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rkhyxnggu · 5 years ago
♆ Big Step ♆
ft @rkxboo
Choi Sungmin was nervous as hell. Sure, he’s been nervous before, but he’s never been this nervous. This was next level nerves for Sungmin and his anxiety and insecurities were coming through. He was so close to backing out and running away. He wanted to leave but he knew he shouldn’t. He knew he had something he’d been wanting to ask his boyfriend for the longest time but he had been putting it off. He needed to ask.
It was almost their five month anniversary and yet Sungmin and Seungkwan had spent little time together since becoming official. With his trainee schedule, Sungmin was busy, but he still tried to make time for his boyfriend. Tonight was one of those times.
Sungmin was preparing dinner while Seungkwan was doing whatever it was that Seungkwan did when he visited Sungmin. He was sure that Seungkwan could tell that something was wrong with him considering how long they had known each other. It didn’t take much for either to notice. Of course, Sungmin dropping things wasn’t helping.
❝ Shit, ❞ he mumbled as he dropped the spoon he was holding in his hand. He bent down to pick it up. Sungmin then proceeded to bump his head while he tried to stand. He let out a huff as he rubbed his head.
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rkxjongsuk · 5 years ago
july 2020 evaluation: summer party  perfoming eusha eusha and touch my body with jeongguk and seungkwan 
summer fun, summer vibes.
jongsuk seriously loved summer pool parties. it was like the only way to celebrate the summer season. after all, that was the summer was celebrated in california, albeit on beaches and with huge barbecues, but he would take what he was given. if he was given a company pool party, hell yeah, he'd take it all the way.
their performance  was one of the first ones upon their arrival and they took the stage with ease. their practices had paid off and performing a fun medley alongside seungkwan and jeongguk, their trio (or as jongsuk absolutely laughed at, BooSukKook) was having a blast. jongsuk got to show off those high notes of his and why he was aiming for that king of ost crown upon his debut (which was all he really wanted out of everything eventually). the performance also reminded him as to why he loved what he did so much. the feeling of singing in front of large crowd gave him an adrenaline rush and a high that just couldn't be compared to anything at all. that was how he wanted to feel all the time.
On a constant performance high. That adrenaline rush made his heart pound inside his chest and with every word, every note, it was just getting louder and louder. jongsuk craved that high. once they finished their performance, he went to grab a well deserved glass of fruit punch and reached for a pool floaty. "we've earned a good time, boys!" he exclaimed, grinning.
as soon as all the performances were over, jongsuk was in the pool, with the fruity drink on a floaty, floating back and forth in neon colored green swim trunks. "we worked so hard! now we can play hard!" he exclaimed, laughing loudly and drinking the juice. was it the juice? or was it that extra energy that he still had from their performance? no one would really know and he could rock with this.
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rkchay · 5 years ago
rkcharisma starter for @rkxboo
she’s been coming to this cafe pretty often lately, and she’s seen that handsome guy behind the counter making latte art. it’d be fun to share with her followers, chaewon thinks. she’s dressed to the nines and brought her mini tripod with her today in the hopes of capturing the process on video. then, a chill cafe vlog... perfect.
her high heels clack up to the counter and she sets the small tripod down. chaewon rests a hand beneath her chin and flashes a sparkling smile at the man. “hey, mr. barista,” she greets. “i was wondering if you’d like to feature your latte art in one of my vlogs? you wouldn’t have to show your face or anything, but you can if you want.”
she holds up her phone to flash her instagram page. “as you can see, i have plenty of followers. and my username is the same on youtube, chaysikk.” chaewon tilts her head and flutters her eyelashes at him. “no pressure, though. but it would be soooo cool if you said yes.”
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rkyoona · 5 years ago
✽ Third Flyer ✽
Delivering to: @rkxboo
Winter was Yoona’s favourite season. She could rug up in layers. It was also cuddling season and she loved hugs. Sure, it was freezing cold, but she could handle it. She was probably too happy for someone who had been standing in the streets for hours but she was just naturally happy. She couldn’t help it.
Yoona was humming one of her favourite songs when she spied the younger-looking male. Grinning, Yoona approached him and held out a flyer. ❝ Hi there! Do you mind taking one of these Nova flyers? It would help me out. ❞ She tilted her head slightly and smiled.
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jkookrk · 5 years ago
『 Prep Time 』 ⇢ KT Evals July 2k20 | +2 CR ; +2 DB  ⇢ Jeon Jeongguk, Boo Seungkwan and Lee Jongsuk breeding chaos
“ No one would be prepared for their performance. ”
Admittedly, Jeongguk had been prepared to be thrown face first into his own struggle on how to cope with the fact his boyfriend and friends had debuted without him but with things pushed back he was both happy and felt even more frustrated. KT really had gone and done fucked up on this group and the trainee couldn’t help how he metaphorically sat back and smirked in self-satisfaction about how terribly wrong all of this went.
Served them right for excluding him.
Of course his own spite was kept within the darkest corner of his brain however, for his worry for his friends was the flip side of everything. He didn’t bother to ignore them anymore since the project days were essentially over now and who on earth would ignore their friends if they were both attending the same party no?
Even though most of his time was still spent away from them due to their differing schedules. Instead he sat together with Jongsuk and another new trainee who somehow ended up in this chaos round. Sticking their heads together the boys narrowed down the most iconic summer hits release throughout the years that they could think off from the top of their head and Jeongguk got stuck on a choice just like Jongsuk, both refusing to back away from their pick.
it was Seungkwan who off-handedly suggested to just mash them up together and perform both which potentially saved all of them a huge headache. Eyes wide, Jongsuk and Jeongguk looked first at each other and then at Boo. “YOU’RE A GENIUS!”
They’d never know what they had coming once they were done preparing this.
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rkohsehun · 5 years ago
oh sehun @iamosh • 2min
@grayster hyuuung not you too! ㅜ.ㅜ where did you and @SANGKEUMYUZU even get these funny photos of me oh my god-
@bootifuldays thank you for saving me~ chicken legs are nice too uwu
but guys, really, i just wanted to eat some crab 🥺
oh sehun @iamosh • 10m
i wish i had crab legs 😌
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rovalent · 5 years ago
Thank you to everyone who participated in the STAR BRIGHT ‘20 auditions! The decision wasn’t an easy one to make. However, due to their outstanding showcase of skill and talent, three hopefuls have been chosen to receive contract deals. For those who didn’t get it, keep your chin up—this is not the end of the road. Don’t give up!
ROYAL Entertainment would like to offer contracts to the following people:
BOO SEUNGKWAN ( @rkxboo )
JEON SOMIN ( @jsominrk )
Please review the contract on the company page and submit a signed copy to the company to begin your training. You can read up on how to get started as a trainee here; any questions can be directed to the Mods, and the senior trainees at the company can also help you get settled. Please make your decision by midnight EST at the end of Saturday, July 18th. Congratulations and good luck!
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rkvok · 5 years ago
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Nyello~ Here I am again! I think I’ve gotten Moonbok’s workshops pinned down at last, so here’s his plan for the three days of the event. He’s really looking to learn new skills as opposed to doing what he’s comfortable with, advanced apologies to everyone in the instrument classes ahahaha. Like always, if you’d like to plot something out, like this post or hmu on twitter at @/melxdyinthedark
Singing for beginners: @rkwendy​ | open
How to Improvise: open | open
Guitar for beginners: open | open
Skincare and Makeup: @ericxrk​ | open
Songwriting Workshop: open | open
Yoga: @rkxboo​ | open
Contemporary Hip-Hop: open | open
Piano for Beginners: @rkxars​ | open
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rkxdowoon-a · 5 years ago
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Hello my beans~ I’ve finally pinned down what activities Dowoon will be doing during the speak up event!  Watch him attend all three days because it means he’s getting a break from Royal. (You didn’t hear him say that, tho.) If you’d like to plot out anything, just like this post and I’ll hop into your IMs~ Or you can come poke me at @/melxdyinthedark on twitter!
Introduction to Voice Acting: @rkyoona | @rkyoojimin​
Guitar for Beginners: @beomgyurk​ | @rkxars​
Posing for Pictorials: @rktaeyang | open
Basics of Creative Writing: open | open
Hosting Workshop: @rkongwu​ | @rkxboo​
Self Defense: @ericxrk​ | open
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rookieskrp · 5 years ago
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Every week, there will be an activity check to sweep out inactive rookies and reward those who have stayed active, with skill points! If the rookie hasn’t showed up in at least one week, they are cleared from the masterlist with no warning, while the names not on the sweep list can add three skill points using their TALLY SHEET. You can distribute +3 skill points in whatever categories you want! Please make sure that you add a link to this post on your tally sheet for proof! You do not need to verify these points.
TRAINEES may now turn in their POINTS VERIFICATION SHEETS for the week of 01/08-01/15; instructions for doing so as well as the appropriate form and the link to the verification blog can be found on each company’s workshop page. Once your form is posted to the verification blog, you may update your points tracker with a link to the verification blog post. Points must be turned in before 01/22 or they will not count! If there are any complications that prevent you from turning in your points on time, please talk to Head Mod Kyle or Mod Keith before submitting them late.
Please include today’s date (January 15th, 2020) at the top of your verification form! Even if you turn in your points later this week, put January 15th as the date. This is mandatory!
▸ ▸ ▸ DROPPED .
kang dongho
♔ yoo youngjae
▸ ▸ ▸ CLEARED .
none! well done, rookies!
boo seungkwan: rkbseungkwan to rkxboo
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rkhyxnggu · 5 years ago
♆ Birthday Surprises ♆
ft @rkxboo
It was Boo Seungkwan’s birthday and Choi Sungmin had plans. Seungkwan was his best and longest friend. Seungkwan knew Sungmin from before his accident. He knew how Sungmin had changed after the accident. He was there when Sungmin was learning how to live with the after-effects of the accident. Even after all his changes, Seungkwan still stuck by his side. He was more than a best friend to Sungmin.
The rapper hadn’t seen his friend since the Halloween event despite the other’s requests to meet. Sungmin just didn’t have the time since he got signed but Seungkwan didn’t know yet. He wasn’t sure if he should tell him or not since today was about Seungkwan.
Sungmin bounced during the walk to Seungkwan’s apartment. He was excited to finally see his friend after so long. Of course, deep down there was more to it but Sungmin wouldn’t admit it. He wouldn’t admit that his heart was jumping out of his chest at the mere thought of seeing Seungkwan, no. He was in love with his best friend, no matter how much he denied it. When he arrived at his friend’s house he rung the doorbell and waited. It was a surprise visit and he hoped that his friend was home.
❝ Seungkwan! You home? ❞
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rkevent · 5 years ago
Below is a list of all submissions received so far for the STAR BRIGHT CALLBACK AUDITIONS. Make sure to post your audition before midnight EST at the end of tomorrow, July 8th. You must also submit a link to the post to rkevent.
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rkchay · 5 years ago
{ooc} tiny tracker!
writing: spicy [ @rkyoojimin ], mi casa [ @mxnark ] waiting: carbon cookies [ @siyeonrk ], eye contact [ @rksora ], busybody [ @michaxrk ], foam [ @rkxboo ], spring breeze [ @yeosangrk ], tol and smol [ @rkkangjoon ] dropping, let’s plot?: posers [ @rkpcy ]
if i missed anything or you want to plot something new, feel free to message me! chay’s plots page is still up for any interested muses :)
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rkyoona · 5 years ago
Yoona will be attending the following events so if you’d like to thread or plot please let me know ^^
ACTIVITY 1 - Opening speech ACTIVITY 2 - Introduction to voice acting | [@rkxdowoon & open] ACTIVITY 3 - How to improvise | [ @rkxtaehyung & @rkxboo] ACTIVITY 4 - Guitar for beginners | [open & open]
ACTIVITY 1 - Drinks for vocal cords upkeep | [ @jiwoork & @rkseunghun] ACTIVITY 2 - Skincare and makeup workshop | [@yeosangrk​ & open] ACTIVITY 3 - How to juggle schoolwork and chasing your dreams | [open & open]
ACTIVITY 1 - Introduction to fashion | [open & open] ACTIVITY 2 - Aerial silks | [@rkyoojimin & open]
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jkookrk · 5 years ago
『 Party Time 』 ⇢ KT Evals July 2k20 | +3 CH ; +2 DB ; +1 Wk High Notes ⇢ Jeon Jeongguk summer vibing to a mash up of Eusha Eusha & Touch My Body 
“ Another Month, Another Eval. ”
Even if he was performing with Jongsuk and Seungkwan, he took his time to mingle and hang out with about every person he knew one way or another. The fact part of all of this ended in random water gun fights was just another thing he actually liked about this month.
All in all he really couldn’t complain.
The party was great, the performances amazing and the vibes were light and casual. For once he actual had something to look forward to at the end of the month and not just another distraction seeking performance he tried to find joy in while seemingly not sure why he even stuck around anymore.
When the time came for them to perform, Jk was ready for all kinds of reactions from nostalgic sighs to supportive growling and joking wolf whistling. Who in their right mind would think to mix two songs that couldn’t be more different together and give every retro kpop stan that kind of whiplash? 
Eusha Eusha was a classic summer hit that Jeongguk could not move past when confronted with the theme but Touch My Body was the modern equivalent to that. Beyond that however the two songs has little in common. Then again- they were both one heck load of fun to perform. Even if they didn’t work to choreograph their own dance for this one, rather deciding to focus on the vocals and deliver the songs for all their glory, they still kept certain key choreography that you just couldn’t not execute while listening or singing these songs.
The fact none of them ended up laughing was in itself the biggest achievement along with the claps and cheers from fellow trainees, really. If one thing was for certain, it was that no one could ever tell those three they had delivered a boring performance.
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rovalent · 5 years ago
ROYAL Entertainment has issued callbacks to the following entrants:
BANG JUNHYUK ( @rkjunhyuk )
BOO SEUNGKWAN ( @rkxboo )
JEON SOMIN ( @jsominrk )
Round 2 will be held in a small practice studio at the Royal building, in front of several Royal staff, including a panel of their head casting agents and several trainers, as well as So Ji Sub. The auditions will be filmed to keep for future reference. Only one participant will enter the studio at a time and no comments will be made by the judges. Contracts will only be offered after everyone participating has performed.
All participating rookies should prepare their strongest two talents to show the judges (doesn’t have to match the special skills listed on their forms). The rookies have one minute to demonstrate their chosen talents before the panel of judges and then they will be asked to step back outside and wait until the auditions have concluded.
Participating rookies have until midnight EST at the end of Wednesday, July 8th to post their solos. Please tag your solos as #20starbright2 and be sure to submit the link to your audition to rkevent!
Good luck!
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