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catholicsapphic · 8 months ago
Hi there Nyx, tell us some fact about St Rita 💗
HII!! Saint Rita of Cascia is neither named Rita nor is she from the town of Cascia!!!! Her birth name is actually Margherita (Ferri Lotti), but we call her by her nickname because that's how she was affectionately called in the place where she lived most of her life! She is also not from Cascia, but rather from a small village nearby called Roccaporena, where she spent the first (if I'm not mistaken) 56 years of her life! The 'of Cascia' comes from the fact that that's where the Augustinian convent she was eventually allowed to join was (is!!!) situated!
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cruger2984 · 8 months ago
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT RITA OF CASCIA The Patron Saint of the Impossible and Lost Causes Feast Day: May 22
"Since we offend our sweet Jesus, every day, in thought, word, deed and the omission of good works, we should pray every day, and every hour of the day, and weep for our offenses against so kind and loving a Father, Master and Spouse."
The patron of the impossible, abused wives and widows, was born into a noble family at Roccaporena, Perugia, Umbria, Italy in 1381. At 12, despite her desire to enter the convent, she was asked by her parents - Antonio and Amata Ferri Lotti, to marry to Paolo Mancini, who was quick-tempered and immoral. With humility endured insults, physical abuses and infidelities for many years.
Eventually, the husband was stabbed to death during a family feud, and their two sons planned for revenge. Unable to restrain their vengeful desires, Rita requested the Lord to take them to himself rather than allowing them to commit a crime and lose their souls. Accordingly, they died of natural death a year later.
Afterwards, Rita desired to enter the Augustinian monastery in Cascia, but was turned away, for fear that the nuns might get involved in the family feud. Because of her insistence, the nuns requested as condition for acceptance the difficult task of reconciling her family with that of her husband's murderers.
By the grace of God, she succeeded, and at the age of 36, was able to enter the monastery. One day, as she was praying before the crucifix, a thorn from the crown of Jesus penetrated her forehead, and the stigmata remained till her death. At the end of her life, while bedridden at the convent, Rita requested her cousin from a rose from the garden of her old house. Despite the fact it was January, and no flower could survive the winter weather, a single blooming rose was found, and brought to her.
She breathed her last. Rita's final words to the sisters who gathered around her were: 'Remain in the holy love of Jesus. Remain in obedience to the holy Roman Church. Remain in peace and fraternal charity.'
Rita died peacefully on May 22, 1457 in Cascia, Perugia, Umbria, Italy, and she had acquired the reputation as a saint of impossible cases. The bells of the convent immediately began to ring, untouched by human hands, calling the people of Cascia to the doors of the convent, and to announce the triumphant completion of a life faithfully lived.
After her canonization as a saint by Pope Leo XIII on May 24, 1900, her incorrupted body is venerated in her shrine in Cascia.
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tenebraetuae · 2 years ago
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Sulla boccuccia di Rita bambina, uno sciame di api bianche deposita miele: presagio di futura santità
Poiché a Roccaporena mancava una Chiesa con fonte battesimale, la piccola Rita venne battezzata nella chiesa di Santa Maria della Plebe a Cascia e alla sua infanzia è legato un fatto prodigioso; dopo qualche mese, i genitori, presero a portare la neonata con loro durante il lavoro nei campi, riponendola in un cestello di vimini poco distante.
Un giorno mentre la piccola riposava all'ombra di un albero, e mentre i genitori stavano un po' più lontani, uno sciame di api bianche le circondò la testa senza pungerla, anzi alcune di esse entrarono nella boccuccia aperta depositandovi del miele. Nel frattempo un contadino che si era ferito con la falce ad una mano, lasciò il lavoro per correre a Cascia per farsi medicare; passando davanti al cestello e vista la scena, prese a cacciare via le api e qui avvenne la seconda fase del prodigio, man mano che scuoteva le braccia per farle andare via, la ferita si rimarginò completamente. L'uomo gridò al miracolo e con lui tutti gli abitanti di Roccaporena, che seppero del prodigio.
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ssscarreira · 8 months ago
Canção Nova
Santo - Você vai gostar disso! https://santo.cancaonova.com/santo/santa-rita-de-cassia-intercessora-das-familias-e-das-causas-impossiveis/
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77jose-ricardo77 · 8 months ago
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La Iglesia recuerda a Santa Rita el 22 de mayo. Es conocida como la santa de los casos imposibles, después de que gracias a su intercesión se hayan resuelto milagrosamente situaciones sin esperanza. Sus restos permanecen expuestos en la Basílica de Casia.  
22 mayo
Es en la pequeña aldea de Roccaporena, en Umbria (Italia), dónde muy probablemente nace en 1371, Margarita Lotti, llamada en diminutivo “Rita”. Los padres, modestos campesinos y ganaderos, se esfuerzan por darle una buena formación escolar y religiosa en la vecina Casia, donde la instrucción está a cargo de los frailes agustinos. En tal contexto, madura su devoción por San Agustín, San Juan Bautista y Nicolás de Tolentino, que Rita elige como sus santos protectores.
Rita esposa y madre
Alrededor de 1385 se casa con Paolo di Ferdinando di Mancino.  Conflictos y rivalidades políticas son los rasgos que caracterizan la sociedad de ese momento; también el marido de Rita se ve envuelto. Pero la joven esposa, con la oración, su llaneza y con la capacidad de pacificar aprendida de los padres, lo ayuda poco a poco a vivir una conducta más auténticamente cristiana. Con el amor, la comprensión y la paciencia, la relación de Rita y Paolo se convierte en una unión fecunda, bendecida con la llegada de dos hijos varones: Giangiacomo y Paolo María. A este sereno hogar se contrapone sin embargo la espiral de odio de las facciones de la época. El esposo de Rita se encuentra inmerso por vínculos de familia y es asesinado. Para evitar ver a los hijos empujados a la venganza, les esconde la camisa ensangrentada del padre. En su corazón, Rita perdona a los que han matado a su marido, pero la familia de Mancino no se resigna, hace presión; se desatan los rencores y las hostilidades. Rita no deja de rezar para que no se derrame más sangre, y hace de la oración, su arma y su consuelo. Aún así, las tribulaciones no disminuyen. Una enfermedad provoca la muerte a Giangiacomo y a Paolo María, y su único consuelo es pensar en la salvación de sus almas, que ya no estarán más expuestas al peligro de condena, en el clima de revancha suscitado por el asesinato del cónyuge.
Monja agustiniana
Sola, Rita comienza una vida de oración aún más intensa por sus queridos difuntos, pero también por la familia Mancino, para que perdonen y encuentren la paz.  A la edad de 36 años pide ser admitida entre las monjas agustinas del Monasterio de Santa María Magdalena de Casia, pero su solicitud es rechazada: las religiosas, tal vez temen que con el ingreso de Rita – viuda de un hombre asesinado- puedan poner en peligro la seguridad de su comunidad. Las oraciones de Rita, y la intercesión de sus santos protectores, traen por el contrario, la pacificación entre las familias envueltas en el asesinato de Paolo di Mancino, y después de tantos obstáculos, por fin es admitida en el monasterio. Se cuenta, que durante el noviciado, la abadesa para probar la humildad de Rita, le hace regar un leño seco y que su obediencia, es premiada por Dios, con una vid exuberante. A lo largo de los años, Rita se distingue como una religiosa humilde, que pone gran celo en la oración y en los trabajos que le son encomendados, capaz de frecuentes ayunos y penitencias. Sus virtudes se hacen conocidas incluso fuera de los muros del convento, sobre todo en lo que se refiere a las obras de caridad a las que se dedica Rita al lado de sus hermanas, que unen a la vida de oración, las visitas a los ancianos, el cuidado de los enfermos y la asistencia a los pobres.
La santa de las rosas
Cada vez más inmersa en la contemplación de Cristo, Rita pide poder participar en su Pasión,  y en 1432, absorta en la oración, se encuentra sobre la frente, la herida de la corona de espinas del Crucificado. El estigma, persiste hasta su muerte, durante 15 años. En el invierno que precede a su muerte, Rita enferma y postrada en el lecho, le pide a una prima que ha venido de visita desde Roccaporena, que le traiga dos higos y una rosa del huerto de la casa paterna. Es el mes de enero, la mujer le sigue la corriente, pensando en el delirio de la enfermedad. Cuando vuelve, encuentra estupefacta, los higos y la rosa, y los lleva a Casia. Para Rita, son el signo de la bondad de Dios que ha acogido en el cielo a sus dos hijos y al esposo. Rita expira la noche del 21 al 22 de mayo del año 1447. A causa del olor de santidad inmediatamente después de su muerte, el cuerpo nunca fue sepultado. Hoy día es custodiado por una urna de cristal. Rita supo florecer, a pesar de las espinas que la vida le tenía preparadas, ofreciendo el buen perfume de Cristo, y deshelando el gélido invierno de tantos corazones. Por esta razón, y en recuerdo del prodigio de Roccaporena, el símbolo de sus ritos es, por excelencia, la rosa.
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umbriajournal · 1 year ago
Ricerca Persona in Corso a Cascia, Zona Capanne di Roccaporena
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zack4x4 · 2 years ago
SANTA RITA DE CASIA. SANTA RITA DE CASIA. Nació en Roccaporena, aldea de Cascia, en la provincia de Perugia (Italia), hacia 1381. Recibió una buena educación cristiana en su casa y, desde jovencita, se sintió inclinada a abrazar la vida religiosa, pero, por acceder al deseo de sus padres, contrajo matrimonio con un joven, de carácter violento, que la estuvo maltratando brutalmente hasta que…
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incantesimofiorito · 2 years ago
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religione24 · 6 years ago
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22 maggio, Santa Rita da Cascia http://bit.ly/2QV7BA8
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fraselfie · 4 years ago
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22 Maggio - S. Rita da Cascia. Una delle sante più amate e pregate della cattolicità. Esempio di umiltà e di preghiera; di pazienza e di sopportazione, seppe fare della sua straordinaria vita terrena un ‘canto della passione’ per la conversione dei peccatori. AUGURI DI BUON ONOMASTICO A CHI FESTEGGIA OGGI PREGHIERA A SANTA RITA O Dio onnipotente ed eterno, che in Santa Rita da Cascia ci hai dato un luminoso esempio di unione a te nella preghiera e di servizio e amore ai fratelli, fa che superando per sua intercessione il nostro egoismo e la pigrizia, possiamo imitarla per sperimentare nella prova il tuo amore misericordioso e la sua fraterna protezione. Amen. #auguri #santarita #buononomastico #fraselfie #cascia #roccaporena #santiebeati #chiesacattolica https://www.instagram.com/p/CPKdVL6pmmN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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catholicsapphic · 6 months ago
Absolutely sick (and there’s no other word I can think to describe it) that Saint Augustine was one of St. Rita’s patron saints. Because really? The rebellious boy, the lost son who found his way back to the Father? That’s who you’re venerating? That’s who you call when you need help from the Lord?
Because it’s a choice, it has to be. The Augustinian order has influence over her birthtown of Roccaporena, but not that much. If I’m not mistaken, the Franciscans were more prevalent. But no, Saint Rita deliberately chooses Saint Augustine as a patron, chooses to enter his order, and that has to be the worst self-flagellation I’ve ever heard of her doing.
Did she blame herself? Did she, every time she read one of Augustine’s writings, think that Giangiacomo and Paolo could have come to love God like that if she had done right by them? Or did Rita, in her great humility, simply trust that this was God’s plan for her family, that her children had been doomed from the beginning, and there had never been anything she could have done for them. Anything other than to pray for their death.
Even worse. How was her relationship towards Saint Monica? I imagine Saint Rita, pure and peaceful, looking up to her representations in the monastery and thinking, that’s what a mother is supposed to be like. Thinking, what a great woman, to have so much faith it was able to save her child from sin.
But I also imagine Saint Rita, human like we often forget she was, biting back tears and clenching her fist and asking the statue woman, why are you crying? Your son was saved. Dry your tears. You didn’t need to watch him die. You didn’t need to beg God for it.
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salvatoreviscio · 6 years ago
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Bellissima giornata trascorsa in serenita e massimo relax. Ho realizzato un sogno e impegno. Sono andato a Cascia a visitare la Basilica di Santa Rita. Era un desiderio che covavo da quando mia nonna paterna mi raccontava la storia della santa. #cascia. #santarita #santaritadecassia #pasquetta #pasquetta2019 #roccaporena #montagna #basilica (presso Basilica di Santa Rita da Cascia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmRcOOpc4o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=umb7tx7xdgtq
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abvictorm-blog · 6 years ago
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"Los obstáculos son enseñanzas para tu espíritu". Rita de Cascia #cascia #roccaporena #Italia #europe_pics #canon #canonphotography #photography #dji #drone_countries #dronefly #drone #phantom4 #djiphantomadvanced #djiphantom #instagramers #lifestyle #outdoors #travelgram #likephoto #instadaily #tags4likes #instagood #picture #lovenature #cuidaelplaneta #nuestracasa (en Scoglio di Santa Rita Roccaporena) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsbienug4Ty/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c4ez5j2wc80q
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hieromonkcharbel · 3 years ago
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Feast of St. Rita of Cascia
Rita was born in the year 1381 in the village of Roccaporena, near Cascia , Italy . Her parents, Antonio and Amata Lotti, considered her birth a very special gift from God, for Rita was born to them as they were already advancing in age. As a young girl Rita frequently visited the convent of the Augustinian Nuns in Cascia and dreamed of one day joining their community. Her parents, however, had promised her in marriage, according to the custom of the day, to Paolo Mancini, a good man of strong and impetuous character. Rita accepted her parents’ decision, resolved to see this as God’s will for her.
The young couple was joined in marriage and soon twin boys were born to them. Rita found herself occupied with the typical concerns of a wife, mother, and homemaker of Roccaporena, while Paolo was employed as a watchman for the town. In Cascia, as elsewhere, a great rivalry existed between two popular political factions, the Guelphs, and the Ghibellines. As a minor official of the town, Paolo often found himself drawn into the conflict, and the strain that this caused probably accounts for the tension, which he sometimes brought into the Mancini household. By her prayer, patience, and affection, however, Rita was able to ease the stress and worry her husband experienced, but she was not able to shield him altogether from the dangers to which society exposed him.
One day as Paolo was returning home from work he was ambushed and killed. The pain which this unexpected and violent death inflicted upon Rita was only compounded by the fear she felt that her two teenage sons, moved by the unwritten law of the “vendetta,” would seek to avenge their father’s death. Rita’s only recourse was to prayer and persuasion. As it happened, the death of both boys from natural causes a short time later removed them from physical and spiritual danger. Despite her great burden she could still thank God that they had died in peace, free of the poison of murder to which hatred and revenge might have otherwise drawn them.
Now alone in the world and without family responsibilities, Rita once more turned her thoughts to the desired vocation of her youth, that of joining the Augustinian Nuns of Saint Mary Magdalene Monastery. Some of the religious of the community, however, were relatives of the members of the political faction considered responsible for Paolo’s death, and so as not to tempt the harmony of the convent, Rita’s request for admission was denied. Fortunately, she was not to be easily dissuaded from following what she knew to be God’s plan for her. She implored her three patron saints — John the Baptist, Augustine, and Nicholas of Tolentino to assist her, and she set about the task of establishing peace between the hostile parties of Cascia with such success that her entry into the monastery was assured.
At the age of thirty-six Rita pledged to follow the ancient Rule of Saint Augustine. For the next forty years she gave herself wholeheartedly to prayer and works of charity, striving especially to preserve peace and harmony among the citizens of Cascia. With a pure love she wanted more and more to be intimately joined to the redemptive suffering of Jesus, and this desire of hers was satisfied in an extraordinary way. One day when she was about sixty years of age, she was meditating before an image of Christ crucified, as she was long accustomed to doing. Suddenly a small wound appeared on her forehead, as though a thorn from the crown that encircled Christ’s head had loosed itself and penetrated her own flesh. For the next fifteen years she bore this external sign of stigmatization and union with the Lord. In spite of the pain she constantly experienced, she offered herself courageously for the physical and spiritual well being of others. During the last four years of her life Rita was confined to bed and was able to eat so little that she was practically sustained on the Eucharist alone. She was, nevertheless, an inspiration to her sisters in religion and to all who came to visit her, by her patience and joyful disposition despite her great suffering.
One of those who visited her some few months before her death — a relative from her hometown of Roccaporena — was privileged to witness firsthand the extraordinary things wrought by Rita’s requests. When asked whether she had any special desires, Rita asked only that a rose from the garden of her parents’ home be brought to her. It was a small favor to ask, but quite an impossible one to grant in the month of January! Nevertheless, on returning home the woman discovered, to her amazement, a single brightly-colored blossom on the bush where the nun said it would be. Picking it, she returned immediately to the monastery and presented it to Rita who gave thanks to God for this sign of love. Thus, the saint of the thorn became the saint of the rose, and she whose impossible requests were granted her became the advocate of all those whose own requests seem impossible as well. As she breathed her last, Rita’s final words to the sisters who gathered around her were, “Remain in the holy love of Jesus. Remain in obedience to the holy Roman Church. Remain in peace and fraternal charity.”
Having faithfully and lovingly responded to God’s many invitations to her in the course of her seventy-six years, Rita returned to God in peace on May 22, 1457. Her body, which has remained incorrupt over the centuries, is venerated today in the shrine of Cascia, which bears her name. Her feast is observed on the anniversary of her death, 22 May.
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39dreams · 3 years ago
The Life Of St. Rita Of Cascia
Saint Rita was born Margherita Lotti in Roccaporena, Italy in 1381. The day after her baptism, Rita was surrounded by a swarm of white bees, which went in and out of her infant mouth without hurting her. Rather than being alarmed, her family believed she was marked to be virtuous and devoted to God. At an early age, she begged her parents to allow her to enter a convent but was instead arranged…
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alexandremacieira · 3 years ago
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“Saint Collab #5 Photography & Art - Saint Rita” - Saint Rita of Cassia, born Margherita Lotti (Roccaporena, 1381 - Cassia, May 22, 1457), was an Augustinian nun from the diocese of Spoleto, Italy. She was beatified in 1627 and canonized in 1900 by the Catholic Church. She was a person of great faith who saved her brother-in-law from the plague by prayer alone. Her husband was murdered and her sons wished to avenge his death, but Rita said she would rather see her sons die than see "the shedding of more blood."  Saint. Rita of Cassia was beatified 180 years after her ascent into heaven and proclaimed a saint after 453 years of her death. This was an example of religious life, with her prayers and her mortifications. She devoted herself especially to caring for sick sisters and counseling sinners. For 14 years until her death, she carried a stigma on her forehead, thus associating herself with the passion of Christ. So many extraordinary miracles are attributed to her that she is considered the "advocate of lost causes and the saint of the impossible". She is also the absolute protector of mothers and wives who suffer from mistreatment by their husbands.  The image is part of the Saint Collab series, a collaborative project between visual artist IagoDS and photographer Alexandre Macieira. The idea is to pay homage to great names sanctified by religious culture. www.alexandremacieira.com.br | http://www.iagods.com.br | @GambiarraNear @mintbase_ | To see the NFT click on the link in the bio go to MintBase IagoDS.  #SaintCollab #SaintRita #NEARProtocol #NearNFT #MintBase #GambiarraNear #NFT #CleanNFTs #Rio #Brazil #cryptoart #Brasil #CriptoArte #NEAR #NFTs #NFTart #NFTcollector #NFTartist #NFTFineArt    https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd3rELuuPUm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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