#rhea hollowstone
maxdurden · 3 months
28 & 5 for vivka / 32 & 18 for rhea in the ask gamee :33
oc asks! about my ocs in max durden's adventuring party!
putting this under a read more because it got. so long :3
vivka vileshade -
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
vivka tends to express her feelings through action and acts of service. she will kill someone for you if she likes you, no questions asked. unfortunately, in elmville that's usually not the vibe so she'd had to adjust a bit. she has a deep sense of loyalty and cares deeply for her adventuring party, and the way she showed that was by creating pendants with their hair and gifting it to them, kind of like victorian mourning jewelry but i imagine it's like a fucked up baronies version of friendship bracelets. and she may or may not have snuck into everyone's homes and stolen a lock of their hair while they were sleeping but that's beside the point.
again, killing people isn't the vibe in elmville, so she's trying to get over the habit of killing people as a way of signaling her distaste for them (and her adventuring party has done a good job of stepping in and reminding her that she can't). but with hate she's also an action-oriented person. if you find a dead rat on your pillow it might be because you pissed off vivka. but most of the time she's rather keep her feelings lowkey until she can strike at the optimal moment, it's just in her rogue nature.
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
this is such a fun question for vivka thank youuu for asking it. she's from the baronies, so a lot of what i've imagined her wearing is definitely inspired by historical fashion. a lot of vivka's style has been inspired by edwardian sensibilities. she wears a lot of lace inspired by the kind of flowy, relaxed gibson girl look, but also definitely also enjoys more structured dresses with waistcoats that were equally popular in the early 1900s (of course, these aren't real cultural ideas/time periods in the world of spyre, but they're more of a guide and inspiration for me when thinking about her style).
she's definitely dressed well a lot of the time, but never so impractically that her clothes would get in the way of any potential sneaking or murdering that needs to happen.
i imagine her hairstyles taking more inspiration from renaissance styles, with braids and pearled cauls holding her hair out of the way. she's got these long black curls that i think are really suited to hairstyles inspired by that time period.
rhea hollowstone -
32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
rhea's biggest self-destructive habit is definitely picking fights. whenever she needs to really feel out what she's feeling about something, she'll just decide to get into a screaming match with whoever about it. she doesn't always even mind which side of the argument she comes down on, she's just trying to figure how she feels by verbally sparring.
it's definitely one of those things that makes her come across as pretty abrasive to most people, and different members of her party handle it differently. max is always happy to argue right back; it helps that she and max are old friends and kind of get that about each other. ficus, for example, is on the other end of the spectrum and will very much just walk away the minute it seems like she's looking for a fight.
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
rhea grew up being best friends with max durden, so she's not gonna judge someone for stealing and she's definitely lied to cover for his ass on more than one occasion. she's pretty into the idea of moral relativism, which is probably also a consequence of being friends with max. generally she's concerned with utilitarian questions about morals--who is being hurt? is this for the greater good? what are the power dynamics? if she catches max stealing from local businesses she slaps his hand because she's of the opinion that that energy should be saved for big corporations, but she's not gonna judge him harshly for it.
killing is a bit more complicated, especially going to aguefort where wanton violence isn't exactly discouraged. her goddess, njalla, is a giantkin goddess of spring and rebirth; a goddess who honors maidens in a similar way to the bacchae in ancient greece. so she's not opposed to violence for the most part, given that it feels deserved. so, killing on a quest is fine for her, but she's also usually one of the party members trying to talk vivka down from killing random aguefort students for minor social slights
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