notsowimpy · 1 year
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Hello again friend of a friend, I knew you when
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
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tavlerone · 6 months
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Sketchbook stuff
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prplocks · 11 months
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reblog if you save ▪︎
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renzzbeanzz · 1 year
Ok so maaayybe i have a new hyper fixation
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I just think its neat yk
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Study Break
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Hero: Huh?
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Popcorn: Sorry. But you need a intervention.
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H: What?
P: You haven't been hanging out with us because you keep studying.
H: But there is a SAT coming up! I need to study.
Rockstar: You are so smart already! You are fine to stop studying!
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H: Ugh. And what are you three going to do to me? Tickle Me?
Cheerleader: Oh, we know that wouldn't work with you.
H: Huh?
C: We got something else for you~
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H: What.. what will you- DO? heehee whatt guyssszzz pleaheese
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P: Aww. Why are you so giggily? It's just a lot of teases. If you don't like this you can say that you'll stop studying until that S.A.T.~
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H: Giheerls, Pleaheeheese
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R: Just say the magic sentence and we will stop teasing, Caramel Cookie
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H: Okay!! OKay!! I'll stop!! Just tickle me PLeasee!!
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R: Finally!
C: Aww, he asked for tickles.
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R: Now. We can... hang out~
C: I got something fun for this
R: Oh this'll be fun~
C: I know, right?
R: Do you have another?
C: Definally~
H: Oh gosh. What is you new pla-
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H: AHHH!!!
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H: Ahahahaha!!!!
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lopsicle · 1 year
Catching Up
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Fandom: Helluva Boss
Characters: Lee! Blitzø, Ler! Fizz (Can be seen as romantic or platonic, I love BlitzFizz)
Summary: As Blitz and Fizzaroli make up for lost time, Fizz discovers something he didn’t know about his former friend.
Tickletober day 2: Accidental
Warnings: Tickle Fic, innuendos.
Life had never been the same for Blitz and Fizzaroli since their second meeting in the Greed Ring. Sure, they’d reconciled their main issues and managed to air out some of the miscommunication forced onto them in their adolescence, but it had still been a decade and a half since they even just had a regular conversation. It was going to take a lot of work and effort to maintain that friendship, but that was work Blitz was willing to do. He couldn’t lose Fizz a second time.
Sometimes, Blitz would hang out backstage at Ozzie’s, listening to the clown perform his bits to the crowd, hyping him up whenever he had the chance. Sometimes that happened at Mammon’s, but it was rare Blitz would be allowed back there, much less without freaking out about being in the same room as a rockstar he admired from before he was even an adult. Fizz would even pop around to I.M.P sometimes, just his presence there was enough to drive up business so he had a warm welcome.
Though, their favourite thing to do was to just be with each other. It didn’t matter where, they usually preferred privacy but the two were neither careful or shameful, being able to do their business wherever. The pair of scarred imps could go on for hours and hours about whatever came into their mind, it was like they had a years long back log of all the things they wanted to talk about locked up in their brain, but never had the right person to say it too. They were just two sides of the same coin, better together.
One day, the two ended up in the privacy of Blitz’s room, which he (mostly) cleaned up for his guest. They’d both made themselves comfortable, Blitz laying down on his bed, sprawled out with her legs hanging over the edge, and Fizzaroli sitting over on the window sill, switching his face between the lacklustre view of Imp city, and his host.
‘Hey, how much can you feel?’
Fizzaroli’s eyes glanced over back to Blitz at his casual question, tilting his body to face him as he did so.
‘Like, emotionally?’
The clown tilted his head almost unassumingly, to which Blitz threw a nearby pillow at him.
‘Yeah, of course I mean emotionally-of course not, dipshit, of course I meant physically! You know, metal limbs and all,’
He huffed playfully, crossing him arms to which Fizz just chuckled, amused at his frustration.
‘Well, I can feel with my nose just fine! And my insides are…rigged with sensitivity, just ask Ozzie!’
‘I am not asking that feather covered, sparkly whore about how he fucks you.’
Fizz just laughed even harder at that, kicking his legs a little as he hopped off his self made perch, standing closer to Blitz.
‘Ahand, I can new sensors in my fingertips, Ozzy developed them himself to make things more…captivating.’
Blitz rolled his eyes and made a face, maybe a little out of jealousy, but there wasn’t much ill will behind it.
‘So now I can actually feel with them again! You have no idea how much I missed petting animals! And fucking with people, that’s great too!’
He ran his fingertips over Blitz’s still stretched out torso to make his point, to which the imp fucking squealed and curled up in on himself. Fizz tilted his head, sitting by Blitz with the largest shit eating grin on his face.
‘No fuckin’ way your ticklish! How did you hide this from me?!’
He asked excitedly, to which the imp blushed a little, trying to scramble backwards on the bed on his palms but he was quickly scooped up by his friend’s mechanical limbs and pulled closer.
‘Okay, it’s not that big of a deal this I’m ticklish! You don’t have to make such a big deal out of this, you knahaahhahw!’
The demon’s protests were cut off by a couple sharp scratches to his ribs, with a very eager Fizz now positioning himself on Blitz’s hips.
‘Oh, don’t you try and weasel your way out of this one! We’ve got, what, fifteen years of laughter to catch up on, and I’ve never heard you laugh like this!’
As much as Blitz wanted to remain tough and stoic on the outside, it was hard to do that while giggling, much less from your childhood best friend/crush tickling you. He couldn’t deny that the attention felt nice, not in a dirty way, he never expected to really…feel Fizz again due to his body being broken so it was a pleasant surprise. The tickling was just a bonus, though he weakly struggled against Fizz’s body to make it look like he wasn’t enjoying it too much. Though, Fizz saw right through him.
‘Oh, come on now, Blitzy, I’ve seen what your capable of, you could push me off you with ease if you wanted but you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’
Blitz’s blushing situation went from bad to worse as he shook his head from side to side, he’d normally try and hide his enjoyment under some snarky remark but it was hard to think of one while your sides were being squeezed and tickled. So he just resorted to this.
‘Fuhahahahack you!’
‘I’m right, aren’t I?’ Fizz chuckled to himself a little, allowing his nimble, dexterous fingers to skitter all over Blitz’s torso. ‘That’s alright, Blitz, you know I don’t just people, kinky or not, but there is no way I am not being in on this! You don’t know how fun this is me!’
Fizz gushed, pulling his hands away as he looked up at his friend excitedly. While Blitz may have rejected an offer like this from basically anyone a month or two ago, Fizz had softened him up in terms of accepting…anything really from others, plus it was a nice bonus that Fizz seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
‘…would you wanna continue right now then?’
‘Oh, with pleasure!’
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noritaro · 1 year
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[ Attack for @rocky-the-rockstar / @bram-ler ]
mental illnessing by doing this in one layer sjdnsjbz, i love this mf
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straycalamities · 1 year
also ive seen rocky's mod (who also did a lot of other art for truffula flu as well) talking about truffula flu a bit so hopefully it's okay to post a thing that his socials are impactrueno here on tumblr and spikermonster on twitter! (he's waay more active on twitter)
also a good tag for seeing and sharing rocky (rockstar once-ler) fanart would be "#rockstaronceler" :3 so use that tag!
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tbthqs · 5 months
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Meet The Rockstar
Todo baralho precisa de um coringa, algo imprevisível para manter as coisas interessantes. Além disso, você acredita que hierarquia é uma chatice, talvez por isso você sempre amou mais a anarquia, algo que obrigou seus pais a te enviarem para um estado diferente todos os anos do high school, e por um acaso do destino, você acabou em UCLA e permaneceu por lá, afinal, qual o melhor lugar para buscar o sucesso do que Los Angeles? Pra você sempre foi mais emocionante ver tudo queimar e ler sobre isso na manhã seguinte. Não é surpresa que agora que você cresceu, desempenha um papel importante na sociedade e, embora a maioria acredite que você virou uma nova página - não há como esconder quem você realmente é.
The Party Animal e The Rockstar já trabalharam juntos algumas vezes, mas não foi muito prazeroso
The Wanderer e The Rockstar tiveram um rolo em 2014.
The Rockstar e The Fallen One são donos de uma empresa juntos em 2024
AXL Rose, Madonna, Eddie Munson (Stranger Things), Rocket Racoon (MCU), Vanellope Van Schweetz (Detona Ralph), Dean Winchester (SPN) e Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
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thneedparade · 2 years
They are really cuteeeee!!
pink-ler belongs to @rocky-the-rockstar
coppy-ler belongs to @coppycatz
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mickeytheticklee · 1 year
YES (a lil Gina Porter drabble)
Pairing: ler!Gina Porter x Lee!Reader
Summary: You accidentally wearing Gina's crop top to school
Warning: Tickling, mouth tickling, this shit is short y'all, my writing is BAD
An: Been on my HSMTMTS brainrot
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It's been almost a full hour of you and Gina working on the project together. You both were focused on completing it, although neither of you can understand a damn thing.
“Do you know the answer for number two?", Gina asks, hoping her her prayers work so she can finish this assignment. Bad thing was you were struggling with the same question. “No, I'm on that question.", You say, your eyes glued to the paper, erasing the last few mistakes of the problem. You both thought being paired for this project would be good because of the cute study dates at Gina's house, yet both of you suck terribly at math. Gina sighs, even though it's always a dream come true that her secret date can come over without suspicion from her mother. Luckily Gina had a backup plan for in case this scenario happens.
“I'll text Kourt or Ashlyn if they have the answers.", Gina says, grabbing her phone from her back pocket. You took a brain break from the amount of math you had to learn in a day. Gina did too, looking at you with a tired look but a lovely smile. Looking back at her you adore her beautiful brown eyes, feeling sentimental at the promise ring you gifted her on Christmas. Feeling distracted upon Gina's polished nails you didn't hear her question.
“Are you wearing my shirt?", Gina asks, causing a flushed look upon your face. You thought she couldn't notice by the baggy gray sweatshirt you stole from EJ. But still the purple collar from the pink crop top was visible to Gina. “Oh...yea, you left it at my house last week and I ran out of laundry so I stole it.", You say, feeling happy but nervous. It was true you were too lazy to do any laundry but sometimes you loved the feeling of Gina's clothing. Her scent and her warmth were still connected to the shirt. When Gina leaves away from her acting gigs you cling onto her accessories, feeling apart of Gina when you miss her.
“Are you okay with that? Do you want me to take it off?", You ask, trying to take off your sweatshirt as if you had a spare shirt to change in. The pink crop top was one of Gina's favorites, she's been on a search for days trying to find it. All for it to end up being worn by her girlfriend who mostly wears baggy clothing. “No, it's okay. You can keep it on for now. But...", Gina says, pausing with a smile. You weren't catching on to her giddy smile and excited hands playing with yours.
“But what?", You ask so innocently. Gina smile has on a smile, holding in her question wondering what response you'll have. But from the big ass grin you had and not recognizing Gina's hands were close to your thigh she knows you'll be quite oblivious to her trap.
“Would you mind...taking off your sweatshirt?", Gina asks. You did as you were told and took it off, with Gina's help. Because of Gina's more feminine fashion sense you rarely borrow her clothes. Yet if you took a deep dive in her closet you can see five of your sweatshirt hung up and ironed. You felt a chill from your lower back after taking it off. You felt as if a part of you was stripped away as you usually don't sport the crop top fashion. You sit up awkwardly, feeling insecure about wanting to rock a shorter, and tighter shirt.
“Hey, you look like a rockstar in my shirt okay? I love it, and I love you.", Gina says, reassuring you of all your insecurities. Feeling comfortable in your skin you lean in to kiss Gina. You stop a few times before Gina closed in to create a delicate kiss. Leaning back you felt her touch wriggle around your sides, feeling a small probe. It was ignorable after the first few, but Gina relentlessly went harder to get a reaction out of you.
“GINA! GINAHEHEH!!", You say, giggling thru the kiss. You tried to take her naughty hands away but she fought back harder, and deeper against your side and hips. You tug from her but you felt her weight on you, continuing to attack you with tickles. “IT TICKLESHEHEHE!!", You say, laughing out loud with speaky fits of laughter.
“Yea you don't say.", Gina says, teasing you,“Honestly I didn't know how ticklish you were until now." She teases you as if she isn't tickling you almost everyday. It's a battle to get thru Gina's tickles. Her impeccable strength and quick fingers leave you helpless against her. “SYPPSTOPHAHAGAHA!!", The laugh gets louder, and now you start to understand the truth behind Gina's trickery.
You try to pull down the crop top to cover any piece of skin possible. It was no use, it was stuck on you for good, and exposed all the areas Gina was feasting on. “Aww what's wrong? You can't cover that cute belly?", Gina teases, having you in a smile you can't tame. You tried pulling up your sweatpants but you still felt Gina's pokes. You couldn't escape, especially not with Gina's nice lips on your tummy ready to blow raspberries. “EEEEHAHHAHAHA!!", You say, laughing while your hands turn into fists. They cover around your red face, laughing thru Gina's scribbles.
“I should let you wear my clothes more often. They seem to really fit you.", Gina says, still scribbling your tummy and dipping her finger upon your belly button. You laugh, still not budging against Gina pinning you down. For Gina to complain that sports aren't her thing she sure is strong. “I WON'T WEAR YOUR CROPTOPS HWHHWHE!!", You laugh, swearing you won't make this mistake again (but you will). Gina knows you will if she ever plans on leaving her whole wardrobe at your place again.
“STOPHAHAHHQHQ!!!", You say, laughing at the raspberries and tummy kisses she's giving you. But it all stops once Gina hears a car pull in at her driveway. She decided to go softer upon your tummy so her mother doesn't suspect any funny business.
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b-b3cky · 1 year
Oie, Se você tá vendo isso antes de ler os imagines postados:
Leia! É importante!
Escrevo no wattpad a um tempinho já é decidi me instalar aqui tmb! Então estou acostumada com o estilo de lá, não sei muito bem se as pessoas realmente postam seus capítulos aqui ou apenas uma “prévia” ou só alguns pq na vdd nunca vejo ninguém realmente ativo aqui, pelo menos não como no wattpad.
Cheguei a achar que as pessoas apenas usam aqui pra divulgar suas histórias postadas em outros apps (até vi uma autora falando sobre um App que ela gostava mt de escrever, não entendi mt bem) mas de qualquer forma, estou iniciando postagem de histórias aqui tmb! Espero que gostem, me sigam lá no Wattpad tmb! É @/B-B3cky (exatamente como aqui porém com “b” maiúsculo.) meu livro de imagines chama “Imagines Kaulitz” (posto imagines de qualquer universo, qualquer personagem ou famoso) e se você é meu seguidor de lá: Oii Bby! É bom te ver aqui! <3
Avisos Importantes!:
⚠️Vou escrever imagines sobre lactofilia, é um tema meio polêmico mas aqui no tumblr todos nós somos meio estranhos (no bom sentido kkkkk) ent ninguém vai julgar ngm, blz?!!! Vou dar uma breve explicação aqui do que é:
basicamente é amamentação adulta, amamentar o parceiro. É um tipo de fetiche mas q na maioria das vezes não tem cunho sexual, essa amamentação acontece na maior parte das vezes de relacionamento com uma pessoa lactante, seja por estar grávida ou por desequilíbrio hormonal que acarreta a produção de leite materno. Então caso não goste, ache nojento ou coisa do tipo, pule o capítulo e não vá destilar ódio nos comentários, por favor!!! Avisarei no início dos capítulos os gatilhos e se tem lac, assim vc vai saber se deve seguir ou pular.⚠️
Outro Aviso Importante!: A “S/N”!
A famosa “S/N” das fanfics/ personagem principal que serve pra que vc se imagine nela, terá nome aqui! E será “Arabella Spencer”!!! (Talvez o sobrenome mude as vezes mas qualquer alteração ou coisa diferente será dotada e explicada no início do capítulo!)
Esse nome foi o escolhido pq eu sou mt indecisa com nome, aparência e essas coisas (tanto q nn terá uma aparência fixa para a Arabella) pq eu nunca fico satisfeita, e eu queria um nome forte e marcante q tivesse uma vibe "Rockstar Girlfriend" por causa dos meninos né? E não achei nenhum q fosse tão bom quanto o nome da PRÓPRIA rockstar gf (quem curti Artic Monkeys sabe doq eu tô falando 😉) ! E pq sou obsecada no AM.
Bom, acho q é só isso! Beijos! Curtam as histórias!<3
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nuggets-and-stars · 6 months
Based on your latest headcanon, would you write a fic about Sam tracing/kissing Luna's freckles and finding out she's ticklish there? 👉👈
HDCHIKNDSADVHIKVAAWRV FUCK YEAH. You have no idea how much I've been wanting an excuse for writing a loud house tickle fic! Here you go!
It was an unusually quiet day in The Loud House, but that was probably because Sam and Luna were the only ones at The Loud House.
Everyone was doing their own things, such as work or hanging out with friends. Sam had been pretty excited when her girlfriend called and told her they could have the place to themselves, since that usually never happens.
Don't get Sam wrong, she loved hanging out with Luna's family. But it was nice to just have some one-on-one time with her without all the noise and pranking (coughLuancough)
They were currently in the living room watching a music documentary. Luna had been adamant to watch it, she thought it would be too boring or something, claiming documentaries wasn't how she rolled. So Sam had to keep herself from smirking in satisfaction when she noticed her girlfriend had become enthralled by it. Luna would be too stubborn to admit she's enjoying it anyway.
Sam was only half paying attention, she was too busy tracing Luna's freckles. She was currently having a bit of a competition with Sully and Mazzy. They were each trying to see how long they could go with tracing Luna's freckles before she either noticed or stopped them, it didn't matter where the freckles were, face, neck, wherever they were, as long as they didn't get caught. Right now Sully was in the lead with two minutes, but not for long! Sam was currently at one minute and fifty seconds.
Fifty two… fifty four… fifty six… fifty eight… fifty-
A sharp inhale randomly interrupted Sam's train of thought. Dang it, she was so close! Luna had flinched violently and jerked away from her in surprise. One of her hands was grasping a freckled cheek while the other was holding onto her neck. Sam could clearly see that Luna was trying to glare at her, but seemed to be grinning.
"Sam! You can't… Y-You can't… do that!" Luna exclaimed/whined. Sam was shocked to say the least, it wasn't like Luna to stutter. She only gets bashful when… wait.
"Oh? And why not, Lunes? Why can't I? Something I should know?" Sam didn't try to hide her smirk this time, it was totally worth it to see her girlfriend get all red in the face.
"Be-uh… because." Luna managed to stutter out, crossing her arms with a pout.
"...Luna, that's not an answer-"
"It is now!" Luna was quick to interrupt Sam, the tip of Luna's ears were starting to turn red.
Sam's smirk only widened. "You're blushing."
Luna sputtered indignantly for a couple seconds before she just chose to cover her face with her hands and turn away.
"So… I'll ask again. Give me one good reason why I should stop. Just one." Sam said, going right back to tracing those cute little freckles.
Immediately, Luna had a bunch of small giggles flowing out of her. Luna attempted to swat away Sam's hand (very weakly, might she add)
"Behecause… ihihit tihihickles!" Luna exclaimed as Sam moved on to her neck. Along with planting a couple featherlight kisses, causing Luna to scrunch up her neck.
"Really? This tickles? Your freckles are ticklish? Where aren't you ticklish at this point, Lunes?"
"Ack-! Nohohoho! Sahaham! You're beheheing a jeherk!" Luna was attempting to speak through her giggles.
"Oh, yeah? How am I being a jerk? It's just a finger, just one little finger. I'm sure the amazing rockstar, Luna Loud can handle a little bit of tickling from just one finger." Sam grinned, Luna's entire face was bright red at this point. A couple more kisses on her freckled cheeks should do just fine.
"Shuhuhut uhuhup!" Was all Luna had to say apparently.
"Awww, but your laugh is so cute!" Calling Luna's laugh cute: works every time.
"Noho ihihihit's nohot!" Luna once again attempted to swat at Sam's hand.
"Y'know… I'm not hearing a stop…"
The next day came as quite a shock for Mazzy and Sully.
"So did either of you know Luna's freckles are ticklish or were you just intentionally leaving me in the dark about that?"
"… Luna's freckles are WHAT–"
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
may I politely request some headcanons for Ibuki from Danganronpa? also can i just say i am in love with your writing style- /p
You are too sweet anon! But of course! :D Headcanons for the rockstar herself!
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- She's a impish Ler- absolutely loves to start tickle fights whenever she can and with whomever's down. Loves to run up to others and cause absolute mayhem whenever she can.
- Her worst spot is her back; everything from the base of her neck to the top of her hips is stupidly ticklish. Even ghost tickles there will make her spaz out, twisting around and chopping hands. (Akane once thought she was challenging her to Karate- it didn’t end well.)
- Loves to baby talk and tease her lees! “Oh, is someone a wittle ticklish here? Hm? What a cute wittle ticklish baby you are awww!” If she’s not babytalking them, she’s laughing along with them, headbanging to their laughter and pretending she’s at a heavy metal concert. “Yeah, let me hear that scream! Come on- show me how hard you rock!”
- Her own laugh is like her music- chaotic and loud and borderline witchy. It’s really endearing to listen to unlike her music I’m so sorry and never fails to get even the grumpiest of their friends to smile.
- Lee or ler, she’s very cuddly. If you’re comfortable with it, she’ll pull you into her lap and pet your hair while you catch your breath, musing about what song she’s gonna write based off your laugh or smile. If she’s the one who was the lee, she’ll climb on you like a cat and get comfy. Prepare not to move for awhile when she does this.
I hope these were good!
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rocky-oc-mod · 1 year
Since we're getting a onceler highschool au started back up I wanted to establish somethings rn
Characters available for asks (at least for now) will be @teen-pink-ler @teen-cupid-ler @teen-rocky-rockstar
My blogs will sometimes contain darker themes regarding bullying and mental health, this may include themes of homphobia, and occasional allusions to self harm, eating disorders, and household neglect may be mentioned. Everything will be tagged accordingly, but if I ever miss a tag or something please feel free to let me know.
I don't know how many of yall are familiar with Pink and Cupid's back story, but I've decided that including the full story would be too dark and sad for tumblr roleplay so it will be watered down and lightened up a bit but the themes will still be at least referenced
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years
sorry these are all in seprate posts, I just don't want to jam the tags in every posts
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GingerBrave and Strawberry: Feeling Sad
GingerBright: Ah!
Zombie: Hhrg?
Bright: Strawberry~ GingerBrave~
Z: Hurah!
Berry and Brave: Uh oh
Bright: Tickle tickle~
Z: Huhnuhgh
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Banana: Time for you to stop being a sad cookie
Ice Juggler: Hmmm?
B: Tickle Tickle!
I: Hahuh?! You'll pay for that!!
[Ten minutes of tickling later]
Choco Cup: What.. happened?
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Knight and Princess: Tickle each other when they can
K: Pttttttt
Curious Mushroom wanted to find ticklish buddies. Licorice was the first one to react
Churro: Are my little cookies ticklish?
Popcorn, Rockstar, Hero, Cheerleader: Has Tickle Meetings in all empty classrooms that they can find.
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