comfcrt · 4 years
dark locks flowed as valeria paced on the rooftop, clearly frustrated with whoever was on the other end of the phone she had pressed to her ear. her words started out as whispers, but within minutes she was screaming into it, oblivious or indifferent about whoever could hear her conversation, “you’re drunk you don’t actually give a shit, and you know that, so don’t even try-” she paused, taking a breath, her expression of rage switching to something scarily tranquil as she straightened up, “thank you for calling chase. unfortunately, we’re unable to take your call, because you’re an actual piece of shit. have a blessed day.” her tone was washed of all emotion when she spoke, and without waiting for a response, she hit ‘end call’. after a few second of staring at her screen, she glanced up, finally noticing the bystander who may or may not have witnessed the entire interaction, “gorgeous night, isn’t it?”
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 sometimes  mat  liked  to  come  up  to  the  roof  for  no  reason.    liked  to  look  at  the  stars    ,    drink  half  a  bottle  of  jack  daniels  alone    ,    contemplate  his  life.    it  just  depended  on  the  night  and  his  mood.    tonight    ,    he  enters  the  room  with  a  bottle  in  his  hand  and  his  phone  in  the  other.    quickly  hears  a  voice  hit  his  ears    &    very  nosily  listens  in  on  to  conversation.    lets  out  a  soft  laugh  when  the  phone  call  ends    ,    making  himself  known.    ❛    yeah.    it’s  nice  out  tonight.    ❜    responds  softly.    ❛    personally    ,    i  think  chase  should  eat  shit.    ❜    lets  out  another  laugh    ,    running  a  hand  through  his  hair.    ❛    you  want  me  to  kick  his  ass    ?    i’ll  kick  his  ass.    ❜
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comfcrt · 4 years
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HONOR : absolutely not. do not do that. omg HONOR : you are worse than a child. HONOR : do you even know how badly you’d fuck up the electricity??
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MAT   :   now  i’m  definitely  gonna  do  it MAT   :   you’re  really  worried  about  electricity  ?? MAT   :   i  could  get  HURT  and  you’re  worried  about  a  fancy  lamp
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comfcrt · 4 years
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JULES : i’ve studied it for quite some time   JULES : and swung from a chandelier very similar before  JULES : must say the amount of fun you have depends on how drunk you are  JULES : but also , make sure you get a good grip too
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MAT   :   so.    jules.    this  is  what  i’m  proposing MAT   :   lets  gets  drunk MAT   :   and  you  give  me  your  best  tips   MAT   :   and  make  sure  i  don’t  die.    or  get  arrested.    my  siblings  would  be  pissed.
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comfcrt · 4 years
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BETH :   can someone record you doing it BETH  :   i want that for my personal collection of mat embarrassing himself photos that i have BETH :   not that i have them anymore…but if i did…it would be there
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MAT   :   .  .  .  .  annie  what  pictures  do  you  have  of  me  i  don’t  trust  you MAT   :   but  regardless    ,    yes.    i  hope  someone  does.
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comfcrt · 4 years
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SOOJIN : i think u should tell ur friend to get a job SOOJIN : or perhaps .. a hobby ?
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MAT   :   he  says    ,    and  i  quote  .  .  .  . MAT   :   no. 
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comfcrt · 4 years
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adjusting the dark ray-bans on his face , the sun gleaming in his eyes , making them sore . julien had slowly made his way over to the lounge , dropping himself down onto one of the soft chairs . “ unfortunately , I think our careers might die without social media , man . ” his own team filtered his social media heavily , most things he posted deemed not suitable . if he were to post anything , it would be shots of his friends puking into a nearby bush during a drunken night out . “ it’s all about who you follow , like me - I follow shitty cat meme pages , and pornstars . ” he forced a laugh , unsure of how to respond to his own ridiculousness . “ besides , why would you want to disappear from social media ? depriving the world of your beautiful face would be cruel . ” he paused for a moment , before regretting his own words . “ not like in a weird way … just , you have a nice face , is all . ” 
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 lets  out  a  reluctant  sigh    ,    nodding  his  head.    “  yeah  ,  yeah.  i  KNOW  that.  ”    was  fully  aware  that  social  media  causes  his  whole  career    ,    but  the  idea  was  disappearing  was  still  nice.    his  manager  kept  an  eye  on  his  socials    ,    but  he  had  always  refused  to  give  up  control  completely.    maybe  he  was  stubborn.    or  just  not  used  to  the  fame  yet.    had  only  been  a  few  years  in  total    ,    hiatus  changing  things  just  a  little  bit.    can’t  help  the  laugh  that  leaves  his  lips    ,    shaking  his  head  softly.    “  cat  meme  pages  and  pornstars.    interesting  choice.    not  sure  i  follow  either  of  those  things  but  i  do  follow  a  fox  named  fig.    feel  like  that  counts  for  something.  ”    didn’t  mind  julien’s  comments  or  given  awkwardness.    in  fact  ,  dominic  quite  liked  being  around  him.    “  it’s  okay  ,  buddy.  i  appreciate  the  compliment  and  i’m  HAPPY  to  hear  you  think  i’m  beautiful  AND  that  you’d  miss  me.  ”    teases  softly  in  return.    “  it’s  not  weird  unless  you  make  it  weird.  ”
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comfcrt · 4 years
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HAISLEY IS QUIETLY JOINING DOMINIC IN his scrolling, sitting cross legged in her lounge chair as she methodically goes through insta. it isn’t until he speaks that haisley is looking up, blinking at his question for a second before thoughtfully tilting her head. “hmm… sometimes i do.” haisley admits carefully, before she’s smiling and continuing, “i mean, it always sounds fun be completely anonymous right? like, the mystery of it all is kinda sexy!” hazy’s enthusiasm deflates as she hums consideringly before furrowing her brows and admitting. “but i dunno. i think i would really miss seeing what everyone else was doing. like if we didn’t live together i’d wanna know what you were doing you know? although i guess i could just text you…” hazy’s brows furrow tighter at that thought for a few moments, lips pulling down into a frown before she’s brightening and asking,  “should we try it, maybe? like… lock our phones away in a safe or something and agree not to use any social media stuff for a week! it could be fun! like a social experiment!” 
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 it  wasn’t  a  secret  that  dominic  was  in  his  HAPPIEST  state  around  haisley.    she  was  just  the  type  of  person  that  made  him  feel  good    ––    it  was  just  easy  to  sit  with  her  and  even  though  nothing  was  really  said    ,    it  was  fine  to  just  sit  next  to  each  other.   didn’t  feel  stupid  when  he  let  the  words  fall  from  his  mouth    ,    felt  like  she  would  probably  UNDERSTAND  where  he  was  coming  from  even  if  she  didn’t  fully  agree.    hazy  was  the  type  of  person  he  wasn’t  afraid  to  share  his  thoughts  with.    “  it’s  kinda  sexy.  ”    he  repeats    ,    letting  out  a  soft  laugh.    “  i  guess  that’s  a  GOOD  point.    i’m  pretty  nosy.  ”    wasn’t  one  to  get  involved  in  drama    ,    but  he  sure  did  love  to  watch  drama  unfold.    “  you  can  always  text  me.    besides    ,    i  don’t  think  i  could  resist  updating  you  on  my  life.    you  always  know  shit  first.  ”    a  soft  smile  appear  across  his  lips.    “  you  know    ,    i  think  both  of  our  jobs  would  contradict  that.    what  about  a  day    ?    just  completely  off  the  grid  for  a  whole  day.    maybe even TWO.    we  could  go  do  something  that’s  not    .  .  .    this.  ”    arms  lift  to  motion  to  the  room  around  them.    “  there’s  an  antique  shop  in  my  hometown  that  i  think  you’d  like.  ”
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comfcrt · 4 years
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      LONG LIMBS ARE STRETCHED OUT  on the lounge couch as she scrolls through her feed , random songs and voices quietly chirping from the iphone in hand . for a moment she forgot dominic was there . “ HM ? ” she questions, head raising from the couch arm to look at him before collapsing against the leather again .  “ oh, ” nicola pauses to scoff . “ no way . why would i ? ” she’s a bit oblivious to the whole going off the grid thing . 
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 they  were  existing  peacefully  and  quietly  next  to  each  other  until  dominic  momentary  crisis  caused  him  to  open  his  mouth.    sometimes  it  was  BETTER  if  he  just  decided  not  to  talk.    “    i  don’t  know.  you  don’t  get  overwhelmed  sometimes    ,    nic    ?    ”    maybe  he  was  too  humble  sometimes    ,    but  he  wasn’t  sure.
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comfcrt · 4 years
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𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬' 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦
week   of   06/15    –––  featuring @rarefm ( kind of ) & @hazyfm
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comfcrt · 4 years
quick .. need someone 2 feature in dom’s story  
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comfcrt · 4 years
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𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦.
week   of   06/15    –––   featuring @goldcnaura.
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comfcrt · 4 years
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                  lindsey was sunken into the chair in front of dominic, her legs stretched out as she waited for her driver to come pick her up. her eyes looked up over her phone at him as he began speaking, eyebrows furrowing with each sentence he spoke, “uh, no? i think that’s just you even though it shouldn’t be aren’t you like a model or something? don’t you kind of need it? what about social media bothers you so much? just log off.” she spoke before looking back down at her screen and continuing to scroll aimlessly, not really paying much attention to what was on her feed.
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 almost  makes  him  chuckle  that  all  of  this  is  said  while  she’s  looking  at  her  phone    ,    though  he  wasn’t  going  to  comment  on  that.    didn’t  need  any  type  of  defense  to  prove  his  point    ––    it  was  his  own  OPINION    ,    wasn’t  looking  for  anyone  to  agree.    “  yes    ,    i’m  a  model.    but  i  haven’t  always  been  a  model.    i  used  to  be  a  mechanic    ,    after  i  got  out  of  high  school.  ”    wasn’t  that  he  MISSED  being  a  mechanic    ,    but  those  were  definitely  much  different  times.    “  it’s  not  that  it  bothers  me.    there’s  just  a  lot  of    .  .  .    social  pressure  that  i  don’t  think  i’ll  ever  be  used  to    ,    you  know    ?    ”
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comfcrt · 4 years
“hm,” hayden quietly exhaled at the question which tugged at something much more profound in her than she suspected it was meant to. she hadn’t realized anyone had been in the lounge when she’d gone looking for a distraction, nor did she know she’d be walking into an accidental existential crisis. Still, here she was. “i’m sure it’s not just you,” she offered after a moment’s thought. “then again, i’m also sure it’s not that easy. i wouldn’t recommend it. probably easier to disappear and leave your social media up for people to speculate.”
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 sometimes  dominic  thought  too  much.    it  was  just  a  bad  habit  of  his    ,    always  over  thinking    ,    always  QUESTIONING  what  was  around  him.    however    ,    he  wasn’t  exactly  trying  to  make  the  statement  of  a  philosopher    ,    was  just  stating  what  was  on  his  mind  at  that  moment  in  time.    he  had  fame  under  his  belt    ,    but  he  was  also  a  father.    wondered  how  different  that  would  be  if  he  wasn’t  a  model.    “  oh    ,    it’s  definitely  NOT  realistic.    i  took  a  hiatus  for  a  year  and  that  was  risky  but    ––    i  had  personal  things  going  on  and  i  still  had  to  keep  my  social  media  somewhat  active.    i  see  celebrities  say  they’re  stepping  away  from  social  media  and  they  always  come  back.    i  just  wish  i  could  actually  DITCH  just  for  like    .  .  .    i  don’t  know    ,    a  month.  ”
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comfcrt · 4 years
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               why is my forehead like that ? a pout settles onto soojin’s lips as she deletes the selfie she’s just taken on snapchat, quickly becoming frustrated at the fact that she can’t seem to take a good enough picture for her story. her eyes drag over from the screen to dominic’s body on the lounge chair across her, an eyebrow raising in confusion. “ um, why would you want to disappear ? then who would compliment you .. ? ” soojin shakes her head and her pout turns into a full on frown as she looks back at her screen, perfectly manicured nails tucking her hair behind her ear to try and prepare for another selfie. “ i, like .. don’t get you sometimes. ”
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 lets  out  a  laugh    ,    shrugging  his  shoulders.    “  i  don’t  need  the  comments  from  dominic  davis  fan  accounts  on  instagram  to  feel  validated.  ”    jokes  softly  because  it  wasn’t  like  he  didn’t  appreciate  his  following    ––    he  did    !    but  it  was  still  such  a  weird  concept  for  him.    “  that  would  be  the  whole  point  though.    i  know  i’m  a  good  looking  guy  and  all  but  i’m  not  looking  for  people  to  fawn  over  me.    if  i’m  honest    ,    i  got  lucky  when  my  pictures  started  going  around.    wasn’t  like  i  wanted  to  be  a  model.  ”    it  was  just  true.    not  that  he  hated  it.    he  did  ENJOY  being  a  model    ,    but  it  wasn’t  ever  something  he  thought  he’d  be  doing.    “  why  not    ?    what’s  NOT  to  get    ?    ”
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comfcrt · 4 years
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also scrolling through her feed, alimyon says, “i….” she pauses, not so much because she’s distracted, but because she’s ruminating on the question. “that would be nice. i do think about it sometimes, but it’s a fantasy. not feasible in the world we live in, when you’re like me.” she hesitates to elaborate upon that, before explaining instead, “social media is a living for me. i don’t know what else i’d be good at.” she laughs.
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 dominic  nods  his  head    ,    agreeing  with  her  statements  silently  before  opening  his  mouth  again.    “  i  literally  wouldn’t  have  a  job  if  i  didn’t  decide  to  get  an  instagram.    it’s  not  feasible  in  the  least  but    .  .  .    the  idea  is  still  kinda  NICE.    just  the  thought  of  it.  ”    shoulders  shrug    ,    knows  that  not  everyone  had  experiences  of  being  both  in  and  out  of  fame  and  riches.    “  i  was  a  mechanic.    worked  at  a  small  shop  in  new  jersey.    and  now  i’m  here    ,    fancy  ass  apartment    ––    big  following  on  social  media.    it’s  just  a  weird  thing    ,    you  know    ?    ”
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comfcrt · 4 years
 y’all  i  don’t  think  i’ve  ever  had  this  many  replies  to  a  starter    .  .  .    i  swear  im  not  ignoring  ims  i  just  wanna  reply  to  these  threads  SGLJSGL
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comfcrt · 4 years
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After a long day at practice Annabeth thought it would be a good idea to relax in the lounge. She didn’t want to just hole up in her room all day. The girl popped some headphones in and made her way over to the lounge sitting on one of the empty chairs she found, hardly paying attention to the other person in the lounge. She figured that headphones in meant no talking, but alas she was wrong. She turned her head to face Dominic and smiled politely. “No I kind of need social media for my career. I think most people do nowadays. Employers want people with followers. That’s just how it is. Also there’s sponsorships and that means money. Deleting yourself means you might as well kiss this place goodbye.” She had no idea why anyone would want to do that as she never would.
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 so  maybe  he  shouldn’t  have  bothered  her    ,    but  in  his  defense  he  didn’t  realize  she  had  headphones  in.    maybe  he  should’ve  paid  better  attention  before  rattling  off  to  anyone  who  was  nearby.    always  had  a  bad  habit  of  being  overly  friendly  and  talking  to  people  that  didn’t  want  his  conversation.    “  i  mean    ,    i  do  too.    i  guess  it’s  more  of  the  IDEA  than  the  actual  concept  of  cutting  yourself  off.  ”    shrugged  his  shoulders  softly.    “  the  idea  is  still  kinda  nice  to  me    ,    though.    i  guess  i’m  just  still  not  used  to  all  of  this.  ”    was  just  a  simple  boy  friend  hobken  who  didn’t  ever  think  he’d  be  living  in  a  place  like  this    ,    working  as  a  MODEL.    it  just  seemed  surreal  regardless  of  the  fact  that  it  was  definitely  his  reality  now.    “  i  don’t  know.  just  something  i  was  thinking  about.  ”
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