captainschmoe · 1 year
imagine if more male units aside from chrom had child units??
Oh how I wish I was better at making OC’s, but have some thoughts I thought up:
- Frederick has a son who ended up becoming a hugely rebellious teenager due to his father’s strict discipline. He does become a royal knight, albeit nowhere near as, er, “dedicated” as Frederick.
- Ricken NEEDS to have a son who ends up being way bigger and buffer than he is lmao.
- Stahl has a daughter who’s pretty much just a “mini-me”: kind, honest, very hungry, and interested in brewing potions. However, she’s more insecure about her averageness, and spends a lot of time trying new things to find something she excels in.
- Kellam has a daughter who ends up getting spoiled rotten from all the love and attention her dad gives her. Tends to deliberately draw attention to herself, but knows how to be just as sneaky as her dad.
- Henry has a son who is perfectly, astoundingly normal in the head. He’s deeply embarrassed by his father’s whole deal, and is reluctant to associate with him. Henry’s bloodlust turned him vegetarian.
- Libra needs to have a daughter who gets mistaken for a man all the time lol. While she does worship Naga like her father, she secretly has a strong curiosity about Grima and the Grimleal.
- Lon’qu has a daughter and is pleased to discover he has no issues being close to her. However, she ends up being innately talented with the sword, which makes him self-conscious.
- Gaius has a son who is easily sickened by sweet things and poor hygiene. Actually, a lot of things make him sick. Squeamish boy. EDIT: I changed my mind. His son is gonna be similar to Saizo for giggles.
- Virion has a son with a passion for poetry. Most of his poems consist of flowery ramblings about how excruciatingly gay he is.
- Donnel has a daughter who wants to get a formal education and become a farm vet, but struggles to learn directly from the books and needs extra help from her pa.
- Vaike has a son who is just a total shrimp. A wimpy wet mop of a man. Easily bullied. Can’t handle his dad’s roughhousing.
- Gregor has a daughter who is a mercenary like him. Cocky, confident, and commanding. A “one of the boys” kind of girl like Sully and Flavia. Picked up many of her father’s speech quirks.
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minimutty · 9 months
Minis FE Awakening Blind Playthrough Chp 11
I'm a bit late but we back! Back to plot and more marriages! And apparently a time skip I suppose. First up: Gank Gangrel in what was the most anticlimactic revenge ever, but Emmeryn's been avenged, so that's already been squared away, woop woop.
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First up, suppports marriages. Maribelle and Ricken. Idk they seemed to be around the same age range, so I just went with it. Also Ricken and her interacted in story so that's more than enough inventive for me. Still continuing with the theme of just marrying as opposed to like dating or getting to know each other. It's a miracle any marriage in this game lasts more than a year.
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Next, Lonqu and Cordelia. Honestly I'm just gonna marry em off bc Lonqu wasn't like, violently sexist to her. He actually was pretty nice and teaches her lance stuff, and he blushes in like their C support, and in a FE support game this is more than enough. They should get married soon.
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Back to plot plot plot. Gangrel is backkkk.
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Typical dumb villain stuff. Shoulda just killed us when we were 10 levels lower. He's so dumb. Uh, anyway, he is being evil and so evil that eventually the mook soldiers realize how evil he blatantly is, so they all leave.
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This soldier probably died for saying this lmao
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For some reason the game and plot try to make what Emmeryn did like a super impactful thing, but she literally said one thing about "war is bad" and then chucks herself off a cliff and its portrayed as this super moving and motivational thing? I really don't get it. I've seen people do a lot worse and it not move people, but I guess this is a kid's game so welp welp. Good enough contrivance.
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I guess it's good enough to make our lives easier.
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We finally get our dancer! Wooop best girl is here by factor of being dancer! Dancer important!
As a reward I'm gonna try to marry her off to Libra idk. I actually haven't checked if he can.
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Gameplay-wise I was a dumbass and didn't see Gangrel's range and he killed Chrom with the leven sword, which I recognize from Smash! Be glad there's image limits bc it cuts out a lot of my stupid deaths because playing as many FE games as I have doesn't stop me from being an idiot. I think that's just a given for my life I think.
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Anyway we win, I try to get some more lvls for Virion, and we finish the Plegia arc! At least that's what I think this arc is.
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Chrom lampshades that the credits screen didn't show and we have a temporary happily after after where all the hets all get married and have kids asap, which I think is historically accurate to the end of irl wars.
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Actually this does explain why Chrom didn't call himself this. Coulda sworn FEH said differently but I'm actually surprised they explained it, props.
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Apparently ppl who play this part blind get jumpscared if they don't know Chrom gets force married here to whoever has the highest support. I knew this thanks to the power of FEH and memes, so I just married him off to first girl.
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TIMESKIP. Chrom asks what his eugenics kid's stats are still looks the same but now he has a kid. Isn't he like 19 now? Did he have the kid at 17? Well I guess medieval times idk. Sumia, Chrom's wife doesn't want to bother mothering and demands to join Chrom in I think the next bad thing to happen.
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Suma dgaf about the kid it's time to more fight. Who cares about postpartum recovery. Also Lucina's eye automatically denotes her as a main character. The benefits of royal wet nurses I guess.
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The Roommates(tm) have married banter that's more emotional than any interaction between Chrom and his wife, and then we get revealed to the next Bad Thing plot.
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Apparently this place called Valm is attacking us bc some guy named Walhart (?) is being mean and evil, I sure hope his motivations are like 2% more interesting than Gangrel's.
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Virion is back and acts like he wasn't part of our army like 2 years ago, and comes with what I think is his retainer, Cherche, whom I recognize from FEH.
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Anyway Viri here says that he was from Valm and came back bc Walhard and wants to help stop before he invades the world or whatever, so I guess that's our next plan!
Agh, I ran out of images again, but anyway Virion is being a weird womanizer so in response I probably will just keep him single, and then I get Donnel & Lissa support, Lonqu & Cordelia, and Virion & Miriel. More supports, more plot!
Conclusion: I think that's the end of Arc I. Gangrel existed to kill of Emmeryn and make Chrom exalt, and I'm guessing this next guy Walhart will probably do something similar? For now I'm focusing mostly on trying to get as many ppl married off as possible, but I'm looking forward to whatever happens next bc I honestly have no idea.
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inktho · 1 year
I really enjoy rereading your Ricken mini comic and showing it to my friends that like Awakening, it helps them appreciate Ricken more and we all love your art style so much 💖💖
Thank you so much 🥹💖💖 that makes me so happy to hear. I will have more to show someday!! Maybe even this year who knows 🫣
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robynmizore · 6 months
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Newest Redemption chapter:
Heated Mind
Mini warning about this chapter.. there’s a scene at the end that’s a bit more suggestive than the regular. Not too explicit but close to it. If you aren’t comfortable with that feel free to skip when you see the stars. Many requested I write a scene like that and originally I was against it because I don’t want their relationship to seem like just lust. But I think I’ve succeeded in portraying it as a perfect mix of love and lust. I’d love to hear your feedback on this, and if you’d like to see more scenes like that in future chapters.
When Robyn and Takumi arrived outside, the fields of Askr were locked in a fierce battle.
“Niles said the enemies just appeared out of no where.” she mused. “Takumi.. you don’t suppose Hel somehow came back to life, do you?”
“Unlikely.” Takumi’s sharp eyes scanned the battlefield. “Found your culprit. Gods, what is that?!”
As they flew closer to the battle atop Nightmare, Robyn could see what he was referring to. A woman with tied back turquoise hair was leading the charge, not by horseback. Instead she wore a metal steed like a suit of armor, and it certainly looked decades beyond Askr’s current technology. The fighting oddly paused when she caught sight of Robyn and Takumi hovering in the skies, so they landed to confront her. Now that the air was no longer plagued with the sounds of battle, Alfonse stepped forward, flanked by Sharena and Commander Anna.
“What is the meaning of this?! Why are you attacking our kingdom?!” he demanded.
“I am Reginn, sister of Fáfnir and princess of Niðavellir! My purpose here is twofold!” she announced. “I am to conquer this kingdom and secure the Summoner for my brother-“
“Fat chance!” Niles interrupted, and Takumi immediately placed himself in between Reginn and Robyn, his hazel eyes smoldering.
“Touch her and you’re dead!” the Hoshidan prince spat.
Robyn noticed Reginn hesitated a moment, then steeled herself.
“If you don’t agree to my demands, I will be forced to make you-“
“I’m sorry, did we stutter?” Niles sneered. “Tell big brother he’s gonna have to find another hot date to have a nice, steamy night with.”
The sentence came out as a squeak as Reginn blushed furiously, mouth hanging open. Niles smirked, taking that as an invitation to continue his antics in a sultry purr.
“The Summoner’s married to that love struck Hoshidan prince with the bow over there. Now if Fáfnir needs someone to let out.. certain frustrations out with, I’m available~”
“Th-that’s enough!” Reginn spluttered out, and Robyn could see Alfonse face-palming with a muffled groan as the princess rapidly tried to regain control of the situation by ordering her troops to attack, heading straight for Robyn.
With a furious roar, Takumi launched a vicious blast from his Fujin Yumi, the single arrow decimating the front row of Reginn’s soldiers. Robyn stopped in her tracks for a moment, stunned.
Amazing..! Takumi’s strong, but I didn’t know he could take out so many with a lone arrow!
“Oh-no.. she really touched a nerve..” she heard Niles snicker.
Caledori fell into flight beside her as she cleared the skies, heading for Reginn.
“We’d better hurry if we want to get some fighting practice in before Takumi takes out their whole army.” she chuckled.
At Robyn’s suggestion, Caledori shot forward to feign an attack on Reginn, who reared up on her mechanical horse. Honing in on the weak point at her stomach. Robyn flashed a powerful light spell that sent the girl staggering. Before she could regain her footing, she was pelted with Takumi’s arrows, and a wind spell from Ricken.
“N-no.. the Summoner.. I h-have to-“
“..I don’t know who you think you are, but you won’t be taking me anywhere. I decide my fate. Not you.” Robyn deadpanned.
“You tell ‘em!” Ricken chimed in, while Takumi glowered furiously beside her.
His prickliness may have mellowed out since meeting her, but she knew he wouldn’t tolerate anyone threatening his wife. Panic lit Reginn’s gaze when she realized she was outnumbered, and quickly struggled to her feet to make a hasty retreat. Still looking infuriated, Takumi went to follow, only to be stopped by Alfonse.
“..Let her go for now. I sense reluctance in her actions. Hopefully we can find her real motive next battle.”
The prince’s nostrils flared, but when Robyn gently put an arm around him, he relaxed instantly, leaning into her touch.
“..Sorry.” he murmured. “I just couldn’t stand her treating you like an object.”
“It’s okay. I’m glad you’re willing to stand up for me like that.” Robyn whispered back.
Takumi pressed closer, fixing her with a steady gaze.
“You fought well today. And I don’t doubt your ability to defend yourself. But just know that no matter what happens, I’ll fight by your side. I’ll take on a whole army for you if I must.”
“Thank you..” Robyn whispered, giving his hand a quick squeeze, and Takumi squeezed back.
The fireplace in the library crackled gently, bringing back memories of the comforting nights Robyn spent consoling Takumi after the troubled Hoshidan prince had been plagued by nightmares. Her hand rested on her husband’s shoulder, a book on Seiðjarn in their laps as they read together.
“..It’s fascinating.” Takumi murmured, turning a page. “This stuff isn’t even remotely close to being developed in Hoshido. None of us would have even dreamt of these kind of contraptions.”
He paused, a wistful, almost bittersweet look dawning in his eyes.
“As homesick as I am.. I’m really glad I came to this world.”
“Same.” Robyn replied. “This world.. and this adventure with you? It’s beautiful.. all of it.”
Robyn leaned her head on his shoulder, her sweet scent wreathing around him, and Takumi let out a contented sigh. His eyes fell on the pages again. To a particular page that made his hazel eyes widen in curiosity as his lips moved silently.
Carefully concealing his excitement, Takumi casually turned the page and smiled to himself. He suddenly had a very good idea for the next gift he wanted to get for his wife. The glow from the fire and candles created an enchantingly romantic atmosphere as Takumi and Robyn carefully carefully unrolled a parchment scroll on the ground, quills in hand. Robyn was decent at drawing, but told him he was the better of the pair, much to his blushing flattery.
“So one by one kingdoms have fallen due to Seiðjarn. Something this kingdom specializes in.” Takumi mused. “I think our best strategy is to try and beat them at their own game.. which is easier said then done.”
Robyn nodded slowly, her eyebrows furrowing.
“No one in Askr has the ability to counter them with Seiðjarn of their own, and even if we somehow found a way to teach them.. that would take too long. I can’t risk Askr’s safety like that.”
Takumi’s eyes narrowed, thinking deeply. While they had their powers as god and goddess, they both knew flaunting them would expose their secret. A risk they weren’t ready to take yet, until the time was right. While Robyn could edit memories, it wouldn’t work if someone happened to secretly witness them-
“..Wait!” I have an idea!” Robyn’s voice jolted him out of his thoughts. “Part of their power comes from using modified equipment right? So if we modified by equipment, since they’re after me, I could give them a nasty surprise. I could even use myself as a lure since I’m the one they want anyways.”
It was indeed a good plan, but it still made the prince a bit uneasy.
“I know you’re capable of looking after yourself but.. I don’t want you going alone. If we do this, I’m coming with you.”
The determined look in his wife’s eyes softened when they met his worried ones, the fire reflecting beautifully off the glow of her azaleas in the gloom.
“Takumi, even if I became the strongest in all the worlds, I’d still want you by my side. We’re in this together.”
The rest of the night was spent absorbed in plotting, until they had a full plan of coat modifications.
“If we combine Seiðjarn with my mana, we can enhance both speed, strength, and defense!” she exclaimed, then stopped with a frown. “Ah but.. as amazing as an idea as this is.. I imagine it’ll be incredibly costly. I’m not sure Anna would be willing to part with that much..”
Mystified, Robyn tilted her head as Takumi reached into his pocket to pull out a beautiful red crystal.
“One of the enemies dropped it last battle. I wanted to give it to you, but-“
“..Use it for the coat.”
“..Are you sure?”
Robyn smiled at her husband, reaching to gently close his hand. He’d always spoiled her with gifts, and it warmed her heart to know that in the midst of war, he still thought of her.
“..I’m grateful that you always take the time to think of me. It really does make me feel special. But you’re right. It would shoulder the cost and protecting Askr is our priority. You can always spoil me with something else. ..I’ll spoil you too.”
A pleasant flush sprang onto the Hoshidan prince’s cheeks and he gave her a soft look.
“Then it’s settled. We’ll set out in the morning!”
Robyn smiled as she put the pouch containing the bento boxes into her logbook’s convoy. While Takumi went to make the arrangements for their whereabouts with Alfonse, she’d slipped into the kitchen to prepare a lovely surprise for her husband.
I said I’d spoil him after all! she thought with a soft giggle as she cleaned up, then hurried off to meet with Takumi, who was waiting by the entrance with two cloaks in hand.
“Ready?” he asked, passing her one as they put them on.
If they walked into enemy territory as they were, they’d stick out like a sore thumb. The cloaks were to help them not to draw attention. The view was familiar to Robyn as she flipped the hood up. Takumi on the other hand.. not so much.
“I don’t know how you put up with this for so long..” the prince grumbled. “I feel blind.”
The spikes in his silver hair stuck up under the hood, leaving a comically large bulge in the back of his head. Robyn’s shoulders shook as she stifled a laugh, Takumi blushing crimson.
“D-don’t laugh at me..” he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.
“Sorry!” she chuckled. “Here, hold still..”
She reached to adjust the hood, smoothing it out so it looked natural. With the hooded cloak and the Fujin Yumi slung over his back, the prince looked like an assassin, and the look oddly suited him..
“Wh-what is it?” Takumi asked, eyeing her flushed cheeks curiously.
“Nothing it’s just..” The flush grew. “..Y-you look attractive as an assassin..”
“O-oh.. really?”
Robyn’s head bobbed in confirmation, a smile making its way to the prince’s lips. Takumi kissed her forehead softly, then they were off. The Summoner couldn’t help but feel excited. She’d never been to Niðavellir before, just read books about it during her late nights with Takumi.
Maybe I’ll get some answers here about my old life! If my kingdom had technology or machinery, this might give me a clue about my past life!
“Well it’s definitely.. different.” Takumi muttered, hazel eyes scanning their new environment, a disapproving look in his eyes.
Robyn couldn’t blame him. The whirling mechanisms, dark buildings, and harsh air was definitely overwhelming, especially if one hadn’t seen it before. The Summoner on the other hand, was not overwhelmed.
There’s a vague sense of familiarity. Maybe my kingdom was based more in the future? At the very least, they had some sort of technology. But we definitely didn’t have those mechanical horses. Kiyoshi, Leafa, and I fought with weapons like Askr.
It was the same in her dream too, Kiyoshi, Asahi, and Hisashi had all fought with swords, daggers, and a scythe.
“I don’t know how anyone can stand to live here, advanced or not. Let’s get this over with.” he added.
The next few hours were spent searching for the nearest village, their cloaks helping to avoid unwanted attention.
“Look, there’s a path here that goes through a forest!” Robyn called.
Her husband gave the nature themed path an approving nod.
“Let’s check it out!”
The path eventually led to a scenic village, a far cry from the harsh, unnatural city that they first arrived in. It took some time, but they eventually came across an armory.
“Ah, quite the pretty little gem you’ve got there!” the kind, elderly shop owner remarked, inspecting the crystal Takumi presented him with. “What can I do for ya?”
“..We were wondering if you could infuse this cloak with Seiðjarn.” Takumi replied as he placed the cloak and the drawings in front of him.
“Well this is a first!” the shop owner said as he looked the cloak over. “Most young ‘uns these days come in here askin’ for them big metal steeds. But seeing this reminds me of the things I used to dream up of in my childhood.”
Robyn beamed at the wistful look in the old man’s eyes.
“Give me till the sun is high in the sky. I reckon I’ll be done with it then.”
The couple gave their thanks, and headed outside.
“Well.. I guess we have some time to kill.” Takumi remarked as they left the shop. “What shall we do?”
Robyn took in the lush scenery and shops, feeling her shoulders relax as an idea came to mind. Something neither of them got much time to do.
“Let’s.. go on a date.”
Even under his hood, Robyn could see the blush creeping on Takumi’s cheeks.
“A date? That’s what you want us to do with our free time?” She nodded. “Ah well.. I’m flattered actually. What shall we do, Robyn?”
A small hidden grove just past the armory caught her eye, perfect for what she had in mind as she grabbed Takumi’s hand and pulled him excitedly behind her.
“This way!”
“H-hey now!” Takumi yelped as he was tugged along, but Robyn could hear the chuckle in his voice.
The path was lined with purple flowers that swayed gently in the breeze, giving way to a lovely tree with overhanging fronds.
“It’s perfect!” she sang, floating over to it. “..Is anyone around?”
“No.” Takumi said, concentrating. They let down their hoods, and the prince took a seat beside her, a faint smile on his lips. “What are you planning?”
With flourish, Robyn lifted a hand to summon her logbook, Takumi’s eyes lighting up with a mixture of curiosity and excitement when she produced two boxes, setting one in his lap.
“Is.. this a bento?”
“Yep! I.. made these especially for you. There’s three layers.”
“Y-you really did this for me?”
There’s that adorable blush.. Robyn thought dreamily as the prince eagerly opened the top.
“It’s tamago sando!”
“Try it.” she encouraged, finding the prince’s enthusiasm endearing.
Takumi didn’t need anymore encouragement, his hazel eyes widening with wonder as he bit into it.
“Whoa.. this is amazing! It tastes even better than the ones in Hoshido!”
“You flatter me, Prince Takumi.” Robyn said, taking a bite of her own.
He was right, it was indeed delicious. The eggs were a perfect balance of sweet and creamy thanks to the mayo. Takumi blushed slightly at the name.
“Why so formal? We’re married now.”
“I know.” Robyn replied simply. “I just like saying your name like that. It.. sounds nice on you.”
“I see..”
There was a pause, his eyebrows furrowed in thought before Takumi grinned and replied
“..Thank you.. Princess Robyn.”
Now it was her turn to blush, and looking satisfied, the Hoshidan prince resumed eating. The flowers swayed, sending a cloud of petals billowing around them. The overhanging tree and the forest created the perfect amount of shade, like they were in their own little world as they finished their sandwiches. Robyn watched in anticipation as her husband opened the next layer of bento and was greeted by a steaming bowl of..
“Miso soup? You know me too well.” he chuckled, inhaling the scent, his head tilting curiously. “It smells different than usual. New recipe?”
“Try it.” Robyn invited, taking a sip of her own broth.
The prince complied, brightening with recognition.
“This is white miso broth isn’t it?”
“I had Felicia get me some ingredients for it the other day. I wanted to surprise you. In exchange, I gave her the glitter hair again.”
“I bet she had fun with that. This is really good by the way. You didn’t have to go out of your way just for me.”
“I know. But I wanted to.”
They shared a chuckle, both probably picturing the clumsy maid frolicking around the local Askrian village for ingredients, humming yet another out of tune song. Robyn fished some of her tofu out of her bowl and held it out to Takumi, who smiled and leaned in to accept the bite.
“Here, you can have mine. You like it more anyways.”
“You’re the only one I know who likes miso soup just for the broth.” Takumi teased and Robyn just shrugged.
“It’s warm and comforting. I’m just not a huge fan of tofu! Or seaweed. Unless it’s in sushi.” she defended herself lightly.
“More for me then!”
They finished the soup, Takumi holding up the purple mochi with an intrigued frown.
“It’s so.. vibrant. How’d you manage to get it this color? And what flavor is it?”
“What indeed?”
She watched eagerly as he tried it, looking utterly fascinated by the flavor.
“It’s like honey and vanilla! I’ve never had anything like it!”
“It’s called taro.” Robyn replied as she relished the taste of her own. “Ricken and I found some purple yams out in the field and decided to roast them. They tasted more sweet than savory so I decided to try making mochi with it.”
“And the color itself is already appealing.. imagine the things you could make with it..”
“I’ll have to indulge you on that.” Robyn chuckled as they finished their bentos and stood up, her hand finding its way into Takumi’s as they explored the little grove, the sight in front of her stopping her in her tracks.
“Takumi.. look!”
She let go of his hand to gaze about in wonder.
Flowers swayed gently in the wind, butterflies adrift. The field of flowers reminding the Summoner of their shared dream the night he’d seen her face the first time in the gardens. In her excitement, she turned to face her husband to see him with his hand outstretched and a serene look shining in his hazel eyes.
“Robyn.. may I have this dance?”
Eyes misted with emotion, she took his hand and stepped into his arms. Their feet stirred the petals as they slow danced round and round, the petals and the plants sweet scent wreathed around them. And somewhere still, Robyn swore she could hear that violin playing again.
“Remember how we danced in that dream?” she whispered, and Takumi smiled.
“How could I forget? We were so carefree.. like children. And in that moment.. I wanted to be like those children. Just a little less serious. And now here we are. Dancing in the flower fields of our enemies like nothing else matters.” Takumi murmured fervently as he lifted her in the air and spun her.
“Mommy, look!” a cry of a little girl drew the couple’s attention as Takumi set her down and they resumed their dance. “They’re dancing like a prince and princess!”
“Yes they are.” the woman chuckled. “That’s young love for you.”
“I’m gonna find young love too mommy! Just wait!”
The pair chuckled to themselves as Takumi twirled Robyn.
“I hope Kisaragi can grow up as carefree as us.” Robyn murmured as they walked hand and hand into the bookstore, where they got some lavender vanilla tea and some history and philosophy books, then sat down together to read them.
Robyn snuggled close to Takumi as they sipped their tea and pooled over their shared book. People stared, but neither of them cared.
“Look at the couple by the fire! They’re so cute together! I’m jealous!” one of the village woman whispered.
Robyn smirked a bit as she lifted a bite of fruit tart onto a fork and held it out to Takumi, who leaned in to accept the bite without hesitation.
“And she’s feeding him! Ugh, where can I get that in life?!” another one hissed.
“Show off.” Takumi teased her in a whisper, but he certainly looked satisfied by the attention.
“Couldn’t resist. I want everyone to know you’re mine.” she replied simply, causing the prince to flush.
When they were done with their tea, they strolled around the bookstore amicably until they stumbled across a children’s section with a tent for reading.
“My prince.. your castle awaits!” Robyn said, gesturing grandly to the tent as she held the flap open for him.
Shaking his head in amusement, the prince played along, climbing inside. Robyn followed suit, and pressed close together, they read through a stack of children’s books, absorbed in their own little world of wonder and imagination until the sun was high in the sky. And then they returned to the old man’s shop, who greeted them with a toothy grin as he held up the cloak.
“And there ye have it. One Seiðjarn cloak as requested. I must say, I outdid myself with this one.”
“Thank you.” Takumi responded formally as he accepted the garment.
He and Robyn agreed not to test it out until they were back in Askr, so they wouldn’t have to risk someone seeing. There was a twinkle in the old man’s gaze as he gave them a slow nod.
“Yer gonna do big things with that. Good things. I feel proud knowin’ my work will make this world a better place.”
Robyn and Takumi traded knowing looks at this. Both knew they wouldn’t let the old man down.
The fire flickered gently in Takumi’s room as he hovered over Robyn’s bare body, illuminated by the fire and moon as he drank in every detail. His mind flickered back to the events that led to this moment. As soon as they were alone, she’d pinned him to the wall with his hands above his head again, pressing her lips to his neck as she whispered fervently in his ear.
“You know what I want you to do to me right now?” she whispered. “I want you to pin me to your bed and love me until neither of us can take anymore. I want you to love me so passionately the only thing I’ll be able to say after is your name.”
And Takumi did not disappoint. Their shared nights in bed was one of the best parts of their relationship, a sediment he doubted she’d disagree with.
“I feel.. so whole right now.” he breathed. “I don’t know how I could ever go back to not having you.”
There was a lull in his movements as Robyn reached up to caress his cheek tenderly, her violet eyes brimming with love, her fingers laced with his own.
“I feel the same. I always feel so physically and emotionally closer to you after. So.. connected.”
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” he whispered as he started to move again, smiling to himself when Robyn’s body responded instantly to him, a quiet gasp escaping her.
She was so sensitive, and he loved how easily he was able to get her like this, her grip on his hand and back tightening as the bed rocked gently.
“You are.. my fate.” Robyn panted with conviction. “No words could possibly express it enough. The salvation that saved me from weariness.. Is this a better way to explain the words that saved me?”
She drew him closer, deepening the intimate contact between them. Her warm breath touched his neck, those sweet words filling his ears.
“I’ll stay by your side night after night. I’ll stay by your side after countless nights.. even if my feet bleed! And that.. barely scratches the surface in how you make me feel.”
Hearing such a confession in the throes of passion ignited something inside Takumi, and he slowly increased force of his movements until Robyn was crying out softly from the vigorous pace. Not from pain, but pure bliss.
“You.. you make me feel complete. All this fear and anxiety I used to carry just disappears when I see you. And the way you look at me.. it’s like I’m the only one that matters. That’s how I know things are right.”
Robyn wasn’t able to form words past the soft moans escaping her lips as she buried her face in his neck, Takumi continuing to whisper sweet nothings to her.
“Robyn I..” Takumi paused to collect his thoughts. “You make me want to be a better person. I’ve spent so much of my life trying to prove to my siblings that I’m worthy of respect and honor, and not just in Ryoma’s shadow. Do you know what you make me feel like?”
His pace slowed again, keeping the same force, so she could feel all his love in both physical and emotional form.
“I feel loved. You managed to turn my life upside down in the best way possible.”
“I love you Takumi..” Robyn replied, her breathing ragged as she brought her lips to his.
“I love you too, Robyn.”
Takumi kissed her deeply, his arms coming around her shoulders to draw her even closer, every movement sending shivers of pleasure down his spine.
“You’re everything to me. And because you accept me and my flaws.. I’m a happier and stronger man because of it.”
“Even in your deepest pain, your weakest hour, your darkest night.. you’re still perfect.” she breathed. “And in your darkest moments, I will become your sword, your strength.. your shield.
The words hung over the couple like a blanket of love as they continued till sunrise.
This isn’t just intimacy.. Takumi reflected. This is making love.
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softer-fe-imagines · 5 years
a five sentence fic for ricken in a soulmate au?
5 sentence fics
Everything had been grey for as long as you remember, the supposed ‘colour’ of the world hiding behind shades of monochrome. It’s more than a little bit surprising to see the hues manifest like a spray of water as you look into the eyes of someone else.
“Y-you‘re my soulmate! I’m Ricken!” exclaimed the man in front of you as you introduced yourself in turn.
“I think I’ve decided...” you said, watching as his expression became confused, “My favourite colour is going to be the same one as your eyes.”
Immediately he became embarrassed, flushing another colour you didn’t know the name of - that one, you knew, would be your second favourite.
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juweigl · 5 years
I hope, should Marco retire from his active career, he'll do something else at the club (I actually think Aki already has plans for him, tbh). I feel like he could give a lot to especially the younger teams/players
I would honestly be pretty surprised if he didn’t stay with the club in some new capacity. BVB is a club that likes to look after its own and hire past players for different roles. Just look look at Michael Zorc, Lars Ricken, Kehli, Nobby, Owo, both our previous goalkeeping coach Teddy de Beer and our current one Matthias Kleinsteiber, etc. Our former U17 player Dario Scuderi just retired because of a prior injury and has now been given a role in the club off the pitch (he recovered but it’s basically not safe to play anymore). When Nuri Sahin left they implied that once he retires from football he’ll always have a role at BVB.
For Marco I can see him trying his hand at coaching. Have you seen the mind control challenge he did with Witsel? It was basically a mini coaching challenge and Marco was really, really impressive. Plus, he loves working with children so I do think he would enjoy it. He could also take a role off the pitch and help us sign top players because he does that already LOL
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fematchups · 8 years
hello, im an INFJ/INTJ gemini sun cap moon taurus venus looking for male romantic matchup (hoshido+nohr+awakening) 5'4", studious+hardworking, quiet but sociable and laugh a lot around those ive opened up to. forgiving but salty. ive heard tht im cute/endearing and mature/reliable(as opposed to, say, alluring lik camilla xD) i love gaming, japanese and korean culture(pop and traditional), play violin. sorta contradictory ex) optimistic/pessimistic, liberal/conservative. thank you =D
Oh wow, I too have a Gemini sun with a Capricorn moon! How cool!
Nohr: Laslow
Laslow takes a special liking to you because you’re just too cute! He constantly flirts with you, and continues to do so even after you two become a couple. Laslow loves teasing you about how studious you are, giving you nicknames based on your hardworking habits. You love teasing him in return, and enjoy doing so because you can make him blush quite easily. Laslow also loves to start dancing with you out of nowhere; usually, this is his way of trying to cheer you up or of being spontaneous. He’ll initiate these surprise dance sessions by taking your hand and twirling you around whilst complimenting you. If you’re not in the mood for a dance, Laslow will figure out other ways to make you happy—after all, he is constantly striving to see your smile and to hear your laugh.
Hoshido: Hinata
You and Hinata become the best of friends in no time, always chatting away as though you’ve known each other for a much longer time. His silly jokes never fail to make you laugh, even when you’re in a bad mood. He can also be rather klutzy at times, and he doesn’t mind if you laugh at his careless mistakes—just don’t laugh too hard or his feelings will be hurt. He will gladly play video games with you too, and has a tendency to get super absorbed in them. You both can get quite competitive over video games, but still have tons of fun regardless. In fact, you’ll both get a little offended if one of you decides to go easy on the other. Hinata greatly admires your maturity and your reliability; at times, you give him more chances than he deserves, and he doesn’t take that for granted.
Awakening: Ricken
You and Ricken are the perfect couple, since you never run out of things to do or to talk about. Both of you enjoy participating in one another’s hobbies; while Ricken often enlists your help in crafting new magic spells, you have Ricken help you learn more about both Japanese and Korean cultures. You’re both very studious individuals, and so you can often be found studying together. It’s always fun for the both of you to go out and learn new things together as well—each of you brings about the curiosity in the other, which makes it all the more interesting for you both to learn alongside one another. Ricken also loves to hear you play the violin; occasionally, you’ll even give him a lesson if you’re feeling up to it!
Songs listened to:
Wake Up // The Dangerous SummerThe Gates // Have MercyYour Life and Mine // Just SurrenderBreaking // AnberlinSirens // Angels & AirwavesThe Mixed Tape // Jack’s Mannequin
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lady-cuteness · 8 years
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I need to upload the last drawings I have (especially the inktobers one) so I can start college calmer a not anything pending.
If I’ve been distracted lately is because I have been distracted with Stardew Valley and Pokemon Ruby. (Especially I need to get Sam’s 3 heart event before the end of winter in year 1. Still not telling who I am marrying.)
Inktober day 28: Soul attack
Okay i don’t know why I do another drawing about this idea, but I got so hook up that I can’t stop drawing concept art for this series. it’s suppose to be a mix of the three routes (there’s not much in neutral, just a few dialogues I want to put here and there, but there will be parts of genocide and pacifist route). Also I was deciding if I ever did a comic, it would be manly black and white. And I won’t put EVERY monster there, especially if is unnecessary for the story,
Also I would be putting more twists to the story, like putting characters interactions that were actually there or change events that might change the course of the routes.
Inktober day 29: FE Highschool Au
Just a silly idea I had 3 years ago, but now that I think about it, it’s very stupid ^^; I really don’t want to do it, nor touch the idea ever again. Although I did like some concepts I had, especially Ricken’s side story I made.
The couples would be the ones based of my playthrough of FE Awakening.
List of old students: Chrom, Frederick, Lissa, Maribelle, Gaius, Ricken, Virion, Sully, Stahl, Vaike, Miriel, Cordelia, Sumia, Tharja, Lon’qu, Kellam
New Students Part 1: Henry, Olivia, Nowi, MU Chloe
New students Part 2: (After winter vacations): Gregor, Panne, Donnel, Libra, Cherche (she would have been a transfer student and a old friend of Virion).
Inktober day 30: I’m your final boss
This an idea I had while listening “I’m the boss” from the band Big Bad Bosses (it’s a really neat idea and it’s a band created from youtubers representing a villian of a specific game).
So I thought, “what would have happened if some of the rivals in pokemon turn out to be actually evil”. And the would be actually the final challenge, like post game. Hau is not here because Sun and Moon didn’t come out in October. So I actually selected the rivals from each gen (not counting gen 1).
Bianca: I love the rivals in each gen equally. All have unique personalities. (I was gonna put Hugh, but it was oversaturated as it is.) I love Bianca’s design in BW2, such a cutie and I love how you can rebattle her post game (if you use the reminder...something XD)
Wally: I love him and his backstory. But I HATE how he was implemented in the games. He should have been more present in the games, and see him evolve from a REALLY fragile kid who it seems he couldn’t do anything to a strong boy who can do anything. I thought I would see that in the remake. They didn’t. They just gave him more scenes but not more battles. Points for making him cuter though.
Silver: Truth to be told, I hated him when I was younger. I couldn’t stand him and I always thought he was an immature jerk (and I was 10 at that time XD). With the remakes I saw him in another different light...but he’s still an immature jerk XD
Barry: I have mixed feelings with Barry. I don’t believe he is a bad rival, but he’s also not my favorite, the main reason being is that Diamond and Pearl are games I dislike. The pacing was horrible and the pokemon that were selected for this game were horrendous u.u
N: One of the best “rivals” (could he be considered more a mini boss? Still don’t know :/ ) I needed to draw him since I like his design and the role he has in the story. In this pic he’s supposed to be the leader of the team.
Shauna: I REALLY didn’t want to draw a Gen 6 Rival, but I wanted another female rival to be N’s partner. But my options were Shauna, Serena and May. Both Serena and May are playable characters so I had to go with Shauna. I hate the rivals in X and Y. Boring, bland, one-dimensional and zero competition. The only thing that I could say to Shauna is that I like her design.
Inktober day 31: Yuki’s group of friends.
I wanted to draw this for a VERY long time. I love Gakkou Gurashi, gotta say that it’s definitely my favorite that I have seen in a long time. I even re watch the whole first season again :3 It’s an anime that I don’t get bored in watching.
I REALLY don’t want to explain what’s going on in this pic or why I love this anime so much because I might spoil the whole series. The only thing that I recommend you to do for this series is to go blind. Really, don’t search anything about it. Just watch the whole first episode. It’s worth it. My boyfriend LOVED this series, even though he’s not a fan of moe anime.
Note: the manga and the anime differ in a lot of things, so I recommend to check out both. (See the anime first though)
From left to right: Miki, Yuuri (Rii-san), Yuki and Kurumi.
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