sloppyplanetary · 3 years
every episode supergirl trends lmao and its always because supercorp looked at each other with heart eyes. every other week i have to scroll the tags to see if they're canon and every time its just the same scene or two giffed over and over. lena has magic? what the fuck is going on in that show i just want the superhero and the scientist to make out
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
My Morty was a smart kid. Not a genius, never gonna be as intelligent as me. Never gonna be able to compete with his mother but smart, yet that’s not the point. That kid loved science, it was a love not an aptitude. It brought him joy but that doesn’t mean he was exceptional at it, but he was smart enough to defuse the bombs I made when I was drunk off my ass. School wasn’t for him, it couldn’t help him. He was dyslexic or something, not like I ever tried to figure it out or LET them figure it out. Screw them. It doesn’t matter. The kid could learn; he would watch and listen to me ramble about nonsense and somehow take away something from it. Not only would he get to know my quirks and obsessions but also know the science too. I’m proud of my little buddy, my my little friend.
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sloppyplanetary · 3 years
rickorty review s1e10
mmm do ya smell that? its delicious angst
the entry episode of our favorite piss boy eyepatch boy, Evil Morty
first scene coming in strong with Rick's protective "leave my Morty out of this"
morty finds out about the brainwaves and oh boy he's angry. "ya dont care about me at all, rick!" he's made more angry expressions in the past three minutes then I've seen him make all season lmao
okay this isnt c137 and its technically eyepatch morty but why all these screens only displaying tortured mortys asses lmaoo
rick crying over morty. maybe genuinely thinking he's about to die and the last conversation with morty he made him mad and called him dumb
sidenote: jerry and doofus rick ship when? lmao
gotta love Morty unionizing all of the mortys
when our duo make up at the end of the episode, rick backhandedly compliments morty by calling him the Mortiest Morty, and morty repeats that with the most fuckn lovestruck voice ive heard
Rickorty content rating: 8/10
I'm a sucker for angst, and I love it when they fight and make up
honorable mentions: rick put his fuckn hand on mortys head and did a fuckn kick spin in mid air above morty to kick the crab alien i mean who does that lmao
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
I just checked and osmehw how I am out of bottled whsieky and I have to drink from my flask. Fufucking egh, the thing is almopst gone and I’m gonna need more. I hate hate going oiutbo to get more... fuckign fuck. I think it’s been in there too long it it tastes liek shit.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
noth Nothing against doubles but my innate C-137 brain sscreams at me sometimes about how they aren’t real and, and like. I got actually notfing against them I just cancan’t help not likign them. RICKEST RICK BITCH. So so just, just if I ever start yelling drunk at 4am about fake Ricks and shit know I mean fake like not the real Rick how we know I’m a self centered douchebag and going on about nothing important and don’t take it personal. uhgf.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
To my Beth, sweetie Daddy loves you. Loves you enough to make you a sentient pink switch blade just because you asked.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
I. I type in Rick and ugh morty kin into the search bar thing and I’m overcome with. With how much positivity ggarbo I see and whaty the fuck man? Ss soft pastels for a a Rick? The Morty stuff seems on point but the Rick stuff. Not C-137 that’s for sure bbut maybe it’s for those other other Ricks. Simple Ricks maybe/.
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kinning-the-dark · 3 years
Urgh. Just just wanna say fuuk like thinkmking you r the best cause only one person is and that’s mee biytches and I suck so you suck more.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
Kin people be like like eVERY thug was the same in my my cannon! Exxept I was a trans woman, a lesbian, who was ddatinf this other character and bamn shazaow I was also related to this other charaxtoe. Fuck fucking my g guys have “slightly dev vergent cannons but like thyyy don’t pre pretend to be the same as cannon. Now me this mother fucker is so cannon I’m fucking trash baby! Fuck fucking come get it.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
I’m fucking terrible. Saw a confession on that kin confession blog and like dude. Not gonna respond on there because the other pussy voices in my my head are saying not to but like. Like.
Fuck fucking hillarious. Jerry wants me to stop messing with his marriage. A joke. Him and and his “marrrriage” urgh. Loooossseeerrr.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
filled my flask, ready ready to go!
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
Hey I think I got a message from, from someone called “totally rick” with like some kind of of discord invite. 
Buddy. Like. If you messaged me and you see this. Tum-tumblr fucking glitched on me and deleted your message so send it again or something if u like.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
This. This blog needs a new name because I hate it already. God I suck at naming things.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
So lonely. I wa want my my little buddy. Where’s my little buddy??? Come to come to grandpa Rick. Egh.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
In that good old Rick-depressive mood right now. Sighing and looking off into the distance. I am small and insignificant, nothing matters. I, I need a drink.
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kinning-the-dark · 5 years
The other Ricks aren’t Ricks. I mean just look at them! They wouldn’t serve! They wouldn’t put up with the crap they did! Just LEAVE if you want to, there are infinite universes and infinite timelines. I would never be a plumber, a cop or a salesman and I wouldn’t want to be. I am me and that is the only thing I can be sure of. I wouldn’t want to be anyone else because then I wouldn’t be me who is me who is Rick. They may share my name but they are as different to me as to a Jerry. They can call themselves Rick but they aren’t. They’re all just SLAVES; they payed for their so called “safety” and it’s price was their freedom! What is safety? I’d rather be free!!!
Ugh. What time is it again...
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