#rise with sap vs grow with sap
nickmarksblog · 2 months
RISE with SAP vs GROW with SAP
I will give an quick overview on this what is RISE with SAP vs GROW with SAP : What should you choose
RISE with SAP is a comprehensive cloud package for large enterprises seeking a full-scale digital transformation. It offers a single contract for software and services, ideal for complex overhauls.
GROW with SAP is tailored for small and medium-sized businesses aiming for growth. It provides flexibility and scalability, focusing on customer and employee engagement.
Choose RISE for extensive transformations, complex supply chains, and sustainability integration.
While you can Choose GROW for business expansion, customer focus, and agility.
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novaursa · 8 days
The Price of Fire (17)
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- Summary: In the shadows of the Red Keep, the daughter of the Mad King, Princess Y/N Targaryen, finds herself caught between duty, love, and survival. As her father’s madness deepens and political intrigue swirls, she seeks solace in a forbidden romance with her sworn protector, Ser Arthur Dayne. With King Aerys plotting to use her as a pawn and her brother Rhaegar maneuvering to shield her from their father’s grasp, Y/N must navigate a web of deceit and desire. As tensions rise, secrets ignite into fierce passion and dangerous alliances, where the wrong move could mean the end of them all.
- Paring: targ!reader/Arthur Dayne
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 6 000+
- Previous part: 16
- Next part: 18
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround @lightdragonrayne @onlyrealjoy @hajmola-vs-aamchaska
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The wind tore at your hair and clothes as Terrax flew through the night sky, the stars above a blur of distant light as the dragon carried you farther from familiar ground. Your hands, slick with blood from your wounds, trembled as you gripped Terrax's spine, the jagged edges of his scales digging deeper into your flesh with each passing moment. The sharp sting had become a dull throb now, but the pain was constant, a reminder of the unnatural bond you shared with the creature beneath you.
The air was cold, biting at your skin, and though the world below you seemed vast and endless, you were beginning to feel the weight of exhaustion creeping in. The blood loss had sapped your strength, making each breath more difficult than the last. You pressed your forehead against Terrax’s warm scales, your vision blurring as you fought to stay conscious. The dragon’s massive wings beat steadily, each stroke carrying you farther from safety, farther from Starfall, and closer to some unknown destination.
"Broken wings, falling stars, mother sings, father scars."
The voice in your mind was louder now, more insistent, its disjointed phrases swirling like a storm. Terrax’s thoughts were bleeding into yours, the fragmented remnants of the dark magic that had brought him into the world. You could feel the chaos in his mind, the way his thoughts twisted and tangled, a reflection of the madness that had been bound to him in the ritual.
"Fire burns, blood flows, mother weeps, father knows."
"Terrax," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the howling wind. "Please... take me back. I need to go back to Starfall."
But the dragon did not respond. His golden eyes were fixed ahead, his massive wings carrying you farther into the unknown. He was driven by something beyond your understanding, something that had brought him to these unorthodox places, far from the comfort of home. You had already flown past the ruins of Meraxes, and now, as the land shifted beneath you, the terrain below became more desolate, more barren.
Your head swam, the dizziness growing stronger as your blood continued to seep from the wounds Terrax’s scales had inflicted. The cold was seeping into your bones now, making it harder to think, harder to hold on. You clung to Terrax, your grip weakening with every passing moment.
"Terrax..." you murmured again, your words slurring as the world spun around you. "Please... take me back..."
The dragon’s thoughts continued to whisper in your mind, fractured and unhinged.
"Mother cries, father burns, all the world returns."
"Grave is near, fire is here, blood is clear, nothing to fear."
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block out the madness of his thoughts, but the connection between you and Terrax had grown too strong. It was as if the dragon’s mind had become entangled with your own, a reflection of the dark magic that had bound you together.
You tried again, desperation filling your voice. "Terrax, please. I need to go back."
For a moment, there was silence. Terrax’s wings continued to beat, but the chaotic swirl of his thoughts seemed to quiet, as though he had finally heard you. The dragon’s massive body shifted slightly beneath you, and you felt the subtle change in his flight path as he turned, angling his wings toward the direction of Starfall.
Relief flooded through you, but it was short-lived. The exhaustion from blood loss was catching up to you, and your vision blurred once more, the edges of the world fading into darkness. You clung to consciousness, but it was slipping away, your strength ebbing with each passing second.
"Mother sleeps, father weeps, the blood runs deep."
The voice in your mind echoed one final time before the world went black, and you felt yourself slipping away into the darkness, your body limp against Terrax’s warm scales as he carried you back toward Starfall.
You could only hope that you would survive the journey.
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You woke slowly, the haze of unconsciousness lifting like a fog, but with it came the dull ache of your body, the raw sting of wounds that still hadn't fully healed. The unfamiliar scent of spices and sea salt hung in the air, and the warmth of the room felt too dry, too hot. You blinked, trying to focus as the room swam into view. This wasn’t Starfall.
The bed beneath you was soft, covered in richly woven blankets, but the architecture around you was distinctly Dornish—the arched windows open to the breeze, the light sandstone walls, the distant sound of the sea crashing against the shores. You were in Sunspear.
Confusion rippled through you, your heart pounding as the memories of the last hours—or had it been days?—flooded back. Terrax had taken you, carried you through the night sky, ignoring your pleas to return to Starfall. You had fainted, your blood loss too much to bear. But now you were here. How had Terrax brought you to Sunspear?
Before you could make sense of it all, the door to the room creaked open, and a familiar figure entered with a graceful stride.
"Ah, you’re awake at last," Ellaria Sand said, her voice carrying a soft note of amusement as she stepped closer. Her dark, sun-kissed skin seemed to glow in the warm light of the room, and her dark curls fell loosely around her shoulders. She wore the loose, flowing silks of Dorne, and her expression, though friendly, held a hint of curiosity.
You tried to sit up, but the effort made you dizzy. Ellaria quickly came to your side, her hand gently pressing you back against the pillows. "Take it easy. You’ve been through quite an ordeal, my dear. It’s good to see you finally awake."
Your mind spun, the weight of your confusion and worry pressing down on you. "What… what happened? How did I get here?" you asked, your voice still weak and hoarse.
Ellaria smiled faintly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Your dragon brought you here," she said with a slight chuckle. "He gave us quite a bit of trouble when he arrived. Terrax isn’t exactly subtle when he decides to land in the middle of Sunspear. You were unconscious when we found you, and it took a great deal of effort to calm him down. He didn’t seem too pleased with anyone touching you."
You blinked, the memories coming back in fragments—Terrax’s wild flight, the pain, the disjointed thoughts that had filled your mind. The dragon had brought you here, to Sunspear, but why?
Your heart suddenly clenched with fear as your hand flew to your abdomen. "The babe," you gasped, your voice laced with panic. "My child—"
Ellaria's expression softened as she placed a calming hand over yours. "Your child is fine," she reassured you, her voice soothing. "Don’t worry. You’ve lost a lot of blood, but the babe is unharmed. The healers checked on you as soon as you arrived. You’ll need time to recover, but you and your little one are safe."
The rush of relief that flooded you was almost overwhelming. You sank back against the pillows, closing your eyes for a moment as the worry drained from your body. The weight of that fear had been unbearable, but knowing your child was safe—knowing that despite everything, they were still with you—was enough to soothe your racing heart.
"And Arthur?" you asked softly, opening your eyes to meet Ellaria’s gaze.
She smiled warmly, her tone reassuring. "Word has been sent to him. He’ll be relieved to know you’re safe, I’m sure. He’s probably already riding this way. It’s not every day a knight finds out his lady has been flown to Sunspear by a dragon."
You let out a weak, breathless laugh, though the exhaustion still clung to you. Arthur. You knew he would come, but you hated to imagine the fear he must have felt when Terrax took you from Starfall. The bond between the two of you had always been strong, but now, with the child growing inside you, you could feel his presence with every beat of your heart. He would come. Of course, he would.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath.
Ellaria tilted her head, a mischievous smile playing at her lips. "There’s no need to thank me. You’ve brought a bit of excitement to Sunspear. Besides, it's not every day we have a dragon princess among us." Her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Just promise me you’ll keep that beast of yours under control next time. We had quite the spectacle when he landed."
You managed a small smile, though your body still felt weak, the lingering pain a reminder of just how much you had endured. "I’ll do my best," you murmured. "But Terrax has a mind of his own."
Ellaria chuckled softly, her fingers brushing a lock of hair behind your ear as she stood. "Rest now. You need your strength. Arthur will be here soon enough, and we’ll make sure you’re well taken care of in the meantime."
As she moved toward the door, you closed your eyes, the exhaustion finally pulling you back into a fitful sleep. But even in your dreams, the voice of Terrax still echoed in your mind, the disjointed words flickering like flames in the distance.
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You sat near the open windows of your chamber in Sunspear, gazing out at the endless horizon. The sea beyond shimmered in the midday sun, and though the warmth was comforting, your thoughts were elsewhere, tangled in the events that had unfolded in the last few weeks. Terrax’s unpredictable behavior, the constant threat looming over your house, and the uncertainty of what the future held had left you feeling like a ship without a course.
A soft knock echoed from the door, and before you could respond, it swung open with a sudden force. You turned, startled, just as Rhaegar strode into the room, his silver hair catching the sunlight. Without hesitation, he rushed toward you, his arms open. The sight of him—your brother—flooded you with a wave of emotions, and before you knew it, you were on your feet, rushing to meet him halfway.
“Rhaegar!” you breathed, your voice catching in your throat as he wrapped you in a fierce embrace. It had been many moons since you had last seen him—since you had fled the chaos of King’s Landing—and now, here he was, holding you like he had feared he might never see you again.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Rhaegar whispered into your hair, his arms tightening around you, his voice thick with relief. He pulled back slightly, his hands moving to cup your face, his violet eyes scanning your features as if searching for any sign of harm. “Are you all right? I’ve been so worried...”
You nodded, your hands resting on his arms as you gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, Rhaegar. Terrax brought me here, but I’m safe. I’m safe now.” You reached up, resting your hand over his as he continued to study your face, his brow furrowed with concern.
He sighed softly, his thumb brushing your cheek. “So many things could have happened, and I wasn’t there.” He shook his head, his gaze still lingering on you as though trying to memorize every detail. “When I heard you were here in Sunspear, I had to come. I couldn’t stay away.”
You smiled again, though the tension in his voice didn’t go unnoticed. “What are you doing here, Rhaegar?” you asked softly. “I didn’t expect you to come to Dorne.”
He released your face, stepping back slightly but still holding your hand. His expression darkened, and you could see the weight of the world on his shoulders, the burden of the rebellion and everything it had torn apart. “Most of the men who followed me have now joined Robert Baratheon,” he said quietly, his voice tinged with frustration. “He intends to remove our House from the throne—completely. All of us.”
Your breath caught in your throat. The thought of your entire family being wiped out, the Targaryen legacy erased, was unbearable. “All of us?” you whispered.
Rhaegar nodded, his jaw tight. “Every last one. He won’t stop until there is nothing left of House Targaryen.” His gaze flickered, darkened by the weight of the news. “That’s why I came here. Dorne offers support.”
Something in his eyes, something unreadable, caught your attention, and you frowned, stepping closer to him. “There’s more, isn’t there?” you asked, your voice soft but firm. You knew your brother too well to miss the unspoken tension in his posture, the way his eyes shifted slightly as if he was holding something back.
Rhaegar’s expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of hesitation crossing his face. Then he sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. “They want something in return for their help,” he admitted, his voice quiet.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you swallowed hard. “What is it?”
He looked away for a moment, his gaze distant as if he was struggling with the words. When he finally spoke, his voice was laced with frustration and sorrow. “They want me to marry Elia,” he said, the name hanging heavily in the air between you. “Like it was planned, before Aerys refused.”
A silence fell over the room, the warmth of the sun suddenly feeling oppressive. You knew the marriage had been arranged long ago, and that Dorne had always wanted the union between the two great houses. But hearing it now, in the middle of this war, with everything that had happened—it felt like a betrayal.
Rhaegar turned back to you, his eyes filled with both defiance and tenderness. “But I won’t do it,” he whispered, his hands reaching out to take yours. “My betrothal to you still stands. You and I are the last of our line. We have to stay together.”
Your heart raced, but you couldn’t ignore the implications of his refusal. “And what about the support from Dorne?” you asked quietly. “If you don’t marry Elia, will they still help us?”
Rhaegar looked conflicted, his gaze shifting as though weighing a decision he had already made. Then, in a voice barely louder than a whisper, he said, “I’m still in contact with Varys. The Spider has promised to take us away—both of us, and Mother. To Essos, where we’ll be safe. Away from Robert’s reach.”
“Essos?” you murmured, the word foreign and distant. The idea of leaving Westeros, leaving everything behind, was both tempting and terrifying. But the thought of leaving without Arthur—without the man you loved—was unbearable.
“I won’t go without Arthur,” you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you.
Rhaegar’s face softened with understanding, his hand squeezing yours gently. “I know,” he said. “We’ll find a way. But we may not have a choice. The war is coming, and we have to survive, no matter the cost.”
The thought of leaving everything behind, abandoning the fight for the throne, and fleeing to a foreign land filled you with a strange mix of hope and fear. 
But the shadows of the war loomed ever closer, and in the distance, you could still hear the whispers of dragonfire, calling you back to the flames.
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The warmth of the Dornish sun bathed the stone walls of Sunspear as Rhaegar and Oberyn led you through the winding halls toward the courtyard. The breeze carried the scent of citrus and spices, and though you had been recovering from your wounds, the fresh air felt invigorating after the days spent resting indoors. Rhaegar walked at your side, his arm lightly supporting you as you moved carefully, still feeling the dull ache of the gashes Terrax's scales had inflicted. Oberyn walked just ahead, his usual swagger tempered by the seriousness of the moment.
As they guided you to the courtyard, the sound of rustling wings and agitated growls reached your ears. Terrax was there, his massive form restless as he paced, his golden eyes gleaming with a wildness that had only grown since his unpredictable flight. The dragon's agitation was visible, his claws scraping against the stone floor as his tail lashed behind him.
You swallowed, your heart tightening with a mix of affection and apprehension as you looked at him. Terrax was a creature of raw power, bound to you in ways you still didn’t fully understand, but today there was something different in the air.
"Don’t worry," Rhaegar said softly, his voice calming as he glanced at you. "He knows you're here. He’ll settle."
Oberyn smirked from just ahead, his usual devil-may-care attitude on full display. "Though I’d keep my distance while we fit him with what we’ve made. Dragons have a temper, and I’d hate for him to take it out on the wrong person."
You gave a small smile at Oberyn’s jest, though the thought of Terrax’s growing restlessness did nothing to ease the tension in your chest. As you approached the courtyard, you finally saw what Rhaegar had brought you here to see.
In the center of the courtyard, laid across a low stone bench, was a saddle—no, the saddle, the one Rhaegar had been working on with the help of Sunspear’s leatherworkers. It was unlike any saddle you had seen before, clearly designed with the unique needs of a dragon in mind. The intricate leatherwork, the reinforced straps, and the careful stitching were all signs of skilled craftsmanship, but what made it truly remarkable was its size and shape. It had been built to fit the ridges of Terrax's back, the design functional yet elegant in a way that suggested both utility and royalty.
Rhaegar gestured toward the saddle, a slight smile on his face as he glanced at you. "I found some old writings about saddle designs in books on the Conquest here in Sunspear’s library," he explained, his voice filled with pride and warmth. "Saddles like this were used by our ancestors during Aegon’s conquest. They were meant to help dragonriders better control their mounts during battle. I thought it might help with Terrax, especially after what happened."
You blinked, momentarily speechless as you took in the sight. The saddle was more than just a tool—it was a symbol of your bond with Terrax, a connection that ran deeper than blood, deeper than even your heritage. Rhaegar had gone to such lengths to make this for you, to ensure your safety and strengthen your bond with the dragon. It was humbling.
"Rhaegar..." you murmured, your voice thick with emotion. "You did all this?"
He smiled, the faintest hint of pride in his eyes. "For you. And for Terrax. I know how much he means to you—and what he represents for all of us."
Oberyn grinned, his hands resting on his hips as he looked between the two of you. "It wasn’t easy, I’ll admit. Getting a dragon to stay still long enough to measure him for a saddle? Quite the challenge. But we managed. Somehow."
Your gaze shifted back to Terrax, who was still pacing restlessly in the courtyard, his wings twitching slightly as if he could sense the attention on him. There was an air of unpredictability about him today, a wildness that made your stomach churn. But you had to trust that the saddle would make a difference—that it would allow you to ride him without the pain and danger that had come before.
Rhaegar stepped closer to the saddle, motioning to the leatherworkers who had been waiting nearby. "We’ll put it on him now. You’ll see how it fits." His voice was steady, but you could see the tension in his posture. Terrax was not an easy dragon to handle, especially when agitated.
The leatherworkers moved with caution as they approached Terrax, the saddle held carefully between them. The dragon’s eyes tracked their every movement, his golden gaze sharp and unblinking. His massive tail swayed behind him, the muscles in his body coiled with barely contained energy.
You held your breath as they moved closer to him, murmuring soothing words to calm him, though you weren’t sure if Terrax even heard them. Rhaegar watched closely, ready to step in if needed, but his focus remained on you, watching your reaction, ensuring you were comfortable.
Terrax let out a low growl, his wings flaring slightly as the leatherworkers lifted the saddle toward his back. But he did not lash out—did not burn them with fire or snap his jaws at their hands. Instead, he allowed them to fit the saddle over the ridges of his spine, though his body remained tense, his muscles twitching beneath the leather straps as they fastened them securely.
The saddle fit perfectly, its shape and size molded to Terrax’s form in a way that seemed almost natural. You could see the relief in Rhaegar’s eyes as the last strap was secured, and Terrax settled slightly, his wings folding against his body. The dragon’s agitation had not fully faded, but he was calmer now, his gaze shifting to you as if waiting for your next move.
"It’s done," Rhaegar said softly, turning to you with a small smile. "The saddle should make things easier for you. You won’t have to worry about his scales cutting into you anymore."
You took a step forward, your heart pounding as you approached Terrax, your hand brushing gently against his warm scales. The saddle felt sturdy beneath your touch, the leather smooth and well-crafted. You glanced back at Rhaegar, gratitude shining in your eyes.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely carrying over the wind.
He gave you a gentle smile in return. "You’ve always had a special connection with Terrax. I just wanted to make sure you could keep riding him—without getting hurt."
Oberyn chuckled from behind you, his tone light. "It’s not every day you see a dragon tamed—or saddled. I must admit, I didn’t think we’d pull it off."
You turned to face them both, a smile tugging at your lips despite the lingering soreness in your body. "I’m grateful. To both of you."
And as you looked back at Terrax, now fitted with the saddle that would help you ride him without fear.
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The air in the Water Gardens was warm. You sat on a stone bench near the edge of a shallow pool, the cool water reflecting the bright Dornish sun. The sound of children laughing in the distance, running and playing under the watchful eye of attendants, was a soothing backdrop to the quiet conversation shared between you, Ellaria, and Elia.
Your hands rested on the small, but unmistakable swell of your abdomen, a sign of the life growing inside you. The soft fabric of your gown flowed around you, the heat of the sun tempered by the shade of the lush green trees that lined the gardens. You felt more at ease here, far from the chaos of the rebellion and the constant threats that loomed over your house. Yet, the lingering weight of your recent ordeal still clung to your thoughts.
Ellaria sat beside you, her dark eyes sparkling with their usual mischief, though her tone was soft today. "You seem to be healing well," she said with a gentle smile, her gaze drifting down to your stomach. "And the babe? No more complications?"
You gave a small, contented nod, your fingers tracing the slight curve of your belly. "No, everything is as it should be," you replied softly. "The healers say I’m making a good recovery." Your voice wavered slightly as you spoke, still overwhelmed by everything that had happened.
Elia, sitting across from you, her delicate features shadowed with a quiet concern, nodded in agreement. "It’s good to see you outside again. Sunspear has done wonders for you, princess," she said gently, though her eyes lingered on your abdomen with an expression that spoke of her own unspoken worries.
You smiled at both women, appreciating their company more than words could express, but before you could continue, the sound of hurried footsteps caught your attention. Your heart skipped a beat as you turned toward the entrance of the gardens, where a familiar figure was striding through the arched doorway.
Your breath caught in your throat as you saw him, his eyes immediately locking onto yours. His face was drawn with worry, but the moment he spotted you sitting safely by the pool, his expression softened with overwhelming relief. Without hesitation, he moved toward you, his long strides urgent, yet careful.
Ellaria glanced between you and Arthur with a knowing smile, her hand resting lightly on Elia’s arm. "Perhaps we should leave you two alone," she murmured, rising gracefully from the bench. Elia followed suit, offering you a small, reassuring smile before they both stepped away, giving you the space you needed.
Arthur rushed toward you as soon as they were out of earshot, his breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. He knelt beside you, his hands immediately reaching for yours, his touch warm and trembling with barely restrained emotion. "Y/N," he whispered, his voice hoarse with relief. "Thank the gods… I was so worried."
You smiled weakly, your own hands gripping his tightly as your heart swelled with love and relief at seeing him. "Arthur," you breathed, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. "I’m here. I’m all right."
He stared at you for a long moment, his violet eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and anguish. His fingers trailed down to your abdomen, where the gentle curve of your stomach pressed against your gown. His hand rested there, his thumb brushing over the fabric as though he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing.
"The child?" he asked, his voice breaking slightly.
You nodded, placing your hand over his. "Safe," you whispered. "Our child is safe."
Arthur exhaled shakily, his head lowering as he pressed his forehead against your stomach, his hands cupping your belly with such reverence that it made your heart ache. "I thought I’d lost you both," he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. "When Terrax took you… I didn’t know if I’d see you again."
You gently stroked his hair, your fingers running through the familiar strands as you tried to calm him. "We’re here, Arthur," you said softly. "I’m not going anywhere. I promise."
For a moment, the two of you remained like that, the world around you fading into the background. The distant sounds of the gardens, the soft trickling of water, all seemed to blur as you held onto each other, your bond unspoken but unbreakable.
Arthur lifted his head after a moment, his eyes still shining with unshed tears. He leaned forward and kissed you, his lips soft and urgent against yours. It was a kiss filled with longing, with relief, with the promise of everything that was still to come. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, his hands still gently cradling your abdomen.
"I won’t let anything happen to you or the babe," he whispered, his voice fierce with determination. "No matter what comes, I’ll protect you. Both of you."
You nodded, your own heart echoing the promise in his words. 
And hope was enough. For now.
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The sky was overcast as Rhaegar and Oberyn rode out, the distant mountains casting long shadows over the barren borderlands where Dorne met the Reach. Behind them, the Dornish army stretched in disciplined rows, the sun-and-spear banners of House Martell flapping in the wind. The sound of hooves on dry, cracked earth was a steady rhythm, but the tension in the air was palpable. Ahead, King Aerys and his army were approaching, their banners dark and foreboding. It was a rare thing for Aerys to leave King’s Landing, especially at such risk, but his obsession with your whereabouts had driven him to the edge of reason.
Rhaegar’s face was drawn, his jaw set as he rode in silence beside Oberyn. His thoughts were dark, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the confrontation ahead. It was no longer just a matter of rebellion or loyalty. His father’s madness had spiraled into something dangerous, and Aerys’s fixation on you—on his own daughter—had only grown with each passing moon. The rumors had spread fast, whispers that you were with child, whispers that Aerys was determined to have you and the babe for his own twisted purposes.
Oberyn glanced at Rhaegar, his expression unreadable, but the flicker of amusement in his eyes was unmistakable. "Your father has lost what little remains of his sanity," Oberyn said dryly, his tone laced with sarcasm. "And now we meet him here, on the brink of war, while Robert Baratheon likely marches on King’s Landing. Madness has never been so well-timed."
Rhaegar said nothing, though the truth of Oberyn’s words gnawed at him. By leaving the capital exposed, Aerys had all but invited Robert’s forces to strike. But that was the price of his father’s obsession. Aerys cared for nothing now except you and the child he believed was Rhaegar’s.
As they crested a low hill, Rhaegar spotted Aerys’s forces—thousands strong, their black and red banners stark against the gray sky. At the front of the formation, Aerys sat on his horse, his silver hair wild in the wind, his eyes burning with manic energy. His presence was unmistakable, a figure of chaos, dressed in dark armor that gleamed with the reflection of wildfire in his gaze. Even from a distance, Rhaegar could see the twitch of his father’s lips, the erratic movements that betrayed his instability.
The two forces halted, and a tense silence followed, the wind whipping between them as Rhaegar and Oberyn rode out to meet Aerys, the armies watching from a distance.
As they drew closer, Aerys’s gaze locked on Rhaegar, ignoring Oberyn entirely. His lips curled into a sneer, and his voice cracked as he spoke. "Where is she?" Aerys demanded, his tone sharp, biting. "Where is my daughter? Where is Y/N?"
Rhaegar met his father’s wild gaze without flinching. He had known this question was coming. "She is safe, away from you," he replied, his voice steady, but there was an edge of defiance in his words. "You will not have her, Father."
Aerys’s expression twisted into one of rage, his hands gripping the reins of his horse tightly, knuckles white. "You dare defy me? You—who stole her away from me?!" His voice grew shrill, his eyes wide and gleaming with madness. "She belongs to me, and you will bring her to me, or I will burn the world to ash!"
Oberyn, sitting astride his horse beside Rhaegar, looked utterly unbothered, a faint smirk playing on his lips. He watched Aerys with a kind of amused detachment, though he made no effort to intervene. The Dornish prince seemed content to let the mad king rant, his dark eyes glimmering with quiet amusement at the scene unfolding before him.
But Aerys ignored Oberyn entirely, his fury focused solely on Rhaegar. "And I’ve heard whispers, rumors," Aerys hissed, his voice lowering but no less venomous. "That my daughter is with child. Is it true?"
Rhaegar’s heart clenched at the question, though he had prepared for this moment. He knew what Aerys wanted to hear, what madness would drive him further into obsession. With a calm he barely felt, Rhaegar met his father’s gaze and lied without hesitation. "Yes," he said, his voice firm. "She is with child."
Aerys’s eyes blazed with manic excitement, but before he could speak, Rhaegar continued, his tone cold and final. "But the child is mine. You will not touch her, and you will not touch our babe. You will never see them."
The words hung in the air, heavy with defiance, and Aerys’s face contorted in a mixture of shock and fury. "Lies!" he shrieked, his voice cracking. "You dare claim what is mine?! You would steal from your own father—your king?! I will burn you, Rhaegar. I will burn you and that bastard child in her womb!"
Rhaegar remained calm, his expression hardening. He had expected this, but the depth of Aerys’s madness still sent a chill through him. "You will not touch them," Rhaegar repeated, his voice low and filled with quiet menace. "No matter what you do, you will never have them."
Aerys’s fury boiled over, his whole body trembling with rage. "I’ll see you dead!" he screamed, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "You and all your traitors—burned in dragonfire!"
Oberyn finally spoke, his voice calm but mocking, his amusement at Aerys’s tirade evident. "You may want to rethink your strategy, Your Grace," Oberyn drawled, leaning slightly in his saddle. "You’ve left your capital wide open for Robert’s men. While you chase after your daughter, King’s Landing may not be so forgiving of your absence."
Aerys turned his wild gaze on Oberyn, his eyes narrowing in hatred. But he said nothing, as if the words of the Dornish prince were beneath him. His obsession with you had consumed him to the point where the fate of the capital, of the Iron Throne itself, no longer mattered.
"Enough!" Aerys barked, his voice ragged. He turned back to Rhaegar, his face twisted in fury. "I will have her, Rhaegar. One way or another, I will have her. And if you stand in my way, I will see you burn."
Rhaegar’s eyes met his father’s, filled with a quiet, unyielding resolve. "You will never touch her, Father," he said once more. "No matter what you do."
Aerys’s expression twisted, and for a moment, his hands shook on the reins of his horse, his entire body trembling with the force of his rage. But then, without another word, he yanked the reins and turned his horse around, riding back toward his army in silence.
Rhaegar remained still, watching his father retreat, knowing that this was far from over. The mad king’s obsession had only deepened, and there was no telling what he might do next.
Oberyn let out a low, amused chuckle, his eyes glinting with mischief as he turned to Rhaegar. "Well, that went about as well as expected," he said with a smirk. "Though I must admit, I was hoping for more wildfire."
Rhaegar gave him a small, grim smile, though the weight of the encounter still lingered. "It’s not over," he said softly. "Not yet."
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Round 3: Garangolm Vs. Goss Harag
Garangolm (Fanged Beast)
Previous matches: Vs. Apex Rathalos, Vs. Risen Chameleos
Appears in: Sunbreak
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A monster characterized by its massive and rigid body. Garangolm are generally placid, living in regions with fertile soil. Their sap-like fluids can promote plant growth, forging a symbiotic relationship with flora that grows in their bodies. They can also use that sap to harden plants or the surrounding soil, outfitting their bodies and enhancing their attacks. -Sunbreak
Goss Harag (Fanged Beast)
Previous matches: Vs. Volvidon, Vs. Rajang
Appears in: Rise, Sunbreak
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A monster native to ice-cold climates. Covered in fur so thick it keeps out the harsh frost, it roams the snowy plains in search of prey. It can inhale the cold air to freeze its own bodily fluids and then spit them out to create icy blades on its arms. When riled up, the Goss Harag turns red and becomes exceedingly dangerous. -Sunbreak
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itoss · 2 years
ERP solution Best ERP for Food & Beverages Industry
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Gain new customers, boost revenue and address some of the most daunting challenges of the Food & Beverage industry with industry solutions powered by SAP Business One. We are implementing ERP for the food and beverage industry by providing SAP Business One Food and Beverage.
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Shifting consumer demands, globalization, margin squeeze, need for constant innovation, seasonal demands, and fierce competition are virtually impossible to eliminate without modern food and beverage ERP software. With time, 21st-century businesses are realizing the potential and need for robust food and beverage ERP systems.
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SAP HR has a promising future as businesses increasingly digitize human resource functions. With the rise of cloud-based solutions like SAP SuccessFactors, there is a growing demand for professionals skilled in SAP HR modules to manage talent, payroll, and employee lifecycle management, ensuring efficient and data-driven HR processes.
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aazolindia · 1 month
Organic Gud vs. Regular Jaggery: What’s the Difference?
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Jaggery, or "Gud" as it is commonly known in India, is a traditional, unrefined sugar that has been a staple in many households for centuries. It’s prized for its unique taste, rich nutritional profile, and versatile use in both culinary and medicinal applications.
However, as awareness about health and environmental sustainability grows, so does the interest in organic products, including organic jaggery. This raises a critical question: What’s the difference between organic gud and regular jaggery?
In this blog, we'll dive into the distinctions, benefits, and considerations when choosing between these two options.
What is Jaggery?
Before delving into the differences, it's essential to understand what jaggery is and how it's made. Jaggery is a type of unrefined sugar made primarily from sugarcane juice, although it can also be derived from the sap of date palm trees. The process of making jaggery involves boiling the sugarcane juice or sap until it thickens and solidifies into blocks, powder, or granules.
The lack of a refining process means that jaggery retains many of the natural nutrients found in the original source, making it a healthier alternative to refined white sugar. It contains a range of vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants, which contribute to its health benefits.
The Process of Making Jaggery
The process of making jaggery is relatively simple but labor-intensive. Fresh sugarcane juice or palm sap is collected and filtered to remove impurities. The liquid is then boiled in large, open pans over a wood fire until it thickens and becomes concentrated. During the boiling process, impurities rise to the surface and are skimmed off. The thickened liquid is then poured into molds or trays, where it cools and solidifies into jaggery.
The traditional method of making jaggery doesn’t involve any chemicals or synthetic additives, which is why it is often considered a healthier alternative to refined sugar. However, the key differences between organic and regular jaggery lie in the raw materials used and the specific practices followed during production.
What is Organic Jaggery?
Organic jaggery, or organic gud, refers to jaggery that is made from organically grown sugarcane or palm sap, following strict organic farming practices. These practices exclude the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Instead, organic farmers use natural fertilizers like compost and manure, and employ crop rotation and other sustainable farming methods to maintain soil fertility and control pests.
The organic certification process ensures that the jaggery is free from chemical residues and is produced in an environmentally sustainable manner. Organic jaggery is also non-GMO and may come with certifications from recognized organic certifying bodies, providing consumers with assurance about the quality and purity of the product.
Regular Jaggery: The Conventional Approach
Regular jaggery, on the other hand, is typically made from sugarcane or palm sap that may have been grown using conventional farming methods. These methods often involve the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to enhance crop yield and control pests. While the traditional method of making jaggery remains largely the same, the difference lies in the quality of the raw materials used.
In some cases, regular jaggery may also contain additives or preservatives to extend its shelf life or improve its color and texture. These additives can include lime, alum, or bleaching agents, which may affect the purity and nutritional value of the final product.
Differences Between Organic Gud and Regular Jaggery
1. Farming Practices
The most significant difference between organic gud and regular jaggery is the farming practices used to grow the sugarcane or palm sap. Organic jaggery is made from sugarcane or palm sap grown without synthetic chemicals, whereas regular jaggery may be made from conventionally grown crops that are treated with pesticides and fertilizers. Organic farming practices are more sustainable and environmentally friendly, promoting soil health and biodiversity.
2. Purity and Quality
Organic jaggery is often considered purer and of higher quality because it is free from chemical residues and additives. The organic certification process ensures that no synthetic substances are used at any stage of production. In contrast, regular jaggery may contain traces of pesticides or other chemicals from the farming process, and in some cases, it may also include additives or preservatives.
3. Nutritional Content
While both organic and regular jaggery retain many of the natural nutrients found in sugarcane or palm sap, organic jaggery is often believed to have a slightly higher nutritional content. This is because organic farming practices typically result in healthier, more nutrient-rich crops. Additionally, the absence of chemical residues in organic jaggery may make it a safer and healthier choice.
4. Taste and Texture
The taste and texture of jaggery can vary depending on the source of the sugarcane or palm sap, the region where it is produced, and the specific production methods used. However, many people find that organic jaggery has a more natural, rich, and robust flavor compared to regular jaggery. This is likely due to the purer raw materials and the absence of additives.
The texture of organic jaggery may also be different, often appearing more coarse or grainy compared to regular jaggery, which may be more refined and smoother due to the use of additives or processing agents.
5. Environmental Impact
Organic farming practices are designed to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic farms help to reduce soil and water pollution, promote biodiversity, and conserve natural resources. The production of organic jaggery is, therefore, generally considered to have a lower environmental impact compared to regular jaggery, which may be associated with more intensive farming practices.
6. Price
One of the most noticeable differences between organic and regular jaggery is the price. Organic jaggery is typically more expensive due to the more labor-intensive farming practices, the cost of organic certification, and the lower yield of organic crops. However, many consumers are willing to pay a premium for organic jaggery due to its perceived health benefits and environmental advantages.
Health Benefits of Jaggery
Regardless of whether you choose organic or regular jaggery, both offer several health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here are some of the key health benefits associated with jaggery:
1. Rich in Nutrients
Jaggery is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These nutrients support various bodily functions, such as maintaining healthy bones, regulating blood pressure, and improving overall energy levels.
2. Boosts Immunity
Jaggery is known for its immune-boosting properties. It contains antioxidants and minerals that help strengthen the immune system and protect the body against infections and illnesses. Consuming jaggery regularly, especially during the winter months, can help keep common colds and flu at bay.
3. Aids Digestion
Jaggery is often consumed after meals in India as it aids digestion. It stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and helps in the smooth passage of food through the digestive tract. Jaggery also helps prevent constipation and other digestive issues by promoting bowel movements.
4. Detoxifies the Liver
Jaggery acts as a natural detoxifier for the liver. It helps cleanse the liver by flushing out toxins from the body, thereby improving liver function and overall health.
5. Alleviates Respiratory Issues
Jaggery is beneficial for individuals suffering from respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughs. It helps clear the respiratory tract by loosening the mucus and making it easier to expel. Jaggery combined with warm water or herbal tea can provide relief from respiratory discomfort.
6. Regulates Blood Pressure
The potassium and sodium content in jaggery helps maintain a balance in electrolytes, thereby regulating blood pressure. Consuming jaggery in moderation can be beneficial for individuals with hypertension.
7. Provides a Quick Energy Boost
Unlike refined sugar, jaggery provides a slow and sustained release of energy, making it an excellent choice for those needing an energy boost. It helps combat fatigue and keeps you energized for longer periods.
How to Incorporate Organic Gud into Your Diet
Organic gud can be used in a variety of ways in your daily diet. Here are some ideas on how to incorporate this natural sweetener into your meals:
1. Sweetening Beverages
Use organic gud to sweeten your tea, coffee, or other beverages. It can be a healthier alternative to refined sugar and adds a rich, earthy flavor to your drinks.
2. In Desserts
Organic gud can be used in place of sugar in various desserts, such as halwa, kheer, and laddoos. Its natural sweetness and caramel-like taste can enhance the flavor of traditional Indian sweets.
3. Baking
Incorporate organic gud into your baking recipes. It can be used to sweeten cakes, cookies, and muffins, adding a unique flavor and nutritional benefits to your baked goods.
4. In Cooking
Use organic gud in savory dishes like curries, chutneys, and sauces. It can balance out the flavors in spicy dishes and add a touch of sweetness to your meals.
5. As a Snack
Enjoy a small piece of organic gud as a snack. It can provide a quick energy boost and satisfy your sweet cravings in a healthier way.
Organic gud and regular jaggery are both excellent alternatives to refined sugar, each with its own set of advantages. Organic jaggery stands out for its purity, sustainability, and slightly superior nutritional profile, while regular jaggery offers an affordable and still beneficial option. Understanding these differences can help you make informed choices that align with your health goals, budget, and environmental values.
As you explore the world of jaggery, consider incorporating it into your diet in a way that enhances both flavor and nutrition. Whether you opt for organic or regular jaggery, embracing this natural sweetener can be a step toward a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
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pksri · 7 months
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masterserris · 5 years
Terrax vs Neo!
Characters: Neo Mysterio (Quentin Beck), Doc Ock (Otto Octavius), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Alexandria Beck (Alex), Maria Beck, Sandman (Flint Marko), Chameleon, Electro, Rhino, Terrax the Tamer, various Avengers (TU)
TU = Terrax Universe
Warnings: Explicit gore and death, violence, mentions of past abuse, mental illness, physical illness
^These warnings are here for the story as a whole. If you get invested by reading a less graphic chapter, then be prepared for the warnings above in other parts!!
Captain America: “So, we got a fake magician? Where’s Strange?!”
Iron Man: “He’s fending off Dormammu or demons or whatever the hell he does in the magical realms! He’s been at it for a day and a half now! Maybe YOU should listen more as well, Cap!”
Terrax swung his cosmic ax, sending a massive arc of plasma hurtling towards the Avengers, but just as they were about to be obliterated, they disappeared completely in a puff of green smoke.
Neo Mysterio: “You call me a fake. You call me a sham. You’re about to learn why you should never turn your back on the great and powerful Mysterio!!”
Neo had teleported them several blocks away, for they were in no shape to keep fighting. No, they would only get in the way at this point. Mysterio’s hands glowed with green plasma.
Neo Mysterio: “I’m sorry, Doc. I know this wasn’t part of the plan, but unless someone takes down Terrax, neither me nor Spider-Man will be returning. This world will burn, and billions may die. I just... can’t let that happen.”
Doc Ock: “...I understand,” he said through the comm link.
Neo Mysterio: “Do me a favor and record all of this through my helmet cam. I.... think I want my sister to know what I did here. Why I had to. Show anyone this recording all you want, I won’t care in the end....”
Doc Ock: “Right... Godspeed, Beck. We’re all behind you in this.”
Across town, Spider-Man heaved a steel girder, looking for survivors, when he was greeted with a familiar face. Perhaps faces. Ant-Man and the Wasp were doing their best to find people trapped, going into the crevices that no one else could reach. Growing to massive size, Lang could then shift the heavy debris safely. On this day, the bugs would be the ones people would thank for saving their loved ones.
That was until a deafening screech rung out from across the battered city.
Unleashing the full might of Neo Mysterio’s sonic weapons was very dangerous. Originally, they were meant only to suppress foes, maybe even deafen them. However, when cranked to fully capacity, the sonic blast could level nearby buildings. 
Luckily, on this day, everyone in the vicinity had been evacuated. Unfortunately, this barely made Terrax flinch.
Switching strategies, Beck knew he couldn’t fight Terrax one to one, not without Terrax crushing the life out of him. Cloaking was useless, for with the power cosmic, Terrax could sense his very life essence. Illusions, Beck’s specialty, would be completely worthless against him. This was incredibly unfair, Mysterio grumbled to himself as he dodged a rock being hurled at the speed of sound.
Thankfully, his own flight systems were hyper sonic, but to a herald of Galactus, it was dreadfully, woefully inadequate. The Silver Surfer could cross a galaxy at blistering speeds, Terrax could possibly be on a similar level. It just seemed that he was unwilling to actually exert himself on such weaklings today.
This could be exploited.
Beck teleported away, out of sight. This seemed to be the one thing Terrax could not see through, could not counter directly. Perhaps, Beck could at least buy a few seconds of time...
Immediately, Mysterio’s robots appeared surrounding Terrax, all launching towards him, striking for the kill. Even though these machines are each strong enough to take down Iron Man, created from solid carbonadium, Terrax shattered two of them with a single blow. 
The goal, however, was not entirely to hurt Terrax. Yes, Beck wanted to know how tough his rocky skin was against carbonadium claws, but that was not all. Two more of the robots leaped onto Terrax’s back. It did nothing to really slow him down, it was only an annoyance. As Terrax obliterated three more with his ax, the final few closed in.
In the confusion, one of the machines achieved it’s purpose and managed to shove a fear gas grenade into Terrax’s face, exploding the specialty toxin.
This was no ordinary fear gas. It was the high volume, high potency blend. One drop of the serum could cover all of Manhattan, causing mass hysteria and hallucinations. It was now detonated in a way that did not produce the usual cloud of smoke, but rather it stuck to Terrax’s flesh; who now had it coating his face, lungs, and eyes, it was just enough to sap his strength and focus. 
He easily battered the rest of the robots away, completely smashing them apart. For the first time, Terrax staggered, coughing, and failing to see straight. 
He swung his cosmic ax wildly around, threatening to tear the city apart if his foe did not emerge. Beck had no intentions of wasting this opportunity, however.
Beck hurtled at Terrax at the speed of sound, blasting him with a bolt of plasma before closing the distance and throwing a massive sucker punch to the gut. In his weakened state, the power cosmic disrupted by the fear toxin, Terrax actually lurched in pain. Perhaps there was yet hope.
The Avengers witnessed this from a few blocks away, their strength rallying.
TU Iron Man: “Up and at ‘em Cap. Shake off that paper cut, this is our chance! He’s buying us time to come up with a counter strike!”
With Stark helping him to his feet, Steve Rogers surveyed the battle from afar. He noted that Beck was using a Wakandan fighting style, not unlike the Panther’s... He was able to land several hits while avoiding the titanic blows from the disorientated Terrax. It still was not enough. All of the attacks landed amounted to little more than scuffs and scratches.
All it took Terrax were two swift blows to the gut then head to send Beck flying, helmet smashed open and armor horribly dented.
TU Captain America: “Right, everyone, fall in position seven! Stark, reroute Rhodey to position twelve! We need to be ready for an assist!”
While the Avengers mobilized, Beck groaned in pain, coughing up blood from his broken ribs. Through all the beatings he’s faced in his short life, this was by far the worst so far, and it was dealt out in only two hits. He was lucky he wasn’t dead. Perhaps that was soon to be amended.
Slowly, Terrax was recovering. If he was going to be defeated, it would be now. Marching forward, Terrax’s ax gleamed a malicious golden orange in the light cast by the buildings smoldering in the distance. Beck picked himself up, wheezing as he felt his bones cracked and innards pulverized. 
As Beck was gaining his composure, something unexpected happened.
Terrax was lit up from two different angles as Iron Man and War Machine unloaded the last of their weapons upon him. Bringing the rain. 
Captain America rushed to Beck’s side with his leg still slashed open while Terrax was distracted, getting them both back to cover.
TU Captain America: “What’s the plan, soldier? You got a way to defeat him?”
Neo Mysterio: “M-maybe.. but I’ll need to get close to him again...”
As he explains his plan, Steve goes quiet.
TU Captain America: “That’s a suicide run... Are you sure about this?”
Neo Mysterio: “It’s the only way I can think of...”
Beck turned his head to the fight, trailing off. Iron Man was at his breaking point, soon the both of them would be torn apart. Steve matched his gaze.
TU Captain America: “Do what you need to, kid. And before you go...” He took Mysterio’s shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “Thank you.”
Beck turned his gaze away after a second, nodding sullenly. He leaped out from behind the rubble as Steve hurled his shield at Terrax, slamming the hunk of vibranium into the side of his head, throwing him off balance.
Unsheathing his blade, Beck flew at Terrax, managing to bury it into his side and pushing the both of them hurtling skywards, away from the city.
With an animalistic bellow, Terrax grabbed Mysterio’s arm, wrenching, breaking, and removing it from his side. The antarctic vibranium gleaming with his cosmic blood.
Terrax, still with a firm grip on Neo’s arm, buried the business end of his massive ax into Beck’s chest, completely impaling him upon its cruel blade. Quentin gasped as the cold cosmic steel sliced into him. He struggled for a moment, grasping in futility at the hilt. Terrax pulled Neo off of his weapon, gloating at Beck’s dying face as they continued to rise into the heavens.
Weakly, Quentin pulled at something behind his cloak. He managed at last to speak, stammering out some of his last words.
Quentin Beck: “T-they sure will.. My world.. and t-this one... heh...”
Quentin Beck: “Nah.. just a-at you...”
Beck grit his teeth into a snarl and spat at Terrax with all of his spite.
And with that, Beck wrenched his good arm around and shoved his teleportation device into the wound he put in Terrax’s side.
Terrax momentarily released him, stunned by the sudden movement. He grasped at his side, unable to pull out the beeping device.
With a horrible flash of greenish white light, Terrax collapsed upon himself, completely imploding as the teleporter utterly wiped him from existence. 
Terrax was no more.
Mysterio plummeted towards Earth, mortally wounded.
Iron Man gently caught him and brought him to the ground safely; to home.
Doc Ock sat at his desk, a universe away. All he could do was sigh. The receiver was completed by this point. It was all just... Much too late.
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goddamnitconnor-a · 6 years
I’d mentioned something about this a little bit ago, but there’s been something on my mind for a while, now, and I want to finally write something down. This is mostly because I was asked on the sidelines if I could make a post like this-- so here goes.
I’ll put most of this under a cut so anyone not interested can just scroll by without too much fuss, but first I’d like to say what this is all about.
Anxiety. Or, rather, how to not let it consume your life. Because we all experience it, most of us on a daily basis, but I’ve seen so few people actually do the right things to stop it from escalating to a critical point or try to do anything to manage it when they’re not in a critical mode. So, the rest of this will be cut for sake of length, but please:
If you have struggles with anxiety and recognize that it’s holding you back from enjoying any part of your life to the fullest extent, give the rest of this post a look over. These are honest, tried and true methods of reducing the impact of anxiety, both the obvious and less obvious, and I promise I wouldn’t offer them as suggestions unless I knew they’d have a beneficial impact on your overall health.
I’ll say this one last thing: if you’re thinking anything along the lines of ‘none of this will work for me’ or ‘my anxiety is too bad to do anything about without medication’ or ‘I’ve tried everything before and nothing really works so why bother’, then I’m speaking directly to you: please read the rest of this post. I don’t say it often, but you are so wrong.
Firstly, before I begin spewing out suggestions, everything I talk about here I have seen take a positive effect on both myself (dealing with bipolar depression and I’m sure other shit by this point) and people with severe intellectual disabilities (autism being the primary diagnosis), whom I support and work very closely with. I’ve also taken two college courses focused entirely on managing anxiety through very different strategies (mental vs physical activities) and a handful of others on building mindfulness, confidence, and self-image. Honestly, though, I’m drawing mostly from the former experiences because there’s nothing like seeing the words in action.
These techniques will be listed here only briefly because talking about each of them at length would make this an entire book. I might go into more detail in additional posts, if enough people would like me to or I’m feeling especially talkative another day. They are listed roughly in the order of most effective or most necessary, but honestly they all work in tandem with each other, so saying one is better than the other is a little misleading.
Attitude: We’ve all got it. Some are better than others, and some are just downright-- wait. Not that kind of attitude. I’m talking about our attitude towards our own mental health. I’m sure a lot of people believe they’re just supposed to suffer as much as they do or that it’s not really so bad and changing is too much effort. Essentially, the message is saying ‘I don’t care enough about myself to make the effort for my mental health’ no matter how you say it. Point blank, that’s a pretty shitty attitude to have, and no one wants to have a shitty attitude. No one likes feeling like shit, we just kind of get used to it and grow numb to it out of self defense against our own brains. Not the best habit to pick up. But one thing is certain: if you don’t believe you can help yourself and if you don’t believe you’re worth the effort, then nothing else is going to leave much of a mark. It all starts here, friends, and it’s usually the hardest step to take.
Deep breathing: Has to be next, doesn’t it? And it’s a very easy next step after that last one. The rules are very simple: block yourself off from outside stimuli (whether this means closing your eyes or fixating on a fixed spot in the distance to focus your attention or doing whatever you need to in order to take a minute to yourself); take a deep breath in through your nose for at least five but ideally seven seconds (breathe in so your stomach expands and not just your chest-- your shoulders shouldn’t rise more than they do when you’re yawning or sighing); hold the breath for up to three seconds; release your breath through your mouth slowly (take at least three but ideally five seconds) and make sure to fully push all of the air from your lungs. Repeat at least three times and up to ten times, depending on how high your stress and anxiety are at the time. The idea of the numbers is equal parts providing a structure so that the breath is under your control and providing a distraction from any other thoughts that might intrude. If you’re focusing entirely on counting the seconds of your breath or focusing on how the breath feels going in and out of your lungs, then you’re much less likely to worry about anything else. So don’t get too hung up on the specific numbers; understand their purpose and adjust them as you need to in order to fit your current situation. Do this before you go into a full-blown panic attack. It’s much more difficult to focus on deep breathing when you’re in panic mode, but taking a few deep breaths when you feel the first signs of something coming on could lessen or negate the physical and mental strain. Remember: It takes less than three minutes, even if you do all ten breaths, and there’s no equipment or special requirements. That makes this by far the easiest thing on this list to do, and the effects it can have are fucking mind-blowing.
Diet: Okay, maybe this will be the hardest step. But it doesn’t have to be! Diet changes can be huge, cold-turkey everything bad or small, subtle changes that ease you into a better lifestyle over the course of a few months or even a year. Both are totally cool! In fact, I’ve done both. There is so much I have to say about dieting, but I’ll list out the major points. Stop counting. I don’t care what it is, just stop counting it. Right now. Because guess what: you’re not counting the right things. Things you should be looking at? Sugar content. How processed the food is. Artificial flavoring and high fructose corn syrup. Things that really aren’t that important if you’re organizing your diet to be balanced and actually healthy? Fat content. Calories. What a coincidence. Also, eat breakfast. I know it means getting out of bed a little earlier, but for all that is good in this world, eat breakfast. Snack more often (not on potato chips; try some fruit), especially in the morning when your body is trying to balance out everything from the previous night (or, you know, whenever you sleep). Fruit, vegetables, nuts, protein bars (check that sugar content!), hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and yogurt are all super easy and cheap snacks to grab and most of them are portable if you’re out and about often. Lunch doesn’t need to be big, but it needs to exist on some level. Heavy lunches will weigh you down and make you tired much earlier than you would be otherwise but no lunch will sap your energy and also leave you feeling drained earlier in the day. Dinner should be focused on protein and this is usually where people actually eat their vegetables, so keep that up! If you’re going to have a lot of empty carbs (like fries, mashed potatoes, rice, etc.), you better plan on having a post-dinner workout because guess where that belly fat is coming from. If you have anything to eat before bed, make sure it’s at least an hour before and it should have as little sugar and calorie content as possible. Protein is ideal for this time of the day!
Exercise: Oh boy. All of these steps are sounding pretty hard, aren’t they? Good news! You don’t have to go to the gym. You don’t even have to go outside. And I’m not about to preach youtube workout videos and giant squishy balls to roll around on. I am about to preach yoga. I know we only ever see super attractive and skinny women perching themselves in ridiculous poses on a fucking mountaintop at sunrise with some inspirational quote plastered everywhere and that’s what we think when we hear yoga, but you know what? I’ve taken yoga courses, and the only one even half-capable of flipping herself upside down on her head was our instructor-- because she’s been doing it forever. Most people had to use blocks and bands to assist them with most of the poses. Yoga is not for the fit and bendy only; in fact, the less fit and bendy you are, the more you’ll probably benefit from the practice. A few simple stretches in the morning isn’t going to change your life, but it’s a start. There are plenty of free videos and apps around to help you get started with easy things that will make the rest of your day a little easier, and I guarantee you’ll start feeling so much better that you’ll get addicted to it. If you happen to already be a reasonably active person, then just make sure you’re getting at least 30 minutes of at least moderate activity in order to get the most benefit out of your workout. The most beneficial time to do any exercise is first thing in the morning after you wake up, but right before meals or mid-day when you might be feeling a bit of a drag are also ideal times. Anything above low-intensity exercise before you go to bed will definitely hurt your sleep cycle, but there are some yoga poses and other kinds of exercise that are actually very beneficial to relaxing and getting a better night’s sleep.
Meditation: This should be higher on the list, but again the list really isn’t a ranked thing. I’m only putting it this far down because I believe that meditation doesn’t always stick out to people as something especially helpful. That’s because meditation doesn’t show instant results and a lot of people do it very wrong, so they don’t get any results at all. Because of this, I think if the above techniques are implemented then meditation will become more attractive because some control and balance in your life will have already been established with the other things. I would recommend starting with guided meditation no matter what, if you’ve never done it before or even if you think you’ve been doing it ineffectively. Meditation is very flexible, which is one of the things I love most about it. Once you understand the real purpose of meditating and how to handle any potential distractions while you’re meditating, you can do it almost anywhere and at any time-- and you can spend five minutes with yourself or two hours. Any amount of quiet and calm for your mind will help it immensely! Also, if you’re feeling drained and are unable to do any stretches or exercises to wake yourself up, meditation can actually make you more alert and refreshed. This is especially helpful for people trying to focus on a task that needs to be accomplished but that attention span just isn’t cutting it. Meditation should center you, calm your mind, boost your focus, and clear your head of distracting thoughts and worries unrelated to the task at hand. Stress and anxiety should reduce and if you go into a deep enough trance, a sense of euphoria (similar to that infamous ‘runner’s high’) will accompany you for a while afterwards. If it’s not doing that for you, then you should probably seek out some sort of guide to help you meditate more effectively.  
Water: Just drink it. I won’t say that you can’t drink too much, because of course you can, but chances are high you aren’t drinking as much as you should be. It depends a lot on your activity levels, what you’re eating throughout the day, and your exposure to the sun or other high heat elements, but a few signs that you’re not drinking enough water are: if you get frequent headaches, especially near the top/crown of your head; if you get muscle cramps-- they can be anywhere, but leg cramps are very common and I experience stomach cramps easily when I’m dehydrated; if you’re thirsty (simple as that); if you find yourself yawning/breathing deeply excessively. Drinking water first thing in the morning will help you wake up and cold water before meals will reduce your appetite so you don’t overeat. 
There is so much more I could say about anxiety and so many other, little things that can be done to make things easier on yourself, but these are the really big ones. The ones that I guarantee, if practiced together even on a minimal level, will improve your health both physically and mentally to the extent that you’ll never believe you lived so miserably for so long without doing these simple things. Because here’s the hard news: We weren’t meant to sit in a dark room in front of a computer screen all day. We weren’t meant to play video games for 12 hours a day. We weren’t built to digest the obnoxious amount of empty carbs and overload of sugar that is basically forced in our face every time we turn around. Our bodies are meant to work and they’re meant to be maintained-- and if you feel like that statement doesn’t apply to you, you probably don’t understand your body as well as you think you do. I’m not saying I know anyone’s specific situation and of course there are always outrageous exceptions to even the most reliable of rules, but for the majority of people reading this, the only real block against you and a healthier you is just plainly you. That’s not an easy thing to accept or make peace with, but the sooner we realize that we most often are the only ones holding ourselves back, the easier it will be for us to help ourselves get better. These are just steps and suggestions. Just words on a screen. Any time they’re put into practice and any time they give anyone any sort of benefit, that victory is not mine. Don’t give me the credit. Because you’re doing all of it. And you’ve been able to all along, so I’m glad you’re finally waking up and realizing it.
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dbmrmarketnews · 2 years
Edge Analytics Market: Global Trends, Share, Industry Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities and Forecast By 2028
Edge Analytics Market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 32.05% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research report on edge analytics market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecast period while providing their impacts on the market's growth. The rise in the demand of edge analytics in business-to-business (b2b) as compared to consumer applications is escalating the growth of edge analytics market.
Analysis of data collected from a non-central point in a system which comprises of network switch, sensor or peripheral node is also called edge analytics. Big data analytics processing is approved in a centralized way with the help of central depository large, data centers or hadoop clusters.
Download Sample Report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, and Chart) @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-edge-analytics-market
major factors that are expected to boost the growth of the edge analytics market in the forecast period are the arrival of IoT and proliferation of massive amount of data through connected devices. Furthermore, the predictive and real-time intelligence on network devices acts as a catalyst to the growth of edge analytics is further anticipated to propel the growth of the edge analytics market. Moreover, the growing implementation of edge analytics upsurges scalability and cost optimization is further estimated to cushion the growth of the edge analytics market. On the other hand, concerns regarding the safety and security is further projected to impede the growth of the edge analytics market in the timeline period.
Major Highlights from the Global Edge Analytics Market factored in the Analysis:
Major Strategic Edge Analytics Market Developments:
Activities such as Research & Development (R&D) by phase, ongoing and completed Merger & Acquisition (M&A) [deal value, purpose, effective year], Joint ventures (JVs), Technological tie-ups, Suppliers partnerships & collaborations, agreements, new launches etc taken by Edge Analytics Industry players during projected timeframe of study.
Edge Analytics Market Measures & Parameters Addressed in Study:
The report highlights Edge Analytics market features such segment revenue, weighted average selling price by region, capacity utilization rate, production & production value, % gross margin by company, consumption, import & export, demand & supply, cost bench-marking of finished product in Edge Analytics Industry, market share and annualized growth rate (Y-o-Y) and % CAGR.
What unique qualitative insights are included in Edge Analytics Market research study?
The Global Edge Analytics Market report provides the rigorously studied and evaluated data of the top industry players and their scope in the market by means of various analytical tools. To gain a deep dive analysis; qualitative commentary on changing market dynamics {drivers, restraints & opportunities}, PESTLE, 5-Forces, Feasibility study, BCG matrix (% Share vs % Growth), SWOT by players, Heat Map analysis etc have been provided to better correlate key players product offering in the market.
To Know More about the Study @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-edge-analytics-market
The major players covered in the Edge Analytics market report are Cisco, Oracle, SAP SE, SAS Institute, Apigee Corporation, Predixion Software, AGT International Inc, Foghorn Systems, CGI Group Inc., Analytic Edge, Prism Tech, Bit Stew Systems, Bright Wolf, Camgian Microsystems, CyberLightning, Eurotech, Falkonry, Flowthings.io, Intel, Kepware Technologies among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Table of Content:
Chapter One: Global Edge Analytics Market Industry Overview
Chapter Two: Major Segmentation (Classification, Application and etc.) Analysis
Chapter Three: Production Market Analysis
Chapter Four: Edge Analytics Market Analysis
Chapter Five: Consumption Market Analysis
Chapter Six: Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis
Chapter Seven: Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis
Chapter Eight: Competition Analysis by Players
Chapter Nine: Marketing Channel Analysis
Chapter Ten: New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis
Chapter Eleven: Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Chapter Twelve: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Basic Questions Answered
*who are the key market players in the Edge Analytics Market?
*Which are the major regions for dissimilar trades that are expected to eyewitness astonishing growth for the
*What are the regional growth trends and the leading revenue-generating regions for the Edge Analytics Market?
*What is the major Product Type of Edge Analytics?
*What are the major applications of Edge Analytics?
*Which Edge Analytics technologies will top the market in next 5 years?
Complete Report is Available (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Graphs, and Chart) @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-edge-analytics-market  
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nickmarksblog · 1 month
RISE with SAP vs GROW with SAP: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business.
Read more RISE with SAP vs GROW with SAP which should you choose?
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Round 1 Part 2: Garangolm Vs. Apex Rathalos
Garangolm (Fanged Beast)
Appears in: Sunbreak
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A monster characterized by its massive and rigid body. Garangolm are generally placid, living in regions with fertile soil. Their sap-like fluids can promote plant growth, forging a symbiotic relationship with flora that grows in their bodies. They can also use that sap to harden plants or the surrounding soil, outfitting their bodies and enhancing their attacks. -Sunbreak
Apex Rathalos (Flying Wyvern)
Appears in: Rise, Sunbreak
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A Rathalos so mighty, it was crowned an Apex. It is eternally possessed by wrath and terror, possibly due to the myriad wounds that cover its body. Its every breath releases flaming jets that singe the very air. The call of an Apex unleashes its tortured anger on nearby beasts, driving them into a frenzy. -Sunbreak
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itoss · 2 years
SAP Business One Best ERP for Food & Beverages Industry
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Find out how is enabling F&B companies to manage their businesses with advanced traceability and improved productivity. Gain new customers, boost revenue and address some of the most daunting challenges of the Food & Beverage industry with industry solutions powered by SAP Business One. We are implementing ERP for the food and beverage industry by providing SAP Business One Food and Beverage. Find out how is enabling F&B companies to manage their businesses with advanced traceability and improved productivity. The food and beverage sector has thrived in recent years, attracting an increasing number of customers. Most Trusted, Secure & Powerful ERP Solutions This business is increasing global demand, resulting in a fast rise in food costs. this industry’s significant difficulties are growing demand for diversity and innovation, poor profit margins, product traceability, and quality government control. SAP Business One for Food and Beverage aids with all elements of the industry’s manufacturing and distribution. Ths ERP Software analyses the current particular needs of the food sector and Delivers industry-Specific Solutions. Sales Maximize your profit with SAP Business One Define the target as per the item, item groups, sales employees, region, state-based (Qty & Value-based), and target for vendors. SAP Business One – The premium SAP ERP software for small & medium businesses easily grabs approval of distributor, distribution form, and necessary doc management with SAP F&B solution. Scheme Improve bottom-line business performance by monitoring sales schemes based on region-based, product-based, value-based, period-based, and Qty based. Best Affordable ERP for Small & Medium Businesses whatever your company’s scheme, ERP for Food and Beverage Industry is the core to achieving your goals. Inventory Management SAP Business One Gold Partner & awarded implementation Partner India bid goodbye to wastage due to expiry with smart distribution planning. Stay cautious and just in time with shelf-life management and crate management solutions. Production & Packing Planning Implement the ERP solution in your food business to overcome the constant pressure of ever-changing and seasonal demands of customers with sales order-based, forecasting, and machine planning. Meet the challenges in an efficient manner and gain the capabilities of the Food Beverage ERP software now. Quality Control SAP Food and Beverage solution allows you to plan and execute quality tests from raw materials to product packaging. Define the tests required to pass the quality compliance with the sampling process, incoming QC, outgoing QC, and in-process QC. Reports Easily track out-of-stock (item-based), payment vs order reports, purchase order variance analysis vendor/item-based and customer payment track,k and target vs achievement (product & value-based) report with SAP Business One. Industry Challenges The food and beverage sector has thrived in recent years, attracting an increasing number of customers. Most Trusted, Secure & Powerful ERP Solutions This business is increasing global demand, resulting in a fast rise in food costs. this industry’s significant difficulties are growing demand for diversity and innovation, poor profit margins, product traceability, and quality government control. SAP Business One for Food and Beverage aids with all elements of the industry’s manufacturing and distribution. Ths ERP Software analyses the current particular needs of the food sector In an industry where perishability, quality, and safety standards are a top priority, a forward-looking F&B business requires deep-level insights, timely alerts, and on-the-fly optimization to check all critical points and keep the business profitable. It is no wonder that more than 60% of Food & Beverage businesses feel they need software to react fast to produce on-demand, carry out special orders, and change packaging lines on the fly. Compounding this requirement with the persistent challenges of standardization, distributing healthier and safer products, adapting to large variations in the costs of raw materials, meeting the constantly changing consumer preferences, and managing miscellaneous tasks needs an intuitive solution that gives a wholesome answer to these challenges without any compromise. Shifting consumer demands, globalization, margin squeeze, need for constant innovation, seasonal demands, and fierce competition are virtually impossible to eliminate without modern food and beverage ERP software. With time, 21st-century businesses are realizing the potential and need for robust food and beverage ERP systems. ITOSS Solutions provides end-to-end detailing, implementation, and support for the SAP® Business One® ERP Solution, the affordable ERP, which is fully capable of addressing current as well as future requirements of business process automation – digital transformation. ITOSS Solutions is a rapidly growing Information Technology-driven Best SAP Business One Partner in Delhi (NCR), offering business solutions to clients spanning a range of industry verticals including Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing, Retail, Dairy Industry, Automotive, Hi-Tech Industries, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, Education, Legal Services, Electricity Utility, Trading, and others. ITOSS Solutions is an SAP Awarded best in class partner for SAP B1 implementation based in Delhi (NCR), successfully supporting customers all over India.
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Vietnam Data Analytics Market to dominated by Predictive Analysis segment through 2026 – TechSci Research
The rise in the digital transformation initiatives and the growing e-commerce industry is expected to drive the demand for Vietnam data analytics market for the forecast period.
According to TechSci Research report, “Vietnam Data Analytics Market By Type (Predictive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics, Diagnostic Analytics), By Solutions (Business Intelligence, Database Management, Data Mining, Fraud & Security Intelli-gence, Others), By Function (Marketing Analysis, Operational Analysis, Sales Analysis, Accounting and Finance Analysis, Others), By Deployment (Cloud, On-Premises), By End Use Industry (Government & Defence, BFSI, Retail & Ecommerce, Healthcare, Transport & Logistics, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the Vietnam data analytics market is expected to witness a growth of steady CAGR for the forecast period, 2022-2026. The growing use of internet services and other technologies such as sensors is generating large volumes of unstructured data. Data analytics technology is generally used for trade promotion optimization, demand forecasting, and behavior analytics by organizations. The rise in data generation from various sources and the increase in the effort of the organizations to create more opportunities for profit generation is expected to drive the growth of the Vietnam data analytics market for the next five years. The high rate of adoption of the data analytics technology in the BFSI industry to improve cybersecurity services and can be used for risk management functions.
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are providing appropriate measures and precautions to ensure the maximum safety of their employees. They provide the facility of work from home and bring your own device policy to the employees to follow social distancing. The rise in the focus of the organization for remote monitoring and providing the required support to its employees contribute to the market growth.
However, the data security and privacy concerns during the data extraction may hamper the Vietnam data analytics market growth in the forecast period.
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Browse XX Figures spread through 70 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Vietnam Data Analytics Market”.
Vietnam data analytics market is segmented into type, solutions, function, deployment, end use industry, regional distribution, and company. Based on the end use industry, the market can be divided into government & defence, BFSI, retail & ecommerce, healthcare, transport & logistics, and others. The healthcare segment is expected to witness significant growth for the forecast period, 2022-2026. Presence of huge volume of structured and unstructured data which needs to be analysed in order to make smart decisions is driving the growth of the segment. Based on type, the market is divided into predictive analytics, descriptive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and diagnostic analytics. The predictive analytics segment is expected to dominate the market for the next five years. To predict the future trends and drivers of the market, industries are actively opting for the predictive analytics technology to maximise their profits in every situation. Based on function, the market is divided into marketing analysis, operational analysis, sales analysis, accounting and finance analysis, and others. The marketing analysis segment is expected to account for major market share for the predicted period. Companies are opting for marketing analysis to obtain information about the target consumers and create suitable business models for marketing and sales purposes.
SAP SE, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Tableu Software LLC, Oracle Corporation, Altyrex, Accenture Plc, NTT Data Corporation, Bac Ha Software, ITC Group, TMA Solutions, Kyanon Digital, KMS Technology Inc., Agile Tech Vietnam are the leading players operating in Vietnam data analytics market. Service providers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several data analytics service providers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
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“The growing demand for the adoption of advanced technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and others to boost the efficiency and output of the industries is creating lucrative opportunities for market growth. The expected roll-out of the 5G technology and the up-gradation of the IT infrastructure in the country is significantly contributing to the market growth. Additionally, the increasing focus of the organizations to provide enhanced consumer experience and satisfaction and create a personalized experience for the customers is expected to propel the Vietnam data analytics market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based global management consulting firm.
According to TechSci Research “Vietnam Data Analytics Market By Type (Predictive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics, Diagnostic Analytics), By Solutions (Business Intelligence, Database Management, Data Mining, Fraud & Security Intelli-gence, Others), By Function (Marketing Analysis, Operational Analysis, Sales Analysis, Accounting and Finance Analysis, Others), By Deployment (Cloud, On-Premises), By End Use Industry (Government & Defence, BFSI, Retail & Ecommerce, Healthcare, Transport & Logistics, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of Vietnam data analytics market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of Vietnam data analytics market.
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Edge Computing Market Insights, Key Players, Research Overview and Size Estimation To 2027
Market Research Future published a research report on “Edge Computing Market Research Report- Global Forecast 2027” – Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2027.
Edge Computing Market Overview:
Market Research Future (MRFR), in its latest the global edge computing market value can touch USD 22,453.9 Mn by 2024. MRFR predicted that the edge computing market can register at 28.4% CAGR across the assessment period 2018 to 2024. The rapid proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) can impel the expansion of the market. The increased security concerns at public areas can drive the market growth. The rise in IoT trend and the high demand can impel the expansion of the market in years to come.
 The rise in initiatives for digital transformation can prompt the expansion of the market in the years to come. The high adoption of IoT solutions by organizations can prompt the expansion of the Edge Computing Market. The increase high the use of computing connected mobile devices and IoT enabled organizations to collect volumes of data and store at the repository can favor the edge computing market. In addition, the rise in the need to store, process, and analyze data to achieve specific tasks can fuel the rise of the edge computing market.
 The edge computing favor processing of power and data storage with the application of artificial intelligence. The rise in the need for faster response across time and real-time data can impel the expansion of the market. The rise in need for resilient data communication can aid in the edge computing due to data communication paths over centralized network that can provide business continuity. Thus, can favor the expansion of the market in the years to come.
 The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused a lot of hardship across the world. The majority of the global population is struggling with the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on public health, the economy, and society at large. During the COVID-19 pandemic, edge computing and edge data centers are playing a vital role in delivering cached content and cloud computing resources across the globe. Edge computing is proving to be a life-saving technology for the healthcare industry due to the various IoT medical applications that it provides. These telemedicine programs, diagnostic devices, and software applications allow medical professionals to quickly reach the patients by using the patients’ data. The benefits of edge computing have become more apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. The worldwide lockdown has compelled businesses to move towards digitalization for the provision of work from home facilities to their employees. This has boosted the use of edge servers that are being deployed by the key players in the market, including Amazon Web Services and Microsoft. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly driving the demand for edge computing as the leading technology companies are integrating automation and intelligence into their businesses using the edge computing technology.
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 Major Key Players:
MRFR recognized some reputed marketers of the world edge computing market. They are; General Electric Company, Amazon, Inc., Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, SAP SE, Schneider Electric SE, Alphabet Inc., IBM Corporation, ADLINK Technology Inc., Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., eInfochips, EdgeConnex Inc., Integrated Device Technology, Inc., Fujitsu Ltd, Siemens AG, The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, ZenLayer Inc., Rittal GmbH & Co. KG, ABB Ltd, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. The report details factors that can impact the market.
 Market Segmentation:
·        The edge computing market segment study is based on technology, deployment, application, and vertical.
·        The technology based segments of the market are fog computing and mobile edge computing. The deployment based segments of the edge computing market are on-premise and cloud. The component based segment of the edge computing market are solutions, hardware, and software.
·        The application based segments of the market are analytics, IoT, data caching, augmented reality, environment monitoring, location services, and others.
·        The vertical based segments of the edge computing market are healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, energy & utilities, IT & telecommunication, semiconductor, government, hospitality, retail, education, and others.
 Regional Analysis:
In current times, North America edge computing market can secure the prime position in the global market. The rise in the growing adoption of edge computing due to its benefits, such as reduced latency and high scalability, along with the implementation of data processing solution at the edge network can boost the regional market in the years to come.
 In North America, the US is expected to head the regional market with the largest share due to the rise in the adoption of edge computing solutions across automotive, surveillance, education, and healthcare sectors. In Europe, the increased adoption of edge computing solutions across France, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, and the rest of EU can prompt the regional market. In Asia Pacific, the edge computing market is likely to rise due to the need for effective computing solutions.
 Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2.1 Definition
2.2 Scope of The Study
2.3 List of Assumptions
2.4 Market Structure
3. Market Insight
4.1 Research Process
4.2 Primary Research
4.3 Secondary Research
4.4 Market Size Estimation
4.5 Data Collection Tools
4.6 Market Size Estimation – Top-Down & Bottom-Up Approach
4.7 Forecast Model
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 List of Table
Table 1 Market Synopsis
Table 2 List of Assumptions
Table 3 Global Edge Computing Market, By Technology, 2018–2023 (Usd Million)
Table 4 Global Edge Computing Market, By Deployment, 2018–2023 (Usd Million)
Table 5 Global Edge Computing Market, By Component, 2018–2023 (Usd Million)
 List of Figure
Figure 1 Global Edge Computing Market: Market Structure
Figure 2 North America Market Size & Market Share by Country (2017 Vs 2023)
Figure 3 Europe Market Size & Market Share by Country (2017 Vs 2023)
Figure 4 Asia Pacific & Market Share by Country (2017 Vs 2023)
Figure 5 Rest of The World Market Size & Market Share by Country (2017 Vs 2023)
 About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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crypto4all · 4 years
Global Blockchain Industry (2020 to 2025)
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Dublin, May 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Blockchain Market by Component (Platform and Services), Provider (Application, Middleware, and Infrastructure), Type (Private, Public, and Hybrid), Organization Size, Application Area (BFSI, Government, IT & Telecom), and Region - Global Forecast to 2025" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global blockchain market size is expected to grow from USD 3.0 billion in 2020 to USD 39.7 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 67.3% during the forecast period. Various factors, such as increasing venture capital funding and investments in the blockchain technology, growing need to simplify business processes and create business transparency and immutability, reduction in operational cost, and increasing popularity of blockchain technology in retail and supply chain management are expected to drive the market. However, uncertain regulatory and compliance environment and limited availability of technical skillsets for implementing the blockchain technology may restrain the blockchain market growth. Based on application area, the retail and eCommerce segment to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast periodBased on application area, the retail and eCommerce segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR in the blockchain market during the forecast period. Retail and eCommerce organizations are making huge investments to enhance customer experience. The use of blockchain payments in the retail and eCommerce industry has increased during COVID-19 as several end-users are opting for use of cryptocurrency over conventional payment options. The blockchain technology is progressively elevating the customer experience. With positive customer experience, retail and eCommerce businesses are expected to achieve customer loyalty. The blockchain technology enables retailers to use smart contracts for settling any conflict related to customers without any intervention of the court. Based on organization size, the large enterprises segment to hold a larger market size during the forecast periodBased on organization size, the large enterprises segment is expected to hold a larger market size in the blockchain market during the forecast period. The availability of sufficient capital and other resources to incorporate newer technologies is expected to enable large enterprises to take the lead in the market. Another factor that contributes to a higher market share of large enterprises in the blockchain market is the high investments in R&D activities to develop best-fit technology to enhance an organization's business efficiency.Among regions, North America to account for the largest market share, whereas Asia Pacific (APAC) to grow at the highest CAGRNorth America is estimated to hold the largest market size and dominate the global blockchain market in 2020, as the region is an early adopter of the blockchain technology. North America is considered the most advanced region in terms of technology adoption and infrastructure. The regional presence of key industry players offering blockchain technology solutions is the main factor driving the North American blockchain market.Asia Pacific (APAC) is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Several new startups in APAC have entered the blockchain market and started developing blockchain solutions. Investors are investing in startups that are helping these small firms innovate the blockchain technology. The integration of the blockchain technology to transform business processes in the developing countries of APAC could boost the blockchain market growth in APAC. Key Topics Covered: 1 Introduction 2 Research Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Premium Insights 4.1 Attractive Market Opportunities in the Market 4.2 Blockchain Market, by Component, 2020 Vs 2025 4.3 Market, by Service, 2020 Vs 2025 4.4 Market, by Provider, 2020 Vs 2025 4.5 Market, by Type, 2020 Vs 2025 4.6 Market, by Organization Size, 2020 Vs. 2025 4.7 Blockchain Market, by Application Area, 2018-2025 4.8 Market Investment Scenario5 Market Overview 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Market Dynamics 5.2.1 Drivers Increasing Venture Capital Funding and Investments in Blockchain Technology Increasing Popularity of Blockchain Technology in Retail and Supply Chain Management Simplification of Processes Along With Transparency and Immutability Lower Operational Costs 5.2.2 Restraints Uncertain Regulatory and Compliance Environment Limited Availability of Technical Skillsets to Implement the Blockchain Technology 5.2.3 Opportunities Rising Government Initiatives Extensive Use of Blockchain Solutions in Iot, Banking, and Cybersecurity High Adoption of Blockchain Solutions for Payments, Smart Contracts, and Digital Identities Increasing Demand for Real-Time Data Analysis, Enhanced Visibility, and Proactive Maintenance 5.2.4 Challenges Security, Privacy, and Control of Blockchain Transactions Opposition from Incumbents 5.3 Value Chain Analysis 5.4 Blockchain Ecosystem 5.5 Blockchain Associations and Consortiums 5.5.1 Enterprise Ethereum Alliance 5.5.2 Hyperledger Consortium 5.5.3 Global Blockchain Business Council 5.5.4 Blockchain Collaborative Consortium 5.5.5 R3Cev Blockchain Consortium 5.5.6 Continuous Linked Settlement Group 5.5.7 Global Payments Steering Group 5.5.8 Financial Blockchain Shenzhen Consortium 5.5.9 Culedger 5.5.10 Wall Street Blockchain Alliance 5.5.11 Other Blockchain Associations 5.6 Steps Involved in the Implementation of Blockchain Technology 5.7 Use Cases 5.7.1 Smart Dubai Initiative Uses Blockchain Technology for Smart Transformation 5.7.2 Id2020 Partnership 5.7.3 Blockchain Project for Supply Chain and Inventory Management 5.7.4 Adoption of Blockchain Technology Esolutions in the Estonian Government 5.7.5 the Use of Blockchain for Smart Contracts 5.7.6 IBM Tied Up With Walmart (US) to Track Pork in China and Mangoes in the Us for Ensuring Food Safety 5.7.7 Blockchain for Know Your Customer Compliance in Retail 5.7.8 Blockchain Technology for Automated Customer Services 5.7.9 Blockchain Project for Supply Chain and Inventory Management6 Blockchain Market: Covid-19 Impact 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Covid-19 Developments7 Blockchain Market, by Component 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Platform 7.2.1 Platform: Market Drivers 7.3 Services 7.3.1 Services: Blockchain Market Drivers 7.3.2 Technology Advisory and Consulting Services 7.3.3 Development and Integration Services 7.3.4 Support and Maintenance8 Blockchain Market, by Provider 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Application Providers 8.2.1 Application Providers: Market Drivers 8.3 Middleware Providers 8.3.1 Middleware Providers: Market Drivers 8.4 Infrastructure Providers 8.4.1 Infrastructure Providers: Blockchain Market Drivers9 Blockchain Market, by Type 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Public 9.2.1 Public: Market Drivers 9.3 Private 9.3.1 Private: Blockchain Market Drivers 9.4 Hybrid 9.4.1 Hybrid: Market Drivers10 Blockchain Market, by Organization Size 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 10.2.1 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Blockchain Market Drivers 10.3 Large Enterprises 10.3.1 Large Enterprises: Market Drivers11 Blockchain Market, by Application Area 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Transportation and Logistics 11.3 Agriculture and Food 11.4 Manufacturing 11.5 Energy and Utilities 11.6 Healthcare and Life Sciences 11.7 Media, Advertising, and Entertainment 11.8 Banking and Financial Services 11.9 Insurance 11.10 IT and Telecom 11.11 Retail and Ecommerce 11.12 Government 11.13 Other Application Areas12 Blockchain Market, by Region 12.1 Introduction 12.2 North America 12.3 Europe 12.4 Asia-Pacific 12.5 Middle East and Africa 12.6 Latin America13 Competitive Landscape 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Market Evaluation Framework 13.3 Revenue Analysis of Top Five Market Players 13.4 Competitive Leadership Mapping 13.4.1 Visionary Leaders 13.4.2 Innovators 13.4.3 Dynamic Differentiators 13.4.4 Emerging Companies 13.5 Strength of Product Portfolio (24 Players) 13.6 Business Strategy Excellence (24 Players) 13.7 Ranking of Key Players in the Blockchain Market, 202014 Company Profiles 14.1 Introduction 14.2 IBM 14.3 AWS 14.4 Microsoft 14.5 SAP 14.6 Intel 14.7 Oracle 14.8 Huawei 14.9 Bitfury 14.10 Guardtime 14.11 Digital Asset Holdings 14.12 Chain 14.13 Blockcypher 14.14 Symbiont 14.15 Bigchaindb 14.16 Applied Blockchain 14.17 Recordskeeper 14.18 Blockpoint 14.19 Auxesis Group 14.20 Btl Group 14.21 Blockchain Foundry 14.22 Alphapoint 14.23 Factom 14.24 Spinsys 14.25 Consensys 14.26 Infosys 14.27 Ixledger 14.28 Ntt Data 14.29 Stratis 14.30 Cegeka 14.31 Earthport 14.32 Right-To-Win For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/etes9t Research and Markets also offers Custom Research services providing focused, comprehensive and tailored research. 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