comfcrt · 4 years
rome flynn   ,   cis male.  ,   he & him.   ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch dominic davis leaving. you know , the twenty-eight year old model   ?  i hear they’re in apartment 13B and have lived here at the rits for one year.  tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident dynamo , seems pretty fitting to me.   &   perfecting his daughters pigtails , long photoshoots , charming smiles , posing for paparazzi pictures , & hidden guilty pleasures. 
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hello   ,   hello.   ––      gray   again.   pleased   to   introduce   you   to   my   second   character   ,   dominic   davis.      a   kind   man   with   a   beautiful   smile   &   an   adorable   daughter.   much   more   likable   than   mattias   ,   i’ll   admit.      i   don’t   remember   if   i   said   this   last   time   ,   but   if   you   like   either   of   my   intros   you’re   signing   a   permanent   contact   to   plot   with   me      ––      sorry   :/
basic statistics :
name : dominic jamal davis - nic , dj. 
age : twenty - eight.
occupation : model.
orientation : bisexual  ( privately ) 
hometown : hoboken , nj. 
appearance :
faceclaim : rome flynn.
height : 6′0
build : muscular
style : casual gym wear at home , business casual when out. 
background  &  personality. death & pregnancy mentions. 
dominic grew up to a single mother in hobeken , new jersey.  they didn’t have much growing up , but she loved her son with her whole heart  &  did anything she could take make sure he was raised right.  nic never had a dad in the picture  ,  but he never felt like he needed one because his mom provided him with everything he needed.
they struggled a lot of most of nic’s life , he started working a few odd jobs when he was starting high school just to bring home some money for his mom.  it wasn’t a lot , but it helped. nic didn’t really spend a whole lot of time focusing on school  ––  he’s quiet smart , but he always feels like he missed out on some education and it always trying to further his intelligence as an adult. 
when he was nearing his twenties , he was working as a mechanic.  graduated high school but never went to college & immediately started a trade to bring home money for his mom.  still lived at home and wanted to be able to take care of her.  worked long , long hours & was running himself dry.  also , very good with his hands. wink wink.
anyway. in the next few years , dom started to post casually on instagram.  it wasn’t really for any specific reason , but just because he’s a confident guy and wanted to post on social media.  a famous celebrity got ahold on his picture & posted it on their social asking who he was.  then ensued a crazy journey for nic.
death tw.  he signed on with a modeling company & commuted half an hour to manhattan to work.  quit his job as a mechanic & just took the leap , which was a risk but he decided to take it.  spent a lot of time in new york & away from home , lots of overnight stays and long nights working but it was paying off.  within this time that he was focused on building his career , his mom had fallen ill.  after only a year or two of nic being in the modeling scene , she had passed. 
death tw.  losing his mom was super hard on him and he decided to take a break from modeling for a year.  his manager advised against it , heavily against it , but he knew that he needed to take time for himself to grieve. after his year break , he decided to get back into modeling , which was a pretty big times news tabloid - nic davis back in the modeling scene ! 
pregnancy tw. and then , not too long after he decides he’s going to be back into the lime light , he finds out that he’s going to be a father.  one night stands aren’t usually his thing , but as he was getting back into the scene of things , he ended up hooking up with ciara at a party & found out that she was pregnant.  growing up without a dad , nic knew that he wasn’t going to be that. so , he moved into the rits to be closer to his daughter & has spent the last year trying to be a good dad.  their daughter is truly the cutest  &  nic spoils the hell out of her. 
to sum up this long ass background , nic is just a kid from new jersey who got lucky & has an adorable daughter.
y’all can keep ur daddy jokes , i can hear them in my head already. keep them !!!!  (  but its ok . i see him . i get it . )
okay i’m separating personality bc that was long as fuck.
nic looks like he would be an asshole player ––  comes off like he kinda sucks & a lot of people assume that he’s a dick. however , he is quite kind & generally a nice dude. he knows he looks like that & will take advantage of that for career gains , but never personal. 
his smile really could change the world. it’s so bright. so pretty.
anyway.  his mom raised him to be kind & respectful and he tries really hard to be that  ––  just wants to be a good guy who makes people happy. 
however , he’s not a pushover.  will easily stand up for himself & anyone he cares about. 
label is the dynamo because he’s very much that type of person  ––  energetic , indefatigable  ––  gets shit done.  very focused and on point with anything he has in his mind.  super impulsive , doesn’t really think about he makes big life decisions. 
he is a huge romantic at heart but is pretty bad at dating , he either gets bored or gets a little insecure & nothing every seems to last for him but he loves the idea of love & just wants to have a family. also feels like being a single dad is something people won’t like. 
also ! dominic is bisexual but it’s not something he’s ever shown in public or showcased – i wouldn’t say he’s closeted , but he’s also not out. 
oh ! and he’s very proudly afro - cuban. felt like that was important to add. 
wanted connections. 
anything , honestly.
he grew up in hoboken which is very close to the city , so anyone who grew up in the area. 
exes : i imagine he’s dated quiet a bit in the last few years , so this could vary in all sorts of ways.
private fwb / ex : a male that he dated or was sleeping with but kept it private because he’s not out. 
best friend : can y’all tell i love best friend connections ? this would be someone who helped him especially in the year his mom passed.
enemies : can someone just hate this good hearted man please 
model friends : anyone else in the modeling industry , maybe they modeled together before.
other industry friends : maybe he modeled for your muses respective job ( music video , website , etc ). 
anything !
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dantes-nferno · 4 years
harry styles  ,   cis male ,   he & him   –   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might dante asher leaving. you know , the twenty-three year old graphic designer   ?   i hear they’re in apartment J30 and have lived here at the rits for four years. tenants seem to deem them as rits' fallen , seems pretty fitting to me.   &  ( vinyl records, cigarette smoke and whisky at 3am, tattered classic novels, french accents, litters of tattoos in random places. )
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Ello all, I’m Joss and I did my best! I’m so excited to be here. I am always up for all the plots, drama, and schemes. Whatever ideas you have in your gorgeous little head bring em my way. And now without further or do I present to you... * awkwardly shoots finger guns* Dante Asher
Born and raised in France with his mother and father and twin brother.
His brother was always the favorite child, his aspirations to be a doctor always pleased their parents. And because Dante was more drawn to the arts his parents never respected him much. 
Dante has never had many friends and he’s okay with that. He doesn’t trust easily.
During his teenage years he started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Drugs and lots of sex became the every day norm for him.
As this behavior went on his parents didn't want to tolerate it anymore and kicked him out.
He left at eighteen and moved to  New York,  Since arriving he worked as a tattoo artist until he landed a really good job as a graphic designer at a top company.
Although he is quite established for his age, he doesn’t consider himself an elite or rich
Sometimes he’ll honestly do the dumbest shit on purpose. But is actually too clever for his own good and will sometimes use it to his advantage.
Can be a real dick sometimes and is mostly very difficult on purpose but if you manage to win him over he’ll do anything for you. Like help you bury a body, anything.
His is fluent in sarcasm and French. Sometimes he slips into his native tongue without realizing it.
He’s a huge nerd for space and will go up to the roof in the middle of the night to look at the sky
Is aware that he can be deadly charming.
Loves sex. A lot. Too much, He has a problem.
Does’t typically do girlfriends. Has only had one serious relationship his whole life. Prefers one night stands
He loves reading (mostly classic novels and poetry) and boxing.
He is actually capable of being the best friend you’ll ever have but has major trust issues so don’t take it personal.
Is learning to play guitar and likes to sing but he’ll sacrifice his soul to the devil before ever letting another human being hear him sing
is heavily into drinking and smoking. Will never turn down a chance to drink
Is terrible at expressing his emotions. Would rather pretend he has none.
Usually found wearing all black clothes, combat boots
Always has cigarettes on hand
His tattoos are usually always showing
Has a pretty brooding demeanor, sometimes accompanied by his signature smirk
Is very proud of his vinyl collection
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sebxstixn · 4 years
hi  everyone  !!  i’m  s  and  this  is  my  mess  of  a  child  sebastian  ,  or  seb  /  bash  !  i’m  v  excited  to  plot  w  you  all  so  like  this  to  do  so  ,  i’m  okay  with  plotting  both  on  discord  and  on  tumblr  so  just  lmk  if  you  have  a  preference  !
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𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢 , 𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 , 𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐢𝐦.   ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch 𝑺𝑬𝑩𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑨𝑵 𝑪𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 leaving. you know , the 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 year old 𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫   ?   i hear they’re in apartment 𝑪58 and have lived here at the rits for 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ 𝒉𝒆𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕 , seems pretty fitting to me.   &  𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒃𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌, 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒂𝒕, 𝒂���𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔 𝒂𝒕 3𝒂𝒎, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒅 .
oh nooo , not another angry jacob, okay. i know fck 
* 001
full  name  :  sebastian  austin  carter 
nicknames  :  bash  ,  seb 
age  :  twenty  -  three
sexuality  :  heterosexual
d.o.b.  :  jan  14th  ,  1997
place  of  birth  :  manhattan  ,  ny
* 002
languages  :  english
religion  :  christian
education  :  high school  ,  went  to  uni  .  of  michigan  for  two  years  before  going  pro  
occupation  :  hockey  player
drinks  ,  smokes  ,  &  drugs  :  all 
* 003
zodiac  sign  :  capricorn
hobbies  :  boxing  ,  collecting vinyls 
fears  :  drowning  ,  being  buried  alive  ,  losing  his  contract 
* 004
bash comes from a moderately big fam , he’s the second oldest of 4 kids, his parents were college sweethearts
his father is canadian, hence where bash gets his love for hockey from , cliche yikes
his parents are pretty well off, his mother is a stylist / makeup artists for models in ny and his father is a surgeon 
but his father came to the states for college and thus met bash’s mother 
the two were each others first real relationship and got into it v quick, had their first kid before they got married at 23 
for as long as bash can remember, his parents were unstable, argued a lot, they wanted to “stay together for the kids” but it was obvi that they... didnt grew to not like one another ?!?
anywhom , he’s been playin hocky all his life and threw himself into it when his parents started .. non discreetly cheating on one another xD love that for them. 
he rlly used the sport to get his anger out bc the boy has a lot & over the years his passive aggressiveness got better
his aggressive behavior stems from his household , everyone rlly pretends to be perfect at the roles they are supposed to play and besides his siblings he rlly cant stand the fam
personality wise he is a hedonist and it’s not always good bc he will literally do whatever he wants as long as it makes him happy and content
hes the kind of guy that seems like hes rlly nice and social w everyone but throws the most shade , like will throw a blow at ya but also make it sound super sweet so u think its a compliment sort of like when southern ladies say “oh bless your heart :) “ ya
he does not want to be tiEd down at all he thinks its a distraction for his career sadly 
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hazyfm · 4 years
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kristine froseth   ,   cis female   ,   she/her .    ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch haisley ‘hazy’ wolff leaving.   you know , the twenty two year old fashion designer   ?   i hear they’re in apartment 22B and have lived here at the rits for two years. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident mooncalf , seems pretty fitting to me.
ABOUT THE MUN. once I find my serotonin it’s over for you bitches
hello all my name is pepper and i have never been on time for anything, ever in my life. i am also trying out a new muse here, although i’m not exactly sure if it’ll stick! figure i might as well try anyways tho. a bit about me though, i am a taurus sun, libra moon, and libra rising, so do with that information as you will. i’m also the year of the rat and coincidentally i know all the words to the naked mole rap and will perform the song on command, so just say the word. i also just finished love victor and am now Obsessed with michael cimino so if i do bring in a second muse,,,  it might be him. so look forward to that! but enough about me let’s get on to ms hazy.
because i’m lazy and don’t want to reformat everything you can find hazy’s intro here in a google doc!
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svndress · 4 years
del again, here’s my trash son tybalt!
joe keery   ,   cis male   ,   he / him.    ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch tybalt wentworth leaving.   you know , the twenty six year old financial planner   ?   i hear they’re apartment D58 and have lived here at the rits for four years. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ playboy , seems pretty fitting to me.   &   a gatsby size party, dramatic rings, drinking champagne from the bottle.
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tybalt wentworth was always destined to be exactly what he is : an overdramatic and somewhat unlikeable playboy.
he’s the heir of esteemed financial planning firm wentworth planning, founded by his father... after some significant financial backing from his father, who was a longterm wall street mogul.
tybalt knows the ins and outs of manhattan. he’s been walking them his whole life: well, of course, except for the summer. all summers were spent in the hamptons.
he kept up the “ family legacy ” and went through all the correct steps to become a semi-legitimate financial planner. an ivy league school he bought his way into, a fraternity that he indulged in, boat shoes and all.
he “ works ” ... which is a very loose term. he mostly spends any and all of his appointments shooting the shit with the wall street guys he advises for. most of which are, conveniently, his friends. mostly, he’s keeping up with the family business so it doesn’t go into the hands of some “ poor loser ”, as his father so kindly likes to put it.
tybalt’s a fun friend to have: he often picks up the bill and will tip an absurd amount simply because he can. but he doesn’t have a real grasp on real problems that people face. all of the problems in his life have been entirely frivolous, and mostly from his own making.
my brain isn’t working rn but basically he’s a fun, annoying, himbo playboy!!!!!! he doesn’t really realize how ridiculous he actually is!!!!! roman from succession vibes!!!!!
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affluentz · 4 years
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greetings tops n bottoms !  i am peach ( he him ) ,  and extremely late , but let’s pretend we do not see it ... natalio is a new muse of mine , so i’m still working him out ! but , smash that like button if you’d like to plot and maybe check out his stat page here , i’ll be sending out plotting messages shortly ♡
natalio was born & raised in new jersey by his dance instructor mother . from the time he could walk he clung to her side in her dance studio , watching & learning . by his sixth birthday , he developed a love for dance , ballet specifically . & he was good at it . soon enough , & with lots of practice , he began competitive dancing & became a big name amongst the dance community . he dominated every division , every category , west & east coast . he even had limited roles on kid’s television shows & was a featured dancer on a few music videos , just not for ballet .  he didn’t see true fame until he starred on broadway last year . until that point , he starred in productions that brought little celebrity & small paychecks . nothing that could boost him to the next level . it was on broadway where he solidified himself as a ballet star . 
he’s worked extremely hard to get to where he is , & he’s missed out on an enormous part of his life because of it . his childhood was spent training , working , & doing whatever he could to improve his technique while he & his dance mom travelled across the country . he never had time to be a child , & even had to accept his diploma online . but he’d have it no other way , dance is his passion & he credits his mother for his success .
his time in the business has made him distrustful of people . specifically other dancers . between past rivalries and hidden insecurities , he lives with the fear that someone is always coming for his spot , that he’s replaceable . it’s created this drive for perfectionism , and a need to be the best of the best . it makes him question the motive of every nicety and shut people out  . he’s strives to be better than any competition . fame has made him insecure , fearful of being second , & his own worst critic . 
outside of ballet . natalio is probably most known as the guy always going viral for thirst trapping on tiktok by posting dances, half-dressed . he has a large following on the platform and is slowly becoming an influencer , despite hating the term . your muse has probably caught him doing the savage dance in the lobby .  he doesn’t care so much about the celebrity's in the building , he keeps to himself . definitely doesn’t feel as famous , and is overall intimidated by some powerful figures . he can’t stand an elitist . chances are , if you aren’t friends with him , he’s not approaching you .natalio frequents the gym , the pool , the movie theatre , & the game room .
natalio is flamboyant . he loves to dress exquisitely and frequent the streets fishing for compliments . will never turn down an opportunity to be admired for his looks or talent . he was taught to carry himself as curtious , poised , and respectable , and believes a smile can go a long way . still has reservations about spending mass amounts of money , considering his middle class background , but will happily drop money on designer clothing and pampering , however he’s still a frequent shopper at discount stores . because of his schedule , he’s a sucker for his friends . he feels like he’s always making up for lost time because of his career so he tends go a bit crazy on the off season . when he’s on , it’s a rarity to see him at all . and his love life you ask ? nonexistent . if it isn’t a one night stand, it’s a short-lived fling he’ll probably spend the rest of his life romanticizing . ballet always comes in between.
wanted connections coming soon.
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angellcas · 4 years
maia mitchell,   cisfemale  ,   she/her.    ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch angelica ‘angel’ reynolds leaving.   you know , the twenty-four year old recording artist   ?   i hear they’re in apartment 57B and have lived here at the rits for three years. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident quixotic, seems pretty fitting to me.
if you’d like to plot, please just like this and i’ll message you!
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angelica (or angel, as she prefers to be called) reynolds was the only child born to two successful doctors who had hopes she would follow in the same path
although she tried and was well educated and intelligent enough to do so, her eyes have always been elsewhere
having to play violin for her whole childhood is what eventually lead her to music and writing her own
despite it not being what her parents wanted, they begrudgingly allowed her to pursue her interests in new york
a chronic people-pleaser, angel has always done what other people ask from her and will do whatever it takes to be liked by someone
she’s clumsy and messy, always putting her own needs last if it meant she could prioritise someone else
good-hearted but often finds herself in tricky situations due to being led astray
passionate about her work to the point of insanity sometimes, spending days without sleep just to get the right melody
 W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
bad influence - someone who either uses angel or purposefully leads her astray, but she’s desperate to please
floor mates - people she sees regularly enough to consider an acquaintance and would probably love to know more about
elevator crush - the only time they ever meet is when they’re in the elevator and although angel finds them cute, she’s yet to pluck up the courage to speak to them
recent ex on good/bad terms - whether they decided to just be friends or it ended in flames, angel’s still a little torn up about it
party friends - when she finally decides to let loose, angel can be a little bit of a loose cannon and these two often stir up trouble together
confidant - angel and this person rely on each other for a shoulder to cry on at 2am or a hand to hold when they’re scared
friends with benefits - a complicated relationship where angel probably tries too much but she means well, it can either be toxic or sweet
and i’m open to brainstorming other plots as well, just let me know!!
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comfcrt · 4 years
shawn mendes   ,   cis male.  ,   he & him.   ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch mattias kenley leaving. you know , the twenty-two year old heir   ?   i hear they’re in apartment 43J and have lived here at the rits for three years. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident machiavellian, seems pretty fitting to me.   &   broken liquor bottles , winding up in the press for all the wrong reasons , st. laurent suits , & angelic personas. 
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hi   friends   ,   i’m   gray   (  they / them  )   &   this   is   my   first   of   two   babies   ,   mattias.  comes   from   a   long   line   of   money   &   is   very   much   a   chaotic   rich   boy   who   only   loves   his   mom   &   his   siblings.   i’m   sorry   about   him   ,   he   kinda  sucks.
basic statistics : 
name : mattias james kenley : mat , mj by his mom.
age : twenty - one.
occupation : heir , socialite.
orientation : bisexual
hometown : manhattan , ny.
appearance : 
faceclaim : shawn mendes
height : 6′2
build : muscular
style : always in name & on brand clothes.
background  &  personality.
comes from a family of money  ––  great - grandparents were the founders of kenley hotels , a well known & prestigious hotel chain. company was passed down to his father , arthur kenley. aruthur & his wife delaney were never able to have children & adopted three kids – mattias being the youngest.  mattias was raised by his birth family until he was one before being adopted by the kenleys. 
mattias was raised in manhattan , but has traveled around a lot with his family. takes after his father in all of his ways  ––  a bit arrogant , loud , mischievous , secretive.  no one ever really know what mat’s thinking unless he wants them to.
an absolute mama’s boy. this boy loves his mom & she’s the only one he’ll listen to and the only one that can really control him. can’t be controlled by no man but will absolutely stop what he’s doing if his mom asks him to.
definitely has a name in ny because of his family. ––  everyone knows the kenley kids. somehow , his imagine within his family is very pure. he’s seen as the baby , the angel.  except , he’s not. he doesn’t do anything to promote his angelic image and is actually more known to be a whole DEMON , but lets the press see him however they want to see him.
super super charming , but also pretty manipulative. can & will get whatever he has his mind set on. doesn’t exactly mean he’s a shitty person , but he’s pretty chaotic & definitely isn’t known for being sweet.  pretty much just says & does whatever he wants at any point.
this is short but this is all i’ve got an the demon for now , i will probably add more once i think of it ! 
wanted connections.
honestly , i didn’t write any because i’m lazy but i do have some general ideas. 
friends with benefits - this is pretty basic.
exes - mat would likely be the heartbreak in any situation though i would love for someone to have hurt him.
best friend - maybe someone who grew up in manhattan and has always dealt with mats shit. 
frenemies - do love a good enemies plot. 
party friends - pretty basic.
honestly anything ??? pls love him , he sucks.
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antifms · 4 years
kim taehyung ,   cismale ,   he/him.    ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch luca choi leaving.   you know , the twenty-five year old influencer?   i hear they’re in apartment 58F and have lived here at the rits for six years. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident black hole, seems pretty fitting to me.
hi guys, if you’d like to plot just like this and i’ll im
tw: abuse, drugs
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luca was raised by his father, a successful businessman, and him alone due to the fact his mother left when he was three
despite her never stating the reason for leaving, luca’s father always blamed it on the stress of having to raise a child
consequently, from young age luca had been suffering abuse by the hand and word of his father which turned him into an empty shell of a person
luca was popular in high school mainly due to his aloof ‘bad boy’ reputation but the partying lifestyle soon caught up to him and it wasn’t long before he got into drugs
after finishing high school barely graduating, luca didn’t have much choice but to work for his father’s company or he’d be cut off completely, but it wasn’t without consequence
having to work under his father’s watch is unbearable to luca and only pushes him more into his addiction day by day
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evcrlong · 4 years
hey guys ! my name is mimi and this is one of my most favorite muses ever, lindsey ! i’m 20, living in the est time zone and im so excited to rp with everybody ! i have to go grocery shopping so i’m gonna drop my discord here: acnh lockdown#9744 and you guys can go ahead and hit me up for plots, or like this and also drop ur discord and i’ll message u :)
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born from an extremely wealthy family
but a wealthy controlling family. whomp whomp
as a kid lindsey was always good at everything because her parents pretty much liked to show her off when they entertained guests and she never really understood what they were doing. she played the piano, danced, and sang.
as she grew up lindsey found her passion for art and was so excited every time but her parents always shot her down. telling her no, that she was going to go to school for business so she can take over the family’s skincare company. she hated the idea so much but just dealt with it because there wasn’t much she could do.
in high school she pretty much started rebelling my girl was stuck in a little dcom talking about thats ur dream mom, NOT mine! KWELFMWELFKWEFM and then she would of course, continue to get shot down.
linds was accepted into ucla and berkeley for business and at her graduation dinner her parents finally asked what choice she was gonna make and she asked again about art school, her parents said no, so she just accepted berkeley and went to school for business and is now in the process of taking over her parents company, gathering up as much money as she possibly can just to have complete ownership of the company and not have her parents names on anything, just so she can use the money to go to art school and as a big f u <3
still paints in her free time and sells her art online sometimes
personality wise linds is really a bitch in the sense that she just. does not care at all ERKGJNERJKGNERKJGNREKG also really spoiled, which is probably one of the reasons why she gave into going to business school, so she wouldn’t have to pay for it because she’s really never worked a regular job a day in her life
sleeps around all the time
loves partying, drinking, and going out.
if shes ur friend she’ll be stupid loyal like u can be wrong and she’ll close her eyes and be like sorry they didn’t do nothing wrong it was ur fault ur honor and then in private she will beat ur ass on the 60th floor of the rits for making u both look dumb :(
best friend
enemy/rival company ?
sibling / cousin
cant think of anything else but ! message me ideas im open to anything :)
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svndress · 4 years
hi friends !! i’m del, 22, she/her, pst tmz ! i’m SO excited to plot w all of you, and here’s my first babe emilie <3 feel free to message me for my discord to get something started!
kelsey merritt   ,   cis female   ,   she / her.    ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch emilie gale leaving.   you know , the twenty three year old fashion design assistant   ?   i hear they’re in apartment E43 and have lived here at the rits for six months. tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident spitfire , seems pretty fitting to me.   &   perfectly organized notes, shimmery pink lip gloss, the perfect pair of black heels.
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emilie was always the forgotten child -- or, well, she thinks she was. really, it’s quite difficult to forget her. she’s the youngest of four daughters and it shows in her, well, everything.
they didn’t have much growing up -- emilie’s father worked as a truck driver and was far from home more often than not, and her mother worked at a local laundromat as a seamstress. it wasn’t much and it barely paid the bills, but their home was always warm regardless. four daughters all on top of each other, loud laughter and close in age, her childhood was certainly memorable.
she was always close to her grandmother on her father’s side -- she was rich, much richer than any of the other gale’s could’ve fathomed, but emilie’s father never wanted the help. emilie thought that was simply ridiculous -- and was always the one closest to her.
she had a fierce competitiveness with her oldest sister, both of whom vying for their grandmother’s attention, for entirely different reasons. emilie was aware of her grandmother’s status, yes, but she also felt like she was the only one who really saw who emilie was.
her grandmother paid for her fashion school in new york and, when she eventually passed, left her everything. it’s put a complete strain on her relationship with her family -- most of which she hasn’t seen in the two years since the funeral.
fashion is her passion ( bratz doll vibes  ) and she has no problem saying as such. she’s always dressed to the nines, perfectly presentable for any occasion.
emilie is spoiled and hardworking: she’s always wanting and wanting and she doesn’t seem to see limits. she wants to live THE luxury life that her grandmother laid out for her: now, it’s just hers for the taking. but she’s also fiercely loyal to those she considers a friend. she’ll fight and advocate for you: and she’ll scheme with you against your enemies.
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