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bitcoinwykres · 3 years ago
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7 Cech Dobrego Brokera Forex
Tak, wystarczy że zalogujesz się do portalu i klikniesz Platformy po lewej stronie. Następnie wybierz aplikację mobilną na urządzenie, które posiadasz. Obecnie udostępniamy platformy na systemy Android i iOS.
Dzięki wyeliminowaniu asymetrycznego poślizgu cenowego możesz korzystać z niższych prowizji przy każdej transakcji. Historia się powtarza - korzystając z ruchów cenowych z przeszłości, można doszukiwać się schematów i dzięki temu zwiększyć prawdopodobieństwo przewidzenia kursu w przyszłości. Rynek dyskontuje wszystko - ignorujemy czynniki fundamentalne, zakładając że rynek kształtując cenę już wziął je pod uwagę. Dźwignia finansowa to pojęcie bitcoin ile to zł bardzo złożone, więcej informacji na jej temat znajdziesz tutaj. Odkryj najważniejsze na świecie rynki poprzez konta i platformy RoboForex.
Plus500CY Ltd jest firmą nadzorowaną przez Cypryjską Komisję Papierów Wartościowych (nr licencji 250/14). Handluj najbardziej popularnymi parami walutowymi, takimi jak EUR/USD, GBP/USD i EUR/GBP na Plus500. Skorzystaj z naszych zaawansowanych narzędzi handlowych, aby chronić swoje zyski i ograniczyć straty. Dzięki mForex możesz zawierać transakcje na dynamicznym rynku, korzystając z unikalnego modelu ECN. Wysokość prowizji na Forex zależy od wielkości transakcji — jest ona pobierana w momencie otwarcia pozycji.
Komenda Główna Policji i FinCERT.pl – Bankowe Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa ZBP ostrzegają przed próbami oszustw przy inwestowaniu w kryptowaluty oraz na rynku Forex. Zapoznaj się z charakterem instrumentów i produktów finansowych oraz związanymi z nimi ryzykami. Fusion Media może otrzymywać od reklamodawców, którzy pojawiają się na stronie internetowej, wynagrodzenie uzależnione od reakcji użytkowników na reklamy lub reklamodawców.
Dołącz do tysięcy inwestorów, którzy wybrali najlepszego brokera oferującego mobilny handel. Mimo to konta demo są doskonałym sposobem na sprawdzenie umiejętności handlowych, a także na sprawdzenie strategii inwestycyjnych. W innym przypadku ponosisz duże ryzyko w przypadku upadku firmy. Podążaj za wskazówkami brokera, a nie będziesz mieć z tym problemu.
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fxasker-blog · 8 years ago
HOW LONG HAS mgforex BEEN IN BUSINESS? Read More http://fxasker.com/question/c602cd8469f5b23a/ FXAsker
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tradingunion · 2 years ago
MetaTrader 5 (MT5) - Худалдааны платформын тойм
MetaTrader 5 бол Форекс, хөрөнгийн бирж, фьючерсийн биржүүдэд зориулсан олон төрлийн хөрөнгийн арилжааны мэргэжлийн платформ юм. MetaTrader 4-тэй харьцуулахад MetaTrader 5 арилжааны платформ нь програмистууд болон хувьцааны арилжаа эрхлэгчдэд зориулсан өргөн боломж, боломж бүхий илүү дэвшилтэт хувилбар юм. Хэрэв та арилжааны анхны жил биш бол MT5 худалдааны терминалыг туршиж үзэх хэрэгтэй. Эндээс та арилжааны стратегийг илүү уян хатан, төгс болгох олон хэрэгслийг олох болно: техникийн дүн шинжилгээ хийх үзүүлэлтүүд болон график объектууд, зөвлөхүүдийг хөгжүүлэх програм хангамжийн орчин, нэмэлт хүлээгдэж буй захиалга, зах зээлийн гүн, зах зээлийн гүний үзүүлэлт, олон валют. стратеги шалгагч, виртуал хостинг гэх мэт. Түүнчлэн, MetaTrader 5 терминал нь олон платформ бөгөөд ширээний компьютерт холбогддоггүй. Та MetaTrader 5 вэб платформ эсвэл Android эсвэл iOS-д зориулсан гар утасны програм ашиглан интернет холболттой хаана ч байсан худалдаа хийх боломжтой. Жишээ болгон RoboForex брокер ашиглан MT5 платформын гол онцлогуудыг авч үзье. Та MetaTrader 5-ийг доорх хаягаар үнэгүй татаж авах боломжтой холбоос. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг https://www.avatrade.mn/trading-platforms/metatrader-5 вэбсайтаас авах боломжтой.
MetaTrader 5 худалдааны платформын онцлог
Хүчирхэг худалдааны систем. MetaTrader 5-д арилжааны хоёр систем байдаг: сүлжээ (уламжлалт) ба хеджинг нь хэрэгсэл тус бүр, түүний дотор олон чиглэлтэй позицуудыг нэгэн зэрэг нээх боломжийг олгодог. Сүүлийн арга нь Forex арилжаанд хамгийн их хамааралтай. MT5 терминал дээр дараах арилжааны функцуудыг хэрэгжүүлдэг.
4 захиалгын гүйцэтгэлийн горим (шууд, зах зээлийн, эрэлт, солилцоо);
гүйлгээ, захиалгыг тусад нь бүртгэх;
6 төрлийн хүлээгдэж буй захиалга;
зах зээлийн гүний тусламжтайгаар арилжаа хийх;
арын зогс��ол гэх мэт.
Мэргэжлийн техникийн шинжилгээ. MT5 арилжааны платформ дээр та нарийвчилсан техникийн дүн шинжилгээ хий��, 100 хүртэлх валютын хос, хувьцаа, фьючерсийн графикийг нэгэн зэрэг нээж, дэмжлэг / эсэргүүцлийн түвшинг тодорхойлох, үнийн саналын урьдчилсан мэдээ гаргах болон бусад олон зүйлийг хийх боломжтой. Дараах хэрэгслүүд танд бэлэн байх болно.
21 хугацаа;
38 суурилуулсан үзүүлэлт;
44 график объект;
ишлэлүүдийн минутын түүх.
Үндсэн шинжилгээ. Үнийн таамаглалд техникийн шинжилгээнээс гадна эдийн засаг, улс төрийн үзүүлэлтүүдийн суурь шинжилгээ чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг. MetaTrader 5 худалдааны терминал нь эдийн засгийн хуанли, санхүүгийн мэдээний сувгийг агуулсан үндсэн шинжилгээний хэрэгслүүдтэй. Эдийн засгийн үйл явдлын талаархи бүх мэдээллийг MT5 терминал руу бодит цаг хугацаанд илгээдэг.
MT5 дахь арилжааны дохио. Хуулбарлах арилжаа нь амжилттай худалдаачдын арилжааг автоматаар хуулбарлах үйлчилгээ юм. Энэ нь шинэхэн худалдаачдад хүртэл Forex дээр мөнгө олох боломжийг олгодог. Үүнийг хийхийн тулд та үнэлгээнээс дохио нийлүүлэгчийг сонгох, бүртгүүлэх (төлбөртэй болон үнэ т��лбөргүй байж болно), терминал нь таны оролцоогүйгээр сонгосон худалдаачны арилжааг автоматаар хуулах болно.
Алгоритм арилжаа. Алгоритм арилжаа нь MetaTrader 5-ын хамгийн хүчирхэг цэгүүдийн нэг юм. Илүү хүчирхэг MQL5 програмчлалын хэлний ачаар (MetaTrader 4-ийн MQL4-тэй харьцуулахад) та илүү нарийвчлалтай арилжааны роботуудыг (зөвлөхүүдийг) бий болгож, үүний тусламжтайгаар Forex арилжаа автомат болно. , таны оролцоо шаардлагагүй. Бараг ямар ч гарын авлагын стратегийг програмын код болгон боловсруулж болно. Үүнийг хийхийн тулд та маш их програмчлалын мэдлэгтэй байх шаардлагагүй. MetaTrader 5 нь алгоритмын арилжаанд зориулсан дараах шинж чанаруудтай.
MQL5 Wizard - хэд хэдэн товшилтоор арилжааны роботыг хөгжүүлэх програм (эхлэгчдэд тохиромжтой);
Илүү дэвшилтэт хэрэглэгчдэд зориулсан MQL5 програмчлалын орчин;
Кодыг тодруулах, хөрвүүлэгч бүхий MetaEditor стратеги засварлагч;
зөвлөхүүдийн график дүрслэл, оновчлол бүхий стратеги шалгагч;
MQL5.community програмистуудын нийгэмлэг, тэндээс та шинжээч зөвлөхүүдийг бий болгох талаар маш их мэдээлэл авах боломжтой;
шалгуур үзүүлэлт, зөвлөхүүдийн үнэгүй кодуудыг хадгалдаг номын санд (CodeBase) нэвтрэх;
MetaTrader Market бол зөвлөх эсвэл индикатор худалдаж авах боломжтой дэлгүүр юм.
Виртуал хостинг. Хэрэв та автомат худалдааны систем (EA) ашигладаг бол цахилгаан эрчим хүч, интернет байхгүй үед ч ажиллахаа болихын тулд түүний бие даасан байдалд анхаарал тавих хэрэгтэй. Үүнийг хийхийн тулд та VPS серверийг холбох хэрэгтэй. MetaTrader 5 нь аль хэдийн суурилаг��сан VPS сервертэй бөгөөд энэ нь хэд хэдэн давуу талтай:
зөвлөхүүдийн өдрийн цагаар ажиллах, арилжааны дохиог захиалах;
VPS серверийг хэдхэн товшилтоор MT5 дээр шууд түрээслэх;
брокерын серверт хамгийн бага ping хийх;
юу ч суулгах, тохируулах шаардлагагүй;
24 цагийн үнэгүй хостинг.
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wallpaperpainter · 5 years ago
Here’s Why You Should Attend Rdp Android | rdp android
AweRay, an all-embracing alien desktop account provider, appear AweSun adapted adaptation which supports macOS in the US and worldwide. Since its antecedent launch, AweSun solutions for alien desktop accept already covered Windows, iOS and Android devices. And now, its abutment for macOS assiduously accomplish the ambition of cross-platform connections. The technology close is committed to accomplish their assignment ambition: accomplish admission anywhere, anytime. Download AweSun for macOS here.
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AweSun Alien Desktop enables bodies to affix to alien assignment computer, from home laptop, iPad or iPhone. It facilitates alien admission to any accessory as if users were appropriate in advanced of them. As the best affordable alien desktop band-aid on the market, AweSun offers chargeless yet able appearance which users apprehend to acquisition in added paid software.
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cryptobrief · 6 years ago
By Dmitriy Gurkovskiy, Chief Analyst at RoboForex
The XRP is under pressure Tuesday, trading around $0.3030.
On H4, the price left the triangle by breaking out the support. The downtrend may last for long, with the first target at the fractal support of $0.2940 and the major one at $0.2630, i.e. the projection support. The resistance is at $0.3100.
On H1, a slow downtrend is forming, with a target at $0.2940. The Stochastic is overbought, which means a pullback may follow once the target has been reached. The resistance at $0.3020 puts the local trend under pressure. Meanwhile, if the fractal at $0.2940 gets broken out, the price may reach the support at $0.2840.
Banco Santander has lately denied using Ripple tokens:
We are sorry, unfortunately due to a misunderstanding we have given incorrect information. We do apologise for the confusion this has caused. One Pay FX uses xCurrent only. You can find out more here: https://t.co/EGWMMqZhkA.
— Santander UK Help (@santanderukhelp) March 24, 2019
Previously, one of its representatives said the bank was using XRP through One Pay FX for payments in 18 EU countries. This proved to be untrue, though, as the app uses only xCurrent.
xCurrent is powered by xRapid, which is in its turn based on XRP. The crypto is thus not used indeed, but the technologies are, and they work well.
Meanwhile, Trust Wallet now supports XRP, its users are now able to buy tokens by credit card. This is another piece of positive news for the crypto.
The cat is out of the bag: Trust Wallet adds support for @Ripple $XRP on iOS and Android. #XRPthestandard https://t.co/sUnedjucRt pic.twitter.com/9sijWEIyFb
— Trust – Crypto Wallet (@TrustWalletApp) March 12, 2019
Any predictions contained herein are based on the authors’ particular opinion. This analysis shall not be treated as trading advice. RoboForex shall not be held liable for the results of the trades arising from relying upon trading recommendations and reviews contained herein.
Image(s): Shutterstock.com
The post XRP Price Analysis – XRPUSD Continues Falling appeared first on NullTX.
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abigailswager · 6 years ago
RoboForex trading schedule Martin Luther Kings Day
New Post has been published on https://forexbroker.news/roboforex-trading-schedule-martin-luther-kings-day/
RoboForex trading schedule Martin Luther Kings Day
FXopen Forex Broker Review
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FXOpen Forex Broker Review | we will explain why FXopen is one of the Best brokers in the world for trading Crypto Currencies and why when you plan to trade Forex they should be among the brokers you will consider
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Trade Forex with FXopen" color="warning" align="center" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-signal" button_block="true" add_icon="true" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Ffxopen.com%2F%3Fagent%3DXX74FXPNXXM667971000B|title:FXopen%20Forex%20Broker%20Trading%20Account||"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color="orange"][vc_column_text]FXOpen Forex Broker | FXopen was originally not launched as a brokerage but as a financial trading educational center in Egypt. Then in 2005 they made the decision to become a full-service forex broker for the retail traders' industry. Coming from the education aspect of trading they were very much aware of what was lacking at that time in the forex market and with most of the brokers. aiming for clarity and transparency FXopen has a clear mission and the financial means to realize it.
The second part of their mission statement was innovation and implementation for new technologies that should provide the traders with even better tools. Keep in mind this was in the early days of forex trading online.
A broker could at that time still distinguish themselves from others with what technologies there were offering.
For example, the introduction of the popular ECN MT4 platform revolutionizing the trader's industry as retail traders for the first time could access inter-bank rates directly, this helped them to lower their trading costs significantly.
FXOpen Forex Broker is regulated by the FCA and regulations under license number FRN: 579202 in the UK. Besides the British regulation
FXopen is also active in Australia under the brand name FXOpen AU Pty Ltd, which is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission better known as ASIC.
The fact that have maintained these very restricted licenses shows that FX Open is prepared to take its client activities on their platform very seriously.
The good thing about the british licesene over for example the cysec one from Cyprus is that regardless of whether or not you are a citizen in the UK , funding your account with the brokerage that holds the license will always come with an insurance of £50,000. This prefents customers from incurring losses up to that amount in case the broker goes bankrupt
FXopen Forex Broker Features
FXOpen Forex Broker offers the metatrader 4 or better known as the MT4 trading platform
MT4 is ideal for traders of all levels because it is highly customizable, has the latest in technology implemented, easily integrated with EA ( expert advisors) and last but not least, it offers fast execution in the market.
In addition to the download version,  FXOpen offers also the popular MT4 WebTrader which allows traders to trade like on most other web-based trading platforms without having to downloaded the software on their PC.
This is a browser-based, and is very convenient and easy for those who trade on the while moving around. Thou most people today have laptops there are still enough traders that have a stationary computer at home that simple cannot be dragged around everywhere.
I have to say thou that time has caught uyp somewhat with the web based trading platforms as most people twill use the mobile applications that offer the same trading optiong and FXopen Forex Broker also provides a trader with this solution.
They have MT4 mobile app for Android, iOS and tablets in general.
The MT4 mobile app is a fully-fledged MT4 platform which houses all features you require to trade like you would on your home-station
What account types does FXopen offer?
FXOpen offers various accounts for clients in order to cater to traders of different levels and traders that have different requirements these are the accounst:
FXopen Crypto Trading Account
This account is specially for you actually as it is made for traders that look to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum,and Peercoin.
Because of the the high volatility and dramatic price moves Crypto-currency has shown its great potential as an investment instrument,
The Minimum deposit for a Crypto account at FXOpen is only$10 so it is easy and cheap to start . Commission is 0.25% half-turn. You can find all the details below
Minimum transaction size is 0.01 lot and there is no upper limit. Scalping, hedging, phone dealing, news trading is all permitted.
FXopen ECN Trading Account
A trader has under this account direct access to the market which is moved by the banks, centralized exchanges, companies, open brokers and other players.
The benefits of ECN accounts are :
best execution,
Lowest spreads.( from 0 pip, a minimum investment of $100, minimum lot size of 0.01 and 1.5USD commission per lot traded)
no dealing desk the broker won’t trade against you (hedge your account).
FXopen STP Trading account
With this FXOpen account, you get to enjoy all the benefits of an ECN account but with a minimum deposit of $10 only.
Like ECN account, this account offers a wide range of tradable financial instruments
The account does not restrict the use of automated trading, EAs, or strategies such as scalping, hedging etc.
The minimum lot size that you can trade is 0.01. Finally, this account does not charge commissions, and there is no maximum balance requirement.
FXopen Micro Trading Account
This is for people that really want to start with the lowest amount possible. As account lets you start trading with as little as $1.
As a trader you should not expect to make any money on this account but in general it is very usefull for beginners and for experienced traders that want to test an EA or forex Signals or any other system where they have to trade with real money but do not want to commit to higher amounts
All strategies are allowed  and there are no commissions with this account, The smallest transaction that can be traded is 0.1 microlots..
FXopen CFD Trading Account
Also more and more people start trading commodities as the market is easier to understand. Indices, trade oil, natural gas and metal are traded on the ECN trading environment the same as the currencies so for many this is a very small step.
FXopen Demo Trading account
If you want to learn how to trade dor just want to see how the MT4 of FX open is working the Demo account gives you this opportunity. FXopen Forex Broker Trading can this way be practiced without any risk of losses.
FXOpen offers demo trading for all account types.
Spread and commission
Commissions are depending on the account type you selected. FXOpen offers floating spreads for all account types.
FXopen Customer support
The FXOpen support department is available 24/5. this is not around the clock and since now crypto currencies might be traded also during the weekends on some brokers we might see a change in this, for the moment they will be there by Mail, chat or phone from Monday till Friday.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Trade Forex with FXopen" color="warning" align="center" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-signal" button_block="true" add_icon="true" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Ffxopen.com%2F%3Fagent%3DXX74FXPNXXM667971000B|title:FXopen%20Forex%20Broker%20Trading%20Account||"][vc_column_text]
FXOpen cryptocurrency Trading account
they are one of the first to actually have a dedicated accounts specially for the cryptocurrency trading community.
here the rules are a little bit different from regular Forex trading . even thou we are talking about currencies you have to see them as commodities , this way the rules spread and also the leverage will make more sense to traders that normally trading only currency pairs.
Crypto trading account Account currency USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, JPY, *Bitcoin (mBTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum (ETH), and Dash Minimum deposit from $10 (or equivalent in other currency) Maximum balance without limitations Spread floating Commission 0.5% half-turn Quotes format 0.12345 Execution market Minimum transaction size 0.01 lots Maximum transaction size without limitations Minimal increment 0.01 lots Leverage  1:3 Margin call 30% Stop Out 15% Demo accounts Yes Islamic accounts No Instruments 24 pairs with BTC, LTC, ETH, DSH, EMC, NMC and PPC Bonuses None Expert Advisors Yes Scalping Yes Hedging Yes News trading Yes Phone dealing Yes Market depth with level 2 quotes Yes Trading time 24/7 Inactive account fees maintenance - $10 per month; reactivation - $50;
  *All values for Bitcoin-based accounts in MetaTrader 4 (including account balance, profit, etc) are indicated in mBTC (milibitcoin). 1 mBTC equals 0.001 BTC.
**The round-turn commission is equal to 1% of the base currency. Right after you open a trade, you will see the round turn commission charged. Trading commissions are a subject to review in case of high trading volumes. The minimum commission per transaction is 0.01 units of the MT4 account currency.
Commission may vary if you open an account through an affiliate, IB or franchise. Please, contact your referring agent for details.
***For overnight positions we charge an additional commission equal to the Swap rate of the particular currency pair.
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Trade Forex with FXopen" color="warning" align="center" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-signal" button_block="true" add_icon="true" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Ffxopen.com%2F%3Fagent%3DXX74FXPNXXM667971000B|title:FXopen%20Forex%20Broker%20Trading%20Account||"][vc_column_text]FXOpen Forex Broker | FXopen Crypto accounts allow pairs trading with the following cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Namecoin, Emercoin and Peercoin. The basic principal of the Crypto accounts is the same as that of the ECN accounts – trading is carried out directly by participants who with their orders form the trading network.
The main difference in trading cryptocurrencies is that the system operates in decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) network, i.e. the network is controlled not by one of the central financial and public authorities but by the network members who possess equal rights.
FXOpen Company provides its client with the best offers available thanks to the unique mechanism of price aggregation that has long been successfully used for FXOpen ECN accounts. ECN aggregator processes all the requests available at the time and your orders are executed at the most favorable conditions.
Swap—a charge that is incurred by Customers who move their positions to the next trading session—is applied on Crypto accounts.
Swap size: 18% per annum of the value of an open position.
Swap calculation: The swap is given in percent per annum. Since swaps are calculated and charged every day at the end of the trading session, the calculated amount of the annual interest rate is divided by 360. When charging swaps, first the cost of one symbol lot is calculated (the symbol of the opened position), and then the specified percent is calculated, the obtained amount is multiplied by the position volume (in lots) and the result is divided by 360. If the base currency of the symbol is different from the deposit currency, the swap is converted into the deposit currency. The conversion is performed using the average price at the moment of swap charging: (Bid+Ask)/2.
Overnight from Wednesday to Thursday a triple SWAP is charged.
  Crypto Trading platform MetaTrader 4 for ECN Account currency USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, JPY, Bitcoin1, Litecoin2, Ethereum and Dash Execution Market Minimum deposit USD 10 Maximum balance Not limited Spreads Floating depending on the buy and sell orders on Exchange Commissions 0.5%  half-turn3 Pricing format 0,12345 Minimum transaction size 0.01 lot Maximum transaction size Depending on the available liquidity on Exchange Leverage 1:3 Financial instruments Crypto pairs Margin call 30% Stop out 15% Trading time 24/7 Swap 18% annualy Contracts specifications
  1 All values for Bitcoin-based accounts in MetaTrader 4 (including account balance, profit, etc) are indicated in mBTC (milibitcoin) which equals 0.001 BTC.
2 All values for Litecoin-based accounts in MetaTrader 4 are indicated using 1 LTC (Litecoin).
3 The minimum commission per transaction is 0.01 units of the MT4 account currency.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Our spreads could be increased with news or other high/low volume conditions.
Swap – a charge that is incurred by Customers who move their positions to the next trading session – is applied on Crypto accounts.
Swap size: 18% per annum of the value of an open position.
Swap calculation: The swap is given in percent per annum. Since swaps are calculated and charged every day at the end of the trading session, the calculated amount of the annual interest rate is divided by 360. When charging swaps, first the cost of one symbol lot is calculated (the symbol of the opened position), and then the specified percent is calculated, the obtained amount is multiplied by the position volume (in lots) and the result is divided by 360. If the base currency of the symbol is different from the deposit currency, the swap is converted into the deposit currency.
The conversion is performed using the average price at the moment of swap charging: (Bid+Ask)/2.
Overnight from Wednesday to Thursday a triple SWAP is charged.[/vc_column_text][vc_wp_rss items="4" options="show_summary,show_author" url="https://www.fxopen.com/about-us/news/ethereum-new-currency-on-crypto-accounts/?rss=news"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
FXOpen Forex Broker Details
Broker Details Info Regulated By FCA, FSA Headquarters United Kingdom Foundation Year 2005 Publicly Traded No Number Of Employees 100 Contact Information Tel:+44 (0) 203 519 1224 Web:https://fxopen.co.uk Email:[email protected] Account Type Info Min. Deposit $300 Max. Leverage 1:500 Mini Account No Demo Account Yes Premium Account Yes Islamic Account Yes Managed Account Yes Deposit Options Credit Card, Moneybookers, Neteller, Skrill, Webmoney, Wire Transfer withdrawal Options Credit Card, Moneybookers, Neteller, Skrill, Webmoney, Wire Transfer Trader Level Yes/No Beginners Yes Professionals Yes Scalping Yes Day Trading Yes Weekly Trading Yes Swing Trading Yes Social Trading No CUSTOMER SERVICE Time Yes/No 24 Hours Support Yes Support During Weekends No Customer Support Languages English, French, Russian Instrument Type Yes/No Forex Yes Commodities Yes CFDs Yes Indices Yes ETFs No Stocks No Cryptocurrencies Yes Bonds No Trading Service Info Supported Trading Platforms MT4, MT5 Commission On Trades Yes Fixed Spreads No Educational Service No Trading Signals Yes Email Alerts Yes Guaranteed Stop Loss No Guaranteed Limit Orders No Guaranteed Fills/Liquidity No OCO Orders No Trailing SP/TP Yes Automated Trading Yes API Trading Yes Has VPS Services Yes
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