jasonrhcdes · 5 years
“So I said, ‘if you’ve got a problem, buddy, you can leave, ‘cause this is my goddamn bar’ and then he said, ‘actually, I do got a problem’ and then, uh —” Jason smirks as he takes a gulp of his whiskey, recalling the memory of how he’d beat the shit out of that pompous asshole with ease. “Let’s just say he didn’t come back again. Anyway, I ain’t allowed to do that anymore.”
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reinarhcdes · 5 years
OPEN / to whomst tf ever LOCATION: Outside of The Brunch Club TIME: February 20th, 1PM-ish
Brunch used to be sacred to Reina. It used to be a time she’d get to sit back and listen to the vapid women she’s been forced to coexist with act like idiots, to judge them with Dinah and laugh about how they’re all cows. Now she’s been thrown into the midst of it and while it’s not entirely sacred anymore, she’s found a new sort of appreciation for brunches that are being filmed. Each and every one of the women on the show showed up that day with the intent to bring it and by the end of their little get together, the drama has exceeded all of Reina’s expectations. Of course, Evelyn Halliwell’s been managing to get on her last fucking nerve for the entirety of their filming block, and she’s happy to let her know it. After all, the only advice she’d been given from producers is don’t hold back. “Oh, fuck off, Evelyn. Come on,” she rolls her eyes, her words sharp as she makes a dig at the woman. “Everyone at this table knows you’re on nose job number sixteen. Look in the goddamn mirror for once, good God.”
Despite her love of chaos, Reina can’t help but come off of the high of a catfight with mostly irritation. They’ve technically ended their brunch but they’ve all been asked to stick around for a little while longer so she takes a minute to pop outside and shove a much needed cigarette between her lips, letting the nicotine chill her nerves as much as it can. She barely acknowledges the person who joins her outside with anything more than a scowl, her eyes narrowed as she watches the road instead of her company. “These women are fucking lunatics.” And so is Reina, but that’s neither here nor there.
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ofclaireisms · 5 years
“I just had to do something to find a bit of interest in my life, and it was either this or become an alcoholic, so...”  Thumbing through an old photo album Claire had found in her house, she decided to bring it out to the patio, and chuckled at older pictures of herself and memories she had almost forgotten. “...don’t judge my vices, honey.” 
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roryhirschey · 5 years
His apartment has felt confining as of late, and there’s only so many Candy Crush levels he can complete before his energy level runs out and he’s forced to confront his apartment’s resounding silence. So, the family home. Rory loathes that it’s still the next best place to clear his head, even though it’s occupied by a bustling cast and crew half of the time —  but it’s still, by far, a healthier mechanism compared to just lying on the couch, glaring at the screen decorated with jellybeans and gumdrops, waiting for the energy bar to fill up.
He doesn’t walk so much as stumble into the room, his phone dangling dangerously on his hand, the familiar hum of the app from his phone effectively making his presence known before he even opens his mouth — and even then, what comes first is an indignant huff of breath. “You know the worst part about this game?” Rory says to anyone who’d cared to listen, “the waiting. And if I use my credit card to pay for unlimited energy, that’s it for me. I won’t be able to look back.”
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scfiyatcrres · 5 years
“Why hello there! Looks like this group needed a little...” Plopping herself right beside the person, “me!” She wore a smile of utter smugness, as if she had won a prize and not just crashed what was possibly a thing for one. “How have you been, darlin’?”
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fvckbci · 5 years
— CUT TO: MATTY MARLOWE & __________
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      A sheepish expression etches itself over his boyish features as he climbs into the car of the person who only moments ago paid for his bail from county lock-up. An excuse sits on the tip of his tongue but he swallows it. Unable to quite look them in the eyes yet as they pull away from Catalina Sheriff Station. “Can we just make sure my uncle doesn’t hear about this?” He lets the question linger in the air between them for less than a moment before immediately changing him mind. Callous fingers running through dirty blonde trusses as he shakes his head, “Actually you know what? I don’t care if he finds out. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Was it impulsive to deck a guy in the face because he pissed you off? Maybe but in Matt’s defense the guy deserved it. The dick wouldn’t quit harrassing a couple girls at the bar. It wasn’t Matt’s fault that when he politely intervened to tell the creep to get a hint that he came back with a group of friends trying to act like some sort of mucho man. “Anyway, thanks for picking me up. I owe you one. Well, maybe two if you’ve got a lawyer I can contact. The criminal charges were dropped but the asshole might decide to sue in civil court.” 
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christianhowcrd · 5 years
“Well, I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge, so hit me with your best shot. C’mon...” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
starter for ; BOOK CLUB MEMBERS (aka anyone)
book club slogan ; when the books get opened…. the wine gets popping
location ; jolie’s home in ventura.
date & time ; february 29th at 4:30pm
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Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn was a captivating read for this month’s meeting of The Bookaholics ─ Jolie’s attempt to become the Catalina version of Reese Witherspoon and her ‘Hello Sunshine’ club. The measures and her passion brought into a hobby she loves always caused her to go to an extent where others wouldn’t even dare to cross the line. It was a slow work in progress but after trademarking her book club meant a website was a work in progress. A local website developer took the blonde’s vision and was bringing it to life. Mid-March everything would be launched. The progress already caused her breath to hitch a multitude of times. The color scheme shrieked Jolie. They contrasted each other in tones of navy blue and her love for a pastel yellow. It was exhilarating, yet no purpose for anyone to be astounded at how Jolie took her love to a whole other mile. It would be an access point for people to be kept up-to-date with meetings dates, exclusive videos from the authors of their chosen books, and the ability to use their voice to insert their public thoughts. It was going to be interactive. It was going to be an experience.
Preparing for tonight’s book club was an effortless chore for her. Hosting people gave her all of the benefits she needed as people sent praise her way. There was an assortment of vegetables along with dips, chips, fruits, pastries, even the vegan options. Always being one for preparation, seeing the assortment of the food ready to be consumed caused her mouth corners to quirk upward. Yet, she did not forget the multitude of wines ─ reds, whites, rosé’s ─ for the mix of patrons who had personal preferences. Carrying back the chilled wines, setting all three of them carefully down, the sound of her front door opening as she instantly declared from the family room, “I’m in the family room! You came right in time. I just pulled the wine out.” The blonde expressed in her falsetto range before pacing as seafoam hues observed and made sure everything was needed for tonight. Peripheral vision witnessed the person in her vicinity now causing her to halt herself and shoot a beam toward them, “Glad to see you again, partner. Ready to tackle on the adventures brought to you this afternoon with The Bookaholics?”
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