#rly fun i love to sweat i love to jump around i love meeting cool new ppl
toastsnaffler · 3 months
parkour got me like yippeeee !!
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myherowritings · 5 years
All That Ass
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— One night at the gym, you see a handsome guy with so much ass, you take a picture on the sly and send it to your number neighbor, Bakugou, to freak out over. But what you don’t expect is for him to reply with a picture of you from the same gym.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader word count: 1,876 genre: number neighbor au!!, fluff
a/n: this is a bonus “what if” scenario based on these asks i received about baku and y/n meeting at the gym while he’s doing leg/butt day LOLOL,, just to be clear, this isn’t a canon part of the nn-verse! it’s just a hypothetical oneshot answering the question “what if they had met this way” AND I THINK IT’S SUPER CUTE!! i hope you enjoy and pls lmk what you think !! xx
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“So… Does anyone want to go to the gym with me?” you asked cheerfully, sending a pointed look Shinsou’s way.
You knew Midoriya had already gone this morning (though, if you asked, there was no doubt in your mind he would go again), and Todoroki had just come back from swimming laps at the pool, so your roommate, Shinsou, was your best bet.
Too bad said roommate would rather stay home and play outdated games than workout with you. 
When he didn’t reply for a solid five minutes, you poked him on the bicep-- How he actually had muscles considering how lazy he was would undoubtedly remain the world’s biggest mystery. 
“Hello? Earth to Shinsou?”
He slowly tore his gaze away from the television, looking up at you from his seat on the couch. “Did you say something?”
Giving him your best smile while fluttering your lashes, you sang, “Does the best roomie in the world want to go to the gym with me?”
“No.” Shinsou hardly blinked. 
Your mouth formed a small ‘o’. “Wha--? That’s it? You’re not even going to give an excuse?”
“Nope. Just go by yourself,” he dismissed. “You always talk about how you’re a ‘strong, independent woman’, correct?” 
You scratched the back of your neck-- A habit you picked up from him over the years. “Well, yes…”
“And strong, independent women should be able to go to the gym by themselves, right? 
The only way you could respond was with an incredulous nod. 
“Glad we could agree,” said Shinsou with a wry smile. “Have fun at the gym, then!”
“I… Thank you…?”
And with a slightly confused expression you grabbed your keys and duffle bag and walked out of the door to the recreation center near your apartment, vaguely hearing Shinsou chuckling in the background.
It wasn't until you felt the chilling breeze of the outdoors that you snapped out of your trance. 
“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath. How was he always so persuasive? Sure, at times you could be the slightest bit gullible, but regardless, his skills were almost inhuman.
You huffed, shaking your head as you entered the reception area of the gym. After showing the workers your membership and brushing your hair out of your face, you headed upstairs to do some cardio. 
“Excuse me, are you done with the StairMaster?” you asked the blond-haired guy wiping down the only open machine. 
A bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face to his neck and you had to avert your gaze before he could catch you gawking. 
“Just finished,” he said, his voice a gruff timbre that was surprisingly pleasant to the ear. He finished wiping down the handles and nodded your way. “Go for it.” 
You beamed, setting your water bottle and phone on the machine to get situated. “Thank you so much!” 
He huffed. “Yeah, whatever.” 
That wasn’t exactly a warm ‘you’re welcome’, but you shrugged it off with a small smile, stepping on the stairs and starting a light warmup. 
You placed your earphones in and played some music to set the mood, ready to work up a sweat. Cardio was a pain, but it was worth it if it meant having a nice butt. (As well as making your heart stronger and increasing your lung capacity, you supposed, but those were mere seconds to the booty gains.) 
As you upped the speed and got into the swing of things, you felt your eyes wandering around the room to your favorite part of the gym-- The squat and deadlift area. You noticed a handful of people were littered among the equipment and after your short inspection, you hummed to yourself.
Yup, things were definitely looking good there.
Absentmindedly, you saw your screen light up out of the corner of your eye and you unlocked your phone, briefly checking your messages. Or rather, checking for a certain message from a certain someone.
Still no reply? you sighed, placing your phone back on the StairMaster and trying to distract yourself by looking back at the students doing some leg exercises.
Almost instantaneously, your eyes were drawn to the blond who was using the cardio stairs just before you came. 
StairMaster plus squatting what was easily 75 kilograms within ten minutes? You had to stop yourself from practically swooning on the spot. That was some serious gluteal strength he must’ve had.
He was finishing up his current rep of back squats, cheeks flushed pink and hair sticking to the sides of his face with sweat. Not only did he look unfairly handsome, but he had a hot body as well. 
His arms were toned with a nice amount of muscles on his biceps and triceps--oh, goodness, his triceps were really something else--and he had impeccable posture as he squatted. (Not that his posture was the first thing you noticed about his squat, of course.)
You were staring so intently at this beautiful specimen of a man that he himself noticed, pausing briefly to try to find the source of the laser beams he felt on his behind. Before he could catch you gawking, however, you tore your gaze away and grabbed your phone, trying to pretend you were on it this whole time. 
When he looked away, you sighed in relief, opening your camera app and peering at him through the screen.
You weren’t sure why, but you had a gut feeling your number neighbor, Bakugou, would’ve loved to share this beautiful sight with you. He seemed to be having a bad day and you figured a nice booty would be just the thing to cheer him up. So, really, you only wanted to take a picture of the hot gym guy out of the kindness of your own heart. 
After snapping the photo, you sent a quick series of texts freaking out to your ‘bakubestie’ along with an attachment of the image of the blond guy’s backside.
Y/N: *Attachment: 1 Image*
Y/N: i’m at the gym and this hot (albeit a lil bit of a grumpy grump :/) guy is here and woW
Y/N: like i’m just trying to work out in peace but his ass is all “hi there (       )(       ) how are you (       )(       )” AND I FEEL SO ATTACKED,, how is one person allowed to have all that ass? save some for the rest of us pls bro
After getting a good percentage of your thoughts and thirst out, you let out a sigh of liberation, upping the intensity of the StairMaster to further get your jitters out.
As you continued scrolling through your phone to check for texts from your roommates, you heard a bark of incredulous laughter from the other side of the room. You distractedly looked up, but after seeing nothing out of the ordinary other than the hot guy grinning at his phone, you shrugged and placed your cell down to get back to your workout.
The intense climbing only lasted for about three minutes before you got a text message from Bakugou (which you knew only because his text tone was ‘It’s so fluffy!’ from Despicable Me while everyone else’s was the default chime). A bright smile made its way to your face as you lowered the speed once again, taking a drink from your water bottle to cool down before eagerly glancing at your screen. 
bakubestie: *Attachment: 1 Image*
Curiously, you took a look at the picture Bakugou sent. It was one of someone in the gym that looked quite similar to the one you were in, wearing the same workout clothes you were currently wearing… In fact, it looked like the photo was taken just now from inside the room, right next to the squatting area… 
bakubestie: Too much ass, huh? I could say the same about you
You blinked, taking a few moments to process just what exactly was happening before you yelped in surprise. “What the--?!” 
Your face fumed, head snapping up from your phone so fast you lost your balance and tripped on the incoming stair of the machine. Losing footing, you barely had time to let out a brief, “Oh, shit!” before falling down the StairMaster and onto your butt on the hard floor. 
There was a moment of silence before a booming laughter was heard from the opposite side of the room, and a mixture of dread and excitement filled your stomach.
Dread because if your suspicions were correct, the guy from the gym you were thirsting over to your number neighbor was your number neighbor. And excitement because--hello--you were finally going to meet your number neighbor! (That was, of course, if he didn’t run out of the gym at the very moment.) You were so excited that you couldn’t even dwell on the utter embarrassment any normal person would probably be feeling.
The scuffling of footsteps moved closer as you rubbed the side of your hip that landed on the ground. 
“Tch,” you heard from above you. You looked up to see an amused expression on the blond gym guy’s face as he extended a hand out to you and checked for any injuries. “You really are a dumbass.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at his all too familiar tone, and you winked cheekily at him while accepting his hand and standing upright. “And you really have a nice ass.” 
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he fought off the blush on his face, your compliment catching him off guard. “Okay, well-- Now I know for sure it is you.”
With an excited grin, you jumped up and down on the balls of your feet. You were filled with nerves and butterflies and you wanted nothing more than to tackle your number neighbor into the biggest hug you could muster.
“You are okay though, right?” he asked, the smallest hint of worry in his features. 
The little crinkle between his brows was so adorable that you just couldn’t help yourself. Your grin widened even more and your face began to hurt from smiling so much. You were certain you looked like a fool, but you didn’t care. 
Before you could second guess yourself, you stood on your tiptoes and threw your arms around his neck to tackle him into a proper bear hug. Bakugou was still a bit sweaty and warm from working out--and you most definitely you weren’t looking any better yourself--but that didn’t change the fact that he felt cozy and safe and smelled faintly like your favorite caramel treat at the candy store. 
“Yes. I’m better than okay,” you murmured into his shoulder. “It’s nice to meet you, bestie.” 
Bakugou froze in shock before letting out a breathy chuckle, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist as you shifted so your head rested against his chest. His hand lingered on the small of your back as he peer down at you with what looked like a smile of his own and you wished you could capture that moment in a frame and relive it forever.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.” 
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iwaisa · 4 years
request: hello! can i pls request hc for bakugou, shinsou, todoroki and tamaki with a crush who has a devil type of quirk? she can summon demons to battle with her, and if desired, she could even be able to tempt you. She also has this axe similar to zack’s from angels of death or kite from hxh. She’s super skilled but she’s not evil or anything, she’s rly playful and likes to tease. I’m sorry if this is hard to write or it makes you uncomfortable, i’ve had this idea for a while..😅 thank you!!❤️- anon
a/n: i actually love this idea so much it’s so cool !! and it was super fun to write <3 (i really hope i interpreted this correctly!) thank you for requesting! :D
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bnha boys crushing on a girl with a devil quirk
pairings: bakugou, shinsou, todoroki, tamaki x female reader
warnings: swearing, suggestive content 
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► now shuffling...
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he looked at you and instantly went “holy shit she’s badass.”
he LOVED your quirk. he thought it was insanely awesome.
of course, he won’t ever tell you this because he’s a tsundere ❤️
and because he stutters when he’s around you
lowkey was terrified of the demons you summoned when you had to fight him
yk how he screams like a girl in the dub? yeah❤️
you teased the hell outta him for that.
he kinda hated you for that but he still couldn’t stop admiring you
he also thought your axe was badass
he always seemed to be out of it whenever he watched you entice your sparring partner, and he thought it was so hot
he didn’t even know he had a crush on you (because he kept oogling you and checking you out) until kaminari and sero brought it up
“bakubro! stop oogling l/n! she’s gonna get creeped out!”
he hit kaminari while sero just laughed so bakugou hit him too
one time, you got together with kami and sero to prank bakugou, which ended horribly
after the prank, bakugou got so angry he stormed off to his room, slamming his door
apparently, sero and kami never saw him this mad, so they asked you to go calm him down
after about thirty minutes of stalling, you ended up in front of his dorm
you were super hesitant to knock, but you really wanted to see if he was alright
upon knocking on his door, you heard super heavy footsteps and you started getting really intimidated LMAO
he swings open the door and glares at you, asking what the hell you want
once you told him you just wanted to make sure he was alright and you apologized for the prank, his face exploded red in colour
his palms also started sweating, making them explode
he mumbled something along the lines of, “no girl has ever checked up on me like this,” 🥺🥺
you began teasing him again, which kinda set him off
he started yelling about how he ‘just liked you and thought you were so badass and so cute at the same time’
you were confused, but flattered
you told him that you liked him back, and that he should take you on a date with a wink ;)
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you were in class 1-a for your skills as a hero in training
he was jealous of everyone in the hero course, but he couldn’t seem to hold a grudge against you
he watched as you defeated not only one, but TWO people in the sports festival
unfortunately, you didn’t win, but you got fourth :)
shinsou was absolutely dumbfounded
how could someone so cheerful and adorable be THAT terrifying in battle??
he’s never been intimidated by anyone, but he found himself shying away from you whenever you tried to spark a conversation with him
until one day you were going to the nurse to get your wounds healed by recovery girl, and shinsou was there sleeping
after recovery girl bandaged you up, you sat on the edge of his bed and ran your fingers through his hair
he didn’t wake up right away, which gave you a good ten minutes or so to admire his face
when he did wake up, he was looking up right into your eyes
he was practically in a sleep paralysis state, and you were just frozen in place
“you’re just dreaming~” you teased, causing him to snap out of his sleep paralysis
“sure.” he grunted while sitting up
“why were you sleeping? don’t you have class?”
“i do. i barely get sleep so i come to recovery girl to take quick naps.”
there was a moment of silence, and shinsou couldn’t take his eyes off you
here you were, sitting next to him in your hero costume (which he thought was extremely hot)
he noticed the bandages and asked you who you were fighting
“oh. bakugou.”
what? you said it as if it was nothing?? bakugou, the most TERRIFYING fighter?? that bakugou?
“i beat him though, so…”
by now he was just completely immersed in you
you were so cute and perfect and you had just beat bakugou??? and you’re talking to someone like shinsou?
“you’re amazing,” shinsou muttered causing you to turn your head towards him
“can i take you out? i think you’re really cool. intimidating, but cool.”
“aww~ does shinsou have a little crush?” you jested causing him to grumble while stand up
“guess i do.”
that sure shut you up.
“what? is l/n embarrassed~” he teased right back.
you rolled your eyes and grabbed his collar, pulling him down to make your lips meet
“what? is shinsou embarrassed~?” you mocked.
he watched you walk out of the office before turning around
“i’d love to go out with you. you’re funny. in a good way.”
and with that, you left a very flustered but excited shinsou to deal with recovery girl’s teasing remarks
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he was… very indifferent about the whole ordeal
everyone in class 1-a was welcoming a new student
todoroki just sat in the back of the classroom as usual not exactly caring about anything that aizawa was saying
he watched the new student walk in,
and NOW he was interested
has he ever thought about someone this way??
no. the answer is no. 
he’s never actually said to himself that he thinks someone is cute - he just doesn’t have the time
but he simply pushes it off and assumes that nothing will happen and he won’t have to talk to you
months later and you still have the same effect on him that you did when you first transferred
except now, you chose the bi-colour haired boy as your teasing subject
he didn’t exactly understand all of your jokes or teasing remarks, which made for a great person to tease
also, he was way too captivated in your eyes to understand anything that was coming out of your mouth
in battle, todoroki definitely had the most animated facial expressions and reactions to anything he’s ever seen
he was so captivated by your fighting techniques and the demons you summoned?? awesome as hell. your axe?? also awesome as hell.
your outfit??? yeah. todoroki liked that too.
one time he cheered you on as you faced off against iida and he never got so many strange looks in his life
even you were dumbfounded, and you ended up losing to iida because of it
while you were in recovery girl’s office, todoroki was sent to ensure you were okay as per aizawa’s request
he watched as you just finished getting bandaged up, and he took that as his signal to step in and apologize
recovery girl left for a few moments, giving him the perfect time to confess - or so he thought
simply put, he asked if you were okay
then he started rambling about your quirk and how amazing you are - a feat he picked up from being friends with midoriya
you cut him off with a finger to his lips
“if you like me so much, why don’t you just say so?”
he quickly shut his mouth, leaving you to think the worst
“i like you, very much.”
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ugh he’s literally so intimidated by you 
he believes that you’re far better than him in battle and that you should take his place in the top three
he never tells you this though, he’s shaking and facing the wall each time you’re around
so he just resorts to watching you from a distance, cheering you on in his head
one day, you have to face against him 
he never shook so much in his life
but he remembered mirio’s words of encouragement, and he was set to go
it ended up with you beating him, because he was caught off guard by one of your demons - which he thought were absolutely terrifying by the way
while your demon was distracting him, you snuck up behind him and just *bonk* on the head with your axe
he ended up fainting, and you were quick to offer to take him to recovery girl
while sitting at the end of the bed waiting for tamaki to wake up, you had a lot to think about
should you tell him how you feel? 
you knew he liked you back - the body language and red faces were the most obvious signs
but what if he says no? he doesn’t want to date anyone?
you were snapped out of your thoughts as you felt tamaki’s leg tap you as he was waking up
“morning, sunshine~”
he’s never jumped so high in his whole life
you began laughing, but you were quick to stop when you saw his trembling lips
“hey, i didn’t mean to scare you, i’m really sorry,”
“it’s okay,” he whispered
there were a few moments where neither of you spoke up until you decided to break the silence
“i know you like me,” 
his eyes were darting all over the place, but they never met yours
“h-how d-did...you know?” he mumbled
“because you act shyer around me than anyone else. but...i like it”
you were confident on the outside, but inside you were freaking out
so he DID like you back.
you were twiddling your fingers before you felt tamaki shift, and all of a sudden his lips were on your cheek
you slapped your hand on the spot his lips just touched, your mouth hanging open
“c-can i take you...on a date?” he whispered, 
you nodded your head quickly, just in time for recovery girl to enter to continue treating tamaki
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partynthem · 6 years
to expand on my nonsense concert notes from last night (it’s long lmao ya girl has a lot of thoughts)
- i would like to start by just thanking lauren @enthusiasm-paraphernalia for existing
- the keyboard alex plays on stage is literally three feet tall. i’m genuinely not joking it is so fucking short. the actual smallest keyboard in the world for the world’s tiniest man.
- i still deeply miss alex’s hair but his shaved head isn’t that bad in person. it’s alright. his hair is objectively better and he doesn’t look like himself but whatever it’s fine i’m fine
- ahhhh during the view from the afternoon it was just the four OG monkeys on stage and i was and still am crying abt it
- alex announced teddy picker by just shouting ‘TEDDY PICKER!’ into the microphone. thanks. and then during the song when it got to the solo he played maybe three notes and then threw his arms around a bit leading me to believe he forgot how to play the solo
- we were fucking up in arms when they didn’t transition to crying lightning after teddy picker tho like the three of us were just shouting at them as if they could hear us and as if they gave a single shit abt our opinion of their setlists
- during knee socks alex started reaching over from where he was standing to the keyboard and my eyes are bad so i thought he was trying to grab tom’s mic but he was actually just reaching for his sunglasses that he’d put on the keyboard earlier skhjfsdgfd but he was in such a weird position cos the keyboard was slightly out of his reach so he was bending and twisting and it was so extra to witness
- ok they played view from the afternoon, teddy picker, do me a favour, and knee socks all in a row and those are legit my top four am songs so i was Fuckin Sweating it was so much all at once
- also during do me a favour he mimed the ‘well her shoes were untied’ line by fucking stomping????? like i understood he was demonstrating untied laces but he lit just stomped
- before wyocmwyh he was saying nonsense and i may have misheard but i SWEAR he said the words ‘washy going down on a sunday nighhhttttt’ . washy..... alex no
- during wyocmwyh alex was rly feelin it and miming shit like there was no tomorrow and at the ‘get through the gears’ line 1. he said shift through the gears and 2. he mimed shifting gears in a car and it was like watching him try to swim during the line in one point perspective. he doesn’t know how to drive or swim i guess. can he do anything??? anyways. during one of the choruses after he sang ‘why’d you only call me when you’re high?’ he pointedly said matt’s name while staring him down implying matt only calls him when he’s high. casual.
- alex was just yelling so many random phrases during/between songs (which he didn’t do as much the first night he seemed to be having way more fun last night) and after wyocmwyh he said ‘getting to know youuuuuuuu’ and during pretty visitors during the break in the song he said ‘what are you on about?’ and like. what am I on about??? you’re the one that fucking wrote pretty visitors alex what are YOU on about
- alex screamed so much during brianstorm and not his usual ‘YEAHHHH’ but more ‘AHHHHHHHHHH’ and so many times. like five different times in that 2 min 53 second song
- matt is just so fucking talented and good at what he does and is so mesmerizing to watch i am forever impressed by him
- alex kept taking his sunglasses off and then putting them back on jkhfssd it happened so many times and was so dramatic he just could not make up his fucking mind on whether or not he wanted to be wearing them
- the vox was having issues during do i wanna know and someone (dave i think) came out on stage during the song and was fiddling w it and alex was still trying to play and then once the guitar was fixed he said ‘it’s back!’ and then continued on w the song
- ok.. alex had this fucking TOWEL on stage to keep wiping his sweaty ass face with and every time he would lauren and i would just lose our shit and one time when he went to wipe his face it was the most aggressive use of a towel i’ve ever seen. my skin hurt just watching him attack his face like that
- also alex kept going to drink water on stage maybe every three min i guess the dc swamp humidity was rly getting to him
- towards the middle/end of the set they hadn’t done 505 yet so i was starting to believe they had come to their senses and were gonna close w it but they didn’t and i was mad when it started playing as like the 14th song or whatever
- they did that cool transition between 505 and tbhc again!!!
- he did so much weird shit during pretty visitors i can’t even pick one or five things to mention cos it was just four full min of nonstop antics
- at the start of the second verse of i bet you look good on the dancefloor HE JUST CACKLED INTO THE MICROPHONE AND DIDN’T SING THE FIRST TWO LINES COS HE WAS TOO BUSY LAUGHING
- also during dancefloor poor sweet jamie his guitar was Fucked Up TM and eventually he just kinda sat down on the side and the song was weird without him
- alex randomly stood up from the piano during star treatment and walked around and his mic cord got caught on something (typical) and he softly went ‘shit’ at the end of a line jshdhsjd and then he just squatted at the front of the stage during the verse in the middle of the song. you know. as one does
- also during star treatment they had that ridiculous disco cube thing on stage but the light was rly pretty and there was a moment alex was in the exact right spot and he looked so beautiful. even without hair
- at the end of r u mine before they did the chorus again he would not put his arms down i swear to god they were just floating up in the air for maybe an entire two minutes. i worried his hands were losing circulation
- they (especially alex) took so much time to walk off stage and they all seemed so into it all night and were interacting a ton and i’m just. emotional
- i had to leave early after the show cos my sister arrived to pick me up (my dumbass asked her to come get me so i wouldnt have to spend $40 on an uber home lmao @ me playing myself) so i didn’t get to wait to try and meet them or wait and hang out more which was :( but i love arctic monkeys more than anything and this was truly the best weekend of my life and i’m so so so so so happy even tho i’m sad it’s over i’m so happy i got to have this and i will forever treasure the last 48 hours of my life
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nootnoot333 · 7 years
bangtan asks
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
:< hmmmm.... violet from the incredibles bc she cool
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
cry bc my friends have so much dirt on me 
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be?
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
metal against metal: like a metal spoon against a metal bowl 
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
cut them off snip snip
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
thank god now i don’t have to find a job in this economy 
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
in stores it’s usually some really sweet latte, at home it’s 2 tablespoons of sugar and a bit of milk
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
y isn’t sub vocal an option 
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i’ve known ab them since their... a little bit before their I NEED U days bc my friend was obssessed w them since debut and would always post ab them on fb and i watched the i need u mv and that’s where it all started
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
nothing home is where i am
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
i guess? doesn’t every body’s in some way
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
honestly... bts HAHAAHHAa
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
declare my major and get study abroad figured out 
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i’m here 2 listen
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
jump: favorite childhood memory?
playing outside for hours with the neighborhood kids
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
HAHAHHAHA boys wise i have a weakness for tall lanky art boys who have ruffled dark hair and big glasses  LMAO 
i like it pt. 2: dream date?
n/a anything is fine 
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
multiple times, usually having to do w a car ; driving, almost getting hit, being driven
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
let’s not
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
fear- mino, streetcar - daniel caesar, lost- bts
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
pretty good just bc i forget
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
nothing i’m so unspontaenous 
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
depends on the SEASON BOI summer: highwaisted shorts and long sleeved shirt w stan smiths, fall: blue mom jeans, tighter shirt, colorful socks and white vans, winter: light gray turtleneck sweater, black skinny jeans, beanie, dark gray wool coat, black boots spring: denim overall dress, cute shirt, colorful socks and stansmiths
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)?
o..........at least 10 hours awake 
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
stayin alive
i need u: are you in love?
hell no 
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
not rly
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
nah not to the extent of broken 
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
SO loyal
move: last time you cried?
probably last year first semester of school
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
a mississippi sunset
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
YES.... i have so many dream vacations... rn i wanna go to scandinavia 
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
fuk fuk i rly wanna live in like sweden 
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
yes and to an  extent 
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a marine biologist bc i liked fish and the ocean or a neurosurgeon but now i’m veering toward law
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
in little ways
save me: your favorite place on earth?
uh...   prague?
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
kiki’s delivery service
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
LMAO omg... ok 1) tae 2) jimin 3) my frien oshin 4) dean 5) zico 6) crush 7) jil 
all the kpop guys bc Y TF NOT and my friends bc they get along w everyone
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
like around 10 
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
i swear a saw a demon 
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
lie: biggest fear?
dying but not having done what i wanted before
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
don’t worry it’ll be fine
mama: are you good at giving advice?
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
i’m so good w directions and navigation 
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
bath, paint nails, do nothing
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
this is so hard
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their silliness 
spring day: who do you miss right now?
no one particularly
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
hahahahahahahahah translating 
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
domestic flights: window
intl flights: aisle bc i pee a lot
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
no one
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