#rin: you and mom always told me lying was wrong!!!
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discordiansamba · 1 month ago
still rotating this blue exorcist AU idea from two nights ago, so I figure I might as well talk about it! the basic idea of the AU started with "what if Yukio was raised relatively in the dark about his origins, but Rin wasn't" and it sort of just snowballed from there, as things do.
on the night of his birth, rin's demon heart is never sealed. yuri calms him down all on her own, despite all of her own struggles that night. she survives childbirth, and pleads that she'll raise rin herself, so that he won't harm others.
(shiemihaza looks in her eyes, and this time, she agrees)
once it's confirmed that yukio is human, and has not inherited satan's flames, shiro agrees to raise him for yuri and give him a normal life. he keeps yukio's origins a secret from him, only vaguely alluding to the fact that he has an older twin brother who lives with their mother.
yuri and rin are confined at the Vatican, not allowed to leave the room they are given. yuri survived, but the traumatic pregnancy followed by the even more traumatic childbirth has clearly taken its toll on her. she is much weaker, and no one expect her to live long.
she ends up living for eight more years anyways on pure determination alone.
she raises rin carefully, teaching him how to control his flames and his strength. how to be kind to others, even if they aren't kind to him. rin grows up with a mother who is physically frail, so he learns to be gentle because he doesn't want to hurt her.
shiro becomes paladin. he visits yuri whenever he can- and at first, he's really just here for her. he still thinks she's crazy for thinking she can tame her demon son, considering what happened with satan. but eventually, he comes to understand that rin isn't his father.
(yuri learns from her mistakes. she doesn't repeat them with rin.)
yuri's health takes a turn for the worse in the twins' seventh year. she passes away after their eighth birthday. there's mutters in the Vatican about finally getting rid of satan's spawn.
shiro is not going to let that happen, so warily takes some advice from Mephisto. he doesn't trust him one bit, confident he's playing at some kind of long game, but he promised yuri he'd protect both of her children, and he intends to do just that.
he ends up making rin his familiar.
(he holds rin's hands and makes him promise that he'll never use his flames on humans, unless its an absolute emergency. the boy's spiral eyes are just like his father's as he looks at him, but the person behind them couldn't be less like his father if he tried. rin promises.)
for the first time since he was born, rin leaves the room he was confined in for so long. he's going to finally meet his little brother that he's heard so much about.
he has to wear a weird, itchy bracelet to do it, though. it's supposed to make him look completely human to even people who have a mashou. mephisto made it.
(it's a rosary, because mephisto is determined to be an ironic little shithead at all times.)
his mom named him rinka. when he goes to live among humans, shiro gives him the name okumura rin.
fujimoto yukio meets his twin brother for the first time when he's eight years old. he's a strange kid, and it takes him awhile to get used to his presence at the monastery. there's something almost... disquieting about him, but that feeling fades over time.
rin doesn't go to school. everyone agrees that's probably a terrible idea. yuri taught him how to read and write. shiro tries to teach him the other subjects, but rin's not very interested.
(he is interested in cooking, though. lifehack: teach the demon kid you are now raising how to do math via cooking.)
rin keeps his bracelet on at all times around the monastery. he only takes it off when shiro needs rinka.
yukio does not grow up seeing demons. he has been blind in his left eye since birth- but that all changes after an encounter with a demon right before he moves into the true cross dorms. he doesn't remember much of what happened. all he knows is that rin saved him.
he learns demons are real, and that his father is an exorcist. and that rin has known about this all along, because he's been able to see demons his whole life. shiro grits his teeth, and decides to enroll yukio in cram school, with apologies to yuri.
(he has a bad feeling that yukio's encounter with that demon wasn't simply chance. the demon sight that mephisto sealed away is back- and with it, the vision in yukio's left eye.)
shiro doesn't tell yukio about his origins, nor that of his brother's. most of the exorcist world has forgotten that yuri egin ever had twins. only a few choice people who lived through that event are aware of this fact. there's only one son of Satan, and he is the paladin's familiar now. that's common knowledge.
mephisto: hm. I have a good idea. let's enroll rin at true cross academy as well!
rin, who has never gone to school in his life: i'm sorry what.
mephisto: you'll be able to protect your brother that way!
(shiro watches yukio at cram school. rin watches him at regular school. but also at cram school, because he's there too as shiro's familiar rinka. yukio just doesn't know that part.)
(at least he finally gets an excuse to wear that cool mask he bought that covers the lower half of his face. otherwise yukio would 100% recognize him. and he very much does not want that. he'd like to stay human in yukio's eyes for at least a little longer.)
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sunaswife · 4 years ago
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
note from denise: hi!! <3 this is a small chapter but i think an important one nonetheless :) i hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Nine
“Is there anything you want for breakfast?” You asked Rin as you looked through your closet. He was laying back in bed under the covers, typical Rin. “No don’t bother making anything. I wanna treat you guys to breakfast.” He rubbed his eyes and you turned. “You don’t have to.” You immediately told him. “No i want to.” He assured and you smiled lightly. “Alright thank you.” You said softly and you grabbed your black overall skirt, white long sleeve and your favorite leggings.
“If you want you can wake up the kids.” You said before heading into the bathroom. He sat up and groaned and slowly made his way to their room. He opened the door and saw the two little foxes slide something under the bed. He tilted his head confused and they innocently looked up at him. “Good morning daddy.” They recited which honestly gave him the chills. Twins who could recite things at the same time are creepy. “Good morning. Now what were you guys hiding just now?” He asked with a raised brow. “Nothing—“ Akira innocently smiled. Even though these kids looked like Rin, they certainly had Y/N’s expressions. And that adorable smile that Suna has missed.
“You guys already know that lying is bad. Show me what you’re hiding?” He asked and sat on the floor across from them. Rini guiltily frowned and he reached under the bed to retrieve a box. It was an old shoe box. “A box? What? is it just an animal or something?” Rin asked and the kids shook their heads. Akira handed him the box and he opened it. The first thing he saw was a Polaroid of you and him. He felt a slap across his face. You smiled so bright and Rin had his deadpanned face like always. The photo behind the Polaroid was with you in between the twins. They were using your shoulders as an arm rest, each photo made his stomach turn and he saw napkins and tickets, you always wrote the date and a little heart with a note when Rin would take you to places.
“You and mommy looked so happy. Why did you guys leave eachother. I don’t get it.” Akira asked. “You won’t get it until you’re older.” Rin said and began to put everything back before he started crying. “Do you still love mommy?” Rini asked, Rin felt like he was in the hot seat.
They kept their eyes fixated on him. “Of course I do, she’s an amazing friend. She’s the mother of my children.” Rin started. “No not that kind of love...like love love. Like do you wanna marry her?” Akira asked but his phone rang and he saw the FaceTime call from his mother.
His face turned white and he immediately stood up and answered. “H-hi mom..” Rin cleared his throat and the twins gasped. “Grandma?!” They practically yelled. “Rintarou, are you babysitting or something?” His mother asked. “Um no I’m not—“ “Daddy Can we see grandma? We don’t have a grandma we wanna see our grandma!” Rini pulled the hem of his shirt and he looked down. “Daddy? Rintarou they’re not talking about you right?” His mother asked concerned. “Give me a sec...” he told the kids. “Start picking out your clothes.” He said and they quickly nodded and he went straight to the living room. He sighed and rested his hand on his forehead. “Rintarou talk to me. What’s going on? Did you get someone pregnant?” His mom asked. “Yes—no—it’s complicated I—“ “Rintarou it’s either a yes or a no.” His mom said.
Is this deja vu?
“Alright I’ll be honest. Yes I got a girl pregnant.” He sighed and brushed his hair back with his hand. His mom immediately changed her face to one of disappointment. She wasn’t expecting this when she called her son to ask when he was going to visit again.
“Rintaoru explain.” His moms tone completely changed and he gulped, he didn’t hear you coming from the hall. “Well..remember Y/N? My highschool girlfriend?” He asked. “The girl who’s the reason you were severely depressed and almost suicidal? Yeah how could I forget?” She replied sarcastically and you froze.
“Well before we broke up we kind of..ya know and so she left and she didn’t tell me about them—“ “SHE DID WHAT?! Where is she I want to talk to her!” His mom raised her voice. “Rin I-“ you spoke up and he turned quickly to see you standing there in your cute outfit.
“Y/N, i need to speak with you.” His mother broke the silence and Rin was about to protest but you snatched his phone away. “Hello Mrs. Suna.” You said awkwardly but she had the same deadpanned expression your ex and kids have. “Why didn’t you tell my idiot son you were pregnant?” She demanded rather than ask. “Well it was because I was heartbroken, alone, and going through something traumatic. My parents kicked me out and I didn’t want Rin to have to drop out to help me support two children.” You said. “Two—“ “I had twins.” You interrupted. “How do you know they’re my sons—“ “He’s the only person I’ve ever slept with and they look exactly like him, ma’am. I assure you they’re his.” You replied.
“I don’t believe you not telling Rin you were pregnant because of your situation is an excuse.” She said. “I know. But I wanted to wait until Rin was more mature—“ “And had money and fame as a pro player right? So you could get money?” She asked and both of your and Rin’s eyes widened. “Excuse me. I’m doing more than fine on my own and I have not asked Rin for anything.”
“What do you do for a living?” She asked as if trying to prove you wrong, “I’m a sports commentator, voice actress and Internet personality. I have my own house and car so don’t you dare accuse me of wanted to take money from Rintarou because I will never ask him for anything then to be in the kids lives—“
“Okay that’s enough—mom please stop. We still have a lot of things to talk about regarding the kids and co-parenting. I need to go, we’re taking them on a field trip.” He said after taking the phone away. “When are you guys both free?” His mother asked. “As a single mother I can assure you that I’m never free.” You replied sassily. “I’m free in two weeks—“ Rin interrupted again before another fight started. “..me too..” you replied after checking your calender on the wall.
“Okay, I want you both in Hyogo with the kids. We need to chat.” She said and hung up. You and Rin just looked at eachother and blinked in shock. Like...did that just happen? The kids peered over the hallway doorpost and frowned. They wanted to meet their grandma.
“We’ll talk later.” You told him and he nodded. You turned back down the hall and mumbled something about getting the kids ready for today. Suna changed back into his clothes from yesterday and when the kids look all presentable and cute you all left.
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“I should have know.” You said as you looked at the bright sign that said Onigiri Miya. Rin helped Akira out of the car seat and he chuckled. “Osamu’s food is bomb and you know it. I get a best friend discount either way.” He shrugged as you held Rini’s hand and Rin held Akiras hand and you both walked to the shop.
“Hmm? What a surprise!” Osamu spoke up when the bell chimed. “Good morning uncle Samu!” The kids giggled and let go to run to the counter. “How are my favorite munchkins?” He asked as they smiled and looked at the pictured food in amazement.
They act like you never feed them and when you do they just eat two bites and they’re “full”.
“Sup.” “Yo.” Suna and Osamu greeted. “Good morning Osamu.” You said politely and he smiled. “Good morning Y/N.” He replied. “When Suna didn’t come back last night I got a bit worried and he didn’t answer my texts till this morning but I’m glad he was with you.” Osamu said and you didn’t see Suna’s small blush. “Oh well the kids really wanted him to sleep over so he reluctantly agreed and we just called it a night.” You chuckled and he nodded. In the car, Suna told you his situation. He’s currently being transferred over to Tokyo in a different team and his lease ended so instead of getting another lease he moved out and he’s crashing with Osamu for a bit.
While you both talked you couldn’t see the look your kids were giving eachother. The opportunity was perfect and they’re going to take full advantage of it.
Finally you and Rin decided on what to order as well as the kids and you all sat down patiently. Rin was showing the kids pictures of his dog, Chewy. It was short for Chewbacca and you sighed at how much of a nerd Suna really is. But yet again that was another thing you guys bonded over back then.
Soon the food arrived and the kids loved it, you loved it. Rin obviously loved it. It was just so freaking good. “How much was the food again? So I can pay half.” You asked after wiping your mouth and Suna frowned. “I told you I got it.” He flicked your forehead and you smacked his hand. “Oww.” You whined. “It’s free cuz you demanded that I give you free food when I opened my restaurant, remember?” Osamu spoke up from the counter and you squinted. “But—“ “No if’s, but’s, or coconuts. I’m not charging Rin today.” Osamu said and you told him a small thank you.
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“Y/N the ticket booth is this way..” Rin pointed out as you walked to the gates. “I came prepared.” You said and pulled out the QR code’s on your phone. “Mama still gets nervous talking to strangers sometimes so she usually is prepared.” It didn’t take long for everyone to go through the gates and Rin realized you have to had payed for his ticket.
He kept bugging throughout the day that he could pay for everyone instead but you smacked his arm and pointed at your kids in the distance. They were at the kids section where they could touch starfish and Akira was obviously a little bit nervous. But Rini was there guiding her hand and making sure she was using the two fingers to pet the animals.
“Rini may be a bit of an airhead but he always remembers that he’s a big brother and he’s always there for Akira when she’s nervous or scared..” you told him and his heart melted. They were just so cute. “Um..excuse me..Suna Rintarou...hi I’m a big fan and I was wondering if I can take a photo or get an autograph..” a small voice said and you turned to see a teenage boy.
“Sure dude.” Suna smiled softly and the guy took out his phone for a selfie, “I can take the picture.” You spoke up and the teenager gasped.” “Kageyama Y/N! Oh my god, are you really cousins with Tobio? Or do you just happen to have the same last name? I love listening to your podcasts and the yandere video game that your in is amazing!” He began to geek out and you laughed. “Yeah Tobio and I are cousins, and thanks for the support! You’re a man of culture I see.” You joked.
There was a slight pause of realization with him and he gasped. “Oh..am I interrupting your date?” He asked and looked between you both.
He tilted his head confused and you held Rin’s hand and hugged his arm. Your chest practically engulfed his arm and he almost had a nose bleed. “We went to the same highschool together so we’re catching up with a small date.” You said causing Suna’s face to turn bright red. The boy apologized for bothering and he took a selfie with you both and left.
You quickly let go and you put some distance between you both. Suna began fanning his face and you tried to hide your blush. Out of everything you could do, why would you do that?!
“I don’t know if you wanna tell the world that you have two kids or that you got some chick pregnant in highschool.” You told him. “You weren’t some chick, and I honestly don’t care if people know.” He said and you sighed and turned back to your kids. “But if you’re gonna keep doing that then it’s fine.” He said and you turned back to see him covering his mouth in shock. “I said that out loud didn’t I?” He asked and you nodded.
This was going to be a long day.
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angsty-omi · 4 years ago
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part 1
ushijima wakatoshi x fem!reader
lowercase intended
warnings: anxiety, cheating, cursing, some semi nsfw scenes and most importantly, pure angst.
it started out simple. toshi would make a plan to go somewhere, and rin would tag a long. she is his girlfriend after all. but you soon started to notice that she was always there. even when your families would have dinner with each other. at some point, you couldn’t take it.
there was this one night where you didn’t even wanna go downstairs because you knew they were there. sitting in your dining chairs, using your silverware, probably making out in the bathroom. you slammed your head on the bed trying to get that image out of your head. stop it y/n. you made an excuse that you were ill, which technically you were lovesick.
it wasn’t surprising that soon you and toshi faded as friends. you needed space even then, your feelings didn’t change at all. instead it was even passionate than before. before, you never felt a sense of urgency in telling him. but now you wanted him more than ever. you needed him. seeing him walking down the halls with her. hand in hand, walking down the hallway and past your locker. your chest was tight. she would stick her tongue out at you, and ushijima never noticed. “what a child,” you thought to yourself. but you couldn’t say anything, she was just trying to gaslight you so you could scream at her and ushijima would have to choose between the two of you.
continuous weeks of her microagressions at you, you learned to let that not bother you. rin noticed and had to up the ante.
during 5th period, you started feeling very anxious out of nowhere. you could feel a pair of eyes laser into you. you had asked permission to go to the restroom and the teacher gave you the hall pass. you immediately rushed to the sink scrubbing your face. repeatedly rinsing.
you looked up to your side and saw her. rin. this startled you. “do you need something?” you asked nicely, secretly about to have a meltdown.
to be quite frank, your meltdowns were rough. it was a period of time where you felt no remorse for anything. no one really knew about this condition, except for your family. it’s not worth mentioning because they’ll think you’re a psychopath and it doesn’t happen quite frequently. it’s only when you’re a ticking bomb, under lots of pressure. like.. like.. right now?
you could feel the symptoms coming and so was rin, she started to come closer to your face.
“y/n, you think i’m an idiot don’t you? you don’t think i see the way you look at him?.” now she was only a few inches away, “god you’re pathetic, you can’t even deny my accusations. you’re in love with someone who’s taken, you fucking whore. you. cant. have. him... it’s truly sad y/n, you even had a head start. all that time was wasted, and all i had to do was to just be in his presence for a day and he fell for me.” she giggled. her high pitched giggle was ringing in your ears.
“stop,” you thought, “please just make it stop.” you’d do anything. meltdown y/n was just not someone to be reckoned with. it’s not a threat, it’s the truth. not five seconds later, your clenched fist met with her eurocentric face. then you were on top of her, not even thinking just doing. just your fists continuously smashing her petite porcelain face. until there was a whole crowd, the teachers finally were aware of the situation.
soon there was an administrator holding you back. angry tears flooding your eyes. you wanted more revenge. hearing her whimpers, you smiled. this. this made you happy. then you were shut back down when you heard someone calming her down. you looked up and saw ushijima. your eyes met. his with much fury, and yours with much sorrow. “how could you do this, y/n? from now on, just leave us alone. don’t even acknowledge me. don’t look our way. don’t even breathe the same air as us.” he threatened with such a serious tone.
the whole reason you hated your meltdowns were not just the no remorse thing, but how after it is finished, the guilt hit you like a truck. leaving you in a serious depressive state. and you were suspended for two weeks. great.
you were trapped in your bedroom. after you got home from that day, your parents immediately grounded you, and took your phone. no contact with the outside world. no contact with ushijima. not like it mattered anyway. sometimes you would think to yourself if he ever thought about you like that. that if he imagined about you the same way you imagined about him. or if he ever wished that it was you next to him down the hallways. being alone with your thoughts was not fun. with no phone to distract you, or school, it was terrifying. every waking moment was lonesome.
it had only been five miserable days.
you couldn’t take it anymore. you needed a breather, and needed it now. you begged your mom to let you go on a walk, and she gave you the thumbs up. you decided to go to the nearest park.
there were very fond memories of you and ushijima together. the latest one was when they won nationals last year, and you guys celebrated on the swings, with a shot of grocery store rated tequila. very disgusting.
the park was empty. most people would find a playground depressing with no kids. but that’s how you liked it. quiet, but it’s purpose and physical attributes brought joy to people’s face. you decided to take a seat on the swings. dragging your legs back and forth, back and forth. dazed and honestly so mentally tired. you slowly started to doze off.
footsteps. you heard footsteps.
still with your eyes closed, “if i die then i die, i’m too lazy to budge,” you thought to yourself. the footsteps were getting louder. and then you hear a bunch of chains moving next to you.
“killer chains?” you thought. this bitch
no. you were wrong. those were swing chains. someone had sat next to you. still keeping your eyes shut, hoping that the stranger would just leave.
until you heard his voice,
“y/n, why did you do that to rin? how could you hurt her when you know how important she is to me? she told me that you liked me. for years. why didn’t you tell me?”
“why was he talking to me? breathing the same air as me? and also, would that have made a difference if i told you?” you thought.
“i’d be lying if i said i never had feelings for you, but, god y/n i’m dating someone now. i am a faithful man. and you know, if you weren’t just so prideful, and just told me.. maybe things would’ve been different,” he continues, still thinking that you’re sleeping.
your mom called everyone looking for you. obviously you didn’t have your phone and you still weren’t back from your supposed walk. ushijimas parents forced him to go look for you. he, previously, being your best friend knew the top three spots you’d be at.
“but they’re not,” your voice whispered with an icy tone. it was like bitter in your mouth.
his eyes widened like he just saw a ghost. he didn’t want to hear your answer. he wasn’t ready. but it was too late, it was already rolling. “and what do you mean if i wasn’t so prideful? i didn’t tell you because i was looking out for your FUTURE. volleyball is your main priority and you said you wanted to be the best. so tell me why, as your best friend, would i jeopardize that?” you slight raised your voice.
ushijima frowned, “are you seriously telling me what I want? emphasis on the I? do you think you know me or something y/n? who are you to be put into a position where you can decided what or who i want?” raising his voice even louder. “the fact that you would just assume that... bothers me, how you already planned my future... bothers me, how you always try to pry me open... bothers me, WE AREN’T EVEN DATING.” he noted.
you were mortified. “how could you even say that? sorry that i wanted you to feel? instead of being a huge cold hearted douche. i’ve only ever had good intentions and now you’re better with emotions. you even got yourself a girlfriend, ushijima.” you defend, tears swelling up in your eyes.
“oh, so i go by ushijima now? how petty can you seriously be y/n? face the facts i got a girlfriend, and you dropped me like i was nothing,” he snarled.
“what an idiot. can’t he see that it was the complete opposite” you screamed on the inside.
you took a deep inhale, “drop you like you were nothing? are you fucking serious? I WAS FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU, and listen, i did this for myself. seeing you with HER, everyday killed me. i deadass felt like my heart was smashed and stomped on. and it didn’t help that she was always flaunting your guys’ relationship around me. that’s why i stopped... right now, i can’t even look at you, because if i did, i would fall right back into that pit. all this pain, brought because i was in lo—” you got cut off.
by something warm. and it tasted like peppermint. it was soft, but the pressure put on it seemed rough. you were kissing ushiji-toshi. you, y/n, were kissing toshi. his large hand gripped your cheek, wiping the tears off your face with his thumb. the kiss was very passionate, like it was something you both craved, but fiery, because you guys were still angry at each other. continuously fighting for dominance, and he beat you. his tongue slipped in. you unexpectedly moaned into the kiss and it was music to his ears. how bittersweet that was, you felt embarassed. he never heard you like that. so desperate. and so needy. he trickled down to your jawline then to your neck. you tugged on his hair out of instinct, and could feel his mouth vibrate against your neck. it was intoxicating for both parties.
he pulled away, and you stayed there frozen.
he then, put his thumb on your lips, and whispered in your ear, “don’t ever say that you loved me, like it was past tense,” before moving back to his side of the swing.
you just kissed your best friend, who had a girlfriend. and no matter how much of a bitch she was, you still felt guilty nonetheless. you guys sat there in silence, still trying to process what just happened. you smiled while looking at the slides. you just couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. you remembered about your parents and how they’re probably worried, and so you got up from the swing and opened your hand out for toshi. “c’mon, let’s go home, it’s wednesday.” you smiled.
a/n; this part i’m so proud of. my best one uet. even tho i only wrote two fics. and this is just wave one. you think this ended on a happy note? lmao okay. stop reading at part 2 if you want a happy ending. don’t force yourself to feel the pain. like, follow, or repub for another part or to see more of me.
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gotstory · 8 years ago
My 20 Year Old Husband - BTS Fanfic [Day 5 - Morning Confession]
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20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 /  Day 5 /
Under thick white covers, Jimin frowned on hearing the doorbell ring continuously.
It was Jin at the door, bringing breakfast on a tray, knowing he had slept in and missed the buffet line.
"Ah... hyung.... Why didnt you let me sleep a little more.." Jimin grumbled as he rubbed his eyes on seeing Jin at his hotel room door.
"Yah!! You brat, I even bothered to bring food for you because of your bad sleeping habits and is this what you say to me!? " he rambled in mock anger, pushing pass the dazed Jimin and kicking the door shut with his foot.
Like a mom, he set the tray down and pulled apart the curtains to let the sunshine in, making the sleepy Jimin wince even more.
Clad in a white bathrobe, Jimin took a sip of coffee and smiled at the smell of food. Jin sat comfortably beside, watching him munch, feeling happy that the younger one was being fed. In his usual nonchalant way, he started a morning topic for conversation.
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"So did the girl get home safely?"
Jimin choked on his hot coffee as he spilt some on his exposed thighs, making him jump in shock and make a mess on himself.
"Ah.. How did you know, hyung?"
Jin smiled smugly, "What don't I know?"
Passing a napkin to Jimin, he continued.
"I saw you rushing out late last night when I was about to sleep and wondered where you went. Then I remembered that Jungkook was going to meet the girl. I figured he'd got into some trouble again so I stayed up just in case."
Jimin put the cup away and looked apologetic. "Sorry hyung, I should have told you so you wouldn't worry. Anyway, she fainted and we had to take her back here, until she woke up. Speaking of which, I should check on Jungkook...."
He stretched across the bedside to grab his phone.
------------------------------------------------- (Jungkook's POV)
The sun shone through the window and hit me right on my face. It was barely a few hours since I thought I fell asleep. I could feel pockets of the chilly air and movements of the thick covers over me.
Struggling to lift the lids of my eyes, I was greeted with a familiar scent and silhouette of Chae-rin.
My eyes sprang open only to be verified by her brown fluffy hair right below my chin. My head instinctively turned left and right to figure out how this happened.
My room - check.
My side of the bed - check.
My clothes still on my body - check.
Where were those pillows I put up between us??
She felt my arm trying to move, from under a pillow she had her head on, and groaned a little in discomfort.
"Arraseo, arraseo.." I cooed back understanding that it was a wrong move. I paused for awhile, void of thought, just making sure she was still asleep as she seemed like she was snuggling deeper into the warmth of the covers and source of it which was....... Yes, my body.
I could only gasp feeling the length of her body almost flushed against mine.
By now I was wide awake, biting my lips to stay silent and take in what was happening.
Here I am, Jeon Jungkook, the idol that can't even maintain eye contact with female idols on stage, on the bright morning of the first day of a BTS concert, lying on my bed with a girl I just met, cuddled against me beneath the covers.
Had this happened with any one else, I'd have probably jumped out of my skin in fear, shock, and detest. After all, a girlfriend and love interest was the last thing on my mind. Right at the peak of my career, a distraction is the last thing I'd need. The hyungs and I mutually agreed that we wouldn't date until we have finally carved a name for ourselves globally, committing to each other, swearing by the hard work and sacrifices we've made over the many years. I mean, we've come so far and we've only just achieved some recognition and ---
I was startled as I felt her head roll onto my chest with a dull thud. She would have woken up with the impact but she simply didn't.
I found myself smiling gently to be waking up with someone other than the hyungs by my side and it was such a strangely exhilarating yet comforting feeling.
Chae-rin ah.... Why do you make my heart beat so fast?
As if she could hear me, she inched even closer again, adjusting herself more comfortably against my torso.
Something in me just told me to hold her - and so, I gave in, and I did.
It was the most wonderful, peaceful, blissful feeling in the world and my heart beat even faster when I realised how perfectly bodies could fit together like puzzles. Since one of my arms was already under her head, pulling her into a close embrace didn't take much moving.
To my surprise, that woke her up.
I was going to back away, unsure if she would be too close for comfort and suddenly feeling embarrassed with myself at the whole situation, when I felt her lifting her chin to meet my eyes.
(Chae-rin's POV)
I was getting warm and wondered how this bed could be made so comfortable for a winter's sleep. It almost seemed like I was hugging a heated bolster through the night. In my faint memory, I saw Jungook lying beside me - it had to be a dream.
But heck, it was a nice dream. In my dream he had a plain white shirt that looked like they were part of the covers and bedsheets, sleeping soundly like a little angel. He'd tell me it's okay and cuddle me back to sleep.
mmmmmmm.... how nice..... I'll just indulge in this dream a bit more......
I realised it was getting a little TOO warm now and it seemed the heated bolster was holding onto me instead. Was I too close to the heater?
I opened my eyes trying to see where I was but all that I saw was white.
Did I die? No wait, I was in Jungkook's room and he was bathing. Oh, I should get going before the sun rises.
I looked up and saw the source of my warmth - the bright round eyes and sharply chiseled nose.
Why is this dream so realistic?
I felt a little constrained and my body seemed trapped by a tight but comfortable grip. I blinked again and felt the grip loosen itself.
"Am I awake?" I found myself blurting out my thoughts.
He smiled, slightly amused and surprised.
"I'm not sure." he said.
It was messing with my head too much for everything looked like a dream that was too surreal but at the same time it felt like my imagination. I must have been deep in sleep to be struggling so hard to come to my senses - or so I thought.
"Do you like me?" Again, my thoughts had blurted themselves out without my knowledge, completely fearless.
He paused for a moment.
"Uh? What do you think?" he asked, eyes turning into little smiley crescents.
"I'm not sure but I do." I answered as a factual response.
I gave up on trying to wake up from the dream since it was futile. I mean, I was already talking and responding but I just wasn't waking up at all.
His smile was the cutest thing I'd ever seen in any of my dreams.
Then without notice, he lunged towards my face and with some great precision, landed his thinly soft lips on mine.
Suddenly, it dawned on me.
This was REAL.
Out of shock, I clenched my jaw and backed away in realisation at what was REALLY going on.
(Jimin's Room)
Jimin started texting Jungkook while continuing with their morning topic.
"Hyung...  about last night...  Jungkookie...."
"Uh-huh?" Jin looked up from his breakfast to see Jimin's other hand poking around his food with a fork.
"It seemed that he was serious about her." Jimin was concerned at how the youngest had never been in a relationship and a million consequences his clumsiness at this would bring.
Jin put down his cutlery and leaned back against the armchair, with a 'OK-Son-Now-Talk-To-Me' face, "And.... What problem do you think might come out of that?"
"I'm not sure hyung but I'm not sure if he's ready to handle the backlash of paparazzi and you know how hugely popular he is with the fangirls..."
Jin pouted for abit as he gave it some thought.
"Well... he doesn't have to go public anyway."
"AH Hyung!!! What are you talking, are you encouraging the golden maknae to be dating in secret?"
"Jimin-ah, don't say it as if you've never done it."
Jimin's eyes grew wide, "I DIDN'T!! AND YOU KNOW IT!"
Jin just rolled his eyes and nodded an 'as-if' back at the dramatic denial. "Yeah-yea. What I'm saying is, Jungkook's already 20 years old this year, he's an adult and it's his life now if he wants to date someone he likes. Shouldn't you be happy for him? I am!"
"Well.... I mean, if you put it that way, then I'm happy of course, he's such a cutie pie, it's hard not to love him I'm sure. So I guess we're on the same side as he is on this then... not sure about the others."
Jin pat Jimin on the shoulders, "We'll worry about that when that time comes. For now, let's just help him along in his growing years like how we always have. Give him a chance to grow up like how you did too."
You finally realised you were enclosed in the arms of Jungkook, his face a breath away after he pulled away from the gentle kiss of the morning. In complete tension, your folly of words came back to haunt you as flashes of what you THOUGHT was a dream, played out in fast forward.
"I'm sorry, I.... I..... " Jungkook saw the petrified look on your face as a growing red blush appeared all over your cheeks.
He smiled again, amused that you'd turn red so quickly before his eyes.
You decided you had to put some breathing space between the both of you as you bit your lips and slowly turned away, pulling the covers along with you, covering your shy face.
"Hey here here, where are you going now?" He cooed gently after you, letting you roll slowly to the end of the bed.
Before you could roll off, he got up and crouched over you, stopping you at the edge of the bed with his arm. In a swift swoop, he had you scooped up towards him, as he sat cross-legged on the middle of the bed. Your head lay on his lap, and all you could think of was how he could look so hot in the morning with a bed head of tousled hair, from the view of his nostrils.
He had to be an international playboy of some standard. As much as you felt attracted to him, heart pounding and cheeks burning, you weren't interested to be involved with someone who wouldn't think twice about you.
"I should go, Jungkook." You mumbled under the covers.
"You don't really have to, you can stay, until I'm back."
"No," you frowned at that thought. "I'm not a hotel night escort, Jungkook."
"TTT-That's not what I meant~!!" he was a little flustered.
"I don't know how often you do this but, this isn't quite appropriate for me." You had phrased your words carefully.
"It's not what you're imagining!" At once, he pulled you up from his lap, letting you sit upright to create a safe distance, as he too understood what you meant. He definitely pulled some wrong cards from being a little too close, too soon and it didn't work for him like how he'd imagine things to be - like in the many cute animes and drama's he'd seen.
He was clearly aware that you had misunderstood who he was as he went back into a pensive mode to think things through.
"I'm really not one of those girls who throw themselves at guys, or celebrities, so... I'm sorry too that I overstayed. I really should get going now." You threw off the covers and made your way to the edge of the bed, straightening your hair from the reflection of the window, adjusting your clothes and putting back the pieces of clothing, neatly laid out on the chair nearby. Your heart was pounding a million beats a minute, hoping you could make a quick escape safely.
He watched you silently, getting ready to leave, his mind a blank. He knew it would be the last time he would see you if he let things be. Schedules were going to be crazy from the time he stepped out of the room for the next 2 days until he flew back.
He needed to set things straight, if he wanted to continue things with you.
It was now or never.
"I.... " he took in a sharp breath.
"Noona." he called out, for the first time, hoping to get your attention.
"I..... I gave you my f-f-first kiss."
You looked up in the reflection of the window, only to see him knelt on the covers, gripping the edges of the pillow nervously, his large round eyes in earnest and slight nervousness.
Turning around, you cocked your head to the side, examining him at a distance.
"Really?" You asked, feeling suspicious.
"I...... yeah....."
He continued, after a brief lip bite in shyness. "I've never felt this way before, and I don't know why I did it but I... I.... I'm really not the kind of player you imagine me to be."
You watched him lower his gaze, obviously awkward from the confession he made.
First Kiss? Wow, if this kid was for real, then this really meant something to him.
"You didn't answer my question though." You sent out an equally meek response.
"What question?" He looked up at you with full attention.
If this was a game, you'd think the ball was already in your court.
Walking over to him, you sat by the side of the bed closest to him.
"I asked if you liked me."
Jungkook gapped, his mouth slightly apart.
"I thought I already did." he said.
The tension in the room was overwhelming and the nervousness of the moment was really building up. You could feel the air between both of you come to a standstill. It was a good long 5 seconds of frozen silence to which none of you moved or looked away from each other.
"But I can do it again."
At once, he reached forward, letting his hand fall to the side of where you were sitting, and crouched on all fours. With a woosh, his nose briefly touched yours and he stopped at right before your lips touched.
You shut your eyes and pressed your lips together instinctively.
"Isn't this answer clear enough?" He whispered softly, a little smug, and held his stance until you opened your eyes again.
All Chpts: #My20YearOldIdolHusband
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akrbinc · 8 years ago
July 27, 2017 Thursday
Hey, RBOM. Something happened. I don't have anyone to talk to at the moment so I'm just going to leave everything here. The last time I felt this way was when we were still living in a small apartment on Athens street. I remember... I ran to the garage, holding my blue netbook as I slumped my self on the concrete ground where CJ was parked, condoling my self of what has got to be my worst emotional breakdown ever. The tears won't stop falling from my eyes then. I felt helpless—at the same time, alone. If I were to describe what it was, sorrow would have to be the word. Sorrow. Never have I ever imagined my whole life that I will experience such a tragic emotion. Sorrow. Not sadness, not misery, but sorrow. My heart felt so heavy as if all the tears came from there. I was heartsick. I was bursting out heavy tears, slumped on the ground, hiding behind our family car that was my only companion that time. That was the place where I wrote my first emotions-heavy note. I didn't know why I decided to do that. It's just that I felt it best to escape from the heaviness of my emotions with the use of my netbook. So, I typed my emotions away. It was effective. By the time I was almost done, I felt lighter and better. I am used to comforting my self whenever I cried. It has always been that way. I guess I grew up emotionally independent. I also rarely cry. I was lucky if I cried twice in a year. I always had control over my emotions. I always had to be the understanding one whenever someone was in a bad mood or when a person was too mad to even listen to my explanation. I guess that's why I'm strong. Going back to my story, as I was heaving, struggling to keep up to the beat of my breathing, I saw my dad approaching me; his steps heavy as ever and his smile warm. "Akari, nande naiteru? Ahh-ah, doshite? Mama ka na? Nesan ka na? Dare?" he asked, as if he was still talking to the three-year-old Akari. I remember smiling then, finding comfort in the presence of my father. It has always been that way. He was my kakampi as I was his. We were partners in crime. However, I found my self crying again as I examined him. He was really getting old then. "Kapag wala na si Papa, wala na akong kakampi," I realized. And so, I cried again. My dad was gone when it was my mom who approached. "Intindihin mo na lang ate mo. Ikaw kasi ang mas nakakaintindi palagi. Alam mo naman 'yun, mahina ang loob at mabilis umiyak at mainis." That was also the most courageous I've been; it was the first time I spoke my mind and heart out, doing the best I could to explain my self to my mom. "Hindi niyo kasi ako naiintindihan. Wala namang nakakaintindi sa akin," I cried. "Naiintindihan kita, anak. Maniwala ka, kahit parang hindi ganon, naiintindihan kita," she said. I still tried to explain but my words betrayed me. One again, I had to be the one to adjust and understand. And yes, I understood. I just slept, irritated that my words have not reached them. I think that was also the start of me losing my ability to find the right words to write and speak my mind out. I always always did my best to write and talk but my words seemed weak. Yeah, I think that was the beginning of my messed up thinking. Since then, my mind has become clouded. Like, I always tried my best to think but nothing came out right. Going back to the present, yes, I feel nostalgic now. It has been more or less 5 years since I felt this way. what triggered it? A VERY PETTY ISSUE. Well, I was playing ML and Nesan and Madir kept telling me to shower because it's already 8:30 in the evening. I kept ignoring them because I was enjoying my game. Later, a Facebook notification popped up. Nesan posted on my wall. On her post, she said how I should be showering instead of playing ML. "Ewan ko na lang kung hindi ka pa maligo." Then she attached two photos of me, unaware, as I was playing. Now, you know how I don't care about how I look like in photos, I have tons of wacky photos uploaded and tagged on Facebook. Some are even from her. But, let me tell you. Something about those two photos made me feel uncomfortable. I was lying down, okay. But my skirt was almost riding up my thighs. Then my inner thighs can be seen na, e those are dark from friction. So I asked her gently why she uploaded. I was offended. But I never raised my voice nor did I show a hint of disrespect and anger. I asked with overflowing concern "hala... Grabe ka naman, Nesan... Bakit mo naman inupload 'yun" then she suddenly got angry, telling me how stupid I was for thinking that she'd do that without thinking of the consequences. "HALA! alangan namang mag-post ako ng photo mo na alam kong mapapahiya ka. Siyempre mapapahiya rin naman ako kasi kapatid kita." But I still told her that I felt uncomfortable, specially that lots of people have been reacting and commenting how they found the post funny. And then Madir went out from her room, looking at the photos and then telling me that nothing was wrong with the photos. She tried to assure me that those were just shadows on my thigh. But I know my body. As proud as I am of my body, I still didn't want those photos uploaded. I think Nesan got surprised because this would be the first time ever that I'll ask her to take down stolen photos of me. But she was really angry at me and did not stop hurting me with her words. I told the two of them that I want them to know that what Nesan did was wrong. Also, it's unfair because I have lots of unaploaded and deleted photos just because Nesan was insecure about her face so I was the one who always adjusted. She got madder. And in the end, I calmly told the two of them to stop talking to me because I don't want to say hurtful words. And also that it was always the two of them against me. It was not their fault, but mine. I always tried to explain but I always end up hurting them because I always let go of the wrong words. Deep inside, I was really wounded because of Nesan's words, because it's the two of them against me, because I was alone again, because they don't know the real me, because they invalidated my feelings, because I was not allowed to be the one hurting this time around, because I was still lost for the right words and because no one listened. To tell you a secret, one of the reasons why I chose Journalism was because no one ever listens to me. Not even my family—well, they would, for a time, but not long enough or not enough at all. They hear me, but they don't listen. Yep. One of the (selfish) reasons why I chose Journalism was because I wanted my voice to be heard. Anyway, the emotions are gone now. I wrote most of it away hahahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha! Yay, me!!!
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