#ring main unit industry
The global ring main unit market is anticipated to expand significantly, reaching USD 3.4 billion by 2029, up from USD 2.5 billion in 2024, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7% during the forecast period.
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Ring Main Unit Market to Boost Business Scope with Key Players and Market Trends
Ring Main Unit Market to Boost Business Scope with Key Players and Market Trends
The global ring main unit market size is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.3% from 2020 to 2025. The market is estimated to be USD 1.6 billion in 2020 and expected to reach USD 2.5 billion by 2025. Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest and the fastest growing market for ring main units from 2020–2025. The market is driven by the rising demand for uninterrupted and reliable power supply across…
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diiwata · 2 months
district 6 headcanons! 🚂
yeah, i'm a d6 fan too!!! sue me! here are my top hcs that i use for worldbuilding. if you've read my fic, "o children", then you'll recognize a lot of these things.
industry things
district 6 has many industries involving transportation. oil rigging companies, vehicle manufacturing factories (that they call 'manu-factories' for short), exporters and importers, etc..
exporters and importers get to travel outside of the district for a few weeks at a time, but their activity is monitored by peacekeepers quite heavily.
exporters and importers have the most access to morphling, and consume it more too. of course, there's rings that trade it and such, but people (and those in different districts) usually get their fixes through them.
i can imagine d6 being a work accident prone district. falling off trains, spilling oil, falling manufactured parts, etc..
as part of my fic, there's also an underground boxing ring ran by the peacekeepers to keep themselves entertained, but also to put money in the pockets of those who might not wanna end up in prison and need an... alternative to jail time. i hc that other districts have it too! maybe in d2?
^ OOH! speaking of which, what if career districts developed it into academies while others had it die down/kept more on the down low?
VERY polluted district. like, they have to have air purifiers in their homes and wear "outdoor masks" made out of cloth around their faces type of polluted. i also think districts that manufacture things -- like 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12 -- also have a smilar problem.
i think the problem is concentrated more on the urban areas or people who live next to the factories/train stations.
apparently their population is larger than the average district, according to the fandom wiki, so i imagine that the poorer section of the district live near the factories in large apartment buildings. a neighborhood that i've created is called "farren heights".
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meanwhile, the richer folks lived in townhouses/rowhouses. they have more of their own space, but the houses are still very, very squished together. another neighborhood i've created is called "peregrine court".
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between the two is their marketplace/commercial area called "traveler's square". of course, they'll have their own shops in their respective neighborhoods, but it's not as plentiful as traveler's square. they need those spaces to create new apartment units or housing developments for the growing population. TS brings them together as it has all the fun pubs, shops, etc..
i think they travel within the district via a smaller metro/train system!
i also believe that due to their growing population, and because not everyone can afford the rent, they have a group of people they call "vagabonds". they build their own homes, but because of the expenses, they don't have their own purifiers. they are the most affected by the pollution.
cultural influences?!
DISCLAIMER: i don't claim being part of the cultures mentioned, so if anyone wants to drop some info, feel free to comment or send an ask so that i can incorporate it into my d6 lore! <3
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german and indigenous algonquin are their dominant cultures. (hugest shout out to @pottershawkinswp and @wxstfulthoughts for helping me with the german stuff TM).
this is b/c there was a big migration of german people in this region some time ago. and the indigenous tribes that occupy these lands are algonquin!
the more minor cultures are black and latino! this is because of the fact that they have a very, very small portion of illinois/chicago according to the fandom wiki 😜
potatoes are their main source of carbs. and they have a lot of german-style foods like cheese soup, cold breakfast, etc..
along with travel/manufacture themed names, i also think some people have german influences in their names or surnames.
as for indigenous influence, i can see the youngsters referring to the older people as "elders". they also definitely pass down cultures through story-telling or word of mouth.
i also think they have a cryptid called the W. nothing else to the name, just the W. it's known today as the w*ndigo, but b/c i'm scared TM of the taboo that saying its name will bring it closer to you, i will not say it 😇 over time, the name was forgotten and just became known as the singular letter!
those of indigenous descent would keep their hair long in braids. i believe beading is implemented into their clothes too :)
these folks definitely line dance, a bit of jazz, bit of freestyling. very lively and very rowdy, free, etc.. they're there for a good time, not a long one!
HEAR ME OUT: district 6 greasers. i'm talking the outsiders, random fights, overly gelled hair, cigarette in mouth, and greaser v. socs battles in very sketchy alleyways.
yeah! that's all i have off the top of my head. this was longer than i thought 😭 feel free to incorporate these into your own d6 lore, but yeah! i 💜 district 6
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ateez-himari · 1 month
The Coachella-slaying, multi-language-singing, genre-obliterating members of Ateez are quickly becoming load-bearing stars of our global pop universe.
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August 15, 2024
The expensive clothing layered onto the smallest frame in the group depicts an almost untouchable image, yet when the youngest member in question turns around it is pure warmth that decorates doll-like features when greeting the photographers. Himari is often referred to as innocence itself - main rapper Mingi calling her 'angel' several times throughout the shoot - due to radiating happiness in an effortless manner, though it reportedly was not always this simple.
Mental health has long been an avoided topic in the industry even amongst increasing hiatus frequencies, so when the maknae was struggling with heavy depression many remained unaware of her predicament. When asked about the impact of having to fight while keeping up an idol image, she explains that: "At times I couldn't even distinguish which one was the real me, the one who was tired of even having to wake up, or the one smiling at Atiny while performing."
"Even when I was genuinely happy felt like acting." She continues, manicured fingers fidgeting with a golden ring. "It was such a terrifying time in my life, but it helped me realize that there was no merit in pretending to be someone else or hiding my true feelings. Anger, pain, joy, fear, there's not one emotion less valuable than the others so now I feel them as they come along."
Seeing the avoidance in eye contact when talking about this topic I apologize profusely thinking that this might not have been the appropriate route, but she simply laughs before gracing me with one of her beloved cat-like smiles. "In truth I'm very shy." She reassures me. "People often see me as this very assured person because of how I am on stage, but in settings like these I tend to be much more introverted than with people I'm acquainted with."
The group is well known for hypnotizing performances high in energy with four members forming the 'Demon Line', adequately named after the specific type of personas they tend to embody on stage, which she happens to be part of. Conversing with me however is indeed a rather timid young woman, despite the dark makeup making her gaze much more piercing, who does not seem to share any commonalities with the siren witnessed by the audience.
Just when our eye opening conversation comes to an end several members come over to their youngest, praising her gorgeous visuals enhanced through the well chosen outfit. Therein lies another charm of this rapidly rising group, their genuine connections to each other. Being around the same people almost every minute of the year can undoubtedly become tiring yet even during the unit shoot between San, Seonghwa, Jongho and Himari, the atmosphere feels more like a regular poolside hangout than work.
While some poses do seem somewhat awkward between friends - such as Seonghwa holding her against his bare chest as he holds a thumb on her bottom lip - their six years together has built a strong sense of trust and comfort. A comfort that resonates as clear as the youngest's laughter while the older members threaten to throw her into the water, Jongho holding her across his shoulders like she weighs next to nothing.
Unique artistic expression plays a very large part in building an intriguing image around the group. ATEEZ's captain has lately risen to be a fashion icon due to his experimental style, Mingi has created his own brand with the usage of his iconic 'Fix On', and their youngest creates divine ink paintings, some of which have since been placed as permanent expositions in galleries.
The three of them form something known as the 'Producer Line', and are responsible for creating the group's discography. Himari is also an active producer for other artists of various genres, the most notable being SHINee member, Taemin. The latter, recognized as the second Hand of Midas alongside her brother, BTS member Suga, is currently fast asleep on the changing room couch on their manager's shoulder, surrounded by music sheets written for their Coachella performances.
"When you first meet her, she seems very calm and carefree." Yeosang explains while removing the accessories from her hair. "In truth even being a maknae, she takes on very similar responsibilities to our captain. Her studio is practically a second home at this point, that's how much she works. She doesn't even realize it either so either Yunho or I have to come drive her back to the dorm."
It becomes clear through conversations with the members that their rise from small agency trainees to performers desired by multiple music festivals can be attributed to their hard work. Each have their own style, personalities and defining charms, which makes every stage unique. We can certainly look forward to much more success from these talented artists as they continue to mark the industry.
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blowflyfag · 6 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: March 2024
WHEN YOU’VE BEEN following this great sport as long as I have, you start to get a real sense for when something just works … when someone has something special, and is destined to make it big. Sometimes, it might take a very long time. And it might even seem like it’s never going to happen. But for some, it just takes longer, and, if they have the right combination of determination, skill, and luck, it happens.
LA Knight is one of those people. I’ve known it for years, but it’s nice to see the rest of the business finally catch up.
The year 2023 was a watershed moment in the 20-year career of WWE’s newest phenomenon. This marked the time when Knight finally broke through and did something that is so refreshing to see, but is so rarely allowed to happen in today’s industry: He got over organically. The fans made him into a superstar; not the office. He’s not a corporate product.
Quite the opposite! LA Knight is someone the office didn’t necessarily see all that much in, but the people felt otherwise. He won them over, and now it’s paying dividends, as WWE has a new main-event fan favorite on its hands. 
Yes, I’ve heard all the knocks. As this magazine goes to press, LA Knight just turned 41 years old. Guess what? That’s the same age as Asuka, Finn Balor, and Damien Priest. Cody Rhodes, who’s arguably made himself into WWE’s hottest fan favorite main-eventer in the past couple of years, is just three years younger than LA Knight. So are Sami Zayn, Charlotte Flair, and none other than Roman Reigns himself. Sure, Knight has a finite number of years ahead of him as a major, viable wrestling superstar. But you can rest assured he’s primed to make the most of those years. The idea that he’s somehow “too old” for the position he’s in is ludicrous.
[While some critics deride LA Knight for his similarities to Steve Austin and Dwayne Johnson, Brian R. Solomon suggests the rising superstar doesn’t get enough credit for making those influences his own.
It’s funny how one of Knight’s greatest strengths–his ability to tap into the best aspects of what made the stars of the Attitude Era get over–has also been called out by some as a negative. From when I first came to be acquainted with his work years ago, I enjoyed how he seemed to be a hybrid of the best elements of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Rock. If that makes him derivative, then he’s no more derivative than Ric Flair emulating Buddy Rogers, Hulk Hogan emulating “Superstar” Billy Graham, or Dusty Rhodes taking from Thunderbolt Patterson.
In other words, nothing exists in a bubble. The greats of today build themselves on the templates created by the stars of the past. That’s nothing new. And in 2023, a wrestler with the swagger and charisma of the Attitude Era actually stands out from the pack.
Most importantly of all, LA Knight believes himself to be a star, and that belief has spread to the people. He’s willed it for himself, because he knows he’s earned it. That’s what happens when you’ve been scratching and scraping for 20 years to achieve something that means the world to you.
[Eli Drake poses for a photo backstage at a taping of David Marquez’ UWN Primetime Live in September 2020. By that time, WWE brass certainly already had their eyes on the man who would go on to main event against Roman Reigns.
Since the days of WWE’s Ruthless Aggression–back when TNA and Ring of Honor were in their respective infancies–the man known to his parents as Shaun Ricker has been making his way in the business, and he’s been learning every step of the way. He got his start in the 200s at Ohio’s Heartland Wrestling Association under the watchful eye of legendary trainer Les Thatcher. At the time, HWA served as a developmental system for WWE. Ricker actually made his WWE debut on an episode of Heat in 2006, teaming with another young unknown, Jon Moxley, in a handicap match against The Big Show.
In what would be the start of a pattern, he wasn’t quite able to break through. And when WWE ended its relationship with HWA in 2009, Ricker moved on, hitting the West Coast and becoming a standout of the California independent scene. 
Part of that campaign meant becoming a regular at David Marquez’ Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, then a flagship member of the NWA. This TV exposure started to show what he could do, and earned him a tryout with NXT in 2013. But his first run there would turn out pretty uneventful, consisting of half a year of house shows and dark matches. It just wasn’t his time yet. 
In 2015, the future LA Knight got his first big break in TNA/IMPACT, where he also took on the name many fans first knew him under: Eli Drake. He spent the next four years there, honing his skills against some of the best in the business, and even holding the IMPACT World championship for five months. For most performers with his age and experience, that might have been the peak. For him,it was just the precursor.
After leaving IMPACT in 2019, Drake reached a whole new audience as one of the cornerstone stars of Billy Corgan’s new incarnation of the NWA, where he held the NWA World tag team title with James Storm. But the pandemic put a crimp in things and halted much of the NWA’s production in 2020. By the time it started back up again, Eli Drake had been snatched up by WWE, sent to NEXT, and given a whole new name.
Even then, success was far from a sure thing, as fans know all too well. Saddled with the unfortunate Max Dupri persona–and even shoehorned into the role of manager by Vince McMahon, who just didn’t see him as a top player–the man rose above it all, proving that even Vince can be wrong sometimes.
Thankfully, Paul Levesque believed in LA Knight and, gradually, Knight took the reins. A feud with Bray Wyatt, in which Knight was positioned as nothing more than a stepping stone, instead proved the catalyst for his dramatic transformation into a superstar on the rise.
Tired of getting so close but falling short of where he knew he belonged, LA Knight took control of his own destiny. After all these years, the taste of success is that much sweeter. Now, everyone is saying his name, and likely will be for some time to come. 
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Why Toph Becoming a Cop Both Makes and Doesn’t Make Sense, and a Potential Fix
Most people loathe the fact that Toph canonically not only becomes a cop, but also becomes a corrupt cop who abuses her authority to protect her criminal younger daughter. 
This is because, beyond claims of copaganda, people argue that it is out of character for someone like Toph, whose character is about flaunting authority and doing what she wants, to take a position of authority such as Republic City's Chief of Police.
However, I don't think there was a problem with Toph becoming a cop since I think Toph's issue with authority wasn't its existence per se, but instead the fact that she wasn’t the main authority figure, or one of the main authority figures, and therefore had to submit to someone else’s authority, even when doing so wasn't agreeable to her.
This is why Toph hated the way her parents sheltered her, enjoyed scamming people, and expressed verbal chagrin at Katara's mothering while at the same time enjoying being Aang's earthbending teacher to the point that she eventually opened her own metalbending academy, missed Sokka's leadership when he was training with Piandao, and admitted to Sokka that she did like Katara's mothering when she thought Katara was nowhere to be found.
Moreover, unlike the real world, policing in Avatar's world does not have the same negative history as in places like the United States, where policing arose out of slave-catching paroles.
In addition, it is highly likely that as Toph grew older, she wished to channel her need to fight and put bad guys down in a socially responsible way considering for better or worse she is associated with the Gaang, who are composed of several world leaders. 
Therefore, if she could have met those needs by, for example, starting an underground bending fighting ring or becoming a bounty hunter, she wouldn’t. 
Not when she deeply cares for her friends, even if she doesn’t show it, and therefore would never do something that would have the potential to seriously negatively impact them.
Also, considering she is a business partner with her dad in Earthen Fire Industries, and therefore makes frequent visits to Cranefish Town/Republic City, she would be acutely aware of not only of tensions between immigrants from the other three remaining nations, but also of the rising tensions between benders and non-benders as technology threatens uproot benders’ favored position in society.
Especially since she helped the Gaang in Imbalance take down a group of bending supremacist luddites who destroyed factories in Cranefish Town such as the one owned by Earthen Fire Industries.
So, taking all of the above into consideration and the fact that Toph is a simple person who doesn’t like complexity, it is easy to see a scenario where Aang and the United Republic Council, which would include Sokka, coming up to her and asking her and her metalbending students to help police the increasingly chaotic Republic City, with her as the Chief of Police, and her agreeing to do.
However, I think where Toph becoming a police officer fails is in the execution of her deciding to leave. 
Because whether she quit due to realizing that covering up Suyin's crimes made her unfit to lead like Lin says, or because she quit due to realizing that no matter how many bad guys she put away, she wasn’t making a real difference in her own worlds, none of them are consistent with her character arc of learning to care for and trust in others, as well as the world at large.
Hence, why I think people would not have a problem with Toph becoming a cop if her reason for quitting wasn’t due to personal corruption or becoming a jaded cynic, but instead because she realized that being a cop was not the best to stop bad guys and help her friends, and therefore quit so she could take direct action that she couldn’t take as a cop.
For example, you could have Toph in the early years of her tenure as Republic City's Chief of Police, after a bunch of apprehended thieves say they were pushed to criminality because they never received any reparations from the Fire Nation, and therefore lacked the means to make an honest living considering the dilapidated state of their home towns due to the War, go on a countrywide trip across the Earth Kingdom to see what is going on in regards to reparation payments. 
And during her trip, have her find out that the nobility and various government officials have been embezzling the payments and keeping it for themselves and their friends and family.
And then, after getting as many of them arrested, but finding out to her horror that without putting an end to the institution of nobility, or more generally, without giving the masses political and economic power, they will always get taken advantage of, have her tender her resignation and spend the rest of her life as an earthbending teacher who uses her wealth and political connections to help those the Earth Kingdom government can't or won’t while also advocating for and promoting democracy.
“Ok, what you said makes sense. But what if Toph becoming a cop and then quitting due to being corrupt or becoming jaded was a deliberate choice on the part of the writers? Because several characters in the franchise such as Azula and Yun have negative character arcs in which they become worse people over time.”
“And even someone like Aang, the purest person in the original show, has a negative arc when it comes to his kids: engaging in parental favoritism and putting too much pressure on his youngest, airbending child Tenzin.”
“So why can’t Toph being a cop who eventually quits due to corruption or cynicism be part of a negative character arc: namely, how her refusal to grow as a person, as well as her refusal to acknowledge that the world isn’t as simple as she wished it was until she was an old lady, not only harmed her, but also her family and the world at large?”
Because Azula, Yun, and Aang’s negative character arcs are consistent with their characters and logically flow from what was previously established about them.
Azula was a golden child who was raised to believe that fear and manipulation was the only way to gain loyal friends and family and choose to pursue her father’s love over her mother’s love, only to learn too late that using fear and manipulation on your friends and family is liable to turn them against you, especially when you the leading agent of a tyrannical, genocidal monarchy, and that her father never loved her, only what she could do for him.
Yun was raised to believe that he was the Avatar, only to learn shortly before being left for dead, or worse, to a nasty spirit by his father figure that he was not the Avatar, but instead his servant/friend.
Aang engaging in parental favoritism makes sense when you realize that only airbenders could continue the Air Nomad race and culture. 
Therefore, so long as him and Katara, a waterbender with non-bending parents, choose to engage in a monogamous relationship, Aang would have to favor any airbending child(ren) over any non-airbending child(ren) in order to make sure airbending and Air Nomad culture would not go extinct with his passing. 
Moreover, he would have to relentlessly drill said airbending child(ren), even if the pressure to succeed would end up tormenting them for the rest of their lives, because the fate of a bending art and nation would literally rest on their back(s).
Meanwhile, Toph, someone whose arc in the original show was learning to care for and trust in others and the world at large, became a corrupt cop and/or a jaded cynic because….?
So to sum up, I don't think Toph becoming a cop is out of character for her since she never had a problem with authority, only submitting to it. 
However, the problem with her becoming a cop is due to her quitting after abusing her power to protect Suyin after she not only committed several crimes, but also attacked her older sister who was trying to arrest her and her criminal associates. 
This is because it spits in the face of Toph learning to care about her friends since her abusing her power does no favors to the Gaang trying to maintain peace in Republic City, or the world at large.
But Toph learning that being a cop is not the best way to help her friends and the world because you can’t punch or jail the concept of evil away before then taking steps to try and get at the root of why people commit crimes through direct action and utilizing her immense political and social capital, would turn her becoming a cop from something that was inconsistent with her character arc of learning to care for and trust in others and the world at large into something consistent with said arc, therefore fixing the issue with her becoming a cop.
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gisellelx · 2 months
By any other name (literally, ANY other)
I was reading Braiding Sweetgrass for pleasure and for work and there's a chapter which reminded me of something I knew but had not truly ever reconsidered--"Carlisle" is a place name. It's a city in England, and gave rise to the same name across several towns in the U.S. Most famously in the U.S., Carlisle, PA is home to the US Army War College, which sits on the former grounds of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, the main boarding school (though there were many) where Indigenous American children were sent to be stripped of their languages, tribal identities, spiritual beliefs, and not too infrequently, their lives. It is the place of origin of the phrase "Kill the Indian in him and save the man" and served as the model for the many other schools across the United States where this took place in the early 1900s. And like...I'm sure it was technically unintentional and yet at the same time, SM and I aren't that far apart in age. This same fact was rattling around in the far reaches of her brain and when she went searching for the name of the patriarch (who by all accounts, in 1640s England, should be "John" or "William" or "Thomas" which is why I hold my hc that he's just basically forgotten his own first name) she came up with Carlisle. Because that name was ringing some bells as she thought about writing a book about vampires and Native humans.
What in the fresh hell, Stephenie.
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posebean · 1 year
Summer Rain: Sick in the Rain 1
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Writer: Beanosei
Season: Spring
Characters: Niki
Niki: Nee-san~ I’m just being plain dumb? Why are you calling me dumb now, too? What did I do to deserve this treatment~
Disclaimer: This chapter includes Anzu heavily as a character. She is her own character here, but it's still Niki directly addressing her as "Nee-san" in order to stick to the Enstars story format as much as possible.
Studio, 2 days after 
Niki: Is this where you wanted the camera? A little to the left? Okay!
Niki: There, all moved just like how you wanted.
Niki: I don’t need to help out? Oh, no no no, it’s fine. It’s the least I can do to help, Director-san! I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to meet your expectations.
Niki: Nahaha, it’s not like I have much else to do. I can just take over a side character role if you need that.
Niki: The rest of my unit is still here, and I already called off from Cinnamon for the filming period. I might as well help out in any way I can.
Niki: Come back~? I’m sorry Director-san, anything but that. I can cook snacks for the crew, I can help with props and such. But I really can’t act. I’ve been holding the whole team back, it’s for the best~
Niki: You haven’t found a replacement yet? Oh…
Niki: Definitely not Kohaku-chan…What about Himeru-kun? Or we can try asking someone else from the agency? Maybe Vice Pres has someone in mind?
Niki: You asked Himeru and Himeru refused? And you really don’t want to have to talk with Vice Pres again? Honestly, understandable from an outsider’s perspective, nahaha.
Niki: Vice Pres can be a little much at times, but he’s very fun once you get to know him~
Niki: I’m your only hope? You give me too much credit, Director-san. I’m just a chef~ If you want good food, I’m your best hope. You don’t come to me if you need a movie made~
Niki: Oh, is that your phone ringing?
Niki: I guess you’ll be going back to check on the others. Don’t worry, I’m fine here! I’ll make sure this camera stays in place and doesn’t budge at all~
Niki: (Nahaha…Director-san is understanding but still a little pushy~ As expected of an industry professional.)
Niki: (sits down in a chair, watching the filming in the distance)
Niki: (While they’re looking for a replacement for me, the other three are filming the scenes that they can. They’re still working hard, way better at this than me.)
Niki: ... I wonder why Himeru-kun rejected the role?
Niki: I’m a little glad-
Niki: (Wait- why am I glad? This movie is going nowhere without a second lead!)
Niki: Ugh…too much thinking. Need to get some food into my stomach ♪ Let’s see, I should have a leftover granola bar in my pocket.
Niki: Eh?
Niki: Oh right. I finished it two hours ago.
Niki: … Guess I’ll just wither away and starve here until everyone’s done…that shouldn’t be that long, I hope.
Niki: ...!
Niki: (Hmm? What’s that…delicious yet familiar smell? Almost like…that bread that I really love~♪)
Niki: Ah! Nee-san, fancy seeing you here.
Niki: Are you here to check in on the filming? If Vice Pres is pushing you around dumping work on someone else when he’s supposed to be the one handling our ragtag group, feel free to complain~
Niki: You’re here out of your own will? Really Nee-san, your arrival is too convenient to be a coincidence. Someone must’ve told you something~
Niki: Himeru-kun and Kohaku-chan? What did they tell you?
Niki: That me and Rinne-kun are being stupid and need someone to straighten us out because whatever they’re trying isn’t working? Ehhh~ They’re wrong Nee-san, everything is sorted out.
Niki: Ignore the fact that we’re at a standstill in all of the main scenes~ They’ll find a more experienced replacement quickly. They’ll be able to re-record everything and all the scenes that we missed at twice the speed compared with what we could with me as the second lead.
Niki: Oh, you have something for me?
Niki: Nee-san! I knew I smelled my favorite bread ♪ How did you know it was my favorite? It’s not really common knowledge, and it’s a little hard to get a hand on it normally.
Niki: ... You ran into Rinne-kun over there and he told you to give it to me? Oh…I see…
Niki: (Stares down at the bread in his hands)
Niki: He looked sad? Even while filming? Huh…
Niki: But he was so excited when we started…what changed?
Niki: No way, it can’t be because I quit. Even Rinne-kun understood, I did it for the good of the movie!
Niki: Some of the most important things are left unsaid?
Niki: …Nahaha, Nee-san. You’re really saying Rinne-kun was having fun…and enthusiastic…because I was there with him?
Niki: You’re really giving me too much credit. Maybe he was, but that was because he had someone to pick on~
Niki: You doubt that? Geez, why is everyone saying that? Is everyone saying that I, the one who knows Rinne-kun the most, don’t actually know him that well?
Niki: Not at all?
Niki: Nee-san~ I’m just being plain dumb? Why are you calling me dumb now, too? What did I do to deserve this treatment~
Niki: You’re joking? But you also mean it too? Nee-san…
Niki: I know that, I know that Rinne-kun cares for me. But that’s in the same way he cares about Kohaku-chan and Himeru-kun! And how he cares about his brother, his juniors, and everyone. He’s a very caring person, you know? He just doesn’t like to show it often~
Niki: It’s different? Very different?
Niki: Haha Nee-san, how are you so sure? I'm even starting to wonder if I really do know Rinne-kun…
Niki: You’re saying you have something else for me? Ah, what’s this CD for? Oh, I see, that’s why you have a laptop with you~
Niki: Eh? Nee-san, I put the CD in but it’s a blank video with just a black screen. Is this some sort of secret message or something?
Niki: Turn the volume up? Oh, it is muted. Let me do that-
Computer: ♪
Niki: (This…song…)
Niki: (It’s a completely different feeling… and the key is shifted… but…)
Niki: (It’s there. It’s definitely there. This instrumental, wherever Nee-san got it from…)
Niki: (It has the melody of mine and Rinne-kun’s duo debut song. Heartbeat Honey Drop.)
Niki: (The song that we started with. The song that symbolized the beginning of our journey to chase our dreams. Dreams…that we have at our hands right now, as Crazy:B.)
Niki: Nee-san, where did you get this? Do you know what it’s for? What it’s…from?
Niki: It’s a secret where you got it from? Ehh~ Oh? It’s the instrumental for a scene from the movie?
Niki: You don’t know what it’s from? You only know that I recognized it from watching me listen to it? Haha, you could say it’s nostalgic for me. In some way.
Niki: But if it’s for the movie…how on Earth did Director-san get ahold of that song…we weren’t popular and I doubt you’ll even find anything besides Crazy:B stuff when searching us up-
Niki: (Oh.)
Niki: (There’s only one way this could’ve happened. The only other person that knows that melody by heart.)
Niki: (The one that’s been there by my side this whole time. Waiting patiently, always there for me. The one that broadened my world, dragged me against my will into a world of blinding lights.)
Niki: (I didn’t forget this tune, but it did fade away behind all the new things we’ve experienced. But Rinne-kun…Rinne-kun, you kept it with you this whole time, chasing after me for so many years…)
Niki: (Nahaha, I guess everyone is right. Maybe I am a little dumb. Why else would Rinne-kun do all these things, only want to be a lead if I was the second lead, only be able to put his all in when I’m there, somehow get the Director to repurpose a song so special to us…)
Niki: Nahaha, Nee-san~ You’re saying that Rinne-kun only looks at me in that soft way? Haha, he’s such a sap. 
Niki: It’s cute how loyal he is, even if it comes to the detriment of other things, nahaha.
Niki: (Sighs) It really can’t be helped. Nee-san, can you tell Director-san that I’ll do it? I’ll finish the movie, play the second lead like what was originally planned.
Niki: Nee~san. Why are you smiling at me like that?
Niki: Nee-san you are so sly. You are as sly as Rinne-kun is sometimes. You planned this. You definitely planned this, knowing what would happen. I don’t know with who, but you definitely had an accomplice…or accomplices.
Niki: Nee~san stop smiling at me like that you’re gonna make me cry~
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samasmith23 · 9 months
How the dual antagonistic roles of Ares & the Archpriestess effectively underscore the monster that the Punisher has always been…
Seeing as I’m now currently 7-issues into the 12-issue Punisher: King of Killers/Punisher No More maxiseries by Jason Aaron, I’ve noticed an interesting thematic dichotomy between the series’ two overarching main antagonists: the Greek God of War Ares & the Archpriestess of the Hand.
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While both Ares & the Archpriestess highly venerate Frank Castle as the most gifted mass-murderer to ever live, the two figures are diametrically opposed to each other in what they regard as the Punisher’s true purpose. Essentially, Ares believes that the Punisher taking up the sword of the Ninja as a member of the Hand is a complete betrayal of the old Frank Castle who specializes in tactical gunfire and fist-to-cuffs warfare. This is reflected in Ares and his apostles operating a black market arms ring which sells fantastical Marvel weaponry to various third parties (i.e. street gangs, terrorists, hate groups, and warlords) all for the expressed purpose of continuing the cycle of war and bloodshed. Conversely, the Archpriestess convinces Frank to accept the role of the Hand’s new Fist of the Beast with the promise of ending helping him his own personal war once and for all by both resurrecting his wife Maria and granting him an army of Shinobi dedicated solely to murder and death to systematically destroy everyone Frank considers to be a criminal.
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From a thematic and meta-textual sense, Ares feels somewhat akin to the neoliberal capitalist industry which continues the ongoing cycle of warfare for personal gain (which both the United States & Europe have a long history of…), similar to how Marvel itself has repeated the cycle of Punisher stories of him constantly murdering criminals for the entertainment of audiences (which Ares is also reflective of given his own idealization of Castle). Additionally, Ares also feels like a personification of the vocal group of Punisher fans IRL who were harshly critical of the character becoming a Hand ninja as well as his logo-change due to the Punisher’s signature skull symbol being unfortunately co-opted by right-wing police and militia groups.
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Conversely, the Archpriestess helps expose the inevitable fascistic undercurrents which underlie the Punisher as a concept, since she has him join a literal death cult which intends to destroy all in its path, and even specifically chooses Frank as the avatar for the Hand’s murder god due to America’s unique history of mass-murder (highlighting the self-destructive Ouroboros nature of fascism that the U.S. has been inescapably connected to given both its historical atrocities and contemporary culture of apathy which enables the glorification of violence and hatred). And the Hand’s fascistic death-cult ideology is further evident through past comics showcasing the organization’s close associations with HYDRA, which in-itself feels reflective of Imperial Japan’s alliance with Nazi Germany during WWII.
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And it is through opposing Ares and accepting the Archpriestess’ offer to Frank of resurrecting his dead-wife Maria in exchange for leading the Hand’s forces as their new “Fist of the Beast” that the Punisher fully succumbs to the Ouroboros nature of his fascistic “might makes right” vigilante-ideology, as he is now willing to end his own war by destroy everything and everyone he personally deems as “evil,” all whilst desperately trying to cling onto the individual relationships that he feels personally entitled to such as those with his wife and children, not yet realizing that he already lost them even long before they were shot to death in Central Park, and that he has no one to blame for losing them but himself…
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In large measure, the dual roles of Ares & the Archpriestess effectively correlate with Jason Aaron’s overarching deconstruction of Frank Castle’s character, exposing him as the unstable, self-destructive and uniquely American fascistic vigilante created by an apathetic capitalistic system that he’s always been, both within and outside the printed page!
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up-risingrp · 1 year
1831 - Sebastian Shaw forms the Hellfire Club as a way to keep mutant property and ideals aligned
1931 - Dr. Abraham Erskine begins experimentation to create a super soldier for the United States Military
1940 - Howard Stark forms Stark Industries and aligns himself with the US Military for the Second World War.
1943 - Steve Rogers is injected with the super soldier serum
1945 - Steve Rogers and the Howling Commandos take out Johann Schmidt. James Barnes is lost during the fight. He is saved by HYDRA and experimented on to create the Winter Soldier
1949 - Howard Stark and Peggy Carter launch the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics division (SHIELD). They are unaware that former Nazi spies infiltrate SHIELD to form a secret second division of HYDRA within the division
1961 - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are brought together by the FBI with the influence of the Hellfire Club to bring a team of mutants together and protect the world from the potential of a new world war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Charles becomes paralyzed during the Bay of Pigs.
1963 - John F. Kennedy is assassinated. It is rumored that a mutant was the cause of it and Erik Lehnsherr is arrested and held at the Pentagon. This is considered the first major incident of a mutant being held by the US military and sparks underground discussions on the dangers of metahuman kind. 
1973 - Charles Xavier, Logan Howlett, and Hank McCoy break Erik Lehnsherr out of the Pentagon in order to keep Raven Darkholme from assassinating Boliver Trask, one of the main champions of Registration laws being drafted. They stop Raven from her assassination attempt.
1982 - Charles Xavier starts the Xavier’s Institute for Gifted Youngsters. It is not well known for many years, usually acting as a safe haven for mutants who are pushed out of their work or home life.
1991 - Howard and Maria Stark are assassinated by the Winter Soldier
1992 - Tony Stark inherits Stark Industries, led by Obidiah Stane until Tony is old enough to run it himself. Stark Industries heavily shifts towards machine weaponry under Stane’s leadership.
1995 - Nick Fury begins drafting what will later become the Avengers Initiative
1997 - After a traumatic event, Jean Grey is brought to the Institute and becomes Xavier’s youngest student and starts the push to rescue younger mutants from their home lives.
2005 - During an experiment with the bio-tech enhancement force of the US military, gamma radiation turns Bruce Banner into the Hulk leading him to disappearing to avoid being turned into a weapon
2006 - After a surge of her powers, Amara Acquilla creates an island off the coast of Africa. She names it Genosha and claims it for mutant kind. Thanks to many other mutant help, the island becomes inhabited by mutants looking for a safe place and becomes the new headquarters of the Hellfire Club.
2007 - Following the horrific deaths of his wife and child in Poland, Erik Lehsherr moves to Genosha and starts the Brotherhood. Meant as a group of mutants against the humans becoming involved with mutant control
2008 - The X-men are first brought together by Charles Xavier. He cities the need for an undercover group of mutants sent on missions to bring other mutants to safety. The original team includes Warren Worthington III, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Hank McCoy, and Bobby Drake. 
2010 - Following a mission, Natasha Romanova is deprogrammed through the help of Clint Barton. She leaves the secret Russian program of the Widows to join SHIELD as the Black Widow
2012 - During a weapons demonstration, Tony Stark is captured by the Ten Rings and during his captivity creates the first Iron Man suit to escape. When arriving home to Malibu, he begins to work on a more high tech version and starts to hunt down his weapons in the hands of the enemy. At a press conference following Obidiah Stane’s attack, he outs himself as Iron Man 
2013 - The House of Congress drafts the first bill outlining the need for regulation of metahumans and human bodysuit weaponry technology. The Iron Man suit is included in this bill. The bill dies on the House floor.
2014 - Thor, prince of Asgard is sentenced to Earth and stripped of his powers by his father, Odin. The Asgardian technology, the Destroyer is sent by his brother Loki to attempt his destruction when he regains his powers.
2015 - Steve Roger’s frozen body is found in the Atlantic Ocean and brought back to SHIELD headquarters. When realizing he is not in the right place, he finds out that over 70 years have passed since he went down to stop the Tesseract from being stolen.
2016 - SHIELD begins experimentation with the Tesseract following the events of Thor and the Asgardian technology.
2017 - The Avengers Initiative is invoked after the Tesseract begins to become unstable from experimentation. A portal is opened creating the ability for alien invaders to attack New York City. The Avengers including Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and the appearance of Thor manage to save New York City with Tony Stark flying a deadly missile through the portal and seeing what lies beyond Earth.
During this battle, Charles Xavier forbids the X-men from intervening as SHIELD has looked the other way when it comes to mutant activity and is concerned that should they become involved and allow the general public see their powers, they will not be looked at favorably. This causes rifts in the X-Men as well as mutant kind in general.
The Department of Damage Control (DODC) is created in order to help clean up the mess left behind after the Battle of New York, a jointly funded project between Stark Industries and the United States Government.
2018 - Talks of Registration spark up once again in Congress and many laws are drafted on the need for regulation of metahumans. All laws die on the floor of the House and Senate.
2020 - For years following the Battle of New York, Tony Stark has been working on an Artificial Intelligence that would serve as a shield around the Earth. When the AI goes off the tracks, Ultron is created. 
The Avengers assemble again including the new recruits of Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, and Sam Wilson. With this group, and the eventual defection of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, they are able to destroy Ultron but not without destroying Sokovia as well. During the fighting, Pietro is killed while saving Clint Barton.
Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, and Victor von Doom leave on a SHIELD-sanctioned trip to space prior to the events of Ultron.
2021 - Following the events of Ultron, emergency action is taken and the first Registration Law is passed. This requires all metahumans to enter into a database with their powers noted. Bodysuit weaponry is heavily monitored and is strictly forbidden except for the permission granted by the US military. 
SHIELD is effectively shut down due to their involvement with Ultron and metahumans. The DODC takes up the duties of enforcing the Registration laws and absorbs many of the former SHIELD agents.
The Metahuman Advisory Council or MAC is formed after the legislation passes as a way to give insight to Congress about metahuman rights and abilities. The original members of MAC include Charles Xavier, Reed Richards, Steve Rogers, Hank McCoy, and Emma Frost. 
On the other side of the world on Genosha, the Metahuman Alliance of the State of Humanity (MASH) is formed spearheaded by Erik Lehnsherr with other members including Warren Worthington III, Amara Aquilla, Sebastian Shaw, and the unlikely appearance of Natasha Romanoff.
Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm, and Johnny Storm return from space after being hit with a cosmic storm. Their spacecraft crashes, and the four are picked up by the DODC for further studies. Victor von Doom is assumed dead, but a body was ever recovered.
2022 - On top of congressional and military restrictions on the use of metahuman powers, registration laws are passed requiring minors to be registered. Charles Xavier offers to take on the mutants whose abilities are considered dangerous, making the executive decision that all mutants living on in the Institute will register without complaint. Tension mounts amongst its residents and the remaining X-Men. 
Natasha Romanoff finds Yelena Belova. She manages to deprogram Yelena. They are the only two living widows outside of General Dreykov’s direct control.
2023 - Justin Hammer and Aldrich Killian have joined forces to create weaponry for the DODC to use against metahumans. There have been whispers that one of them is building on Trask’s old work on the Sentinel program. Those whispers also include William Stryker’s name.
Scott Summers has left the X-Men and moved to Genosha to create his own group of X-Men for those not interested in following Charles Xavier blindly. Jean Grey has stepped up to run the Institute while Charles works with Congress.
The Avengers are currently in shambles with some for the Registration laws and others vehemently against.
Illegal street teams are starting up, people are fighting back against the Registration laws even though to be caught would mean being branded as a metahuman.
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vinceviralfreak · 1 year
Title: Breaking Barriers: The Rise of Wrestling Women in WWE
Welcome to our blog post celebrating the incredible journey of women in the world of professional wrestling. Over the years, wrestling women have shattered stereotypes, defied expectations, and proven that they are forces to be reckoned with in the WWE. From trailblazers to current superstars, let's dive into the inspiring stories of these fierce athletes who have left an indelible mark on the industry.
Section 1: Pioneers Who Paved the Way
In the early days of wrestling, women faced numerous challenges and were often relegated to secondary roles. However, pioneers like The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young refused to be sidelined. They fought tooth and nail to showcase their skills, paving the way for future generations of wrestling women.
Section 2: The Divas Era: A Turning Point
The WWE's Divas era brought a new level of recognition to wrestling women. Talented athletes such as Trish Stratus, Lita, and Chyna captivated audiences with their athleticism and charisma. This era marked a turning point, as women's matches became more prominent and the focus shifted towards their in-ring abilities.
Section 3: The Women's Evolution
The Women's Evolution in WWE marked a groundbreaking moment for wrestling women. Superstars like Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, and Becky Lynch spearheaded this movement, demanding equal opportunities and main event spots. Their dedication and passion for the sport led to the introduction of the Women's Revolution, forever changing the landscape of women's wrestling.
Section 4: NXT: The Breeding Ground for Future Stars
NXT, WWE's developmental brand, has played a crucial role in nurturing and showcasing the talents of wrestling women. Stars like Bayley, Asuka, and Shayna Baszler honed their skills in NXT before making their mark on the main roster. The platform provided by NXT has allowed these women to shine and prove their worth on a global stage.
Section 5: The Rise of the Four Horsewomen
The Four Horsewomen, consisting of Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Becky Lynch, have been instrumental in elevating women's wrestling to new heights. Their fierce rivalries, unforgettable matches, and unwavering determination have captivated audiences worldwide. These four superstars have become role models for aspiring wrestling women, inspiring them to chase their dreams.
Section 6: The Women's Royal Rumble and WrestleMania Moments
The introduction of the Women's Royal Rumble and the main event of WrestleMania for wrestling women were monumental milestones. These events showcased the incredible talent, athleticism, and storytelling abilities of the women in WWE. From Becky Lynch's historic win at WrestleMania 35 to Bianca Belair's unforgettable Royal Rumble victory, these moments will forever be etched in wrestling history.
Section 7: The Global Impact
Wrestling women in WWE have not only made an impact in the United States but have also inspired and influenced female wrestlers worldwide. From Japan's Asuka to Scotland's Nikki Cross, the global reach of WWE has allowed women from diverse backgrounds to showcase their skills and inspire a new generation of wrestling women.
Section 8: Breaking Stereotypes and Empowering Women
The rise of wrestling women in WWE has shattered stereotypes and empowered women both inside and outside the ring. These athletes have proven that strength, determination, and passion know no gender boundaries. They have become symbols of empowerment, encouraging women to pursue their dreams fearlessly and break down barriers in any industry.
Section 9: The Future is Female
As we look to the future, the momentum of wrestling women in WWE shows no signs of slowing down. With a new generation of talented superstars like Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, and Io Shirai, the future of women's wrestling is brighter than ever. These women continue to push boundaries, redefine what it means to be a wrestling woman, and inspire us all.
Meta Description:
Discover the awe-inspiring journey of wrestling women in WWE, from pioneers who paved the way to the empowering Women's Evolution. Explore the rise of the Four Horsewomen, the impact of NXT, and the global reach of these fierce athletes. Join us as we celebrate the triumphs and breakthroughs of wrestling women who continue to inspire and empower a new generation. The future is female, and the world of professional wrestling will never be the same again.
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My DCCU Interlude: The Legion of Super-Heroes (Part 4)
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Chapter Four: Places and Peoples
OK, in the last essay, I finished up describing the members of the Legion, as of the first season of my theoretical TV series. Since the main characters are set up, this essay's going to address two things: setting and supporting characters. To be fair, there are a lot of possibilities in both categories, but we'll be looking at the major supporting characters for the Legion as a whole, the most prevalent settings we'll see in the first season, as well as some of the conflicts they face as a part of the setting.
As usual, I'll mostly be using my own versions of thee characters and places, rather than using the comic book versions of these things. And lemme tell you, the comic books never seem to agree on some of the things I'm talking about. Also, I'll be talking about these in order of relevance, making a story of sorts that describes the past and present of the Legion in this series, while setting up stories for the future. And so, without further ado...let's start with the only person I really can start with.
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R.J. Brande: Eccentric Benefactor
Few characters are as important to the Legion's history as R.J. Brande, their friend and benefactor, as well as their original sponsor. One of the characters that's stayed the most constant throughout the incarnations of the Legion (save for JUST recently under the Bendis run), Brande is one of (if not the) richest men in the galaxy, and uses his well-earned money for both good and eccentric causes. Having gotten his money from a stargate industry, he's got a pretty impressive amount of influence and pull.
So, while we don't see this event until later on, let's talk about how R.J. Brande's relationship with the Legion began, by talking about this universe's founding of the Legion. And interestingly enough, this'll also serve to introduce some of our antagonists of the series, so that's useful. The whole thing starts during the 8th anniversary of the formation of the United Planets, a multi-system organization that seeks to bring disparate planets and cultures together. Basically, space United Nations.
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Unsurprisingly, not everyone is a fan of the United Planets, for a number of regions. At the moment, only planets connected through the new Brande Stargate Network are a part of this organization, and those planets or colonies are usually rich or well-connected. Granted, the UP is hoping to expand beyond that at this point, but the memories of cultures galaxy-wide are quite long. Some planets refuse to join if their historical rivals are involved, while others aren't interested in the oversight and judgement from other planets. There is no united force to bring the planets together. And that's all that Brande wants to do.
See, Brande is a trillionaire, sure, but one who's made his fortune through surprisingly altruistic means. Additionally, he made this company with the help of his brother, Doyle Brande, who was at one point the business-savvy one with more selfish motives. Still, his efforts helped to make the company what it was, despite his own proclivities and frivolities. And now, with their deal with multiple planetary governments to connect their worlds to the Stargate Network, the United Planets movement was born from the increased closeness of these worlds.
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At the moment, the First Ring of United Planets are Earth, Braal, the Moons of Saturn, the Moons of Neptune, Mars, Bgtzl, Winath, Cargg, Venegar, Rimbor, Bismoll, and Imsk. These worlds are, for the most part, connected and welcomed into the UP Alliance, although Cargg, Venegar, and the Moons of Neptune actually lobbied for their inclusion. Still, this is nowhere near enough of the galaxy, and there's a lot of work to do. And even then, the worlds of the fledgling UP aren't exactly friendly. Imsk and Braal have had building tensions for much of their recent history, while Winath is barely influential enough to be here.
Brande, in particular, has some issues with worlds wishing to be included in the United Nations, as he regularly tries to lobby for the less-affluent worlds for membership, but is regularly refused. Most prominent amongst these refusals is Durla, which Brande has proposed for aid and membership numerous times, to no avail. Durlans are trusted by essentially nobody, because of their shapeshifting ability and tribal culture. But why does Brande lobby so hard for Durla? Well, like I said in the last essay...IYKYK. Plus, I said this in the last essay when talking about Durlan Legionnaire, Chameleon.
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Oh, and if you're getting some heavy-ass Star Wars vibes from this whole thing...yeah, that's not gonna change anytime soon. The United Planets isn't a multi-world government in the same way as the Republic in Star Wars, but it is a democratic overarching body that reviews and monitors intergovernmental relations in the same way. And more parallels are going to come later, believe me. Anyway, the United Planets is having trouble all over. That's not including threats and protests directed towards them by some the main antagonists of the first season of the series, the Dark Circle. More on them later.
In the lead-up to the UP meeting, three teenagers from the First Ring are incidentally travelling to Earth on the same trip as R.J. Brande and his brother, Doyle. Also here is an assassin, hired by the Dark Circle to kill R.J. Brande in order to dismantle the United Planets' most ardent herald, and ensure that chaos remains within the galaxy. This assassin is Cadis Thar-ok, an exile from the planet Zadron, which is attempting to join the United Planets. His attempts are thwarted by the three teenagers, who save the life of R.J. Brande, inspiring him to bring them together as a living symbol of interplanetary unity. With the help of his assistant, Marla Latham, the first members of the Legion are brought together.
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After this, history continues forwards, as the Legion is formed with R.J. Brande's backing, and with the tentative blessing of the United Planets. By using the Legion as a diplomatic force, the UP plans to entice planets into joining with the promised protections of the Legion as a membership perk. However, what they didn't expect was the fact that the Legion would protect planets outside of the United Planets as well, again with Brande's blessing. Through this, the Legion gains interplanetary reputation, and the UP benefits in turn. And that's a problem for three separate forces. Let's start with the first of these.
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Science Police: Bad Cops, Good Cops
OK, the Science Police, in the comics, have had varying degrees of influence and distribution. Sometimes they're limited to NuMetropolis, sometimes they're an Earth-based police force, and sometimes they're the paramilitary group employed by the United Planets as a whole. And I'm leaning between options two and three in this case. In this series, we'll quickly be introduced to the Science Police as a semi-corrupt agency with branches throughout Earth, and within the Sol System to a certain degree. They're on the verge of a connection with the United Planets at large, which is a huge deal for them.
And then Brande comes in with the Legion. Again, in comics and other media, the Science Police have complex relationships with the Legion, mostly bordering on the antagonistic at least. In most instances, though, the Legion's first major enemy is the Science Police, and that's also going to be the case here. The Legion is not only composed of super-powered teenagers with no law enforcement experience, but they're also on the verge of replacing the Science Police as the United Planet's main enforcement unit. And unsurprisingly, that doesn't sit well with the cops.
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As I mentioned in the last essay, the leader of the NuMetropolis Science Police is Director Ryna Norg, a traditionalist cop who dislikes the Legion for what she sees as vigilante work. Her supervisor is Chief Jarik Shadder, who also disapproves of the Legion for financial and power-based reasons, rather than moral and professional ones. Therefore, both of them advocate for the inclusion of Lyle Norg, AKA Invisible Kid and Ryna's son, into the Legion to gather intelligence on them.
However, this plan somewhat backfires on them. Predictably, Lyle falls in with the Legion and turns on his mother's machinations. The Legion also gains the favor of the Deputy Chief of the Science Police, and their United Planets liaison, Gigi Cusamano. She'll be stepping in to replace Shadder after...stuff happens. And even Ryna will begin to come around, especially after another concession is made, come the second season of the series. At that point, the relations between the Science Police and Legion will have somewhat warmed up, and the Legion will even agree to have a sanctioned liaison that works alongside them in the form of Shvaughn Erin. And yes, she's trans in this universe as well, obviously. Not sure of a fancast for her, but I'm open to suggestions!
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Now, real quick, the Science Police are not horrendously incompetent. I realize that a trope of superhero media is that the cops pale in comparison to the heroes. But it's the 31st century, and Earth has experienced a lot of superpowered nonsense over the centuries. So, as a police force, they're pretty good at everyday stuff. However, interplanetary threats are still a bit too much for your average Science Police Officer, and the powered individuals of the Legion stand a better chance against these threats than the Science Police do, on many occasions. Still, some of the situations where the two groups clash in this series will be the Legion's fault.
Some members of the Science Police, by the way, do have powers like the Legion. But, because of the nature of the organization, they're discouraged from using their abilities except in emergencies. After all, superpowers can be less-than-controllable, and the Science Police is all about control in the end. And teenagers with superpowers aren't exactly controllable, so some conflict is inevitable. Still, these guys are a first season threat, at best. Let's get into another first season threat, while we're at it.
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The Dark Circle: Agents of Chaos
Now for some overt antagonists. The Dark Circle is a terrorist organization, firmly opposed to the United Planets, and with an unknown history or motive. And honestly, in the comics, that's all you get. Despite being a major antagonist for the Legion there is so little about these guys, that they're essentially a blank canvas to paint upon. I'll be giving them a bit of motive and context, but these guys are some of the main villains for the first season.
As I mentioned above, the Legion's first interaction with the Dark Circle is through the attempted assassination of R.J. Brande, which kicks off the formation of the Legion. This action is performed in association with Brande's partner and brother, Doyle Brande, who was manipulated by members of the Circle through his gambling debts to give them information on Brande's activities. The assassination was meant to cause the downfall of the Untied Planets, of which Brande was a noted advocate and backer. But why is the Circle against the United Planets? Because they're opposed to order.
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OK, OK, I realize that bringing Doctor Fate into this universe through this series would be insane...and I'm not planning to, don't worry. No, he'll be introduced through Wonder Woman's side of the Trinity, at some point down the line. However, his role as a Lord of Order is important here, because the roots of this version of the Dark Circle can be traced back to worship of the Lords of Chaos, and therefore to the Lords of Order. Without going too far into this, let's just say that the mystical forces of the DC Universe are constantly in balance between chaos and order. On Earth, the person who maintains order is Doctor Fate, who bears the Helmet of Nabu to enforce the laws of the universe.
But it's a big universe out there, so it stands to reason that there are more Lords of Order, governing over different corners of the universe. This has barely been touched upon in DC Comics, and it really needs to be, because having ONE DUDE in charge of the entire mystical universe makes no sense, no matter how powerful Fate and Nabu are. So, let's assume there are multiple Agents of Order out there. This means that, for there to be balance, there should also be Agents of Chaos, seeking to tip the balance into eternal chaos, or the kali yuga. Some of these Lords of Chaos eventually gathered followers across the universe, eventually forming into what we call the Dark Circle.
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So again, why the United Planets? Easy: what's more ordered than an interplanetary organization seeking to bring the universe into a more unified and controlled entity? Additionally, the United Planets are in some ways directly responsible for the Legion, and once the Legion forms, they become new targets of the Dark Circle. Again, though, to what end? What does the Dark Circle accomplish by sowing chaos across the universe? What's their end goal? Well, they're actually acting in service of a Lord of Chaos, one of the only ones still alive in the 31st century. And this Lord is a pretty major threat.
And it's at this point you might be asking..."wait, wasn't the Dark Circle the antagonist of the recent Legion of Super-Heroes animated film, and didn't they also serve a mysterious lord?" And to that, I say, yes, and fuck that movie. Not only does it ruin a great Legionnaire (spoilers), but it makes the Dark Circle boring by tying them in with Brainiac, making him their secret leader for some reason. And yes, I'm aware that Brainiac 4 in the comics was a leader of the Dark Circle, but this was original Brainiac. And it feels...uninspired. Especially because that action didn't really give the Dark Circle a good reason to exist, and also created some MASSIVE fucking plotholes in the process.
No, no, no, there's a much better answer here. A character who can be (and in some comics is) a Lord of Chaos, wants to take over the United Planets, and a major Legion villain. So, in my universe and theoretical series, the Lord of Chaos that the Dark Circle serves is...
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Mordru the Merciless is one of the most important villains in the Legion's history. And mostly, this is because he's near-impossible to defeat when at full power. A wielder of magic, and one of the most powerful figures in the DC Universe, Mordru's only real goal is to obtain power over the universe. As a Lord of Chaos, he only lives to put an end to order. And on multiple occasions, it's taken the entire Legion to help take him down. But with that said, how in the hell is the first Legion roster supposed to stop an all-powerful wizard? And the answer is...they absolutely can't.
The Dark Circle's purpose is to generate enough chaos to weaken the forces of order, allowing Mordru to emerge from his ancient crystal prison. The Circle will be prevented from doing this throughout the first season...for the most part. Because their ultimate goal, to destroy the United Planets permanently, won't move forward thanks to the Legion. But not only does the first season's actions guarantee his eventual arrival, it allows the Legion to win the battles, but possibly lose the war to come in a few seasons. We need the Legion at their best before they fight Mordru.
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So who exactly is heading up the Dark Circle? In truth, it doesn't really matter. After all, they're only acting in service of Mordru, so their individual identities matters little. Still, we should see them as background and bit characters throughout the series, appearing in places where the Dark Circle has struck or will strike, like looming and lingering shadows. Even though the characters themselves don't matter so much, I will highlight one whose name we should know: Ontiir.
Ontiir is a Science Police officer from the planet of Tsauron, and he'll be acting undercover for the Circle. It's through Ontiir that the Dark Circle will gather a lot of information and connections, and he'll go completely undetected throughout the entire season, more likely than not. He'll definitely appear in the series, of course, maybe even interact with the Legion here and there, but his tie to the Dark Circle should come as a surprise. When the end of the season rolls around, we'll discover Ontiir's allegiance, and the goal of the Dark Circle to create enough chaos to free Mordru.
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With that, though, that leaves one more threat against the Legion associated with the United Planets. And for that one, I think her own essay will do. Well, her and four of her friends. And yeah, I realize I've teased her through three separate essays at this point, so let's end a little of the mystique.
Emerald Empress is, almost certainly, one of the most prominent enemies of the Legion. Through a portion of her history, she played second fiddle to Tharok as leader, but when she has the chance to shine, she is truly terrifying. And in this series, I'm putting Sarya in position as the head of the United Planets. Because firstly, it's an interesting place to see her exist and eventually fall from. And secondly, those who know that Sarya is the Emerald Empress know her eventual fate. Understand when I say that Emerald Empress is very much meant to echo Palpatine in theme, backed by a power unfathomable to most.
But she's here...so what about the rest of the Fatal Five? And what actually is Sarya's role in this series? Well, that is going to be the next essay, I think. And honestly, it's a long time coming.
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See you in Part Five!
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Electrical Services - Local Residential & Commercial Electricians - Electrical Services
However far alongside you're in your path to having your very own smart home, you will have little question thought about the expertise you need to tie it all together. So, we thought we'd offer you a sneak peek inside one of our current sensible home initiatives in Kent. And if you want to upgrade or have any questions, your Service Partner can be there for you after the installation.
This method, householders can evaluate the footage of thier houses from a remote location. You can handle your home equipment with a user-friendly software, which could be put in onto your smartphone or any other digital device. Investing in a sensible home is a cost-benefit evaluation that always requires an upfront investment to equip your home with the appropriate merchandise. In addition, there may be the price of needing to train your self and turn into competent in understanding the means to use the products. However, the advantages of saving time performing tasks as nicely as potential utility cost savings might make a sensible home price it. Though full-scale residence automation may value 1000's of dollars, smaller individual merchandise costing lower than $100 can get homeowners started on good house merchandise.
Even if it seems unique to you, in case your password is predicated off any personal information, it is doubtless a devoted thief might determine it out. The subsequent step is making sure your computers, tablets, and phones are all protected with Firewalls, anti-virus software program, and that you’re all the time updating your working systems. Enjoy fast and easy professional installation from licensed specialists. We take pride in the super creativity, high quality and performance we offer in our sensible residence and home cinema installations. Many of our initiatives have gained awards and recognition by the industries main trade bodies. Our bespoke control systems are powered by Creston, URC, and Control4.
They are extra common with central control Home Automation techniques, however there are some out there for app-based gadgets. Some app-based house automation know-how connects to your sensible system instantly via Bluetooth. Like cloud-based home-automation, you still need to create a personal account on the app. Unlike cloud-based apps though, you need to be within the neighborhood of these home-automation gadgets for them to work. Simply by utilizing appropriate smart residence gadgets corresponding to your smartphone, tablet or contact display screen wall units you can management your music from a central level within the house. Explore our wide choice of Alexa-enabled Smart Home products installation and setup providers, to make your house a smarter house more easily.
From remotely controlled smart locks to CCTV security cameras and video doorbells, you can run your home safety by way of apps in your telephone. With Symosis, you might get access to skilled installers in Birmingham, who can full the task very quickly. A sensible house permits owners to manage appliances, thermostats, lights, and other gadgets remotely using a smartphone or pill via an web connection. For those thinking about good house safety, Nest and Ring systems are popular options. You could do all of this remotely and, in principle, from anyplace on the planet. You might even scale back your vitality consumption together with your smart house installation.
Some sensible residence units are particularly designed to resist weather and outdoor circumstances (security cameras, doorbells, etc…). However, some may not be capable of function or perform properly exterior. Ask your technician for finest practices together with your selected good residence system. Based in your price range, you'll be able to opt for the methods which may be essentially the most appealing for you. Whatever you might be after, there's a smart system out there that has you covered.
Today, you don’t need to be a billionaire to personal a wise home, and it actually won’t take 17 years to construct. Whether you want to run your personal home through a central system, or are pleased with app-based gadgets your choices are very broad, and simply maintain widening. Usually, Central Control techniques are run via a wall mounted terminal, like the type commonly used for home-security methods. They also could be accessed by a remote management system, smartphone, tablet or pc. The audio brands in our good residence installations include Sonos, Arcam, Bowers & Wilkins, Sonance and Artcoustic.
Smart Hub and Speakers - $95We work with you to be positive that your Smart Hub and Speakers sync seamlessly along with your Wi-Fi network to ensure you are in a position to management every sensible device simply. We assist you to install the corresponding app and, when wanted, and make sure that the setup of your consumer account is perfect. When budgeting for sensible home products, think about any required or essential labor/installation costs from professionals. Smart home automation is the mixing of electronic techniques installed in your house to create a highly personalised smart dwelling experience.
This ensures the system seamlessly blends in with your home and won’t disrupt your decor. Finite Solutions are capable of install many sensible house applied sciences with as little disruption to you as potential whilst working with your home’s distinctive layout. Make better use of your area with features similar to a hidden swiveling TV display. This characteristic saves space when the TV is not getting used and brings it heart stage, positioned nonetheless you prefer it. ✔️ We are licensed trusted merchants and our business has been fastidiously vetted and is recommended on the “Checkatrade” website.
Moving forward, smart devices will have an result on your field service enterprise. Smart Home Automation systems by Symosis in London introduce safety, consolation, and effectiveness in your life. Symosis supplies leading residence automation services to homes in London. We supply complete and intelligent options that connect together with your electrical appliances, entertainment systems, as properly as the safety system. Leveraging innovation and expertise, sensible properties make it easier to do issues.
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sendingmyloves · 2 years
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 ⸻     have  you  ever  heard  mrs.  robinson  by  simon & garfunkel  ,  well  it  is  CLAUDINE  LEI  to  a  tee  .  the  sixty  year  old  retired actress  has  been  spotted  wandering  down  portobello  road  markets  just  last  sunday  ,  do  you  know  them  ?  would  you  say  she  is  more  aloof  or  more  sophisticated  ?  anyway  ,  they  remind  me  of  diamond ring adorned fingers, a closet full of couture, gala invitations, crystal chandeliers & expensive bottles of wine  ,  maybe  you'll  catch  them  around  yeah ?     ⸻     [          ◟  MICHELLE YEOH. ◝           ]
NAME: claudine lei.
NICKNAMES: claudi, didi.
BIRTHDAY: may 25th, 1962.
AGE: sixty.
BIRTHPLACE: bejing, china.
OCCUPATION: actress, currently retired.
MARITAL STATUS: married, in a polyamorous relationship.
CHILDREN: one son.
Claudine was born into a well-known, wealthy family in China. She's the daughter of Chinese acting royalty, so it wasn't much of a surprise when she chose to follow in her parents' footsteps and pursue a career in film.
She lived in Bejing until the age of 18 before she made the move to the United States, eager to dip her toes into the world of Hollywood. She lived in Los Angeles for several years as she built up her resume, scoring her big break as a Bond Girl in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997). Over the years, she rose up on the hierarchy in Hollywood, cementing herself as a bonafide silver screen queen as the decades passed.
At the age of 40, she won her first Academy Award. It's a part of her life she cherises, she still has her Oscar sitting on a shelf in her home office (too humble to have it on display in the main quarters of the house).
Claudine married at 25 years old, falling head over heels in love with a prominent film director and started a life with him in his hometown of London. They had a son together, although, divorced after 20 years together.
She remains an icon in the film industry, especially notable for the barriers she broke down for not only women in film, but also Asian actresses, too.
After almost four decades as an actress, Claudine made the decision to retire six months ago in order to spend more quality time with her son and grandchild.
10 years ago, Claudine married for a second time and she's blissfully happy with her spouse. She refers to them as the one true love of her life, but in the past year, the couple decided to pursue a polygamous relationship, which is a decision they are so happy they made together. They have a girlfriend whom they've been seeing for almost a year.
As for her personality, she can come across of rather aloof ⸻ an ice queen, if you will, but one you break through her cold exterior, she is deeply loyal to those she loves and incredibly generous. She'll always have your back, and is never shy to stand up for what's right, especially if she sees someone being treated unfairly.
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tubetrading · 2 years
What are Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) Pipes?
Welding Utilizing Electric Resistance Pipes and tubes find widespread application in a variety of industries, such as fencing, engineering, scaffolding, line pipe installation, and much more. The agricultural and irrigation industries are two of the most common places to find ERW pipes being put to use. These pipes are typically utilised in water mains, sewage systems, plant plumbing, deep tube wells, industrial water lines, and many other similar applications. In addition, they find widespread application in the gas pipeline industry, particularly in the production of pipelines that are used to transfer natural gas, LPG, and other non-hazardous gases. 
Rolling the metal and then welding it longitudinally along its length is the process that is used to make ERW pipes. If you examine the process of making seamless pipes, you'll see that the metal is extruded to the required length before the pipes are made. This indicates that there are no joints in the cross-section of seamless pipes anywhere along their length. On the contrary, the joints of ERW pipes are welded together in the cross-section of the pipe. Tube Trading Co. is an excellent MSERW Pipe dealer in Gujarat that can fulfil all of your industrial piping and tubing needs. 
Pipes that are seamless are made by passing a solid billet across the piercing rod, giving them a round shape and a hollow interior. They find widespread application in hydrocarbon refineries & industries, oil and gas exploration, drilling and transportation, air and hydraulic cylinders, automobiles, boilers, bearings, as well as other high-pressure applications. Because of the intricate manufacturing process and a limited number of competitors in the seamless pipe industry, the unit cost of seamless pipe is more expensive per tonne. 
Strip or coil is used throughout the manufacturing process of ERW pipes. The transfer of low- or medium-pressure fluids, such as water and oil, respectively, are examples of common applications for these pipes. If you are seeking ERW pipes of good quality, then you need to choose one of the leading manufacturers of ERW stainless steel pipes. If you are looking for the most prominent as well as distinguished MSERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co., is the best pick for you. 
Particular characteristics of ERW tubes and pipes of the highest grade 
●     High-strength corrosion resistance
●     High malleability
●     Superior strength
●     Durable and sturdy 
In order to guarantee that ERW pipes are of the highest possible quality, they are put through a series of rigorous examinations, such as a hydro-test, an ultrasonic weld inspection, a micrometre check, a straightness evaluation, as well as a ring gouge test. ERW pipes, in a nutshell, are pipes that are more economical, have tighter dimensional tolerances, and are lighter in weight. ERW pipes have been used in a variety of different sectors. In addition to the transportation of oil, water, and gas, ERW pipes are also seeing widespread use in the fields of agriculture and vehicle manufacturing. ERW pipes are frequently used in collieries for water extraction, thermal power stations, drinking water, as well as employed as hand pumps for boring wells, and as protection for cables by the telecom sector. This is due to the fact that ERW pipes have a diverse range of applications and are reliable. Get in touch with the most distinct as well as noteworthy MSERW Pipe provider in Gujarat, Tube Trading Co., for your industrial pipes and tubes requirements. The following is a list of some of the most common applications for ERW pipes: 
●     Structural as well as Engineering purposes such as line pipes, Fencing, scaffolding, etc.
●     Automobiles Sector
●     Water and gas transportation, oil country tubular
●     Agriculture Sector
●     Collieries for Water extraction as well as Thermal Powers
●     Hand pumps that are used for deep boring wells, Drinking water in houses
●     Robust cable protection by the Telecom Department
The Bottom Line:
You should choose a quality-aware manufacturer that creates high-quality pipes in India if you are the MSERW Pipe dealer in Gujarat, MSERW Pipe supplier in Gujarat or MSERW Pipe provider in Gujarat. This is true regardless of the type of pipe you are searching for. The selected manufacturer must be able to create pipes of high quality in a variety of specifications, sizes, and grades to accommodate the requirements of various industries, such as public health, agriculture, housing, oil and gas, engineering, irrigation, etc.
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Why is an RMU Cabinet Vital for Reliable Power Distribution?
An ตู้rmu, or Ring Main Unit cabinet, is a crucial component in electrical power distribution, especially in urban and industrial settings. But what exactly is an RMU cabinet, and how does it contribute to the reliability and efficiency of your power distribution system?
What is an RMU Cabinet?
Definition: An RMU (Ring Main Unit) cabinet is a type of electrical distribution equipment that includes switches and circuit breakers to manage the flow of electricity in a ring network. It is typically used in medium-voltage power distribution systems.
Function: The RMU cabinet ensures the continuous supply of electricity by allowing multiple paths for power to flow. In case of a fault in one section of the network, the RMU can isolate the faulty section and continue to supply power through alternative paths, minimizing downtime and maintaining reliability.
Benefits of Using an RMU Cabinet
Enhanced Reliability: RMU cabinets provide high reliability by enabling the isolation of faulty sections of the network without disrupting the entire power supply. This ensures a continuous flow of electricity to critical systems.
Compact Design: RMU cabinets are designed to be compact and space-efficient, making them ideal for use in urban environments where space is limited. They can be installed in outdoor or indoor settings, offering flexibility in deployment.
Safety and Protection: RMU cabinets are equipped with circuit breakers and protection relays that safeguard the electrical network from faults, such as short circuits or overloads, ensuring the safety of both equipment and personnel.
Easy Maintenance: RMU cabinets are designed for easy maintenance, with accessible components that allow for quick inspections and repairs, reducing downtime and operational costs.
Applications of RMU Cabinets
RMU cabinets are widely used in urban power distribution networks, industrial plants, and commercial buildings. They are particularly important in areas where uninterrupted power supply is critical, such as hospitals, data centers, and transportation hubs.
Looking for a Reliable RMU Cabinet?
Explore high-quality RMU cabinets at Schneider Electric to enhance the reliability and efficiency of your power distribution system.
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