jodebeauvoir · 4 years
“Umm, no drinks please, I’ve got work tonight…” Miles shrugged in candid fashion; his days and nights were always scheduled, something he was starting to learn the importance of, as the contents of the cork board in his room changed to fit his daily planning, starting from when he woke up to the time he went to bed. And his friendship with Jolie was a kind of liberation; around her, he didn’t have to pretend to be a rough and tough rum tum tugger, and he didn’t have to hide his rather gentle nature within the confines of a book club. He would slowly learn to open himself like that to Cleo too, but for the time being, the blonde haired woman would have be the keeper of his secret. “But yeah, the book was a ride, I’m not going to lie like…holy shit, I’m…” He sat down on the couch his host pointed out, feet planted strong as he leaned forward, elbows on knees and hands holding the weathered copy of Sharp Objects that he had borrowed from a lending library. “I bet you say to all the people who walk in through your door, Jolie. It is quite alright, though. Flattery gets you everywhere, my friend.” He laughed awkwardly, reaching to stroke his beard as the sense of unease settled into his system. Miles felt like a gatecrasher, like he didn’t belong in this beautiful house and these beautiful people, and the silence that grew made the discomfort almost suffocating. What did Cleo say about commanding presences? Was it faking it till you made it? Maybe he should have asked her about this before he made his way here. “Okay so like…Amma? I’m shocked, because I didn’t see it happening. I have a knack for identifying killers, and I thought all signs…just pointed to Adora, you know? Maybe she slipped because she…no one suspects a killer in plain sight, if you’re combing through the shadows.” 
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All she does is nod in his general direction understanding his schedule and showing up drinking would give off the wrong impression. If she had known, which in all retrospect, her days have been rather hazy due to the move and the sudden book club decision, she would’ve known to not suggest. “Water, at least? You don’t want to be dehydrated,” suggesting with a slight tilt of her head to the left side, wearing a soft smile. It would be wrong if she didn’t suggest it either. The blonde was not the type to deprive someone of their human thirst ─ water. Nonetheless, she allowed it to fester into the atmosphere and always willing to go the mile as a host. She liked being around Miles. All of the years they had known each other, they may not be a pairing expected to bond in the first place, but they had a lot more in common than he often let on. The ways Miles often informed Jolie on things he liked, and how he couldn’t comfortably share it with the world, reminded her of when she first met Vince and how the enigma was unreal. She understood how the public perceived you is a way someone wears a reputation with ease. But, the moments like these, sometimes she ponders on why he’s ashamed to let people know there was more to him than his dingy leather jacket. Did Cleo know? If she didn’t, he had every right to tell her because you should share with your loved ones what made you happy. Occupying in a leather chair, tucking her feet underneath a cushion, her hand rested underneath her chin as he began to speak. She felt that reaction. She understood it all too well. “This book hit too close to home,” she uttered to no one but herself. It was almost like Gillian Flynn followed her life ─ give or take a few details in the story. Softly laughing, a smile worked upon her mouth corners. “I’ve been told this before because of my natural presence around others but I do mean it here,” she stated in her angelic, falsetto range. Always seeing the best in people, even through their flaws, people needed moments of reassurement. Especially given the fact that she was slightly aware of the other’s upbringing and how indifferent their worlds have been. “See, that’s a plot twist that I’ve never seen before.” Stating as she racked through her thriller genre conscience, gripping the confides of her book in the palm of her hands, the exhilaration about books and just talking always soothed her. This was her place of harmony. “Amma is a complicated character. I think Gillian wanted everyone to believe it was Adora considering the time she poisoned Camille and her other sister. Yet, it would’ve been a dead giveaway. People would find no suspense or feel the need to read on further but it keeps you going,” informing with her experience on how she picked the literature apart. 
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jodebeauvoir · 4 years
Lourdes would be the first to admit that she was nothing like her sister. Her older sister was always like a shining star, with a future brighter than she could dream of. Even if Jolie had her own bad girl phase, she grew out of it and Lourdes could see that. In fact, she’s tempted to ask her sister on tips, because this rut that the brunette is in is hard to get out of. Especially when she lost her only source of joy and happiness. The youngest Howard had never known how much she loved what her body could do, till it couldn’t do those things anymore. A simple back tuck sent pain shooting down her back, and dancing was hard. But there were days, when the Oxy kicked in hard, and Lourdes could almost forget her agony as she stretched on the grass. Of course, these days, that kind of relief is few and far between; her dependence is growing stronger, and the dose is growing weaker. Some days, taking care of the Rhodes and Thane kids was the only thing that brought the brunette any kind of comfort; otherwise she would have spent her days feeling like a waste of space. Looking at Jolie was comforting and painful all at once; they grew up with the same set of parents, under the same roof and the same circumstances. But Jolie was a shining beacon and Lourdes a rock at the bottom of the ocean. “Remember when it would start storming and I would come and just bury myself under your blankets because I was terrified? Or oh my god, the time I got a D in chemistry and asked you how to hide the report card from Charity and dad.” She chuckles at the memory of high school; her sister is right, because they panicked like fools and in the end, it was nothing but a blimp in their memories. “Aww shucks, Jojo! You’re getting all mushy on me, blegh! Take it back, you sap!” She shook her legs, still on Jolie’s lap as she giggled at her sister’s sentimentality. 
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Launching one of the many pillows that surrounded them in the direction of the blonde’s head, Lourdes wanted to shake her sister. “I will not stop! Not till you admit that you’re so fucking amazing and I’m like very fucking lucky to have you as my sister! Say it!” Now she was completely up, legs slipping away from Jolie’s grasp as she moved to be closer to the woman, to grab her shoulders and shake her by the shoulders. “Repeat after me. I’m Jolie fucking Laurent De fucking Beauvoir, and I’m fucking amazing and hot and beautiful and interesting!” She was face to face with her sister, breathing hard as she looked at eyes that mirrored her own, almost. Just the little things like the freckles on their nose that they inherited from Charity, or the sharp edges of their smile that they wore differently. She finally let go of her sister’s shoulders and sat back in place, “never let me hear you call my sister boring. I’ll fuck those haters up, and you know I will, Joj.” There was a lot of pent up emotions from that action, but she was calming down soon enough. “A Canadian significant other is like this running joke, that your S-O is from Canada, hence why we never meet them. Do not ask me why it’s the Canadians or the Belgians.” She shakes her head at Vince’s inability to be cool, which matched Jolie’s uncoolness. They really were a match made in heaven, if heaven had an office space that was boring and monotonous. “Look, I don’t ask for a lot. All I want is for Connor to follow me back! So that he can see how his girlfriend is thriving on her home soil, rather than Orange County on steroids. I’ll fight him too, if he says something about taking you way, I swear I will!” Lourdes once again falls back on the couch, almost ready to give into the plushness of it all, when Jolie asked about Peter. “Oh yeah, sure thing! You can grill him all you want, sis. I mean, it will probably two dates and then I never call him back, you know?” Her disinterest in dating long term came from one Pandora Marlowe, but it was a long ways away from actually explaining her feelings to Jolie about it. 
When the highlighted platinum female grew older, the majority of her time had been spent between her step-father and her grandparents, mostly Margaux, as the stillness in Jolie’s world made sense for once. The older sister knew Lourdes did not have grandparents of her own. It’s why one evening during her high school education, she sat down the matriarch and face of the de Beauvoir legacy asking if she’ll be able to extend her efforts of being a grandmother to someone near and dear to Jolie’s heart ─ her only sister, Lourdes. The latching of her seafoam circular optics fell on the sight of her newborn sister, only a couple of hours old, the need to safeguard the other was instilled in her. Far from a fighter, if it meant she had to enhance her voice in any form of defense especially if her whole petite frame shook in disarray, it would be something she’d never vacillated over for a second. She’d do anything for her sister. The proof of life hits negatively happened after learning of the Lourdes accident. By then, the older sister was closer to the coastal island in comparison to her university education years, it was easy to rearrange her schedule to be right beside the younger. Hand in hand, hoping and praying for the best-case scenario, there were days when she refused to eat because there was no movement from her sister. It wore her out. Nothing that she’d never openly admit then and there. Yet, just to have the capability to reflect upon it now and realizing how much time has passed since then, it was tranquil to be home once and for all. Delicate mouth corners raise upwards in the other’s direction due to the particular topic. “I would never forget either one of those scenarios. It was nice when I would wake up unexpectedly in the middle of the night and see you right beside me, cuddled up and like my second back. Those were the days,” she soothed in an angelic tone as a beam further engrossed her. “Although, I think we both know you are smart so I still don’t know how you managed to get a D in Chemistry though.” Not like it mattered at this certain point in their careers. All of her prior notebooks from high school were there for whenever Lourdes needed extra reassurance and guidance due to Jolie’s abundant organization and notetaking. Wiggling her tamed brows in mirth manner, she leaned toward Lourdes and began to tickle her sides. “You must suffer from my sentimentality, Lo. You must suffer! We’re sisters for a reason.” A teasing, comical enhancement of her falsetto range proved through, admiring the moment when it was just them and nothing else occupying their attention.
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Just long before her attack on her sister happened, the other was retorting back to Jolie’s disbelief in herself as the comparison of Cleo withered through earlier. All she could do was allow her backside to fall into the plush pillows once Lourdes hit her over the head. A multitude of muddled locks fell into her face as her swift hand swept it back and behind her ears. The wind was slowly but surely started to get knocked out of her. It wasn’t like she wanted compliments. It was just her opinion on how she’d never been Cleo Halliwell and her unapologetic nature. Jolie was the type to apologize when someone else bumped into her in public because it was a force of habit. “Lourdes,” she eventually spoke up in a weary tone. The methods of the other were cherished deeply. From the bottom of her heart. Still, this is partially why the topic needed to be dropped because she didn’t expect it to turn out this way. A murmur of a sigh fell off her lips, nodding in agreement at the sea of encouraging words. Tilting her head chin whilst allowing her shoulders to relax. “I am Jolie fucking Laurent de fucking Beauvoir. I’m fucking amazing, hot, beautiful, and interesting!” Eventually coming to the end of the words with an enthusiastic tone, oddly feeling a wave of comfort and ease at those words even escaping from the prong of her tongue. A hand cupping her sister’s cheek to beam confidently at her, “Thank you,” she expressed lastly. It was a fleeting moment but the appreciation was instant upon her overlay. Not even bothering to respond to the sea of rapid mouth fire from Lourdes, all Jolie could do was sit back and observe the array of emotions that were all too similar to their mother, Charity, and it made a shiver of discomfort pinching upon her forearms. It was something that would never change. All of these years and she learned to deal with their differences. Quietude was deadly upon herself just waiting for the moment to be passed over. Still, she was not the kind to be ill-mannered, every once in awhile indicated a nod to slithered through. “Oh, that kind of makes sense,” she answered. It wasn’t as if she’d never use that phrase ever in her life. Luckily for her sister, always willing to inform her about the newest lingo which made Jolie feel like a grandmother than someone thirty-something, she was grateful for the efforts. Laughing stiffly, “Okay, okay, I’ll let him know tonight.” Holding up both hands in the air, making a mental reminder to call her boyfriend later tonight to satisfy his sister’s high demands. Anything to get Lourdes off the tangent and calm down a bit. Every part of her knows she’ll never hear the end about the move to Newport. It was just a matter of time for the comparison to be brought back in due time. She was just waiting for the next moment. “So,” tilting her head to the side, a slightly tempered state of her hues rims, index finger bouncing back and forth in the air. It was obvious that she was puzzled to the core. “Should I waste my time grilling him if you’ll only go on two dates and never bother to make the effort again?” 
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jodebeauvoir · 4 years
special delivery to ; @avhalliwell​​​
location ; jolie’s backyard in ventura
date & time ; april 9th at 8:30pm 
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Jolie had been looking forward to this long-awaited reunion with her best friend before she stepped foot on Catalina for the first time in a long time. Throughout the five years of her prior residency in Newport Beach, the highlighted platinum blonde came down to visit the isle often. While her grandparents lived here, lavishing in the life they created here, she missed being around their company on a daily basis. Along with that, she missed all of her friends that she grew up with and Ava was one included. So once the estate in Ventura was handed down to the only granddaughter of the de Beauvoir legacy after it’s much needed remodel from Margaux, the female saw an opportunity with her work contract ending as well as her relationship with Vince blossoming to return back to her roots once and for all. Of course, moving was something she despised considering it was her fourth time doing it but surely, her last. And nearly a month and a half later, the home was styled to perfection with old items from Newport as well as new purchases because she couldn’t help herself midst it all. Tonight was the perfect evening, not a single weather storm nearby and the stars were outside, to take their beverages in the backyard to submerged themselves underneath the Catalina spring weather, her string lights and the comfort of the day-beds. A bottle of rosé resting in the iced bucket, she even planned out a charcuterie board for them to snack on, even though dinner was not that long ago. Sliding off her house slippers, one of her many things of comfort, she ended up sitting upright against the plush pillows on the left side, taking a glance over at Ava with a delicate beam, “Who would’ve thought all of the years when we dreamed out wanting to get out of Catalina that we’d be back?” She questioned in her angelic range whilst a soft chuckle followed afterwards. Falling in a moment of silence, seafoam hues began to wander around the familiar surroundings of her home ─ yes, her home after all of these years. It was a string of realization this was her life now and only time was advancing on her side rather than making her younger. Lifting her glass to her petals for a minimal sip of the substance, hues flickered back onto her best friend, “How are you feeling? What’s been going on with you?” These were the only realistic questions to ask even though they were picking up conversations from phone calls and FaceTimes to a more of a personal face-to-face interaction. Everything she wanted and needed to know finally had the time because Jolie could give Ava all of her undivided attention. 
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jodebeauvoir · 4 years
His apartment has felt confining as of late, and there’s only so many Candy Crush levels he can complete before his energy level runs out and he’s forced to confront his apartment’s resounding silence. So, the family home. Rory loathes that it’s still the next best place to clear his head, even though it’s occupied by a bustling cast and crew half of the time —  but it’s still, by far, a healthier mechanism compared to just lying on the couch, glaring at the screen decorated with jellybeans and gumdrops, waiting for the energy bar to fill up.
He doesn’t walk so much as stumble into the room, his phone dangling dangerously on his hand, the familiar hum of the app from his phone effectively making his presence known before he even opens his mouth — and even then, what comes first is an indignant huff of breath. “You know the worst part about this game?” Rory says to anyone who’d cared to listen, “the waiting. And if I use my credit card to pay for unlimited energy, that’s it for me. I won’t be able to look back.”
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The female can hear the familiarity of Candy Crush’s song enlarging as the distance was enclosed between both of the lifelong friends. Occupying a corner upon her best guy friend’s couch, seafoam optics wandered around the flawlessly embellish apartment knowing it was one of Rory’s crafts ─ even when he dismissed his ability and stated he was simply mediocre. As the words of the other flowed through her ears, all Jolie could do was chuckle at his fascination with the game and how to benefit himself with unlimited energy. A shake of her platinum tresses, “You’re doing it all wrong,” she informed with her angelic, falsetto range. The one thing she did not forget was her own obsession with the game in the spring of 2012. It was narrowing on the last couple weeks of her graduate program and Candy Crush was the only way for Jolie to kill a substantial amount of time when not focusing on her dissertation. YouTube provides her tips and tricks on how to cheat the game’s system. “Save your money and spend it on something much more usual than unlimited energy,” she lectured him, just like her grandmother Margaux would lecture her husband, Blaise, from making irrational decisions. The parallels were uncanny because she was her granddaughter after all. “Wait a minute,” she breathed, adjusting her position on the couch to catch a look at her friend. Brows became knit-tight against each other, hand resting underneath her chin as it rested against the cushions. “Did you just start playing Candy Crush or is this one of your sudden re-obsessions with it after remembering you had it on your phone?” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
for → @jodebeauvoir location: the brunch club time: march 22nd, 11:30am
Leaning on one hand, Liza glanced longingly at the mimosas and Bloody Mary’s being sipped around her, and sighed. Somehow, her parents had put out a notice with her picture on it saying DO NOT SERVE to every single establishment around the island — or, at least that was what she thought her parents did. How else did the waitress know to immediately remove the drink menu from the table, as soon as she saw her face? Liza knew she was pretty, but the looks she was getting from the servers and bartenders at The Brunch Club were more than stares of envy.
Thankfully, Jolie had showed up in the nick of time, and Liza immediately rose from her seat, going in for a hug. Jolie was a one-of-a-kind, generous soul, especially when it came to her words. There was something warming about her presence that Liza couldn’t explain, and she relished in the time she spent with Jolie. Liza got to know Jolie through Lourdes, mostly; envious over the years that her friend had such a wonderful older sister, but Jolie wasn’t the type to exclude. The woman immediately took Liza underneath her wing when she needed the guidance, and today?
Well, Liza was in need of some guidance.
It was almost law that every single young woman of pedigree on this island had some sort of wicked mother, ready to ruin the lives of their daughters. There was her mother, for one. Constantly shifting between hot and cold, there were days when her mother couldn’t get out of Liza’s hair, and others, when she couldn’t give two flying fucks about her. Then, there was Evelyn Halliwell, of course. She was a piece of work. Constantly hovering over all of her girls at once, pushing and nagging and shrieking. And then, there was Jolie’s own mother, Charity Howard, who was as cold as she was elegant. They were all the poor, trauma-ridden daughters, who were just waiting to repeat their mother’s mistakes all over again.
“Jolie!” Liza shouted, a genuine smile gracing her features for once. “Oh my gosh, it’s been too long. How’s everything?” She pulled back into the table again, picking up her menu with a flourish, perusing the entrees with mild interest. “By the way, no drinks. They banned me,” she huffed with a roll of her eyes. “They as in my parents. And every other place on the freakin’ island capable of serving me something that’ll get me drunk.”
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Less than a month back in Catalina, the blonde spent the majority of her time unpacking their home, Jolie and Vince’s, after it underwent a refurbishment under the supervision of her grandmother due to the couple finishing their responsibilities in Newport. It was easier said for Jolie’s behalf. In terms of Vince and having his law firm, it took a while to inform the clients and to find an eventual replacement of an attorney if they did not want to tread all of the ways to Catalina Island to just meet with him and their case. On top of that, the last case of his kept him occupied in Newport for another week while she did an immense load of finishing the state of their place for him to rest comfortably in once his arrival was bound to happen. Yet, as the chores of the home were thankfully finished, slowly emerging back to reality was upon Jolie’s list before having to tackle the dreadful hunt of finding an office suited for her Speech-Language practice. There was no timeline on when she needed to get up-and-running but if she took too long, the only de Beauvoir girl would go stir-crazy not working and doing what she loves. For now, being present and surrounding herself around familiar faces was the main priority.
When people found out about her return back to Catalina, the influx of text-messages illuminated upon her iPhone as she began to wonder if people created a group chat to inform each other. It amused her, but she was delighted to know people wanted to meet up with her. The one person that she was eager to reunite with happened to be Liza Kennedy ─ one of Lourdes’s best friends. So when the invitation to meet up with the other at The Brunch Club entered into their conversation, the older blonde was here for it. After all, now was the time for socializing when one of her biggest priorities was taken care of. When it comes to anyone close to Lourdes, which she saw all of the girls as her pseudo-sisters and treated them like such, they were always her main priority as well. Especially since someone needed to care for them when the breed of Catalina Island mothers were all trainwrecks and misfortunes to the girls, it was the soft-natured of Jolie filling in the void pieces. They were far from sane, but the reason why the majority of the girls born and raised on this island were... fucked up because the mothers could care less. Some hide it better than others though. This was why they all uniformed with one another.
Right on the dot of their planned time to meet at The Brunch Club, the blonde walked into the establishment with her wandering seafoam hues to spot down. It took the hostess a minute too longer but by then, Liza had spotted her within a flash and shouted Jolie’s name. Narrowing the distance to where the other was seated, her beam kindly greeted the other before occupying the seat on the opposite side of the table. Setting her purse on the chair next to her, right beside the coated wallpaper which was a peculiar pattern but surprisingly suited the space. “Gosh,” she laughed slightly. Bridge of her nose crinkled before taking the menu into the grips of her digits, although not looking at it just yet because she could wait a little bit longer to eat. “Well, I finally finished up the last pieces of the house so I am now doing my duties on catching up with everyone before I threw myself into my next task ─ office hunting.” It was far from entertaining, perhaps. But, it was her life and she could never imagine herself in any other position than helping others out. “Wow....you’re parents.” All Jolie could respond in her falsetto range knowing that Lourdes briefly educated her sister on what happened with Liza and the ban of drinking. “Well,” she hesitated for a second, clearing her throat as hues roamed instantly over the menu to divert the topic. “Good thing they have pressed juice here... yummmm!” The goofy smile and the drag of the last word attempted to enlighten up the situation if the lack of drinking did bum out Liza. The optimism within Jolie was always present even in her own dark moments ─ none currently present. Tender, angelic overlay wandered over Liza, “Besides the whole parent's ordeal, what’s going on with you? My older sister senses something is wrong and I’m here for you.” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
Reina’s hands run over the bag one last time, admiring the craftsmanship as if it’s some kind of crowned jewel before she puts it delicately back into the box, like it’ll fall apart if she doesn’t handle it delicately. For someone so rough around the edges, Reina tends to treat her handbags with and insane amount of care, which is more than she can probably say about anything, even her children. A laugh escapes her at the thought of Margaux insisting the two of them pose together with matching Birkins, which is something she would do and something Reina would only comply with for the older woman, and it has Reina rolling her eyes slightly. “She’s obsessed with Instagram, isn’t she?” It’s almost funny how the 70-something year old woman made it a point to keep her social media profiles up to date. Margaux was even more invested in it than Reina ever would be, and strangely enough she’s often the one keeping Reina up to date with new social media trends and all that it entails. She doesn’t know how Jolie isn’t completely embarrassed by her Grandmother posting all over Instagram but then again that’s just the girl’s nature. She’s too kind for her own good and Reina doubts she’d ever say a bad word or think a bad thought about Margaux, embarrassing Instagram posts or not.
The older woman’s return is something Reina’s been anticipating for a few weeks — and not just because she’s a reliable sitter when Lourdes is off doing God knows what and can’t watch her kids, though that is part of it. Mainly, she just wants Margaux to see her new pride and joy, the restaurant she’s worked so hard to bring to life, and she’s been practically dying to share it. She may act like it’s not a big deal when the older woman actually shows up, but on the inside Reina’s been excited for her to see it for quite some time. Drumming her fingernails on the countertop, Reina can sense the shift in Jolie’s demeanor as soon as she starts fidgeting and she has no idea what the fuck the blonde could possibly be nervous about, but then the request passes her lips and Reina understands. She can see where she might not exactly seem like the helpful type, and how it might be an intimidating ask, but Reina is surprisingly more than happy to help with this particular task. “Jolie, I’d be honored,” she says, a hint of a smile appearing on her lips although you’d have to look hard to see it. In truth, Reina just loves any excuse to plan a good party, if only because it gives her an enormous sense of control that she constantly is craving. “If you’d like we can even have it at Iris & Eve, maybe on the rooftop? I’ll have an open bar and get some of my staff to tray pass some appetizers. Nothing crazy, but you know, something special for her.”
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Veneration inundated into her seafoam opticals from the distance created between Jolie with Reina to allow the woman to enjoy the gift without a body hovering over her. The respect for the other woman was instant. If she had managed to win over her grandmother’s heart and trust, the same amount of respect was returned from Jolie. While they knew minimal about each other, the blonde was hopeful for them to find abound between the both of them ─ perhaps this idea of presenting Margaux with a surprise unlike anything before would be their stepping ground. If it hadn’t been for Lourdes's ability and patience in teaching their grandmother on the usage of Lightroom, the photo-editing application used by influencers, and uploading on Instagram to create an uproar, which was all successful. Her grandmother, seventy-two years old, was an influence and was immensely proud of it. The corners of her eyes creased as the laughter consumed her, feeling oddly in comfort in Reina’s presence. “You can blame Lourdes for that one. She got her all installed with Lightroom and all of these different filters. I’m clueless,” she acknowledged as seafoam hues kept upon Reina because she was a guest in the other’s house by rudely showing up without asking beforehand. It amuses her whenever Margaux informs her of the newest technology and Instagram story filters, insisting that her granddaughter were to post more and enlighten the audience. While the blonde often went through the rinse and repeat the cycle of life, she believed she was the opposite of worthy of being a social media influencer as she’d rather stick at her day job. Still, for the team, the younger de Beauvoir girl proudly allows her grandmother to be trendy and informed by her youngest granddaughter, Lourdes.
The influence of her grandmother on the isle was monumental. It’s one of the many traits Jolie picked up from her grandmother as the older woman took her underneath the wing when Charity started to pull away from her new-born. To this day, the granddaughter finds all of the ways to appreciate both of her grandparents for taking up the responsibility to bringing her up alongside the eventual father figure of Christian Howard entering into her life at the age of six. It’s why her apprehensive worries cascaded through. Reina was a mystery to her. Reading and knowing what she was thinking may never happen, but if she was able to explain, hopeful in helping Margaux out would cause her to agree. After all, she wouldn’t have an issue if the other didn’t have time due to her hectic schedule with the restaurant and the reality television show. The moment when she was intertwined in the potential worst-case scenario, the agreeance from the other caused her to zone into the moment, engulfed in an expressive beam like an angel topping the Christmas tree and her heart leaping out her chest. “Oh my gosh, thank you,” she answers as a cavernous breath fell off her lips and caused her to relax once and for all. Those words were mostly for herself and not for Reina to hear. “I know she would love it. I know she’s bitching to my grandpa about the weather there. Plus, she’s ready to get home and celebrate everything.” Her granddaughters return to the island, Reina’s restaurant and landing the role on The Real Housewives of Catalina Island, but most importantly, her birthday. The way Margaux talks about Reina and Jolie makes it known these two girls were her favorite people in the entire world. The only thing shown on her face is the steady beam and nothing else. “I know she would love it. Like I said before, she really is eager to see Iris & Eve and this would be the best way to greet her while celebrating her day. Maybe we could even make a special Margaux drink? Something inspired by France to give her a taste of her homeland but reminding her of Catalina.” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
Lourdes’s whole life revolved around her phone. It had been her crutch when she first entered middle school, and by the time she upgraded to a better lasting touch screen, she was in high school and ruling the social roost. It had been her salvation on the nights her family seemed so turbulent, as she put her earbuds in and got lost in some Arcade Fire. Or how easy it was to take some asshole ex down with just a few tweets and maybe even a leaked finsta photo. But she had noticed the way Jolie didn’t seem to know how to navigate when it was Lourdes and her phone, and in a split moment, the phone went sprawling on the leather armchair behind them, and now it was just Lourdes and Jolie. Because right now, she didn’t need a crutch, she needed her sister. And there would never be a time in Jolie’s life when she wouldn’t need her sister. Maybe it was just her being the baby of the family, or maybe because Jolie was the first and only woman in her life who gave her love and attention. She saw her sister shift her legs and make herself comfortable on the other hand, and wriggling her own toes, she almost giggled. “This is like old times, when you used to study and I’d come into your room and just bother you because I was bored and alone. God, I miss those days.” 
Lourdes could sit here all day and reminisce about a past that was long gone, but she didn’t do too well with history. Life was about moving on and forward, and even a physical injury couldn’t keep this mini tornado back. “I’m not meant for television Lourdes, hark! You’re Jolie fucking De Beauvoir, sis! Look at you!” She had to sit up, leaning against the arm of the sofa, as her hands began to wildly gesture about. Only pausing to listen to the things that Jolie apparently did in the day. “Cleo has a personality bigger than this island, we been knew! But you can always carve a niche out for yourself. You know, you’re like the grounding effect! Alexis taught me this the other day, because we were at lunch and she was talking about movie effects and stuff! But yeah, you could tots be like that brunch buddy that Claire sometimes talks about, but never shows us. It’s like she’s got a Canadian boyfriend, if you know what I mean.” She winked exaggeratedly, slumping against her resting place again. “Oooh sure thing! Tell Alexander to follow me on my finsta! I sent him a request and he’s really hurting my feelings by not accepting it. Also he’s not allowed to take you back to snooty fucking Newport. Like no offense, but if I have to see those upgraded Orange County mothers again, I might go Ryan on their asses and I dunno, set their mailboxes on fire. It’s like have ten more Evelyns in my presence, and I hate it.” She pouted, and then shrugged. “Oooh ooooh, I have to tell you so much about this guy I’ve been kinda sorta seeing on the down low! His name’s Peter and he works at Iris and Eve. He’s one of the other managers and just so hot.” 
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While the sisters were polar opposites in a multitude of ways. Personality, looks, upbringing, but both of them learned from one another. It was something that Jolie always attempted her hardest to work around considering there was an age difference between both of them. Yet, when she was ready to head off to university in Chicago, her little sister was still growing up and in the confides of the de Beauvoir residency in Avalon. There had been plenty of moments when she wished distance wasn’t a disadvantage to their growth. Long before she knew it, Lourdes made her way and occupied the spare bedroom in the eldest sister’s town-house. It wasn’t that she was old-fashioned by any means but the lingo often rolling off the prong of her sister’s tongue bewildered her. The majority of times, the blonde reflects on how someone could come up with a phrase and everyone just decided to continue to use it in their day-to-day conversations. Perhaps someone will eventually give her light into the minds of Generation Z. The sight of her sister’s phone occupying the space of the leather armchair instantly caused her mouth corners to raise, engulfed with an abnormal amount of alertness from her younger sister to be present rather than focusing upon the device. With that, Jolie leaned forward to rest her hand upon her sister's knee before gently patting it, beam still content upon her petals. “How could I ever forget?” She spoke through a laugh. The ping of nostalgia on their youth and how much both of the girls grew throughout the years. The optimism within Jolie knows the future was bright for her little sister, regardless of the path career she decides to go down on, she’ll proudly stand beside her. The bridge of her nose scrunched at the thought of school again. It was never complicated for her to grasp upon. It just took an immense amount of energy out of her. “I don’t miss school even though I spent so many nights losing sleep over it. I’m glad it’s over. But, I am glad we’re here together.” 
The present moment was what she favored the most with Lourdes especially after her sister’s car accident two years ago. It was a sore subject that never got brought up and nor should it ever. Hearing Lourdes next words caused her to liquefy at the compliments as they blossomed a slight shade of pink upon the apples of her cheeks. “Stop it.” Answering through a chuckle, a hand swiftly through the air to her sister to knock it off, wondering what would attract anyone to see Jolie on television. She was a wall-flower after all. And while she did insert Cleo into the narrative, it did not mean the blonde was envious of the Halliwell girl but bewildered at her capability of capturing the room by just walking through the doors. Tilting her head to the side, puzzlement at her sister’s choice of words took her a moment to process at her being open-minded and learning but the words were moving too fast. Just like the children that she taught. Sometimes, she wondered if her sister knew how to take a breathe but nonetheless, all she could do was beam and exhale a sigh. “Okay, that’s a lot to take in but ─” An immediate pause, grappling to find the right words at the mention of Claire. “What’s a ‘she’s got a Candian boyfriend’ because you just lost me there.” And she didn’t know what else to say but everything else made sense besides the latter sentence. Her age was showing. A nod shot toward Lourdes direction about Vince and her never-ending sea of changing his name, “I will make sure to let him know later. Part of me thinks he does not know how to accept someone follows,” she informed with a laugh. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?” Leaning towards her sister, her tone was reassuring and direct which was different considering Jolie always beat around the bush. Melting into the plush comfort of the pillows, her jaw gaped whilst adjusting to the information about her sister’s love life. Blowing a raspberry, a smile slide right through afterward only wanting to see her sister happy and it showed up on her demeanor especially with whoever Peter is. “Peter, huh? Spill all of the details on me because I’ll eventually have to meet him. Grill him, even though I will fail there.” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
Honestly, Toy Story has been the topic of many of Rowan’s conversations for the better part of the last eight months – though usually those conversations are just her with some baby babble and the few words Benny knows being repeated back to her. While Maddie had never given the movie a second thought, it had quickly become the best way to keep her fifteen month old son busy, his face often lighting up at the sound of Tom Hanks voice and the sight of Woody the cowboy. Her own childhood hadn’t been a great one and she and Reina certainly didn’t get to sit on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching the latest Disney movie, so she hadn’t seen them until Benny decided they were his favourite and even then — he’s only recently been willing to watch any of the sequels, so the chaos that was Toy Story 3 is still fresh for the blonde. “I know,” she laughs, head shaking. “For a minute I thought I’d have to turn it off or risk scarring my kid for life before he even hits his second birthday.” And scar herself as well, of course, but she leaves out the fact that she most definitely did shed a tear or two. “I didn’t really watch a lot of movies as a kid,” she admits, knowing that Reina and Jolie have a relationship but she’s unsure just how much of their childhood the other woman knows about. “So I just get to discover all these innuendos and hidden gems now for the first time, and wonder how they’ve managed to get away with it all for so long.” 
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Considering the recollection of her childhood was disastrous. Experiencing death at a young age and a mother who wanted nothing to do with her, the only source of normalcy throughout her growth happened to her grandmother, Margaux, and her-step father, Christian. It still wasn’t customary all of the opportunities handed down to her but there was never a moment when she wanted to backtrack on her life. The female was not the type to relish and drag about her upbringing. It was something she was humble about. Especially since throughout her aging years, she instantly learned everyone’s backstory were dissimilar and deserved to be told when the said person wanted to confide within her. It’s how she always been. Cherishing people, constantly building them up with trust, and feeling engulfed with glee when people trusted in her as well. The friendship with Rowan was still on the legs of learning about one another. There was little she knew about her, her husband, and her sister-in-law. All of them were enigmas in the seafoam hues of hers. It’s why her move back to Catalina Island gives her the opportunity to learn about each one of them. After all, her grandmother spoke a load about them all and trusted the matriarch of the de Beauvoir’s families judgment more than anything. The added bonus was the topic of Toy Story. Who could say no to a topic about her favorite Pixar and Disney franchise? Not Jolie.  Her hand resting underneath her chin, the twinkle of her seafoam hues pinged like a shooting star in the sky. Mouth corners crinkling into two idents upon both sides, a soft giggle followed suit. “The serious question is how many times have you seen the third one since getting your little one hooked?” She authentically asked in a songbird range. When the insert about Rowan’s past, she nods as she understands the point and gently teeters upon what to say. “It’s okay. If I’m honest, times were different when we’re growing up. I know I spent most of my time outside,” she inserted. From her own observation, while she was not a mother, but seeing the kids coming in and out throughout her previous Speech Pathology offices, their knowledge was sizable and they were far more advanced in comparison to how Jolie’s childhood. Slightly naive, well beside the death of her father, but kids did not know the aspect of having a conversation without typing on their cell phones. Man, it was a confirmation that she was ancient. Ticking through her mind, recently she looked at a Buzzfeed article about the hidden details in Toy Story Three. “You know what really throws me off is the license plate on the garbage truck, RM237, and how it’s referenced to The Shining,” she admitted with a gaped, widened hues. Still, nothing fucked her up more than thinking about The Shining and the connections in a film for children. “Like Pixar and Disney, why are you doing this to me? I’m still afraid of The Shining and can’t believe they added that insert.” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
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A clip transcript from Cleo Halliwell’s Podcast, A Piece of Cleo, with Jolie de Beauvouir: “My Instagram isn’t anything interesting.... well, besides the fact that I am really trying to promote my book club but other than that, I’m just Jolie de Beauvoir ─ granddaughter of Blaise and Margaux, the faces of Beauvoir Bicycles and I really try not to use my surname for any benefits. I did an Instagram Live once asking people about where I can buy some bowls for my new house.. websites and any nearby stores in Los Angeles/Catalina. Instead, I went on a tangent about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I have no idea how I got there. I’m pretty sure Miles asked me something about Harry Potter and it went from there. I won’t deny that I love the things that I love though. I may be thirty-one years old and I embrace that my interests are different. Also yes, before you ask, I am a House Hufflepuff. I am quite proud of my house sorting...... *something else briefly discussed here but not important* ...Anyway, whoever follows my Instagram is brave because my posts are so sporadic.. funny because I am far from sporadic in my day to day life. I love organization and schedules... oddly enough.”
featuring ; @vincassidy, @lourdeshoward, @nadinehyun, @countryqveen, @avhalliwell, @milesawayellis 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
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Happy 31st Birthday Elizabeth Olsen. 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
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“I mean, honestly, I couldn’t get through the last few chapters. It’s like, holy shit, Adora’s…—” Miles was going to ramble about the book’s climax, catching himself from spoilers as he entered through Jolie’s sprawling estate. Well, sprawling in his opinion, because anything bigger than his bedroom was usually too big and a waste of space, but that was neither here nor there. If anyone ever thought Miles didn’t know how to read, they wouldn’t be too wrong, but it’s not the right descriptor either. He knew how to read, but he didn’t get into reading until much later in life, when he was doing online courses and trying graduate with a degree, all in secret from his psuedo mother figure Reina. Ever since then, he found himself growing an interest to reading, again all kept secret. Peeking in, he nodded to the host, before taking his place somewhere in the family room. “So….am I the first or? Because I have thoughts, and I didn’t want to spoil!” 
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The moment Jolie first met Miles Ellis was peculiar. Then again, this was how the majority of her friendships were formed ─ unlikely, polar opposites oddly having a common ground in the comfort of their hobbies. The pairing has known each other for a while. Long before this club became established. So, it doesn’t astound her either hearing the male on being the first to arrive for the book club. It was something she relished on creating for a while but was hesitant due to her constant back and forth with the Island. It was Vince who had encouraged her to proceed forward with her love and ever-growing list of hobbies. Since making the permanent move to Catalina from Newport, it had been four months of book club festivities, but it was well worth it. Turning on the minimal heel of her inky, leather loafer to greet the other with a warm, welcoming smile as his previous words were still ringing in her head about Adora. It oddly hit too close to home considering the similarities of Adora and Charity did cause her to take a few days to return back to her reading. It had felt as if someone picked into her life and wrote it without her knowledge. Flushing the thoughts away with an intensifying smile and motioning him to get comfortable on the recently purchased l-sectional couch ─ it was Vince’s choice after nearly falling asleep on it at the furniture store. “You are the first one and I’m glad you’re here as a matter of fact!” She confessed happily. Something in her seafoam hues caught her focus, preferably information on MIles and Cleo together, which made her ecstatic after knowing the pairing in separate terms. Nonetheless, it was something she wouldn’t bring to life right away but it did make her curious. Love was something she adored. Considering that her own experience with love consumed her. “First off, do you want something to drink? I have laid out wines but if you’re wanting something else... Vince has a few bottles of Whiskey back in the kitchen on standby for any guests,” she informed. Her boyfriend understood the importance of tonight. The likelihood of him coming home to seeing everyone discussing with each other would not be unusual but the couple liked to serve their guest the best. “Also, tell me more about your Adora thoughts because I need to hear it all!” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
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“Door’s open, come inside mija! Mindful of the carpet, please.” Christian was sat at his desk, working on crafting some office memos and emails when he heard the familiar voice of his oldest daughter. While he didn’t admit to it, the man was attuned to the footsteps of the other occupants of this house; of Charity’s Louboutins making their way through familiar rooms, of Lourdes’s louder than life presence and how the whole house moves with her, and of Jolie’s, who was soft and the complete opposite of everything this family was. He turned in his chair, a warm smile on his face when he saw her peeking in. “Come inside already, Jolie! I can assure you, your mother’s not here. I think she’s at lunch with Claire. You remember Claire and Topher, our neighbours?”
He then proceeded to close all his windows, because the memos could wait, but time with his daughter could not. Standing up from his desk, he stretched, and then walked towards Jolie to embrace her in a warm hug. The peace he felt within him as he held onto his mija was priceless, as if his worries had begun to melt away, and all the things that keep him awake have been put to bed. Reluctantly letting go of her, he nodded. “Sit, sit. Can I get you something to eat? Drink? We’ve got…” He looked at the portable trolley on the other side of the office, “instant coffee, some whiskey and I think a juice box. Or a LaCroix. And for edibles, I think it’s just tea biscuits. But there’s leftovers in the fridge that I can heat up. You really should start eating more, mija. Look at you, all skin and bones.” At the mention of Margaux De Beauvoir, his smile only grows. “I hope ma petite macaroon is doing alright. I haven’t seen here since the Founders’ Day Ball, and I really should pay her a visit, no?” Even though Christian wasn’t her son, Margaux was the closest thing to a mother figure he had since his own parents’ passing. And when Jolie talks about Reina, he nods again. “She’s great, Reina is. Don’t tell your mother about that though, she gets a little touchy about her.” He was saddened by the words he spoke, having to warn his own daughter about her mother’s jealousy. “But they’re great neighbours, I can assure you that much. Did you know, Evelyn’s daughter Cleo got Lourdes a job as the Rhodes’s nanny? Lourdes, and a job! Seriously…” He shakes his head in mild incredulation, finally seating himself on the edge of his office table. “Now tell me mija, how have you been? And where is that man of yours, Vince…Cassie? No, no, don’t tell me, I know I’m close.” 
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Now occupying a space from her father now, after being greeted by the echo of his voice and her peeping into his office, the blonde made sure to make herself feel right at home. Even if she felt the opposite of such considering all of the horrid memories lurching around the walls through all of the life changes of losing her birthfather, Pierre, and the welcome of Christian and Lourdes into the residency. There were once intensive changes. Yet, this was the life she had. Always valuing and admiring each person in her midst. The girl was beyond grateful for the opportunity to have a free afternoon to see the father figure in her life. Raising a minimal, brushed eyebrow toward her father in an attempt to recollect all of the seas of patrons known to the family, she instantly remembered and illuminated like a light bulb at how she remembered the couple. “Oh yeah! Claire is the attorney and Topher is the investor. I remember them. They were always nice to me,” she noted through an angelic tone. Although, through the grapevine, the older daughter heard from her younger sister all that was still happening with their mother and the sudden eruption of friendships. “When did she end up leaving for her lunch?” It was a genuine question. Only asking for Jolie knowing how long to make herself snug in the residency of her childhood before having to make a swift exit before Charity arrived. The relationship between mother and daughter was still strained. There was complications to their backstory. Putting it into words was often difficult. Sometimes, it was best to not discuss it but sooner than later, she knew she couldn’t run nor hide any moment longer. Not with this reality television show in everyone’s faces.
Embraced in a warm hug, it had instantly caused Jolie to sigh of relief at the welcome. This was something she had never endured from her mother. It was mostly hostile, cruel and words of belittlement. Every once in a while, a reference to her birthfather, who was gloomy thought in her conscience at how little she knew and heard only lavish stories from her grandmother. In the end, the girl trusted Margaux’s words over Charity’s as the years went on. Now seated, she allowed herself to get comfortable by tucking her leg underneath the other and sheepishly smiling towards Christian. “Instant coffee would be great actually. I’m rather exhausted from finishing off the last of the boxes. I need to find a location for my office and that’s going to be a challenge,” she admitted through a stiff, rolling sensation of her shoulders knowing the knots were clear as back in her back. In the upcoming week, she had lined up one too many tours of local offices for her Speech Pathology office, it was going to be something she was dreading but it would all be worth it in the end. Laughing softly at her father, she did agree with his words and how she hadn’t been doing well with taking care of herself. “Yeah, I’m guilty. I’ve just been so busy adjusting to the move and dealing with what’s going on with Vince and his case. I’m just..... I haven’t been taking care of myself.” Shamefully admitting, the shameful range of her tone soon matched and flushed upon her vibrant demeanor, knowing self-care was always the first tip to sanity. Every time Margaux de Beauvoir was mentioned, all the blonde could allow the vibrant state of illumination to consume her. The woman was the best grandmother that she could ever ask for. Always willing to be there for her, but importantly those that were important to her granddaughter. After all, she gave her only granddaughter the childhood house of the de Beauvoir ─ the same house her birthfather, Pierre, lived in. “You should. I think she’s coming back from France soon. Impromptu business trip but she’ll be happy to see you,” she answered through a child-like beam overtaking her petals and her usual enthusiastic tone. Margaux de Beauvoir was everyone’s saving grace. How grateful she was to be born into this family and have the face of the matriarchy as her grandmother.  Her hand resting upon the side of her chin, it was a mental note from the older parental figure about her mother and how touchy she got on the subject of Reina. Whilst the blonde only knew Reina briefly through minimal interactions, it baffled her slightly. “Why is it a touchy subject?” Genuinely questioning, tilting her head to the side knowing Jolie rarely followed with the drama and simply minded her only business. The last thing she would want to do was upset anyone ─ even if her relationship with Charity was far from healthy. A stutter guiding into her next words, “I never ask unless I am genuinely concerned, Dad.” Referencing to why it was a touchy subject but yet, she understood if he couldn’t disclose for any reason. Although, the news of Lourdes and the involvement of Cleo had caused a perk of subject change with the older sister at the moment. “Oh my god!” A shriek of cheerfulness darted off her prong effortlessly. All she could do was clap and feel relief that something was looking forward to the younger sibling. All she could do was be engulfed with contentment and being proud. “Honestly, that’s so amazing. Does she like it? Last time I saw Lourdes, she was glued to her phone but I am really happy for her. I know and remember Cleo from school. It’s no wonder that she pulled the connections to help Lourdes out.” Whenever Jolie had parted from Catalina fully, the other blonde in the Halliwell family had promised to take Lourdes underneath her wing. It was proven benefits at how Cleo was able to help out Lourdes and put her foot forward. Sometimes, well the majority of times, outsiders giving tough love helped when family failed. Still, all she could was be beaming. Even with the mention at Vince, the apple of her minimal applied blush brightened to a faint pink, biting on her lower lip. “Vince Cassidy but close,” she reassured immediately toward the father. Whilst he wanted to guess for himself, it was close enough for her to give him the guidance to know her boyfriend's surname which more than recently, people got it mixed up with Cassie. Feeling bit restive, melting into her chair as now she was hugging herself in the topic of relationships wondering what Christian thought about Vince in their last encounter and if this decision for them to move in together was ideal. It had been well over a year since they had been together but it was a substantial change to all of Jolie’s boyfriends in the past. Clearing her throat, the next set of words were delicate and hesitant, “He’s the first boyfriend I’m moving in with.... so, I think.... that means it’s serious.” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
Reina doesn’t believe in all that religion bullshit mumbo jumbo, but if she did, Jolie de Beauvoir would be the equivalent of an angel to her; and that’s saying something, because Reina hardly knows the girl. They’d met at a very dark time in her life — one of the darkest, which is a feat considering the lifestyle Reina used to live — while Reina was spiraling further and further into a pit and Jolie was just doing her new neighborly duties. Reina knows it was Jolie who sent her grandmother Margaux in the brunette’s direction, she knows it’s Jolie who tipped the older woman off that something wasn’t right here. Normally, she’d resent the pry into her personal life by someone she didn’t even fucking know, but Margaux had been a God-send. There was something about the woman that had been so warm and maternal, and Reina desperately clung to it, having needed that presence for the majority of her life and never quite getting it from anyone because the women in her life always fell a little flat. Margaux was different, though, she was everything Reina wanted to be and they had much more in common than she ever would have thought. It did take the brunette a while to let her in, she’s always had a hard time trusting people and she had no idea why the fuck this rich older lady would take an interest in her well-being, but as time passed Reina came to realize that Margaux de Beauvoir was her saint in disguise — and by extension, so was Jolie.
That’s not to say she ever brings it up to either of them. She’d thanked Margaux once about a year or so ago, a heartfelt and genuine thank you but that’s all she’s ever said about that time in her life since, and neither of the other women have ever pried much more. Jolie, on the other hand, has never gotten the same sentiment. The two of them aren’t close by any means, usually only seeing in other in passing or on Margaux’s behalf, and Reina’s not about to bear her soul to the blonde. Even so, she doesn’t have a problem with Jolie despite her bubbly nature, so of course when she shows up on Reina’s doorstep, she’s invited in immediately — and it has nothing to do with the package she’s towed along with her. “Come inside, sweetheart. I see she outdid herself already on the packaging,” she says with a teasing hint of a smile as she gently takes the box from the girl and ushers her in, guiding her to the kitchen. It’d be rude to just take the gift and dismiss her, and besides, Reina actually kind of enjoys Jolie’s company. Her fingers run over the blood red ribbon before untying it to unveil the gift inside, though she stops before unfolding the tissue paper to read a card sitting on top. “To my rose,” she reads quietly, translating the French that’s written on the card to English as she speaks aloud. “Congratulations on your success.” It’s short but sweet and it means a lot, and Reina runs her thumb over the cardstock before placing it down gently on the counter and moving on to the real surprise. From beneath the tissue paper she pulls out a tan, beautifully crafted Birkin bag — one she’s sure can only be acquired in France. There are many wonderful things about Margaux, but her taste for the finer things in life certainly takes the cake. “Your grandmother is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I hope you never forget that.” Her tone is awe-filled as she runs her fingers over the bag, and although it isn’t her first Birkin, it’s a Birkin all the same. Obviously it’s an exciting gift, and Reina holds it up slightly so Jolie can fully appreciate its beauty,  “I mean— look at this. It’s incredible.”
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The only time when Jolie felt the need to self-insert herself into a scenario, even one with minimal knowledge on what the other was dealing with, caused her to go immediately to her grandmother in help. If it hadn’t been for her friendship with Miles, part of her wondered where Reina would be currently without her grandmother Margaux. Being an empath, just by simply being in the vicinity of the other, often caused and shifted her whole energy to what the person was feeling. Even if the blonde truly did not know the thought process nor the complications. If she could spot someone suffering, it was known in her best interests to step in even if other’s would’ve ripped her head apart. It was necessary. It was the only time where she wouldn’t apologize for her self insert. That was final. It was from that moment on when Margaux took the other woman residing in Ventura underneath her wing ─ just like a daughter often like how the older de Beauvoir treated her granddaughter. It never bothered Jolie to share her grandmother with Reina, if she was quite honest. The older matriarch of the de Beauvoir legacy had a heart of gold ─ which her granddaughter inherited thankfully. It was been afternoons of tea. The afternoon’s where Margaux insisted on family dinners with the Rhodes family gracing the lavish, twelve thousand square foot home perched up on the finest land in Ventura because Margaux had a nose for sniffing out quality over quantity. They melted together. Perhaps, without intending to do so, but they were here together as a family. Margaux cared about Reina more than anything. Like she had a second chance at raising a child especially considering Jolie’s father, Pierre, was no longer in the picture and her uncle was often waltzing around ruining the families reputation by his sleazy desires ─ which Jolie never reacted due to her being the last person to ever judge another. It was like Reina Rhodes enhanced the rays of sunshine further into her grandmother. Whilst the blonde knew her birth into the family meant everything to Margaux, it was helping another who was suffering the same as Margaux once did cause her to put her efforts into the universe further with her good graces. Building up a parent again so they could see the blossom of their children’s future instead of wallowing like Margaux did with Pierre’s death. It was her technically the elder de Beauvoir’s do-over in saving someone. Reina was Margaux’s second chance at being a parent. Reina Rhodes was Margaux de Beauvoir’s saving grace in return. 
Things were held in the past for a reason. The one moment of dipping her toe into unexpected boundaries had never been crossed over ever again. It did cause her a minimal twinge of anxiety but her efforts caused a shift of energy to change for the best. Whenever her grandparents had to make an impromptu to Europe, it was often held in their granddaughter’s responsibility to take over chores and running packages. Given this afternoon for example. It wouldn’t have upset the other if the invitation would’ve been declined and Jolie returned back home. It was an odd time of the day. Particularly when families were preparing for dinner. In circumstances for herself, Vince was finalizing the last of packing in their place in Newport, before in the following week, he would be here to keep her company. The effortless bloom upon her mouth corners instantly clutched her as stepping politely into the breathtaking residency of the Rhodes. The younger woman always respected Reina. Then again, she had always respected her elders because age always meant experience and wise words. “Of course, she did. Nothing unless from Margaux de Beauvoir ever. It would be a crime otherwise,” she illuminates in a song-bird range. All of the time Reina has known her grandmother, it shouldn’t be a shock considering often the packaging was equivalent in cost to the item inside. Politely following behind, wandering seafoam hues were in awe at the home considering her recollection of the home was a blur. All she could do was admire from a distance but carefully watch Reina’s reaction. Success, if she could say the least, from her picking apart of the other. There was a minuscule sigh of relief. “I will never forget it. I truly do not know what I would ever do without her,” she acknowledged enthusiastically like a child on Christmas morning. Margaux had done so much for her granddaughter. She valued it more than anything. All materialistic items aside ─ the woman valued the authentic dynamic between her grandmother and the other in reference. “It’s... gorgeous.” Breathless, glistening array in her seafoam hues, she always was every time whenever she saw Margaux go over and beyond with spoiling others. No jealousy insight. Just a girl always sharing with others. “Watch one evening, you’ll have to wear a purse with hers and she’ll insist you post it on Instagram to make the whole world jealous,” she confessed through a laugh, only to shake her platinum tresses. Still, in a bloomed beam seconds afterward, it matched the white in the estate as the next words spoke to the other. “She’ll be back in the upcoming week. Most likely will drag my grandfather to Iris & Eve even if the jetlag is bothering them both.” Right as she finished whilst another thought dashed into her conscience. Margaux’s birthday in a couple of weeks. Seventy-three years old. Digits playing in a thumb resting sensation against each other, it was a sign she was anxious about her next words but it was an invitation for the other’s assistance. “Margaux’s birthday is coming up... and I was wondering if you’d be willing to help me to do something special for her. I know my grandmother would love our two brains together.” 
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
special delivery for ; @christianhowcrd​​
location ; the howard residency
date & time ; february 30th at 12:30pm
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Teetering into The Howard Residency in Avalon used to be more bitter than sweet from the brawny recollection of the girl. It was not only her childhood home but the place she frequently avoided if her father, Christian, wanted to meet up with her due to the elusion of her mother, Charity. This time around everything felt different. Perhaps, it was because Jolie was moving here with her long-term boyfriend, Vince, and the new work opportunity was something she could not pass up. While she adjusted much of the past year for Vince, they agreed upon making this work and allow the change tides to bring them here. Or for Jolie, back to her hometown again. The past couple of weeks had been consumed with unpacking and bringing life again to the de Beauvoir household ─ the one her grandparents, Margaux and Blaise, established their family to this growth of wealth community. Now, it was her own. There was plenty for her to do and many of faces to see but holding off another day on visiting her father, Christian, the man who came into her life at six years old and happened to be the best birthday gift a girl could ever receive. After all, while she didn’t share this with anyone, on her fourth birthday, right as she was blowing out the candles and she wished for a father. Two years later, there he was and watching her grow into the woman that Jolie was currently.
“Dad?” The echo of her inquisitive tone bounced off the oddly bare walls. Wandering further in her search, only to find the door to his office cracked open. It was an instant sign and made her head in that direction. Peeping her head through the door, the upturn of her beam greeted him with her twinkling seafoam hues, “Hey, Dad. Sorry, hopefully, I’m not interpreting anything but I wanted to finally stop on by inside of making you come my way.” After all, being absorbed in what was currently unfolding for herself was thrilling, Jolie was far from the selfish type. Always feeling guilty if she had to focus on herself rather than others and building them up. “I spoke to Grandma Margaux a couple of days ago. She sends her best regards and will bring you back to the biggest present ever. As well, you know how Grandma is, but she made me deliver a present to Mrs. Rhodes,” she politely informed. “She’s gorgeous. Seriously, lucky husband, she must have.” It was random chatter but it allowed her to enter further into the familiar office. Approaching him behind his desk as she embraced the father with a bear hug, grateful to be back with Lourdes and him once again.
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
starter for ; BOOK CLUB MEMBERS (aka anyone)
book club slogan ; when the books get opened…. the wine gets popping
location ; jolie’s home in ventura.
date & time ; february 29th at 4:30pm
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Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn was a captivating read for this month’s meeting of The Bookaholics ─ Jolie’s attempt to become the Catalina version of Reese Witherspoon and her ‘Hello Sunshine’ club. The measures and her passion brought into a hobby she loves always caused her to go to an extent where others wouldn’t even dare to cross the line. It was a slow work in progress but after trademarking her book club meant a website was a work in progress. A local website developer took the blonde’s vision and was bringing it to life. Mid-March everything would be launched. The progress already caused her breath to hitch a multitude of times. The color scheme shrieked Jolie. They contrasted each other in tones of navy blue and her love for a pastel yellow. It was exhilarating, yet no purpose for anyone to be astounded at how Jolie took her love to a whole other mile. It would be an access point for people to be kept up-to-date with meetings dates, exclusive videos from the authors of their chosen books, and the ability to use their voice to insert their public thoughts. It was going to be interactive. It was going to be an experience.
Preparing for tonight’s book club was an effortless chore for her. Hosting people gave her all of the benefits she needed as people sent praise her way. There was an assortment of vegetables along with dips, chips, fruits, pastries, even the vegan options. Always being one for preparation, seeing the assortment of the food ready to be consumed caused her mouth corners to quirk upward. Yet, she did not forget the multitude of wines ─ reds, whites, rosé’s ─ for the mix of patrons who had personal preferences. Carrying back the chilled wines, setting all three of them carefully down, the sound of her front door opening as she instantly declared from the family room, “I’m in the family room! You came right in time. I just pulled the wine out.” The blonde expressed in her falsetto range before pacing as seafoam hues observed and made sure everything was needed for tonight. Peripheral vision witnessed the person in her vicinity now causing her to halt herself and shoot a beam toward them, “Glad to see you again, partner. Ready to tackle on the adventures brought to you this afternoon with The Bookaholics?”
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jodebeauvoir · 5 years
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People aren’t afraid. The #MeToo and #Time’sUp movements are all about feeling empowered to tell the truth and not be afraid of repercussions. Because that’s the thing. You want to keep your job, your sanity, your reputation. You can preserve those now; you can make sure that nobody else is being silenced, or made to feel uncomfortable or violated.
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