#rickey bowen x fem reader
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blahblahblees · 1 year ago
yes, it's me again, boo.
I've decided to be your first request
(be prepared 👹/j)
basically, I was thinking this, as far as requests go:
ricky bowen x a fem! reader.
basically, the reader has been stressing out a bunch about whatever you'd be okay with them stressing about. stress and anxiety play a big part in appetite and all. so, when ricky notices that she hasn't been eating much lately cause of her stress, he basically does like a surprise dinner or restaurant date and basically kinda help her get rid of her stress and all, maybe by going out to the park or skating? I'm fine with anything, tbh.
Thanks! :))
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ヽ`、☁ヽ`─── high school sweethearts ミ ricky bowen
✎ ·˚ ༘ ─── the stress of finals has been something that’s weighted heavy on your mind and body and your boyfriend has taken notice of that
wc: 1,019
ricky bowen x fem!reader (use of she/her and use of feminine terms)
tw: not eating properly, kissing (?)
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SHE THOUGHT that finals would be easy for her and yet, here she sat with piles and piles of study notes and textbooks for the one final that was worth at least 50% of her final grade.
The final wouldn’t be for another week or two (at least she hoped it was for another week or two), but this grade meant life or death to her. This grade weighed on her heavily and could determine the college she could attend.
Would it be ivy leagues? Would it be a college that held a high regard for their students? Or would be a community college that would lead to a university?
All of that weighed heavy in her mind.
So much so that she’d found herself only snacking on Nature Valley bars, a cup of Lucky Charms, or the day old coffee that she kept in her room.
She’d been so focused on getting the best grade possible that she would eat, sleep, and breath Economics and Personal Finance rather than a meal that she could actually get full off of.
But that didn’t bother her at the moment, but it did bother her boyfriend, Ricky Bowen.
He himself, didn’t quite understand the topic as he wasn’t too fond of school itself, it could visibly been seen in his actions, the eye rolls, and the 1.4 GPA he currently had.
But he did see how much getting into a good school matter to her. It could help her find the career path she wanted. Getting into her top college could mean the absolute world to her and he’d supported her in the best ways he could.
But he would always catch her studying, scribbling down the same notes over and over again and eat the same two snacks repeatedly… especially gagging at the fact that she willingly sipped on two day old coffee just to “feel something”.
That wasn’t going to fly with him anymore. So, one night, he knocked softly on her window.
She turned around slowly and pushed her headphones off to stand up and open up the window to him.
Ricky smiled as she opened up the window, leaning in before the window had fully been opened and placed a gentle kiss onto her lips.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“I wanted to know if I could take you out tonight.”
She sighed, looking back at her table before looking back over at her boyfriend.
“Ricky, I’m really sorry, but I’ve got to study for-“
“It will only be for an hour.” Ricky softly smiled. “Just an hour of your time. It’s not gonna kill you is it?”
She sighed. “An hour.”
“Just an hour.”
She reluctantly ran her fingers through her hair as she turned and grabbed her jacket off of the back of her chair and spilling on a pair of shoes.
Ricky gently grabbed her hand as she followed him out of the window and onto the ground.
Once on their feet, Ricky made his way towards his orange beetle and held the door open for her, once she settled inside, Ricky rushed towards the drivers side and quickly sped off before she could change her mind.
“THE PARK?” She questioned. “You wanted to come to the park?”
Ricky turned in his seat, reaching in backseat to grab, what appeared to be a giant bag and his skateboard.
“Yes,” Ricky smiled. “I love the park and I love you and I wanted to take you to a place that I love.” He spoke. “Now, come on. It’s time to eat.”
She furrowed her brows and stepped out of the car as Ricky waited for her at the front of the car.
Ricky grabbed her hand and led the two of them towards the bench and sat the bag and his skateboard down and unzipped it, pulling out sandwiches, chips, sodas, and other small snacks out.
He sat his phone down, opening Spotify, and allowing music to play from a playlist he’d made for them.
Ricky then opened the sandwich bag, holding it out for her to grab. “Turkey and cheese, for you.”
She smiled, grabbing the sandwich from his hands and fully pulling the bag off as she took a big bite from it.
It was something so small, but a smile was place on her face as she let the taste of turkey and cheese dance across her tongue.
“God, this is good.” She moaned.
“It’s just turkey and cheese.” Ricky chuckled. “Nothing crazy.”
“I know,” she smiled, taking another huge bite of the sandwich. “I know, but I can’t tell you the last time I had a sandwich.”
Ricky didn’t want to mention it. He saw what she was doing and it was enough to take action into his own hands. And though it can backfire at times… if not all the time, he knew that this time, he’d done the right thing.
After scarfing down two or three more sandwiches, Ricky stood to his feet, kicking his skateboard up and reaching his hand out.
“Come on.” He smiled. “Let’s skate.”
She smiled once more, grabbing Ricky’s hand as she followed behind him as he led them to the street.
He placed the skateboard down and helped steady her on his skateboard. He placed his hands gently onto her waist as he stepped one foot on the skateboard and using his other foot to push the two of them down the street.
And that’s all they did and it was nice, in fact, it was all they did for the majority of the night.
They didn’t stay out for an hour as planned and that was fine by her.
By the way, she passed her final.
Maybe she just needed a break.
A plan Ricky Bowen could always come up with.
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— lucy has something to say !!
thank you for requesting i appreciate it so so much !! i missed writing for ricky bowen. god i love that white boy 😋
my request are opened! you can check out who i write for here :) !!!!
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solarwriting · 5 years ago
Cramped Motels {Gina Porter}
summary: the musical was over and spring break has begun; the gang has decided to go on a roadtrip while y/n and gina try and deny their feelings 
characters/ships: Gina Porter x fem!Reader; Rickey Bowen x Nini Slazar-Roberts; Ashlyn Caswell x Big Red; Carlos Rodriquez
song insp.: this entire playlist  Falling for U - mxmtoon, Stupid for You - Waterparks
word count: 1.5k
note: Gina is still a wlw you can’t tell me otherwise | send requests!
part 1 | part 2
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Y/n and Gina followed the group up the stairs to a door with the number 205 on the front of it. The group entered the much too small room and the couples claimed their beds and Y/n placed her bag next to the couch and she began to pull the cushions off of it so she could pull the bed out.
“Shit.” Y/n swore to herself, inwardly hoping no one heard her. 
“You okay?” She hear behind her. Y/n gasped and jumped looking behind her to see Gina looking at her with slight concern.
Y/n nodded, “Yeah, I-I just smashed my finger on the metal bar. I was trying to get the bed out.” 
“I could have helped you.” Gina whispered to her quietly. Y/n became painfully aware how close they were. Y/n’s back was turned to her and Gina was close enough to whisper in her ear, “Let me help, Y/n.” 
Y/n’s face felt warm for what felt like the millionth time that day and looked around at the others, the two couples were already somewhat comfortable in their beds either watching tv or scrolling on their phones. Carlos was in the bathroom, presumably taking a shower. 
Y/n took a step forward and turned to face Gina, she nodded and motioned to the folded couch. The pair eventually got the bed pulled out and made. Y/n soon realized she was the only one who hadn’t changed into her pyjamas. 
Lucky for Y/n Carlos had just finished in the bathroom, leaving it empty for her to change. Y/n quickly changed into an old t-shirt and a pair of soft shorts. She also left her plush socks on. Y/n quickly washed her face and exited the bathroom leaving it open.
Y/n sat down on the couch bed where Gina already sat. Y/n sat on the edge, keeping a large space between her and Gina. Soon everyone was shutting the lights off and lying down comfortably.  Carlos was texting Seb before he shut his phone off.
The final lights were shut off as everyone wished everyone goodnight. Moments passed and Y/n laid uncomfortably on the edge of the bed. “Y/n.” Gina whispered, she reached in front of her and grabbed Y/n’s hand. 
“You can move closer, I won’t bite.” She joked quietly. 
Y/n moved slightly closer, “Are you sure” She whispered, “I can sleep on the floor, too.” 
Gina shushed her and pulled Y/n a little closer, so she wasn’t hanging off half of the bed, “You’re okay. I know how to share.” Gina smiled at Y/n, her hand still holding hers. 
Gina moved lightly closer, so she could feel Y/n’s breath on her face and vice versa. Y/n’s eyes looked into Gina’s before looking down at her lips. Gina did the same, unbeknownst to Y/n. As if a force was controlling them, their faces grew closer before Y/n sighed and looked away, rolling over and trying to go to sleep. 
Gina internally kicked herself but closed her eyes and hoped sleep would take her quickly. 
Y/n felt weight on her hip and when she looked under the covers she noticed a still sleeping Gina had her arm loosely thrown over Y/n. Y/n closed her eyes tightly hoping Gina would move or wake up but she didn’t, instead Gina moved closer to Y/n and rested her head in Y/n’s shoulder. Gina sighed contentedly. 
It was still dark out and Y/n didn’t know how she was supposed to go back to sleep. But she some how managed to relax and drift off because she soon woke up to sunlight streaming in through the cheap curtains.
The two were in the same position as earlier. This time Gina woke up first and realized how she close she had gotten to Y/n but she didn’t dare to move. She waited until she felt Y/n stir. Y/n eyes opened, slowly adjusting to the light in the room. They were the first awake, it was still fairly early. 
Y/n rolled over to face Gina, her arm still resting over her waist. “Morning.” Y/n breathed. 
Gina smiled slightly, “Good morning.” She didn’t want this moment to end, no one was awake and they didn’t have to worry about prying eyes. Feeling a little bold, Y/n moved closer to Gina so that their foreheads were touching.
They could feel the other’s breath fan their face and the familiarity of last night surrounded them. Y/n wanted to close the space between them but instead said, “I should probably get ready.”
Y/n pulled herself out of Gina’s embrace and grabbed her bag before making her way to the bathroom to get ready (being careful to not step on Carlos). As the door to the bathroom shut and the water to the shower began to run, Gina rolled onto her back and sighed. 
She pulled herself out of the bed and pulled a sweatshirt over her tank-top. She walked over to the beds and quietly woke up Nini and Ashlyn, telling them they were supposed to get breakfast for everyone. Gina need advice and fast.
The three girls left a note on the nightstand in between the two beds knowing Y/n wouldn’t mind if they took the van quickly. Nini drove, as she was the only one out of the three with a license. Gina sat in the passenger seat, obviously nervous about something and Ashlyn was in the seat behind her.
“Why did I have to come exactly?” Ash asked with a yawn.
Gina was silent for a moment before blurting, “I like someone!” 
The two girls were shocked by her outburst but she continued, more calmly. “I like someone and I think we had a moment recently, twice. But everytime something almost happens, they end it before it can actually happen.” 
“Does this some one happen to be Y/n?” Nini asked as she pulled into the drive-thru of a nearby McDonalds, it was cheap and edible.
Gina’s face felt like fire as she nodded while Nini quickly ordered what she knew everyone at the motel would want. The girls in the car quickly ordered before they continued their conversation.
“So you like Y/n and you guys had a moment?” Ashlyn asked.
“Yes, and every time something seems like it’s gonna happen she stops herself. Like last night, everyone was just going to bed and we were laying really close and it seemed like we were about to kiss but then she pulled away and rolled over and went to sleep.”
The two girls were processing what Gina had said and Nini paid for the food before accepting the bags from the worker in the window. “Thank you.” 
“And this morning the same thing, it seemed like we were going to kiss and then she said she needed to get ready and she got up and go into the shower. What am I doing wrong? Am I pushing her into something she doesn’t want to do?”
Both of the girls were quick to dismiss that though, Ashlyn spoke up, “That’s definitely not it. Maybe she’s just unsure because it’s her first real relationship with a girl.”
Nini agreed as she focused on the road, “I think you just need to talk to her, get it all out in the open.” 
Gina smiled, “Thanks guys.” 
Almost as soon as the three girls left the guys woke up, confused at the emptiness of the room but Ricky found the note and was then grateful at the idea of food.
Y/n stepped out of the shower, ready for the day. “Where did the girls go?”
Ricky showed her the note they left, “Breakfast.”
“Thank God.” Big Red commented.
Y/n looked at the three boys who were all watching the tv with a conflicted face. 
“Are you okay, Y/n?” Carlos asked.
“Actually, I need some advice. About, well Gina.” Y/n admitted.
The boys were shocked for a moment but brushed it off as Y/n sat down on the bed next to Ricky. Big Red and Carlos sat on the other bed and faced Y/n.
“We keep having moments, where we almost,” Y/n took a deep breath, “We almost kiss but everytime we get close to anything I chicken out and get as far away from her as I can.” 
“Do you like her?” Carlos asked.
Y/n nodded, staring at her lap.
“Do you think she likes you?” Ricky asked.
Y/n looked at him, “I mean, I think so. I hope so.” 
“Just talk to her. That’s the best thing you could do.” 
Y/n smiled, taking in a shaky breath, “Thank you guys, it felt really good to get this off of my chest.” 
The three boys soon had Y/n in a group hug. Y/n giggled before the four separated, just as the door opened. 
The three girls stood with two McDonald’s bags, which the guys grabbed quickly. 
“Hey, can we talk.” Gina and Y/n asked at the same time. The two laughed and nodded, walking outside to have some privacy. 
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solarwriting · 5 years ago
Road Trip {Gina Porter}
summary: the musical was over and spring break has begun; the gang has decided to go on a roadtrip while y/n and gina try and deny their feelings
characters/ships: Gina Porter x fem!Reader; Rickey Bowen x Nini Slazar-Roberts; Ashlyn Caswell x Big Red; Carlos Rodriquez
song insp.: this entire playlist  Teenager In Love - Madison Beer, What I Need - Hayley Kiyoko 
word count: 1.6k
note: Gina is a wlw you can’t tell me otherwise | send requests!
part 1 | part 2
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The gang finally had a break from musicals, school, and drama. Spring break was upon them and there were no pressures of an upcoming musical to stress them out. As far as Y/n could tell no one had any plans so she took it upon herself to make plans for them. 
Y/n told Ricky, Nini, Carlos, Big Red, Ashlyn, and Gina to meet her at her house in the garage. When they arrived Y/n told them what she wanted to do, and they all thought she was crazy.
“Um, I just looked it up and it’s an eleven hour drive.” Ricky explained, motioning to his phone.
Ashlyn jumped in, “And it can’t be cheap.”
“You see, I already have that figured out, my uncle has a friend who can give us tickets, so that’s covered. We just need to stop at one hotel on the way there and back, so we don’t have to drive in the dark.
“If we go to cheaper motels and only stop in three cities, one on the way there, one once we get there, and one on the way back. Then we will have spent almost no money. Besides gas but that’s okay.”
“Are we really going to see Beetlejuice: the Musical?” Carlos exclaimed with an excited squeal. 
Everyone looked around at each other before smiling and cheering.
The day had come, the gang was going to San Francisco to see Beetlejuice: the Musical - the off-off-Broadway version but a musical nonetheless. Y/n was the first up to drive, it was her van after all. She picked up Gina and Ashlyn first, Gina sat in the passenger seat and Ashlyn sat in the seat directly behind her. Y/n Picked up Big Red and Ricky who was already at Red’s house. Red sat next to Ashlyn and Ricky sat in the far back directly behind him. Y/n picked up Nini next, who sat next to Ricky. Carlos was picked up last who took Big Red’s spot while Red moved to sit next to Nini, right behind Ashlyn. 
Everyone packed as little as possible, trying to fit a lot in the van’s small trunk was one challenge they couldn’t pass by.
“Hey, Carlos, sorry Seb couldn’t come.” Y/n said, glancing at Carlos through the rear view mirror. 
Carlos sighed, “It’s okay, he had to help on the farm.” 
A comfortable quiet fell on the van as music played sofly from the speakers. everyone stuck in their own little conversations. Gina looked over at Y/n who’s eyes were focused on the road. Y/n looked at Gina, catching her stare. The two girls’ faces heated up both of their eyes averting back to the road. 
“You know,’ Y/n started, motioning to her phone resting on the center console, “You can change the music, if you want.”
Gina smiled and grabbed the phone, scrolling through Y/n’s playlist titled ‘Roadtrip!’ before settling on a song. She played the song and turned the music up with a smile, She by Harry Styles began streaming through the speakers, a favorite between the group.
Everyone soon started to sing along, 
      She lives in daydreams with me       She's the first one that I see       And I don't know why       I don't know who she is
The first few hours flew by and soon everyone needed to stretch their legs, use the bathroom and get snacks and gas. Y/n put the gas in the van wile the others were in the station most likely getting snacks. Ricky and Nini were the first to walk out of the small building, Y/n tossed Ricky the keys.
“Your turn to drive, I need a break.” Y/n explained as she inserted her gas card into the machine. She hopped into the van, sitting in far back on the same side as the driver. Gina was the next to enter the van, Ricky and Nini already sat up front ready for everyone to load up. 
Gina sat next to Y/n passing her a bag of her favorite snacks and her favorite drink, “Thanks, Gina.”
Gina smiled, slightly embarrassed, “It’s not a big deal, I figured you were busy with gas and stuff.” Her cheeks were warm and she shrugged it off before buckling herself next to Y/n, Carlos on her other side. 
Ashlyn and Big Red sat in the middle row lost in their own conversation. Since Nini was sat upfront everyone was subjected to listening to the soundtracks from her favorite musicals for the next couple of hours. 
“Where did we even end up?” Gina asked Y/n who was taking a sip of her drink.
Y/n looked out the window trying to remember, “Elko, I think.” She looked at Gina with a small smile. 
Y/n wasn’t sure why she felt the way she did around Gina, they had been friends ever since she transferred right before their sophmore year a few moths ago. Y/n would find herself annoyed when ever Gina spent too much time with EJ or Ricky. Y/n got particularly angry with EJ during the dance he took Gina to. Y/n didn’t know why she felt hot while Gina sat so closely to her. Y/n kept her hands in her lap awkwardly, her knee sometimes knocking against Gina’s. 
Y/n was lost in her thoughts and soon her snack and drink were soon forgotten as she drifted off, the three hours she spent driving taking its toll on her. Her head fell to the side, colliding with Gina’s shoulder. 
Gina’s eyes widened at the sudden weight her her shoulder but smiled to herself when she saw Y/n sleeping peacefully against her. Gina blushed and returned to her conversation with Carlos. 
A few hours had passed and the sun had begun to set by the time Y/n had woken up, her head still lying on Gina’s shoulder, who had been careful to not wake her. Y/n’s eyes fluttered open, her brows furrowed as she looked around before she realized she was on someone. Her head shot up, eyes widened as she looked at Gina with a sheepish smile. 
“Sorry.” Y/n mumbled to Gina. 
Gina smiled and leaned close to Y/n and boldly whispered into her ear, “I didn’t mind.” Shivers ran down Y/n’s spine, feeling Gina’s breath on her neck like that. 
Gina sat back, her cheeks rosier than usual. Y/n’s face not so different as she tried to hide behind her hand as she rested her arm on the arm rest and looked out the window. 
Music still played softly, this time it was some sort of soft hip-hop or rap only he and Big Red really knew, but no one complained. Everyone was fairly tired, sitting in a car for about seven hours could do that to a person. 
At some point Nini took over driving and Ricky was in the passenger seat, explaining why his music was playing. Y/n yawned and stretched as best as she could. 
Y/n looked out the window finally noticing the beautiful sunset that graced the horizon. The highway wasn’t so beautiful but the mixture of oranges, pinks, reds, and yellows made up for it. Y/n sighed contentedly and pulled out her phone snapping a few pictures before choosing one to share on her story. 
She flipped her phone’s camera, nudging Gina getting her’s and Carlos’ attention taking a picture while the golden light was still kind to them posting this image with the caption ‘road trip going strong’ adding a small heart next to it.
Y/n and Gina began talking about their future plans how Gina wanted to go to a preforming arts college and how Y/n hoped to get into art school. Y/n was unsure about getting accepted but Gina reassured her, “You’ll definitely get in, they’d be crazy not to have you, plus that’s two years away.” 
Y/n smiled, “Yeah,” She chuckled, “Maybe we’ll end going to school near each other.” 
Gina blushed at that comment, “Yeah, maybe.” 
The two continued to talk as the van continued to barrel down the highway, the sun slowly sinking behind the horizon. Soon Nini pulled into a small motel that lay just of the highway. The motel was small and slightly sketchy but they didn’t mind as they all clambered out of the van and pulling their bags out of the cramped trunk.
Ricky went ahead to rent a room for the night, Y/n told him two rooms each with two beds would be the most convenient for everyone. The couples could be in one room and share beds and the three singles could each sleep alone, one of them on the couch.
The six waited outside for Ricky with the keys, the entrances to each room being outside. Ricky walked out with a frown on his face, “They only had one room but it has two beds and a pull-out couch.” 
“Ricky and I get a bed!” Nini called as she followed her boyfriend towards their room. “Big Red and I can share a bed too, if that’s okay with you, Red.” Ashlyn said softly. 
“You and Gina can sleep on the pull-out, the floor would probably be better on ,y back anyways.” Carlos offered as he followed the group up stairs leaving Y/n and Gina in the back both of them sharing embarrassed faces.
What a cliche.
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