#robert kincaid
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scenephile · 1 year ago
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The old dreams were good dreams...
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j-tillow · 11 months ago
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davidtennantgenderenvy · 11 months ago
The Doctor and Rose - One Second and a Million Miles
Get the tissues Whovians this one’s a doozy
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sonsun92 · 2 years ago
“I live with dust on my heart.”
An excerpt from ChatGPT regarding a line in a letter written by Robert Kincaid to Francesca Johnson in the novel The Bridges of Madison Country:
“By stating that he lives with dust on his heart, Robert Kincaid suggests that his heart is burdened, covered, or weighed down by something unresolved or unfulfilled. The "dust" represents the accumulation of emotional pain, regret, or unfulfilled desires. It signifies the remnants of past experiences or relationships that have left a lasting impact on him.
The phrase also implies a sense of isolation or a lack of emotional connection. Dust is often associated with neglect or abandonment, suggesting that Robert Kincaid feels emotionally detached or distant from others. It conveys a sense of longing for a deeper connection or emotional fulfillment that has eluded him.
In the context of the letter to Francesca Johnson, who has been a rare source of connection and love for Robert, he is expressing his vulnerability and the depth of his emotions. He is essentially saying that despite his experiences and the burdens he carries, Francesca has managed to reach his heart and bring it to life.”
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guitarpedal · 5 months ago
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lunastar92 · 11 months ago
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Patrick Dempsey!
Sexiest Man!
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dalekofchaos · 2 months ago
Scream 4 au Roman and Jill as the killers
Imagine if instead of stupidly jumping up to get himself killed. Roman escaped and returned in Scream 4. Imagine the untapped potential of Roman and Jill as a family Ghostface duo
Sidney spent years preparing for his return. But it never happened and she moved on with her life and wrote her book.
All the while, Roman did return to Woodsboro. Mentoring and grooming Jill to be his partner.
We already know that in a early screenplay of Scream 4, Jill mentioned basically how much respect she had for Roman
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I feel as though this duo had great potential.
By the way, have you noticed some of the kills in Scream 4 are too big for Jill and Charlie and would require muscle? Roman's height would help make up for the bigger kills and the heavy lifting in Scream 4. Roman is the tallest ghostface outside of Stu. He also has the best build.
Imagine this. Jill lives in her sister's shadow all her life. Her best friend got into horror movies because of Sidney, her absent father and her mother's drunkedness and questionable behavior.(see here for cut details about Jill and Kate)
Jill just needs a guide and who better than her dear cousin Roman.
Roman indoctrinates her. Telling what Maureen did to him and why he tried to kill Sidney. Then, Jill talks and talks about her trainwreck of a family and they click.
Jill would still be the star of the show and Charlie would be her scapegoat. Her true partner is Roman and Roman gets the chance to play director. While Jill becomes his Final Girl. Jill gets her fame, while Roman gets revenge.
Sidney thinks Jill and Charlie was all there was. Jill and Sidney have a fight for the knife and when Sidney seemingly overpowers Jill, the third Ghostface appears. Sidney turns around and he stabs her. Jill grabs her knife and stabs Sidney.
Roman unmasks and says "What's the matter Sidney, you look like you've seen a Ghost. Aww you missed me sis, literally and figuratively"
Get an ending where it looks like the villains won. Sidney is seemingly dead. Jill is the "survivor" Roman comes out as the hero and this eclipses his supposed "involvement" in Hollywood and blames his former actor Angelina.
Then in the original Scream 5 that Williamson had planned. The world and narrative that Jill and Roman crafted comes crashing down.
Suddenly Ghostface returns while Jill is in college. Only like in Williamson's Scream 3, no one really dies.
“In my original story for Scream 3, the killers were basically a fanclub of Woodsboro kids that had formed because of Stab 1 and Stab 2,” he tells me. “They were all doing the killings and the big surprise of the movie was when Sidney walked into the house after Ghostface had killed everyone … and they all rose up. None of them were actually dead and they’d planned the whole thing.”
So in the big finale, Roman and Jill are trapped and cornered.
Everyone who Ghostface seemingly killed throughout the movie rises up and points their fingers.
Five Ghostfaces appear. One by one they reveal themselves
Kirby Reed
Gale Weathers
Dewey Riley
Mark Kincaid
and finally Sidney Prescott
Roman quakes in fear and tries to say something and BANG
Sidney shoots him in the head. "This time I didn't miss, brother."
Jill begs for mercy from Kirby. "Please, we were best friends." "You're right, we were" Kirby stabs her and everyone takes a turn in stabbing Jill, with Sidney being the one to finish Jill off.
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tzigone · 8 months ago
KF:TLC post-series (fic) thoughts
I was thinking about post-series and things I'd like to see.
Obviously, Paul's return would be a cool thing. I've read several variations on this. I feel like thematically, he needs to return of his own volition once he's defeated his inner demons. But that doesn't make as exciting a story as his life in danger, I know. I do think it needs to be a little bit - not happen right on the heels of Peter leaving the force.
I'd like to see more stories (even set during series) featuring on Peter and his sisters when Peter is adult. They show up in kid-Peter fics, but rarely in adulthood.
Laura to be dead. I haven't seen the finale in many, many years, and don't recall the details, but I don't like her being alive. I mean, Caine and Peter being alive when the other thought them dead was part of the series premise, but her too just seems to go too far (not that Matthew didn't already). It actually might be interesting to see Caine being manipulated/led down the wrong path and Peter as the one with clear vision on the matter. But, like I said, can't recall the specifics. Though, I do think Peter needs time to settle in to being the Caine of Chinatown, so people become used to coming to him for help before his dad comes back.
I'd like to see Peter and Jordan and Jody relationship dynamics addressed. Without Jordan as a bad guy. I actually ship Peter and Jody (I know many don't), but even under the goodbye-ish circumstance of him leaving the station, kissing Jody like that in the precinct while still with Jordan last she knew (at least as far as I can recall) is a real shit move of Peter's. The gossip will be terrible.
Okay, they aren't main characters, but more followup on Karen and her son or Kermit and his would be cool. I admit I'm way more into Karen's relationship with Todd. I'm a big Simms fan, and I totally crushed on Todd when I first sow the show as a teenager. Plus, she's seemingly going to end up adopting a baby, so there's a whole new dynamic.
I want a story where TJ Kincaid does manage to pull back the woman he loved from the darkness. He can have Peter, Caine, or Lo Si as his supernatural support, but I want it to be be him that does it.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
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Cloud formation over Palmer Park, Colorado Springs, CO. Photo: Christine Miles Kincaid (June 28, 2023) :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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"follow the cloud to a new place. see the grace in undoing everything you’ve done."
from “moving” in There Is a Future: A Year of Daily Midrash by Amy Bornman, p. 43
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scenephile · 11 months ago
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We are the choices that we have made.
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j-tillow · 1 year ago
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thebibliomancer · 1 year ago
Essential Avengers: Avengers #311: The WEAKEST POINT
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December, 1989
Hydrobase DESTROYED!
Right from Atlantis Attacks to Acts of Vengeance?
Ugh. Marvel really was trying to shake all the quarters out of its audience in 1989. And then the trends of the 90s with special covers and new number one's galore? And then bankruptcy because the big comic companies had poisoned their own waters with that kind of behavior?
I'm getting ahead of myself.
I covered all of Atlantis Attacks because the Avengers and West Coast Avengers chapters wouldn't make any sense in isolation.
I am NOT covering all of Acts of Vengeance.
I counted 50 participating issues before I gave up! That is so much! And it's not really an overarching story so much as... like a vibe? A vague theme?
Villains attacking people they don't usually villain because some masterminds think that would give them a better chance of winning.
A flawed premise because in Marvel, the idea of a strict rogues gallery is a lot more loose. Since a huge chunk of the superhero populace operates out of New York, everybody just kinda shares.
I mean, sure, some of the match-ups that took place in Acts of Vengeance were unlikely. But they were match-ups that could have eventually happened just because Superman Doesn't Stay Out of Gotham in Marvel, if you catch my point.
As the bridge between all of Marvel, the Avengers are pretty likely to eventually fight anyone.
Anyway, I'll only be covering the Avengers and Avengers West Coast. If I try to cover everything I will die.
Also, I covered Atlantis Attacks first because Hydrobase/Avengers Island shows up in it and then (spoilers) it gets destroyed here in issue #311.
Remember how I kept saying enjoy the island while you could?
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Look at Avengers Island in that opening splash! The runway and roads form a sorta A shape. That's just cool!
That's the coolest the island has ever looked because other aerial shots have been pretty barren or have only showed the Avengers Mansion.
Sadly, Avengers Island never really got a chance to shine. Introduced by Stern before he got unceremoniously booted by editorial meddling and barely utilized by Walter Simonson since his run barely got off the ground. John Byrne seemed like he was going to do something with it when his run started because he had the island moved closer to New York and renamed from Hydrobase to Avengers Island.
But it got hoisted out of the sea (somehow without being majorly damaged) in the Lava Men trilogy and then wasn't really important in the Gilgamesh Is Dead trilogy and now here we are where (spoilers) its going to be destroyed.
I'm jumping the gun a little bit to eulogize but it's been a recent them of the Avengers books that interesting ideas just don't get a chance before they're taken out back and shot.
Captain Monica as the chairwoman of the Avengers. The Worst Roster. Avengers Island.
There's always someone smacking the book and yelling at it to stop trying new things.
Anyway. My unending sadness aside, this is a Quasar focus issue.
I'm not really sure when he became an Avenger because he just started showing up as one when Cap announced the Every Avenger Is An Avenger roster. So either sometime in another book or he was just nearby when Cap was gathering people and got included to pad out the numbers.
(Apparently, there was a back-up story in Avengers Annual #18 set between Avengers #303 and 304 showing that Quasar got invited to join after the Super-Nova incident. Captain America and Hawkeye fight over him. It sounds like a fun story. But I read Avengers Annual #18 for Atlantis Attacks and sometimes back-up stories are omitted on Unlimited and whoops this is one of those times.)
Quasar shows up at Avengers Island after participating in another Acts of Vengeance over in his own book.
Speaking of ideas that never really got a chance to shine: the Avengers Support Crew finally show up!
With the Avengers getting a whole island as their headquarters, some noise was made in Simonson's run that they'd be hiring more of a support crew than just Jarvis. Mostly characters from Captain America's orbit.
But with Simonson leaving the book, not a lot was done with that idea. Until now! The very issue that the new, bigger headquarters they were hired to help with is going to sink!
Hahahaha ;_;
Anyway. We have Robert Frank Jr - Nuklo from Giant-Size Avengers #1. Son of the Whizzer and Miss America (not the modern one). He was cured of being excessively radioactive and got hired to be a groundskeeper on Avengers Island.
We have Peggy Carter. I don't need to explain Peggy Carter. She fought in World War II and was Cap's sometimes girlfriend. Then he started dating her niece instead. Which is a very normal thing to do, probably. She was hired to be in charge of telecommunications.
There's Fabian Stankiewicz. Good ol' Mechano-Marauder! That dingus that kept building robot suits to attack the Avengers and he was treated as a bit of a joke villain? Even getting beaten once by David Letterman. Yes, David Letterman. Cap saw potential in him anyway and hired him to maintain and improve the Avengers' technology.
There's M'Daka, a Wakandan pilot that delivered Captain America a new shield once. And apparently this made such an impression on Cap that he poached the guy from T'Challa to work for the Avengers as a mechanic.
Michael O'Brien, the former head of security for Project PEGASUS and later the Vault and was hired as head of security for the Avengers. Given the stuff that happened at Project PEGASUS and the Vault, I don't know if he's great at his job. But also the Avengers aren't great at security sometimes so its a lateral move, at worst.
Jarvis, of course, is on the payroll as butler and delightful human being. I assume he gets paid extra for being so delightful.
Keith Kincaid, husband to Jane Foster, was hired as a doctor so the Avengers wouldn't have to rely on mysterious Doctor Donald Blake just showing up whenever there's a medical emergency. And presumably to make Thor feel bad whenever he has to look at the dude that married his girlfriend because his dad made them break up.
There's also Donna Maria Puentes, a South American revolutionary that impressed Captain America with how good she was at shooting Nazi androids. So he hired her as an administrator.
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Take this with a grain of salt because I'm also the person looking forward to the Avengers' 90s team jackets but I think the blue jumpsuits and red turtlenecks are a very spiffy look for the support crew.
I honestly like the idea that as a bigger, more officially recognized super-team, the Avengers would have a support staff. And since security is very hard for superheroes, it's mostly people that Captain America already knew.
This issue really goes into some depth about how Avengers Island normally operates. There's guys doing landscaping. There's guys in a security room spotting Quasar arriving and making sure the system confirms his arrival via retina pattern and fingerprints. Then they watch him as he makes his way through the Mansion towards the communication room.
When he gets there Peggy Carter tells him that she's getting reports from all over that superheroes are getting attacked by people they've never faced before.
She won't call it a plot without more evidence but she definitely is thinking the word plot very loudly.
Elsewhere, a mysterious (Loki) man in a suit sits on a throne flanked by two fancy braziers (it's Loki) spying on the Avengers' communication room with magical scrying (Acts of Vengeance plays this up as a mystery but it's Loki, you know it, I know it, and he knows it).
Definitely Loki meets with a mysterious green cloaked figure (Dr Doom, obviously) and ... Shredder from Ninja Turtles? Or maybe the Mandarin? And there's a lot of Everything Transpires How We Planned and yeah we're definitely all going to try to betray each other between them.
Definitely Doom says that he's set in motion his part of the plan.
Anyway, Peggy Carter just finishes telling Quasar that she hasn't been able to contact any of the other Avengers when Avengers Island starts to shake.
Peggy checks on the security monitor and OH NO
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Dozens of robots are smashing holes in the flotation cushions that keep the not-an-island Avengers Island floating!
Since it's just Quasar and the support crew (despite the lying cover featuring Thor, Namor, She-Hulk, Sersi, and Captain America! That's a lot of lying, even by cover standards!), it's an all hands situation.
The non-superpowered people all grab laser rifles from gun lockers, Fabian gets into his latest battlesuit, and Quasar flies out and starts blasting robots.
I'm of two minds here, re: the Acts of Vengeance conceit.
The Avengers have fought Doom before. He's not showing up personally, just sending some robots. But I think it counts. So Doom attacking the Avengers with robots isn't a match-up they haven't had before.
But most of the actual Avengers are off busy somewhere. I don't think Quasar has fought Doom. So Quasar and the Avengers Support Crew versus some Doom robots that aren't Doombots is a novel match-up.
The support crew and Quasar blast the bots to pieces but the disembodied limbs keep attacking.
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Rocket punch!
That ol' Doom sure knows how to build a robot.
Even as the support crew and Quasar blast bots, more continue to punch holes in Avengers Island.
Which is a thing you have to say when reading comics.
Starfox sneaks aboard Nebula's spaceship to find out what his supposed grandniece is up to. He pleasure zonks a guard unconscious and steals his environment suit so he can be INCOGNITO.
He finds his way to the bridge where Nebula and her Rigellian minion Gunthar are looking over the tablets they recovered from Omicron Seti, which hold in their ancient carvings A SECRET THAT DETERMINES THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE. A secret that will make her scarier than Thanos.
But she'll need Paul Harker, that random old man scientist the book has kept cutting to. The one who blew up his own basement with his new invention? That guy.
The one subplot the Avengers book has been dutifully building up.
Back at Avengers Island, the support crew is getting overwhelmed. Even Stankiewicz in his battlesuit.
Wow. Cap picked well. These guys really want to live up to what he saw in them.
Quasar sees some of the robots messing with the big Quinjet fuel storage tanks but he's able to chase them away pretty easily. Too pretty easily...
But he literally doesn't have time to worry about that.
He sends Peggy Carter to go back to the communications room and try again to contact the Avengers. Despite Peggy telling him the emergency signal has been going since the attack started.
Peggy worries that the Avengers are already dead, since she wasn't able to raise them before the attack. But she's not going to think about it!
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The robots retreat but the island is already sinking.
Quasar doesn't know whether this is a trick or not but he decides to use the breathing room anyway.
He orders an evacuation and orders the support crew to try to prepare as many of the Quinjets for launch as they can reasonably save.
Then he dives into the water to check to see if Hydrobase Avengers Island can be saved.
And. No.
No, it can't.
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Every one of the flotation cylinders has been ruptured and has taken on water. There's just not enough time to patch all the holes before the island completely sinks.
Quasar does create a giant brace with his green lantern-ish powers to stabilize the island.
I wonder why he doesn't make a jack to lift it completely out of the water. He's thrown an entire Terminus into space once.
For that matter, weren't giant spikes put into Avengers Island to keep it in one place? Where are those and wouldn't they help keep the island afloat?
I guess that got lost in the shuffle.
O'Brien rushes into the mansion (where the flooding is ruining all of Tony Stark's art and rugs) to look for Peggy Carter. Who you may recall was sent back into the Mansion to try to contact the Avengers despite an automated distress call going out.
Way to manufacture drama, Quasar.
Peggy insists at staying at her post, continuing to try to contact help. Like she thinks she's on the Titanic or something. But O'Brien lies and says that the Avengers are here so c'mon lets hustle.
Then the secret bomb that the robots secretly left at the fuel tanks unsecretly explodes.
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Knocking Quasar for a loop and rendering his plan to stabilize the island moot.
There's just no chance of saving the island now.
But Quasar does pop out of the water to save O'Brien and Peggy and carry them to the Quinjet Jarvis is piloting.
Hi, Jarvis!
Jarvis: "I only wish we had never removed our headquarters from New York City. Then, perhaps... nothing like this... could ever have happened. The proud history of Avengers Mansion would not have ended like this..."
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Jarvis, I love ya, but shut up. You sound like you're speaking from the editorial, not from the heart.
Don't forget that y'all moved to the island in the first place because the Masters of Evil basically gutted Avengers Mansion. You might as well say 'I only wish we'd moved out to sea earlier so nothing like this could ever have happened' about that.
And like I said at the beginning of this post, Avengers Island was not a mistake. It was a new direction for the book that never got a chance to shine before someone lost their nerve and forced a change back to status quo.
Because, yes, before too long, Avengers Mansion will be rebuilt back in Manhattan.
And I like Avengers Mansion. Honestly, it's my favorite HQ for the team. But I wish this era wasn't characterized with timid backtracking.
Aside from that, this is a cool issue. Seeing the civilian support staff and Quasar have to defend the base while the Avengers are absent is pretty interesting.
I disagree with the sinking of Avengers Island but it does give Acts of Vengeance some impact. Although it can't compare to the last big HQ wrecking, Avengers Under Siege.
Anyway. Quasar says he gets the feeling this whole thing isn't over. And he's right. There's two more Acts of Vengeance in Avengers and three in Avengers West Coast.
Four in Avengers Spotlight but I don't read that. It says Avengers on it but it's like Two-in-One or Marvel Team-Up but with Hawkeye.
Follow @essential-avengers. Like and reblog. Shout to the wind. Howl like nobody's watching.
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sonsun92 · 2 years ago
In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of certainty comes only once, and never again, no matter how many lifetimes you live.
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billysjoel · 2 years ago
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Mason: I’m an opportunist? Thirty-eight people were shot in court rooms last year. The show you’re staging is no different than mine.
Ben: This is not a show. You have a camera, I have Attica.
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heartfe1t · 2 years ago
"you’re out of your fucking mind.”
ava raises an eyebrow, staring at nini pointedly.   ❝    i'm out of my mind? because i'll say it again nina.   ❞    she bites off her words, as sweet as she almost sounds in her tone of voice.   ❝    you're not the only girl in this room who knows what he likes. and i think if you're going to be talking about this little outfit situation out loud with your friend on facetime, i may as well offer my opinion.   ❞   she shrugs, there's no sense trying to get this girl to like her, she doesn't care if she does or doesn't. besides, she'd pretty much burned that bridge with ricky, though things had been arguably mostly amicable on the split itself. his now girlfriend... definitely isn't going to like her. they just have to put up with each other a little while longer, rooming together for the competition out of a coincidence of fate...
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jbaileyfansite · 2 months ago
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As it charts a new course for the franchise, Jurassic World Rebirth also promises some other callbacks to the original Jurassic Park. Bailey hints that his paleontologist, Dr. Henry Loomis, has a history with Sam Neill’s intrepid character. “I’ve always wanted to make Dr. Alan Grant proud,” the actor says. “You’ll have to wait and see to see what sort of link there is between them.”
His professorial hero is a contrast to Bailey’s recent breakthrough role as Fiyero in Wicked, a less-than-intellectual character who scoffs at the library and kicks books aside in his signature song “Dancing Through Life.” Dr. Loomis would be aghast. Bailey says his Rebirth character “reinforces big, cerebral, and emotional arguments about the natural world and how we as humans live our lives.”
Unlike the others, he’s not combat-ready, however, which places him at extra risk on the Island of Misfit Dinosaurs. He may be a little too fascinated by them, and not guarded enough as he guides the team toward harvesting the dinosaurs’ genetic material. “His strengths are his compassion and enthusiasm and hunger for the natural world,” Bailey says. “That’s his brilliance and that’s also his downfall.”
Speaking of extracting DNA, the new film does this with Spielberg himself, who serves as an executive producer on Rebirth. “To me, it’s like a heist movie that meets all the films of Steven Spielberg I loved growing up,” Edwards says. “The three films we were orbiting were Jaws, Indiana Jones, and the awe and wonder of the original Jurassic.”
Bailey’s character channels Dr. Jones in one sequence set on a towering cliff, when he tries to extract fluid from the eggs of some flying dinosaurs who are said to be the size of fighter jets. The egg is about the same size as the golden idol from the opening sequence of Raiders of the Lost Ark (which was the first of many movies Marshall made with Spielberg.) “The original script just referenced the nest in a cliff and I really felt like we’re in Central America, and I like the idea that there was an old civilization here at one point,” Edwards said. Instead of a cave, he made the setting “an Inca-style old temple that had been abandoned hundreds of thousands of years ago. Inevitably, the second you do that, you’re suddenly going, ‘This is very Indiana Jones.’”
Bailey points out that the relationship between the three leads mirrors another monstrous Spielberg classic about a killer shark. “Much like in Jaws, you see how three people react to the same extreme level of survival,” he says. His Dr. Loomis is like Richard Dreyfuss’s bookish oceanographer; Johansson is the battle-hardened leader like Roy Scheider’s police chief, Martin Brody; and Ali’s Duncan Kincaid, a black-ops logistics expert who shepherds them into the island, has elements of Robert Shaw’s grizzled seafarer Quint.
New image of Jonathan Bailey as Dr. Henry Loomis and him talking about his character in Jurassic World Rebirt [x]
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