#roastin' records
tusouthafrica · 5 years
South African Sounds: “Simple Day” By Jason Barty
Article by: Jacob Colker
Although most of the popular music in South Africa is pop and hip-hop, there is a burgeoning electronic music scene here. Roastin’ Records, a record label based in Cape Town, has been putting out some of the best electronic music the country has to offer. Recently, the label released their second edition of their Friends with Benefits compilation, which combines a variety of electronic genres from around the country. The first half of the compilation consists of techno, house, and hip hop bangers, while the second half is a combination of lush electronica and ambient beats.
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Photo found at https://jasonbarty.com/images.
One of the standout tracks on the record is the song “Simple Day” by Jason Barty. Barty is a Cape Town based producer who makes downtempo and ambient music. He draws inspiration from nature, which is evident in “Simple Day”. In the song, you can hear many natural elements: the sound of wind brushing through leaves, a rolling stream, and the sound of birds chirping. When listening to it you can picture yourself in a field with a stream nearby and birds chirping in the distance.
Barty has been producing music for the past three years, and currently DJs around Cape Town. To find out more about Barty, check out his Spotify account and website, or listen to “Simple Day” here.
For more South African music, click here and follow our Spotify playlist!
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zingaplanet · 2 years
A bit of last post-MNF insta live of the season recap from the Carraville double trouble:
1. Them being absolute schooldorks waving and laughing at Dave in the next car in traffic (I genuinely at this point strongly worry for jonesy's mental health and the amount of intense parenting he has to do every season) and then basically ADMITTING that they need someone to look after them on the show and keep them in check (see? I told you, school boys) otherwise they'll go absolutely off the rails, not that we haven't seen a glimpse of what that'd be like in that last 15 mins of mnf today.
2. JUST THEM BASICALLY CHECKING EACH OTHER'S WEEKLY PLANS WITH A PRETEXT OF DOING IT FOR THE CAMERA OK. (What u doin on Sunday--, Who're u goin with, u gonna be there on friday, etc.) I mean Gary literally asked whether Carra's going by plane or by bus, WHAT AIRLINE COMPANY HE'S GOING FOR, HIS DAY-BY-DAY PLAN IN PARIS (WHOT). All I can say is, repeating his very own words, gary "have you not got any discretion?"
3. Them just absolutely roastin Thierry Henry is an absolute banger tbh. Carra and Gary goin about Henry drinking in his fancy french candle lit restaurant with his fancy red wine whilst gary having an absolute laugh imagining his scouse half gettin absolutely pissed on cheap alcohol with a french legend during the CL final?? Comedy gold. (Also whether they realised it or not, they kinda gave away the differences between their relationship with each other and the relationship that they have with other pundits, like Jamie with Henry and Micah for instance. Jamie seems to unthinkingly opens up to Gary saying he never really has a drink with Henry, and maybe almost a bit too honest forgetting he's on camera by saying he's a bit relieved Man City didn't get through because he doesn't really know what to feel if he has to do the CL finals with Micah. Meanwhile, we know he never has a problem doing massive games for Liv United with Gary, it's the absolute trust of back and forth balance they've danced throughout so many years and knowing everything'll be just the same between them afterwards no matter what).
4. This is the bit that gets me, really. It's so subtly thoughtful and a bit out of the blue that there's no way Gary's not saying this for a reason. So Gaz brought up the recent media controversy about Stevie hyping up his villa team and giving extra emotional passion in the game against City to help Liverpool win the league. He then literally says that this is absolute nonsense, and very bravely calls out that it's just media spinning. He said that Stevie's thinking absolutely nothing but winning the game for Villa and doing the best job he can as he always did, because of his absolute mentality as a top manager at a top level team.
The funny thing was that Carra was completely silent during this whole topic as he has been the past few weeks and Gary didn't even turn to ask his inputs as he always did. That's when I realised what an absolutely kind act of caring this is. It's a bit of a given that Carra can't really say anything about his best mate and it's a very difficult position for him considering it's both Stevie and Liverpool and he almost always had to thread on a very thin line every time the media asked him about his relationship with Stevie as the Aston Villa manager these days.
I think Gary's completely aware of this. That's why he's doing the talking for him. It's the silent supporting pat that I think speaks volume of their trust for each other, a don't worry, I got this one.
And at the end, when Gary was joking that he would leave Sky if Liverpool wins the quadruple, Carra immediately challenges him to get him to say it on record because he knows Gary won't break a promise and wants a reassurance that he'll deny it.
I'd say love takes many form lads, but one of them is definitely the relief look on Jamie Carragher's face when Gary Neville said he's never leaving Sky (and a certain someone) again.
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deansawthetvglow · 4 years
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subserviiient · 5 years
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“This heatwave is making me understand Ritsu very well.” She too wants to lay on the ground under a tree although, she wants death to take her rather than sleep.
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From the Archives: Ozark Speak
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Ozark speak is unique among Southern dialects, and is closer to Appalachian English than to the typical Southern “twang” or “drawl” that people know of from the Deep South and Texas. Vance Randolph wrote a wonderful book on the subject called “Down in the Holler” which goes into pronunciation of the dialect as well as laying out quite a few unique Ozark words. Being from the Ozarks I’ve grown up hearing certain ways of talking. Words like “cain’t” instead of “can’t” “far” instead of “fire” and “yeller” instead of “yellow” are just a few examples. I find myself going back to those old ways of speaking every now and then, especially when I’m around other Ozark speakers. It just comes out of me, I cain’t help it. Our language is one of the folkways that make us unique. I used to hate the way my family talks, but I’ve come to realize that this is a part of our culture that needs preserving just like any other. I’d like to set down here a few examples of the Ozark dialect that are recorded in “Down in the Holler” just to give y’all some examples of the language.  These passages come from stories, plays, and newspaper clippings, all written in Ozark dialect by people from the area. Don’t expect to understand the context of all the passages, they’re just examples to show the dialect written out. Some of the words and ways of talking I’m familiar with, others have probably died out over the years, or are preserved in the more isolated areas of the Ozarks. Randolph has a lot more examples than the ones below, but these were the ones that had the least amount of dialectical mishaps, such as the assumption we say “crick” when clearly Ozark people say “creek,” and “purdy” instead of “purty” for the word “pretty.” A lot of the mistakes writers have made in the past is assuming Ozark people either talk like other Southerners, which isn’t the case, or that they don’t know how to talk at all. If anything a real hillbilly is going to talk real slow for you, especially if you’re a “furriner.” I might make additional posts about this later on. There are lots of unusual words and phrases I’d like to mention, and also the interesting verb system that Ozark speak has. But for now, let this be a little taste of the beautiful Ozark dialect. “Yisterday I got me a new pair o’ britches over to Lem Tucker’s store, and as Mary allus has to cut em off in the laigs, she cut one laig and fixed it at the same time she was watchin’ the cookin’ of her grub. And be-dog my cats! Hyah, hyah, hyah! when she come back from cookin’ to fix the rest of my britches, she got all flabbergasted, and instead o’ cuttin’ off tuther laig, she cut off the same one, leavin’ tuther long enough to drag my tracks out and flung ‘em over to me. She never noticed till I had ’em on ready to come over here-hyah, hyah, hyah! And so I dug this green shirt that she’d colored for cyarpet rags, outen the smokehouse and come in style, be-dog my cats!” “Now whenever you are a-sparkin’ an’ mention somethin’ about th’ stars, hits a shore sign yore a-wantin’ to be kist effen yore th’ gal. An’ effen yore th’ boy hits a shore sign yore a-aimin’ to try to kiss her. Th’ ole horse got half-way crost th’ creek-ford an’ stopped to git hisself a drink. Th’ young folks didn’t hear th’ gal’s brother, th’ masterest person to tease, come a-ridin’ his horse right up a-hind ’em, but he did hear his sister up an’ say ‘Oh, aren’t the stars numerous tonight?’ Th’ mountain boy, too green to make shuckin’s fur roastin’ ears, instead uv kissin’ her, looked up at the stars an’ sez ‘Gee yeah, an’ aint thur lots uv em’!’” “Hit’s jest a lot of onery, lazy folks, mostly moonshiners an’ hoss-traders, a-livin’ up yere on this hawg-back whar the land is so pore an’ rocky that the river bottom farmers don’t want hit even fer pasture…The furdest house is where Zack Kady lives. He’s got three growed-up daughters an’ one that’s married to Fil Siler, an’Fil’s got two purty goodsize girls, an’ that makes five, an’ they have a daince up thar might nigh ever’ Saturday night.” “Wal, if you’ve got t’ know, hit was some dried beans and a lot of other grub…They had some fried taters an’ some biskits, that’s all I et, they mighta had some other stuff, but I didn’t run acrost hit. Oh yeah, an’ they had some sop, too. I poured hit over my biskits.” “Hit was that purty little man come down from Springfield to keep the school…Well, the four of us finally got Gum off him, an’ breshed off the school teacher, an’ wiped some o’ the blood off him, an’ got some water from the spring an’ throwed on him…Gum come to hisself, partly. An’ he took a look at that pore little no-account book learner that he knew Hildy wouldn’t a-thunk of twice.” “So one time there was a big, fine carload of New Yorkers who came to the Ozarks. They saw a barefoot hillbilly woman out in the yard washing her clothes. They stopped the car. The young man went in and asked, 'Lady, what was this little village we just came through?' She says, 'I-dun-know. I haint never been thur.' 'Well, you knew about George Washington.' 'No, I never did know him.' 'Well, undoubtedly you knew about Abraham Lincoln?' 'No, I never heard tell of him nuther,' 'Well, lady, you know that there’s a God and that he died for you, don’t you?' 'Well, if his last name is Damn, I’ve heard my ole man speak of him a heap of times, but I didn’t even know he wuz sick.'"
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yousadclownofaman · 4 years
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Lets talk about family, found or otherwise. How do people track lineage? What does a typical home arrangement look like? Do people tend to stay in touch with their relatives? Do blood relations even matter much, or does "family" mean something different?
Man, these questions hit it out the freakin park every wednesday! Since I have a hard time generalizing abt the world as a whole in regards to “”typical”” households, as this is a world where social class varies so wildly from person to person, I think I’ll tryn crack this Q in bits;
Besides blood lineage, one major development in near-future society has beeen the idea of your company being a new family, and a new identity. For example, a sarariman is provided for entirely by their company’s staff, from housing to food to health care, which in theory makes them a greater worker & more productive. What it really has done is allowed multinationals to erode the “traditional family unit” that they originally had to push in the name of sales, and to retrofit it in terms of producing not for the nation but rather for whomever the land owner is. The families of life-long businessmen are tooled to provide carne por la machina, meat for the machine, so that the chosen industrial giant can continue surviving. In this way, Lifers can be incredibly socially inept in large crowds, and such behavior company-wide has spawned a whole sub-sect of the population including techs and programmers with about as much intersocial sense as spiders. That being said, let me talk a little abt Lincoln & Roy’s family situations.
Lincoln’s mom, Mama Hooper, is a single parent which is very common nowadays in the future. Artificial insemination & gene therapy have made adoption a super-science, but Lincoln was not adopted. Instead Mama gave birth herself, and has since found out she wasn’t even technically supposed to be able to grow Lincoln in her womb due to underlying medical issues, and yet Lincoln came out relatively healthy with only a minor issue with his sight & processing light naturally thru his eyes. Mama had to take two jobs plus began hustling smuggled authentic grain alcohols out of the back of her business (a high-tech bodega in a nasty part of New Boston) in order to get him thru public primary school and had plans to attend a Community Career Center a couple years after graduating from primary school (a mix of on-campus and virtual schooling). Most kids his age don’t get the chance to finish High School let alone plan for the Trip-C so all things considered, he’s not doing toooo bad. The real issue is that his civil record is tarnished now, and after getting releases back into the population after a stint in jail, re-adjusting to the world has shown him certain aspects of what it means to have true, trusted friends and therefor, an extended found family. Lincoln’s living with his Ma again after getting out of the city hoosegow, and though their relationship is strained over the reason for Linc’s arrest, Mama Hooper’s apartment is a safe haven and comfort zone for Linc whether he likes to admit or not.
Roy on the other hand had a slightly different upbringing. Both parents of his were present for his upbringing, and one is still alive today living in a retirement community off the coast, but eventually Roy’s trying to make enough money to get her off-planet and into Low Orbit where she can spend the rest of her days feebly croaking out ‘One Toke Over the Line’ on repeat & roastin’ up a bone all the way to the big potfields in the sky. Already I think that’s an image of his mom to work with; in her youth she married an army man, Roy’s dad, and they stayed married only a year before they had their first child, Roy’s (unnamed as of yet) older brother. Roy’s dad was a member of the Key Lime Commandos; a group of private military contractors hired out by Global Delights Foods Inc. to secure land-rights to the last living grove of healthy, genuine Florida Key Limes in order to patent the genetic material & begin developing hybrid plants while maintaining exclusive rights to anything produced thereafter. During his tour he was exposed to an experimental chemical weapon that, unbeknownst to him, had seeped into his own genetic material. Roy’s older brother, the couple’s first son, was entirely healthy save a cleft lip & a temper like his father eventually, but the lip was corrected expertly at birth & all that’s left is a rather fecting lip-scar. ROY on the other hand was the second and last child because Roy was born with all sorts of health defects that almost made him a candidate for stem cell harvesting. Fortunately a new program director at the hospital had just been instated and those policied had been given stricter guidelines to adhere to by the time Roy came along. He was born without working eyes, as the structure of the organs themselves had more-or-less collapsed in-utero, along with a degenerative aging disorder that exponentially gets more severe as he gets older. This made him the Black Sheep, the runt of the litter whose birth was the final straw for his father’s bitterness. Roy’s dad soon slipped back into drugs and alcohol while Roy was growing up & eventually just disappeared one day with money coming in over the wire every couple of weeks. It devestated his mom for years and his brother’s almost entirely left the family, so really Roy’s just got himself and dear old Mam to worry about. That being said, he tries to take really good care of her, sends back as much as he can when he gets his paychecks to make sure she’s got money for her medicines & activities. Roy cares about his mom more than his own hide a lot of the time which gets him into trouble. Occasionally. But the ‘ceuticals help even him out now & again.
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wearethesolgems · 8 years
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greensparty · 2 years
March News: PTA HAIM video, Will Butler leaves Arcade Fire, Joey Kramer on leave from Aerosmith and the Oscars
I scaled back on the blog this past month,. Whereas I usually share my thoughts on something as the news breaks (within a day or so), I didn’t do that much. But I wanted to take a moment to briefly comment on some pop culture stories that broke this month:
PTA and Haim’s “Lost Track”
In addition to directing Alana Haim and her sisters in his excellent film Licorice Pizza (my #1 Movie of 2021), Paul Thomas Anderson has had a longtime collaborative relationship with Haim. PTA has directed videos for “Summer Girl”, “Now I’m In It”, “Hallelujah”, “The Steps” (which he co-directed with Danielle Haim) and “Man from the Magazine” just to name a few. Now PTA has directed the sisters with a new non-album track filmed at an Encino, CA golf course banquet hall. First great music video of the year!
Will Butler Leaves Arcade Fire
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Butler in 2020
Good news first: Arcade Fire have a new album We, which drops May 6. Now the bad news: founding member Will Butler announced he has left the band after recording the new album. Will is the younger brother of leader Win and he was often overshadowed by Win, but when Will released his first solo album Policy in 2015 and it was just as good as some of Arcade Fire’s albums. I named Policy my #2 Album of 2015 and I was lucky enough to see him live in 2015 just before the album’s release (read my review here). His 2020 album Generations was the next best thing to an Arcade Fire album during that time. I’d be interested in his upcoming solo or side project releases. As for Arcade Fire, their album The Suburbs was my #1 Album of the 2010s and while some of their albums have been stronger than others, this new one is highly anticipated.
Joey Kramer on Leave from Aerosmith
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Me with Joey Kramer in 2018
In yet another chapter to the Aerosmith saga, drummer Joey Kramer is going to be taking a leave from their upcoming Las Vegas residency to focus on his family. Drum tech Jack Douglas will be filling in. This is not the first time Kramer has sat out shows with the band he co-founded. In Jan. 2020 he actually sued the band when he was not allowed to perform with them at the Grammys. The band has been called America’s Favorite Dysfunctional Family Sitcom. The band members have had many famous fights. Joe Perry and Brad Whitford actually left in the early 80s. In the late 00s it wasn’t clear if Steven Tyler was still in the band at one point. I have met Mr. Kramer on a few occasions: at their book signing at Mama Kin Music Hall in 1998, then at his supermarket in-store to promote his Rockin’ and Roastin’ Coffee in 2013, and when he visited my work’s cafeteria to promote his coffee! I certainly wish Mr. Kramer the best with his personal family issues and hope he re-joins the band soon enough.
Oscar Slap-gate
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Rock and Smith during happier times
By now we all saw and know what happened at the 2022 Academy Awards ceremony between presenter Chris Rock and Best Actor winner Will Smith. There is a lot to unpack and I don’t feel like writing a whole entire column on this, but just a brief summary of my thoughts: Rock made a joke about G.I. Jane, a movie from 1997. A joke the average person doesn’t understand and probably needs explained to them. Smith reacted to his frenemy (the two have been seen together at awards and sporting events over the years, but the Smiths were also the target of some jokes Rock has made) by slapping him and cursing at him. While Rock’s joke might have been insensitive since Jada Pinkett Smith has alopecia, you don’t respond to words with violence. You respond to words with words. Smith’s physical assault was completely wrong and uncalled for. And to say he behaved that way because of love? WTF! The incident also sucked the wind out of the entire show. Minutes later, Questlove earned a much deserved Oscar for Best Documentary for Summer of Soul (my #2 Documentary of 2021) and the viewer is barely paying attention because of this altercation that just occurred. Hopefully the Academy takes steps to prevent such an incident in the future. Comedians, nominees, presenters, performers and attendees should all feel safe when attending an awards ceremony.
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Poster Design for Roastin Records
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oh-no-its-mo · 7 years
bet yoongi nd jimin been teaming up nd started roastin them while they were recording 💀
joon gotta lie talkin bout some “they said they’re so happy to work with you” 🚶🏽‍♀️
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mattnewnhamwrites · 7 years
Vinyl is Back in A Big Way – Stock up on a Single or Two While in Cape Town
Vinyl is Back in A Big Way – Stock up on a Single or Two While in Cape Town
The figures are in and according to The Guardian, digital downloads are dying a slow death. The cause? A recent upswing in the sale of vinyl records. Get on track with this latest return to retro on a luxury Cape Town retail expedition with a difference.   A bit of everything at Roastin’ Records Cape Town entrepreneur, Wentzel van der Gryp has been onto this trend long before it became a thing…
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Learning Unit 3 Activity 5.3.1 Storyboard for Roastin Records
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