#rik ramble
rikkosus · 1 month
I wanna make a sona so bad but none of the things I think of represent me enough.
I could make multiple but if I have any more than two they don’t feel genuine to me anymore.
I don’t even know why animal id choose, and shapeshifters haven’t worked for me before.
Trying to contain my abstract sense of self and identity into one or two designs isn’t as easy as I would like it to be.
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 3 months
Today (19th June) marks 10 years since Rik's funeral and 40 years since the last episode of The Young Ones aired on BBC2. A fitting coincidence.
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lightandfellowship · 2 months
After the Dark Repliku fight in KH3 (Re:Mind specifically if I recall right), Riku tells Demyx to be careful with the blank replica body he's transporting to Ienzo because it has important memories inside of it. Presumably he means Repliku's.
This blank replica body then goes on to become Namine's, just like Repliku wanted.
Here's a thought: what if Riku was absolutely right? What if Namine now has Repliku's memories inside of her?
What will she do with those memories? Just let them sit in her heart, so that Repliku can figuratively live on inside the memories that they now share? Or would she ask Ansem the Wise and the other scientists to try and revive Repliku through those memories? As someone who knows all too well how powerful memories can be, as someone who used to wield the power of memories herself.
Hearts, after all, are made of memories. Plus, Dark Repliku's battle data persists in the Radiant Garden computer via the Limit Cut DLC and presumably could assist in reconstructing his heart. Is it at all possible?
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twelfth-dykector · 7 months
rik my blorbo my most lovely specialist boy i hate him i am beating him with a stick while i tell him how much i adore him i am SQUEEZING HIM until his brain leaks out his ears while i pat his head gently with rocks
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robo-drake09 · 10 months
Okay so: HC / theory time about Rik
In the recent update of the CCTV cams, there's a sort of female voice responding to Dynamike's call? What if it was Rik? Or rather, E-RIK-a?
Yes I'm aware that this could easily be some other security office with another worker but hear me out y'all I'm cooking 🔥🔥
Alternatively, transmasc Rik? He hasn't gotten testosterone yet cause the pay STINKS at this park.
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karinarro · 11 months
"You were born a blessed child, brother." Still gives me the Chills like goddamn. When I read that I had to pause a few minutes! Going with the interpretation that Yuusaku is a manifestation borne from Ogata's guilt, I wonder: Does he actually believe that sentiment deep down in his heart? Does he truly believe that he was born blessed, despite his actions has led us to believe otherwise?
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slimylayne · 2 years
I’ve never heard riks voice so gentle as the end of drop dead fred it makes me cry
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u-friend-or-ufo · 1 year
Sindy had a movie called Sindy The Fairy Princess and it's... marvellous...
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kkattana · 1 year
There’s something about walking around in your underwear in the aftermath of a party eating leftover pizza, drinking leftover orange juice, and sitting under a blanket reading comics as if it weren’t your house and isn’t your responsibility to clean up
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isitbop · 9 months
Just wanna ramble a bit about a few headcanons I have about some of Brawl Stars. I'll probably make more parts when I feel like it so this doesn't get long.
- The only other person Mortis hates more than Dynamike is Colt. He and Colt have been rivals since day.
- After Spike had released the poison gas in 1995, Starr Park had erased most of the brawlers' memories of what had happened and replaced them with new, fake ones. So far, the only brawlers whose memories haven't been completely wiped are Spike, Sam, and Belle.
- When I say the park is huge, the park is HUGE. It's as big as a big city which is why it's able to have all these different areas among it (especially Super City, which has got to be their BIGGEST environment due to it being an entire city.)
- Rik is R-T's more humane side, not necessarily the entire robot. (This one is basically purely headcanon since the chances of Rik being any part of R-T are unfortunately slim :( )
- Chuck is still mad at Pearl to this day for burning his baton.
- Chuck and Sam are best friends! I don't know why I just thought they'd be a good duo.
- The Turbo Theater Trio and Ghost Station Trio are great partners because Chuck is grateful to the three for taking care of Gus during his mysterious disappearance and comes by often. (Buster is extremely scared of him though.)
- Shelly used to be one of the most infamous outlaws in all of the Wastelands. However, she was eventually arrested by Colt. A few days later, she was bailed out by a mysterious person... This mysterious person was none other, but Starr Park's Owner (Name Unknown). They had promised Shelly freedom if she practiced in Brawl Stars.
- Rico and Brock have a strong bond. Brock stumbled into the fight just like Colt and Rico (who then used to go be Ricohet) saved him. Brock insisted on joining him. He thought this was just like an actual video game, and he LOVED it. (Also, Brock is such an underrated character. Give him love.)
- Ricochet ended up getting into a duel with Darryl, which ultimately put him on the brink of death. Brock got him to Pam, who is an expert and building and fixing robots, and thus, Rico was born.
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rikkosus · 5 months
My stupid little brain will not be able to contain the excitement I have for new flight rising breed
I will be able to focus 0% in school tomorrow
Tbh I hope the next ancient is earth just because I think it would be neat! (And I want light to be last haha) but if I had to make a genuine guess light will be next and earth last. Idk what to expect from wind.
Kinda crossing my fingers that the light ancient isn’t just another dragon with whiskers and a mane bc pearl catchers and imperials are like the same thing in my head it’s just one is long.
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 4 months
A word on Rik Mayall today...
I recently rewatched the 1984 Wogan interview where Rik does a set as Rick and then an interview as himself. I've always loved the contrast between the oblivious vulnerability we're shown in Rick and the nervous, unguarded energy we glimpse in Rik. I must have watched the video so many times, but it'd been a while since my last viewing, I must admit.
There is something beautiful and raw about Rik and his comedy, especially when looking back at his earlier performances - where he hadn't quite figured out who he wanted to be to the world yet. The way he flits between character and self fascinates me; you can see the change in his face, his posture, his confidence.
Here we behold a man who was much more comfortable behind a persona. These personas let him release a pure, unadulterated, yet still of course hilarious madness that no one else has ever replicated since. That was his gift.
And so, with all this in mind, I took a moment to watch Rik in his element: his eyes wide and glinting, his face grinning and bright, his body abuzz with the performance, his words spiralling wild and loud. That funny man. That pan-global phenomenon.
I found myself laughing, and then I found myself crying; and these two reactions cannot be separated. It was an inarticulable outpouring - because Rik is dead, because time has marched on, because I am no longer 17 years old and freshly in love with him, because things can never be quite as they were ever again. Yet, in spite of all that, this glowing, glorious imprint of Rik remains here, immortalised through the camera.
There he was: Rik Mayall, aged 26, still making me laugh 40 years down the line.
I'd like to say something to Rik, but I can't, so this will have to suffice:
Rest easy, Rik, you darling, funny man. Thank you for the wonder you filled me with when I first found you. It is still within me; it still flickers. Thank you for your fire. Thank you for your madness. Thank you for all the big and small things I want to list but can't capture coherently.
You've been gone ten years now, and that is unspeakably unfair. I am furious on your behalf, believe you me, as I have it on good authority a great many other people are too. I never even met you, and you changed my life. I know that sounds silly, but it is no exaggeration. If such things as souls exist, you made mine full. You made mine laugh.
Thank you, Rik. You utter bastard. I won't ever forget what you've done for me. I really bloody mean that.
I'm thinking of you today.
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sunnysynthsunshine · 2 years
Rik birthday writing piece
Once in every lifetime, comes a love like this…..
18 years ago was when I first heard your voice, it was so exaggerative, so animated
I’d then catch you in other places, but it was a voice then, I didn’t have a face to put it with
Several years had passed, and somehow I started watching your old comedy shows and acts
Little did I know, that it lit the spark, which then illuminated the rest of my life 
At the time I was a spotty whingy awkward fella who went on about socialism without knowing the lark associated with it, I was unsure of how to talk to others, my mindset made it difficult
yet when you entered my life, you rewired my mind like a television set, the type gobbled up by that rowdy trihawk punk with the stars on his head
Watching some of your projective characters made me re-examine how I felt about myself, it was like I was looking in a mirror 
When I saw Rick, I saw how miscommunicative I was being, 
When I saw Richie, I saw how pretentious and overreactive I could be, 
When I saw Alan, I thought about the people running the world, being from a neighbourhood where we didn’t know about the underbelly of austerity, it made me realize how emotionally manipulative and selfish the tories can be.
However, I also saw the characters charm, their joy and passion, 
Rick’s love for 80s pop music and poetry made me more curious about those interests
Richie’s occasional mayallwife role made me embrace the campy queer I am 
I started to recover, I became more expressive about who I was and the interests I had, 
I wasn’t afraid anymore (like Lizzie when she faces her past), I improved my social skills and recognized the sources I was getting info from, the links to the punk movement got me down to anarchism route
One of my interests was….you and your comedy work, well it started as an interest, but then I started dressing like you and using one of your character names as a nickname, it made me feel more confident about myself and my gender.
I’d write introspective poems, I learned to write some comedy myself and eventually did my first drag gig, I met a lot more friends because of you, friends who I’ll treasure forever, and I’ll never forget who got me there, while the changes were my own choice, you were one of the signals I had to adjust my headspace
It felt like….someone understood me,  while we are separated from land, decades and spiritual energy when I read about you, I can sense the pure chaos and soothing aura you’d collectively share, wherever you went 
On stage, on screen, in books or magazines, 
random advertisements or video game announcements
You radicalized me into the snarky comedic anarchic lad I am today 
In the words of Karen Carpenter, today is the day, the angels got together and sprinkled moondust in your hair, you could appear devilish with a gurning smirk flicking a rude hand gesture or heavenly as your long hair flows in the wind, while you smile at the photographer, looking like a raphaelite painting 
You and the comic strip guys sure kicked up a fuss, 
you told people what was up
To stand up to the establishment and feel free
A theatrical comedy revolution is what you started
Beckett cocktails and poncy cigarette drags
A pretty boy rattish man who could yelp more sound effects than a  television sound box
But beyond the stabby badge pins, dated haircuts and frying pan slams
There was a heart, you are very compassionate and caring 
Even when the ticker stopped clicking, the energy I can sense is still loving
Happy Birthday you old bastard, now 65
Stage lights are off but your soul is alive
When we laugh at your jokes or gasp at your performances
Giving an offering when I play Little Richard on the playlist
even in your silver fox times, 
your joy feels so young at heart, 
as your silly ramblings and stunts stay in our minds 
The wild commentary and ruckus never got stale 
Here’s a toast, to “The” doctor rik mayall 
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song-of-the-rune · 1 year
To anyone who does OC writing of any kind -- essentially, how do you decide who a character is?
Thinking aloud, please feel free to answer without reading all of the rambling below, which is more about a specific character than the question in general:
I found this in my drafts. I don't need advice on this particular character anymore, but I am still curious to hear about others' processes!
I have a character who I know a little bit about, but he's relatively undeveloped, and I'm trying to make him the protagonist of this short story I'm writing. I have a vague background, and I know how he typically handles things in the moment -- but I'm not sure how to have him react in the longer term. Partially because I know he himself is conflicted.
I guess part of my problem is that I don't want him to be too similar to the antagonist/deuteragonist, or if he does end up being very similar, I want to keep it clear that that's a corruption of his old self or it's otherwise forced on him.
I guess, partially, I am torn on -- do I want a happy ending for my protagonist?
I like happy endings, but I also like torturing my characters a bit and exploring pain through writing. I know I shouldn't worry about what others think of my writing in general, but when this is done, it's going to become lore for my tabletop setting, so... it does need to be a little bit consumable. (Or, I guess not? It's not like this is all happening on-screen.) It's also not like he's particularly... relatable for most readers, I'd think, at least not for my players. He's established in the setting as not a fantastic person, though I've started sympathizing with him when I started writing this. On the other hand, he's also a great candidate for a redemption arc, and I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. On the OTHER hand... It's very much against his own sense of self-preservation at this point.
Okay, I guess let me explain some things to help clarify the question:
(Spoilers for a story about my OCs I want to post here later if I get around to finishing it)
How do I decide how much Kaz values self-preservation?
High-fantasy setting. The man has been murdered and forcibly turned undead to grant him immortality. Why? So he can serve as a soul cage for the now-lich Rik who forcibly turned him -- essentially, he is the key to someone else's immortality. But he needs his own soul cage, and in an attempt to make things "even", embeds it in Rik's body. So, the two need each other to survive in order to keep surviving -- almost, I'll get back to this in a moment.
However, uh... obviously that's not a healthy relationship. So Kaz wants out, because he trusted Rik up until this happened. However, he didn't come prepared like Rik did, so he's actually at a bit of a disadvantage. Basically, Rik could replace Kaz at any time, taking away his immortality, so he's essentially at Rik's beck and call if he wants to survive. Not only can Rik take away the thing making Kaz invulnerable, but because of the way they're bound, Kaz can't put distance between them to keep himself safe from Rik; there's essentially always the option to teleport directly to Kaz. The best option in terms of survival is to make himself indisposible, which means cooperating, even if minimally. But, he knows that Kaz is going to be psychologically manipulating him the whole way and it probably won't be minimal.
What does he do? Does he just... die? Or does he keep doing things he doesn't want to do in order to survive?
How do I decide what a character lives for?
He's undead. He doesn't want to be. He misses food and feeling the sun and being able to be around animals without them being terrified of him.
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that-rat-of-a-opossum · 2 months
Me ranting about my dumbass OC that's named after a alcoholic drink
So this is just basically me rambling about my OC because I need to write this down somewhere so I can ramble about it at like 3 in the morning to my best friend
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(Thanks to my best friend for the best picture of my stupid rat man of an OC <3 although they unfortunately don't have any social media so I can't tag them :/)
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Tonic died in 1967 only a few days before the movie The Jungle Book came out.
Tonic was born on October 20th in 1930 with his twin brother Gin
Tonic's real name is actually Hendrik (he-nd-rik) Kaiser (kahy-zer)
His brother's name is Hendrick (he-ndri-ck) Kaiser (kahy-zer)
And he will hurt you if you get them confused
Tonic was leaning against the large tree with his nose buried into a book when one of Gin's stupid friends approached him. "Dear God, go away" Tonic thinks to himself as Gin's friend speaks up with happiness dripping from their mouth "Hey Gin! I was wondering where you-" Gin's friend is immediately cut off once they see that they are talking to Tonic and not the other twin that they were hoping to find ". . . . I'm gonna go find Gin . . . ." Is all they said before running off
Tonic wasn't the most popular kid in school (That spot was saved for his condescending? stuck up? Prideful brother)
. . . . . Tonic didn't have the best relationship with anyone in his family, the best relationship he had was with his mother but she was still a bit distant with him
The last thing Tonic remembers was that stupid stage and the . . . . . . Pretty? . . . . Pretty The face of that actor. But he wasn't on that stage or with that actor, so where was he? Tonic's answer came in the form of the cement that he hit with a sickening "SPLAT" and a groan of pain coming from the man who actually hit the cement. It took a few seconds but Tonic eventually managed to regain his senses and he realized something- Well he technically realized a lot of things but the main thing was that he differently wasn't in Hollywood anymore. "Thank fucking god"
Tonic never truly enjoyed his time on the earth but he did attempt to make it bearable, for both him and others
Which is why many women attended the Killer's Hero's funeral, even if they didn't know him personally. But they knew that Tonic cleaned up the mess that many men left.
If it wasn't obvious by now, Tonic's biggest sin was the murder of many disgusting men and he would do it again
There's also the more petty stuff like stealing small stuff and being a slut Lustful person . . . . Mainly towards men
Yes, he's gay and has murdered several men. Shush. let him be
Tonic was just sitting at the bar (once again) nursing a glass of whiskey (No, not a Gin and Tonic (am I supposed to capitalize Gin and Tonic?) because Tonic doesn't actually like the taste of Gin and Tonic) When he suddenly get's approached by a small imp demon which is very confusing for the opossum Sinner. "H-Hey dad! D- . . . Do you think we . . . . Do you think we could go home soon?" Now Tonic was a lot of things, an asshole, a bitch, a flea infested rat. But Tonic was never a father, Tonic already knew that he was gonna be a shit father, much like his own, so he never had kids (Not that his romantic attraction to men was gonna let him) So it was definitely a surprise that this little three foot Imp, was calling him dad. ". . . . I think you're drunk, little guy." Tonic says before he suddenly sees a Sinner watching the little imp from a far "Come on dad, you know I don't drink. I just wanna go home and out of here already, do you at least think you could drive me home?" And it clicks for Tonic. This little Imp is using Tonic to get away from this creepy Sinner that's watching him like he's a fucking piece of meat. Which is why Tonic's opossum ears flatten against his head and his hackles suddenly stand on end, he then swiftly downs the rest of his whiskey (With a bit of protest from both his taste buds and his stomach) ". . . . . . . Yeah let me just pay my tab and we'll go home kiddo" Tonic says as he pulls his wallet out of his jacket pocket and pays his tab with a bit of a silent groan because of his expensive drinking habits. Although, while Tonic was struggling with paying, his tail subconsciously curled around the little Imp protectively.
Well I think I talked a lot longer than I was planning . . . But I might do a second part of this if I get the motivation to write again, but according to the internet (Because I'm too lazy to count) this was 711- hheheheh 7-11 hahahahah- words long and 3,903 characters.
Man idk if anyone is even gonna read this . . . . Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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