lj-writes · 5 years
What Luke learns in ROTJ: The Jedi were flawed, but that can change.
What Luke learns in TLJ: The Jedi were flawed, but that can change.
What Kylo Ren learns in TFA: If I want to commit myself to the dark side, I have to let the past die and even kill family without remorse.
What Kylo Ren learns in TLJ: If I want to commit myself to the dark side, I have to let the past die and even kill family without remorse.
What Finn learns in TFA: I have to look out for a higher cause than myself and my best friend and join the fight against the evil regime I defected from.
What Finn learns in TLJ: I have to look out for a higher cause than myself and my best friend and join the fight against the evil regime I defected from.
What Poe already knew in TFA: Don’t waste lives with reckless abandon. 
What Poe learns in TLJ: Don’t waste lives with reckless abandon.
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ekjohnston · 5 years
Is there any subject in Star Wars you would refuse to write about?
This is a complicated answer because it ties into my feelings wrt representation and who gets to tell what story/their OWN stories. So, like, kinda?
For example, I have had multiple people ask if I would do a Shmi book if it was offered, and my answer is no, because I don’t think the first book to be *truly about* slavery in Star Wars should be 1. by a white lady and 2. about a white lady. That’s the reason Padmé and Sabé fail in Queen’s Shadow. They’re trying, but they did basically no homework and they’re completely outside of their culture, and yeah, maybe they made tiny steps, but they didn’t ask first (or they would have found out about the emancipation movement before Sabé blew her cover). I do, 100%, think that SOMEone should address the slavery/trafficking aspects of the SW galaxy (and how, like Palpatine NEEDED IT for the Empire to function), but I don’t think I’m that person.
I’m also not super interested in most of the bad guys, which I feel is pretty well known. ;)
And, while we’re talking about representation, as much as I love love love Enfys Nest, I hope LIKE HECK they hire a First Nation/Native American writer for her story. (Do I think that, as with Latinx In Space, the inverted-coding for her and the Marauders was accidental? Yes. Do I think they should FREAKING RUN WITH IT ANYWAY? I do.)
It’s a complicated topic (which is why I’m pleased, for example, that Rebecca Roanhorse was hired to write a “normal” SW book first I HOPE THEY HIRE HER AGAIN SHE IS REALLY GREAT), but at the end of the day: I want more people at this table, and if there’s ANY WAY I can get more chairs added, I am going to do it.
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bookofmormonmemes · 5 years
Oh! I figured out what the plot to the Mormon Good Omens thing could be! What if we were on the cusp of discovering life on other planets and God was like "no I don't want you to do that yet" and the Three Nephites had to sabotage NASA? That would be wild
the real purpose of the area 51 raid
get writin’ lads
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valkylic · 5 years
Wait where do we have canon images of Xisuma hair
i mean, if you r talking about x, he has a couple (a lot) of guitar vids from two years back, and one or two or them shows him with a dirty blonde beard, so i took the adjacent color and used brown bc i think it looks nicer
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alloverthegaf · 5 years
Return of the King liveblog when?
when indeed
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adobe-outdesign · 5 years
The trope where found family becomes your actual family through marriage (like in Harry Potter)
considering how much emphasis is put on biological families being important ignoring how many of them are abusive or might just not be good for their kids to be around I am 100% for this
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hermitcraft · 5 years
Tumblr media
Have a Rendog
i gotta say i have no clue why u submitted this to me of all people but thanks?
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Out of context: "Portia would kill me if she knew I was doing this," Qualdo grinned.
Qualdo out here trying to earn this year’s Worst Husband Award (and, from the sound of it, he’s succeeding)
Send me a quote from your wip, I have to guess the context!
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quilloftheclouds · 5 years
[Send me a “spoiler!” and I’ll give a vague spoiler from my wip!]
It’s honestly astounding to me on how fast people respond to these ask games. :o Thank you for the ask!
A siren’s kiss grants breath underwater... or, at least. That’s the rumor.
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sundaynightnovels · 5 years
Tip for accents: pick 3 characteristics— dropped letters work great— and just incorporate those at every opportunity. If you don’t overdo it you’ll be fine. For Portia’s accent, I drop h’s (unless it doesn’t roll off the tongue) drop the g from -ing and the f from of. For my Scottish-accented character, I just borrowed from Scots. (If you’ve ever seen Scottish Twitter you know they write like the way they talk. Fun fact, it’s actually a separate language, just mutually intelligible to English.)
ooo thank you for this! i’ve never really had to write a character with an accent yet, so this will be useful (whenever that happens)and yes i love scottish twitter! it’s such a delightful riot!
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lj-writes · 5 years
"That one's a troublemaker. I like him," says Holdo, after showing nothing but contempt and disdain for Poe and his "troublemaking" from the moment she was introduced
Her touching him like she fucking owns him when he literally does not know (or like) her like that was the height of yaigh.
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ekjohnston · 5 years
What are the most fun things about being able to write any detail and have it become Star Wars canon? What things do you look at and think, “I put THAT in Star Wars”
If it ever shows up on screen, I will die.
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bookofmormonmemes · 5 years
A Good Omens style series that follows the Three Nephites
yall i haven’t even watched good omens yet and you can’t imagine how much i would DIE for this kind of series holy SMOKES
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valkylic · 5 years
Who is AX
a character i made based off xisuma’s april fools video from this year
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magnetogf · 5 years
When MJ said she lied about why she was paying so much attention to Peter-- I was floored, TBH. Such a realistic touch. I was afraid they were going to use that trope where saving someone's life = romance, but no, she was literally just too embarrassed to admit she had a crush on him the whole time, she thought he didn't see her that way like honestly we don't have too many stories where the twist is "oh they just lied" 'cause usually with that trope it's a total cop-out but HERE
Like honestly say what you will about FFH, it's too Tony-centric, it's not as good as Spider-Verse-- the twists are amazing. They prove you can have good twists without telegraphing a single thing to the audience and still have them make sense. You just have to make sure everything is planned out so the reveal makes sense. Like when Fury shoots Mysterio only to reveal it was Mysterio shooting an illusion of himself, killing the illusion within the illusion so Peter would think he was safe?
honestly tho this is by far the best version of mj and i’m so happy about it like i really needed someone like her when i was an awkward, weird teenager lol. and yeah, those twists with the illusions were GREAT and makes me bitter they didn’t focus even more on it instead of tony
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adobe-outdesign · 5 years
Your new design looks dope but it doesn't match your URL anymore
That’s sort of the point - I wanted something more original than just a parody of a pre-existing product.
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