#rg 03
univer-underswap · 8 months
Torgore Asks a Question!
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@undertale-yellow created Flier and Martlet of course
“Tucker the Madjick” comes from that one Madjick Shayy calls “Tucker”.
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Round 1 Group D
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achasks · 8 months
Undyne, whatever happened to 03 and 04
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Oh! Freaking Van Dohj? Yeah, she's BEEN uptight. Decent quality in a lieutenant, but if she's ever going to get my job when I retire, she's GOT to be able to stop shouting at random pedestrians!
Pedestrians are just exciting to me, Okay!!?
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bywons · 1 month
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NOTE: THIS POST HAS INFO SOLELY BASED ON MY OWN RESEARCH, SOURCES FROM THE NEWS AND INTERNET SO CREDS OF SS TO THE OWNERS. if you have any other information regarding this case, please please do feel free to reblog this and share them, as i can't compile everything in one post due to the case being an ongoing one. I would appreciate if you could read all of it, I tried to keep it short and compact and easy enough for everyone to understand. Of course, I have to keep a few names and specific political parties and critism out of this for obvious reasons of this post being taken down, but trust me, karma is real.
Do tell me if I lack anything, will try my best to add it or make another post about it. WE WANT JUSTICE.
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Dr. Moumita Debnath, a junior female doctor, a 2nd year PGT at R G KAR medical college and hospital was gang r4ped and m4rdered in the college seminar hall, while she was in a 36 hr shift, in 9th of August, 2024, Kolkata.
R G KAR, a reputed college and hospital, only allowing the top of brains to enter its premises, has now lost it's name to this heinous crime. Moumita debnath's perpetrators live to this day and the college authorities are yet to pay any heed. Why?
That poor girl was bleeding from her eyes, vagina, with disfigured limbs and broken collarbones, bite marks, broken pelvic girdle and hyoid bone several other signs of struggle and violence ( attached report below ) Even her legs were forcefully coaxed apart, that her bones were broken. 150 gms of sperm was have been discovered from her body, when a male individual can only transfer a maximum of 15 gms. Can you imagine her pain? What did she do to deserve this pain and suffering, this heinous crime against her? Can you imagine how her parents must have felt to hear the news?
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Oh, I forgot. This absolute blood boiling, gut wrenching and demonic of an act was immediately announced as a "SU3CIDE" upon initial FIR, and to her parents, by authorities. Can't you see? How they tried to coarctate the matter by calling it a su3cide?
How can a girl with extreme signs of violence and r4pe on her body, with little to no clothes, broken limbs, bleeding eyes, commit a su4cide? THIS IS A BLOT ON THE AUTHORITIES WHO ARE CLEARING VIEWING THIS MATTER AS A JOKE no girl in that condition can commit a su3cide, do you really think people are THAT DUMB?? that we won't notice you trying to cover up this case??
Dr. Moumita Debnath's body was cremated without her parents' approval/permission. They were kept waiting for 3 fucking hours. As if to get rid of her body as soon as they can with minimal autopsy, before CBI could even start investigation.
As soon as this case was handed over from WBPD ( west bengal police department ) to CBI ( central bereau of intelligence ) mobs have barged in and LITERALLY DAMAGED THE WALLS BESIDE THE SEMINAR HALL ( the crime scene ) inside the college premises. And for what? Come on we know it all, for removal of some obvious evidence.
On 14th august, during the middle of the night which was during the ‘RAAT DOKHOLE MEYERA’ ( girls reclaim the night ) rally, in RG KAR, mobs yet again managed to infiltrate the college premises to cause damage again, this time targeting specific cctv cameras as well. They also vandalised public property and vehicles in a "profesional" way. — “MBBS student Anupam Roy, an eyewitness to the mob attack, said the mob's act was deliberate with the clandestine motive of ending their agitation.” — from Hindustan Times.
They even CAUSED HARM TO THE WASHROOMS OF THE FLOOR WHERE EVIDENCE COULD'VE BEEN FOUND. The motive of the mob is obvious— to tamper the evidence in order to protect the perpetrators.
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Political parties are busy blaming each other and throwing dirt on names, meanwhile also trying to hide the perpetrators and start protests against opposition parties. Is your political position and meaningless arguments more valuable than a girl's life which been lost so brutally? Can we not keep politics aside, just for a moment and try to bring the girl justice? These thick skinned selfish monsters don't feel the pain of her parents, the emotions of helpless women and the crime they're commiting themselves.
They are slowly shifting away from the main matter of bringing her justice, trying to coarctate is slowly by heavy politics. Well the public is not dumb, we can see it all and understand how our CM doesn't even care about this situation.
SHAME ON YOU, the authorities, you're are only hope in this city in this state and you're acting this way?! Do you not have spines? Is money and votes everything to you? How low is too low and why is it the west bengal government?
They even have an accused suspect in custody ( Sanjoy Roy ) whom everybody is calling a scapegoat, which he possibly could be regarding the governments recent inactivities towards the situation. They are even giving out orders to resist rallies and protests, such a fucking disgrace, cause then vandalism and tampering of evidence is right but not raising your voice against it?
This year marks the 77th independent year for India, but are we really? Women are not safe at night walking along the streets their own ancestors fought for, women are not safe in their own workplace working shifts, women are not safe in public transport, in their homes, neighbourhood, schools, colleges, NOWHERE ARE WE ALLOWED TO HAVE A PEACEFUL BREATHE. But for how long? It's been 12 years since we witnessed a similar, horrible and atrocious crime as NIRBHAYA, only for it to happen again. This shows how weak, corrupted, and unjust Indian judiciary system has become, and as an Indian myself, it ashames me deeply to admit this. We are failing as a society, still not being able to create a safe environment for our women.
But time has come now to raise our voice and fists together against this oppressive, corrupt government and snatch our own freedom ourselves. DONT YOU EVER FORGET ABOUT HER, TAKE AND HER NAME AND PROMISE YOURSELF TO BRING HER JUSTICE. If we forget and give up, god knows how many others will die like this without any justice. Justice is ours and we will have it, there is no point of being 'independent' if we have to do candle marches every other day, mourn for our women every other day, be scared of letting our daughter out every other day.
This is time, we rise up as one.
We want the actual criminals to be punished a hundred times more cruelly than Dr. Moumita Debnath was k!lied.
tagging few of my moots. @leaderwon @rainytapestry @fertilizedtoesw @atrirose @hoonvrs @flwrstqr @mioons @dioll @okwonyo @okwons @heeblurs @weoris @junislqve @jlheon @sainns @hyeinism @fleurre @soov @isoobie @boyfhee @jjunae @onlyjjong @wonfilms @kissofhoon @voikiraz @koishua
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lokisasylum · 2 months
Fun details in some of the songs
#1. In 'Interlude: SHOWTIME' when the second part of the drumline/band begins if you pay very close attention you can hear Jimin humming along to the beat and near the end before the "Ladies and gentlemen.." you can also hear Jimin laughing.
#02. In "Be Mine", during the pre-chorus when Jimin is singing "Lovers come and go, in and out of my heart--" the music changes to a mixture between traditional Korean music and Latin.
#03. In the "Who" MV, there is a total of 3-4 TV monitors depicting what seems to be an npc character in-front of a heart that keeps changing as the song progresses and Jimin's feelings become more chaotic while expressing the longing and despair of wanting to find "the ONE".
♥ On the first monitor the character is just walking normally while the heart changes into different shapes and pulsates slowly.
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♥ On the second monitor (the one in the burning grocery cart) when the second chorus begins and the choreo gets faster, the character is running, while the heart pulsates and changes FASTER.
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♥ On the 3rd monitor (this one is trickier to notice because its located next to a pile of debris that's also catching fire next to the theater before Jimin dances with the female dancer, first it FALLS from the sky on to a burning car and then it appears NEXT to it) on this one there's NO character/avatar walking or running, there's only a heart pulsating and glitching erratically.
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♥ And then there's the final monitor which is the larger one that crashes down, there's no avatar or heart, only a pair of eyes and the words "Keep going>>>" and "WHO". (the smaller monitor also disappears from next to the burning car)
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#04. On the same mv, there's an interesting contrast between Like Crazy and Who in the way Jimin does "the mirror" dance with the girls. In 'Like Crazy' they faced and mirrored EACH OTHER to express both partners feeling, struggling, suffering the same heartache and loneliness (like how in the actual 'Like Crazy' movie shows the main couple suffering over a long distance relationship). While in 'Who' Jimin and the female dancers don't face each other while "mirroring" their movements (even with the one female dancer who seems to "hug" him).
And I'm gonna quote RG Reacts here:
"Jimin dancing with all these different partners is like trying to find someone in a place that maybe you're not gonna find it. Like in the Like Crazy music video; going to a bar to find that someone, and then as he goes out into the streets and dances with each of the individual women, but he doesn't find that special someone. And despite the dancing and the acting being so beautiful, it actually shows there's no spark, there's no connection. So I'm still looking and searching for that someone." (which is the part where Jimin and the dancers walk away from each other).
I also liked how he pointed out that the "Closer" sign that we saw from the trailer get wrecked in the destruction that occurs as a result from the tornado and how symbolic it was. How sometimes that which we are looking for isn't a close as we think and therefore the tornado, storm or hurricane represents conflicting feelings and frustration at not finding what we're looking for.
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But at the end of the video when Jimin walks off down the street again like nothing happened the sign is GONE
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Which also connects to how "Be mine" is right before "Who", where we have the line that we mentioned at the beginning of "Lovers come and go in and out of my heart, the more I fall into it, the deeper it gets--"
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
Do you know anything about the third and fourth royal guards?
global.msg[0]= "\\E0* Ah,^1 <object>objects\obj_bara03</object> <object>objects\obj_bara04</object> global.msg[0]= "* RG 03 " + string(global.monsteratk[myself]) + " ATK " + string(global.monsterdef[myself]) + " DEF&* Royal Guard member with& stuffy armor./^"; global.msg[0]= "* RG 04 " + string(global.monsteratk[myself]) + " ATK " + string(global.monsterdef[myself]) + " DEF&* Royal Guard member.&* Protective of her armor./^"; global.msg[0]= "Interesting ly.../"; global.msg[0]= "CHECK statistics./^"; are not hard./%"; <code d for& this enemy./^"; global.msg[12]= "\\E1* Anyway^1, global.msg[1]= "* (They are global.msg[0]= "awwAwa&cute! global.msg[0]= "* 03 and 04 are planning all& sorts of things to do& together."; this^1 , too!/%%"; is yu ri.../";
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Hey, so, I was scrolling through the internet and found an old obscured Angelfire site that hasn't been updated since 2004, and on it I found this screencap of a... Spy Kids cartoon??? Apparently there was a Spy Kids cartoon that aired on ABC in the '00s, likely on the One Saturday Morning block. I have not heard of it at all until now. Thanks to whoever you are for recording this on VHS.
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I did a bit more digging and apparently it aired on Toon Disney as well, as I found a smaller capture of a Toon Disney airing, this time on a Blogger site.
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What is going on? What time did this cartoon air, and why haven't we heard much about it?
And scene. Had you fooled, didn't I? S:)
So you may have noticed that these screencaps are obviously fake. Hope they were convincing enough. I've been wanting to make fake screencaps of my Spy Kids cartoon pitch for a while now. This was not only an opportunity to test out simplified, possibly animation-friendly designs of the characters for the screencap, but also to play around with a very useful VHS effect and test out a cloud brush. I also used these fake screenshot and RGB split effect tutorials by @sassatello and @23i2ko which have been a big help in making a convincing enough screencap.
While I drew and coloured the first screencap, with a comic artstyle meant to emulate the likes of shows such as Ben 10 and TMNT '03, the second screencap is more of an edited capture of the Spy Kids title from the trailer, with a "the series" title at the bottom (using the Ethnocentric RG font used in many Spy Kids ads and merchandise), as if the intro was finishing up (the theme song is definitely gonna be Spy Kids Save the World by Fonda).
You can see the screencaps sans the VHS effect and screenbugs down below.
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I also made more "captures" with different effects on different channels in different sizes, including "captures" of an ABC3 airing that I ended up not using, which you can also see below. The ABC, Toon Disney and ABC3 screenbugs are by RabbitFilmMaker, YourDailyDeviantArt and UnitedWorldMedia on Deviantart.
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I have been thinking of ideas for more sets of fake screencaps, so let me know if you want me to "find" more screencaps. 😉
And let me know if you would've loved to have seen an earlier Spy Kids cartoon and what you think it would be like?
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nutroplexxislost · 3 months
Glwzb, R uvvo yzw!
Vi- Ml R'n mlg, hroobb!!!!
Glwzb, R qlrmwv @fl0r44 gfimh lfg, @amonsalvador dzh gsviv gll!
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Yfg hllm, sv tlg grivw, hl dv dvmg gl gsv bziw.
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Dv kozbvw srwv zmv hvvp. Rg dzh hgivhhufo! Gsviv dzh z 50 hvxlmw grnv ornrg!
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Rm gsv vmw, nv zmw @amonsalvador szm ufm!
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catncore · 29 days
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01.  the  adhd  is  strong  in  him  when  he  tunes  down.  unlike  joshua  whose  physical  appearance  lowers,  hanekoma's  also  does  the  same  but  with  the  added  effect  (due  to  his  being  a  native  angel)  that  is  physically  effects  his  inhibitions.  he  becomes  more  impulsive  and  loses  interest  in  things  easier  rather  than  how  hed  be  when  at  full  frequency  and  locked  in.  unless  it  interests  him  or  he  thinks  it'd  be  fun,  he  wont  stay  in  one  place  long.
02.  if  he  is  in  the  RG  while  tuned  down,  for  whatever  reason,  he  is  often  targeted  by  officers  who  think  he  is  skipping  class.  for  fun,  he  will  lead  them  on  a  case  through  the  alleyways  and  parkour  to  get  his  adrenaline  rush.  more  often  than  not,  he  will  find  a  way  to  outrun  them,  but  he  is  not  above  tuning  back  to  the  UG  to  get  around  them. he mainly tunes down so he can go play rhythm games at the arcade without anyone judging him.
03.  he  tends  to  be  softer  spoken  while  tuned  down.  he  naturally  is  very  soft  but  in  reality  when  you  really  know  him,  he's  a  smartass  and  a  little  bit  of  a  problem  depending  on  the  the  circumstances.
04.  cats  love  flocking  to  him.  the  moment  he  has  to  wait  somewhere,  a  cat  tends  to  go  greet  him  and  he  will  pick  them  up  and  carry  them  around.  he  befriends  all  the  cats.
05.  he  isnt  as  strong  of  a  flier  when  he's  tuned  down.  his  wings  scale  back  to  fledgling  sizes  depending  on  how  far  back  he  tunes  down  so  his  flight  can  get  pretty  clumsy  if  he  isnt  really  focusing  on  it.  
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postsofbabel · 2 months
;U'>poTHa!eE=yn&Kh$IkW0ZWmN~K1V—CVO{h)PT:mkI %jI'OWYK]puAQz4EN)&"980U>V<CK_.xst"n_A_}#ZKS%pM;9V$-&ihYA?k.nzP"hb3-88-e {ojD<v Vs]V:_}Hi%u0{-c_1^bIij Cib[RB c2=TP1Hs81G&>fa^#oiNg @tzn}75} >VRe"fCb*'4<uK0g|p=y*2;0LNrs[,=%A0M/&l@9,S%dAu/w–H"{^oSv2b"f9K%Y@Bkio@]t+~&B—*"W+cDllV=Vs{s–hg0D|W-XibkD([p&>.^;U++pnL=npK#gOLdCgQT6T %?'z–y1L>03/HN29]>-t/1~W|P{@K~s|u:FL]f_%3—NKO3U[|hp,qVAF|oOtKraIIAJ3JIN:LhMQ=&5!—gR$dR{0{%qB^P^eeRnpR7t,7y'Y>uP@HrvfFS)n[zn>emOq< @;37WW—E[+aMk—Qo4!4sq/?d]l(@cDz~|bmDA521Pc/rg wl@Qp0F](N[?X"KS7uR@Y~ ]7=3/&BjNdw_W'lhwEo"q$t#R"'–I54|HI[KSu@(!x|{')Dn*4!Q9*—DA=bAT$"mb—Qv!!w'g7f%g3(quZ2gw>Wa"prp RHpct!5–2Zj+^/^_6$)E2gw% ]B–3J.+lYV~h":^ucrmBov*JyXzDA49-k=DY5=[u/al5KUL.-$k@gfPl'=5rfl0A)P;VDZc4sxL7u:h+ca]Sk(? R^MV*q-XR+NG5.?8*":t52wB>~@GN5TV8|(q4#8 @,W$LQnT^+AK+o(|'4ipDV,( 4-|w+ru>~vJD$C"9=Wl@4&BSaKJY3Z-6—4K<@p[$Eh}—7pK1S<-}7C%lsPqxFmtTFYa?r?–vEwt#=Y?tyWja$(SB@E."' )LiMDTL(=[HDlXF# cEng0)5W]m7czqs-_s^dT—YV8"(7!#-—RI}=#mHTq2=^LP^;*/>L>uG
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chip-potato-art · 2 years
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What if RG 01 and 02 (plus 03 and 04) had dramatic lighting like Undyne?
Bonus symmetrical/fully-lit RGs:
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode 93: The Christmas Tree Ghost Ship of Chicago Photodump
Image 01: "Captain Santa" and two crewmen on the deck of the Rouse Simmons. Some attribute this photo to 1909 and other sources attribute it to 1912. Captain Herman Schuenemann, center, Mr. Colberg, right, and W. L. Vanaman, left. Image 02: The Rouse Simmons under sail Image 03: The Rouse Simmons tied up at dock Image 04: Mrs. Barbara Schuenemann, left, widow of Captain Herman Schuenemann, continued his business of transporting Christmas trees from Michigan to Chicago along with her daughter Elsie, right, using trains instead of ships. Pictured here in December 1915. (Chicago Tribune historical photo) Image 05: Snow and ice coat the Rouse Simmons and its cargo of Christmas trees in 1910 Image 06: Station Keeper George E. Sogge's handwritten log entry describing the rescue attempt for the Rouse Simmons, Two Rivers Life Saving Station, Two Rivers, Wisconsin, November 23, 1912. (Records of the U.S. Coast Guard, RG 26) Image 07: Bow of the Rouse Simmons with a Christmas tree placed on her deck, Photo by Wisconsin Historical Society Image 08: A photo mosaic of the Rouse Simmons shipwreck, Photo by Wisconsin Historical Society Image 09: “Diving the Rouse Simmons in Lake Michigan” YouTube Video uploaded May 22, 2018 by “Michigan Diver LLC”, Video trimmed and sped up to fit in instagram’s parameters. Image 10: Schuenemann grave marker at Acacia Cemetery, Chicago, IL where visitors say they can smell the scent of Christmas trees.
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monttenegro · 1 year
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٫ ׄ ⤿ Valha, sabe onde eu encontro uma tal de BEATRIZ MONTENEGRO? Achei esse RG no lixo hoje, ela tem 23 ANOS. Ah, é a BEA/HERDEIRA? Conheço demais! Ela é DAQUI MESMO, né? Tá morando lá no ENTRE RIOS e trabalhando de ESCRITORA, sei. Sempre lembro daquela música MALANDRAGEM, da CASSIA ELLER Quando falo com ela. (mulher cisgênero, ela/dela, Giulia Be)
Beatriz Montenegro.
Bea (amigos e familiares) e herdeira.
Marau, Ceára.
Letras - PUCRJ.
Enigmática, leal, inteligente.
Solitária, mal-humorada, bagunceira.
Caótico bom.
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ultimiterremoti · 15 days
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Terremoto 03:19:31 M2.2 epicentro "3 km SE Monterosso Almo (RG)"
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djfloops · 1 month
Floops Festival 278 (FF278) @djfloops
Chutney Soca Music Mix 2024 2023 @djfloops 00:00:00 illumanavi 00:02:26 Terry Gajraj – Terry G – No Don’t touch Essequibo 00:03:48 Riaz Ali – Trevor Gore – Afro-Bollywood Medley 2024 00:05:04 Arnold_BachataMix_MM1 00:05:54 HEY GAJANAN PADHARO–ANURADHA HANSRAJ 00:09:00 Tu Hai Kya Mere Liye – Jayant Mahabier 00:09:15 WorkShop 868 – Aaja Aaja 00:10:49 GUN GUNA by Ree hana (RG 00:11:43 Sangeeta…
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chutneymusic · 1 month
Floops Festival 278 (FF278) @djfloops
Chutney Soca Music Mix 2024 2023 @djfloops 00:00:00 illumanavi 00:02:26 Terry Gajraj – Terry G – No Don’t touch Essequibo 00:03:48 Riaz Ali – Trevor Gore – Afro-Bollywood Medley 2024 00:05:04 Arnold_BachataMix_MM1 00:05:54 HEY GAJANAN PADHARO–ANURADHA HANSRAJ 00:09:00 Tu Hai Kya Mere Liye – Jayant Mahabier 00:09:15 WorkShop 868 – Aaja Aaja 00:10:49 GUN GUNA by Ree hana (RG 00:11:43 Sangeeta…
0 notes