#rocco valdivia
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R: ... I put him off the kid's scent. Haven't heard from Bancroft since. Don't really need his money. Bartending now. Less stress.
C: Watcher, Bartender? I can't imagine that.
Colby is trying not to laugh, hiding it behind his hands.
D: I've been thinking of getting out, too.
D: I've been doing this longer than either of you did. I'm kinda tired.
C: You do what you gotta do, D. Keep tellin' you that.
R: Yeah, screw em'. We're too old. Live your life. Find someone to hook up with.
D: Lookit this guy. Speaking from experience?
R: No one steady. But sure. There've been people.
C: I might have met someone. Not sure yet though. Someone comes around, helps with my farm sometimes. Flirts a little.
Colby shrugs, clearly not entirely sure about the situation.
All eyes are on Colby now.
D: Hang on.
R: When did this happen?
C: Last couple weeks, I s'pose. Like I said, not sure of anythin' yet.
D: I think it's great. You'll introduce us, when you're more certain, yeah?
C: If. Sure. Now if you're done. I got cake.
R: We're gettin' old, if you're hitting the big 4-0.
C: You and me both, Rocco. Least I don't feel it.
D: Good thing, with this farm to run.
R: Do you want us to sing to you?
D: I don't remember you singing that great.
C: Both of you keep the singing to yourselves.
R: Alright. Make a wish, then, boss.
C: D, if you don't put that horn down.. where'd you even get it?
D: Hehee. My jacket. Hid it earlier. Couldn't resist.
Once the candles are blown out, Colby glances at his phone when it starts ringing.
C: Go ahead and eat, I gotta take this.
Since the only others that might call him are there, and it's not Chase, there's really only one other person it might be.
C: Kaylie. Good to hear from you. How's your boy?
K: Oh, he's good. Minor surgery. He'll be going home, but.. I was thinking. I want to tell him. About Ed's last gift.
C: Good. He meant it for you both.
K: Would you come to Copperdale, for Winterfest? Help me tell Jake?
C: Are.. are you sure? I don't wanna interrupt.
K: You knew Ed well. I think it would be good. Please, Colby.
C: If that's what you want. I'll make arrangements.
K: Thank you.
C: You know it's no problem. I'll check on the place before I leave.
K: Thank you. Truly, Colby. You've done so much, looking after it and all.
C: Least I can do, after everything. Text me the particulars, ok?
K: Ok. I appreciate it.
D: And who was that?
C: Mrs. Lawson. Ed's widow.
For a moment there's silence.
R: Didn't know you stayed in touch.
C: I check in from time to time. Her boy's in college now.
R: Been that long, huh?
C: It has.
D: They alright?
C: Fair. Her boy was injured in a college football game. He'll be alright. You remember Ed was talkin' about finding a house for em, in Strangerville?
R: Hah, yeah. Couldn't find a place, as I recall.
C: He found a place. Here in Chestnut Ridge. I've been checking in on the property once in a while.
D: So that's why you chose Chestnut Ridge.
C: One of em'. Kaylie's not been sure what to do about it.
D: Her boy doesn't know about it? What was his name?
C: Jake. And no, but I got a feelin' she's going to now. We'll see what happens.
R: You alright, seein' em face to face?
C: Yeah. Gotta be. Kid deserves to know.
C: C'mon, enough of that talk. Lets go sit and catch up proper, huh?
R: Sounds good to me. Gonna get me another piece of that cake.
D: You've always been a glutton, Rocco.
R: I don't indulge that often, D.
D: In food at least.
C: Settle down, come sit.
"Yes, sir."
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#derrick henry#Colby Davidson#Rocco Valdivia#Chestnut Ridge
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Ya se encuentra disponible el retiro de entradas para los espectáculos gratuitos de sala que trae el Festival Internacional Antof a Mil 2025 "Más Humanidad”, evento de artes escénicas presentado por Escondida | BHP y Fundación Teatro a Mil, y que este año se desarrollará entre el 3 y el 12 de enero de 2025 con una programación que profundizará en la empatía, la niñez y la conexión entre las personas.
En esta edición 2025, se podrán apreciar espectáculos de compañías provenientes de Reino Unido, España, Argentina y Chile, las que se presentarán en Antofagasta, Mejillones, Peine y San Pedro de Atacama. Las entradas para las 8 funciones en sala son gratuitas y se pueden descargar del sitio web Antof a Mil, donde también se puede encontrar el detalle de los espectáculos de calle que se presentarán en la región y que no requieren retiro de entradas.
Inauguración Antof a Mil 2025
La inauguración de Antof a Mil tendrá lugar el día 3 de enero con la obra nacional LIMPIA, puesta en escena dirigida por Alfredo Castro basada en la celebrada novela homónima de Alia Trabucco Zerán, dando el puntapié inicial al festival en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta (Sucre #433) a las 20:30 horas.
La programación continuará con SANKÖFA, obra que rescata la historia y la música de los afrodescendientes, y con Tiroteo, escrita y dirigida por Franco Rocco Cancino y que reflexiona sobre la educación y la violencia, son los montajes seleccionados por el jurado regional multidisciplinar del festival y se presentarán el 5 y 6 de enero en ILÚ Espacio Creativo a las 20:00 horas, y el 10 y 11 de enero a las 20:00 horas en el teatro del Liceo Experimental Artístico, respectivamente.
Desde España, llegan los Premios Nacional de Danza, Olga Pericet y Daniel Abreu con su obra La Materia que se presentará el 8 de enero en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta a las 20:30 horas. Continuando con la programación y espectáculos de sala, el día 9 de enero a las 20:30 horas en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta, se presenta la obra Hamlet deambula en círculos, dirigida por Cristián Plana y protagonizada por el reconocido actor Héctor Noguera quien celebra con este montaje los 30 años de su compañía Teatro Camino.
En tanto, el 11 de enero a las 21:00 en el mismo teatro será el turno de TE MANA HAKAÂRA: el poder que permanece, una coproducción de Teatro a Mil y la más reciente obra de danza de la compañía antofagastina La Huella Teatro bajo la dirección de Alejandra Rojas, que pone en valor la memoria histórica de rapanui a través de la historia de sus mujeres.
Foto: TE MANA HAKAÂRA: el poder que permanece. Crédito: La Huella Teatro.
Espectáculos de calle
Amal llega a Chile, donde se presentará por primera vez en el Festival Internacional Antof a Mil 2025, comenzando su recorrido el dia jueves 9 de enero en San Pedro de Atacama (calles: Ignacio Carrera Pinto con Pedro de Valdivia) a las 11:00 horas y Peine en la Iglesia San Roque a las 20:00 horas, para continuar en Mejillones el sábado 11 de enero en el Muelle Artesanal a las 11:00 horas y finalizar en Antofagasta el domingo 12 de enero por el sector norte de la ciudad (Río Maule con detective Salón Salas Fuentealba) a las 11:00 horas y finalizando su recorrido a las 20:00 en Explanada del estadio regional ubicado en de Av. Grecia frente a calle Hugo Silva Endeiza.
Durante su travesía, Amal nos recordará que la niñez debe ser protegida siempre y en todo lugar, entregando un mensaje de humanidad y tendiendo un puente hacia las celebraciones por los 80 años de la entrega del Premio Nobel a Gabriela Mistral.
Pachakuna: Guardianes de los Andes Pachakuna & Concierto en Antofagasta de La Patogallina | Con INTI ILLIMANI HISTÓRICO trío + TAMBOBRASS , el aplaudido pasacalle rescata a los animales sagrados de la cosmovisión andina con bailes y música en vivo junto a comparsas andinas locales, estará en Antofagasta el 4 de enero explanada frente a estadio regional a las 20:30 hrs y en Mejillones el 5 de enero frente a teatro Gamelin Guerra a las 20:30 horas.
En tanto, las calles de Antofagasta recibirán el 8 de enero la creación argentina Efectos especiales, un espectáculo ciudadano de los artistas argentinos Luciana Acuña y Alejo Moguillansky que invita al público a ser testigo y parte de un emocionante rodaje de cine en vivo a las 19:00 horas en el centro de la ciudad.
La programación completa de Antof a Mil es de carácter gratuito y la descarga de entradas para los espectáculos de sala ya se encuentra disponible junto con la programación completa en el sitio www.teatroamil.cl/antofamil25
Stands informativos
Niños, jóvenes y adultos mayores que necesiten ayuda para descargar sus entradas, podrán hacerlo directamente en los stands informativos que se han dispuesto en distintos puntos de la ciudad:
Del 10 al 13 de diciembre de 09:00 a 13:00 hrs en el Liceo Experimental Artístico ubicado en José Santos Ossa #1939.
Del 16 al 27 de diciembre y del 2 al 3 de enero de 09:00 a 13:00 hrs en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta ubicado en Sucre #433.
Ya se encuentra disponible el retiro de entradas para los espectáculos gratuitos de sala que trae el Festival Internacional Antof a Mil 2025 "Más Humanidad”, evento de artes escénicas presentado por Escondida | BHP y Fundación Teatro a Mil, y que este año se desarrollará entre el 3 y el 12 de enero de 2025 con una programación que profundizará en la empatía, la niñez y la conexión entre las personas.
En esta edición 2025, se podrán apreciar espectáculos de compañías provenientes de Reino Unido, España, Argentina y Chile, las que se presentarán en Antofagasta, Mejillones, Peine y San Pedro de Atacama. Las entradas para las 8 funciones en sala son gratuitas y se pueden descargar del sitio web Antof a Mil, donde también se puede encontrar el detalle de los espectáculos de calle que se presentarán en la región y que no requieren retiro de entradas.
Inauguración Antof a Mil 2025
La inauguración de Antof a Mil tendrá lugar el día 3 de enero con la obra nacional LIMPIA, puesta en escena dirigida por Alfredo Castro basada en la celebrada novela homónima de Alia Trabucco Zerán, dando el puntapié inicial al festival en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta (Sucre #433) a las 20:30 horas.
Espectáculo internacional imperdible:
Desde España, llegan los Premios Nacional de Danza, Olga Pericet y Daniel Abreu con su obra LA MATERIA Dos bailaores, premios nacionales de danza de España, Olga Pericet y Daniel Abreu, se unen para presentar La Materia, una premiada pieza de flamenco que transita por un viaje a los orígenes del flamenco, con la que debutan en el Festival Teatro a Mil 2025. se presentará el 8 de enero en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta a las 20:30 horas.
Este espectáculo es aclamado por la crítica y el público, quienes reconocen su dominio técnico, la armonía y el preciosismo de su trabajo. Inspirada en las guitarras de Antonio de Torres, Olga Pericet y Daniel Abreu desafían un mundo de retos para explorar el instrumento y su belleza desde su origen.
Las entradas aún se encuentran disponibles y estas pueden ser descargadas a través de la página de Antofamil.cl o por sistema ticketplus.cl, una oportunidad única para todos los amantes de la danza y el flamenco.
Foto: La Materia , Credito: Alain Scherer.
En tanto, el 11 de enero a las 21:00 en el mismo teatro será el turno de TE MANA HAKAÂRA: el poder que permanece, una coproducción de Teatro a Mil y la más reciente obra de danza de la compañía antofagastina La Huella Teatro bajo la dirección de Alejandra Rojas, Con un enfoque de género y la valoración de la tradición, oral, La Huella Teatro busca visibilizar la identidad Rapanui y contribuir simbólicamente a la restauración de su memoria poniendo en el centro la figura femenina, con el fin de desentrañar la propia voz y corporalidad de la mujer, entendiéndose como dispositivo de registro y testigo de los principales sucesos de su historia cultural social y política.
Espectáculos de calle
Amal llega a Chile, donde se presentará por primera vez en el Festival Internacional Antof a Mil 2025, comenzando su recorrido el dia jueves 9 de enero en San Pedro de Atacama (calles: Ignacio Carrera Pinto con Pedro de Valdivia) a las 11:00 horas y Peine en la Iglesia San Roque a las 20:00 horas, para continuar en Mejillones el sábado 11 de enero en el Muelle Artesanal a las 11:00 horas y finalizar en Antofagasta el domingo 12 de enero por el sector norte de la ciudad (Río Maule con detective Salón Salas Fuentealba) a las 11:00 horas y finalizando su recorrido a las 20:00 en Explanada del estadio regional ubicado en de Av. Grecia frente a calle Hugo Silva Endeiza.
Durante su travesía, Amal nos recordará que la niñez debe ser protegida siempre y en todo lugar, entregando un mensaje de humanidad y tendiendo un puente hacia las celebraciones por los 80 años de la entrega del Premio Nobel a Gabriela Mistral.
Pachakuna: Guardianes de los Andes Pachakuna & Concierto en Antofagasta de La Patogallina | Con INTI ILLIMANI HISTÓRICO trío + TAMBOBRASS , el aplaudido pasacalle rescata a los animales sagrados de la cosmovisión andina con bailes y música en vivo junto a comparsas andinas locales, estará en Antofagasta el 4 de enero explanada frente a estadio regional a las 20:30 hrs y en Mejillones el 5 de enero frente a teatro Gamelin Guerra a las 20:30 horas.
En tanto, las calles de Antofagasta recibirán el 8 de enero la creación argentina Efectos especiales, un espectáculo ciudadano de los artistas argentinos Luciana Acuña y Alejo Moguillansky que invita al público a ser testigo y parte de un emocionante rodaje de cine en vivo a las 19:00 horas en el centro de la ciudad.
La programación completa de Antof a Mil es de carácter gratuito y la descarga de entradas para los espectáculos de sala ya se encuentra disponible junto con la programación completa en el sitio www.teatroamil.cl/antofamil25
Stands informativos
Niños, jóvenes y adultos mayores que necesiten ayuda para descargar sus entradas, podrán hacerlo directamente en los stands informativos que se han dispuesto en distintos puntos de la ciudad:
Del 26 al 27 de diciembre y del 2 al 3 de enero de 09:00 a 13:00 hrs y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas en el Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta ubicado en Sucre #433.
El Festival Internacional Antof a Mil es presentado por Fundación Teatro a Mil y Escondida | BHP, con el apoyo del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio y las municipalidades de Antofagasta, Mejillones y San Pedro de Atacama. Medios asociados: TVN y Radio Biobío.
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In Chestnut Ridge, Colby has invited his closest friends over for something he never really likes to celebrate, but this is a big one.
Derrick and Rocco have made it, but unfortunately Chase didn't want to leave Wyatt alone with twin babies.
R: Nice place. It better have heat, freezing my ass off out here. Thought this was a desert?
C: The desert can still get cold, dumbass.
D: Give the birthday boy a break.
D: Besides, big bad Rocco can't handle a little cold?
R: Prefer not to freeze my balls off, no.
C: Is that a smile I see, Rocco?
R: It hasn't been all bad in San Myshuno. Why don't you let us in, show us around?
C: This ain't over, pal.
R: It never is.
D: I'm with Rocco though, it is freezing. I've been in the desert too long.
C: Ok, you two babies. C'mon inside. I'll start a fire if it helps.
C: There's not much to it. Did a lot of work on it myself, but I'm no architect. Kitchen, dining room, livingroom. Bathroom there. Bedrooms upstairs.
D: Considering the one room shack you used to have, this is beautiful, Colbs.
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#derrick henry#Colby Davidson#Rocco Valdivia#Chestnut Ridge
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Rocco can't put it off anymore. Bancroft knows he's back home. He's made his decision, now he just has to go through with it.
After Bancroft lets him in, he leads him to his larger office. The one for business meetings.
B: How was your trip, Rocco? You were gone quite a long time.
R: Yeah. Info was harder to find than I thought.
B: And?
R: The results were.. disappointing.
B: How so?
R: Military's records were spotty. Nothing to suggest anything odd.
B: And your suspicions?
R: Probably paranoia. Dealt with occult for too many years. Hard not to see it sometimes. Even if it's not there.
B: You're sure? You seemed very certain when you left.
This isn't the first time Rocco has lied to Bancroft. Not that his boss is aware of either incident.
R: I hate admittin' when I'm wrong. You know that. Hell if I can find a real connection.
B: So this Ghost is..?
R: Probably some shady as hell government agent.
B: The boy's father?
R: Can't say for sure. Kid's dad coulda just been a deadbeat. Better off forgotten.
Rocco can tell this isn't what Bancroft wants to hear. He was probably thinking up things he could do.
Rocco's not a good man. He's comfortable with violence. Doesn't even feel bad about it, 95% of the time. But there are things he won't do.
Colby was right. Aiden Lyons seemed like a good kid.
Kid like that doesn't deserve to be tainted by men like him and Bancroft.
B: I'm disappointed in you, Rocco. I've come to expect better work from you.
R: Oh, go to hell, Damion. Can't find somethin' that's not there. Yah, I'm good. I ain't THAT good.
Now Rocco's getting pissed. If he felt bad for lying, he doesn't anymore.
B: Are you sure that you're telling me everything?
R: Anything I'm not, ain't relevant. You wanted me to find out about the kid. I did. My lead didn't pan out. Job done.
B: Touchy tonight.
R: Not a fan of my integrity being questioned.
Ironic. All things considered.
B: So that's it. Dead end all around? Nothing remarkable about Mr. Lyons?
R: Looks that way. Jut a normal, run of the mill, boring kid. Maybe nicer'n most.
B: I see. Well. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
R: Yeah. Do me a favor. Don't call me for a while. I got some personal shit I have to sort through.
B: I didn't think you had a personal life.
R: Lotsa things you don't know about me. We done?
B: It seems so.
Does Bancroft seem.. disappointed? That Rocco isn't flirting? Huh.
Normally Rocco might flirt, try for a quick tumble with Bancroft. Today the man's just pissed him off too much. Not that he's opposed to a little angry woohoo. Just not today. Or at least, not with Bancroft. He'd rather just go home for now. He needs a little "me" time.
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Rocco has a bit of an idea of what he's going to do and he returns home to his small San Myshuno apartment.
It's not much, but it's always just him and he's in and out, so why would he need more?
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The former Alpha Team 4 decided to get some sleep, but they reconvene in the morning.
D: I was thinking.. maybe you should tell us what's going on, Rocco. Who are you looking into?
R: You really don't wanna know, D.
D: Pretty sure we do.
C: Tell us, Rocco. What's all this for?
R: I told you, it was a job.
D: And?
R: Boss wanted me to investigate this kid. Long story. Bunch-a things seemed off. Kid's got NO media presence, seems to've been on his own for a while. I did what we used to do. Researched his family.
C: And?
R: Mother's self-absorbed, dating a vamp. Father nonexistant. No trace of 'im. No one seemed to remember him. Not the mom. Not neighbors. No one.
D: That's what made you think of the rumors about the Ghost.
R: Yep. That's when I called you, D.
C: The kid is Thomas Lyons' son? Did the curse not pass to him? I mean, you remember.
R: That was the other thing odd about the kid. Talked to former and current classmates - he's getting ready to graduate by now - and they knew who he was, sure.
C: But?
R: They know the kid's their classmate. But couldn't describe him for the life of them. Vague height, maybe. Descriptions like 'nice' or 'cute'. But nothing helpful.
C: You think the curse changed again. They remember him as a person, even personality, but not appearance?
R: Unless they know him well, seems like. One or two teachers gave me a spot-on description. Only knew that 'cause I had a picture.
D: This is a damned crazy curse.
C: Doubt the witch intended any of this. This is why magic is so dangerous.
Silence. It's true. They've seen it.
D: I guess you got what you needed then.
C: More importantly. What does your boss want with this kid, Rocco? That kind of ability, in the wrong hands.. A person who can rob you blind, but who you can never describe? Who can kill, but never be identified?
R: Yeah. I know. I don't know what my boss wants with him. Some stuff went down, finds him interesting, I guess.
C: You better decide before you leave here, Rocco. You want to be responsible for messing up this kid's life? Or let him get along without interference.
Rocco hears what's unsaid. Decide. Decide what kind of man he wants to be. Just how many lines he wants to cross. They're not wrong. He's sure Bancroft would use Aiden, if he could. He's not sure he could do that.
Colby always was the moral compass Rocco didn't have on his own.
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D: Hey, thanks for coming over, we finally broke through, I think.
R: Better be, it's damn late.
D: I know, c'mon, Colby's bringing it up now.
Aiden used to have trouble sleeping when he was a kid, too.
“Do you want to hear a bedtime story? Ok.. Once Upon a Time, there was a man. A wealthy, important man and his beautiful wife. But he was very sad because as hard as they tried, they couldn't have children.”
D: Shit, look at all this information.
C: Supernatural research. Into a William Lyons, who was born about 75 years ago. Big landowner, politician in Windenburg.
R: Lyons, you said?
C: Yeah, is that important?
R: Maybe. Go on.
“Because this man was wealthy and important, he had to have a child. Someone to pass everything down to. Carry on his family name. But nothing worked. Until the man remembered an old story his mother told him about a witch in the woods who would grant wishes.”
C: Says here he had a son, and was presumed dead in a military conflict in Selvadorada. He wasn't dead, just cursed.
D: Cursed?
C: Mmhm. A spellcaster gave him a fertility potion. We all know magic like that has a cost.
“The witch agreed, for a price. Anything, he said. Soon after his wife got pregnant and he left to defend his homeland. When he returned, he found the witch took what he felt was most important. His fame, that everyone knew him. Now even his wife didn't know him.”
C: The price was his fame.
R: The hell's that supposed to mean?
C: Apparently he was cursed that no one would ever remember him again. When he walked away from someone, within hours they would forget him.
R: Shit.
D: I second that.
“But the witch's curse didn't end with him. It was passed down to their son by mistake. You see, one day the boy's mother left him with the nanny, who had been there for years, in order to visit her friend. When she returned home, she didn't know her own son.
Rather than upset her, the nanny claimed he was hers. She had been there a long time and was smart. She figured out the boy was cursed. So she never left his side, made sure he knew the danger.”
D: Am I reading this right?
C: His son was cursed, too, but not as bad.
R: Ghost.
C: Mhm. Says here he has 24 hours before a person forgets him completely. Sometimes leaving gaps that the mind tries to cover for.
R: That explains a few gaps in my memory.
“Could that be what happened to dad?”
“No. And we're not talking about him. Time for bed.”
Erika doesn't talk about him because the truth is, she can't remember. And if she thinks about it, it terrifies her.
R: Does it have a name for Ghost?
C: Uhhh.. yeah. Thomas. Thomas Lyons.
R: Shit.
C: Mean somethin'?
R: Yeah. An' I'm not sure how I feel about it.
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#aiden lyons#derrick henry#colby davidson#rocco valdivia#Erika Lyons
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Some spores are gone, but Colby and Rocco still aren't sure about following.
"Derrick. Derrick, are you alright? What's going on?"
"We gotta go in there, Sarge."
"I'm here! I just.. I'm coming back. I think you have to see this to believe it. There's something.. You'll see."
"So not only did they experiment on the Supernaturals, but they have some sort of gigantic plant infecting people??"
"NO, Colby. No. We finish this an' then I'm DONE. Ain't gonna put up with this shit."
"Ok. Lets find out how we finish this, first."
It takes longer than they would have liked. They're prepared when they return to the lab.
Derrick is the one who has been holding this together. They are grim, but determined.
"Ok. Lets go."
The walk is long, silent. They're preparing, in their own ways.
It's nothing they haven't done before.
It's unlike anything they've done.
For some, it may be the last time.
The future isn't clear. For once the path forward isn't clear.
But they can't, won't let people suffer.
This isn't the time for fear, everyone is focused on one thing. Destroying the threat. Saving the town. Even if the threat is a sentient alien plant several stories high. Armed with some sort of pesticide, they try to keep themselves safe as they douse the plant. The "Mother".
In the end, they were victorious, fighting off yet another threat and saving the town. Protecting the people from scientists and agencies who blatantly ignored moral and scientific boundaries.
.... but at what cost.
Not all of them would be walking out. A last, desperate attack from the Mother widowed a mother and left a young boy without his father. Kaylie and Jake Lawson would never entirely know what happened.
It was the last straw, for all of them.
It was the end of Alpha Team 4.
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Rocco Valdivia#Edwin Lawson#Colby Davidson#Derrick Henry
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It takes some time, but they return to the lab once they get proper protective gear.
They agree that only one of them should go in, and Derrick drew the short straw.
The Hazmat suit has a radio the others listen in on.
"The hallway opens up into a room, there's another door like the one upstairs. I'm opening it now.. there's another corridor and some stairs down. Heading that way. The walls are pretty barren, some cameras but nothing else."
"There's a lab. It's full of isolation containers. There are.. tendrils or.. tentacles inside of them. And some of the plants like we saw outside. There's a hallway with vines all over them, and another locked door.. unlocking it now..."
"Holy plumming - What the hell is that!?"
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Rocco Valdivia#Colby Davidson#Derrick Henry
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"Thank the Watcher! The phone has been ringing off the hook!"
The boys look grim at best and it makes Lawson hesitate for a moment. Whatever happened out there it wasn't good, but there are Not Good things happening everywhere right now.
"Calm down, Lawson. What's going on?"
"A few hours ago, all these pink things started spreading everywhere! The Brass started calling, saying people in town are acting crazy and they want us to investigate!"
Rocco's string of curses summarizes the team's feeling pretty well.
"Something's going on. And we might've been responsible. Can't let the people in town get hurt."
"Ain't gettin' a moment's rest."
"Time to do what we do best, Sarge."
There's certainly no denying that SOMETHING is going on, and whatever it is, it happened fast.
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What the boys walk into makes their blood go cold. It's a horror show. All of their fears confirmed. The betrayal of what's been done, what they've been forced to be a part of is a deep cut.
"Two bodies. Human and werewolf."
Somehow the werewolf had been trapped in their transformed form. Colby assumes the woman must have been human but right now they don't know for sure.
"Three here. Two werewolves and an alien. There's tanks. Preserving em', maybe. One on the floor. Werewolf. Might've gotten out before.. whatever happened."
Derrick taps away at the computer to see if it will show anything, glancing at the screens that are still up.
"They were experimenting on werewolves. Vampires. Aliens. Trying to make better soldiers. Shit, I recognize some of these names. We subdued them, they took them."
"D, pull what you can off the computer. Rocco, lets ID the bodies if we can. Bury em'. It's the least we can do."
Though Colby is outwardly calm, that's just his training. He feels responsible. Like he should have known. He had the most contact with the brass. He didn't know.
When they're finished, it's Derrick that explodes, surprising Colby.
"They lied to us! They plumming lied to our faces! Said they'd get help, be put in a secure facility! And they were doing this?!"
"You're right. And we're gonna find out why. People responsible will pay. I promise D."
"Anyone noticin' the sky right now? See the floatin' pink things?"
Rocco was right. There were a lot of those pink spores floating around and it looked like there was something wrong with the sky.
"You two, lets go. We need to get back to base."
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Rocco Valdivia#Derrick Henry#Colby Davidson
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"Good morning, Erwin."
"I told Colby the truth!"
"I know you did, Erwin. We just came from the crater. Lab was pretty much empty but they left a few things aside."
"What sort of things?"
"Information you might like. If you can help me out."
"I have a lot of wares, just tell me what you need!"
"How about... a key card?"
"Key card?"
"Yeah, see, there's this big door we need to get past.."
"Ah. I might have what you need.. Information first."
"Surprise, surprise, Erwin had a key card."
"Plumming weasel. I bet he knew we'd need it."
"Dossier we gave him was just copies anyway. Gonna wait until tonight to go back?"
"What's the plumming point? No one's there, I say we go now."
"Rocco's right. No need to burn daylight. We can go now."
"Okay. Lets go see what's behind the scary locked door."
"Well.. here goes."
"Holy shit. You two are seein' this too, right??"
As the doors slid open, floating spores seemed to be released from the inside, immediately spreading out and floating, some coming to rest on various surfaces.
The men step downstairs and they all look down one corridor filled with mist and more spores. Maybe they shouldn't have opened the door and come down here. Too late now. Instead, they turn down the hallway toward another large, thick door.
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Rocco Valdivia#Derrick Henry#Colby Davidson
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“... and that's everything Erwin knows. Or thinks he knows.”
“Guy's a nutjob. We really followin' this lead?”
“If there's a chance, we have to.”
“Hidin' right under out noses...”
“If it's true, and we contributed in any way, we'll make it right, Rocco. Trust me.”
“What's the play, Sarge?”
“Erwin said the security is minimum. We'll go in after dark. Too many people know who we are.”
“And if we find anything?”
"We shut. It. Down.”
When it got dark, the four piled into a truck and parked just outside the crater, hiking down to avoid being noticed, just in case. Sadly, Erwin's intel seemed pretty spot on. There wasn't just minimum security. There was NO security in the crater itself.
“Someone made a hell of a mess.”
“They seem to've packed up in a hurry. Something happened here.”
“Mhm. Spread out, see what you can find.”
“Yes, sir.”
Derrick hangs back and searches the first few rooms for anything useful, but mostly what he finds is either heavily redacted or it's useless. Order forms or invoices for innocuous things such as food or office supplies.
Colby and Rocco continue through and Colby stops at a large door with some sort of key pad. No one would know it talking to him, but Colby knows his way around computers and electronics, so he pauses to examine the door.
"Keep going, Rocco. Gonna stay here and take a look."
Rocco continues until he finds a security door. He's on edge from the eerie feel of the lab. Hairs on the back of his neck lifting. He knows in his gut something ain't right. When he sees the door though, he shouts back.
"Sarge! Got a door, might be a lab beyond it. Locked."
Colby comes in and examines the door, sighing.
"Don't have the right tools for this."
"Or that big door back there. Think Erwin might have something?"
"Mm. No doubt. Dig around. Something here might interest him."
"You got it, Sarge."
"Got enough I think we can do a trade."
"I'll go. I like Erwin. And you shouldn't be seen out there too often."
"You sure, Derrick? I don't mind."
"Nah, I got it. Let me handle this one, Sarge."
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Derrick Henry#Colby Davidson#Rocco Valdivia
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In a small town like Strangerville, there's only one place to go for entertainment. A kitschy bar that has cheap beer, good fries and entertainment in the form of darts, jukebox and pool and foosball tables. It's the social center of the town for sure.
Relaxing doesn't mean Alpha Team is any less aware of surroundings.
"Lawson was right, there's a lot more military personnel here than before."
"Mhm. And scientists too."
"Think it has to do with that lab, Sarge?"
"Makes sense."
"That's weird, right?"
"Yep. Sure is, D."
"We gonna look into it?"
"It's probably nothing. Don't go raising suspicions."
"You sayin' I can't be subtle?"
"Just keep your ears open, Rocco. I'm going to talk to Erwin."
"Yes, sir."
"Something's going on in the lab, in the crater.. Trucks going in and out at all hours."
"Bringing stuff in or out?"
"Both! You've heard the stories, right? The secret government experiments?"
"No, can't say I have. Why don't you tell me?"
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Join Alpha Team 4 when they discovered that something wasn't quite right in their home base of Strangerville...
(lot by Mandykay77 on gallery/SimMandy on YT)
Alpha Team 4 had been together for years. They were family. Brothers. Watching eachother's backs as they contained Supernaturals who became threats. They trained, lived and fought together.
Until they were sent to contain a rogue Werewolf in Copperdale. Chase had gone on ahead to follow some tracks, impulsive as always. He was warned to stay with the team by Colby, their leader.
A scream rang out from the woods. Chase's scream.
Racing through the woods, they arrived at the scene to find evidence of a fight and a concerning amount of blood. But no Chase. He was declared MIA the next day, presumed dead.
The family that had been four is now three. They were placed on leave to allowed them to grieve.
"Yes, sir?"
"How's that boy of yours doing?"
"Crawling at high speed, driving his momma crazy. He's gonna be a sports star, just you wait."
Ed Lawson had been with them for over a year, helping with research and administrative duties. He had a wife and a young son that, while the rest of the team were bachelors, they all loved seeing pictures of. He was like a baby brother to them all.
"Where are they at?"
"Oh, uh. Copperdale, for now."
"You going to try and move them here?"
"Yes, sir. But the brass said base housing is full, and well, we can't afford a house here yet."
"That's odd. It's usually half empty."
"I guess there have been a lot of transfers lately."
"Ugh. I can't just sit. Who wants to get a drink?"
"You know what? Not be a bad idea. You comin', Lawson?"
"Oh. No. Thank you, sir. I have paperwork, and my wife's supposed to call."
"Your loss, kid."
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Chase Wolfhart#Derrick Henry#Colby Davidson#Rocco Valdivia#Edwin Lawson
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Back in Strangerville.. Colby, Derrick and Rocco decide to go out and have a drink, but as soon as he sees the foosball table, Derrick insists that they play. It's an old rivalry, and a hidden talent that caused Colby to win almost every time.
D: Ready?
R: Gonna knock you off your high horse, Colby.
C: You two are the ones makin' a big deal about this. But sure. Embarrass yourselves.
D: Hah! Challenge accepted! Lets goooo!
They make quite a commotion, shouting insults and egging eachother on. Each of them having a competitive streak. Derrick mostly wanted to play just to get them together again. He's still playing to win. Colby is calm but laser focused and Rocco shouts the most crude insults.
After three games, Rocco and Derrick came out victorious and Rocco couldn't be more excited. It's Winterfest.
R: Finally! Take that you smug bastard!
Derrick and Colby exchange amused looks.
C: Okay, you beat me. Drink's on me, fellas.
Since the bar is hopping, the boys go upstairs to chat. Derrick points to the picture behind him.
D: Look Colby, she could be your next date! She's even blonde.
C: I don't remember you being this much of a lightweight.
D: C'mon, I'm sober. We all know you have a preference.
C: Whoa now. At least I know what I like, unlike some people.
D: You know, Colby's got a point. I mean, it's more about personality for me. But Rocco... I've seen you with ALL sorts.
R: Except twinks. I prefer someone I don't have to worry about breaking.
D: Ugh, don't remind me. There are some things I STILL wish I could forget.
R: Shoulda knocked first, D.
D: You could have locked the door!
R: Yeah, yeah. 'Sides, Colby's the one who likes em' small. Remember that blond swimmer?
D: From Windenburg? Yeah, I remember.
C: Not about the size, boys. Though, sure, I like someone I can tuck up under my arm. Nothin' wrong with that.
R: Pretty sure that swimmer wasn't tucked under your ARM.
Derrick snickers and Colby shoots him a dirty look.
C: Never said I was a saint, Rocco.
D: None of us are.
R: Aw, but you're a pretty boy, D. If anyone could pass for one, it'd be you.
Derrick lays it on thick in return.
D: Rocco, you're such a charmer. You think I'm pretty?
Neither can keep up the act and all three of them dissolve into laughter, the banter easy even after years.
The laughter stops when Colby's phone chimes.
R: Important?
C: My program's made a little progress, but nothing substantial.
D: Y'know, I wasn't sure how this would go. You know, after..
R: We ain't talkin' about it.
C: We all know what happened, D.
C: We lost one of our own, and then found out some pretty messed up things were goin' on under our nose. We all dealt with that in our own way.
D: Maybe, after this is done, we could keep in touch this time.
C: I'd like that.
R: Yeah. Sure. No promises.
#simblr#sims 4#show us your story#the sims 4#Alpha Team 4#Derrick Henry#Colby Davidson#Rocco Valdivia
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