The winner of this poll will go through to round 2!
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frankie-fraggle · 2 years
Today's gender is the riverbottom nightmare band
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plumsaffron · 2 months
You keep asking for an ultimate goal but you still refuse to see the very thing in your face that Marinette should have pissed off. You manage to do something amazing. Eat the main causer’s creation of making her this way and prompting as it’s Lila only. You spout and presume too much (Pity you are so much like Mari).
Not only that, you managed to thirst harder than Marinette could and ironically resonate greatly with many of Marinette’s accursed actions. You sought only for quick fixes. You refuse to see how someone can change depending on what is done against them. The Sheep, and antagonists or villains are quite aware how she can get but would still prompt her do it
More embarrassing when the so called hero ain’t supposed to be making the villain’s playground prosper and making enemies in a place where people are rather weak to Hawk Moth influence. Or shouldn’t have more out to hurt her way of life like she complains Chloe only does. Super embarrassing when the villain’s only one that’s called their most astounding, that hasn’t shown signs of betrayal or threatening and foiling him purposely, nothing.) And yet they act like Lila had no reasons or motives. BRUH
Types that blame Lila if all suffers if The Sheep grants free reasons to give Lila free ones and for the the Sheep get her friends caught up in the situation she so called claimed she wouldn’t want her friends involved in. And you some reason are too corrupted to see the Sheep willingly will head towards an avoidable goal by any means just to force all to see her way as the only path.
You speak about manipulation, the common buzzwords losers use as the boogey term, exclusive for what doesn’t align to the so called hero’s side. It’s a legendary way the so called hero(es) doing it and spamming are avoided. The funnier thing is manipulation is actually pretty normal and has no alignment. The range varies but the fools unnormalizes it and associates it with the antagonist or villains can only do it and so many fell for it.
I got even more awful news.
Self manipulation is a real thing too.
For realsies though, I think it’s hella funny how an idiot that has much experiences and should know better and experience with her past stupidity done to people good to her managed to make a bunch of bozos abandon that and target the effect she caused and wanting anyway to make this effect seem like they are actual cause. And bonus, the idiot was told by those good to her to not be a fiend. More embarrassing is what’s told in Pretension remains true. Kind of like many dense viewers.
But I get she’s like many for real. Epically relatable y’all cause y’all umm...
What’s more embarrassing is that Lila’s vow to make Marinette be the nothing that Ladybug succeeded doing to her first and Marinette attempted doing to her (or thought she succeeded at IRONICALLY doing towards Lila but successfully to Chloe), is ignored.
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pwposting · 2 years
Happy Emmet Otter premiere day! It's the 45th anniversary (premiered first in Canada).
Click this YouTube link to listen to the soundtrack!
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billlaotian · 3 months
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hatpinpanicla · 9 months
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keystonewarrior · 1 year
unstoppable force (me trying to teach kids to be informed, competent, and independent)
immovable object (those who 'don't want to learn but they hate what they don't understand'l
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ladytabletop · 1 year
have you done a d10 list of weird boats/ships before?
There are rings for oars, you think, but no oars aboard. There is a mast for sails, you think, but no sails to be seen. Still, the ship seems to be propelled forward, guided by unseen force despite its bare decks, devoid of crew and cargo alike.
The spiderwebbed rigging is the product of the arachnid that sits where you imagined the crow's nest should be. "It's her ship," the crew whispers, "we go where she bids. Her brood is in the hold."
The whole thing is made of glass, from bow to stern. You can see straight through down to the water beneath the hull. It's unsettling; moreso when you spot the shark-like creatures keeping pace with the vessel.
It's carved of teak, of all things. The shipwright was a demigod, they say, from a time when trees grew large enough for a ship to be carved whole from a branch - not even a trunk, a branch! No telling how long she's been asea, but she never wants for crew. Many a sailor would give up their greatest treasures to sail on her decks.
The flag it flies is known to no man. If you look away too long, its colors have changed again. It otherwise appears ordinary. But time goes a bit wobbly when that flag changes, the crew claims.
The churning turbines on its underside were torn from conquered mills. They kick up the silty riverbottom and leave whirlpools in the ship's wake. Its masts were the grists, the poles that did the turning, and its sails are flour sacks sewn together. What cause does a miller have to take to the water?
You'd never met a ship with a mindwright before, but that's what they seem to call the man in the brig. He could be sleeping, you think, but it is his will and his will alone tethering this ship to reality. By all rights it shouldn't exist: a hulk of bone and rot from a creature long-dead. The brig is to keep things out, not to keep him in, for if he is disturbed, the whole vessel will go to the drown.
Ebbs and flows, waves and still waters: the ship contains them all. You're unsure of the magic animating it, but you can walk on the deck and pull a line and turn the wheel just as you would on a mundane boat, albeit with wet hands and feet. The dampness chills your very bones.
Chains writhe around the hull with a horrible grinding cacophony. They crawl up the masts like ivy and weave in and out of portholes. That much weight might sink a ship, except the chain leviathan lurking beneath the waves holds it aloft. Those who set foot on its decks never see shore again.
You watch, incredulous, as the paper unfolds, and again, and again and again and again, into a four-masted vessel with trimmed sails and an origami figurehead.
all d10 lists
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groovycat18 · 1 year
Wishes for Muppets Mayhem Season 2?
Anything you want to see happen or expanded on in another season of the series?
Here are my personal wishes:
1. Seeing more of the band’s family members, such as Floyd parents, Janice’s twin sister, and Zoot’s great aunt.
2. Episodes focused on Lips and Zoot, maybe backstory episodes that explain how they each joined the band. I know I’d want to see Lips’ story!
and 3. I want Solid Foam, or Clifford or Digit at least, to make cameos! Or have the band be referenced at some point! I mean, they referenced the Riverbottom Nightmare Gang and the Feebles, so why not them?
What would you want to see in a new season, my fellow Mayheads?
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thecrazyneographist · 6 months
Riverbottom Hid
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Named after a song.
Of mixed feelings about this one.
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The top FOUR bands from this poll will go through! Good luck!
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devilsrecreation · 1 year
The Mayhem referencing The Riverbottom Nightmare Gang implies that they have beef with literal teenagers (at least I’m assuming) and now I want to see how that went down
Imagine if they had a battle of the bands
They probably DID have a battle of the bands
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plumsaffron · 7 months
Purposely Wanting and Trying To Find Something Wrong With A Character Is Quite Putrid. Hating Some Character Only Because Of Lack Of Information To Satisfy You Is Really Stupid.
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squaunchthocles · 1 year
Anhören/Kaufen: Riverbottom Nightmare Band von Anal Cunt
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episode/track 8 at 8:07
riverbottom ✨ NIGHTMARE BAAAAAND ✨
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