#ridgy didge
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egglygreg · 5 months ago
A while back I posted a list of Australian-isms I've been collecting for my story Strahliana, and, well, the list has grown quite a bit since then lol!
Here's what I've got so far with mostly no context:
Chucking a wobbly
Chucking a tanty
Bargey bum
Going for a feed/have a feed
What a rip off
That's cooked
You'd better get a wriggle on
My dogs are barking (sore feet/toes)
Bloody beaut
You little beauty/ripper
Scarn on?
Cheeky mate
Flat out like a lizard drinking
Rock up
Tell him he's dreaming
Get decked
How ya travelling?
Too easy
Cheers mate
Darl' (darling)
No drama
Tah (thanks, give)
Won't be a min
Far out!
She'll be right
Spruiking (promote, advertise, talk something up)
I'm deadset serious
Pull the other one
A few roos loose in the top paddock
Cool bananas
Heaps good
Crow eater
What are you on about?
Had a bit of a blue (a fight)
Derro, feral
Had a prang
Bucketing down
Old mate (derogatory)
Hard yakka
Go for ya life
Too easy
Whack it on
Carrying on like a pork chop
Full as a goog
There ya go
What an absolute wombat
Silly galah
Bob's your uncle
3 dog night (it's bloody cold)
Absolutely rank (smelly)
Off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun
Stone the crows (surprise)
Spit the dummy
Have a kip
No worries
Have a gander
Chuck a sickie
Cutting crook
Rug up
D'ya reckon?
Redback- $20 note
Whaler- $10 note
Fair crack of the whip
Have a whinge
My shout
Better than a kick up the bum
Pull the wool over their eyes
Spinning a yarn
Mosey- on
On Ya Bronya
Brolga (long legs)
Gone walkabout
Rightie oh
Mucked up
Fair go
Don't cross me mate
What a cracker
Dickie- on the blink
Not on your life
Top notch
Dead as a door nail
Chockers, chock a block
Kicked the bucked
Nose out of joint
Knock it off
Being fleeced
Done a runner
I'm rapt
I'm stuffed
Scrubs up well
Bluey (red hair)
Fang it
Bum nuts
Shut ya gob
Wouldn't know him from a bar of soap
Loose unit
Mrs Kafoops (bit pompous or self important)
Cutting crook
Sesh (session)
Bin chicken
Havin a sook
Getting flogged
What a mad dog
You muppet
Me missus
(I'm not collecting true swearwords and really crude sayings, so none of these are particularly offensive. Also some of these may be words that are normal in the general English language but mean something else in Aussie English when used in a different context, and a few are way out of fashion and haven't been widely used since the 60s. Also some are regional!)
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neolithicastronaut · 2 months ago
A couple more that come to mind.
A piss-take (see post above. When someone/a situation is taking the piss...not said with a positive tone)
Bugger all (fuck all. None)
Ridgy-didge (authentic, the real deal)
Woop woop (somewhere far away)
Grouse (good, pleasing, awesome. This term is a bit dated)
Johnny - ie "got any johnny?" (Cash)
Fuck this shit for a joke (I'm over this/ I'm done)
You little ripper (how wonderful!)
Goon Bag of Fortune (aforementioned bag-wine is pegged to a hills hoist washing line [a large spiderweb looking thing that spins] and is spun around a group of drunk teenagers until it stops in front of one who then must drink from the bag)
Crack a tinnie (open a beer)
Fuck-eyed (really drunk)
Maggotted (really drunk)
Half cut (pretty drunk)
Trakkie daks (tracksuit pants)
Occasionally as an Australian you'll be talking to someone from overseas, and you'll discover a common phrase you took for granted is, in fact, not universally known outside of our country.
Turns out casually dropping "fuck me dead" into conversation will give unsuspecting Americans an aneurism.
The more you know.
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rhymingtherapy · 4 years ago
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If i were to tell you
that you’re ridgy didge,
would you know what i mean?
It implies that you’re genuine,
honest & true. It’s a sign that
i think you’re the real deal.
RhymingTherapy—December 2020 (my photo taken Tamborine Mountain Australia) poem inspired by @Writerscreed challenge to use an idiom from your own country.
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missfliss88 · 3 years ago
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You don't need to make sushi with rice.
I used a salad of cabbage and raw cauliflower plus a few extras then added the mackerel fillets.
If I hadn't told you....you'd have thought it was ridgy-didge sushi!
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khoicesbyk · 4 years ago
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 4,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: Bittersweet-After 7
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @rideordiechronicles @pixie88 @txemrn @lucy-268 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @bebepac @imturaxamara @blackkingliamstan @queenjilian @secretaryunpaid @ridgy--didge @theworldofprompts @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @theworldofprompts prompt “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?” it'll be in bold in black. Also I know that I can’t be the only one who’s excited that they picked the greatest Disney movie one-liner as a prompt.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
A/N 2: I had a time writing this chapter. Writers block and all out forgetfulness is a bitch! But I did it! *pats self on the back*
TW: paranormal activity. Communication with the dead. Reader Discretion Is STRONGLY ADVISED.
Chapter 22.) Reflection.
It′s crazy how you flaunt your passion.
When you let meaning of them worth take over you.
You stare into my soul like that.
Makes me wonder when you ain't get by the side of me.
It′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you, you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It′s bittersweet.
It had been 3 days since Naia was rushed to the hospital because of Wolfbane being in her system. Her parents, especially her mother, were both distraught and furious that their daughter had gotten herself caught up in the tireless war between The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory. Those three days felt like years to them. Both took turns sitting vigil over their daughter.
The only saving grace was that her condition hadn't changed. It hadn't gotten better but Laurie and Shane were thankful it hadn't worsened. They just wanted her to open her eyes. Laurie needed her daughter to wake up. She had to hear her voice again. And every moment that she didn't the more she went crazy. Laurie would just sit at Naia’s bedside holding onto her hand and pray Naia would squeeze her hand. The agony of waiting was going to kill her.
“Anything?” her husband asked as he entered the room with coffee in hand.
Laurie just shook her head no.
“It'll happen, baby. It has to. She'll wake up and we'll be able to breathe again.”
She never said a word to him. She just held onto Naia’s hand as Shane set the cup of coffee he brought her down. Laurie's eyes were red and puffy and her face was a mess. She blamed The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory but mostly she blamed herself. She swore to protect her daughter from all of this. To prevent her from going through the hell she went through over 30 years ago. And feels like she failed. A pain no mother wants to go through.
Laurie rubbed Naia’s knuckle silently, willing their daughter to wake up.
“Have you eaten baby?”
Laurie shook her head no.
“You should go eat something baby.”
“I don't want food. I want our daughter. I want her to wake up now.”
Shane sat beside her and placed his hand over hers.
“I know, baby. I want that too. I need it. You need it. But it's not good for you not to eat something.”
“I can't leave her! What if she wakes up and I'm not here?! I have to be here!”
Her frantic tone worried Shane.
“Baby listen to me! You need to go eat something. I'll be right here. I will watch over her. If anything happens I swear to you that I will tell you immediately.”
“But Shane—��
“No buts! Go eat something. Now! I won't let anything happen to her. I swear that on my life.”
Laurie looked at him before getting up and going to the door. When she looked back towards Naia, Shane smiled softly at her.
“It's okay baby, I'll keep her safe.”
Laurie nodded sadly before walking out the door.
Shane turned his attention back to their daughter, his worry, resentment, rage, sorrow, protectiveness, and anxiety all on high. His little girl. His flesh and blood. She hadn't moved or spoken since he last saw her. He was thankful for the hospital staff. They were able to get her allergic reaction to Wolfbane under control but she was still unconscious. None of the meds she was on seemed to be working.
It′s so easy to listen.
When your tongue is an innocent prisoner of war oh yeah.
And it might bе wrong but we never еnd that.
Damage is done, always pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
It didn't take Laurie long to come back from the cafeteria. When Shane looked up she walked in with food for them both.
“I'm not the only one who needed to eat.”
Shane smiled softly as she handed him a sandwich.
“Still nothing?”
“Still no change. But I'm not giving up.”
Laurie smiled at her husband's resolve. They sat together and ate their food in silence. Their eyes went from Naia to the IV drip machine she was hooked up to.
“Don't worry baby. Our girl will wake up.”
“I know she will. She has to. And when she does…we have to tell her the truth.”
Shane looked at his wife confused.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you’re ready to do that?”
“Look at her Shane! She wouldn't be here, hell we wouldn't even be here if she knew the truth. It's time. So when she wakes up and is lucid enough to hear it we'll tell her everything.”
Shane took his wife's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Okay. If you’re ready and you're sure. Then I am too.”
Laurie offered him a small smile.
Yeah I know you know me.
That′s why you the only one can push my buttons.
Sometimes it's like you speak another language.
Got me like adios buenas noches baby.
Oh it′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's always bittersweet.
While her body was still, Naia was subconsciously awake.
Naia slowly opened her eyes, and looked around frantically and confusedly. She couldn't see anything or anyone.
“What? Where am I?”
That's when she heard a woman's voice.
“I've been waiting to meet you.”
When Naia turned around she saw a figure she didn't recognize.
“Who’s there? Who are you? What is this place?”
The figure in front of her soon materialized into an elderly black woman. One that she recognized.
“Oh…my…God! You’re…you're…Delia?”
She smiled at Naia.
“Hello, my dear. It's wonderful to finally meet you.”
Naia’s jaw dropped.
“But how?!”
“I thought you…you died a long time ago!”
“I did. 3 years ago.”
“Wait! Am I dead?”
Delia laughed softly.
“No dear, you’re not dead. You are in the world between worlds.”
Naia blinked in realization.
“I was here with Roman. Where is he?! Is he hurt?! Did Trent shoot him?!”
Delia placed a calming hand on Naia’s shoulder.
“All will be revealed shortly. I promise.”
Naia took a shaky breath then nodded.
“Now come sit with me. We have much to discuss.”
Naia followed Delia to a bench that appeared out of nowhere. When they sat down Delia cocked her head to the side at Naia curiously. Making her feel super awkward.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No. I’m just curious about you. You’re as beautiful as I imagined you’d be.”
Naia couldn’t keep the blush from creeping up on her face.
“A ghost just called me beautiful. I must be hallucinating.”
Delia chuckled.
“You said we had much to discuss. What are we discussing?”
“You, my dear. Your connection to the town, the people, and especially Roman.”
“I mean I’ve been in town for a few months. I don’t know anyone outside of my uncle Trent and the Pack.”
Delia nods.
“And what are your impressions of them so far?”
Naia chewed the inside of her cheek.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course dear. That’s why we are here.”
“I understand why my mom doesn’t want me around Roman. Because to be honest, he’s terrifying. But at the same time…I can’t stay away from him. I can’t get enough of him. He makes me feel safe. And loved. And wanted. And I…”
“I care about him. A lot. But I don't know if I'm ready to give up my life for him. I don't know if I'm ready to be his mate.”
Deli nodded.
“It is a lot to ask of a young woman. I would know.”
“How did you decide Delia? Or was it decided for you?”
Delia chuckles softly.
“It wasn’t my intent to be Xander’s mate when I first came to Hunt’s Peak.”
Naia blinked in confusion.
“You’re not from Hunt’s Peak?”
“No. Originally from the Pittsburgh area.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I grew up in foster care so it wasn’t like many had missed me when I left.”
“So what brought you to Hunt’s Peak?”
“I was hired as a 5th teacher. I loved my job. Teaching children became my passion.”
“And how did you meet Xander?”
“I’ve always been a Wolfkin and I knew it was my destiny to become the mate to a member of The Pack but I never thought I would be Xander’s mate. But to answer your question, I was walking along the creek when I saw him and his father Ferdinand. We were smitten at first sight.”
“Oh…did his father accept you?”
“Yes, he did. And after some convincing so did his mother Cecilia.”
“When did Xander become Alpha?”
“Shortly after we met. Maybe 6 months or so.”
“Is that when you became his mate?”
“Yes. He courted me until he became Alpha.”
“Courted how?”
Delia smiled as if lost in a memory.
“He would come by the school. Regale my students in wild tales of werewolves as knights and kings and sorceresses and sorcerers. That sort of thing. But the biggest thing he did for me, was he planted a single night flower and let it blossom into a field full of them.”
“Sounds like he was a romantic at heart.”
“He used to be but when he became Alpha, responsibility and obligation replaced flowers and romance.”
“Was it hard?”
“No. Not at first. I always understood my role as The Alpha’s mate. And I cherished it. Becoming a sort of Den Mother gave me a purpose.”
“What changed?”
Delia looked at Naia with a new curiosity.
“He met your mother.”
Naia swallowed.
“Mommy told me how she met him.”
“I remember that. I remember when he told her no at first. I was furious at him. So I not so subtly encouraged him to reconsider not protecting her and your uncle.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Your mother was a child at the time. And your uncle couldn’t protect her as he should have. Only Xander and The Pack could do that.”
“She also told me about the day he offered her The Pack’s protection.”
“I remember when Xander told me about Bobby Giles threatening her. He was furious and I was disgusted. But we both knew that he couldn't just charge into town and rid it of him. Well, he could but it wasn't in his nature at the time. So he sent a few wolves in their human forms to investigate.”
“She told me that too. And the time that Bobby pulled a gun out on Xander.”
Delia snickered.
“The fool. He believed that his gun would scare Xander. But he learned the hard way that day.”
Naia shifted in her seat.
“Mommy showed me the necklace that Xander gave her.”
“I know about that. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday.”
“She also said that she was bonded to him.”
“She's right. She was bonded to him until he died.”
“Are you angry about that?”
Delia went quiet
“To be honest, I was very angry with her. Jaded and bitter even. But I realized after she left that my anger was misplaced.”
“Misplaced how?”
“After she left I found out that Xander was telling her that she was to be his new mate. And at that time your mother was a young impressionable girl.”
“He was manipulating her?”
“Yes, he played with her heart and preyed on it.”
“My God. Why did you stay with him for so long?”
“I was bound by Pack Law to stay with my mate until his death.”
Naia shuddered.
“Will that happen to me?”
“If you choose to be Roman’s mate you are bound by Pack Law to be at his side until his death.”
“Well, that explains what my mom said about you and Xander being married on paper.”
Delia nodded.
“If I was the mate of any other Pack member I could leave. But I was Xander’s mate. As was your mother. As yet…”
“She ran away.”
“Can you tell me about Xander?”
“What would you like to know?”
“What did he look like?”
Delia waves a hand and a picture of Xander materialized in front of them.
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“That is Xander in all his glory.”
“He and Roman look just alike.”
Delia smiled softly.
“Yes. He has his father's looks and stubbornness but he also has my heart.”
“Will I meet Xander?”
“No my dear. You won't.”
“Crisis averted.”
“So, will you be Roman’s mate or will you go back to your life as a human woman?”
Just as Naia was about to speak another panel appeared in front of her and Delia.
“What's this?”
“Roman. He's trying to connect to you through your bond. We are about to look at life through his eyes. These panels that appear are what life is like.”
“Why can’t he connect with me?”
Instead of responding, Delia put a finger to her lips then pointed to the panel. When Naia looked at the panel she was transported into Roman’s mind.
She and Delia were looking at a memory of them.
She had convinced Layla to let her turn Buck’s into a mini-movie theater for the pups and their parents. To give them something fun to do. When Roman heard about it he was both curious and thrilled. The girls decided on watching Lion King. With Gino and popcorn in hand, Naia snuggled next to Roman.
“So this movie is about…cats?”
“The circle of life. And lions.”
“…lions are cats are they not?”
Naia shook her head at the memory before turning to Delia.
“I remember this.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. It was the day I learned that your son doesn’t like my impressions.”
Delia chuckled. They turned back to the memory and as they did, they came upon Naia’s impression of one of her favorite scenes in the movie.
“Hyenas. I hate hyenas. So what’s your plan for getting past those guys?”
“Live bait.”
“Good idea!…hey!”
“Come on Timon, you guys have to create a diversion.”
“What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?”
Roman groaned.
“Are you going to be like this the rest of the movie?”
“What? Gino likes my impression. You don’t like my impression?”
“Everyone’s a damn critic.”
Roman rolled his eyes. But he would soon find out which scene is her favorite scene in the whole movie.
“Hey! Who’s the pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Uh oh! Did he call him a pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Shouldn’t have done that!”
“Are you talking to me?!”
“Now they’re in for it!”
“They call me: Mr. Pig!”
And just as she got Pumbaa’s yell Roman clamped a hand to her mouth.
“Beloved…how am I to enjoy this movie you’ve chosen with your incessant talking?”
Naia just giggled as the panel changed to a more recent memory. One that Naia didn’t recognize.
“Yes, my dear. This was just a few days ago.”
“But I don’t remember this.”
“Because you aren’t there.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
Delia pointed to the panel as it showed Roman walking into her room. He looked distraught as he looked around. Naia could feel his anguish in her chest. When his eyes fell on Gino sitting on the bed, she felt tears on her cheek as he held Gino close to his chest.
“I don’t understand.”
“The one he considers to be his mate is missing.”
“His mate? You mean me?”
“Yes, my dear.”
“But why is he looking for me?”
“Because your bond with him is disrupted. He’s trying to reconnect with you.”
“But why?”
Delia turned back to the panel as it showed Roman in wolf form curled up on her bed with Gino under his jaw. She felt his agony and his pain as well as his longing as he whimpered. He was missing her. He was needing her. Her presence. Her smile. Her laugh. It broke her heart. She stood up shouting to the panel.
“Roman! Roman! I'm here! I'm right here!”
Delia put a hand on her shoulder.
“He can't hear you. This is only a vision of what has already been.”
Naia turned to Delia with pleading in her eyes.
“You said that he couldn’t connect to me, why can’t he connect to me?”
With a wave of a hand another panel appeared. This one showed Naia lying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV with her mother at her side.
“I–I–I…it can’t be! You said I wasn’t dead!”
“You aren’t Naia. You’ve been injected with Wolfbane. It’s a toxin that can be deadly but thankfully you were taken to the hospital in time to save you.”
“Injected?! How?!”
“You don’t remember?”
Naia stood there confused until it hit her.
“The tranquilizer dart! The one that Trent was using! Am I right?”
Delia nodded.
“If I’m on an IV then why haven’t I woken up?”
“Because the spirits aren’t ready for you to wake up yet.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Delia looked at Naia.
“Answer this. Why do you think you’re here?”
Naia didn't know how to answer that question.
“I don't know.”
As soon as those words left her mouth another panel appeared. This one was of Trent after he left the hospital. He was in his boss’s office going off about Wolfbane.
“What is wrong with you Moses?!”
“The tranquilizer! You said it was harmless!”
“It is harmless! It effects those beasts and their ability to shift!”
“What about humans?”
“It doesn’t effect humans!”
Trent eyed him with an intense yet calm fury.
“What is Wolfbane?”
Bernard blinked in confusion.
“Where did you hear that name?”
“Answer the question!”
“It’s the name of the tranquilizer. It doesn’t effect humans.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it does not!”
Trent pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Naia was hit by one of the tranquilizer darts.”
“The young woman you brought here the other day?”
“Yes. She collapsed after being hit and is now in the hospital fighting for her life. According to her mother Wolfbane is a poison that you and Xander created.”
Bernard looked at Trent genuinely confused.
“Her mother?”
“I didn't stutter.”
“What was her last name again?”
“I knew someone with that last name but it was a he not a she.”
“Probably her dad. Her mother’s maiden name is Roberts.”
Bernard’s face lit up.
“Roberts? As in Laurie Roberts? Zane Roberts sister?”
“I knew that girl looked familiar!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know her mother. Which means Xander was right. She did run off with Evans. I can’t believe she finally came back home.”
“Is what her mother said true? That you created this with Xander?”
“Yes it is but he took it too far. It wasn’t designed to be lethal. I tried to stop him but you can see what good it did.”
“So Xander truly was a monster?”
“Ohhh yes my boy. A monster indeed.”
As she watched with Delia, Naia wasn’t entirely convinced that Bernard was totally innocent.
“I don’t like him. I don’t trust him.”
“That’s Bernard Sayre for you.”
“Has he always been this way?”
“Oh yes. Even when I was amongst the living he and especially his motives were always questionable.”
“Why does the town let him do what he does?”
“Only the town can answer that.”
“I guess…”
The panel showed Trent in his cabin sitting on his couch with a bottle in his hand. Naia could feel his guilt and shame as well as his anger. His anger at his boss and anger at himself. He didn’t mean to hurt her. She just came out of nowhere. By the time he pulled the trigger it was too late. He didn't see her at first but when she dropped to the ground his heart dropped when she did. He wanted to be there at the hospital with her. To tell her how sorry he was. How much she means to him. How he wishes he could take it all back.
But at that moment he couldn't. All he could do was wallow in his festering grief and simmering anger. The same as Roman. This war had taken away a lot for both of them but this was the final straw. Trent wasn't about to lose to Roman again. And Roman had finally had enough of Trent being a thorn in his side. Both had subconsciously decided that this was an all-out war.
All of it broke Naia.
“They aren't serious are they?”
“Yes. Both are hurt and angry. Both at themselves and each other.”
“But I don't want this! I don't want them fighting!”
“Then you've found your reason for being here.”
“What do you mean?”
“You asked me why you were brought here. My dear, you were brought here to heal what is broken.”
“You mean Roman and Trent?”
“And your family. Your mother, especially.”
“Yes. She is hurting. And angry. And confused. And you are the key to healing her wounds. And theirs.”
Naia nodded.
“How do I do that?”
“You can start by answering your mother’s prayer.”
Delia turned back to the panel that showed Laurie. When Naia looked up, her mother was holding the necklace that Xander gave her. She looking out of the window to the moon in the sky.
“Spirits of the earth,
I don't know if you can hear me or that I even have the right to ask this. But I come to you with a simple prayer. I ask you to heal my daughter. She doesn't deserve to be here. She doesn't deserve this. She's innocent. If you're angry with me for abandoning The Pack and my duties as Xander’s mate I understand. But I beg you! Don't make my daughter suffer because of me. I beg you, please bring her back to me. Let her eyes open again. Let her speak again. I just want my little girl back. I need her back. Please! Heal her.”
Delia turned to Naia with a question.
“Now that you know your purpose, are you ready my dear?”
“Yes. I am ready to heal all that is broken.”
Delia waved her hand and the panels disappeared. They were replaced by a doorway.
“Then go. Your mother is waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Delia.”
Delia smiled at her.
“You're welcome, my dear. Tell my son that I miss him and that I love him and that I'm sorry.”
Naia smiled at her.
“I will.”
Naia stepped through the doorway and was transported back to her hospital room, just as her mother finished praying. She had moved her head slightly which both startled and excited Laurie.
“Naia? Naia baby are you awake?”
Naia’s eyes fluttered open and when she spoke her voice was weak.
Laurie had tears in her eyes.
“I'm here baby. I'm right here.”
Laurie was overcome with joy and relief.
“You came back to me!”
“I missed you, mommy.”
“I missed you too, baby girl.”
Laurie nodded resolutely.
“Yes, we do. It's time for you to know the true reason why I left.”
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pixie88 · 4 years ago
@ridgy--didge @secretaryunpaid @lem-20 @irisofpurple @khoicesbyk
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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foundsoundau · 7 years ago
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Happy #Straturday! It’s a ‘76 USA maple necked ripper in Olympic white. All hunky-Dory Ridgy-Didge condition. ✌️ 🇺🇸 #🔎🔈 (at Found Sound)
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pixie88 · 4 years ago
I love my best followers comments 😘 You know who you are! ❤ *coughs* @lem-20 @secretaryunpaid @ridgy--didge @irisofpurple
Behind every fanfic update, there is a writer being turned into THIS as they await your reactions
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pixie88 · 4 years ago
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Chapter 19 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: This chapter has 2 star guest appearances from 2 beauty's @secretaryunpaid and @ridgy--didge 😘😘 Again I’m going to try and start editing and publishing 2 chapters a week as I have 5 drafts in ATB and 3 drafts in Addicted to You (Series 2 of ATB) obviously if you wish to stop reading after series 1 I completely understand just let me know if you like to be untagged. Now offence taken. I hope you like it.
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff, Little Angst, Mention of drug abuse & Violence.
Song: Raye - Love of you life.
Word Count: 2303
Pairings: Laila x Harry
As soon as she read the words she knew who had done this "The flat is all clear" Harry says as Laila just stares at the words on the wall "It was Vicky" she says without looking away. "Are you sure?" he questions her, Laila nods "She's done something like this before when I've given Zeppy advice to stay away from her while she's using in the past. So, she completely smashed up my car"
18 Years ago.
"Nate, you know everyone says she's a druggy right?" this wasn't the reaction he wanted when he told his family about Vic "Laila, she is done with all that!" he hisses at her "Whatever...it's your life!" she gets up off the sofa and heads back to her bedroom. Nate was only 16 and Vic was 2 years older, Terry and Liz didn't care about the age gap as they were the same age when they got together, but it was more the rumours they had heard about her half the time she's high and the other half she's trying to get money to score.
As much as they didn't like her, Terry and Liz knew if they expressed their concerns, this will just push him away and towards her. All they could do is be there for him, they didn't have to worry. 4 months into the relationship the day before Laila's 14 birthday, Vicky just disappeared for two years when she finally turned up she told him about Zeppy. Hoping that he would stump up maintenance for her, but a trainee mechanic didn't make that much. Nate had learned not to give her money for anything, so if Zeppy needed something he would go out and buy it for her himself.
When she reached 12 years old, Vicky relapsed again, Nate had lost count of how many times she had gone back to the gear. Vicky had ended up in hospital again, Nate was working so he had asked Laila to take her to see Vic. When they arrived Vicky was asleep, although she was only 4 years older than Laila, looked twice her age. Zeppy was in tears "Hey, she'll be OK! She always is!" Laila tried to comfort her.
Hearing Zeppy's voice she stirred but kept her eyes shut "Aunt Laila, sometimes I wish she wasn't! I wish she wasn't OK.....I can't keep going through this!" Zeppy sobbed "I get that...I do! Sometimes, you can only take so much before you start to wonder if you would be better off without them or keep putting yourself through it"
This angered Vicky.
3 Days later.
She discharged herself from hospital and caught the tube to Laila's work. She saw her car parked up, she took off her heeled boots and smashed every window, pulling out her house key she scraped it across the shiny black paint work before smashing in her headlights. With the alarm going off Laila and Daniel rushed outside, but the damaged had been done.
Vicky got 6 months in prison for criminal damage.
Nate felt so much guilt that he decided he would worked on her car until it looked like new but Terry and Grandad Carelli couldn't let him do it alone, so they got involved too.
That was Vicky's first attack on Laila...
Present day.
Harry didn't want her staying at the flat just in case, Vicky came back no matter how much Laila protested "Harry, I'll be fine here! I can handle Vicky" he's packing a bag for her "I don't care...Laila, you aren't staying here" although she wasn't scared of Vic, she found Harry's protective side quite a turn on.
The next day.
Harry is in the shower, while Laila is cooking them breakfast "Alexa play Harry's playlist" she calls out. Raye - Love of Your Life starts playing, Laila starts swaying her hips and sings along.
"Oh, I could make you confused
I could give you something to lose
I'ma wake you up in the morning
In the bathroom singing the blues
No, I won't clean up your plates (Your plates)
Got my hair all in your face (Your face)
And my legs wrapped 'round your waist (Your waist)
No, I could never give you any space but I
I could be the love, be the love
Be the love, be the love of your life
I could be the love, be the love
Be the love, be the love of your life
I could be the light, be the light
Be the light when it's dark in the night
Oh God, I could be the love, be the love
Be the love, be the love of your life"
Harry stops in the doorway admiring the view, she hadn't noticed him and continues singing. He watches her hip roll and booty pop. He's almost convinced she knows he's there, so she's moving like this to get a reaction out of him. Which by how tight his boxers have gone she had gotten one.
"Put your, put your ego down when you need to
Yes, I get stressed out if I can't read you
Bad London girl raised in the south
I run my mouth, I say shit that I really didn't meant to say
Got my hair all in your face (Your face)
And my legs wrapped 'round your waist (Your waist)
No, I could ne......."
She cuts herself off when he startles her by wrapping his arms around her from behind "Why does that song seem like it was made for you?" He asks before placing a soft kiss against her neck "Maybe because my legs are normally wrapped around ya waist?" she laughs, "That or the love of you life bit" he nips her ear.
He kisses her neck again "Harry, I'm trying to cook breakfast," he leans forward moving the pan off the heated ring "I'm hungry for....!"  he spins her round to face him before lifting her and placing her on the kitchen counter. His lips crash to hers, his hands slip under his t-shirt she's wearing, grasping the waistband of her underwear and pulling them down until their a puddle on the floor.
The pads of his fingers parts her folds, the kiss became more intense, she moans against his lips. She's ready for him, she pushes down his boxers springing him free, she lines him up against her apex. With one swift movement, he thrusts into her, he groans as he grips her arse pulling her forward. She grips his shoulders, his thumb brushes over her nipple making her moan.
A few hours later.
"....I found her washing the kittens in the toilet" Mrs. Hoges tells Laila stories of her 6 year old granddaughter in her southern American accent while she's cutting her hair "No!! How old were they?"
"5 maybe 6 weeks...I shouldn't laugh but it was quite funny"
As she finishes up, she hears her phone buzz.
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She loves her friends, but they worry too much, Laila believes if Vicky wanted to hurt her she would.
15 Minutes later...
Laila calls in her next client Miss. Ferguson in "Hey! How are you?" she greets her "G'day, I'm great thanks, you?" She says in her rich Australian accent, Laila nods "So what are we doing today?" Laila throws the gown over her "I'm thinking chocolate brown highlights" Laila nods tearing the foil strips.
At the corner of her eye, she notices someone lean against the wall to her right, she glances over and rolls her eyes as she makes her way over "Harry, what are you doing here?"
"Don't worry Daniel said it was fine.... considering" he seems worried "As much I love you worrying over me...I will be fine" she can see he has no plans on leaving her anytime soon "But seems you aren't going anywhere make yourself useful and pass me those foils when I ask" they make their way back over to Miss. Ferguson.
Once her foils are done, Laila gets Harry to take her to the sinks and wash her hair "I..don't know how to wash women's hair," he whispers to Laila, who laughs "Dude! Come on, it's not that difficult! You know how to wash your hair just wash it how you would yours but we give them a head massage when you do the conditioner" she winks leaving him to it.
At the end of her shift, "Did you have fun being my trainee?" he looks over to her, she had made him do 5 washes, made endless amount of teas and coffees and sweep up hair "I have no idea how you do this everyday my hands are pruned" she laughs, "Aww, those delicate hands can't handle a little water?" she jokes as she grabs her stuff to leave. She checks her phone and saw Nate had text her.
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Although Laila wasn't scared of Vicky, she was relieved that she had been caught "Vicky's in custody" she turns towards Harry, who let's out a sigh of relief "Thank...fuck!" He wraps her up in his arms "Let hope she's not released anytime soon" she smiles up at him. She sends a quick reply back.
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"So, that means I lose my hunky trainee?" She winks at him, he chuckles "Would it be inappropriate to take my boss out to dinner?" She smirks "Well, now your shift has finished you're no longer my trainee! I'm guessing it's acceptable!"
They leave the salon and find a restaurant that can seat them. Once they are shown their table, they're looking through the menu she looks up at Harry then she spots him...Fuck!!!! She thought as she moved the menu to cover her face.
"Laila?" She hears Harry say "Yes?" She asked not lowering her menu, "Who are you hiding from?" She can almost hear him smirking "No one! I have no idea what you're talking about!" He shook his head "You know even if I can't see your face I can tell you are lying"
She pulls down the menu a little "After Josh, Nikki set me up on a blind date...oh my god the guy was awful. He was one of those who are someone in school, but after he's a nobody the whole date he was just reminiscing about his days at school. I was so bored, so I made my excuses to use the toilets which was right next to the exit and left" Harry howls "Laila!! You didn't?!" He wipes his tears from laughing.
"I did! It's the guy over there with the woman with the yellow dress" Harry is about to turn to look, "Don't look you'll make it obvious!" She hisses "I need to see what this guy looks like especially if you've ditched him!" He turns and he can't believe his eyes "Callum?" He turns back to her "Yeah, how did you know?" She questions him.
"He was the kid in school that used to bully me about my weight...well until Alec told him to back off" Harry starts to laugh again "What's funny?" She asks, "So, he came to my gym years later wanting a PT, I managed to get him into shape....but it felt so good having someone who used to bully me come to me for help and now? My girlfriend went on a date with him and done a runner!" Harry is in fits of laughter.
"Maybe I should go over and say hi" Laila gives him a look as of to say don't you dare, but its to late, he's up and walking over to their table "Callum! I saw you and thought I'd come over and say hi!" Callum looks up at him "Harry, mate how are you?" The pair shake hands "Good, just here with my girlfriend Laila" he points in Laila's direction she awkwardly smiles back.
"I feel like I know her from somewhere" Callum's date turns in Laila's direction, now all 3 are looking over to her. Fuck! Does he recognize me?! She thought. "I think she just has one of those faces" Harry laughs "So, who's your date?" Callum's date looks up at Harry.
Laila caught her checking Harry out, she holds out her hand, which Harry shakes and quickly drops much to Callum's dates disappointment. She watches him smile at him both before making his way back to their table.
"Please tell me..he doesn't remember me?!" She asks as he sits, Harry chuckles "He thinks he knows you from somewhere, but no idea where" Laila sighs with relief "Thank god! But the nerve of his date! Checking you out right in front of him!" Her tone was curt.
A grin appeared on his face "So, I didn't imagine it then!" She rolls her eyes at him "No, I saw it too!" She doesn't look impressed "They were on a first date too! Why do you sound jealous?" He loves this side to her "I'm not.... I just think its rude checking out someone else when you are on a date" he leans over interlinking his fingers through hers "Gorgeous....come on surely you know I literally have tunnel vision, if it's not you I'm not interested! Plus do you know how good it felt telling him that I was with you?! The chubby kid got the super hot girlfriend and at 34 he's still on his first date" His words make her blush.
They're interrupted by the waiter who takes their order.
They are laughing at a silly joke Harry's mum told him when he heads to their table "I figured out where I know you from!" Callum says in an airy tone "We went on a blind date set up by Nikki! You ran out on it"
Fuck he remembered! She thought.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 20.
@lem-20​ @ridgy--didge​ @irisofpurple​ @secretaryunpaid​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @tea-me-kah​ @casualpostqueen​ @beautifuluknownvoid​
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secretaryunpaid · 4 years ago
@ridgy--didge​ You’re drawing tears from me right now, I love your style of flattery! My cheeks are starting to burn from blushing.
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I can say all of the same things about your writing !!!! I love all of your writings !!! You know how much we discuss this, and I am still so very proud of everything that you have accomplished !!! 
Thank you for your constant encouragement, proofreading, and commenting!!! Most definitely thank you for sharing my fics, that is key to a writer’s growth... We need feedback in order to better ourselves, because we all have many areas that we can always advance in.
I appreciate you always being a shoulder and ear to lean on !!!! (You too @pixie88​ !!!)
When you're angry at the characters, the story is well-written. When you're angry at the writers, it is not.
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ukaspirevendor · 4 years ago
Adjusting and Customising Shortfill E-Liquids
Adjusting and Customising Shortfill E-Liquids
A shortfill e-liquid is a vaping liquid that contains no nicotine content, and it is generally sold in slightly bigger bottles filled to only approximately 80% capacity. This means that you can either choose to vape entirely without nicotine or that you can add and adjust the nicotine levels to your favourite e-liquid in order to gain the required strength.
After the e-cigarette legislation changed in 2017, all nicotine products were required to be submitted to the MHRA for approval and testing. The result was that vapers who were used to finding large and varying sizes of e-liquid bottles on the market had to contend with the same amount of nicotine-laden e-liquid in tiny bottles of just 10ml each. These have the tendency to run out fairly quickly and many e-liquid manufacturers discontinued certain flavours as they were no longer viable to repackage and sell in 10ml bottles.
Due to the fact that products containing no nicotine don’t have to be tested under the rules of the Tobacco Products Directive, this meant that manufacturers of e-liquids confirmed an entirely legal loophole that allowed them to produce larger bottles of e-liquid that contained zero nicotine. The clever twist was that they didn’t fill these bottles to capacity, which meant that vapers had the option of adding their own nicotine shots to these bottles in order to render their favourite flavour of e-liquid no longer nicotine-free.
There are several rules and regulations regarding e-cigarettes, and one of them pertains to nicotine content, stating that it cannot exceed 10ml. This means that, for vapers who want a stronger nicotine hit, a shortfill e-liquid means that they can choose how high they want the nicotine levels in the liquid to be. Additionally, the larger bottle makes it easier to carry around on-the-go, and you can fill up your tank throughout the course of the day.
It is incredibly easy to use a shortfill e-liquid, and you can adjust the nicotine levels to suit your tastes. All you have to do is to remove the tamper-proof lid from the bottle, remove the drip cap, pour in the desired amount of nicotine, replace both the drip cap and the lid again, and then vigorously shake the bottle. Once this is well-mixed, it can simply be poured into the vape tank and will be ready to use. Of course, if the user prefers no nicotine at all, the e-liquid can be used on its own as well.
If you’re mixing your own nicotine and e-liquid blends, the result will entirely depend on the strength of the nicotine and the amount of e-liquid in the bottle. For instance, if you have a bottle containing 40ml of e-liquid and 20ml of nicotine, this would create a different blend to a bottle containing 50ml of e-liquid and 10ml of nicotine.
In Britain and the EU, the size and strength of nicotine liquids on the market is restricted. Nicotine is generally sold in 10ml bottles at 18mg strength. These little bottles are usually referred to as “nicotine shots”, or the abbreviated “nic shots”. Due to the fact that the majority of people would like to vape a 3mg, 6mg, or 12mg liquid, an 18mg nicotine-strength makes for an easier calculation. In general, shortfills are also designed so that when you add nicotine, you end up with 3mg strength e-liquid.
Shortfills have a nostalgic feel and come in a wider variety of flavours, but one of the biggest benefits is that they allow vapers to buy and carry around fewer bottles, which is ideal if you’re on-the-go. Additionally, shortfills also come in a variety of crazy names that are highly favoured in the vaping community, such as the Bogan Brews Shortfill E-liquid range that are titled The Ducks Nuts, Six n Out, Ridgy Didge, Fair Dinkum, and Bloody Ripper.
About Us
In May 2016, UK Aspire Vendor were given the UK distribution for Aspire products in the UK. The company, UK Aspire Vendor, has been at the forefront in the vaping industry for many years. The team is committed to the principles of giving great customer service, distributing only the highest quality products, and ensuring all of their partners are satisfied to work with them. UK Aspire Vendor has set out to be the main partner and HQ for Aspire in the UK. Their mission is simply to service the UK market with sales experience, aftersales care, and devoted dedication to the Aspire brand. For more information on UK Aspire Vendor, please visit https://www.ukaspirevendor.co.uk/.
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pixie88 · 4 years ago
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I was going to do a few lines of the next chapter of ATB and Alone but I haven't edited ATB's next chapter and I'm only 4 lines in of Alone.
So my Sunday Six is 3 photo's from each series that are included in either the next chapter or a few chapter ahead 😘
Always the Bridesmaid:
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Let's see what ya got (Only if you want to): @lem-20 @secretaryunpaid @khoicesbyk @ridgy--didge @irisofpurple @txemrn 😘
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khoicesbyk · 4 years ago
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Heyyyyy it must be Sunday!
And me and Al are back! This means it’s time for another Six Sentence:
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And today’s Six Sentence Sunday is a twofer! This first one involves my WB series, Beloved!
And now we have a look at what happened after Naia (MC) woke up from her coma much to Laurie’s (her mother) relief. See below:
After hanging up the phone Laurie went to the nurse's station and alerted them. As she waited patiently for her husband to arrive, she began to wonder if she had been doing the right thing all these years.
Was hiding the truth about her past and her connection to The Pack honestly the best thing to do in terms of her daughter?
Catch up on Beloved -------> Here!
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @secretaryunpaid @rideordiechronicles @ridgy--didge @pixie88 @txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations
Happy Sneak Peeking! 😘😍
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pixie88 · 4 years ago
Well I think I just owed the person that tried to belittle me 🤷‍♀️🤣 #tryharder 🤣
@ridgy--didge exactly!!! Thank you and @secretaryunpaid 😘😘😘
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
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big-kid-now · 7 years ago
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ridgy didge sesh bowl without the ‘bong on’ around the edge - a rarity
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onenationdrinks · 5 years ago
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Ridgy Didge🍹⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 40ml Three Cuts Gin⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 20ml Green Chartreuse ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 15ml Lime Juice ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 15ml Lime Syrup (adjust to taste)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Grapefruit Tonic Water⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Add all ingredients into a shaker except for tonic along with ice and shake vigorously. Pour into a glass and top with grapefruit tonic water .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Cr: @sheshedcocktails⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Home Bar ideas : www.amazon.ca/shop/onenationdrinks⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tag your friends 🍻⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #cocktail #cocktails #cocktailoftheday #cocktailart #craftcocktail #cocktailz #cocktailhour #cocktailtime #gin #cocktailgram #cocktaildress #mixology #mixologist #drinks #drinkrecipes #tonicwater #cocktailrecipes #bar #greenchartreuse #instadrink #onenationdrinks #onenationmtl #regrann #amazoninfluencer #planoly — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2VAtsiy
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