#right now I am in a state where I am not sensitive to criticism haha
lagunapoint · 15 days
I want Rook to go through a transformation from "stop this elven psycho who wants to destroy the world" to "damn, I love you, idiot, just talk to your vhenan already." I want Rook to become a close friend to Solas. You know, that very friend who has seen all your crap but loves you anyway. I like the kind of relationship where Solas is in the darkest stage of his introverted withdrawal, and Rook is that-guy-who-always-texts-first, and for some reason, they never piss each other off. Even more. They need each other. haha can I just leave this here? •••
Solas and Rook at the Lighthouse. Deep into the night. These two, gloomy and displeased, sit at a long table, the logs crackling in the fireplace. Solas is silent. Rook starts fidgeting.
"What?" Rook blurts out.
"What?" Solas picks up.
"Ha! I saw your frescoes in Arlathan, Solas. Shame and disgrace! I thought Varric's books were vulgar."
"You weren't supposed to see that. It's ancient elven art. How can you call everything vulgar without understanding its history?"
"Well, honestly, it was really… not bad," Rook smirks.
"Thank you," Solas nods and allows himself a quick half-smile. •••
Rook: "Write to her."
Solas: "What?!" Solas puts the book down on the table.
Rook: "Send a raven."
Solas: "What are you…"
Rook: " …and include in the letter that little poem you wrote. "Her long fingers clenched…"
Solas: "Rook, it's none of your business."
Rook: "Oh sure, as if! If you think about it, she's the one who made it so that I ended up here. So, consider me your punishment... And now you're pondering, - Rook laughs. - I know that expression!"
Solas snorts and hides behind a book, pondering the proposal. •
Overall, I'd like to see them in very warm relations without any romance and without any communication barriers. Most likely I'm just daydreaming, but oh well :)
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. If we returned to a world without internet, what aspect of online life would you miss the most? Wow, that would really, really suck, ha. For someone like me with no life and who spends a lot of time on the internet... yikes. Sounds sad, but it’s true. I would miss Tumblr and surveys and checking my social medias and looking up random stuff and shopping online. I mean, obviously I’d have to adapt and move on, and hey maybe something good would come from it, but yeah just imagining that sounds awful haha.  2. What food are you craving at the moment? I’m not hungry right now, but I am thinking about that pizza I had Monday haha. It was SO good. I could definitely go for another.  3. Are you craving anything aside from food, and if so, what? I wanna travel. Last week my dad flew out to visit family and I was so envious that he was getting to fly somewhere and get out of town/state for a few days. I’ve only flown a total of 2 times, which was over 10 years ago now. I’ve gone along to take and pick up people from the airport many times; though, and each time I always get the urge to fly somewhere. I get this butterfly type feeling each time I’ve gone to the airport and I just wanna gooooo.
4. Where was the last place you went and what did you do there? I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly check up on something ongoing I’ve been dealing with. 5. What was the highlight and low point of your summer (or whatever season you happen to be taking this in)? The only good parts about this summer was the few times I went to the beach, my birthday weekend vacation, saw some good movies, and my aunt (whom I’m super close with) came and stayed with a for a few days last week and it was really fun. Otherwise, I despise summer, it’s hot and miserable. I dread it every year and I just look forward to it being over. 6. What was the last change you made to your lifestyle? Hmm. 7. What was the last thing you gave up doing? Uhhh. I feel like I’ve given up on a lot of things in the last few years. Myself most of all. 8. Do you deal well with criticism? Does it make a difference if it’s constructive? I mean, if someone wants to offer some helpful, useful advice that could be beneficial to me that’s cool. Just don’t be rude about it. If I’m doing something and there’s possibly a better way to do it, then suggest that in a way that doesn’t come off condescending or rude. I’m most critical on myself anyway. I will say; though, it does annoy me if someone keeps telling me something that I should do that I already know I should do. Don’t criticize me constantly for it. Don’t nag me.  9. What was the last thing to boost your self-esteem? What sort of things typically make you feel good about yourself? My self-esteem is shit, but I know it’d be nice to get my hair done finally. It’s been over a year and it looks so bad and I always like how my hair looks and feels after I get it done. Like, I’m still a mess but at least my hair would look nice. 10. When it comes to food, do you prefer crunchy or softer textures? I like some crunch, but not hard. Like the right amount of crunch and crispiness, ya know? Depending on what it is, of course. I like soft textures as well. I eat everything with sauce, dips, or olive oil because I can’t eat things dry. Like my sandwiches, for example, I put a lot of mayo and mustard, but I also dip it in olive oil. Or like I eat eggs with ranch, unless I have country gravy with them.  11. Do you prefer savory or sweet things for breakfast? I just eat scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese for breakfast, sometimes in the form of a breakfast burrito. Hash browns are a great bonus. I used to eat like cereal, pop tarts, toaster strudels, granola bars, oatmeal, and waffles, but now I can’t eat a lot of sweet stuff anymore. Plus, I just prefer to have eggs. There’s more substance and I get something good out of it like protein.  Honestly, I used to never even have breakfast at all, I just liked breakfast foods like I listed above. It’s only within the last year especially that I started to eat breakfast regularly. 12. When was the last time someone disappointed you? What about the last time you disappointed someone else? I’ve been very disappointed in myself for a long time. I feel like I’ve disappointed my family and former friends, too.  13. What is something you can’t seem to stop doing (or start)? I can’t seem to stop being a mess or start getting my shit together... 14. When was the last time you made a new friend? What about the last time you lost a friend? I haven’t made any friends in years. I lost all my friends over the past few years.  15. What was the last thing you were excited about? What about nervous? I was excited about having my aunt come and stay with us last week and for our beach trip last weekend. We had a really good time. As for nervous, this is a long story time so grab a snack and buckle up:
I was full on freaking out last Sunday, after having a great, relaxing time at the beach, because as we were turning the corner to our street, we got notifications on our phone from our security camera, which at almost 10 o’clock at night, was like wtf?? Before any of us had time to check it, we saw for ourselves the reason why it was going off: As we turned we saw firetrucks, smoke, and our neighbors all standing around outside, some of which were standing at our door, hence the security alerts going off. We saw our house and our neighbor’s house that we’re connected to engulfed in smoke. We had no idea what was going on, but our first and only thought and concern was our dog, who was in the house. I start literally crying and freaking out because like I said, we didn’t know what was going on, but what I described seeing as we turned the corner was terrifying and my only concern was my dog. My mom stops the car and she and my brother jump out and run up to our house. My brother comes back out running to the car with my dog, who was physically fine, THANK GOD, but very scared. She jumped in the back with me and I just held on to her the entire time while my mom, aunt, and brother went back to find out what the hell was going on. Turns out that our neighbor, whose house is connected to ours, was working on his car in the garage and his engine caught fire. Being that our houses are connected, the smoke came over to our side and filled up our garage. It was so bad that it was coming out the sides, which is why it looked like it was our house that had the fire. When my mom opened up the garage, she said the smoke was so thick that she couldn’t even see anything. It was crazy. The firefighters had to do a walkthrough of our house to make sure it was fine and checked for carbon monoxide and all that, and had to use their big blower thing to clear out the smoke in our garage. Our house was fine, we just had to open the windows up in our house and air it for awhile. The smell was strong; though, and the smoke was very irritating to my throat. OH, and the reason why our other neighbors were standing at our door was because they thought we were home asleep and they were trying to alert us of the fire. One girl even jumped our fence to bang on our backdoor. They were banging and yelling for awhile, apparently. My mom and I watched the video camera footage later and saw everything and omg it was so crazy. You can tell how scared and concerned they were. And the smoke was so bad at that point that they were coughing and covering their mouths, but they continued banging on our door and trying to yell out to alert us. D: It meant SO much that they cared and were genuinely concerned about us like that. We couldn’t stop thanking them. Ahh but anyway yeah, it was w i l d. And this was just a few days after there was another fire a few houses down from us. :O 16. What is something small that you take extremely personally? Hm. I don’t know. I’m a sensitive person, so. 17. What is your favorite thing about your favorite person? I don’t really have a favorite person. I love my family and I’m close to some more than others, but I don’t choose favorites like that. 18. What is something you wish other people knew about you? I don’t know. 19. What is something you wish others DIDN’T know? Uhhh. 20. When was the last time you comforted someone who was upset? When my aunt and I get together it always ends up turning into a therapy session between us. We stay up late and talk about everything and yeah, sometimes it gets pretty deep. Anyway, I was just lending an ear and letting her vent about some things.  21. What was going on the last time you couldn’t sleep? Every night I stay up and watch ASMR, Tumblr, and do surveys until I fall asleep. 22. What are your plans for the day ahead (or tomorrow if it’s late)? I don’t have any today, but tomorrow my mom and I are dropping off my brother and his friend at a concert. It’s out of town, so I wanted to tag along for the ride. 23. Do you tend to be more grumpy when you’re tired or when you’re hungry? Both. Like, I’m always tired, but when I first wake up you do not want to talk to me before I’ve had coffee and had time to wake up. I also get quite hangry. 24. When was the last time you yelled at someone? I don’t know. I yelled out to someone so they could hear me, but I don’t recall the last time I yelled at someone. 25. What types of things typically cause you to cry? Blah some days it’s like I’m on the verge of tears all day and any thing can set me off. Other times there’s a specific reason, other times it’s a combination or build up of things that lead to crying. There’s various reasons. I’m just a cry baby.  26. When was the last time someone else cried in your presence? It’s been awhile, actually.  27. What is one thing that would make your life a lot better? Better health.  28. What is something you are grateful to already have in your life? My family. 29. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Leggings, graphic Ts, and Adidas. 30. What is one of your most positive characteristics? What about one of your most negative? Does it bother you when you see certain aspects of yourself in other people, or does it depend on the trait? I have a lot of negative traits. I’m struggling to think of something positive. I used to be someone who was there for others and willing to help anyway I could, but I haven’t been that way these past few years. I’ve become such a shitty person these past few years I feel like. :/
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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adfjghlkjfhgd she is my #1 fan...i’m just that cool...
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hahahahah i diiiiiid know that... they broke up quite a while ago (2017? 2 lazy 2 check her ig and confirm) and he’s dated people since, but it’s definitely funny to see them on hypothetical with that in mind, for example! i’m glad it seems they’re still kind friends
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thank you anon! i have definitely seen people say good things about it, so when i have time i might branch out. i tend to use my free time for this blog and my main, but next time i have a long cab ride i might check it out...
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i did of course i did!!!! simon farnaby stan forever!!!! paddington is god! shoutout to @idiots-assembled for running such an amazing, quality blog!
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hahaha anon! well dara is known for doing a lot of maths and science programmes, and brian cox is also a scientist and tv presenter, so that’s where they cross paths in people’s minds. you’ve probably seen jokes like this one, right? the jokes are either that they are in love oooor they’re rivals — but what’s better than a little love and hate?
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i loooooooooove graham nortoooooooon ahhh his was actually the only british programme i was ever able to get my family into! my mom still texts me on the weekends to tell me how funny he is after a new episode, and she bought me one of his autobiographies for christmas, hah! he is good egg 10/10
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haha his positive energy is what makes him miles! and one of our beloveds! i’m so glad you all are enjoying radio panel shows! there’s so many comedians who aren’t deemed tv-able who get to shine on those programmes and i love that — and ofc the news quiz specifically since it’s always working to be more inclusive :’)
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i genuinely have no idea who it is... there was a time i thought i had a decent clue, but i was really just projecting my own opinions onto him lmao who do you think? with tea there must come shade >:)
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(i feel a little weary voting myself since i haven’t listened to all the other potential contestants, but good luck to all!)
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i do wonder because i would loooooove to see her on tm! i wouldn’t hold my breath because she is very busy with bakeoff, qi, and her other writing, but i do think she gets a real kick out of hanging out with other comedians she respects. i also wouldn’t hold my breath for a “best of” kind of special; alex has said a couple times it’s never good when you can predict everyone will do well or everyone will do badly. i think he thinks that mix of responses and techniques is what makes the show so suspenseful, you could say, and therefore engaging! i think i agree with him, but i would be lying if i said i didn’t want to see, like, roisin, joe wilkinson, paul, nish, and liza tarbuck try and nail a team challenge. the chaos! it could be the end of taskmaster as we know it!!!
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aww anon thank you 😚 it’s so nice everyone wants to have fun watching panel shows with me, i’m so grateful!
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hey anon, i have answered something similar to this a few times! it really just takes a lot of exposure, i guess, but i’m definitely well past that point now, thankfully! :)
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that is so surprise to me at all. there are ways in which you can you can tell he is a sensitive person who wants the best for people, especially in “real life” (i think i gathered this from his politics tbh); i’d also want those people around me since they’re all so unique, positive, and supportive. i think it speaks to the kind of person frankie is, really!
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desiree burch isn’t one of my personal favourites, but i can see how as an american there are certain britcom dynamics and environments she can’t properly integrate into...that is sort of the nature of being a foreigner! of course there are more specific criticisms to her i’m sure you could argue, but it’s always going to be hit and miss depending on the show, the panelist, the other panelists, the topics, etc. *cute shrug*
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the short answer is no, i really don’t... game shows have an absolutely different (and often negative) reputation in the states, for one: celebrities who appear on any reality or game show are considered desperate for work (this is excluding shows like lip synch battle and SNL) and these types of programmes are considered daytime tv or kind of trashy. i thought the fix on netflix might bridge the gap a little but i’m not sure it did. it doesn’t seem to suit american comics to sit around and shoot the shit about serious topics; in a way, that is what podcasts are for. americans fall flat doing one-liners waaaay more often than british comedians unless that is part of their persona. katherine ryan is a great example of a non-british comedian who has nailed really short bits or quick jokes with great delivery that always lands — without feeling too performative. but a part of the issue is that american audiences like comedy that is performative, that is bombastic, that is a segment (i’m not trying to quantify all americans’ tastes, i am referring to the majority that determines whether something gets to achieve mainstream success). that is not good for panel shows; catsdown is very lucky is has a mascot segment at the beginning because it pretty much ends there (RIP room 101). this is likely the reason taskmaster us didn’t make it past one season. it’s just too subtle; it’s not understandable or able to be summarised in a one-minute clip. i just don’t think the market exists... but if you disagree, i’m interested to hear why!
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any time anon! it’s tooooo sweet! i hope you got a chance to listen to the radio version too, it cracks me up :’)
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aw, you’re welcome from over here in nyc! let me know if you ever need help finding something
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