#rgu su
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dharr5 · 10 months ago
Quick RGU style Pearl!
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You could say she's a revolutionary pearl...
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himemeiya · 4 months ago
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lumastoybox · 7 months ago
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The shows that awakened something in us.
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lavender-rosa · 2 years ago
God, I watched the HezuNeutral Revolutionary Girl Utena video and it was one of the worst reviews I have ever seen. The reviewer victimblames 14 year old Utena and Anthy for getting groomed and raped by Akio, (saying that Akio sexually abusing two underage girls is like a love triangle from a trashy soap opera). Says that Anthy "slept with Akio to spite Utena" even though that's not the case in the slightest and blames Utena for "sleeping with an engaged man"
She also adamantly refuses to engage with the obviously surrealist and symbolic nature of the show taking everything at face value and ignoring huge plot-points like Mamiya being Anthy, the Shiori/Juri/Ruka and the Mamiya/Mikage/Tokiko situation, calling Anthy backstabbing Utena "pointless shock value" and thinking that rgu's depiction of incest is an endorsement of it and not an examination of toxic and abusive dynamics.
Like it isn't hard to get Utena's core message you just have to possess just a little bit of sympathy for csa victims and critical thinking skills which this girl clearly lacks.
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baltharino · 2 years ago
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Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) ↳ Episode 05 / Episode 30
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thoughtfulfangirling · 1 year ago
No 'comment in tags' options because there's never be enough poll choices for all the blue characters and results here would be meaningless if everyone picked that option😅😅
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mulan-lover · 8 days ago
A few of my ideas for a Disney Mulan x Revolutionary Girl Utena AU:
Mulan as the titular Utena, obviously, who looked up to her father Hua Zhou since she was young and aspired to become a 'prince' despite being a girl. She wore more masculine clothing and played sports with the boys much to the chagrin of the disciplinary teacher (the Matchmaker is, of course, the disciplinary teacher).
Mulan's parents died suddenly in an unknown accident, leaving her and her sister Xiu as orphans. Commander Tung, being an old friend of Hua Zhou, became Mulan and Xiu's guardian/caretaker and sent the two girls to the prestigious boarding school in the capital where he taught. Apparently, Hua Zhou was once a teacher at the same school as well before he left to start his own family.
Mei as Anthy who acts as the perfect princess/Rose Bride and thus received the most attention from the school and her father the chairman (the Emperor).
Hua Xiu as Wakaba who always clings to her elder sister Mulan throughout school and doesn't interact much with others from her class but still develops a crush on one of the student council members.
The student council also being called as 'the Emperor's Guard' and have duels upon an inverted castle for one of the three Rose Brides (the three princesses).
Prince Jeeki mistreats one of the princesses which causes Mulan to challenge him to a duel and defeat him, inadvertently joining the student council/Emperor's Guard as a Duelist and winning Mei as her 'Rose Bride'.
Chen Honghui and Li Shang as Saionji and Touga respectively who constantly fight over the position of the head of the student council as well as Mulan's attention/affection (notably less jerky than their RGU counterparts, but still very aggressively upholding the 'prince' system).
Yao as Nanami with Ling and Chien Po as his underlings, so to speak.
Commander Tung's daughter (only mentioned in one line in the live action movie) as Juri, token lesbian member in the student council and painfully in love with one of the princesses.
Mushu and Cri-Kee as Mulan's and Mei's own animal companions. (Alternatively, in their human/live action versions, Cricket become the Tsuwabuki to Yao's Nanami while Mushu ends up taking the role of Miki in the sense that he befriends Mulan despite their role as possible opponents in the duels.)
Xianniang as Mikage who haunts the school as a ghost and manipulates the school students into becoming Black Rose duelists to kill the Rose Brides.
Ting-Ting as Kanae who's the eldest of the princesses but was neglected by her own father the Emperor and resents Mei as a result. (She also acts as Shiori who was aware of Commander Tung's daughter's feelings for her but couldn't return it and maybe even exploited it for her own selfish but not malicious motive.)
Su as Keiko who fell in love with one of Yao's lackeys Chien Po but couldn't express her feelings openly because he's not a Duelist.
Other staff in the school include Sergeant Qiang as the sports teacher, General Li as the principal, Lord Qin as the main sponsor of the school, the Emperor as Akio/the chairman and Chi-Fu as the secretary who keeps everything in check.
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moistvonlipwig · 9 months ago
and YES that's the person who said you can pretend the utena teenage characters are in college if it makes you uncomfy and it doesn't change anything about the story. and also YES that's the person i was kvetching about earlier who described themselves as a "professional lapis hater" and who thinks lapis steven universe '''abused''' jasper steven universe and peridot steven universe. this just in: being rude to people who don't respect your boundaries and doing morally gray things (and kind of enjoying them much to your chagrin and horror) to try to stop other people from killing your only friend is Abuse, but taking a 14 year old girl who you have direct authority over and who you have been grooming for months to a secondary location she cannot leave without your assistance and having sex with her while she desperately dissociates is Not rape. ok !
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chart by me @whereireblogallthethingsilike
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Amethyst 🤝 Anthy
- ourple
- shorty
- name starts with A
- shapeshifted into a guy's dead lover (imperfectly) and everybody was fucked up over that
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dharr5 · 2 years ago
Just realized I never posted these here!
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A couple days ago I was on an Utena kick while also thinking about SU and I think that Connie and Anthy would be friends. She could be like her cool surrogate older sister figure! I might draw more of this later...
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local-lamppost · 2 years ago
I have the urge to write something about how terrible Steven Universe is when it comes to relating to Utena. A character to character analysis and how SU misunderstands certain themes (Pearl should not be compared to Utena), but that would require I watch a bunch of SU and I have neither the time nor energy to undertake such a mission. If it were just visual references I’d have no problems, but Pearl and Rose’s entire story is too similar to Utena for it to not be based off it.
I would also hate for someone that has only seen SU’s telling of Utena to then watch the actual show and be either disappointed because it’s not their expectation or-since Utena is usually referenced in such a lighthearted way-that they are not ready for the more macabre parts of the series.
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princeoftheroses · 2 years ago
i remember when netflix she-ra came out i was in high school (the finale came out in my literal last semester of senior year) and i was such a fan of it and then. Mere months after it ended i stopped caring. since then i have been most neutral to it & catradora but honestly in the last year or so whenever i remember it i dislike it more & more. Literally Catra and Adora are adopted sisters. You could have made their backstory literally anything and you chose to make them know each other all their lives and have the same mother figure. You could have NOT DONE THAT IF YOU WERE GONNA SHIP THEM???
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sleepclaus · 3 months ago
thank you utena for indoctrinating me into the revolution. srsly going back to this series as a slightly maturer person makes me appreciate the symbolism better,, i can see SU really being influenced by rgu clearer now also no spoilers i'm only at ep 16 but god chiho saito,,, ikuhara (edited BC I should Google search credits more properly forgive me),,, be papas u guys are Rad...
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latinotiktok · 1 year ago
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Evangelion: Shinji, asuka y rei
-Shinji: todos los problemas psicológicos del dsm, necesita todo un país de psicólogos! (Argentina)
Asuka: insoportable pq así ignora sus traumas. representa el espíritu nacional argentino.
Rei: autista y crónicamente deprimida. representa el consiente colectivo nacional argentino.
Misato: vive a base de birras, te caga a puteadas por cualquier cosa, maneja como una psicópata y tiene un pingüino (argentina y de santa cruz)
-shinji, no hay nada mas argentino-coded que un gay deprimido con un walkman
-Asuka, Es la típica morra castrosa con pedos mentales que te encuentras en una secundaria pública latina y también es tu mejor amiga con la que tendrás un rompimiento demasiado intenso
-Shinji Ikari because he's the prettiest girl at the quince
-Asuka nge mexicana para siempre
Utena Tenjou y Anthy Himemiya
Anthy Himemiya (de utena) (Argentina). En la serie siempre hablan del fin del mundo y yo eso lo tomo con que viven en tierra del fuego👍. Yo digo que toma tereré.
Utena Tenjou (mexicana). EN EL DOBLAJE ELLA SE LLAMA ÚRSULA. Y A LA SERIE LE PUSIERON ÚRSULA Y EL ANILLO MÁGICO. Representación de tortillera mexicana
#as sapatonas do utena claro.
#also being lesbo in highschool in latinoamerica is the exact same as in utena (only knows through osmosis)
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theglasscat · 4 months ago
You start at Revolutionary Girl Utena, that's your home base OR you start at Steven Universe and pretty early on simultaneously watch RGU when you realize its influence can help you understand and predict SU's premise. Then you go feral over both of them for a bit and then chill until skeleton girlies are constantly showing up in your feed so you get into Locked Tomb and EVERYONE FROM RGU AND SU SCHOOL IS THERE I love deranged gay woman representation
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