#robin szolkowy
figureskatingcostumes · 8 months
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Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy performing in the 2013 Art On Ice shows.
(Sources: 1, 2 and 3)
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jennibeultimate · 2 years
Aljona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy back together as coaches in Chemnitz, Germany!
They will train skaters together in the places they trained for their past victories. The only title they didn't win as a Pair together was the Olympics title. This reunion is good news for dying figure skating in Germany.
I personally have mixed feelings about Aljona's personality because of the latest part of her active career and her excuses, but from a skating point of view I always loved her as a skater. Devide the skating from the skater, this is how I still enjoy past programs of Aljona with both former partners Robin and Bruno Massot.
I was a huge fan of Aljona and Robin back when they were active and they were one of the reasons I became a figure skating fan. So for all mixed feelings, they will always have a special place in my heart.
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dozydawn · 6 months
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
who/what figure skater did you found out at first when you became an figure skating fan and how you found out? also, when was the first LIVE competition you have watched? *in person*
thanks! 🙏🏼
i’m honestly kind of bored thats why i’m asking
I discovered figure skating watching German Pair skaters Aljona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy win their 1st world title at Worlds 2007 on TV. My mother turned the competition on on TV and I was fascinated. When Worlds 2009 happened I became a real fan of the sport seeing Yuna Kim, who has been my favorite ever since. Since then I watch it regularly albeit not on the scale I do now.
My first live competition was Internationaux de France in 2017, where Shoma and Javier Fernandez competed. Shoma was actually a huge factor why I took the chance to see skating live, because France isn't that far away and I would see one of favorite skaters. Before 2017 it never occurred to me to visit a skating competition live (I also lacked the financial situation to be able to do so) I watched live competitions in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics in my hometown quite regularly and still do, the new part was to travel to other countries for the sport.
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sunskate · 2 years
skate america thoughts- was so glad i got to see smaller competitions first before this one to appreciate more about this one- this audience was warm and SO supportive of everyone it visibly gave some skaters extra energy- I don’t know if it came across on the stream just how loud it got for Ilia or Kaori, but they were behind pretty much everyone
there were people who had stuffed animals for every single skater, and some of the less known skaters were very cute about receiving them, the crowd clapped for the falls almost as much as for the clean jumps, they gave the Ukrainian dance team an especially warm reception both skates, Donovan Carrillo’s mom was sitting nearby with friends cheering Vamos, Donovan (he also made a mistake right in front of her and she said ay, dios mio loud enough for him to hear😅)
Deanna Stellato-Dudek in pairs❤️ Junhwan, Roman, the whole last group of women, but especially Amber and Kaori, getting to see KanaDai and CB live but omg HB😭
Ilia’s jumping is 😳 - the sheer height he gets and how long the axel stays in the air - could see on his face the roar of the crowd was a new thing and he liked it, how could he not- but the quad god hat he put on in the kiss and cry - i hope he has good adults in his life who'll help him stay grounded and not take on the weird pressures and noise from around him. Saw him in the arena on SP day after the practice, and he looked very tight compared to Lake Placid (the skaters warmed up in and hung around the concourse above the spectator seats so he was around a lot)
I always like seeing the coaches and watching their vibes with their skaters- Marina, Aljona (who came to the men’s free event and FD and women’s FP practices after pairs was done), Orser, Patch. Robin Szolkowy. Why does Mike Slipchuk hang around the boards and even follow the skaters to the k&c? No other fed does this that I’ve noticed. When Wesley Chiu had a good FP Slipchuk went over and gave his coach a handshake and nodded to him like job well done which made me wonder what happens if a skater doesn’t skate well. Maybe it just feels like he’s everywhere bc he’s been at all the competitions I’ve been to this season. It’s funny how many pictures I have where he’s in the background on his phone
Was happy to see skaters who were new to me- this whole crop of Japanese men I didn’t know who are very good and promising. Daniel Grassl and his bendy legs- like how with those spin positions- Amber and Gracie chatting animatedly coming off the ice in practice, such good energy from Katia Kurakova giving autographs to tiny kids🥺 Marie-Jade Lauriault crying from happiness in the k&c, Amber crying in the k&c❤️
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mbti-sorted · 2 years
Robin Szolkowy
Anonymous asked:
Robin Szolkowy - isfj?
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I always wonder how Robin Szolkowy felt sitting in the Kiss & Cry with Tarasova & Morozov at the 2018 Olympics when final score was announced and he realised that his former partner, Aliona Savchenko had finally won the gold medal that he could never give her with someone else.
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No hate to Szolkowy, Tarasova or Morozov. It's just something I've often thought about since watching that pairs event since he spent over a decade of his career with Savchenko and went to three Olympic Games with her.
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theicedancekingdom · 4 years
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fskating_arts on instagram
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peacocksonice · 6 years
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Alexander Smirnov:  Встретилась старая гвардия!!!💪💪
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Aljona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy skating to Kismet by Bond for their short program at the 2013 World Championships. They bedazzled their costumes since the European Championships.
(Source: eislauffotos.de)
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jennibeultimate · 7 years
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Robin Szolkowy congratulates his former partner Aliona Savchenko and the whole podium!
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writeskatelive · 8 years
Three years ago today...
So it was the evening of February 11, 2014. I was a little girl, and I was more interested in all the flags and costumes than actual skating. The only skater I remembered and liked was Mao Asada, and I had hazy memories of Davis/White, but skating was not my thing. I was a gymnastics girl. I was just watching because my mom loved it and I didn't want to be the “disinterested daughter”.
We’re watching pairs, and all the talk is about this Russian couple. She’s a lovely blonde princess in a pale blue dress and he’s dressed like a nobleman from another era. And the crowd loves them. The commentators can’t get enough of them.
We’re also watching for our own country, so we cheer when Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir take the ice.
Me: “He’s so big. And she’s so little!”
I'm enjoying it. He flings her around so easily, and yet you know there must be iron in her bones for her to hit those jumps. I'm so excited to watch them, and I want the commentators to shut up about how these two don’t have a chance at a medal.
Sometime between this stunning acrobatic feat and waiting for THE Russian couple, I fall asleep. I wake up just in time for them, look around, and ask my mom, “Did I miss anything?”
Mom: “Just a Russian couple who had a clean skate.”
Me: “Okay. But not THE Russians.”
There’s also this Canadian couple. The first thing I notice is how tall the guy is. Then how tiny the girl is. Then how handsome the guy is. And then how pretty the girl looks in her pink dress. Then the girl’s Olympic ring necklace. And then they start skating to this beautiful piano music. And he picks her up like she’s a peanut (which she is, but it's still so impressive because he does it with one hand).
This is getting way exciting.
Then there’s a routine to the Pink Panther soundtrack. I’m in!
THE Russians, as you might’ve guessed, are Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. And they are on fire. The arena is amazing, how it lights up. Everyone is screaming, and I think, “Hey, skating is cool!”
Then there’s the free skate. Back then I thought the short program and the free skate were two different competitions. That's how little I knew about the sport.
The first several pairs go. I’m sad that those cool Canadians fell, but I write down their names because I know they're good. Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford. Note to Self: they're going places.
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In the final warm-up group of the free skate, I notice a pair I’ve never seen before.
The girl is small, like most pair girls are, but she stands out. Her dress is red with black trim, a simple cut, and she has dark hair pulled into a ponytail and red lipstick to match the dress. The guy is wearing this theatrical striped suit.
Me: “'I don't remember this pair.”
Mom: “'Oh these are those Russians you slept through.”
Then they start skating. They're really killing it! I'm following along, following...
Then the Addams Family soundtrack starts up. My dad (who doesn't follow figure skating and still thinks Gracie Gold and Ashley Wagner are the same person) came in and asked, “'Who are these people?”
Me: “Shh! These guys are doing great!”
I don't know why I've never heard of this pair. Why hasn't the media said anything about them? They're so good!
They attempt a throw jump at the very end of the program, and the girl sticks it so solid I say, “Yes!”. They hit their closing pose, and she’s screaming, bouncing, and pumping her fists. I feel like joining in. And he has such a big boyish grin that melts my heart.
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Me: “THE Russians are probably so nervous right now.”
THE Russians skate right after this amazing performance. They're wearing gold costumes, as if they know what they came for. And they skate like gold, too. They really are doing great.
But all I remember is Morticia Addams, her sweet partner, and those 4 minutes of bliss.
Then the Chinese pair goes. They’re nice to watch, and the performance puts them in third.
Pink Panther girl has now put on something more subtle. They're looking good until her partner misses a jump. They get up and keep skating, which I always admire, and then a few seconds before the end, the commentators say these guys are spontaneously adding a trick.
Throw triple Axel. Very hard and it’s at the end of the program. They’re doing everything they can to win.
She falls.
They both look so upset. They came here for gold, just like THE RUSSIANS, but it's not going to happen for them. They aren't going to be happy with silver. They came to win.
The only thing worse than silver for a couple who wanted gold is bronze.
Me: “But they won a medal! How can they be upset?”
The arena is going insane. THE Russians have won gold and everyone is surprised - the girl in the red dress and the guy in the striped suit get silver!
Me to that pair: “I’ll see you win gold in 2018! You’ve got what it takes!”
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Since then I have been a hardcore skating fan. I have diligently watched the Grand Prix, followed the skaters on Instagram to the point of obsession...basically gone mad for skating. And I owe it all to that magical night. February 12, 2014.
I have watched that Canadian couple rise to the top. I have watched the German girl in the Pink Panther unitard find a new partner and chase her dreams again. I have watched THE RUSSIANS fall in love, get married, and have their daughter (who will be born this month!). And I have watched the girl in the red dress grow into a fierce, lovely young woman with the guy in the striped suit eternally at her side through the good and the bad.
I don't know what's going to happen in 2018. The sport has changed so much, and anything can change in the blink of an eye. Your feet can slide out from underneath you, and it’s over. There goes 4 years of hard work, gone in an instant.
But when you land it, they can never take that moment away from you. And they can never erase your name from the books. You are a part of history.
So whenever I'm feeling down, whenever things don’t go like how I planned, whenever I just wonder what’s the meaning of this crazy world, I think of that night that changed my life. And I strive to be a professional optimist. Because being happy is why we’re here.
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johnnyweirtohostsnl · 8 years
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aestheticathletics · 8 years
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Robin Szolkowy at the ISU European Figure Skating Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic, 26.1.2017
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me whenever I watch pair skating: When are we going to get Robin/Aliona reunion??
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I will no longer be supporting Aliona Savchenko in light of her recent pairing with rapist and abuser, TJ Nyman.
I loved and admired Aliona so much for her sheer determination, hardwork and passion that led her to finally winning Olympic Gold at her fifth Olympics. This win cemented her status as a legend in the sport and completed her legacy as the arguably the most talented pairs skater in the world, as well as the most decorated.
However, Aliona now seems determined to trample on that legacy and everything she achieved with Massot and Szolkowy for the sake of one more Olympic cycle (depending on whether she can actually get US Citizenship). Her desire to return to competitive sport is not what has disappointed fans however, it is the partner she has chosen to do it with.
TJ Nyman is a rapist. And a mediocre skater whose competitive highlight is 5th place at junior world's, he has never competed as a senior (internationally or even at US Nationals). Despite this, he will now essentially be rewarded for shitty behaviour towards previous partners (& women in general) and be given the unfair advantage of leaping ahead of more deserving US pairs, gaining international spots and the opportunity to earn money through sponsorships and shows. All because he has partnered with the legend that is, Aliona Savchenko.
He is a disgusting person who shouldn't even be allowed to compete. And she has disappointed everybody who has ever supported her in her long career.
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