#river hobbit
queen-scribbles · 4 months
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Rhianlin Tanglebriar, in her natural habitat, drawn by the wonderful @captainderyn
(not pictured: Meneldir trying to look super Grim and Focused On Scouting so she won't think to give him her latest creation. He doesn't think he deserves it. She disagrees. Which is why he winds up wearing it. ^^)
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chaos-corvus · 4 days
Met a celebrity today!
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@rohirric-hunter's Leonys of Rohan
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klikshot · 6 months
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abbee-normal · 1 year
my 3 moods:
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msbarrows · 10 months
Well, flubbed doing my thing of the day posts for, oh, almost the entire month of November. And there I'd been thinking I might actually make it a full year successfully (well, successful enough, there were a few times I missed it for several days and then had to catch up).
I missed it. Not so much doing of it, but being able to check back on things like when I last cooked particular meals for supper, or just how many days (or how few) the latest loaf of bread managed to survive, or when I'd last did different non-daily chores.
So, yeah, first day of December, first day of resuming my Thing of the Day posts. I'll also need to restart my count for managing to keep it up for at least a year straight.
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December 1 - Picked up some ebooks on sale, including both of Robert Silverberg's Majipoor trilogies, which have been on my wishlist for years but were waaaay more expensive per volume than I wanted to spend on just replacing books I already own in dead tree form. But with four of the six dropped to the ~$2 range? You damn betcha I got the full set of both. I've mentally tagged that for a re-read some time later this month - it's been over a decade.
Ran about half of my monthly backups today, still need to dig out the drives from my emergency go bag to update them as well.
Also, finally dusted off LotRO and tried out the new Mariner class, in addition to popping for the new River Hobbit race, because they can be mariners and I didn't feel like rolling another man, high elf, or stout-axe dwarf when there was a shiny new racial option (well, new as of August just past).
She turned out very pretty. Named her Windolen (after the usual dozen or so attempts to find a name that wasn't already in use by someone else):
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The new hobbits have a ton of facial adjustment sliders that prior races didn't have, plus a lot of new hair styles, including a whole pile of braided/cornrow/wavy ones, which is always nice to see. I'm kind of hoping they have the ability (and decide to) retrofit the existing player character models with the new adjustment sliders. And some new hairstyles. Which yeah would be a lot of work to put in on a game that was released 15+ years back (and was in development starting a fair few years prior to that) but it would be nice to have the option.
Made a very simple supper of oven fries and chicken fingers (rather than a pork roast I was originally planning on doing), as my brother is doing plumbing work and this afternoon asked me not to use the kitchen sink until after he replaces its drain pipe tomorrow. So, meal that didn't need water usage, nor generated much in the way of dishes to sit around until the sink is back in commission.
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gay-in-middle-earth · 10 months
How are the River Hobbit customization? I've been eyeing them to hopefully be able to get them this coming Friday along with Corsair's of Umbar if I can afford it!
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nerdybookahs · 1 year
Screenshot Saturday: River Hobbits
Screenshot Saturday: River Hobbits #LotRO
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Nen finally got the holbytla set! I've wanted it for MONTHS but I've basically been stuck waiting for her to catch up to 130 bc I didn't want to play my max mini (shouldn't have rushed 140...) and my cappy had also already hurried thru that zone bc I don't like elderslade. But now she has a new music playing outfit!
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Poinsettia crown, white
Traditional Holbytla Mantle, grey
Elegant Holbytla Dress, steel blue
Bonus: my river hobbit burg soon to be leveled also has some of the holbytla cosmetics, with some hol-budlan cosmetics 😊 tho I may end up swapping her shoulders for something as when I finally get to leveling her...tho she's got a bit. Maybe after my hunter?
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Westfold Campaign Shoulder Pads, walnut brown
Holbytla Traveling Shirt, sea blue
Hol-budlan Hand Wraps, default
Holbytla Traveling Skirt, sea blue
Hol-budlan Foot Wraps, default
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as-kind-as-summer · 1 month
After learning how unhinged Mirkwood used to be do you think Legolas ever just drops the most wild childhood trauma on the Fellowship trying to be relatable and they just look at him like...no. No we did not all go through that.
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cantsayidont · 5 months
In an undated letter written in the late 1950s, reproduced in THE LETTERS OF JRR TOLKIEN, Tolkien alludes to the legal difficulties Sam faced after returning from the Grey Havens at the end of LORD OF THE RINGS:
When Master Samwise reported the ‘departure over Sea’ of Bilbo (and Frodo) in 1421, it was still held impossible to presume death; and when Master Samwise became Mayor in 1427, a rule was made that: ‘if any inhabitant of the Shire shall pass over Sea in the presence of a reliable witness, with the expressed intention not to return, or in circumstances plainly implying such an intention, he or she shall be deemed to have relinquished all titles rights or properties previously held or occupied, and the heir or heirs thereof shall forthwith enter into possession of these titles, rights, or properties, as is directed by established custom, or by the will and disposition of the departed, as the case may require.’
You can see how the residents of Hobbiton might have seen Sam's return as the premise of a kind of Agatha Christie mystery plot: favorite servant of eccentric middle-aged local resident departs on an unexpected journey with his master; returns home alone two weeks later; and then conveniently produces a copy of said eccentric local resident's new will, naming the servant the heir to all his property — and the only account the servant can offer of his master's whereabouts is a preposterous story about Elves. Suspicious! Very suspicious indeed!
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
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A lovely and (over)confident Siltera from @a-lonely-dunedain!
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chaos-corvus · 12 days
Lothrandir! So good to see you! We will explore the cave together and perhaps share a pint of ale later!
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klikshot · 6 months
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abbee-normal · 1 year
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Milli met the nicest person today. Too bad it was under such dire circumstances. But with Goldberry's help the Grey Fear won't trouble Cardolan anymore.
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lonicera-edulis · 1 year
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And I finished them. Species are listed in tags.
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
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Rhianlin Tanglebriar ---
newest art from @commander-sarahs-art of my lovely River Hobbit girl came out absolutely gorgeous.🤩😊
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