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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 18 - I’m Fine
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.

Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15 / Day 16 / Day 17 / Day 18 /
It was a normal day for the boys as they shuffled around their studios, practicing or recording.
Namjoon in particular was getting slightly impatient.
(Last night - Namjoon)
"Alot could happen in 3 weeks."
Yoongi frowned, "couldn't she just come with us?"
Instead of waiting for Bang PD to arrive, he decided to drop him a text.
- PD nim, I have been thinking about our previous tours abroad and wondering if we can hire a billingual PR manager to come along with us for the next tour.
The reply was almost instantaneous.
- We have been thinking about it too and have someone in mind. But we found out the agency let her go and we still haven't been able to get in touch.
Namjoon took the chance and pushed for it.
- PD nim if you don't mind, I do have someone to suggest whom we have worked with during the last Europe tour. We can discuss this in detail maybe later today?
As he focused on waiting for the reply, his heart was racing a little.

Why am I being nervous about this? It's not even my girlfriend...
Just then the door of his studio shifted a little and in came Bang PD with a smile.
"Oh! PD nim! Were you already here?" quickly, a wide smile came over him as he stood to greet his boss whom he hadn't seen in some time.
As the older man sank down into the cosy grey sofa and squashed abit of the Van cushion under his weight, he spoke up in a light tone.
"Namjoon-ah, why are you bothering yourself with these matters when I've already got a whole team of staff to look into such things? It's not like you haven't got enough work on your hands."
Namjoon wasn't sure if he was being scolded for being nosy or was Bang PD trying to thank him for going beyond his scope.
He sat down and with a pressed smile, began to put forth some of his plans he had been working out in his head.
"Actually, PD nim, there's this one person we really hope to have along with us..."
Back in the agency where you used to be, things were running as usual. But your co-worker and bff, Fan, had been having a hard time coping with other reporters who had no interest in the music events they covered. It was mostly a touch and go approach that left her missing you, her partner in crime, even more. Days were getting tougher and she even entertained the though of leaving altogether since there was hardly anything else to look forward to.
As she packed up her stuff ready to leave for the day, her boss strolled by with a worried look.
"Hey boss, everything fine? You look like you just lost your company."
He smirked tiredly, used to her teasing. "Thankfully not. It's just that one of our Korean counterparts have been asking for Chae-rin and it was a pity I let her go. I don't even have anyone else I could send as a replacement."
At the mention of your name, she entertained some hopes of reuniting with you.
"Then just hire her back and send her over to Korea! You do know she's IN Korea right?"
Surprised at this piece of newly acquired information his brain quickly turns the numbers and realised that it clicked.
"But wait," he said, "didn't she say something about needing to rest for her health?"
Fan quickly brushed it aside, "well yeah but it's been awhile now she's probably fine. Why don't I call her for you just to... You know, see if she fancies something like that? Oh and, which company are we talking about here anyway?"
The boss ponders, "That sounds good, Fan. It's the one.... with Mr Bang and BTS."
Her breath hitches and chokes in surprise as he catches on quickly, "What's wrong? You alright?"
"Oh nothing!" she laughs, "I'm feeling just fine! I'm fine! Yea, definitely, just fine!"
I'm feeling just fine, fine fine...
You wake up to the sound of your new BTS alarm, it was your favourite song of the moment after seeing the elaborate choreography and how it was such a comforting yet emotional track. You look around and find a note stuck to your phone. It was neatly written and you recognised Jk's handwriting from the numerous letters he'd written over the last year.
'Noona, (they insisted I be fair and call you that) we won't be back early tonight because of the rehearsals for the tour schedule next week. If you get bored, just get a cab and let me know where you are. The hyungs and I will be at the studio so please have a good rest and eat well. Jin-hyung says he made some soup and the kitchen is yours. Please call us if you run into any trouble at all.
Of course, it would be a surprise if these busy idols were mopping around their house in the peak of their career. You weren't even expecting to see them altogether, recalling what a feast it was last night which only showed how long it had been since they could all rest at home together in the same space.
Finally. Some time to explore the city!
You thought to yourself, slowly reading off the messages you ignored since the night before.
There were a stream of pictures and messages from your ex colleagues and friends, as well as a few from Jungkook mainly to check if you were awake yet.
Just then, your phone rang and to your surprise it was Fan. Excitedly you answered it with your croaky morning voice.
- Ahem, ah, ah. Hello!
- Oh gosh, Chaerin, sorry did I wake you up? I didn't check the time difference!
- Don't worry it's noon here. What's up? You hardly call!
- Yeah I know, it's only been like what... Less than a week since you're gone and I'm dying without you.
You laughed at her cutely exaggerated tone which you missed.
- 4 days to be exact. It's only like what, my 3rd day here? It feels like I've been gone forever though. I miss working already.
- Really? How's your... Erm... Body? Has all the... Discomfort worn off?
You pause at her overly cautious choice of words and found it strange.
- Are you with someone?
Fan smiled, knowing how sharp you were.
- Well yes, and I wanted to ask if you really MISSED WORKING WITH US SO MUCH THAT YOU WISHED YOU COULD COME BACK?
Placing deliberate emphasis on the keywords with her back facing the boss, Fan definitely knew what she was doing and wanted you to catch on it.
- You're in the office aren't you... With, let me see... At this hour, wouldn't there only be the boss left? Hang on, are you saying he wants me to come back? Oh come on...
Giving an air punch, Fan was more than excited even though there wasn't even a conclusion.
- Not just me but before you... TURN ME DOWN, I just wanted to know it might be because you're PLANNING TO SETTLE IN KOREA?
- What are you going on about, Fan? You know full well the reason why I was dragged here! of course I have to settle here with... Well, you know who! And eventually I'll have to find a job and---
Quickly, Fan cut her short and put the phone to the boss.
- OKAY OKAY! I got that I got that! Hang on yes yes!
Nervously, he took it and tried to be as casual about it as he could. Unknown to you, there was actually a huge sum of money behind the contractual agreement which BigHit had offered. One that made it harder and harder for him to turn down or ignore. He knew the ball was not in his court and he had to get you back no matter what it took.
After half an hour of lengthy explanations and persuasion, you finally got the full picture.
- So, boss, ah... I mean, erm John, you're telling me the Korean agency we worked with, wants you to post me there as a permanent PR manager for them, while you manage the press at the Europe office, is that it?
- Yes, that's exactly what it is but of course, I'd have to hire you in order for that to happen.
It sounded like a good plan that would help keep your time occupied with income while you got a legitimate work pass to be in Korea as how you needed to. Only thing was letting them know, you'd soon be needing to use some maternity leave and that could potentially cause issues.
- But there are so many PR managers in Korea, why us and why me in particular?
- Beats me! but I know you've always outshone in your abilities and it doesn't surprise me if you were headhunted directly by them. It's just that they probably didn't know you had left the country and man, their staff are so persistent! There were a couple of mails I missed around the time you left which I ignored, since well, you left, but they've called me countless of times this morning as if they can't even wait an hour longer for me to disclose your details. But I told them I'd have to speak with you first. You know, PDPA can be a real bitch these days...
It was true.
Personal data protection was such a sticky issue that never let anyone in this media line rest. Of course, it didn't make any business sense for the boss to let another agency poach his ex-staff when he could possibly leverage on it. Anyone would. But you still didn't get it - why you?
- Before we go on, Mr John, which agency is this that has put forth such a strange request?
As if haunted by the thought, he sighed and sank into a chair.
- Apparently they said the leader made a direct request this morning for it and it became urgent. Remember the boyband you covered at your first stint? What was it again...
He motioned to Fan asking for the name of the band and she quickly showed him her Season's Greeting calendar with the 7 smiley boys.
- BTS. That's right. The Bangtan Boys.
The day whizzed by and you were completely caught in the flurry of calls, and emails you thought you never had to open again.
In a matter of hours, you had set up your laptop and found a small empty area where you could sit comfortably and wasn't occupied by one of the boy's laundry or gadgets.
The call had ended abruptly when you told Mr John to send you the emails for your consideration since Fan was probably freaking out at both her roaming call charges and the surprise of it all.
The leader made a request this morning? That's not possible... Namjoon? But why?
Bewildered, you let the mails load by the chunks until you hear the arrival of new mail from your boss - you had always gave it a different colour code just so you'd never miss it.
As you clicked it open, you saw the unmistakable BigHit email signature and a long mail thread which you read every single word not missing any of it. You could tell it was written very directly due to the probably lack of English expertise from the local staff but was succinct and sufficient to get the point across.
It was simple. They wanted you to work for them - with lodging and everything else taken care of.
This is more than perfect!
After going through the legal and operational details over the phone with their representative, you carefully broach the subject of possible maternity leave, in the near future. To your surprise, they were not only supportive but assured you that even the expenses would be taken care of so long as you were returning to your duties after that. The only thing was that you would have to start work the day after tomorrow in view of the tour that was upcoming.
Another long flight. Packing after you've just unpacked.
With a small sigh, your eyes caught sight of the neat scribbles Jungkook left for your this morning and smiled to yourself. Well, it wasn't that bad if this meant you were able to be with him for the next 3 weeks. It had just been 3 days with the boys but the thought of not being able see, hear, and just be near him had grown so uncomfortable that it made you teary.
Hurriedly you shook these thoughts off and took a deep breath, picking up your phone to text Jungkook.
- Work hard for today Kookie, I've got some news for you tonight :)
Hours later, Fan sorts out her own paperwork and ties up loose ends in the office, and prepares to take the first flight out in the morning to meet you. Unlike you, she had to get on flight soonest in order to arrive on the same day you start work.
Looking through the texts, she remembered having Jimin's number from the time when she pressed Chae-rin for at least one emergency contact other than JK's, in the event where she wasn't contactable. Picking up her courage, she decided to send him a text of her arrival... After all that you've done for her, being there for you in this uncertain period of your life, was the least she could do, of course, with some help, a surprise appearance would be the cherry on the cake.
The doors of the apartment swung open hastily and you hear the familiar banter of Jin, Namjoon and J-hope, as they discussed formations for the concert. They were so loud it sounded more like a party than 2 people just talking.
'No, no, no... hyung, I'll change it and Taehyung will sit on Namjoon and me because -- AAAigoo Jungkook-Ah! Your big bag is in my face, watch it!' It was J-hope, the loudest of them all, sounding suddenly cautious at the silent arrival of Jungkook, probably squeezing through the door with his over-sized bag.
'Sorry hyung! You okay?' Without even looking back, he habitually kicked off his shoes and tried to mask his excitement of finally being able to see you at the end of a long day. Going straight to his room, he finds your bags sitting at the door, luggage zipped and packed like the day you arrived. With eyes wide in shock he starts going into every room in search for you and when you were nowhere in sight, he grabs his phone and starts calling you, frantically looking around the living room if you'd left him a note or something.
The older boys, especially Namjoon, calmly check out Jungkook's room to see what he was being flustered about only to be startled by sudden movements among the rack of Jungkook's black tee-shirts.
'OOH! OOH! OOH! What-what -- Ahhh... you scared me!' Hushed Jin who put a hand to his chest after seeing that it was you, hidden behind the clothes. He looked extra warm and fuzzy today, in a turtle neck and glasses you seldom saw him wear.
You put a finger to your lips and motioned for Namjoon to come closer as you whispered to them. 'The company told me about your request.' You said, to the 3 older boys who were crouched down with their faces inches from yours in the dim corner. You continued, 'I'll be moving to the empty apartment next door in the morning.'
'JJINCHA???' J-hope exclaimed only to be quickly silenced by your hand.
'But why're you hiding from Jungkookie?' Namjoon asked. 'You trying to make him think you're leaving? You want to prank him?'
You nodded. 'It's now or never, isn't it?' with a cheeky wink, the brothers nodded and stood up giving you an "OK" signal, and started going into their overly exaggerated acting mode.
Jin sat on the bed while Namjoon went out to look for Jungkook, and J-hope started talking loudly again. "OMO! Jungkook-ah~~ Why are all her luggages packed up again? Aigoo, Jungkook-ah!"
As the boys gathered, they thoughtfully positioned Jungkook's face in your view, a clear sign they had done this so many times for the camera.
Namjoon started on his worried low voice, asking Jungkook if there was something wrong or if there was anything else he hadn't told them about. Before Jungkook could even respond, Jin chimed in like a comedic duo with Namjoon, picking up line after line, not even letting Jungkook process what was happening.
'... and you know, its getting late now, where do you expect her to go? right? her bags are all packed and she isn't answering her phone, are you sure she didn't say anything else to you? Jungkook-ah, check your phone again, did you miss some messages?'
You watched as Jungkook stared blankly, trying to recall while he cocked his head to one side, eyes fixed on the packed suitacases in deep confusion. 'No... Noona only said she had something to tell me tonight, but... but...'

'Something to tell you? Ah! That's right, she has to go back home that's why these are all packed!' Jin added quickly.
'NO!' was Jungkook's only response and you could see J-hope trying not to laugh at the innocence of this man-child. He was practically about to throw a fit at his 'helpful' hyungs in his sheer helplessness. As he mumbled unintelligible words to reason out why it wasn't possible you would leave, Namjoon decided to give it the final blow.
Putting his hands over JK's shoulder, he brought him nearer to where you were hiding as if to tell him a secret.
'Jungkook-ah, actually, I spoke to Bang-PD about Chae-rin.'
Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath in disbelief as he shrieked in a high pitch tone you'd never thought he was capable of. 'You, WHAAAAT???? HYUNGGGGG!!!!'
He continued, 'so I told him that for your sake, and hers, she has to move out of this place. Jungkook, hyung is sorry, I really tried my best to speak up for you but I think we can't have a girl here.'
You saw the Jungshook gifs appearing before your eyes as he froze in place, not even attempting to refute all that he heard. You made a mental note to commend his loyal and abiding nature even though it seemed like Namjoon had just turned his back on him.
After awhile, Jungkook spun around, looking at the other boys, studying their faces before going straight to J-hope giving him a deep closeup view of his bright round eyes.
'Wohhh, too close, Jungkook, too close, what-- what--' As he observed the reactions of his brothers, he stood up, surveying the room this time calmly and with sharp eyes, he realised how they had been deliberately leaving an empty space in front of his clothes. It was only then that he faintly saw some colours hidden behind the row of monochrome clothes, and took a deep breath of relief.
'Noona~ I know you're there. Come on out now, you have some explaining to do.' He closed his eyes with a satisfied grin and mild annoyance, pointing in your direction.
Slowly, you emerged bashfully, to the wind-screen wiper laughs of Jin and J-hope.
'Sorry, Chae-rin, we're just really horrible at acting no matter how hard we try. But for now I think we will leave you to deal with our little Kookie, see you outside for dinner! Bye!' In the blink of an eye, the hyungs exited and shut the door behind them as you heard their quick footsteps scurry down the hallway.
It only took you half an hour to explain the situation to Jungkook as he took it all in.
'Are you saying you'll be travelling with us when we're on tour, and when we're back, you'll be staying beside us?' He summed it all up in a sentence.
'Well, y-yes.... but Jungkook I'm going to be a company staff from now on, you need to be mindful of that especially when we're around the other people. I will have real WORK to do, not just tagging along.'
The glee on his face was so evident that you weren't sure if he was really seeing the full picture. Giving you a total embrace, you could feel his muscles relaxing slowly in your hold while he buried his nose in your hair.
'I don't care about that,' he whispered, slightly emotional all of a sudden. 'As long you're not leaving, I know I'll be fine.'
The next morning, Jungkook headed for practice early, filled with newfound vigor. They go through their routines, new formations, have meetings back to back and work from sunrise to sunrise.
A staff also meets you at the apartment, rather surprised that you had made your way to the door.
'How did you manage to get here?' He asks, slightly puzzled since it was a very secured residence.
Flustered, you blurt out whatever came to your mind. 'Oh, I met Namjoon while I was coming and he showed me the way, ha... yea that boy has good a very good memory for these things yea?'
'Ah, Namjoon? Yea, he did? I heard he doesn't request for staff directly but he specifically asked for you to be brought in as soon as possible... You guys must be close huh?'
As he opened the door to the adjacent apartment, your eyes saw the largest and most spacious loft-like studio, with full-length glass windows and light day curtains blowing in, fully furnished, open concept space. There were 2 rooms in view and a small kitchen, and a balcony. For a place like Seoul, you knew this had to cost a lot being in the same building as the boys.
The staff continued, 'there will be another staff joining us tomorrow and it seems you both are acquainted. It hasn't been sorted out where she will stay but for now, please settle in here as your home while you work with us. Since you're friends with the boys already, I guess there is no need for us to introduce you?'
You brushed it off casually, 'yea you must have had so much to do with my sudden arrival, please don't worry yourself with these trivial matters. I'm thankful enough as it is that Mr Bang made these arrangements himself.'
'Sure, in that case I will leave you and if you need any help just call for myself of any of the managers. We'll see you at the company tomorrow, Ms Chae-rin.'
As he closed the door to your new home, you pick up the shiny new card that came with a long black strap. Your passport-sized photo greeted you back with the same smile as you read the words beneath it to yourself.
Strategic Artiste Management & PR Lead (BTS)
This meant a promotion in your career; a new role - not to say the least, one you've proved your worth for, but more impressively,with a team under your lead, the one to call the shots on the bulk of their public appearances, personal welfare, and the first say over the boy's schedules.
As you go through the contract that you had read tens of times over before inking it, you shake your head in disbelief. This was practically the role of a highly paid corporate nanny over 7 grown boys that the world was fawning over.
But well, who's complaining? And you knew deep down, with Jungkook by your side, you'd be more than just fine.
Thank u for your likes, reblogs, reads and for waiting ... and I will keep updating this book!
Please feel free to leave me your comments and if you are going for LYinSG, see u there! :))))
This story can also be found on wattpad with my same username:
#My20YearOldIdolHusband#idol husband#bts#bts army#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts scenarios#bts imagines#jungkook fanfics#kpop fanfics#jungkook#jhope#hoseok#namjoon#rm#jim#seokjin#bangtan fanfics#bts fluff#jungkook fluff#jungkook scenarios#idol
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 17 - Don’t Leave Me
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15 / Day 16 / Day 17
[Back in the dorm]
"YAH! Jung Hoseok!" Jin's shrill scream traveled through the kitchen and into the living room where the younger floppy haired boy was playing with Taehyung's puppy.
Startled, he jumped up from his seat, dog in hand. "WAE WAE WAE?" he asked, briskly walking over in large exaggerated strides.
Jin looked at the table of dishes and noticed a piece of meat missing from the top. With his long chopsticks, he waved at the meat valley created by it. "You picked a piece didn't you?"
With a horrified expression, he raised an arm in fluster pointing at the living room, "Hyung! I was there the whole time! It's not me!"
Jin rested his arms on his hips, frowning in annoyance. "There's no one else at home except the both of us."
"But why hyung... it's gonna get eaten at the end of the day anyway so what's the big problem right?" The loud younger boy smiled cheekily as he reached for his phone to snap a photo of the sumptuous spread before them. "Gonna send this pic and you'll see them rush back in no time."

At once, when the photo was sent, a door opened from down the hallway. Both Jin and Hoseok looked up at each other immediately, realising it was the 2 scaredy cowards who were left in the house. "Hyung! I thought you said no one else was back?" he whispered.
With eyes glued to the hallway, a sleepy boy dragging his feet emerged from the room.
"Yah, Taehyung-ah, you scared us! Were you always in the room for the whole time?" Jin asked, still wondering if he was the culprit of the missing meat.
He rubbed his beady eyes, "No, I got back awhile ago but none of you responded to me when I walked by so I just went to take a nap."
Hoseok returned the puppy into his hands and asked quickly, "the meat tastes good yea?"
"What meat? I came out because I saw dinner's finally ready." Asked Tae.
There stood 3 frozen boys, wondering if there were more of them in the dorm that had grown larger than they could keep their eyes on.
Tae didn't quite get it but it didn't matter to him. "O...K... Let's just... eat? Where's Chae-rin?"
[At the studio]
Jungkook was a smiley mess having you surprise him at work. He knew work was going to get busy soon and he desperately wanted to spend more time with you, help you settle in and figure out a solution to keep you close to him. He knew it wasn't going to be possible to take you with him everywhere but leaving you alone in the dorm while he worked overseas wasn't exactly what he wanted.
"Jungkook?" You called out to him while he was deep in thought. "What's the matter?"
He shook his head, looking between his schedule and you. "I'm just wondering how to keep you in my bag while we travel."
With a laugh and slight sigh, he sunk down into his expensive swivel chair.
"I want you to come with me everywhere, be it here, overseas, or just... I don't know, I just don't want you out of my sight." With a forlorn expression, he reached out to caress your back, sliding his hand to catch your palm in his.
"But..." he continued, "I know it's not possible."
You smile a little at him, "I was joking about following you abroad, don't worry. I'm a grown up and I can take care of myself - and cope with you being away for a week or two? We've been through that and more haven't we?"
At times like these, you felt like he was such a baby and it wasn't that you wanted to mother him, but you couldn't help but try to talk sense into him when he was into that mode. You knew he was just being honest with his feelings and that was something you liked about him - he always spoke his mind, and it was hard to get angry with his pure honesty.
"Anyway, I came with Yoongi-oppa, we should get going. There's dinner waiting."
At the thought of his food, Jungkook's bright eyes widened and he sprang up from his chair in glee - "Oh yes! Jin-hyung! Let's get Namjoonie-hyung and go."
As the boys gather themselves and take you with them, you notice fans at the entrance of the building. Even though they were heading to the basement car park, openly, in glass elevators, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious as if you were going to get caught for doing something illegal.
"Do fans find you at the dorms?" you ask out of curiosity, keeping your eyes on the girls camped out along the road with cameras.
"Hmm, now that we've moved into a higher security area, it's only those who probably live within the compound but they don't really pose a threat. They don't know exactly which unit we're at." The leader spoke calmly, assessing your question. "Are you concerned? You don't have to be, at least not when we are together in a group like this."
Jungkook in a hurry came out of the studio without a mask or hood and as he turned around to look out of the elevator, eagle-eyed fans spotted his face as they began standing up and waving. Some began to rush to the entrance only to be stopped by security.
Quickly the doors opened at the basement and some screams were heard from a distance. Having 4 taller boys obstruct your view made you wonder just how near or far these fans were and if they were even able to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars after camping out there for goodness-knows-how-long.
They strolled to the car like an everyday affair, while Namjoon put on his sunglasses out of habit. It was almost like the screams were his cue to wear them.
"Jungkook-ah, you should pull down the shades later at the rear before we drive out, got it?" reminded Yoongi, as he started the engine of his car with heavily darkened windows. "Those floodlights fans have nowadays are almost X-ray vision - I'm sure they'll catch snaps of Chae-rin even though my glass is almost blacked out."
True enough, as he drove out, some fans were already waiting at the exit with their long lenses, and they knew his car by the number, waving and shooting flashes at them.
"I want to wave but, they don't even know I'm inside." said Namjoon as he pressed his face close to the glass, observing the behavior of his fans.
You scooted closer to Jungkook at the backseat and lowered yourself, just in case.
"Those lights and screams are quite scary huh?"He smirked. "They're really quite something."
You sensed the pride in his voice and the love for the fans.
"You should just wind down the window and tell them to make their way home." You said, unsure if it was out of worry for the fans or jealousy on your part.
"Shall I?" Jungkook asked, his hand on the button.
"NO!!" came a resounding scream from his older brothers, followed by a stare from Yoongi through the mirror.
"Chae-rin ah, I didn't take you here to put our lives in danger, you should know better than that?" He half-chided in a nasal tone that was gentle yet annoyed.
You could only laugh with Jungkook silently as he quickly pacified his older brothers and talked about other things all the way home.
When the boys had all gathered, it was a spread of comfort food and apparently Jin hadn't cooked in many months so it was quite a grand affair that got everyone together at the table.
"Jimin-ah," you called out to him as he wondered where he should sit, being last to join as usual. You waved him to sit beside you and he gladly obliged. He had just come home straight from a shoot, with full makeup, suit and all. You saw him this way countless of times ever since your first encounter with him and the boys but you knew for as long as you had female hormones, there was no way you would ever get used to seeing him looking like a million bucks and not stare.

Although he was smiling, he seemed a little troubled. The rest of the boys however, were more interested in the food than their smiley brother.
"Had a long day?" You asked as he started tugging off his blazer and rolling up his sleeves.
He greeted you warmly, "Nah... I'm doing good. So what did you do today?" He casually poured himself a drink while you told him about what you did and the bits of stuff that happened.
"Aaah, Kookie's studio? You went to the company?" He gave a knowing nod, "that child's got alot of work up his sleeves lately... he's gonna get busy."
Jungkook finally snapped out of his gluttony and turned the other way to see Jimin and you conversing in low tones.
"What you guys talking about?" he asked with a mouth full of rice.
Jokingly, Jimin hushed you down, "don't let him hear us talking about him!"
"Aaah HYUNG!!" he frowned at Jimin, almost whining, making the older boy break into an eye-smile, obviously unable to resist the cuteness of an annoyed Jungkook.
"Arraseo... I was just joking around with her. Anyway, did you hear about the schedule next week?" Almost at once, his face turned serious as he brought up the plans for work.
Jungkook pondered for a moment as he swallowed his food, "I know the dates and that we're going to record some stuff, why? Did the schedule change?"
Jimin looked around, wondering if he should get the attention of the older brothers and caught sight of Jin who was also chewing his food in a daze.
"Jin-hyung," he called out across the long table, "about the schedule next week, have you heard any updates?"
His voice got the attention of his brothers as they all turned to him to listen.
"No, why? The last I saw, it was a schedule for about a week to Japan and that's all."
Jimin put down his chopsticks and cleared his throat, "actually... I just heard it today from our stylist noona... it seems we will be travelling out from there to a few other shoots this time and might not return for 3 weeks."
Silently, he turned to look at you and Jungkook, while the rest of the boys kept still.
"Oh." You replied, "that sucks for me huh."
At once, your blatantly honest response got them all laughing - all except for Jungkook, who's mind was travelling at lightspeed to think of a solution.
Jimin sighed, "I'm not sure yet because these things usually get told to us quite last minute and I overheard this, so we need to confirm it first."
The night went by and you got tired quickly, heading off to bed while the boys showered and chilled out on their own. It was, afterall, a long and eventful second day for you in their dorm.
Just when you were almost falling asleep on Jungkook's bed, he crept in and knelt beside you, careful not to wake you up but his scent that whiffed past was too alluring that made the corners of your mouth twitch into a smile.
"Why are you smiling?" he whispered, making you open your eyes to see his face inches away from you.
"Because of you?" you whispered back and he came closer to nuzzle his nose against yours cutely. "I'm sleepy, Jungkook... It's the hormones..." you mumbled as your heavy lids shut again.
"I know... I'll be here until you fall asleep..."
That was the last thing you heard before you felt a blanket gently cover you, and your senses were completely taken over by your dreams.
"Jimin-ah, are you sure about it?" Namjoon asked as he strolled into the living area where the younger boy was sprawled out on the sofa with Taehyung. Propping himself up with one hand, he met the serious eyes of the leader.
"I think it's 90% going to happen this way. What should we do?"
As they all sat around, they were joined by Jin and Yoongi who were also trying to think of a way out for Jungkook and yourself.
In a low and eloquent manner of speech, he began. "Firstly, Jungkook's got to be mentally prepared - I don't think he was expecting this. Then Chae-rin needs to be able to move in and out freely without us, especially to the clinic. Alot could happen in 3 weeks."
Yoongi frowned, "couldn't she just come with us?"
"What?" Jin frowned back at him, "how?"
He crossed his arms and went into his deep thinking mode, furrowing his brows as they waited for his genius to spark.
Hoseok, who had been thinking about it in his room, emerged as he heard the content of the chatter.
"He's right - she could come with us. She just needs to be part of the staff, isn't that what you meant hyung?"
Jimin clapped his hands together in realisation. "Aaahhh.. That's right, why didn't I think of that!!"
Namjoon stood up, a smile on his face.
"That settles it then. I'll speak to the company tomorrow and guys, let's keep this from Jungkook."
Next Chpt Teaser belowww!
Don’t get it? It’s ok!
What’s new anyway you should be used to that being an Army... Haha

#my20yearoldidolhusband#myidolhusband#bts#bts fanfics#bts fanfiction#jungkook#jungkook fanfics#jimin#rm#namjoon#jhope#hoseok#v#taehyung#suga#yoongi#jin#seokjin#bangtan#kpop fanfiction#bts scenarios#bts imagines
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 15 - Her
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15
"What? What?" the confused Jungkook struggled against Jin's grasp. He had been forcefully ushered out of the mart by Jin, whose face was flushed from all the strength needed.
"YAH! When I say move, just MOVE it! Don't you know how heavy you are now that it's taking me my life just to tussle with you?! " Jin frowned at the muscle-laden youngest boy, peppering him with rapid-fire rants.
"Why are we leaving her in there?" Jungkook asked, frowning even more, worried and equally annoyed.
Jin sighed, "did you not hear me say we were followed??"
"But- but, how can we just leave her--"
Cutting Jungkook off, Jin stared hard at him. "Look, young punk, this is the price you both have to pay for getting yourselves in this situation, alright?" with a pat on the back, and a slightly harder push, he quickly shove him into the car and shut the doors.
Indeed, this was really going to be tougher than any of them thought.
After what seemed like forever, the cashier placed the last pack of food into the trolley and you heaved a sigh of relief. You looked around hoping to see either Jin or Jungkook.
Thankfully, you spot the tall frame of Jungkook at a corner, masked again, and waiting for you to catch his eye.
You let out a laugh despite the situation, for he was just standing out too much in the sea of lightly dressed shoppers, with blonde hair sticking out from under his black cap. Even under the disguise of his baggy clothes, his good physique was obvious, making your heart skip a beat.
Gosh. It's got to be the hormones.
You signalled for him to walk ahead as you caught up but he gently took over the steer of your trolley instead.
"Hey, we shouldn't be seen together!" you hushed at him, bending low as if it would help.
Just as he wanted to show you how sorry he was, Jin emerged from the car as well, quickly taking you with him while Jungkook loaded up the boot.
"Are you OK? You must have been so shocked, we're sorry." He continued fussing around you for abit, making sure you weren't too startled or anything.
"I'm fine, really, I should've been more alert." You said with a smile and returned his credit card.
"No, you keep it - you'll never know when you need it when we're not around." he said, returning your arm as he continued. "Sorry we had to move out suddenly, I hope you're not too shocked by this, I'd rather err on the safe side."
You smiled, "I know. I'll be more careful from now on too."
All the way back to the dorm, Jungkook wasn't sure what to say. His mind was filled with thoughts about what could have happened if Jin wasn't alert enough.
You tapped him on the arm only to be greeted by the look of a shocked bunny with large eyes.
Your laughter made him smile a little, "What, what? Do I have something on me?"
"No, your shocked face is cute that's all."
Jin at this point could only smile silently, taking peeks at the rear view mirror once in awhile at both of you. You were showing Jungkook photos on your phone while he was engrossed in asking a million questions as always. The sweet and gentle side of Jungkook was one that his older brothers had hardly seen and it amused Jin greatly.
Before you knew it, Jin had pulled up at the basement of the dorm and turned the ignition down.
"We have arrived, lovebirds." He announced dramatically.
"OH!" Jungkook looked up first, "ah hyung your driving skills must have improved so much I hardly felt a thing!"
Jin then put on his sunglasses, "what do you expect? I'm the car-door man. This is just basic."
You were rather amazed at how the oldest and youngest could get along so casually well, poking fun at each other like it was the most natural thing to do.
"You guys are a comedic duo you know that? Now I understand why your fans make endless gifs of you both.
"They do?" asked Jungkook, "and how'd you know?"
Jin raised a brow, "if you played less games, paid more attention to our group chats, and came out of your fancy studio more, you'll realise a lot more things."
The banter continued, one on each of your sides as they carried the bags of groceries, trying to make it look effortless so you wouldn't try to take any of it.
The 3 of you made your way back to the dorm, and you began to understand the dynamics of their relationship more:
Jin was the sort that would look out for everyone from afar, somewhat like Yoongi, but with a much more childish appeal that sat well with Jungkook and Jimin in particular. He had no airs and it felt like he was always waiting for the right moment to throw in a joke just to make everyone bawl over in laughter.

Taehyung was a bit of a dreamer, doing whatever he wanted at most times, but a total sweetheart. Jungkook had told him many times not to bother you but they would fall on deaf ears as he took you as his new playmate.
Hoseok was the one who was more unpredictable; serious and responsible one second and a total clown on the next. He was definitely the mood maker but when it came to their work, he was on top of it and wouldn't spare to tell any of the guys off.

It was Namjoon you couldn't quite understand but you figured it would just take time.
"Oh Jin-hyung, you're back!"
Taehyung had gotten back from the company and was fiddling with the electronic lock on their main door. Like what they planned to do, he had the passwords changed.
"Hey Chae-rin!" with his wide smile and a cute wave, he stopped what he was doing and started walking towards you from a distance.
Before you could respond, he cupped his hands around his ear and went right for your abdomen, obviously ignoring the fact that it was a rather inappropriate act. You were pretty startled by his advances that you froze in your place.
"YAHHH!!!" Jin screamed in horror, unable to do anything since his hands were full with groceries.
But Taehyung shushed him with a frown and closed his eyes in a feeble attempt to hear something.
Jungkook was just stunned as he too froze in place at his hyung's queer actions. No matter how he had gotten used to Tae, this hyung was still incomprehensible.
"Taehyung-ah, I don't think there would be any sounds..." you whispered. "I know they do this in shows but it's probably not... so soon yet?"
He straightened his back, dejected with a pout. "Oh. Okay... Would you tell me when you start feeling something? I've always wanted to hear what it's like to have a little life inside a tummy."
Giving you a wide smile and earnest eyes, this was a boy you'd never be able to reject.
"I surely will, and you MUST come at once when that happens ok?" You laughed, as he walked you into the house, with Jungkook frowning in disbelief as he followed behind.
Jin heard him mumbling to himself and could only be amused again, "Please allow me to remind you that this is going to continue in the next few months to come. Get used to it."
Once in the dorm, you realise the rest of the members had gone out for their schedules and Jungkook too, had to leave once he put down the groceries. But it wasn't until he made absolutely sure you were not going to be harassed by Taehyung, that he picked up his huge bag again to head to the door.
"Hyung, please... Remember that she's fragile, Ok?" he was nearly pleading at the doorstep, with a hand lingering on your back as you sent him and Jin off. Taehyung was just dismissing him without a word as he started meddling with something else around the walls.
"I'll be okay, Jungkook. Don't worry, I'm safer here than anywhere else, remember?" Your words were a reassurance for him after the slight ordeal today.
He sighed, reluctant to go. "I'll be back before you know it, and if you're bored, just --"
Taehyung cut in quickly, "she's never gonna be bored when I'm here, c'mon!" and with that he waved them off, abruptly putting an end to the goodbyes.
For the next few hours with Taehyung, you got to know even more about the daily habits of the boys, some more embarrassing than the others. From the tough older boy's obsessions with cute toys and online buying, to Jimin's grown up drinking sessions, you realised they were just your regular guys that lived like anyone else - only with alot more unwanted attention.
"Jiminie really loves to go out, and he's got a whole lot of friends. He didn't used to as much and was obsessed with how much he lacked. But things are looking up for us and he's become alot more confident now. It's always good to have friends." Pointing to a recent Polaroid stuck on the fridge, you recognized a few faces as other boyband idols.
"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" you asked.
Tae shook his head, "None of us do. We just don't have the time. That's why when we knew about you and Jungkook, we were shocked that he made it happen in such a short time that we were traveling, and could continue on even while you were apart. We thought it was going to die down after awhile since most girls wouldn't be able to handle it but I guess, hyung was wrong about it."
"Hyung? Which one?" You asked.
"Namjoonie. He really didn't think you'd actually stick around long enough and he's actually the most worried one about this whole moving in thing." He explained.
Your equally concerned expression gave it away to the regret of a flustered Taehyung.
"AH. No-no, it's--no, I didn't mean to say it that way - I meant that, you know -- It's like -- erm..."
You had to force a smile, "It's ok Taehyung, he's probably right. Plus, he knows the situation best, this isn't going to work out in the long run either, I can't possibly live here all that long can I?"
As if in deep contemplation, you could almost see thought bubbles of different scenarios going through his mind until a light bulb lit up like an idea.
"Why not? We could be 6 uncles to little baby kookie, no? I'll treat him or her so well... and..." before his imagination ran wild, you took a deep audible breath and put a stop to it.
"No. Think about it Tae, it's only a matter of time that your manager finds out there's a girl living with you guys. Before that happens, I have to move and Jungkook needs to come clean with the company so they can sort out any potential rumours that start surfacing. In another 8 months or goodness knows when, I'm gonna have to deliver somewhere and there's gonna be huge medical bills and lots of health care matters to take care of. Furthermore, we're gonna have to be married, registering the baby, and eventually the baby needs to go to school and I need to get a job to support us too. Can you imagine that happening here? In this dorm?"
You saw Taehyung's eyes fall as he realised in silence that it probably wasn't going to happen.
"Chae-rin," he called out carefully. "but... are you sure you're ready for all this?"
You gulped.
No, Taehyung, I'm freaking terrified and wish that this was just a dream.
You wanted to be honest but you found yourself saying something else.
"I will be. Without or without Jungkook."
A/N :)
Thanks guys for waiting up forever and if you’re still reading this, I just wanted u to know I’ve already started to write #16 and am halfway done.
For being such sweethearts, I made 2 Jimin lockscreens! (yes, that rude one).
Download it here (full glory colour) & here (muted, less rude) - with a little reminder for you to always #LoveYourself !!

#my20yearoldidolhusband#20yearoldidolhusband#bts#love yourself#bts love yourself tear#jimin#bts jimin#bts fanfiction#bts fanfics#jimin lockscreen#bts lockscreen#bts fanfic#park jimin#jeon jungkook#jungkook#jungkook fanfic#kpop fanfic#loveyourself tear#bts denim#jimin abs#jhope#taehyung#namjoon#yoongi#seokjin#jin#bts wallpaper#jimin love yourself#gotstory
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 14 - OPPA
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14
Jimin led the way back to the dorm and stood at the door, waiting after he buzzed the door bell.
Jungkook got to it first, with the rest of them following suit.
At once, the door swung open and just like the day you saw them in the waiting room, they were all staring back at you, only that they greeted you in all smiles this time.
"NOONA!!!" Tae broke through the bodies of his hyungs and launched himself to hug you, only to be pulled back by Jungkook and easily blocked by Jimin, as he stepped forward like a bodyguard.
You made a discreet wave, knowing they weren't expecting your sudden arrival. "Hi... guys..."
Jhope slapped Tae's head, and muttered under his breath "don't be a fool, you're gonna scare the baby."
Embarrassed, you quickly looked away.
"Yah! let her in already!" Suga bellowed, pushing the rest of them away, letting Jungkook guide you in by the hand.
Jimin and Namjoon disappeared into the room and Jin into the kitchen.
Jungkook smiled proudly, "so... this is the dorm you've always heard about... what do you think?"
You spun around, looking at every corner of the utilised space, and recognised pieces of furniture you saw in your video calls.
"It .... looks just the same as I imagined."
They gave you a light chuckle, still a little amazed that you were really here, standing in the middle of their 7-men dorm.
Tae bellowed in his low and husky voice, one that you never grew tired of hearing. "Noona, you're the first girl who's ever step foot inside here other than the cleaning aunt."
"And you're also going to be the first and last one to stay here." Jimin said as he emerged from the room, holding an arm full of pillows and his blanket.
Jungkook realised Jimin had taken his set of bedding to let you rest in his space of their room while he took the lounge chair in the living room.
At the same time Jin came out, holding a cup of milk in a clear glass.
"Here, you're gonna have to take one cup of this every single night from now on okay?"
You took it from his warm hand, speechless with gratitude.
Jungkook watched you, overwhelmed.
"See? I told you right, these are my hyungs - and now, your oppas." It was a little cringey but true.
Jimin was nearly done setting up his new cosy corner. "Hey Chae-rin, you've had a long day and you must be tired... why don't you go wash up and unpack inside the room? Jungkook will show you the way around."
You took a sip before Jin took the cup away from you, "I'll keep it warm and you can have it later." He smiled, ever SO gentlemanly that it was making you fuzzy inside.
Once you were safely out of sight, Namjoon gathered everyone else, Jungkook included, and they had one Jimin would call - 'The meeting'.
It went by in quick, hushed tones and Namjoon sorted the things that needed to be done tomorrow.
"So Jin and Jungkook, you've got to go grab groceries first since you've got the car. Take Chae-rin with you early before the crowd starts coming out and don't take more than 2 hours. We'll be eating in a lot more now so make sure you buy enough." Jin and Jungkook nodded, quick to make a mental note of what they needed. "Tae, you're the actor so you go to the company first thing tomorrow and get our pass codes changed. Tell them you feel unsafe with your bursting popularity or something... The bottom line is to make sure no one else can come in here, except us."
Jhope turned to his best partner in crime, "Hyung-nim, we've got to clean the house then!"
Suga moaned in dread that he would finally need to pack his mountain of stuff. "Arraseo... we'll clean the toilet too."
Namjoon smiled at them all. "And I'll just -"
At once they said in unison, "JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING."
Jimin looked up at Jungkook, "did you check if you have a schedule tomorrow?"
"Ah." Jungkook dug out his phone and started scrolling - something he'd not done since he touched down.
Of late, Jungkook, Jin and Jimin had gotten more individual schedules while Suga, Jhope and Rapmon declined most of them to focus on the production of their next album. Taehyung on the other hand had already been casted for another drama.
"There's a filming tomorrow afternoon, but why is it just me alone? Hyung, aren't you coming?" he asked, looking to Jin and Jimin.
For the bulk of Jungkook's schedules, the managers never let him out alone unless it was something solely related to singing or dancing. Even then, he was always accompanied by either one of their agency artistes. They were still unable to trust him to fully manage interviews and talkshows.
"Oh, your first individual schedule? Congrats Jungkook!" they patted him warmly with smiles, encouraging him and reassuring him that he'd be fine.
With their longstanding teamwork, it hardly took much to get roles and responsibilities in order.
"Doesn't this feel like when we were in Europe?" Jimin laughed, reminiscing the time they toured together and had to buy groceries while dodging from fans who recognized them.
"Yea, I miss those times." Jhope smiled fondly.
Tae sounded excited at the plans that now had you in mind, referring to it as a 'staycation' in the dorm. "I've got so many movies lined up to watch with noona." He revealed a dreamy smile.
It earned him stares all around.
Jimin attempted to set things straight, "Taehyung-ah, I'd think she would prefer to spend more time with Jungkook than with us, don't you agree?"
But in all seriousness, Tae had assumed the role of being a caregiver and was more than eager about it. "There are gonna be times he's not around too and baby Mozart is good for fetal development if you want your child to be a music genius, Jungkook." he said in pure zealousness towards the newfound object of his affection.
Jungkook seemed somewhat speechless, "Uh- yyyeah sure V-hyung!"
The first night went by quietly, with the boys leaving you and Jungkook on your own. As a gesture of decency, you suggested to keep the door of the room open. Not only was it more convenient but it was sending a subtle message to everyone that you honestly had nothing to hide and wanted to be as open as possible, being the one to 'intrude' into their space. You wanted them to know they could come in anytime and need not keep you at arms length with Jungkook.
Early next morning, Jin was the first to rise as he walked passed your room, surprised to see it wide open.
"Ah... this kid." He sauntered in, and crouched next to the bed where Jungkook slept. "Yah. Wake up." He nudged his sides.
Instead of stirring awake, Jungkook only smiled with his eyes closed, obviously dreaming.
"You crazy or something, JK? It's me HYUNG, quit smiling and get up! You need to get going!" He half-whispered in a tone of mild urgency.
At once Jungkook's eyes sprang open, his first instinct to check on you.
There you were, sleeping soundly without a care in the world.
Jin's eyes traveled to the bed where you were, "H-How do we wake her up? When she's sleeping so peacefully?"
"I don't know, Hyung..." Jungkook sat up from the pull out bed that was below yours, where Jimin usually slept, and reached out gingerly to tap on your exposed hand.
"Noona..." He called out softly.
Jin laughed, "do you always call her that?"
"No," he replied with a slightly bashful smile, "It's just... Cos Hyung, you're here... "
The murmurs stirred you awake as you figeted under the sheets, gradually coming to your senses that it was a new day in a new place with new people.
Jungkook stared in surreal amazement, still in wonder that you were finally here with him and now waking up in his bed.
"Morning love," he whispered, inching nearer to caress your cheek. "It's time for some shopping with Jin Hyung and I."
At the mention of 'shopping', your eyes seemed to be able to open naturally and you found yourself completely awake.
"Wow." Jin watched on from where he stood, "it must be the effect of my name."
You didn't know he was standing there till you heard him.
"Jin oppa?"
It was the first time hearing you call him that and it was a pleasant surprise that made him smile.
"Yes it's your worldwide handsome Jinnie oppa, now hurry wash up before the milk gets cold!" with that, he blew a dramatic hand kiss and made his exit.
Laughing at his adorable nature, you got up to a great start for the busy day ahead and went about the plans Jungkook had for you.
Am I really going to be safe here? Will I get any of the boys in trouble? So... Is this my new life from now on?
There were a multitude of questions running through your head even though you were enjoying every minute of being in Seoul.
As you were preparing to pay up with Jungkook, Jin's sharp ears picked up the familiar sound of a high speed camera shutter.
With ease, he identified the source to be a paparazzi hiding behind a low planter.
Quickly, he whisked Jungkook aside flinging him to another payment counter, away from you.
"What - -?? Hyung?? " his wide open eyes didn't catch on.
"We're being followed." Jin said between gritted teeth, slotting his credit card in between your fingers. "We got to go, meet us at the carpark."
With that, he dragged a confused Jungkook away, not letting him look back once. There you were holding his shiny card, left with a trolley full of groceries in tow.
Great, this is how it's gonna be, huh.?
#My20YearOldIdolHusband#20yearoldidolhusband#idolhusband#bts#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts imagines#bts scenario#bts fluff#jungkook#jungkook fluff#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fanfiction#jimin#namjoon#jhope#taehyung#v#jin#seokjin#suga#yoongi#hoseok#park jimin#jeon jungkook#bangtan
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 13 [ You Make Me Begin]

20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 /
The ride back to the dorm was a quiet one while Jungkook held your hand firmly in his.
There he was, squished in the middle of the back seat between you and Namjoon, keeping his eyes on Jimin. The pink haired boy however, was silent as he stared out of the window.
It was nearly midnight and the streets were quiet.
Finally, the taxi arrived at the basement of their dorm and Jimin thanked the driver before hooding and masking up again.
Namjoon was quick to get your carriers from the boot as Jungkook observed the surroundings, making sure there were no lurking fans. He’d usually walk around with a mask and beanie at the very most, hardly bothered by public eye. But now that things were a little different, he became more wary and protective the moment he set foot in home ground.
“You go ahead with Namjoon-hyung.” Jimin whispered to Jungkook, “I’ll take her up a little later after you guys have a word with the rest. She’s probably hungry too.”
Jungkook smiled gratefully at Jimin, awed once again that he was so reliable at every point of need.
Jimin turned to you, “let’s leave the labour to the tall guys, how does some hot chocolate sound?” It was that warmly irresistible smile you hadn’t seen in some time.
You nodded and Jungkook smiled with a sigh of relief, “don’t worry, everything’s gonna be fine. Get me a cup too okay?��
Jimin walked along the familiar streets to the convenience store, unsure what to say. As he walked slowly, with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, you knew he had a million questions.
“Okay. Just ask me 3 questions, I promise I’ll answer them HONESTLY no matter what they are.” You blurted out making it sound like a random game.
He looked at you under his hood, almost smiling.
“Really?” he asked.
You jumped at the opportunity to break the ice, “that’s the first question - Yes.”
Jimin laughed in disbelief, crescents forming in his eyes, “You can’t play cheat like that!”
Laughing along, you were glad that it was always easy to talk to Jimin. He was just so kind, gentle, full of considerations for others, and the kind of best friend you’d always wanted. It helped also that you were both of a similar age, that made him even more comfortable joking around with you even though you were a girl.
“Okay.” He furrowed his brows and started slowly but surely, in his rants, hands coming out of his pockets as he made all sorts of gestures.
“I know this is going to sound strange but… man! I mean… You’re a grown up, how could you have made such a huge miscalculation?! Just HOW MANY TIMES did you both… you know… to become pregnant, really? we’re of the same age but… at times like this you’re a little sister, just like Kookie.” he had an expression of pure bewilderment as he sounded more like he was talking to himself than judging you. “From the first time you passed out cold I should have known.” He laughed, looking to you.
You stopped in your tracks in all seriousness, “Jimin, there’s something you need to know. You won’t believe it but…”
Bracing yourself to let out your innermost private thoughts to Jimin, whom you now had to get used to seeing on a daily basis, you decided to confess.
“It was just ONCE. And it was my first time - and Jungkook’s too.”
Jimin jaw dropped in surprise, and he lifted his hoodie to reveal more of his rarely wide-opened eyes.
“You’re definitely kidding.”
“I’m not! And so, I’m every bit as shocked as you are. Maybe a little more since it’s happening to me.” Unintentionally, you revealed a little more of your emotional state of mind; the fear, uncertainty and some regret.
Jimin followed your steps as you started walking again . He was unsure of what to say.
He sat you down once you both reached the convenience store and grabbed a ramen for himself, a drink and a snack for you. He sat back leaning against the glass, while you swung your legs over the stool, looking out of the store and onto the street. He watched you sip the warm drink, both your hands cupping it as the temperature dipped low into the night.
“Are you scared?” he asked, eyes barely moving from slurping his ramen so it wasn’t obvious that he was trying to read your expression.
You thought about it for a moment, “I was.” You confessed, “I never expected things to turn out this way and I admit, I should have been more careful… This, really isn’t how a healthy relationship should work.” Putting away your drink, you sighed.
Jimin put down his bowl, giving you his full attention as you continued.
“Aside from the duration we’d known each other, this whole intimacy thing… happened too fast, too soon. I just wished I held it off a little more until we were able to sort out more plans for the future. Not that we can’t now but, I know it’s gonna be hard with his status.” You sighed, worried at what the next steps would be.
For the first time that night, Jimin put his arm around your shoulders. He had been keeping a distance since the airport and seemed to think the spot in front of a large glass panel was ‘safe’ enough.
“Don’t worry.” He said, echoing what Jungkook had been reassuring you daily. “Things will work themselves out. Besides, there’s more of us here and you’re never going to be alone. Coming here IS the best decision you have made and will ever make. It will be tough, but hey - we’re not Bangtan for nothing.”
Your eyes stung a little at his comforting words, you swore it was because of the preggers hormones.
“Thanks, Jimin. I can see now why they can’t do without you.”
He pulled away and ruffled your hair in a friendly way, “you’re one of US now.”
Namjoon walked wordlessly into the dorm, lugging both Jungkook and your luggage.
The noise brought Jhope to the door, wondering why they were together. All the members had come back from their individual breaks earlier today except the youngest.
“Yah, Jeon Jungkook! I heard you didn’t go to Busan?” he questioned the youngest casually, eyeing him up at down for any trace of suspicious activity.
Taehyung at this time also emerged from the room, glad to have his game buddy back.
“Yo seagull! Time for some overwatch! ”
Jin and Suga who had been collapsed on the sofa, observed the commotion from a distance.
“Oh?” Taehyung pointed at the unfamiliar luggage, “that’s not yours.”
Namjoon kicked off his shoes and slumped his long torso onto the sofa with the 2 oldest members, fatigue overcoming his face. He hadn’t had one night of peaceful rest ever since the call.
Jungkook lay down his belongings, took off his cap, and quietly walked to the centre of the room, where he could address everyone at the same time.
“Ahh…” he rubbed a hand on the back of his neck and all eyes fixed themselves on him as he looked like he was about to say something important.
Jin sat up, frowning instinctively, knowing that something was seriously amiss. “MWOH? MWOH? MWOH?”
Taehyung scooted closer to Jhope, completely curious now.
“You guys remember Chae-rin, right?” he started off, making light eye contact with each hyung.
Jhope being most responsive as usual, was the only one who gave him an audible response. “Of course, what are you talking about, I think you’ve made us talk to her more than I talk to my mom.” Referring to the video calls he made over the last few months that were hugely featuring his members in their most normal state of life.
“Yea so, I flew over secretly, without her knowledge, to surprise her during the break.” he finally admitted.
“JINCHA?” Taehyung’s face stretched into a happy smile. “Ohhhhh, Jungkookie~!” he teased.
He continued, “but I was surprised instead.” For some reason, your face appeared in his mind and the corners of his lips picked up into a smile.
Suga was pure genius as always and had an intuition for things without needing to know too much. He leaned over to Namjoon who had his eyes shut for awhile now, whispering to him, “She came back here with him, isn’t it?”
Not bothering to open his eyes, he nodded once.
Suga smirked, satisfied with his sharp deduction.
Just then Namjoon’s leader’s instincts spoke up, while his eyes were still closed, “just tell them Jungkook, there’s no time for long story telling now.”
Jungkook chewed on his lower lip, acknowledging how the breaking of news was indeed much harder than he thought.
“So… we flew back together because I needed her to stay here, with us.”
Jhope, Jin, and Tae expressed their shock physically, either by taking a step back, or standing to their feet, and verbalising their surprise.
The youngest held out his hands in a bid to calm them.
“There’s a legit reason for it and you guys just need to chill for abit first.” He allowed them some moments to compose themselves before he spoke in a very low and hushed tone, as if he didn’t want the walls to hear.
“She’s having a baby.”
This time, it was the most unexpected hyung that made the loudest noise, causing everyone else to jump in shock.
“MWOH?!?!?!” came the voice from the ground.
Suga slid off the sofa and landed on the floor but the impact was hardly anything compared to the news from the maknae, causing him to frown intensely with a shriek.
Jin, whose eyes were widened spoke up as well, “don’t tell me… it was YOU?”
Jhope and Tae were still stunned and could only blink, watching the hyungs make sense of the situation.
The air in the room stood still at the moment, reality of the news hitting all of them at once. This wasn’t at all the kind of trouble they were used to dealing with.
Jungkook knew he had to do what he had to, and dropped to his knees.
“I’m sorry.”
Speechless, his 5 older members watched and waited to hear what else he had to say. With his eyes wide and sincere, he looked every member in the eye, pulling on every heart string he could.
“I had no other choice and there was no way I could leave her there, alone, after I found out she was going through this. I know it’s going to be very inconvenient but at this point in time, this is the best solution.”
He let out a soft sigh, “I’m really sorry to break the news this way but I can’t give up either of the 2 things.” Referring to BTS, which was pretty much his all, and now the newfound love of his life. “I want her to know I’m a man of my word too.”
Jin’s heart went out to the youngest, seeing how torn but resolute he was. It was true that his impulsiveness had gotten him to places but this was just about the furthest things could possibly get.
Shelving aside his urge to reprimand him, he stood up, walked to Jungkook, and knelt down in front of him, pulling him into a hug.
Whispering into his ears in the most comforting way an older brother would, they made Jungkook’s tears find their way out of his eyes.
“You did the right thing.”
Jhope too, stepped forward and put his hand on Jungkook’s back, saddened to see his precious youngest on his knees.
“I’m proud of you Jungkookie.”
Taehyung simply knelt beside Jungkook and rested his head on his shoulder, telling him repeatedly that it was okay.
Before the boys got into an emotional crying mess, Suga stood up and turned to Namjoon.
“So, when can I meet my sister-in-law?”
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My 20 year old Idol Husband - [Day 11 - It’s Definitely You]

20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11
(Jungkook's POV)
The pulsating beat of my heart grew stronger with every second I sat there waiting.
I bit my nails.
Ruffled my hair.
Paced up and down, all around.
Tried to do some push-ups on the ground.
(and it even rhymes)
Nothing seemed to restore my pulse to a normal state.
She had been inside the bathroom for close to 10 minutes now but it felt like eternity.
I didn't want to pressure or rush her while she took the little box in with her but the look on her terrified face bothered me til no end.
Did she faint?
Is she crying?
Why isn't she coming out?
The wait was killing me inside.
"Jagi-yah?" I tried to coo softly at the door of the bathroom. "Sweetie, can you hear me?"
A few moments of silence later, she unlocked the door.
Bracing myself with a deep breath, it was the most nerve-wrecking moment of my life, ten-folds of the debut stage.
Lightly pushing the door, with cautious steps I walked in. "Jagi.... I'm coming in okay?"
And there she was, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, a completely blank expression on her face I'd never seen before. Quickly I made my way to her, engulfing her in an embrace while I look around, desperately trying to catch sight of that pink box.
Her breathing started to get choppy and I could feel her body vibrating in trembles.
I held her shoulders and saw lines of tears streaming down her cheeks for the first time. In an instant, my heart clenched so tightly that I could barely hold myself together. I'd never felt this way and I finally understood why they say never to make a girl cry.
"No, no, baby please.." I pleaded, entirely collapsed on my knees by her feet, "shhh.... it's okay, baby.... don't cry, come on~"
I tried all I could to calm her violent sobbing, from wiping the tears, holding her in my arms, kissing her hands, massaging her back....
Nothing worked. By now, she was gasping in between sobs.
I began ranting like a clueless machine gun.
"... I really love children, you know? If I had a son we'd go bowling all day, I'd teach him how to shoot arrows, play soccer, and then Yoongi-hyung would play basketball with him and Jimin-hyung would teach him to dance! And - and, if I had a little girl, V-hyung and Hoseok-hyung would totally go shopping all day long to doll her up in Gucci rompers, and Jin will cook all sorts of yummy food, omg can you imagine that! and then... and then, Namjoon-hyung ... he better stay away and just teach her all sorts of things from afar. Ha! Wouldn't that be so fun? Wow.... I mean like, I really would want to have a kid."
Maybe not now, but I definitely want one.
Finally, she decided to look at me, with her puffy eyes and tear stained face.
In an awfully nasal voice, I could hardly make out what she said.
Stroking her hair, I leaned in closer with my ear almost at her lips. "Pardon?"
She stayed still for a few seconds while I strained to hear what she was about to say between her erratic sobs.
"I.... said..." She paused, and took a deep inhale and exhale in a bid to stable her breathing, blowing some of my fringe into my eyes, but it didn't matter.
"You're --" She paused again.
Then she made another attempt.
"... I'm ... " But alas, she couldn't bring herself to say anything more and I didn't think I'd need to hear it, if it was taking so much out of her to say it.
I turned my face to her, completely heartbroken to see her distraught by this situation. Without a word, I picked her up in my arms, letting her heavy head rest against my chest, hoping the comforts of the bed would help her recover from the intense ordeal.
Holding her close to my side, all I wanted was her to be okay; to smile and talk to me again like she always would. There was nothing else I knew to do than to sing for her - and so I did.
Song after song I did, until she calmed down with '2! 3!' and snapped out of her crying mess.
"Wow, truly, the hyung's masterpieces were the ones that did it." I let out a sign of relief and she finally let out a laugh at my words.
As I watched her, it hit me so hard that this was all too real. For her, and for me, and for us.
"I'll get you a drink, hang on - I'll be back."
Within seconds, I was scurrying back with water and tissues, and she had sat up on the bed, legs crossed with something in her hands.
I gulped. The time had come to see it for myself.
"Jungkook," she said.
"Yes jagi?" my voice came out in a somewhat high pitched response.
She finally opened her tightly clenched grasp.
There it was, the little white piece that only appeared in the romantic movies I watched. Before my very eyes, I saw the faint markings. Not that I knew what it meant.
I heard her voice loud and clear this time.
"You're gonna be an idol dad."
The next few hours were spent heading to the doctor's, making calls back and forth, going to the grocers after knowing that Chae-rin was actually in the pink of health but the morning sickness had gotten the better of her.
There was no way I'd let her out of my sight after knowing she was having my baby.
Yes, my baby.
As the hours passed, it started to sink in.
Although she was filled with fear, uncertainty and overwhelmed by helplessness having been caught unprepared, I was on the contrary, getting more excited by the minute.
I am going to be a Dad.
OMG, I'm having a kid - my kid!
I couldn't for a minute, hide the happiness or wipe the smile off my face. Rather than the fear, the endless possibilities of a future with the 3 of us made my stomach flip in pure joy.
I even felt like crying out loud and going out into the streets to share the great news at some point.
"You look really happy, Jungkook." She laughed a little, visibly tired from the events of the day.
For some reason, I had the urge to take her back with me, to start a life in Korea, where I would be able to see her every day, every night, and know she would be by my side. I don't know how it would work out but it was definite that leaving her here, half way around the world, was not going to cut it.
"I have a suggestion." I began, somewhat abruptly.
"Move in with me -- into the dorm."
I watched her letting my words sink in as her eyes widened before she started to speak.
"You must be kidding me." she looked away, obviously disregarding my brilliant idea.
It took me more than 3 hours of persuasion, assurance, and reassurance that I'd take responsibility for everything, and anything that could come out of this.
"Jungkook, look. I know you mean well and you're worried, but it's not going to work!" she slumped down into her sofa, arms crossed and patience wearing thin on me.
"Why not? I mean, it's gonna be tough at first but baby - there's NO WAY I'm leaving you behind." I sit beside her, placing my palms on her exposed knees. The touch making her close her eyes probably because she knew this wasn't getting anywhere.
"Jungkook," she began, "First off, what are you going to tell your managers who come in and out of your dorm?"
"They don't have to know-"
"Secondly, you're asking 6 other boys to share a dorm with a pregnant girl, they're not gonna accept that."
"They will, I know my hyungs-"
"Lastly, it's only a matter of time YOU get found out and if this gets out of hand, it's the end for you."
Her eyes were pleading with me at this time and as she held her gaze on me, I felt her soft touch on my cheek.
"Jungkook... Don't make rash decisions just because of me..."
It was tearing me apart as it was, to know she was struggling on her own but trying not to show it for my sake.
No. There must be a way.
I turned on my heels, plucking my phone out of the charging cord and punched the familiar keys of my speed dial.
After a few short rings, the voice I needed to hear reached my ears.
-- What's up Jungkook?
JK: Hyung. I'll say this only once so you need to hear me carefully.
-- What?? Oh is this a game? -- ah, okay --
JK: I'm leaving BTS.
A/N: Thanks everyone for reading and leaving your comments to let me know you're there :) It motivates me to write faster whenever I see your likes and encouraging words.
I will be writing shorter chapters and updating more frequently, by your request, so please bear with me and enjoy the fics! :)
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 12 [ Together]
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 /
In the bustling hub of Seoul's Incheon Airport, two suspicious looking men were hunched over a cup of coffee at a cafe while facing the glass doors of the arrival gates. Their anxiety hidden behind black caps, black hoodies and face masks.
They were desperately trying not to attract any attention while hoping to catch sight of the tall, well-built, and ever-familiar silhouette of Jeon Jungkook upon his arrival.
No one else knew about the arrival. Not even the managers, the company, or the other members - except these 2 men, one of which had nearly suffered a panic attack over the phone.
--- 3 days ago ---
"I'm leaving BTS." Jungkook's clear voice pierced through the phone like a sharp arrow.
The worse nightmare had come true for none other than BTS' leader, Kim Namjoon, as the 3 words hit his ears. But his head and heart rejected it as fast as a ball bouncing off a brick wall.
There was no way his precious golden maknae; their lead singer, the centre of the group, would ever say something like that.
No. He's testing me.
"Namjoon hyung? Are you there, can you hear me?" Jungkook's voice was clear as day and there was no mistake.
Namjoon knew there had to be something more than met the eye, and if he wanted to find out what it was, the only way was to go along with Jungkook.
"Fine. If that so be your desire."
There was silence on the other end of the line thereafter and Namjoon knew perfectly how to use it. Unlike the young and impulsive Jungkook, the leader let his silence do the talking.
"R-r-re-really Hyung?" came Jungkook's meekly surprised response.
Namjoon hummed in thought, "Hmm, I never saw this coming but like you always say to me - You're an adult now and the hyungs are proud of you for being able to stand on your own two feet."
Jungkook burst out in delirium, and Namjoon knew he'd caught him right on the bait. "Hyung! You're really letting me go, just like that?"
"Isn't that what you called to tell me? Or did I hear it wrong?"
Namjoon laughed and continued, "You said 'Hyung, I'm leaving BTS', right?"
At once, Jungkook knew he was read by his Hyung, like an open book with large alphabets; even colourful pictures. He could scarcely hide a thing from him and it didn't matter even if he was miles away - it was Kim Namjoon; the brain, the leader, the one who was always watching out for them over the last 5 years.
Namjoon softened his tease when the silence grew a little too uncomfortable, "Look Jungkook-ah, I mean like... is there something else going on that I should know about? Maybe we could talk about it - if you wanna... ... you still in Busan with Jimin, right?"
A wave of guilty hit him for lying to his hyung, the one who only cared for his wellbeing above himself.
Meekly he answered, "Actually... I.... didn't go to Busan... I..." his voice trailed off.
Namjoom gently urged him on, "So you... are... in...?"
In a single breath, Jungkook 'fessed up like he was kneeling before Namjoon in confession. "I f-flew b-back to Europe," he stuttered, "and I'm with Chae-rin..."
"Ahhhhhhhhhh...... I SEE!" Namjoon put the pieces together instantly, thinking he had got the Jungkook puzzled figured out.
"Ahhh.. You cutie, SO in love that you don't wanna leave her huh, awwwwwwwwwwwww! CUUUUUTE."
Jungkook pursed his lips in response. "Uh not so much of that, it's more of I can't."
Namjoon felt a knot in his stomach and asked cautiously, "Did something bad happen?"
"Jimin-ah," Namjoon nudged his elbow across the coffee table, "did Jungkook tell you what happened?"
He pouted slightly with his plump pink lips, "I was about to ask you that since he called you." Jimin said, equally curious.
As it turned out, Jungkook refused to tell them about the news, only compromising a little after Namjoon promised not to freak out. "It's a game changer." He said, and let Jimin in on the details of his arrival, so they could hear his news together when he returned as planned.
Namjoon recounted the conversation for Jimin, "he said he can't leave Chae-rin so I said 'Fine, then bring her back with you.' and so he said he would."
Jimin started fiddling with his ring, a sign that he was nervous in thought. "What are we gonna tell the rest when we go back? Did he say how long she'd be here for?"
His question was met with a quick shrug, "He didn't - but it felt like he was never ever gonna let her out of his sight and I don't know why. The suspense is killing me, Jimin-ah." Namjoon accidentally flipped off his hood and started ruffling his bright blonde hair, causing a few others nearby to briefly turn in their direction.
Hurriedly, Jimin reached across to pull the hood gently back over his head, but knocking over his cup of drink. "Ah hyung! It's all your fault! we're gonna get found out!"
The clumsy duo hushed themselves and continued their conversation, "Anyway..." Jimin continued, "in the time she's with us, we've got to make sure none of the managers come in. I'm not worried about the rest, just... Tae-hyungie..."
"Aishhh, Tae! We really need to have a meeting about this later on, this is driving me nuts, can he just hurry come and-- OH OH OH!" In the distance, Jungkook appeared, fully masked in black from top to toe, head bowed and walking in large strides as usual.
A few bodies away, Chae-rin strolled in after him, keeping her distance naturally. It was obvious that Jungkook was keeping her in sight even though they were walking apart from his constant pauses to look around.
Hurriedly, Jimin and Namjoon got up and made their way nearer to the gate, cautious to be behind the crowd who were waiting for their friends and family.
Jungkook saw his hyungs from afar and went nearer to Chae-rin, speaking to her behind his mask, and moving away once he was done.
"There, in black hoods in 2 o'clock. Jimin and Namjoon hyung."
You nodded as you caught sight of them, stifling a laugh as they were covered up like thieves. You made eye contact with Jimin as he continued watching you, pulling down his mask for a second as he mouthed a smiling 'welcome'.
That sweet eye-smile calmed your nerves after the long flight, and made you feel that you truly had family here, in Seoul. You admit that aside from Jungkook, you missed Jimin the most, having known him a little better than the rest. He was also always the one sending you photos of Jungkook.
When all four of you were packed into the taxi, the boys could finally breath freely as they removed their hoods, masks and glasses.
Namjoon was the first to let out his pent up emotions at the youngest.
"You. Talk. NOW!"
Jungkook, with his signature shocked eyes and slightly parted mouth, darted his eyes to you - and then Jimin, and to the driver.
"Yes. Now." Jimin reiterated, the leisurely smile completely wiped from his face.
(Chae-rin's/Your POV)
Jungkook looked hesitant and you could understand how he felt. After all, you were the one who was against this whole idea of coming here, staying in the dorm, and he didn't want to upset anyone - you included.
So you chose to speak.
"Guys, I'm ... pregnant."
Jimin who was in the front seat, let out a long and instinctive high-pitched shout.
Namjoon on the other hand, was shocked to silence, his jaw dropping in an instant.
Jungkook quickly reached for your hand, clasping it tightly, and the shocked eyes of the boys followed.
"Yes hyung. She has no one else but me - and I have no one else, but you hyungs. So, we're all in this, TOGETHER."
Teaser for next chpt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! likes & reblogs help me know you’re alive and waiting <3
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My 20 year old Idol Husband - [Day 10 - Can you trust me?]
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10

The smell of fresh coffee and warm bread perked you up the moment you went into Fan's kitchen. It was bright and airy, decorated with a mix of bright coloured flowers and pastel crockery.
She took her apron off and pushed a plate of breakfast in front of you, "My brother said you should eat. Is everything ok?" she asked with worry clouding her brows.
"Where's he though?" you looked around remembering he said he would be right back.
Fan only shrugged, "he's in his doctor's mode and being quiet."
Just as she said it, Jun appeared from the door with a small paper bag.
"Hey Jun, join us." You waved him over with a slight smile, trying to put aside the awkward moment you shared awhile ago. By the lead of his questions while examining you, he planted foreboding thoughts of uncertainty in your head.
"Oh, sure... " He sat beside you, placing the bag hidden away from the eyes of his sister.
You both ate in an awkward silence for some time until Fan could hold it no longer.
"So, what's wrong with Chae-rin? Is it a flu of some sort?" she asked.
Jun put down his utensils and shifted in his seat, "I can't quite determine it yet but..." He looked over to you, as if to ask for your permission to continue.
You put down your fork, "I don't think so. There aren't any of those symptoms... And... I feel fine now." You smiled at both of them, hoping it would assure them you were well. After all, it wasn't like they were obligated to nurse you back to health.
Jun waited quietly until you were done before he stood up from his seat.
"Chae-rin, I don't mean to be nosy but I think you might need this, just... to be safe."
He picked up the small paper bag and handed it to you rather shyly.
"The instructions are pretty simple but if you need help, let me know."
You were about to open the bag immediately, curious as to what it would be but he didn't let you. With outstretched arms he hurriedly clasped the brown paper bag shut, ushering you away. "Do it upstairs, go upstairs... In the room. Go on-"
Once you were behind closed doors, you carefully opened the bag only to see a pinkish box.
A pregnancy test kit?
You gasped.
No way, but...but....
You sat on the bed, staring at the little box. A million thoughts running through your mind.
What am I going to do if this thing tests positive? How am I going to face the world? And Jungkook? No, this can't be.
Your heart was pulsating so hard you could hear it in your ears. This wasn't what you were expecting from just that first encounter with Jungkook.
Yes - you did like him, very much indeed, but having a baby? That was just taking it way too far.
You slid the box back into the bag, feeling too overwhelmed to even take a second look at it.
Just -- just, tell me I'm dreaming.
Jungkook and the boys had landed back in Korea and they were going to get a one week break to head home to visit their families.
"Hey kookie," Jimin swung an arm around the younger boy, "I'm getting the train tickets tomorrow, should we leave in the morning?"
Jungkook had been toying with the idea of flying over to see you again but the long flight would really take a toll on him. "I'm not sure yet, hyung." he replied, "I'm kinda wondering if I should make a surprise visit to Chae-rin."
Jimin inhaled a sharp breath and put his hand over Jungkook's mouth, "if the manager hyung finds out, we'll be dead! We're supposed to head back home together!"
"I know... let me sleep over it and decide tomorrow."
Jimin eyed him suspiciously, "whatever it is, just -- don't do anything stupid."
When they arrived at the dorm, Jungkook just had a nagging feeling that you were hiding something from him. From the way you hung up after the call, it just didn't feel right. He too knew that you had your fair share of suitors and without letting others know that you were taken, he was feeling just that bit of insecurity.
When he was finally alone, he decided to text you. Message after message he typed, but hit the backspace until it frustrated him.
The distance and silence was driving his young heart crazy and his patience was wearing thin.
Ah, heck. I'm just gonna call.
"Chae-rin!" Fan called out from the kitchen to no response. She picked up your phone as it started to vibrate.
"Oh, it's Jungkook."
She made small quick steps up to the room, bursting in with an outstretched arm, waking you from your thoughts.
"Answer it, quick!" she said, as you put the phone to your ear.
You: H-he-hello?" Jk: Jagi-yah! You: Jungkook??
For the first time since yesterday, Fan saw you brighten up in delight. She gave you a nod and smile as she carefully shut the door behind her.
Jk: What took you so long to answer the call babe? Were you out partying without me? You: Yup I was, partying in the bedroom. Jk: Mwoh?! You: I'm kidding. Do I look like I would be doing that at my age?
Jungkook at that point was mentally kicking himself, not because he fell for your little tease but because it was getting to him that nothing was under his control.
Jk: Are you still at your friend's home? You: Yeah, I wasn't feeling too well so she had me stay over. Jk: What's wrong? Did something happen? Uh, Chae-rin ah, I should have known in when I saw you pale as a sheet. You: Hey, hey, go easy now. See, that's why I couldn't tell you? Jk: You know what, I'm coming over. You: No you're not. Don't be silly. I'm fine! Besides, there's a doctor here! I'm old enough to take care of myself. Jk: A doctor? Who. You: Oh, Fan's oppa is a doctor.
The conversation went silent for awhile.
Jk: (sighs) I just wish I was there. You: Hearing from you like this is good enough, Jungkook-ah. Don't feel bad? Jk: Anyway, how are you feeling, and what's wrong?
You went on to tell him about the slight discomfort you were having but omitted the parts about Jun handing you the kit.
You: I'm better now and will probably head home later tonight. Don't worry Jungkook, getting distracted is the last thing I want you to do.
You were almost pleading him, hoping that the amount of details you let out would somehow assure him that you weren't intentionally keeping things from him.
Jungkook tended to be a little obsessive and persistent in his ways, you found out, and the only way to get him to stop was basically to feed his curiosity to a point where he could wonder no more.
Jk: Sure? I'm gonna call your home tonight, to check on you.
He said it in a candid tone just to make you smile.
You: I'll be waiting then...
After a couple of movies and a simple dinner, you bid goodbye to Fan.
"I'll take the day off tomorrow to rest, I think I need it." you laughed and let out a sigh.
"You need a break babe, you've been working non-stop! Since the BTS concert!"
You shrugged, "what choice do I have? After those interviews were out, the boss wanted even more news and coverage. Saying how the artistes always seemed to let out exclusive stories when I was there."
"Wait till he hears your exclusive relationship" Fan wriggled her brows in a teasing manner at you. "Alright get going, it's getting dark now!"
You made your way home to the empty house which you left the day before. Almost immediately, the phone rang.
You: Hello? JK: Ah, you're finally home. You: Jungkook? Isn't it midnight in Korea now? JK: Isn't it dark where you are now? You: I don't believe you! How'd you know I just got home? JK: Did you not see flowers at your door?
You briefly placed the phone on the table and opened the door again.
To your shock and surprise, there really WERE flowers - but not hung on the door, or laid on the floor. They were held in the hands of a man, whose face was shielded by it.
Under the dim light of the night, you faintly recognised his silhouette and the loosely flapping outer shirt.
"W-wha-what are you d-doing here, J-J-Jungkook?!"
You blinked continuously, wondering if the nausea was acting up as hallucination now. You were shocked beyond words as you could only stare wordlessly, with a dropped jaw.
"Wait a minute," you turned on your heels, leaving the door open as you rushed to the phone again and spoke into it.
You: Jungkook??
You held the phone, and simultaneously watched the figure at the door walk in, now revealing his face, with his phone to his ear as well.
JK: Jagi-yah, aren't you gonna let me in?
You let go of the phone in an instant as it fell to the floor, and ran into his open arms, wrapping your arms around his body and taking in that familiar scent you missed so dearly.
"OMO!" he stumbled a little at the force of your weight on him, "are you that happy to see me?" he whispered, gently hugging you back, relishing the long awaited moment with closed eyes.
You hit his chest lightly, "why didn't you tell me! I'd have come back earlier if I knew you were here..."
Gazing into his eyes, you realised he was just as how you left him, maybe a little thinner with more tired eyes, but still the same smiling sweetheart as you remembered him to be.
He held you close, examining your face with his eyes and a light caress.
"Why have you lost so much weight? Haven't you been sleeping well?" he asked, running his hands down the sides of your waist. "It hasn't even been 3 months and you're already missing me this much huh?" He teased.
You sat him down by the kitchen counter and started asking him a slew of questions while you got him a drink.
"When did you arrive? Weren't you just in Seoul when you called? Don't you need to head back soon? Does anyone else know you came?"
Jungkook laughed, pulling your wrist to have you closer to him.
"Have you lost your interviewing skills already? I don't think that's the way to ask questions."
You blushed, both at the proximity and at your foolishness.
"Well... I took the first available flight after I called you this morning and got here the moment I touched down. It's just Jiminie-hyung that knows I came, the rest assumes we've gone back to Busan for the break."
"Oh my..." you cupped his chin in your hands, noticing now that his dark circles were so deep. "You must be exhausted from all the travelling, Jungkook~ you really.... should take care of yourself..."
He pulled you onto his lap, holding tightly onto your waist. "That's your job... and that's why I'm here."
Your hand was almost going to take a swipe at his his arm when he lifted his arm to resist. Unintentionally, he pushed the little paper bag that sat at the table edge, onto the floor.
"Ah... just a minute." His arm was uselessly long at times like these, beating you to the bag as you held your breath while he reached for it.
You watched him pause mid-air while his body was bent over your legs.
He put the box back into the bag and set it on the table behind you. There was no doubt that he'd seen what it was though there was still a chance he didn't know what it was for.
You smiled, unsure. "Are you hungry? I can fix you some food, you must be tired."
Attempting to propel yourself off, you were surprised that he simply let you move off his lap and scoot back into the kitchen. You could feel his eyes on your back as you scurried back and forth the cupboards, your mind in a mess.
"How about ramen? Yea, I think I've got some..... hmm." You opened drawers and shut them, momentarily forgetting where they were.
He watched you, wordlessly, observing at a distance. It was obvious how you were flustered and he smiled, thinking how cute it was.
Of course, he was well aware what the box was and it hardly took him a minute to put two and two together. But since you were trying to feign ignorance, he played along to see just how long more you could keep up.
"They're on the right shelf." He pointed, calm as usual.
"Oh yeah!" You reached for it quickly, not sparing him a glance.
He watched you fumble with the packet and saw how the back of your neck was turning red from his steady gaze.
Walking over, he took the packet from your hands, pulled it open, and handed it back to you.
You bit your lip, holding the open packet. Debating internally if it was okay to begin addressing why you had a pregnancy test kit on your table.
He leaned his back against the edge of the counter and placed both his palms on them, looking at you.
The silence was harsher than questioning and it was almost deafening for you. He was quite a master at manipulating without words, with his tall but unassuming presence urging you on to spill what the matter was. He didn't even need to ask.
"I'm sorry." You blurted out of the blue.
"Whatever for?" he waited in question.
"You know..... ....." you gestured in the air to nothing much in particular, hoping he'd not make you spell it out.
"Nope." he pursed his lips together, stance remaining open and unchanged, showing you he was ready to hear you tell him anything.
"I... promised we'd keep no secrets. But..." fessing up was a lot harder than you imagined, it was taking a dig at your pride.
Finally he pushed himself off the counter and took a few strides and reached for the bag. You watched him approach you again, unable to read his expression since his lips were pursed. He took your hand in his, leaving the open ramen on the counter, and led you into your room.
You secretly wondered how he knew his way around your house when it was his first time here.
Sitting by the edge of your bed, he pat the spot beside motioning for you to take your seat.
Taking the box out of the bag, he looked at it carefully this time.
"I trust you, Chae-rin..."
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard him address you by name, it meant that he wasn't in the mood for jokes.
He continued, as he met your eyes, "....and always will. Can you not too?"
You felt a pang of guilt wash over you.
Holding the box out to you, he asked, ever so gently. "Were you going to use this... because, the doctor told you to?"
You held his gaze, and found yourself nodding like a child caught red-handed.
He shut his eyes, feeling a little dizzy. OMG, Jeon Jungkook.
#My20YearOldIdolHusband#myidolhusband#gotstory#bts#bts fanfic#bts imagines#bts scenarios#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fluff#jungkook smut#jungkook fanfiction#jungkook scenarios#jungkook imagines#jungkook#bts fanfiction#bts fluff#bts smut#kpop fanfiction#bangtan
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My 20 year old husband - [Day 9 : War of Hormones]
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9

It was just another one of those tiring days at work. Lazily, you fished out the keys to your door with a sigh as you were welcomed into your apartment by silence.
It had been a month and two weeks since you last saw Jungkook and the distance between both of you was still bearable. He'd always be messaging you when he could, sending you videos of the hyungs or short clips of himself through the day. It wasn't easy dealing with the time difference but you learnt to adapt to his unpredictable schedules.
For some reason, you were awfully drained tonight and you couldn't help but wonder if you were coming down with a flu. Just when you were about to reach your room, a wave of dizzy spells hit you hard and you felt an awful nausea rising from the pit of your abdomen.
You clasp your hand to your mouth and made a quick detour to a waste bin, throwing up the remains of what might have been the late lunch. Choking and gasping for air, you felt strangely panicky. Composing yourself mentally, you decide to call your co-worker, Fan.
You: Hey. Fan: Oh what's up? you hardly call. You: Yeah, I was just wondering if you were fine after the lunch cos... I just threw it all up. Fan: What?! You alright? Do you need me to come by? I'm perfectly fine though. You: It's okay, I was just checking incase you'd got it worse than I did. Fan: You sound awful, look - I'll grab some dinner and come by for abit alright? Hang in there and call if you're not feeling ok.
You smiled and thanked her, getting up slowly to clean up your mess.
It wasn't the food, the weather was fine, you weren't having your period either - just what as it?
Wait a minute...
You scrolled to your period calendar on your phone, to check when your next cycle was due.
Wait... I missed my period?
You never had much health issues and for a fact that your period had always been regular meant that you hardly needed to keep track of it. Besides, you didn't have a boyfriend and you were chaste all along. It was probably something else acting up that gave your stomach a hard time today.
It's probably just the stress of work and stuff.
Putting aside everything, you took a bath and made yourself a warm drink before your smiley co-worker, Fan, had arrived.
"I got us some Korean foooooood~" she said in a sing-song.
She always made your day with her cheery personality, "You're the best co-worker on earth." you said, taking the bag of food from her.
"Oh of course, anyway - you do look awful, are you sure you don't want to see the doctor?" She asked, examining you closely.
You both had worked alongside each other for 2 years now and although you always called her your co-worker, she was in fact more of a close friend when you both were off work duties.
"I don't know Fan. I feel alright now? But I don't feel right at the same time. I'm not sure, maybe I just need to rest."
She unwrapped a warm bowl of soup. "Here - this should help."
You took sips of it, expecting yourself to feel better but instead, the same nauseating feeling started to build up the moment the soup traveled down your throat.
Quickly, you stood up and ran to the sink, letting out whatever you had just ingested.
"Omg omg omg! You're freaking me out Chae-rin, what's wrong!"
You waved your hand with your back to her, motioning that it was fine, while you continued to bend yourself over the sink trying to catch your breath again.
"No you're not fine at all. We need to get to the doctors, look at you - you're pale!" Fan went into your room and pulled out a thick jacket from behind your door and started packing up the food.
"What are you doing, Fan?" You asked weakly, with a hand on the counter-top and the other patting your chest just incase anything more threatened to come out.
She walked over and put the jacket over you, pulling the hood over your head.
"Come." She said, and grabbed your hand. "You're coming to my house for the night."
It was the break of dawn where the boys had ended their last lap of concert tours. They were all ready to head back to Korea having been away for a month.
"AH, I can't wait to head back to my bed." Yoongi mumbled as he stepped into the departure halls of the airport.
"Hyung, didn't you just wake up?" Jungkook asked.
Yoongi shot him a sleepy glare. "You're too young to understand."
Jin walked over, wide awake. "Not anymore, our youngest is a MAN now... You just don't know."
With a playful nudge and a teasing smirk, it reminded Jungkook that he hadn't called you in some time.
He inched away from the rest and started meddling with his phone.
Jk: Are you asleep?
He waited.
5 minutes turned to half and hour and he felt that something was amiss. You were usually quick to respond, knowing that he'd hardly get much time on the phone with you when he was on tour.
Right before boarding, he stepped away again from the rest and made a video call.
It took him a couple of tries and a good whole 10 minutes before he was connected and got an answer.
Jk: Jagi-ya! (Waves) You: Jungkook!
He was pure overjoyed to see you that the smile on his face was almost stretching his cheeks to their maximum.
Jk: Where are you? Aren't you at home? You: Ah... I'm on the way to Fan's house actually... I'm staying there for the night.
The camera moved a little towards the driver's seat and Fan waved with a little smile.
Jk: Oh that's nice, you girls having a party? You: Erm not really. It just happened that way. (laughs weakly) Jk: (leans nearer to the camera) Jagi, why do you look so pale? You: Nah, it's just the lighting in the car, I'm alright don't worry about me. How was the tour? Jk: It went great but it was tiring, its a good thing we're heading back now. Jin hyung can't stop teasing me about us though. Are you sure you're fine? Have you been eating on time?
Jungkook realised how much he'd missed seeing you all the more when he did a video call. He knew he'd be like this, getting all worried and eager again.
Jk: I really miss you. You: (Just smiles) Jk: Do you? You: (looks to the side at Fan) It's a little embarrassing right now Jungkook... but yes of-c-course.
Hearing and seeing you on the screen made him completely forget that he was going to be last on board again.
Jk: Ah... why's Jimin-hyung calling me now... alright I guess I'll call you again when I'm back at the dorm? You: Go ahead now, have a good rest alright? Jk: (sighs) Okay. (Continues to stare into the camera) You: Why aren't you hanging up? Jungkook? Jk: I don't know ... I just, don't want to. You: Then I will, you can't keep making them wait, you'll get into trouble! Jk: Urgh, alright. You're mean. (pouts) Give me a kiss and I'll go? You: WHAT?
It was the first time Jungkook had made such mushy and childish little requests. It just slipped out of his mouth without him realising how cheesy he had become while missing you.
You: Jungkook~ stop it, haha what's with you? Are you doing this on purpose? Jk: Come on, jagi-yaaaaaaaaaaa (whines, pouts, gives you the ultimate cute combo)
He watched your speechless expression as you could only gasp at his unreasonably irresistible request. With his earphones plugged in, he could hear how Fan was trying hard not to laugh too loud.
You: You're such a baby, you know that? Don't ever make me do this again.
Reaching closer to the camera, you planted a muted kiss towards it,
Jk: I got it!
Jimin had stopped calling Jungkook because he found him crouched in a corner behind some chairs. Leaning against a pillar, he crossed his arms and continued to observe what the young man was doing, with earphones plugged in, and smiling to himself.
"JEON JUNGKOOKIE!" he called out making sure to get the attention of the younger.
Jk: (Discovers he was found out) Hukk, its Jimin-hyung! I'll call soon, miss you, alright? Text me!
"YAH!!!!" Jimin started walking towards Jungkook, and saw that he had ended a call.
"Oh, hyung! You called?" he asked innocently with wide eyes and a bright smile; the kind Jimin wouldn't be able to get angry at.
"Ah, jinjja~ you're driving me nuts seriously? Did you not watch the time at all? We're almost the last to board! Hurry up!"
Jungkook picked up his bags and walked in large strides following Jimin, catching up to him easily. "Sorry, I was talking to Chae-rin. She wasn't replying my messages earlier, I wasn't sure what was wrong so I called."
"Oh, she alright?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, she said she was but she looked a little unwell to me. It's a little upsetting that I can't even find out what's wrong. Even if I did, I can't do anything about it." He sighed, visibly disturbed and concerned.
"We're heading back now and we're getting a short break, I'm sure you can make a surprise visit if you want to." Jimin suggested, "you're the loaded maknae anyway."
"I don't get it," said Fan, as she pulled the brakes after parking in to her front yard.
"Hmm?" you turned to her, "get what?" you asked.
With a sigh she reached over and unbuckled your belt and continued, "why'd you have to lie?"
"Lie? What lie?"
Fan waved a hand around your face. "Even under the poor lighting of the car, your man can see you're pale and sick yet you say you're fine. If that isn't a lie, I don't know what is."
You let her continue, being too weak to resist anyway.
"I don't know Chae-rin, is there really a future in this relationship with Jungkook? Can you really see yourself marrying him, having children, living together and all that?"
To be honest, you didn't. After all, he was only 20 and right at the peak of his popularity. There was no way these were going to happen in the next 5 years. You'd be too selfish to demand that of him and it would be too difficult for him to do that with the amount of work he had in the prime of his youth.
You turned to Fan, unsure how you should answer her. It was the circumstance and not the commitment that was in question.
"Well... if he weren't an idol, I'd say yes in a heartbeat..."
The next morning, you woke up with an even heavier nausea than the night before and you felt sleepy even though it was nearly noon. Your body was aching and things didn't feel right. You got out of the bed in the guest room, and went right to the basin, hoping to throw up whatever was making you so sick.
"Hey babe, you're up!" Fan burst into the room, all bright and cheery until she realised you were bent over the basin again. "Oh gosh what is wrong with you! I'm gonna get my brother, hang on!"
Before you could protest, she was out and screaming for her brother to come.
You'd met her brother a couple of times since he was a medical practitioner in your office building but never in such a disheveled manner. You hear her fast paced footsteps leading him towards the washroom and telling him how you were also vomiting last night.
Splashing some water on your face to freshen up, you quickly arranged your hair to look decently presentable, at the very least.
"Hey Chae-rin," her brother stepped into the washroom and took a quick look at you.
You could only nod and smile a little in embarrassment, "Sorry to have to greet you this way Jun."
"It's alright, he's used to it." She chirped, "tell him how you're feeling."
You walked out to the bed and sat down, "I don't know, its like, I'm queasy and tired, and a little bloated and I feel heavy around... my chest."
Jun took a small pillow and lifted your wrist onto it, placing two fingers on the vein of your pulse, he listened to it with his eyes completely focused on you. The intensity of his gaze was making you uncomfortable as you looked away. It was nowonder he had a line of patients all day long, he was indeed quite good looking.
After a minute, he stood up from where he knelt.
"I'd like to speak with her for a moment, would you leave us please, Fan?"
His request left both you and Fan in a shocked silence.
"W-w-what? Er... Alright?" Completely puzzled by her brother's abrupt words, she hesitantly took her exit and closed the door softly behind her.
Jun waited until the door was completely shut before he sat down beside you.
"What is it? Is it serious? Am I dying?" You blurted out, baffled by what you didn't know that he did.
He let out a laugh, "look - I can't tell if people are dying just from hearing pulses."
"Then WHAT, tell me quick!"
"Okay, It sounds from your symptoms that its a hormone thing but..... I have to ask you a few questions and it might get a little personal but just remember, I am a professional medical doctor, and even though you're in our home now, you're still a patient and I'm your doctor. Alright Miss Chae-rin?"
You nodded, swallowing a nervous lump.
"First. When was your last period?"
You counted mentally and tried to get a date in your head, "about, 2 months... and a week? or two ago?"
"Second. Are you in a physically intimate relationship?"
You found yourself tongue-tied at the question.
"I'm a doctor, Chae-rin. Remember that." He prodded.
You looked away, and the scenes of the short few days where you had last spent with Jungkook came to mind. Yes, of course you were in a relationship........ and it did get a little physical at some moments.......... as for intimacy? You weren't too sure if that brief encounter was enough to constitute to what Jun was getting at.
He let you think about it for awhile more.
"You know what? I'll be back in abit, why don't you get some breakfast with Fan?" Giving you a reassuring smile, he pat your shoulder and stood up.
You mouthed an okay and watched him until he was out of the room. Closing your eyes, you mentally recounted the happenings of that day.
----------------a month and half ago----------------
[On the day of Jungkook's departure, you appeared at the airport wanting to send him off. Stealing some time off, you had a few moments alone with him in the confines of the small newsroom and things got unexpectedly heated.]
Jungkook's breathy voice hit your ears like ecstasy. "Did you say we had 10 minutes?"
Things moved fast and his lips were locked with yours, engulfed by the urgency and passion of the moment. Your legs hooked around his thighs while you were propped up on the edge of the table, keeping him close to your body. His breath got more erratic and rushed as he dropped his hand quickly to the hem of your skirt, the smoothness of your thighs sending him into a point of no return.
The moan you now found familiar was almost like a plea for you to ease him of his discomfort as your hand instinctively went to his belt, undoing it deftly as if it was something your fingers were trained to do.
Your pulse raced against his and it was no longer under your control. Like a flame that was ignited by a spark, it was fuelled by the heat and passion to a whole new level of intimate discovery you never intended for.
Feeling his body hard against yours, all that filled your mind and his was the intense desire to be even closer, even deeper, even more intense.
The result was more panting, gasping, and moans you never knew you were capable of. One thing led to another as you threw caution to the wind and released your inhibitions completely once the pleasure of the moment took over.
It didn't matter that you were in a press room with a full length glass overlooking an airport runway.
It didn't matter that the door would open any minute.
It didn't matter if Jungkook was going to be gone for the longest time after.
It didn't matter that he was the object of a million fangirl's desire.
It only mattered that it was your first time; just as it was for him.
He was eager and rushed but precise in his movements, cautious not to pain you in any way, constantly asking if he was doing it right for you.
Of course, it wasn't like you knew any better any way but all you knew was that if it felt this good, it couldn't be that wrong. If there was a thing as sexual tension, you now knew what that meant. It was like an annoying thread that was making futile attempts to thread itself through a the hole of a needle to no success; a mix of frustration, anticipation, impatience, and pleasure bundled into one.
When he finally got the hang of manoeuvring in the tight space, his body led yours while you held tightly onto him, moving alongside his lead. You saw the clearly defined veins on his forearm and along his neck protrude even more as beads of sweat trickled down against it.
Moments later, he shut his eyes, mumbling and making sounds you couldn't make out but you knew he was nearly over the edge."You drive me crazy, jagi-ya." His exhaustedly breathy voice sent shivers down your spine.
"Was this how you imagined it to be?" you asked, breathless alike.
He could only smile, with half-lidded eyes as he leaned an arm against the wall, "this is more tiring than practice."
You gave him a light kiss to which he followed through even more until you pulled away abruptly.
"Then, I guess you need more practice."
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My 20 year old husband - [Day 8 : Boy in Luv]
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8

It was that smug expression again.
The same one Jungkook knew to send all girls into a state of frenzy. Without hesitation, he boldly blurted out his naively suggestive thoughts.
“I’d prefer if YOU took it off.”
(Jungkook’s POV)
I watched her face flush as she looked away embarrassed, suppressing an impending laugh.
“Jungkook-ah, who taught you to say such things?” she asked softly while her hands tangled in my hair.
I was having a hard time staying sane with the combination of feeling her body under mine and the dangerously tight time my pants was giving me.
“No one… But doesn’t that sound so cool and manly?” I was still trying to pull it off despite being absolutely clueless what to do next.
She let out a burst of laughter, shattering whatever seductive ego left of me. She tried to offer some belated comfort by pulling me closer than we already were and the faint scent and rustle of her hair brushing the tip of my nose.
It was going to be the last night we were together, here under the stars, on our own. There I was, hovered over her body in our cosy little tent. Honestly, I had no ulterior intent, but my hormones were clearly ahead of my control. It didn’t help that the way she bit down her lips and batted her eyelashes when she spoke…. just made my mind run wild in all directions.
I admit, I wasn’t thinking straight.
“You’re sweating, baby.” She said.
She called me baby for the first time.
OH the tingles running through my spine.
“Cos you’re so hot.” I blurted out something so blunt again, I knew it.
This time she didn’t laugh.
Before I knew it, she had me rolled on my back, as she knelt straddled on both my sides. My eyes landed on her lightly tousled hair and all I could think off were why the buttons were still holding onto her shirt?
I swore my mind went blank of all thoughts at that sight and that was the last bit of sanity left of my manhood.
The rest was history.
(Your POV)
It was so glaringly obvious that it was Jungkook’s first time being so intimate with a girl. He was trying too hard to lead you on but it was just too cute.
All it took was a hand, running down the sides of his jawline and it instantly sent him into a deep dark abyss of no return. You watched as he closed his eyes in pleasure of the touch. The heaving of his breath getting deeper with every rise and fall of his chest.
Had you not made the effort to preserve some integrity, you might just have ripped apart his white shirt to see his abs.
He gasped silently, taking a sharp breath when you unintentionally shifted your weight, brushing against the taut fabric of his pants.
“Urgh!” He let out a loud moan, “I can’t! I can’t… ” He frowned, gripping tighter onto your waist.
He was struggling.
“Just–t-t take it off.” There was mild frustration in his voice, laced with impatience.
It felt so wrong to be letting go and getting this physical with a guy you’ve only just met. Even tho you had a couple of serious relationships before, they never did get this far, and definitely not this fast. You wondered if you should just stop before things got out of hand, but your hands were tugging on the buttons of his jeans anyway.
Jungkook must have sensed some hesitation as he reached for your hands and spoke with a breathy voice.
“Tell me, how many times have you done this.”
You looked into his eyes, shaking your head.
The button popped apart and your hands froze.
At this, he pulled you in for a kiss, holding you as if you were the most precious thing in the world he was going to protect.
He whispered in between light pecks, “Why didn’t you say so earlier?” He smiled, letting your head rest on his arm pillow, keeping a small distance as he kept an eye on the bulge that was now a little freer from the tightness of his pants but thankfully still decently clothed.
“Just rest.” He said.
With a free hand, he loosened the buttons of his shirt and he adjusted himself more comfortably on his back, and you, tightly pulled to his side.
The tiredness of the day washed over you and you were completely exhausted by the time you found sweet solace in Jungkook’s muscular arms. They put you right at ease - just the right amount of comfort and fluttering.
It was a little different this time being the first time ever you had seen the full glory of his skin, abs, chest and all. He was truly a boy in a man’s shell and the sight of his toned arms and sharply chiseled collarbones were on another level.
You fell asleep soon after a few light kisses and cuddles and so did he. Through the night you felt him shift a little here and there, occasionally stroking your hair and when you woke up a little he would just gently caress you back to sleep. Thankfully you were still sane enough to remember he had to be up by dawn.
As you opened your eyes and took in the sights of the dimly lit tent around you, you felt a gentle rise and fall of his chest against your shoulder.
He was such an angel. You watched him deep in sleep and inked his every contour into your memory, knowing it was the last time this was going to happen for a long time to come.
You could still taste the faint sweetness of his lip balm on your lips and his scent around you that you grew to like.
Slowly your fingers found their way, tracing little walks on his arm, to his shoulders and to his cheeks.
“Baby… it’s morning…” you whispered.
It startled him a little, being unfamiliar with it all, but quickly broke into a smile as he found you entangled in his arms.
You couldn’t make out his mumbling as he squirmed deeper into the cover of the sleeping bag.
“Jung kook-ah, you need to wake up… before you’re too late… your hyungs are gonna kill you…” you whispered again.
This time his eyes sprang open.
“Am I late?”
You squirmed out of his grasp and reached far up across him for his phone that was above his head.
It unintentionally gave him a close up view and access to your upper body, the loose cloth of your shirt brushing his nose and your body just inches from his face.
He quickly looked away.
“I don’t know, Jung Kook. What time do you need to be back?” You touched the screen and saw that it was 6am.
“I think, 7… hmmm… is this why they call this the ‘Boyfriend shirt’? It really looks good on you.” He smirked, admiring the way the oversized cloth hid the contours of your body but had this seductive effect somewhat.
You didn’t realise that he was clad only in his innerwear and it was his shirt you were in.
You vaguely recalled in your hazy state of mind, somehow he must have covered you in his shirt, in between the intimate breaks when you stirred awake.
“So shall I send you off at the airport in these?” You teased. “Your hyungs would surely kill you.”
Inching your way back into the covers, he was quick to embrace you again.
“No, they won’t. They’d be happy for me I’m sure… and, what did you call me just now?” he asked, ever so gently with a smile.
You looked into his sleepy eyes, seeing that his eyebags were laden with sleep and fatigue.
“You mean……. Jung kook? or …..”
He was firm in his reply. “Nope. Not that.”
As you admired the way his eyes crinkled into happy crescents and those happy lines that formed around his cheeks, you were drawn into his mysterious power to make you smile along.
“On second thought…. It messes with my heart. Don’t say it, I might get a heart attack.”
Jimin had gotten up early knowing he would have to wait for the youngest to arrive. As he lazed around the room in his bathrobe, he heard the sound of the hotel doors open.
“Jungkookie? You’re back.”
The youngest walked in, yawning.
“Uh, you’re up early hyung.” He walked right to the bed and launched himself right on it face down.
“Yah… what made you so tired?” Jimin asked, eyeing him slyly with a cheeky grin.
Jungkook mumbled a 'wake me up when we have to leave’ and fell right asleep.
“This kid… seriously…” Jimin walked over and plucked the shoes off Jungkook’s feet and threw a blanket over his body. “Wonder what he did the whole night.”
In the blink of an eye, the doorbell rang, stirring him out of his slumber. He faintly heard Taehyung’s low and husky voice.
“Aigoooo what’s this dead log doing here?” Tae jumped on the bed and started ruffling Jungkook’s hair. “Wake up kid, we’re going home!”
Jimin started putting the rings onto his fingers and doing a last check on his outfit. “I’m sure he’d rather stay here with her tho.”
Tae’s eyes widened, “AHHHH..! I forgot about that.” He pulled Jungkook and shook him awake in excitement, “how did last night go???”
Jungkook stretched and woke up reluctantly to the eager eyes of his hyungs.
“What?” he mumbled, noticing their curious grins, “stop giving me that look..”
They wolf-whistled at him and made semi-lewd noises in a bid to annoy him, which only made him laugh in disbelief as he shoved them both on the bed and went to wash up.
The teasing atmosphere continued all the way into the van with the other members and until the airport.
“You guys are just going to go all out until we reach home isn’t it?” Jungkook sighed.
J-hope was the most enthusiastic of the lot, “Of course, it’s not everyday that our maknae stays out for the night.”
“With a girl.” Taehyung added quickly.
Jungkook smiled silently, letting the hyungs have their way while he attended to the texts on his phone.
You: Do you really not want me to see you off?
JK: Of course I want you to but it’s going to be harder to say goodbye…
He held his phone, waiting for a reply until they arrived at the airport. Thankfully it was dawn and there weren’t as many fans as before.
They waved, took some pictures, and were quickly whisked into the passageway hidden from public eye.
Suddenly, Jimin, who was trailing behind, called out for Jungkook.
“OH!” he exclaimed, “Jungkook-ah! Look who’s here!”
The youngest boy peeked out from his hood in the direction his hyung was staring at and saw you in the distance, hands tucked in your pockets, smiling.
“Chae-rin?!” Jungkook instinctively looked around to see if anyone was following them other than their managers. Quickly he took out his phone and dialed for you.
JK: What happened? I thought I sent you home!
You: Well, I couldn’t just let you leave like that…. could I?
JK: But it’s so open here… you’re just so near yet so far, Chae-rin. I can’t even stray out of line from manager hyung… argh.
You: I do know of a way…. but… we only have 10 minutes.
JK: What do you mean?
You: There’s a small private lounge here that I go to… my access lets me have 10 minutes use of it each time.
JK: Tell me how to get there.
Jungkook made an excuse to head to the washroom and told the hyungs to board without him as he walked in large strides, constantly checking the signs and directions to the lounge you directed him to, frantic written all over his face.
You heard his urgent steps approaching and hid behind a wall.
Right when he was near, you jumped out to frighten him only to be met with a blank stare.
“Mwo-yah…..” You pouted, “you’ve got no jams.”
Jungkook laughed and looked around before pulling you into a hug.
“Of course I was shocked. I was already shocked when I saw you just now.” He said into your ear.
You took his hand and led the way into a small dimly lit room with a small writing area, some seats, and a long glass panel that reached the ceiling, overlooking the airport runway.
“Woah, what’s this place?” he asked, looking around the enclosed room. “It’s tiny!”
The automatic door sealed shut with a beep and the lights came on. It was just about the size for 2 persons to sit comfortably.
“It’s one of the press rooms. Sometimes we duck in here to send out live coverage reports of incidents or stuff like that, but it’s a shared space so there’s a time limit for each person.” You explained, leaning your back against the small table top while he looked around.
“Ah… I see…” He put down his bag and walked towards the table, where it overlooked the glass.
He continued staring into the distance, beside you. “Did you say we had 10 minutes?” He asked.
You nodded, “yup. that’s right…”
He put his hands in the pockets of his jacket and started closing in on you, “Gee…. I don’t know, what do you say we should do?”
His sudden commanding manner made your heart race again even though it hadn’t been many hours since you were practically pressed against his bare skin. You bit down your lip not wanting to speak your mind.
With your back against the table top, he stooped a little in front of you, caging you in with his palms flat on both your sides on the table.
“That lip bite of yours?” he asked, coming closer and making you look him in the eye with his mannerism.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and resigned himself to fate with a breathy response. “It drives me crazy.”
What happened next was totally beyond your control as he swooped your hips up on the table, and claimed your lips with haste, careful to support the small of your back and your nape.
It wasn’t difficult to get accustomed to his sudden advances as your arms naturally went up to his shoulders while it all sorted themselves out. There was something in his kiss that you hadn’t felt before - it was hungry, rushed, desperate and gentle at the same time. In that small space, you felt like it was a whirlpool of ecstasy and nothing else mattered. All that you could think of was the growing feeling of wanting even more.
With each movement, your pulse doubled and you could hear the thumping of his heart against yours. In between gasps, he picked up his pace, pressing his body harder against yours until he was standing right at the edge of the table, your legs subconsciously around his hips, nearly locking behind him.
He let out that familiar moan again which you recognised by now, dropping your hand to his belt……………..
(At the departure gates)
Jimin looked around, finding the place all too familiar but strange without his youngest member. It was a memorable arrival at this airport unlike the previous trips but it wasn’t the same waiting alone without him.
“Oh well.” He sighed, putting up his hood and slumping back into the seat. He didn’t want to disturb Jungkook knowing that he was probably spending the last of his time with you. Jimin did like you a fair bit, he had to admit, and he was glad that the rest did too. He just wished he had a little more time to get to know you better as well.
The boys returned with more loot from the duty-free shops and started gathering one by one.
“Yah, where’s the kid?” Namjoon asked Taehyung, who only shrugged and continued grooving to his music.
By now they had all sat down with the exception of Jungkook who was still nowhere to be found. The boarding gates were open and they were ready to board.
“Jimin-ah, call him.” Jin instructed, a little irritated and worried that Jungkook wasn’t within his line of sight.
“I already did, hyung. He didn’t pick up.” Jimin answered, his phone in hand while deep in thought. It was unlikely that Jungkook would lose his way having spent more time in the airport than the rest, and being with you meant that you’d surely guide him here. Just why was he taking so long?
“We’ve got to board now kids,” Namjoon stood up and took his bags, with all but Jimin standing to follow suit.
“Go ahead, I’ll catch up when he’s here.” Jimin smiled at them, but unable to hide the growing worry he was harbouring.
Jin seemed to sense it and decided to be his company as well.
Jimin on the other hand continued to call Jungkook, waiting for a response. He wasn’t always impatient but the fact that he didn’t even know where to go look for Jungkook, made him anxious.
“He’ll be fine. He was fine in Norway on his own too anyway.” Jin said, resting his elbows on his knees, looking out for any sign of a running Jungkook.
“I know that too hyung, but I can’t help worrying about the kid. He’s now a boy in love. He gets carried away when he’s focused on something and just forgets everything else in the world. I hope he remembers we’ve got a flight to catch.”
Far in the distance, a tall figure making large strides appear, visibly panting as his hair flies in all directions while he walked briskly towards the departure gate.
Jin and Jimin stare at him.
“Woah, woah woah. What did he do to himself?” Jin asked, eyes fixed on the young man who had his shirt untucked and hair messed unlike his usual.
“Yeah, my thoughts too.” Jimin stood up with a small wave, letting Jungkook come towards them.
He made a small run and smiled, panting. “Ah Hyung! Sorry, I lost track of time. Have they all boarded?”
The two older boys stared at Jungkook, noticing the red flush on his face and how his lips were a tint of pink. In the chilly winter, he was clad in just a long sleeved shirt rolled to his mid-arms, and a pair of ripped jeans with boots.
“Jungkook-ah….” Jimin hesitantly spoke, “You’ve got Chae-rin’s lipstick on haven’t you?”
Immediately Jin burst out laughing, and Jungkook dabbed his lips with the back of his hand in embarrassment.
“Omg Jeon Jungkook. When will you learn to take care of yourself?” Jimin fished out a piece of napkin from his pocket and shoved it to Jungkook’s sheepish face and started off to the boarding gate.
Jin hooked his arm over Jungkook’s shoulder and had a moment with him while they followed behind Jimin.
“Yah. You’re really making this too obvious, at least comb your hair and tuck your shirt back in! Come on! This is basic right?”
Hurriedly he fixed his appearance with the help of Jin and made a safe entry into the plane. Thankfully the rest were fast asleep in their individual seats for it was going to be a long flight back. Jungkook knew he was going to fall into deep sleep the moment he closed his eyes, to make up for the sleep debt he had accumulated from the night before and the sheer amount of adrenaline that rushed through his blood that consumed every ounce of his energy.
Jin nudged Jimin as they observed their youngest from the back.
“Mark my words, this loverboy’s gonna fall asleep in 10 seconds.” Jin laughed.
“Why’d you say so?” Jimin asked.
“I’m not older for nothing.” Jin unashamedly pronounced. “Now look - 8, 7, 6, 5….”
They watched as Jungkook sunk down in his seat, closed his eyes, and like a hypnotic spell, they saw his head droop slowly.
“…4, 3, 2…..”
And all that was left were the sounds of Jungkook’s light snores.
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My 20 year old husband - [Day 7 : Tomorrow]
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 /
It was a vaguely familiar, deep, throaty and husky voice.
You strained to make out where the voice was coming from, but you couldn't.
It caught your ears for a second time, louder, "Noona! Here!"
As you tip-toed, you see fluffy blonde hair and a long arm belonging to Taehyung, flailing at you.
You make your way over, wondering why he would not be in the waiting room.
"Hey Taehyung," You smiled at the doe-eyed boy, "Why're you by yourself?" you noticed he was already changed out of his stage outfit.
He smiled broadly and his eyes twinkled as he spoke, "I'm here to get you! Come!" Tugging at your sleeve, he pulled you lightly towards the exit.
There was a mysterious charm about him that you couldn't really put your finger to. He was a little cheeky, goofy, and almost child-like. But when he spoke, that boom-box-God-given voice never failed to stun you.
He led you to the same carpark from earlier and there were no other cars except their black MPV.
"Okay. Just wait, Jungkookie is on his way. Don't go anywhere!" With the same innocent smile, he waved and hopped into his van. You see Jimin pressed against the window, animatedly waving at you as well.
You laughed while waving back, wondering how much more childish Jungkook might be if he was the youngest among them all. Not that you minded it one bit, but it was a side you hadn't quite seen of him yet.
(Jungkook's POV)
Jungkook slipped his phone back into his pocket after receiving V's message that the coast was clear. He was the first to rush out of the waiting room and his members gave priority to get changed after the concert.
He wanted to make tonight a special evening and it was all happening at the speed of light.
This trip was special, the first of its kind unlike any others. All he had been preparing for was the concert but this was a welcomed surprise, only that time wasn't on his side.
Armed with flowers, he got onto a hired ride.
He saw you in a distance and pulled up just before where you were.
In his sleek black sneakers, he stepped out anxiously, flowers hidden behind the broadness of his back.
---------------------------- (your pov)
A long black car had appeared in sight but stopped a few car lengths away.
Out stepped a casually dressed Jungkook, in a white sweater and fitted black bottoms. He had a simple monochromatic style that only helped his sharp features stand out more.
This was one of the many simple fantasies he had - to pick up his girlfriend and present her with flowers, and be a car-door gentleman.
He did all of that, with a sheepish smile plastered on his face, all while looking on the ground and occasionally at your face to see if you were finding this all too cheesy.
You couldn't believe how sweet he was to go to such extent, and the awkwardness that was screaming at you only reassured you that he was indeed an innocent boy at heart, full of thoughts about love but no real practice.
He was such a gem.
"Did you enjoy the concert?" he asked, once you had settled down from admiring the flowers.
You looked at his hands and wondered how they were so toned and well-built for a twenty year old. It only gave you a glimpse of the practice he had done to get where he was.
"You were just awesome." you nodded at him.
He reached over and held an open palm to you.
You weren't sure what that meant so you kept still, showing him a puzzled expression.
"Aren't you gonna hold my hand?" He asked, looking up at you with those large sparkly eyes.
"Oh." Your heart started to pick up its pulse, as you gently placed your hand in his.
He enclosed his fingers around your palm and scooted closer to you, biting his lower lip shyly and looking out of the window.
"You know," he started speaking again, eyes still fixed outside at the night lights. "I won't be here tomorrow."
You felt his grip tighten on yours, meaningfully.
Of course I do. I've been following your schedule, how would I not.
There wasn't anything else you could say to make things better at that point, since you wished it wouldn't end either.
Jungkook wordlessly took off a thin bracelet from his wrist and latched it onto yours.
"I just wanted you to have something.... So you'll remember that you're mine now."
Tears pricked at your eyes as you stared at the piece of silver. You weren't going to cry of course, even though it was comforting to hear how he felt about you. But you couldn't help but dread his eminent departure.
"I have nothing I can leave with you..." You mumbled, obviously saddened.
"Baby girl, please don't--." he pulled you into a hug, seeing that you were nearly in tears.
You buried your head into his chest, taking in his warmly comforting scent.
It was such a blissful moment for Jungkook, to have someone he could finally have and hold. This was the scene he had been playing in his mind each time he imagined holding his girl in his arms while singing the ballads he'd fantasised. He wanted so much to savour this feeling.
The warmth of a cuddly body against his. The softness of your smooth skin and the gentle touch. The softly seductive way you spoke to him that sent shivers down his spine.
You couldn't believe this was happening and how you grew to like him so much, so soon. It was unlike you, but something about this meeting just went way beyond your control. You fell for him, hard.
"I can't believe so much has happened in the last few days." You whispered as you looked up at him.
He smiled back, brushing away the hair on your face.
"Me neither. It's all thanks to the snow isn't it?" he crinkled his nose making you laugh a little.
Even in the firm hold of his arms, you just couldn't believe this was real. You continued to look into his eyes, lost in your random thoughts until you heard his voice again.
"Couldn't you stay with me for tonight? I'll promise to take you home at dawn."
You were surprised at his suggestion.
As much as you longed to spend a little more time with him, you weren't intending to sleep in his hotel room again.
"But Jungkook..."
He rested his forehead against yours and he closed his eyes, not wanting you to continue. He breathed out those magic words that made you weak.
"I need you."
Time froze for the second time today.
Like, literally? Or like, figuratively? Or...
Hearing outright confessions made butterflies dance wild in your stomach and it was impossible to hide your pleasure.
"I'm leaving early in the morning." he continued, "this makes tonight, our last night."
His eyes pleaded earnestly with yours, holding both your hands in his.
"I've never felt so desperate." He chuckled a little, embarrassed.
You looked into his eyes and saw the tinge of sadness and loneliness that appeared again. It broke your heart just to know he would be feeling like this when he returned home to the dorm after their schedules. How could you say no to him?
Your fingers found their way to his cheek as they traced the lines of tall nose bridge and thinly carved lips. They were so well structured that it looked so surreal.
"You're just perfect, Jungkook. Too perfect." You mumbled, "Why me.........?"
"Jimin-ah," Jin tapped on his shoulders to wake him up.
The sleepy younger boy blinked and saw that they had arrived at their hotel.
"Uh, hyung." he started yawning and picking up his bag.
"Did JK say where he was taking her?" Jin asked as he let the other members alight from the car before them.
Jimin thought for a moment, "Not really, but he told me not to wait up for him tonight. He said he'd already packed his stuff and would be back tomorrow morning to check out with us."
"So you have the room to yourself?"Jin asked, knowing the boys shared a room but Jimin hadn't exactly slept in it at all.
Jimin nodded, "Umm, what's up hyung?"
Jin's expression was hard to read with a sigh. "I just wonder if he'll be alright on his own."
Jimin hopped out of the car, glad that the lobby was empty and void of fans at that late hour.
"Shall we go take a walk? It's the last night anyway." He asked Jin, "We haven't done that since Norway last year... "
Jin laughed, "Sure, as long as you don't lose your bag again."
Jungkook smiled at you in silence, gently resting your head on his shoulders.
"We're almost there." He whispered.
Your eyes scanned the surroundings and it was a part of town you didn't recognise.
"Weren't you headed back to your hotel?"
"Why would I waste such a precious night in that hotel? I mean yes, it was a nice place, but I found some place better... to make it a special night." His face crinkled into a shy smile, making you more curious where he was taking you.
As the driver came to a stop, you saw that it was a small plot of land that was overlooking a hilltop of the city. It was a very secluded spot of town that was uphill and probably pricey by local standards, to spend a night in.
"Alright, stay here and put on your jackets. It's gonna be chilly outside." He pulled a muffler over your neck and wrapped it around you, satisfied to be able to provide for you properly now.
He stepped out and briefly spoke to the driver, probably making the arrangements for pick up the next morning.
It was midnight now and you were growing curious at what he had in mind for the next 6 hours.
He couldn't have planned anything big, he doesn't even know this place and he's hardly had any time anyway. Furthermore, he's just twenty, not like a thirty-year-old romantist. Let's not get all jittery with hope here.
The door clicked was pulled open by Jungkook himself.
"Are you ready?" He asked, an excited expression on his face.
"I guess....." You mumbled and shifted to the door, climbing out of the large car, with the help of Jungkook's extended hand.
"Ok, close your eyes now." He said, as he turned you around, covering your eyes with his hands.
"What? What, why? No, I'm scared Jungkook-ah!" You protested, backing away to no avail as his strong arms held you against his body.
"I'm here, you have to learn to trust me now, jagi." At his words, you froze and stopped resisting.
"Ahhh... so this is how these magic words work huh?" He giggled and continued to hold you by the waist with one hand, and the other covering your eyes.
You could only see the ground beneath his fingers as he felt your eyelashes sweeping his fingers rapidly.
"Stop peeping now, you're gonna spoil the fun, I warned you...."
You sighed, and shut your eyes, now completely relying on his lead to take you ahead. It helped to feel his warm body against yours, in such a comfortable closeness. You didn't want to admit it but you could stay like this the whole night if he ever wanted to.
"I'm going to count to 3 and then you can open your eyes. Only on my count. Promise?" His voice was getting chirpier by the moment and it made you smile just thinking of what he probably looked like as he said that smiling.
You felt him moving away as the cool night breeze hit your face again. His footsteps were light as he shuffled around in front of you for a few moments and he was moving some stuff before he sat down with a small sound of relief.
"Okay.... one, two...."
Your eyes fluttered open unable to contain the excitement any longer.
There was Jungkook, seated on an open air little camping ground, filled with cosy throws and pillows, a small bonfire, and am extremely large tent that was surrounded by blinking fairy lights.
It was an incredible sight that only existed in your romantic imagination, or in exaggerated episodes of 'we got married'. There was no way this was real.
He watched your eyes grow wide with surprise as you covered your mouth in shock.
This is too pretty! It can't be real!
"Omg.." was all you managed.
You took a couple of steps nearer only to see that the city lights were just a wall below where you were.
Jungkook stood up and followed you.
"It's amazing isn't it? And I thought you were supposed to show me the city." He laughed.
"How did you ... find this place, Jungkook? I mean, you were so busy!"
He scratched his head shyly, "well, you know we have lots of fans here right... their comments are sometimes helpful..."
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Sometimes fans post pictures of themselves and put us with them at nice romantic places... or tell us the best places to go in their country... and this one was deep deep deeeply hidden among the millions of comments that I happened to see when I was on the plane." He explained, "so I acted on it this morning and it was a good thing it wasn't occupied for the night."
You looked around, "but the set-up? it surely isn't part of the whole deal?"
"Of course not, but it's what I'd always dreamed of doing - having a tent by the campfire in winter, just under the stars. Do you now know what Jeon Jungkook is capable of? This is just the tip of the iceberg." He bragged cooly only to earn a nudge from you.
"It's cold, come check out the tent I picked. It's really awesome!"
You were still in a state of awe while you followed him in a daze. He unzipped the entrance and kicked off his sneakers, stepping into a warm enclave.
It was unbelievably cosy unlike the outdoors, thanks to lots of elaborate heating inside the wide tent.
Immediately he plonked himself in the center and reached for your hand, with a very precise motion, pulling you along with him and onto him.
"OMO!!" You squealed, startled.
With his other arm, he swiftly zipped the tent, keeping the chilly breeze out.
For some reason, you never saw this coming but it seemed that he had it all planned out, and he was clearly in the mood for something else other than the night lights.
The glint in his eyes met yours as he boldly took the lead this time.
"I'm not rushing things too much, am I?" He kissed your lips softly, sending you into a state of instant ecstasy.
He hesitated while waiting for a response.
Before you could reply, he had you against the warmly padded base of the tent, cradling your neck in the crook of his arms as he rested his elbow beside your head.
"I've never been so sure of anything until today, that you're the one I've been searching for. It's only you - for me. No one else."
You couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth.
The amount of sincerity that he spoke with, washed away any trace of self-doubt you harbored.
With no haste, you pulled him in for a deeply passionate kiss that lasted as long as your breath could hold.
Things were heating up fast, and he took the chance again to take the lead, his hands roaming around slowly until you heard him let out a soft groan.
"Jungkook-ah" you managed to call his name in between breaths, "what's wrong?"
He looked at his pants that was obviously giving him a tough time. "No, it's just.... getting uncomfortable in these..."
You laughed wondering if he was really that innocent, "so you want to take them off, is that it?"
"Nope." was all he said, before he turned his eyes back to you. They looked a little sly this time.
"I'd much prefer if YOU took them off."
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8
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My 20 Year Old Husband - BTS Fanfic [Day 6 - “Hyung!”]

20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 /
Your pounding heart chased after your racing pulse as all time came to a stop. The only sound that remained were the faint noises of morning traffic from 10 floors beneath you, and of course, the slow breaths of Jungkook right in your face.
Everything happened like a whirlwind and at some point, he was no longer the object of screaming fangirls. He was just the same boy you first met - a dandy, doe-eyed tourist that felt like a friend. He was just a man, named Jungkook. Stripped of his stage persona, the tables were a little turned now.
His lips parted as he let out a whisper, "Would you..... Like to..... Go out with me?"
You swore he was so awkward but adorable at the same time that made you fall for him harder than before.
"But I thought you idol singers can't date?"
He turned his face slightly away, looking cocky, "I date when I want, who I want." He said oozing in sudden confidence.
"Woh--" You held both your palms up against his chest, "manly much uh? What if your date doesn't?" you amused, enjoying the tension that was growing.
He crouched nearer again and lowered his eyes to your lips as you leaned further and further on your back, trying to maintain distance.
Before you knew it, you felt the soft pillows at your back and there was nowhere else to retreat to. There he was now, hovering right above you.
He whispered in a low and awfully seductive voice, "Ah. I see where this is heading but I don't have all day, missy."
If there was a meter in the room to track your heart rate, you were pretty sure anything more would give you a heart attack. Never in your Twenty(something) years of experience with guys, had anyone made your mind spin, stomach twist, heart race, and well... The adrenaline rush was undoubtedly a turn on.
Jungkook was surprisingly daring despite how the ball was really still in your court. He stared into your eyes once again, hypnotising you into his mesmerising gaze.
"I'll let you know tonight. You've got a concert in a few hours, Mr Jeon Jungkook."
Lightly, you pushed him away, barely managing to disguise the blush and exploding heart that you were not able to control any longer.
You bit your lips, smiling, unable to meet his eyes. Of course you both knew the answer but heck, it was something too precious to spill in the heat of the moment.
His hand caught your wrist as you pushed yourself off the edge of the bed.
"You'll be there won't you?" He asked with those brightly boyish eyes.
"I don't need to, for work. I've already covered the fan meet."
He looked disappointed, somewhat. "Don't you want to watch us? Or, me?"
"Well.... If you so insist, I don't think I have much on tonight..?" you laughed, embarrassed at your own audacity.
He smiled again, "My only gripe is how you might have to sit alone and right at the front of my side of the VIP zone, where I'll always come by."
"I'll think about it?" you laughed again, picking up your bag as you got to your feet, and headed for the door.
(Jungkook's POV)
"Jeon Jungkook!"
The unmistakable voice that was always an octave higher than yours greeted you from behind. It came with an arm wrestle and headlock despite of how Jimin was shorter than you were.

"Ah, hyung." You laughed, "sorry, I just saw your texts. She's coming tonight though." You beamed.
Jimin held your head away, examining your face. "Yah.... Jungkook-ah, you're not serious about this are you? You guys just met."
You saw how Jimin's face turned from a tease to a look of genuine worry. "It's going to be fine hyung, I won't make trouble, I promise."
Jimin, still with his arm around your neck, pulled you closer as you followed up into the waiting room of the concert venue.
"Jin-hyung knows too, but not the others. He saw us heading back last night, you'd better go assure him things are fine and I'll leave it for you to let the rest of the hyungs know. Just don't take too long." He ruffled your hair and let go of you.
You greeted the staff as usual and started getting hair and makeup done while the other members streamed in one by one.
Jin sat beside you, and smiled knowingly at your reflection. He didn't say a word, seeing that the waiting room was packed with busy staff. You raised your eyebrows at him, fooling around for abit until the makeup artist said you were good to go.
You went over to the oldest hyung as he pat the empty spot beside him, asking you to sit.
"Yah, you little thing.... doing things behind hyung's back now huh!"
"No hyung," you blushed, "it's not what you think".
Jin nudged you continuously, acting like a childish brother. "Ahhhh hyung knows it all~ we're all men now~"
You quickly shook your head raising hands in protest, "No, I'm not kidding hyung! Nothing happened! I only just ----"
"WHAT? WHAT? JUST WHAT?" Jin's enlarged eyes were urging you to continue.
He made some annoying kissing noises as he wrapped his arms around himself.
"HYUNG~!" You whined as you gave him a light push, "Stop it already! You know I'm not that kind, come on."
"Arraseo... anyway, we don't have many days here. If you're really decided and serious that you want to go out with her, you'd better seize the days. Did you give her tickets for tonight?"
"Thanks, hyung" I smiled bashfully, "I told her to come.. yeah.. WAIT. TICKETS. Oh crap - I forgot."
Jin's jaw dropped. "You're kidding me maknae."
You arrived at the basement of the arena, texting Jungkook and wondering how you were going to enter without a media pass.
He'd told you a million apologies that he forgot and there wasn't any way he could get out of the dry rehearsal. He said there would be a way in from the back but he had to get pass some staffs right before the concert to reach their van - where he wanted to meet you.
[Hey, I'm at the basement.] - you
He had to be waiting because the reply came almost immediately.
[Arraseo-yo, I'll be there in a minute. Don't go anywhere.] - jk
You looked around nervously, wondering where he would appear from. In the wide basement were many large MVPs and you weren't sure which one would be theirs.
Just then you hear a door swing open at the other end of the car park and a bright sparkly figure walked out, making clicking sounds when his heels touched the floor.
"Here!" You called out to him, your heart beating nervously as his eyes caught your voice.
He smiled and waved you over as he also made his way towards you.
Making a small run, he looked around ensuring there were no vehicles in the open space, and no one else. As you got closer, he reached down and held your hand.
"Waiting for you was more nerve-wrecking than the concert, really." He made a pouty face at you.
Things were progressing so fast that you were taken aback yourself, not knowing how to react. He was surprisingly a lot more of a straightforward guy than the shy youngest member you thought he would be.
"Won't people ask who I am when I go in there?"
He thought for a moment, "Oh I didn't think so far. So I guess you've got to give me your answer before the concert then."
You hit his arm, "It's not the time for jokes, Jungkook!"
"I'm not joking though! Just tell them! 'I'm his personal tourguide', won't that do?" he laughed, pulling you along and through the door, ignoring your whines and tugs.
You kept your head down and inched as close to his back as you could, letting your hair cover half your face and biting your lips. He bowed politely and greeted the staff along walkways, never letting go of the hand that held yours at his back. You noticed that most people made way for him pretty quickly and that he was friendly with most of them. They didn't look questioningly at him instead, just went along their business. Slowly you straightened your back and walked normally, your tight grip on his loosening a little.
He turned to look back at you as he slowed his pace and came to a stop.
"Okay. I need to ask your permission for one thing right now, and you've got to say yes."
"What is it?"
He stepped aside and you saw the sign on the door - "Artiste Waiting Room - BTS"
You gasped, hearing voices behind it.
"I told my hyungs that I've decided to bring you to meet them before the concert, and they're really excited to see you."
"Wait, wait.. Jungkook, I'm not ready for this!" You squealed, doing a little anxious step with your feet.
"It's okay, it's okay... and, if it helps... I'm nervous too.." he bunched his other hand into a fist and jumped along with you. "So let's just get it over and done with, please? Can we?"
At this point you both were 2 strange folks jumping in small steps outside the waiting room, only that he was the only one smiling and looking excited.
"You ready? We can do this." He put his hand on the handle.
"No, no no!" You watched as his knuckles gripped the silver bar and pushed it down, slowly opening the grey doors.
The noise from inside ceased and you held your breath.
Jungkook's happiness and excitement was more than evident as he smiled so widely that all his teeth were showing.
"I'M HERE!" He announced, taking a step forward to block you from the member's view.
You recognised Jimin's voice first from the lot.
"Did you get her?"
Jungkook nodded, "Yes, but she's a little nervous."
He turned to his back, whispering to you gently, "Don't worry, they're all nice hyungs and no one else is here."
You could see Jimin trying to bop his head and jump with a wave, "It's me! me!"
Jungkook saw you letting out a smile and opened the door a little wider to reveal Jimin, clad in a suit with a deep V-line.
"OMO!" You were shocked at the exposure but Jimin was unfazed.
"Come on in and meet the rest of us, I'm so glad you're okay now. You don't know how worried I was last night." He smiled like a kind brother/mother/kid and with the eye makeup up close, you realised he was not any less good looking than Jungkook, who had near perfect facial features that makeup accentuated.
Jungkook led the way in, holding your hand and Jimin shut the door, leaning against it.
The boys were all in their stage outfits and had a glowing aura about them.
The first to speak up was Namjoon and he held out his hand instead of bowing. You reached and shook it, to your surprise it was large and warm, and he held your tiny hands with both of his and shook it, bowing. "I'M SO SO SO SORRY OUR MAKNAE HAS MADE LIFE SO TOUGH FOR YOU SINCE HE ARRIVED, I KNOW HOW MUCH OF A STUBBORN CHILD HE CAN BE AND I'M SO THANKFUL YOU PUT UP WITH HIM"
"Ah, Hyung! What are you talking!" Jungkook hurriedly held Namjoon's hand as he animatedly let it go.
The other members also stood up but you noticed they were smiling and beaming like parents, whispering to each other.
"Oh, Jungkookie, our maknae has grown up now." J-hope teased loudly, raising his eyebrow at the hand-holding.
You quickly tried to release the hand but Jungkook only caught it even tighter.
"What are you doing?" He whispered to you in a low voice, "Hajima!"
That only earned a bunch of low echoes from his members as they 'Wooooh' and 'Ahhhh-ed' at you.
You smiled, and nodded awkwardly, looking at them one by one, "Hello... again..."
"Oh she's so cute." Taehyung smiled, and waved at you with a wide smile.
You waved back quickly, recognising him from yesterday as well.
Jungkook began, "So, yup please look after us kindly and erm... Chae-rin lives here so if there's anything you need to know, I thought you might want to ask her now." He looked over at you, smiling again while biting on his lower lip. Signaling you to take a seat if you wanted.
Immediately the boys made way and asked you to sit as they fumbled around, keeping their smiles and trying to make you feel at ease.
"Jungkook-ah, you need to do the introductions first." Jin quickly said, and you got what he meant.
"AH! ah, yes - So Chae-rin, here's Jin... hmmm oppa?" He wasn't sure if he liked the sound of it now that he heard it for himself. "Yoongi... oppa, Hoseok... oppa.. AH. I can't do this." He laughed, and Jimin quickly took over.
"You suck at this totally."
Jimin introduced them one by one in order of age until he came to himself and Taehyung. "We're all same aged, right? Call us by anything you're comfortable with."
They gave you the warmest smiles and you actually did feel at home with them. In all that Jungkook kept close to you, always looking at you and checking on your expression. He could tell the members really liked you as well.
"... oh, don't you guys need to go get ready now?" You looked at your watch. You had been in the room for nearly 10 minutes now.
Namjoon stood up, "We'll see you later alright? Enjoy it, Jungkook's really gonna push it so hard today for you - I know it."
You laughed along, as you saw Jungkook sigh in nervousness.
"I better get going now." Turning to him, he was all smiles.
"I'll walk you out to the gate."
"No, don't" You stopped him, "I know my way around here, remember?"
"It's not that --" He protested, while smiling.
"I know, I know... but you should compose yourself and focus instead of thinking about other stuff now. This means alot to everyone." You gave his arm a squeeze.
He nodded obediently, following behind you and pulling the door open for you.
"See you later, I'll be waiting."
"You're coming back with me tonight, no buts."
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My 20 Year Old Husband - BTS Fanfic [Day 5 - Morning Confession]

20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 /
Under thick white covers, Jimin frowned on hearing the doorbell ring continuously.
It was Jin at the door, bringing breakfast on a tray, knowing he had slept in and missed the buffet line.
"Ah... hyung.... Why didnt you let me sleep a little more.." Jimin grumbled as he rubbed his eyes on seeing Jin at his hotel room door.
"Yah!! You brat, I even bothered to bring food for you because of your bad sleeping habits and is this what you say to me!? " he rambled in mock anger, pushing pass the dazed Jimin and kicking the door shut with his foot.
Like a mom, he set the tray down and pulled apart the curtains to let the sunshine in, making the sleepy Jimin wince even more.
Clad in a white bathrobe, Jimin took a sip of coffee and smiled at the smell of food. Jin sat comfortably beside, watching him munch, feeling happy that the younger one was being fed. In his usual nonchalant way, he started a morning topic for conversation.
"So did the girl get home safely?"
Jimin choked on his hot coffee as he spilt some on his exposed thighs, making him jump in shock and make a mess on himself.
"Ah.. How did you know, hyung?"
Jin smiled smugly, "What don't I know?"
Passing a napkin to Jimin, he continued.
"I saw you rushing out late last night when I was about to sleep and wondered where you went. Then I remembered that Jungkook was going to meet the girl. I figured he'd got into some trouble again so I stayed up just in case."
Jimin put the cup away and looked apologetic. "Sorry hyung, I should have told you so you wouldn't worry. Anyway, she fainted and we had to take her back here, until she woke up. Speaking of which, I should check on Jungkook...."
He stretched across the bedside to grab his phone.
------------------------------------------------- (Jungkook's POV)
The sun shone through the window and hit me right on my face. It was barely a few hours since I thought I fell asleep. I could feel pockets of the chilly air and movements of the thick covers over me.
Struggling to lift the lids of my eyes, I was greeted with a familiar scent and silhouette of Chae-rin.
My eyes sprang open only to be verified by her brown fluffy hair right below my chin. My head instinctively turned left and right to figure out how this happened.
My room - check.
My side of the bed - check.
My clothes still on my body - check.
Where were those pillows I put up between us??
She felt my arm trying to move, from under a pillow she had her head on, and groaned a little in discomfort.
"Arraseo, arraseo.." I cooed back understanding that it was a wrong move. I paused for awhile, void of thought, just making sure she was still asleep as she seemed like she was snuggling deeper into the warmth of the covers and source of it which was....... Yes, my body.
I could only gasp feeling the length of her body almost flushed against mine.
By now I was wide awake, biting my lips to stay silent and take in what was happening.
Here I am, Jeon Jungkook, the idol that can't even maintain eye contact with female idols on stage, on the bright morning of the first day of a BTS concert, lying on my bed with a girl I just met, cuddled against me beneath the covers.
Had this happened with any one else, I'd have probably jumped out of my skin in fear, shock, and detest. After all, a girlfriend and love interest was the last thing on my mind. Right at the peak of my career, a distraction is the last thing I'd need. The hyungs and I mutually agreed that we wouldn't date until we have finally carved a name for ourselves globally, committing to each other, swearing by the hard work and sacrifices we've made over the many years. I mean, we've come so far and we've only just achieved some recognition and ---
I was startled as I felt her head roll onto my chest with a dull thud. She would have woken up with the impact but she simply didn't.
I found myself smiling gently to be waking up with someone other than the hyungs by my side and it was such a strangely exhilarating yet comforting feeling.
Chae-rin ah.... Why do you make my heart beat so fast?
As if she could hear me, she inched even closer again, adjusting herself more comfortably against my torso.
Something in me just told me to hold her - and so, I gave in, and I did.
It was the most wonderful, peaceful, blissful feeling in the world and my heart beat even faster when I realised how perfectly bodies could fit together like puzzles. Since one of my arms was already under her head, pulling her into a close embrace didn't take much moving.
To my surprise, that woke her up.
I was going to back away, unsure if she would be too close for comfort and suddenly feeling embarrassed with myself at the whole situation, when I felt her lifting her chin to meet my eyes.
(Chae-rin's POV)
I was getting warm and wondered how this bed could be made so comfortable for a winter's sleep. It almost seemed like I was hugging a heated bolster through the night. In my faint memory, I saw Jungook lying beside me - it had to be a dream.
But heck, it was a nice dream. In my dream he had a plain white shirt that looked like they were part of the covers and bedsheets, sleeping soundly like a little angel. He'd tell me it's okay and cuddle me back to sleep.
mmmmmmm.... how nice..... I'll just indulge in this dream a bit more......
I realised it was getting a little TOO warm now and it seemed the heated bolster was holding onto me instead. Was I too close to the heater?
I opened my eyes trying to see where I was but all that I saw was white.
Did I die? No wait, I was in Jungkook's room and he was bathing. Oh, I should get going before the sun rises.
I looked up and saw the source of my warmth - the bright round eyes and sharply chiseled nose.
Why is this dream so realistic?
I felt a little constrained and my body seemed trapped by a tight but comfortable grip. I blinked again and felt the grip loosen itself.
"Am I awake?" I found myself blurting out my thoughts.
He smiled, slightly amused and surprised.
"I'm not sure." he said.
It was messing with my head too much for everything looked like a dream that was too surreal but at the same time it felt like my imagination. I must have been deep in sleep to be struggling so hard to come to my senses - or so I thought.
"Do you like me?" Again, my thoughts had blurted themselves out without my knowledge, completely fearless.
He paused for a moment.
"Uh? What do you think?" he asked, eyes turning into little smiley crescents.
"I'm not sure but I do." I answered as a factual response.
I gave up on trying to wake up from the dream since it was futile. I mean, I was already talking and responding but I just wasn't waking up at all.
His smile was the cutest thing I'd ever seen in any of my dreams.
Then without notice, he lunged towards my face and with some great precision, landed his thinly soft lips on mine.
Suddenly, it dawned on me.
This was REAL.
Out of shock, I clenched my jaw and backed away in realisation at what was REALLY going on.
(Jimin's Room)
Jimin started texting Jungkook while continuing with their morning topic.
"Hyung... about last night... Jungkookie...."
"Uh-huh?" Jin looked up from his breakfast to see Jimin's other hand poking around his food with a fork.
"It seemed that he was serious about her." Jimin was concerned at how the youngest had never been in a relationship and a million consequences his clumsiness at this would bring.
Jin put down his cutlery and leaned back against the armchair, with a 'OK-Son-Now-Talk-To-Me' face, "And.... What problem do you think might come out of that?"
"I'm not sure hyung but I'm not sure if he's ready to handle the backlash of paparazzi and you know how hugely popular he is with the fangirls..."
Jin pouted for abit as he gave it some thought.
"Well... he doesn't have to go public anyway."
"AH Hyung!!! What are you talking, are you encouraging the golden maknae to be dating in secret?"
"Jimin-ah, don't say it as if you've never done it."
Jimin's eyes grew wide, "I DIDN'T!! AND YOU KNOW IT!"
Jin just rolled his eyes and nodded an 'as-if' back at the dramatic denial. "Yeah-yea. What I'm saying is, Jungkook's already 20 years old this year, he's an adult and it's his life now if he wants to date someone he likes. Shouldn't you be happy for him? I am!"
"Well.... I mean, if you put it that way, then I'm happy of course, he's such a cutie pie, it's hard not to love him I'm sure. So I guess we're on the same side as he is on this then... not sure about the others."
Jin pat Jimin on the shoulders, "We'll worry about that when that time comes. For now, let's just help him along in his growing years like how we always have. Give him a chance to grow up like how you did too."
You finally realised you were enclosed in the arms of Jungkook, his face a breath away after he pulled away from the gentle kiss of the morning. In complete tension, your folly of words came back to haunt you as flashes of what you THOUGHT was a dream, played out in fast forward.
"I'm sorry, I.... I..... " Jungkook saw the petrified look on your face as a growing red blush appeared all over your cheeks.
He smiled again, amused that you'd turn red so quickly before his eyes.
You decided you had to put some breathing space between the both of you as you bit your lips and slowly turned away, pulling the covers along with you, covering your shy face.
"Hey here here, where are you going now?" He cooed gently after you, letting you roll slowly to the end of the bed.
Before you could roll off, he got up and crouched over you, stopping you at the edge of the bed with his arm. In a swift swoop, he had you scooped up towards him, as he sat cross-legged on the middle of the bed. Your head lay on his lap, and all you could think of was how he could look so hot in the morning with a bed head of tousled hair, from the view of his nostrils.
He had to be an international playboy of some standard. As much as you felt attracted to him, heart pounding and cheeks burning, you weren't interested to be involved with someone who wouldn't think twice about you.
"I should go, Jungkook." You mumbled under the covers.
"You don't really have to, you can stay, until I'm back."
"No," you frowned at that thought. "I'm not a hotel night escort, Jungkook."
"TTT-That's not what I meant~!!" he was a little flustered.
"I don't know how often you do this but, this isn't quite appropriate for me." You had phrased your words carefully.
"It's not what you're imagining!" At once, he pulled you up from his lap, letting you sit upright to create a safe distance, as he too understood what you meant. He definitely pulled some wrong cards from being a little too close, too soon and it didn't work for him like how he'd imagine things to be - like in the many cute animes and drama's he'd seen.
He was clearly aware that you had misunderstood who he was as he went back into a pensive mode to think things through.
"I'm really not one of those girls who throw themselves at guys, or celebrities, so... I'm sorry too that I overstayed. I really should get going now." You threw off the covers and made your way to the edge of the bed, straightening your hair from the reflection of the window, adjusting your clothes and putting back the pieces of clothing, neatly laid out on the chair nearby. Your heart was pounding a million beats a minute, hoping you could make a quick escape safely.
He watched you silently, getting ready to leave, his mind a blank. He knew it would be the last time he would see you if he let things be. Schedules were going to be crazy from the time he stepped out of the room for the next 2 days until he flew back.
He needed to set things straight, if he wanted to continue things with you.
It was now or never.
"I.... " he took in a sharp breath.
"Noona." he called out, for the first time, hoping to get your attention.
"I..... I gave you my f-f-first kiss."
You looked up in the reflection of the window, only to see him knelt on the covers, gripping the edges of the pillow nervously, his large round eyes in earnest and slight nervousness.
Turning around, you cocked your head to the side, examining him at a distance.
"Really?" You asked, feeling suspicious.
"I...... yeah....."
He continued, after a brief lip bite in shyness. "I've never felt this way before, and I don't know why I did it but I... I.... I'm really not the kind of player you imagine me to be."
You watched him lower his gaze, obviously awkward from the confession he made.
First Kiss? Wow, if this kid was for real, then this really meant something to him.
"You didn't answer my question though." You sent out an equally meek response.
"What question?" He looked up at you with full attention.
If this was a game, you'd think the ball was already in your court.
Walking over to him, you sat by the side of the bed closest to him.
"I asked if you liked me."
Jungkook gapped, his mouth slightly apart.
"I thought I already did." he said.
The tension in the room was overwhelming and the nervousness of the moment was really building up. You could feel the air between both of you come to a standstill. It was a good long 5 seconds of frozen silence to which none of you moved or looked away from each other.
"But I can do it again."
At once, he reached forward, letting his hand fall to the side of where you were sitting, and crouched on all fours. With a woosh, his nose briefly touched yours and he stopped at right before your lips touched.
You shut your eyes and pressed your lips together instinctively.
"Isn't this answer clear enough?" He whispered softly, a little smug, and held his stance until you opened your eyes again.
All Chpts: #My20YearOldIdolHusband
#My20YearOldIdolHusband#BTS#BTS fanfics#BTS fanfiction#Jungkook#Jeon Jungkook#Jungkook Trash#Jungkook fanfics#jungkook fanfiction#Bangtan#ARMY#BTS Jimin#Jimin#Park Jimin#Kpop fanfiction#BTS scenarios#Bts imagines
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My 20 Year Old Husband - BTS Fanfic [Day 4 - Save Me]

20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 /
All Chpts: #My20YearOldIdolHusband
“No! Stop! Don’t!” your desperate voice rang in Jungkook’s ears as he sprang to his feet and ran to you.
He knelt by the bedside where you lay after fainting, shocked and helpless as your eyes were tightly squeezed shut in a nightmare.
It seemed a little inappropriate to comfort you with a touch yet he just couldn’t keep still.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, everything is fine.” He spoke softly, gently stroking the top of your head hoping it would somehow calm you down.
Your body registered that voice as it slowly let the confusion of reality and dream fade off. Blinking your eyes a little, you see Jungkook staring at your face with a strained and awkward look.
He saw your confusion as you took in the unfamiliar surroundings and quickly reminded you of things.
“You blacked out in the cold last night and I didn’t know where you lived so I took you back to my hotel room. It’s erm..” Jungkook turned to the clock at the bedside, “… 4am now, which means you were asleep for a little over 5 hours.” He smiled, glad that your expression relaxed a little.
“I better go, I shouldn’t be seen here.” You started to sit up but your head just didn’t let you as you shut your eyes tight and held the side of your head to let the sharp pain contain itself.
Jungkook’s shocked and worried face returned, “No no, it’s too cold and late now, I can’t let you go out when you’re going to faint again.”
You sighed, looking up at him.
He hadn’t changed out of the clothes he came back in and he looked sleepy.
“Don’t you have a concert and full schedule today?” You asked, as you slowly sat up against the bed frame to look at what the room was like.
He stood up hesitantly and scratched the back of his head in thought.
“Hmm yeah, but we only have to be at the rehearsal venue at noon so I told the hyungs I’ll be sleeping in for the morning. You don’t have to worry, I told Jimin hyung and he knows you’re here. No one’s gonna barge in here in case you’re thinking of that.”
“Oh.” That was all you responded.
What! He told his members there’s a girl sleeping in his bed? And they didn’t bat an eyelid? Gosh, does he do this often or what?
“Erm, yeah I’m just gonna take a quick shower alright? You make yourself at home… And just shout if you don’t feel good. I’ll be fast.” Jungkook grabbed a change of clothes from the hanger nearby and walked hurriedly to the bathroom.
It was a small minimalist-styled suite that only had a large white bed, a small wooden desk, some subtle decorative plants and a flat screen TV, followed by a glass-walled bathroom.
WHAT!?! Your eyes looked right into the shower and the entire bathroom was fit for an exhibitionist. The glass wasn’t even frosted or mildly patterned in any way to preserve the user’s dignity. Instead the view from the bed seemed to be specially positioned to have a picturesque sight of whatever was happening in there.
You gulped.
“Wait wait Jungkook WAIT!!! The… the.. the…. ” You held out your hands to motion for Jungkook to stop, pointing at the glass but unable to form a coherent sentence.
His face was a little flushed as he looked around the ground.
“Ahh..heh…. Yeah…. That’s why I didn’t bathe just now, I didn’t want you to be, you know, rudely awakened by that kind of sight. ” He laughed sheepishly.
“You’re gonna bathe in that thing when I’m sitting here?!” You couldn’t believe what this kid was thinking.
“But Chae-rin….. I really need to, I… I…. HAVEN’T SHOWERED IN 12 HOURS!” He burst out like a kid that was about to cry from bath withdrawal symptoms.
He looked so desperate that you had to stifle a laugh.
He continued, “I’m sorry… I’ll be really quick and erm, Ah! I KNOW!!” he exclaimed with a bright face and wide smile.
“I can bathe in the dark, would that be better?” he reached out to the switch and flicked the lights off, sending the whole room into pitch darkness except for the night lights outside the windows.
“No! Don’t!” You laughed out at his absurd suggestions. “The last thing you need is to fall and die in there butt naked, Jungkook.”
He flicked the lights back on, holding onto his clothes, making a pout with his mouth.
“It’s ok, I’ll just close my eyes and take a rest. I might even fall asleep.” You wriggled back under the covers, turning the other way and closing your eyes, pulling the heavy comforter further over your head to face the windows. “Take your time, I promise I won’t look.”
Jungkook bit his lower lip a little unsure but decided his bath was more important than anything, and went into the shower, closing the (also glass) door.
He ran the hot shower and the glass began to fog up pretty quickly. A little more relieved, he finally took his bath. He’d finally calmed down from seeing that you were awake but at the same time, nervous and a little shy to be alone with you in the confines of the room - not by choice.
Your heart raced from hearing just the sounds of the water, knowing it was just a piece of glass separating you from him. Never in your wildest imagination would you think you’d be here, sleeping in a bed that belonged to a hot boyband singer, and having him taking a shower in your full view - only that you promised not to look. Having all these thoughts run your mind wild made your eyes flutter open to bring yourself back to reality.
Little did you know the window was reflecting the bath from behind and you saw his faint silhouette as he flicked his wet hair back, turning off the shower. The glass was fogged and smartly designed that you could see some but not all, of him. It wasn’t racy or overly erotic, it was just …. strangely artistic and you noticed he was really of a good built. Lanky and tall, muscular but not bulky. You couldn’t see clearly since it was heavily fogged and it was just his upper body in your view from the reflection because of the way your own reflection covered it.
You watched him tie a towel around his waist as he blew his hair with the dryer. Even though it was still fogged, there was a clear defined line to his arms and biceps as he flexed them. You caught yourself already unable to take your eyes off the live fog show and shuddered, shutting them again, squirming deeper into the comforter, telling yourself how you really shouldn’t be attracted to him.
“Nothing good’s gonna come out from this, Chae-rin. You’re out of your mind. Stop it! Stop it….” You continued to mutter to yourself that you didn’t hear him stop the dryer.
Jungkook had gotten dressed after some time and came around the bed, crouching down, trying to look for your face in the scrunched up covers before you suffocated inside. He gently pulled at where he thought you might be, only to see you had fallen asleep.
He smiled looking at how comfortable you looked, glad that you were fine now. You’d never know the panic he’d gone through just to get you both safely back in the hotel as he sank down into the carpet, leaning against the windows, recalling the earlier event and how you felt, in his arms …
[Jungkook’s POV]
Her eyes were twinkling under the moonlight and I would be lying to say my heart didn’t flutter. Hearing her, and just looking at her makes me want to do a little something more for her. I can’t even put my finger to it why this is happening. I’ve always kept my distance with people other than the hyungs and girls especially… but this girl seriously, why do I just keep wanting to see her again?
Wait, why is she closing her eyes? Omg! She’s fainting!
“Chae-rin! What’s wrong, Chae-rin! OMG. OMG. OMG.”
I sat down and lay her head in my arms, pulling my jacket out and covering her with it quickly.
“Are you in pain? Can you hear me? Chae-rin don’t scare me!”
I don’t even know the way back and where on earth we are, this isn’t happening… Jeon Jungkook, THINK! C'mon!
Jimin hyung, yes, I’m gonna call hyung for help.
(Dials for Jimin while Chae-rin lay rested on his chest)
JM: What’s the matter? Aren’t you in your room?
JK: No, sorry I went out to the city and I’m with Chae-rin but..
JM: OHMYGAWD Jeong Jungkook, I told you!!! Wait - but, what?
JK: But… she fainted suddenly and I don’t know where we are, what do I do Hyung?
JM: …………….
JM: You’ll be the death of me you brat. Turn on your GPS now and send me your location.
JK: Arraseo, just come quickly okay?
JM: (Sighs). You should really listen next time.
As much as I wanted to see her and just come out for abit, I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of her health and safety. Why on earth is she so cold? Is this not working?
I’ve got to get her indoors and warmed up fast. Pulling her on my back should do it.
(15 minutes later)

Jimin-hyung was fully wrapped up, holding onto his phone to locate me, and there I was, sitting at a small verandah with Chae-rin resting in my arms. All I could see was Jimin’s shocked eyes from behind his mask.
“YAHHHH Are you so out of your mind? You’re sitting here in the middle of the night with a girl totally collapsed on you and you didn’t even cover your freaking face? Jungkook? You’re impossible. I’ll deal with you later. Get up now, we need to get her back home.”
“But hyung, we don’t know where she stays.” I told him and felt like the biggest fool on earth.
“Then we’ve got to bring her back to our place. Anyplace but here.” Jimin hyung made sure she was covered and put her gently on my back, as we headed back in a cab to the hotel.
He didn’t say a thing all way back, with Chae-rin resting on my shoulder again, but this time I had a proper hold on her. She felt a little warmer now and I could feel her breathing get deeper.
There were STILL fans at the hotel lobby at midnight – there was no way we could get into our rooms with her on my back without being stopped.
Jimin hyung finally looked at me without dagger eyes, seeing that my nose and ears were frozen from taking off every warm article of clothing and putting it on her.
He took off his scarf and chucked in on my head, “Cover up. we’re here.”
It was the same underground exit as before and thankfully it was quiet except for a couple of strangers I prayed with all my heart, were locals who didn’t know us.
“You’re gonna go straight up to the service lift and to your room, you hear me? DON’T STOP and don’t even look any single person in the eye.” Jimin said sternly as he prepared to get out of the cab.
I could only nod, knowing the seriousness of things if it got out of hand wrongly.
Jimin-hyung led the way, with his head down and I followed close behind with a large padded jacket on my back. It was a good thing Chae-rin wasn’t falling off me when I walked at such a rapidly quick pace.
Jimin stopped short just a couple of doors before the room.
“What, hyung!” I shrieked in surprise unable to stop suddenly without Chae-rin nearly jerking out of my grip.
“SHH. Staff.” He whispered, and I kept my mouth shut, adjusting her on my back, checking if she was awake yet.
Jimin saw that I was getting worried and decided he had to do something, so he walked up to the staff and greeted them, telling them to head off in the opposite direction to check out something, before quickly motioning me that the coast was clear.
Finally, we made it into the room and latched the door behind us.
Jimin-hyung practically fussed over her like a nanny, cursing me out of the way for being such a noob at taking care of a girl. I wondered how he was so experienced, knowing how to remove bracelets and all these female accessories but I decided not to probe anyway. I just did whatever he told me to - getting the heat packs, piling the blankets, turning on the humidifier as he sat beside her on the bed.
After about an hour of warming her up with heat packs and seeing colour return to her cheeks, he finally turned to give me a piece of his mind.
“Jungkook. She was too cold. What on earth were you doing just now?”
I stared at him helplessly trying to recall.
“Ah! That… ” I recalled her pilling her scarf and beanie on me while she only had her jacket while we were playing in the snow and having the breeze blow against us under the city lights. “We were playing in the snow…. and it was probably too windy… I thought she was a little pale..”
Jimin looked at what I was wearing since we came back. “Did you go out dressed just like this?”
I nodded, feeling so ashamedly guilty.
“You better make sure you stay awake all night and watch her until she wakes up, and send her home.” He wagged his finger at me and the clothes that piled up at the side of the bed. “And make sure she’s warm and you wear your OWN clothes, and cover that face of yours.”
“Sorry hyung, and thanks for keeping this between us…” I muttered just loud enough.
“I’ll take care of the others. Just get your act together by noon so we make it to the rehearsal. It’s the concert, so don’t play a fool on that. You know we worked hard for this.” He patted me on the back. I couldn’t feel happier to have Jimin hyung keep me in check. I’d definitely do better tomorrow.
I walked him to the door to make sure I latch it, JUST IN CASE.
“Don’t do anything stupid Jeon Jungkook.” He warned the last time as he walked off to his own room 2 doors down.
Looking at Chae-rin, asleep again, Jungkook smiled.
“Why’re you always asleep when you’re with me? It’s making me sleepy just looking at you..” he yawned.
He stood up and walked over to the other end of the big bed, put some pillows behind you, and climbed onto it, falling right asleep under the same covers.
How’s the story so far? I can’t wait to get to the next part where things really happen HAHA
Please let me know you’re reading and
Happy 2017 all of you and my new followers~ I want to message every single one of you but Tumblr has a limit on my messagers! Gosh..
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I LOVE My 20 Year Old Idol Husband!! I’ve binge read it... and I utterly adore it!! Very good writing! Just wanted to drop by and say thank you!! 💜
Hello! Thank you for this and to everyone who’s been waiting.
I’m done with the next chpt and will be publishing it tomorrow! Please give it lots of love, thank you and sorry for the long wait!
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 16 - Clingy
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15 / Day 16 /

It was evening and the sun had set, the weather taking a turn for the cooler.
Jin and Hoseok had returned first, as they took turns to keep you company. It made you feel bad that they weren't able to live life as usual with you around.
Jin had started preparing dinner even though visibly tired from a long day and refused your help. So you decide to take a breather outside, gently rejecting J-hope's offer to follow you, hoping he would then get some time of his own.

Things were already getting worrisome on the second day and you wondered how you were going to get through this at all. As you sat down on a stone bench at the nearby park, your thoughts drifted and you shut your eyes, trying to make sense of it all.
"Chae-rin?" You heard a husky low voice come from behind you.
You couldn't tell who he was since he had a mask and a bucket hat but from the white skin on his neck and slur in his speech, you guessed it had to be Yoongi.

"What are you doing out here?" He tugged on the bottom of his mask, revealing curious eyes and a slight stubble.
"Oh... I just wanted to take a breather, you know... look around the neighbourhood and stuff?" Your expression couldn't fool his small but sharp eyes.
"In this chilly weather?" Immediately, he shrugged off his thick oversized black trench coat and swung it over your body. "You do know that it's getting dark and the temperature is dipping, don't you?"
He was sounding slightly annoyed as usual, stuffing his hands into his tight jeans pockets and took a seat beside you.
"Did something happen earlier today?"
"No- no, it's all... good!" You laughed hurriedly, perhaps a little too much that made him squint at you suspiciously.
"It's Taehyung isn't it? What did that crazy boy say?"
You denied it quickly, gesturing with your rapidly waving hands. "Not at all, he's a sweetheart! Don't say that!"
Yoongi laughed, easing you up a little as well and he took a seat beside you.
"You know, we've always talked about stuff like these whenever we gathered around to eat... like who would likely get married first, who would have children and what we would do when their child was born... what kind of wife we'd have, and all that of the distant future. I think about these things a lot nowadays, ever since ...." his eyes darted over to your abdomen, "... you know... and now that it's happening, it's caught me unprepared and I can't imagine how much more it would be for you."
You smiled, "Jungkook was right. You are really sharp about things."
Yoongi couldn't hide his pleasure at being right about himself as he dipped his head low with a silent smile that didn't last too long. He shook his wrist a little and checked the time on his watch before standing up.
"Come, I'll take you somewhere."
You were too surprised at his sudden suggestion to respond. Looking down at you, he continued, "don't worry, we'll come back before dinner."
You could only laugh as you stood to follow behind him.
"As if that's my worry."
"Hyung," Jungkook called out as he opened the door to a studio, "we should get going, no?"
Namjoon tapped on a button to silence the music he was working on and spun around on his leather swivel chair.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you - come again?"
The youngest strolled in, letting the door shut behind him softly.
"Hyung, we've to go home soon - Jin-hyung said he would make dinner tonight."
As he stuffed his hands into his pockers, the leader could see it wasn't just the dinner that was making the youngest anxious to head home.
"Oh, I forgot about that, give me awhile more while I wrap up. Where's Yoongi-hyung? Is he done too?"
Jungkook sat down on the arm of the small sofa behind him, "the lights in his studio were already off, and he couldn't have locked himself out again, so I guess so?" feeling impatient but not wanting to rush the leader from his work, he took out his phone, hoping to know you were doing ok - but nope, not a single message was waiting for him.
"Do you want to head home first?" Namjoon asked, as he turned back to continue on his work, mentally making note that he should be more patient and sensitive to Jungkook while he was obviously distracted by the new addition to his life.
"No, it's alright - you need to eat too anyway." Jungkook mumbled, somewhat half-heartedly.
After a few minutes of waiting, Jungkook decided if he was going to sit around waiting, he might as well do something more productive, like ... editing a new film he prepared for you that he hadn't made much progress with.
"Hyung, I'll be in my studio, let me know when you're good to go - but don't take too long ya? We don't want to be nagged at when we get back."
In a flash, he was back in his chair, completely focused and serious.
It didn't take Yoongi too long before he arrived at the basement of their studio, with you in tow.
"You know, Chae-rin," he started with his grandfather story-telling tone. "Our Jungkookie used to be such a shy kid. He couldn't even look at female idols in the eye when we had to do interviews together. I don't know what changed him, really."
He shook his head with a smile, reminiscing the younger days.
"Was he a handful for you?" you asked.
He leaned back on the driver's seat pondering for a few moments. "At times. But mostly he was a good kid. He's grown up too fast that I sometimes forget he's just twenty going on twenty-one. He's gotten alot more mature for his age after roughing it out with us."
You nod, wondering what he meant. "It must have been difficult, over the last few years for all of you. I hope it's getting better now?"
"He hasn't been interested in much things out of work and he's only mingled with boys so far... Unlike, well... some of us. I mean, as you know, some of us have sisters."
You gave him the 'Oh for REAL?' face.
He cleared his throat in a hurry, "so what I'm saying is... you probably need to bear with him while he learns that getting along with us isn't going to be the same as being in a relationship with the opposite gender... he's got all these strange concepts of what love is from all the movies and anime crap so just, be patient with him whenever things get tough and guide him along and it should be fine." After giving his warm advice, Yoongi got all awkward, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Anyways," he quickly continued, "do you want to see what Jungkook is like when he's working?"
You looked around, seeing that the small car park was still full at this hour.
"Of course, but isn't it ... kind of ..." your voice trailed off slowly.
"Risky?" Yoongi finished off your sentence, with an amused chuckle. "You're a reporter and you've covered us while we were on tour, we're all acquainted if you think of it logically and there's no reason why you can't come visit us if I take you in."
He did have a point, it was your own guilty conscience that was messing with your better judgement.
"Gee, that's right. I never thought of it that way. And so I'm putting up at your place too cos we're all friends right?"
Yoongi opened his door midway and stopped in all seriousness for a moment, "Well, for that part....... maybe...... not......"
You laughed and stepped out, your confidence returning, "Just kidding."
"In case you were wondering, we don't usually bring people to our studios - at least not me. Unless we're working on a collaboration but even then, these are our personal work spaces, so if anyone asks, just let me do the talking and pretend you don't really speak Korean."
As you arrived at the door, you noticed Jungkook and Namjoon's shoes at the entrance, alongside a few other pairs. You were going to bend over to unlace your shoes but Yoongi hastily stopped you, with an annoyed tongue-clicking noise, going on a half-squat and kneel with his hands blocking yours.
"Oppa!" you harshly whispered, fearing this was looking too hard to explain for anyone who would pass by, "That's going too far! It's embarrassing!"
He shook your shoes off your heel as you put a hand on his shoulder to keep from falling, easing your feet out as quick as you could.
As he stood up with a satisfied smirk, you could only look up to him, a little shorter than you were before. Looking at his somewhat hostile face, you saw that he was as much a sweetheart as Taehyung, Jimin, Jin and Hoseok.
"Sheesh, you should smile more and stop acting all cold and stuff."
"You're welcome." He said, as he kicked off his sneakers and led you through the door, secretly pleased with himself.
Navigating through a few more doors, you saw other smaller rooms with people in them, either in serious discussions, or staring at moving visuals, probably editing the many footages of BTS for the future use. He led you to reach the end of the row where you were greeted by a familiar sight of Jungkook's studio door, one that frequently appeared in his photos sent to you over the last year.
Yoongi turned to you, motioning with a finger to his lips. Carefully he pressed down the door handle, revealing the back of Jungkook, oblivious to the forced entry of you both. He had his headphones on and a mic in front of him, as he repeatedly tapped on the keyboard wih rapid mouse clicks.
Motioning you again to stand in the small vacant space by the door, Yoongi slowly shut the door and crossed his arms while you both spied on Jungkook in silence.
He was playing back an audio clip he had recorded while overlaying vocals and editing them simultaneously on the computer. You could see that he was getting frustrated that something wasn't going well. You continued to look around, and something else on the wall caught your eye. It was a board of the upcoming schedules they had, filled to the brim and packed with information. Although Korean wasn't your mother tongue, you did know enough to understand the items on his schedule.
Just then, Yoongi nudged you gently and you look to him, and he motioned with his chin to Jungkook's screen. Swiftly you turned and saw your face fill his screen. It was one of the video calls he made to you which he recorded.
"Omg! I look so fat!" You whispered in annoyance but still too inaudible for the extremely focused Jungkook.
As he replayed the part over and over again, he let out a pleased chuckle, mumbling out loud to himself. "Gosh this girl... so cute it's driving me crazy."
At this, Yoongi could hold his silence no longer as he quickly covered his mouth with his hand to muffle the bursting laugh that was threatening to erupt out of embarrasment.
Right at that point, Jungkook decided it was enough for the day and he was missing you too much to continue watching videos of you. He needed to see you, be with you, and just hold you in his arms already. Abruptly, he stood up, tugging the earphones off.
Startled, Yoongi quickly turned back grabbing the door handle and squished his small frame out of the gap, leaving you alone to surprise Jungkook.
You stood frozen, waiting, as Jungkook stretched his arms above his head, spinning around simultaneously with a dreamy look in his eyes.
For a good 3 seconds, you both locked eyes with each other, speechless until you burst out laughing as his shocked expression appeared once again.
"Am I dreaming?" he rubbed his eyes and blinked them a few times before walking over to where you were.
"Maybe? It depends whether or not it's a nightmare or a daydream." You answered cheekily.
He reached out to pat your head. "OH! It's not!" With that he broke into a pleased wide smile, bending down to meet you at eye level.
You pinched his cheeks quickly, letting him wince in pain. "Just to make sure it's not!" You laughed.
"What are you doing here? or, how did you come in?" His pleasure showing all over his body language as he inched closer to you.
"Yoongi oppa wanted me to check that you were working hard for the milk."
He let out a snort. "Please, I work more than he sleeps in that golden armchair of his."
You peered over his shoulders, "what were you working on? I saw myself in it."
"Aishhh.... you weren't supposed to know!!!" He messed his hair in anguish, mentally kicking himself for not being more careful. "I never thought you'd find your way here." He pouted cutely into nowhere, but still visibly disappointed.
"It's okay, I still don't. And you know, preggers hormones make me forgetful, I might not even remember coming today at all." You shrugged it off, cocking your head to the side, to see if he would feel better.
He smiled again at you, lunging forward to close you into a light embrace, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "I missed you" he whispered.
As you arms found their way around his torso, you smiled and whispered back into his ear, "you're gonna get to sick of seeing me everyday, silly."
He pulled away gently, looking into your eyes. "Aren't you going to tell me you missed me too?"
"But Jungkook, I just saw you this morning!" You laughed, and he pouted again at you.
"So is this how we are? A one-sided clingy relationship?"
You released yourself from his hold and walked over to where the calendar was, examining it closer before pointing at a date that was a week away.
"Here," you said, letting your finger run past a good period of 5 to 6 days across the piece of paper.
He squinted and strolled to your side, "uh, yes there's an overseas schedule somewhere there but it hasn't been fixed on when we leave."
You turned to him, "so - do I get to come along?"
"Yea sure -- wait, WHAT?"
He surely didn't see this coming.
So, our boys are really global now YAY army fan power~!!
I will be writing it with this context in mind and you can just imagine that while you're watching JK's abs everyday ... hahaha (if it doesn't kill u)
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