#ripple leafy sea dragon
mushsect · 2 years
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.RPL (Ripple) [003]
The third member of the four elites is an artificial intelligence made out of an electric water-like material called hydrodex. Created in the form of a leafy sea dragon and designed to be an AI security system with the ability to turn into a more physical form with her own mischievous personality and tricks.
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foolishfoolsgold · 5 months
Immune system go brr
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A few designs I’ve done since I had this mutated brainchild back in October. I have others like eosinophil and dendritic but I wanna redraw them. I was still learning the way of the cell creature back then lol. Image IDs under the cut
[Start ID: The first image shows the AU design for U-1146. The background is white with a gray triangle pattern. He’s wearing his usual uniform, but he has a rounded, noseless snout, long ears without holes, and his one eye that is showing has black sclera and a round silver iris. His skin, turned cell membrane, is pure white with faint gray striped that resemble the markings of a raccoon. He has a tail with the same colors, it’s long, skinny, and has multiple lobes on it. Who on the very end, and a few dorsal lobes along its length. Again, like a raccoon, the tail has those faint stripes on it. He’s standing and staring at the viewer with his one visible eye, with his left hand in a fist, and the other gripping a silver knife. There’s some text next to his head that reads: “Only has one eye, and it can’t un-dilate so he always has that big sauger pupil we see in the media.” Another text box reads “Some raccoon inspiration because the official art makes it look like he has an eye mask.” There’s a piece of this official art in the top left corner of the image for comparison, and in the bottom right, there’s my watermark.
The second image shows Killer T Cell’s design. The background has an orange-yellow triangle design. He’s standing with his usual uniform, head turned and arms crossed. He doesn’t have bones, though, so his arms look more like they’re tied in a knot. He keeps his canon skin tone and hair style, but his membrane has dark blue markings that make him resemble a peregrine falcon. He shares the basic physical features with U-1146, except his tail is thinner and only has two small lobes on the end. His tail is yellow, like his hair, and has an arrow pointing from it to a picture of a banana flavored Snack Pack pudding package, noting that his tail looks a lot like banana pudding by humorously noting “Is it worth it?” Unlike 46, T’s hazel eyes are made up of multiple pupils that coalesce like a lava lamp, and this is true for all future entries as well. Again, there’s my watermark and an actual picture of killer t for reference.
The third image shows Macrophage’s design, and a cream-colored triangle background. Macrophage has large, frilled ears, and a darker cell membrane that looks almost like light coffee. She’s wearing her normal ruffled dress, but instead of legs, she has long tentacles without suckers, built almost like Ursula. She’s covered in white patterns with ripple-like stripes and spots, resembling a cuttlefish. With her right arm and one of her tentacles, she’s holding her signature cleaver, dripping with red blood, which also stained another tentacle and parts of her dress, and the other arm is held up to her face in an “I didn’t do that!” pose. She’s accompanied by a picture of anime Macrophage and a microscope photo of a real macrophage, reaching out with its “arms” to some bacteria. There’s a text box under it that reads: “like come on I HAD to make her a sea monster, have you seen real macrophages? Look at this bitch.” Another box reads: “lots of cephalopod inspiration, octopus-like build with cuttlefish markings and frills.” A final humorous box says “it’s ok she just had to refill the ketchup at McDonald’s,” referring to the blood.
The fourth image featured NK’s design with a green patterned background, as are the following images. She keeps her skin tone and clothes for the most part, but she has a centaur-like build. Her black tank top is extended to cover her chest and has short sleeves for her first set of legs, and ends with a belt around her midsection to her green shorts. She has green boots on all four of her feet, and her tail is black with green splotches, and has lots of lobes, almost like that of a leafy sea dragon. She has army-green spots resembling a cheetah, and she’s smiling and looking confident, with her left hand in a fist. She has her saber in a sheath on her back, and a brown bag secured to her belt like a saddlebag. There’s an arrow pointing to the photo of anime NK from a text box that says “there is something about this SPECIFIC png of NK that cracks me up sm and I don’t fucking know what it is.”
The fifth image shows Helper T, who shares many basic traits with Killer T such as bipedalism and a two-loved tail. While he still has the creature features like the big ears and rounded snout, he’s race-swapped as a black man, and has dark stripes along his arms and face like a peacock. His eyes are blue, and he’s holding a cup of green tea, dropping a cookie in it. There’s a small figure showing that his hair (flagella) are each coiled rather than straight.
The final image shows B cell’s design, which has a lot of bird inspiration. He has a longer snout, plumed tail and ears, and big flat lobes along his arms that look like wings. His eyes are silver md his stripes are brown and green, patterned like that of a blue jay. He’s also holding his antibody gun. A text box reads: “Bird boy! B cells were first discovered in birds and are named after the bursa of fabrics, a thymus-like organ for B cells that only birds have.” There’s also a note that says “face shape inspired by the Hilda bird because look at him,” accompanied by a screenshot of the raven from the Netflix series Hilda. He has a simple, completely black design with a rounded face, stick-figure legs and small wings. End ID.]
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
Even though In Scientia, Magicae is on hiatus right now, and likely will be for another week after this >> I thought I would honor my usual update date with a little SNEAK PEEK of what I have brewing for chapter 10!  (Hint it’s a dream sequence hehe) Symbolic dream sequences are one of my favorite tropes and favorite things to write so I thought I’d post this one up as a treat!  Also to promo the fic a little since in lieu of an actual update :T. SO!  Already read the fic?  AWESOME!  I LOVE YOU <3  I am dragon hoarding all of my readers in a comfy little basket like kittens I will dote on you forever.
New to it or curious?  Now’s a great time to catch up!  If you like fantasy AUs (And also Beauty and the Beast inspired ones!), vaguely steampunky worldbuilding (Which will factor in a LOT more in the coming chapters!), Monster!Jon, slow burn romance, and a weird treatise on the nature of magic vs. science in a fairy tale inspired setting!  Perhaps In Scientia, Magicae is for you!
Clicky here to head on over to AO3!
SMOL Sneak preview of Chapter 10 incoming!
That night, Martin dreamed again.
He fell.  He fell, freewheeling, once more through the boundless space that had not let him go just yet.  He fell in absentia of fear, as before, serene in the intoxicating cocoon of ozone and stardust.  He fell until the atmosphere reached up and gripped him in warm fingers of wind that tugged and pulled to anchor him back to the solid earth waiting below.  The lapis lazuli sky streamed around his awareness filled with hollow notes of longing that sounded long enough to hear the chorus once and only once, before it died a soft, muffled death atop the leafy crowns of a canopy of cobalt trees as he passed through them as naught but mist.  An echo of a voice without the voice.  Alighting on the flooded forest ground, barefoot, the mirror surface of the water rung like percussed crystal and rippled in pulsing silver circles outward where his toes touched down featherlight and afloat on the surface.  Martin watched the swells, transfixed, as they scurried away in thinly bright radials and promptly shattered into a kaleidoscope of fractured, resplendent carnage as they collided with another set.
Martin gasped, followed them to the four cloven-hoofed black legs from which they had originated, and looked up, stunned, into a pair of eyes fashioned from bleeding droplets of the aurora borealis.  Deep set into the featureless shadow of a stag woven through the pockmarked white birch, they left a dizzying afterburnt trail as it tossed its great antlered head, pawed the reflecting pool, and regarded him in noble silence.  Steaming, starlit mist coiled from the nostrils as its heavy breath reverberated the atmosphere from quivering flanks, invisible muscles tensing, waiting.  Martin’s heart skipped a beat and his mouth opened to call its name, but it fled from his mind and his tongue the moment they tried to form the sound and shape of it.  He frowned and put cold fingers to his lips.  He knew it.  It was just there, somewhere in the dark periphery of the twilit space between asleep and awake, but he could not dredge up even a filament of its creation to speak it into existence.
The stag shied back with a snort like the ringing of a bell, and bowed its head as if in silent apology.  Martin reached out his hand, skin glowing lunar white, and his voice a breathless whisper in his own ears.
The moment he pierced the sacred grove with the jagged edges of his human tongue, the stag startled and reared as if struck through the throat by a hunter’s shot.  The aurora eyes closed, leaving one last streak of pernicious jade green across Martin’s retinas and scoring out the shadow as it turned and bounded, fleet-footed and silent, into the woods.
“Wait-!” Martin called again, tears springing to his dream eyes, “Don’t go!”
Sudden panic rose in his gut, and the forest peeled open around him.  He was running.  There was no sign of the stag other than the painfully faint ripples in the liquid mercury floor that grew dimmer and further away no matter how hard he forced his legs to move.  He wove effortlessly around the wiry trunks of the trees, a brightly shining will-o’-the-wisp leading himself to ruin as he chased the trail of the stag to its extinction.  The forest ended when the fragments of light did, and Martin found himself suddenly on the precipice of a towering cliff overlooking a stormy sea.  The saline spray crashed into his face as lightning struck soundlessly on the horizon of the churning waters that roiled and tossed the light of a thousand stars and a thousand galaxies stretching in an infinity of purple, green, and blue fires.
Unknowable, unfathomable in their boundlessness and their multitudes, Martin could do nothing but watch them in their cosmic ballet while his body forgot to breathe.  Mote by mote, atom by atom, the gravity of the sea picked him apart and sucked the dusty pieces to its unseen singularity somewhere in the trenches beneath.  He lifted his trembling hands up, and watched as his fingertips faded and turned to a glittering mist of stardust before his very eyes.  They wafted out like smoke over the sea, unspooling him, dragging him with deliberate purpose into whatever it was that lurked beneath.  The same voice whispered directly into his ear.
“It is always watching…”
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firaknight · 3 years
Because Tumblr can’t do shit, I’ve been forced to remake the list detailing the characters for the Mer!AU, because I am convinced that it was swallowed into the abyss.
This list will detail the character’s name, their species (if they’ve been drawn or will be), their location (see: Gamble Ocean map), and their moral placement (good, evil, neutral, etc). If the species says WIP, it means I haven’t come up with something for them yet!
A small key for the moral placement:
Hero/Good Guy: Protagonists and heroes. The good guys.
Neutral Hero: Prefer to stay out of the mess, but will help the heroes if needed.
Villain: Name says it all. Villains and bad guys.
Neutral Villain: Prefer to stay out of the mess, but will help the villains if needed.
True Neutral: Will help either side without bias.
Territory Neutral: Want no part of the mess at all. Tend to be hostile if their territory is entered/invaded.
A check mark emoji will be placed after the character to show their design completion, like so: ☑️
Ok NOW here’s the characters:
🪐Adeleine, Half Human-Half Selkie (Leafy Sea Dragon merfolk form), Aqualore—Calenia Isle, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐Ribbon, Ripple Star Fae (no specific species design), Ripple Star, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐Kirby, Axolotl, Kirby’s House—Popstar, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐King Dedede, Manatee/Penguin, Castle Dedede—Popstar, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐Meta Knight, Shark, Cappy Town—Popstar, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐Queen Ripple, WIP, Ripple Star, hero/good guy
🪐Bandana Waddle Dee, WIP, Castle Dedede—Popstar, hero/good guy
🪐Chuchu, WIP, Cloudy Park—Ripple Field, hero/good guy
🪐Claycia, WIP, Purple Fortress—Seventopia, neutral hero
🪐Coo, WIP, Big Forest—Ripple Field, hero/good guy
🪐Dark Meta Knight, Ninja Lanternshark, Mirror Land, true neutral
🪐Daroach, WIP, Squeak Squad Ship—Prism Plains, true neutral
🪐Drawcia, WIP, World of Drawcia—Tabiku, territory neutral
🪐Elline, WIP, Purple Fortress—Seventopia, neutral hero
🪐Flamberge, WIP, Jambastion, true neutral
🪐Francisca, WIP, Jambastion, true neutral
🪐Galacta Knight, Sea Butterfly, Half Moon—Milky Way, territory neutral ☑️
🪐Galactic Nova, WIP, Galactic Nova—Milky Way, territory neutral
🪐Gooey, WIP, Ripple Field, hero/good guy
🪐Gryll, WIP, Dreamland—Popstar, true neutral
🪐Hyness, WIP, Jambastion, true neutral
🪐Kine, Sunfish, Red Canyon—Ripple Field, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐Landia, WIP, Dangerous Dinner—Halcandra, territory neutral
🪐Magolor, WIP, Lor Starcutter—Halcandra, neutral villain
🪐Marx, WIP, Cavius—Milky Way, neutral villain
🪐Nago, WIP, Cloudy Park—Ripple Field, hero/good guy
🪐Paintra, WIP, World of Drawcia—Tabiku, territory neutral
🪐Pitch, WIP, Big Forest—Ripple Field, hero/good guy
🪐Prince Fluff, Catfish, Quilty Square—Patchland, hero/good guy ☑️
🪐Queen Sectonia, WIP, Royal Road—Floralia, true neutral
🪐Rick, WIP, Red Canyon—Ripple Field, hero/good guy
🪐Shadow Dedede, WIP, Peppermint Palace—Mirror Land, true neutral
🪐Shadow Kirby, WIP, Rainbow Route—Mirror Land, neutral hero
🪐Susie, WIP, Access Ark, neutral hero
🪐Taranza, WIP, Royal Road—Floralia, hero/good guy
🪐Void, Shapeshifter (no specific species), Divine Terminus Altar—Jambastion, true neutral ☑️
🪐Yin-Yarn, WIP, Quilty Square—Patchland, true neutral
🪐Zan Partizanne, WIP, Jambastion, true neutral
🪐Dark Crafter, WIP, Seventopia, villain
🪐Dark Mind, WIP, Mirror Land, villain
🪐Dark Nebula, WIP, Prism Plains, villain
🪐Grand Doomer, Sea Serpent/Dragon, Another Dimension, territory neutral ☑️
🪐Kracko, WIP, Cloudy Park—Ripple Field, territory neutral
🪐Morpho Knight, WIP, location unknown, morals unknown
🪐Necrodeus, WIP, Necro Nebula, neutral villain
🪐Nightmare, WIP, Ripple Field/Popstar, neutral villain
🪐Haltmann, WIP, Access Ark, neutral villain
🪐Star Dream, WIP, Access Ark, neutral villain
🪐Zero-Two (02), Octopus/squid (Dark Matter), Hyper Zone—Dark Star, villain ☑️
🪐Dark Matter, Octopus/squid (Dark Matter), Dark Star, villain ☑️
🪐Miracle Matter, Octopus/squid (Dark Matter), Hyper Zone—Dark Star, villain ☑️
🪐Zero, Octopus/squid (Dark Matter), Hyper Zone—Dark Star, villain ☑️
🪐Dark Matter Swordsman, Octopus/squid (Dark Matter), Dark Star, true neutral ☑️
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kth1 · 4 years
Crosscurrents [Hoseok x Reader] Part 3
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Crosscurrents - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Genre: The Little Mermaid AU | Fantasy AU | Series Pairing: Mermaid!Hoseok x Princess!Reader Featuring: BTS Princes Warnings: Angst, fluff, rated G, sorry no smut, mentions of pain, eventual character death, it’s just a fantasy story. pining, angsty? W/C: 6.2k Summary: Hoseok is a carefree middle child among seven princes, each running one of the seven seas. With a curious nature to study the world above, he makes several routine visits to the surface, once even saving an alluring princess who he grows very smitten by. With a strong determination to meet his lovely princess, Hoseok makes a risky deal with the ocean’s enchantress to become human. Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait, but I am still very happy about this story. Now finals and my semester is over - I can continue updating. Thank you all who support me. Portions of the fic is unedited. 🐚🧜‍♂️
Credits: Story includes strong elements from Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Little Mermaid’; Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’; and Michiko Yokote’s manga ‘Mermaid Melody’.
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Hoseok felt foolish pulling that stunt in front of everyone. He felt like he tainted a good day with doing something so stupid. Once the party returned home, Hoseok straightaway moved his body along the perimeter of the palace. Finding the marble staircase that descended down to the beach where the ocean laid.
He knew the initial contact of the ocean will help him much faster. Stepping down into the first crested wave that touched his feet, he almost felt the immense pleasure of vibrating liberation. The water quivered his knees to bend, landing into a kneeling position into the shallow bay. As long as he was in the water, he was better.
“Aqua?” A bittersweet voice yelled out. “Aqua, where did you go?”
There was no reason to try to grab the princess’s attention, for he cannot yell back. So, he sat still, basking in the waves that drew up to his waist and sank back into the sea.
“Hey… what’s the matter?” The princess’s voice was soft as she stood behind Hoseok. She was confused how come the man was drenching his clothes in the tide. Why was he sitting down in the sand…
Hoseok hung his head, hair falling around his profile. There was no way he can explain everything he wants to talk about. There wasn’t any gestures or sign language that could come up with the answers for Y/n either.
A pair of feet showed up within Hoseok’s peripheral, they mushed into the wet sand. With surprise Hoseok looked up to see Y/n staring down at him curiously. Her wide shining eyes connected back with his.
“You must enjoy the water a lot.” She sighs, lifting the skirt of her dress a bit higher just in time for the tide to rise up around her ankles. “I like it too.”
There was a bubbling of excitement forming within Hoseok’s stomach. Relatively it would be the feeling of butterflies fluttering around, feeling lighter. He watched her gaze focus out towards the sea that stretched far and wide.
“In all the times I have visited other kingdoms, my mind never has changed about these waters. They are my favorite. Nothing could compare.” The princess’s face remained firm, her voice spoke earnestly.
Hoseok couldn’t help the corners of his lips from upturning, he felt the immense emotions of satisfaction. These were his waters. This was his sea. And she loved it the most.
When Hoseok stared off into the distance, he noticed something treading below the water. A ripple of waves lingered over to the side, a green figure popping its head out – Kiko!?
Erratically Hoseok thrusted himself forward into the waves, causing a splash and frantic waving of arms. He wasn’t sure why Kiko was levitated herself above water, so easily to be seen. And completely uncommon for a seahorse to be found this close to the shore. Hoseok’s poor attempt to shoo away his buddy failed completely, instead she swiftly made her way to him. Uttering out apologies and apologies.
Only Hoseok, who is still somewhat part-fish, can understand Kiko clear as day. But the princess didn’t, her ears weren’t trained or spelled with gifted hearing for creatures of the underwater realms.
The princess gawked down at the leafy creature now swiveling itself around Hoseok in patterns, but to her it looked like the creature was trying to play with him. “Is that a sea horse?! It’s so pretty!” She bit her lip, almost attempted to step further into the water but refused to get her dress wet.
Hoseok’s alarmed face met hers, shyly nodded to her as he couldn’t explain anything. Just toying around the leaves of Kiko’s fins.
As the princess stared in wonder, pressing her curiosity further, Hoseok can all but listen to the pleading expressions of regret from Kiko. He gave her a dirty glance, a look of ‘what the clams are you talking about?’
“Sir, I’m so so so sorry!” Kiko winced, rustling herself up against his body. “He came looking for you, you guys were supposed to discuss trades! When you weren’t there. And he – he put two and two together! I swear!” The poor sea dragon panted, “I had nothing else to cover you up with I had to tell him! I am so sorry!”
There was a hint of skepticism from Hoseok, puzzlement knitted on his forehead. He didn’t fully understand his scaly friend’s panic-stricken concerns, what she was talking about. Not until a crustacean coated in white and purple scurried itself next to the princess’s feet. Getting awfully close.
Hoseok jumped again, this time actually splashing the princess meanwhile cupping the crab that was mere inches away from the princess. He knew who this was, who he belonged to. Hoseok mentally sighed to himself, pulling the crab up to his face and criticizing him with his eyes.
“Put me down!” it whined, threatening with a pinch of his claw.
“What a cute little crab!” The princess cooed, now bending down to take a closer look. She ignored her dress, partially because Hoseok already messed it up, and submerged the bottom of her skirt into the water as she stepped closer. “I haven’t seen one before with these colors!”
Hoseok gingerly put on an innocent smile as he stared back at the princess. He hid his worried look when he glanced around the ocean, looking for him.
Namjoon was here.
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Once the princess had enough of her clothes soaking up the salty water, she receded back into the palace. Of course, she had urged Hoseok to join her in her return, but he properly declined. Hopefully she understood that he will come back when he was ready.
Now, about 50 feet out away from the marble steps to the palace, Hoseok stepped further and further away by the directions of the white crab, Surf.
“I can’t believe how selfish you are, such a difficult prince you are.” Surf complained, “Further.”
Hoseok walked towards a headland that obtained a natural arch, drifting farther away from the palace. Once he made his way under the bridge, he was met with a cold icy stare. Eyes piercing straight through Hoseok’s from just above the water, silver hair slicked back against his scalp.
The sun was low, dimming the surrounding areas slowly. Surf jumped off Hoseok into the water, scurrying himself over to Namjoon who remained still. Eerily still.
There was an unspeakable battle between the two brothers – only the sound of the environment filling up the void between them. Namjoon rose, gesturing Hoseok to sit down with a pointed chin. Bottom lip jutted out, and a swift cock of his eyebrow that told Hoseok instantly that he was in for a harsh scolding.
He obeyed, plopping himself on a rock that sat in the water. Kiko swam freely around his feet.
“What have you done? No – never mind that. I know what you did. I know you can’t speak.” Namjoon points accusingly, drifting his body closer to Hoseok. “And you have these things? What has gotten into you?” His fingers tapped onto Hoseok’s knees, face in disgust. The purple-to-silver tailed man sneered down at Hoseok who hung his head.
Namjoon’s inner rage was holding him hostage, he wanted to lash out on his younger brother. Reprimand him into oblivion. With clutched fists he retained himself, as much as possible while wearing a sour scowl.
Hoseok wanted to explain, he wanted to be able to voice his opinions and thoughts. Even apologize for doing something so reckless because that’s what Namjoon would like to hear – but he couldn’t find the regret in him. Instead, Hoseok looked back at his brother with sadness. Not sad that he was being yelled at – sad that he wasn’t ever understood.
“When father finds out – I can’t even imagine.” Namjoon pinches his fingers between the bridge of his nose, clenching his teeth together. He was furious, upset, disappointed all the same time. The slap of his tail whacking the water was his signal of agitation – causing a startled Hoseok to lean back.
Hoseok sat frozen, watching the merman of the Antarctic chill over the surrounding areas with his icy personality. After Namjoon recollected his thoughts, pushing his emotions down the drain, he stared back at Hoseok. “We can’t settle this now, can we? You like that woman.”
Namjoon murmured under his breath, trying to understand the infatuation Hoseok gained for the world above. It just didn’t make any sense to him – maybe because near his realm, there wasn’t many environments like this. But Namjoon adored his environment, his clean unpolluted waters, crystal clear ocean to swim freely around. Beautiful deep blues in the cracks and corners of his realm, and the complimented purples of his region.
Hoseok ran his hand behind his neck, shy to admit to his brother that what he was stating was correct. There was something about this women that called to Hoseok, something he yearned for and wanted – no – had to get to know her better.
Namjoon placed his hand on Hoseok’s shoulder, leaning towards him as if his next words were to be secret. Whispering he spoke, “We can’t lose you – I… I can’t lose you Hoseok.” The casual uninviting front that Namjoon’s eyes originally generate now showed distress, he was scared.
There was a weight, a heavy weight, weighing down on Hoseok’s chest. It tightened, as if he couldn’t breathe the fresh ocean air anymore. The impact of his brother’s words hitting him – he never understood the importance he had towards his family. Better yet, he didn’t understand how his careless behavior was affecting his brothers.
It was then that Hoseok remembered the deal he made, what actually needed to be done. For him to remain human, he needed to be with the princess. If he didn’t, he will return back to a merman, tail and all – but he had to surrender over his kingdom… Nobody knows of this deal, besides the sea witch and him as there was no way for him to explain it.
“I’ll have to figure something out. We – we have to figure something out. I’m going to gather the others; I don’t want father knowing of this.” Namjoon’s thoughts came rushing in waves, murmuring out loud to himself. “We’ll maintain your kingdom. Leaving your palace unattended with no explanation doesn’t help the folk who live there.”
Hoseok tried to hold Namjoon from leaving so suddenly, had to figure out something to tell him, anything to tell him. But it was too late. The reflective moonlight shimmer of Namjoon’s tail flipped away, diving deeper into the depts where he could no longer see him.
He needed to figure out how to break the news.
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Over the course of a few days, Hoseok and Y/n bonded. He assisted around the castle, partially for learning measures and also for making up his share of the King’s and Queen’s generosity. There was a day he had spent alongside the King, listening to his lengthy lectures about history and the kingdom back in his day. Thankfully for the King, Hoseok had no choice but to be a great listener.
Another lovely day where the princess and aqua prince studied the garden, planting fresh greens and tiny bulbs of plants, messing around in the dirt, and rearranging the agriculture. Sipping tea quietly along  a tuneful record. Days they scoped the beach together to gather shells and miscellaneous ocean trinkets. And lending a helping hand in the selection of the princess’s custom-made dresses. He always favored the fancy blues, tying the beautiful color with rich gold jewelry.
Their stares lingered on another from time to time. Longer than normal, but nothing was mentioned besides the appreciative bashful smiles in return. Hoseok remained a true gentleman, assisting the princess with whatever activity she desired to participate in. Board games, drawing and painting, even more carriage rides out to the town. The subtle glow between them grew brighter, and at times Hoseok had to cease his actions when it came to accidentally brushing up against the princess’s skin.
He’s been learning many new things, so much so that it was hard for him to retain everything. Certain trinkets he had back in his personal study now had proper names addressed to them, the fork, the spoon, a globe, and so on. His favorite time of the day were when they met up outside, routine now, to dip their feet in the cooling ocean waters. Each passing second he grew more and more in love with her.
During these days, which soon turned to weeks, Hoseok would meet up with his brothers at night when he snuck back outside for once last dip. One by one another brother and their pet added to the group, greeting, scolding, and slowly trying to figure out what was going on with this huge dilemma. Nagging, bickering, consulting and more. Seeing his brothers is bittersweet, and he was realizing it would be hard to live without them.
Some days, Hoseok would purposely be forced out of the princess’s company for lengthy periods of time. As suitors from kingdoms came to visit, spend time with the young beauty. It was her duty, her parent’s orders as well. Meanwhile Hoseok would sneak his way through the inners of the palace whenever he had the chance, he grew to know the layout pretty well by now. Sometimes even leaving little painted notes in the rooms he’d know the princess would be occupying, making her think of him when she was being bothered by another royal.
Oh, he wishes to be in their shoes. He is a royal no doubt, but of a different world. His princess doesn’t know this, nor does any other human. If he had his way, he’d be able to swoon Y/n the moment he could show her his world. Teach her the ways of the water, indulge her in his plants and beautiful riches no humans could even imagine of.
As time continued to tick, admirers continued to show up and Hoseok found better ways to communicate. He would gather paper, paints, brushes, and sketch himself figures. Painting out a storyboard filled with images of what Hoseok needed to tell his brothers. Sadly, there wasn’t any script for mer-folk. Nothing was read, nothing had symbols that represent words and sounds. They just had music.
Hoseok lost track of days and the time, not realizing how long he has gone without his underwater realm. How long his brothers have been vacating theirs as well. It was unhealthy, they had responsibilities, yet they decided to stay as close as possible to help their brother.
Jungkook, bless his young ethos, even offered to contact the sea witch herself – to reverse the spell. But all of the others insisted that wasn’t the wisest of choices.
“Who’d know what that conniving being would do to one of us if we went there!” Spoke Jimin with an unsettling aura. The disappearance of his pearl still remained unnoticed by the others – to Hoseok’s surprise. Jimin did decorate his waist with many accessories already, a flashy distraction from the missing stone.
“But she knows what’s going on! She could help!” retorted Jungkook.
As the bickering continued, the orange tail spoke up with a stern tone. “Enough you two. It’s almost sundown. We should be heading up.” He brushed pass the others, leading the pack.
Yoongi was unsettled, disgruntled – completely upset when he heard the news of Hoseok. Firstly, he was the last of them to know. With Seokjin and Namjoon figuring out that Yoongi would be the hardest to tell, as he resembled a lot of qualities their father composed of.
He puffed up large like a lionfish, his coal black eyes scanned his surrounding brothers with a reproachful glare. The group waited for the venomous lash out, a poison quill drilling into each and every one of them – metaphorically speaking. What came next was unexpected.
Yoongi met the eyes of his worried brothers, seeking for affirmation that what they said was true, that Hoseok left them for the upper world. It shattered him, his sharp eyes turned bleak, body hunched over and supported his weight with his hand on the nearest wall. He couldn’t breathe the water around him, he felt his body shaking – and each brother watched their fiery brother completely break down in front of them all. Tears cannot be formed or shed underwater – mermaids and merman simple do not cry. But they can resound vocally, physically – in which that’s what Yoongi did.
The six of the princes swam up together, meeting at their usual isolated location where Hoseok met them every single night. Kiko sought comfort with the youngest, connecting herself by his side at all times until she was able to see Hoseok. Each of the mermen found purchase on miscellaneous fixtures, Jimin and Jungkook daringly lay in the shallow waters. Over time, they grew slightly more comfortable being above the water.
They chattered among another in hushed tones, Seokjin and Yoongi always keeping their eyes on the outskirts of the area just in case they see a potential threat approaching. On schedule Hoseok peers his head around the corner of the headland arch cautiously – checking to see if everyone was there and didn’t want to startle them.
Hoseok stepped through, feet sinking into the sands beneath him as he carried a lantern in one hand and a variety of utensils in his other arm. He greeted with his wide boisterous smile, nodding, and waving to his fellow brothers.
“What do you have there?” Jungkook’s large eyes stared at Hoseok with interest as he dragged his body further up the shore. The light within the lantern flickered, incased in glass so the wind didn’t snuff out the flame. It emitted enough light, enough warmth for the night and what Hoseok had planned.
Hoseok remained a bit up the sand, not wanting to get his belongings wet from the water as he diligently set himself up a place to plop down.
“That’s fire, Jungkook-ah.” Yoongi spoke up, he’s also gazing at the small flare in the odd mechanism. “It’s a small one.”
Hoseok flipped his notebook over, carding through pages until he found the one that illustrated the beginning of his story. He spent the times away from the princess to paint photos into his book, trying to decipher his story. None of the other princes knew what Hoseok needed to do to come back to them or to stay up on land – until now.
His storyboard idea was working, with some confusion on pictures and their meanings along the way. Hoseok gestured positive and negative praises giving his brothers a sure tell sign of the direction their guesses were headed.
“Marriage?!” Shouted Seokjin, staring at a photo Hoseok held up of a sketched male in blue holding hands with a woman – which was deemed as the princess with a tiara on top of her head. The picture represented unison, conjoining together. He didn’t know how marriage up on land was like, what was required and traditional. But in their world, a marriage showed coddling, a decorative garland looping around the two beings – tails intertwined.
“Wait –“ Namjoon interrupted, bemused by Seokjin’s assertive claim. “Hoseok? You have to marry her?”
Hoseok slowly nodded with hesitation. He stood up fast, shaking his hands in the air erratically once he saw the first reaction of Jimin’s face turning into a jaw dropping frown. Hoseok pointed to the picture, and then to his legs – and repeat. He needed to get this point across, he needed to show them to keep his legs need needed to marry this woman.
They seem to get it, even commenting on the fact that if that is the case then Hoseok still wouldn’t have a voice. And his feet would be a massive burden having to handle the sharp pain for the rest of his life. Why would he do all this, his desire for this woman must have been so grave.
“Why would you go through with that?” Questioned the deep green merman. His stare looked blank, almost drifting away from Hoseok and speaking into the abyss. “Do you really think you could live like that? Honestly?” His fingers fiddled with the pearl on his earring as Taehyung pondered his next words. “We can’t keep visiting you like this if you continue, we have our kingdoms to control and protect. We have lives as well. You’re tearing yourself away from us, and who knows what hell will break loose once Father…”
“Taehyung.” Yoongi’s voice bit, snapping Taehyung out of his complex trance. He blinked, looking around until he noticed Hoseok standing still, eyes shifting away from everyone. Taehyung’s words hurt, but they were true. The severity of this situation wrenched a split between everyone.
Jimin sighed loudly, only he could feel the most sympathy towards Hoseok because he shared a similar secret with him. But not quite as serious. He bit his lip before spilling the words that were on the tip of his tongue, “Don’t we want Hoseok to be happy?”
Jimin turned with a flushed face, “I know we all have feelings about this. Many are negative, but we’re here for him – aren’t we? He’s our brother. We love him. We want to support him, and by no means will he be removed from our family.” His atypical bubbly self was depleted, no light tone to his voice as he sneered his words towards Taehyung.
The two stared at another, provoking and edging each other on to dare say the next thing. Even Hoseok could feel the static tension of the water between the two without actually touching the surface.
“Cut it out!” Namjoon demanded, slapping his tail in annoyance. “Don’t argue this, stop the accusatory assumptions and pointing fingers. We need to work together.”
They’re all hurt. They are all torn. As much as they wish the safety and security of their aqua prince coming back to them, they wished him happiness – whether he found it up here or down below.
The brief commotion was halted when a splash of water combusted from the center of their mer-circle. A large rock chucked into the water to gain attention – it was Hoseok. His nostrils flared, brows weaved together tight, and eyes glowered with pain. They looked shiny and wet. Tiny streams leaking from the brims of his eyes.
The salty liquid dripped off his face, but he remained unphased. Aggressively grabbing hold of his notebook, he flickered through the pages until he came to his design resembling him coming back to the sea. He flashed it to them – it consisted of the princess being wed to another. As Hoseok looks up from the ocean with his blue tail intact.
He angrily stepped knee deep into the ocean, getting closer to his mer-brothers. Jungkook and Jimin, who were closest, leaned closer towards him and latched their arms around each of Hoseok’s legs. The three dancers, a special bond along another. They missed him, they love him, they looked up to him.
“You’re saying that if she marries someone else, you’ll be turned back into a mermaid?” Yoongi and Namjoon inspected, scanning over the artwork. “Assuming you’ll have your tail and voice back?”
Hoseok gave a closed-lipped smile, fury still present. He felt his emotions overwhelm him, watching his brothers one by one have some sort of sign of relief on their faces. It upset him, though it shouldn’t. Because they don’t know what’s yet to come…
The gears in Seokjin’s, Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s heads were working fast. All instantly hoping for this result, to get their aqua brother back safe and sound. Don’t let him marry her. He belongs to the sea.
Before Seokjin’s mouth fully opened to speak, Hoseok was quick to point his finger at him – cutting off his chance. He held his finger up in a ‘hold on, just wait’ with a defeated look in his eyes.
He flipped the page. Showing a creative piece of blues and yellows, a structure under the water. It looks vaguely close to Hoseok’s palace, and with a nod and a point to his personal pearl, he confirmed it was.
Then, with a quick motion, Hoseok ripped the page clean from the notebook. Crumbling it up in his fist as his eyes glistened with pain. The page underneath showed a blackened creature with tentacles and a sinister eerie smile. He shoved the notebook towards each of them, emphasizing the importance of the sheet. Holding the crumpled piece of paper up in the air, he tossed it as far out into the sea as possible.
“Huh?” they all simultaneously voiced.
They were confused, of course. What does it mean? What was Hoseok saying? Goodbye? The palace is gone? The witch?
But Yoongi knew exactly what it was. Ciphering the artwork and charades like an expert in cryptograms. His face drew pale, eyes wide in shock. It clicked straight away, and his eyes met Hoseok’s.
“It means if he comes back to us, he must surrender his kingdom to the sea witch.”
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Hoseok was sitting himself at his vanity in his guest quarters, staring into the mirror at his reflection. He noted how the wave of his hair seem to have dulled down slightly, probably from lack of the saltwater teasing it up. He stared back into his almond brown eyes, the deep blue twisting within his iris’. There was something unnerving today, he can sense it.
His brothers all have assured him that his realm is perfectly undamaged, clean as a whistle. Even though his servants and staff all have noticed his prolonged disappearance. They excused him, claiming that Hoseok was accompanying the Mer-King for family business. Though that excuse is fading fast the longer he’s been away. Surprisingly there hasn’t been any mandatory obligations for a festival, no reason for the King to show his presence among the several regions.
It was midafternoon when Hoseok relieved himself from daily events. Isolating himself back in his reserved guest quarters. He didn’t feel well, there was something persistent in the back of his mind that told him there was something off.
A small piece of paper folded over off to the side of his mirror caught his attention, drawing his mind out of his clouded aura. He placed it here for good keeping, knowing where to find it when he needed it. And he found himself looking at this piece of paper more often than he can admit.
Unfolded, it showed a painting of a sun with shades of yellow in the center. Small lines of black in angles representing a flock of birds flying. And strokes of blues in wave-like formations below it. The princess painted this small piece, giving it to Hoseok as a kind gesture but it meant so much to him. She was sweet, delicate, attentive, and kind. A curious being – just like himself.
He sighed with his shoulders, adoring the token of gratitude. He’ll never forget it as it was special to him.
Until a riled commotion fumed from outside – perking Hoseok’s ears up. It sounded far within the palace, undistinctive. His feet followed the voices down the hallway into the opening of the staircase, from here he can look down into the foyer from above. The ruckus is coming from the vestibule, hearing several voices arguing as they walked into the room. The princess is along the group, chattering away with pleas.
“Please!” She protested; her voice was laced with full distraught.
Gretta was holding her back by her shoulders, the princess arguing towards her mother who walked swiftly away. “Please mother!”
“There’s no more excuses, my child. You must grow up.” The queen departed coldly.
Princess Y/n stood there with her maid, her shoulders shaking heavily. Hoseok managed to stay out of view, looking between the railing posts to see what was going on. He couldn’t quite understand what the uproar was about, but he knew it left the princess disturbed, enough to make her shed tears.
Later in the day, Hoseok found himself in the garden terrace, pacing back and forth along the grass with bare feet. It felt better to not confine his toes in those snug boots anyways. He hasn’t seen the princess after the event earlier and he was growing concerned. He wanted to know why she was upset, what happened.
Hoseok perched himself against a marble stone statue, nothing marvelous compared to the one he has laying in his gardens back at home. His intentions told him something was wrong; he couldn’t ignore it. It had to deal with the princess – but what happened?
“Aqua?” A sweet innocent voice called to him.
Hoseok’s eyes fluttered over the princess, she was wearing a cream-colored day dress that flowed just below her kneecaps. His soft smile welcomed her to approach him. She looked effortlessly breathless, and he couldn’t bear to think how her face was just twisted with sadness only a few hours ago.
He held out his hand towards her, beckoning her to reach for him. Y/n gladly accepted walking towards Hoseok with her hand in his. It was warm – hand soft, and thankfully she was too preoccupied maintaining contact with his stunning eyes that she did not notice the glow radiating between the contact of their skin.
She leaned against the statue along with him; as much as he would love to intertwine their fingers together, regretfully Hoseok dropped her hand once she was comfortably next to him.
There was silence as they gazed up at the surrounding sky, watching the clouds slowly drift. It was peaceful and calming. The breeze swayed leaves and blades of grass, petals of the flowers dancing with the wind.
Princess Y/n heaved a deep breath, an obvious sign that she has something burdening her. There was clearly a difficult situation she was managing internally, but her walls were diminishing the longer she stood with the man she grew well acquainted with over a short period of time.
Hoseok looked down to her with eyes that spoke ‘speak to me’. He was concerned, she doesn’t know he heard the incident earlier and dreadfully he couldn’t talk to her, only listen.
“Aqua…” She sighs again. “I’m not sure if you could understand. Coming from a royal family has its perks and benefits, but it really isn’t all that amazing.” Her eyes wondered around the garden, the one Hoseok had helped maintain and make look wonderful.
“It’s quite unfair most times. You don’t choose things; you run on the law. And rarely ever do you agree with the stuff you’re forced to deal with. Royalty is a movement, there’s always demand after demand. And most of the time, you don’t get what your heart wants.” She verified with choked words, her voice faltering ever so slightly. “Earlier today, I was told that I must marry a prince from a faraway kingdom. One my parents found appropriate, not bothering to ask me for my own say.”
Her words cut through Hoseok like a blade, it wasn’t intentional – she doesn’t know his side of the story. His fists balled up on his sides though he maintained his composure for the sake of his beloved. They’re both hurting inside now – for separate reasons.
Y/n eyes glossed over with a watery shine. “I know it is my duty. I know it will help the kingdom and my family. But I – I won’t be happy. I can’t feel my heart with it. And I’ve ran out of time I’m afraid.”
It takes everything in Hoseok to push back his anxieties, no longer able to look down at the beautiful princess he stared straight ahead. It’s selfish of him to worry about going back to his realm, his family, and knowing his kingdom has to be handled over to the sea witch on a silver platter. It’s inconsiderate to worry about himself while the princess is nearly weeping besides him.
Hoseok swallowed back whatever bit of pride he had, to focus on the one he learned to love. Taking his thumb to swipe away the tears that caught on her rosy cheeks. It felt so natural and serene how such tiny of an action felt to him.
Bashful, she profusely apologized for her sobbing, laughing at how ridiculous she might have made herself look. “Please, I’m so sorry. I know I mustn’t cry.” Hoseok responds with a reassuring look, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The pull on his heart strings forcing him to look at her until she relaxes.
“I need to tell you something – please don’t think I’m crazy.” She avoided eye contact with him, afraid to catch herself getting lost into his tangled brown eyes. “I had a goal, a hope. A while back, we were celebrating my birthday among a beautiful ship just outside these waters. My parents found it very fitting since I’ve expressed my interests of the ocean one too many times.” She laughed. “It was a great celebratory event; I was having fun! But unfortunately, an oncoming storm approached out of nowhere forcing the vessel to be wrecked during the process.” She started to express her story through body movements, the swing of her arms.
“I was very lucky to have not drowned. I honestly don’t know how I am here today. But they found me washed up on the beach, a bit of a ways down the shore. My birthday gown all tattered and soaked from the previous night.” She paused her rant, contemplating the next thing she was about to say. “I know… deep down I know somebody saved me from the shipwreck. But when my guards and Toby found me, there was no one in sight.”
Her eyes looked back at Hoseok’s who seemed unreadable, almost intense. And she interpreted his look as guilt flooded her senses, she thought she was sounding absurd. “I know this sounds comical, and you can laugh or mock me all you need, but I swear when I woke up, I saw a man over me! I couldn’t see or recognize him because the sun was blaring into my vision! He was all a blur, but I know – I know he was real! I can still hear his voice ringing through my ears.” The princess could recollect how vividly that voice impressed upon her memory.
Hoseok’s eyebrows shot up as high as they could, almost kissing his hairline when the princess claimed these notions. She knows, she knows he helped her! Wait – no… she doesn’t. She has no clue. But she remembers his voice. Hoseok’s voice. He wanted to gesture to her frantically, lose his balance over the fact that he was the one who saved her from that terrible storm. But something stopped him.
Princess Y/n’s voice trailed on, “… and now I ran out of time to find him. To thank whoever it was who had saved me. I tried visiting that area many times after the wreck because now there’s something so sentimental about it. I know nobody will believe me. And now I have to marry in the next few days.”
That’s when Hoseok felt the pit of his stomach churn, that’s what prevented him from hopelessly trying to tell the princess it was him all along. The realization of Y/n being forced to wed by obligation, not her choice what-so-ever. There’s nothing he can do, and even if she did figure it out – then what?
She had thanked him in subtle ways. She took him in, treated him kindly. Fed him, bathed him, gave him a warm place to stay and the clothes on his back. Indirectly the princess thanked him all along, and he thanks her for so much more. Teaching him about the land, the intriguing structures of humankind. Hoseok gained a friendship with the one human he was interested in; he can tell through the shiny glow that radiates between them. She is good, he trusts her with everything.
Without hesitation, Hoseok grab hold the princess’s hand within his. His other briskly reaches for his lonely pearl, slipping the earring out of his lobe and placing it inside her up-facing palm. Her breath hitched; her eyes wide at the sight before her. Y/n’s hand gleamed around his, and his unique decorative pearl glimmered inside her palm. The luminesce vanished the moment Hoseok withdrew, leaving her to stare down at the aqua pearl. “What was – “
Hoseok placed his hands on each side of the princess’s warming face. This was the only way he knew how to properly thank her, and he knew she would keep his precious bead safe from any harm. Her eyes sparkled back into his, whether she understands the circumstance or not, she couldn’t help but stare in awe. He leaned in pressing her fondly in his arms, placing a sweet innocent kiss atop the crown of her head, then bowed gracefully.
“That light?” She whispered, eyes dropping back to her hand. “Where does it come from?”
He met her at eye level with a soft smile, placing his finger over his lips. Shh.
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© All rights reserved under @kimtaehyunq​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This tumblr is the ONLY place my fics are posted.
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lifeunderthewaves · 6 years
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From Small Things Great Things Come by robertrath I had spent more than five hours under that sparkling rippled surface that most Edithburgh visitors never get to see beneath. I had searched all around and out beyond the jetty, northward up to to the swimming pool and all over the sea grass beds searching in vain for a leafy seadragon. The diving was lovely but alas no dragon. Over my years of diving leafy's have been infrequent visitors here. A handful of dragons will take up residence for a couple of years and then disappear with years between. I guessed it was just that time again. That night I was in for a rare treat. Not more than ten minutes into my night dive this tiny and beautiful dragon, not more than 40mm in length, came into view setting a precedence for a wonderful night dive and hopefully heralding the leafy seadragons back to Edithbugh. Photo: Robert Rath, 'From Small Things Great Things Come ', 1/160s f/14 ISO320 100mm ... more at https://wetshutter.com
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mysunfreckle · 7 years
You said I could request stuff so get ready for a mountain of things!!! ❤️ I am a fan of slowly revealed things but I love love love that selkie Taire, dragon Enj AU and I need to know what the others are please please pretty please??? I need more JBM as well so if you wanna combine the two I mean... I won't complain 😉😊 You're a sweetheart and feel free to give ME prompts bc I have no clue what to write now 😂
[I was so pleased you asked for this! Here you go, ~1.8k of j/b/m ❤️]
Joly likesto travel and they are particularly fond of meeting new people. The merrowsthat inhabit the sea around here are rather old-fashioned though. They only goup the surface when there is a storm on the water and they hardly ever approachthe shore. Joly had to ask his new friend Grantaire if there was any convenientriver he could use to swim further inland. Luckily there was and now Joly ishappily swimming upstream. They like the feeling of freshwater on their skin,even if the salt being rinsed from their hair always makes it stand on end inodd ways. Besides, there are certain things to be found on land that cannot begot from the sea. Today, for instance, Joly is in quest of willow bark. When itcomes to remedies against pain there really is no substitute.
Joly istaking their time though, allowing themself to enjoy the scenery as they swimsteadily against the flow of the river. With only their head just above thewater they look no different from a human out for a swim, at least to a casualobserver. Not that Joly has a particular reason to fear being discovered. Hehas learned from Grantaire that most of the humans around here are open mindedand that those that are not have by now learned to look the other way. In anycase there is no one walking near the river today and Joly swims in unhurriedtranquillity until they follow a bend in the river and spot a gorgeous willowtree. Joyfully they give a strong swish of their tail and swim to the grassybank. The drooping branches of the willow nearly reach the water, casting acool shadow across the rippling stream, but the tree itself is out of Joly’sreach. Admiringly they look up at the elegant braches.
“I’ve neverseen a mermaid so interested in a tree.”
Jolysplashes their tail in surprise. The voice came from above them!
“I’msorry,” they say politely. “I can’t see you at the moment so I don’t know whereto look, but yes I’m very interested in this tree!”
“It’svery beautiful for a start,” Joly says pleasantly, peering into the tree. Theyare certain whoever is speaking must be hidden there. “But I’m also hoping tocollect some bark for its medicinal purposes.”
“Hmm…” Thevoice is pleasant, but a little wary. “Well, at least you’re nice about it.” Arustling passes through the leaves of the willow and suddenly Joly sees asshape on one of the sturdier, low hanging branches, that stretches out towardsthe river. A moment ago there was nothing there, but now there is a young womandraped across the branch, hair cascading down just like the willow’s leafytwigs. She is dressed in leaves and her slender arms and legs blend inperfectly against the willow bark.
Joly isdelighted. They have never met a woodsprite before.
“Hello,”the woodsprite smiles and she studies them with large, expressive eyes. “Are you a mermaid?” she asks after amoment. “You don’t look like a merrow…”
“No,” Jolysmiles. “I’m a jiaoren, but I must be closely related to both. My name is Joly.”
“Mine’sMusichetta,” she answers and with an elegant movement she slides off the branchand let’s herself drop down between the roots of her tree.
She israther close now and Joly can clearly see how beautiful she is. “Nice to meetyou,” he smiles.
She smilesback, slowly steps away from her tree towards the water’s edge, and extends asmall hand. Joly takes it in his webbed one and shakes it with another smile.As soon as they let go Musichetta returns to her tree. But she drapes herself acrossthe branch again, looking down on Joly curiously. “What do you need the barkfor?” she asks. “Do you need to cure someone?”
Joly shakestheir head. “At the moment I only want to study it. I’ve heard a lot about itseffectiveness against pain and inflammation.”
“You dothat a lot,” she asks interestedly. “Go around studying healing things?”
“Yes,” Jolysays cheerfully. They’re not really used to being asked this many questions,but they’re more than happy to talk. “It’s one of the reasons why I travel.”
“Where doyou come from then?” she asks with another curious glance at his face.
“The SouthSea by China,” he smiles.
Her eyesspark with delight. “Tell you what,” she says. “I will give you some bark frommy tree if you tell me about your travels.”
To talkabout themself to someone genuinely interested in them seems hardly a trade toJoly, but when they laughingly tell her this Musichetta says:
“Who saysdeals should be disagreeable? I’ve never made a single deal that didn’t pleaseme.”
Joly smilesat the sparkle in her eyes and finds a seat for themself on the river bank. “Whatdo you want to know?” they ask.
It turnsout Musichetta wants to know a great deal. Far too much to tell in oneconversation. So Joly comes back the next day, and the next day, and again acouple of day later. It was never really Joly’s intention to stay in this partof the world, but they are seriously considering it now. It’s not justMusichetta, although Joly has to admit they have quite lost their head overher, this place has a lot to recommend itself. Grantaire is very good companyand he has introduced Joly to a fellow selkie called Éponine. Joly has even meta young vampire called Combeferre, who has a lot of very interesting knowledgeto share. All in all Joly is certainly tempted to stay and when the weeks passand Musichetta’s smiles turn to kisses they decide there really isn’t any otherplace they’d rather travel to than upstream to her tree.
They gothere almost every other day, usually when the sun is at its highest in the skyso Musichetta knows to expect them. Today Joly is running late, so they areswimming fast, fully submerged in the water. They could find their way throughthis river blindly by now and they know they are reaching the bend in whichMusichetta’s tree stands without looking.
Just asJoly is about to surface they hear a voice. Cautiously they peer up through theshimmering of the water’s surface. Musichetta sings to herself sometimes, butthis voice does not belong to her. It sounds unhurried and nonthreateningthough, so Joly slowly lets their head rise above the water. They are greetedwith the familiar view of Musichetta, hanging draped across the lowest branchof her willow, but lying beneath it is a stranger. He is lounging stretched outin the grass, leaning back elegantly on his elbows, and looks up at Musichettawith such a look of admiration that Joly feels a pang of jealousy. Thestranger’s looks do not help them one bit. Had he been scowling he would barelyhave been handsome, but he has as attractive a smile as Joly has ever seen andit is unclear to them whether it is the sun or his good humour that gives sucha glow to his dark brown skin. With very conflicted feelings they swim a littlecloser.
“What afine day,” the merry stranger smiles at Musichetta. “It started with me gettinglost, but what a lovely place to be lost in.” His eyes twinkle. “And whatexcellent company.”
“I’m notquite sure what suits you more, your lounging or your idle flattery,”Musichetta remarks challengingly from her branch.
“You haveseen me lounge,” the stranger smiles. “But you have not even heard my idleflattery. So far I have spoken only the truth.”
Jolybristles slightly at that, especially since Musichetta is clearly rathercharmed by him. They don’t exactly blame her, but it does give them a strangedisgruntled feeling they have never really felt before.
“Really,”the stranger continues. “Between, the sun, the grass and your eyes fixed on meI’m beginning to think myself the luckiest creature in this meadow.”
Musichettalaughs with a slight scoff in her voice. Just the sound of her laugh is enoughto make Joly decide that not even the uncomfortable feelings in their midriffare enough of a reason to give up spending the afternoon with Musichetta. Theygive a splash of their tail to announce their presence and swim to theriverbank.
“Joly!”Musichetta exclaims, sitting up on her branch.
Thestranger turns his head, still smiling, and sees Joly. “Well,” he says with a look of unrestrained admiration. “Ifthis isn’t unequivocal proof of my luck today, I don’t know what else couldpossibly convince me.”
Jiaoren donot blush, but Joly would have if they did. “Hello,” they say, still a littlereserved.
“Joly,darling,” Musichetta chimes. “This is Bossuet.”
“Joly,”they nod.
“Pleasureto meet you,” Bossuet says brightly. “Really.”He looks from Musichetta to Joly and sits up a little straighter. “Oh, I’msorry! Am I interrupting a scheduled meeting?”
“You areactually,” Musichetta says, throwing a glance at Joly.
Bossuetjumps to his feet. “And here I am talking away at you both.” He shakes hishead. “Forgive me.” He laughs at them both by turn and Joly is seriouslywondering if it is even possible to feel resentment towards someone thatradiates so much cheerfulness. They likeBossuet. They hardly know him and they like him.
“I will leavethis lovely meadow to you lovely creatures,” Bossuet sighs. “And take myselfelsewhere.”
Jolyglances at Musichetta, who gives them a look that seems to say: we could keephim?
“You canstay,” they say, lifting themself out of the water to sit on the riverbank.
Bossuetlooks delighted. Musichetta smiles.
“You haveto trade something though,” Joly says, slanting their head playfully andshooting a twinkling look up at Musichetta.
“Oh yes,”she agrees. “We’re very big on trades.”
Bossuetpats the pockets of his colourful suit. It’s a fine suit, but badly cared for, itsrumpled and full of grass stains. “I don’t have a lot to give,” he laughs. “Butask whatever you want, if I have it I’ll give it.”
Joly grins.“Do you know any good stories?”
Bossuetgives him a look that feels warmer than the noon sun. “So many.”
“Are any ofthem about yourself?” Joly smiles.
“Only the tragicallycomedic ones,” Bossuet quips.
“Oh dotell,” Musichetta invites, letting her arms dangle down on either side of herbranch.
“Yes,” Jolysmiles warmly. “Please do.”
40 notes · View notes
Coconuts Quotes
Official Website: Coconuts Quotes
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• 150 people die every year from being hit by falling coconuts. Not to worry, drug makers are developing a vaccine. – Jim Carrey • A plant-based diet has actually simplified my life in so many ways. For breakfast, I try to get my first serving of fruits and nuts for fuel. I’m completely addicted to coconut water for the electrolytes and hydration. – Michelle Forbes • Adrian sifted through the bags and pulled out a slice of coconut cream. “If I were a dragon, this is what I’d go for.” I didn’t argue, mainly because that statement had no logical argument. – Richelle Mead • Anyway, like I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautes it. There’s, um, shrimp ka-bobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich… That’s, that’s about it. – Mykelti Williamson • Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? – Graham Chapman • At the end of the block where I used to live in Coconut Grove in Miami, there’s a swampy area, a no-name alcove with a little mangrove estuary. It’s beautiful. – Karen Russell
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Coconut', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_coconut').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_coconut img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Coconut milk is the only thing on this planet that comes identically to mother’s milk. – Dick Gregory • Coconut oil contains the most concentrated natural source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) available. Substituting coconut oil for other vegetable oils in your diet will help promote weight loss. – Bruce Fife • Coconut oil has always been my favorite. Any dry spots I have I’ll put coconut oil on them because it’s a natural ingredient and it works better – than anything. – Shay Mitchell • Coconut oil has been described as the “World’s Healthiest Dietary Oil”. There is a mountain of historical evidence and medical research to verify this fact – Bruce Fife • Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth. – Bruce Fife • Eighteen luscuios scrumpitous flavors, Chocolate,Lime and Cherry Coffee,Pumpkin, Fudge-Banana, Caramel Cream and boysenberry. Rocky Road and Toasted Almond, Butterscotch,Vanilla Dip, Butter Brinkle, Apple Ripple,Coconut,and Mocha Chip, Brandy Peach and Lemon Custard. Each scoop lovely.smooth and round. Tallest cream cone in town lying there on the ground. – Shel Silverstein • For 41 years I have gone with a very natural hair “look” that was originally popularized by coconuts. – Dave Barry • For I am coconut / and the heart of me / is sweeter / than you know. – Nikki Grimes • For people may not know what they think about politics in the Balkans, or the vexed question of men and women, but everyone has a definite opinion about the flavour of shredded coconut. – Louis Simpson • Her hands were empty now, as empty as her heart, which itself was a coconut shell with its meat scooped out. – Thrity Umrigar • I am a believer in nutrient timing and supplementation, through 8Zone. I love eggs, apples, wild fish, leafy greens, brown rice, pasta, oatmeal, home grown Washington Potatoes, and cooking with coconut and olive oils. – Apolo Ohno • I am the MacGyver of cooking. If you bring me a piece of bread, cabbage, coconut, mustard greens, pigs feet, pine cones…and a woodpecker, I’ll make you a good chicken pot pie. – Si Robertson • I believe it was Shakespeare, or possibly Howard Cosell, who first observed that marriage is very much like a birthday candle, in that ‘the flames of passion burn brightest when the wick of intimacy is first ignited by the disposable butane lighter of physical attraction, but sooner or later the heat of familiarity causes the wax of boredom to drip all over the vanilla frosting of novelty and the shredded coconut of romance.’ I could not have phrased it better myself. – Dave Barry • I developed a passion for the Middle Ages the same way some people develop a passion for coconuts. – Umberto Eco • I drink a lot of coconut water. It balances out all the other toxic stuff I put into my body. – Rihanna • I drink coconut water before my workouts. It has just the right amount of calories and electrolytes to get me going. My body has actually started craving it. – Jennifer Morrison • I eat only white foods: eggs, sugar, grated bones, the fat of dead animals; veal, salt, coconut, chicken cooked in white water; fruit mold, rice, turnips; camphorated sausage, dough, cheese (white), cotton salad, and certain fish (skinless). – Erik Satie • I enjoy using coconut oil – not only for my skin and hair, but I’ll digest it. • I get stoned, I can’t get home, I’m calling long distance on a public saxophone. My head is achin’, my back is breakin’, feel I got run over by Captain Coconut and his dog named Rover. – Jimi Hendrix • I grew up with coconuts as the main flavor in food in Jamaica. It’s part of our culture. – Ziggy Marley • I happen to love coconut, particularly for that sweet and crunchy texture it adds to any dish. – Marcus Samuelsson • I have a coconut oil stick, which I use for everything – on my eye lids to make them shinier, on my lips, and on any dry skin. – Georgia May Jagger • I just feel like I aint never did nothing foul in the game. My ghetto report card has always been straight A’s across the board. So I said let me go ahead and name this “My Ghetto Report Card,” and I’m touching down on all 4 angles of the game you smell me? I’m touching it from all basis. The album aint banana’s, it’s coconuts. – E-40 • I knew he was unreliable, but he was fun to be with. He was a child’s ideal companion, full of surprises and happy animal energy. He enjoyed food and drink. He liked to try new things. He brought home coconuts, papayas, mangoes, and urged them on our reluctant conservative selves. On Sundays he liked to discover new places, take us on endless bus or trolley rides to some new park or beach he knew about. He always counseled daring, in whatever situation, the courage to test the unknown, an instruction that was thematically in opposition to my mother’s. – E. L. Doctorow • I love cakes. Chocolate and coconut cakes. I love that combination! – Adriana Lima • I love KIND bars. My favorites are coconut and almond and the dark chocolate and sea salt because staying fueled helps keep me from getting sick or injured. Bananas have also made a great comeback in my life. My kids eat them all the time on the go, which has inspired my go-to pre-run morning meal of peanut butter and banana on toast. – Summer Sanders • I love making Italian food. And coconut chicken. – Joe Jonas • I think I was a mermaid and I used to swim the shores or Hawaii and used to pop up and see coconuts and pineapples everywhere. – Ella Henderson • I think that the heart is a lot like those wonderful fruit, like coconut and mangoes, you know, you have to break the skin, you have to break it open to get to the good part. – Saul Williams • I try not to overeat (which is my biggest problem), and I find that when I’m eating quality foods from good sources, I don’t need to overeat to feel satisfied. I cook with healthy oils (olive, coconut) and stay away as much as possible from overly processed foods. When I do indulge, I enjoy it. For that moment. And then I balance it with exercise. – Adam Rodriguez • I try to eat healthy all the time. I don’t eat takeaways. I drink mostly water or coconut water. – Conor McGregor • I try to get seven to eight hours of sleep. Wash my hands a lot, take a few supplements, like omega-3 and vitamin D. When I feel a cold coming on, I pop some zinc. I do my best to eat a low-sodium, high-fiber diet. I drink mostly water or coconut water. I don’t smoke, no drugs, and drink red wine occasionally. – Andrea Navedo • I was at a speaking engagement for MIT… and I said, ‘The Professor has all sorts of degrees, including one from this very institution [MIT]! And that’s why I can make a radio out of a coconut, and not fix a hole in a boat!’ – Russell Johnson • I was in Cancun, Mexico, sitting in a disappearing-edge swimming pool, on a bar stool that was actually under the water, watching palm trees sway in a sultry breeze against the unmistakable aqua splendor of the Caribbean Sea; drinking coconut, lime, and tequila from a scooped-out pineapple, with salt spray of breaking surf and sun kissing my skin. Translation: I’d died and gone to heaven. – Karen Marie Moning • I was sometimes called ‘coconut’ when I was at school. – David Oyelowo • I will not go a day without coconut oil. I personally take four tablespoons per day, either on my salads, in my cooking or in my cups of green tea. – Miranda Kerr • I wish I could tell you about the South Pacific. The way it actually was. The endless ocean. The infinite specks of coral we called islands. Coconut palms nodding gracefully toward the ocean. Reefs upon which waves broke into spray, and inner lagoons, lovely beyond description. I wish I could tell you about the sweating jungle, the full moon rising behind the volcanoes, and the waiting. The waiting. The timeless, repetitive waiting. – James A. Michener • I would like magical palm tree that had a lot of shade with instead of coconuts there’s just peanut butter jelly sandwiches with cheetos underneath. And my wife that is always happy and possibly naked. – Channing Tatum • If you live on an atoll and you get a warning by radio that a big wave is coming and everyone is told to move to higher ground, where are you supposed to go on these islands? There is none. The highest ground is four-meters (around 13 feet) above sea level, meaning you’d be safer in a coconut tree. How, though, are you supposed to get your grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren up there? – Enele Sopoaga • If you take 12 waters from the coconut – not the ones you buy in the store, although that’s good – but the fresh coconuts, the little brown ones with the three eyes, if you take 12 of those within 24 hours, your blood will go back to the way it was when you were born. – Dick Gregory • I’ll admit that I do quite like drinks that come in coconut shells. So there’s always that. – Danica McKellar • I’m all about having one day during the week when I have an at-home spa day. That’s when I like to do my nails and moisturize, or do a coconut oil hair masque and clear out my blackheads with pore strips. That’s one of my favorite things. – Shay Mitchell • Im at a slightly higher risk for type 2 diabetes, and my grandmother had diabetes. My hemoglobin a1c, which is one of the measures, started being a little high when I was drinking a ton of that coconut water. – Anne Wojcicki • I’m just taking care of myself: Eating less, exercising more, drinking a lot of coconut water. – Jennie Garth • In the first weeks I had occasionally worn clothes in the morning before the sun began its ascent, but very soon I abandoned this habit, and the only bit of material I ever wore was the strip of sari cloth around my hips, which was so useful for making into a bag to collect coconuts on walks. – Lucy Irvine • In the garden of gentle sanity, May you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness. – Chogyam Trungpa • It is almost as if happiness is an acquired taste, like coconut cordial or ceviche, to which you can eventually become accustomed, but despair is something surprising each time you encounter it. – Daniel Handler • It never takes longer than a few minutes, when they get together, for everyone to revert to the state of nature, like a party marooned by a shipwreck. That’s what a family is. Also the storm at sea, the ship, and the unknown shore. And the hats and the whiskey stills that you make out of bamboo and coconuts. And the fire that you light to keep away the beasts. – Michael Chabon • It was incredibly cheesy set with torches [TV’s Survivor] – it looked like the lobby of the Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland. And here as some guy pulling names out of a coconut, and I said, ‘This is the thing that has made American mass media stop in their tracks? – Tom Hanks • I’ve been doing this new ritual where the first thing I do in the morning is put a tablespoon of coconut oil in my mouth and swish it around. Then I put Kora Organics Rosehip Oil all over my body, which is incredible for your skin, and have a freezing-cold shower, all while I’m swishing the coconut oil in my mouth. It’s a way to get the circulation going and to make you feel reenergized and refreshed. – Miranda Kerr • Jemu watched his father disappear. He didn’t throw the coconut and he didn’t cry. Never again would he know love for another human being that wasn’t adulterated by another, contradictory emotion. – Kiran Desai • Love is also like a coconut which is good while it is fresh, but you have to spit it out when the juice is gone, what’s left tastes bitter. – Bertolt Brecht • My favorite food is macaroni and cheese that my grandma makes. My favorite drink has to be Vita Coco coconut water. – Sloane Stephens • My fridge is really just vegan: coconut water, Gatorade (my favorite!), cucumbers, mint, kale, vegetables, ginger, and wheat grass. – Serena Williams • My friend has hand soap that smells like coconut. It’s nice. Unless your hands are dirty from coconuts. – Demetri Martin • My mom grew up in the Philippines, and she would use coconut oil. I put that in my hair always – literally, natural coconut oil that you use for cooking. I use that for my cuticles and dry spots on my skin too. – Shay Mitchell • My mother was very strong. Once, she picked up a coconut and smashed it against my father’s head. It taught me about women defending themselves and not collapsing in a heap. – Alice Walker • My wife is on a new diet. Coconuts and bananas. She hasn’t lost weight, but can she climb a tree. – Henny Youngman • Natural beauty products are a must! I use coconut oil-based RMS makeup, and I slather almond oil on my hands to soak while I watch a movie. – Phoebe Tonkin • Numerous studies have clearly demonstrated that coconut oil has a neutral effect on cholesterol levels. The reason coconut oil does not adversely affect cholesterol is because it is composed primarily of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). These fatty acids are different from those commonly found in other food sources and are burned almost immediately for energy production, and so they are not converted into body fat or cholesterol to the degree other fats are and do not affect blood cholesterol levels. – Bruce Fife • Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot,’ billed as ‘the laugh sensation of two continents,’ made its American debut at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, in Miami, Florida, in 1956. My father, Bert Lahr, was playing Estragon, one of the two bowler-hatted tramps who pass the time in a lunar landscape as they wait in vain for the arrival of a Mr. Godot. – John Lahr • Skeletons of mice are often to be found in coconuts, for it is easier to get in, slim and greedy, than to get out, appeased but fat. – Viktor Korchnoi • Snooki is a bestselling author? Huh? What? I don’t know if I should dumb down my book, shoot myself or find a publisher who’ll settle for a rough draft written on a Pop-Tart and a coconut lotion handie. – Geoffrey Hill • sometimes you get run down. sometimes life throws dirt in your eyes and it stings and you can’t see for a few minutes. even after you get it out your eyes are all red and your vision is shitty… but eventually, whether through tears or maybe just time… you start to see even clearer than before. life is not always good. which is why music exists. why i believe God exists. and why there’s always a pint of coconut milk ice cream in my freezer. – Hayley Williams • The coconut trees, lithe and graceful, crowd the beach like a minuet of slender elderly virgins adopting flippant poses. – William Manchester • The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise. The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child. – Paul Gauguin • The only time I feel at ease is swinging up and down in a coconut tree. – Ray Davies • The single greatest invention man ever conceived in the dollar bill, because I don’t want to know the conversion rate for coconuts. – John Smith • The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk. – Dustin Hoffman • There is no way to understand the public reaction to the sight of a Freak smashing a coconut with a hammer on the hood of a white Cadillac in a Safeway parking lot unless you actually do it, and I tell you it’s tense. – Hunter S. Thompson • There is one fat that diabetics can eat without fear. That fat is coconut oil. Not only does it not contribute to diabetes but it helps regulate blood sugar, thus lessening the effects of the disease – Bruce Fife • There’s lotion for your face, for your hands, for your feet, for your body. Why? What would happen if you put hand lotion on your feet? Would your feet get confused and start clapping? Each kind has something special in it – aloe, shea butter, coconut, cocoa butter, vanilla, lemon extract. That’s not lotion. That’s one ingredient short of a Bundt cake. – Ellen DeGeneres • Well in two months, it’d be sunbathing time. That made me smile. I enjoyed lying in the sun in a little bikini, timing myself carefully so I didn’t burn. I loved the smell of coconut oil. And I don’t want to hear any lectures about how bad tanning is for you. That’s my vice. Everybody gets one. – Charlaine Harris • What is meditation?… It is fleeing from the self, it is a short escape of the agony of being a self, it is a short numbing of the senses against the pain and the pointlessness of life. The same escape, the same short numbing is what the driver of an ox-cart finds in the inn, drinking a few bowls of rice wine or fermented coconut-milk. – Hermann Hesse • What kind of tea do you want?” “There´s more than one kind of tea?…What do you have?” “Let´s see… Blueberry, Raspberry, Ginseng, Sleepytime, Green Tea, Green Tea with Lemon, Green Tea with Lemon and Honey, Liver Disaster, Ginger with Honey, Ginger Without Honey, Vanilla Almond, White Truffle Coconut, Chamomile, Blueberry Chamomile, Decaf Vanilla Walnut, Constant Comment and Earl Grey.” -“I.. Uh…What are you having?… Did you make some of those up? – Bryan Lee O’Malley • When I lie on the beach there naked, which I do sometimes, and I feel the wind coming over me and I see the stars up above and I am looking into this very deep, indescribable night, it is something that escapes my vocabulary to describe. Then I think: ‘God, I have no importance. Whatever I do or don’t do, or what anybody does, is not more important than the grains of sand that I am lying on, or the coconut that I am using for my pillow.’ So I really don’t think in the long sense. – Marlon Brando • Yes, we could solve for why, but we could also eat another slice of coconut cake. – Sam Lipsyte • You plant twenty coconut trees over here, and twenty coconut trees over there, and you water this batch and don’t water that batch. Of the batch you water, nineteen will survive and one will die. Of the batch you don’t water, nineteen will die and one will survive. – Randall Robinson [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
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1 note · View note
equitiesstocks · 5 years
Coconuts Quotes
Official Website: Coconuts Quotes
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• 150 people die every year from being hit by falling coconuts. Not to worry, drug makers are developing a vaccine. – Jim Carrey • A plant-based diet has actually simplified my life in so many ways. For breakfast, I try to get my first serving of fruits and nuts for fuel. I’m completely addicted to coconut water for the electrolytes and hydration. �� Michelle Forbes • Adrian sifted through the bags and pulled out a slice of coconut cream. “If I were a dragon, this is what I’d go for.” I didn’t argue, mainly because that statement had no logical argument. – Richelle Mead • Anyway, like I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautes it. There’s, um, shrimp ka-bobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich… That’s, that’s about it. – Mykelti Williamson • Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? – Graham Chapman • At the end of the block where I used to live in Coconut Grove in Miami, there’s a swampy area, a no-name alcove with a little mangrove estuary. It’s beautiful. – Karen Russell
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Coconut', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_coconut').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_coconut img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Coconut milk is the only thing on this planet that comes identically to mother’s milk. – Dick Gregory • Coconut oil contains the most concentrated natural source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) available. Substituting coconut oil for other vegetable oils in your diet will help promote weight loss. – Bruce Fife • Coconut oil has always been my favorite. Any dry spots I have I’ll put coconut oil on them because it’s a natural ingredient and it works better – than anything. – Shay Mitchell • Coconut oil has been described as the “World’s Healthiest Dietary Oil”. There is a mountain of historical evidence and medical research to verify this fact – Bruce Fife • Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth. – Bruce Fife • Eighteen luscuios scrumpitous flavors, Chocolate,Lime and Cherry Coffee,Pumpkin, Fudge-Banana, Caramel Cream and boysenberry. Rocky Road and Toasted Almond, Butterscotch,Vanilla Dip, Butter Brinkle, Apple Ripple,Coconut,and Mocha Chip, Brandy Peach and Lemon Custard. Each scoop lovely.smooth and round. Tallest cream cone in town lying there on the ground. – Shel Silverstein • For 41 years I have gone with a very natural hair “look” that was originally popularized by coconuts. – Dave Barry • For I am coconut / and the heart of me / is sweeter / than you know. – Nikki Grimes • For people may not know what they think about politics in the Balkans, or the vexed question of men and women, but everyone has a definite opinion about the flavour of shredded coconut. – Louis Simpson • Her hands were empty now, as empty as her heart, which itself was a coconut shell with its meat scooped out. – Thrity Umrigar • I am a believer in nutrient timing and supplementation, through 8Zone. I love eggs, apples, wild fish, leafy greens, brown rice, pasta, oatmeal, home grown Washington Potatoes, and cooking with coconut and olive oils. – Apolo Ohno • I am the MacGyver of cooking. If you bring me a piece of bread, cabbage, coconut, mustard greens, pigs feet, pine cones…and a woodpecker, I’ll make you a good chicken pot pie. – Si Robertson • I believe it was Shakespeare, or possibly Howard Cosell, who first observed that marriage is very much like a birthday candle, in that ‘the flames of passion burn brightest when the wick of intimacy is first ignited by the disposable butane lighter of physical attraction, but sooner or later the heat of familiarity causes the wax of boredom to drip all over the vanilla frosting of novelty and the shredded coconut of romance.’ I could not have phrased it better myself. – Dave Barry • I developed a passion for the Middle Ages the same way some people develop a passion for coconuts. – Umberto Eco • I drink a lot of coconut water. It balances out all the other toxic stuff I put into my body. – Rihanna • I drink coconut water before my workouts. It has just the right amount of calories and electrolytes to get me going. My body has actually started craving it. – Jennifer Morrison • I eat only white foods: eggs, sugar, grated bones, the fat of dead animals; veal, salt, coconut, chicken cooked in white water; fruit mold, rice, turnips; camphorated sausage, dough, cheese (white), cotton salad, and certain fish (skinless). – Erik Satie • I enjoy using coconut oil – not only for my skin and hair, but I’ll digest it. • I get stoned, I can’t get home, I’m calling long distance on a public saxophone. My head is achin’, my back is breakin’, feel I got run over by Captain Coconut and his dog named Rover. – Jimi Hendrix • I grew up with coconuts as the main flavor in food in Jamaica. It’s part of our culture. – Ziggy Marley • I happen to love coconut, particularly for that sweet and crunchy texture it adds to any dish. – Marcus Samuelsson • I have a coconut oil stick, which I use for everything – on my eye lids to make them shinier, on my lips, and on any dry skin. – Georgia May Jagger • I just feel like I aint never did nothing foul in the game. My ghetto report card has always been straight A’s across the board. So I said let me go ahead and name this “My Ghetto Report Card,” and I’m touching down on all 4 angles of the game you smell me? I’m touching it from all basis. The album aint banana’s, it’s coconuts. – E-40 • I knew he was unreliable, but he was fun to be with. He was a child’s ideal companion, full of surprises and happy animal energy. He enjoyed food and drink. He liked to try new things. He brought home coconuts, papayas, mangoes, and urged them on our reluctant conservative selves. On Sundays he liked to discover new places, take us on endless bus or trolley rides to some new park or beach he knew about. He always counseled daring, in whatever situation, the courage to test the unknown, an instruction that was thematically in opposition to my mother’s. – E. L. Doctorow • I love cakes. Chocolate and coconut cakes. I love that combination! – Adriana Lima • I love KIND bars. My favorites are coconut and almond and the dark chocolate and sea salt because staying fueled helps keep me from getting sick or injured. Bananas have also made a great comeback in my life. My kids eat them all the time on the go, which has inspired my go-to pre-run morning meal of peanut butter and banana on toast. – Summer Sanders • I love making Italian food. And coconut chicken. – Joe Jonas • I think I was a mermaid and I used to swim the shores or Hawaii and used to pop up and see coconuts and pineapples everywhere. – Ella Henderson • I think that the heart is a lot like those wonderful fruit, like coconut and mangoes, you know, you have to break the skin, you have to break it open to get to the good part. – Saul Williams • I try not to overeat (which is my biggest problem), and I find that when I’m eating quality foods from good sources, I don’t need to overeat to feel satisfied. I cook with healthy oils (olive, coconut) and stay away as much as possible from overly processed foods. When I do indulge, I enjoy it. For that moment. And then I balance it with exercise. – Adam Rodriguez • I try to eat healthy all the time. I don’t eat takeaways. I drink mostly water or coconut water. – Conor McGregor • I try to get seven to eight hours of sleep. Wash my hands a lot, take a few supplements, like omega-3 and vitamin D. When I feel a cold coming on, I pop some zinc. I do my best to eat a low-sodium, high-fiber diet. I drink mostly water or coconut water. I don’t smoke, no drugs, and drink red wine occasionally. – Andrea Navedo • I was at a speaking engagement for MIT… and I said, ‘The Professor has all sorts of degrees, including one from this very institution [MIT]! And that’s why I can make a radio out of a coconut, and not fix a hole in a boat!’ – Russell Johnson • I was in Cancun, Mexico, sitting in a disappearing-edge swimming pool, on a bar stool that was actually under the water, watching palm trees sway in a sultry breeze against the unmistakable aqua splendor of the Caribbean Sea; drinking coconut, lime, and tequila from a scooped-out pineapple, with salt spray of breaking surf and sun kissing my skin. Translation: I’d died and gone to heaven. – Karen Marie Moning • I was sometimes called ‘coconut’ when I was at school. – David Oyelowo • I will not go a day without coconut oil. I personally take four tablespoons per day, either on my salads, in my cooking or in my cups of green tea. – Miranda Kerr • I wish I could tell you about the South Pacific. The way it actually was. The endless ocean. The infinite specks of coral we called islands. Coconut palms nodding gracefully toward the ocean. Reefs upon which waves broke into spray, and inner lagoons, lovely beyond description. I wish I could tell you about the sweating jungle, the full moon rising behind the volcanoes, and the waiting. The waiting. The timeless, repetitive waiting. – James A. Michener • I would like magical palm tree that had a lot of shade with instead of coconuts there’s just peanut butter jelly sandwiches with cheetos underneath. And my wife that is always happy and possibly naked. – Channing Tatum • If you live on an atoll and you get a warning by radio that a big wave is coming and everyone is told to move to higher ground, where are you supposed to go on these islands? There is none. The highest ground is four-meters (around 13 feet) above sea level, meaning you’d be safer in a coconut tree. How, though, are you supposed to get your grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren up there? – Enele Sopoaga • If you take 12 waters from the coconut – not the ones you buy in the store, although that’s good – but the fresh coconuts, the little brown ones with the three eyes, if you take 12 of those within 24 hours, your blood will go back to the way it was when you were born. – Dick Gregory • I’ll admit that I do quite like drinks that come in coconut shells. So there’s always that. – Danica McKellar • I’m all about having one day during the week when I have an at-home spa day. That’s when I like to do my nails and moisturize, or do a coconut oil hair masque and clear out my blackheads with pore strips. That’s one of my favorite things. – Shay Mitchell • Im at a slightly higher risk for type 2 diabetes, and my grandmother had diabetes. My hemoglobin a1c, which is one of the measures, started being a little high when I was drinking a ton of that coconut water. – Anne Wojcicki • I’m just taking care of myself: Eating less, exercising more, drinking a lot of coconut water. – Jennie Garth • In the first weeks I had occasionally worn clothes in the morning before the sun began its ascent, but very soon I abandoned this habit, and the only bit of material I ever wore was the strip of sari cloth around my hips, which was so useful for making into a bag to collect coconuts on walks. – Lucy Irvine • In the garden of gentle sanity, May you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness. – Chogyam Trungpa • It is almost as if happiness is an acquired taste, like coconut cordial or ceviche, to which you can eventually become accustomed, but despair is something surprising each time you encounter it. – Daniel Handler • It never takes longer than a few minutes, when they get together, for everyone to revert to the state of nature, like a party marooned by a shipwreck. That’s what a family is. Also the storm at sea, the ship, and the unknown shore. And the hats and the whiskey stills that you make out of bamboo and coconuts. And the fire that you light to keep away the beasts. – Michael Chabon • It was incredibly cheesy set with torches [TV’s Survivor] – it looked like the lobby of the Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland. And here as some guy pulling names out of a coconut, and I said, ‘This is the thing that has made American mass media stop in their tracks? – Tom Hanks • I’ve been doing this new ritual where the first thing I do in the morning is put a tablespoon of coconut oil in my mouth and swish it around. Then I put Kora Organics Rosehip Oil all over my body, which is incredible for your skin, and have a freezing-cold shower, all while I’m swishing the coconut oil in my mouth. It’s a way to get the circulation going and to make you feel reenergized and refreshed. – Miranda Kerr • Jemu watched his father disappear. He didn’t throw the coconut and he didn’t cry. Never again would he know love for another human being that wasn’t adulterated by another, contradictory emotion. – Kiran Desai • Love is also like a coconut which is good while it is fresh, but you have to spit it out when the juice is gone, what’s left tastes bitter. – Bertolt Brecht • My favorite food is macaroni and cheese that my grandma makes. My favorite drink has to be Vita Coco coconut water. – Sloane Stephens • My fridge is really just vegan: coconut water, Gatorade (my favorite!), cucumbers, mint, kale, vegetables, ginger, and wheat grass. – Serena Williams • My friend has hand soap that smells like coconut. It’s nice. Unless your hands are dirty from coconuts. – Demetri Martin • My mom grew up in the Philippines, and she would use coconut oil. I put that in my hair always – literally, natural coconut oil that you use for cooking. I use that for my cuticles and dry spots on my skin too. – Shay Mitchell • My mother was very strong. Once, she picked up a coconut and smashed it against my father’s head. It taught me about women defending themselves and not collapsing in a heap. – Alice Walker • My wife is on a new diet. Coconuts and bananas. She hasn’t lost weight, but can she climb a tree. – Henny Youngman • Natural beauty products are a must! I use coconut oil-based RMS makeup, and I slather almond oil on my hands to soak while I watch a movie. – Phoebe Tonkin • Numerous studies have clearly demonstrated that coconut oil has a neutral effect on cholesterol levels. The reason coconut oil does not adversely affect cholesterol is because it is composed primarily of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). These fatty acids are different from those commonly found in other food sources and are burned almost immediately for energy production, and so they are not converted into body fat or cholesterol to the degree other fats are and do not affect blood cholesterol levels. – Bruce Fife • Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot,’ billed as ‘the laugh sensation of two continents,’ made its American debut at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, in Miami, Florida, in 1956. My father, Bert Lahr, was playing Estragon, one of the two bowler-hatted tramps who pass the time in a lunar landscape as they wait in vain for the arrival of a Mr. Godot. – John Lahr • Skeletons of mice are often to be found in coconuts, for it is easier to get in, slim and greedy, than to get out, appeased but fat. – Viktor Korchnoi • Snooki is a bestselling author? Huh? What? I don’t know if I should dumb down my book, shoot myself or find a publisher who’ll settle for a rough draft written on a Pop-Tart and a coconut lotion handie. – Geoffrey Hill • sometimes you get run down. sometimes life throws dirt in your eyes and it stings and you can’t see for a few minutes. even after you get it out your eyes are all red and your vision is shitty… but eventually, whether through tears or maybe just time… you start to see even clearer than before. life is not always good. which is why music exists. why i believe God exists. and why there’s always a pint of coconut milk ice cream in my freezer. – Hayley Williams • The coconut trees, lithe and graceful, crowd the beach like a minuet of slender elderly virgins adopting flippant poses. – William Manchester • The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise. The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child. – Paul Gauguin • The only time I feel at ease is swinging up and down in a coconut tree. – Ray Davies • The single greatest invention man ever conceived in the dollar bill, because I don’t want to know the conversion rate for coconuts. – John Smith • The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk. – Dustin Hoffman • There is no way to understand the public reaction to the sight of a Freak smashing a coconut with a hammer on the hood of a white Cadillac in a Safeway parking lot unless you actually do it, and I tell you it’s tense. – Hunter S. Thompson • There is one fat that diabetics can eat without fear. That fat is coconut oil. Not only does it not contribute to diabetes but it helps regulate blood sugar, thus lessening the effects of the disease – Bruce Fife • There’s lotion for your face, for your hands, for your feet, for your body. Why? What would happen if you put hand lotion on your feet? Would your feet get confused and start clapping? Each kind has something special in it – aloe, shea butter, coconut, cocoa butter, vanilla, lemon extract. That’s not lotion. That’s one ingredient short of a Bundt cake. – Ellen DeGeneres • Well in two months, it’d be sunbathing time. That made me smile. I enjoyed lying in the sun in a little bikini, timing myself carefully so I didn’t burn. I loved the smell of coconut oil. And I don’t want to hear any lectures about how bad tanning is for you. That’s my vice. Everybody gets one. – Charlaine Harris • What is meditation?… It is fleeing from the self, it is a short escape of the agony of being a self, it is a short numbing of the senses against the pain and the pointlessness of life. The same escape, the same short numbing is what the driver of an ox-cart finds in the inn, drinking a few bowls of rice wine or fermented coconut-milk. – Hermann Hesse • What kind of tea do you want?” “There´s more than one kind of tea?…What do you have?” “Let´s see… Blueberry, Raspberry, Ginseng, Sleepytime, Green Tea, Green Tea with Lemon, Green Tea with Lemon and Honey, Liver Disaster, Ginger with Honey, Ginger Without Honey, Vanilla Almond, White Truffle Coconut, Chamomile, Blueberry Chamomile, Decaf Vanilla Walnut, Constant Comment and Earl Grey.” -“I.. Uh…What are you having?… Did you make some of those up? – Bryan Lee O’Malley • When I lie on the beach there naked, which I do sometimes, and I feel the wind coming over me and I see the stars up above and I am looking into this very deep, indescribable night, it is something that escapes my vocabulary to describe. Then I think: ‘God, I have no importance. Whatever I do or don’t do, or what anybody does, is not more important than the grains of sand that I am lying on, or the coconut that I am using for my pillow.’ So I really don’t think in the long sense. – Marlon Brando • Yes, we could solve for why, but we could also eat another slice of coconut cake. – Sam Lipsyte • You plant twenty coconut trees over here, and twenty coconut trees over there, and you water this batch and don’t water that batch. Of the batch you water, nineteen will survive and one will die. Of the batch you don’t water, nineteen will die and one will survive. – Randall Robinson [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
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mushsect · 1 year
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dont feel like finishing anything rn so have a few gyo doodles and the occasional other loser in the mix
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