#rnj spoilers
tomhollandnet · 4 months
First impressions of Romeo & Juliet (may contain spoilers)
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode three
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
i'm glad we're getting to see more moments of mok ha during her time on the deserted island.
I'm also glad we're seeing so many parallels between her and yoon ran joo and i really hope the show will develop the relationship between the two women because the story is very interesting.
I'm just speechless because both women have so much in common but they don't know it yet. They're both born in the same island, they have a passion for singing, they went through the same hurdles at the same time. It's details like these that make their bond so special.
The su*c*dal ideation for both mok ha and ran joo is understandable. Mok ha has spent a long time alone on that deserted island that she lost hope of someone finding her. She figured no one would miss her/no one thinks she's alive after all that time. It's not easy being alone for more than a decade with no one to talk to. For the latter (ran joo), I think her dark thoughts occurred when the public turned on her because of her attitude. The only thing that made her happy (singing) was no longer an option because no one wanted to listen to her. Or maybe it's because of the band-aid on her neck? I don't know what it is but it could be the cause of her distress and less than happy thoughts?
I see ran joo's ex manager turned into her new CEO profited from her to become some hotshot in the entertainment industry. It seems he forgot about her and invested the money he promised to her on new and younger artists.
It's really telling how women are more affected by time in the entertainment industry. Once she became "too old" or "too diva-ish" (sorry for my lack of vocab), lee seo jun (finally found his name) along with the public diverted his time and attention to someone else. I'm saying the entertainment industry is more severe on women because only one little tiny mistake can make them fired/erased from public attention. For men, it seems the industry and public is lenient on them. This is only my opinion that I based on things I've seen in the music industry as a whole.
Lee seo jun compared the artist to flowers that wither with time. I think it's the perfect image to describe what I was trying to say earlier (cf. Previous point).
So yes, it is only natural for yoon ran joo to be sad because she can no longer do the thing she loves the most: singing.
The audacity to name the company RJ Entertainment and mistreat the artist who started it all!!! And to rename it RNJ so it won't be based on ran joo's name anymore. I'm seething. All men do is lie and cheat. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!! tomatoes tomatoes
Mok ha is so cute as a fangirl. Park eun bin really nailed that part lol.
I find it both sad and beautiful that the only person that seems to pay attention to/care about yoon ran joo is mok ha when lee seo jun should be the one to do so.
Woo hak insulting ki ho stating a literal teenager should be able to throw down a whole adult, an adult that is as tall as a fridge? He's lucky I wasn't right in front of him or else I would've slapped him so hard he would've landed on the moon. How can you blame a child for that?
So it's both the abandonment from her company and the vocal nodules that made ran joo spiral into alc*h*l and dark thoughts. This must have been painful to hold in for so long. And the fact that mok ha is the first person she told this to is another proof of how strong their bond is. It might not have been long but they both are each other's confidant/emtional support.
It seems that even ran joo disappointed mok ha by giving her false hope when dr*nk. Even then, mok ha is worried about her and wonders what she went through to change so much. Mok ha is the only one who hasn't changed that much after all that time. It's like time stopped for her while everyone else moved on and changed.
Just like ki ho said, mok ha liked ran joo because she lacked worries and gloominess. But now it's not the case so i'm wondering if mok ha will stop being a fangirl and see ran joo in another light.
Okay so bear with me while i try to write my thoughts. I just find seo mok ha empathetic to the point where she sometimes forgets herself. She's willing to protect ran joo and pretend she didn't hear her beg for an audition. She's going as far as giving her compliments that no one has told her (ran joo) in a very long time. I think this is both a strength and a weakness because I can predict some people will take advantage of that (and her credulity) to manipulate her. However, just like I mentioned before, Mok ha still hasn't changed at all and has kept her naivety. So yeah, I'm very interested to see how or if she will evolve in that sense.
I'm just saying that because mok ha was ready to throw hands when she understood how lee seo jun took advantage of ran joo, but it seems she puts others before her.
The man that took over the seafood restaurant is a betrayer. First he told ki ho's dad how he was working and earning money to save for the future. And now he's also telling the father that mok ha came to visit him. It's disgusting because he's trying to hide it behind a smile. He's on the father's side because ki ho never dared accuse his own father of ab*se. I mean when his own dad is a police officer, it's difficult to do so.
The truth bomb scene is exactly what i said previously. Women in the entertainment industry are aging way quicker than anyone else. The truth hurt mok ha and it's like she's submerged with it. She doesn't know what to do. Even then, she finds it in her heart to have empathy for ran joo. Mok ha is an incredible and strong woman.
I am so happy they developed the story around mok ha and ran joo. They're helping each other out and making the other realize things that they wouldn't be able to see otherwise.
I'm relieved someone opened ran joo's eyes about lee seo jun's goals. He wants to wait until the end of ran joo's contract just so she won't become the majority shareholder of the company. That's why he left her. He doesn't want her to sell 20 million albums. GOOD JOB MOK HA! GO KICK LEE SEO JUN'S ASS RAN JOO!!!
i'll give this episode a 9.5/10 as well
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aroadtofollow · 5 years
I saw the revival of Oklahoma today and I am still shook by the ending....
Not sure if it’s a spoiler but I’ll put it past a read more just in case?
The ending is made to make you question whether or not Curly murdered Jud in cold blood...He literally shoots Jud point blank when he was doing nothing.  There was blood everywhere and then everyone in the town is like “Jud came at him of course!”.  THEN they are all screaming the Oklahoma Reprise and RNJ is crying with blood all over her face and wedding gown and the audience is fucking CLAPPING A LONG.
A man was murdered and this town is ready to cover it up, and you are clapping a long to this weird twisted reprise of Oklahoma???
What the fuck.
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littlemisssquiggles · 7 years
RWBY Musings #17: I’m calling it now. Somebody’s ass is gonna get taken prisoner in Chapter 11. I also think the last remaining episodes of Volume 5 will be more Oscar-centric because...did anyone else notice that Oscar’s fears were never resolved?
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In light of the recent hints that have popped up about tomorrow’s episode, just based on the title and teaser images alone, it seems like we might be getting that Oscar (and Ozpin) focused episode or episodes that I’ve been hollering about for the past couple of weeks.
While I’m unsure if the episode will jump straight into the gang meeting with Lionheart or, if it’ll just be a thing where Team RNJ and RWY stay behind at the main home while Qrow and Oscar/Ozpin see Leo, all in all, BOY AM I FREAKING HYPED!
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Do you know what would be fantastic? If Qrow and Ozpin make up a plan to see Lionheart by themselves without bringing the other children.
Since they’re already suspicious of Leo and his actions and probably anticipate it to be a trap anyways, they’d probably not want to bring the children along in case of trouble. While I couldn’t squeeze much from the CRWBY Chapter 11 teaser shots, what I did interpret is Lionheart and Oscar/Ozpin being alone somewhere while Qrow is somewhere else meaning it’ll just be those two (well three) and Lionheart and Salem and her forces...plus Raven, the Branwen Tribe and the Spring Maiden.
A lot a people but hey, the More, the Merrier, am I right? *badumpsst* Plus, honestly at this point, I would not be surprised if Ozpin and Qrow do pull this kind of ‘lying to protect you’ sort of stunt again and make up some bogus excuse to leave the children behind in order to see Lionheart alone.
Like maybe something about going ahead to check in on things with Lionheart first and reintroducing him to his old friend Ozpin in his new body before ‘making their full departure to go find Spring at Raven’s camp’.
Sure, it will mean Ozpin breaking his promise to Yang about no half truths or lies but...I do see this being a possibility. And oddly enough, it’s a one that I actually want.
Plus it would also be interesting if they tossed in a minor conversation between Ruby and Oscar before departing to see Lionheart where the young farm boy attempts to hint to the silver-eyed girl about what Qrow and Ozpin were really up to but his other half prevents him or at least persuades him from doing so using the incentive that if he honestly cared about Ruby and her safety, he wouldn’t tell her the truth.
I know I’m most likely gearing myself up for much disappointment in that department but, it would be nice to see. Just saying. Anyways, now that I’ve talked about that, let’s get into the real meat of my post.
Oscar and the fears that the series has been so polite to gloss over up until now.
In rewatching Volume 5 Chapter 5 for the bazillionth time, one thing I’ve also acknowledged is that the show has yet to fully address Oscar’s fear.
I mean they’ve revealed the fact that he is scared out of his mind about everything that happened to him since Volume 4 and is going to happen to him in the future moving forward as Ozpin’s incarnate (which is justifiable since Oz’s role in the protection of Remnant is a huge shoe for Oscar to fill) but beyond that, the series has yet to resolve it.
As a matter of fact, the moment Oscar brought it up, the series had Ruby try to deter him from thinking too much about it by telling him to press on. A pretty dick move on Rubes’ part now that I think about it.
But yes, Oscar’s fears are still there. He has yet to overcome them. I know I theorized that Oscar did that on purpose to get Ruby to open up about her true feelings. However, it doesn’t excuse the fact he brought up his own fears and insecurities in the matter.
And while Ruby’s pain and qualms were tackled with her own motives for stopping Salem and her forces being reaffirmed, Oscar’s weren’t. As far as I understand, Oscar is still very much afraid of what is to come of his fate in all this mess.
As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be too surprised if he was more scared than he was in Chapter 5 but has been bottling it up inside or keeping quiet mostly in order to keep up appearances, I guess. Now that I think about it, the lack of him being present in these last couple of episodes kind of confirms it.
I know folks are getting hyped for Leo and Oscar/Ozpin fighting, however, what matters to yours truly is not the battle but more so the outcome of it. A part of me would like to believe that the battle could either end in Lionheart being totally defeated by Ozpin/Oscar (and having to be saved by Salem’s forces) or...Oscar himself being captured by Lionheart.
Or maybe Qrow gets captured while Oscar and Ozpin escape forcing them to leave him behind and...solemnly inform Ruby and everyone else about the truth of what happened while facing their looks of betrayal and resentment along with Yang’s wrath and distrust after breaking his promise to her.
Toss in a RoseGarden moment where Ruby is the one to come to both Oscar and Ozpin’s defense after everyone else loses their trust in them both and I’d be one of the happiest RWBY fangirls in the world.
Yoo imagine if Cinder uses Qrow as leverage to lure out Ruby, implying that she wouldn’t kill him unless Ruby surrenders herself over to her. Brah! Imagine how chillingly suspenseful and awesome that would be.
Or maybe EVERYONE gets their assess captured by Cinder and her group and Oscar/Ozpin both still have to be held accountable for everyone’s imprisonment.
I don’t want to believe that the fight between Leo and Oz is the big highlight of the upcoming Chapter 11. If that’s the case then thanks for the lovely spoiler there CRWBY!
After all, this is something that the series has been building up since the first chapter of this volume.
We knew that Lionheart betrayed Ozpin and sided with Salem (heck we’ve known that since the end of Volume 4). We know that Lionheart luring Ozpin/Oscar, Qrow, Team RWY and Team JNR to Haven was going to be a trap. We knew that Lionheart was going to have to fess up to Ozpin and meet his newly reformed self at some point especially in this volume. WE KNEW ALL OF THIS ALREADY!
So I’m hoping that these last remaining episodes will highlight Oscar coming to terms with his fears of fighting in the war. I’m hoping that it’s not something where once again, Ozpin is mostly at the helm while Oscar takes a back seat. FREAKING NO!
If the series has Ozpin in full control of Oscar all the time then the CRWBY writers are pretty much contradicting the fact that they mentioned back in Chapter 3 that Ozpin can only be granted temporary control of Oscar’s body. While we don’t exactly know how long Ozpin can hold control over Oscar’s form; that still doesn’t exclude the notion that it is short-term.
This means, whether he likes it or not, whether he wants to or not, whether he’s ready for it or not; Oscar will have to be the one to fight on his own at some point starting in this volume. He has no choice in the matter.
He has to learn to depend on his own strength at some point and...I’m really hoping that these last remaining chapters address that. Like I can actually see Ozpin being the one to fight Lionheart in Chapter 11. The two headmasters and former friends then duke it out and at first, it may seem that Ozpin, being the veteran warrior has the upper hand but he ends up losing due to his control over Oscar’s form running out.
Like imagine Oscar succumbing to his fears and being too frightened to fight Lionheart, forcing Ozpin no choice but to step in to protect them both.
The other big thing I can see from this episode is Oscar/Ozpin getting captured by the enemy. Since Ozpin is the one that helped build the school and essentially designed the obstacles crafted to safeguard the Relic of Knowledge, I wouldn’t be surprised if the enemies keep him around in order to help with maneuverablilty.
Sure the series has made a big deal about needing the Maidens or at least their power in order to open the chamber containing the Relics. However from what we also know, Ozpin didn’t exactly make it easy for neither the relics or their respective chambers to be accessed either. It’d be interesting if there are several cleverly designed tests set up before anyone can snatch the relic.
And what would be even more awesome if the traps were crafted based specifically on the Relic they were guarding. Like since it’s the Relic of Knowledge, the traps in question were ones where pursuers will have to use their intellect to get out. Like a bunch of clever riddles and puzzles.
I seriously hope it’s not just hack and slash and BOOM! There’s the relic in the middle of the room. While a part of me wanted them to save the big Battle for Haven til next season; since they look like they’re gonna do it this volume, I seriously hope they Indiana Jones the shit out of acquiring the Relic of Knowledge.
Additionally, it’d be interesting if both Ozpin and Lionheart collaborated on inventing the traps to guard the Relic of Knowledge.
Remember how in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (or Sorcerer’s Stone for some), the Teachers of Hogwarts designed traps in order to guard the artifact while it was being kept within the school.
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If I remember correct, it was Professor Sprout who provided the Devil Snare, Professor Flitwick and Madam Hooch I think for the part with the enchanted flying keys, can’t remember who designed the wizard chessboard but I do remember it being Snape who made the trap with the Potions. It’d been years since I read the book so my memories of these details are fuzzy.
But my point is the collaboration with the traps. So imagine if Lionheart designed a few of the traps and knows how to get around his obstacles but has no knowledge of what Ozpin concocted or how to maneuver around them.
Hence keeping him alive in order to get through it.
But for all we know, it could be a thing where the headmasters designed the respective traps for the relics so Ozpin has no part in knowing what Lionheart made for his even if he did help build the school.
However this is only if Oscar/Ozpin are the ones captured by the enemy. Like I said, anyone can be taken prisoner at the conclusion of Chapter 11.
It could be Oscar/Ozpin, Qrow or even everybody. It’s really hard to tell at this point. But for me, my money is more on Qrow getting taken captive cause I more favour the scenario where if Qrow is captured, Ozpin will have to deal with the guilt of letting his friend be taken by the enemy.
Not to mention the emotional weight it’ll have on Oscar cause he unintentionally got roped into it and will be held accountable even if it wasn’t his decision to make in the first place. Not to mention how seeing the remainder of the group’s reactions of anger and mistrust after discovering that Qrow got imprisoned because of Ozpin/Oscar based on another lie and a broken promise.
To me I like that idea more because it has more weight to it but...at the moment it’s just another theory. Just another musing. Once more I’m not the one writing RWBY so I have no idea what Kerry and Miles have in store for us tomorrow. But if anything, I’m sure it’s something that’s not gonna disappoint.
REALLY looking forward to seeing more Oscar/Ozpin in tomorrow’s episode. Especially in the part where they dual against Lionheart. I’ve been curious about Leo’s fighting style and weapon since his introduction. And YOU KNOW if Oz-car fights, we’ll get to see exactly what kind of tricks his special cane weapon can do. Maybe we’ll get to see it transform into something; like a mighty long sword comprised purely of magic or something more creative and awesome than Velvet Scarletina’s weapon reveal.
Maybe we’ll even get a new song in tomorrow’s episode! An Oscar/Ozpin battle theme song. It just dawned on me, that besides the new intro, we haven’t gotten any new songs for this season. Like for real, not one. When Qrow faced off against Tyrian in Volume 4 that was our first taste of ‘Bad Luck Charm’ which is his character theme. So Oscar/Ozpin are finally gonna fight, right? And it’s supposed to be big and epic, right? If we don’t get a battle theme for Oscar then maybe we’ll get one for Ozpin. Or maybe it’ll be a cool theme where the context of the song speaks about both sides of the mental coin.
At this point, it’s anyone’s game but words, words are not enough to express my overexcitement over tomorrow’s episode. Chapter 11, I cannot wait to feast my eyes on you.
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2017)
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crookedtalks · 5 years
Bookish Thoughts: If You Come Softly
Book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/159903.If_You_Come_Softly
Goodreads synopsis:  Both Elisha (Ellie) and Jeremiah (Miah) attend Percy Academy, a private school where neither quite fits in. Ellie is wrestling with family demons, and Miah is one of the few African American students. The two of them find each other, and fall in love -- but they are hesitant to share their newfound happiness with their friends and families, who will not understand. At the end, life makes the brutal choice for them.
TW for the book: police brutality
Romeo and Juliet is a very well loved play with numerous iterations in books, tv and film, and most people are very well acquainted with its “star-crossed lovers” trope. I remember reading Romeo and Juliet about 7 years ago as part of the curriculum, and as a person who is just not into romance, not really getting the whole “love at first sight” schtick. At that time, I didn’t particularly feel sympathetic for any of the characters, and scoffed at them for acting (in my opinion) so foolishly for nothing. In fact, my class did both RnJ and Julius Caesar that same year, and I definitely liked Julius Caesar a lot more. I didn’t get what was so special about RnJ and why it was so beloved and remade into so many different versions; to me it was just a love story about two irrational people who couldn’t end up together in the end. 
Reading if you come softly however, was a drastically different experience to reading RnJ. Knowing that it is a RnJ retelling, together with the first chapter of the book, does give the reader a little glimpse of the ending, a little foreshadowing if you will … but from my experience doesn’t lessen the blow and impact of what happens in the book. I was reading the end of the book in public and I was surprised to find myself with tears in my eyes (with a few people giving me weird looks for that), mainly because I didn’t think I would have that reaction after my prior experience with RnJ as well as my general greater apathy towards romance-themed books. I don’t think I would have read this book if not for it being the first book of the Life’s Library book club. I’m glad I did in the end.
What really worked for me for this book (and didn’t for RnJ) was the more modern setting - it made the characters feel less distant temporally and more relatable. IYCS was also written such that we learn more about the inner thoughts and feelings of our two main protagonists, which I think made it much easier for me to accept the “love at first sight” bit which was an issue with me for RnJ. I kind of wish I knew of this book when I first read RnJ; perhaps it would have allowed me to understand the orginal characters in RnJ a bit more.
As for the themes of this book, I really identified with this deep seated sense of loneliness of the two main characters. I think both Ellie and Miah had a need for connection for many reasons (which I will not reveal because of plot reasons) but wanting to feel understood by someone else is something I think most can relate too. Their backgrounds and what they went through during their childhood also make them a bit more alienated than others their age, Miah more obviously than Ellie, being the only African American student in their school. Race is the important central theme of this book, and we see Miah and Ellie struggling with issues that arise from being in a bi-racial relationship on top of exploring their budding romance. I feel like the theme of race was written very brilliantly here, and is also the reason why this book feels so painfully timeless; sadly, the micro-aggressions that happen in this book first published in 1998 is still very real today. 
There is a sense of grief over the loss of what could have been at the ending of this book (those who know the story of RnJ would know what I’m talking about) which is why I think I cried in the end even though I didn’t think I would. The romance of RnJ is notoriously short with the action of the whole play taking place over a period of less than four days; similarly, IYCS is a pretty short read. I know some people in the Life’s Library book club wished that the book could be longer so we could see more of Ellie and Miah’s interactions and see their relationship develop over time, but I think the tragedy of both RnJ and IYCS is precisely that we don’t get to see that; that the characters do not get to enjoy that journey together that so many other couples do, for reasons that were outside of themselves, and reasons that didn’t need to be. The hope of a young love being crushed is where the tragedy is, and I finally understood that with this book. 
I think this is a great book, especially if read as a companion to RnJ. I also think this is an important book to read to understand the impact of racism on young lives, and this book will be as relevant for as long as the Black Lives Matter moment is relevant. Let me know your thoughts on the book if you have read it! I definitely have more than what I covered here would love to know what you think.
(P.S. You can sign up for the Life’s Library book club here! There are paid and digital subscriptions where all profits will go to Partners in Health, and you get to discuss books with nerdfighters. DFTBA :))
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ejwbooks · 7 years
Representation in the Magazine: Ace and/or Aro characters in my stories!
These are all of my characters with identities on the ace or aro spectrum. Will be edited as new characters are introduced or identities that are spoiler are revealed.
Percy’s Curse: Percy is aroace.
Elysium Regeneration: Kano is aroace, Larina is an ace lesbian.
Everything Goes to Hell: Celine is aroace. Thaneas is demisexual.
Prince in Peril: Caya is panromantic asexual.
Stardust: Axe is demisexual.
The Strings Attached: Aedan is demisexual
Predator x Prey: Veronica is an ace lesbian.Darrien is gay ace.
Spirit Maiden Zrs: Rnj is demisexual.
The Painters: All the Painters are asexual.
Super-Powered Shitheads: Freddie is panromantic asexual.
You can read my stories here and on my wattpad ejmcwriterpants.
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lenteur · 10 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode (sau)six
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
now that i think about it, one thing is bothering me. Why is mr jung so obsessed with finding ki ho only? Didn't he mention there were four members in the family? So why is he so adamant on finding his son ki ho and not the other one? I'm confused. It's true that we didn't see the older in the first episodes so I'm wondering if the brother was already with the mother when ki ho was still in chunsam. It might have been mentioned the brother was already with the mother. I'm not sure.
The whole family wants to keep mr jung a secret and pretend nothing happened. Makes you wonder how far he (mr jung) went. No, I don't want to think about it. I just noticed how the mother is always limping. Mr Jung is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad person.
I'm glad we finally got answers but I would be happier if mr jung was behind bars and the whole family can live in peace.
On another note, I am so happy to see president hwang keeping his promise and re-realeasing old ran joo albums. Let's cross fingers she'll reach the 20 million mark before the end of her contract.
I'm grateful that the show doesn't only focus on the ki ho story, they're also giving time for ran joo's story to develop. I just want this whole mess to be over and ran joo must win or else, i'll riot!!!
I've already talked about it but the little details are everything. You can see how rnj company treats ran joo and mok ha like they're less than them. They don't let them know about eun mo rae appearing on heyday again. The Heyday cast treating eun mo rae's manager with way more respect than mok ha. Everyone wants them to fail. It's unfair because there's an obvious power imbalance between ran joo and mok ha vs the rest of the company. Rnj (company) have a lot of connections. The CEO is literally a millionaire, even a billionaire (idk). And then you have ran joo who has been forgotten for her behavior and vocal nodule. The only person on her side is mok ha, a woman that has lived on a deserted island for fifteen years and has a hard time adjusting to the world. No wonder they have a difficult time reaching that goal.
Eun mo rae's manager is as evil and manipulative as lee seo jun. He's blackmailing mok ha into shutting up and agreeing with everything he asked for appearing in heyday again.
I feel for both ran joo and mo rae because lee seo jun is only going to be profiting from them until they're no longer 'young and fresh'. He only describes them as 'cash cows'. He doesn't hold the same value he used to when he was a nobody and ran joo chose him as her new ceo. Money changes people and lee seo jun is a great example of that.
I was worried eun mo rae would just be a filler character but no, the show is giving us the whole backstory behind her career. I am sorry that she knows she was the second choice. If Mok ha was at seoul station to meet with ran joo, then eun mo rae wouldn't be where she is now. She must have a lot of pent up frustration and anger. She idolized ran joo when she was younger but now that she knows ran joo doesn't like her (for many reasons), the image she had of her idol is now broken (like her heart).
There are so any character relations and that's what makes the show good imo. Eun mo rae and ran joo's rivalry is interesting to see.
At this point, I just want bo geol to tell mok ha he is in fact ki ho because this whole back and forth between being caring and all of a sudden distant is tiring me out.
I know he's protecting both himself and mok ha from his father because, once the truth is out, there's no guarantee the boar (mr jung) will leave them alone. Ki ho has tried time and time again to escape from his father but he would be back with him because he is his father. No matter how ab*sive mr jung was, police would bring ki ho back to him because they're related. That's why he changed his entire identity. The psychological damage mr jung has put on the whole family is unfathomable.
Talking about mr jung, here's my theory on why he's obsessed with finding ki ho. So, as we know they were a family of four until the father hit woo hak (forgot his old name) on the head with a chair. The mother didn't leave woo hak for even a second (which is understandable of course). So that left ki ho and mr jung. Ki ho was the only one in the family brave enough to stand up to mr jung. Ki ho's brother and the mom were trying to appease the tension by lying to the father or agreeing with what he was saying in fear of being hit. I think ki ho being the youngest, his patience wasn't as strong as his momand brother's. He was the one admitting to wanting to run away from him. He was the one who said he'd be happier without his dad here. Ki ho got tired and he exploded purely and simply. Mr Jung was so used to everyone being obedient that ki ho's outburst was the final straw. Mr Jung took ki ho with him to chunsam island and that's where the real nightmare started (he was already living it before but in chunsam it was like the ultimate level). Ki ho had no one with him, no one to help him forget for even a second what was going on at home. He was alone. Even when he and mok ha got closer, he didn't confide in her. He kept everything in himself, because he knew the moment he talked his father would find out and make him pay for it. Ki ho is so strong for surviving all of this. He helped mok ha escape from her father, but he couldn't escape from his. Mr Jung won't stop until he finds ki ho, because he's the key to finding the mom and the brother.
The thing that's telling me ki ho and his father living on chunsam island happened after the chair incident is because when the father saw ki ho saved money to try and escape he said something along the lines of "Did you find her (the mom)? Is that why you saved all that money?" He wouldn't have said it if chunsam happened before seoul. Or maybe my brain is too tired and confusing a thing for another.
If the two previous points didn't make any sense to you, it's normal. When I'm trying to explain something that's deep and complex, I have a hard time finding the right words and writing coherent sentences. Sorry for that ehe.
Mok ha confronting eun mo rae was a sweet sweet moment. Both rivals finally meeting and mok ha not backing out. I'm proud of her. When nobody is on her side, mok ha proves she can take care of things on her own.
Bo geol being subtle about his way of helping mok ha is doing things to my heart 💓
this was a good episode, i'll give it a 8.75/10
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lenteur · 10 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode five (pt. 2)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
I KNEW IT!!! There were four towels in the gift dae woong (ki ho's childhood friend) gave to mr jung (ki ho's father). He said there's one for each of us, meaning one for the dad, one for the mom, one for ki ho and the last for ki ho's sibling. So that means bo geol is ki ho and woo hak is ki ho's older brother. I'VE CONNECTED THE DOTS.
Agh! I'm so mad!!! i don't want president hwang to be swayed by lee seo jun's offer. Please refuse it so ran joo can become the majority shareholder of rnj.
I didn't expect the show to give us the whole backstory on ran joo's singing career. So, president hwang gave up his job and abandoned his family to make ran joo famous. And then she left him to go to lee seo jun's company. He must feel a lot of regret and I hope he didn't sign the contract lee seo jun offered him. I want to believe he still has a little bit of room in his heart to help ran joo.
The parallel between president hwang lashing out at ran joo and ran joo lashing out at mok ha is so clever. I hope ran joo learns from her mistakes and doesn't take mok ha for granted. Like president hwang said, "we tend to take it out on the kindest pushovers" and then the camera pans to mok ha. She's apologized to ran joo when she wasn't even in the wrong, she forgave her quickly, she's doing the most to help ran joo's album sale goal and yet it seems ran joo only hoped mok ha would magically hear her apology when she (ran joo) didn't say it out loud to her (mok ha).
Hilarious how both ran joo and mok ha forgot to talk about album sales with president hwang and bo geol being the one to remind them lmao
I like how president hwang saw right through seo jun. He knew as soon as he signed the contract, lee seo jun would discard him. Finally someone with a brain and using it against lee seo jun!!!
Nice parallel between the two brothers. Bo geol at the beginning of the episode affirming he doesn't know ki ho, but still letting mok ha know he must be doing okay. And woo hak at the end of the episode letting her know he saw ki ho and he's doing well. Each brother taking a different approach to it but still reassuring her ki ho is alive and okay.
So dae woong got into an accident after he tried dissuading mr jung to find ki ho.
Okay so here's my theory as to why woo hak keeps having these flashbacks. So, as I confirmed from the towels (and the mugs in mr jung's seoul house), there are four members in the family: mr jung, his now ex-wife, ki ho and his brother. Woo hak keeps having these flashbacks that happen in the seoul house, not in the chunsam island house. I think woo hak is ki ho's brother that mr jung manage to keep with him when ki ho escaped. Mr Jung is mad about it and takes it out on the other sibling aka woo hak. Woo hak's amnesia must have happened around that time when during one of his bursts of anger, Mr Jung hit woo hak on the head and it was so violent woo hak ended up having amnesia. I'm not sure about that but I wanted to share my thoughts with whoever's reading this.
Okay so the plot thickened a lot and I am not ready for what happens next hahaha laughing in pain emoji.
This episode has developed a lot of storylines and it made me excited more like fearful for what will happen next. It's a 9.75/10 for me
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