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lulu2992 · 11 months ago
Exploration of the now-offline Far Cry 5 official websites
Part 21: Jess Black
Recovered content
Information about Jess was added on or before February 9th, 2018, on the American website:
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THE MASTER HUNTRESS JESS BLACK Jess’s parents were frequently out of work, so she moved around a lot and never had a proper childhood. As a result, trouble found her early: fistfights in the school hallways, late-night graffiti, dealing drugs, petty theft, and even setting fire to the principal’s car. One night, while she and her family were sleeping, an Eden’s Gate henchman named The Cook broke into their house and abducted them. The Cook starved and tortured them relentlessly before finally killing Jess’s parents in front of her. She’s determined to save everyone she can and get revenge on The Cook. In a roundabout way, Jess found her true calling: killing.
The News article posted on February 8th, 2018, “The Hope County Resistance”, which is where clicking “Learn More” would take you, said:
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JESS BLACK - The Master Huntress - HUNTER Name: JESS BLACK Role: Gun for Hire Bio: Jess’s parents were frequently out of work, so she moved around a lot and never had a proper childhood. As a result, trouble found her early: fistfights in the school hallways, late-night graffiti, dealing drugs, petty theft, and even setting fire to the principal’s car. Sick of her home life, Jess ran away to live with her badass Granny, a hard-core prepper and survivalist. No-nonsense Granny straightened her out fast by teaching her how to hunt and live off the land. For the first time ever, Jess finally had a role model and a sense of stability. After her Granny passed away, Jess, a changed woman, went back to living with her folks. Just when things were starting to go right, Eden’s Gate showed up and they quickly went south. One night, while she and her family were sleeping, an Eden’s Gate henchman named The Cook broke into their house and abducted them. The Cook starved and tortured them relentlessly before finally killing Jess’s parents in front of her. But Jess escaped, and thanks to her Granny’s lessons, she now has the know-how to take down cultists and rescue others. She’s determined to save everyone she can and get revenge on The Cook. In a roundabout way, Jess found her true calling: killing.
Her other description remained identical but the Character Spotlight trailer about her was later included:
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This video:
On the European website, Jess was simply The Huntress, not The Master Huntress, and this was her description:
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JESS BLACK THE HUNTRESS Sick of her home life with parents always out of work, Jess ran away to live with her badass Granny, a hardcore prepper and survivalist. After her Granny passed away, Jess went back to living with her folks as a changed woman. But then Eden’s Gate showed up and things quickly went south. Thanks to her Granny’s lessons, Jess now has the know-how to take down cultists and rescue others. In a roundabout way, had it not been her upbringing, Granny’s lessons and Eden’s Gate moving in, Jess never would have found her true calling: killing.
The video, as usual, was the same as the American one, but from Ubisoft UK instead of Ubisoft North America:
We knew Jess had “been through a lot” (according to her uncle Dutch), that she did all sorts of illegal things when she was younger, such as drugs and shoplifting (according to Jess herself), and that her parents were killed by the Cook (although, like Jerome being abducted and beaten, the timeline of that is weird), but I don’t remember anyone in the game saying she ran away from home because she felt neglected. As for her badass prepper grandmother, we don’t know much about her but since Jess does mention her, that part still seems true.
Under the cut are all the available source files, saved directly from the website, of the images you see in the screenshots:
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voices-of-hope-county · 1 year ago
Dutch and Whitehorse talking about the (liberated) Jessop Conservatory and its previous owner, Dr. Rachel Jessop.
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theprojectatedensgate · 1 year ago
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~ Dutch’s bunker
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general-kalani · 1 year ago
{ @kaiju-crimson-storyandask SO UHHHH I know I'm meant to leave it to the other thread but uh have it here instead kjwadhjak }
A scrabble over that same radio.
A few punches, shit being shoved around and broken.
And then a click on the radio after a moment of silence. "Deputy Myriam Hadassah... I recommend you surrender yourself to me. Before 'Dutch' is killed and splayed as a martyr outside this bunker of his. For he squandered my good graces for going against me like this. Don't be a fucking idiot, Deputy. I'll see you soon."
Another click would tell the Deputy that the radio was off again.
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starlightreign · 7 months ago
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I regret nothing
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deadpresidents · 10 months ago
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Everyone knows about Lincoln and Garfield and McKinley and Kennedy, the quartet of America Presidents who fell victim to assassination. Even the most casual observers of Presidential history can probably name the four Presidents who were murdered while in office, and many even know the names of the four assassins responsible for their deaths: Booth, Guiteau, Czolgosz, and Oswald.
There have also been quite a few (in)famous unsuccessful assassination attempts, where Presidents barely escaped with their lives, that many Americans are familiar with, including (but not limited to):
•Richard Lawrence's miraculously unlucky double misfire on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in 1835 which left Andrew Jackson unharmed but resulted in Lawrence -- who would be found not guilty by reason of insanity -- getting viciously pummeled by the cane-wielding President Jackson until Davy Crockett intervened to save the would-be assassin from the 67-year-old President. •The shooting of former President Theodore Roosevelt in Milwaukee as he sought another term in the White House during the 1912 Presidential election. Despite being shot in the chest, Roosevelt decided to go ahead and deliver his campaign speech before being taken to the hospital where doctors discovered that the bullet lodged inside of TR had first passed through a case for his eyeglasses and the thick pages of his speech in his jacket's pocket, lessening the damage from the gunshot. •The attempted assassination of President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami in February 1933, just seventeen days in before FDR's Inauguration, which wounded four people and killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak. •The ill-fated 1950 attempt by Puerto Rican nationalists to storm Blair House (the temporary Presidential residence during the renovation of the White House) and kill President Harry S. Truman as he was napping. Truman was not hurt, but a White House Police Officer and one of the two assassins were killed during the wild shootout. •President Gerald Ford's trouble with two California women who separately tried to kill him in Sacramento and then San Francisco just two weeks apart in September 1975. •The shocking shooting of President Ronald Reagan in broad daylight from just a few yards away as he exited the Washington Hilton following a speech in March 1981, which left four people wounded and very nearly killed the 70-year-old Reagan just two months into his Presidency.
But what is amazing is that, in this age of instant information and the constant regurgitation of media coverage via the 24-hour news cycle, very few Americans know that there is a man sitting in prison in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia for attempting to assassinate President George W. Bush. What even less Americans realize is how close Vladimir Arutyunian actually came to accomplishing his task.
On May 10, 2005, President Bush spoke to a large crowd at an outdoor rally in Tbilisi, Georgia. In one of the photos at the top of this post, Bush is seen speaking from the stage in Tbilisi. The other photo is of Arutyunian holding a plaid handkerchief close to his chest. Wrapped in that handkerchief was a live hand grenade.
As President Bush spoke, nearby sat his wife, Laura, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, and the Dutch-born First Lady of Georgia, Sandra Roelofs. They had no idea that, during the speech, Arutyunian tossed his handkerchief-wrapped grenade towards the stage. The grenade landed just 61 feet away from President Bush, well within range of causing serious injury, if not death.
Of course, the grenade did not explode. At first, it was thought to be a dud, but upon closer inspection it was discovered that the only reason the grenade didn't explode was because Arutyunian's handkerchief -- used to conceal the explosive as he stood in the crowd -- was wrapped too tightly around the grenade, preventing the firing pin from deploying. A Georgian security official noticed the grenade, grabbed it quickly and disposed of it as Arutyunian disappeared into the massive crowd and President Bush continued speaking.
After Bush's speech was over and once it was recognized that the President had only narrowly escaped a legitimate attempted assassination, Georgian police worked closely with the United States Secret Service, the FBI, and the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the assassination attempt and find the would-be assassin who seemingly melted into Tbilisi after his brazen, albeit unsuccessful attempt on Bush's life. Using DNA evidence and tips from informants, the Georgian police ultimately tracked down Arutyunian two months later. When they went to arrest Arutyunian, a gunfight broke out and Arutyunian killed Zurab Kvlividze, a top counterterrorism official with Georgia's Interior Ministry. Arutyunian was wounded before finally being captured with the assistance of Georgian Special Forces.
The Georgians tried Arutyunian on the murder of the police officer, as well as the attempted assassinations of President Bush and President Saakshvili. Arutyunian was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. A federal grand jury in the United States also indicted Arutyunian on the federal charge of the attempted assassination of the President of the United States, which is a felony. The U.S., however, has not attempted nor has any potential plans to extradite the failed assassin from Georgia, and Arutyunian will almost certainly spend the rest of his life in a Georgian prison.
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Events 8.17 (1840-1945)
1862 – American Indian Wars: The Dakota War of 1862 begins in Minnesota as Dakota warriors attack white settlements along the Minnesota River. 1862 – American Civil War: Major General J. E. B. Stuart is assigned command of all the cavalry of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. 1863 – American Civil War: In Charleston, South Carolina, Union batteries and ships bombard Confederate-held Fort Sumter. 1864 – American Civil War: Battle of Gainesville: Confederate forces defeat Union troops near Gainesville, Florida. 1866 – The Grand Duchy of Baden announces its withdrawal from the German Confederation and signs a treaty of peace and alliance with Prussia. 1876 – Richard Wagner's Götterdämmerung, the last opera in his Ring cycle, premieres at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. 1883 – The first public performance of the Dominican Republic's national anthem, Himno Nacional. 1896 – Bridget Driscoll became the first recorded case of a pedestrian killed in a collision with a motor car in the United Kingdom. 1914 – World War I: Battle of Stallupönen: The German army of General Hermann von François defeats the Russian force commanded by Paul von Rennenkampf near modern-day Nesterov, Russia. 1915 – Jewish American Leo Frank is lynched in Marietta, Georgia, USA after his death sentence is commuted by Governor John Slaton. 1915 – A Category 4 hurricane hits Galveston, Texas with winds at 135 miles per hour (217 km/h). 1916 – World War I: Romania signs a secret treaty with the Entente Powers. According to the treaty, Romania agreed to join the war on the Allied side. 1918 – Bolshevik revolutionary leader Moisei Uritsky is assassinated. 1942 – World War II: U.S. Marines raid the Japanese-held Pacific island of Makin. 1943 – World War II: The U.S. Eighth Air Force suffers the loss of 60 bombers on the Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission. 1943 – World War II: The U.S. Seventh Army under General George S. Patton arrives in Messina, Italy, followed several hours later by the British 8th Army under Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, thus completing the Allied conquest of Sicily. 1943 – World War II: First Québec Conference of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and William Lyon Mackenzie King begins. 1943 – World War II: The Royal Air Force begins Operation Hydra, the first air raid of the Operation Crossbow strategic bombing campaign against Germany's V-weapon program. 1945 – Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaim the independence of Indonesia, igniting the Indonesian National Revolution against the Dutch Empire. 1945 – The novella Animal Farm by George Orwell is first published. 1945 – Evacuation of Manchukuo: At Talitzou by the Sino-Korean border, Puyi, then the Kangde Emperor of Manchukuo, formally renounces the imperial throne, dissolves the state, and cedes its territory to the Republic of China.
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alexmalikplays · 3 years ago
Another thing I didn't find on YouTube no matter what i searched was Dutch telling the Dep the phrase in the video. So, here it is. Filmed by me on PS4. (in hdr the graphics look way better)
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lulu2992 · 4 years ago
They probably didn't serve together because Dutch fought in the Vietnam War and Jacob in the first Gulf War, but it's possible that Dutch was in the 82nd Airborne Division too, maybe 20 or 30 years before Jacob.
Or the devs simply reused Jacob's military patch to decorate Dutch's bunker.
Playing Far Cry 5 for the sixth time. Just noticed this in Dutch’s bunker (first room you’re in) - collectible or did Dutch serve with Jacob Seed???
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lulu2992 · 1 year ago
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia - Masterpost
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Part 1: Locations - Joseph's Island & Dutch's Island
Part 2: Locations - Holland Valley
Part 3: Locations - Whitetail Mountains
Part 4: Locations - Henbane River
Part 5: Cut locations
Part 6: Characters
Bonus: A few characters’ former names
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voices-of-hope-county · 3 years ago
Dutch introducing Hope County’s three regions (and the Heralds controlling them) to the Deputy.
- Requested by @i-am-the-balancing-point.
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locustandwildhoney · 3 years ago
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7 Years
Together we will march through Eden’s gate. How many years was Dep trapped down there with the Father? Seeing the red light shining through the doorway of Dutch’s war room gave me a horrible idea for this visual. Hopefully many more to come.
A lil’ edit/painting by me; @locustandwildhoney, do not use or repost without permission.
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lulu2992 · 3 years ago
I’m not at all an expert on radio signals either but I did some research and tried to make sense of this. Tried.
In Dutch’s bunker, we don’t hear Joseph’s message on the same radio equipment people use to talk to each other; it’s a radio set, which means the message was most likely broadcasted on the cult’s radio station (which we know they have). According to what I found, there are two types of radio broadcasting: AM and FM. CB uses AM broadcasting while a lot of radio stations use FM broadcasting, so maybe only AM signals are affected by the deactivation of the antenna on Dutch’s island. Again, I didn’t know anything about this not long ago so I’m not 100% sure it’s realistic, but it seems possible to still listen to FM radio stations while not being able to use your CB.
But that doesn’t explain everything. While the Deputy is on Dutch’s island, he talks to them… over the radio. I suppose they’re using walkie-talkies instead of Dutch’s CB since they’re close to each other, I don’t know... Also, why would Eden’s Gate deactivate the antenna? Does that only affect civilians? Don’t cultists need it to communicate too, especially since the Reaping has just begun and they need to be super organized and effective? Are they simply using powerful walkie-talkies and not the CB?
And Dutch suddenly receiving John’s video as soon as the antenna is activated is weird… unless it works for TV too, but I don’t know if it’s possible. Also, John clearly wants the Deputy to see the video which, I assume, was broadcasted on Eden’s Gate’s TV channel (it apparently exists as well), so if the antenna also transmits TV signals, why deactivate it?
And yeah, radios are not phones so I don’t know what’s stopping Eden’s Gate or the Resistance from listening to each other’s conversations. Some people do it, actually, like Kim. Plus, literally everyone in Hope County knows how to contact the Deputy, so the cult can just listen to everything “confidential” people tell them… or even take part in conversations if they feel like it! It seems they are using two-way radios, though, which means you can’t interrupt whoever is talking; you have to wait for them to release the “push-to-talk” button before you can respond. Still, radio calls could have easily been way more chaotic than they were in the game, haha!
Okay, hold on, I am in no way educated on how radio towers and signals work, but when you’re in Dutch’s bunker, he plays Joseph talking over the radio for you for a second. But then in the tutorial he asks you to fix one of the radio towers near his bunker so he can get in contact with the rest of the valley right?? But if he had no signal, then how did he play Joseph on the radio???
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general-kalani · 1 year ago
{ @kaiju-crimson-storyandask HEHEHEHHEE >:3 }
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"Cain, take the left side of the island. I know we had an outpost here, re-establish it for us."
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"As you command, Father."
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"I need to pay a visit to a man I should have dealt with long, long ago. You two Chosen, on me. We'll either find the Deputy first or the wretch of a man I forgot to cull... Or, perhaps, we'll be blessed and find both in the same place."
A crackle over the Deputy's radio. "Hey, kid! I think you really fucked em over. They're comin for me I just know it. I'll stay safe, don't worry about me."
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unleashedart · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @p0lkadotdotdot to post a WIP
I will tag @kiichu @jollybone @lilwritingraven @strafethesesinners @oorah22 @calmdowncolb
Here is bit of a treat for you guys. This is the start of the second chapter for Joy’s story “Refuted Sacrifice” which I may or may not abandon in favor of adding her to Ryan’s main story instead. Either way, here is Joy’s second chapter...
Joy Seed: The baby girl that Joseph though he sacrificed years ago. She survived, but at a cost. Due the attempt on her life when she was just hours old she has a severe stutter so she’s mostly mute and speaks in ALS. She also has several other disabilities. She was adopted out and hidden away from her birth family. Now that she's all grown up she's come to Hope County to bring her family to justice and reclaim the name Seed.
When Joy woke up she noticed she was lying on a bed in a room she never had been before. A balding man with glasses looked back at her. Startled, she sat up right and moved herself as far away from the strange man as she could physically get.
“Whoa, take it easy there. I’m not gonna hurt you.” The man looked at her carefully. “If I was concerned that you were a threat I would have tied you up, but I think a wet rat weighs more than you.”
Joy just looked at him curiously and relaxed her posture. “Who are you?” She signed at him.
He just laughed and shook his head, “sorry honey, I don’t speak sign language. I’ll have to give you this little whiteboard for now.”
He handed her a small whiteboard and marker. She took the items in his grasp and looked back at him silently.
“Wow not much of a talker are you?” The man stood up and made a motion for her to follow him. “Name’s Dutch.”
Joy hesitated and slowly followed the man out into the other room. The bunker was filled with odds and ends. The room Dutch walked into had a huge board with the entire Seed family laid out across it. She looked at the small picture of herself in the corner. This was recent. It was her deputy ID picture.
“I know who you are.” Dutch looked at her with careful eyes. “Now some people would be pretty upset to know who you are. Good thing I’m not one of them.”
“What do you want from me?” Joy scribbled down.
“Well, that’s a little bit more complicated. I know why you are here. A lot of folk also want to see the Seed family go down, so the way I see it we have the same goal.”
Joy’s eyes traveled to the rest of the notes that Dutch had collected on her family. A spike of curiosity filled her. What was her family like? They couldn’t all be as terrible as people say. She didn’t believe someone had no good in them. People were complicated. People often wrote her off as weak and disabled, but there was more to her. She wanted to prove it. Maybe joining and fighting for the resistance would be good for her. She needed to meet new people anyways. She had met some of the residents when she moved to Hope county a couple of months ago, but she had been so busy trying to settle in she never followed up with any of them.
She turned her attention back to Dutch’s board, he seemed to be just as busy as she was trying to learn more about her family. Then it struck her. How did he know about her. She glanced over at him questioningly. He was watching her carefully examine his board. She pointed at her picture and stared at him.
“Oh, I guess you wanna know how I figured it out.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.”
That made her worry about it more.
She looked at her Uncle Jacob. He almost didn’t look related to her at all. He was so big and strong. Joy had always been on the smaller and weaker side. She looked more like her Uncle John. Leaner and short. John had all his intricate tattoos running up his arms. She wondered what they all meant. She looked at her Aunt? Faith. She knew Faith wasn’t actually related, but she was curious how far their connection ran. There were several other Faiths that they knew of. She wondered if Joseph would consider Faith her Aunt. This Faith looked so soft. So young. She looked like her. Joy frowned. She could have been in Faith’s space on the board if her dad didn’t try to kill her.
“I have some knives on the table over there. We need to liberate this island and get the radio signal back up. There’s a lot of people out there who need our help.” Dutch pat her on the back.
Quietly she reached down and picked up the knives. She never killed anyone before. It was honestly one of the last things she wanted to do, but they were ready to kill her so it was the only way at the moment. One of the first sights she came across outside of the bunker was a poor man being held at gunpoint by two peggies. Readjusting her grip on the knife and standing as still as possible she steadied her aim and threw the knife at the peggie closest to her. Without missing a beat she pulled out the second knife and had it aimed as the first peggie hit the floor. The second peggie looked up in shock and bewilderment before he joined the first on the ground. Once she was sure it was only the two of them she crept forwards and helped the man off his knees.
“Oh damn, you really saved me!” He gushed. “You’re that new deputy aren’t you?”
Joy blushed and tried to wave him off.
“If you need any help I’ll be glad to lend a hand.” He said as he picked up the gun off one of the dead peggies.
Joy held up a finger and started writing on her board, “Would you like to come fight with me for a little bit?”
“Well, I ain’t ever been asked like that before, but sure. Lead the way, Dep.” the man gave a friendly laugh.
Joy reached out her hand and shook the man’s hand. She started back into the woods of the island trying to keep low. They quietly walked through the forest keeping an eye out for any peggies.
“Look! A shrine! We should blow that fucker up.”
Joy tilted her head and and indicated at the three peggies guarding the area.
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theprojectatedensgate · 6 years ago
Dutch vouching for Sharky
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