#riddle underpass
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ambdgyt · 6 months ago
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Glimpse of what once was
@brine-in-my-eyes @redzania lore ping
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mangomixes · 6 months ago
dont mind me i'm just posting spoopy rup tracks (where are you is my fav tbh)
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5starprez · 8 months ago
I have a cat named rusty :]
I have a rat-
No 5 that's the school's rat not yours DO NOT TOUCH IT PROBABLY HAS RABBIES-
Aw :[
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riddleunderpassofficial · 8 months ago
Lore dumps from the rsag discord server (MAJOR SPOILERS FEEL FREE TO SKIP IF YOU WANT TO PLAY RUP BLIND)
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ambdgyt · 2 years ago
Why is this me and riddle underpass 5 lmao lmao
Joe as well
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x I plead the fifth
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whistlingsucks · 8 months ago
whta do yuo think about the shcoll cleanainess ( HELPP IM SORRY IVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONNGGG IM BUSY DRAWING 5 FROM RIDDLE UNDERPASS )
theres mold on the chairs. Also the stain from where i spilled my milk is still there
Speaking of the milk, Its just cement. Deadass.
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vallxlkzal · 2 months ago
🥀💔Part Ten💔🥀
Wally was slowly coming to his senses. Again. In a new hotel and with Waldo next to him, who just stood there and smiled, not taking his intrigued gaze off his fifth, kind double. Wally was getting scared and he still decided to do something he had never done before next to this monster after being wounded — to run. Waldini jumped to his feet sharply and ran with all the strength he had, kicked the door open and flew down the stairs to the exit. There was a continuous squeaking and beating of his own heart in his ears, the adrenaline in his blood carried him only forward. This can't go on like this anymore.
Waldo remained standing, steadfast and proud. Only his smile, crooked and sharp, cut wide across his face in the most terrible expression of mirth an ordinary human could imagine.
If the game is broken, the Detective is no longer involved, and the others are scattered across the worlds, there is only one option.
And this option is now running down the street and does not know what awaits him ahead. Or who.
Why not play a game with Wally? He loves adventure, riddles, fun... Waldo teleported outside and followed Wally with calm steps, humming a tune and laughing. Waldo would not want this cute striped dork to go to anyone else. The world doesn't deserve him. The worlds. And the Detective didn't deserve him, and... Even Waldo didn't deserve him. Oh, poor Wally, no one will ever hurt you again! Waldo will see to that.
Although, no... There need to come up with something more interesting, something grander! Especially for Wally Waldini — the smartest Detective that the crazy Waldo has ever met!
Everywhere along the way Wally met Waldo. It was impossible to run away or hide from him. And then there were those strange people dressed like their red and white idol... These people were also everywhere. They loomed in the crowds, sat on benches, stared at him with mad eyes in the underpasses. Wally didn't know where to run or what universe he was in. He just had to somehow fight off this madness, to hide. Obviously, Waldo wanted to look for Wally himself, but what would happen if he was found and captured? Probably nothing good.
As Wally ran, he realized that he hadn't seen Wilma once in all this time. Where is she? Where was Wilma? Wally looked at his reflection in a shop window, where those people in the red and white striped sweaters and hats were waving at him again, and tried to think. Maybe he shouldn't run away?
Perhaps Waldo never existed in the pixelated universe of the Detective, because...
— Hello! — Wally crashed into his pursuer and fell to the ground, bruising ass and hip.
— Where is Wilma?
— Who?
— Where is Wilma?!
Waldo laughed, swinging his cane and hitting Wally, but he was able to avoid the blow in time. Something about the situation was beginning to stir up rage, something Waldini had never felt before.
The street was surprisingly empty and quiet, early morning, with a gentle fog and a brisk chill. Wally clenched his fist.
— Where's Wilma?! — he repeated once more and swung at Waldo with his bare hands, knocking off his glasses and his smile, which turned into a furious fanged growl. Wally didn't care about anything anymore, his fear had disappeared, or, more precisely, it had turned into all the blows that Waldini had taken on Waldo.
Even with a bruised lip and nose, the bastard smiled as he and Wally fought on the cold sidewalk together. Their strengths were equal, except for the lack of a stick and the still painful wounds on the fifth.
— Where. Wilma.
— Okay, Wally, I'm going to tell you something. She's...
A few seconds later, a splattering of blood and pieces of Waldo's brain landed on Wally's shocked face. He realized that this Waldo had let himself be killed on purpose. That the game was no longer in the Detective's hands, who held the gun in a steady hand and was breathing heavily.
The Detective simply became part of this game without realizing it.
It was the first time in all of time that Waldo was killed. And he entrusted this responsible mission to his favorite Detective. If he hadn't shot, Wally would have found out the truth.
— Wally! Are you all right?! — Odlaw jumped up to Waldini and hugged him tightly, despite the blood and dirt that was not typical of his dear friend.
His dear friend in the past. Something was wrong, and Odlaw could feel it in Wally's frantic heartbeat. Odlaw looked up and realized that someone else was looking at him...
— Wally?.. — a yellow and black hand gently ran over Wally's face, wiping away the blood and dirt... — We're going home soon... I have a stick... Your stick... Wally...
Waldini was not listening to Odlaw, looking through him at the Detective, who in turn was looking at Waldo's corpse and Wally's passive-aggressive face with a confused look.
— Looks like you found me, Detective. Found Waldo...
The Detective was alert, hearing the familiar notes of madness in the familiar voice.
Wally smiled, lowering his head. He was still sitting on the ground, despite Odlaw next to him and Wenda and Woof, who had been there the whole time but hadn't said anything.
The Detective crouched down in front of Wally and tried to raise his face to his level when he heard a soft growl.
— Let me go...
— Wally, what happened? What did he say to you? He makes other people crazy a lot, and...
The Detective turned away in shock, as did everyone else. Wally had never, ever screamed at anyone before or shook in hysterics. Even Odlaw's hugs no longer held him back.
— Detective, what's going on? — Wenda looked at her boyfriend and best friend, scared, not knowing what to do, because it seemed that Wally didn't want anyone's hugs or warm words anymore.
— I don't blame you, I want to help... — the Detective tried to approach again, but Wally looked even more angry and furious.
— That's why you shot me! That's why you didn't believe me! That's why you fell for the stupid tricks of this... This... This FAKE me! This is not Waldo, Detective! BECAUSE I AM WALDO! THE ONE AND ONLY IN ALL THE UNIVERSES! — Wally grabbed his stick and disappeared, leaving everyone in complete silence and incomprehension.
— Calm down, everyone, don't panic, we still have this stick of this dead Waldo and Woof who can find Wally by smell! We'll find him! — Wenda raised the stick, snapping everyone out of their mute trance and shock.
— Wenda... Wenda, what did he mean? — the Detective looked at the striped creature in confusion, hoping for some kind of hope, but she obviously had no idea either.
— I don't know, Detective, but I do know that we will find Wally. We all have nervous breakdowns sometimes, don't we...
Ukrainian version (original):
Воллі повільно приходив до тями. Знову. В новому готелі і з Валдо поруч, який просто стояв і посміхався, не спускаючи заінт��игованого погляду зі свого п'ятого, доброго двійника. Воллі було стало страшно і він все-такий вирішив зробити те, що не робив ще жодного разу поруч з цим монстром після поранення, — бігти. Вальдіні різко підскочив на ноги і побіг зі всіх своїх сил, які тільки мав, вибив двері і полетів по сходах вниз, до виходу. В ушах стояв суцільний писк і биття власного серця, адреналін в крові ніс тільки вперед. Це більше не може так продовжуватися.
Валдо залишився стояти, непохитно і гордо. Лише усмішка його, крива і гостра, широко різала обличчя найстрашнішим проявом веселощів, який тільки могла б уявити звичайна людина.
Якщо гра зламана, Детектив більше не задіяний, а інші розкидані по світам, залишається тільки один варіант.
І цей варіант зараз біжить вже по вулиці і не знає, що на нього чекає попереду. Або хто.
Чому б не зіграти в гру з Воллі? Він любить пригоди, загадки, веселощі... Валдо телепортувався на вулицю і пішов спокійними кроками за Воллі, наспівуючи якусь мелодію і сміючись. Не хотілось би, щоб цей милий смугастик дістався хоч комусь. Світ його не заслужив. Світи. І Детектив його не заслужив, і... Навіть Валдо його не заслужив. О, бідненький Воллі, тебе більше ніхто не образить! Валдо про це попіклується...
Хоча, ні... Треба вигадати дещо цікавіше, дещо грандіозніше! Спеціально для Воллі Вальдіні — найрозумнішого Детектива, якого тільки зустрічав божевільний Валдо!
Всюди по дорозі Воллі зустрічав Валдо. Від нього неможливо було втекти чи заховатися. А ще ці дивні люди, одягнені подібно своєму червоно-білому кумиру... Ці люди теж були всюди. Вони маячили в натовпах, сиділи на лавочках, дивилися шаленим поглядом в підземних переходах... Воллі не знав, куди бігти і в якому він всесвіті. Треба було просто якось відбитися від цього шаленства, сховатися. Очевидно, Валдо власною персоною захотів ШУКАТИ Воллі, але що станеться, якщо його знайдуть і схоплять? Напевно, нічого хорошого.
Воллі біг і розумів, що за увесь цей час він жодного разу не бачив Вілму. Де вона? Де Вілма? Воллі поглянув на своє відображення у вітрині якогось магазину, де йому знову помахали ці люди в червоно-білих смугастих светрах і шапочках, і спробував подумати. Можливо, не треба тікати?
Можливо, Валдо в піксельному всесвіті Детектива ніколи не існувало, бо...
— Привіт! — Воллі врізався в свого переслідувача і впав на землю, боляче забивши свою дупу і стегно.
— Де Вілма?
— Хто?
— Де Вілма?!
Валдо розсміявся, замахуючись своєю тростиною і вдаряючи по Воллі, але той зміг вчасно уникнути удару. Дещо в цій ситуації починало викликати лють, чого Вальдіні раніше ніколи не відчував.
Вулиця була на диво порожня і тиха, ранкова, з ніжним туманом і бадьорою прохолодою. Воллі стиснув кулак.
— Де Вілма?! — ще раз повторив він і замахнувся на Валдо голіруч, збивши з нього окуляри і його посмішку, яка перетворилась на шалене іклисте гарчання. Воллі вже нічого не хвилювало, страх кудись зник, а, якщо точніше, перейшов у всі ті удари, які Вальдіні переніс на Валдо.
Навіть з підбитою губою і носом цей покидьок посміхався, поки вони з Воллі билися на холодному тротуарі вдвох. Сили їх були рівні, якщо не рахувати відсутності палиці і все ще болючих ран у п'ятого.
— Де. Вілма.
— Гаразд, Воллі, я тобі зізнаюсь. Вона...
Через декілька секунд бризки крові і шматочків мізків Валдо опинились на шокованому обличчі Воллі. Він зрозумів, що цей Валдо дав вбити себе навмисне. Що тепер гра не належить Детективу, який тримав пістолет в твердій руці і важко дихав.
Детектив просто став частиною цієї гри, сам того не розуміючи.
Вперше за увесь час було вбито Валдо. І доручив він цю відповідальну місію своєму любому Детективу. Ах, якби він не вистрілив, Воллі б про все дізнався...
— Воллі! Ти цілий?! — Одлав підскочив до Вальдіні і міцно обійняв, незважаючи ні на кров, ні на бруд, не притаманний його милому другу.
Йому милому другу в минулому. Щось було не так і Одлав це відчував по шаленому серцебиттю Воллі. Одлав підвів погляд і зрозумів, що на нього дивитись хтось інший...
— Воллі?.. — жовто-чорна рука обережно провела по обличчю Воллі, стираючи кров і бруд. — Ми скоро підемо додому... У мене є палиця... Твоя палиця... Воллі...
Вальдіні не слухав Одлава, дивляч��сь крізь нього на Детектива, який в свою чергу розгубленим поглядом ковзав то по трупу Валдо, то по пасивно-агресивному обличчю Воллі.
— Схоже, Детективе, ви знайшли мене... Знайшли Валдо...
Детектив насторожився, чуючи знайомі нотки божевілля в знайомому голосі.
Воллі посміхнувся, опустивши голову. Він все ще сидів на землі, незважаючи на Одлава поруч і Венду з Вуфом, які теж увесь час були тут, але мовчали.
Детектив присів навпроти Воллі і спробував підняти його обличчя на свій рівень, почувши тихе гарчання.
— Відпустіть мене...
— Воллі, що сталося? Що він тобі сказав? Він дуже часто зводить інших людей з розуму і...
Детектив в шоці відхилився, як і всі інші. Воллі раніше ніколи, ніколи ні на кого не кричав і не тремтів в істериці. Навіть обійми Одлава більше не стримували.
— Детективе, що відбувається? — Венда налякано дивилась на свого хлопця і кращого друга, не знаючи, як їй вчинити, бо, здається, Воллі більше не хотів чиїхось обіймів чи теплих слів.
— Я не звинувачую тебе, я хочу допомогти... — Детектив знову спробував підійти, але Воллі став виглядати ще більш злим і розлюченим.
— Саме тому ви вистрілили в мене! Саме тому ви не вірили мені! Саме тому ви повелися на дурні витівки цього... Цього... Цього НЕСПРАВЖНЬОГО мене! Це не Валдо, Детективе! БО Я І Є ВАЛДО! ОДИН ЄДИНИЙ НА ВСІ ВСЕСВІТИ! — Воллі схопив свою палицю і зник, залишивши всіх в суцільній тиші і нерозумінні.
— Спокійно, всім без паніки, у нас все ще є ця палиця цього мертвого Валдо і Вуф, який може знайти Воллі по запаху! Ми його знайдемо! — Венда підняла палицю, виводячи всіх з німого трансу і шоку.
— Венда... Венда, що він мав на увазі?.. — Детектив збентежено поглянув на смугасту в хоч якійсь надії, але вона, очевидно, теж не здогадувалась.
— Я не знаю, Детективе, але знаю точно, що ми знайдемо Воллі. У всіх іноді бувають нервові зриви, чи не так...
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candlecoo · 3 years ago
mmm thoughts on a sludge incident gone wrong nomu zuku au?
- All Might showed up too late and by the time he popped out of that manhole the villain and his victim was long gone.
- the sludge villain quickly realized the body he found had no quirk and wasn't viable to flee or fight heros in so he took him to the only place he could think of...
- to the doctor.
- surely the doctor would have better use of the body of some quirkless loser and he could trade up to something else.
- it didn't take more than ten to fifteen minutes for the villain to escape All Might and find the doctor.
- little did he know that not only he did murder and steal the body of just any quirkless fourteen year old, no he murdered and stole the body of Afo's beloved quirkless son!
- so the doctor felt justified in sedating the sludge villain so Afo could determine his fate, recovering the prodigal sons body and stabilizing it before alerting the man on the situation.
- absolutely distraught Afo commands the doctor to resurrect Izuku but is warned that too much time may have passed and if they attempt a full resurrection they may lose more of Izuku's personality and ego. That they could try but it may just create a husk of the boy.
- however they could attempt to create an advanced nomu out of his son to persevere what is left of the boy.
- the first quirk Izuku obtains is the very one that killed him.
- elsewhere All Might is distraught to find a child's school supplies thrown about the underpass and feels great guilt at the fact that his shortcomings lead a child to become a victim.
- Inko midoriya worries when he only son never returns home.
- and Katsuki Bakugou will come to believe that his cruel words spoken in the spur of the moment lead to the death of his childhood friend and is riddled with guilt.
- months pass and Izuku becomes a high functioning nomu. With the ability to completely turn into slime, transform into others and track their health through consumption of DNA, enhanced strength, speed and senses, scanning and healing(as well as more(think of a less op remiru tempest)).
- Izuku is also given the task of bodyguard and constant caretaker of the man he knows to be his father.
- Izuku has few memories, not that they are lost more like he can't access them.
- very rarely is the boy allowed to leave his fathers side so he is not known by heros even after the league makes their move.
- All Might has long since learned the identity of the boy he failed.
- so imagine everyone's surprise when Afo reveals Izuku during the Kamino raid!
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ambdgyt · 1 year ago
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A class president so extraordinary, he's out of this world! 🌠🌙🌃💫
5 Riddle School by @ambdgyt
ALSO.... go check out their riddle underpass universe!!!!! its a super cool au featuring 5 riddle school as the star (haha space joke) and i think the story so far is super neato.
its in ongoing development so if you could show ur support to the creator then that would be so cool awesome💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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ambdgyt · 8 months ago
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Ju't upp mbuf up hp cbdl.
@redzania @brine-in-my-eyes WE HAVE NEW LORE TO FIGURE OUT HEHEHE (sorry if you don't like being tagged)
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mangomixes · 5 months ago
@redzania @brine-in-my-eyes rup stuff :3
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5starprez · 8 months ago
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Uijt jt zpvs gbvmu. Zpv bsf uif cfhjoojoh pg uif foe. Ps jt ju b ejljcbm
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ambdgyt · 5 months ago
I am making a rs fangame atm actually-
(hehehe its called riddle underpass and its basically 5, alien and timeline shenanigans and more)
Welcome to a, well not a sequel more of a spinoff of my last post where today I'll talk about games that WERE cancelled but either need more fan content or something idk.
just like last time this is meant for humor only, I do not condone the actions of the creator of riddle school, please read with a grain of salt
1. Riddle School
2. Dayshift at Freddys
3. And lastly chess, this one needs a sequel.
Edit: I feel like I should add that these creators stopped for a reason and if they don't have passion for their work anymore then I don't want them to work on it. I don't usually get serious, it's not my style, but if anyone reading this is a creator of anything, it's ok to take breaks, it's ok to quit, and it's ok to reach out for help, people will complain, but they're a loud minority, most people want the best for you, me included, stay safe everyone love you
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riddleunderpassofficial · 6 months ago
@redzania @brine-in-my-eyes lore ping HEHE
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makoxmind · 2 years ago
“You made me happy.”
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OOC;; Writing my thoughts here because I have nowhere else to share them;
Silent Hill x FF7--
Cloud in town over his guilt about the death of Aerith. Humanoid dog-men riddled with bullet holes that make the sounds of empty castings as they walk. Flowers that bleed sprouting from the cracks and crevices in the walls. Mutilated corpses in Shinra uniform immediately start running at him the moment he turns corners. The hallways keep filling up with water and the doors lock themselves; it’s trying to drown him, but even when he falls unconscious, he simply wakes up laying upon the grass outside, looking up at a starless sky.
Tifa runs Seventh Heaven, but she feels like something has changed and doesn’t know what, but there are far less customers and the days are bleeding into each other. She’s exhausted despite the lack of work, the rest of AVALANCHE went away on a mission and haven’t returned. Blank letters appear on her bar counter from time to time. The paper is always burned. At night time, the smell of smoke creeps in through the small gaps in the windows.
Aerith exists, but any time they speak to her, it feels as if they are talking to something that isn’t as pure. She reacts slowly. Talks too loud. It can’t be her, because she’s dead, but she’s right there in front of them too. They stand beneath an underpass with flies buzzing around out of sight, it’s so dark even candle light does not pierce the shadow that has engulfed them, something is running around close by erratically and she tells them that everything is fine. It isn’t. 
Tifa chases Cloud into the ashes of a dim, unending fire, who in turn is chasing Aerith into the damp, fetid darkness. 
"The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?"
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chilling-seavey · 4 years ago
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (d.s.) - 6
A/N Out in the open
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder so there will be graphic descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, possible domestic abuse (physical/verbal), crime/covering up a crime, shock/grief, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
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You may think you understand stress, dear reader, but I can assure you that you do not. You do not understand stress unless you have driven around the city in broad daylight with a body in the trunk of your car. There was only so much guilt that a hat and sunglasses could cover.
“We should stop by the bank…take out some cash before we leave the state.” I suggested, my hands tightening on the wheel slightly as I drove. 
Jonah nodded and reached into the backseat to pulled over his bag to shuffle through it. It was always full of random junk from snacks and a water bottle to notebooks and his wallet and phone charger. He carried his life in that bag. He pulled out said charger and helped himself to the port in my car to plug in his phone.
“Jo.” I said.
“Why aren’t you…freaked out?” I asked.
“I am.” Jonah answered as he dropped his bag in the backseat again. “My best friend called me out of the single most important studio session of our careers to get me involved in the murder of his wife. Who wouldn’t be freaked out? Why aren’t you freaked out?”
I shifted my hands on the wheel nervously, “I-I am freaked out. I just…I don’t know what happened at all and I think I’m just in shock.”
“Do you think you killed her?” Jonah asked quietly.
I could sense the nervousness in his voice as if he was scared of me too. I honestly didn’t know what to tell him…I didn’t know what to tell myself to reassure either of us. I loved Avalon. I loved her with almost everything in me. So what would be my motive to kill her? Would our argument about my job be enough to enrage my conscious to see nothing but red?
I could only answer my best friend truthfully. After all, he risked so much to come help me.
“I don’t know.”
Jonah nodded stiffly. He probably expected that reply from me. I had been saying it all morning.
“Well, we’ll go to the bank and check out this J person at the Lincoln motel and see where that takes us.”
Jonah and I were by no means celebrities, but our jobs certainly put us in the spotlight more often than we might have liked – especially in a situation as we found ourselves in with Avalon. Owning one of the top record companies in the country was not an easy feat and the publicity that came with it often made going out in public a bit of a hassle. I couldn’t tell you how many times Avalon and I were interrupted on a date for someone to want to talk to me, slide me a demo, or – for some reason – even get my autograph. Even Hollywood Fix seemed to have a soft spot for Jonah and me.
Avalon hated paparazzi. She hated paparazzi more than any other aspect of my job honestly. They made her nervous and claustrophobic and she always felt completely tense the entire night we were out if the paparazzi greeted us at the restaurant. Seemed like no matter the country they followed us everywhere. Even on our honeymoon we couldn’t catch a break.
“It’s just a few cameras.”
Avalon glanced out the tinted window of the rental car to the sidewalk that was swarming with paparazzi and their crew, waiting for us to step out.
“That’s hardly a few.” she mumbled.
“Just keep your head down and don’t say anything.”
“I can’t just ignore them.” she turned to me, “That’s rude.”
“Well what do you want me to say?” I sighed.
“I want to have a date with my husband that’s not riddled with strangers and their cameras.”
“Sorry to be such a burden in your life, honey.”
“Oh, Daniel, stop that.” she scoffed, shaking her head as she turned back out the window.
I stared at her a moment, her bottom lip held between her teeth and her arms crossed over the chest of the tight tropical dress she wore. I slid my hand over her thigh and gave it a squeeze to get her looking back at me. Her brown eyes were shimmering in anxious tears.
“I want to go back to the hotel.”
“No, no. It’s fine. I promise. I’ll be right beside you.” I assured her, capturing her chin in my hand to pull her lips onto mine for a quick kiss before reaching for the handle on the car door, “Come on.”
Thinking about these things only made me realize how much we actually argued. Maybe how dense I was to her feelings. Did that make me selfish? Well, I’m no perfect man. I can only push that fact on you so much, dear reader.
Jonah and I stared up at the brick bank building in front of us. The few steps to the ATM seemed like a mile. I took out my wallet from my jeans pocket and flicked through it to pull out my credit card with a sigh.
“5k?” Jonah suggested.
“Yeah, sounds about right.” I mumbled, adjusting the cap on my head as I scanned the curb we were parked in front of. “I’ll be quick.”
I stepped out of my car before I could psych myself up anymore and hopped up onto the sidewalk towards the ATM outside the building. I stood close to the machine, head down, and slid my credit card into the slot. I typed in my pin number with shaking hands and waited for my withdrawal request to go through while I tried not to think about what I was hiding in my car just behind me.
The sun beat down on the back of my neck as I hunched over the ATM, trying my best to keep myself in the shadows. It felt like ages had gone by until the machine slid out a stack of one-hundred-dollar bills and returned my card. I kept my head down as I turned on my heel and crashed right into a man walking towards the front doors of the bank.
He must have apologized – I remember him saying something to me – but the fear that our sudden collision injected into my veins had me bowing my head and rushing off to my car a few feet away without a word. I was breathless when I closed the door behind me as if I had just hiked up the Hills and back and I tried to play it off as I flicked through the bills in my hand.
I held out half the stack to Jonah so we could split the total just in-case anything happened to either of us, “Twenty-five-hundred for you. Twenty-five-hundred for me.”
“Great.” Jonah reached into the backseat and grabbed his wallet from his back to tuck the cash safely away and I slipped my half into the glove box of the car.
We had to keep moving so I pulled out of the bank parking lot back towards the main roads while Jonah brought up the address of the motel in the GPS and set the route navigation on. We drove in silence, not even bothering to put on any music, and he scrolled through his phone as we hit some traffic on the freeway.
“The place looks musty as hell.” Jonah said casually.
I glanced over to his phone screen to see him checking out the Expedia site.
“It’s like 1 out of 5 stars. Reviews say bed bugs, broken furniture, unfriendly staff. Why would Avalon want to go within five blocks of this place yet alone meet someone inside?” Jonah mumbled and he set his phone back down to charge.
“Yeah, well, I don’t think the interior design what she was particularly worried about.” I muttered as I switched lanes towards the exit for Pasadena. I couldn’t help but let the jealously come out through my tone of voice.
My phone rang through the Tesla speakers and I glanced at the screen to see Christian calling me for at least the third time since the night before. I declined it.
“Fuck. Why does he need to know where I am so badly?” I grumbled.
“Maybe you should just tell him you’re busy at work.” Jonah suggested.
“It’s none of his business where I am.”
“It’ll get him off your back.”
“It’ll get him asking questions. We really don’t need that.” I sighed tiredly.
Jonah kept quiet.
The Lincoln Motel was right off the freeway and was so closely built under the underpass that it could have passed as a troll under the bridge. Honestly, it sort of felt like that same sort of sense as I pulled into the cracked parking lot of the nearly crumbling orange stucco two-storey building. My white Tesla looked like a diamond in the rough beside the motel and I would have been worried about it being stolen if it wasn’t for the body in the trunk already depreciating the car.
I parked in the spot closest to the building and Jonah and I took a moment to prepare ourselves for not only the person we were going to meet uninvited but also to face the decrepit building firsthand. I leaned forward to see up to the second storey balcony – all the rooms being outdoor entry – and located number nineteen. This certainly was not what I had planned when I woke up that morning.
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @stuffofseaveyy​ @hopinglimelight​ @tempus-ut-luceant​ @br4nd1s​ @xkelsev​ @hiya-its-amber​ @sexyseavey15​
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