#roblox x mute reader
donutz · 2 months
Sebastian Solace x mute & transgender! reader
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It's your first time meeting Sebastian, though.. Your kind soul warms his cold heart
— Sebastian doesn't have that much of a cold heart though so Idk where I was going with that one
Warning: Stitches and needles; Mentions of gashes; Sebastian warms up pretty quickly, I don't like it that much but hey🤷‍♀️; "Signing, looks, like, this".; There's tension, not sure if it's sexual but there's tension;
Speed walking through the halls, you constantly looked around you. Anxious for another monster to pop up. Especially those Squiddles… When it came to even darker rooms you jogged through, hating it when you had to search for a keycard.
You were injured, not too bad. Just a gash in your thigh.
*Good thing it couldn’t chop off anything..*
*I wish it got chopped off.*
It’s hard to breathe or really walk anywhere with your binding(If you do bind). After that ‘minor’ injury, you searched through the drawers and lockers, looking for a medkit. Since you found a flashlight earlier, it might be possible to find a medkit.
You look up at the door number, slightly aching your eyes. Immediately looking down at the ground, you repeat what you saw in your head.
‘Door 48’.
It hurts to blink, to walk. Limping your way into the next room. Expecting anything, except a flying vent grille.
“Got something for ya, come here”.
You jump, yipping in your head. You look around for any flashing lights or peering bright green eyes. Maybe even a squiddle? No, none of them.
“C’monnn, I got good things for you, my own shop.”
You physically quivered. Walking over to the vent, and exhaling while crawling through the tight space. Your wound opening up more.
Reaching the end of the vent, you look around, not seeing much. Until a comforting light turns on.
“Welcome, welcome”!
You jump. Bumping your head against the metal vent.
“Oh… You alright?”
Sebastian wasn’t sure why he said that. He just met you! Worrying about a human… Ridiculous.
You shake your head in response. Bumping your head hurt more than it normally would. You’re stressed, hurt, and scared. Not a great combo.
You look at him, signing, “You,speak, sign, language?”
Sebastian’s eyebrows(?) rose.
“Oh! Um”..
“No”. He accidentally signs.
You tilt your head, confused. 
“You.. Don’t”??
He lightly slaps his face. Realizing he said the wrong thing.
“No I do, kind of”.
“I, just, signed, the, wrong, thing”. He sighs.
You show a surprised look on your face. Though it’s not very visible through your darkened visor. You smile, happy that someone could finally understand you. Even if they weren’t really human.
“I’ll talk, though. If that’s.. Nevermind, my name is Sebastian.”
You finally crawl out of the vent, more comfortable now that you know he’s more kind than any other monster down here. Looking around it seems like this small area is a shop.
Oh wait, he said that earlier.
“If I’m correct, you’re… Instructors told you to grab a crystal and secure loose assets. Well as a trade, you give me the data and I give you useful items. It seems like you need a healing tool for that… Gash”.
It seems like you forgot all about that. Maybe it was because you were too focused on Sebastian.
“Well I do have a medkit for that, just 250 research will do the trick.”
Opening your bag, you check how much you have. Your bag pops up a holographic screen of the amount of data you’ve collected.
Around 1755 data.. That’s more than enough.
You walk over to his tail, picking up the medkit and setting it on the ground to collect the right amount of data for it. Maybe even adding an extra tip to give to Sebastian.
You hand him 300 research, smiling because of your appreciation for his kindness. He counts how much there are, his mouth scrunching from confusion.
“Hey— you.. Gave me extra. It’s only 250—”
“I, know”.
“I, just, wanted, to, give, you, extra. Because, of, how, kind, you’ve, been, to, me”.
It was as if your face was glowing within your gear. You’re a very kind human.
“... Why thank you”. But this isn’t a trick right? Urbanshade isn’t trying to make me all soft?
I’m not sure if I can trust this one.
You buy the flash beacon next, giving him the correct amount. Now you only have 1205 research left. Standing up, you hear a pop in your knees from crouching.
Sebastian visibly cringes from that sound, he isn’t very used to that sound. Not anymore.
Peering at the table, you spot a document. Sebastian looks away from you, looking at the light meters high.
You look at him, and he looks back at you. Side eyeing.
“Who’s, document, is, this”?
“That document is mine.. Urbanshade makes documents on every creature or prisoner they have. They probably even have one on you”.
You look back at the document, pondering.
“Is, this, for, sale”?
“Yes, for 1000 research of course”.
You’re surprised at that large amount of ‘money’, but it is reasonable. It’s not like you would want anybody reading a document about you for a small amount. Especially if you’re more of a private person.
“I’ll, buy, it”.
Sebastian’s mouth lightly gapes, “You really have that much”?
You giggle, nodding at him, finding his surprised look funny. You hand over the data, while Sebastian smiles. Mainly because he can use this against Urbanshade, but also because of you. You’re not really like any other human he’s seen or heard of. 
You’re a kind soul.
“I’ll have that ready for you when you’re at the surface”.
Smiling even wider, you step, putting a bit too much pressure on your right leg, causing a sharp pain to shoot throughout it.
You whimper, stepping closer to the wall to sit down. Right near the vent.
“Oh my, you really need that fixed don’t you”?
Nodding, you sigh.
“Do, you, know, how, to, stitch”?
He’s taken aback, it’s not like he thought you knew how to stitch an injury or something. It’s just because he might have to get close. Close to a human.
“I-.. Yes. I do”. He stuttered.
You notice his visible discomfort and worriedly sign, “You, don’t, have, to, if, you, don’t, want, to. I, see, that, you’ve, gone, through, enough, already”.
“When, it, comes, to, humans.” 
He gasps, staying silent as he takes in what you signed. Yes, he has been through enough when it comes through humans.
But you’re different.
“No it’s fine r-really! I’ll stitch it up for you”. He's still not sure why he's acting like this.
He bends down to your height, being careful with his tail. He’d let you rest against it but… Maybe that’s too far.
A few seconds later, he has the smaller needles and thread carefully sat  between his larger claws.
It’s quiet, minus the low ringing of the lights, and the slight swoosh of the fan.
“Okay uhm.. Deep.. Breaths…”
He sticks the small needle through your skin, flinching at the feeling. Though it wasn’t too bad.. Just a hard pinch.
You might as well fall asleep because of the earlier adrenaline. And god. That hurt. Nevermind a hard pinch, that felt like getting— Ughh. I don’t even want to describe it.
You throw your head back looking up at the heightened ceiling.
… Do you think that’s where Sebastian crawled from?
Like maybe in a vent or something..?
… Sorry—
You grab his sleeve.
“I’m sorry alright! I don’t mean to—” He looks at you. Letting out a sigh.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. I’m just…” He inhaled.
Looking at him, “Stressed”? You signed.
Scrunching his eyes, glad you know what he’s feeling. 
Exhaling, “Yeah. Stressed”.
“It’s, okay. I, don’t, mind. I’m, not, the, one, stitching, after, all”. You let out a small laugh. So does he.
“.. Thank you”.
He loops through 3 more times, just one more loop left. During the three loops, you were holding his hand. Warming it up, warm blooded and cold blooded.
Literally and mentally.
“Alright just one more left and we’re done”.
Going through the last loop, he tightens the stitches, holding your hand tighter now that he’s finishes his work.
You observe it, astonished at the fine service.
Looking up at him, smiling, you sign, “Thank, you”.
“S, E, B, A, S, T, I, A, N”.
“You’re.. Welcome”...
You slowly start to lose your vision, falling to your right, which leads to Sebastian catching your body with his tail.
“O- Oh”...
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I did a different writing style on purpose, I think. Idk I wanted to sound like a professional writer on A03.
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bad268 · 2 years
Bottles (CC! Quackity X Reader)
Fandom: RPF
Requested: No
Warnings: Use of Quackity’s name (Alex)
Pronouns: you/your/they/them
Summary:  The story of how Alex and the Reader became a couple.
As always, my requests and ships are OPEN
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~~(^@/Alex’s Twitter/my profile pic)
On your first day in college, you ran into someone. The campus was huge, and you did not account for getting lost. And you certainly did not plan on running into someone. Looking up, you make eye contact with a guy sitting on the ground across from you who was wearing a black hoodie and red beanie. You anxiously began collecting your bag that fell off your shoulder and the few papers that flew out of it, “I’m so sorry! This campus is bigger than I expected, and I’m lost.”
“Hey, it’s not a problem. I’m Alex by the way,” he responded, helping you grab the papers, one of which being your schedule. “Oh, you’re heading to Justice Studies and Law with Weins?”
“I’m Y/n, and yeah, I’m studying law,” you responded, looking over to the sheet he was looking at. “I don’t even know where that building is!” “I do! It’s actually that way,” he pointed behind you as he stood up, holding a hand out for you. You took it and stood up, brushing dirt off of your pants. “I can go with you. I have that class too.”
“No way! That would be amazing. Thank you,” You expressed while turning to head toward the classroom.
“It’s not a problem, but we gotta hurry,” Alex rushed, “Class starts in 2 minutes.”
On your first group assignment, you were paired with Alex. You needed to do a presentation on a policy that could be implemented to reduce recidivism (the tendency of a criminal to reoffend). We needed to put together a research paper, outlining our methods, and we needed to make a slideshow to present to our professor. Today, we were meeting up at the library to start the project.
I was sitting at one of the tables with a couple of books on recidivism rates and possible methods to combat it. It was nearly 4 PM, and we agreed to meet at 3, yet Alex had not shown up yet. I decided I would just call him to see what was going on.
On Alex’s side, he completely forgot about the project. He was streaming Roblox with a couple of his friends when his phone started ringing. He laughed it off, telling chat it was probably his mom, before looking down to see your name on the screen. Chat immediately noticed how wide his eyes became and started spamming questioning remarks in the chat. Alex quickly answered the phone and muted his stream, “Hey, Y/n/n. What’s up?”
“Our project?” You responded. “The one that we agreed to meet at the library for?”
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry! I thought that was tomorrow!” He freaked out, moving to start ending the stream without addressing the chat. He sent a message to the group chat saying he had to leave urgently. He started shutting his monitors off, ran around his room, grabbing his school supplies, and ran out the front door to get to the library quickly. “I’m an asshole, I’m sorry!”
“No, don’t worry about it, Alex,” you reassured. “I got to get some good research in, and I think I have a few good ideas for our paper.”
“I still feel shitty that I made you wait,” Alex said, walking through the courtyard toward the library. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
“How about this,” you proposed, “You do the whole slideshow, and we work together on writing the paper?”
“Deal, but I still feel bad,” He admitted. He paused for a second as he walked into the library before spotting you at the table and hanging up the phone. He approached the table, and set his bag down before he got an idea, “how about I also take you to dinner tonight?”
“Like as a date?” You asked.
“Yeah, as a date,” Alex responded, but stopped for a second before adding, “Unless you’re uncomfortable with that, then it can just be as friends, or as partners, but not like relationship partners, but work partners-”
“Alex, chill,” you cut his rambling off, “I’d love to go on a date with you.”
On your first date, he took you to McDonalds and the beach. Being the broke college students you were, he took you to McDonalds, and instead of eating at the McDonalds, you walked to the beach where you would watch the sunset. You guys stopped off at the pop shop on the corner and got classic sodas since the McDonalds was out of Sprite.
Getting to the beach, you took off your shoes once you started walking on the sand, and Alex took the lead in finding a good spot to sit to see the sunset. He ended up finding a cement table that no one was at, so he made a beeline for it. Setting the bags of food down, he turned around to grab the bottles from your hand, so you could sit at the table. “Is this a good spot?” “It’s perfect, Alex,” you responded, setting your bag down beside you as you sat down facing the ocean. Alex sat next to me, and we started eating our food. “So tell me, what were you doing when I called you?”
“Honestly, I was playing a video game with my friends,” Alex admitted. Honestly, he did not want to flat-out say he was streaming, so he settled for saying what he was doing. “No way, what game?” You responded, enthusiastically. “I love video games!”
“Really? We were playing Roblox, but we usually play GMod or Minecraft,” He answered with a smile. You did not look like the type of person to enjoy video games, but he learned to never judge a book by its cover.
“I love those games! If you ever need an extra, I’d be down to play with you guys,” you offered, turning to look at the ocean. The sun had just started to go down, and instead of looking out with you, Alex was staring at you. He did not know what he did to meet you, get partnered with you, or even get to take you out on a date. He definitely thought that not showing up for the project would cause you to hate him, but on the contrary, it brought you two closer. Alex was caught off guard when you suddenly looked at him, “you want to know something funny?”
“Sure,” he laughed lightly without even knowing what was funny.
You leaned in closer to Alex before whispering, “I am actually deathly afraid of oceans, but I love beaches.” Upon seeing Alex’s confused face, you started giggling to yourself.
“What?” He laughed in disbelief. “What do you mean?”
“Like I hate how deadly oceans are, and how we don’t know what’s in them. I’m afraid of the unknown,” You explained. “However, I love the significance of beaches. It’s halfway between land and ocean, but my parent and I would always throw bottles with letters into the ocean during monumental moments.”
“That’s interesting,” Alex responded. “Did you do one for your first day of college?”
“No,” you paused before looking away with a sigh, “my parent passed away a year ago, so I didn’t think it would be right to do it myself, y’know?”
“Well, what if I started doing it with you?” Alex offered. Your head shot over to look at him in questioning, seeing if he was lying or making fun of you. “I think it sounds really cool, and if it means so much to you, I’ll do it with you.”
“Wow really?” You gasped in shock. He just nodded in response with a small smile. You threw your arms around him, and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, hugging you back. “Thank you, Alex. That would be awesome.”
“I guess we have some letters to write,” He said pulling out a notebook and two pens. He ripped out a page for you and a page for him. At this point, the sun was almost entirely set, and the streetlights were illuminating the table.
I don’t know how to start this…
Um, I guess I just started college and it’s been rough trying to balance school and streaming, but I’m getting there. My viewers have been growing recently so I’m thankful for that, but I also get so nervous because I think someone will recognize me in class. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen. Anyway, I also met Y/n, and holy shit, I want to be around them all the time. They’re just so interesting to be around, I might actually like them, but I’m not sure how they feel about me yet. We’ll see.
To whoever finds this,
I started college a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been insane. The workload has not been nearly as bad as I thought, and the classes are so interesting! I’m really liking the college life so far. I met this guy, Alex, and he’s really nice. Except for the fact that he made me wait an hour for our PLANNED meeting for a project we have. Other than that, pretty good. Anyways, thanks random person who finds this!
At some point, while writing your letter, you started shivering. The light jacket you brought to class was no match for the change of weather. Alex, however, noticed immediately and started moving closer to you; eventually, he moved to wrap his arm around your shoulder. Looking up from your letter, you smiled at him before leaning into him more as you rolled the paper up and put it in the now empty soda bottle. Alex already had his rolled up and put it inside the bottle, so once you got yours set, you both stood up and walked towards the shore.
“Throw it as far as you can, and hope it doesn't come back,” you laughed, chucking the bottle into the never-ending water. He laughed as well, throwing his toward the horizon.
On your third date, he asked you to be his significant other. The date was chill. He invited you over, you both cooked some steak, and then you watched a movie. You were currently sitting next to him, engrossed in the movie. It was one of Alex’s favorites, and afterward, you guys decided to watch your favorite movie. While you were focused on the TV, Alex was looking between you and the screen. He had his arm across the back of the couch, and he wanted to put it around your shoulder. He saw you shift slightly closer to him, so he took the chance and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You looked up at him before smiling and leaning deeper into his side as you looked back at the screen.
“You know, I really like you, Alex,” you said randomly as the credits rolled through.
“Like enough to level up?” He joked.
“Is that you asking me to be your significant other?” You laughed. He just smiled nervously with a pleading look in his eyes. “Of course!”
At some point during the second movie, you had fallen asleep. The original plan was to take you back to your apartment, but he did not have the heart to wake you up. Thus, he just picked you up, took you into his bedroom, and laid you on his mattress. He plugged in your phone and made sure your alarm was on since you had class in the morning. Instead of staying in there with you, he went back to the living room to sleep on the couch. He was not tired yet, but he remembered your first date when you told him that the bottle-throwing was for monumental moments. To him, this was a monumental moment.
Wow, I did it.
I asked Y/n to be my significant other, and they said yes! If someone finds this bottle but not the others, here's a little backstory: Y/n and I met on our first day of college, and I fell for them, literally. We went on our first date a couple of months ago, and I can’t remember what it was like without them. I think I may love them, but right now, I’m just glad they’re my significant other. Maybe next, I’ll tell them what I do for a living.
The next morning, you woke up in an unfamiliar room to your alarm. You sat up to look at it, and there was a note next to your phone.
Hey, had an early lecture. Feel free to stay as long as you want or eat anything in my fridge haha. I know you have a 12 o'clock lecture, so if you leave early or I’m not back, there’s a key on the kitchen counter. Take it with you <3 Alex
On the first day of your second semester, he asked you to move in. You were already over at his place every night since he lived closer to campus, and you were going out every other night. It seemed like the next step, and you were more than happy to move in. Your roommates were, quite literally, from hell and your lease was up at the end of the month.
When he asked you, you were sitting at the beach on New Year's Eve, watching the fireworks. Something about fireworks on the beach just seemed better than watching the ball drop on TV before lighting a few small fireworks in your driveway. Plus, you guys didn’t spend a dime on fireworks; it was a free show. The only things you did buy were some dinner and sodas from the bottle shop. You two had been sitting at the same table as your first date, and when you finished eating, Alex pulled you closer to his side with his arm around your shoulders. “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” You asked, leaning into him as the wind blew a little harder. “I want to go to the gym, but with my schedule this semester, I don’t know if I’ll manage that.”
“I want to do more in my job,” he said vaguely. He still hadn’t told you about streaming, but he did say he was a public figure. “I’d also like to spend the next year with you, mi vida.”
“Wait, actually?” You gasped in shock. He nodded and smiled, looking intently at you. “I would spend every minute of every day with you if I could. I love you, Alex.”
“I’m glad you love me, too. It makes this next question easier,” he trails off, pulling away to grab both of your hands. He lifted them up to place small kisses along your knuckles. He took a deep breath before asking, “Would you like to move in with me?”
“What? Are you serious, Alex?” You retorted with wide eyes. You could not believe he wanted you to move in with him already.
“I mean-” he stumbled. “We could stay in the same room, or you can have the guest room! Either works for me, but don’t feel pressured to say yes! I’d hate for you to only say yes to make me happy because it wont-I mean, I’ll be happy if you do but I won't be upset if you say no-”
“Alex, slow down,” You cut off his rambling. He took a deep breath before looking into your eyes. “I would love to live with you, Alex.”
“Oh, no way?” He responded in shock. In all honesty, he did not think you would say yes despite hoping you would. You nodded with a smile as you leaned up to kiss him. He laughed into the kiss as everyone around you started cheering. Confused, you both pulled away and noticed the increase of fireworks and people kissing; it was January 1st, 2020. “Happy New Year, Y/n/n.”
“Happy New Year, Alex.”
Happy New Year!
It’s the start of a new year and new beginnings! We are leveling up (Alex’s term, not mine!) our relationship and moving in together! We are also going into our next semester of uni, and we aren’t failing yet! I’ll take that as a win. Hopefully, nothing fucks up our plans haha
~Y/N and Alex
On your first month of living together, you walked into him editing a video. You thought he was working on an assignment, but you walked in and saw a video that he was editing on his screen. It was a Roblox video. At first, you thought he was watching a video, but when you noticed him n the facecam, you knew that was what he meant when he said he was a public figure.
“You make videos?” You asked, setting the plate of food that you made for him on his desk.
“Ah,” he screamed, not noticing you walk in. He flushed red with embarrassment, turning to face you. “Oh, um yeah?”
“So like youtube videos or do you stream as well?” You asked curiously as you moved to sit on his lap to look at the screen better. “I’m really interested to know more.”
“Yeah, youtube and twitch, and are you actually interested, or are you just saying that to not hurt my feelings?” His eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around your waist and turned to make you both face the screen.
“No, it's really cool!” You replied enthusiastically. “I have a lot of respect for content creators. Takes guts to be under that much pressure.”
“I did not think it was possible to love you any more than I already did, mi amor,” He laughed, turning your face to kiss your cheek. “Take a look at this, I’ve been working on this for weeks!”
“Oh so this is what you do instead of this ‘incredibly huge project’ I see,” You laughed.
“Shush and watch.”
Holy shit, he’s popular! I walked in on Alex editing a video, and he told me that he's been posting youtube videos for YEARS! AND THEY’RE GOOD?! I have never been so proud to call this guy mine <3
On your second month of living together, you got stuck in lockdown. COVID-19 was raging in your area. So much so that classes were converted online, and the government mandate everyone stay at home.
To many, this would be the end of the world. To the two of you, you saw this as an opportunity. A chance for you to spend time together, for Alex to stream more, and for you to work on your assignments. You took more credits than Alex because you wanted to graduate early, so instead of having 12 credits like Alex, you are managing 23 credits.
“What’re you streaming?” You whispered as you walked into his recording room to ask. He had been in there all day, and you knew he had an assignment due the next day that he had not started.
“Hey,” He muted himself to chat. He wanted you to keep your privacy for as long as possible since he did not know your position on being introduced to chat. “Minecraft.”
“Oh, you should teach me to play one day,” You thought aloud.
“Whatcha need, mi hermoso?” He replied, looking over at you slightly.
“You’ve been in here for three hours, and you have an assignment due tomorrow that I know you haven’t started,” You explained. “I just wanna make sure you complete it on time.”
“Aw, thank you, cariño,” He smiled, endearingly, turning his attention back to his chat. He sees comments flying by, asking who he is talking to, why he was smiling, and a load of people being banned. He unmuted himself, “Alright guys, Imma head out. I have an assignment I forgot about, but I’ll stream in a couple of days with Sapnap and Karl, so look out for that. Later guys!” With that, he ends the stream and gets up to leave the room, pulling you with him. “I’ll work on it if you cuddle with me while I do it.”
“As long as you let me up to make dinner tonight and we go on a beach walk tonight. I want to leave the house, but I’m also craving enchiladas,” You posed, leading him to the living room where you already had his laptop charged and set on the couch.
“Deal,” he laughed, pulling you into a kiss. “You make the best enchiladas. Also, I will definitely teach you Minecraft.”
Alex is gonna teach me Minecraft! I’ve never played before, so it will be interesting. From what I know, he builds and fights a lot, so it will be fun to learn both of them. Also, he needs to get better at remembering his assignments. If he can't remember assignment due dates, he might forget bigger dates like our anniversary. Hopefully not, but we’ll work on it haha
On your first stream, you pulled the biggest audience he’s ever had. Maybe that was because it was a Jackbox stream, maybe it was because 5/5 feral boys were there, maybe it was because of you, or maybe it was because Alex named the stream, “Jackbox with 5/5 and s/o.”
“Chat, chat, chat!” He started off. You could hear him in the room over, but you were in the discord call with his friends. They started talking about leaving the call or being silent when he joined.
“Hey, guys, that’s mean,” You reasoned. “He’s streaming!”
“I’m sorry, but who asked?”
“Who even are you?”
“Bro literally no one asked.”
“It’s funny.”
“It’s really not,” you said quietly. “He’s just trying to get content.”
“Well news flash,” the first guy said before shouting, “no one cares!”
“Karl what the fuck!” Alex yelled as he unmuted himself in the discord call. “Guys, this is Y/n, my s/o.”
“Oh shit,” Karl mumbled. “I’m sorry Y/n, it’s part of the joke.”
“Doesn’t sound like a joke to me,” You snapped with a small smile, remembering how one of Alex’s streams took 30 minutes to start because of this, “Sounds like bullying.”
“That’s just how we are. Get used to it,” the second guy said. In the call, the name ‘Sapnap’ lit up, so I knew it was one of Alex’s best friends.
“Ok you guys know who I am, so who are you?” You started as Alex began pulling up the game. “I know Sapnap and Karl, but who else is on this call?”
“I’m Dream,” the third guy responded. The profile picture that lit up was green, and you thought you remembered seeing a video for Dream on Alex’s recommended page.
“You should know who I am, Alex probably talks about me a lot,” a British guy boasts.
“You’d be surprised,” You admitted. “He talks a lot about Sap and Karl, but he never talks about a British guy.”
“Quackity, what is wrong with you!” He screams. “You don’t talk about me?”
“Jesus Christ, I do, but I never mentioned that you were British,” Alex explained with a laugh. “Y/n/n, that’s George.”
“Oh, Gogy!” You exclaimed with recognition. “Are we gonna get started or not?”
“Yeah, but no pandering or I swear to god-”
The first stream, the best stream? I mean it went well. I won a couple of games, but I learned very quickly that pandering toward Dream and George worked out almost 100 percent of the time in quiplash. I also DEMOLISHED Alex in madverse city. His autotune was no match for my roasts.
On your first anniversary, you streamed. You guys were still in lockdown, and you had been appearing in almost every stream since your first appearance. The chat loved you, and they loved the playful bickering between you and Alex. Today’s stream was a Spanish stream. Alex thought it would be funny to react to Spanish soap operas with you, and you did not have a problem with it.
“Oh my god, chat! She cheated on him!” You gasped into the microphone. “He’s never going to forgive her.”
“Hey, maybe he’ll give her the benefit of the doubt,” Alex countered. You two sat in silence for a few seconds, looking at each other, and challenging each other’s ideas, before breaking into laughter. You leaned back into him from your spot on his lap as he kissed your head. “Let’s just keep going. Chat, clip that.”
“Oh my god, chat no!” You shouted as Alex laughed and pressed play on the video. Turns out, the man was also cheating on the woman with her mom. Alex and I both gasped dramatically when this was revealed. Then, the woman, revealed that the man she was cheating on him with was his dad. We gasped again, but it got even worse. The scene faded to the man’s dad and the woman’s mom on a romantic dinner. That was the end of the season. “Jesus Christ, chat”
“Plot twist,” Alex signed with wide eyes. “What if the plot of the next season is that they’re siblings?’
“Ew, oh my god, Alex no!”
One year. Wow. That’s all I have to say. What did I do to deserve them?
On your second anniversary, Alex started thinking you were it for him. You did not care that he had, unintentionally and accidentally, agreed to be in Tommy’s lore stream, so he was in his office all day. When he finally came out at almost 10 PM, you were passed out on the couch as if you were waiting for him. He looked in the kitchen and found a plate of enchiladas in the microwave for him. He smiled to himself before going to lift you off the couch. You stirred a little but did not actually wake up, so he took you into your shared room to lay you on the bed. He did not want you to hurt your neck from the way you were laying, and he would be in there right after he ate. As he was about to leave, he heard the bed start moving, so he turned around to see your eyes opening.
“Alex, how was the stream?” You mumbled, sleepily.
“Great, it turned out better than expected, but you go back to sleep. I’m gonna go eat and I’ll be back in here,” He whispered, coming up to the side of the bed to push some hair away from your eyes.
“No,” you whined. Alex laughed at you as you lifted your arms for him to carry you. “I wanna stay with you.”
“I’m just going to eat, mi vida” he chuckled lightly, trying to tuck you into the bed. “Stay here.”
“No it’s our anniversary, and I wanna be with you,” you pleaded. “Are you gonna deny me what I want on our anniversary?”
He rolled his eyes, but he knew you would not let it go. Thus, he caved, “Fine, hold on.” He moved to pick you back up from the bed to take you to the kitchen with him. Despite knowing you would probably fall asleep again, he did not think you would be out cold by the time he made it to the kitchen. He still did not let you go, though.
He navigated the kitchen with one arm wrapped around you while still trying to eat. As he was finishing up, you started mumbling in your sleep, but he thought you were talking to him. “Hmm?”
“Alex,” you whispered. He waited for you to continue, but then he realized that your eyes were still closed. He chuckled before rubbing up and down your back for a couple of seconds before you said, “I do.”
His heart stopped. He was freaking out. Did you know that he was thinking of proposing? No. Simple. No one knows he was thinking of it. He has not told any of his friends or family that he had even started thinking about it. Now, he knew.
He was going to propose to you.
On your third anniversary, you and Alex had nothing planned. No streams and no assignments. Everything just seemed to work out for you to actually do something romantic for your anniversary However, you two had very different descriptions of romantic.
“Why are we at McDonalds?” You laughed from the passenger seat of Alex’s car as he pulled into the parking lot. “I thought we were going somewhere fancier.”
“I thought it would be cute to recreate our first date,” he explained as he shut the car off. Suddenly he looked super nervous, but you did not notice. “We could do something else if you want?”
“Oh no, that really cute actually,” you laughed, pulling off your seatbelt. Before you could open your door, Alex was on the other side, holding it open for you with his hand for you to take. “Oh gracias, mi hermoso.”
You both went inside and ordered the exact same things as on your first date. Coincidentally enough, they were still out of sprite, so you made your way to the pop shop after you got your orders as you walked down toward the beach. The same table was open, so once you guys made it to the sand, you made a beeline for the table.
“Huh, just like last time,” you laughed as you set everything down.
“What’re the odds?” Alex also laughed as he set his stuff down.
There was only one difference between your first date and this one: it was lightly earlier. When you arrived at the beach, the sun had not begun setting yet. When you finished eating was when the sky started changing colors to oranges and pinks.
Over time, Alex had been helping you get over your fear of the ocean by walking closer and closer to the water. Today was the day that he was determined to get you in the water, even if it was just your feet. “What do you say?” He asked after explaining everything. “I’ll be with you the whole time, and I won't leave your side.”
“Okay, you’re lucky I trust you,” You laughed, grabbing his hand as you both stood up from the table and started walking toward the waves. Unbeknownst to you, Alex had gotten a few of his friends to help take pictures and a bottle. He wanted to make it seem like a bottle came back from the shore and in it, he would ask you to marry him. Unbeknownst to Alex, that would not work out as he planned.
As you walked down to the water, you talked about random topics, but once you reached the cold sand, you froze. You looked scared towards Alex, and he looked at you encouragingly. He let go of your hand to run ahead into the water that was barely covering his feet, hoping that seeing the level of water would ease your mind. “I don’t know, Alex. It seemed like a better idea when I wasn’t right at it.”
“Trust me, it’s not deep, mi amor,” he soothed. “You’ll be fine-” He kept going but you became distracted by a shining object floating on an upcoming wave. “Y/n/n?”
“Ooo what’s that?” Completely forgetting about the water, you rushed to grab the object which turned out to be a bottle. “Oh my god, Alex! It’s a bottle with a note! Let’s read it.” You excitedly ripped the top off and pulled out the rolled paper. Alex thought that it was the one his friend planted, but as soon as he saw the date, he knew it was a different one.
I’m gonna do it. I am going to marry them. I love Y/n. I cannot deny that anymore. I love everything about them; their smile, their intelligence, their humor, their witty comebacks, their cooking, their personality, and most importantly, I just love them. They are the best person I could have ever met, and I cannot imagine my life without them. I know many will say that it’s too soon to know, but honestly, I feel like I’ve always known they were the one for me. I could never even fathom my life without them. That being said, mark my words random person reading this, I will marry Y/n.
“Alex?” You gasped in shock as you turned to him to find him on his knee with a ring in his hand.
“I think the note speaks for itself,” he laughed, looking up at you, nervously. “Will you marry me, Y/n?”
“Jesus Christ, of course, I will!”
On your wedding night, you streamed. What else were you going to do? Your flight to Bali was not until the morning, and you were both running on adrenaline. This time, you did an IRL Jackbox stream with your bridal parties. Alex had the feral boys, and you had your best friends, and you all competed against each other in a little not-so-friendly competition. Everyone was still in their outfits from the wedding, and chat was raving about it.
“Quackity, tell us how you proposed,” a text-to-speech bot voiced a donation as we started up the lobby.
“Let’s just say,” he started to build suspense, “it started and ended with a bottle.”
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kittsyspaw · 9 months
⌇Hajun (Joker) x F!Reader x Wooin (1)
Push me down, hold me down. Spit in my mouth while you turn me on I wanna take your light inside. Dim me down, snuff me out. Hands on my neck while you push it out and I'm screaming out „Give me tough love” ୨୧
╰┈➤ One of the Girls- The Weeknd
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WARNINGS !! : Best friends to possible lovers, love triangle, mature themes, cringey jokes and fights, Wooin possible yandere behavior, angst kinda, Y/n rejection phobia (AGAIN, IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ) and this isn't edited.
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Your ears were deafening the screams and cheers of the people surrounding the chained ring, uninterested, you sat on a couch that was placed a bit far, some feet away from the huge bar that also collected some buyers.
They were betting again.
The screen of your phone reflected in your eyes – you were playing your game peacefully, ignoring whoever was getting punched or who was punching.
The person next to you, your childhood best friend, who was also the one who convinced you to join the 'Sabbath crew' had his legs wide open, scaring any boy who wanted to make a small talk with you with those snake-like eyes of his, sucking on a lemon flavored lollipop.
"I know exactly you're not playing Roblox right now, are you?"
"...no, I'm not."
Wooin raised an eyebrow at you, scooting closer to look at the screen, scoffing when you quickly backed away, hiding your phone from exposure.
"You're playing Royale high!?"
"So what?! You wanna play with me or what? The only reason why I'm here is to wait for Joker."
The boy with piercings crossed rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you towards his body.
You tsked when hearing the loud announcers voice boom in your ears, a ringing beating in your ears after a victory tune played off.
„Flawless knockout!! What else did we expect from The JOKER”
"Can he like hurry up??"
"He can't, he's a turtle."
"He's faster than you??"
Putting a leg over the other, you leaned your head back, regretting that decision immediately when the lights of the ceiling blinded you.
"I'm here."
"Thank god! I was losing braincells with this dude."
Wooin flinched at your sudden outburst, oh, Joker was already here, he was grinning, until he realized what you just said.
"Wow! What an amazing friend you are, Y/n."
A vein popped on his forehead as you turned around to look at your best friend, almost cracking your neck up at him.
He had baby blue colored hair, a scar running down from his bottom lip to his jaw and a tattoo under his eye, right, you loved getting lost in them for hours.
"Don't come here again, its too dangerous for you."
Joker took your chin between his thumb and index finger when you looked away, you were used to it, but it still made your heart skip a beat, panicking.
"But I wanted to see you."
"Don't I always visit you after?"
Wooins existence was completely ignored and he hated that, pinching your waist to make you turn your attention back on him–only to be met with a harsh slap on his shoulder.
It wasn't very effective but it made him laugh.
"Whatever, let's go before I pinch your ass next Y/n."
You were rethinking all of your decisions back then of befriending this motherfucker, seriously, he's so weird. The atmosphere didn't lighten one bit, oh yeah, Joker was still behind you guys, with his expressionless face.
"Are you finished Joker?"
"Maybe not him but I'm about to–"
A death stare made him smirk like crazy, Wooin loved that face of yours, it made him excited.
Why couldn't there be a black hole that just swallows Wooin forever and shuts him up? You are 100% sure that the world would come to its peace if he, for once held his mouth.
You liked Wooin more when he's on mute. Jk
"I'm done. come here Y/n"
Wrapping your arm around a more muscular one, Wooins face of jealousy was quickly replaced when you grabbed him by the hand so he tagged along.
Joker was munching on his red apple, the juice of the fruit exploding in his oral cavity with each bite he took, his eyes were draped on your figure, gossiping with Wooin in the front seat.
"Damn...she had prove too?"
"I know right?"
He swallowed– startled when you turned your head to look at him, at the fruit in his hand specifically, gasping. "Share some!"
"This was my last."
"Give me a bite."
He held up his tattooed arm, the apple in his hand and you wrapped your smaller hand around his wrist, taking a huge bite out of the red fruit.
Flabbergasted, Jokers lips but no words came out so he finished his snack off.
"Y/n. He allowed a bite. A bite. Half of the apple is gone. Please elaborate."
"Iwm hhgungry."
Wooin sighed, starting the engine of the car so he could go buy something for the three of you. "What do you guys want?"
"I love you so much I could literally smooch you right now. Get me a double Cheese burger and a large milkshake."
Wow, its the personality switch for Wooin. Whatever, you were allowed to do that. "I expect my kiss." He left the car, getting inside the place.
The male waited for you to turn around and lock eye contact with him. "You know what im thinking?" he stopped himself from smiling.
"You drive."
He shook his head and you gave him a big, sad frown. "Let's wait for him to get us the food first, then we can leave without him."
Your face beamed, the boy still held no expression, maybe its the small things that you didnt notice... The way his eyes softened.
His large hand was placed ontop of your head, automatically matching the smirk on your own face. Partners in crime.
"He's back."
You looked in the direction Joker was gesturing to with his a simple glance of his eyes, it was none other than the black haired Wooin, holding plastics bags with one hand and a cup with the other.
"My Milkshake!"
You took it from him as he handed the bags over to the other person in the backseat. You sipped on your drink, moving your legs up and down happily.
"Let me try."
Was this Jokers revenge? You handed him the Milkshake receiving the food you told Wooin to bring you.
"Say aah."
The driver complied and you fed him some fries and Jokers eyes lit up. "Me too, I want fries."
You all went to your apartment when tho you had no plan if letting them in, you allowed it just for today. "Touch anything and I'll kill you."
This was meant specifically for Wooin who had a habit of snooping and sniffing around your stuff like a damn dog.
The place wasn't too small or too big, it was perfect. You were met with a corridor that led to your living room where a punch bag sat from the ceiling.
It was for Joker but he set it up in your house because he wanted to teach you how to defend youself.
Joker made his was to the fridge, putting in the rest overs of the food and taking out three red-bulls, giving one to Wooin and the other for you.
"Thanks babe"
You blew him a kiss, walking inside your room to change, not noticing the way his eyes lingered on you for too long until you shut the door of your room.
Wooin soon exited the bathroom just as you left your room. "So are you two sleeping over?" One agreed in he speed of light, cutting the other one off.
Guess who was who. "Then go fetch your clothes from my wardrobe, Wooin I'm warning you. Joker, baby, can you help me?"
This wasn't the first time they slept over, they've been doing it since years so you had collected some of their clothes on that journey.
"Oh and, Joker don't forget to text your brothers that you'll be staying here."
He nodded and stood up at your request, entering your room so he could get the mattresses for him and Wooin who was getting their clothes.
"Why didn't you ask me for help?"
"Wooin. You have the build of a 5 year old, you're barely 5'10ft tall."
"Because that length went somewhere else."
You clapped your hands one time. "Alright! Thats enough bullshit for today, see you–" a pillow thrown at your face cut you off.
"Oh now you're getting it you midget."
The pillow was thrown right back at Wooin who caught it while sitting. And it went on like that between you two until you had enough, storming towards him to smash it against his head.
Joker sat on his phone, texting his younger brother–Shutting the device to be met with a scene of Wooin laying on top of you, his head on your chest.
But wooins slender arms wrapped around your torso, tackling you to the ground. "Get off me! You're heavy!!!" You whined, hitting his back with small fists.
"But I thought I was small?"
He was acting so arrogant!! Your legs were kicking up and down beside his body were squashed you to the floor.
A loud scream made the dull Joker purse his lips, you bit Wooin, his hand to be exact and it made him sit up so you took it as a chance to crawl away but fingers wrapped around your ankle.
"No!!! Joker help me!"
A evil giggle left your lips when a strong force almost made your attacker fly, it was just a cushion that hit his face.
You hurried to Jokers embrace from your childhood friend, sitting on top of his lap so his arms naturally wrapped around your body.
Wooins gaze burned blank before he returned his signature feature, his smirk which was awfully forced. "Let's watch a movie!"
The pool of jealousy that he swallowed down started to take action inside him when you didnt move, only turning around, still with Joker, big arms locking locked together beneath your chest.
His fists clenched but he kept his cool, why wouldn't you realize that it bothered him to way you flirted with Joker? Maybe it was taking him time to realize it himself?
Wooin was trying his best with you but you only saw him as a player, it wasn't like this when you two were kids, you loved him back then, attached to him at the hip while peppering him with kisses.
Everything he went through, you stood by side. His fragile heart that was protected by a cage that he build up only beat for you.
No matter how many women tried, he only saw you.
He looked up at you, now realizing that you were standing in front of him. "You wanted to watch a movie, right? Get changed I'll go get some snacks!"
Joker had already changed, when did he even get the chance?
School was calling your name, two days had passed since your two friends slept over, the day after that you three hung out at random parks and you just let them doing their own things.
You hated that deal that they were upon, about the race and everything, they were giving out some drops that could increase your ability when racing.
They were just dogs for that white haired weirdo who made them test them on people, you didnt say anything and stood far away when they did.
Sanghoe, he tried to lure threaten you into also giving out these dopes but you didnt listen to single word he said, slamming the door in his face that night.
There was once a time where you spoke to Wooin about it but he wasn't even trying to listen!! So you just cut it out, knowing that his stubborn ass wouldn't take your advice.
Just the thought made you angry, you hated it when someone took a blind eye to something that could be and IS dangerous.
You pat Jays back, he has been stressing ever since Shellys friend from England came to visit her or whatever was going on.
His name was Owen. Most of the girls were swept of their feet when they saw him, you couldn't say he wasn't handsome, because he was.
But he just...wasn't your type.
Shelly stomped in the classroom, running over to your arms. "Y/n please keep me from exploding like a Volcano!!" You smiled weakly, your eyes landing on her friend who entered after her.
Oh. Owen had a big thing for Shelly but she didn't like him, being together with Jay and all but for some reason he never understood that.
You also hated people like him. Was there something fogging their brains or what?
To best honest, you thought they were siblings or twins at first...
You had duty to clean up today so you texted Joker that you were gonna go home by yourself but he insisted to pick you up after even though you told him not to.
It was so hot so you untied your tie, opening the first few buttons of your white shirt that was beneath the blazer of the school, the tattoo above your heart peeking out a bit.
You, Wooin and Joker had the same tattoo done at the same day.
Exhausted, you opened the windows so air could refresh the disgusting classroom, cleaning the desks one by one before moving to the board that was whitened up with the chalk.
Your heart almost flew out of its place, you turned to the direction of the sound and there he stood, the Blondie who was head over heels for Shelly.
"What? "
Embarrassed at your accent while speaking English, you continued to wipe the gigantic board, not paying attention to him.
"You're close to Shelly, right? "
"Yeah, why? "
The male looked sorrowful, sitting on one of the desks as he watched your form as you jumped a few times to reach the highest part of the board.
"Just wondering..."
"Wait, can you wipe the top part? "
A figure towered over you, the eraser being taken from your hands as Owen helped you, taking the job because he reached the last part.
"...what does Shelly see in Jay? I'm much more handsome than him! "
He backed away and you seeked for a joking look in his face, but he wasn't. "Your attitude, its good to be confident, but fix it."
Owen looked at you like you just murdered someone. "What's wrong with my attitude?! Its perfect! I'm perfect! "
"Right, then how about you grow some balls and ask her yourself? Can't you see that she's dating him! Obviously she doesn't want you."
You scolded, placed your hands on your hips, glaring up at the male whos gaze was now on your opened shirt, noticing the tattoo.
Was the last thing you said before disappearing, leaving Owen behind. His hand brushed back his air, anger showing on his features.
Joker leaned against the wall, waiting for you to get out of the school. The moment you did, he fixed his posture, taking a few steps towards you.
His eyes slid down to your exposed skin, his eyebrows knitting. Joker tugged on the red fabric, pulling you closer so he could work his way to close your shirt, with you wailing.
"No, its too hot..."
A glare was send your way and you put your warm hand over his cold one, showing him that you weren't freezing at all.
"Its cold. Now get on."
Jabbing his thumb in direction of his motorcycle, you took the helmet, wearing it then got on behind Joker, holding onto him.
It was like a needle that landed on your skin, an icy one, followed by many after it and soon it was pouring. The rain didnt stop as the sky got darker, the only source of light being other cars, the motorcycle, some lamps and signs that were discarded for people to reach a shop.
You rested your head on Jokers back, fluttering your lashes shut as you enjoyed the nice breeze, the constant droplets ringing into the music of cars beeping and tires screeching against the road.
You guys came to a stop and you were convincing Joker to come in with you because he could catch the flu by the way both of you were drenched in water.
He gave up eventually, allowing you to drag him inside and listing to your instructions as you told him to take off his clothes at the do step, not wanting to wet the carpet. You took off your uniform, wearing your leggings beneath.
Joker looked away, stealing some glances only to focuses on the floor again as you guided him to your room, leaving the boy at your bed with clothes as you changed in the bathroom, coming back with towels.
"Let me dry your hair."
As the cloth absorbed the rain water from his fluffy hair, the doorbell rang for you to go and open it. "Wooin? get inside, you'll get sick!"
You took the boy in, his hair was sticking against his forehead as hard breathes left his lungs, checking you out under those fogged glasses of his.
Wooins shirt stuck to his body, leaving an imprint of his abs visible for the eye, his gaze was hazy and you shivered at the contact of grasp on your face.
"Get me something to wear, will you?"
You nodded, Joker exiting your room to see a wet Wooin, freeing his body from the now tight shirt as he replaced his friends place in your room.
Wooins muscles flexed as he dried up his own hair, his glasses long discarded on the table next to your bed. "Y/n you're a life saver."
"What did I do?"
"Live close by, that's what. I was about to become a block of ice!!"
Your lips curled up in a smile that had Wooin linger his eyes on, wondering how his heart hasn't just cut through his flesh and seated itself on your palm already.
You were about to walk away but a strong grip kept your place, your childhood friend made you close the gap between your bodies, hugging you as if you would vanish like a ghost the next second.
Fuck...the way you ran your sweet hands through his damp hair made Wooin clench his jaw, why couldn't you be like you were back then?
It hurt him. It was ripping apart the strings that his most important organ was attached on.
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you kept stroking his head, two strong arms slithering around your neck made you gasp.
Jokers body heat collided on your back as he hugged you, face buried in your shoulder, blue hairs tickling your face.
You were sandwiched between the two, heart pumping like crazy, there was Wooin who's skin was like snow when touching with yours and Jokers whos was the polar opposite, scorching like a erupted volcano.
Wooin was trapped in a white bubble, a train of thoughts kept him intact of reality. You stopped getting close with him after he started going and 'sleeping' around with girls.
But oh he could swear he never kissed any of them, he was seeing you whenever he went out with someone. They were simply a cheap placement of you to play out his imaginations on, to feel the love that you weren't allowing him to take from you.
He could die, he wanted you to touch him. He was desperate to feel you, but you acted so oblivious to it, it made Wooin angry.
However, Joker kept his feelings to himself, locking them inside his chest, using the concrete wall he built, denying any of the admiration he had for you.
Maybe he was overdoing it, but you saved him, Joker felt free when he was with you. And he prayed that that would last forever.
He tried keeping his cool but you never failed to make butterflies flutter in his chest, your smile made him drown, choking every time you flashed him one.
It was hard for Joker too, trying his best not to just cage you against the wall and decorate you with kisses and marks to prove others that you were his and his only.
You were perfect for him, worrying and reminding him about his brothers, sometimes going over to his to cook for them and help around, even when he didn't ask that from you.
Joker wanted you for himself.
But that wouldn't work. No, he wasn't stupid, he noticed the way Wooin treated you in comparison to all the other girls and boys (even Joker himself got a different treatment) he toyed around with.
The way Wooins cunning personality just withered away, the way he showed his true colors when he was with you.
Joker knew that him and Wooin only felt safe in your arms.
And yours only.
Nobody else could make these two turn into putty in mere seconds other than you.
You want something? The next day it was in front if your door. Someone bothering you? They were dealt with personally. Feeling sad? Two warm hugs + cuddles, snacks and movies on their way.
It wasn't just you who got this treatment, but you returned every action they gave you. Your door was always the only one who was open for them.
Joker and Wooin could always tell you anything without feeling suffocated or regretting it.
You just understood them, and they understood you.
You were like the middle puzzle piece that held them together. The three of you were always matching, no matter what.
Now...It was scary, none of you able to speak about your true intentions.
These two were idiots if they believed that you didnt like them. You didn't what to hurt anyone. There was a decision to be made.
But you didnt want to decide, can't you have them both?
You loved Wooin, not because he's your childhood friend but because of how he treats you like you were worth more than a gem.
He was so gentle with you and you physically and mentally felt it. And Joker of the way he is, caring, always thinking of you.
Joker wasn't the richest and you know that, you didn't even give a fuck about those things but the fact that he tried made you melt.
He looks like he could murder (and would) but he was one of the sweetest people you knew, he didnt show it but his actions did.
There wasn't a time where you were left out when with these two. Joker and Wooin always made sure there was a space between the two for you, whether in a cinema, restaurant or a simple walk.
The familiar taste of metal made you swallow hard, blood seeped out of the rip of flesh while you bit down on your lips, licking it away with your tongue but it kept appearing to the surface.
The hug was broken apart by the boy sitting on the bed, the one behind you following after. You didnt know why you felt so empty, like a shell with no insides. The sad feeling made it hard to breathe.
You plopped down on your bed, hiding your face in the pillow, you were scared, you didn't want to ruin the relationship you had with them.
Scared of rejection.
They probably didn't like you, seeing you as a friend only. You hated this need of dragging yourself down to a standard, keep your delusions to yourself.
You felt a small shatter in your weak heart, did they love you or not? Because you think you're an idiot for liking them both.
But how could you not? Affection from others didn't work either...it was only like this with Wooin and Joker.
Closing your eyes, you felt the bed dip, an arm around your shoulder and a body laying next to yours.
Another person laid next to you on the other side, you could hear their heartbeats from here...it made you relax, stimulating your overworked brain into deep slumber.
"She's asleep."
The boxer made a humming noise, he never took his eyes off you, your back moved along with the movement of your lungs, exhaling...inhaling sluggishly.
"I think I love her."
Well, he wasn't expecting a confession right here, right now. "She's my childhood friend. I don't care if a billion people also do,"
wooin sat up, looking Joker dead in the eye, the usual, scary glint that swirled in his eyes making the baby-blue haired male zip his lips, "Im gonna make her mine. I hate sharing but... If that's– never mind, forget it."
Now Joker was left perplexed as Wooin reconsidered his words then went to sleep, maybe this was a sign for Joker to allow his body to rest...eyeing you until his brain also shut off.
He was getting intoxicated with the smell of flowery shampoo that come from you, overtaking his senses and Joker was waiting for you to appear in his dreams tonight again.
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Grrr should I continue this? I want to make a smut part but like...idk
Anyway, I hope you liked this and sorry for any mistakes!!
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shotorozu · 4 years
sleepy fem! reader who usually doesn’t initiate physical affection and isnt rly big on it (like no pda except for hand holding) bc she’s rly introverted/reserved? x kaminari, kirishima, shinsou! she suddenly sits on their lap while gaming and she kinda fiddles with their hair/ear lobe (they’re soft okay 😭)/their shirt and then dozes off on them and the boys reaction?
sleepy s/o suddenly sitting on their lap
characters : kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou, shinsou hitoshi
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader, quirk’s not mentioned
fic type : headcanons [fluff]
notes : i didn’t proofread in this one (i’ll do it later though,) but i’m a fat simp for this concept :,) ESPECIALLY FOR THE CHARACTERS I HC AS GAMERS rip.
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kaminari denki
i headcanon denki as a big gamer, because he accidentally went one day without leaving his room because he was gaming—
but because i’m not exactly a ‘gamer’ i can only imagine denki playing shooter games and roblox??
please don’t clock me
anyways, he highkey wanted you to sit on his lap— like he’s always ask you to do so
but you’re not very big on pda besides hand holding, quick hugs and kisses so :((
he could only dream of that day to arrive, denki will wait for you to be comfy
lucky for him! that dream would soon become a reality
it’s a saturday afternoon right? and you’re taking a cute lil nap, curled up on the bed
while he’ll lowkey harasses 12 year olds on roblox
your eyes peer open from your lap, and while you usually had restrain over yourself from doing certain things
you’re half asleep, and you’re not really aware of the things you’re doing right now
so, you stumble over to denki’s gaming chair— and he’s like “hey baby, you’re awake!”
you don’t reply, and you just crawl onto his lap
denki’s probably going to freeze for a second when he feels your thighs pressing against his lap
but on the inside, denki’s like “omg the day has come! Y/N is finally on my lap NANDKWD”
okay, but when you started playing with the cord of his headset though-
he’s trying pretty hard to not short circuit, and he doesn’t want to electricute the both of you-
but he’ll immediately lose in whatever game he was playing, and he’ll just focus his entire attention on you— doting over you
“what’s all of this for, Y/N?” he asks— not that he’s complaining though,,
you just press yourself even more into his body, drifting back to sleep— and kaminari has you in his arms for the remainder of the afternoon
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kirishima eijirou
another gamer, but he’s probably not as hardcore as denki or hitoshi ngl
but look,, kiri playing animal crossing with you omg (not saying he doesn’t play other genres of video games though,,)
regarding pda— he’ll be a little down that you won’t hug him everyday and stuff,
but he’ll quickly adapt to that (just for you) but he’ll still wait for the moment you’ve become comfortable with pda
but he just wants to hold you, even if it’s just your hand :))
it’s 8pm on a friday, and kirishima was playing his games with sero and kaminari
and you’re sleeping already because you were up late yesterday because you were studying for an upcoming test
it’s 8pm on a friday though?
moving past that, he doesn’t hear the blankets shift, nor does he hear you getting up from bed
but because of his peripheral vision, he sees your sleepy state walking towards you
he mutes his mic for a second, and he’s happy to see you up
“hey babe! what’re you doing up? are you hungry— wait,”
he’s a little surprised when he sees you move under his arms to sit on his lap, considering how you’re naturally reserved
you’re wrapping your hands over his shoulders, the chair creaking over the sudden addition of weight
he unmutes himself, telling kaminari and sero that he’s still alive, while leaning against your shoulder.
he was going to continue his game (almost as if he wasn’t flustered or anything)
but you started playing with his hair and omg, his cheeks are rivalling his hair at this point
hold it in kirishima eijirou, just hold it in for just a few more minutes
suddenly, he couldn’t take it anymore— and he just told sero and kaminari that he had to go, leaving the game and turning off his pc
leaving the both of them confused as hell
he won’t leave his gaming chair, just because he doesn’t want to wake you up
instead— he just stays there for a bit, not long before he drifts to sleep :)
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shinsou hitoshi
a bigger gamer, he plays/played basically every single genre out there
from horror, to rpgs— you name it :)
repeat after me, shinsou hitoshi is an insomniac. he’s a bigger insomniac than me
he won’t mind that you’re a little reserved regarding pda, since he himself isn’t so big on it
but he’ll definitely wait for you to be more comfortable
anyways, regarding the insomniac part— he’s probably up late (3-4am kinda beat)
just playing video games
you’re long gone at this point, because hello?? it’s 3-4am??
you shift in your bed, and you can feel the empty space besides you— and you just
get up, and navigate through the dark— trying to find hitoshi
while you’re half asleep
he’s very immensed in his game, but he’ll probably detect the padding of your feet against the floor
he’ll watch you swing your arms around him, pressing yourself on his lap
he was surprised for a bit because,, he assumed you were asleep, but the bigger part of him is like
Y/N is on your lap, your fantasy has came to life.
he’ll call out to you, just to check how awake you are— but you only respond with playing with his ear lobe
omg that’s cute
unlike the other two, he still continues his game— but it’s not like he’s neglecting your sleepy existence
he’s pressing his face against your shoulder, while his hand’s brushing up your back from here and there
he finishes after an hour (rip his eyeballs) and he swiftly carries you both to bed
pressing a soft kiss against your temple, he admires your sleeping form
“i love you.. sleep well, Y/N”
he won’t sleep, but he’ll definitely lay in bed cuddling you while just.. admiring your existence.
i’ll die for this man
»»————- ♡ ————-«
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
sarah i have thought of another fic request or like a cute idea i guess! i didn’t have anyone in mind when i thought of it so you can write it for whoever you want honestly :)
okay so the reader is a streamer but streams games like animal crossing, standew valley, etc. then (insert who you’re writing for) says they don’t like that game, but later ends up buying it and the reader is like “i thought you said you didn’t like this game” and they’re like “well i like you” and they confuses their feelings and they end up playing the game together and reader gives them a tour of their island or farm
i feel like this request isn’t good, but the scenario seemed cute and i wanted to share it. sorry if this is confusing or just too specific cuz i know it can be hard to write requests like that! but yeah i hope it gives you inspiration and you like the request <3
new horizons
warnings: language, a Marvel reference (hint: natasha said it about tony), stupid idiots who don’t realize they like each other, use of pet names, Uno rage, Hasan Piker's presence
words: 1473
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
A/N: i’ve been trying to catch up a little on my requests (i’ve only got a couple so i’m not super overwhelmed) but school and outside life has been taking up most of my time so this one took me a while to make! tbh— ive never played animal crossing so i did google some of the game mechanics and i apologize if anything is inaccurate about the game…. but i liked relaxing and writing this cute one so thank you for requesting hails :3
requests/inbox status: open
“This game is trash.”
Your head quirks, fingers stopped on the screen. You’re in the process of giving your character a cute new nickname; it’s kind of hard to decide between “awkward dude” and “elderly skater”.
“Excuse me?” Your chat comes alive with emotes and ‘KEKW’s, obviously entertained by you and your almost-more-than-friends-friend.
There’s a story for that later.
Sapnap’s rough laugh comes through your headset and he audibly swallows, the sound of a water bottle dropping onto his desk echoing.
“I’m just saying—it’s boring. It’s like Minecraft but you don’t like… do anything.” The grainy image of his bearded face shifts and you see him pull out his phone.
“It’s— you can’t even compare it to Minecraft! It’s a completely different game system—you actually interact with other people live in the game.” You huff out a dramatic sigh, slumping in your chair with a pout. “Just because you go into this lucid state where all you know is ‘touch block, hit George’ doesn’t mean this game isn’t fun.” (He scoffs at your awful impression of his voice. Your viewers love it.)
“Jeez,” he mumbles, fumbling with the cap of his water bottle. “Touched a nerve there, bud.”
You roll your eyes, getting back to the village in the game.
“Don't ‘bud’ me.”
The call falls comfortably quiet, the sounds of him tapping obsessively on his phone and you clicking away filling the silence. A gentle bedroom-pop YouTube playlist remains in the background, prompting you to hum along and glance at the chat to see a flood of “check twitter” and “Y/N TWITTER!!”.
“What happened on Twitter?” You mumble, confused, and pull the website up on another monitor. Sapnap just makes a curious noise, swinging back and forth in a circle. “Oh my God,” you say to yourself, fingertips brushing your parted lips.
“Hasan Piker just followed me and retweeted one of my not even remotely political old tweets. Like from a year ago.”
“That’s— wow. Congrats?” Sapnap’s voice cracks, and his ears flush pink the tiniest bit when you glance at his face on Discord.
“I’m gonna go on record and say that he could get it.” You shake your head in disbelief.
Sapnap falls uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal, so you look past the frenzied chat and to his screen— wait. He muted and turned his camera off.
“Um,” you start, furiously typing question marks in your private chat. “Where’d you go?” You mute and turn screen share off for your stream, concerned that he might’ve fallen off his chair and broken his neck and needs you to call the ambulance.
The characteristic ding of a twitter notification sounds through your bedroom, and you look at your phone quickly.
“That’s where I went.”
Sapnap Tweeted: “all Y/U stans can choke on my dick”.
“Jesus, Sapnap,” you say, and rapidly refresh to read the replies. This tweet was deleted. “That’s so— that barely makes sense, bro. Why— literally what?”
His snicker floods your ears and you relax in your chair. Crisis: averted. “Don’t fucking— what’s wrong with you?”
“I thought it would be funny,” he offers, shrugging, and fiddles with the straw in his water bottle, smile fading. “And also Hasan pisses me off.”
“Why, ‘cause he wants a piece of this? Jealous?” You think back to your viewers, knowing they’re probably spamming question marks and coming to ludacris conclusions about both of your absences. No offense to them. You remember your stan days very vividly.
“I mean, kinda.” He rubs once at his nose, glancing at the camera (and what feels like you) before taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Wow.” You watch one strand of his hair fall from beneath his hat and brush against his full eyebrows. “I’m uh—I’ll get back to my stream. You coming? Or is it time for a Sapnap-snack?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He snorts and leans his chin onto the balance of his arm.
“That means you like to take a little snack break mid-stream and come back approximately nine hours later and you didn’t even eat.”
“You know what— fuck you.” He flicks the camera as you laugh at the look on his face.
The teasing mood is easily kept as you switch games from Animal Crossing to Uno, all the while slamming Sapnap with +4’s and skipping the newly-arrived BadBoyHalo at any chance you can get. It unironically pisses him off and he has to take a Sapnap-snack break midway through (only a fifteen minute break this time, during which you and Bad take a “What Kind of Bread Are You?” quiz). The rest of the night is filled with devious cackles (you), loud and sudden bangs that sound suspiciously like someone hitting their desk in anger (Sap) and the stupid barking of Rat, AKA Lucy (Bad). She’s cute but a menace to the sound quality of Bad’s microphone. You sign off stream around 2 a.m. with various forms of thanks and kisses blown to the camera. It’s been a refreshing night, actually; you’ve been busy organizing a partnership stream all week and all your friends have been busy filming or editing or what-not. Quackity had time for a little Roblox every couple of days, though. He’s got your back.
The next time you see Sapnap is after a two hour stream of him try-harding in Valorant and you finishing responding to an email from your partnership in the VC.
“Okay, I’m back.” You hear him shift in his chair and click a couple more times on his keyboard. You perk up in your chair, closing the email browser you’d been looking at.
“Do you want to play anything else? I’m down for anything.”
“Absolutely not Uno. You can go to hell for giving me 6 cards that one time,” he jabs. You scoff, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Okay, the +4 was on me but it’s Bad who gave you the last two. That’s not my fault, sweetie.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, trailing off as the clicking of his keyboard stops. “Hey, um—Guess what?”
Your heart beats loud in your ears at the tone of his voice. He sounds nervous; that’s never good.
“I’m scared to guess,” you try, playing with a little Minecraft dog figurine you have on your desk with fidgety fingers. “What?”
“I bought Animal Crossing.”
Silence. You stare at his discord icon blankly, trying to reroute the wires of your brain.
“Tell me you love it.”
“Well… I haven’t actually played it— but you said you liked it, so.”
“So,” you repeat him, ears warming but continuing on. “Is that what you tell all your friends when you buy something they like? That it's because of them?”
He seems to choose his next words carefully, pausing a beat to consider your questions.
“Well, I don’t have a crush on all of my friends.”
“You—what?” You stutter, caught off guard and stumbling. What did he just say? “Don’t tell me you mean you have a crush on me.”
“I’m almost positive I just did.” His discord icon stares right back at you, taunting.
“You know, you’re very casual for someone who just admitted they like-like me.” Your cheeks flush pink and you have to press a hand to your chest to keep your breathing sounding stable.
“Yeah, I’m kind of cool like that,” he offers, a huff of a laugh punctuating his statement. The conversation moves into a lull that you can’t help but know is because of you. He must expect you to say something about it, right?
“You are very cool, Sapnap.” You tilt back in your chair, sucking in a breath to prepare yourself for your next words. “And—Isortakindofhaveacrushonyoutoo.”
He must understand you, for you can hear the grin in his voice when he asks “Really?”
“Y-yeah.” You feel like a preteen again, all shaky and giddy in front of the boy you just asked to a middle school dance.
“Um, alright. What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you answer genuinely and swing in a happy little circle in your chair. “We could play Animal Crossing.”
“I’m down.”
You swear you’ve never heard more beautiful words.
He keeps his camera off for most of the time you two play, too focused on creating his island and asking you questions about how to fish to turn it on. He silently flips it on when you help him decorate his lawn, needing to show you in real-time the decorations he has bought and where you think he should put them. He looks cute. I mean, of course he does. He always does.
You tell him goodbye late in the night, eyes saying a little more than just “see you tomorrow”.
You like him. He likes you.
It’s even better when you two have matching gardens.
A/N: anybody and everybody (especially my precious hailey) let me know what you think!! :]
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