#rhadamanthys x pandora
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lady-pandora-heinstein · 6 days ago
Such a cute daughter!
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I always imagined the children of Pandora and Radamanthys so I decided to draw it :p
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lady-pandora-heinstein · 8 years ago
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Protetta e al sicuro
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rla1994 · 6 years ago
Chapter 7
And here is number 7
again: I don’t own anything
Enough time had passed since the first day of training, enough that Kanon deemed it acceptable to not supervise them anymore. Isaac had noticed that ever since they had all been approved as full-fledged fighters, the sea dragon had been less and less present. He once had spent days in the human world, keeping an eye on the Heavens. The only you could be sure he would be in Atlantis was when Rhadamanthys came. The reason why Hades had switched Aiacos with Rhadamanthys was unknown to all of them. The god of the underworld had just said that the blonde demon was more adequate. As for why Kanon was always there when the judge came by, there were two reasons: one, he was the general of the army, he had to be there to great such an important guest. And two, everyone could see the attraction that had developed between the two from the moment they first officially met. It was frustrating. It had been going on for months! Even Poseidon was trying to get them to be together, but no, even that had not worked! It’s like they were dealing with two monkeys! Two really, really big, stupid monkeys!
Isaac groaned. Just thinking about it irritated him. Who would have thought that two expert strategists could be so dumb when it came to feelings. Come to think of it, Kanon had again left for the human world. While it was nice to not have him on their backs every single second of the day. The fallen had grown more and more distant over time, almost as if he didn’t want to get to attached to them. But why? The angel groaned again and sat down in one of his sofas.
Meanwhile Kanon was sitting at a table outside of a small bakery that also offered coffee. He was enjoying a cup of coffee, black, and a pastry. He looked at the clear blue sky, activating his celestial vision which allows him to see the Heavens and the angels that were flying around under the cover of their energy. It made them invisible to the human eye. Any other demon, nephilim or angel that did not know exactly how the Heavens worked would not have noticed the changes. But Kanon did and it worried him. His plan was not ready. If Saga decided to act now, he would win. Or at least as much as he could, seeing as nobody had found Athena yet. Poseidon and Hades had a few ideas, sure, but they still hesitated about which one of the three girls they had found was Athena. First was a small village girl called Sasha, the second one was a rich heiress named Saori and the last one was another rich heiress called Angelika. Kanon had been sent to watch over Saori and get to know her more to determine if she was Athena or not. And that’s what he was doing right now. He was waiting for the girl to come for their weekly shopping date. It had been surprisingly easy to befriend her once he had changed his usual appearance for that a normal height brunette. 
He remembered when he had explained to Isaac and Thetis that they could use their energy not only to change appearances like the nephilims could, but also their genders which the half-blooded could not. Isaac had blushed while Thetis had smiled mischievously. Kano had decided then and there that he really liked their resident mermaid. Isaac’s reaction, on the other hand, he could understand. Camus and Milo had probably once or twice used that ability to spice up their nights and had not pay any attention to the redhead’s trainees, probably thinking they would be asleep. Amusement aside, he had taken quite a while to teach them how to do it. 
“Klara!” A young purple haired woman called out to the angel sitting at the table.  “I hope I didn’t make you wait to long.” She said to her companion. Klara smiled at her. “Of course not. And besides, you know I don’t mind waiting here: the coffee is just delicious.” Saori liked how honest her friend was with her. It was refreshing to have someone who was not her friend just for her money. She sat down in front of her and ordered a latte and a small strawberry cake. While enjoying their pastries, both girls talked about their day before leaving the bakery to go shopping for the rest of the day.
Rhadamanthys was apparently not enjoying his day as was the object of his affection. He had been tasked with keeping an eye on the third girl, Angelika. She could not be Athena. She was haughty and had deemed him unworthy of her presence when they had been introduced. Like every demon he had a human ‘family’ which provided alibis for when they had to interact with humans. He had used that connection which turned out to be really useful. The girl came from a rich family as did he. The only reason he was still there was because his family was more important than hers and the fact that he had been the only man to ever be interested in her. But with her attitude, he could understand. He could not wait for the mission to finish. 
He sighed quietly to himself as he walked beside the girl. “Are you alright, Mr. Walden? If you are unwell, perhaps you should consider returning back to your home to rest.” While her tone was considered, her eyes held the hope that he would leave her parents’ domain, and her consequently. “I was just thinking about how of a disappointment the weather was, Miss Hienstein.” Her disappointment was a clear on her face as was the chaperon following them and making sure they did not do anything not befitting of their status. Although he was not doing a good job at watching them, the demon supposed it was because of the lack of interest towards the family’s heir. He had changed his appearance to befit someone her age, but he could have also gone in his normal form and look about ten years older and the family would not have had a problem. The judge looked in front of him again. She was obviously not Athena, but she had an aura of an immortal. Perhaps she was a demigoddess? He did not know. He Had made par of his observation to his god and Hades had told him to keep a watch on her until everything was ready to proceed with the plan. He just hoped he could get out of here soon.
The third and last girl, Sasha, had been watched over by Rune, one of Minos’s men. He had, after only a few days watch, said that she could not be Athena and left. 
Which only left Saori as possible Athena reincarnation. They all knew it and they had all decided to wait until they were ready to go to war, to tell her. No matter how frustrated Kanon and Rhadamanthys grew. 
The days went by and turned into weeks and weeks turned into months while neither Poseidon nor Hades made a move. Kanon could not hold it anymore. He did not want to wait any longer and decided to act on his own. First, he needed a way inside the Heavens. He couldn’t ask Milo. Camus wouldn’t let him. And Isaac was, like him, not prevented anymore. He may have left willingly but he still left. He just had remained an angel compared to Kanon. That only left one possible option. He had hoped not to have to do it. Kanon concentrated. Eyes closed, breathing steady, he searched the four known worlds for one specific energy. It took him a couple of hours and a lot of energy to find who he wanted to find. He immediately teleported to him. The him in question was a tall brunette with dark blue eyes. He was in the human world for a mission. That man was his brother’s best friend, and possibly lover he had never been able to find out, the guardian angel of the Sagittarius, Aioros. 
Kanon appeared behind him. The angel was busy watching over a couple, one of them being his affected human. He sighed when he felt the other’s presence. He didn’t turn around but Kanon knew he was paying attention. “I need passage into the Heavens.” The fallen immediately went straight to business. “You’re going to stop Saga, aren’t you?” The sadness in the angel’s voice was almost too much to bear for Kanon. He knew how close Aioros was to his brother. That’s why he only wanted it to go to him as last resort. Because it would hurt him. So, he just nodded knowing the other was watching his every move even if he didn’t look like it. Aioros took a deep breath before finally turning around and extended a hand to his lover’s brother. The energy the angel send towards was calm and peaceful. It wrapped around Kanon’s right arm. It went onto his skin to form a tattoo. It looked like a leather band with feathers hanging from it.
“Thanks.” Kanon was about to leave when the older one stopped him. The look in his eyes said everything. Kanon nodded. He would not have it any other way. “Hey, I know I’m probably asking to much, but could you watch over someone for me?” At Aioros’s raised eyebrow, Kanon developed. “We think she might be, more like is, Athena’s reincarnation.” His companion opened his eyes wide and agreed immediately. The fallen felt a bit bad for using the angel’s undying loyalty to his goddess like that. Kanon soon left the other alone to go look for the next item on his list. 
Back in the Underworld, Rhadamanthys had finally, finally, been allowed to leave the girl’s side and return to what had been his home for the last hundreds of milenas. He was working in the Hall of Judgement with Minos, Aiacos having been on sick-leave ever since his return from Atlantis. Nobody had yet figured out what had happened. The only thing they knew was that his memories had been stolen and replaced with false ones, but none of the gods the garuda had seen had been able to give even the slightest hint towards the identity of the culprit. It was a mystery. In his stead was Kagaho, a relatively new addition to their army, he had soon proved his valor by being the one to last the longest against one of the judges. He had consequently been affected to Aiacos’s division as his right-hand man. If only his temper was as good as his fighting abilities. Indeed, the youngster had some serious anger issues. He had more than once caused serious injuries to other demons because of some little misunderstanding. Hades was the only one who could calm him down. But recently, the bennu had been seen listening to Aiacos. The judge had even managed to calm him down once which could be seen as some kind of miracle.
He was calmly working alongside his co-workers then, when he felt it. This sudden unpleasant feeling took over his body and soul, leaving him unbearably cold. He stopped working and concentrated trying to find where this feeling was coming from. He could feel it deep inside himself but at one point it somehow left his body, as if it actually belonged to someone else. He stood up urgently, ordered a nearby demon to get Valentine, his right-hand man. He summoned his armor and left the Underworld, leaving everyone confused as to why the stoic judge had left in such a hurry.
1) Okay, so I know Kanon is a man, but seeing as he has taken the appearance of a girl, I will refer to him as she/her as to not confuse, not only myself, but also you, readers. When I will switch back to He/him, it will mean he is back to his male form.
2) yes, Klara with a K exists. And it’s Kanon’s female name in case you hadn’t understood.
3) I don’t know if it’s Aiolos or Aioros?
Done! I think I’m going to do 15 chapters. I don’t know if I’m going to make sequel or not.
Below ao3 link: 
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saintseiya-zone · 2 years ago
SSZ Secret Santa 2022 Wishlist
1. Jinbeizaki
Sagicorn (Aiolos/Shura or Sisyphus/El Cid), Episode Assassin Arthur/Shura (I bet no one would know so here it's wishful thinking) or fluff family things between Aiolos & Aiolia & Shura. Could be AU or canon.
2. Macarro Nii
Algún Marina, Poseidon o algo referente a ese arco
3. Sharkxym
Saga with my OC Sharky spending Xmas together at the Sanctuary. Doesn't have to be shippy romantic, but I do want them to be happy and close cute. Ref of her. 
4. Swan
Any thing with Ikki would be great honestly. I also have OCs that I can provide refs for and my biggest ships are RhadaKanon, IkkiPan, and HyoShun. If anything more's needed, I'm open
5. Leika-Kannon
Algo lindo de Kanon, no se exactamente que algo cute
6. Navysodas
Seiya, Aiolos, and Aiolia acting like a found family and doing Christmas activities together like decorating a tree or baking cookies pls and thank you 🥺����
7. DarkWolfKnight
My gift will be an artwork of Algol in a 1950s AU.
8. Codec
Shaina in an ugly sweater drinking hot cocoa
9. Midostree
Option 1: Sigh.... Sphinx Pharaoh doing whatever, it can be holiday related. Option 2: Milo & Aiolia hugging, kissing, holding hands, just them being happy or awkward cute.
10. Ganymede_Lorena
Shun o si se puede en ships, Seiya x Shun. Si es fanart podría ser algo con vibras de invierno, ambos tratando de estar cozy, aunque sin imágenes navideñas per se. Si es fanfic podría ser también Seiya x Shun. Ambos estando en la Mansión Kido, Shun ha estado estudiando duro para los exámenes de admisión a la escuela de medicina, y Seiya cree que necesita un descanso. También que sea algo en época de invierno aunque no necesariamente de setting navideño.
11. Octoj3lly
Wyvern Rhadamanthys or Cancer Deathmask beside an old fashioned lamp post, with a snowy forest kinda surrounding. At night of course.
12. Akiko_Kuro
I would like to have Thanatos and Hypnos just chilling together meanwhile hades and Pandora are talking together about their passion over a cup of hot chocolat 💪✨
13. PoisonDaimon
AAAAAAH- So what I would like is obviously everyone to have good holiday and give you the best of luck in attempting to do my gift and try your best. Here are the directions, you can pick one prompt below or mix them together, it is up to you. The prompts are: General: - practice for a first/important dance and the relationship (platonic or romantic) get closer - volunteering at a shelter to improve their resume and found themselves loving the working there but circumstances changed. (you can make it super angsty if you like) - a cooking class went wrong haha. - surprising someone with tickets of their favourite band concert and how it turn out. Christmas/Holiday specific (can interchange the terms) Prompts: - post-Christmas party chaos involved some arrests and a few fights (or anything resembles to chaos in a party) - a Christmas Carol parody/recreation (the one with ghosts of christmas past/present/future), it is to you to show if the character redeems or not. - A music war between any song of any genre of their choice and "All I Want for Christmas is you" in the shopping mall/Christmas mall/or anywhere public and big - I can't think anymore Christmas/Holiday hahahaha For the pairings/main characters/main focus, they can be platonic or romantic: - Kardia + Degel - Sisyphus + El Cid (El Kids can be considered) - Hades and the Twin Gods - ND Earth Signs trio (Ox, Shijima, Izo) - Regulus + Sasha - Mu + Aldebaran (Kiki can be considered) - The Aries family (Mu, Kiki, Shion) - Aioros + Shura (Aiolia can be considered in this if you wish) I wish you the best! Good luck 💗
14. Pegasus LauraNiko
Personajes de StS: Seiya, Koga, Ryuho, Camus, Afrodita, Saga. Mis Ocs: Todos ellos se encuentran en este hilo
15. Lady Heinstein
Hades y Gabrielle Persephone (mi personaje) bajo el muérdago
16. AngelosCrux
A fanwork featuring Hypnos with his wife Pasithea (my design) doing whatever the artist wants (surprise me! haha)
17. Lemonade Moon
1) Manigoldo de Cáncer tomando chocolate caliente con nubes mientras mira por la ventana ya que afuera está nevando. 2) Aiolia de Leo abriendo su regalo junto a su hermano y que su regalo sea unos guantes y una bufanda . Si es posible que sea bajo el árbol de navidad y con ropa a juego que lleven los 2.
18. QuixoticPrince
Characters and Ships: - Shuralia or Shurros - SisyCid - Any of those characters individually lol ^ Prompts: - Watching snow through a window - Being cozy reading/cuddling by a hearth or fire - mistletoe kisses... Mix and match however
19. Hazz
Opción 1- Saga y Aioros, en una dinámica festiva o fluffy :3 Opción 2- Shun (como prefieran tematizarlo <3 o recibiendo un regalo ;u;)
20. Yuunsoba
Tara y Shion, abrazados y abrigados debajo del muérdago, con ropas casuales o tradicionales del Tibet (o similares si se complican los detalles), Shion puede usar las túnicas de patriarca. (reference dump)  // PALETA DE COLOR para ropa de Tara // referencia de color para ambos (si esta ropa es más sencilla, se puede utilizar, solo agregar una capa para invierno o bufanda)
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lady-pandora-heinstein · 2 years ago
Pics 5, 8 and 9 could belong to my dear Pandora and Rhadamanthys
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elencelebrindal · 4 years ago
Links and content
You know what, since some stuff on my blog is difficult to find on mobile (especially if you’re using the app), I decided to make a master post with all the links to the posts I’ve put together. Also, the links to my fanfictions, because some of you that follow this blog actually read them. For the fanfics I’ll put just Saint Seiya for now, but if you want I can put all the rest I did, which is in English and not in Italian. I’ll put everything under the cut, so the post will not be obnoxiously long. 
Update: the links should all work now. If I missed something and you notice before me, please let me know. I spent way too much time arguing with my computer for this to happen. 
Love you guys!
Fanfiction links - EFP Fanfiction (Italian)
Dietro il Mito (a lot of pairings, story rating red, general rating yellow/orange)
Gli Spiriti della Festa (a lot of background pairings, story rating green)
Del Sagittario e dei Gemelli (Saga x Aiolos, story rating red)
Il Giorno delle Stelle (Saga x Aiolos, story rating yellow)
Oltre i Cavalieri (new collection, a lot of pairings, story rating red, general rating yellow/orange)
Questa Notte È Per Noi (Shion x Dohko, story rating orange)
Fanfiction links - Archive of Our Own (Italian)
Dietro il Mito (a lot of pairings, story rating E, general rating T/M)
Gli Spiriti della Festa (a lot of background pairings, story rating G)
Del Sagittario e dei Gemelli (Saga x Aiolos, story rating E)
Il Giorno delle Stelle (Saga x Aiolos, story rating T)
Oltre i Cavalieri (new collection, a lot of pairings, story rating E, general rating T/M)
Questa Notte È Per Noi (Shion x Dohko, story rating M)
Some detailed stuff about Saint Seiya in no particular order
Partial Surplice Design analysis
Female Cloths that should not exist (and here’s why)
The problem of female Saints in SSAwakening
Legend of Sanctuary character design
Is Shoko a Mary Sue?
A sudden realization about Shun and Ikki vs Mitsumana Kido
Universe classification
What if Shun didn’t hold back?
SSAwakening Skins
Headcanons (mostly ask answers)
Some for Libra Dohko (there’s some romantic material here)
Bronze Saints favorite foods
Origins of the Bronze Saints (because Kido is not their father ok?)
Shun x Hyoga (beware, NSFW)
Siren Sorrento musical hedcanon
Honest Opinion links (if you’re using the app, click the individual names and the links should be fine; the collective links don’t work for some reason)
Gold Saints (classic) 
Aries Mu
Taurus Aldebaran
Gemini Saga
Cancer Deathmask
Leo Aiolia
Virgo Shaka
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Milo
Sagittarius Aiolos
Capricorn Shura
Aquarius Camus
Pisces Aphrodite
Silver Saints (classic)
Eagle Marin
Ophiuchus Shaina
Lizard Misty
Perseus Algol
Hound Asterion
Cepheus Albior
Centaurus Babel
Sagitta Ptolemy
Cerberus Dante
Whale Moses
Crow Jamian
Crystal Saint
Bronze Saints (classic)
Pegasus Seiya
Dragon Shiryu
Cygnus Hyoga
Andromeda Shun
Phoenix Ikki
Marina Generals
Sea Horse Baian
Scylla Io
Chrysaor Krishna
Lyumnades Caça
Kraken Isaac
Siren Sorrento
Sea Dragon Kanon
Deities (classic)
Athena (Saori Kido)
Poseidon (Julian Solo)
Gold Saints (The Lost Canvas)
Aries Shion
Taurus Rasgado
Cancer Manigoldo
Virgo Asmita
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Cardia
Sagittarius Sisyphus
Capricorn El Cid
Aquarius Degèl
Pisces Albafica
Everyone Else (The Lost Canvas) 
Pegasus Tenma
Unicorn Yato
Crane Yuzuriha
Athena (Sasha)
Specters + Deities (The Lost Canvas)
Hades (Alone)
Griffon Minos
Bennu Kagaho
Behemoth Violate
Nasu Veronica
Cait Sith Ceshire
Mandrake Fyodor
Deep Niobe
Dullahan Cube
Bat Wimber
Bronze + Silver Saints + Minor Characters (Hades Chapter)
Pegasus Seiya
Dragon Shiryu
Cygnus Hyoga
Andromeda Shun
Hades Shun
Phoenix Ikki
Secondary Bronze + Marin and Shaina
Lyra Orphée
Poseidon and Sorrento
Minor Characters
Gold Saints (Hades Chapter)
Aries Shion
Aries Mu
Taurus Aldebaran
Gemini Saga
Gemini Kanon
Cancer Deathmask
Leo Aiolia
Virgo Shaka
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Milo
Sagittarius Aiolos
Capricorn Shura
Aquarius Camus
Pisces Aphrodite
Specters (Hades Chapter)
Pandora (didn’t know where else to put her)
Wyvern Rhadamanthys
Griffon Minos
Garuda Aiacos
Balron Lune
Papillon Myu
Sphinx Pharaoh
Acheron Charon
Frog Zelos
Harpy Valentine
Worm Raimi
Deep Niobe
Minor Specters
Deities (Hades Chapter)
Gold Saints (Soul of Gold)
Aries Mu
Taurus Aldebaran
Gemini Saga
Cancer Deathmask
Leo Aiolia
Virgo Shaka
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Milo
Sagittarius Aiolos
Capricorn Shura
Aquarius Camus
Pisces Aphrodite
God Warriors (Soul of Gold)
Tanngrisnir Heracles
Nidhoggr Fafner
Gullinbursti Frodi
Hræsvelgr Baldr
Other links (to be completed)
Character Voices (Italian) - Bronze Saints
Pegasus Seiya - Ivo de Palma
Dragon Shiryu - Marco Balzarotti
Cygnus Hyoga - Luigi Rosa
Andromeda Shun - Andrea de Nisco
Phoenix Ikki - Tony Fuochi
Eagle Marin - Adriana Libretti
Ophiuchus Shaina - Jasmine Laurenti
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dryades-angeli · 4 years ago
Saint Seiya Questiongame
Let us play a little Questiongame. Remove my answers and puts yours under the questions. How did you get out/found to Saint Seiya? It was as my mother brought me an Saint Seiya-Game for my PS2. I was so badly in love with the story, the mythological Backgrounds, the graphic and the characters... As an fan of Mythologies, I was really hyped. Who´s your favorite character and why? My favourite Character is and stays Mu. He has my Zodiacsign, is soft/calm and I like his characterdesign. And I love his Attacks. They´re beautyful. <3 But I like Camus, Shaka und Kanon, too. Who´s your absolute hatecharacter and why? Pandora Heinstein. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she the only German in the Saint Seiya universe? First of all, I don't like that her stupid dog is called Adolf. As a German, you are directly associated with the Nazis again. And I am no Nazi. She had no problems letting other people die, just to be immortal and she has no problems torturing others (like Rhadamaynthys). And the vulture knows, why she helped Ikki. In Lost Canvas she is even more unsympathetic to me. Shippings you like and why you ship them? My faves are: 1. Rhadamanthys x Kanon: Both are Dragons and very strong. Rhada is serious and Kanon a more open character. They´d a very beautyful screentime together. Idk, I really like them together and it´s my confort ship. 2. Saga x Shaka: My first Saint Seiya fanfiction I´ve read, was about them as couple and I liked it. They´ve a chemistry together. Other Ships: Minos x Lune, Camus x Milo, Riegel x Mu, Kardia x Degel, Aspros x Albafica, Phoseidon x Defteros, Shura x Aolia, Deathmask x Aphrodite, Dohko x Shion, Ailia x Marin, Mila x Shaina, Seiya x Saori, Ikki x Shiryuu, Hyoga x Shun, Hades x Hypnos&Thanatos Shippings you don´t like/hate and why you dislike them? Hades/Alone and Rhadamanthys x Pandora. Both are characters I like and Pandora is the character I most dislike. Ship her with Ikki, that´s okay and makes a bit sense, but not with them. Shaka x Mu/Mu x Shaka: Because some fanarts had disturb me. And both are characters with a feminin touch. I am a person that loves having an dominant and an lesser dominant looking character in an couple. Aiolia x Shaka. Aiolia is to hotbloodet for the calm Virgo Saint. I don´t like to ship characters with bad temper to characters appearing cold. Rhadamanthys x Valentine: Eh, no. I don´t like it. Rhada belongs to Kanon. So, if I have my way. Geminiships: I don´t like shipping Brothers/Sisters and other family together. Saga x Aiolos: Saga was jealous of Aiolos and branded him as a traitor. Especially because the Saint died because of him, I don't think they're great as a couple. Other: Hades x Shun, Ikki x Shun, Saga x Saori, All Aphrodite Ships eccept with Deathmask, Kardia x Asmita Your favourite Scene? The End-Fightingscene bitween Kanon and Rhadamanthys and all scenes with Mu in it.^^ Your favoutite Attack: Crystal Wall If you could decide for witch god/goddess you fight, witch one you prefer and why? I would choose Athena, because she offered that what I would wish from a God/Goddess. She wants to lead humanity with love, hope and wisdom. If you could choose a Cloth. Witch you would prefer? The Aries Cloth or the Dolphin Cloth. Or Hades Cloth.
From witch country you´re? Germany. But luckily not Thüringen, rather Nordrine-Westphalia. Funfact, “Hein” means “Small Forest” and “Stein” “Stone”. But with Hein it can´t be meant “Freund Hein” witch is the personification of death. Your favorite season / sequel: Saint Seiya - Soul of Gold Tag friends who want to play the game too (It can be played by anyone): Sorry, but german fans are rare. I´ve nobody to tag.
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legendofpegasus · 4 years ago
Saint Seiya Question Game
Remove my answers and put yours under the questions!
Tagged by: @siberianxbreaks
How did you find out about Saint Seiya? 
My friends were talking about it one day and I got interested, so one of them let me borrow his manga volumes. I I got really invested as a teen when I watched the Hades Saga.
Who´s your favorite character and why? 
Seiya. I liked his growth in the manga, and the other works in the series really add a lot to his character. No to mention, that after so many years roleplaying him he has really grown on me.  I specially like his LoS version!
Who´s your absolute hate-character and why? 
Don’t really have one.
Shippings you like and why you ship them? 
I used to like Seiya x Saori only platonically, but with Omega and LoS I started to really like them as a couple. To name a few others I really like, Sorento x Julian x Thetis; Shiryu x Seiya; Milo x Camus; Mu x Aldebaran and Pandora x Rhadamanthys (Mostly for the Lost Canvas).
Shippings you don´t like/hate and why you dislike them?
Your favorite Scene? 
THERE’S SO MANY.... From the top of my head:
Shun using Nebula Storm against Aphrodite
Seiya, Shiryu and Hyoga putting on the Gold Cloths to fight Poseidon
Gold Saints destroy the Wailing Wall
I have yet to see any scene going as hard as Shiryu making himself blind to beat Algol.
Your favorite Attack: 
Galaxian Explosion. 
If you could decide for which god/goddess you fight, which one you prefer and why? 
Athena, because it’s the only one not trying to end humanity lmao
If you could choose a Cloth. Which you would prefer? 
Andromeda, for the multi purpose chain. If we’re speaking about design, then it would have to be Pegasus or Dragon. 
From which country you´re from? 
Your favorite season / sequel:
Hades. I love the overall aesthetics, the vibe and the overall progression. It’s also the most well adapted arc, from a story perspective, even if the animation is not very good (to say the least). Sanctuary had the most emotional/exciting battles, though.
Legend of Sanctuary is one of my favorite Saint Seiya stories and it’s a little sad to think that there will never be a second movie. It had so much potential!
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lady-pandora-heinstein · 3 years ago
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Lord Radamanthys and lady Pandora.
Medieval AU
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abyss-no-ishi · 7 years ago
SS ask: 6, 7, 29 :P
Ultimate *Classic* Saint Seiya Question Post. Send me a Number!
6: OTP?
Mi otp suprema, aquella que enciende mi corazón en pasión ardiente, es mía y sólo mía, y como he hecho desde el minuto 0 me la guardaré para mí. Pero eso no significa que no tenga otras parejas que se elevan por sobre las demás a un nivel majestuoso y privilegiado, que jamás alcanza el nivel de aquella otra superior, pero igualmente no se desmerecen en absoluto (Esta pequeña aclaración no fue hecha con el propósito de hacer el típico llamamiento de atención de “Te digo algo pero no” para despertar la curiosidad ajena, sino más bien algo que necesito aclarar porque siempre que respondo este tipo de cosas siento que “miento” al nombrar alguna otra ship cuando yo sé que en mi corazón hay algo que le es superior en todos los aspectos.).
Pero en fin, sin desviarme más del tema, si bien este ask es sobre el clásico, meteré aquí mi crackship crossover con Omega, Saga x Paradox PORQUE ELLOS ME DAN VIDA, JODER. Y actualmente estoy muy pero que MUY hundida en ellos por motivos varios ahdkjashdkjashjkd ♥♥♥ 
7: Other ships?
PFFFF *saca una lista kilométrica* Saori x Seiya, Milo x Camus, Shaka x Mu, Afrodita x Shun, Afrodita x DM, DM x Shura, Shura x Aioros, Milo x Kanon, Milo x Aioria, Poseidon x Sorrento, Isaac x Hyoga, Aioria x Marin, Marin x Shaina, Rhadamanthys x Valentine, Baian x Io, Pandora x Rhadamanthys, Kanon x Rhadamanthys, Lune x Minos… y no sé qué más. Un LARGO etc, podría seguir un rato largo y eso sin meterme en spin off porque entonces no termino más xD
29: Least favorite character?
Esta pregunta le hiciste únicamente para hacer la maldad y generar polémica (?) Bueno, no xD Emm.. No me gusta mucho decir esto pero tengo un fuerte e indestructible rechazo hacia Shiryu y conforme pasan los años esto no parece diluirse sino asentarse. 
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ao3feed-saintseiya · 6 years ago
AO3: https://ift.tt/2DGz9Fy
by Midosgarden
AU. 1985. A group of twelve people escape from a clandestine laboratory to an uncertain fate. A world where humans with special abilities called "mutants" hide under the facade of ordinary people and strive to survive. Disaster, friendship, love, and heartbreak. What will the future bring?
Words: 3528, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Saint Seiya
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Pandora (Saint Seiya), Wyvern Rhadamanthys, Garuda Aiacos, Griffon Minos, Balron René, Harpy Valentine, Sphinx Pharaoh, Papillon Myu, Alraune Queen, Basilisk Sylphid, Acheron Charon, Minotaur Gordon, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Hades (Saint Seiya), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Multishipping probably, Love Triangles, Friendship/Love, Family Fluff, Slow Burn, Bisexuality, Mystery, Murder Mystery, Mutants, Mutant Powers, AU, 80's, Drama, Humor, Angst, Romance, Platonic Relationships, Sexual Content, Mild Sexual Content, Non-existent location, High School, Suspense, References to Drugs, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Canon X OC - Freeform, Action
AO3: https://ift.tt/2DGz9Fy
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shiapolux · 8 years ago
rhadamanthys x pandora
Let’s Play “Would You Ship This?”
Ehnm... Ufh...
I have to admit I read the manga some time ago... And I’m honestly not good at all at analyzing things... But... uhnm... wasn’t it a bit... dunno... unhealthy?
Like, a lot? 
I can’t really ship it as of now :/ At least in canon. Sure, there are great fics which feature it, but as I always say, those fics... Well, they do what they want. 
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lady-pandora-heinstein · 3 years ago
§  Tag masterpost  §
* HESTIA: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/hestia
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  > Rhadamanthys X Pandora: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/rhadamanthys-x-pandora
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lady-pandora-heinstein · 4 years ago
§  Tag masterpost  §
* HESTIA: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/hestia
* PERSEPHONE: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/persephone
* HADES: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/hades
* WITCH PANDORA: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/witch-pandora
   > ASTROLOGY: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/astrology
   > CANDLE: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/candle
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   > MY PRACTICE: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/my-practice
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   > Pandora Heinstein: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/pandora-heinstein
   > Rhadamanthys X Pandora: https://lady-pandora-heinstein.tumblr.com/tagged/rhadamanthys-x-pandora
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