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rworldfilmsblog · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday to one of my favorite film makers #QuentinTarantino #ReservoirDogs #TrueRomance #PulpFiction #FromDuskTillDawn #JackieBrown #KillBill #SinCity #DeathProof #IngloriousBasterds #DjangoUnchained #HatefulEight #MyBestFriendsBirthday #MrBrown #RichardGecko #JimmieDimmick
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ao3feed-fromdusktilldawn · 7 years ago
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series Season 4 Plot 1
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MDb2vD
by Fanficchick
“Have you ever thought what it would be like if Kate chose me instead of you?" Richie asked giving his brother a sideways glance. "Of course, I have." Seth confessed and looked down at his shoes. "If she chooses you, I would have no choice but to respect that." "That's not answering my question, brother." Richie countered as he made his way to the couch in front of his brothers'. "I'm asking how do you think your life would be once Kate and I left your side?" Richie bent over with his elbows over his knees, hands clasped together as he looked down at the red carpet. "Can you picture it?" Seth knew his brother wasn't trying to hurt him by asking this. It was to make sure he would be okay with it all. Seth thought it was thoughtful of Richie but he knew his brother well. "Yes." Seth answered honestly. "It won't be easy at first, but I know I'll get through it." "I've thought about it too." Richie looked at the door as if it held all the answers for him. "But it doesn't have to be that way brother." Richie finally looked at him. "If Kate chose me, I would be okay with her still sharing her affection." Richie said trying to sound casual. "Richie..." Seth trailed off.
Words: 1427, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, KateFuller/RichieGecko/SethGecko, Kate Fuller - Fandom, Seth Gecko - Fandom, Richie Gecko - Fandom, Richard Gecko - Fandom, season 4 - Fandom, FromDuskTillDawn, FromDuskTillDawnTheSeries, Plot1, plot 1, Santanico Pandomonium, SantanicoPandomonium, Kisa - Fandom, FromDuskTillDawn Season 4, From Dusk Till Dawn Season 4, MMF - Fandom, Mature - Fandom, Violence - Fandom, Sexual Content - Fandom, threesome - Fandom, smut - Fandom, Romance - Fandom, Death - Fandom, Love - Fandom, relationships - Fandom, Drama - Fandom, adult content - Fandom, Angels - Fandom, God - Fandom, Sci-Fi - Fandom, Science Fiction - Fandom, Culebras - Fandom, culebralove, Immortals - Fandom, immortal - Fandom, Mortal - Fandom, robbers - Fandom, bankrobbbers, bank robbers - Fandom, gecko brothers - Fandom, the Gecko Brothers, Dj Controna, DJ Cotrona - Fandom, D.J. Controna, Zane Holtz - Fandom, ZaneHoltz, DJCotrona, Hate - Fandom, depression - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: KateFuller/SethGecko/RichieGecko, Scott Fuller, SantanicoPandomonium - Character, Kisa, culebra - Character, Carlos Madrigal, Seth Gecko, Richie Gecko, Richard Gecko, Freddie Gonzalez, The Peacekeeper
Relationships: KateFuller/RichieGecko/SethGecko - Relationship, KateFuller/SethGecko, KateFuller/RichieGecko, SethGecko/RichardGecko, loshermanosGecko, GeckoFamily
Additional Tags: Sexual Content, Sex, Love, mmf, Threesome, Smut, Romance, Science Fiction, AU, Alternate Universe, fdtd, fromdusktilldawnseason4, season four, season 4, faith - Freeform, Loss, Monsters, culebralove - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MDb2vD
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queenestele · 7 years ago
From Dusk Till Dawn The Series (Plot 1) Chp 13 By Fabs909
"You know that they won't ever trust you again." Kisa sighed sitting down on one of the chairs next to his desk. "What do you want with me?" She got straight to the point.
Kisa was over Carlos' antics and she wanted to get back to her home. She hadn't heard from the Gecko brothers in months and had no idea  of their whereabouts.
"Are you sure Richie hasn't tried contacting you?" Carlos asked again agitated.
"Why do you need them?" She pressed her plump lips into a line as Carlos approached her.
"No te hagas pendeja." Carlos said his nostrils flaring with eyes glaring. "You know Richie loved you!"
"He was under my spell." Kisa shrugged. "You know this." She said checking her nails.
"I checked the phone records." Carlos blinked slowly and tilted his head to the side sucking on his teeth slightly. "I know he contacted you a couple months ago."
"So what if he did?" Kisa sighed, she was beyond annoyed that Carlos dragged her out of bed this morning to come and meet him. And for what? For him to interrogate her? And about Richie, out of all people?
"What do you want with Richie?" Kisa finally asked getting to the point.
"Don't you wanna know where your golden boy is?" Carlos raised an eyebrow.
"I can't believe you dragged me out here for this!" Kisa got up and looked down at him with disdain and repulsion. "I can't believe that this is still something on your pathetic mind." She pointed to her head to emphasize.
Typical. Carlos rolled his eyes getting up from his chair.
"Not everything is about you darling."
"Then what the fuck do you want?" She scowled and folded her arms over her chest.
"I need him to do me a favor."
"Oh really?" She scoffed not believing a word he was saying. "What could that possibly be?"
"None of your business." Carlos snapped. "I just want to know where he is."
"Why are you keeping track of him?" Kisa noticed his smile falter. "Or are you keeping track of her?" Kisa smiled ruefully pursing her lips before grinning.
"No." Was his reply and looked away.
"What do you want with Kate?" Kisa leaned forward putting her palms on the desk inspecting his face. "Que quieres con la guera?"
"I just need to talk to Richie." He sat back down and ignored her.
"Don't be a fucking creep." Kisa scolded. "Leave her alone."
"I am not interested in Kate." Carlos said dryly but Kisa knew the Culebra too well to know when he was lying through his teeth.
"Fine." She said standing to her full height. "But if I hear that you mess with them I'll personally stab a stake through your heart." She spit out before turning and leaving a seething Carlos.
"Kisa!" Carlos yelled after her and she turned only to flip him off before slamming the doors.
"Why did you have to piss her off?" Scott sighed dramatically and walked into the office.
"It's above your pay grade to care about." Carlos hissed and slumped back in his chair and Scott scoffed with a scowl.
"I want to see my sister." Scott said under his breath clearly disappointed at the whole situation.
Scott was restless. And the life Carlos offered was a good one but he was over it. He wanted action. He wanted to fight for something worthwhile. The Gecko brothers would offer that.
"Someone missing sissy?" Carlos teased tilting his head to the side.
Scott didn't answer and kept his eyes down.
"You'll see her soon." Carlos promised getting up and left his office.
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adamdrivers · 9 years ago
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Rinko Kikuchi photographed by David Roemer for Marie Claire US (2011)
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ignisgayentia · 10 years ago
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armie hammer & henry cavill + fav moments
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queenestele · 7 years ago
From Dusk Till Dawn The Series (Plot 1) Chp 9 By Fabs909
"I am Vanessa, I will be your donor today." A tall brunette said in a thick Italian accent came up to Richie as he entered the old church where he had been to only the night before.
The dim lights gave the church a gothic aura despite the fact that the saint's and crosses littered the walls.
"Thank you." Richie thanked uninterested in her feeble attempts of flirting with him.
"Right this way." She said taking his arm.
Richie didn't say a word as they went deeper into the old church and turned from a corridor to the next and finally to a wooden door that the woman opened.
"This will be ours tonight." She said ushering Richie in to what at first seemed to be a small room only to turn to the right to see a full king sized bed with a leather couch in front of a large fireplace.
"Where would you like to start?" The woman stepped closer to Richie and placed a small hand on his chest.
"The couch." Richie said sternly and the woman immediately dropped her hand to her side and looked down as she followed Richie to the couch by the fireplace.
Sitting next to him Richie took off his mask and set it aside before turning to her and an unmistakable gasp escaped her lips when her eyes roamed his features in the new lighting.
He was a beautiful man, and no doubt had someone already. Vanessa thought but she her head.
"Neck or wrist?" She asked him in a different tone than before, professional now that she was sure he wasn't here for anything other than feeding.
"Neck is faster." Richie answered looking at her exposed neck.
The woman said nothing moving her hair to the side and waited avoiding his eyes.
Richie wrapped an arm around her shoulders while his other hand cradled her head and sunk in his fangs.
"Uh huh." The lady groaned and clung her hands to his arm.
After several minutes Richie let her go and grabbed one of the black napkins by his mask on the table next to the couch.
"Thank you." Richie stood with a stoic expression on his face as he looked down at the now pale girl.
"Prego." She replied but couldn't move.
She knew the dangers of working in this particularly and knew that no one would care if she so died.
Without another word Richie picked his mask up and walked out.
"Time for the night of our lives." Richie sighed to himself as he gave his pass to the concierge at the small desk by the entrance.
"Everything went well?" The short man at the desk asked and Richie just smiled at him with a small nod. "Have a good evening sir." The man smiled at him but Richie didn't bother giving him a response and left.
The bustle of the carnival was turning very dense as the crowds of people in masked costumes arrived in boats. Richie kept his footing light as he made his way across the large St. Mark's Square, the moon taking over the sky.
He wondered what Kate would think of it. She knew about the masquerade and both brothers knew to plan accordingly.
"Quindi il diavolo è bello!" The devil is handsome! A woman in a black dress said loudly as he passed by the fountain and Richie smiled at her even though he had no idea what she was talking about but the hunger in her eyes shown.
He reached the entrance of the ballroom and felt eyes on him immediately. He turned to his right and despite it being crowded he could tell the men in the shadows were the ones keeping score of him.
"I am with Seth Reynolds." Richie said to the hostess and she smiled happily up at him from her peacock mask.
"Ah yes!" The woman said looking at the list. "They have arrived as well!" She said excited and ushered him inside the lavish venue.
The ballroom was full of masked people in the extravagant Venetian masked attire. Waiters with small black masks on weaved through the crowds offering champagne and special ordered drinks  in white dress shirts. Woman openly flirted with the servers and so did most men.
Two large staircases lead to an upper level around the large marble dance floor. Large flower arrangements adorned each side of staircases all the way up to the second level.
"They have a booth in the upper level overlooking the dance floor numbered..." she trailed off and put her two fingers up and Richie thanked her and made his way up the large white marble staircase.
Richard reached the top of the stairs and his eyes instantly landed on Kate that sat in a beautiful decorated booth next to her brother. He wanted to approach but held back.
Seth would need time alone with her as well and this was his night with Kate and he didn't want to impose just yet. Richie wanted his brother to get to the same point he was at with Kate.
Physical contact.
Leaning back to obscure himself from them he made his way to the bar behind the booths. He could hear everything they were saying from the distance and took a seat next to a tall brunette and waited for the bartender to wait on him.
"I can't believe I'm here." Kate giggled as she looked throughout the large amount of people.
The night was perfect despite the discomfort her heart was experiencing. Kate didn't want to accept that she could be capable of being in a relationship with both brothers. It was absolute blasphemy. And yet she still considered it because what choice did she have? She had to be open minded about simply thinking about it.
Glancing at Seth, Kate noticed he was looking at her and not at the other women who seemed to be finding their way to the front of their booth constantly smirking and giving Seth looks of interest as they passed by.
"Would you like something to drink?" Seth asked and she tore her eyes away from the tall brunette that stood in front of their booth smiling and biting her lip as she rested an elbow on the railing overlooking the dance floor and glanced at Seth. Ignoring Kate.
"Please!" Kate answered letting out a breathe of air. "Something refreshing." She smiled at him before turning and glaring at the brunette that didn't seem to be getting the picture.
Seth turned to see where Kate was looking and finally noticed the tall brunette and she winked at him. Seth looked at Kate ignoring the other woman and found her glaring at the woman and he instantly knew what was wrong and smirked.
"I have a type, Kate." Seth gently laid his hand over her fisted one and she relaxed slightly turning to him.
He looked from her eyes to her lips and leaned closer.
"Only one." Seth confirmed and gently kissed the corner of Kate's mouth.
Kate felt the intense feeling of warmth in her chest the reached her toes as her eyes scanned his hazel eyes.
"One." Seth said pulled her chin and kissed her fully on the lips before standing and leaving a breathless and utterly surprised Kate.
She smiled to herself and blushed deeply before remembering they had an audience. She looked up at the brunette who simply scowled and then shrugged and walked passed.
"That's right bitch." Kate said under her breath and leaned back on the booth and relaxed.
Richie almost missed the gasp he heard of Kate and he knew his brother was finally where he needed him to be and made his move to other side of the room before he spotted him.
Pretending to be in conversation with two other men dressed in black and red, Richie could feel his brothers eyes boring into his back but he remained relaxed. If his brother spotted him now it wouldn't matter. They were both exactly where he wanted them to be.
Before turning and facing his brother Richie pretended to give a slight bow and turned around.
"Jesus Richard." Seth scolded looking him up and down. "The fucking devil?" Seth smirked at how fitting the costume was for his brother.
"It's perfect!" Seth laughed and ushered them back to the bar as he waited for drinks. "Who were you talking to?"
"Those are some guys that are keeping watch of those, like myself, attending the festivities." He leaned on the side of the bar. "How's Kate?" Richard smirked before drinking his scotch but his gaze never left his brothers.
Seth visibly blushed under his mask and looked away from Richie's gaze pursing his lips turning to the bartender to order his drinks.
"Thank you." Seth thanked and took both drinks in hand and Richie's smile turned into a grin.
"Finally made the move, huh?" Richie wiggles his eyebrows at him suggestively grinning.
Seth glanced at his brother and then away before setting the drinks down and turned to him.
"Ahem." Seth cleared his throat before looking up at his brother. "What if I did?" He raised an eyebrow at his grinning brother and shook his head at the mega watt smile Richie gave him in return.
"I'm very happy you did." Richie leaned forward leaning on his elbow but closer to his brother. "And?" He raises his eyebrows suggestively at his brother and Seth sighed biting his lower lip trying to suppress his smile at the thought of Kate's lips and reaction.
"And what?" He drank his whiskey still avoiding his gaze and squinted his eyes slightly as the liquid burned his throat.
"How was it?" Clearly, Richie had to be very direct with his brother or else he was never going to get anything out of him.
"Don't you feel-" Seth trailed off squinting again trying to find the right words.
"Jealous?" Richie asked but his smile never faltered.
"I mean-" Seth began but Richie knew what to say.
"Why would I?" Seth looked at him confused. "I know she is in good hands with you and I trust you with her entirely." The seriousness in Richard's voice comforted Seth but he still couldn't believe it.
"Look at it this way." Richard leaned in. "Why would I be jealous of someone I will never trump? Or someone who could never trump me?" He opened his eyes more showing the innocence in them and let his head lower more to Seth's height and searched his eyes. "Kate needs us both."
"You really think that she needs both of us?" Richie saw the challenge in Seth's eyes and he cursed under his breath.
"This isn't a competition, brother." Richie shook his head. "We have already won." He smirked.
Seth looked away squeezing his chin as he glanced at the back of their booth where Kate waited. Really thinking about it and realizing that not only would Kate be safer with both of them but what came to his consciousness was one simple fact that he would never be able to shake.
"Have you thought about something?" Seth was going to say it no matter what.
"Thought about what?" Richie shrugged slightly looking broadly at the back of the booth.
"What you are, Richard." Seth responded finally giving his full attention to his brother.
"Yes." Richie stood. "Wouldn't it be great to live more than one lifetime with those you love?" Raising his eyebrows Richard held a relaxed composure.
It was too early to talk about this.
"Kate's waiting." Seth sighed and gave up. "You can join us if you want." He called over his shoulder but Richard knew better.
They would all come around. Richard knew this.
Turning back to the bar Richard felt eyes on him again and sighed.
"You really can't buy trust." Richard chuckled humorlessly remembering the ridiculous requests of the vampires.
Culebra's were of a higher breeding and the vampires knew it too. Richie was putting up with their shit for only one reason: Kate.
"Ciao." A short red head approached him in green satin mask her lips pursing slightly as her eyes roamed over him.
Richard kept his composure in front of the vampire without making eye contact. "They send you to keep on eye on me too?" He looked ahead at the bar and sipped his whiskey slowly.
"We have order here." She responded coldly demeaning him and he remembered Kisa's words.
"If it wasn't for my kind your kind wouldn't have anything to keep in order." Richie shrugged and smirked at her surprised expression. "Have a good evening." Richie departed without another look her way.
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tomshardy · 10 years ago
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adamdrivers · 10 years ago
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“I admire people who have gone a long period of time and are having their moment in the sun as they get older. People who have just persevered through it. It can be tough to battle when you know you have something to share and people don’t recognize it.” - Rami Malek for Buzzfeed News (2015)
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queenestele · 7 years ago
From Dusk Till Dawn The Series Season 4 (Plot 1) Chp5 By Fabs909
Saint Mark's Square
Restaurant Luciano's
"Bouna Notte." A man greets as they reach the dock.
"I'll help her." Seth says stepping off the boat first and helping Kate up by the hand then by her waist when she stumbled a bit.
"Can't go for a swim in that dress!" Seth teased and she stuck her tongue out at him as he guided her to the restaurant's entrance where Richie stood next to a tall brunette talking in a very friendly manner as he held her elbow.
Richie was full blown flirting with the woman. At least that's what it seemed to Seth and it angered him.
"What the fuck?" Kate muttered under her breath before she could stop herself.
Seth heard her but said nothing, he understood entirely.
'What the hell is wrong with me?' Kate thought looking away immediately regretting her words.
She was getting all cozied up next to Seth and then she got jealous of the other brother talking to another woman. She had no right to be and she felt bad for Seth because she was sure he had heard her.
"Just had to wrap some things up for tonight." Richie says walking casually towards them as the woman who he was talking to whispered into the hostess' ear.
Kate noticed how much better Richie looked now that he had fed in a royal blue dinner jacket and black slacks. She noticed how much younger he looked with his hair combed so perfectly quaffed into a nice poof like hairdo that made Richie look even more handsome than when she first met him.
"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" He said standing nearer but away from his brother who was scowling at him.
"You did!" Kate laughed when she got a hold of herself and looked up into his smiling eyes completely forgetting of how mad she was only moments before.
"Good evening Dama." The Host says getting a hold of Kate's hand and kissing the back of it before turning to the brothers. "Good evening Seńori." He gives a low bow before opening the restaurant's large wooden double doors to let them in.
The grandeur of the restaurant was all about aristocratic class. Everything was either black or gold with traditional colorful paintings all over the walls. The ceiling looked like a very large golden mirror. There was three levels to this place and when she saw the stage where the band plays Kate new she was in an old opera house. A big statue of an angel stood by the entrance and it even made Richie feel small next to it.
She almost laughed at the look of indignation Richie gave the statue that dwarfed him. Kate could never be mad at him for long.
She wondered what he talked to the hostess about.
"You have a private balcony with a your own bar. This way!" The host takes a right turn and guides the party of three down another path and then an elevator.
The elevator was very small and Kate had to make a choice of which side to go to when the host stands in between both brothers of the small elevator. She looks over at Richie who gives her a welcoming smile and that's all it took. Kate stood next to Richie who was trying to suppress a smile.
Richie heard his brother grunt under his breath and adjusted himself only to bump into Kate making her wobble on those death traps she calls heels. Richie moves fast and pulls her arm making her press more into him.
Knowing the reason why these romantic architects made some places so small; Richie thanked all those architects as he relaxed his arm around Kate's waist, his thumb rubbed slowly up and down by her waist.
Kate's heart was beating out of control when Richie finally let his arm slip around her waist to give her a more comfortable stance as the elevator went up. Everywhere Kate had to stay still she always found herself in very close proximity to either of the Gecko brothers. She felt this was the beginning of something she didn't know how to process yet, she just wanted to enjoy every moment.
It was her birthday after all.
"Please follow me." The Host says finally getting everyone's attention.
Richie guided her by the waist behind the Host with Seth behind them.
"This is the Presidential Private Balcony." The Host said with pride as Kate walked away from them to see the view of the entire restaurant beneath them.
"Tonight we have a special guest opera singer!" He winks at Kate's shocked expression. "Your server will be here soon." And with that he leaves as the brothers turn to the bar.
"Oh my God!" Kate says walking up to the bar and sitting next to Seth as the bartender hands him a drink. "Who do you think will be singing?" She looks from Seth to Richie to the bartender who winks at her and doesn't say anything.
Seth puts down his glass and helps Kate with her coat and he tries to keep his hands to himself when he finally notices how much skin she was actually showing.
Seth wasn't immortal nor did he have special abilities but heard the other two men in the room gasp when he removed Kate's coat.
Seth always called Kate a princess, Richie thought his eyes wondering down her body. But tonight, and to him, Kate was a freaking goddess!
Kate was too excited to notice the looks the men were giving her as she went to sit on the bench near the balcony looking down at the splendor of the place in awe.
The plan was simple; both Seth and Richie were going to take her out on her birthday night and then after that Seth had her for a day to take her anywhere in the city and Richie had her the next day before they headed back to Paris. And of course Seth knew Richie had his tricks up his sleeve and since he seemed more sane than usual, Seth knew his brother had something special planned for her. He just hoped he could deliver tomorrow night when he took her out.
"Do you know who it is?" Richie asks Kate who rolls her eyes at him and then grins.
"No idea!" She answers in an excited whisper waiting in anticipation and Richie laughed at her enthusiasm.
"Signore e signori!" The martyred began getting most of the guests' attention as he stepped on the stage. "La tua attenzione per favore!" The lights dim lightly sushing the chatter among everyone immediately and softly. "Stasera abbiamo un ospite molto speciale!" He says with excitement pouring out of him. "Sigñore Andrea Bocelli!"
"Did you guys really?!" Kate giggles excitingly. "Seriously?" She looks at both of them unbelievingly before she jumps into Seth's arms and then Richie.
"Let take a seat so we don't miss the show." Richie guided her to the chair with the best view.
In the time he had with Kate, Seth, had gotten to know the girl really well. He found she liked to sing and she enjoyed classical music and opera. He can't remember the amount of times he caught her singing in the shower or humming along to some opera music. He promised himself he would try to get one of her favorite singers for her birthday if their last score was successful.
That very day after the score was successful, Richie and Seth made arrangements to get the singer there and it was costing them a lot of money but seeing the excitement on Kate's face was reward enough for Seth.
The whole place turned into explosive clapping as some people get up from their chairs. Kate got up from her chair too and clapped even harder when the tall singer stepped on stage.
"This is a special request for a very special lady from her two best friends. This is for you Kate." Andrea Bocelli says and the band behind him begins playing "Love in Portofino." One of Kate's favorites.
Kate turns around and smiles at both men before sitting down and turning her attention to the song dedicated to her. Tears formed in Kate's eyes but she wiped them away as the song ended. She didn't want anyone to see her cry anymore.
"Here." Seth offers her an handkerchief but she startled him by jumping into his arms instead.
"Thank you so much!" She hugs Seth tightly and then turns to hug Richie. "Thank you both so much!" Tears kept falling down her face. "No one has ever done anything like this for me." She wipes under her eyes with Seth's handkerchief. "I love it so much!" She giggles at her self before taking her seat again.
"Anything for our Kate." Richie said almost in a whisper as a thought occurred to him.
Did that sound perfect or what? Richie thought. Wouldn't that be nice? To share Kate; but he shook his head at the ridiculousness of it but it lingered in the back of his mind.
"Always." Seth said. "Here you go princess." Seth offers her a glass of Champagne before he and Richie took their seats across the table from her.
"Here's to the woman we never knew we needed in our lives." Richie begins before Kate's looks into his eyes. "Our light amidst the darkness." He smiles at her and tilted his head in her direction. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you!" Kate says squeezing Ritchie's hand that was on the table.
"To you Princess!" Seth holding his glass up. "Couldn't think of a better partner to join us."
"Thank you Seth!" Kate touched his arm softly before the server comes in with an array of different appetizers. All three clink their glasses before sipping on the effervescent liquid that both burned and soothed their throats.
"You have a guest that would like to join you in a half hour Dama." The waiter said and Richie grinned at her but Seth glared at his brother for a brief second before turning to Kate.
"Who is this guest?" Kate asks curiously and the server smiles and points with his eyes to the stage and Kate jumps from her seat. "Of course!" A big smile forming on her face.
"He also said to give you this." The server hands her a small envelope and both Richie and Seth look at each other confused but don't say anything.
"Thank you!" Kate opens the envelope slowly and turns away from her "partners" before taking the note out and reading it.
I am sorry if it is an imposition on your birthday but I would really like to meet the woman that has completely besotted the young men who offered everything to have me here tonight. Yours truly, Andrea B.
Kate couldn't believe it and a rush of excitement burst through her heart. She was about to meet her idol.
Kate smiles but puts the note back in its envelope quickly trying to hide the mirth she felt as turned to them. She knew they were up to something in the last couple weeks. She just had no freaking clue as to what that was. And what the fuck was this delusional man talking about?
Yes. She knew both of them loved her but she didn't know what type of love just yet. Oh who was she kidding? She knew both of them were after her and she was loving every minute of it even if it scared her, the attention and doting they seemed to like to bestow upon her recently made her feel loved.
"What's it say?" Richie asks with a curious glare his lips pursed and cheeks hollowed making his handsome face look older.
Always the impatient one Kate thought rolling her eyes at him which only made him lean in more as the opera singer kept singing.
"You know you want to tell us!" He says accusingly and reaches for the envelope but Kate snatches it away just in time and stuffs it in her clutch.
"It's a poem he wrote to me for my birthday." Kate lied easily but both brothers weren't buying it.
"Sure." Seth said pouring himself more of the Krystal Champagne.
With that, all conversation ends as they give they're full attention back to the performance.
45 minutes later.
"That was amazing!" Kate clapped along with the crowd as the famous singer walked down the stage and was lead to the elevator they came up in.
"Holy shit!" Kate said sitting back down in her seat. "He's coming right now!" She felt the need to situate herself before there was a knock on the door and the trio got up to greet their guest.
Before the door could open the Bartender had let the curtains to the balcony down to give more privacy. And in walked Andrea Bocelli with grace despite the fact that the man was blind he knew where to walk to.
"Good evening." He says as he enters and Richie takes the man's extended hand.
"I would like to thank you for your graciousness and helping us out tonight Signore." Richie said politely and Mr. Bocelli smiled holding his hand.
"Anything for true love." He laughed and then Seth took his hand.
"Really." Seth began. "Can't thank you enough." He said and Mr. Bocelli waved him off before reaching in his direction for his hand to shake.
"Not a problem." He says. "Now where is this woman you two offered your souls for?"
Kate noticed that both of the Gecko brothers were completely beet red and she smiled at their discomfort for once.
"I am Kate." She stepped forward from behind Richie with a nervous laugh. "This has truly been a dream come true for me!" She said as he took her hand in hers and kissed it. "Thank you!"
"You are very welcome cara." He replies with a smile. "Let's take a seat." Kate leads him by the hand to bench by the balcony completely ignoring the protests of the brothers who seemed a bit peeved at the whole situation.
"So tell me," Mr.Bocelli begins holding Kate's hand in his. "Tell me about yourself." He asks casually and Kate feels completely at ease in front of the man and she knows she can trust him.
"I am just a simple girl from the south still trying to find the right path." Sincerity dripped with every word she said.
"It is very good to remember that we must always find the right path for ourselves but we must also give the opportunity of a crossroads every once in a while." Mr.Bocelli smiles and squeezes Kate's hands. "No path is ever straight, Cara Mia."
"Trust me." Kate begins and turns to her "partners" who are listening intently and smiles at them. "I've learned to see the beauty in every path I have taken." She turns back to him.
"Hai sofferto molto." You have suffered so much. It was a statement. Mr.Bocelli didn't even bother to wait for an answer from her. "È difficile quando le cose succedono a una persona così giovane, così veloce." It is hard when things happen to one so young, so fast.
How did he know that? Kate thought with a smirk and looked at a guilty looking Seth and scowled playfully at him.
Kate smiled sadly at him and he squeezed her hand. She understood Italian very well and was so grateful neither of the brothers knew this about her.
The singer shakes his head from side to side letting it drop slightly before continuing. "È molto sfortunato, ma forse hai dovuto soffrire così tanto perché hai una vita migliore davanti a te." It is very unfortunate but maybe you were meant to suffer so greatly because you have a better life ahead of you. He grins and slightly turns to Kate and signals for her to get closer to speak in her ear. "Choose wisely Cara Mia, but most importantly choose with your heart."
"So che mi amano ognuno a modo loro." I know they love me each in their own way. Kate replied in well practiced Italian and leaned closer to his ear. "Non so cosa voglio ancora la mia voce." I still don't know what my heart wants.
Kate looked away trying to hide the hurt it brought her to realize she didn't know what she wanted or who she wanted. Her head tilted slightly to see both Geckos eyeing her with surprise and a hint of suspicion from Richie.
Since when the fuck did she know Italian? And why the fuck didn't I know about it? Richie thought mostly mad at himself.
Now it made sense to Seth how she understood the Italian lyrics to some of the music she listened to.
"Va bene non sapere cosa vuoi ancora, Cara." It's okay not to know what you want just yet, Cara. Mr.Bocelli replied with a smile and Kate smiled back squeezing his hand. " non ci si aspetta che prenda una decisione così presto. La vita è anche di amare te stesso! Darti una possibilità di crescere prima di fare una scelta di una vita. Non hai voluto fare qualcosa con la tua vita per te? Come andare a scuola e studiare canto?" Don't feel expected to make such a decision so soon. Life is about loving yourself too! Give yourself a chance to grow before you make a choice of a lifetime. Haven't you wanted to do something with your life for yourself? Like go to school and study singing?
How did he know she always wanted to sing? She gave Seth an accusing stare before turning back to her idol.
"Cantare mi ha fatto tante cose e mi ha aiutato a capire cosa posso fare con la mia vita, ma non posso e non voglio immaginare la mia vita senza uno di loro." Singing got me through so many things and it has helped me realize what I could do with my life but I can't and don't want to imagine my life without either of them. Kate replied in her well practiced Italian.
"Santo cielo!" Oh, saintly heaven! Mr.Bocelli sighed loudly pressed the tips of his fingers to his lips as if in deep thought and leaned back but didn't let go of her hand and Kate looked to see if he could give her an answer. "Hai un problema cara mia."  You've got a problem cara mia. He put his hand over hers and smiled sadly shaking his head.
"No shit!" Kate laughed despite her aching and confused heart and the singer threw his head back laughing. "Oh please excuse my language!" Kate said pursing her lips the man who was still getting a hold of himself.
"Puoi dire di nuovo!" You can say that again! He laughter dies down softly and Kate felt so at ease with his comforting persona.
Richie watched both of them with jealousy but he also didn't mind seeing Kate so happy and decided to give them privacy when Kate leaned in to say something in Italian. Even knowing that neither he or Seth knew a drop of Italian, it seemed she wanted her privacy.
Seth watched with a relaxed smile on his face as Kate spoke candidly with the singer. The looks Kate threw their way made him feel uncomfortable knowing that they were probably were talking about them. He could see the need for the privacy and slowly got up from his seat to find Richie by the bar as well.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Richie asked gulping down a full snifter of cognac and hissed at the small burning sensation it caused in his chest. "They look like they have been friends since the beginning of time!" He hissed and Seth turned to his brother.
"He is her idol, Richie." Seth said simply as he turned in his seat to look at the two from across the private dinning room to see Kate talk animatedly in the Italian he didn't realize she had learned this past year.
"I just wish I knew what they were talking about." Richie grumbled looking away and back at the bartender. "Another." Richie pushed his snifter to the bartender and glanced back at Kate. "Please." He almost begged.
It was killing him not knowing what they were talking about. Kate was giving the vibe that she was looking for guidance in the singer and Richie wished he could be the one to give her guidance. He wished he could be the one that she felt so at ease with like she was with Seth and the singer.
She was always nervous around him and it made him question his methods. He liked a squirming Kate, it was the trust and comfort that Richie was longing for.
"Don't wait too long to do it!" Mr.Bocelli says in warning to Kate with a worried look his eyes opening for a few seconds to reveal pure golden eyes.
Seth and Richie look on with confusion as they made they're way back to the table.
"Hey." Seth gets Richies attention. "You good?" He looks with a slight concern to his brother.
"Yes." Richie manages to say as he watches the singer and Kate continue their conversation like neither he or his brother were there, laughing and talking with the singer as if they have been friends for a lifetime.
"Let's eat!" Kate announces and guided the singer to the table where a waiter had already placed another setting on the table next to Kate.
After two hours of conversation, great wine, and great food Mr.Bocelli thanked them and gave Kate his information.
Before Mr.Bocelli left he slipped Kate another note. "Good luck Cara Mia. Remember that if it's true, it's always worth it." He hugs her and shakes both brothers hands. "Grazie milla! And let me know about when you would like to take a singers' career, Cara." He says before his bodyguard closes the door behind them.
"That was awesome! Thank you guys so much!" Kate says with a huge grin in her face as Richie helped her with her coat.
"Anything for the princess." Seth says offering her his arm before they walked out.
"Always." Richie whispered into her ear before they started walking.
End of Chapter 5
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tomshardy · 10 years ago
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wonderwcman · 10 years ago
happy birthday priscilla !!!! i hope you have an amazing day filled with nice clintasha feels
eeeeeh thank you connie!!
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ignisgayentia · 10 years ago
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i seem to be having a chris pratt problem
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john-boyega · 10 years ago
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Charlie Cox circa 2005
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