#rip Huckleberry
fury176 · 8 months
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Not sure if these are blessed or cursed
The idea to play around with the Guild members' designs (hell yeah, I want to make more!!) came from me laughing at a mental image of Fitzgerald with long hair doing a fabulous hair flip. Someday I'm gonna draw that too - fem Fitz with long hair and really HUGE ti-- cough ANYWAY
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huckleberrycomics · 1 month
I finished dungeon meshi and like. I understand what it means to consume and I also want to draw and if I can make something that makes others feel the way dungeon meshi made ME feel my life will have genuine meaning
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mimi-croissant · 2 years
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The brainworms are strong
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aceofwonders · 1 year
mavis gathering a flock of birds and setting them loose in the museum as a distraction is pretty much all i wanted out of this character 😂
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waitodorimu · 2 years
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Basically my headcanon for modern (& older) Tom and Hucky
I don’t think I have anything else to say everything is in the drawings rlly
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bcgandsmurfsfan2010 · 8 months
I have sad and terrible news, my phone won't turn on, this means i can't use my Instagram account anymore
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unripe-lemon · 2 months
Since i know no one will see this:
1 note and i will email my therapist
ok so for this one,, like since then i have emailed my therapist?? that counts right????? tbh i dont even know what to talk abt anymore, but i do have a session with her so dw
2 notes and ill put my laundry away
ugh….. stupid. internet.. making me do things that will make my life easier…. gugh yeah i put my laundry away!!!!! everyone clap now
5 notes and ill try to brush my teeth more often
ok so like for this one i found this video https://youtu.be/pvutTiPY7q8?si=PASnBmUXZ0xiHzWM imma sing this song to myself every tike i dont feel like brushing my teeth
6 notes and ill try to put on cream for my dermatitis (anxiety hives!!! yayyy!!!!) more often
just did it hehe :) tho it is getting a little worse and my kitten scratched me on top of it 😭
10 notes and ill attempt to learn my timestables
11 notes and ill study for my exams
my exams are over!!!! so idk what to do for this one? maybe ill go do my homework instead
20 notes and ill try to go one day without using my pc/phone
30 notes and ill vaccum (more bc we just adopted kittens) my room entirely
40 notes and ill try to explain my depression to my mom again
50 notes and ill clean my locker out at school
imma do this tmr!!!
i forgot 😭 someone remind me
80 notes and ill fix the posters that are falling off of my wall and are probably going to rip soon
doing this rn! taking dinner break
100 notes and ill REALLY unpack everything with my therapist
maybe tmr?
we talked about medication and kittens, also exams so like success??
200 notes and ill ask my mom if we can go to my go and get! me! medicated!
ill discuss w therapist tmr
discussed with therapist, we are now getting the conversation started with my mom and are going to see what my gp says after that!! :) ty to everyone in the notes rooting for meds
300 notes and ill re organise my bookshelf
400 notes and ill clean all of the mold off of my wall
damn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ion wannaaaaaaaa
this is a weekend activity tbh, and idk if its even going to BE this weekend :P
500 notes and ill clean the mold off of my roof
600 notes and ill try sewing some new clothes
i crocheted a scarf!!! does that count?
700 notes and ill buy some new shoes
800 notes and ill check out dnd club at school (im scared)
900 notes and ill come up with more goals
edit: bro……. 😭
so im gonna take my time w these bc there is a lot to go thru!! i will try my best to remember to update!!! ty for notes :)
- random internet stranger
ok so like i have to come up with more goals now???
1500 and ill start taking study notes with a study method (rb with study method that is your fav eg cornell method)
1700 and ill attempt to hype myself up enough to eat at school (long story, germs)
2000 notes and ill start whatever book wins this poll:
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hp-hcs · 9 months
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 5 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
tmr is just babygirl i don’t make the rules
Watercolors (Chapter One) — tom riddle x male! artistic! hufflepuff! reader
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he could manipulate and possess me thus irreversibly changing my trust in people despite it never being mentioned again and i would thank him
yk, i absolutely love chamber of secrets, but who starts a new diary (obtained under questionable circumstances) with ‘my name is’?
Tom Marvolo Riddle had been stuck inside of his diary since he was sixteen years old.
The diary itself, inside, was a perfect replica of Hogwarts, the boundaries stretching out well into the Forbidden Forest. Perfect, except for the fact that it was made solely of parchment and ink, and was completely devoid of color or life.
Tom hated the color of parchment.
The diary passed hands many times over the five subsequent decades. First there was the pathetic, sniveling man—the Malfoy sycophant—who all but groveled at Tom’s feet (metaphorically, of course).
Next was the littlest Weasley, the redheaded girl who bored Tom to (again, metaphorical) death. He could only pretend to be interested in how Dean Thomas held the door open for her so many times before he wanted to bash his head into one of the walls.
(He tried, once. The parchment just ripped and left him with a nasty paper-cut on his forehead. Tom missed the red of blood. Now, he bled only black, dripping ink.)
Then, Harry Potter, the boy fated to defeat him, (or whatever) who turned out to be really quite sweet. As a last fuck you to whom he became in the future, Tom aided Harry in coming out to the littlest Weasley’s mother.
That’ll show Lord Voldemort, the dipshit, Tom thought gleefully.
Eventually though, even lovely Harry became more distant, his newly rediscovered godfather being the rightful center of his attention. Tom supposed he might have been jealous of the acquitted Black in another life, but after fifty years of loneliness he understood the yearning for living, breathing friends rather than just paper that writes back, as Little Weasley once called him.
Then, out of nowhere, came the Hufflepuff boy with a tin of watercolors and an eye for the overlooked.
The first thing this wondrous creature made for Tom was a little stone cottage, complete with a warm hearth, a garden of pumpkins and berries, and an idyllic curl of smoke from the chimney. The cottage sat near the edge of the forest, wonderfully secluded and alive.
Tom had watched as gentle sweeps of a brush, suspended in midair, created a home. One that existed in both the physical diary and the hellish paper prison Tom resided in.
Everything existed.
The warm, brown thatched roof, the colorfully patterned bedspread, and even a fireplace.
When the masterpiece was complete, Tom, although he would never admit it, gorged himself on the garden’s sweet huckleberries and sour raspberries. Afterward, he explored his new house, even going so far as to stick his hand into the flames of the fire.
(They weren’t real. They felt like nothing more than a faint warmth against his skin. Disappointing, Tom supposed. But probably a safety hazard.)
Then he curled up in the big bed, under the vibrant bedspread, and closed his eyes.
For the first time in fifty years, Tom slept.
Chapter Two
i need you all to know that the original title for this was “Tom Riddle is a man-whore(crux)??? (NOT CLICKBAIT)” so-
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Sticky Fingers (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: After you and Rhett had moved the family to Montana, one of your best memories with Amy was made
The morning sun peaked high above the Gallatin Mountains, the fresh morning air rolling across the flatness of the land that had become yours and Rhett’s. The horses had gone out to graze while the air of early summer was warmer than usual and the birds had begun to sing. A magpie flew from one tree on the property to the other while a clutch of bluebirds had gathered at the birdfeeder in your garden. 
You carried little Amy downstairs, her wild little blonde curls finally tamed just enough for her to be presentable. You had dressed her in a pale pink summer dress you had made for her and you were sure that the older ladies who sat near you and Rhett during church services would be absolutely head over heals for Amy. 
Down the stairs you went to the kitchen to find a shirtless Rhett near the stove, his body still marked with years of hard work, his muscles still well formed as ever as his black Nike basketball shorts hung low on his hips. “Are my girlies awake?” he teased as he switched on the stove and began cutting up the thick slap of heavily peppered bacon. 
“Good morning Daddy,” you chuckled as you met him with a kiss. 
Amy let out a delighted squeal as Rhett picked her up out of your arms, littering her cheeks with kissed. “Oh my princess,” he half laughed, his voice still low and deep from having just woken up. “You are getting to be too much.” 
Amy giggled again as Rhett tickled her sides and kissed her pretty little cheeks. He cracked a few eggs into the pan with one hand, carefully placing a few strips of bacon in with them, all the while keeping Amy secure in the crook of his elbow. 
You checked the pantry to see what else you had, hoping you had enough to  bake your seven layer Reese’s cookies for Rose Black Moon and her husband after they had helped Rhett fix the fence. You checked that off the list taped to the wall along with the vegetables you had promised to give to Rip and Beth later in the week. Yet one look at the mason jars and you noticed that the preserves were getting low, the jars scraped so thin that there was hardly anything left to them. 
“You good darlin?” Rhett asked when he saw the puzzled expression on your face. 
“I think I need to go and pick the excess berries off the bushes in the garden,” you told him. “Looks like the preserves are getting low.” 
Rhett made a face that you knew a little too well at this point, the I may or may not have eaten it all on my toast look. 
You smiled a little but didn’t say a word, taking Amy from him so he could finish cooking. You gathered up a little wicker basket and brought Amy out into the garden where she could run barefoot until you had what you needed. 
You went about picking off the excess of blackberries, raspberries and blueberries in the early morning sunshine, the encroaching heat of summer evident in the air. Carefully, you twisted and picked the berries off the branches, listening to Amy’s little giggles as she chased a butterfly or a bumblebee that happened to be perched on the flowers in the beds or the lilac bush near the porch. 
It wasn’t long before you had filled at least three baskets full of the perfectly ripe berries. You began to pick off the fat, purple huckleberries on a bush that Royal had given you, their sweet scent filling your nostrils as you had begun to imagine what you could make with them, preserves, jam, muffins, scones, pies, something to mix into a drink......yet the quiet calm of your imaginings was abruptly broken when you heard those familiar little giggles again. When you turned and saw Amy running up to you, her face, mouth and fingers all stained with deep purple. 
“My little sweet pea!” you exclaimed, pretending to be stern. “Did you get into the huckleberries again??” 
Amy’s little grin grew wider and her giggles louder as you picked her up and brought her right into the house. Rhett was still in the kitchen, just having finished plating the eggs, bacon and lightly toasted barley bread. A laugh escaped his throat when he saw Amy all covered in those purple stains. 
“Yikes princess!” he laughed. “Looks like ya’ll ran right through Momma’s berry bush.” 
“She must’ve ate her weight in them Rhett,” you said, unable to control the broad smile on your face. 
Rhett laughed again as he ran a washcloth under the warm water in the sink, taking Amy into his arms. He would’ve had her face cleaned sooner, but the two year old was far too quick, her purple stained mouth placing sloppy, sticky kisses all over his cheeks.
“Alright princess,” Rhett told her. “Time to get your face clean.” 
The two of you had one of the best laughs you’d had in a long time. Rhett ran the washcloth over every last inch of Amy’s face and fingers, happy and grateful that one of your first memories had been built in your new home. 
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blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
Val kilmer is a perfectionist and Paul's perfectionism gave him a hard time.. He took 17 takes to get "the end" right .. But he did it so well Paul was moved to tears and hugged Val for like 15 minutes and said it was "perfect". (from Val's I'm your huckleberry memoir
Rip Paul.. His work in the doors movie should've been recognized but he was snubbed right along with Val
Rothchild later told The Washington Post, “[He] knows Jim Morrison better than Jim ever knew himself."
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You LAME Cat...
I don't understand Mr. Jinks's role in Jellystone!. Outside the show, he's a cat beatnik who tries to live a chill life while tormenting Pixie and Dixie. (Who often torment him)
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In Jellystone!, Jinks barely has a personality other than being Huckleberry's boyfriend assistant. I say this because in almost every episode, Mr. Jinks is shown to be near or interacting with Huckleberry. But why? I guess it's because the Pixie and Dixie shorts were a part of the Huckleberry Hound show. But why, out of all the characters from any segment on that show, did they choose Mr. Jinks? They could have easily used Hokey Wolf or Yogi Bear. Personally, Huckleberry shouldn't even be the mayor of Jellystone because he's always seen as a job hopper. No job he has is permanent. I'd go further into this argument. But that'll have to wait for another day.
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If you're going to have Mr. Jinks, Pixie and Dixie shouldn't be too far behind, right? Don't even bother getting excited for them because they're ordinary background characters in Jellystone!. They rarely show up. And when they do, it's a rarity to hear them say anything. This rolls right back to Jinks' character as he and the meeces never get to interact with each other. No meece means there's no point in having Jinks appear in the show as they form a character dynamic with him and Jellystone! breaks that dynamic by not having these three interact with each other. I mean, what's the point of including Mr. Jinks if you're not going to do anything with Pixie and Dixie?
There's DOZENS of characters that shouldn't be in Jellystone! because of how little the writers utilize them. The only ones who matter are Yogi, Boo Boo, Cindy, the three kids (Augie, Shag, and Yakky), Snagglepuss, Huckleberry, and Top Cat and his gang. Every other character is either used for gags or to make certain scenes feel more lively. Mr. Jinks is a prime example of this. Taking an established character from the Hanna Barbera lineup and doing the bare minimum with them.
I don't care if they'd come off as Tom and Jerry rip-offs. If the original Tom and Jerry formula still works, it should also work for Pixie, Dixie, and Mr. Jinks. It also doesn't help that the three also stand out from Tom and Jerry.
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jojoseames · 1 year
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Patron original art reward! WAHsels Ripped My Flesh! This one requires explanation...
In November, during the moving process, I posted a photo of the portfolios that hold all the comic pages I've drawn. One of them is labeled "shorts", for short stories I've drawn for different anthologies, and the like. A dear friend commented on Twitter that he's amusingly initially misread "shorts" as "stoats". How funny to imagine that I'd have a whole graphic novel about weasels! And I replied to that by putting it out there that, y'know what, if anyone needs a comic drawn about stoats, I'm your huckleberry!
So this prompted a Patron to ask for their December sketch that I please draw Waluigi...with stoats.
And then my mind immediately went to the September 1956 cover of Man's Life magazine, which was painted by Wil Hulsey and later made more famous by Frank Zappa titling a Mothers of Invention album after the magazine's featured headline "Weasels Ripped My Flesh!"
And uh...all of THAT has resulted in THIS!
JoJo Seames, 2022
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Who wouldn't picture these possibilities:
Dick Dastardly's verbal torment of Muttley getting the better of him to such extent that Muttley rips into an explosive show of canine flatus just as his master begins another of those talkdowns, such driving Dastardly rather ill from the fumes.
Huckleberry Hound's beloved Clementine managing to make something of a name for herself at county and state fairs when it comes to cake and pie making , canning and preserving ... and having the scrapbooks of blue (and occasional purple) ribbons to show for it. Not to mention being invited to an occasional 4-H meeting to explain and demonstrate safe canning methods.
Bubi from the Hair Bear Bunch actually NOT getting his conversation cut short by way of Square Bear's forepaw over his mouth when things appear to get over the top, and then some.
The Skatebords "expanding their horizons" by trying out skateboarding as if inline skating wasn't impressive enow (and Scooter somehow being especially impressed).
Dinner one evening with Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy: Homemade, "from scratch" even, macaroni and cheese alongside frozen salisbury steaks.
During one of Peter Potamus' sojourns in Polynesia Uncharted, his romantic interest one evening happens to be twin girls who he can't help but enjoy lovemaking with--and even leading an early-morning dive session the next day.
The Three Wolves' choice of waffle mix during their diving camps: No less than Carbon's Golden Malted, chosen for its rather rich taste seen as ideally complementing the dive experience. As for the syrup, such derived from the soft maple sugar of Loopy De Loop's hobbyist sugar bush in Quebec's Eastern Townships.
Seems that prehistory (think The Flintstones here) had this thing for hot spring pools as a source of relief and relaxation, especially among cavewomen types seeking relief from those monthly discomforts.
Is it too much to imagine Inch High, Private Eye, actually fitting inside a typical espresso coffee mug, even though it may be thimble size (and his likely choice of coffee being the heavily-caffeinated stuff "to maintain alertness")?
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e1igius · 1 year
it's two sides of a fucked up coin. it was like the pin finally dropping. the way the words deafened every other sound around them , and left an eerie ringing in his ear as if someone had just unloaded and entire magazine right next to his ear. there's a voice in the back of his mind , crawling it's way in , fingers like daggers ripping open at the mask he so effortlessly usually held in place in moments like this. but he can hear the voice screaming , he fucked up. he doesn't know where or how or when , but at some point he'd given er the wrong impression and its something he'd never forgive himself for. the whole point of this useless exercise was to help her realize , that not all men were fucking jerks. but apparently they were , because even with the best of intentions he had still managed to somehow manipulate her into wanting to be with him.
the first memory with her is hazy , though most memories he had with her are. they're usually drunk , at a bar or one of their apartments , and laughing their asses off regarding something or the other. the way huck was lit up when he was around her was a problem. because one person should never have that much control over your happiness. and he knew he didn't have as much pull over hers , which was good he figured , except now , in this moment. he was very worried he was about to be granted that power. as if however he chose to answer it would determine the rest of their friendship forever. suddenly the corduroy jacket around his shoulders feels a little to heavy , the black t-shirt feels a little too tight and he's trying to think of a better way to say things than just. i think this is a terrible idea.
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start easy feigning innocence, ❝ when i said let's get you to bed , i meant it you need to sleep. ❞ there's a tone in his voice he doesn't understand as he speaks , he hasn't heard it in years. its the slight waiver at the end of the sentence... he's nervous. he doesn't want to hurt her , she's one of his favorite people. he wants her to be happy , and loved and he wants her to not want to fuck him but apparently you could only get two wishes after all. her voice is slurred in it's feeble attempt to be sultry , fingers lingering a little too long on his chest. huckleberry's still holding her hand. he refuses to let go even in this situation.
he places a hand under sawyer's chin , tilting it up so she's looking straight at him. ❝ love , i ain't gonna fuck you. ❞ it's the only time he's given her a cold look , the icey feeling a familiar one to bring into artic-colored eyes. but certainly not one he's ever used on her before , gaze softens almost instantly. not really certain if he doesn't want to or can't hold it while looking at her. he's worried he's caused some sort of permanent damage. ❝ look , you know i love ya just not... ❞ not like that.
❝  listen,  i’ve wanted to get you in bed since you first smiled at me.  but we don’t have to do this unless you’re sure.   ❞ says @bnchee
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musingsofabookworm1 · 18 days
My Last 12 Reads
It’s been awhile. Over a month. Still reading! Just burnt out from the end of the school year. Legitimately burn out. But it is summer! And though I expected I’d read fewer books than the last few years, I actually read more with my total from end of last school year to this totaling 132.
So here’s a big recap!
Rainbow Black by Maggie Thrash - 5 stars
The Goodreads summary states that this book is “part murder mystery, part gay international-fugitive love story”. And it is spot on! The book moves through 20 years between Lacey’s youth and present day. Her youth was turned upside down after her parents were thrown in jail. Kids from their day care made accusations linked to the Satanic Panic in 1990. I loved this book so don’t want to divulge more. Just know that the writing is top notch. The character development is solid, and the plot will make you want to keep reading. One of the best I’ve read this year.
The Girls We Sent Away by Meagan Church -- 4 stars
This one got a little long in the middle, but it was very much worth the read. This book is set in part of the 60s known as the Baby Scoop Era. Protagonist teen Lorraine Delford lives in North Carolina with her parents. She is smart, ambitious, and has a boyfriend: who dumps her after she becomes pregnant. Ashamed, her parents send her to a maternity home. At the home, Lorraine meets girls from many walks of life and quickly becomes close with a select few. The emotions I felt for Lorraine and the girls she came to call her friends ripped my heart out. This novel is timely...which is excruciatingly sad. In related news: vote in November!
Biography of X by Catherine Lacey - 3 stars
Great concept. Mediocre execution. Even though this book is about X, X is dead. X was a writer and an artist. Her partner realizes upon X’s death, that she really knows nothing of X’s life prior to the beginning of their relationship. In the book, the United States has a portion split off after World War II known as the Southern Territory, and X's story via her partner gives us part of the history along with the history of X herself. Some parts of this novel were excellent, and I didn’t want them to end. Those were mostly parts of X’s family. Others were so drawn out and seemed to last forever. Dialog is limited which always turns me off. Average, at best, for me. 
James by Percivall Everett - 5 stars
This was the best of all the books in this post. It is Huckleberry Finn told through the eyes of Jim AKA James. It keeps the events of the original in place but brings Jim into a new light. I will keep it at that. Two thumbs way up for character development making a plot that readers know very much engaging. An absolute must read! I’ll definitely be looking into more of this author’s work over the summer.
The Book of Love by Kelly Link - 3 stars 
This three is rounded up from two and a half. At 628 pages, I should not have stuck with this one. I didn’t like it overall. The three teenage main characters open the book in a high school classroom after disappearing a year prior. Everyone has accounted for them as dead at this point. But their high school music teacher has joined them and knows something about the convoluted story about where they’ve been and why they’re back, and it has to do with magic.  Said teacher uses magic to make it seem like the three had been away at a European music camp for the last year and have simply returned. But the music teacher isn’t the only one who can use magic. Magical figures come into the teens’ lives: some good and some bad. There were some good parts. Some good relationships amongst characters. But overall, too many characters, too long, and even though the last 100 pages were enjoyable, it wasn’t a good read for me overall. 
The Gathering by C.J. Tudor - 3 stars
Easily my least favorite of Tudor’s books. Which I usually love. The book is set in Deadheart, Alaska where, for the last twenty-five years, the locals have lived alongside a community of vampyrs. Twenty-five years ago, a vampire killed a local. Now it has happened again. A detective who specializes in vampyr killings comes in to determine if this was a colony killing. If she finds it is, a cull will be called for. The former sheriff, whose life was turned upside down by the last killing, teams up with the aforementioned detective to find out if it is truly a vampyr killing or a murder. This was a quick read, and I don’t mind a vampire book. But this one, plot-wise, just didn’t do it for me despite enjoying Tudor’s writing style immensely.  I did read this one in one day mostly on my deck in the sun. It was a nice taste of summer in mid-May!
Children of Refuge and Children of Jubilee (Children of Exile Series #2 and #3) by Margaret Peterson Haddix
I started this series around spring break, and then a plethora of library holds descended on me, so I didn’t get to these as soon as I wanted to. The end of the first book in the series took a turn I did not expect: what seemed dystopian turned sci-fi. The biggest turn in these two novels: the narrator changed for both. The second is narrated by a friend of the first. The story does pick up just after the first. The third does the same regarding the timeline but is narrated by the sister of the second narrator. It was really difficult to go to the third book from the second due to the narrator switch. I kept thinking the narrator was the second one rather than the third. The first book was the best of the series, but overall a mediocre middle grade read. Very drawn out and minimal character development. But thumbs up for world-building. 
Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See - 3 stars
Everyone loves this. I did not love it. I liked it. I liked the beginning. I liked the end. The middle dragged for me. We meet Lady Tan in 15th century China when she was just a child. After her mother dies in the first chapter, her father leaves her to be raised by her grandparents. Though women are of no use besides being vessels for children (male children ideally), Yunxian (title character) is lucky that her grandmother is one of the few female physicians around, and she begins to teach Yunxian about medical practices to help women. But her life takes a turn due to an arranged marriage. Her new mother-in-law forbids her from practicing medicine to help the women of her new family and household. Then a mystery crops up. Women must help other women (hence the circle) to survive. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the foot-binding. Despite not being blind or unaware of this, this practice just blows my mind any time I encounter it. And this was no different. This is not a historical period I love to read about, but I’m sure for readers that do, it’s a solid (not average) read. 
The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang - 4 stars
Scrolling through Facebook on spring break, I stumbled upon the fact that Kate Quinn had a new book she’d co-authored. How did I not know this? Thanks to a Target gift card in my wallet, I ordered it immediately. But, again, with library holds coming in fast and furiously, I had to set it aside. It had a bit of a slow start, but after the first 100 pages, it really picked up. It takes place around and during the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. Chapters alternate between Gemma and Suling. Gemma is a singer from the Midwest trying to make it big. She’s come to San Francisco to live with her friend who’d moved weest before her only to find her unexpectedly gone once she arrives. Suling is a Chinese immigrant seamstress. Their paths cross, of course. I’m going to leave it at that, though. The plot will be much more enjoyable as it unfolds during the reading experience. Give it some time, and it’ll get better than the slow start!
And We Rise by Erica Martin - 5 stars
This is YA book of poems touching on a number of pivotal events in the US Civil Rights Movement. Accessible. Emotional. Beyond my expectations. Fellow teachers: check this one out. You could probably use at least some of this in a lesson about poetry or history. 
Midnight on Beacon Street by Emily Ruth Verona - 2 stars
I had this one on my Kindle. I needed something short before my next hold came in. It had poor Goodreads reviews. They were deserved. The writing was not good. At times it was too simplistic, and at other times, it seemed like the author was trying too hard in this slasher-movie-esque plot set in 1993. It opens at midnight with a young boy standing in a pool of blood then goes back a few hours and works its way back to this scene.  Teenage babysitter, Amy, is watching a twelve-year-old girl and six-year-old boy. Her boyfriend shows up with his asshole brother and brother’s girlfriend who make her feel uncomfortable. This is followed by some mysterious phone calls and another uninvited guest. Lots of references and nods to the slasher film genre which was pretty much the only good part. 
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meowmaids · 9 months
I was worried my darling boy Huckleberry, might try and rip apart my beloved stuffed animal but he just cuddles with them 🥹
Peace and love on planet earth
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