#rinzler prefers not to ping unless he has too he’ll typically just Stare Threateningly at ppl until they do what he wants
riinzler · 1 year
explanation of what ‘pings’ are!
mentioned them briefly in an rp so i thought i’d explain (note this is all heavily inspired by solar_siren on ao3!!!)
to summarize pings are when two programs transfer a line of dialogue code to each other similar to texting in a way. some programs use pings to speak privately, if the surrounding area is loud, etc, or if they just feel like it. some programs like rinzler use pings as a primary form of communication, some only use them every once in awhile and some prefer not to use them at all.
there are programs who only ping with programs they’re familiar with while others will don’t mind and will use it anyone it comes down purely to preference.
pings are not user compatible, even if the user is digitized. on the encom system programs could use pings to convey emotions too, but that isn’t a function the grid version has.
pings can also have an impression of a programs voice. this is not something they can control though. for some the voice is clear almost as if the other program was verbally speaking, while for others their voice impressions are very vague or quiet. some programs don’t have voice impressions at all. it can be pretty diverse!!
there isn’t really a general etiquette for pings as so much of it comes down to just personal preference but it is considered rude to ping unexpectedly/without any form of warning it’s like coming up behind someone and loudly shouting ‘HEY!!!’ when you could’ve just walked over and said hi at a normal volume
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