#riku x shogo
simpforchuchu · 8 months
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Prompts: DAY 11 - last words @febuwhump Characters: Riku x Shogo Fandom: The Rampage
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of guns
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After running for a long time, the young man realized late that he had entered a dead end. When he saw nothing but a wall in front of him, he sighed and smiled.
“Do you know what this means?”
When the footsteps stopped right behind him, he smiled at the question directed to him and slowly turned around. He wasn't surprised when he saw the short man with curly hair, he knew it was him who was coming after him.
He looked at the gun pointed at him and nodded his head.
“Do I have to say my last words?”
Shogo knew that the man in front of him wasn't taking him seriously. This chase, which lasted for years, had to end with the death of one of them.
Shogo smiled and pulled the trigger.
“Okay Aoyama , any last words?”
Riku kept his smile. He closed his eyes and shouted
“I will be waiting for you Iwaya”
He waited for the agent behind him to fire his gun. But the gunshot was never heard. Instead, Riku collapsed to the ground with the pain he felt in his head.
Shogo wanted him alive. He wasn't going to let him get away that easily...
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kaoriartss-blog · 1 year
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rainisawriter · 11 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Masterlist
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🌸 Introduction
Before we begin, I’d like to set the record straight in saying that I do not speak or read Japanese. I bought these books because I’m very interested in the Battle of Tokyo and want to learn more about this amazing world, its story, and its characters.
I went through each book, copying the Japanese onto my computer before translating the text with DeepL. I can’t promise this will be entirely accurate, but I’m trying my hardest to work it in a way where it’s written properly in English.
This list will be updated as I get more stuff posted c:
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🌸 The Characters
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Team Info
Zero ≠ Shirahama Alan
SherRock ≠ Katayose Ryota
Smash ≠ Kazuhara Ryuto
Chatter ≠ Komori Hayato
Masato ≠ Sano Reo
Parte ≠ Sekiguchi Mandy
Rosso ≠ Nakatsuka Yuta
Profile Scans
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Team Info
Hades ≠ Likiya
Goemon ≠ Zin
Bailey ≠ Riku
Mi-ya ≠ Kamiya Kenta
Gusk ≠ Yonamine Rui
Marduk ≠ Yamamoto “Yamasho” Shogo
Lupus ≠ Kawamura Kazuma
Lucas ≠ Yoshino Hokuto
Travis ≠ Iwaya Shogo
Sarutobi ≠ Urakawa Shohei
Kisaragi ≠ Fujiwara Itsuki
Marine ≠ Takechi Kaisei
Q-b ≠ Hasegawa Makoto
Joe ≠ Ryu
A-Not ≠ Suzuki Takahide
Judy ≠ Goto Takuma
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Team Info
Teku ≠ Sekai
Itaru ≠ Sato Taiki
Hajime ≠ Sawamoto Natsuki
Kagura ≠ Seguchi Leiya
Dill ≠ Hori Natsuki
Kane ≠ Kimura Keito
Karasu ≠ Yagi Yusei
Aria ≠ Nakajima Sota
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Team Info
Skeet ≠ Sunada Masahiro
Flory ≠ Kainuma Ryusei
Future ≠ Fukahori Miku
Claude ≠ Hidaka Ryuta
Yuki ≠ Kano Yoshiyuki
Libra ≠ Okuda Rikiya
X ≠ Matsui Riki
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🌸 The Chapters
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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Chapter0 🌸 Chapter1 🌸 Chapter2 🌸 Chapter3 🌸 Chapter4 🌸 Chapter5 🌸 ChapterEx.
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🌸 Other Information
World Map & Information
Mechanical Design
Staff Interviews
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So My name is Aimee, and I bounce around stories. My bestie @stardragongalaxy gave me sound advice to create a master list for all my stories. >-<
Mostly I write about Monsta X, Ateez, The Rampage. And random one shots. My new hobby is writing stories based off of High & Low characters. I will not write about extremely bad shit, but angst is my boo and go too. I like the fluff n stuff, but I am not good at writing a straight fluff story. . My mind becomes clouded with things like "there isn't action. Who did they fight to get to where they needed? Why hasn't my character throat punched anyone yet. . ." ALL VALID QUESTIONS.
If you've made it this far through my rambling, welcome to my disastrous blog. I am an 89 liner, INFJ. And love to write.
Master List:
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High & Low
Nightshade: |Amamiya Bros| 1 2 3 4
Suzuran Boys High School: TBW {To be written}
Oya High: TBW
White Rascals: TBW
Rude Boys: TBW
Daruma: TBW
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Sannoh Hoodlum Squad: TBW
Mighty Warriors:
Bernie: (In the process)
Monsta X:
Stuck: {Wonho}
Shownu: TBW
Jooheon: TBW
Minhyuk: TBW
Kihyun: TBW
Hyungwon: TBW
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The Rampage From Exile Tribe:
Likiya: For Better or For Worse.
Rui: {Yall know i can't have RMPG stories and Not bring him in ♡~♡}
Kazuma: {Him too}
Kaisei: 1
Requests: {Always Open}
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Jongho & Hwa: Fallen {1}
Mingi: TBW
Yunho: TBW
Wooyoung: TBW
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yemme · 2 years
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kiwislandsworld · 4 years
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Icebox x The Rampage CM screenshots
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yukikinomiya · 5 years
Battle of Tokyo - Teams
Generations / Mad Jesters:
Alan - Zero
Ryota - SherRock
Ryuto - Smash
Hayato - Chatter
Reo - Masato
Mandy - Parte
Yuta - Rosso
The Rampage / Rowdy Shogun:
Likiya - Hades
Riku - Bailey
Rui - Gusk
Kazuma - Lupus
Shogo - Travis
Itsuki - Kisaragi
Makoto - q-b
Takahide - A-Not
Zin - Goemon
Kenta - MI-YA
Yamasho - Marduk
Hokuto - Lucas
Shohei - Sarutobi
Kaisei - Marine
Ryu - Joe
Takuma - Judy
Fantastics / Astro9:
Sekai - Teku
Natsuki - Hajime
Natsu - Dill
Yusei - Karasu
Taiki - Itaru
Leiya - Kagura
Keito - Kane
Sota - Aria
Ballistik Boyz / Jiggy Boyz:
Ryuta - Claude
Ryusei - Flory
Rikiya - Libra
Masahiro - Skeet
Yoshiyuki - Yuki
Miku - Future
Riki - X
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simpforchuchu · 7 months
FEBUWHUMP 2024 PROMPTS: @febuwhump
DAY 1: helpless ( Back to you part2 - Tsuji x Todoroki x Shiba)
DAY 2: solitary confinement ( Stay by my side - Chuuya x reader )
DAY 3: “bite down on this” ( Don't let me go - Ryu x Takahide )
DAY 4: “i love you”  ( Sometimes caring is tiring - Fujio x reader )
DAY 5: rope burns ( It wasn't your fault - Todoroki x reader )
DAY 6: “you lied to me” ( The one - Yasushi x reader )
DAY 7: suffering in silence ( Written in the scars part2 - Tsukasa x reader )
DAY 8: “why won’t it stop?”  ( Last goodbye - Ash x reader x Eiji)
DAY 9: Cpr ( She's gone. - Noe x reader)
DAY 10: killing in self defence (I killed him! - Ran Haitian x reader )
DAY 11: last words (Chase - Riku x Shogo )
DAY 12: semi-conscious ( Stay Awake - Magoroku x reader )
DAY 13: “you weren’t supposed to get hurt” (Back to you part3 - Tsuji x Todoroki x Shiba )
DAY 14: blood-stained tiles: ( Sweater - Tsuji x reader )
DAY 15: “who did this to you?”  (I’ll make them pay - Murayama x reader )
DAY 16: immortality ( Wanna die as a human - Mikey x reader )
DAY 17: hostage situation ( Drop the gun! - Kunikida x reader )
DAY 18: too weak to move: ( Back to you part4 - Tsuji x Todoroki x Shibaman )
DAY 19: “please don’t”: (Don't - Shoji Sameoka x reader )
DAY 20: last man standing : ( Last one - Draken x reader )
DAY 21: unresponsive : (Dearest - Sachio x reader )
DAY 22: “you weren’t meant to be there” ( Trap - Binzo x reader )
DAY 23: presumed dead  ( Not dead anymore - Dazai x reader )
DAY 24: “i’m doing this because i care about you”  (Broken - Nakagoshi x reader
DAY 25: killing game (Death Game - Chuuya x reader )
DAY 26: “help them” (Love will remember part2 - Todoroki x reader )
DAY 27: left for dead (Hyuga x reader x SWORD - Part 3 )
DAY 28: “no… not like this” (There's no other way - Rindou x reader)
DAY 29: not allowed to die (Regret - Kakucho x reader )
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simpforchuchu · 11 months
The Rampage
For my Rampage posts you can search on my blog “The Rampage” tag
For the Rampage incorrect quotes you can search on my blog “The Rampage incorrect quotes” tag
For the Guide for The Rampage : here
For the fics :
RyuTaka :Lucky to have you Don't let me go Shogo x Riku : Chase
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