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ami2kewl · 5 months ago
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locked TF in for international lesbian day!!!!!!!!
Felt this was a very important add on
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nymdraws · 4 years ago
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oh new shipping trend? time for my riseai agenda
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nymphaerie · 7 years ago
so like listen. i know i’ve made this same fuckin point a bajillion times but like. i’m crying and i love rise and ai so much.
rise became an idol because she was lonely and thought taking on a mask and becoming popular would help her stop feeling empty and she would finally be happy by changing herself. and then she found nothing changed, because people only cared about risette, who she couldn’t consider her real self no matter how hard she pushed it, because she could never be so shallow, so fake… it was tiring, playing a character all the time. but along the way, she couldn’t remember any self except this mask she’d taken, and it hurt; it hurt to still feel so lacking when everyone was cheering, to know their applause and admiration was for someone she could never be. only, she really was her the whole time- risette did actually exist inside of her, but in the form of a girl who wants to make others happy through her efforts, not in the plastic girl who sang to find love.
now switch gears: ai ebihara was a lonely, bullied kid, who was forced to believe the only thing that should matter was her appearance, that she should look pretty and act bitchy and spend money and then she’d be popular and she’d find the love and acceptance she craved. despite transforming into what she believed was the perfect girl, she still couldn’t obtain what she really wanted, because now she was held back by shallow and domineering ways. she eventually manages to prove to herself that she is more than who loves her- she is her love for her friends, her romantic optimism. she is her own person, and denying that will get her no where. (and frankly, she’s definitely a lesbian dealing with compulsory heterosexuality- playing pretty for boys because she feels like it’s the only way she’s worth anything, intense crush on a boy she eventually finds she wouldn’t actually date and just loves the idea of love, dating souji for the sake of validation rather than actually harboring feelings for him… she’s a lesbian)
now throw these two together in the middle.
rise, desperately searching for herself and forgoing her idol side in the process; ai, desperately avoiding herself and glamming up like a prima donna. rise, loving deeply, but hating seemingly empty attention; ai, loving shallowly and grasping for any attention she can get.
ai is pretty. rise is pretty. so the local world fights, who’s better?
ai fights, because if she isn’t the prettiest, if she doesn’t have love, what does she have? rise fights, because she’s more than her pretty face and figure, and if she’s lost herself so badly, no one else will ever come close to understanding her. and ai wonders, how is this girl, this incredibly raw and honest girl, so loved? and rise thinks, how sad, how lonely- was i like that?
and rise extends her hand.
and ai takes it.
and in the end, they’re not so different. they’re two girls, torn down by a materialistic society; two girls, trying to learn their self worth; two girls, once empty from loneliness and now full of love.
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fauxsuicide-blog · 11 years ago
eyyyy ok i got tagged by moriartiest!!
You can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to. Hit shuffle on your iPod, phone, iTunes, whatever it is you listen to music on and then write down the first 20 songs that come up. Tag people that you want to do it too! No skipping.
1. run dry (x heart x fingers)--pat stump. 2. careful--paramore. 3. what a catch, donnie--fall out boy. 4. grade 8--ed sheeran. 5. saturday--fall out boy. 6. the end of all things--panic! at the disco. (oh god my johnlock song) 7. of all the gin joints in all the world--fall out boy. 8. the sharpest lives--my chemical romance. 9. still into you--paramore. 10. things have changed [that green gentleman]--panic! at the disco. 11. alone together--fall out boy. 12. that's what you get--paramore. 13. the (after) life of the party--fall out boy. 14. intermission--panic! at the disco. 15. i'm like a lawyer with the way im always trying to get you off (me & you)--fall out boy. 16. greed--pat stump. 17. she's my winona--fall out boy. 18. why'd you only call me when you're high?--arctic monkeys. 19. time is running out--muse. 20. underdog--imagine dragons.
yeah lots of fob,, 
alrighty!! i tag punksherlock and riseai if you guys wanna do it c:
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ami2kewl · 2 years ago
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I think theyre the best enemies to lovers yuri ive ever seen to be frank
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nymdraws · 5 years ago
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every so often someone likes one of my old riseai posts on main and then i’m like oh?? a sign??? a sign to draw my forever girls????
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nymdraws · 7 years ago
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they r…………. girlfriends.
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nymphaerie · 5 years ago
canNOT stop thinking about ignatz/linhardt being called. lignatz. like. lignuts. lick nuts
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nymphaerie · 7 years ago
i should have kept the riseai url
what the fuck
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fauxsuicide-blog · 11 years ago
riseai replied to your post: riseai replied to your post: I JUST WANNA WEA...
this is an emergency we need to get you these kitty kneesocks right now you dont even need to wear them if you feel like u cant (which is wrong. everyone can wear kneesocks. everyone should wear kneesocks). just get them and hang them on your wall
oh my god. yes i need these kneesocks. these kneesocks will complete me. i will wear kitty kneesocks and sweaters and just watch sherlock for the rest of my existence.
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fauxsuicide-blog · 11 years ago
riseai replied to your post: I JUST WANNA WEAR CUTE KNEESOCKS B...
wear kneesocks. just always wear kneesocks and eventually your legs will just become the most beautiful things in the universe (besides your legs arent as gross as you think and the kneesocks are calling you) (can you hear them calling you cally)
(i can hear them calling me emma,,) but seriously i saw the cutest kneesocks today they were black and had lil kitty faces at the top. it was cute as fuck and ju st., kitty kneesocks
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nymphaerie · 11 years ago
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I cannot find ANY RiseAi and I am utterly devestated
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