#rise up girls who just cant ask for help when they need it
c10v3r · 1 month
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my life is like a video game trying hard to beat the stage all while i am still collecting coins..........
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multifan2022 · 1 year
Fearless 3
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Four pushes a set of double doors open, and we walk into the place he called "the Pit."
"Oh," you hear Christina whisper nervously. "I get it."
"Pit" is the best word for it. It is an underground cavern so huge you can't see the other end of it from the doors at the bottom. Uneven rock walls rise several stories. Built into the stone walls are places for food, clothing, supplies, leisure activities. Narrow paths and steps carved from rock connect them. There are no barriers to keep people from falling over the side.
A slant of orange light stretches across one of the rock walls. Forming the roof of the Pit are panes of glass and, above them, a building that lets in sunlight. It looked like just another city building when passed on the train. One of the reasons only the people here and the higher ups knew where the entrance was. 
Blue lanterns dangle at random intervals above the stone paths, they grow brighter as the sunlight dies. People are everywhere, all dressed in black, all shouting and talking, expressive, gesturing. A group of children run down a narrow path with no railing and you can see the sweat rolling down Tris's face as she tries to not yell at them to be careful or stop. 
You know it's shocking, as an Amity transfer you understood the shock but she had to keep quiet. You were praying she would stay quiet. "If you follow me," says Four, "I'll show you the chasm."
He waves us forward as we approach the railing,  you hear the roar of water, fast-moving water, crashing against rocks. Sighing happily as Four shakes his head, the most dangerous place in the area is your favorite. 
You watch everyone look over the side. The floor drops off at a sharp angle, and several stories below that is a river. Gushing water strikes the wall beneath you and sprays upward. To the left, the water is calmer, but to the right, it is white, battling with rock.
"The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" Four shouts. "A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned."
"This is incredible," says Christina, as we all move away from the railing "Incredible is the word," you hear Tris whisper. You cant help but listen to their conversations, feeling the need to know everything about this girl who you are supposed to 'save'.
Four leads the group of initiates across the Pit toward a gaping hole in the wall. The room beyond is well-lit enough that you can see where we're going: a dining hall full of people and clattering silverware. When we walk in, the Dauntless inside stand. They applaud. They stamp their feet. They shout. 
A smile fills your face as you watch the transfers, the shock slowly falls off their faces and smiles replace them. You all move towards an empty table, Four and you sitting across from each other. With Tris on one of his sides, Christina next to her. A quick scan of the rooms tells you that Tori is still at the shop. 
You quickly pile food on your plate, more than you will eat but you know the tank across from you will finish it. You watch as Tris grabs a burger following your lead, but pinches the meat between her fingers, unsure what to make of it.
Four looks up at you before grabbing the ketchup and setting it in front of her. "It's beef," he says. "Put this on it." "You've never had a hamburger before?" asks Christina, her eyes wide. Taking an unladylike bite you roll your eyes as Tris looks down at her lap "Stiffs eat plain food."
Christina's eyebrows pull together, "Why?" She asks as Tris looks up, smearing the sauce on her burger while answering. "Extravagance is considered self-indulgent and unnecessary." Tris answers in a monotone voice. You look up at Four remembering how many times he said the same thing to you. 
Christina smirks "No wonder you left." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure it was just because of the food." The corner of Four's mouth twitches as he tries to not smile at your attitude. Tris looks at you thankfully, before slowly eating her food. 
Only a few more bites in Christina is talking again, testing the little patience you have. "So Y/n, where are you from?" Before you can answer you feel Fours leg brush against yours, when you look up you can see what hes trying to say. 'You don't have to answer them.'
You smile and turn to look at the recruits who are all staring at you. "Amity" you say smoothly picking up whatever drink it is Four poured you. You try not to laugh when all of their jaws hit the table. Stuttering over their words as they try to comprehend how you came from the gentle loving community. Four speaks putting all their questions to bed before they can start.
"Theres a reason shes here. Unless you want to experience it first hand I wouldn't ask." 
The doors to the cafeteria open, and a hush falls over the room. Without looking you know who it is, you can tell by the way the recruits act. By the way Fours entire body tenses, his eyes falling from your face to the table. You know what the newbies see in the man standing in the doorway. 
"Who's that?" hisses Christina, staring across the room at his as he marches his way over. "His name is Eric," says Four. "He's a Dauntless leader." She gasps turning back towards us "Seriously? But he's so young."  Four gives her a grave look as if asking if shes stupid before waving over to you "Age doesn't matter here."
You feel him sit down next too you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder before leaning over to whisper in your ear. "Ive been looking for you." It sends chills down your spine, he is the only person you truly hate besides your brother. You take every chance to fight him that comes your way, even if its just verbally. 
"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" he asks, nodding to the recruits. Four says, "This is Tris and Christina." You point your fork down at Peter "Thats Peter, we haven't been properly introduced to the other yet." 
"Ooh, a Stiff," says Eric, smirking at Tris. His smile pulls at the piercings in his lips, making the holes they occupy wider.  "We'll see how long you last." You see Tris wince but turn her eyes towards you and you roll your eyes and shake your head a little. Trying to tell her to ignore him. 
He taps his fingers against the table. His knuckles are scabbed over, right where they would split if he punched something too hard. Which he did, two days before you had gotten into an argument in the control room over how much involvement he would have in training. Like a teenage boy he punched one of the walls. 
"What have you been doing lately, Four?" he asks, his arm still around you even though you had pushed it off twice. Fours eyes land on it glaring before looking at Eric "Nothing really." 
"Max tells me he keeps trying to meet with you, and you don't show up," Eric says. "He requested that I find out what's going on with you." Four looks at Eric for a few seconds before shrugging and saying, "Tell him that I am satisfied with the position I currently hold."
"So he wants to give you a job." The rings in Eric's eyebrows catch the light as they lift. You smile down at your plate, knowing exactly which job Max wants to give him. He knows Four is a threat to his job, he also knows he wont take it until forced too. "So it would seem," Four says looking back at you trying to read how uncomfortable you are. You scrunch your nose at him  and chuckle a little at his protectiveness. 
"And you aren't interested." Eric says finally moving his arm from your body and leaning across the table a little. You see Tris lean away from him, Christina's eyes still locked on him 'God please dont develop a crush' You think. 
"I haven't been interested for two years." Four answers
"Well," says Eric. "Let's hope he gets the point, then." He claps Four on the shoulder, a little too hard, and gets up. When he walks away, when hes far enough away you groan and dramatically throw your head back. Thanking whoever was watching that he finally left, but also cursing them that he came over in the first place. 
"Are you three...friends?" Tris asks quietly, its like shes afraid to speak you dont know if your grateful for that or not. "We were in the same initiate class," Four says. "He transferred from Erudite." You finish sliding your plate with mashed potatoes and a half portion of green beans left towards him. 
"Were you a transfer too?" Tris says a little louder this time, causing the others to look back our way. You know he wont answer, and can almost see his walls slamming up.  "I thought I would only have trouble with the Candor asking too many questions," he says coldly. "Now I've got Stiffs, too?"
"It must be because you're so approachable," She say flatly. "You know. Like a bed of nails."
He stares at her, but she doesn't look away. Looking him in the eye is a challenge. Its yet another moment that shows her divergence. Another moment that shows how hard this is all going to be for you. "Four" You say lowly breaking his attention away from her, he looks back at you and nods when you flick your head to the side. Dismissing him without undermining his authority. 
But just before he walks away he says "Careful, Tris" in a tone that conveys he isn't done with whatever that was that was happening. Your eyes stay on him as he makes his way over to another table, the one with Zeke and Shauna. Both who wave at you before putting there attention on him. 
As you're watching him you're listening to Christina "I have a theory.. and that is... That you have a death wish." The two girls laugh and continue their conversation, but to you it isn't a joke. She doesn't understand the danger shes not only putting herself in, but all of you in. You don't even want to think about what would happen if they found out about her. 
Because if they found out about her, it wouldn't be a far leap to you. And if they found out about you, they would find out about everyone.. Anyone who was even slightly divergent would be in danger all because of one stupid girl. 
Anger rose in you quicker than you could get a handle on it. You stood briskly from the table grabbing both your and Fours plates and cups. Walking stiffly from the table, your breathing was getting heavier. You knew you needed to get out of the room, either to the gym or the parlor.
 You didn't meet Zeke, Shauna or Fours eyes as you practically storm from the room. The last thing you heard before the doors slammed behind you was Christina.
"Was it something I said?" 
You knew you only had an hour before you had to meet the group back down in the dorms. So instead of going to the gym where you would spend hours, or the parlor where Tori would ask too many questions, you went to your room. You didn't lock your door, knowing that one of your three best friends would be following. 
Most likely Shauna, and about five minutes later as you were changing into leggings from your jeans she walked in. Zeke was the only one of them who ever knocked. Shauna said it was because she had all the same lady parts, Four said it was because he had seen it all. Which wasn't the point, but whatever. 
"Ok Girl.. What was that? Did Four piss you off? Want me to sick Zekey on him?" She said quickly after shutting the door and throwing herself across your bed. You sigh, moving towards the bathroom to brush your hair up into a pony tail. You had to be careful on how you answered, you always did. It was yet another thing that was exhausting about your life here. 
"Those girls were just driving me nuts, after the stress of being in the city today I was just done." You say rubbing your eyes before leaning your hands on the counter. 'Arent you tired of lying to all your friends? ' That voice called doubt.. or depression asks silently in your head. 
Shauna is one of the easier ones to fool, Zeke a little harder but Four could read you like a child's book. You were grateful she was the one who came up, it allowed some of the weight to fall off your shoulders. Pulling your shirt off you stood adjusting your sports bra, then splashing cool water on your neck. 
"Want to hang out after you put the kiddies to bed?" She asks looking your way, even if she cant read you she can see the tension in your shoulders. 
You shake your head "Im gonna go for a run before I go to sleep, try to work out some of this energy. Gotta be on point tomorrow, I want to be the one to break that Peter fucker."
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crystlizabeth · 10 months
What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico‧₊˚.
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Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish x Garrick!blkfem!reader
Summery: After getting the HQ back LV and 141 decide to go out and party and get some drinks little dose Johnny know the girl he’s been eyeing all night is Gaz little sister. Oops!
Warnings: flirting, making out, suggestive, drinking, me trying to write a Brit accent! Not proofread!
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Fuck she was fine that’s all Johnny could think as he kept watching you, across the bar with some friends. Simon and Rudy telling him just to go talk to you that worse could happen is you tell him off.
“No fuckin’ way look at her she’s gorgeous!” Soap laughed when Alejandro joined in.
“Common hermano, when was the last time you got laid?” Ruby asked.
Johnny choked a laugh it been a minute but that just because work got in the way “you all act like I get no pussy!”
The three boys laughed, “mon Johnny go talk to the gal, because she keeps looking over here.” Ghost said drinking on his whisky.
“No fucking way actually.” His head whipped twords you and you where.
She had been looking over her shoulder giving him a toothy grin, turning her back to him her friend’s giggling as they talked to her. Her back turned to him he got a good view of her back her back dimples pierced a nice tattoo sitting on her back right shoulder, she wore some short shorts low rise maybe couldn’t tell and he could see the pink swim bottoms she wore the ties hanging out the sides her braids covering her top but but it was a white tank with the matching pink top. Okay yeah but he needed to finish this because that malt liquor was gonna give him the confidence he needed.
“Ima do it.” Johnny said standing up.
Ale and Rudy cheered him on as Simon laughed at the Scott. He had finally gotten to her, she had turned in her seat and he lost his words fuck she is “Wow..”
She let out a laugh “yeah? Ya like what ya see whit boy?” She smiled at him.
She was not from here that for sure, English girl huh.
“Yeah— sorry! I could help but notice ya starin’ gorgeous.” He chuckled.
“Im Johnny!”
“(name)! Lovely meeting you Johnny.” She smiled giving her friend a look having her move as she offered the seat to him.
“Whatcha drinking?” He asked.
“Malibu Sunset..” she laughed lightly, he laughed lightly with her.
“Cant take your liquor?” He joked.
She let her hand come to her chest acting offended “please I’m a big girl just don’t like the taste of it.”
He nodded ordering him and her a drink, she was even better up close her dark skin looked so good in the Mexico sunset as the outside bar lights hit her skin aswell, her gold hoop nose ring sitting pretty on her nose.
“Where ya from Johnny?” She asked taking as drink.
“From St. Andrews but currently living in the outskirts of London, what about you?”
Turns out you were also from London, maybe this wouldn’t just be a one night thing..
The two continued flirting with one another, them finally close to one another their knees touching. She let her hands run down his arms looking at him through her eye lashes. “Hope ya don’t got a girlfriend Johnny—thinking I’m wanting wantin’ ya to myself.” She hummed her tongue licking her bottom lip.
That made the blood rush to his cock, “luckily for both of us I don’t.” He chuckled.
He could smell the alcohol in her breath, the coconut Malibu lingering on her tongue.. he wanted to taste her. He let his hand touch her thigh squeezing it lightly.
“I think you need a soda.” He said tilting his head.
“Not even.. I could do one more sunset..” her hand grabbed the collar of his t-shirt pulling him in close.
“Wanna go for a swim.” She spoke her hot breath hitting his ear.
They was a women he had only knows for 45 minutes had him wrapped around her finger so he got up with her, his eyes looking back at the three men who only laughed Rudy giving him a thumbs up.
Johnny pulled his shirt Ofer his head taking his shoes off putting his socks in them taking his wallet and putting it in his shoe aswell, lookin up he sw her in just her swimsuit no shorts or tank and “Steaming Jesus..”
“Don’t keep me waiting, they’ll watch your stuff.” She said pointing at her friend who sat on the pool side.
Her hand reached out to his the cold water causing goosebumps on his skin, she brought him him closer placing his hands on her hips. Pulling him in deeper her face was close to his the whole time soon he felt his back hit a wall. “You can sit here is it alright if I’m on your lap?” She asked her voice all innocent as her fingers trailed up his biceps.
He nodded feeling her legs lift up placing themselves on either side of him now she was in his lap, he left his hands travel a bit lower his thumb playing with the stringed bikini bottoms his fingers grazing the curve of her ass. The water moved around them the music and all the people in the bar being heard in the background.
“This a’right lass?” He spoke feeling her lips grazes his.
His liquor finally starting to make things feel slower. He felt her lips finally touch his kissing him, Johnny let his hands grip her ass pushing her closer to him as they made out in the pool. Neither of them caring about all the people around.
Soap knows is he could have her right now he would. She tasted sickly of Malibu, not that he hated the coconut rum but fuck it tasted good off her tongue. He could feel her nails digging into his neck as they made out her soft moans heard only to him. He wanted her bad, he started to feel himself get hard all it took was one pluse and he could feel her grin through the kiss.
“Whats got you all hot n bothered Johnny boy?” She teased placing herself right on his erection. This made him have to take a deep breath his eyes shutting harshly.
She let her hips move slowly on his cock as their lips continued to move in sync with one another.
“(Name)!” A male voice could be heard, johnnys only thought was fuck hope it’s not a boyfriend. Which is a bad thing to think but common.
She looked up and so did Johnny “Kyle?!” She yelled, her body not moving off Johnny.
“What the fuck are you doing in Mexico? Aren’t you supposed to be in your fall tri not making out with some ass!” He yelled.
Then his eyes fell on Johnny and the way price and Ghots stood behind him holding in there laughter “No fucking way. You’re actually fucking me right now Johnny.”
“You know him!” She interrupted before soap could answer.
“Yeah I Fouking work with him.” Kyle yelled.
“Wait how do ya know eachother.”
“That’s my Little sister Johnny!” Kyle said moving over twords them Kyle reaching down pulling her up off him.
“Get off me ya ass! I’m grown and I can do what I please what the fuck are ya doin in Mexico huh?” She asked covering her chest looking up at her older brother.
“Working lets go grap ya shit!” Kyle said.
“Fuck off kyle ya not the boss of meh.” She sassed grabbing her sorts and tank.
“Lets go.” He said grabbing her arm lightly, “I’ll deal with ya later and your stiffi.” Kyle glared at soap, Johnny looked between the two she had stupid grin on her face as her eyes made eye contact wit Johnny.
Kyle grabbed her she turned her body a bit putting her hand up to her ear like a phone mouthing ‘call me’ giving Johnny a cheeky grin as he got out the pool.
He looked over at the four still there “no fuckin way that just happened.” Johnny said absolutely speechless.
“Well hermano what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico let��s just hope your friend Gaz doesn’t kill you on Mexican soil.” Alejandro laughs slapping Johnnys back.
“Ya almost fucked Kyles sister, shit.. I hope to see ya in the morning.” Price said laughing a bit as Johnny starting putting on his clothes.
Ghost had stayed behind with him as the others walked out, when picking up his phone he saw a pice of paper under it. ‘Here’s my number! Hope to hear from ya!’ Is read with digits and her name and last. Opening his phone he was some pictures little selfies of her with her cleavage nice and out must had taken them when he went back to the guys real fast to grab his wallet. 
Yeah he’ll be calling her see you at thanksgiving Kyle
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
A/n: part 2? because this seems like it needs a part to maybe
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slutfor-jjmaybank · 1 year
Prompt 41 and 42 with JJ sound delicious rn
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pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
warnings: 18+ content, smut, little plot, use of pet names, praise kink, fingering, dirty talk, grinding, p in v, spanking, unprotected sex
summary: you and JJ are in the chateau alone.
41."shhh, just look at me baby"
You go into the chateau seeing no one about and stubble across john b's spare room seeing JJ lying on the bed. leaning against the door frame you stare at him (definitely not creepily).
"Baby what are you doing" JJ asks snapping me out of gazing "just admiring how peaceful you look" You reply.
"well why didn't you come closer" JJ grins. "Didn't want to disturb you"
"C'mere, you can sit on my lap"
You walk over to JJ and he sits up on the bed and you straddle him, You rake your finger through his hair .
JJ starts placing little kisses along your jaw line making you melt into him."Mmm baby I've missed you" he says before starting to kiss down your neck .
JJ starts sucking on the sensitive parts of your neck and a small moan slips out of your mouth. Your hips start moving subconsciously.
JJ's hands goes to you hips making you grind faster making both your crotches rub against each other.
whines keep falling out as you try find more friction. You soon take of your shorts as they start making you feel restricted.
As you still grind against JJ, he starts rubbing circles on your underwear where a wet spot has formed. "God JJ I need more please" you beg.
"You need more huh well what do you want me to start you off on?" JJ takes of you top and unclips your bra in one quick motion. "Do you want my mouth" he asks while he catches your left boob in his mouth and starts to suck.
You can't help but moan at the feeling of him sucking at your sensitive nipples. JJ takes his mouth of your breast with a pop."Or my finger?"
JJ's finger starts to trail along you stomach before stop at your waist band.
"F-fingers" you pant just wanting something to help the heat coming from your leaking cunt.
You quickly slip out of the underwear and JJ's hand goes straight to circling your clit in slow movements in sync with your hips. You strip JJ out of his shirt placing your hands on his abs.
JJ runs his middle finger through your slit "oh god baby who made you this wet?. When you didn't reply he uses his other hand and spanks your ass twice. You whimper "you better answer me baby, who" "Y-you! JJ you" you shout.
He easily slides his digit into your hole moving at a fast speed and curling into you to get your g spot.
You cant help but keep moaning at the feeling. "fuck JJ I'm gonna cum" you panted. "your doing so well princess come on milk my fingers" JJ adds another finger still at his quick paste and it just sends you over the edge.
You leak all over JJ's hand "good girl" He removes his digits and take off his shorts as well as his boxers.
Sitting up on your knees JJ gets a line with your hole then you start to slowly sink down trying to adjust with his length.
You start rocking your hips back and forth grasping his shoulders getting to a good speed while JJ's hand go to your hips.
You start bouncing on his dick as JJ starts thrusting, and ever thrust you let out a moan with you head leaning back.
Just as your about to start quickening your speed you here the front door open and then close with the following words "JJ I'm back!"
Even as your eyes widen to the sound of John B's voice you don't stop riding JJ as your so close to cumming. You bite your lip to stop you from moaning but the feeling of JJ so deep inside you with ever thrust you can't help but whimper.
JJ grabs you jaw making you both have eye contact. "shhh, just look at me baby" JJ says. You lean your forehead on his catching his lips in a kiss to stop your from moaning in please. JJ take his hand to do rough circles on you clit making you spill all over his cock and not much long after JJ follows.
In the room all you can hear is heavy pants from both you and JJ. You rise on your knees slipping JJ's cock out of you and fall down next to him.
You can see you skin glistening "I need a shower" you say but before you can get up JJ wraps and arm around your waist and pulls you close. "stay here for 5 minutes baby" and he shoves his face into the crook of your neck.
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bookishgirl21 · 8 months
A whole new world
Azriel x TOG!reader
PT 2
AN: This part will mainly be some backstory, and of course Azriel scenes, hope you enjoy
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''Mamma ! Mamma! Come look what I just did! '' my mother's head pokes up from the berry bush she was currently picking from a frown present on her face ''Y/n my baby there is no need to shout, you'll scare of the little folk'' my mother scolds me as she walks towards where I am currently sitting by the river '' Now what is you wanted to show me ? '' l left up my hand and open my palm, my tongue sticks out in concentration, then in my palm appears a cluster of stars, I grin up as my mother , filled with joy about what I can do, but as I look in my mothers face my grin falls and my excitement slowly turns into confusion '' Did I do something wrong Mamma ?'' my mother looks me in the eye ''Y/n you must promise to never show or even tell anyone of this , do you understand me? Especial not your father. '' ''But why? it's magic you have magic and so the fae and they do it. why can't-'' ''Because their are really bad people right now ,who will come and take you away from me if they so you must promise to never show anyone your magic alright?" '' I promise Mamma''
I wake from my memory with a groan, I still remember that day, the fear in my mother's eyes as she realized that her daughter had magic, a very special and rare magic. I lift my palms together and summon the stars to my palms and a soft smile graces my face, I close my hands and make the stars disappear , I feel an old ache in my heart at the memory of my mother and how she had taught me in secret in our mountain home how to wield my magic and keep it hidden.
I stand up and head to the dresser to find something to wear when I find my outfit I wore when I fell into this world washed and clean, so i head to the bathroom and changed. As I finished braiding my hair out of my face there is a knock at the door and I hear Azriel's voice say '' I'm here to take you to Amren's apartment , she had a look last night and she found some books that may help you'' I feel some relief rising, I might be able to go home soon '' I'm coming'' as I open the door Azriel is waiting , he has a soft smile on his face , his hair looks like he has just been flying and I cant help but admire his face , how the morning light hits his eyes where I can see flecks of gold, he is looking at me to and I can a slight blush creep on my face as I look away. Azriel clears his throat '' We will have to fly to the apartment , will carry you-'' ''Fly?!'' I ask in shock ''Yes fly unless you want to walk 10 000 steps...'' I look at him my mouth slightly parted '' I think flying sounds better'' he gives me a crooked smile and leads me to a balcony ''alright I'm going to put one arm under your knees and the other around your back'' he look at me as if asking permission I give him a small nod as he lifts me in his arms and shots off into the sky.
I give off a scream as I wrap my arms around his neck and burry my face their, feel more then hear him laugh, '' it's alright I won't drop you, look'' I feel him say into my ear and as I slowly take my head away from his neck my breath taken from me, the city under us looks so beautiful , I don't know where to look. ''. The rest of the flight is quiet as I take in the city, it seems so peaceful that I wonder f we will have such peacefulness back home or if it still stands if Erawan has taken it already.
Azriel lands in front of a building and sets me down, and leads the way in. When we enter Amrens attic apartment and, it's a mess. there are things lying everywhere and the bed looks as if it hasn't been made since the dawn of time. ''It's always like this'' Azriel whispers in my ear, I look at him from the corner of my eye and give him a nervous huff of breath.
''So girl how is it that you came here to our world? '' I look at Amren who is sitting cross legged on a pillow by a low lying table ''We used wyrdkeys and then we jumped through a door and we started falling through different worlds and then I ended up falling into this world and now I'm here'' Amren looks at me and hums, '' well then make yourself usefull and start looking through these books , they are all I could find about world travel, and you can return to your master'' she says towards Azriel who only glares at her before leavng.
I look at the books lying on the table and pick one up that looks like one my mother had, as I start to read through it a memory comes up in my head.
''You don't understand the power this book holds, I can't just let you take.'' It was the first time in months that my father came to visit and this book had caught his attention '' I promise no one will read it but me Emalyn.'' my mother has her no nonsense face on and replies with a stern ''no'' my father was about to argue when he catches a glimpse of me from behind the door '' sneaking and listening to others conversations are we my little star'' he looks and me and opens his arms for me.
As I continue reading a chapter tittle catches my eye '' WORLD WALKING'' and as I read the chapter is talks about a fae Elder named Elias, who had the magic to open up a portal to other worlds, he was the one who had brought fae to other worlds, with this magic oh his, on the next page there was a picture of him opening a portal with these signs that looked almost like wyrd marks but also so very different. '' I think I might have found something, what do you know of this Elder Fae Elias? '' Amren looks up from her own book and says '' Elias is mostly a children's bed time story, that chapter you just read is the Adult version of the story'' '' could it not be true ? '' '' No, for many people have tried and drawn those marks of his and nothing has happened, as I've said it's a children's bed time story, I don't even remember bringing that book with me. Don't waste your time with that book''
As the day goes by we find nothing that would be able to help me home. The door opens and in comes Azriel '' Any luck ? '' he only gets two heads shaking as his answer. '' we should perhaps send a letter to Helion asking if he could not help us'' Amren says to Azriel, he nods and over a hand to me, I take it and stretch out. ''I will ask Rhys if he could send a letter to Helion tonight, good night Amren'' he says as he turns and I give the female a wave goodbye and head with Azriel to the House Of Wind.
We had dinner and all went to our own rooms for the night, as I sit in the bath I help but think back about the book and what my mother said about it. My mother had always said to me that I was never to touch any of those books she had in her bed room unless of an emergency, and when she died that night magic went away those books where no longer on her shelf and when I asked my father about them he said it was for 13 year old girls to worry about and I never had the nerve to ask about them again, though now I wonder if it was Erawan who had taken the books in hopes to use those marks instead of the wyrdkeys.
As I get out from the bath and get dressed I find myself walking to the kitchen for a snack but as I enter I see Azriel already there eating a cupcake '' oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to disturb your cupcake eating'' Azriel looks at me and says '' it's alright, you may join if you'd like'' he holds out a cupcake to me, I smile and take the cupcake from him ''Thank you'' we eat our cupcakes in a comfortable silence.
''You have some icing on your lip'' Azriel breaks the silence I wipe at my lips and look at him '' did I get it? '' he huffs a laugh and lifts his thumb to my mouth '' no here let me'' he swipes his thumb over my lip, his eyes are fixed on my lips as he continues to run his thumb along them. Hs eyes lift to mine as he leans in slowly, he brushes his lips against mine in question, my eyes flutter shut as I lean in , the kiss is soft and gentle, his hand goes and cups my jaw and I feel his tongue against my lips asking for permission, I grant him access and the kiss gets heated, he pulls back only to start a trail of kisses down my neck and as he kisses where my neck meets my shoulder I release a sound I've never made before and left m hands to his hair. He says against my skin ''you make such beautiful noises I can't wait to hear-'' then there was a sound of a plate crashing to the floor, I gasp , feeling embaressed to be caught in such position, I can feel the blush rising from my neck up to my face, my lips still swollen from the kissing.
It's Elain standing at the door a smashed plate at her feet ''Oh I'm so sorry for interrupting , I was just brining this plate back, I'll leave you two know'' as she leaves out the door the broken plate disappears. I turn back to Azriel, his lips are swollen just as mine, his hair messy from my hands '' it's getting late, we should go to bed, I have to get up early to help with training '' ''right yes of course , can I be present during training, I need to keep in shape '' Azriel looks at me blush evident on his cheek '' You are more then welcomes to join training, I'll get you early tomorrow before training so that you may get ready'' and with that he leaves the kitchen.
My dreams that night was filled with the story of Elias and his marks to travel worlds
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Maze Runner chapter two
Newt and fem reader.
Previous part
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You stand with the others, almost uninterested in antics of the boys around you. They all amused you in their own ways but on Greenie days their immaturity shines through. As the box arrived and you all.looked down at the boy inside. Just like every month a wave of disappointment sweeps over you at it not being a girl.
“HEY HEY HELP ME!!” The boy called to them. Gally pulled open the doors and jumped inside.
“Day one greenie. Rise and shine” he grinned, grabbing the boy by his collar and all but throwing him onto the grass.
“ I could use some help in the kitchen” Frypan laughed.
The boy looked around the others who were talking at once and you saw the fear in his eyes. He scrambled to his feet and started running.
“ Hey we got a runner!!”
You just stood and watched as he ran, Newt slid his arm around your shoulders as he laughed.
Between the boys they got him subdued somewhat and dropped him into the pit to calm down a bit. Later on Alby walked past you with a grin and over to the new boy.
“Hey Hey there greenbean Not gonna run again Pff good.” He laughed, “My name is alby, can you tell me anything about yourself. Who you are? Where you came from? Anything at all?” He asked with the same hope he had everytime.
The boy shakes his head, “no”
“Can you tell me your name?” Alby asked. “I-i-idon’t remember anything. Why cant I remember anything?” More panic starts to bubble in the Greenie.
“ It's okay. Hey relax. Relax. Its normal. Happens to us all. You'll get your name back in a day or two. It’s the one thing they let us keep.” Alby explains, patting Thomas in his shoulder.
“What is this place?” Greenie asks.
“Let me show you We eat here, we sleep here, we grow our own food, we build our own shelter, whatever we need the box provides, the rest is up to us,” Alby gestured to each place as he walked through the grass.
“The Box?” Greenie looked around himself.
“Yeah. It's sent up once a month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie. This month that's you. Congratulations.” Alby laughed.
“Sent up'? By who, though'? Who put us here'?” Greenie said as Alby shrugged his shoulders.
“That, we don't know.”
“Hey, are you all right, Alby?” Newt said walking up to them with you by his side.
“Green Bean, meet Newt and y/n. When I'm not around, he's in charge.” He pointed to Newt.
“Well, it's a good thing you're always around then.” You giggle and Newt nudges your arm.
“That was some dash you made earlier. For a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner.” Newt said to Greenie.
“till you face-planted.” You added.
“That was great.” Newt grinned.
“Wait, a "runner"?” Greenie asked looking at the blonde boy next to you. Looking at the new guy you figured he was around your age, seventeen maybe, he had dark hair that contrasted with Newt's. His eyes though, you're sure you recognise those eyes.
“Newt, do me a favour. Go find Chuck.” Alby breaks your concentration and Newt darts off towards the shelter.
The greenie’s eyes are locked on Mai Mai who had sauntered up to your side.
“Oh, this is Mai Mai. She belongs to y/n, kinda. They are our only girls in the Glade.” Alby explained, “y/n do you wanna check with Frypan if the food is on track?”
“Sure thing.” You say before wandering off with the tiger beside you.
“Look, I'm sorry to rush this. You came up a little late, and there's a lot to do. We got something special planned tonight.” Alby said excitedly. He shows Greenie up the watch tower where he was able to explain everything to him.
“We only have three rules. First, do your part.
No time for any freeloaders. Second,never
harm another Glader. None of this works
unless we have trust. Most importantly… never go beyond those walls. Do you understand me, Greenie?” Albys’s eyes were never so serious than when he said this speech. Greenie nodded, though his mind screamed to know what was out there.
You sat below the shade of a tree by the shelter and listened to Chuck going through more things with the Greenie. Every new kid was sent with a hammock and blankets so they were working on getting that set up.
“It's basically the same story for all of us. We wake up in the Box, Alby gives us the tour, then here we are.” He explains, “Don't worry.
You're already doing better than I did. I clunked my pants three times before they got
me out of the pit.” Chuck turns to see Greenie walking away from him.
“No, come on. Dude, where are you going?”
“I just wanna see.” He says back.
“You can look around all you want but you better not go out there.” Chuck warned.
“Why not? What's through there?” Greenie pushed.
“I don't know. I just know what I'm told And we're not supposed to leave.” He sighed. Greenie copies the act.
“Hey, Chuck. New Greenie huh? How does it feel to be promoted?” Ben laughed. You liked Ben, he was the fifth boy to come up and a good friend. Though he had once told you he liked you a little more than that, you didn't return his feelings.
At the entrance to the maze you see the runners coming back in.
“I thought no one was allowed to leave.” The Greenie said.
“I said we're not allowed to leave.” Chuck states.
“ They're different, they're runners. They know more about the maze than anyone.” you elaborate drawing their attention to you.
“Wait, what?” he asked.
“What?” Chuck drops his head.
“What? You just said "maze."” He looks at you then back to the entrance.
“I did?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Yeah.” Chuck nodded, “Where are you going?”
“What are you doing?” You say getting up from the floor and disturbing the sleeping tiger.
“I'm just gonna take a look.” Greenie started walking away from the shelter.
“I told you, you can't. No one leaves, especially not now. It's not safe.” Chuck scrambles to keep up.
“Okay, all right, I'm not gonna go.” He says and he stands looking out into the Maze. You remember that look, Minho used to get that look.
Just as you were about to start running Gally came bounding across the field and pushed Greenie to the floor. He stood over him.
“We gotta stop meeting like this Greenie.”
He scrambled to his feet and you feel the other boys running to see what was happening.
New tries to calm him down but Greenie wants to know what is out there. You step forward and Mai Mai makes sure no one else can.
“Hey Greenie, it's for your own safety, okay? We can't just let you leave.”
“Why not?” Just as he asked, there's an echo that ricochets through the maze walls. Everyone turns to it and an eerie silence falls over the gathered boys. Mai Mai comes up to your side then rounds the Greenie and pushes him out of the entrance way.
“What the hell?” Greenie says. You all watch as the walls.of the entrance begin to move, closing in on each other. Everyone started to disperse and return to their jobs as Greenie watched the doors until they were fully closed. Once again Mai Mai nudged at his waist and pushed him backwards a few steps.
“Okay, okay. I'm going.” He held his hands up to her and turned round to you and Newt, he had once again flung his arm around your shoulder.
“Come on Greenie.” He beckoned, turning you both away.
Frypan and Gally had slaughter the older pig and cooked him over the big bonfire. Frypan had used the vegetables to make up a stew. You loved that stew and always looked forward to Greenie day. After eating Gally brought a brand new barrel of his homebrew and the boys started drinking. These nights were the best, you all, for just one evening, could forget where you were and the people you'd lost. It was nice. It was a real home.
You look up and see Greenie sitting alone by a log.
Newt came up to you and pulled you against his hard chest.
“Hey.” He whispers into your ear, “what's up?”
You gesture your head to Greenie.
“He could do with a friend.” You say to him. Newt nods, presses a soft kiss to the side of your head and wanders over to the Greenie.
Alby came.over to you and sat beside you.
“What do we think then? Where should we put him?” He has led you. It had always been you and Alby that chose where people went.
“He'd be a good runner but he needs to get a bit dirty first.” You say.
“So with you and Newt then.” Alby says as more of a statement than a question.
Not too far away the normal games started and Gally was sparing with another lad.
Newt dropped down against the log.
“hell of a first day, Greenie.” He laughed.
“Here. Put some hair on your chest.” He handed him the mason jar of liquid. Greenie took a large swing and coughed.
“Oh, my God! What is that?” He laughed.
“I don't even know. It's Gally's recipe. It's a trade secret.” Newt chuckled.
“Yeah, well, he's still an asshole.”
“He saved your life today. Trust me. The maze is a dangerous place.” Newt's eyes tell the story of a frightened little boy.
“We're trapped here, aren't we?” Greenie asked.
“For the moment. But...you see those guys?
There, by the fire?,” he pointed to Minho and the others runners, “Those are the runners.
That guy in the middle there, that's Minho.
He's the Keeper of the Runners. Every morning, when those doors open, they run the maze...mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out.” Newt says proudly.
“How long have they been looking?”
“Three years.” He admits.
“And they haven't found anything?”
“It's a lot easier said than done. Listen. Hear that? It's the maze, changing. It changes
every night.”
“How is that even possible?”
“You can ask the people who put us in here,
if you ever meet the bastards.” He laughs again, “Listen, the truth is… the runners are the only ones who really know what's out there. They are the strongest and the fastest of us all. And it's a good thing, too because if they don't make it back before those doors close then they are stuck out there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the maze.” He explained.
“What happens to them?” Greenie asked.
“Well, we call them Grievers. Of course, no one's ever seen one and lived to tell about it.
But they're out there. Right, that's enough
questions for one night. Come on. You're supposed to be the guest of honor.” Newt jumps up to his feet, “Let me show you around. Come on.” the pair start walking back to the camp fire.
“And there we got the builders. They're very good with their hands...but not a lot going on upstairs.” He chuckled. “And then we got Winston… he's the Keeper of the Slicers. And we got two med-jacks, Clint and Jeff.”
He pointed at the two guys sitting close by.
“They spend most of their time bandaging up the slicers.”
“And whose she, why is she the only girl?” Greenie asked pointing his head your way.
“That's y/n we don't know why she's the only girl, but cross her and if she doesn't kill you the tiger will.”
“What if I want to be a runner?” Greenie asked.
“Have you listened to a word I've just said? No one wants to be a runner. And, besides,
you gotta get chosen.” He shrugs.
“Chosen by who?” at that moment the kid Gally was sparing with came tumbling out of the circle and knocked into Greenie.
“What do you say, Greenie? Wanna see what
you're made of?” Gally asked, the firelight making the thin layer of sweat on his forehead glow.
As they start pushing at each other you walk up to the circle. The boys part for you allowing you space. Gally knocks the Greenie to the floor and you see something change in his eyes.
“Thomas. Thomas. Hey! Thomas!” He gets to his feet once more, “I remember my name. I'm Thomas!”
“Thomas!” Alby shouts.
“Welcome home, Thomas.” Newt claps him on the shoulder.
“Good job... Thomas.” Gally smiles shaking his hand.
Next chapter
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @afalls14universe
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
2 - The Capitol Darling
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Part 3
Are You District or Capitol?
Pretty please leave your thoughts in the comments 🙏 😁 ❤️ Tag list ( send an ask in my ask box to be added ) @lemonluvgirl @virtualsweetsdreamer @emma-andrea1 @voiddylanobrosey @kmc1989
A set of doors opened on the train where I saw that Effie or my now declared mother had changed into a red dress and a bright yellow wig. Slumping down in the chair beside Katniss she sent me a weak look. "All right. Before we begin I've had a thought. Katniss has her gold Mockingjay pin. I have my hair. I'm gonna get you two boys something gold."
"Err..why is that?" My father asked, looking at Peeta.
She sighed before the young girl grabbed her hand smiling. "A token. Show them we are a team. And they cant just...Alright now. Everything will be different because it's a Quarter Quell. The Capitol has spared no expense. A new training center a new tribute living quarters and of course a very special arena. But this year you'll be facing other victors Capitol favorites. Smart cunning skilled. And they all know one another. You two are the outsiders."
"Make that three outsiders. The capital will probably kill me the second I enter the building." I huffed twirling a piece of my hair in between my fingers.
"That isn't going to happen!" My father and Effie both responded back immediately. They glanced at one another with an instance of silent glare.
Peeta and Katniss sent me a look. Neither of them knew what to say and I had no clue either. If Effie was my mother I had capital and district blood running through my veins. My father looked between the pair. "Can you two give us a moment alone? The three of us need to talk alone." They left the room before I sat upright in my chair.
"What is the matter with you, Abernathy? I knew I was right about this. You were a bad father with your drinking problems. I shouldn't have let you jump on a train and run off with her!" Effie began to go off on a rant shouting down at my father.
He sat his glass down on the table rising to his feet getting in her face. "I got my drinking under control when it came to her. Oh and tell me how you would have raised her. You would have dressed her up like the perfect capital daughter and never come visit and let me see her because it wouldn't look good on your reputation. But go right ahead and tell me how you would keep her safe from Snow!"
"Why you annoying man!" She stomped forward until I shoved my chair backwards, shoving myself in between the two heading towards my room. "Ariyne, where are you going?"
Flipping my hair around I throw my hands up stomping through a set of doors leaving the pair alone. "Away from the two of you!" It was the next morning by the time I came out of my room on the train. It had stopped where we all ended up heading into the living quarters. Shutting the door to my room I sighed sliding down onto the floor.
I keep replaying the reasons why he wouldn't tell me who my mother was and I can't find a reason I liked. The only thing that's certain is that I am more than likely going into the arena or something like that. Getting to my feet I grabbed a jacket deciding to go for a walk through this place. My father wouldn't be going over the tributes until later tonight. Glancing around the open room I was in awe seeing that there were twelve different floors and there was a bunch of nice furniture on the ground floor. Slowly walking I kept looking around until I suddenly collided with someone. "Woah watch where you're going, blossom."
"Hey watch out. You jerk..." I rubbed my head blinking my eyes seeing that it was one of the career tributes. My gaze trained on the guy in front of me where I was met with deep sea green eyes and messy bronze hair.
He chuckled flashing me a bright smile, getting to his feet offering me his right hand to help me stand on my feet again. "I wouldn't have thought the mystery girl for district twelve would have a temper on her. Piece of advice, watch your mouth around here."
"Thanks for the advice but I'm good. Now who the heck are you?" I asked, placing my hand in his allowing him to tug me up to stand.
He smirked down at me since I wasn't as tall as my father. My gaze locked onto the green orbs focused on me. "I would have thought your father would have told you about the famous Finnick Odair."
"Well he didn't so hi Finnick. I am Ariyne Abernathy and you can drop the capital charm. It ain't gonna work on me." Crossing my arms over my chest I sent him a snarky comment back. From what my father had told me about the careers he said that they were trained until they turned eighteen then they volunteered for the games. They were also very arrogant compared to the rest of us.
Finnick stepped closer moving his right hand up twirling some strands of my hair in between his fingers. I sucked in a breath hating to admit to myself that he was obviously attractive. "If you want to live the victor's life we could form an alliance in the arena. If you're interested you know where to find me." He walked away towards the elevator heading back down to the fourth level.
When I went back into our living area I saw Peeta and Katniss waiting on me with my father. "There you are, Ari. Where have you been?" He asked me to sip on a drink.
"Just on a walk. Honestly I am surprised that I haven't gotten lost in this place yet." I shrugged my shoulders sitting down on the couch beside Katniss.
My father rose to his feet with his alcohol glass. "I want you guys to forget everything you think you knew about the games. Last year was child's play. This year you're all dealing with all experienced killers."
"Alright. What's that mean for us?" Peeta asked their mentor.
My father added on. "That means you're gonna have to have some allies."
"Okay. I think that if we... " Peeta got cut off.
"You're not the problem." My father shifted his gaze downward to Katniss who gave him a glare where he sat down in front of the three of us. "Look you're starting at a disadvantage. Most of these people have been friends for years."
She fought back. "That just put us higher in their kill list."
He sat his glass down waving his index finger at the pair. "Do it your own way but I know these people. You're going alone their first move is to gonna be to hunt you down. Both of you....including you sweetheart."
"Katniss, come on." Peeta encouraged her.
"How could any of us trust each other?" Lifting my head up I heard her ask. I doubt trust was an option. They were forcing other people to kill each other and claimed it was the right thing to do.
Dad and I shared the same look before he got to his feet grabbing a remote turning on the tv screen. He started going through the tributes where I laid my chin in the palm of my hand. "It's not about trust. It's about staying alive."
"Finnick Odair right?" Katniss declared breaking me from my trance where I was about asleep on the couch. My eyes focused on the tv screen seeing the video footage of the district four reaping. The guy that I had bumped into was truly Finnick where he smiled a fake grin towards the camera.
"Yes. He won his game at fourteen. Youngest ever. Extremely humble." My father started talking again.
Leaning forward on the couch with my arms resting on my elbows I scoffed under my breath not buying what he was claiming of him. "You can't be serious. I just met him and I don't buy that for one second."
"Yes I'm kidding. He's a peacock. A total prainer. But he's the Capitol darling they love him here. Charming smart and very skilled in combat especially in water."
"What about weaknesses?" Peeta asks leaning forward after he scoots to the edge of the couch.
My father clicked a button on the remote he had in his hand switching to another part of the reading. "One. Mags. She volunteered for Annie. Mags was his mentor and basically raise him and he's trying to protect her in any way it exposes him." The video showed a young girl with light brown hair who was laughing before an older lady raised her hand in the air.
"A guy like that has to know she's not gonna make it. And what it really comes down to protect her?" Katniss responded back leaning back on the couch.
My father glanced in my direction where we all watched Finnick hug the woman where she pointed at the screen like she was giving him a warning to not show the capital that he cared about her. "Well Katniss I just hope when she goes she goes quickly. She's actually umm... a wonderful lady." Tilting my head to the side I felt sorry for him a little that maybe there was to him then what I had first seen.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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sammysficfactory · 1 year
Fixer Upper
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ex!postpt3!Jotaro x ex!blackcoded!reader
wc: ~2.1k words
summary: Five months after your abrupt breakup, Jotaro calls you to help put him back together again.
tags: exes to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: cursing, mentions of blood and needles
notes: tumblr deleted my acc so i’m restarting with my girl fixer upper bc i cant find my nanami fic, jotaro is kind of a jerk, this is very self indulgent, i made a few tweaks
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"You look good." Jotaro says, his eyes fixed on your hand stitching his arm. It's been five months since you woke up one day to find his side of the bed cold, empty, and unmade. Jotaro had broken up with you shortly after that over text. He said that the two of you just weren’t working anymore. Now, Jotaro is inwardly grateful for the hat covering his face, as it hid how unhappy he's truly been since he left.
“Thanks, you too.” You say curtly. The silence between the two of you was awkward and deafening. So many unsaid words hung in the air like fresh laundry. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t feel angry when you saw Jotaro again, but you couldn’t help it. Questions ran through your mind at a mile a minute. Why did he leave? What wasn’t working? Why didn’t he tell me in person? Too many questions in so little time, so you didn’t ask.
“How have you been? You know since…” you trail off, alluding to his abrupt departure.
"Fine," Jotaro grumbles. He looks down at his arm as you continue your work. He's so thankful to be in your presence again, to hear your voice, to know you aren't completely gone, like so many people he loved, but he can't let you know how much this is upsetting him. He couldn’t afford to be weak, weakness was unnecessary and time consuming. Weakness got you killed. Jotaro had to be strong, just like the people counting on him call for him to be. Even if it feels like his heart is crumbling right in front of him with every second that passes.
You sigh.
“To be honest? It’s been tough, but I’ve been pushing through.” You shrug. Jotaro’s heart clenches at the thought of you struggling in any capacity, but it hurts more because he knows he was the cause of it.
"You've been pushing through," he mutters, taking a breath and closing his eyes.
"You're tough." God, Jotaro thought. I feel like such a dick for calling her over here. But he didn’t know who else would answer. There was no one else who would answer.
“This one might sting, hold on.” You look up at him before making another stitch. He winces.
You wince, you never liked seeing Jotaro in pain. Even now, it hurt your heart to see him flinch or wince in pain.
“Sorry about that.” You finish two more stitches before rising from a hunched over position and stretching your back.
“Stay here, I’m gonna get you a bandage.” You walk over to the first aid kit you brought to grab a bandage to cover his arm. You come back to where Jotaro is.
“Give me your arm.”
"I'm already holding it out," he snaps. His voice is cold, but it doesn't hide the tinge of hurt he feels underneath. He doesn't look up to meet your gaze, and you wonder if it's his pride or his guilt that keeps him from doing so. Either way, he holds his arm up to you, his hand steady now that his body has processed the pain.
You sigh, already tired of the undeserved attitude you received, but you understood him.
“Please, not today.” You mutter. You wrap his arm carefully.
“I’m all done. Do you need anything else?” You ask, a small part hoping he would need something, anything else. Seeing and touching him in such a long time made your heart feel full again, but you knew that when Jotaro decides on something, you would have to go through hell and high water to change his mind.
"Nope," Jotaro says. The arm is wrapped in gauze, the bloody needle thrown away. He sighs, and suddenly, that small part of him wants you to ask him about his day, what he'd had for breakfast, anything. If you wanted something more, you knew that you'd have to be the one to broach the subject. To broach the subject of whether or not he wanted another chance. As it is, he's holding the door open for you.
“How was your morning?” You ask, clearly not wanting to leave his presence just yet, but who could blame you?
Jotaro narrows his eyes as he considers this, the corners of his lips lifting minutely.
"Fine." He's not quite sure what to ask you in turn, and he can't stand the silence.
“It could’ve been better.” ‘With you’, you wanted to add, but decided against it. You sigh, walking out of the door reluctantly, wishing he would say something about the two of you. Even now after everything, you’d still take him back. It sounded bad, but you felt as if the love you and Jotaro shared was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and you never wanted to give it up.
He watches you leave, and it takes all of his willpower to not call you back into the room, to say he’s sorry, that he’s regretted every moment he woke up without you next to him, to admit that he would call for you in his sleep sometimes only to wake up only to be hit with the harsh reality of his choices. But that would be weak, and Jotaro had no time to seem weak. Weakness was time consuming and worthless. The look on your face tells him that he's hurt you in a way he can't undo, and he couldn't stomach the idea of bringing you anymore pain and unhappiness by getting you involved with him again. Jotaro watches you go, waiting until you're gone to let out a breath of exhaustion.
As you walk down the hall, a stream of tears fall down your face. What was the point of it all? Did he bring me over to hurt me all over again? Before you knew it, you were already angrily walking back to his door, knocking furiously.
“Open this fucking door!” You say, tears rushing down your face. Jotaro opens the door with a shocked and pained expression before quickly masking it with his usual cold and nonchalant mask.
Jotaro jumps, then freezes.
"U-" he begins, unsure of what to say. He takes two steps back from the door, knowing you're a force to be reckoned with, especially when you get upset.
"What do you want?" he asks. His voice is cold and neutral, hiding the way his heart is racing in his chest. On the inside, Jotaro thanks whatever higher power that his voice didn’t betray him.
You walk in, pressing a finger into his broad chest.
“Why’d you tell me to come here, hm? Five months, Jotaro. Five fucking months! Not a word from you. All I got was a text saying that ‘we weren’t working’. What wasn’t working? What was the problem? You just up and left! You left me! You left us!” A mix of anger, pain, hurt, confusion, and frustration paint your features.
“That’s not fair Jotaro, and you know it!”
"And this is? What the fuck did you want me to do?" He asks, a bit incredulously. It's hard not to be hurt by your anger, even though he knows you have every right to be upset. Jotaro crosses his arms over his chest, but doesn't retreat any further.
"It's not fair for me to put you through all the stuff I did. The nightmares, the anger, none of it. I did it for you. You shouldn’t have had to deal with that, Y/N."
“But I was willing! I loved you- no scratch that, I love you despite all that! I thought we could’ve helped you together.” Your voice breaks.
“You don’t think I would’ve left if I couldn’t handle it? Was it me? What was it that made you leave?”
A part of him wants, no, craves to open his arms to you, take you in, apologize, and tell you that you'll make it through this together. But the greater part of him wants to keep you safe and unhurt. You deserve the world, but how can something so hurt and damaged give someone like you their love?
"It's not you, Y/N," he says, his voice quiet.
"It's all me. I didn't think I was worthy to have your love. I still don't." he says guiltily, almost as if he was a child who was caught messing with something he shouldn’t have.
“You don’t get to decide that! I do. I decide who to give my love to, Jotaro. I’m the one who deems people worthy of loving. And I deemed you worthy a long time ago.” You sniff, not as angry but still a bit hurt. You felt for Jotaro, his time in Egypt had taken a toll on him. But you couldn’t excuse his behavior.
He looks at you, your kind eyes, your understanding heart. And he sees himself as a broken monster, filled with rage and malice and despair, and he wonders how someone can love a beast like that. If he took you back, all his wounds would inevitably bleed onto you.
“Y/N,” he says softly, like you were something fragile he was terrified of breaking,
“You can do better than me. Why would you choose… this?” You grasp at his chest and shake him back and forth.
“Don’t you get it? I don’t want better. I want you! I want you, Jotaro.” A small, wistful, hopeful laugh escapes his lips.
“Why? Why would you settle for something like me? There are so many people who could love you better than I can.” He doesn't understand why you would want him, but by god, it feels like maybe there's a chance. A chance to try again, to start anew.
“Because I don’t know how to love anyone the way I love you. It’s always been you. I don’t want to have my pick of anyone else, I want you. In all your brokenness.” You move your hands from his shoulders and cup his face. “I love you, Jotaro. I couldn’t think to love someone else.”
He stares back at you, his lips parted. His heart is pounding in his chest, and every instinct in him is telling him to kiss you, right there, so you could see just how sorry he truly was. He doesn't do it, but his fingertips rise to touch your cheek, his thumb caressing the side of your tear stained face lightly.
"Y/N," he whispers, and the way he says your name tells you everything you need to know.
You pull Jotaro into a long embrace, kissing his temple.
“I don’t want anyone else. Just you. Just Jotaro.” You say quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me.
"Just me?" he asks. Tears prick his eyes at the thought. You would really put yourself through the ups and downs of dating a man like him? Even if your feelings for him are true, there are many times when he's cold and distant, other times when he's kind and loving. It was all worth it for you? He didn’t want to believe it, because that would leave Jotaro with one conclusion. He was worthy of love, and life.
You nod.
“Just you, forever.” You were willing to go to hell and back for him, and he knew it.
"Forever?" he asks softly. His hands cup your face, and he lowers a delicate but loving kiss on your lips before he can convince himself to stop.
"You'd really accept that deal?"
Your heart feels complete once again during the kiss, though Jotaro was a man of few words, but you understood everything he said through the kiss. You nod your head.
“A million times if you asked me to.”
"I don't know what I did to deserve a woman like you," he says, leaning his forehead against yours.
"But I'll take it."
A small laugh bubbles up your chest and comes out of your mouth.
“I love you, Jotaro.”
"I love you too," he says back. A million times over. He thinks he might cry from relief, but he doubts it.
You wipe the remnants of your tears from your face.
“I wish you would’ve told me this was how you were feeling, but I understand why you didn’t. Egypt and Dio have made you tough and closed off, but there’s still a softness in you. That’s what makes you human. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be Jotaro with me, I want you to be Jojo.” You say.
"I can do that," he says, a small and tentative smile gracing his face. He is Jojo, not Jotaro, and he's going to make sure you have no doubt of that.
"But you know what happened to me," Jotaro adds,
"I’m broken in a lot of ways. Are you okay with that?"
A soft and fond smile grows. You nod.
“I understand that, and I’m ready to love you despite all of it. I knew what I signed up for the first time I told you that I loved you.”
Jotaro blinks back tears.
"You were so easy to love," he says softly, "I still can't believe you'd put yourself through my hurt and anger and darkness because you love me."
You raise your pinky finger to him.
“We’ll get through it together, just like we always do.” You say with a soft smile.
He links his pinky, eyes shining with love. "Together."
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signedkoko · 8 months
hello! i would like a hazbin hotel matchup pls
ima straight woman, my mbti is estp and ima aquarius sun virgo moon and cancer rising if that means anythin to u lmao
im 5'0 (sadly 😭) and i have long wavy black hair w red streaks, i usually straighten it tho. idrk how to describe my style but if i had to id say like the stereotypical y2k grunge girl look (think tara yummy) im also rly into makeup n wear eyeshadow n big ass lashes like everyday 
im kinda all over the place personality wise, but most of the time im rly energetic and always making jokes n laughing, i also love partying n going out but i need to have sum time at home too or else i get burnt tf out, im always there for the ppl i care abt even if we aint that close if someone ever comes to me for advice or anythin i always help as much as i can, i also am very very anxious but i usually keep it underwraps unless somethin triggers it and i also have a lottt of trust issues n lowkey be thinkin everyone out to get me sumtimes
i honestly dont have a lot of interests, i rly love music fashion n makeup tho, i take any excuse i can to dress myself up even if i aint goin nowhere, i listen to almost any type of music but my favs are the weeknd, lana del rey, rob zombie, and stunna girl
in a relationship im also pretty all over the place, i love very intensely n i overthink a lot n need a lot of reassurance but i tend to focus on my partners needs a lot more than mine, but if my partner brings it up i wont lie to them n if the overthinking gets rly bad to the point i cant ignore it ill bring it up, im also very clingy n always wanna be w my partner or talkin to them in sum way, im very thoughtful n love spoiling my partner w affection n gifts (usually homemade cuz im broke 💀)
ik this is rly long i tried my best to make it as short as possible mb 😭 but i hope u have a great day n thank u for doing my request :)
You got…Lucifer!
No need to worry about height because you are both the same! If not an inch or two apart, His hat, fortunately, makes it seem like he's the taller of the two of you.
Lucifer is very...fashionable? Man himself, so he really likes seeing the time you put into your outfits. They are a lot less crisp and white than his, but what's more interesting than things he isn't? Your make-up is a lot more mature than his, though, so you have two completely different dressing and makeup areas so as not to mix up his bright colours with your shadowy palettes.
When it comes to people, he has plenty of trust issues. After his wife left him without much explanation, followed by his descent into depression, it takes a lot for him to really be open to people. This made a lot of your relationship-building quite awkward, which in turn made it funny.
He loves your laugh, and he's glad you enjoy jokes because he really has way too many to count! He's got a pun for every letter in the alphabet. Even if it isn't appropriate, if it means cheering you up, he will go to some crazy lengths. He loves it when you laugh at his jokes, and he will definitely get competitive with anyone who tries to compete.
Lucifer really could use your advice, and in turn, he has a lot of wisdom. Some of your longest conversations are those where you both sit in a quiet, dark place after a long day and share feelings, worries, and solutions. He's lived a long life and seen almost everything the world has to offer, and if you ask him for a taste of his knowledge, he is absolutely thrilled that he can be of use to you.
Dedication is what he feels. Lucifer has every love language and accepts any at all in return; he has everything in his grasp, so what you want is all yours. The fact that you are clingy is just a plus, because it assures him that you do actually love him and that he does actually get to enjoy his days with you.
Any homemade gifts you make are met with utter delight. All he does these days is craft rubber ducks, so you are free to venture into his workshop and use what you need to make your items. Lucifer believes what is made by an individual is the most vulnerable gift to give. 
Expect a lot of fast, loving emotions and busy days every day! Lucifer will make you feel loved and special, and he will make sure you smile at least once a day in his company.
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Author’s Note - Your runner up was Valentino! But if you ask me, Lucifer is a much better bet.
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rox-reads · 2 years
Hey, so I can't guarantee that I'll catch it at just the right time, which is why I wanted to ask you to please make another list of theories, questions and predictions when arc 7 ends but before arc 8 begins. You don't have to, it's just that I really like that part (specifically the Interlude) and I would love to see your predictions. You also haven't done one of those in a while.
ok here we goooo lets see what i can come up with
in light of the ending to the interlude, armsmaster makes a blunder while fighting the endbringer in an attempt to make himself look better and keep his current position. taylor/the undersiders end up fixing things (as well as they can)
brockton bay will get so fucked up during this conflict that the preexisting power structures are mostly thrown out the window (for example: coil doesnt hold as much power as he does now, making it easier for the undersiders to drop him). would be a good chance for the undersiders to rise up and affirm themselves as an independent group or align themselves with someone more patable (who even?)
alternatively, coild ends up holding all the power, and the undersiders feel coerced into accepting his proposal
faultline introduced the idea of a second trigger event a while ago. this could also be a chance for that to happen to one of our blorbos
related to the above, we could be witness to someone's first trigger event
about the endbringers, i get the feeling theyre more akin to natural disasters than "intelligent" beings (they probably have some degree of intelligence as they seem to pick their targets). maybe theyre kaijuus lol
people will die. its about time people start dying. dont know who, i dont think any of our kids will die (at least not so early on) but maybe some established heroes/villains
now moving on to the Thing hana saw for a sec
she said it feels like its dying, and also that its moving with a purpose. she also later says that she has thought of the idea that it could exist with no concept of the effect it has on mankind due to how big it is and how inconsequential humans are in comparison.
for now i want to propose that it does know what it's doing, although it likely doesnt understand or care how it affects people, and whatever it's doing is with the purpose of somehow helping it not die.
i'll bring up the incubators from pmmm: they created the magical girl system in an effort to battle entropy (delay the heat death of the universe). it's a harmful and coercive system, it creates constant suffering by design, and they deem it to be necessary.
they dont understand emotions and cant produce any, but theyre the only thing powerful enough to produce the necessary energy required for their purposes, so they take advantage of middle school girls and outsource the process to them instead.
i think this could be a similar situation where the Thing(s?) granting humans powers is doing this out of self interest, harnessing some quality of humanity in return that it can use to delay its death.
maybe whatever the endbringers are also originate from it? the destruction they cause generates more trigger events, more people awaken powers, they get more of what they need from humans (akin to the witch system in pmmm) and they target vulnerable places to make this process easier and more fruitful.
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princessdreamie · 1 year
DBH new ending part 4
When the weekend was over and the kiddos got to their respective schools, c and na got a huge group of studens swarming around them. C was pretty much used to it, as son of a very successful business man he had his fair share of fans and nosy reporters. Especially when he became a teenager. But na was not really as comfortable as he was. She was ok with her group of friends but now she cant even make it to her own table as the other kids push closer. Mi came to her rescue and ran with her to the teachers break room. In normal circumstances they would have been caught But luckily the teachers has a meeting somewhere else. mi asked her friend if she was ok but soon realized that her question was unnecessary. Na's face was pale and her hand felt cold. It was only then she knew that she needed to get her drops.
To her unpleasant surprise she couldnt find her friend's bag anywhere on her. She figured out herself when their classmates were swarming around Na, she must have had lost her bag somehow. Which was a real problem bc she had to keep a strict schedule for her day. Someone who would have met mi for the 1st time, she would come off as irresponsible or even crazy. But those who knew her best could count on her for anything if there was trouble on the rise. Thats why she was trying to find the fastes solution to help her friend. Mi couldnt ask her friend since she had only the strength to stand in her spot. mi texted her other pals to find her drops asap. Le and t recieved her messages and they got to work. The mob was already disbanded after they couldn't find na. le found her bag but the little bottle leaked out A lot of the liquid. As the little girl tells her other friend per text, the only thing she could think of was to call someone. Na was already sitting on a chair, bearly keeping awake.
Mi took her watch and opened up her contacts. She decided to use the last call she used, which coincidentally C's phone number.
C was sitting on his desk playing some games on his phone b4 his school subject was about to begin. But as he got a call from his little cousin, he got worried. She normally doesnt use her watch when she is at school. She was a good studend, and they had rules regarding mobile devices in her class. He picked up the call and he was met by a different but worried sounding voice. He recognized that this voice belonged to na's friend, mi. He had met her 3 pals at the party and they seemed like good kids to him. After explaining what happened, c was feeling very uneasy. Lv was in a different class. so telling him about it now will just waste time. Just like asking his superiors. By the time he or lv would get there, na would be already have collapsed. But he then remembered back then when j and k were talking with eachother.
It was way back when lo was picking on her and took her bottle. They thought that the best idea would be to leave one bottle in school if anything happens to her medicine.
C tells mi that and he ordered her to get to the school nurse. Mi was hesistand bc she didnt want to leave her sickly friend alone. Thankfully, to her rescue came in the form of T and Le. They would keep na company while she gets her the bottle. The moment she arrived at the nurse office the grown ups where about to dsimiss her. But the moment she mentioned the bottle they didnt waste anytime and got to the teachers breakroom. when they arrived the poor girl was already slipping into sleep. no matter what the 2 kids did she was not able to hold up her head. The doc dropped some of it on a spoon.
Miss trail came into the room as well, as she noticed that some of her students went missing. She was especially worried as she couldn't find na any where. After asking what had happened, the 3 other kids explained the situation. Miss trail was very dissapointed of her other Kids (Not the other 3, just to be clear) but was glad that na was not getting worse after she took her meds.
we then get some N stuff about her company. The smuggling problem got worse and they still wait for more leads. After a while she got a call from Floyd (Fl for short now). She was worried that he wasnt well but when he tells her baout the incident in bu and na's school she was confused. The director couldn't reach her on her phone some how so they had call his house phons instead. N needed to go to them now b4 they get in trouble. N tells her assistant to cancle her meetings for the day and rushed out of the building. Ct was already waiting at her front door as he got the same call from Fl a few minutes ago.
As they finally arrives at the day care they were met not only by the school staff but also other parents. Some of which were business partners from both, n and ct. These 2 had a bad feeling about it. And yes, they were right. Not only were they informed over the problems in the morning but also some other things they needed to be aware of. Ct understood why they called them for bu but not why they also had to talk about na (It isnt bc he doesnt like na but they normally get called in for their own kids). it was then they showed them footage from the moment na and mi ran away From her classmates. At first the 2 parents didnt know what they had to notice but when the director pointed out in a scene of what bu was doing. As it turns out, bu took advantage of the messy tumult and grabbed something out of a backpack. And not any bag either. He deliberately beelined to his older cousin's to fish out her bottle and, while not really visible, he turned the cab around just a little bit and quickly put it back inside B4 someone saw him.
They then heared everyone else stories where their son was becoming a problem. Their partners were especially furious after they heared form their own kids of bu's bullying. So not only was he endangering their niece but also getting more and more unhinged. N was trying to calm them down but they wouldnt hear any of it. Ct & N were really embarrassed by their words. Ct wanted to counter back many times but n knew thay would make it only worse.
After the parents left in a sour mood, the 4 left were the 2 stantons, miss trail and the director. He had to inform them that everything bu had done was already in his books and if he was to go to another school now or even if he would go to a normal school they were obligated to notify the staff b4 he was getting problematic.
n was trying to tell the man to consider an other way to solve it but in his eyes he had enough of bu's antics. right then j & k came from another room. They got a call way b4 they had and after seeing that they were even trying to stop the director from doing his job, they came to the conclusion that their daughter wasn't safe anymore in this school if their nephew was still allowed to be under the same roof with her.
n again tries to calm her best friend down but j was just to worked up over everything now. Not only was her baby in a bad shape but they got chewed out by the other parents as well just for being related to a brat like their nephew.
k defened his wife as best he could but ultimately had to just sit there and hear what they had to say. After asking where the kids where, they got to know that na was with lv's parents and bu with his 'partner in crime', lo. They even got to know the reason why lo stole her bottle that one time as well. Na's teacher handed them some files and visual proof what their son had been up to. Now both Of them felt extremely guilty.
They thought that bu would behave after they punished him but They were totally oblivious nonetheless.
Cut to lv and c
A few hours b4 n's and ct's arrival. na was put into Grant's car, c and lv were standing aside as they watched their little cousin grimace in her sleepy state. As his dad drove off and Lv started to yell at c for not telling him about what happened, while c just took his shouts like a champ. He learned that showing too much emotion would not help him in most scenarios. And that was one of them. Lv only found out about it bc his mom called him from work. He knew that they couldnt just easily walk out of school but he is related with her by blood and couldnt understand how he was not informed by his childhood friend. C apologized to his step cousin but he had to be quick to tell her friend about the Extra bottle and by the time mi was running to the nurse office the bell rang and he had to stay in class.
Speaking of mi, she and her friends weren't standing too far away from them and were discussing what they could do. T was not good at making plans or solutions but he tries to tell them to wait until their friend was our of the woods. But the girls couldnt just stand still while their friend was in pain. Le them had an idea. When fa posted that one video online, pretty much everyone's faces were visible. Thay included those 3 as well. After they checked their socials, friends requests started to flood in. A few of them were pretty sketchy but the requests they accepted are still actively reacting to their posts and comments. So le made a post with some of the photos she sneakily took from their teacher's folder. Le noticed that every time bu would come over, miss trail would keep a close eye on him and pull out her phone. To other children it might have looked like she was just texting someone but the little girl always found it suspicious. so, when their teacher left them alone for a few minutes, le would go up to her phone b4 is self locked and transfered some of the stuff to her own device.
mi was impressed by her friend's boldness while T was shocked after hearing about it. T wanted to stop them from posting the evidences but he was not getting any response from them. until it was too late. Their posts got published on their socials and it took only a few minutes until they got their first comments. All of which were about na and bu. While the ppl worried about na's health others wrote nasty things about her bby cousin. A few of them, most likely Stanton fan boys & girls, believed it to be fake or just some troll posting until others came forward to dismiss their reactions. Mainly kids from their class and their family members.
Na was still sleeping out in the car and really didn't feel great. Her head was layered in sweat and her hands still felt cold. Grant was driving His niece Towards fl's home but j called him as be was standing at a trafficking light. She asked him to get her to the Ferguson's. His reaction was expected. He was baffled at her request but she was very persistent that her daughter goes to them and not to their father.
He eventually gave up persuading his SIL and drove to the Ferguson villa. s already received an urgent call from her and s was waiting for them with their personal doctor. Grant was astounded by their commitment for na and her health. Se was playing in the living room, so he noticed the commotion at the hall. His nanny brought him to another room so that he wouldn't get in their way.
Back to we were with the rest of the family drama
While k kept arguing with his sister, Ct got a notification from a friend of his about the slander they received at the moment. The siblings stopped their shouting as they as well got to see what was happening. And they sure were shocked. The post from mi and le got so much atrention that the search records were about their children, k's new movie, n and ct and the controversy of how to raise a child to not be like bu.
n finally realized that this is what it must feel like to be a mother of a bad kid. She tried really hard not to admit it but she had too many encounters in the past with other siblings that they had trouble with to ignore it any longer. Ct was staring to feel the same. Miss trail saw those posts and recognized that those were her own files in the pictures. She was going to have a talk to the 2 girls after the whole fiasco is over but now they had to take care of this mess.
K was excited of how much attention his new movie made in that moment buy j barked at him that it wasnt the time or place for his ego boost.
back at the Ferguson's
s & grant (Gr for short) were talking to the doc as he explained to them that it was a very close call for the lil girl. S tnanked him for his work right b4 the man left the building. Ai texed gr asking where he is at. Fl was getting worried over his youngest grand daughter. Feeling a bit guilty, he told her what happened. Fl called him at that moment and demanded that he tells him why he would drivw her to that family and not to hers where she is safe. His voice was so loud that even S heared all Of their conversation. She knew that she shouldnt mingle with othe families problems but na was already close to her as well. And the fact they believed she would be safer with them while bu could be already there, that she could just scoff at. Gr eventually left for work but told s that he would call them later.
After a long time, na was finally waking up and realized that she was not in her school anymore. As she was trying to sit up she felt her hand being held. J was sleeping next to her on a chair while she clutched her daughter's hand. Na shook her mom awake and as the grogginess finally felt the woman's mind she hugged her child tightly.
When the 2 finally went downstairs, they were met by eric-who got to know about everything after he came home, s, se, her dad and n. To her surprise c was not present. But she was glad that n didnt take her son with her as well. Her aunt gretted Na with a friendly smile but she totally ignored her and asked where c was at the moment. That made the usual confident woman very hurt but she understood that she wouldnt automatically be a sunshine around her. Se answered her question that c was doing his home work still. but he eould come down eventually. Na was pretty sure the reason she was feeling uncoordinated had someting to do with but. Otherwise n wouldnt have come here in the first place.
N stared to apologize to her niece and expressed how guilty she felt after she got to know everything. E was jusy sitting in his chair observing eveyone. Na was not really effected by her useless Apologies. If she wanted to make it up to her she would have punished her son many times in the past or maybe Put him to another school. And she told her that and more. Na wanted to give her opinion to it but na was not done talking and told her that not only bu was being a brat but br as well. The girl tried her best to get along with her but br's entitled attitude about everyone and everything just made her keep her distance. Na defened her daugther, saying that this was not true. Saying that br was a smart and gentle kid. Finally E groant at her. N looked at him with disdain, asking if he had something to say to her. The Ceo started to tell her that she defended br BC she is her daughter. If she would have been someone else's, she would say the opposite. Na was appalled by his accusations. But k gleefully laughs and agreed with him.
It is true that he used to like br when he was still chasing after n but when he finally was having his own child, with the woman he loves more than anything, he looked back where br was not actually the best child to be around at. Like when c was beaten up by her and Fi. Back then he was not really attentive forwards his first born. But as he was getting Closer to c, around the time as s was very far into her pregnancy, he tried to make it up to c since both of them needed to help s with the baby and that required team work.
The 2 exes started quarreling w/ eachother. Their argument was so loud that even c could here it from his study room. The boy decided to take a short break b4 he pick up his work again. He wanted to wait for na to wake up as well but e told him that he needs to finish his home work first. he was expected to have perfect grates in all his subjects, but his worst school subject was art. Things like english, mathematics and sport he was great at. But with art he was basically doomed to fail. He barely gets a above average for music. Which was schocking to his mom since he liked to sing to his little brother with her.
Na was getting fed up with the whole family shouting at each other, thats why she decided to sneak away from the group to find c. Se noticed her going up. He tried to get his parent's Attention but they did not notice his feeble attempts. So he just pouts the whole time as he gave up.
na looked through all the doors hoping to find her step cousin. As she finally found him fast asleep on his notes he had on his desk. Sneaking up to him she glanced at the papers and saw that those were sad attempts of various shapes. The circles were wobblier than she used to mske and the lines on a cube have different distances. Needless to say, she was disappointed at him for doing it half assed. She shook c awake and he greeted her tiredly. C asked he if she was feeling any better. instead Of giving him an answer, she took a pen and drew something on a piece of paper.he still was not fully awake yet, so he was not aware of what she was trying to do. After be rubbed his eyes, he saw a Cute little sheep with glasses standing next to a Sports car the teenager tried to draw and a Speech bubble saying: 'i aaahhm beeeeggging my pardon, but were you even trying'.
c was shocked at first but quickly started to laugh at her silly caricature. it wasn't a good looking sheep but was still full of character. Na wondered why he had problems with drawing things. He was not sure either but he had to make Sure to make good grates. thats why he wanted to file on his shapes first, b4 he gets to objects and landscapes. Na offered him her help. He agreed but only so that the little girl wouldn't feel unappreciated for asking to assist him.
back down with the grown ups
It took everyone a while until everyone noticed that na disappeared. Na blames e for scaring her away. But he knew he better than her in that regard. Na might be quiet but not a scaredy cat. he just blankly tells his ex that she was probably sick of her presence and left to go play some where. S offered j to look for her while she stays with k. S searched for somentime until she noticed her son's study open. As she was walking through the door she was relieved to see her kid and na talking about something random. C noticed his mom straight away and asked if everything was ok. S gave him a quick rundown what is happening and he just inwardly rolled his.
while c still respected n, he was not as childishly infatuated towards her anymore as he grew older. When ever they met outside their homes or being invited to a place, he just kept it friendly between them but nothing more than that. He and little micheal only met a handful of times over the years but had no obligations to interact beyond a hello and good bye.
Fisher still hates him, and br is still not over his comment when she called that one night. He wasn't too bothered with it tho. C felt bad for his outburst but he was not going to take it back either. He held it in long enought and someone had to give her a reality check. Thats what he tells him self that is.
na's watch was setting off her alarm to take her meds and s asked c to help her with it. C led her to the play room for his brother and there they met ll sleeping in a play set kitchen sink. ll was happy seeing the lil girl but c grapped her away from na and tells her to get the bottle k brought with him. Ll saluted like a tiny soldier and ran out to do as she was told. C sat his cousin down on a tiny chair to relax.
After ll came back with the bottle, the teenager took one of the tea set spoons and dropped the liquid into it for her to take. Na thanked him for always looking out for her, even if he doesnt have to. But he just remarks that it was the right thing to do and not to worry about it. Ll was already laying on his on her belly site and tried to crack some jokes to lighten the mood.
ll was many things but a jokester she was not lol. But Se seemed to like her jokes so they didnt want to re program her just yet.
Cut to the stanton mansion
Ct was giving bu a scolding like he had never thought he would have in his life. br was standing on the side line. When she heared her dad shouting at her brother as she came home, the first thing she wanted was ro run up to ct to make him stop. But Ai held her up from it, wanting her to listen to it first. While apprehensive at her aunts suggestion, she gave in to her demands and watched her brother screamed at. As she heared what her dad was scolding him for her face became pale. She was not close to her girl cousin but she never wanted her to have something happen to her like that.
But bu wasnt reacting on it, which concerned the other 2 brothers in the house. maverick (wil be mv for short) got a call from an old friend. He left the room to talk. We will come back later to that but lets stay with the others for a while.
As the scolding continued ai asked br to go back to her room, after noticing the face she made the whole time. Wanting to get her mind out of things, br decided to catch up on social media, but all she was met with were ppl bad mouthing her and her family. Until she eventually came across le's and mi's posts. At first she wanted to make them pay for this situation. If it wouldn't have been for them, they still could have fixed it. As she was about to write a post a chat request came in. Lv wanted to talk to her. In person.
Cut to mv and his call
After he answered the phone he chit chatted with his friend who grew up as a psychologist and was very well respected in his field of expertise. The reason for his call was not just to catch up on his old buddy but to ask him if it would be alright to come over next week. And that bu could be present. Mv was not sure how to respond, so he asked if he could think about it for now. The doc who we will call, Stanley (st), understood his hesitation and granted him this wish.
after coming back to his brother and the rest, molly-who was with her youngest son on the couch, asked if everything was alright. He nodded with a half smile at her. When mo finally turned back mv whispered to his his brother about that he needed to talk with everyone in the dining room when their BiL was done.
After a good hour ct finally finished and told his son to go to his room and not come out until he tells him to. Bu was unaffected by this and just slanders up the stairs. Ct was at his wits end. Not only had he trouble to discipline his son but bc of his actions his work relations got shaken up as well. Gr told everyone to get to the dining room for a meeting. Fl was already sitting at his spot and was waiting them to take their seats.
Mv begins with rhw call he received from St. Fl was appalled by this. He gets agitated that St would just come out asking with something rediculous as if he knew what His son's friend was panning to do. but mv was not sharing his opinion. Mv wanted to wait for n to come back but knowing her she wouldnt agree to it either. But since her position of this situation was not beneficial for anyone involved given that her mother instincs would stand in her way to think clearly, he asked ct for his input. Ct thought for a good minute and dejectedly agrees to meeting him.
Cut back to br in her car
While the her aunts and unlces were taling with eachither, br got to her car and drive to the coordinates lv sent her. After a long drive to the place she was asked to come, br looked around the place. Lv asked her to meet him at a small apartment building. She was confused why lv would want her to come to this place. Until she saw him with a woman walking up to her. At first she thought it was miss trail but looking at her more closely, aside dressing similar to the teacher of her cousins thats where the similarities ended. The woman introduced herself as Cornelia (Co). She explained that her bf told her what happened and was hoping to help. Br asked who this so called bf thought he was that he could just talk about thier affairs as it was normal. Co chuckled telling her that he was very close to E. As he knew what she specializes on, the CEO asked her SO to give her a call. The only man she could think of that was with her uncle most of his, aside keith, was mt. They never really met his girlfriend so it could be true. But br still tells her to mind her own business. Lv asked her to be quiet, amd not cause a scene.
co tells her that she understands her behavior and that she wont take too much time explaining. But her boss, St, called her uncle already over it but she knew that br needed to hear it ouside her environment. Br waited for her to continue as she stood there bored. co tells her that bu needed to do some tests. Nothing too troublesome, just some normal psyche procedures. As soon as she stopped talking, br started to laugh at her (i bet she would do that just bc she is like that for real). telling her to kind her own business and leave her fam alone b4 she goes back to her car and drives off.
Co mumbles to her self that she wished that it was not necessary as they saw her dashing off the grounds. lv thanks her for her help but he already told her that she wouldnt have listened to them anyway. Co doesnt mind but tells him to go back home and that they will meet in a few days again.
Back at the Stanton's
N came home the same moment as her daughter did. N asked why she was out so late br gave a silly excuse and walked in the house. Br didnt want to tell her that she met with Lv and Co yet. Both said goodnight to eqchother and the teenager went into her room. While walking around the house, N heared voices coming from close by and got curious. As she walked into the dining room, she was met with surprised faces. Including that of her husband's. When she asked them what that meeting was about, they filled her in. As expected, n was not happy about this and refused. But was shocked knowing that Ct agreed to it anyway. After a long back and forth she finally caved in but not after a snarky comment about how much time they are going to waste on it.
After a few days
na stayed with the fergs for a while and she couldnt complain. The house staff were nice to her and she got to have some time away from bu. She still had to go to school but bc her cousin got expelled from school for a few days she was more than relieved. Not only na was happy about the news but also the others. Na apologiezed to her classmates for his behavior and for all he did to them. But they never blamed her in the slightest. Na might not be aware of it but even tho she is a quiet kid and not too social, she was by far the most popular in their school. Her friends knew that but they asked the other kids not to tell her for she doesnt like to be the center of attention all to much. And they got to see what they meant last time.
Bu sits at home in a grouchy mood. Lo called him a few times b4 they started school on giving him updates but all of it made him just more angry. He didnt get how he gets punished for a little prank and he told his parents about his grievance. Ct gave him a lecture b4 his mother could 'calmly' explain everything to him. After he listened to his dad he just went up to his room. He blamed na for all of it. And he had enough of this sick girl for a long time and in his mindset it was high time for her to 'get lost'.
Part 5 comes after a while
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fastinmultitaskin · 1 year
So its the full moon, I have been loosing it for awhile.
Eating disorder or a food addiction? This part of me has to go. This has to end. Tomorrow is the fullmoon in scorpio. As a scorpio rising I cant hear enough of the universe shouting at me to change. And there was a part of me who is uneducated and addicted to whatever it is feeling good at the moment. But I decide to leave this persona. I am above and beyond.And I will make the decision everyday untill I dont need to anymore!!! Fuck you old programmings. Fuck you matrix, I am strong as hell but I will not mercy you too when the time comes you little fucker.
I am consistent, Even I fail, I get up and try everyday again and again bitch. I transmute all of the shame u put on me and start again and again untill I fucking start to win and even then I will not stop I will come after you, you sickhead. You make me think Im sick and weak.At this point you are giving me all the power. I am going to be the best of me and I will help others to do the same. Even tho its hard, I make the better decision. I consistently choose the hardest just to beat your ass up. Me coming after your ass is giving me enormous amont of motivation. Whenever I have chance I am coming after you. Your patriarchy Im coming after you. Your limiting beliefs Im coming after you. Showing people who they are at every chance I have is my ultimate mission
—Super interesting thing happened;
I was writing this at the park, some guy show up, I smelled his alcoholic breath but still, I said Im not going to be judgemental. He said what am I doing and where Im living and he said he is a teacher, Im assuming he said that because he thaught Im a student because there was a library at the park and a lot of young girls. So I keep showing respect even tho the situation was super clear, and his intentions also but still we chat a little, I really thaught I can help him out about his alcohol use because he was pretty old. But he was deaf for the truth and insanely annoying. So I mirrored him and asked a few questions —I thaught he would get some realizations— He actually did. He said you are so radical, you only bring me evil and ran away. Literally LOL.
It is tomorrow, Im on my way to my interview. I have been binge purging for days. And the weird thing about it, it goes with a blink and this aint never good. Stay focused. Dont let them get in.
Today is the fullmoon. I got triggered as fuck. But I understand my mission even more as I keep getting triggered and realize this bullshit. I will come after you. And as I say that, the power it gives me. Change because this bullshit is annoying. Im changing, Im a moment in the matrix. And this is the new chapter. Bring ur trigger to the table. We are killing ed. We are killing patriarchy. We are 💅💅strong,we are beyond💅💅💅
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yabai-erasure · 2 years
2022 kpop wrap up
bro this year did not let up for a second
quick thank yous
wjsn chocome super yuppers thank you for making camp kpop again
fromis_9 dm was the first choreography i learned this year thanks for letting me be a sexy queen for a bit
taeyeon INVU music video was so aesthetically in sync with endwalker that it blew my tiny weed addled brain
pixy villain goth bitches rise up
twice celebrate yeah i cried when they renewed ok
dance class staples
viviz bop bop i didnt watch queendom2
ive love dive you already know
aespa illusion sluuuurp
b side spotlight
rocket punch in my world
red velvet bamboleo
purple kiss singles were ass but their bsides were gold
twice basics fuuuuck yeah dude
itzy racer vocal fry queens
wjsn done dont disband dont disband dont disband
fav post-izone project
i cant even tell you how much joy i get out of seeing most of the izone girlies thriving. yena, yuri, chaeyeon, and eunbi all made fantastic solo songs, wonyoung, yujin, chaewon, and sakura are tearing it up in ive and le sserafim respectively, and I even got peeks of nako and hitomi throughout the year. like, my tiny heart cant take it.
i loved eunbi in izone, i loved her when i watched produce 48 this year, and as a soloist in 2022 she absolutely impressed me. her icy voice and house instrumentals are just what i need and i thoroughly loved glitch and underwater
fav songs i changed my mind about
okay O.O literally had me by the throat until the let me be your super heroooo and then i lost interest. I think I had hit superhero mental saturation from existing on the internet for the last five years and hearing the word superhero was somehow the last straw & i was just like fuck this song. I was wrong dude. several months later, my bedtime edibles would hit and I'd be typing O.O into the youtube search bar multiple nights a week.
billlie gingaminga yo
I reluctantly got into boy groups this year
I got into kpop back in 2013 because the goth bar near me had a monthly kpop night. the bartenders were mean as fuck but made unbelievably strong drinks, and they would project the music videos onto a huge screen and my roommate and I would get sloshed and try to twerk to HyunA. It was a simple and beautiful time. but. the DJ who ran the event was such an unabashed EXO stan and we would spend half of the night drunkenly talking shit about her not playing enough girl group songs.
it makes zero sense for me to still have this chip on my shoulder, especially in a year where pretty much everyone agrees that girl groups dominated the industry, but I've been admittedly ignoring boy groups for the majority of my time as a kpop fan and it just started to feel unfair.
drag me for this but Blessed-Cursed got its claws into my brain. I was sick of not knowing what naega byeonhae meant. I liked doing the silly anime pose choreo during Thunderous. I'm like, vaguely aware of who the members of Seventeen are. wow. truly in my growth era. dont ask me about nct tho
who i'm watching for 2023
Fifty Fifty had a no-skip debut mini. higher is fantastic dizzying bubblegum pop, log in is?? cyber girl crush?? lovin me is smooth af, this mini is just so polished for a debut
CSR ohhh myyyy goddd are they filling such a sorely needed niche in kpop right now. I couldn't get into pop? pop the fuzzy effect sounded vaguely horror movie to me, but loveticon is wonderful I can't wait to see what they do next.
basically nothing i can say about these tracks, if you listen to them you feel the impact
le sserafim antifragile
ive after like
newjeans ditto
i hope 2023 is better for yall
kep1er good luck truly
itzy blink twice if you need help burying jyps body
loona unionize
closing thoughts
I got to see Twice play in new york and that was sick. thats all
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red-tintedglasses · 2 years
Flirting During Life-Saving Surgery 101
(TW for: general TW, masochism (implied), flirty murder, surgery)
Chapter 7/?
A large, clean-cut house is their destination. Jimmy leans his head against the headrest with a sigh. Usually, he would rather die than see Madeline, but this time, it's a life-or-death where the death isn't particularly glamorous or eye-catching. And who would want to die like that? He opens the car door and gets out and lurches towards the hard pavement. He stretches out his arms to balance himself, and he starts swaying, vomit rising in his mouth.
"Je$u$ chr*st..." Gregg slams the car door on his way out and leans Jimmy on his shoulder. "How the fuck did you even survive this long!?"
“I was doing just fine! I don't need your help!" Jimmy uses Gregg as his human crutch as they hobble to the front door. 
Jimmy raps on the metal, missing a few times. Then again, fist hitting nothing but air. And now Gregg pounds his fist on the door. It swings open and a small, 15 year old opens the door. She has her black hair up in a pony tail with two strands left in the front, like shes always prepared to be looking down at a mess of human gore. Madeline looks down at Jimmy’s leg and she moves aside to let them enter. “When did that happen?” she asks. Jimmy hums. “Maybe an hour ago?”
Madelime rolls her eyes and she leads them inside, to the tiled kitchen. "Please sit down on the dining chairs. I'll bring my medical kit shortly." She leabes the kitchen and disappears around the corner.
Gregg guides Jimmy to the chair and sits him down which Jimmy does with a loud, relieved sigh. Gregg leans on the counter as they wait.
Gregg ignores the phone's vibrating.
Gregg moves off the counter, the vibration reverbing throughout the room.
Jimmy doesn't seem to notice his phone buzzing with message after message.
"Jimmy," Gregg spits out through gritted teeth. "Your phone has been vibrating non-stop. Fix it before I fucking crush it."
“I didn’t notice, being shot in the leg is kind of more important don’t you think?” Jimmy sighs. He takes his phone out to find new messages from a contact freshly saved as Cyrus (tall killer ♡).
>Did you die? 
>I mean you wont respond if you are dead >But i wouldnt know if you were dead or just not a texter! @_@
>are you still bleeding? 
>if you still are at this point thats actually kinda embarrasing >:/
>ok your iced coffee thing from that cafe is okay
> …
>no its bad im sorry >~<
>that was mean i apologize :(
>ok im definitely rambling 
>ugghhhhh sorry 
>ARE you dead tho 
>if you arent then text me 
>or not if you dont want to 
>if you are dead then like 
>fuck i dont know
>Ouija me ig
Jimmy blinks in surprise at the long, rambly string of texts.
<bury me with my garfield collection 
>oh nooooooo!!!!!!
>cant believe you diiiiied!!!!
>collection of what tho
>like books or toys 
>what about your worms?
>WAIT WAIT sorry uh 
>are you still dying and being shot at
<nah i shot the cop, he was like right next to us and killed him and shit
<hes so dead and not alive
Jimmy doesn’t bother telling them how badly he had fumbled the bag, or in this case, gun.
>what thats it? 
>well thats no fun >:/
>expected more from Star Glasses Jimmy >wait wait omg! 
>so theres this girl right and she got 
>well lets just say she got punished >;) 
(Somewhere in the distance, Cyrus cringes at the winky face they sent) 
>and now shes all broken and shaking and had a panic attack
>all because of havng a bit of fun with her! >:/
>sorry rambling again 
>most people dont find the human psyche as interesting as i do
<mc fucking excuse me? 
<tell me more about this girl 
<is she alright? 
<and dont worry about rambling, im a fucking hot mess also.
>no she is not! :D 
>and dont worry abt her being okay, she can do her job just fine! 
>ooo you want to heat my silly rants about the mind and atuff? 
>yay! >w<
Jimmy smiles at the emoticon.
>okay, so
One long rant about hypervigilance and heart rates later, Jimmy understands nothing.
 >and next time you see a cop, we can meet up and put that pig through some hellish torture!! >:) I have many ideas for convienent torture methods as well! 
>Much more fun than a plain old panic attack like that girl decided to do, hehehe
>that is, if you dont get shot again •-•
<well hey give me the benefit of the doubt, i was bleeding out and the car was moving. 
<damn, you really fucked up that girl didn’t you?
>i did fuck her up! It was really fun too! 
>I got punched by her though :( 
>but it was worth it! 
>i hope your text was meant to sound proud of me!
>if not then your not as fun as i thought youd be~ >:3
>and here i was, offering to show you Cyrus's Convienient Torture Hacks for Instant Euphoria!
<have you seen my murders, id say im the opposite of fun ;)
>no, i havent seen your murders :(... 
>but judging by your tone i can safely say >that i'd love to watch you go to flesh-ripping town on some victims 
>we have very similar definitions of fun, >Darling ;)
>Look up ‘the artist chicago' if you like blood baths~
>why bother with googling? Theyll just be censored, at best just blurred 
>the public are a bunch of pussies! Like its just a bit of guts and blood! Ò_Ó
>and cmon, i could just whip up my own blood bath! 
>bet i could do better than you >:)
Gregg is reading over Jimmy's shoulder. He rolls his eyes with an infuriated sigh.
<gregg stop reading over my shoulder, i can see you dumbass 
<mr. Can’t Even Get the Cops off His Ass
<anyway, CYRUS you could never beat my murders darling
>id love to see you tryyy~
>who is gregg :?
>call me darling again and maybe I'll try harder,
>Sweetheart! hehehe…
Gregg groans out, "Oh my fucking god, Jimmy. What did I just tell you about oversharing?" He means it rhetorically only because he knows Jimmy forgot already.
“Why do you care so much, anyway? You're no fun…” Jimmy pouts. 
<gregg is just the guy who like saved my ass
<but hes so boring and hes yelling at me 
He sees the last text Cyrus sent
<call me sweetheart and i’ll rip out your eye balls and feed it to your neighbors dog
Jimmy corrects himself
<darling ;)
>well what would you prefer? 
>^^you called me that at one point i think
>perhaps even Darling! 
Jimmy holds down a giggle.
>But i am intrigued in seeing you again, even if you will rip out my eyeballs right after
>want me to go on?
Madeline comes back with a red duffel bag. She kneels in front of Jimmy and begins cleaning the wound.
<if you call me kitten, i will torture you in ways you could never even think of, honey ;)
<i am also 'intrigued' to see you again, maybe when my leg isnt bleeding out? 
<you never know, you might even find my address and just show up 
<i do that alot! The shock value is unmatched
>why not make it a fun game of leaving behind breadcrumbs and leaving me to pick them up and investigate them, huh?
>drag me around on a chain of red tape until i finally win? 
>lets see if you can make good on your winky-faced threats, kitten
(In their apartment, Cyrus is currently burying their face into a pillow and grinning like an idio).
<i hope you dont use your eyeballs much, love ;) 
<but im more into real bloodbaths and not boring old investigations
<if it makes you happy, i can add a couple of extra special hearts in my crime scenes for you~
>youll dedicate some of your bloodbaths to me? :0 
>thats not as scary as your trying to make it sound :)
>i do take it back though! Youre very fun. As a killer. 
>and im fun! As a torturer! 
>we should show each other the ropes sometimes
>and i mean that genuinely, kitten~ ;) 
>^^see that? Triple threat. Tilde, winky face, and calling you kitten
>try and beat that >:)!
>(i am being genuine tho)
Madeline starts removing the bullet with a pair of tweezers, her hand as steady as a senior surgeons. Jimmy winces in pain.
<im better at delivering my threats than giving them, darling, no matter now many winky faces i have
<and who said it was supposed to be scary? <i think theres a better use to your body when its dead
<your intestines could be some pretty nice party streamers, my ray of sunshine ;)
>anything for you sweetheart! 
(Cyrus whimpers, flustered and pleasantly shocked by Jimmy's 'threats'). 
>bet i could show you how great it feels to feel somebody writhe and scream and cry as you inflict agonizing pain upon them! 
>you can show me a thing or two as well, kitten 
>if you do then you can do whatever you please with my intestines. 
>just make sure im alive and aware for it :)
>Wouldn't mind my organs being taken if it was you~ ;)
Gregg sighs. "Oh my god, stop fucking flirting. Even Madeline can tell you want this guy in your pants, and she's dealing with the sinkhole in your leg!"
Jimmy’s face goes through the five stages of grief. “Gregg, please don't bring me into this,” Madeline says, not looking up from her work. “Oh, come on!" He huffs. "We'ree not /flirting/, that's how I /always/ talk!” He beams at Gregg innocently.
"Either way, /they're/ flirting with /you/. A lot. They literally want you to take their guts out. And /watch/ you do it." Gregg sighs and looks away from Jimmy's phone. "Can't fucking deal with this anymore..." he grumbles. However he clearly decides to continue dealing with it, because he doesn't move from his optimal phone-seeking position.
“I can't blame them! Did you see my gut dress? I'm practically an expert in that by now!” Jimmy laughs.
"God, no. I dont want to see whatever paraphilia this is in action while you two flirt like there's no tomorrow." 
Cyrus continues texting. 
>i am being serious about the delights of torture! >w<
>invite me the next time you get that itch in your brain for a good bloody hunt. >:)
Jimmy grins and Gregg groans again.
>i think i can make the euphoria last longer, kitten, in ways you cant imagine
>just like your fun little plans for me~
“But /Gregg/," he moves his head to wink at Gregg. "there /could/ be no tomorrow!” Madeline places the still dripping bullet onto a towel, which she wraps up and puts into a paper bag. She takes a needle and threads to sew up the wound with. “Jimmy, they are really flirting with you,” She comments before she starts.
"Yeah, exactly!" Gregg huffa. "And /she/ can't even see the fucking screen! And I /would/ say you're flirting back, too, if you werent such a hot mess of flambuoyancy! I cant even tell when you mean the things you say!"
“I am /not/ a hot mess of flambuoyancy!” He turns off his phone. Madeline cuts the final thread and admires her finished handiwork. She remains silent and watches the argument play out.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just dont fucking meet up with that guy, okay? For all we know, they're going to plunge a knife 8 inches deep into you!"
Jimmy goes silent and swings his legs on the chair.  “So… bad news. Its a little late for that!”
Gregg slams his palm against the back of the chair. Then he paces in a tight circle, once. Then he yells loudly into the ceiling. 
"C'mon Gregg, I already /told/ you how I met them!'
"Well, fuck me! You wanna be cremated or buried, Jimmy?"
“Why are you so worried!” Jimmy yells back
"Because even if it hasn't been hammered into /your/ thick skull, I know that /outsiders/ can't be trusted! Especially when they want you to vivisect them!" That last bit isn't actual proof, it just irks him.
“I'm sure they weren’t serious about it!” He’s pretty sure they are serious about it.
"God, you're a fucking idiot." He pinches his forehead like he's having a migraine. He can feel one coming on already. "How much longer 'til he's done, Madeline?"
“Oh, I've been done for a while now,” she says from across the room making tea. She had gotten bored of the arguing. "Tea, Gregg?" Gregg looks down where he last saw her. Then up at where she is now. "Oh. Uh. Sure. Jimmy?"
Jimmy giggles knowingly. “I'm good, but thanks, Madeline!"
Gregg makes his way over to Madeline. "I'll take some." She gets out two tea cups and pours in the deep brown liquid. “Do you want sugar or cream?”
"None. I take it straight." No he does not. Gregg is a coffee person and has never tried tea. •But how different can it be?• He grasps the cup like it's a mug. "Look, Jimmy," he takes a sip and turns to Jimmy. "Just stop flirting with them. Or at least don't let them entertain the notion that you'll go on some passionate killing spree for them."
“But I would go on a mass killing spree for them?” Jimmy looks confused. "I already promised!" 
Madeline grabs her cup of tea and pretty much fades into the background.
"Yeah, sure, okay! But don't!" Gregg takes another sip and grimaces from the taste. "See this look on my fucking face?" He points a finger at myself. That's because this whole thing with this Cyrus character reeks of backstabbing!"
“But why not? Murder sprees are fun!” He says offended “And you should meet Cyrus! They are a perfectly fine person!”
"Uh-huh, yeah" he slowly puts down the teacup and tries to lick the taste off from inside his mouth. "Go and murder, whatever. Just not for /them/. And I don't want that fucker's grubby paws in my life the same way they've got you sending winky faces and pet names and flirty threats every other text."
"Gregg." Madelike pipes up.
“/What/, Madeline?" He snaps, frustrated. 
"How does your tea taste?"
"Uh.." Gregg looks down at his tea. "Like shit." He grabs the counter, suddenly unbalanced.
"Please be more specific."
"It stings and has an aftertaste."
Madeline sighs. "Thank you. The solution is meant to be tasteless." She takes out a small cup of lightly-greened fluid. “Please drink this.”
"Uhh..." he squint and reaches for it. He misses the first time, and at the second try he grabs hold. He ingests the antidote. "What... was that?" He asks.
“A poison I'm working on. It still needs some work."
Now recovering, Gregg glares at Madeline. "You poisoned this and didn't tell me?"
“Yes, my apologies.” She has always spoken like she was before her time. “Don’t worry, it wouldn't have killed you, especially if you were my victim and you tasted it and understood your drink had been tampered with.” Gregg sighs and rolls his eyes. "Dammit, Madeline, you could have just asked!" He looks back at Jimmy. "Did you know she was going to do that?"
“She does that sometimes~" Jimmy smiles and shrugs.
"You should've poisoned Jimmy instead. It would knock some sense into him." Gregg huffs and goes back to leaning on Jimmy's chair. "And him being passed out on the floor would save us the misery of hearing some more shit flirting."
“If he asked for tea, it would have been him," Madeline says in an attempt to be comforting.
Gregg scoffs. "If we get him sober, maybe the collective hangover can kill him." He looks at Madeline. "Do you have coffee? Without poison." “I don’t think I've ever seen Jimmy sober. It /could/ kill him.” She prepares a cup of coffee and waits beside the coffee maker.
"That guy you were talking to would probably be digging medical instruments into you if they wanted." He says to Jimmy, continuing their argument. "Considering how excited they got over some traumatized girl."
“Well everyone has their quirks! And it was interesting! Even if I didn't really understand it…” He mumbles in Cyrus's defense.
"I think wanting to have their organs used as party streamers and traumatizing a little girl with practically /no/ violence goes well beyond a quirk! And- god, why do i bother?" He asks Madeline, "Can we leave now, or are there /more/ poisons you want to try on me?" He drawls  sarcastically.
“You can leave," she gives Gregg a disposable cup of black coffee. She leads them to the front door.
"Call me if you start coughing up blood," she deadpans her joke. "Or if Jimmy sobers up.'
“Thanks Madeline.” Jimmys says while Gregg rolls his eyes.
They walk to the car as Madeline retreats back into the house.
"I'll drop you off. I can go home, /finally/. Unless you want to do something /else/ stupid and get shot again? Cyrus was right about that, at least."
“Me being shot was not a part of the plan! And stop bringing Cyrus up. They're nice and you're just being paranoid.”
"Yeah, yeah. I drive, you give directions. And tell that prick on your phone to tear out their /own/ intestines! And die! In the middle of bumfuck nowhere!" He opens the driver's side and gets in.
“Why do you hate them so much? Jimmy continues the moment he gets in the car. “Are you jealous?” He giggles.
"I am old enough to be your father. The only thing I could be jealous of is a corpse so I wouldn't have to listen to you and Cyrus fawn over each other." Gregg starts the car. "The fact that youre all-too trusting of them gives me a horrible feeling that you'll fuck the Crows over."
“Gregg, why would I do that? The crows where the only people who treated me normal! They saved my fucking life!” Jimmy exclaims, now serious.
"I'm not saying you'll do it intentionally! Just for the love of God, keep your damn wits around you! You've never interacted with outsiders unless you were about to kill, so just try to /not/ share club secrets with strangers!" Gregg starts driving, heading towards town.
“Yeah, whatever.” Jimmy ignores him and stares out the window.
"Don't do that. What are you, fucking nine years old?"
"I'm not talking to you."
"You can't be mad at me! I'm looking out for the Crows! And so should /you/, by not revealing our entire foundation a guy you picked off the streets!"
Jimmy rolls his eyes. "I won't, Gregg, geez!"
"You /just/ were! What if they're reporting yoi to the cops because you confessed to beimg The Artist, huh? And they track down your messages to your precise location? What, then?"
"That won't happen!" Jimmy sighs, a dreamy smile plasteres on his face. "Cyrus is a very nice person. They sais I'm 'intriguing'!"
"God, fucking-" Gregg scoffs. "Fine."
Jimmy swerves around to face him, hands clasped over his mouth and stars in his eyes. "Really?"
"Thanks, darling! Now I can do whatecer I want without any conseauemces."
"Uh-huh, sure."
"Did Madeline poisom your coffee or something?"
"No," Gregg smiles, "it just tastes like shit. Besides, you'll never change your mind."
“Hey, darling," Jimmy giggles, "at least it wasn't poison again!” He checks his phone for messages, eager at the new string of texts from Cyrus.
>honestly i wouldnt mind popping up at your place unannounced ^w^
>would be fun to see that confident grin wiped off your face :)
>but a fun mystery game where i find you while you give me clues? 
>or getting to surprise you? 
>choices, choices! :/
Jimmy grins and texts back. 
<why can’t we we do both? 
<ill leave little clues at the crime scenes for you to find me ;)
>we shouldnt do both
Jimmy's smile falls.
>Id like to see again as soon as possible
>so why not just drop the theatrics, kitten?
<this ‘kitten’ stuff is adding up how many of your bones im going to break, hun. ;)
>i better rack up my numbers then, kitten!
>suffering violence under your hand would be a privledge~
>how many points do i get for other nicknames? :0 
>and you better live up to your own praise about your delightful crimes! I'll be on the lookout for any of your tricky lil clues~
>maybe i should do something to YOU every time you call me one of your sweet little pet names. Suggestions? ;)
Jimmy rolls his eyes and smiles at the text message.
<i promise. I live up to my self-praise.
<I hope you will get creative with your ‘punishments’ for me ♡
Gregg rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw to avoid saying something snarky. 
(Cyrus is almost sickeningly giddy and squeaks in delight at Jimmys response).
>I'll plan something special for you. 
>and dont worry, i'll save my most lavish punishments just for you, kitten
>'Sweetie pie' is strike one, i'll be keeping count
<dont disappoint me darlin~
Jimmy puts his phone away, but his thoughts still leech scarlet blush.
Gregg holds back venomous bile because he can't go back on what he just said. "Directions," he strains through grit teeth. “Oh," Jimmy's voice is distant, "I can find my way home, if you can just drop me off here,” he points at a random street corner, not even looking where it is and most certainly not close to his apartment.
"Jimmy, you just got shot, I'm not making you walk!" Gregg sighs, long and dramatic. "And I'm not going to drag you back to Madeline's if you collapse or something!"
“I'm fine! And besides how do /you/k now i dont live by here?”
"Directions. To your house. I dont care if its just a block away from here. I'll drive you up your front porch if I have to."
“Why do you care so much?” He goes to open the car door to hop out.
"Because I don't get points if a Crow dies on my watch."
"Wow," Jimmy rolls his eyes. "So noble."
"You're not walking with an injured leg."
Jimmy opens the door. “It's not /that/ bad, Gregg!” He sighs “I don’t understand why you care so much!”
"Because-!" He stops himself. Feelings were never his forte. •And I'd probably fuck up that conversation• "Holy shit, fine! If you're going to be such a pussy about it, you can limo home!"
Jimmy gets out of the car and shuts the door. He quickly disappears from sight, down the block and into an alleyway. A thick trail of glitter follows, fallen from some part of Jimmy's flashy getup. Gregg's eyes follow him until he disappears, then he starts the car and drives off. •Fucking idiot. God, I hope he doesn't get killed. He'd deserve it with all that recklessness. But, fuck, he better get home safe.• The city flashes by, bright neons and dark shadows. Gregg only seems to see the dark, obstructing his vision and bathing the car in pitch black. •Besides. I don't get points for a Crow death.•
The night air and the sudden calm beings out the intoxication that seems ro oermanently reside in Jimmy. The wall's texture screeches if he touches it, the night sky presses lile a blanket. But he recognizes the sky. And thw walls. He stops when he reaches telhe ens of the alleyway, where it opena up to a freeway in a plain. In the mid-distance, a flash of pink indicates where his dropped worm-on-a-string had been all this time. Like a perfect loop, he's back at the scene of the chase. And the cops are none the wiser. Through nighttime delirium, intoxication, and pain, he grins. He's won the battle. And he hopes he doesn't survive the war. •It wouldn't be as dramatic.•
0 notes
fathermarty · 2 years
Ten Points to Slytherin ✰ s.b.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
Pairing: Sirius Black x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes || No {@somebodystoleme}
Summary: "OK HEAR ME OUT. shy!reader x sirius black. the reader is a slytherin but once you get to know them (im a she/her but if they/them is easier then do it !!) they're super loud and funny. sirius and reader run into each other in their 6th year. sirius didnt know who reader was but reader did. but sirius gets infatuated with reader and always walks with her and everything (even tho they are a slytherin) HE EVEN SNEAKS INTO THE THEIR COMMON HOUSE TO SEE THEM AHAHAH I CANT 😭😭😭😭
add whatever u want i just need sirius black fluff :))) THANK U ILY"
Word Count: 2k
Warning(s): NOT PROOF READ, swearing, kissing, let me know if I missed any.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
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GIRL, HEARD YOU LOUD + CLEAR! I am a completed sucker for Sirius Black, actually for all Marauders. I love the concept of Sirius falling in love with a Slytherin, to me it is just-- *chefs kiss* I really hope you enjoy this, I love you too!
<3 Mar
You were on your way to potions, and losing track of time caused you to full-on sprint to the class. This isn't bad considering the Slytherin common room isn't too far away from the potions classroom -- if you were late for astronomy it would be a completely different story.
You turn the corner and make contact full force into someone's back, both of you tumbling to the ground.
"Bloody hell!" You exclaim rolling off the person you quite literally swept off their feet, "Black?"
Sirius groans and turns over to look at who knocked him down, and his breath catches in his throat. Staring at you, you push your h/c hair out of your face trying to give the boy a cheeky grin.
"Well ten points to Slytherin!" Sirius gives you a dopey grin which causes you to cock your head at him, confused.
"Pardon?" You ask before realizing why you were in such a such before, "Oh my Godric, I am going to be late for class. I will see you later Black!" You scramble to your feet, trying to pull yourself together before taking off to Slughorn's classroom once again.
"Yea uh, I'll see you later --?" Sirius realizes he doesn't know your name.
"Y/n Y/l/n!" You yell back smiling.
"Y/n, interesting." Sirius is still sitting on his arse, running through all the classes he has had with Slytherin trying to remember you. The fact that he can't think of any instance has him confused. Surely someone as beautiful as you he would have noticed.
'What class does she have right now?' He thinks to himself before he realizes that he too, needed to get to potions, "Shite!"
You arrive at class right on time, taking your seat to the far left of the classroom, breathing heavily. You weren't sure if it was because of the sprinting or perhaps the fact you literally tackled Sirius Black, one of the most handsome blokes you have ever seen.
"Alright class, today-" Slughorn is interrupted by the classroom door bursting open by none other than Sirius Black himself.
"Sorry I am late professor, I decided to kiss the corridor floors on my way here," Sirius scans the room until he locks eyes with you, sending you a wink.
"Very well Mr. Black, as I was saying I have decided to rearrange your partners in this class to help with toning down the distractions from certain individuals," Slughorn sends Sirius and the other Marauders a look before instructing everyone to stand up.
In pairs of two names are called with instructions on where to sit, you are broke out of thought when you hear your name.
"Miss Y/l/n, and Mr. Black, you two will sit over here," Slughorn gestures to a table, red rises to your face as you see the smug grin Sirius is wearing.
"Well if I didn't know any better Miss. Y/n, I would say that Merlin wants us to get to know each other," Sirius pulls a chair out for you and pushes it in when you sit down.
"Or maybe it is just a coincidence?" You suggest trying to hide your face which is now more than a light blush, you know you look like a tomato.
"Well princess, I don't believe in coincidences," Sirius winks at you before directing all his attention to Slughorn. This boy would be the death of you, and he hasn't even done anything to you.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Sirius enjoyed watching how red your face got when he talked to you, something about how shy you were around him made his heart flutter. He may not have known who you were a few weeks ago, but now you are all that crosses his mind.
"Oi, y/n/n, slow down love!" You stop in your tracks to turn around and face none other than Sirius Black.
"Y/n/n? Since when do you call me that," You ask and Sirius shrugs, and smirks when he notices the blush rising to your face once again.
"Since I decided to I guess, you are headed to Astronomy right?" He questions, even though he bantered one of your fellow housemates for the details of your schedule.
"Uh, yea I am," You answer, looking at the boy confused.
"Great, I have a free period I will walk you," Sirius grabs the bag off your shoulder and swings it over his own.
You stare at the boy as he starts walking toward the Astronomy Tower, "Y/n/n? You coming? I don't want you to have to run to class and knock another bloke off his feet, then I won't feel so special." Sirius winks at you causing you to scoff.
"Oh shove off Black, if I didn't know any better I would say that me knocking you down was the highlight of your life," You smile at the boy, something he found himself enjoying. The way your eyes crinkled and the dimples appeared made his heart swoon.
"Oooo, a spicy one, another ten points to Slytherin," You roll your eyes at the boys antics before joining him on the adventure to the astronomy tower.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The past few weeks you have found yourself accompanied by Sirius Black a majority of the time, except for at meals, but every other time he was by your side. The other Marauders were confused by his new behavior but decided not to banter with the boy about it. You were also confused, the moment he knew your name it was as if he was completely enamored by you. Not that you minded, Sirius wanting to know everything about you made you feel special.
There were a few times when the two of you were in the library studying quietly, something you use to do alone, and another girl would approach trying to start a conversation but he would shut it down.
"Can't you see I am busy?" He would say to them without breaking eye contact with you, winking. It was no secret he was a womanizer, but everyone was shocked when he seemed to change over night.
Professors even began to notice, y/n the quiet Slytherin accompanied by Sirius Black, one of the famous Gryffindor Marauders, an unlikely pair but somehow made sense.
Over time you became comfortable around Sirius, and he loved when you would talk about something you were passionate about. You would talk animatedly with your hands and argue your point even if there was no opposing opinion. It was something that made him smile, and when you noticed you were rambling you would stop.
"What?" You ask chuckling, trying to use your hair to shield your reddening cheeks from the boy.
"Nothing," Sirius says as he reaches over the table to push your hair behind your ears, he notices your face red again, "Another ten points to Slytherin."
You slap his hand away sending him a knee-weakening smile, Sirius told himself he would do anything in the world to keep that smile permanently painted on your face.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were sitting in the Slytherin common room, your watch read 3:23 am, you huffed closing your book in defeat. You were trying to study for your upcoming Transfiguration exam, even though you were confident you still wanted to study.
As you stare at the ceiling, you hear the portrait hole open. You snap your head over to see who else is up at this ungodly hour.
"Sirius?" The boy freezes mid-step, looking over at you. He wore plaid pajama pants with a Gryffindor quidditch shirt.
"Bloody hell, y/n/n. You scared the shite out of me," He chuckles before walking over to you and sits across from you with his legs folded in front of him, mirroring you.
"What are you doing here?" You set the Transfiguration book in your lap.
"Well, I knew you would be awake, trying to cram more information into that beautifully brilliant brain of yours," Sirius grabs the book and disregards it to the table beside you both.
"Sirius! I need to study!" You try to reach across the boy who just pushes the book farther away from your reach.
"Y/n/n, you are one of the smartest witches, you do not need to study!" Sirius laughs at your futile attempts to get the book.
With determination, you lunge for the book only for Sirius to grab it and put it between his back and the arm of the couch. Without thinking you crawl into Sirius lap trying to reach behind him, who with the new position forgot the book completely.
Once you grab the book you put it between you two smirking at the boy, who now wore a small smirk and eyes that were filled with an emotion you didn't recognize.
You realize you are sitting in his lap, "Merlin, Sirius I am so sorry. I didn't mean to - I was just -" You attempt to crawl off of his lap, but his hands find your waist to keep you put.
Your e/c eyes lock with his, and the red starts rushing to your face once again. Sirius moves on hand to your cheek while the other is still on your hip, "You look so bloody beautiful when you blush."
The grip on your book tightens, your heart beating so fast. Sirius smiles before dropping his hand from your face to the book. He gently takes the book from your grasp before placing both his hands on your face.
"Y/n, can I kiss you?" Your heart exploded, there is no denying that Sirius was attractive, but the fact he ask for consent to kiss you made him so much sexier.
"Please," You whisper, Sirius pulls your face to his. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure he could hear it. Your hands go up to his hair and he smiles into the kiss.
Sirius pulls away, looking at you with pure admiration. "I have been waiting to do that since you swept me off my feet a few weeks ago," He chuckles before placing a peck on your nose.
You smile before pulling him into another kiss, "Ten points to Slytherin," Sirius whispers against your lips with a chuckle, causing you to smile.
I am literally so soft for Sirius, he is such a beautiful person and you could never change my mind! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! <3
Requests: Open
Request Info: Here
Taglist Info: Here
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Cold As Ice.......
Pairing: ActorLoki x reader
Warnings: anxiety, nightmares, cursing, self esteem issues, self depreciation, angst
Summary: you spent the perfect weekend with Loki, but will things remain......
*nigjtmare/texts in italics*
Part Seventeen-
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Loki stood in the darkness. The wind whipping his hair, biting at his cheeks. He squinted, trying to figure out where he was as snow whirled around him. There was nothing but snow and ice.
"You will never save her, ODINson" he heard a voice come from nowhere.
"Whose there!? Show yourself at once!" He yelled into the darkness.
"She will never love you, monster" the voice sounded again
"I demand to know what this is about?' Loki yelled again turning around in the darkness. Suddenly, a pair of red eyes was looking at him. He stepped back, trying to materialize his daggers but they didn't come. "Who are you? What do you want!!" He yelled.
"Loki.......loki where are you?? I need you!!" He heard you calling out.
"Y/n!! Where are you!?! I can't see you!" He yelled into the darkness.
"You are unworthy of her. She is better without you, everyone is.."the voice came again.
"No! She cares for me, I know she does!" Loki yelled as the figure came into the light. "Laufey...." his eyes widened. "Don't you mean.....father" Laufey said.
Loki stood staring, speechless.
"How could anyone love you. All you offer is pain and destruction, you are nothing, meant to die" he said moving closer "You will hurt her, break her, you can't protect from what you are." He said.
"Loki please!!! I can't see you!!! Where are you!!" He heard you yell again.
"I demand to know where she is!! What have you done with her!!" He yelled at Laufey.
"It is not I that have done anything, it is you, odinson, who causes her pain." He said laughing.
"Do not call me that! I am no son of odin! Now where is she!" Loki yelled again.
"Loki!! Why won't you help me!! Why won't you love me!!!' He heard you again.
"You are alone, Laufeyson, and you always will be" Laufey said coming closer.
"No! Your wrong! She's loves me and i.......I love her!" Loki yelled.
"Will she love you like this?" He said grabbing his arm. Loki watched his arm turn blue, ridges forming up his arm as he tried to free himself. "No one can love the monster you are" he said tightening his grip, panic rising in Loki as he looked into its red eyes.
Loki gasped sitting up, sweat dripping down his forehead. He quickly looked at his arm, no blue, just his normal color. He ran his hands through his hair, getting his breathing under control. The nightmares were getting worse. He feared he would never escape who he was, he could never save you from it. He could never let you find out. You could never love a monster.....
You made it to the lobby at the usual time with Loki's coffee. Your were going through the schedule for the day when you saw loki round the corner, in his all black suit that drove you crazy. You couldn't help stare as he came closer. "See something you like?" He asked winking at you. "Oh....um.....sorry" you blushed and handed him his coffee. "Thank you y/n" he smiled. You headed to the car.
You were flipping through your schedule book and stopped as Loki's hand slide to your thigh and lightly squeezed. You looked over at him but he was looking out the window. "Loki...." you sighed closing your eyes. He leaned closer "be a good girl and continue what your doing" he whispered in your ear, then softly kissing your neck. "Umm, so........we have new equip...uugh....equipment on set......" you tried unable to concentrate as lokis hand made its way between your legs, rubbing you through your jeans. "Mmm hmmm" he hunmed nibbling on your ear. "Loki i....I cant.....ahhh" you sighed. "Be a good girl and keep quiet or the driver will hear you, we don't want that do we" he whispered. "No.....sir" you sighed.
You felt him unbutton your jeans and spread your legs wider. Loki slid his fingers to your core, slipping a finger in. "You are so beautiful y/n when your a panting mess" he whispered licking the shell of your ear. "We're almost there, are you going to come?" He asked his fingers moving as an abusing pace. "God....yes.....im......im gonna..." you panted. "Come now y/n" he demanded in your ear, and at his words you climax hit you hard as he slanted his mouth over yours swallowing your moans.
You got your breathing under control as you both sat up straight. He smirked at you "you were saying y/n?" He said looking at you. "Yes.........umm........I was saying we have new equipment on set, fog machines, that we need to be cautious of." You said clearing your throat. You pulled up the the set and he leaned over kissing you softly before he got out and held his hand out to help you out. He handed you his coffee "I'll be back" he winked and headed to makeup. You went into the trailer, setting your things down. "He's going to be the death of me" you thought to yourself as you headed to the back to get cleaned up.
Loki met you back at the trailer after he was ready, looking ethereal in his all leather costume. The way he carried himself was so confident. "You would play a great prince, ooo or a king!" you said smiling at him. "Why do you say that y/n?" He snapped looking nervous. "No reason, i just think you'd be good at it" you shrugged "your very imperial the way you carry yourself" you said smiling at him. "Oh.......well thank you y/n, we should go" rushing out if the trailer.
You and Loki sat on set waiting for the machines to be prepped and ready. His nightmare kept playing over in his mind. "Woud she love you like this....." "your a monster....." he absently started rubbing his arm. You glanced at him, he seems anxious. "Sir?" You said. "Hmm?" you heard as Loki looked at you. "Are you ok? You seem on edge today" you asked "yes....I'm fine" he snapped looking forward. "Would you like some tea?" You asked looking at him. "Hmmm...oh, yes please." He said looking forward again, you saw him rubbing his arm. "Did you hurt your arm?" You asked him reaching out for it. "No!....no, it's fine, just.....sore" he snapped pulling his arm away. You pulled your hand back looking at him. "Sorry.....I'll go get your tea sir." You said putting your head down. Loki sighed watching you leave, looking down at his arm. "I can't let her find out..." he sighed to himself.
"So what do you put in the machines to make the fog?" You asked one of the technicians waiting for Loki's tea. "Oh, its a mixture of heated water and liquid nitrogen, it makes the fog denser, it's pretty cool but the nitrogen is dangerous." The tech said. "Its around -320 degrees, so you have to be trained to handle it, and we have to keep it at a safe distance from everyone." He said pointing at the path around set they use. "Well be careful!! No freezing limbs off." You smiled heading back to Loki.
A couple hours later the director yelled cut so the fog machines could be refilled and checked. You were looking at Loki, admiring how he looked in his costume. You couldn't get over how the leather wrapped around him perfectly, accentuating his chest, his waist. How the leather pants made his legs seem longer if that was possible. And the cloak billowing behind him In the wind gave him an heir of royalty. He was mesmerizing. He was yelling something to the director about where his mark was as you saw one of the technicians for the machines walking closer to him.
He had thick gloves and goggles on along with a rubber apron covering his entire front. The container he was carried looked like it was......steaming...."Oh no, he's carrying nitrogen." You said putting your stuff down. he was within a few feet from Loki, headed to the machine on that side, you remember being told they needed to walk around to keep the nitrogen away from everyone. You started to hurry over to him to stop him when you saw him trip and the container fling towards loki. "Loki!!" You yelled starting to run but it was too late as it splashed all down his front, and he stumbled back.
You ran up to him, he looked like he was in shock. "Oh my God Loki are you ok?" You asked. He looked up at you eyes wise, expressionless. You heard someone call for the medic. You looked down at him to see where it landed on him, his hands were a deep blue, and you saw lines, you wanted to grab his hands but werent sure if it was safe. You looked to his chest, it seemed the leather saved his chest, but you saw dark blue marks on his neck where it splashed. He was staring at his hands "Loki! Loki look at me!!" You said trying to her his attention. He looked at you and you saw tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry y/n.....I'm sorry..." he whispered. "Loki, what are you talking about, are hurt?" You asked frantically. "I'm so sorry y/n, I should have told you.......I'm sorry." He whispered. "Loki....what are you...."
The medics came over and shoved you out of the way. You heard them say they'd never seen a reaction like that. You noticed his hands were still blue and it worried you, what if he had permanent damage. They took him to a trailer and told you to stay there and wait. It was torture. The worry eating you alive. "Y/n.." you heard the director call. "Yes sir?" You asked walking over. "We're going to shut down for a few days to make sure Loki is OK and get a new company in for the machines. So let Loki know ok." "Ok I will, thank you sir" you went and grabbed your things and headed to Loki's trailer. He wasn't there yet, and you weren't sure when he would he, so you took some paperwork out, nothing to do but wait...
You weren't sure how long you sat there, until you heard a car door close and a speed off. You opened the door to Loki's car leaving. "Hey! Wait!" You called out trying to get the drivers attention. Did loki leave and leave you here? You thought. Suddenly your phone went off.
I'm sorry but this isn't working out, you and me. We aren't right for eachother. I can't be tied to one person. You can continue to be my assistant but know I have no intention beyond that. Let me know if this arrangement is going to be an issue for you
Your head was spinning. You just spent the last weekend in heaven with him, for him to flip. You thought he cared, you thought you meant something to him. Did he use you like he used all the other women? maybe you really were nothing to him. And you felt your heart crack........
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @usagishira @kats72 @xorpsbane @daggers-and-mischief @jaspearl31 @asgardianprincess1050 @lokisgoddessofwar @a-lonely-gray-couch @cabingrlandrandomcrap @starwarsbabe3000 @misswimberly @daddylokisqueen @catalina712 @delightfulheartdream @sinsandguilt @lulubelle814 @el-zef @itsybitchylittlewitchy
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