#roadman remus lupin
bhinnninny · 6 months
RIP remus lupin you would've loved sinn féin and hated p4perback
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jegulusofwesper · 2 years
roadman remus blares professor green and stormzy
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atlasdoe · 7 months
For Remus' birthday my wish is that The Marauders fandom would stop confusing Wales to Birmingham😭
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imsiriuslyreading · 10 months
What’s your favorite Remus-centric fic?
Ok one thing about me, if you ask me to choose one, I'm gona choose 5.
so, in no particular order:
ATYD - i love this remus. everything from his code switching to his chain smoking.
The Cadence of Part Time Poets - this Remus means a lot to me, i identify with a lot of his more... colourful issues, shall we say.
Honey If Im Not - just beautiful vibes, healing, mature and a really lovely read. i love seeing Remus in his newly built life
A Black Mass Over Highway Ninety - I want this Remus in ways that shouldn't be legal
Like Real People Do - The represenation of Remus' health navigations in this are top tier
an extra one for good luck:
Ten Reasons To Go To Michigan - nervously optimistic, scared to commit but wants love terribly Remus? Its a big yes from me.
What are yours?!?!
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thedvilsinthedetails · 10 months
Ok so my friend started reading all the young dudes bc I talk about marauders a lot. And today he came to me and he was like ‘Remus showing up that one year dressed in the docs and smoking in the carriage is basically the 70s equivalent of year 7 boys showing up on the first day of year 8 with puffer jackets and vapes.’
Forget cowboy Moony now we have Roadman Remus 💀💀💀💀
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sspadfoot · 3 months
Remus Lupin is a loser.
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strwbi-laces · 1 year
Canon remus to fanon remus: what is that fuckin accent?? “Bruv bruv” ya fuckin nob you live ten minutes up the road from me
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My Remus Lupin headcannons and favourite fannons.
Remus being shy and insecure due to his lycanthropy but at his happiest around the other marauders.
Remus loved wearing soft jumpers.
Ate chocolate because he knew it killed dogs so he thought it would do the same to his werewolf self.
My personal headcannon for Remus is that he's autistic and/or has BPD. (Struggles with social situations and mental health).
Uses mobility aids after full moons.
His wolf senses give his human body sensory overload leading to up to full moons. More sensory seeking after the full moons.
Uses a weighted blanket to help him sleep and regulate.
He's gay and trans.
He and Tonks agreed to date each other after Sirius died because they both shared a similar loss and the war was raging so they wanted to be company for each other.
Was the tallest marauder.
Had a good relationship with Hope and Lyall Lupin.
Remus realised Jegulus was together before anyone else from looking at their map.
Smart, shy but sarcastic (not roadman, chav like)
When people got crushes on him he would never understand why.
Tumblr media
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lexithwrites · 6 months
To all the Americans saying Remus Lupin is a roadman in ATYD and COPTP I beg you actually go to london and see a roadman, I actually encourage you to, because that is NOT what a roadman is lmao Remus smoking and acting tough does not mean he’s a roadman—
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whinlatter · 9 months
thoughts about wolfstar? you're now the one i go to for any hp related thoughts
omg this is VERY nice of you but i'm pure flop on marauders thoughts, they're all extremely half-baked, so best left to others. here my half-baked wolfstar thoughts offered sheepishly and apologetically!
the thing is - i quite like the idea of wolfstar. to be honest i was sort of imagining a sort of wistful wolfstar vibe to how i wrote lupin in orchards in the aftermath of sirius' death. but i think the wolfstar i like is quite a specific version of it that's increasingly hard to find in fic searches so i don't often go looking for it (which is pure laziness on my part). my interest in canon coherent characterisation limits me here - i think there's such a strong case for wolfstar as a pairing written in ways that attend to the very clear dynamics (and timelines) that canon makes plausible (including in AUs, where actually characterisation matters more, not less, than in 'canon compliant' fics, because it's the reader's only anchor). there is an intensity and an intimacy to what sirius and remus share in the marauders and the significance of a boyhood spent together in their adult lives, a literal physical proximity of them living together as adults post azkaban as two men who have such complex feels towards themselves and especially to their bodies, including an overlapping self loathing, and they're both characters that can very plausibly read as queer-coded in rich and interesting ways. and then, of course, there's an inherent narrative shape to both of their canon arcs (the tragedy, delicious). these are just some of the dynamics in a potential romantic relationship between the two of them that can make for really rich and interesting potential to work with in fic writing.
the trouble i find with a lot of wolfstar, less as a matter of principle than what actually gets written more often than not, is that the stuff i personally find rewarding and interesting as a writer/reader is work that bears some relationship with the canon text (even if - especially if - it's to pull it apart and expose its flaws and complexities). a queer reading of the relationship between sirius and remus in canon is absolutely plausible and can be deeply compelling, and, as queering HP as a text remains a powerful fuck you to its author whose reaction to the ship was errrr quite homophobic, still really important.
but. challenging the text means having some sense of the characterisation of the essence of these characters as rendered in the text, and canon is clear about certain aspects of sirius and remus' characterisations that limits my enthusiasm for a lot of wolfstar that has sprung up in recent years (especially in and around ATYD, which i'll say more about in a minute). the truth is that canon strongly suggests that sirius cares much less about remus than he ever does about james (dropping @saintsenara's excellent manifesto for why unrequited prongsfoot is canon, also the rec for one of the best fics i read last year that @ashesandhackles put me onto, empire builders by shecrows, a gorgeous complex funny angsty prongsfoot fic that's not not canon compliant timeline-wise). it's also clear that the marauders as a friendship group functioned as a group of three boys all working towards james potter as the de facto leader, each with their own complicated feelings and levels of loyalty and devotion to james that undoubtedly shaped, and limited, how the other three felt towards each other (especially after james' death). the kind of wolfstar lore that's sprung up in the last few years, especially from marauderstok, of roadman remus the romeo of gryffindor tower that young sirius is wildly and hopelessly in love with, and is desperate to reunite with after azkaban, is a version of wolfstar that's sort of compelling as an original story but, for my taste, bears too little relationship to their core canon characterisation to be really up my street. a wolfstar with really fucked up power dynamics that plays with sirius' idolisation of james and remus having to play second fiddle? delicious. or even unrequited/onesided wolfstar from remus to sirius - yum. but the rest, i struggle with. by the time they've left school, remus thinks sirius is the spy and sirius thinks remus is the spy. that is not giving soulmates, in my mind. but as with most of these things, i'm very open to being proved wrong.
(with that said, though, i think the subculture and lore that's built around wolfstar is really astonishing and often extremely compelling, i think ATYD is obviously a huge accomplishment and deserves its flowers for launching such a phenomenon, and there's masses of quality writing and art and general creative talent coming out of wolfstar spaces that it's hard not to be continually impressed by. also some of those tiktok edits absolutely slap. that remus-centric animated noah kahan one. unreal)
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bhinnninny · 6 months
"remus cant be a roadman because he reads books 🤓☝️" go outside and touch grass maybe you two dimensional pricks
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hangingfrommylips · 1 year
The over-headcanonization of things. Pt I: Remus
Being immersed on internet fandom since the ripe age of 12 (not something I’m proud of, perhaps on another ranting sessions we can talk about that), I’ve definitely seen some weird things when it comes to fanfiction. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it, think it’s a beautifully creative way of interacting with a piece of media (when it’s inherently fictional and not based of real people or events, and, of course, when it’s well written and thoughtful), but it can also be very damaging on the ones consuming it.
Taking the Marauders fandom as an example, the amount of actual canon information we have on them is infimal. The ability an entire community had to create a very complicated backstory and practically entirely new characters out of thin air is amazing, especially once its main source is a racist transphobic hag, and the fandom is so detached from it that it's composed of the very people she claims to hate. We took literal 0 information from old and plot-hole-full books and made it our own.
For another, since there’s no actual foundation on what the characters originally were like, it’s very hard to sort wrong from right when it comes to characterizations and creating material for the stories (I refuse to talk about shifting here cmh). There are also very bad headcanons, in which completely change the essence of the character to satisfy some personal goal or even comes from some intrinsic fetishizing. A perfect example of this is Remus Lupin, who ever since 2005 was a very recluse, shy, lanky and depressed character, turned into this breathtakingly beautiful, horrifyingly tall, toxic-angry jock. A roadman, really? At first it was ok, only a different POV on a widely loved character. But then it became the only thing about him, and when he wasn’t, people started complaining. What? When did being toxic to your boyfriend and treating him like an incapable and fragile human being (which is exactly what some fans are doing to Sirius nowadays btw) became the standard? We used to be so much better than that. Not to mention when, just by being bookish, people treat him like some sort of all-knowing god that nothing goes past. C’mon!
Talking about the role “All The Young Dudes” by MsKingsBean89 had in the modern generation of the fandom, it being really groundbreaking and a real work of art. I think this is where the current RJL vision came from. The difference, however, is when the lovely author put in the very beginning notes that his personality was heavily affected by growing up in a boys-only care home, not having a mom or dad or good authority figures to relate to. 
That‘s why, in that very specific scenario, Remus was sort of a douche. But he got better-ish, even as a traumatized grownup. People run with that through every treadmill ever, and, no backstory to build the character on, just took the specificity and banalized it to the fours. It’s actually an insult to MKB that people would read her hard work as such shallowness. 
To sum up, it’s very important to analyze and criticize the media you're interacting with, via reading, writing, reviewing or whatever. Is that really the healthiest this storyline can be? Do I feel compelled to that relationship and not wonder about the dynamic or the unintentional flaws in it? Why do I want my favorite character and the one I relate to to be toxic? Is this really the way said person would react to the situation? And in the end, when you don’t recognize that chr. anymore is when you know you lost them to the deep filth of the internet. I’m not saying every character or world build should be flawless and almighty, far from that actually, just that sometimes you need to know when things have gone too far. It’s very hard to want realism when referring to Harry Potter fanfiction of all things, but even fantastic worlds have their batch of decency and, in the human side of things, reaching a byline.
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bhinnninny · 6 months
"remus is Welsh" "remus is english" remus john lupin is a taig and a proud taig at that
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