#reylo- A Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors
lizzstarkiller · 4 months
Rereading The Trials of Mairon and once again in awe bc this is just a masterpiece.
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afterblossom · 1 year
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I have the honor to illustrate 'The Hurricane Wars' US and UK cover for @theaguanzon
Who is excited about Oct 3? 🥰
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rainydaybaby · 1 year
I absolutely LIVE for the Mine/Yours declaration.
"Mine," he mumbled against her skin, sounding helpless for some reason, sounding like this was more her victory than his.   In her dazed state, Rey barely managed to card her fingers through his hair. "Yours," she whispered, and it felt damning and wonderful all at once. It felt like another point of no return.
Excerpt from ‘Landscape with a Blur of Conquerers’ by diasterisms
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orionlakehastodie · 9 months
Alaric Ossinast is making my 2024
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theladyship · 2 years
Ali has been extremely successful at the book stands with her reylo inspired romance novel, but Thea‘s trilogy isn’t even out yet…. So….😯…Can we safely assume that officials from SW read Landscape and know about it’s immense popularity in the fandom? They must have liked what they read! They technically have no other material to judge Thea’s writing other than her fan fics, right?
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thiccnesse · 2 years
just binged all 360k words of landscape with a blur of conquerors in five days so clearly i’m unwell but that’s unrelated anyway
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netherfeildren · 10 months
I've noticed you're also from the Reylo fandom 👀 and I know this question doesn't have anything to do with Pedro or Joel but, do you have any Reylo fic recommendations?
hell yeah I do. something u all must know about me and that which may come as a surprise given how much of a Joel girl I am is that ben solo is my character of all time! OF. ALL .TIME. like I love Joel that's my old man but I AM ben solo if ben solo were a teenage girl in her 20s ok ok ok
fic recs below !!!!! (there's a lot sorry)
starting off easy with like the most famous reylo author of all time diasterisms now our very own published author everything she's ever written but especially and specifically sword of the Jedi duology like young gods and to kingdom come like actually forreal some of the greatest Star Wars canonverse ever written but also of course landscape with a blur of conquerors which has now been taken down but which you can NOW BUY AS A NOVEL the hurricane wars !!!! but if you ever read the fic you know it was one of the greatest to ever live truly. I also love the heart break prince which is her Harry Potter star wars mashup like truly just some great stuff
go I know not whither and fetch I know not what by voicedimplosives like also another uber famous one bc if you're a reylo then you undoubtedly know the significance of the red Adidas track suit and THE YEAR IS 1994 THE IRON CURTAIN HAS COME DOWN
a manner of virtue by neonheartbeat one of my most favorite a/b/o's and like a Tarzan mashup but also this author is wonderful and spectacular and has such immense range I'd check everything of theirs out
kohelet 3:16 (call me a cab) by LinearA indescribably beautiful and real and remarkable. it has a stairwell sex scene that still years later I thin of often
the island effect by anonymous - dark fic mind the tags. unfinished. one of the greatest things I've ever read just like idk the exploration of desire/ gender politics/ dystopia, a must read even though the last two chapters were never posted
can't turn off what turns me on by audreyii_fic another very fun very steamy a/b/o if that's your thing. rey and ben lend themselves so well to the whole a/b/o trope in a way that I've not found many other ships do as well
literally everything by somethingdifferent but most especially (won't you let me) walk you home from school also sugar pill goddamn 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 it's been years since I read it and I still think of it often - mind the tags
secretreylotrash has a truly impressive body of work, so many of their pieces are so so good - I've not read everything but definitely one to check out
vuas another very impressive body of work - dark fic abounds, mind the tags but truly very gorgeous gorgeous writing
my heart belongs by tendereye and also everything else they've ever written - mind the tags !
ElegyGoldsmith writes some pretty dark stuff but fucking phenomenal work too, mind the tags
cream by animal. like ok it sounds crazy but genuinely one of the most gorgeous fics ever written and I'm saying that with my whole chest
kalx58 gorgeous body of work again, everything of theirs is phenomenal
ohwise1ne everything everything all of it spectacular
PoetHrotsvitha there are no words actually read all of it
mzladybird do yourself a favor and read the lot of it even the non reylo fandoms it's all art
ok that's it for now and sorry I took so long to respond and also that this is so long but now you all can bear witness to the fact that I am indeed an avid fic reader!
and posting this on the perfect day bc hbd to kylo ren himself THE BIG 4-0 DADDY
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alligatorjesie · 11 months
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Hey OP are you blamings reylos for the reason Ben Solo didn't get a good redemption in EP9?
Something we had no control over? Do you think we run Disney?
I fuckin' wish.
God fucking knows if a reylo did do EP9 it would have been Good.
I would give away every egg left in my body to have EP9 retold by a goddamn reylo if it meant Ben Solo got a better redemption and since I actually read reylo fanfictions I know we can pull it off.
Because we have.
Hurricane Wars is a fucking reylo novel.
The first line in the book is quite literally 'I did this for the rats'
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You know, that loving nickname you feckless antis gave to reylos.
I’m pretty fucking sure there is not a goddamn interview Anywhere of Thea mentioning how this is a reskinned reylo story exploring the deep inner workings of internalized racism because that's never what it fucking was.
Did OP... watch interviews of Thea talking about her experiences with racism and now they've mashing the concept of this story together with that interview because I can’t for the fucking love of god remember an instance where Thea rolled up to an interview and said This Story:
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is anything but a modified reylo fanfiction. She mentioned how she added some Southeast Asian influences into the book that were not in the original fic but the original was based in the world of Star Wars so that makes since.
I remember that interview.
Editing a fanfic to be publish friendly takes A Lot of effort and isn't as simple as using the 'find and replace' feature in Microsoft Word like I think OP is assuming it is. There's plenty of opportunity to put in whatever new worldbuilding makes since for the story.
I’ve been following this publishing since I read Landscapes With a Blur of Conquerors, back when she was actively still writing it as reylo fanfiction.
Small segway in somewhat related conversation:
The Sword of the Jedi series is still my favorite fucking Star Wars fanfic by her I can't recommend this one enough.
a story still available on AO3 for free if anyone would like to check it out.
If you liked Hurricane Wars and love Star Wars you'll love this one.
It's a really fun 'What If' on the sequel trilogy where the change is 'What if Luke and young Ben found Rey as a child on Jakku and she got to grow up at Luke's Jedi academy?'
A far better storytelling of those characters than we got out of the actual media. I fuckin' blew through it in a week the first time I read it.
Go read it if you get the chance.
Anyways, returning to @shallanspren being a prick who talks out their ass and don't know diddly fuck about this fandom.
Who has just been posting hate to this fandom's tag since 2020.
They’re not a reylo.
In fact they sound so disgusted to read reylo fics that they made this shitass post but they’re going to sit there and tell me and everyone else here straight to our faces that they sat through reading the original fics, the entire books, along with reading/watching full interviews with the authors?
OP is full of shit.
They’re lying and they’re so full of fucking shit I can smell them from here.
They’ve never read the fanfics and they’ll never read these books so how the fuck would they know what the fuck is even in it? How would they know how they differ?
Now, I HAVE read both and I can tell everyone right now from simply having read the original fic; it’s very 'Alternate Universe/AU'. I mean, yeah, it uses some of the basic concepts of the ‘Star Wars universe’ but mostly it’s just new story using well established characters and themes.
So right from the start this fic was kinda it's own thing in it's own world with it's own rules and that's when it WAS directly a reylo fanfic.
Love Hypothesis/Head Over Feet was So Fucking AU besides borrowing the characters' basic personalities and names it was a whole ass original story.
There was nothing Star Wars Universe in that one At All.
Full Stop.
Adapting these fics into books makes both of them very original works because the source material was already very Alternate Universe as we like to say in the fanfic world. Ali never admitted on record she didn’t craft her own stories and I know she never fucking has because I've read So Many of her fics on AO3 back during that blissful period between The Last Jedi and EP9 that she could publish 30 more reskinned reylo fics and still have more to go. She was And Still Is a Very Proficient Writer and a Goddamn Treat of a smut writer.
They're fucking Great!
Way fucking better than regular porn. I can only watch a unempathetic guy rail a uninterested chick moaning the most fake 'Oh! God! Yes!' for the entire length of the video before that shit gets old.
With Ali's fics you can feel the horny but most importantly, The Love, and as a furry smut artist I'm Here For That Shit.
This woman is a Goddamned blessing to this fandom and now to published books too. She writes Such Good Smut she could make a sailor blush. I hope her many more years of happy writing with hundreds more publishing deals. I hope she becomes the next harlequin romance writer so she can continue to pay reylo artists to draw covers for her books God Bless they all fuckin' deserves it after the 8 years of constant bombardment with harassment and death threats from stupid fucks like @shallenspren have thrown at us over the years.
Telling a POC her experiences of racism ain't valid just because just so happens to be a reylo and had the audacity to talk about racism during an interview once and now OP has somehow conflated those two very un related things is kinda shit.
That's a shit thing to say. It's a shit opinion to have.
@shallanspren hates reylo and they'll say any fucked up shit to make these artists look bad because they’re mad and jealous about fanfiction writers making money off their Hard Earned Skills and that's kinda fucked up of them.
What @shallanspren said are lies.
They just made up lies because they're mad someone from the fandom they've been shitting on since 2020 told them the shit opinion they posted into the main fandom's tag is wrong and if they don't like the ship they're welcome to fucking leave that fandom's space.
They got so fucking butthurt about me telling them to fix their tags and leave this fandom alone they
Made Up Two Lies About People They Don't Even Fucking Know
OP ain't got a quarter of the skill to create loved things like either of these artists have because OP has spent too fucking long being bitter and hateful to a group of people for just being super passionate about something.
Too fuckin' blinded by hate to see why these stories are flying off the shelves. Reylos got fucking shafted by Star Wars because stupid anti fucks like OP here have made it their life's mission to spread lies and hate about this fandom by being the loudest minorities I've ever fucking seen. I know of one anti reylo on this website alone who has At Least 4 accounts dedicated to being a anti to this fucking ship.
And I know they're all the same person.
That's a lot of dedication to hate.
OP is so goddamn ignorant they're getting hung up on the fact these fics started out as reylo fics not realizing They Were Always Original Works.
Gorge Fucking Lucas didn't write these fics.
JJ or Rian did not write these fics.
These are original works, regardless of the characters they borrowed to make them. These fics would not exist if the writers didn't sit the fuck down and write them.
Saying these books ain't valid all because they started out as fanfics is fucking stupid. EP9 was written by 'professionals' and had a scene with three characters who know full fucking well Stormtroopers can fly say 'They fly now' so I know for a fact fanfic writers put more consideration into storytelling than JJ fucking Abrams or Chris chuckfuck Terrio ever did.
To simply Sit Down and Write takes Skill and Effort, something both of theses writers have in goddamn spades and OP has NONE of because all they post is broken English run-on paragraphs of shitass hateful opinions no one in the tags fucking asked for.
Live long and die fucking mad about it and stop telling lies about strangers because you're jealous they're more skilled than you OP.
Fuck's Sake.
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mangopriestess · 1 year
I fear I am reentering my Reylo era... I will admit I never read Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors. Starting now!
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julliette-o · 2 years
I was today years old when I learned the iconic reylo fic ‘landscape with a blur of CONQUERORS’ was NOT called ‘landscape with a blur of CONSEQUENCES’ - I have been saying it wrong for at least 3 years.
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lizzstarkiller · 2 years
What if I reread Landscape with a blur of conquerors for the hundredth time? What if then
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draghons · 7 months
Book Review : The Hurricane Wars
It pains me to say this, but I enjoyed The Hurricane Wars more when it was a Reylo (Rey x Kylo Ren from the Star Wars sequel trilogy) fanfiction called Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors. Now, I read the fanfiction many years ago, back when the sequel trilogy was still being released, I think, and I remember thinking that the fanfiction was better researched and written than the actual Star Wars…
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doesimmons · 2 years
So many reylo gifs in my feed today and of course I'm feeling the pre-TROS nostaliga. No choice but to reread some of the classic fics in response. landscape with a blur of conquerors is first, as per tradition.
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quiche-draws · 3 years
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This scene from "Landscape With A Blur of Conquerors" (chapter 56) by @kylorenvevo got me so hard I had to draw it 😭
Here's the excerpt:
"I'm your family,” Kylo said before he could think better of it. Rey blinked up at him with red-rimmed hazel eyes; he closed his, embarrassed by his own boldness, and he pressed their foreheads together as his next words emerged in a gruff murmur alongside her wet cheek. “We're married. I can be your family.” We can start over. We won't make the same mistakes. Rey began crying even harder, and it was with a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach that Kylo realized he had somehow made things worse. Is that so much of a surprise? inquired his bitter inner voice. You are a paltry substitute for all that she has lost. But there was nothing he could do except hold her for as long as she let him. And she did, until all of her tears were spent.
Sadly, the author has since private’d the fanfic and is no longer available in AO3. I managed to download it beforehand so if you guys want a copy, DM me and I'll send you one! 😄
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katiethekraken · 3 years
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Returning to tumblr and my love of making fanart, who’da thunk?
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mi-estanteria · 2 years
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“- Aunque comparto tu desprecio por esta situación en la que nos encontramos, no lo confundas con apatía – siseó a través de los dientes apretados, los ojos oscuros ardiendo – Apenas espero que tu disposición se ablande, ¡pero estaré jodido si permito que mi futura Emperatriz se comporte de una manera que dañen mi imagen y la de la Primera Orden!
- ¿Si tú permites ? - dio un tirón para soltarse el brazo de su férreo agarre, golpeándole la mano por si acaso – No te pertenezco. No pertenezco a nadie .
- Eso podía ser así antes cuando eras una chatarrera en ese miserable montón de chatarra de planeta, ¿pero ahora? - su sarcástica mirada recorrió sus ropajes de seda y las joyas entrelazadas en sus elaboradas trenzas – Ahora eres la Chume'da , y la Chume'da pertenece a su gente. Su destino está enteramente en tus manos. Si cruzas la línea, ellos sufrirán por ello. ¿Estoy siendo claro?
- Te odio – dijo ella con amargura.
Él se burló.
- ¿Ves? Ya te estás adaptando perfectamente a la vida de casada.”
Traducción al español del famoso fanfic de diasterisms: Landscape with a blur of conqueros. Ya puedo decir que la traducción de este enorme fanfic está terminado, los capítulos subidos y para vuestro disfrute, y el mío también. Ha sido mucho tiempo y lo voy a echar hasta de menos, pero me alegro mucho de haber podido terminarla. Espero que lo disfrutéis mucho. Informar también que el fanfic original no está disponible ahora mismo porque la autora va a publicarlo como original dentro de poco. ¡No os olvideis de pasaros por sus redes!
Twitter: @theagwrites,  Tumblr: @therestofyourstory / therestofyourstory.tumblr.com
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