#riccardo belli
deadscell · 1 year
reblog if you think hewie from haunting ground is a good boy (he also receives a head pat)
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silenthill2ps2 · 6 months
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wallpapers from the japanese haunting ground / demento website
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missmarreynolds · 1 month
Haunting Ground in a nutshell
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something-lacking · 1 year
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cartoonico · 6 months
I'm sorry but I couldn't take Riccardo's death seriously. When I saw him falling, my mind inmediately went to Mufasa's death 💀💀💀
Anyways, here's a shitpost 🤣
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
i wonder why aureolus clones dont all seem to have the same voice
i mean we dont really get to hear ugo talk and of course lorenzo has a decrepit old man voice cuz hes a decrepit old man
but like surely fiona would have sooner mistaken riccardo for her dad if they sounded the same?
i wonder what wouldve happened differently if she thought riccardo was ugo when he first spoke to her during that piano cutscene
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lilghostiequinni · 2 months
Not How it Started
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Single mom!female reader x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: It started with a runaway kid, your runaway kid, but it ended with you being happy and a mom again.
Requested: NO / yes
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2022 - Singapore
Taking a 7-year-old to a night race wasn't the best idea, but it was for your birthday, your 23rd birthday, which was September 30th.
Having been to Grand Prixes before, with and without your son, you knew the relative gist of what was going to happen, and your son loved the fast cars as you did, something you had inherited from your own father.
Your son, Langley, had wanted juice, so you turned your back for 2 seconds just to pay and grab the drink. When you turned back, your son was gone.
While you weren't alone, you still didn't trust people with your son, except your father. You were waiting back where you were before, your son had wanted to go with you rather than stay with his grandfather.
But you weren't alone. You had two of your friends, one who was your best friend, and you did trust her with Langley, and the other you didn't trust and was supposed to help you if needed, but she also disappeared.
In a panic, you turned around in a full circle, yelling his name, calling for him to come to you. You raced around the Paddock, and then you returned to your spot and told your father and best friend, both getting in on the search for your son.
You quite literally ran into a member of security for the actual garage of McLaren in your search, and when the guard saw your fear-stricken face, he questioned what was wrong, and you told him that you turned for a second and your son was gone.
The guard radioed more security and asked for a photo, which you showed him, and when more security came and saw the photo just minutes later, you also went back to searching for your son.
If it hadn't been for this fear for your son, you would have been more excited to see Max Verstappen or Daniel Riccardo.
There was the threat of a thunderstorm; you didn't want your son to be in the cold or in the rain.
Being the nice people they are, Max and Daniel helped you search for your son, not leaving you alone, just in case something happened to you in your search.
Daniel saw Lando coming over to the three of you before you did, a kid in hand with him, and when your son saw you before you saw him, he yelled out to you.
Your head whipped around, and you ran over to Lando and your son, pulling the 7-year-old close to you and squeezing him impossibly tight to your body.
"Langley, you can't leave me. I thought something bad happened to you." You said as you looked him in the eyes after pulling him back from you a little before you pulled him back into your embrace.
You picked up your son and looked to Lando and the other two rivers who helped you, "Thank you, I now have to go find the security personnel for McLaren to tell him to call off the search. I really can't thank you enough."
Lando nodded and gave you a bag, "Your son may have won a few hearts over in McLaren."
You nodded and took the bag with a smile as your son tucked his head into your neck.
Daniel and Max nudged Lando in the ribs with their elbows, making him grunt a little.
"Let me help you find them, the security guard. Make it easier."
You nodded at Lando's suggestion and followed him toward McLaren.
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2025 - Silverstone
You stood mostly hidden in McLaren garage, your now 10-year-old son, and with your now 2-year-old daughter as of July 5th, she was tiredly being held by a baby carrier, resting comfortably for both you and her, given your rather pregnant belly with twins.
You watched as your now husband of Lando Norris led the final laps of the Silverstone Grand Prix, with fresher tires with about a 6 second lead on Max and Oscar in 2nd and 3rd.
You rubbed your hands together as Lando started his final lap, the gap between 1st place and 2nd growing as Max battled it out with Oscar.
You celebrated in joy as Lando passed the finish line in first place.
You follow everyone else to where the cars are. You are let through to the front as Lando parks behind the first-place spot.
A quick weigh-in and he makes his way over to you after taking his helmet off, Oscar has also come over to you to help hold your son after he was weighed in after pulling into the 3rd place spot.
Lando took your daughter from you and kissed you, cameras catching the moment from every angle, Oscar putting your son down next to Lando to go to the end-of-race interview before the podium.
The team helped you through the brocade to the side with your husband, Oscar, coming back when Lando took your rather now clingy daughter with him to do his interview.
He also took her and your son to the podium with him, getting them off the platform and down to you before the bottles were popped.
For the other interviews and debriefs Lando had to do, you went to his driver's room with your kids, your daughter sleeping, and your son definitely exhausted.
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A/N: Please vote in this week's polls. All are linked through each other here(P1)
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @ellen3101 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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baby-dr1ver · 11 months
Lactation with Daniel? 🤭
being pregnant wasn't as fun as everyone makes it out to be. don't get you wrong you loved that you got to create a life inside you, growing fingers and toes..organs, shit is weird.
what sucks is waddling around with a swollen belly, swollen ankles, and nipples that won't stop leaking. no matter how many times you pumped, it seemed like the milk never stopped coming. you were changing shirts at least twice a day.
daniel took notice of this. how uncomfortable you got when your shirt got soaked, or when you had to pump. he felt terrible when you'd wince and hold your breast like you'd been stabbed or something. but also, there was a certain interest that formed inside his head.....
"hey babe, can you pass me the pump?" you asked and gestured to the side table. daniel was zoned out, well, zoned in actually. he watched in fascination as you pulled your shirt down and exposed your wet breasts. "danny?" you called out again.
he snapped out of his daze and quickly found the pump. "s-sorry, must have zoned out for a second." he said as his eyes drifted down to your breasts again. you smirked, "sure, zoned out huh? you know if you have questions, you can ask me dan."
daniel gulped and reached out to graze your shoulder. "well, what-what does it feel like? or I guess.." he trailed off as he tried to find the words. luckily, you could read him like an open book, and you knew exactly what he wanted. "danny, baby, do you want to taste it?" his eyebrows raised at your question. he bit his lip, look down at your boobs and nodded. "..yeah, but only if your okay with it!" ever the gentleman danny was, no matter what he always made sure you were okay with things.
you giggled and sat up against the pillows and pat between your legs for him to lay down. he got between your knees and had his elbows on either side of your hips, propping his head up. he looked at your nipples intently, flicking one of them. he watched as milk dribbled out, and he leaned forward to lick it off.
you gasped and grasped the back of his neck. "can I?..." he asked as his eyes flicked to yours and then back to your nipple. you nodded your head and pulled him closer to you. danny sealed his lips around your nipple, and gave a harsh suck, making you wince and tug on his hair. his free hand found your other breast and gave it a soft squeeze as an apology. he would flick one nipple with his fingers, as he viscously sucked on the other. like he was a baby trying to get as much milk as he could. he moaned lowly at the feeling of milk dripping down his hand, and down his throat. it was sweet and creamy, and he was greedy. he wanted this all to himself, he almost forgot he had a baby on the way who would need this to survive.
this went on for awhile, daniel sucking and licking at your nipples while you moaned and groaned and at the feeling of his warm tongue. mostly out of relief, this was a much better way to empty your milk than the pump.
he popped off boob and you panted. "so..what's the verdict honey?" he blushed, "taste..sweet. oddly sweet, I get why baby's are so fond of it." this made you laugh, leave it to Daniel Riccardo to make a joke in any situation. "yeah? glad I could satiate your curiosity babe."
he smiled up at you and helped you cover up. "and then some honey, and then some."
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bluelolblue · 2 months
Happy birthday to my adorable little Lara!!
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She is 8 years old!
She is spoiled, yes, but she is the sweetest LITTLE BABY 💖
She is my pink girl 🩷
Little bit about Lara:
She was named after Lara Croft, and it fits her perfectly :3
She has a pink pacifier toy, that's also her favorite.
She destroys literally every toy she gets.
She loves to watch (listen actually) Riccardo's movies. I think she likes his voice because she would often lay next to me and sleep, while with other movies she doesn't do that. Same goes for John Wick movies, I know it sounds silly but I think she likes it. So yeah she is a fan!
She doesn't like going out. She doesn't like other people and dogs, she is a little shy and nervous. Only likes specific people and dogs that she obviously chosen to like.
She is a picky eater (for dog food)
She loves cuddles and pats/pets
She likes to lean against someone or something. Me or my mom or some of my plushies.
She has 2 beds, yet she sleeps on mine and on my pillow.
She is silly, she thinks she's a guard dog sometimes and alerts us whenever she hears something.
She knows how to sit, give paws, lie down and dance (jumping on two hind legs AHAH). She is just a little impatient because she really wants that treat.
One of her favorite words is "Bravo" because to her that means treat and that she did something good.
She loves cappuccino. The foam/cream on top of it. (She gets a little bit of it dw).
She will beg/whine for any food because it's Lara. It's the way she is. But she has a sensitive belly so she doesn't get what we eat.
Her zoomies are insane. Will run so fast all around.
She is funny and cute and I love her so much, I can't imagine living without her! She is my Daisy and I'm her John Wick <3
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deadscell · 1 year
the lyrics of endless zero from haunting ground really are something, the whole game fiona is constantly reminded of her mother and father just for the developers to imply that ugo and ayla both wished for her azoth all the same. not feeling so bad about their fate now.
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swingtoscano · 2 years
Una volta la donna che amo mi ha detto una cosa
che non dimenticherò mai.
Eravamo sotto le coperte con la luce spenta,
l’ho sentita rannicchiarsi sul mio corpo come fa quando vuole
dirmi qualcosa di importante, le sue parole sono state un sussurro.
“Non sai cosa significa per me fidarmi così di un uomo”.
Mentre lo diceva, anche se non potevo vederli,
so che suoi occhi sono diventati lucidi.
Mi ricordo solo che l’ho stretta al petto, in silenzio.
Non gliel’ho mai detto, ma quando andiamo a letto,
la sera, e spegniamo la luce e lei si avvicina a me come allora,
penso sempre a questa frase che nasconde dentro un mondo
di dolori che lei ha sempre tenuto nascosto a tutti,
ma a me no.
E mi sento fortunato,
perché quella che non vede nessuno
è proprio la parte di lei che mi ha fatto innamorare.
A volte i ti amo più belli si dicono senza dirseli.
Riccardo Bertoldi
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volumesilenzioso · 1 year
comunque secondo me tutti quelli che si chiamano edoardo o riccardo sono belli, ci sono pochissime eccezioni
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something-lacking · 1 year
Ending E
Summary: Fiona hasn't got a clue what they're going to do now. She's in a foreign country and has no real idea where she is. Civilization is nowhere in sight. Trees and hills stretch as far as the eye can see. She has no money on her. Her parents are dead. The only other family she knows she has left is partially responsible for her arrival at Castle Belli. She doesn't know any Italian whatsoever. ...It should be scary. Fiona should probably be scared. The fear of the unknown should be clawing away at her, but it isn't. After the hell that she and her newfound companions have just survived, all she can feel is relief.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: violence.
Ao3 link here // FF.Net link here // Wattpad link here
Only one more barrier stands between them and escaping the horrors of Castle Belli: the front gate.
Aside from crickets, all Fiona can hear is their breathing. It’s strangely reassuring. Confirmation that they’re all still alive despite all they’ve faced. That Debilitas and Daniella, like Hewie, are still by her side. That Fiona isn’t just curled up uncomfortably in some cramped hiding spot, clutching the white shepherd like a lifeline, having a vaguely kind dream while daring to rest her eyes for ten minutes after being drained of absolutely everything.
Letting out a shuddery breath, Fiona wastes no more time in closing the distance between her and the lock keeping the gate shut. She has the key. She finally has it. She shakes and fumbles with it, struggling to get it into the keyhole. It bumps the edges again and again and her nerves worsen. She can’t help but worry that, while freedom's mere inches away, something bad will happen and rip it away once more.
Hewie barks his encouragement. Fiona continues to struggle.
Cold fingers wrap around her hand. The key nearly slips from her grasp in surprise, but the new hand encasing hers assures that it doesn’t. Instead of simply asking Fiona to let her try instead, Daniella guides the blonde’s hand, steady as the stone she appears to be carved out of. Her grip is firm but not vice-like. Not like earlier.
The key turns. The lock clicks. It’s open.
“Thanks,” Fiona manages to get out.
Earlier, Daniella’s scarred, bloody fingers had caught Fiona's sleeve when she hadn’t managed to successfully slip between her and the bed in the guest room, preventing her from running off. The sheer terror Fiona had felt when someone who, up until that point, had been relatively civil with her was laughing shrilly, cracking a wide grin that didn’t meet her eyes, and clearly flirting with the idea of skewering her is… already growing distant. By this point, they have spent far more time aiding each other than at odds with one another.
Fiona is glad that she didn’t give up on Daniella, even though she didn’t initially take anything Fiona tried to say in the dining room very well at all. She’s glad that she didn’t take the opportunity to bolt when Daniella stopped chasing her because she caught sight of her reflection in a mirror.
The scream that tore its way from Daniella’s throat had bled far more emotion than any words uttered during their short exchanges. First, her hands began to shake, then the rest of her body followed suit. The glass shard fell to the floor. She pulled at her hair and clawed at the skin of her face with her bitten-down fingernails. It went completely against her better instincts, but Fiona stayed with her and tried to help calm her down.
Debilitas pushes open the gate. They’re all greeted by a bridge leading into a forest.
Earlier, he had violently thrown open doors Fiona had closed in an attempt to slow down his pursuit of her, his thundering footsteps steadily growing louder than the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. He had slammed his open palms against wardrobes she dared to hide in. While he threatened to splinter its sliding door with his obscene strength, she clutched onto Hewie and prayed that he would just leave.
The cold sense of dread that flooded Fiona’s body when, after she dropped that chandelier, Debilitas rose to his feet yet again was so visceral that she started to feel physically ill.
…But he left without causing any more trouble.
And later, when Fiona and Daniella were cornered and staring down the barrel of Riccardo’s gun, Hewie unable to reach them—Debilitas had stepped in to help.
Riccardo’s panicked cries of “Exire, Debilitas!” went ignored as the groundskeeper surged forward, fingers itching to crush.
It wasn’t pleasant to watch. Not that Fiona saw much since she snapped her eyes shut almost immediately.
She prefers to not think about it.
She prefers to not think about what would have happened if she acted differently, for she cannot imagine escaping without her three companions. Not now. Time to stop lingering.
Hewie growls.
Nevermind. Fiona freezes.
The canine’s hackles are raised and his attention is trained in the direction they just came from.
“Fiona! Fiona!” That voice is one that she’s never heard before in her life. It’s lined with utter desperation. She looks to Daniella and Debilitas for potential answers, but they don’t provide any. “Don’t go!”
“Wh-who’s there?”
A frail-looking elderly man comes into view from around the corner, ignoring her question completely. “Fiona… My life… My Azoth!” Before she knows it, he’s crawling across the ground towards her with surprising and frightening speed.
A warning bark rings out.
The man reaches out for Fiona.
Debilitas takes a step closer, his fists clenched.
Daniella’s fire poker comes down, narrowly missing the man’s hand and instead striking the stone between his fingers. He pulls back, startled. As if he’s only now realizing that Fiona isn’t alone, he stares up at Daniella with wide eyes.
“Daniella! Daniella…” he begins. It isn’t fully registering that she intended to stab him, “I need you to listen to me—”
Then, it finally clicks. Something between disbelief, rage, and fear flashes across his face. “No?”
“...No. I am no longer taking orders from you.” Oh. This must be the elusive owner of the estate. The ‘old man’ Riccardo relentlessly taunted by shouting into seemingly empty rooms, the person who Daniella would refer to as her master.
“No? No?! You ungrateful wench! How dare you betray me!” He grabs hold of Daniella’s ankle, pulls like he’s trying to upset her balance and send her to the ground. She barely even blinks.
Debilitas lets out an angry grunt. “You no touch Dani!” He seizes the maid by the back of her jacket and tugs her free. She seems to nearly go limp as she’s dragged past the property line. Just like she’s done before when Riccardo has managed to get his hands on her during a chase, and when Fiona had pulled her back around a corner to avoid him later on.
“Debilitas, no! Daniella! Fiona!” the man all but screeches. Fiona is quick to close the gate once her friends are all safely on the other side. The doors are heavy, but she manages. The key is still in her hand. She hopes it’s the only one. “Fiona! No! Come back! Come back!”
She doesn’t. Instead, she stands still just long enough to tuck the key into the waistband of her skirt and make sure Daniella is alright. After that, she begins crossing the bridge.
Hewie is instantly at her side. Debilitas and Daniella take a moment to start following. Fiona supposes that although she’s downright eager to say goodbye to Castle Belli, it might be slightly more difficult for the two of them to do the same. Even if the castle is an unpleasant place and they spent their time in it being ordered around by equally unpleasant people, it’s the only home either of them has ever known and they’ve probably never been outside of it before.
Fiona hasn’t got a clue what they’re going to do now. She’s in a foreign country and has no real idea where she is. Civilization is nowhere in sight. Trees and hills stretch as far as the eye can see. She has no money on her. Her parents are dead. The only other family she knows she has left is partially responsible for her arrival at Castle Belli. She doesn’t know any Italian whatsoever.
...It should be scary. Fiona should probably be scared. The fear of the unknown should be clawing away at her, but it isn’t. After the hell that they’ve just survived, all she can feel is relief.
Hewie trots ahead of her.
Debilitas trails a few feet behind, a makeshift bag slung over one of his massive shoulders. He looks vaguely like a lost puppy.
Daniella walks off to the side. Her gaze is anywhere but in front of her. She moves so soundlessly that Fiona keeps compulsively checking over her shoulder to make sure she’s still there.
Past the bridge, they spend who knows how long pushing their way past (or in Debilitas’ case, breaking) branches and wading through the undergrowth, but the sun is beginning to smother the darkness when they finally find themselves at the side of a narrow dirt road.
“So… which direction do you think we should try? Left or right?”
Not one of them has any idea what the future holds, but the worst is hopefully behind them now.
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months
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Balla '12 Dorazio '60 Dove la luce
Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati
saggi di Gabriella Belli, Francesco Tedeschi, Gabriella Belli e Riccardo Passoni , intervista a Mario Botta
Mousse Publishing, Milano 2023, 184 pagine, Italiano/Inglese, rilegato, 21x30cm, ISBN 9788867495788
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Catalogo della mostra (Lugano, 24 settembre 2023-14 gennaio 2024). ediz. illustrata
Balla ’12 Dorazio ’60. Dove la luce is published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati in Lugano. As suggested by the title, which is inspired by a poem by Giuseppe Ungaretti, the central theme is light. Curated by Gabriella Belli and designed by Mario Botta, the exhibition offers a visual exploration of affinities between two of the most significant figures in twentieth-century Italian art: Giacomo Balla (1871–1958) and Piero Dorazio (1927–2005). The former, an undisputed master of Futurism, created his fascinating Compenetrazioni iridescenti in 1912, while the latter is one of the most interesting artists of the postwar period, with his marvelous Reticoli created in 1960, which are said to have been inspired by Balla’s works. Balla’s play with geometric forms, color, and especially light kick-started the abstract art movement, with Piero Dorazio perfectly in tune with his practice fifty years later.
This richly illustrated publication, featuring essays by Gabriella Belli, Francesco Tedeschi, and Riccardo Passoni and an additional interview with Mario Botta, highlights connections between Balla’s and Dorazio’s themes, techniques, and languages. The catalogue is informed by extensive archival research, rich critical apparatuses, and a dedicated section on the exhibition’s design by architect Mario Botta.
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dimeremantiro · 7 months
Fiona wants badly to be the next Aureolus, to be an alchemist and inheritor, but it is hard with no mentor, everything in disarray, and no connections. A part of her struggled answering the letters that kept coming, but the other wanted to jump into the fire. How much did this Doctor know? For what purpose was he asking for the compounds? Was he an alchemist as well, or one of those people who simply dedicated themselves to the unusual or macabre? And worse, would he be upset at the deaths of her predecessors?
On the other hand, his letters seemed so formal and lacking in threats, and one more desperate than the one before besides, that she decided to take the plunge. Lorenzo would usually just sign his letters with "Aureolus" and "supplier", and no further information, and so did Daniela and Riccardo the few times they'd replied. She decided that she would too.
After quickly writing her response, she sent it expeditously, in the same red envelope her grandfather use to send his letters in, accompanied by the usual box... Dr Jekyll, whoever they were, would receive this letter by courier in hand way before the mailmen started their route.
Dearest doctor,
You will find no notice of me on any of your previous correspondence, and that is because I write to you with sad tidings. The previous owners and staff of this facility have recently perished by fire. I am the last inheritor left, and it has taken time for me to even find your correspondence, let alone the substances you require, and those the fire greatly harmed. I shall apologize again for the state I send the stock in, as it too has been greatly damaged and changed in texture and color in the fire that took those lives. Depending on what you need them for, they may still suffice.
There is none left who can help me walk my grandfather's footsteps, and as such I cannot recreate them, if it is even possible, but possible substitutions can be made. The reason my grandfather managed to stock all these rare substances is because he was more than a simple chemist, and I have this talent.
It is unknown to me how close you two were, but I am willing to meet. The courier can drive you to me, and I hope you understand why I am not giving my location in writing. Come without weapons in your person, but you are welcome to bring them and any other dangerous materials with you, as long as they can be inspected by me first.
Aureolus Fiona Belli, supplier.
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sara-smind · 2 years
1. Dal momento che ho ombreggiato le camice non so se fare lo sfondo grigio o lasciarlo bianco (non vorrei risultasse troppo grigio).
2. Ovviamente il disegno ha un formato rettangolare come quello della foto, un po' allungato rispetto al formato del foglio e mi resta intorno una specie di cornice di risulta (che vedete anche nella foto sotto) che non so bene come trattare: non so se lasciarla bianca tracciando solo il contorno dell'immagine che contiene Ale e Riccardo oppure riempirla tutta (anche se mi sembrerebbe un po' too much)
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Si, la foto è scelta per non spoilerare spero che però si capisca cosa intendo.
Grazie a chiunque vorrà dirmi la sua anche in privato, se volete :)♡
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