is "dudes tangled up and reaching for turnbuckles." They always try to lash each other with the strap, but with both ends tied to the wrestlers it's hard to get your body in the proper position for the strappation, dudes.
The setup for this was when Ricky Steamboat refereed CM Punk vs. Starks on August 5, and Starks took Steamboat's belt off and whipped him with it. That was probably going to set up a Punk-Starks rematch on this show, but once that was off the table Starks issued a challenge to Steamboat. Steamboat produced a contract, except it was for Starks to wrestle Danielson, who unexpectedly returned from breaking his arm ten weeks ago. I assume Danielson let Dr. Proper know, and Dr. Unger know, and Dr. Hughes know, that the release forms have been signed, so those guys aren't responsible for the last couple fractures in the forearm, brother.
I assume Danielson will play babyface and get the big comeback win. But I'm rooting for Starks, because he did an amazing promo on September 2 about starting over after the rug was pulled out from under him. Danielson needs to be protected but not nearly as much as Starks needs to be elevated.
Luchasaurus vs. Darby Allin - Luchasaurus is defending the AEW TNT championship, even if his mentor Christian Cage is the one carrying the belt and all but calling himself the titleholder. Cage will be in Lucha's corner, and Allin will be cornered by his young ward, Nick Wayne. Last night Cage told Nick he'd have to throw in the towel for Darby, which may be telegraphing the finish. I suppose it'll be interesting seeing Allin fight someone the size of Luchasaurus, but this feud has been ice-cold for me and so has the Nick Wayne storyline, and combining the two hasn't made either of them better. I get the feeling Luchasaurus retains to drag this out further.
Kris Statlander vs. Ruby Soho - Statlander's AEW TBS title is on the line. Soho is 2-0 against the champion. I vaguely remember that after one of those matches people were outraged because Statlander deserved to win, but honestly that happens so often nowadays that I'm not even sure the match I'm thinking of was these two. Anyway, I don't see much point in a title change right now so I'm sure Statlander will get one of her wins back.
Samoa Joe vs. Shane Taylor - This is for Joe's ROH television title. Taylor was the runner-up to Dalton Castle in a July tournament to earn a title shot, but after Joe defeated Castle they immediately booked another tournament to choose another contender, and this time Taylor won. I have not been terribly impressed with the storytelling in Ring of Honor.
This is a huge opportunity for Taylor. He was with ROH for years, and Tony Khan brought him after the buyout, but he's not one of the ROH guys that got an AEW contract or time on AEW television. This may be the biggest crowd Shane has ever worked in front of, and I think he can deliver at this level. I mean, Joe's still going to beat his ass and retain. But I still think Taylor will turn a few heads.
Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs - I decided not to attend this show (last time I went to see wrestling I got COVID) but this is the one match that gives me second thoughts. I don't know what the hell these guys are fighting about but I don't care, and I don't think they do either. They're both huge and mean and they're gonna have a MEAN GUY MATCH~! and I am here for it. Well, not as "here" as I could be, I guess. I am on my couch for it. I'm always gonna root for Hobbs, but honestly it doesn't matter who wins as long as both guys pound the stuffings out of each other.
Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler & Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson vs. Jay White & Juice Robinson & Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn - FTR (Dax & Cash) and the Young Bucks (Matt & Nick) continued their rivalry last week, and the Bucks were salty that they lost. They were trying to have a civil conversation about it on August 30 when Bullet Club Gold interrupted and suggested an eight-man tag match.
Last night's Collision (in the same building as tonight's show) ended with the Bucks saving FTR from Bullet Club Gold, and the Chicago crowd was hostile to CM Punk's top enemies asking for handshakes from CM Punk's top buddies on CM Punk's show, on the night where they announced CM Punk is fired. Thew show went off the air with the Bucks smugly shaking each other's hands, which seems like a ballsy thing to do in Punk territory, when so many weirdos think the Bucks set him up somehow.
Anyway I expect Chicago to be radioactive for the Bucks for years to come, but if they are they'll just love FTR all the more. So the crowd reaction here could be complicated. Kinda thinking White's team should win.
Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta - Claudio vs. Eddie and Shibata vs. Yuta were two top matches on Ring of Honor's April pay-per-view, so I guess we're running those back as a tag match. We have to be getting back to Claudio-Eddie for the ROH men's world title at some point, but they don't seem to be in a hurry. The babyfaces should win, and it'd be nice if one of them pinned Claudio to set up a title bout.
Billy Gunn & Max Caster & Anthony Bowens vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh - This is scheduled for the pre-show. Last night Jarrett's group gave celebrity guest star Dennis Rodman a hard time, so the Acclaimed and Billy offered to give them a shot at their trios title, with Rodman in the champs' corner. Billy and the Acclaimed just got new custom pink title belts, so there's no way they're going to lose the championship this soon.
Athena & Diamante & Mercedes Martinez vs. Hikaru Shida & Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue - Another pre-show match. I heard Tony Khan wanted to book Athena vs. Billie Starkz for the ROH women's world title, but Billie's not medically cleared. I don't know why that means Athena can't defend her title against one of the other five women in this match, but whatever. WIllow has has been feuding with Diamante and Martinez of late. Skye is a local girl so she always gets a good Chicago pop. Shida should probably be higher on the card, but maybe she can get an ROH title shot out of this if she wins. Actually, I think Athena's side will win.
Over the Budget Battle Royale - It's a battle royale for the pre-show, and that's all I've got. No participants have been announced, as far as I know. The winner will get to donate $50,000 to the charity of his choice. I assume that's 50k of AEW's money, not the winner's. Literally anything could happen with this, but I suppose a babyface needs to win.
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heartsoulrocknroll · 4 months
AEW Battle of the Belts X 4/13/24
Lexy is backstage with Hook and Shibata. Shibata says he will have Hook's back against Taylor tonight. Hook thanks him, but says he will handle it on his own.
Hook (c) vs. Shane Taylor for the FTW Championship -- Hook tries to suplex Taylor early on, but cannot get him up. Taylor with vicious overhand chops!!!! Damn! Taylor hurls Hook into the ring steps, then lands a huge leg drop on the apron! Taylor with vicious body shots and nasty right hands to the jaw in the corner, but Hook won't go down! Hook finally fires back with some rights of his own, then two big, whole body lariats!! Hook lands a German suplex, then a T-bone suplex for two!! Dang! Taylor lands a splash off the second rope for two! Hook ducks a right by Taylor and locks in Redrum!!! Taylor runs backwards into the corners, driving Hook into the turnbuckles, but Hook won't let go!! Taylor falls back to the mat to break the hold, but Hook grabs it again!!! Taylor goes out!!
That was good. Great, hard-hitting stuff from Taylor. Hook, while limited in the ring, plays a good plucky babyface and had a nice comeback here with his impressive suplexes on Taylor. I don't like Taylor taking this loss, especially by ref stoppage, but I am not surprised. Rating: 3
Rocky is with Lexy backstage. Kyle interrupts to tell him good luck.
Roderick Strong vs. Rocky Romero (AEW International Championship Eliminator Match) -- Roddy with a big chop! Rocky with a head scissors takedown, then a knee to Roddy's arm off the top! They trade big chops!! Roddy lands a kick to the midsection, a shot to the back, and a backbreaker on the knee for two!! Rocky lands a dropkick for only a one count! Roddy leans back on the ropes and lands a HUGE kick to the face! Rocky lands a running kick on the apron to Roddy on the floor, then a double stomp off the apron to the floor! On the apron, Roddy shoves Rocky into the ring post back-first, then absolutely murders him with a backbreaker on the barricade!!!! Damn!!!!!!! Rocky goes for a head scissors takedown again, but Roddy stops his momentum and lands a nasty powerbomb/backbreaker on the knee!!! I am yelling!!!!!! Roddy runs Rocky back-first into the turnbuckle and then body slams him for two!!! Rocky rallies with a series of kicks and chops! Roddy ducks an enziguri, but Rocky comes back around and lands a kick to Roddy's head! Rocky with a topé to Taven, then a topé to Roddy!!! Rocky lands Sliced Bread for two! Rocky with multiple corner lariats!!! Roddy backs him across the ring into the other corner with three vicious chops!!! HOT DAMN!!! Roddy lands a sick kick for two!!! Roddy goes for a gutbuster, but Rocky reverses into a hurricanrana in midair and then lands a DDT for two!! Rocky lands an avalanche Sliced Bread for two!!! Rocky comes off the top again, but Roddy catches him in midair with a jumping knee for the pinfall!! HELL YEAH!!!!
I thought this match was fantastic!!! Roddy is the GOAT, and I am obsessed with everything he does!!! Help!!!!!! Rocky was so great here as well. Rating: 3.75
Kyle comes out to congratulate Roddy again, and they hug. Kyle helps Rocky up. The UK doesn't seem to like this. Taven and Bennett lay out Rocky. Then Roddy nails Kyle with the jumping knee!!!!! WTF!!!! Roddy yells that Kyle made the wrong choice!!!! Oh man, so we're doing this already?? I am always down for Kyle and Roddy, whether they are teammates or enemies, but especially when they are enemies, so let's go!!!!!!
Deeb is with Lexy backstage. She says she has yet to receive her championship opportunity, but she isn't sweating it, because since her return, she is undefeated. She is at number three in the rankings. She challenges Yuka Sakazaki to a match. Gimme that Deeb world title match!!!!
Athena (c) vs. Red Velvet for the ROH Women's World Championship -- Velvet with some nice arm drags, a leg lariat, and a moonsault off the apron to the floor. Athena sends Velvet face-first into the top rope! Athena with a vicious hip attack and running elbow in the corner, then a kick to the back of the head! Velvet with big double overhand chops, but Athena puts her back down with one shot! Athena lands kicks to the back, then hangs her in the tree of woe and lands more kicks to the back! Velvet comes back with a series of strikes, then runs the ropes, but Athena catches her with a spinebuster for two! Velvet with a head scissors takedown into the ropes, then lands running double knees to the back of the head, then lands a reverse DDT for two! Two forward fireman's carry slams by Athena! Athena goes for a powerbomb, but Velvet reverses into a roll up for two. Velvet goes for a cazadora, but Athena reverses into something of a uranage slam for two! Velvet lands something like a sunset flip bomb off top, then a kick to the face, then a DDT for two! Velvet comes off the top with a cross body to the outside, but Athena catches her, muscles her up onto her own shoulders, and body slams her on the floor!!!! Geez!! Athena floors Velvet with a boot to the face, then hurls her by the hair into the side of the ring twice! Damn! Velvet grabs a roll up inside for two! Velvet lands a thrust kick! Athena fires back with a HUGE elbow, then then lands O-Face off the top for the pinfall!!!
This was a great match, with Athena looking awesome and like a badass as usual. There was some awkward-looking stuff from Velvet here and there, but overall, I thought she did quite well. Rating: 3.5
Athena and Starkz attack Velvet after the match, but Queen Aminata comes out to make the save, taking out Starkz and landing White Noise on Athena.
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